#But I think I��ll just have to wait for when my drawing skills get better and aren’t just stick figures-
mythgrippa-blog · 1 year
Day 001 - establishing
Alrighty! Yesterday was productive if I had to say the least, I am glad when I talk to someone who gets my ideas, so I'm involved in the backend along with databases and anything devOps and AI related. My teammate is a stallion!!! I'm so glad there's someone who makes up for my coding skills, its very weird still, I USED TO BE ABLE TO CODE FOR HOURS AND HOURS... okay I think mostly because I used to program for hours either with Java or C++, and bare bone Javascript, so maybe web development wasn't my strong suit.
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But I'm good at understanding and making designs for code, so I'm very involved in seeing the bigger picture and he'll just do the painting. Here's a screen shot of how our backend looks like, so I'm brush it up since its a bit of mess right now
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I'm using drawio because lucid just wasn't working for me, I kept running out of shapes, I'd say lucid is good when it comes to making final designs but drawio has that technical feel I like.
RabbitMQ is just so sexy oh my goodness, it allows for simple and fast communication between services. Its free tier is enough for what I need.
I want to learn PostgreSQL so bad, but I can't because we're on a time crunch and we'll just switch to MySQL for each service using an SQL database, since there's going to be data replication across these services, to maintain synchronized data across all services, RabbitMQ comes in the rescue. I hope it can handle, but since we'll starting off with a relatively small userbase, I doubt we'll run into problems, but if it happens we run into issues, I think switching to Kafka might be better since it has like faster reads (thanks to fewer systemcalls within its architecture)
Firestore is very useful and easy to setup, that reliability is useful for our messaging and posting of images, and also Firebase storage as well, that's so cool!!! I'm still working on the designs
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I'm still working on the schemas using drawsql website, the reason for the SQL is because its easier to model friendships, invitations, requests, way better than a NoSQL solution, I want to see what Neo4j can do but again I'm trying to keep things simple. I'll also switch to drawio for doing the ER diagrams because drawSQL has limits and I'm a cheapskate
I made use of freesqldatabase.com for a temporary online database we can quickly use, but this limits the choices for ORMs, since we're using NodeJS we can't make use of Prisma since it requires permissions/privileges that the website doesn't offer, but I'm working on making use of google cloud's free e2 instances to host the database, and if that works we finally have our development database!
I still haven't talked to my client, I'd rather someone from frontend do it, I hope they can finally start working together because I can't with this leadership biz! I am reading this leadership guide book, hopefully I learn something.
I've been also looking at buying some light novels for either rezero or overlord, boy boy boy which do I get??? I honestly don't know, but I"ll figure it out later. I can't wait to go a pawn shop and see what cheap board games I can buy, I'm so excited! But that will be a while.
Well my goals today are simple:
Finalize the schemas for the SQL databases and deploy the databases (or I can be cheap and deploy one instance and host 2 databases :D running two docker containers that have mysql on the same e2 instance and then mapping their default 3306 ports to two ports on the instance and then connecting globally! That's so brilliant I'm so cheap HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!)
Draw up class diagrams for each service, making use of proper design patterns to make the code more neat
Have a meeting with my guy again and see where we go from there
Thanks again for reading my whatever this is, but its really fun hopefully I don't burn out from writing this much so early
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akaluan · 3 years
Erich/Kisuke/Alexis: Soulmate AU + Character in Peril Part 19
((Warning for violence and POV char major injury at the end, but I promise everyone we care about is still alive))
Erich wakes abruptly, hand going immediately to his pistol, and listens—
“Morning, sir,” Degurechaff greets him as she stalks closer, her spiritual presence prickly with exhaustion-annoyance-exasperation as she comes to a stop a bare foot from his head. “I have the troops breaking camp already after a cold breakfast. Here’s yours. Major Schwarz will be along in a moment with theirs.”
Erich grunts and forces himself up, shaking off both Alexis’ and Urahara’s arms in the process and pointedly not thinking about… about anything related to how he was being held. By a Shinigami.
(Not now.)
(Not yet.)
He fumbles for his glasses with one hand while scrubbing the grit from his eyes with the other, then accepts the two mugs from Degurechaff and squints into them. “Trying to poison me, Degurechaff?” he asks dryly as he takes a drink of the lukewarm not-coffee that she’s presented to him, then blinks and frowns into the mug. “I still have no idea how Serebryakov does it, but this isn’t half bad.”
Degurechaff shrugs and says, “I’ve given up trying to figure it out and just enjoy the result.” She takes a step back and settles, arms behind her back and her gaze drifting between the three of them for a moment before she finally seems to make a decision. “Last night was peaceful,” she starts to report. “Watchmen say they didn’t hear or see anything of note, and the couple of scouts I sent out this morning haven’t found any tracks beyond what little of our own were missed in the dark. I sent a team out to erase what evidence they could, and to follow us to continue doing so as we move.”
“Thank you, Colonel,” Erich says, mind already turning over plans for the day as he downs the barely appetizing food in the second mug and washes it down with the better-than-usual ersatz coffee.
(Real food is definitely on the list of things he’s looking forward to.)
Schwarz nods a greeting as he approaches them, four mugs held carefully in his hands, and passes them over to both Alexis and Urahara. “Sorry about the food,” he apologizes as Alexis gives the mugs a dubious look. “Not really much I can do about it, ma’am.”
“It’s fine,” she says with a shrug, then quickly downs what he gave her, grimacing at the taste. “Not much you can honestly do about it out here.”
Urahara just wrinkles his nose and stares at the food in disbelief, then casts a sidelong look at Erich and asks, “You’ve been living on this?”
“What other choice do I have?” Erich asks in amusement, then nods at the forest around them and says, “Armies make animals run. We do what we have to.”
Degurechaff makes a slightly amused sound and adds, “Can you imagine any of us trying to hunt for our own food? That lot wouldn’t survive a day if that was a requirement.” She watches him a moment longer, waiting for Urahara to make a move, before huffing in exasperation and saying, “You’ll get used to it after a while. Now eat your food so we can all get moving again.”
Urahara gives her a flat stare at that, then reluctantly lifts the mug to his lips and takes a sip, face scrunching up in disgust. “This is terrible,” he mutters, before tipping it back and quickly swallowing the whole thing. “Yuck,” he declares in Imperial as he hands the mug back to Schwarz, much to the man’s clear amusement.
“Going to drink your coffee?” Erich asks with a tiny smirk, indicating the second mug that Urahara had been handed.
“No,” Urahara declares after giving it a sniff, then offers it to Erich. “You have.”
“You can have it,” Erich repeats absently as he accepts the mug with a shrug. “Thanks.”
“I don’t blame him in the slightest,” Alexis grumbles as she finishes off hers, hands it back, then rises to her feet and begins to pack away the bedroll she’d been using. “I haven’t had real coffee in forever, but this stuff is positively vile.”
Erich snorts and mumbles, “This is better than usual,” before he drains Urahara’s mug without a second’s hesitation; it might not actually have the benefits of real coffee, but he can usually manage to trick himself into thinking it does if he downs enough of it.
(Sometimes, that’s the only thing keeping him going.)
(That and pure stubbornness.)
With a sigh he pushes himself to his feet, hands the mugs back to Schwarz, and sets about helping Alexis clear their little campsite up. There’s no way they can hide that a large group camped in the area, but the more they can muddle the signs the better.
“Let’s get moving,” Erich orders as soon as the area is put back to rights. He pulls on his pack, shoulders his rifle, settles Benihime at his waist, and steps over to Degurechaff as he waits for Alexis and Urahara to finish getting ready as well. “You will let me help you,” he says to Urahara as the man gets closer.
Urahara huffs but nods slightly. “So long as it doesn’t stress you.”
Degurechaff looks between them with narrowed eyes, then scowls when Erich gives a small shake of his head; still, she at least stops looking like she wants to question both of them. “Ready to go, sir?”
“Yes. Let’s get moving before we burn any more daylight,” Erich says, glancing up at the thick canopy overhead; there’s only barely enough light to see by at the moment, but it’s getting lighter with every minute that passes.
Time is wasting.
They set out, marching through the forest at a steady, ground-eating pace for the second day in a row.
(This time, he won’t let Urahara exhaust himself.)
(This time he’ll actually pay attention.)
(He swears it.)
For as tiring as the march is, it’s also boring, especially the longer they go without any indication of pursuit. There’s nothing but trees all around them, gigantic trunks rising up into a vast canopy that shades them from the sky, with only the occasional beam of sunlight to indicate that the sun is still out. And the more they march, the more it all stays the same: trees and trees and yet more trees, occasionally broken by rocky areas they need to circle around.
Each time they stop to rest, Erich settles beside Alexis and Urahara and uses the chance to center himself and help Urahara refill his reserves; it’s obvious that even with his help the man is beginning to flag — truthfully, even Alexis is beginning to flag — and that’s… he can’t do anything about that, no matter how much he might wish to.
(Marching is not a skill that anyone but an army needs.)
(And these two have never needed those skills before.)
(It’s only because of their inner strength that they’ve kept up so far.)
There’s little he needs to personally see to in the middle of a march — Degurechaff and Schwarz are some of the best officers a General could wish for — which unfortunately means that he has plenty of time to stew in his worries.
With every kilometer they cross, they come closer to Rerugen lands — to Quincy lands — and to the confrontation that he just knows is going to happen. The border guards won’t dare to confront them, not an entire Living World army marching directly at them, but they will send word ahead. Word that will mean that there will be a ‘welcoming’ party waiting for them. Word that will mean everyone on high alert.
(Word that will mean a confrontation as soon as they spot Urahara.)
(He’s leading danger right to their doorstep.)
(Not just the Republic’s army, but a Reaper as well—!)
A stir in the line drags Erich’s thoughts from their circling, and he quickly brings a hand up to signal a halt.
(Have they been spotted?)
(Have they been caught?!)
Degurechaff leaves her men and hurries to his side, her gaze hard as she glances back. “This doesn’t bode well,” she murmurs as soon as she draws even with him.
“Everything was going a bit too well, wasn’t it?” Erich can’t help but ask, before wincing internally at how exhausted he sounds.
Degurechaff huffs in agreement, and Erich fights back a grimace at the way Alexis and Urahara give them concerned looks and then exchange worried glances; while it’s nice that his two soulmates are agreeing on something, he really wishes it was anything but concern for him.
(He’s fine.)
(He doesn’t need their concern.)
(He just… he just needs some time to rest is all.)
A scout hurries towards them with Schwarz at his side, his mouth a thin slash and his presence bleeding concern-worry-despair into the air. “There’s a hamlet burning just to the north of us,” he reports as soon as he reaches Erich and Degurechaff. “My team didn’t spot whoever did it, but it looks recent.”
Degurechaff grimaces and looks up at him. “We should check it out, sir. If it’s the Republic…”
“Then they’re closer than we anticipated,” Erich agrees, then casts a glance at his exhausted men. He’d prefer to do anything but confront the Republic so close to Rerugen lands — so close to safety — but they can’t just leave it to chance. There’s also the possibility that it’s a feint meant to draw his men out into the open, but…
He can’t just leave it be.
“Colonel Degurechaff, gather a squad of your men and meet me back here in ten. We’re going to investigate,” Erich decides, then fixes Schwarz with a look when the man stiffens in realization. “Get me a small squad that’s up for a swift sweep of the area.”
“Sir,” Schwarz grits out, a wealth of meaning in the single word.
“You and Major Weiss will be in command here,” Erich says before Schawrz can protest further. “Be ready to get the men moving, but don’t waste your time trying for a rescue if things go wrong and we’re outnumbered.”
Schwarz’s lips thin, but he nods and turns away, striding down the line with his shoulders straight and his back stiff.
Erich holds up a hand, cutting off Alexis’ attempt to speak, and says, “No. I need to see to this. If something happens, get the men settled in Rerugen lands and then send some of our people out—”
“I’m going with you,” Urahara declares firmly, something dark-stubborn-vicious about him that sends a shiver down Erich’s spine. “You are not my superior,” Urahara adds before Erich can try to reason with him. “And I don’t have anything else to do. You and Degurechaff-san are the only two who speak my language.” He pauses, hesitates a moment, then bows his head and whispers, “Please, I just found you. Don’t… don’t make me stand aside while you throw yourself into danger.”
Erich swallows, mind whirling as he tries to come up with something, anything, to get Urahara to stay behind, but— but he can’t. Not in the face of Urahara’s obvious distress. Not when he knows how capable Urahara is—
“You will stay at his side at all times,” Degurechaff orders, making Erich twitch at the suddenness of her arrival. “If you come with us, you will do everything in your power to keep General Rerugen safe. Understand?”
“Yes, of course,” Urahara answers as he straightens up and squares his shoulders. “I won’t let anything happen to him, I swear.”
Erich grits his teeth and spits, “I do not need watching,” before turns away and takes a breath, trying to pull his fury under control; he knows what Degurechaff is doing and he even understands it — if it was one of his superiors declaring they were going into a hostile situation with only a small squad, he’d leverage their soulmate’s presence as well — but that doesn’t mean he likes it.
(He doesn’t need to be babysat!)
Luckily, he can see Schwarz returning with the squad he requested, which means he can just… ignore the whole thing — especially Urahara’s watchful-wary-uncertain expression — and move on.
(Urahara will follow him no matter what.)
(Better to just save his energy for a fight he can win.)
Erich shrugs off his pack and hands it to Schwarz as the man reaches them, then hesitates, hand over Benihime’s hilt, and slowly forces himself to release the blade from his side. “Since I can’t make you stay behind,” Erich murmurs as he offers the blade back to Urahara.
“Thank you,” Urahara whispers, voice choked with something that Erich doesn’t want to understand, doesn’t want to face, because— because no one should be so damn thankful to be handed back their own weapon before heading into danger.
So instead of acknowledging it, he turns away. Shoves his tangled sorrow-frustration-fury deep into his soul and buries it beneath his mission mindset.
(If he ever meets the people who engraved such lessons into his soulmate’s mind—)
(Well, it certainly won’t be a very polite meeting.)
“Lead the way,” Erich orders the scout as he gestures sharply for Degurechaff and the others to fall in.
“Yes, sir,” the scout replies with a quick, sloppy salute, then turns and heads off into the forest.
Erich follows the scout through the trees, trying to place exactly where they are on his mental map; it is a bit further into Imperial territory than he expected the Republic to have already ventured, but if it’s a squad of mages…
(Don’t assume.)
Urahara stays at Erich’s side as they hurry on, the connection between them humming with resolve-focus-determination as they fall into harmony, both of them preparing for a fight at the end of the march.
(Maybe this wasn’t a mistake.)
(Maybe they’ll be able to win.)
The scout waves them to a stop and gestures Erich forward: they’ve reached a small break in the trees, leading down into a shallow valley, and the air is thick with the scent of smoke.
Erich scans the area with a frown, disturbed by the lack of visible enemies, though there does seem to be some movement down in the hamlet itself. “Anything?” he asks Degurechaff as she joins him.
“Nothing,” she confirms with a scowl. “I don’t sense any magic emanation, either. If the Republic is here, they’re hiding in the village itself.”
“I don’t like this,” Urahara murmurs as he steps a bit closer to Erich’s side, body loose and prepared for combat. “It’s sloppy,” he adds as he tips his chin towards one edge of the village, where only a few scattered houses are on fire. “I’ve seen how your people work, and if your enemies act similarly, this seems…”
“This is someone looting,” Degurechaff breathes in horrified realization, then spins back towards their squads and barks, “Senses sharp and weapons up! This isn’t the Republic, this is—”
Degurechaff yelps as Urahara darts in and shoves, sending her toppling to the ground, and Erich stiffens. Draws his pistol and turns—
Bark explodes from the tree behind Degurechaff. A gunshot cracks. Voices rise from the trees to their left, figures in familiar uniform darting towards them—
“Shit,” Degurechaff spits, scrambling to her feet. “Go, go, go! Ignore their uniforms and fight!”
Urahara launches himself forward, blade drawn and expression grim, and takes out a fake Imperial soldier with a single blow.
Erich ducks behind a tree. Levels his pistol and cracks off a shot. Switches aim to another. Fires again. Switches. Fires. Again. Again. Ducks away to another tree, mind blank and hands steady and aim focused. Cracks off another shot. Another. Reloads and darts a look—
The enemy is charging them. Knives and bayonets and blades and everything but guns but that makes no sense, why would they charge, why not keep firing, why give up their advantage—
His soldiers are good. Degurechaff is good. Urahara is good. Charging makes no sense—
“Bastard!” a voice to his left spits. “Officer over here! Take him down!”
Erich jerks his attention towards the newcomer. Swings himself around, pistol firing, but it’s too late, the man is too close, face contorted in fury and knife poised and Erich twists aside, praying it’s enough, praying he can escape—
He stumbles, pistol falling from nerveless hands as the man staggers against his side and then collapses, the knife skittering across his ribs and then down, a line of vicious ice that ends when it jars against his hip and tumbles free.
He staggers back. Presses a hand to his side. Swallows a cry as ice becomes fire, wild-furious-consuming, and tries to think, tries to gather himself—
Strong-warm-steady hands grasp him. Tug him against a broad chest. Words in his ear that he can’t parse, should be able to, can’t—
Power crashes down, hate-rage-fury, and it’s like drowning, air stripped from his lungs and body unresponsive and darkness with no light, no direction, no hope— he scrabbles for air, for freedom, claws at whatever has him, every motion like wading through magma but he needs to escape, needs to get away, to get safe—
More words in his ear. A hand against his chest. Power sinking beneath his skin.
It’s cold. Cold enough to burn, cold enough to freeze, except it feels good. Feels safe. Feels like trust-home-loyalty.
Feels like a promise.
Erich slumps. Gasps for breath.
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thegoldielocks28 · 3 years
45. "Do I even wanna know?" for Tala and Mathilda (because I'm interested in seeing your version of their friendship when she's with or moving towards being with Spencer) Or if that line doesn't work, either of the others will do as long as it has those two :)
Title: Do I even want to know? Pairing: Sergei Petrov and Mathilda Alster romantically, Yuriy Ivanov and Mathilda Alster platonically. Notice: Written from Yuriy´s point of view. Mostly. Also, I haven't yet read the new manga so some of my headcanons for him might be off, aged or not canon. Also, I kept writing and adding to this for ages, and feel it's a bit of a mess. Hopefully, it shows some emotion that I meant for it to show. Not sure if I will post this anywhere else hm...
Yuriy has mastered the art of ignoring others' eyes on him. Easily walking by as if he's clueless of their attention on him. Even if the fact that they were staring was something he noticed before the person themselves knew their eyes were trailing him.
Observant as he is.
During Yuriy´s early childhood, he’d get looks of hatred and disgust as he lived, or barely survived, in the streets. Wearing old and tattered clothes, pale skin almost grey because of malnutrition, and blue eyes desperately searching for help as passerbys continued to choose not to see him. At times, the hatred in strangers´ eyes was better than being ignored. When they pretended not to see the misery Yuriy was in he ended up feeling like he was already dead.
Soon, Yuriy learned of another kind of fear. The fear that came from those who were threatened by his skill in the bey dish, fear because of the harsh fates waiting for them if they lost to him in the days of the Abbey. Once that first child lost terribly to Yuriy, and was never seen again, his peers started to respect him. Respect born from fear.
As Yuriy and his brothers were manipulated and tricked to threaten the safety of the world, he was looked on as both a hero and a monster. A hero who´d give Russia the top spot in Beyblade again.And as something a little less than human, perhaps closer to a cyborg, leading the world towards its demise while being seemingly void of much emotion. Perhaps only rivaled by how power hungry Kai had gotten together with Black Dranzer. Or even by Boris after that match against Rei. Boris had been Balkov´s triumph card. The man is still recovering from the lack of love he got from a young age, and to learn to handle his growing emotions just as his rage.
Today the world knows how all of it ended, and who to thank for their safety and freedom: the Bladebreakers.
After the Demolition Boys´ loss, people started to look at them with yet a new set of eyes. The eyes of those who viewed them as victims of manipulation, of harsh childhoods. Often with pity. It never suited Yuriy. Being a victim. Rather, he aimed for them to be seen as young, free and brave men redeeming themselves and growing into something better. Growing into the people they want to be now when they have a real shot at it.
Today, Yuriy is well trained in observing strangers and deciding whether or not they´re sincere when approaching his team. If they truly want to get to know them, or if they want something from them. Regretfully the Russians often decide it's safer to assume people are out to hurt them than blindly letting strangers into their lives.
It´s a snowy and cold day in Moscow, Russia. The air is crisp, cold and dry. Chilling to the bone. A good winter's day, with a clear blue sky telling of an even colder night ahead. Probably with stars. The streets are busy with people. Families, couples, children playing around. At a corner of a smaller street a coffee shop recently opened, carrying a foreign brand of coffee to Russia.
To the untrained eye Yuriy´s pale face appears indifferent as he thanks the young woman accompanying him for holding the door open. He's carrying some of the things they bought today. Books. Clothes. Some new toys for his pet dog. However, even if he might look like he'd rather be somewhere else, his eyes tell of a new kind of warmth as he looks at his female companion. An attentiveness few earn from him.
Yuriy´s presence has stirred people to life it seems. Staff greets him with almost spooked expressions and “Hi!”s. They must be newly hired, since the shop has just been around for a few weeks. It instantly sours his mood, as he much prefers workers to treat him like any other customer. From that point Yuriy makes sure it seems like he pays little attention to the people around them, but only after he shows his appreciation with a slight nod of his head. There´s this middle ground he has found as of late. Looking strangers in the eye as they gawk at him while fighting nerves. Some are his fans, and they pay a bit of his paycheck through watching his matches. Supporting him and his family. No matter how Yuriy looks at it, his fans matter, they all do in beyblading. Not all of them are stalkers, or want to hurt him or those closest to him. Even if it is hard to remember that sometimes.
The woman with him takes the lead to a small two-seater table at the back corner of the shop. Fairly isolated, yet with a view towards the street outside. She's always considerate like that. Sitting down with his back against the wall and a good view over the coffee shop, Yuriy´s eyes settle at the woman in front of him. The scent of sweet fruits washes over him. Nothing too overpowering. She takes off her coat, observant eyes darting around the place as she too notices the eyes on them. Unlike Yuriy, she can’t hide her discomfort. Yuriy has already deemed the room safe. The usual quick sweep of the eyes he does every time he arrives somewhere, especially somewhere new. Checking where the exits are, if there’s anyone suspicious around. Old habits are hard to break, and this one he won't try to: it has saved him before. Yuriy lets out a soft sigh as he allows himself to relax in his chair. Body grows heavier as he sinks into his seat. Knees falling apart ever so slightly. The only threat in this room seems to be awed struck fans, and those he can handle. At least well enough to make his friend enjoy their short coffee break.
Although Yuriy appears relaxed, his body language erects a barrier between his safe bubble with his friend and the people around them. Nothing about Yuriy is inviting. He leaves no room for strangers to think it's suitable for a quick chat or to ask about a signature: his focus is on his company. The girl in front of him tries to hide the fact that the attention from strangers gets to her, and Yuriy can´t help but imagine what the fans around them think as they see how she squirms in her seat. How they draw the wrong conclusions. The Russian offers her a hint of a smile in an attempt at making her feel more comfortable. If her attention is on him, Yuriy knows she´ll be able to relax and enjoy herself as well.
Ever since his brother started dating her, no one has seemed to want to accept their relationship for what it is. At first, not even Yuriy. The girl in the chair across from Yuriy is called Mathilda Alster. A young woman with a petite frame, big eyes and soft short pink hair. She is still red in the cheeks from the cold outside. Mathilda holds the hot cocoa she ordered tightly in both of her hands as if her fingers would turn into ice if she didn’t. That, or, it´s another sign of her nerves. Yuriy frowns slightly at the sight. Mathilda has been with them in Russia for over a week, and it seems like even the thick clothes he and his brothers helped her get doesn’t keep her warm enough out in the dry cold. It's the major reason why the two of them ended up shopping for clothes together.
Mathilda can't continue to wear her boyfriend´s shirts and hoodies once she gets cold. It works at their home, but not out and about, as most clothes that's supposed to end by the hips reach her mid-thighs or lower. Every borrowed t-shirt ends up a dress.
And Yuriy can't have her get sick.
”...I don’t really go to these kinds of places often, so it’s making them excited.” Yuriy says flatly, talking about the other people who keep stealing glances at them.
The fans are watching from a respectable distance so far, luckily. Yuriy is a very well-known face in Russia but he doesn't doubt people have realized just who is with him. The red haired man crosses a leg over the other and sips at his coffee, adding a bit of milk after a moment as he finds it just a bit too bitter for his liking. Something his teammates surely would judge him for. They always have their coffee black, black as their souls, as Boris says. A part of Yuriy regrets going to a crowded coffee shop during daytime. He loves coffee, but he´d normally have gotten it on the go or brewed it himself at home. However, Mathilda wanted to go for a snack after they were done with what they needed to do in town... so here they are. Not like Yuriy could deny her that when she looked so hopeful, so eager to spend just a little bit of more time together. Without really demanding anything but some of his time and company.
Before they set out this morning Mathilda had told Yuriy she'd keep him company, and that she had something she wanted to tell him. A secret. It made Yuriy curious. Mathilda might be someone who’d never tell someone else´s secret but she wouldn’t be able to hide that she is in fact, hiding something.
”So, you said earlier that there was something on your mind.” Yuriy asks at last.
Usually, the two of them have these kinds of conversations back at home. During Mathilda´s stays with them it has become a habit to gather around the kitchen table, having tea or coffee with something sweet and just talk. Even if she could just lock herself up in his brother's room and spend all the time with him, Mathilda put effort into getting to know all of them better. Never once voicing she thought their lifestyles were odd, but asking if she could help out with meals and chores while she lived with them. After a few days, they realized that all of them had breakfast, lunch and dinner together at the same hours a day. Even if their work, school, or individual practises were scheduled differently. Mathilda had observed, and made a good schedule that´d suit their hectic life-style. Before that, it had mainly been Sergei and Yuriy who were responsible for any home cooked meal. This change resulted in Yuriy and Mathilda growing closer, spending more time together, and learning each other's habits and likes and dislikes.
Today Mathilda was a little bit too eager to help Yuriy with his errands. She seemed almost anxious to get away from the three other men as she spoke with him in a low voice in the hallway. Asking if she could come with. Mathilda would often be content staying back reading when her boyfriend was at his part time job, or hanging out with whoever was at home, but Yuriy didn´t mind that she wanted his company. He has come to enjoy hers, and found the way she seemed to want to rely on him quite endearing.
However, he's certain whatever she's trying so hard to keep a secret has something to do with her boyfriend. It had left him feeling a bit uneasy for a while, as he's concerned it´d be something negative. Yuriy might not be able to admit it yet but he would miss her if Mathilda ever broke up with his friend. His thoughts straying to if it would work staying in touch even if it happened.
Mathilda´s cheeks end up getting a bit redder at Yuriy´s question. Her embarrassment and shyness is always refreshing, especially since it has never stopped her from doing what she wants in the end.
Leaning his chin in the palm of his hand, Yuriy leans forward over the table. Elbow resting just at the edge. ”Do I … really want to know?” Yuriy asks at last, the corner of his lips turning upward in a smirk.
Judging by Mathilda´s expression this won't be about a break up.
Even if Yuriy´d consider Mathilda to be something like an addition to his family by now, it wasn't always that way. It was something that happened gradually over time, until she was included with no questions asked.
Yuriy had learned to be observant from a very young age. It didn’t take long for the captain of the Russian team to notice that someone was getting uncomfortably close to the tight, sturdy and often very solid barrier of safety he had erected around his team. The intruder was that of a young woman, a woman he knew almost nothing about, during a beyblade tournament where their teams were rivals. Every team was the enemy in a sense.
Yuriy´s eyes soon followed Mathilda every time she was around, looking for any signs of ill intent while a small lump of anxiety grew in his chest. That lump grew in size as he realized she had been around for much longer than he had known. Rude as he sometimes can be, he genuinely decided it must have been because of her lack of presence that he at first didn’t take notice of her. She was always in the background, quiet and didn't take up much space. Not an opponent he´d have to worry about in the dish, but if he was going to be fair, his focus had been on other players.
Eventually he was informed about her, and that they had actually been in the same tournament once before. Alongside the fact that her team had too been victims of greedy and manipulative adults.
As Yuriy continued to observe Mathilda, he noted yet again that Mathilda was neither tall nor had a strong build. Her body, and eyes, showed her emotions as if she was an open book for everyone to read. He also realized that Mathilda was always observing too. Always conscious, self-conscious. With a build like that, and emotions so easy to read, Yuriy concluded that Mathilda wouldn´t become a threat to them physically. Whatever she threw at them in the dish or outside of it they'd know ahead of time and be able to counter. Yet, soon, he also realized that she might come too close in a completely different way than he expected.
Mathilda had her eyes set on Sergei.
With a risk to sound egocentric, Yuriy thought of how there have been people in the past who had tried to befriend, for example Sergei or Ian, with hopes of getting let into the Russians´ circle for their own personal gain or to even end up in his or Boris´ bed. Ian has always been the teammate most strangers assumed to be the easiest one to get close to. Often getting played in return as Ian has through bad experiences learned how people wanted to use him. All it took was for the short man to get excited over a friendship only to realize he wasn't the one the person was really there for. Others thought Sergei could be their key in. For some reason, many interpreted his silence for lack of depth, and assumed he´d accept almost any positive attention shown his way. They often realized their mistake when the usually gentle giant showed signs of irritation, and they realized just how intimidating the oldest and tallest member of the team could be.
It took Yuriy a while to realize that Mathilda was having a thing for Sergei. Even if her skin grew red with embarrassment, her voice cracking, she kept on approaching his brother with small conversations. Eyes were bright with delight as Sergei eventually started to return her greetings. Answered her questions, even if he seemed a bit put off balance by the attention and the fact that the girl didn´t stop approaching him.
Yuriy trusted Sergei to shoot her down if he felt she was overstepping, and he forced himself to let it go, only for him to see the two together more often. The lump of anxiety in his chest grew larger. Now, would this tiny girl, who sometimes stuttered out of nerves, be that cunning, to get close to Sergei with a false promise of.... affections... to later hurt him? Hurt their team? Yuriy didn´t want to take any chances. Yuriy knew Sergei had his walls up just like himself. He might seem approachable, at least the most approachable one out of his other teammates, just for the person trying to strike up a conversation feel like they're facing a cold brick wall. However, Yuriy could tell that Sergei´s walls were starting to crack around Mathilda.
Soon Sergei allowed her into his space, closer than any other stranger, and would expect Mathilda to be around. His steel blue eyes searched for her when she wasn't there when he expected her to be. How the quick meetings in the shared kitchen area of their hotel floor turned into longer and longer conversations over tea and coffee.
At one point Yuriy had felt Mathilda´s Captain Miguel´s eyes on him from across the dining area as they had both observed the same thing, and Yuriy felt annoyed. For once not so much over that Sergei and Mathilda were getting closer, but because of how cautious Miguel´s eyes had been. As if he was telling Yuriy to make sure his team behaved.
It didn't take long for Mathilda´s name to leave Sergei´s mouth around his team. It had made them grow quiet, because it had been rare for any of them to have plans with others outside of their small circle. Boris was the first one to break the silence as he made a crude joke about Sergei´s and Mathilda´s difference in size and that Sergei should be careful not to crush her. Boris deserved the death stare Sergei gave him after that.
Yuriy kept fighting his unease, believing that Sergei knew what he was doing, while also getting ready to act if things got out of hand.
The first time Mathilda ate with them she was very nervous, Yuriy could tell, the whole world could tell, but she still sat there with them and tried. Tried to keep up with conversations even if Boris was rude, and spoke mostly in Russian in a childish way to exclude her. Something Yuriy wouldn´t accept, as he instead used the lunch to talk to her. Gently poke her to see if there was any ill intent, testing the waters.
What in the end convinced Yuriy Mathilda was safe and good for his brother was the way she reacted to Sergei getting hurt. It was a minor injury: Sergei had stepped badly during practise and damaged his ankle. Leaving him with a swollen foot and a bad limp he tried to cover as well as he could among strangers. Somehow Mathilda saw through his pretense and realized he was hurt. The usually quiet girl had stopped Sergei as he and Boris were walking past her in the hallway. Voice a bit high-pitched as she asked about Sergei´s limp, and grew almost pushy as Boris told her it was nothing. As he told her to back off.
Mathilda had spent that evening sitting by Sergei’s feet cooling the swelling of his injury with ice and cold water. Yuriy had only realized this when he returned from a meeting with the BBA. The worry he saw on her face wasn’t an act. The challenge in her eyes as she looked at him and his team while staying by Sergei’s side, daring them to ask her to leave, was her true feelings.
Yuriy´s eyes narrow a fraction. He swirls the tablespoon in his now half-empty coffee cup, and tilts his head to the side while taking in Mathilda's sincere expression. Her face tells him that whatever secret she is hiding her nerves is from excitement and not out of anxiety.
“Our one year anniversary is coming up.” Mathilda starts slowly, her cheeks seeming to get even redder as she tries to word her thoughts as she wants them. “And I'm… trying to decide what I can do for him in celebration.”
Yuriy´s expression softens slightly, his concern fading. “...A year already?” He asks, feeling calm again. The thought that something between Sergei and Mathilda had turned bad had made him feel strangely uneasy. The man mentally sighs at himself. Focus returning to the current conversation and not what he dreads of the future. It feels like he met Mathilda just yesterday, at the same time as he feels as if they have known each other for several years already.
Anniversaries. Yuriy hasn´t thought much about it, but have they ever celebrated things like that, him and his family? They do keep track of a few dates, when things changed for the better for them. Boris is usually the one bringing out the alcohol. They always made sure to celebrate each other's birthdays as well. Celebrating they´re still getting older, living. Being free. Sergei was the first of them to get into a serious relationship. This is all new.
“Sergei probably won't expect anything…” Yuriy trails off slightly. “You have a good shot at surprising him, Mathilda.”
Mathilda has been patient and gentle as she guides Sergei through his first relationship. Yuriy thinks Sergei might not be Mathilda´s first love, but her first in many other ways, and they could experience it together at their own pace.
Sergei rarely wants something for himself, or expects others to do things for him. Emotions that Yuriy has seen grow since he started seeing Mathilda, as the man too learned he wanted her attention in different ways. Sergei had gone from only making sure others were alright to having someone, outside of family, who’d get worried sick about him. Who he would fight wars to keep happy and safe.
Mathilda smiles at Yuriy´s answer, and she seems pleased about what he just told her even if it didn't solve her problem of what to get Sergei in the end. Yuriy wonders what she has planned for her boyfriend. Warmth grows in him as he knows that Sergei now has more dates to remember and celebrate. Just like he too has a reason to spoil yet another person, Mathilda, when he wants to.
“I thought of… kidnapping him for a day, taking him to our favorite places, eat his favorite foods… “ Mathilda speaks, excited. “And-- … “ “You want us to be… somewhere else that day?” Yuriy asks with a slight smirk. The smirk is quite natural as he´ s amused imagining how Mathilda would ´kidnap´ Sergei.
“N-no!” Mathilda exclaims, understanding what her friend means. If they want some more privacy, just for them. “Well, it would be nice but--… “
“I'm sure I can get Boris and Ian out of the house for one evening…” Yuriy continues to playfully tease her.
A low buzz in Yuriy´s pocket makes him reach down for his phone, looking at the screen for just a moment.“Sergei´s off work, he's coming to pick us up on the way home.” Yuriy is thankful as he would rather not get on the public transport again today.
Mathilda nods, clearly thinking time must have passed quickly today, as she too checks her phone. Red cheeks slowly return to a normal shade as her embarrassment fades. Mathilda had neglected her phone simply because she was focused on Yuriy today, and there's an unread message from Sergei there waiting for her. The blonde Russian must have texted Yuriy too, due to the lack of reply on Mathilda´s part.
Just like Yuriy calls Mathilda when he can't get a hold of Sergei.
“I'll go and buy something for the others!” Mathilda says, getting her wallet before walking away. Blue eyes watches her as she checks out the display of different treats. Yuriy can already see Ian grinning at the gesture, and Boris not reacting much but whatever Mathilda gets for him will get eaten before next morning. For once, Yuriy isn´t the first one to notice Sergei. Instead his eyes follow how Mathilda rushes over to him, bag of sweets in hand. Taking in how Sergei´s tall and stiff frame softens as he leans down towards her: listening attentively to whatever she's saying. Yuriy gets up from his seat and pulls on his coat slowly, unable to look away at the sight. They look happy. It warms him, from inside out. He gets Mathilda´s things for her before he moves towards the couple. A long exhale through the nose.
Not everyone is out to hurt them.
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writeyouin · 5 years
Hey there, wanted to know if I could get  some scenarios of how ratchet, ravage, swerve, and cygate would handle if their human s/o  found an abandoned baby and was instantly overcome with motherly instincts. Mama bear mode activated
Transformers MTMTE-LL Reader Insert Drabbles - Baby
A/N – All baby girls in the fic today cos I’m biased.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Ratchet stared at you and the small child swaddled in your arms. He had felt bad when he had to work again instead of joining you on the visit to the space port. Now, he regretted not going, because he would have handed the child over to the authorities instead of bringing it aboard like it was his own sparkling.
“(Y/N), please tell me that you aren’t planning to keep this child. What about the original owners?”
“The parents,” You emphasized the word as if it burned your tongue, “abandoned this baby in an alley, with a note, claiming anyone could take her. I mean, who does that? So now, I’m going to be her parent, aren’t I Evie?” You addressed the child. “Yes, I am and I won’t ever abandon you, will I?”
Ratchet glared at you, trying to keep his voice low when he spoke so as not to scare the child. “(Y/N), we cannot keep her. You have to take her back. This is no place for a baby.”
“And why not? She’s not going to cause any trouble here Ratchet, and she needs a family.”
“Of course she needs a family, but it’s not going to be us.”
“Don’t you want to start a family with me?”
“No,” Ratchet hissed. “(Y/N), you are my Conjunx and you had better understand me here. This is not our child. She will never be our child. This was somebody else’s and we will take her back.”
“Ratchet, if you think that I am ever leaving this baby-”
At that point the baby in your arms started crying and you turned all your attention to calming her, “Shh, shh, oh, it’s okay Evie. Your daddy is just working through some issues, he didn’t mean to shout. There, there.”
“I am not her father.”
“Ratchet,” Your stare bore into him, “We are married and this is my child now. You either get on board with this or we are going to have a serious discussion about our future. Now, I would storm out, but Evie needs a health check, so once you’ve given her the all clear, then I will leave.”
No more was said over the matter. Ratchet still didn’t want the child and clearly, he would have to convince you that keeping her was the worst idea for the two of you. The last baby, an accidental clone of you from one of the younger scientists, had been another surprise that Ratchet hadn’t wanted. He hadn’t said so at the time as he could see how you would feel responsible for that one; all the same, while he had never wanted to be a father, he also never wanted the child to die in that unspeakable accident. The Lost Light was no place for a child, and Ratchet hoped he could make you see that before you got hurt again.
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After Ratchet had given the baby a thorough medical check, finding that she was perfectly healthy, he started up the argument with you again. It didn’t matter what he said, you simply weren’t listening.
Finally, after a full-on shouting match in which Ratchet regretted most of what he said, he roared at you to get out. It seemed that he would be in no mood to go back to your shared hab-suite for a while, at least until you came to your senses.
While Ratchet expected you to give in, and realise he was right, you waited for him to do the same. Days turned into weeks and Ratchet still hadn’t returned to the hab-suite, nor you to the medical bay.
Although Ratchet didn’t venture out from the med-bay, he heard stories from the bots that came in about how Evie had become something of a ship-mascot and treasure. Every-time she so much as waved her arms or gurgled a spit bubble, Rodimus added another cuddly Rodimus star to her collection.
Even knowing of the rift between the two of you, most bots tried to bring Ratchet around to their way of thinking by pretending they didn’t know about the fight and saying, “You must be one proud bot, having a sparkling so great,” upon finishing their medical evaluations.
Finally, Ratchet couldn’t take it anymore. His spark ached from yearning and sadness and yet he felt in his mind he was right, and no matter what, he would not be a parent. He stomped his way through the ship to the hab-suite he hadn’t seen since the fight. Ready to argue his point further, he stepped inside, instantly deflating at the sight that met him.
You were asleep on the berth, with Evie sleeping atop your chest; the two of you clearly exhausted from the day’s activities. Ratchet sat down in a nearby chair, watching the two of you. He had no idea how much a baby could grow in a month, and yet here it was in front of him.
Staying there for a while, seeing how peaceful the two of you were, Ratchet sighed.
‘Primus,’ He thought, ‘I’m not a praying mech, but… I hope I’m a better creator than my mine was. I’ll need to be here for this child… For Evie.’
Indeed, he hadn’t ever wanted to be a parent, but if Ratchet could be better than those who raised him, then maybe everything would be alright.
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Ravage sniffed the tiny fledgling in the basket in which you had found it and brought it aboard.
“What is it?” He asked, his tail lashing in frustration as the creature reached out its tiny fists to touch him.
“She is a human, like me,” You answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ravage didn’t like that tone, nor did he like your infatuation with the small human; you hadn’t taken your eyes off it since bringing it aboard.
“Is it deformed?”
That earned him a glare from you, “No.”
He glanced at you then back to her, realisation finally drawing on him, “Oh, so it’s a Minibot then. Smaller and weaker… What happened to its vocaliser? Why doesn’t it say something?”
You supressed a smile at Ravage’s unwitting ignorance, “Ravage, this isn’t a Minibot. This is a baby, you know, like a sparkling?”
“This is how you start off? No wonder you need me to protect you all the time.”
“Keep talking like that, see where it gets you in this relationship.”
Ravage hissed, making the baby cry with the sound.
“Ravage, you can’t make noises like that around the baby, you’re scaring her.”
Ravage glared at you as you picked the tiny human up, swaddling her in a blanket and soothing her. He hated not being the centre of attention where you were concerned.
“Fine,” He spat, keeping the growl out of his voice, “Tell me everything about your new toy so I won’t accidentally break it.”
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It had taken some time for Ravage to understand everything to do with the human sparkling but he finally felt that he could take care of it, if he so wished.
While you were occupied, Ravage strutted into your room carrying a sandwich in his mouth. The baby was lying on its back in the playpen you had commissioned from one of the other bots obsessed with the fleshling. You had named her Danica after the first female NASCAR driver, but Ravage much preferred to call the creature ‘Spawn of Unicron.’
Perching on the playpen rail, Ravage dropped the sandwich onto the baby’s chest.
“Eat, you little retch,” Ravage growled. “I said eat. Then you will grow and (Y/N) will be all mine again.”
The baby giggled and waved her arms.
“You milky little let-down. My hunting skill was perfect. I stole that sandwich from (Y/N) herself. Now eat it.”
Danica gurgled, sticking her fist in her mouth.
“Well,” Ravage sneered, “At least you can clean yourself without help… Wait, what is that? Is that drool? Disgusting. Ugh fine, watch me.”
Ravage started cleaning himself gracefully, watching to see if the baby would do the same. When it did not, he simply rolled his eyes; clearly the child couldn’t do anything for itself.
“You’re not really a threat, are you. Fine (Y/N) can love you and I suppose I will do my part in protecting you. Do we have an agreement, spawn of Unicron?”
Danica started blowing spit-bubbles, entertaining herself in her own manner. Ravage merely scoffed and laid down outside the playpen; until the child learned to stop drooling, there was no way he would get any closer to her.
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“Let’s keep her,” You said, upon finding the abandoned child in the alley.
“What?” Swerve sputtered, gobsmacked by your suggestion.
“Why not?” You asked, picking the child up and checking her temperature. “We were talking about trying soon, so… Well, we can’t leave her here, and this planet doesn’t have a whole lot of humans and, Swerve, I just-” You looked at him for the first time since finding the baby, “I can’t leave her.”
“Will she- I mean- What should we call her? How long will it take her to walk? Do you think we should make Skids the Godfather? Primus, who will be Godmother? What items does she need? Don’t tell the others that, only me. I’m her dad now so I want to make the furniture? Scrap, where do we get baby formula? Argh, I just swore in front of our child.”
From that very rant, you knew Swerve was going to be a great father.
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“Okay… Can you think of anything else we need to babyproof?” Swerve asked, looking at the new layout of the hab-suite.
“Nope, we crushed it,” You answered happily.
“You hear that, Nova? This is your new home.” Swerve picked up the baby from the sock drawer you were keeping her in until the cot was ready. Upon being disturbed Nova started crying. “Oh no, don’t cry. I’m sorry. (Y/N), what do I do?”
“It’s okay Swerve, just keep calm and rock her gently. She’s probably just over-tired.”
“(Y/N), please take her. I need to see how this works.”
Swerve handed you the baby, watching closely to learn how to handle her.
“Alright, so this is how you calm her,” You said, using the techniques you had picked up on Earth whenever a family member or friend asked you to babysit. Eventually, Nova stopped crying and you smiled, “See, it’s just a matter of practice.”
“Oh… Okay. Yeah, I can do this. Hey, will she be needing her crib now?”
“Yeah, as soon as we can get that and the other stuff, we’ll be all set.”
“Great, then I’ll be just a few minutes. I built them earlier, so it’s just a matter of collection.”
Swerve hurriedly left and you smiled to yourself, “See that, Nova? Your daddy is having a freak out. Come on, we’ll start walking to the labs. By the time we get there on our tiny legs, he should have calmed down.”
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Swerve vented air through his system, trying to cool down. He wondered how he could be a good parent if he didn’t even know how to calm his new child down. Primus, he would be terrible at this. How long would it be before you realised that he was no good for you and Nova before you left him? He bet it wouldn’t be long at all. After all, humans were so different than Cybertronians; he couldn’t possibly be any good for a human baby.
Swerve slumped against the lab walls, looking at all he had built for the child. All the designs had come from the Earth’s internet, but he had painted them with things from both your planet and his. Looking at his work, Swerve thought of all the pros and cons of him being the child’s adoptive parent; that imaginary list held a lot of cons.
Eventually, the door swished open and Swerve busied himself, pretending to check over the items.
“Hey sweetie,” You greeted upon entering the room. “How are you doing?”
“Me?” Swerve laughed anxiously, “I’m doing great. Life couldn’t be better. I’m just late back because I was looking at this crib and I was wondering, does it look rickety to you, because to me it looks rickety, so what do you think?”
“I think you’re freaking out.”
Swerve stared at you, ashamed that you had seen right through him. “I’m sorry. I just- I love Nova and I want to be a good parent, but what if I’m not? What if I screw up and she grows up to hate me? I’ve never been a parent and I’m scared. There’s so much that could go wrong.”
“Swerve, it’ okay to be scared. I’m scared too. This is hardly a normal place to raise a child. Anything could happen, but as long as we have each other, I know we’ll do great. All we can do is love Nova and show her that every day. If we do that, we’ll do great. So, do you want to come back to the suite and help set up the nursery?”
Swerve pulled you into a hug, being careful not to disturb Nova. “Let’s take our baby home,” He whispered.
You kissed his cheek, “That’s my Conjunx.”
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“So, what do you think?” You asked Tailgate and Cyclonus, having explained to them how you had come by a human baby. There was only one acceptable answer from the pair, but you hoped they wouldn’t make you choose between them and your new daughter.
Tailgate’s frame started shaking with excitement, and Cyclonus had to hold him back before he tackled you and the child in a hug.
“Careful,” Cyclonus warned. “The baby is more delicate than even (Y/N).”
Tailgate tried to take the warning into consideration, remembering when you had agreed to a polyamorous relationship with him and Cyclonus; he had hugged you so hard that it broke your arm and three ribs. Although he always tried to be more careful now, he still found it hard to restrain himself sometimes.
“WHAT DO WE THINK?” Tailgate exclaimed. “THIS IS AMAZING. YOU HAVE A SPARKLING- NO, WE HAVE A SPARKLING. Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy. I can’t wait to teach her to play catch. And we can watch shows together and read to her, and Cyclonus can teach her to sing. WE ARE GONNA BE THE BEST CREATORS IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.”
You had to laugh at Tailgate’s enthusiasm, but you didn’t let it escape your attention that Cyclonus had yet to say how he felt.
“We can keep her, right Cyclonus?” Tailgate asked what you had been too afraid to.
Cyclonus looked at you and Tailgate. You were the only two people he had ever loved in all of his long life, and it had taken a long time for him to open his spark to you and let himself be vulnerable. Did he really have room in his spark for a third person? It seemed that you and Tailgate were full of nothing but love, but Cyclonus knew he wasn’t like that, and knowing so scared him.
He looked at the sleeping child nestled in your arms. She was so tiny. Delicate features graced her face, and such a young being could only be innocent and pure. Cyclonus was neither innocent or pure. He had a dark past which he would always be haunted by. While it was true that you and Tailgate had helped to heal his inner scars, he knew they could so easily be reopened if he wasn’t careful.
Did such a precious child really deserve such a bad role model? Cyclonus wasn’t sure of the answer to that. Perhaps he would be a terrible creator and only serve to dampen the baby’s future, but maybe, just maybe, he could heal even further with her to care for.
Swallowing his fear, Cyclonus looked at you and Tailgate, and with some effort he said, “She needs a name.”
Tailgate punched the air, crushing Cyclonus in a hug afterwards, “YESSS. WHAT ABOUT AUTOCLAVE, OR CAMBER, OOH CHICANE- NO, RUMBLESTRIP.”
“How about a name from Earth?” Cyclonus suggested, looking to you for an answer.
You considered the question for a moment, knowing full well that Cyclonus didn’t want a Cybertronian name that might remind him of his past. “Okay, what about… Penelope?”
“Penelope…” Tailgate sounded out the word in his vocaliser.
“Yeah, she’s blonde like Penelope Pitstop and one day, she’ll be one hell of a driver.”
“I don’t know who this Pitstop person is, but I like the sound of Penelope. What do you think Cyclonus?”
Cyclonus gave a small smile, “I think she’s perfect.”
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sabine-leo · 5 years
Light my fire... Part 1 of 2
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Summary: Tom is one of your best friends for years now. After his stint on Broadway he is back on home soil and accepts Benedict's invitation to join him, Sophie, you and 3 other friends on a long weekend getaway in Scotland´s Highlands. Are the both of you ready to notice that you have missed each other more than you might have wanted to admit to yourself?
Genre: Friends to lovers, FLUFF, Fun and Flirtation
Author: @sabine-leo​ 
Part: 1 of 2
Wordcount: 2573
Note: Thank you for all the comments, notes, pm´s and reactions to the little teaser of this story. I do hope you like Part 1 !! Comments, likes and reblogs are soul-food and very much appreciated! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Even though he had wanted to decline this invitation at first, he had to admit that he was happy to be here now. The setting could not be more oppositional to his bygone living arrangements in New York the past months. He had loved the buzz of the never sleeping city, the walks with Bobby in Central Park, the excitement before going on stage on Broadway or the view he had out of his apartment window. But breathing in the crisp, clear air that smelled of nothing but natures purest, unpolluted breath was cleansing and calming in a way that was very welcomed by his body and soul. With a smile on his lips and a visible puff of air out of his lungs he saw six figures approaching the deck of the cabin he was standing on. Laughter carried a great length when no noise besides natures own music was there to distract the ears from it. Tom hid his hands in his pockets and watched his friends come closer, the smile on his features getting bigger and more earnest in its depth.
He had missed them all!
The tallest figure of the bunch stopped short for a second and Tom could hear the deep chuckle before a happy statement made him laugh.
“Look who finally made it! Mate you missed one hell of a hike!”
Tom started to move and went down the few steps to greet Benedict with a warm hug.
“Seems like it. I already unpacked and got a decent nap in while waiting for you bunch. Did you get lost in the Highlands?” Tom grinned and patted his friends back.
Benedict leaned in with a laugh and stage whispered “Remind me not to give the map of trails to (Y/N) next time.”
Both men laughed when they saw your slightly flushed face.
“I got us back in one piece, didn´t I?!” You asked with a grin ruining your try on a stern face.
Ben chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Yes, you did, but only because this is the only smoking chimney around.”
Tom hid his laugh and hugged you next.
“Hey Tom!” You smiled into his embrace and he inched you a bit closer against his warm, snuggly jumper. Taking in a deep breath.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He responded with a smile and whispered
“Good thing I lit a fire then…”
Laughingly you wiggled out of his embrace and swatted the chest of your dearly missed friend.
His following laugh warmed your half-frozen body.
“Make fun of me as much as you like. I am going to take a hot shower and snuggle close to the fire for the rest of the night!”
“WORD!” Sophie jumped in and greeted Tom as did the other three who had already arrived this morning. Ben kissed his wife and lead the way into the big cabin that would host them for the next 4 days. “You lasses go take that shower. Lads we are going to prep Dinner and start the night with a good bottle of Covo Bianco.”
“Oh god no!” Tom laughed and followed his friends inside.
Ben hugged him again. “Glad to have you back on home soil my friend.”
Showering did take a bit longer than usual but finally your legs stopped feeling like getting pinched by thousands of needles. The prospect of good food, lovely company and a lit fireplace made you get dried and dressed instead of jumping into the cosy looking double bed directly. 
Well, hopefully good food. There were 4 men cooking after all, two of them probably knew how to PLAY a chef but besides Bolognese Toms skills in the kitchen remained more useful for breakfast than Dinner. At least he said that himself. When you walked into the open space kitchen you started to laugh nearly directly. Sophie was already taking over and banning the men to set the table, stir the sauce and stoke the fire. Tom tried to set a foot in front of the oven to look at the steaks but the stern looks on Sophies face made him surrender with raised hands, retreating slowly with a charming grin. When he turned, he stood directly before you and tilted his head. 
“Quick. Let me safe you!” His hands softly grabbed your arms and pushed you backwards out of the kitchen. You chuckled. “I think I would have survived.”
Toms smile got even more handsome.
“You don´t know that. Plus, I´d rather have you help me find the wine cellar before Ben really breaks out the Covo Bianco!” Before you could argue Tom had your hand in his and headed towards the stairs. “Really? You did hear that I nearly got us lost in the Highlands today?” You asked with a laugh.
Tom stopped short with a chuckle and you ran into his chest.
“This is a cabin…” he started with an amused look down on you, keeping you close with a hand on your hip.  
“A big cabin…” You interrupted.
“Agreed. A big cabin. But it is not as vast as the Highlands.”
The face you made teased a chuckle out of him.
“Come on (Y/N). Help a friend out…”
“There are probably spiders down there…” you whined.
Tom laughed out loud.
“Undoubtedly. Highland-spiders are monstrous. Now follow me into the darkness. I swear to protect you with my life.”
“You are an idiot!”
Tom turned and squeezed your hand. “An idiot you choose to befriend years ago and one that missed you after your too short a visit to Broadway.”
“You could have missed me 5 more minutes and explore the cellar on your own Hiddleston!”  
All you got was a dark chuckle and a squeeze of his big hand that held yours in a firm but tender grip while he led the way downstairs.
Benedict grunted when he sat down, a glass of wine in his hand.
“Blimey, could you hold my wine for a second dear?”
He handed his glass to Sophie and grinned.
“Good thing that we all know each other so well and don´t have to be all prim and proper!”
“What are you doing Ben?” Sophie looked at her husband who just that second opened up is belt and the first knob of his trousers. With a relieved grunt he took back his glass and winked at his wife.
“SO much better!”
Tom chuckled from his spot on the sofa.  “I see you threw composure out of the window for tonight…”
Ben huffed but before he could answer to Toms quip you leaned over Jack, who sat in the middle, a little bit and lifted Toms jumper. “Don´t get all patronizing Hiddleston. I saw you open up your own button before dessert!”
And right you were. His trousers had two open knobs letting his Calvin Klein´s peek out.
Tom grabbed your wrist. “You did not…how could you betray your best friend like that?” he rumbled darkly with a glint in his eyes.
Benedict, grinning broadly, lifted his glass. “Always remember Tom: The only substitute to good manners are fast reflexes!” Laughs that erupted from everybody and Jack leaning forward to grab his own glass broke the contact between you and Tom but you felt his eyes linger on you when you got up some minutes later. Ben and Sophie were talkatively prepping a game of Pictionary. You walked behind the sofa to grab yourself a glass of water in the kitchen when suddenly Toms big hand closed around your wrist and tugged you down. “Teasing me, (Y/N)?”
You snickered. “You started it when you pretended, I had a spider on my shoulder down in the cellar.”
Toms thumb ran circles over your pulse. The waft of his cologne and his chuckle did not go unnoticed by you. He tugged you down even further and placed a quick peck on your cheek. “I missed that.” He whispered and let go of you slowly. You smiled and touched his shoulder while standing up straight.
“Missed you too scamp!”
“Banana! Moon!... Fruit bowl?” Christine jumped up and down hectically. Tom lifted an eyebrow.
“Fruit bowl?! Seriously?”
“Na-ah. No talking.” Ben chastised and you could not hold back your snorted-out laugh.
D-I-N-G. Time was up. Tom fell back onto the sofa with a roll of his eyes.
“Who´s idea was it to draw upside-down?”
“Yours Mister Hiddleston. You wanted to -up the challenge- after you and (Y/N) beat us all bloody.” Ben grinned. Tom started to smirk and laugh. “I did not know that we also had to switch partners at this time. No offense Christine…” Christine smiled. “Non taken. But what did you draw there?”
“Lokis helmet…” You said while nipping at your drink, sitting opposite Tom with Sophie by your side. Christine frowned and turned her head sideways. “Oh dang.”
Tom beamed at you and you winked with a soft smile.
It was the last game for the night. Ben and Sophie bid their good nights with grins on their faces, stating that this would be their first kids’ free night since months. The rest moved closer to the fireplace. Enjoying quiet conversations or the crackling of the fire accompanied by the soft music Tom had put on. Christine, Jack and Philipp shared the sofa. Tom lounged in a wing chair closer to the fire and you had made yourself comfortable on the ground with a cushion. Your back leaning against Toms chair in between his legs. The warmth of the fire made you sleepy after the day outdoors and a phenomenal dinner shared with the people you cared about. Your head fell back against Toms leg. The soft chuckle when he leaned forward and his long fingers brushing your hair to one side made your eyes open up again. “Come on darling, I´ll walk you to bed. Otherwise you might get lost in this big cabin.” He teased and chuckled when you ungallantly snorted.
“I´ll find my room, thank you very much!”
Tom smiled and breathed a kiss into your hair.
“Alright, then help me find mine?”
“Can´t move…too tired…” You responded with a little grin and closed eyes. Tom rolled his beautiful blue orbs in playful exasperation and flung a leg over you to get out of the chair. Bending down he grabbed your hands with his and tugged. “Arise oh trail-finder. It will get cold down here when nobody is there to keep the flames crackling.”
With a moan you let Tom tug you up. Unsteady and tired as you were you bumped into him.
“Sorry!” You mumbled but Tom only laughed and turned you into the right direction.
“Good night everybody.” He said and followed you out into the hallway.
When you had found your room -after you accidentally opened up the door to the storage closet- Tom leaned in and hugged you close for a lingering moment.
“Sleep well darling.”
“You´ll find your room?” You asked sleepily and held on a second longer.  
His chuckle vibrated through your body.
“Yes, it is right next to yours.”
“The storage closet?” You grinned against his chest.
“The other door…” he chuckled again. “…Stop teasing me and get some sleep.”
“You´d have to let go of me for that.” You looked up and the twinkle in your eyes made Tom bite his lip. “Reluctantly…but ok.” He smiled and stepped back a bit rubbing your arms before walking towards his door.
“Tom?” you said halfway into your room.
“Glad you are back…and decided to come here.”
Tom smiled and tilted his head. “Me too…sweet dreams darling.”
 Morning came too soon and with it the crisp, chill air through the slightly open window that woke you. The sheet was heavy and warm. So much so, that you did not want to part with it when you climbed out of bed to close the window and grab some clothes before you´d head into the shower. Reluctantly you parted with it three minutes later and quickly tiptoed your way into the hopefully warm bathroom. Still sleepy, you placed your fresh clothes onto the heating unit and got rid of the worn Loki shirt Tom had gifted you some years ago.
It was your favourite shirt to sleep in.
The click from an opening opal glass shower door did not at all sound alarming to your still sleep-hazy brain. But when a deep voice cleared it´s throat with an unmistakable glee to it you turned around with a shocked expression. Your hands desperately grabbing the Loki-shirt to cover your naked breasts.
 “Good morning darling. Would you pass me a towel please? Or did you come in here to join me?”
 Toms grin got bigger when he saw the shock on your face and his alter ego currently pressed against your breasts.  He had gotten a good look on your naked back and the flimsy material covering your fine behind…even when he really had tried to be a gentleman and avert his eyes but failed miserably in nanoseconds.
You could not help but notice his wet hair dripping onto his lean torso. His groin was still covered by the opal glass door by the way he was leaning out sideways.
“Oh my god I am so sorry!” You blurted out.
Tom laughed a soft little laugh and looked into your eyes.
“I don´t think that this god is particularly sorry…I rather thinks he likes the place he´s being pressed at.” I know I would like it…he thought.
“What?” You got out not very eloquently.
Tom laughed again, this time a bit more mischievous and with an accompanying wink when he nodded his head towards the Loki-shirt.
“OH!” You looked down on your shirt and blushed.
“So, towel or joining me?” He dared to say with a grin on his handsome face.
You threw him the next best towel in your reach and missed the playful sad huff he gave before he disappeared fully back into the shower. He stepped outside the next second. Still dripping wet but the towel wrapped around him. Low. Very low. The V shape of his hips in good display…as were his trained abs. You stood there, still clutching the shirt against your front and stared when he walked over and leaned towards you to grab his stash of clothes on the stool behind you. A drop of water fell out of his wet hair directly onto your collarbone and slowly made its way down your still dry skin. From the feel of it you could have sworn that it would evaporate any second because your skin felt as if it was on fire. When he straitened again, he grinned at you and gave a quick peck to your cheek, tugging softly at the shirt you were holding onto like a life-jacket.
“Pick me up in my room before you head for breakfast?” His quiet, deep voice caressed your ears. The breath from his spoken words tickled your shoulder.
Tom smirked and walked to the door. He had almost closed it behind him but lurked in again.
“You know…That is a rather glorious purpose he is burdened with!”
Your brain really was not working properly this morning because you threw the Loki-shirt towards Toms face. When you noticed your mistake, you made a run for the shower and yelled.
“Close the damn door Hiddleston!”  
“From the inside or the outside?” Was his laughing reply before you heard the door fall close.  
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hookedonapirate · 5 years
The Princess and Her Sultan
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Summary: Crown princess Emma of Misthaven is second in line to the throne, her brother Leopold ll being the first, but her parents see her with a future as a great ruler. King Rumpelstiltskin of neighboring land, strikes a deal with King David, promising to uphold the peace between the kingdoms if Emma marries Prince Baelfire. With the promise of his daughter becoming future queen of the Dark Kingdom, David accepts reluctantly.
Before her wedding day, the princess is kidnapped and taken overseas. She is sold as a slave to a palace where Crown Prince Killian of Neverland ascends his father’s throne and is sworn in as Sultan. Meanwhile, Killian’s mother pressures him to sire a prince and presents him with gifts for his birthday, one of them including a blonde princess from Misthaven. Dazzled by Emma’s charm, intelligence and beauty, he summons her to his bedchambers every night and eventually finds himself casting aside his harem and centuries of tradition.  
Author’s Notes: Gah, I'm sorry this took so long, but here it is. I don't know if you'll be any less frustrated with the end of the chapter but it seemed like a good place to pause for now. And there are so many unanswered questions yet, but I'm hoping to wrap them up in the next chapter. And who knows, we may finally get to meet the little prince or princess in the next chapter :D. We'll see how it goes when I get the chance to work on it *finger crossed*
Thank you @gingerchangeling for your wonderful suggestions and ideas for this story, and also @ilovemesomekillianjones for gifting me with your wonderful editing skills. I also want to give a shout out to @onceuponaprincessworld for being my sounding board, constant cheerleader and good friend, thank you, darling! This story wouldn’t be the same without these lovely ladies!
And all of you have been so supportive and awesome, thank you all for following along and for your feedback!
Rated: Explicit
AO3 l FF.N I Prologue l Ch 1 l Ch 2 l Ch 3 l Ch 4 l Ch 5 l  Ch 6 l  Ch 7 l Ch 8 l Ch 9 I Ch 10 I Ch 11 I Ch 12 I BTS
Chapter 13
Emma can’t believe her eyes. She never thought she’d see her family again; she never thought she’d see him again, and here he is, standing before her with weary eyes and a gutted expression. He looks like he hasn't slept in a fortnight, or longer—he looks like he hasn’t slept since she was kidnapped—but he's certainly a sight for sore eyes. 
  The biggest smile breaks over her face and she leaps into her father’s arms, embracing him tightly. She never thought she’d feel her papa’s arms around her ever again, never thought she’d hear his voice or smell his familiar earthy scent or feel his warmth surround her. “Papa,” she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut. If this is a dream, she wants to enjoy it while it lasts. 
  She hopes it’s only a dream because if he’s actually here, he’ll be killed. But the way he squeezes one arm around her and cradles the back of her head with his other hand, whispering sweet things in her ear about how much he’d missed her, she knows without a doubt he’s real. As happy as she is to see him, she doesn’t want any harm brought to him. She still hasn’t told Killian that James has a twin brother who is her father, and it’s difficult to pretend she didn’t know of this sooner since they’re identical.
  Panic ripples through her as she breaks the hug, still clutching onto his arms like her life depends on it. “Papa, how did you.. how did you get past the guards?” Just as she manages to get the words out, she realizes how dumb her question is. He looks like James, so of course he got past the guards.
  Besides, it appears he has questions of his own as his brows furrow and he pushes away her cloak and presses his hand to her belly, his eyes peering down at her round form. “Are you… are you pregnant?”
  “I am,” she answers, a smile crawling across her lips as she thinks about the little duckling growing inside her. She can’t wait to cradle her baby in her arms and smother the precious little gem with sweet kisses.
  Her father’s expression, however, is far from pleasant when he lifts his face, anger embedded in his features. “Who did this to you?” he demands hoarsely. He looks like he might commit murder.
  She swallows thickly, not sure if she should answer, but perhaps she can make him understand how much she loves the Sultan. “I will tell you, but first you have to tell me how you found me. Not here though.” She takes his hand and leads him to Killian’s study so the guards can't overhear their conversation. 
  Once inside the room, she closes the door as her father looks around and spots the chessboard, picking up the white knight. It’s not the same one as his brother’s but she can tell it triggers memories of his childhood. He sighs wearily and turns around, still clutching onto the chess piece. “I had no idea my brother was alive before I reached the port of Neverland. All I knew was you were taken to this palace.”
  Emma’s eyes widen. He does know James is alive. “You saw him? How did you know he was here? How did you know I was here?” She has so many questions her head is spinning.
  “Emma, I’ll tell you everything, but first, we need to figure out a way to get you out of here.”
  Of course. He came here to rescue her. And several moons ago, she would’ve been ecstatic to leave this palace, but then she met the Sultan and everything changed. “But Papa, I don’t want to be rescued.”
  His brows twist in confusion, as expected, but how can she adequately explain her reasons for wanting to stay here, rather than return to Misthaven, in a way her father would understand? 
  “Emma…” he whispers feebly, barely able to get her name out. He sounds hurt. Completely devastated. “How can you…” he pauses when his voice cracks. “Why do you want to stay here?”
  Once again, she contemplates whether she should mention the Sultan, but she knows she won’t be able to keep it from him for much longer. Killian will return soon, and then her father will witness the affection he shows her. He’s never shy about showing her affection in front of James. “I want to stay with the Sultan, okay?!” she blurts out in a fit of panic. “He is the father of the child growing inside me.”
  David’s fists clench at his sides and his eyes blacken with rage and hatred. “I will murder him for laying his hands on you!”
  “No, Papa!” she shrieks, drawing her hands to her belly. “He did not force himself on me, I wanted this!” Tears threaten her eyes, fear surging through her. She has to make her father understand. 
  He narrows his eyes at her, completely baffled. “Why would you want this life? Why would you want to stay? Why would you want to have the Sultan’s child?!”
  “Because, Papa…” Emma swallows thickly, doing her best not to burst into tears. She needs to stay calm if she’s going to convince her papa that Killian is a good man. She needs to start from the beginning. “At first I was angry and only wanted to bring retribution to the Sultan and make him my slave. I wanted to be Queen of Neverland, a feat no other woman has achieved, but when I met him, I quickly learned he’s not like other Sultans. He saved me when his mother threw me in the dungeon. He took care of me,” she explains, but her father doesn’t appear to be buying any of it. He’s still scowling, his features never once softening as she speaks. “He’s a good man,” she cries, again trying to choke back a sob at the thought of her father bringing harm to her Sultan. But it’s too late. A tear slips out and rolls down her cheek. “I love him.” 
  Her father’s eyes widen as he tries to process her declaration; she can tell he’s appalled and disappointed in her. “How can you love a Sultan?” he asks, his nose wrinkling in disgust. “He bought you as his slave.”
  “He didn’t buy me. I was a gift from his mother.”
  Her father scoffs. “And that makes it better? He doesn’t care about you. You’re like cattle to him, only good for breeding, and once you produce an heir, he’ll forget about you and find another maiden to bear him a child. He’s nothing but a dirty Sultan, Emma,” he claims, thinking he’s protecting her. Thinking he knows anything about the Sultan. Her Sultan. “He will never love you back.”
  His words sting, cut right through her, but she knows in her heart he’s wrong. “No, he’s not!” she shrieks. “He is loyal and honorable and he does love me and he does care about me! If anyone is dirty, it’s Baelfire, and yet you and Mother arranged a marriage between us!”
  “We had no idea,” David retorts defensively, then furrows his brows in confusion. “How did you know he married shortly after you were kidnapped?”
  Of course he did. This is news to her, but she’s not the least bit surprised by it. “I didn’t. I came to my conclusion long ago when he forced his tongue down my throat and put his filthy hands on me.”
  “He did what?! Emma, why did you never mention this before? If your mother and I had known, we would’ve called off the betrothal.”
  More tears roll down her cheeks. She didn’t think she would ever get the chance to have this conversation with her parents. She looks her father in the eye, speaking softly. “I know, that’s why I never said anything.” 
  “Emma…” he murmurs, his mood suddenly abated as he steps closer, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
  “I only wanted to protect our family and the kingdom, so I kept the incident to myself,” she admits with a sniffle and wipes her tears with the sleeve of her cloak.
  “Emma, you should have at least come to us about it. We could've figured something out.”
  “It matters not,” she mumbles. “What matters now is getting you out of the palace before the guards figure out you’re not James.”
  “Emma, if you think I’m leaving without you, you’re wrong.”
  “But Papa, you have to let me go,” she pleads, her eyes once again glistening with tears. “I promise I am in much better hands with Killian than I would’ve been with Bealfire.”
  “Emma, I’m not leaving,” he says firmly, “not without meeting this Sultan Killian you speak of.”
  Emma glares at her father, anger building quickly inside her. “You want to meet him so you can kill him!” she accuses. “You wish to leave our child without a father!”
  He sighs and shakes his head. “I promise I won’t kill him. You have my word. I only want to make sure he is worthy enough of my beloved daughter. I want to make sure he truly loves and cares for you as you do him. You cannot blame me. You would want to do the same if your child was in the same position. You would want to make sure they were being taken care of. You would want to see it with your own eyes, wouldn’t you?”
  Emma clutches at her belly. “Well, yes, of course, but Papa, he tortured and killed a man who attacked me. He would do anything to protect us.”
  Her father’s face remains steely. “Being possessive is not an act of love, it’s an act of jealousy. Of course he’ll murder anyone who touches you. You’re his property, along with all of his other concubines,” he asserts bitterly.
  Emma pulls away from her father’s grip, stepping away from him. “You’re wrong. He doesn’t have any other concubines, only servants. I am the only woman he wants. He loves me, Papa. He isn’t like other Sultans, you will see when you meet him.”
  Her father is still highly reluctant, but he assures her he won’t harm Killian because he knows how much that will hurt her. So she agrees to the meeting. There’s just one problem—her father looks exactly like James, except for one minor detail—he doesn’t have a scar. But Emma can fix that. She’ll make him a scar.
  She buys some ingredients from the palace merchant. She uses fur for the texture, concocts some glue to hold the fur together and adds vegetable dye to give the fake scar a fleshy color, applying it to her father’s cheek as he fills her in on what’s happened in Misthaven since she was taken. 
  Her mother is doing fine, despite being heartbroken that Emma was kidnapped, but she remains hopeful. Her brother became betrothed to a princess from Camelot, something that was not arranged. Her parents didn’t want to make the same mistake with Leo that they did with Emma. David tells Emma how often they wanted to leave the kingdom to look for her and how their hearts completely shattered when they learned Emma had been taken. 
  They were even more wrecked when Graham returned empty-handed, apart from the gold he had left with to buy Emma back. And apparently, Graham had not mentioned he was the one who handed her off to pirates. He made David believe it was all Maleficent's doing. Emma’s blood boils with anger at that. She doesn’t say anything though, at least not yet, she only listens as David explains how he got here and how he and Graham arrived in one of his ships. She doesn’t know if she should say anything though; she doesn't know if Graham really does regret handing Emma off to those pirates. He did try to buy her back after all, and if she tells her father the truth, she’s afraid of what he might do him. She shouldn’t care, after what he’d done, but she does. A part of her still remembers the Graham she knew, and a small part of her still cares for him.
  “I knew I had to find a way in the palace, so I searched the streets for anything or anyone who would help me. It didn’t take long for people to recognize me. Only, they didn’t recognize me as King of Misthaven, they recognized me as James, Grand Vizier of the Sultan. I was shocked at first. Then I saw an opportunity. I could pretend to be James, but I had to make sure he wouldn’t already be here when I arrived. So I stole a horse and fell off of it, pretending to have a concussion. I asked some kind men where I lived and they gave me directions.”
  “So you spoke to James?” she asks, digesting everything he’s told her thus far.
  “I did, and he wasn’t as happy to see me as I thought he would be. I guess he’s bitter that I am now King and that he became a slave. Our reunion was not a pleasant one. He wouldn’t agree on allowing me to pretend to be him so I could rescue you. He said you didn’t need to be rescued,” he murmurs, his eyes full of sadness as he gazes at his daughter. “I guess he was right.” 
  Emma pauses from her task and looks away, but she doesn’t regret her decision to remain in Neverland.
  He sighs heavily and continues. “Anyway, I knocked him out with sleeping dust and tied him up on my ship.”
  Her eyes dart to his. “You did?” 
  “Of course I did, Emma. You’re my daughter, I’d do anything to get you back.”
  “I know,” she says, continuing to apply the fake scar on his cheek, making sure it will stay on his face without peeling off. “I just hope that doesn’t include murdering the man I love.”
  Her father lifts his hand, gently cradling her chin. “I gave you my word, didn’t I?”
  She nods. “I trust you, Papa.”
  “Besides, if he’s as good a man as you say he is, I’ll see for myself.”
  A small smile crosses her lips, and she’s confident her father will see what she sees. She fills him on some things he must know as the Sultan’s best friend and Grand Vizier. Once she's satisfied with how similar the scar looks to James’, she reminds her father once again to not harm her Sultan. 
  Emma returns to Killian’s chamber, her father following behind her, and she climbs into bed. He tucks her in and drops a kiss on her forehead. Emma’s heart warms; she thought she’d never have the chance to be tucked in by her father ever again.
  When the double doors open, David quickly stands, bowing his head. She can tell he’s nervous.
  “How’s my Swan?” Killian smiles warmly at her as he appears at her side and sits on the edge of the bed next to her, rubbing her belly over the covers. “And how is our little one?”
  She smiles as he leans over and presses a gentle kiss on her forehead. “We’re fine, just couldn’t wait for our Sultan to return.”
  He grins and kisses her lips, his hand still caressing her belly in soothing circles. He then moves down, pushes the covers back and showers her belly with kisses. “I missed you both.”
  “We missed you too,” she giggles, his beard tickling her skin through the fabric of her nightgown. “How is your mother? How did she take the news?”
  “She’s fine, only concerned for you and our baby, my love. She plans on stopping by to visit you later.”
  Emma nods and turns to look at her father, who is watching them. She’s surprised to see the warmth in his eyes. He can see how much Killian cares for her and their child. He can see it in the Sultan’s eyes and how he touches Emma, with such gentleness and love, and how he speaks to her.
  “I love you, my Queen,” her Sultan coos with a soft smile, kissing her forehead.
  “I love you, too, my Sultan,” she whispers, closing her eyes to relish in the feel of his lips on her skin.
  “James and I will go to the Meyden for archery practice. Will you be okay here for a while?”
  “Yes, I told you I can take care of us,” she reassures him, caressing her belly. “I think I’ll go to the harem and visit with my friends while you’re gone.”
  “That’s a good idea. Just don’t overexert yourself, love.”
  Emma rolls her eyes and kisses his lips. “I won’t, I promise.”
  Killian scrutinizes James carefully as the man smites the center of the statue with his arrow yet again. James has always been adequate at archery, but never excellent. He never consistently makes the target.
  “Have you stumbled upon Aladdin’s lamp?” Killian asks, pulling an arrow from his jeweled quiver to take his turn. He expects a hearty laugh from his best friend, but instead, James' laugh is timid, perhaps a bit nervous. 
  “No, I’ve just been practicing more on my own, My Sultan.”
  Killian narrows his eyes at James as he draws his bow. There’s something peculiar about his Grand Vizier. His posture is different, more regal, his mannerisms are more proper and he hasn't behaved as childishly today as usual. Even his laugh is different. 
  Killian’s aim is perfect, but it matters not. Sometimes James wins, sometimes Killian does, but normally it’s a close game. This time, though, James beats him by a landslide. Killian ponders the thought as he stores his bow in the leather scabbard and James collects their arrows. He doesn’t even boast about his win, which is extremely odd. James always boasts when he wins.
  “What’s gotten into you, James?” he asks when they find a shady quince tree to lounge under. 
  James definitely appears to be nervous, but for what reason? What is he hiding? “What do you mean, Your Majesty?” 
  “Your aim is incomparable today. I am glad I’m not a boar; you'd have me dead by now. Yet, you do not blow your own trumpet, and that’s unlike you, James.”
  “Oh, well…” he pauses, fumbling for words. “My mind is on other things today.”
  “You’re concerned about becoming a father?” Killian guesses, convincing himself he's imagining the changes he sees in James.
  “Yes, I suppose. What if I am not good at it?”
  Killian flashes him an encouraging smile and pats him on the back. He knew there had to be some sort of explanation for his Grand Vizier’s behavior. “You will be a great father, James. You have been my advisor for several years, you’ve been there for me through the wars and the storms. If there is anyone who will be a great father, it is you.”
  James blushes as he glances at Killian appreciatively. “Thank you, Your Majesty.” James drinks from his goblet until it’s empty and selects an olive, chewing it slowly before spitting the pit into the chalice, just as he always does.
  Ah, now there’s the James he knows. He’s been paranoid for nothing. 
  “How is Emma by the way?” James asks, changing the subject. “It seems like she’s recovering nicely.”
  “Aye, she’s doing much better. She’s just glad our baby was not harmed.” He manages a weak smile. “I’m glad they are both okay…” he says, exhaling deeply. He hadn’t planned on telling James, but he figures it won’t hurt to get it off his chest. “I still feel guilty.”
  “Why’s that, Your Majesty?”
  “Because I’m the one who hired the guard. I’m the one who put Emma in danger, and I…” his voice cracks, eyes welling with tears. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if anything had happened to them.”
  James stares at him for a moment, studying him carefully. “You truly care about them, don’t you?”
  He quickly nods and looks at James. “Can I confide in you about something? You must not tell a soul.”
  “You can tell me anything,” he says sincerely.
  “I told Emma she could leave if she wished. I gave her the option to return to Misthaven with our baby, where they would be safer, where she could see her parents.”
  James is completely stunned as he stares at Killian without even blinking. “You did?”
  “Aye. I told her we could fake their deaths and no one would know she went back home, but she refused. She didn’t want our baby to be without a father. She didn’t want to be without me.” 
  “Was it a test to see how loyal she was to you?”
  Killian shakes his head. “No. I already knew she was loyal to me. I gave her the option because I would do anything to protect them. I would literally give my life for them, James. Who else have I ever said that about?”
  His friend pouts teasingly. “What about me?”
  Killian chuckles and playfully shoves him in the shoulder, wagging his finger at him. “Now there’s the James I know.”
  They grab their gear and head back to their horses. James suddenly stops in his tracks and turns around, something in the distance attracting his attention. “Did you hear that?”
  Killian stops and looks at his Grand Vizier. “Hear what?” 
  James looks around but sees nothing, so they continue their trek. Whatever James had heard, he hears it again, but before he can figure out where the noise is coming from, James pulls out his arrow from the quiver and draws the bow, letting the arrow fly. 
  “James, what are you doing?” Killian asks, spinning around to see what James is aiming at. “Target practice is over.” 
  Before he gets the chance to see, James shouts a warning and lunges at the Sultan, pushing him away with a hard shove, sending them both to the ground. 
  Killian quickly lifts his head to see a man in the distance falling from a tree with James’ arrow in his chest. The Sultan sits up, dazed as he looks over. “James?” His eyes widen when he sees his best friend lying on the ground with an arrow buried in his shoulder, the steel tip angling in toward his heart. “James!” Fear grips him as he crawls over to James, not caring if his white caftan gets dirty. Killian is hunched over him, waiting for any sign of movement. 
  James slowly opens his eyes, and Killian sighs in deep relief, a smile taking over his face.
  “I thought you were dead!”
  James chuckles, then winces at the pain in his shoulder. “Please, it’s only a pesky little wound. Besides, unlike you, I would die to protect my best friend.”
  Killian manages a laugh. There’s such a boyish innocence about James, as though he had no problem risking his life for Killian that he forgets his fear. 
  His soldiers bring James to the palace, along with the assassin who is not dead, only badly injured. Killian instructs the soldiers to expunge information from him to find out who tried to kill the Sultan. His first guess is his half brother, Declan, but he’s more concerned about James at the moment. He has him brought to the Sultan’s chamber to be examined by the physician who removes the arrow from his shoulder and bandages him up.
  The Sultan’s earlier suspicions or feelings or whatever they were, resurface when he sees how torn up Emma is over James’ injury. When she found out James saved Killian's life, she was so proud of him she cried. Now she stays by his side full of worry for him, and Killian has to wonder if something is going on between them, but that’s impossible. He trusts Emma and she would never betray him, nor would his best friend. 
  It doesn’t take long before Killian's soldiers approach him outside of his chamber regarding the matters of the assassin. 
  “The assassin says he was hired by...” the soldier pauses; the fear evident in his eyes keeps him from continuing.
  “By who?!” Killian demands, growing impatient.
  The soldier hesitates and leans in to whisper in Killian’s ear, as though he is exchanging top secret information. “It was James, Your Majesty.”
  Killian freezes.
  It can’t be true. He has to be lying. There’s no way his best friend, his Grand Vizier, the man he trusts more than any man in this world would try to have him assassinated. Killian is angry, full of rage. Who shall he trust—the man who tried to kill him, or James? Or are his soldiers the ones who deceive him? His men have been jealous of James since he became Grande Vizier. Perhaps his soldiers are conspiring to get rid of James.
  Killian returns to his chamber, trying his best to remain calm as he studies James carefully. Did he really try to have the Sultan killed? He would have had a good motive. If Killian dies, James will become Sultan. And if Emma gives birth to a son, all James would have to do is kill him. Maybe he is the one who put Faraji up to attacking her. But why would James encourage him to have a family in the first place? Why would he save Killian? It doesn’t make a lick of sense. Unless James was trying to throw him off so Killian would suspect nothing. He tried to kill the assassin so he wouldn’t get caught. Then perhaps James would try to kill the Sultan himself.
  “Did you find out who hired the assassin?” Emma asks Killian, still at James’ bedside.
  Killian nods as he glares at James.
  “Who was it, My Sultan?” James asks, but he doesn’t look worried or scared for his life. Perhaps he thinks he’s safe from Killian, that Killian will forgive him.
  “It was James.”
  There’s dead silence in the room. Then comes the fear in James' eyes. 
  James looks over at Emma, his eyes pleading with her. Why is he looking to Emma for… help? He's not sure. “It wasn’t me. I swear, Emma, I had nothing to do with it.” He glances at Killian. “Your Majesty, I swear, it wasn’t me.”
  Killian is at a loss of what action to take; his friend appears to be innocent but his soldiers have said otherwise. Perhaps he will give James a test to see if he confesses. Killian nods to his guards, giving them their orders. “Take him to the execution block.” 
  They rush to the side of the bed opposite Emma and grab James, pulling him out. He groans in pain from his wound. 
  “No, stop!!!!” Emma cries out in panic, her eyes full of tears as she scrambles around the bed to the other side. 
  Killian furrows his brows in confusion as he gazes at her, gently placing his arms on her shoulders. “He just tried to have me killed and you defend him?” he murmurs, his heart cracking at the thought of his beloved betraying him.
  She looks at Killian, tears streaming down her cheeks. “James may have tried to kill you, but this man is not James!” 
  “What do you mean?” he demands, thoroughly confused. “Of course this man is James.”
  Emma pulls away from the Sultan and approaches James, lifting her hand to his face as the guards are tying his hands behind his back. Killian has no idea what’s happening and is even more baffled when she pulls off his scar. 
  She turns around to face Killian again, swallowing thickly. “This is James’ twin brother…” she croaks. “This man is King David of Misthaven… my father.”
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Nobody Knows
Chapter 2: Ah, here we go again
Part 2/? (Word count: 1,841 | Rated T | Past MSPA Reader x Mallek Adalov,  MSPA Reader x Mallek Adalov, Past MSPA Reader x Polypa Goezee, Background DaveKat)
AO3 Links: Part One  | Part Two  (This) | Part Three
Chapter Summary: MSPA Reader wakes up in an unfamiliar, terrifying place with unfamiliar, terrifying people. But what else is new?
Notes: Thanks for all of the support from the first chapter! I was really blown away by all of it. Enjoy some set-up before the inevitable angst.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
The first thing you notice when you come to is the chittering of machinery. Earth tech hums when it runs, maybe you hear a fan or two. Alternian tech chitters. Sometimes it even makes a soft screeching sound. You prefer not to think too hard about it. The next thing you notice is the headache you have. Your forehead is throbbing and when you open your eyes the room is moving. Damn, you have had your fair share of concussions, but this is new. In your infinite intelligence, you finally realize that this is because you are getting carried like a sack of potatoes over the shoulder of a stranger. Well, fuck.
Slowly and carefully, you crane your head back to get a glimpse of whoever is holding you. You see large horns extending horizontally and curving towards their face. Their uniform having some intricate repeating bronze pattern. Realizing this is an adult, you become very conscious of your breathing. Just extremely slow and even. Oh God. You have never seen this troll before in your life. You continue to glance around and notice you are on some sort of vessel. A door opens and your captor joins another bronze troll. A new stranger, maybe a friend? You stop yourself from introducing yourself so you can hear what they say. Now is not the time to be horny for platonic connections.
“So ! nearly tr!pped over th!s sh!t on my back from do!ng !nventory !n the cargo bay. Do you have any !dea what the fuck th!s !s?” Your captor asks with an excited lit, swinging you off of his shoulder and holding you by the back of the hood. You remain still, motionless, having perfected the art of playing dead to fool drones into not culling you. Not your most dignified skill, but definitely one of your more useful ones. Something thuds as it is set down to your right.
“()h gr()ss, d()n’t t()uch it with y()ur fr()nds.” Your captor chuckles while their colleague sighs in exasperated disgust. Ah yes, you didn’t miss this. Alternia has made you super self-conscious about your body in the weirdest ways just about as much as it has made you fear for your life. But one of those things is temporary. You know you’re cute, friendly, are incredibly resourceful and optimistic. You have nice legs! The clown pope said so! But you can still hear the sneer in her voice, “It pr()bably just wandered ()n b()ard during the last rest()ck and the change in gravity culled it ()r s()mething, I d()n’t kn()w.” She sounds a little pissed now, “Etiv()r just st()p playing with it and dr()p it in with the rest ()f the trash s() y()u can help me get the rest ()f the requisiti()ns delivered.”
Etivor shakes you a bit in front of her. She doesn’t react. “F!ne Yleeda,” he draws her name out and huffs, clearly disappointed, “!’ll be back.” You get thrown back over his shoulder and you can hear a light growl come from him. She apparently does too, and mockingly chitters at him, dropping another box onto her pile. “Wait, what if that thing i-,” she starts, but Etivor isn’t having it and picked up to pace and is already gone. Bold move.
He slows down after a while and walks and as he does you pass by a window. You look for telltale moon colors, but you seem to be in the middle of nowhere with nothing particularly familiar in sight. On a spaceship. Full of adults. Neat. Well, mortal peril is always a solid way of getting out of your head.
He continues onward and you hear other trolls pass by you, all of them caught up in their own work or conversations, none of the spare you two too much of a glace. A door slides open and he sets you on the ground. You hear him step away from you and fiddle with the settings on what you think is the trash, and you'd rather not get immolated today, no thank you. It begins to clunkily whir to life before settling on a scratchy, chittery sound. Luckily, you notice you didn’t hear the door close. You get up slowly, quietly, and slink over to the door, the machine helping to obscure any sounds you were making. You don’t need to be stealthy for too long, just enough to get the door and you can just abs- and he is looking right at you.
You try to match the familiar look of wide-eyed "what in the actual fuck is that" that trolls have often graced you with when meeting you for the first time. His pupil skits widen slightly and his mouth is set in a hard, straight line. You both remain frozen and are locked in a staring contest. You stay like that together for a good ten seconds and you become intimately aware of how long ten seconds in total silence is. He blinks and as he starts to reach for you, you do the only thing you think to do. Blurt out some dumb shit and stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.
Were you also getting a pitch vibe off of that or was that just me, because I know you need to be professional, working here and all but I feel like if I wasn’t there you two would definitely have gotten into an argument? Are you two like a thing or have something going on there or…? You wiggle your hands noncommittally.
If you weren't terrified, you would be laughing at the look he is giving you. He immediately pulls his hand back and holds it to himself, aghast. His mouth opens and shuts as he struggles to figure out what to say before settling into a concerned frown. He steps back in confusion with an expression betraying he was clearly not prepared for you to be alive, or sentient, or fluent in Alternian, or immediately asking him about his love life. He is very clearly trying to unpack a lot and you are just trying to put some space between you and someone who easily has two feet on you and a lot of muscle, hopefully gained from things other than hauling aliens into fiery dumpsters.
“Uh. What. ! mean maybe? But ! don't, wa!t th-“
Because I feel like you were definitely trying to piss her off a little bit, like not enough to ruin her night or anything and fuck up her work, but like she'll be thinking about it, so I think that's smart, kinda leaving the ball in her court as you left.
He gives you the smallest, tightest smile as he uncomfortably, slightly nods, locked in place. He looks like he is trying to smile after biting a lemon. This man is deeply fucking uncomfortable which you can deal with much better rather than hostile. You need to keep this shit up. Fuck, WWGD?
What would Gorgor do? You think back to his tricks and techniques that you learned from being his partner. How to maintain control over a situation without dominating it completely or else a highblood could easily feel like you were overstepping and at best, get defensive and shut you down and choose another teal. You don't want to think about the worst case scenario. But you are not Tagora Gorjek and have not been playing four dimensional mental chess with people since hatching. Also death is more of a temporary roadblock at this point, so really, there is no sweep like the sweep you’re fucking in since you couldn’t escape it even if you wanted to.
You already overstepped by making this about quads so you just need to keep talking confidently long enough to fluster him into answering so that you can try to run off. An alien coming back from the dead out of concern for his personal life is probably doing it well enough.
Do you two have like a history from before this or did it start when you got your assignments here?
You are trying to convey an authority you don't fucking have. But as someone once taught you, image is everything and to fake it until you make it. You don't need to have your shit together, god no, but if religiously following a nineteen step east Alternian skin care regimen or parroting back bullshit you've heard like you're a goddamn relationship wizard makes people think you do, then bitch you better roll with it.
"We started working together l!ke a few wipes ago, but k!nda just started talk!ng," he says slowly and unsure, staring at you. You hum knowingly at him and he squints at you, perturbed. You place a hand on your chin and shift your stance to that of one in thoughtful consideration, the fact that you are closer to door thanks to it is not relevant. You look like you do this all the time, which you do. He glances around the room and pales.
God, he must be panicking worse than you are. He is answering. This is probably ideal. Okay plan time, so he and the other lady, Yleeda, are the only ones who saw you here. Wherever here is, and she thinks you’re dead so really you just need to have him be incredibly cool and then run into literally no other person on board the ship while exploring it, figure out where you are, and how you got here. Easy if you don’t think about it.
You were trying to get to Mallek and he is neither of these people so maybe he is on board somewhere on whatever place they restocked at. Maybe he does get to work with tech and he got to hole up somewhere with access to energy drinks that would kill anyone gold and below. This could mean you will never find him. Okay, you need to deal with one thing at a time.
Oh, so when you got started working on this ship? Is Yleeda doing anything to irk you back?
You ask this while stepping to look cool and relaxed against a wall, like all normal, cool guys do. Guys who are calm and not worried at all about incineration. Guys just trying to get a feel for where others are at so that they can give appropriate advice in appropriate situations that they are in. Those guys. You are them.
Your back finally makes contact with a wall. Or at least you thought it was a wall based off of how solid it was. You look up when you feel something grab your shoulder. The sound of the machinery that you thought would mask your footsteps definitely masked Yleeda’s entering the room. She stares down at you and then back up at Etivor, her gloved hand holding you firm.
So that plan didn't work.
Notes: How quickly can one person get attached to fantrolls made up on the spot to act as plot devices? One author finds out.
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tribeworldarchive · 5 years
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Interview with the Creators of The Tribe - Raymond Thompson and Harry Duffin!
Where did the idea for the Tribe come from? Why does the Tribe have Zoot, Amber, Bray and the other characters? Where is the Tribe set? The Interviews section is where you will find the answers to these questions and many more from interviews with the cast and behind the scenes members of the Cloud 9 team who make the Tribe. We have received loads of emails and letters with questions about the Tribe both on-screen and off-screen - and there are more questions posted each day on Tribe Talk. Many of the answers to these questions will be given by the people featured in the Interviews section. In this interview, we are pleased to put forward 20 questions to the creators and devisors of the Tribe, Raymond Thompson (who is also the Executive Producer) and Harry Duffin (who is also the Script Consultant for the series). The answers to the questions are given below as RT for Raymond Thompson, and HD for Harry Duffin. You will also be able to find some other interviews with Raymond Thompson about his role as Executive Producer of the Tribe, and with Harry Duffin in his role as Script Consultant, by clicking on the READ OTHER INTERVIEWS link at the top of this page. There will be more interviews with members of cast - and other behind the scenes members of the Cloud 9 team - in the near future. We would like to thank Raymond Thompson and Harry Duffin for their time as they are extremely busy working on Tribe Series 2. THE INTERVIEW 1. What are your names? Raymond Thompson (RT) and Harry Duffin (HD) 2. Where did the idea for The Tribe come from? RT: I have always been intrigued with the notion of a new world order which probably emanates from coming of age in the 60`s where young people were tremendously affected by the cultural explosion of music, fashion and political climate at the time. Over the years, and with each generation, there has been an element of the rebellious, a feeling that the adults have somehow “screwed up” and that the new generation can build a better world. So the tribe has been simmering for several years in my mind in abstract terms and is a great vehicle to portray the theme of the young inheriting the earth and rebuilding society in their own image (the prime theme of the series is examination of whatever that image might be). HD: A magical moment for Ray Thompson. One of those gifts a writer sometimes gets, if he/she listens hard enough. Never question where a great idea comes from, just say `thanks` and use it. 3. From the idea and concept for the series that became The Tribe, what was the process involved in turning it from an idea - into a series? How was the idea expanded and developed into a series? RT: As a writer with a reasonable track record I have been approached on several occasions to develop new products which tends to be derivative of past successes. I enjoyed enormous acclaim working on Howard`s Way and for a time was approached to develop further soaps which was not really of any interest to me. When I was approached by Nick Wilson of Channel 5 to develop a soap for the millennium targeting a child/adolescent market I was attracted by the notion of structuring a normal framework for human interplay within an abnormal backdrop. I have often described The Tribe as Mad Max meets Neighbours or The Terminator meets Home And Away and was particularly encouraged by Nick`s supportive attitude to really push the boundaries and let my imagination go to develop a series with attitude which could be edgy and as unique as I want it (limited only by the imagination) as long as the issues remain truthful and reflected the world children and young people inhabit. I had worked with Harry Duffin on several occasions and admired his skill as a writer but, above all, his interest in producing quality television which we both believe can only be achieved with conviction and integrity and I thought that Harry would be an ideal collaborator. Harry also shares a love of writers and the creative process. After we exchanged thoughts and ideas we wrote an initial treatment (which basically is a series synopsis and character breakdown) we recruited a team of writers and began discussing the premise. This process is a fulfilling and rewarding one whereby each member of the writing team contributed to the creative discussion and within the brief and before long the tribe started to take shape. HD: how long have I got? Basically, Ray and I tossed around potential characters, and I chatted with a fellow writer, Mike Kenny, who works closely with the age-group, about teenagers attitudes today, because my two daughters are grown up, so I`m not as in touch with teenage life as regularly as I used to be [sadly]. From there we produced a basic premise, only a page or two, character outlines, and an outline for episode one [which changed in the development process, as they always do]. Then I got together a team of writers, [about ten initially] and we developed the story format.
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5. Was there anything you were particularly looking to include in how The Tribe evolved? RT: I was personally very keen to develop a series that would challenge and stimulate an audience rather than rely on lowest common denominator storylines and I think the tribe certainly poses some interesting questions about the world we all inhabit. Interwoven with this I was very keen to portray an attitude and look so that the characters, as well as the world they inhabit, remained creditable. Young people, for example, through the ages have always used fashion to express themselves and I think the look of The Tribe represents young people of the future and says a lot about their attitudes and aspirations. HD: Problems for our characters to solve in their new world. Problems of technology, how to get clean water, some form of power, and also problems of morality. If there`s no one around to tell you how to behave how do you behave? Weıd all have different answers, like Zoot`s attitude versus Amber`s. 6. What were you not looking to include in the evolution of The Tribe? RT: Again, I was very keen to push the boundaries and ensure that we did not trivialise the subject matter of The Tribe. With a series of this genre it would be quite easy to become cliché and negative and to side step some of the hard hitting issues that we intended to explore. And overall, I am very proud that we remained truthful to the original ideal in developing The Tribe and confronted every element rather than run from them to take creative refuge and perhaps ignore the issues we set out to explore. Those issues I believe have been tackled in a multi-dimensional way and I hope are provocative to allow an audience to draw their own conclusions of what is right or wrong in the realisation that the very root of morality is often grey and we have tried to portray that (ie. that issues are not only black and white and often grey). HD: First and foremost, we didn`t want to glorify violence. In the anarchic world of `The Tribe`, [like our own world, sadly] some form of violence is inevitable. But there`s quite enough in the commercial cinema, and we wanted to show there are different things to aspire to. 7. Why are there so many main characters? RT: It is essential to fuel storylines via the character interplay. HD: For a `soap` there aren`t that many characters. Most UK soaps have over twenty and counting. As The Tribe develops, no doubt we`ll introduce new characters and increase the number too. But like any story with a vast canvas, [as we hope ours has], you need a number of main characters to fuel the storylines. Think of most of Dickens novels, or `Vanity Fair` or any number of great stories. 8. What audience age group were you looking to aim at when developing The Tribe? RT: The Tribe is targeted primarily at an audience age of 8 to 18 but we believe that the series can be enjoyed by all outside that age group who are interested in soaps with the subject matter. HD: From eight to eighty. Iıve always believed that a great story for kids, should be able to be enjoyed by adults. Go to any classic Disney film in the cinema and watch the adults gazing spellbound. Have you seen `Toy Story`?. A great script. Beats the newest `Star Wars` effort hands down for story and character. 9. Why are there no adults in the series? RT: All the adults have died within our storylines but some adults might appear at some point… HD: Haven`t you been paying attention? Theyıve all been wiped out by the virus! Or have they…? Wait and see… 10. How long did The Tribe take to create and develop - over what period of time? RT: In actual real time approximately two years to bring the first series to fruition (ie from the time I discussed the project with Nick Wilson at Channel 5 to the time the first series was broadcast) but, as previously mentioned, I have wanted to do this series for several years as it houses radical issues which are both profound and dramatic - and I know that Harry Duffin has also wanted to explore these as well for a very long time. HD: About ninety years - which is how long Ray and I have been fascinated by stories and story-telling. Oh, you mean actually? Ray threw the idea at me in November [`97] and we produced our first block of four scripts by July `98.
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11. Why are the main Tribe characters based in a shopping mall? RT: We needed a base where the Tribe could interact as a group for both logistical reasons and creative. Within the shopping mall there is also intriguing shops for the characters themselves to inhabit so that privately and collectively the writers have a unique framework to explore the character development and interplay. HD: Mazlo`s hierarchy of needs states that one of womankind`s basic priorities is safe shelter [and mankind`s, for that matter.] The mall is defendable, [to a degree], itıs got separate places for our guys to make their own, and more importantly, it keeps all our main characters together, which for us writers is essential. Otherwise youı`d have a lot of scenes with people talking to themselves. Very boring. 12. Is The Tribe meant to be set anywhere in particular? RT: The Tribe is set anywhere in the world. HD: Mo. It`s supposed to be universal, really. In the universe, but who knows where? Is it on earth? Maybe. Only time, and the muse, will reveal all… 13. How did you decide upon the issues that would feature in the storylines - such as environmental messages, teenage pregnancy or bulimia? RT: I think young people have always been very much in tune spiritually and tend to be more elemental than material and this is always an interesting area to explore which usually manifests in themes of idealism. As far as other issues in rebuilding a new world we are able to focus on technology and the environment and science and all that that entails which provides fuel for good storylines. We have also tried to examine issues that young people live everyday of their life from bullying to bulimia and all of this has been interwoven with the emotional interplay which always drives the best drama (ie the examination of inner conflict and the loves, fears, betrayals and ambitions within a group of people). HD: Look around you, buddy. What`s out there is what we use. We don`t want to preach, but we do want to reflect life as it really is. Bulimia is a tragedy that often affects teenage girls a very close friend of mine suffered from it, and it`s her experience that drove our story for Salene. It`s the same with every issue we include. Whatıs more important than the environment, the world we rely on for our very life? [except maybe our latestboy/girlfriend, rave, movie idol?] I joke. Our main aim is to entertain and engage an audience, but if the series gets some people thinking, who wouldn`t otherwise have thought about things, then that`s great. 14. Are there any ideas that were considered in the development of The Tribe - but that were not used? RT: The creative process is a painful and arduous one and ideas are forever being dropped or changed. And so approximately 10% of ideas discussed end up being scripted and even then end up evolving right up until the material is shot and committed. Its organic. The strength for any good series lies in the writing. That is the sole creative area. All other areas are interpretive (although that process itself requires a creative expertise) in the sense that someone has interpreted something that a writer has created. HD: Tons. For every ten ideas thrown up in development, maybe only a couple would be used. It`s an experiment. What works, what doesn`t work? And thatıs only a matter of opinion, of taste, instinct. Some names, like Zoot [dreamed up by our lead writer, Dave Fox] come ready made. Others you have to work at, like choosing a name for a baby. What works for PaulaYates might not be right for you or me. Secret: Bob, the dog, was originally called Sherbert, but the dog responded better to it`s real name, and the youngsters in the cast had made friends with the real dog and kept calling it `Bob` during the takes. After about take twenty was ruined, it was decided to give up and let the dog win.
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15. What messages does The Tribe say to its audience? RT: I hope the message is a positive one. The notion of what happens in a series is totally different to what a series is about. Everyone knows what happens in The Tribe but that is not necessarily what the series is about and I would hope that the Mall Rats tribe and their aspirations and triumphs through their various encounters and adversities is a shining testament which will inspire a viewer to realise that human grasp can, and does, extend beyond reach and that there is always hope whereby good triumphs in the end. The prime underlying thematic is young people rebuilding a new world and in that context the theme is a profound one about conscientiousness determining existence or existence determining conscientiousness. This question and theme has challenged humanity since time began and it is doubtful whether there is an answer to that question. The soul of that question has inspired some of the greatest political minds of our time and although Marxist dogma might fall on the side that existance determines conscientiousness - I hope that the Tribe portrays that conscientiousness, in the end determines existence. Within our character interplay we have structured various voices to represent all kinds of theories (ie. Tai-San is mystical, Bray the elemental, Jack the practical, et cetera) but within the human condition overall I believe that the emotions of all the characters in the Tribe lies within us all. Some aspects are dormant, others lie sleeping and just need to awaken, others run rampant. But overall I think the storylines will entertain on one level, but on another level I sincerely hope that that are provocative enough for an audience to question whom why, what, where. HD: I think I`ve answeres some of that earlier. We`re not trying to `educate`, but we are trying to provoke a response. And yes, out main `hero` characters do have a positive attitude to life. I know Zoot is very popular (some of you guys are very weird!) but would you really like him as your own best mate? Boyfriend? You could argue that he is being positive in his own way, I guess, the only way he knows how in a dangerous world, but putting the world back together again isn`t just about looking after number one, is it? 16. What do you feel is the best thing about the Tribe - and why? RT: I think the best thing about The Tribe is its vision and scope and the fact that it is a landmark series ­ and a brave one for all concerned to embark upon. HD: Everything. I love it. It`s a crazy world and guess what? It`s set to get crazier yet! 17. What advice would you give to anybody reading this who might have their own idea for a series - how should they go about progressing it? RT: Writing is like everything else in life and if a person believes in something then they must vigorously pursue it no matter what anyone else thinks if they believe in their heart that what they are seeking is right. No-one has a monopoly on what is good or bad in writing - it is purely subjective and it has been my experience that the key to success as a writer - like anything else in life - is patience and persistance. Nothing succeeds like persistance - but it can take some time and this requires patience. HD: The most common problem about series ideas is that though they may be exciting initially, they often don`t have what we call `legs` in our business. That means the premise wonıt hold or develop over a period of time. So my best advice is, don`t write episode one, write episode ten, or a hundred and ten. If it`s still exciting then, you may have a winner. 18. Is The Tribe a one-off series or an on-going series? RT: Harry Duffin and I, and indeed all members of the Cloud 9 team, believe that The Tribe can run forever. But the ultimate deciding factor is the audience. As long as the fans want to view the series and then every member of the team will be happy to produce it. HD: Ray and I think it can last forever. But that`s for you guys to decide. It`ll last as long as you watch it. 19. When is the tribe set - how long after the adults disappeared? RT: Notionally we think in terms of 9 months after the adults disappear. HD: We figured about six to nine months. 20. What about series 2 of the tribe - what aspects do the back-story elements look at? RT: With the series of the tribe we have a definitive story structure about the world our characters inhabit. The characters themselves also have their own history and in series 2 we explore an interesting back story and will continue to show elements of what happened before which I think will interest viewers when they are witnessing what happens now and second guessing what will happen in the future. HD: There`s a great back-storyline about how Bray, Ebony, Trudy and Zoot were before the virus. If you ever wanted to know how Zoot became the Zoot we all love to hate, all will be revealed in series two.
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fanresearcher-blog · 5 years
My Criticism of Planet Puto
You know, just in case HC never finds about my criticism...
“Hello HC! My original criticism was lost…unfortunately but I`m determined to get my message to you. I wrote it on Word first before posting it in your submit. If you managed to get my old submission, then I`m glad that it worked, but if it didn`t then that`s why I have this. So HC, I wanted to do this for a long time but I needed to be composed of my thoughts first. Now I`m ready.
In this submission, I want to talk about the character development of your personification characters and character design. I`ll also talk a little bit of the lore by the end of the post. It is not intended for hate, it is just criticism. I am also aware that Planet Puto is more like random posts instead of comics or something. The reason I feel like giving criticism is for HC`s improvement in some stuff and to voice my concerns. Before I write my criticism, I would like to praise HC for her/his dedication to creating that group of Actor AU (I don`t know their names but it`s the Aswang lady and her Spanish-y husband and they had twins). I love your work since it has good art but mostly it`s because you post so often. Reading your posts become a part of my everyday routine.
So before we get to the specific criticism and tips, I`ll talk about my general problems with the personification characters. It appears to be, that the characters are used for meaningless fanservice. When I`m scrolling through the Planet Puto archives, once in a while I will see characters drawn with sexy poses or they have ship tease with someone. If it is part of their character, then that would make sense. So is everybody…smutty? It seems like whenever there is a major foreign country, they would be shipped with Elena or Emilio. There are entire pages filled with random pick-up lines from Emilio and all the art of Elena with the guys.
I`m not saying that shipping is bad. I think it is perfectly fine for some countries to be attracted to Emilio or Elena. What I don`t understand is…why? Why do those countries find Emilio or Elena attractive? What do they see in them? Please don`t say, that they love the Phils because Emilio is pogi and Elena is maganda. If that is the reason, why they love those twins, then that is not real love at all. Also…they can`t just be compatible because of politics! It is like shipping someone with another person just because they had a good business deal. It also makes me wonder if a country can even decide who to love instead of who they are told to by their bosses. It`s sad no?  
It would be best that you create the character before the ship. If you create the ship before the character, they may end up not being their own person. Also pair the ones, who are naturally compatible. It`s like food combos, there are basics like cheese and tomato go so well but when you experiment you will also find out that green mango tastes great with bagoong. Relationships, like food combinations, should be compatible. When people talk about food combos, you hear “The tomato`s freshness balances out the saltiness of salted egg” or “A bit of chili actually brings out the flavor of vinegar”, so characters should be like “He has a great mind but sometimes he can be really tough. She quite emotional but she can be the best friend you can ever have. Together, his heart softens and he learns how to get along with other people. She learns how to keep cool and keep things together now.” Characters by themselves are great, like peanut butter bread and jelly bread, but when you put them together, they are even better.
Be careful of red flags! If the relationship is starting to break boundaries, border on abuse, and toxic behaviors, please stop. It will just give the wrong message to the audience if you ship something like that. After all, in a food combo, if one of the ingredients are rotten it would make you sick. The pair should not be toxic to each other. You can still portray abusive relationships, but please don`t romanticize or encourage it because it`s not okay. It will never be okay.
 You must develop them first, though. After you got their character, then you can start thinking about shipping. They must care about each other. That is the bare minimum for a good ship. In psychology, people are more likely to be attracted to someone they have in common with but not too much in common. The thing they have in common could be anything like background, motivation, interests, etc… After that, be careful not to make them too similar or too different. To add special garnish, if the work has a theme, then it would be best if that ship reflects opposite or different sides of the theme. That would make everything really juicy. Remember to not force it, if they can`t match no matter how hard you try, then they weren`t meant to be. Move on. The best ships will just come into place.
Summary for writing ships:
-They must care for each other
-It must be natural
-They must have something in common but different enough
-Avoid Red Flags
My other general problem is random sadness. I`m okay with sadness, but the sadness in Planet Puto is very random. Everything is happy then boom! Sadness. I don`t understand what it is supposed to mean, what am I supposed to know here? There is a pattern of using historical events for angst. It would be much better if the angst was more built up and more meaningful if the characters had character.
Let`s start with the protagonist, Emilio. Of all of the characters, he is the one I have problems with the most. I find it hard to discern a characteristic to him other than a pabebe, a flirt, and a pushover. I`m sorry if that is insulting, but that is my own impression. He may not be like that, but the way he is portrayed gave me that vibes. So what makes a protagonist likable and memorable? They should:
Struggle: Hmm…does Emilio struggle? I have been searching all the pages with Emilio in them to know. None of those posts indicate really big things. I try to dig deeper like a Language Teacher but it is hard for me to see the meaningful struggle. All I see is meaningless angst. The problems that Emilio faces are politics, love life, and history. Politics, I understand that it is hard to live with such a corrupt government. What I need to know is…how does this affect Emilio personally? Normally, citizens of this country will not feel affected by politics. Sometimes they will be affected, but most of the time they would live most of their lives without worrying about this. It would be best to show how it affects Emilio on a personal level, so I can feel why.
Love life, it is now a more human problem. I wonder why personifications aren`t marrying each other by now. So many feelings and ship tease! Are they forbidden? If that is so, then that would be impractical. There are so many countries in the world, so at least one government permits a country to marry another country. I also wonder why Emilio only dated Brunei. I remember you said it is because of the union of the Kingdom of Tondo and something Brunei. So does that mean, whenever a country is joined by political alliance or merging of kingdoms, are they are automatically in love or dating? Heartbreak happens, it is a human thing but I hope it isn`t too much of a problem. There is such a thing as move on, right?
 History, now that could have a lot of potential. I think there is a lot of creative potential with this. The problem is…how do you portray it properly? The best thing to do is to look in history books and determine what he would be doing at a place in time. Give him a backstory based on the things taught in history. I know you are doing that, but I think it is unrealistic that Emilio is everywhere at once. How is he in a lot of historical events!?! There has to be an explanation. I think it could be answered by knowing his occupation exactly. What is his skills? What are his abilities? Does he have powers to help out? What does being a personification mean? These things could really help me understand how the plot works.
 (Out of topic: What is being a personification? How immortal is he? What if we cut off a personification`s head? Would they die? What if we chopped off their fingers? Would they be crippled or would their limbs grow back eventually? In your WWII drawing, Elena asks Japan to finish off her useless brother, so are you saying he can die? What if no one saved Emilio?
Do personifications get paid for being personifications? Can they resign? Do they have insurance or vacation days? Do they get a bonus? Do they get senior citizen`s discount, after all, they are older than our grandparents? Why do countries have a girl and boy version? Let`s say Emilio resigns from being Phil, would Elena have another twin?
What jobs do personifications do? Are they immediately conscripted to be a soldier, kind of Captain America? Captain America is a super soldier and also used for propaganda. Do they go in missions assigned to them by their presidents? I remember your Brunei and Phil post, that countries might be super spies by their governments. Is it really something like that? Are countries allowed to have other jobs? I remembered a post, I asked if personifications can have jobs. Emilio answered that he wanted to be a general, so he is not allowed to? He is the amang bayan after all, can he use his influence to get the job that he dreams of. Why can`t he be a general? I also heard your answer that being a personification means that you help people, how do they help people? Do they work in social services? Military? Education? Counseling? Psychology? NGO?
Can they have superpowers or are they as strong as an average person?
PLEASE ANSWER THIS, EVEN IF IT TAKES TIME. I CAN WAIT. You don`t have to make a drawing for it. Just type or draw if you like, I just really need to know. What if you randomly gave the characters abilities out of thin air? That would be really confusing. You might risk yourself with plot holes. We would be left out with the information needed to know what their life is like. If they have more detail what is their job exactly, then I would feel like they are more relatable because they actually have a life of their own other than being a mascot.)
Not whine: Back to one of the general problems, random sadness. Emilio is the one with the most random sad posts, so he has that main problem. I don`t know about you but if you put it in real life. It would sound like whining (I`m sorry). What is whining? It is a negative connotation of complaint. Complain is to express grief, pain, or discontent. It is okay to show strong emotion possibly even required but it would be weird to hugot it a lot.
 I already talked about the struggle part, not whining is the combo for struggle. Why? When someone suffers and they whine, suffer, whine, suffer, then more whining, then it would feel like handling an annoying baby. I know that they have pain but I would not respect them if they whine. They would be just like an average person to me, “That sucks, but the way you reacted made me not like you.”
Struggle makes the audience root out for the protagonist because it is natural human behavior to root out for the underdogs and struggle is what everyone goes through so it`s relatable. Not whining is what makes the protagonist respectable. Who has more virtue, a person that complains whenever there is something inconvenient vs someone who endures it instead?
A protagonist should be relatable hence, struggle, but they should also have something admirable because if they are so painstakingly average it is not any more interesting. We did not ask for reality to be displayed, we already live with that every day. What we want is to be entertained, learn, or feel something. A protagonist is someone we should admire, respect, and relate to.
In my opinion, Emilio in the Yandere!Adam event actually shows a bit of character and for the first time, I find myself surprised to actually care about a fictional character even if it is a little bit. What I am talking about, are the normal posts before that.
Be active: This is what makes an ordinary protagonist, entertaining. An active protagonist is a protagonist that shapes the plot while a passive protagonist is pushed by the plot. Why I believe that Emilio, isn`t an active protagonist, he is controlled by events. I have never seen an event that Emilio started because of his actions. For example, Yandere!Adam event, Yandere!Adam is the one that sets the events in motion, while Emilio just watches. I can understand since it is a Yandere!Adam event, it has to focus on Yandere!Adam. I just wish that there is an event of Emilio`s own doing.
(Out of topic: I feel like Emilio and Elena`s relationship isn`t that strong when I looked at the Yandere!Adam event. Letting your own twin die?! It affects me a little bit personally because I have a twin of my own. I would never imagine killing my own twin or letting that happen. According to research, boy-girl twins are even closer than same-sex twins, so they should be closer but they are not. Maybe it is because they were separated for so long, so that is why they aren`t that close.)
So in totality, I think Emilio needs a lot of work in his character.
-Please elaborate in his struggles
-Tone down the hugot
-Have an event focused on Emilio
-Add more to his backstory
-Tell us more about him
  So that is all with Emilio. The other main characters like Elena, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, Manila, Cebu, and Davao don`t get enough characterization. They feel like caricatures and stereotypes sometimes. I don`t get who they are supposed to be like. Cebu as INTJ really? As a fan and deep researcher of MBTI, it is hard to see why Cebu will be that. In a nutshell, my impression of them are:
Elena: Oh I`m going to help Emilio, get shipped with so many dudes, and do most of the country work.
Luzon: I`m Miss Serious who is kind of like Manila by design. I`m also the boss and hate insubordination.
Visayas: I`m the guy that has such a peaceful life and brown streak of hair. (Apparently, I also betrayed my countrymen by siding with Spain.)
Mindanao: ….
Manila: I hate probinsyanos! Especially Cebu. I`m swimming in the trash and I have problems…with Cavite. #ampalaya #lifesucks #dacapital
Cebu: I hate Manila! (Hehe I speak Bisaya so he can`t understand) I also don`t get along with Iloilo.
Davao: Yay! (Anime hair).
(Out of topic: I get confused with the glasses on capitals. You said that it was a sign of progress and you put the capitals of other nations with it. It feels quite the opposite. People need glasses to see, so when someone becomes a capital do they become visually impaired? Or they don`t really need it. Does that mean that glasses on capitals are like crowns on royalty? It gets quite confusing to theorize over simple stuff like that. It seems to be too much of a coincidence.)
I`ll talk more about character design later which involves the main characters.
While writing this, I realized that foreign personifications were more developed than the main characters. They show more personality in a page than Emilio or Elena can show in 10 pages. For Adam, I thought his character design immediately gave me the vibes of someone who would be America. He tries to keep his reputation so he hides his brown eye with contacts and he hides issues to show that he is strong. When it came to struggling, I feel like that is implied. He seems admirable at some aspect and he sets the story forward as a colonizer.
His character design also gives an implication of his character. He has blonde hair and blue eyes (something that is associated with America), he has a blue business suit, red tie, and white underneath. That is the colors of the American flag! Colors like that are usually associated with heroes. I immediately saw a developed character in him. I wonder why that can`t be the same for Emilio or Elena.
Emilio`s outfit is a Filipino barong, he has sun-kissed brown hair, tan skin, and really, really light brown eyes. He is basically brown all the way through. While Elena has similar eyes, black hair, and light tan skin. Their outfits are traditional Filipino clothing. Luzon has a yellow tie and female business suit. Visayas has a red shirt and brown pants. Mindanao has a white robe with blue highlights. It seems like the island groups are wearing the colors of the Philippine flag.
 Their character designs are okay enough. It could possibly do better but it`s okay. When I mean to do better, I think you should modify it a little bit so it can look better. Like add detail to the clothes, use a different shade of color perhaps (the current colors aren`t bad on its own but I think it is best to experiment), and I think that is basically it. I get that you gave them really unusual eyes, to give them an anime feel (Personally I don`t like it, but I would not criticize that. It is your own personal aesthetic decision.). Maybe give Emilio and Elena an alternate casual outfit, the traditional clothing makes them seem like they can`t move on from the past (unless that is what you are going for).
The provinces are what I have a problem with. I can see that you tried, but some of them need work. They look unique but not unique enough. Sorry but, I think they look like branded food from the grocery sometimes. The Mindanaoan personifications are the most unique, Visayan personifications vary in quality but mostly unique, and the Luzones personifications have the most problems. I think you should do a bit more work in Ilocos Region, Cagayan Region, Central Luzon, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, a bit in Western Visayas, and Zamboanga Peninsula.
Ilocos Region:
Pangasinan. Despite being part of Ilocos Region, he isn`t exactly Ilocano. He is Pangasinense. That means he has a different ethnicity than the rest of his fellow region mates. His economy and some of the way he acts is a bit different from the Ilocos. In all means, he is different from the other members. So he should look a little bit different. His fashion sense isn`t that good either. Come on! That collar shirt looks too long and does nothing to improve the figure. The hair is all levels baduy.
Ilocos Twins. They seem too similar to each other. It seems like the only difference is how they tuck their shirts and belts, and that Ilocos Norte is wearing a fake mustache. The minuscule detail is that Ilocos Norte has his pants tucked in more neatly while Ilocos Sur has slightly loose pants. You can differentiate them a bit unless you like it that way.
In general, they are kind of plain. It would be best to add more variety and fashion sense. (Unless you intended it that way)
Cagayan Region, Zamboanga Peninsula, MIMAROPA, and Western Visayas:
Make them a bit more varied.
Central Luzon:
Pampanga. My DEAR province would never wear something like that! It`s like he didn`t move on from the past. Bro, it is the modern days not revolution. Besides, Pampanga would wear a uniform during that period of time. In reality, Kapampangans like to dress well to the point it is a stereotype. Whenever there is an event or casual life, we always like to dress up. I think it would be best if he has a more fashionable outfit or you add something to the outfit to make it more fashionable. The most fashionable ones always seem to be the Metro Manilenos. It would be good if there are provinces that are really, really fashionable. Fashion is a really big deal.
What feeling are you trying to invoke when you made him?
 Bulacan. Really baduy. This outfit is something I imagined to be in a cheap fantasy project. The upturned collar according to historical events was a trend because it was “preppy”, so okay then I guess since it indicates character. The shirt is really plain and does not catch the eye. It feels like it was cheaply done. The color of mint green or light green used for the shirt does not add to his character. Light green is used to indicate the more positive aspects of green like growth or healing. Quite ironic, since his eyes were turned grey due to fireworks.
The outfit is even worse than Pampanga`s, at least Pampanga`s outfit is something that someone would wear but that is something I don`t see in a traditional outfit or normal clothes.
Others. Bataan`s outfit is also baduy as well as Nueva Ecija. Why do the girls always have to wear traditional clothing? What is Zambales ordinary outfit? He does not dive all day, you know.
I have fewer problems with these guys but...does Cavite have to always wear the uniform. I`ve seen him in a different outfit before. I wonder what his signature normal outfit would look like. Laguna wearing a baro`t saya…a classic for Planet Puto women. What does Quezon have that is different from QC? They are pretty similar.
Character design is of utmost importance because it can determine first impressions and show personality. What I`m looking for in character design is Personality, Color Scheme, and Symbolism. Personality is displayed by the little details like a business suit to indicate the character`s work-like personality or a suspenders to indicate a person`s old-fashioned/gangsta/a cop/compliments the figure of a muscular body. Colors have multiple symbolisms, blue can indicate dependability but can also give a depressing feeling. Light blue has more positive connotations but dark blue indicates the darker aspects. Little things like the wear the clothes are worn can indicate if someone is a slob or a neat person. Clothing can also indicate the standard of living, fashion style, personal preferences, and attitude. After all, you are what you wear.
Of course, character design is not just clothing it could also be a hairstyle, how the body is built, and stuff like gesture can add a push of characterization. Do they wear their hair in a neat manner or they have long hair? Things like that can indicate the beliefs of the person or attitude. Are they muscular? It might indicate that they workout, part of the military, or some physically demanding work. Are they thin? It could indicate that they don`t eat much, but why? See, that adds more character.
-BE FASHIONABLE (unless it is part of their character not to)
-ASK “Why would they wear this?”
-COLOR IS IMPORTANT (research their meanings)
-COLOR SCHEME IS ALSO IMPORTANT (make it still look good, unless it is part of the character to clash)
-Give each character a signature color that fits their personality
Thank you for listening to my character design and characterization criticism. The lore is really difficult to get into. The only lore I can theorize perhaps is the Yandere!Adam with his eyes. That is basically it. I want to know where personifications come from, how immortal are they, and their origins. How was Emilio made? Did he have parents? Or he just appeared into existence? How are Elena and Emilio twins? How are they related to Mindanao, Visayas, and Luzon? You know, questions like that.
I`m sorry if I was offensive or anything. I really mean the best.”
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thefun41 · 6 years
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Next up is Lesbian!Maya This one was definitely a challenge! I’ve drawn Maya a few times but I think this one is the best so far!
I’ll be blabing under the cut but in the meantime look forward to Gay!Klavier (hopefully) on Wednesday!
Edit: I have been informed that this is not the flag currently used. :/ I was wondering why kept seeing a pink one, just not where I was looking.
(Warning : rage and bitching below)
*deep breath* OH BOY! OH GOLLY AHH JEEZ Like DAMN was this a challenge. This took me an entire week!!! Other then Sebastian (because of that jacket) all of the pride requeswts have taken 3 days or less. During those 3 days I research an outfit, make a sketch, normally have a goofy side image to post before it because my brain is hyperactive, obsess over how to pose them and make the final image. Not this time!!! Even though this was an incredible struggle there was a lot that was learned by this… experience. 
So let’s break it down. 
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Struggle #1 : Which flag are we using again? On the Ace Attorney Amino, the requester requested a Lesbian Maya. Here is the issue, in my research I have found a lot of lesbian pride flags and narrowed it down to 2. The lesbian pride flag which is  purple one with the black triangle and the battle axe (which was used) and lipstick lesbian, which is this pink one (see above). Now this bodes the question : What’s the difference? Well as far as I can tell, The purple one came first and is generally an umbrella flag for lesbians, while the pink one was made spicifically for a lesbian subculture : lipstick lesbians. There is a stereotype that lesbians are “masculine”, lipstick lesbians are very comfortable with their femininity, in fact very “girly” and seemed to be underrepresented sooooooo they have their own flag and subculture, kinda like the opposite of gay bear that we covered last time.  It seems like the Pink flag overtook the purple one in popularity OR whoever made the pink one was just better at marketing, who knows. Now the requested went with “a regular lesbian” so battle ax flag it is. Also battle axes are cool, so there’s that.  
Lesson learned : the LGBTQ+ community is waaaaaaay bigger then I thought with subcultures and whatnot. Knowlage is half the battle! 
Struggle #2 : Fashion is hard guys.  Picking the outfit took at least 2 days, and then I changed it at least a half dozen times. there are 3 issues I had (lists within lists, listception) : Maya’s limited style,  using the colour pallette with my messed up, self-restricted viewpoint, and Maya’s age. First Item, off the top of my head, I believe Maya is only seen in 5 outfits, her usual outfit, iris outfit for a moment, a waitress outfit for an hour, a red dress in that one promotional image where the case is super fancy, a white suit outfit thing for soundtrack stuff and a conductor uniform??? Out of the ones I can rememer, mostof thesse are dresses. When debating on weather or not I should put her in a dress I decided no because (as far as I can remember) she’s always ion a dress. and then my brain went nuts with questions.
Why is she always in a dress? is that sexist? It is a problem? What’s wrong with with her always being in a dress? Why do I want to really get her out of a dress? Am I sexist? why do only women were dresses? Is it the hips? Why don”t men wear dresses? Can they? They don’t really have hips so they can’t really wear skirts. Wait a minute men do kinda wear dresses, I mean kilts and kimono’s exist. would the bulge be an issue? Would men emphasize their bulge like women emphasize their breasts? Can men look good in dresses? Can any man look good in a dress? Can I put Edgeworth in a dress and make him look good? I’ve seen a ton of Phoenix in dresses but why not Edgey? … So yeah a lot of useless questions taking up my time for no reason. The point is I purposely designed an outfit with pants … this obviously did not happen. I had this idea of a cozy look in a cute sweater but this leads to the next issue. The issue with this cozy look? It’s too simple.Yes that look is cute but it’s not for me, it’s for the person who requested it. Any it’s entirely possible that this person may have seen the other works from this pride project and the outfits I made for them and then they just get Maya in a sweater? It’s a cute sweater but it didn’t seem fair. A similar issue happened with Phoenix but the solution to that was just to open his shirt and BOOM, extra layers and thus a more complex look. Now maybe the the OG requester wouldn’t mind but I just couldn’t do it, I feel like I needed to give her an outfit with more effort into it. And thuys Maya went back into skirt, now this lead to the third issue : Maya’s age. I found a lot of nice outfits, outfits that would look great on Maya! … When she was a teenager. Now maya is most definitely a full grown women and not a child. Now weather or not I pulled off the 28 year old Maya will be discussed later but nonetheless, all of those cute outfits I found? Out the window. I was so indecisive that I just asked my brother to pick one. Honestly? I really liked what he picked, and I confirmed with my dad that, yes, you can put this outfit on a almost 30 year old. The scarf ended up being omitted in favour of her magatama, otherwise we ended up with the same problem as before, it’s too simple. this time with a few days of work under our belt so there was no way I was going to start over. The solution to this was a nice floral pattern based on a cherry blossom. this makes it more visually simple. I think it looks pretty! After all that work I do like the end result. 
Lesson learned : Stop. Over. Thinking. Things. And for the love of god sketch it out. Just looking on google and imagining on the character  sometimes will not cut it. If I don’t get it relatively quickly, doodle, draw and scribble some more.  
Struggle #3 : Why can’t I draw women?? I am one?!?! Like seriously, why, it makes no sense. Well actually it does make sense because I am fairly sure I can count the amount of women I’ve drawn with one hand. It’s a simple measure of practice. I was foolish to think that simply drawing human’s would be enough. sadly that is not the case. Men and women are built differently and of course I failed to accommodate… many many times. The amount of times I have modified maya and changed her proportions is unreal. One thing I do all the time is make the abdomen too long and I have no idea why this is. Her face! I have no cluw what went wrong the first dozen times but it just didn’t work! I wish I could explain why but it just didn’t look right. you”ll notice that she doesn’t have lips even though she does in her new design, It’s because I have never been able to draw lips. Ever. Not once. Does she even look like an adult? I can’t even tell anymore. She is a little thicker then her concept art but making her look thinner just didn’t work out. Her arms, I had to hid them since the preportions were all off, the hands were held together in front of her checkl and they were too lanky and there was nothing I could do to make it look good and don’t get me started on her hands please don’t. If I didn’t cut off her legs I would have issues with that too. Her breasts, how on earth do you shade those??? Does not compute. DOES NOT COMPUTE!!!  So yeah the struggle is real. The solution? Trial and error. Just keep trying until it looks good. Play with your strengths. A friend of mine told me that she reminder her of Tina from Bob’s Burgers… ok? Sure. So after all that while I do like the end result I also see what can be improved, and sadly we have reached the limits of my skill at this time. 
Lessons learned : Practice practice practice. I don’t draw enough women, I need to draw more women. I can’t quite comprehend how cloths fall on the chest area and obviously looking the mirror is not a solution. What is the solution? Drawing naked people. … No seriously. Once I learn proper anatomy and human proportions and how muscles distribute over the body not only will I have a lot easier time drawing these characters I will also be able to figure out how clothing would fall on their bodies and i’ll have a easier time shading. Right now I’m drawing and shading clothing without knowing WHY it’s folding like that or why the light is hitting this area. Of course I’ll be doing this for both men and women because as started before, they are built differently. do you know what I also can’t draw? Children. I am NOT applying this to the kiddies. That’s weird and gross. The kids will have t deal with being freaks. I’m cool with that.
Struggle #04 :  Life How did we break 3 fuses at my house while I was at work? Why did it effect half my room upstairs, the computer setup that is downstairs and the WiFi on the main floor when the thing used to blow the fuse was in an upstairs room across the hall. why did no one fix it until the next day? Why just leave it like that? Why did I sleep in until 1 when I’ve been consistently waking up at 9? I had things to do what gives? Why did I accept a split shift the next day when I’m exhausted? Why do I get super stressed out when I set an alarm that I can’t sleep? Why am I spending 3 hours writing this when I never bothered to put this much effort in school work? How have I not punched someone yet?
Lessons learned : Don’t rely on anyone but yourself. Do what you can with the time allowed. Pat yourself on the back for not resorting to violence. How to change fuses. Writing this is very therapeutic.  Did you last this long? Who knows! All I do know is that yes this was a struggle but I plan on learning from this. Next up is Gay!Klaver and I’m REALLY looking forward to it!
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theshadiertwin · 6 years
D&Dangerous All-Fictional All-Stars
As I promised to @davependrys on twitter, here’s my full 20 person women’s hockey roster made entirely of people’s Tabletop RPG characters and NPCs, plus my picks for the captain, the 2 assistant captains, the coach, and the GM.  I submitted only Kima, Strix and Carey Fangbattle in the official RAWHL fantasy draft, but I was inspired and couldn’t stop!  
Click below the cut for the full list, and feel free to reblog with your own picks!
(Be warned that my reasoning has spoilers for Critical Role C1 and C2, The Adventure Zone: Balance, Dice Camera Action, VAST, Eric’s TBD RPG, and Shield of Tomorrow.  I also mention Acquisitions Inc: C Team, but there are no spoilers for that campaign)
Kima of Vord (Critical Role Campaign 1)
Lady Kima of Vord is a paladin of the Platinum Dragon, well known for her aggression, strength, stubbornness, and unwavering faith in her friends.  Her faith and stubbornness would prove equally important as a Goalie in the RAWHL, although the aggression may prove problematic if opponents manage to get under her skin.
Lup (The Adventure Zone)
As a high level Evocation Wizard and Lich, Lup certainly has the skills necessary to play in the RAWHL.  She survived a 12 year imprisonment in an umbrella with her mind and powers intact, and her focus remains impeccable both as a mortal and in her lich form - important when facing smart opposition in the rink.
Strix (Dice, Camera, Action) *Assistant Captain
While her history of fear might indicate a disadvantage as a defensive stalwart, Strix’s main motivation in all of her heroic endeavours have been protection of her friends. I see some great leadership potential in Strix, but her anxiety makes me hesitate to give her the C right off the bat, so she gets an A.
Killian (The Adventure Zone)
Killian doesn’t have a lot of patience for incompetence.  She pushed herself to the peak as a rogue, and will be able to steal the puck away from her opponents and get it as far away from her net as she can.  She’ll also push her team to be better at doing the same.
Vex’ahlia (Critical Role Campaign 1)
Honestly, I was torn on whether to put Vex on Defence or Forward, but when I considered that she multi-classed in Rogue, I settled on Defence.  I needed her on the team for her speed though - Vex just flies. (SORRY NOT SORRY FOR PUNNING)
T’Lan (Shield of Tomorrow)
T’Lan is more a stay-at-home defender than the rest, but her analytical mind will put her in ideal positioning at any given point during the day.  Plus, given her Vulcan strength, she will be nigh unmovable if anyone wants to knock her off the puck.
Kayla Torvis (VAST)
Kayla’s history as the protector of the Rampel Family puts her in the right mindset for defence, and her ability to withstand a direct blast from a tank give her the physical ability to protect the net.  She also has incredible tactical skill from her 135-ish years participating in the Sojourner-Returner conflict and observing the aftermath as a wandering ronin. She may have some difficulty meshing with some of the other personalities on the team, due to her long solitude, but the team leadership should mitigate that issue.
Louvin Yikjaal Muur (VAST)
Louvin’s high level of intelligence and tendency to jump to the defence of her crew made her an ideal two-way defender.  Her Kiraeyi racial trait, pheremones, will also give her an advantage when battling forwards for possession of the puck.
Carey Fangbattle (The Adventure Zone)
Carey is far too flashy to be a defender.  Just... can you picture her sitting around and waiting for someone to bring the puck close so she can stop it?  No.  She’s gonna chase that puck.  She’s going to chase it to the other goal and then she’s gonna score and kiss Killian and it’ll be great.  I love their love and I want them both on my team.  Shut up, you do too.
Nott the Brave (Critical Role Campaign 2)
Speed and size, more than anything, put this Goblin Rogue among my forwards.  It’s perhaps a little obvious, but she’s a pickpocket forward, more likely to pass the puck to her team than go for the snipe herself, although she’s certainly capable if she has the shot.
Evelyn Avalona Helvig Marthain (Dice, Camera, Action)
As a paladin of the Morning Lord, Evelyn is the kind of forward who will be absolutely lethal on a breakaway, but more than that she will be able to draw attention to herself in the opponent’s end while her linemates get themselves into better position for a dump goal.
Jester (Critical Role Campaign 2)
While we don’t know know everything about Jester yet, she’s certainly another flashy forward.  She’s also extremely strong, and will be well suited to muscle off bulky stay-at-home defence on the opposite team.
Throlo Sh’shirros (Shield of Tomorrow)
As an Andorian, Dr Sh’shirros is at home on the ice.  Her innate skill on skates will put her on the team but it’s her analytical mind and unbeatable optimism that I really want.
Lark Sage/Razka Anell (Shield of Tomorrow)
Our mult-named Bajoran has a lot of aggression and past trauma to work out, and I personally think sports would be very good for that.  She’s also an excellent pilot, and because of that she’ll be able to see lots of great routes through defensive nets to give herself a breakaway opportunity.
Keyleth (Critical Role Campaign 1) *Assistant Captain
Keyleth’s skill is, of course, vast and undeniable, and her leadership as the Headmaster of the Air Ashari is certainly a great feature.  She’s used to an established team and structure though, with personalities that almost always mesh well, which is why I’m giving her the A instead of the C
Tova (Critical Role Campaign 1)
Tova’s there for the dump goals.  She’s going to hang out beside the net and wait for her lineys to pass her the puck and slide it in beside the goalie, and there’s nothing you can do about it.  She escaped the Hells, after all - she knows how to hide when she needs to, and when you see her again it will be too late for you!
Zahra Hydris (Critical Role Campaign 1)
Zahra brings a veteran presence to this majority young team, and it’s certainly needed.  She’s strong tactically, and strong physically, and strong magically.  More likely to bring the puck to the net than to shoot from farther away, but capable of scoring from distance.
Lucy Bard (VAST) *Captain
Lucy Bard is a trailblazer, being the first human to captain a Peacekeep vessel, the leader of the team that discovered the Secret of the Pac-Ha, and the broker of the peace between the Peacekeep and the Brightest Eye.  Her undeniable talent puts her on the team, but her incredible skill at managing multiple big personalities and getting them to work together for a common goal, as well as her skill in communicating with both hostile and adoring media, puts her in the lead for the Captaincy.
Visionary Destroyer (VAST)
The queen of the Brightest Eye, Visionary Destroyer is aggressive, fast, and larger than the rest of her species. She expects loyalty from everyone on her side, and is very good at inspiring that loyalty among even those she has previously wronged in pursuit of her goals.  She is potentially going to have difficulty making fast changes to her tactics, but as her tactics have generally worked in the past this may not be an issue.
Finn (Eric’s TBD RPG)
Unforunately, I’m having trouble finding a synopsis of Finn’s background to link to, but this age of sail pirate queen is all about action.  She is unlikely to make flashy moves to draw attention to herself, which could put her in the right position to snipe at the net... unless her very excitable space spouse somehow gives away her position to the opposition.  Regardless, she;ll have a good time on the ice and throw a good party afterwards, and isn’t that half the fun?
Coach: Rosie Beestinger (Acquisitions Inc: C Team)
Rosie’s age and experience as an adventurer make her a standout choice for someone these women will listen to and learn from, and her tactical skill indicate that she will be able to create plays and combinations that will dominate on the ice. She’s also quite protective, but won’t let the women she’s coaching give anything less than their best.
GM: Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Lucretia’s alignment is certainly up for debate, but I’ve always read her as lawful neutral, which is fairly important in a GM. She’s also got an incredible tactical mind, a huge team of very well trained scouts on her payroll, and a mystical jellyfish that can erase information from the minds of anyone not inoculated against its power.  The future of this team is in good hands with Lucretia as the GM.
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chaos-weekly · 3 years
“Do you have, like, a vendetta against romantic movies or something?” Faye groaned, collapsing into her seat. “You ruled out The Notebook, 10 Things I Hate About You, Safe Haven, and every other romantic movie in my arsenal. It’s like you’re trying to make picking a movie as miserable as possible.”
“I’m just not feeling any of those,” Seneca sighed. She wasn’t frustrated, her mind was just elsewhere. 
She’d made the decision to tell Faye about her s-xual as-ault tonight, no matter how much she wanted to avoid it. Someone in Miami needed to know. Faye was her best friend here, and she was going to be mad that Seneca hadn’t told her sooner. But she’d needed time to process everything. It wasn’t like she had gotten over it overnight. Her friends had rallied around her and helped her fight, pushed her to get help, and cried with her when she needed it. Unfortunately, that had been at school, and Seneca wasn’t at UPenn right now. In fact, she’d never be at UPenn again. She’d just graduated and was going to a new school, one where no one would know who she was or what she’d been through. She needed to practice telling people and building new support systems, or else starting law school would be just as emotionally damaging in that sense as being home was.
“Well, I’m just going to pick one for us, then. It’s not like we really watch them, anyway,” Faye said decidedly. She resumed her scrolling, eventually decided on Easy A. This was fine with Seneca, but it was more fine that she didn’t have to give her input. Romance felt dead to her this evening. 
They leaned back and started watching the movie in silence. Seneca was more invested in the popcorn, but Faye’s eyes were glued to the screen.
“You know, I’ve always wondered why she didn’t try to get with Mr. Griffith,” Faye mused, mouth full of M&M’s. “He’s just so hot, and if his wife was willing to have s-ex with a student, I don’t think he would’ve been too against it either.” Seneca’s chest tightened. 
“Yeah,” she replied weakly, taking a sip of her water to avoid talking more.
“I’ve always thought that the teacher-student dynamic would be so hot,” she continued. “He’d raise my grades for me, give me extra credit. And it’s so taboo. I need to find someone to roleplay that with me.” Faye looked at Seneca slyly.
“Do you ever roleplay that with Fox?” 
Seneca’s stomach was churning and she thought she was going to be sick. She could normally manage Faye’s lack of people-reading skills, but tonight she was really struggling to. She swallowed hard and forced a look of disgust onto her face, masking her fear and discomfort.
“Ew, Faye, no. And even if we did, I wouldn’t tell you anyway.” 
“Dang, I was hoping for some tips. Now you’re going to have to practice with me instead.” Faye twisted in her seat to face Seneca with bright eyes. She patted her cheeks and took a breath, her flair for the dramatic showing through. 
“Right now?” Seneca said, her discomfort getting harder to hide.
“Duh. Stop being such a baby and do this with me.”
“Now, you’re going to be my teacher. Say something like: ‘You’re doing bad in my class, you little slacker. You’re going to need to bring your grade up if you want to pass.’”
“Faye, I’m not doing this!” she exclaimed, her eyes watering. “I can’t, Faye. I really can’t.” Finally getting the hint, Faye frowned and paused the movie. 
“What’s up, Sen?” she said softly, leaning in to listen better. Seneca’s breathing was shaky and her stomach was in knots. She didn’t want to do this, but she had to. She had to. She couldn’t feel so alone in her hometown anymore.
“One of my college professors r-ped me, Faye,” she whispered, crying now. “My sophomore year. And no one believes me. Well, my friends at UPenn did, but I talked to campus police, the Department Head, other important people, and literally anyone I could manage to find that might somehow be able to help advocate for me, and no one believed me. He still teaches there-- I had to take another one of his classes to graduate.”
There was silence. Faye was processing this new information with wide eyes. Seneca could practically see the wheels turning in her head. 
“When?” she asked, breaking the silence after the longest minutes of Seneca’s life. “I know you said it, but when?”
“Two years ago.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Faye looked heartbroken with those fat crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks. It broke Seneca’s heart, too. 
“It hurt too much,” she admitted softly. “I was embarrassed and afraid and it just hurt. I’m sorry. You deserved to know when it happened.”
Faye shook her head, lip quivering as she threw her arms around Seneca, pulling her in for a tight hug. She could have sat like that forever. She didn’t know it was possible to feel so seen, loved, and understood in one hug, but she did. Faye didn’t have to say a word, but she could hear everything she was saying.
“You tell people when you’re ready, Seneca. I’m just grateful that you told me,” she said, still crying as she pulled away. “It doesn’t cut it, but I’m sorry about everything that happened and is still happening, and I’m sorry being home probably hurts like h-ll.” The last part of that only served to make Seneca sob harder. People didn’t get why being home hurt so badly. She was alone, stuck in a city where no one knew why she’d changed, just that she did, and called her boring and stuck up because of it. She was trapped in a home with a sister who hated her, parents who thought nothing bad could ever happen to their perfect daughter, and friends who called her brave and strong when all she felt was broken and weak. 
“I’m proud of you for sharing. I love you,” Faye finished, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“Thank you. I love you, too.”
“And I love girls’ nights! What movie are we watching?” Fox said loudly, bursting in and ruining their moment. 
“No,” Faye said firmly, stopping her brother in his tracks. “Out.”
“Come on, I only get to see Seneca during the summer and--,” he paused, taking in the scene in front of him. “Is everything okay? Why are you both crying?” Seneca wanted to hide her face, shrivel into a ball, sink into the floor. Something to make her fade from existence, or at least from Fox’s sight. She hadn’t told him yet, mostly because she knew he would be upset. She couldn’t deal with his fiery anger just yet.
“Just leave, Fox.”
“No. Why are you crying? Why is Seneca crying?”
“Out, now!”
“Why is Seneca crying?”
“I’m fine, Fox,” Seneca lied, choking on her words. “Please just leave.” He looked confused and upset, a dangerous combination of emotions, but he left without another word, muttering under his breath as he left.
“Men,” Faye muttered, shaking her head. Seneca managed a weak smile and Faye gave her one in return. 
“Thanks for listening, Faye,” she said, putting her whole heart into her words. “You’re the only one here that knows. I’d appreciate it if it could stay that way.”
“Of course,” she said. Seneca could tell her friend wanted to ask questions, but she refrained. She knew what kind of questions she would ask, and the answer was the same: It’s hard to tell people, and I’m not sure of how I’ll be able to handle their reactions.
“Let’s finish the movie,” Seneca suggested, settling back into her seat. “I actually really like Easy A.”
“Oh, so the movie I pick without your feedback is the one you like,” Faye snorted. “I see how it is. I’m never asking you to help me make a decision again, even if you are the better decision-maker out of the two of us.”
“If I’d known my input was so important, I would’ve put more effort in!”
“Would you?”
“Absolutely not.”
“That’s what I thought, thank you very much.”
“You know me so well.”
Faye smiled, looking over at her with a look that made Seneca feel warm.
“Of course. You’re my sister.”
When the movie finished, the two girls said they’d see each other in the morning, both knowing that Seneca couldn’t leave without going to see Fox. He’d been right earlier-- they really only got to see each other during the summers and wanted to make the most of their time together. 
His bedroom light was off, but she went in anyway. Seneca stripped down to her t-shirt and underwear before crawling into bed with him, slipping underneath the warm covers and waiting for him to shift to accommodate her. It didn’t take long. Fox became her big spoon in a matter of seconds, placing a kiss to the top of her head.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d come,” he murmured groggily. “It’s three in the morning.”
“Seems like a bad time to be driving home,” she whispered back, her fingers drawing circles on his arms.
“Are we going to talk about it?” he asked, slowly waking up. 
“Not tonight,” she said. “Another time.”
“I don’t like to see you cry, Seneca.”
“Just hold me, please.” She was aware she was crossing the fine line between summer hook-up and boyfriend, but she didn’t care, not right then. Because right then, the world was a little more clear. Fox was her cornerstone and the person she trusted most in the world. She loved him, she never stopped and might never stop. Things would be more confusing in the morning, but she’d let them be simple tonight.
“Okay,” he relented. “But I want you to tell me. Whenever you’re ready.”
“I will, Fox. I promise.” She twisted in his arms to capture his lips in a sweet, tender kiss. Their hookups had always been bordering relationship s-x, but this had hopped the fence.
They’d hop back over it in the morning.
“Tell me about work?” she asked, considering they were both a little more awake now. And he did, and she loved listening, wrapped in his arms in the middle of the night. He was almost established in Miami, but he wanted to start making connections in Chicago, then New York. 
“Chicago?” she asked, her heart beating a little faster.
“Yeah,” he replied. “It’s a big party city. But enough about me. You just graduated.”
“I did.” 
“I'm proud of you.” And he meant it, giving her a sweet kiss in affirmation. “Where are you going to law school?”
“I’ve been accepted to a few places, but I haven’t committed anywhere yet. I’ve got a few more weeks to decide.” She yawned, curling further into his chest.
“Let me know when you do, sleepyhead.”
“I will, Fox.”
“Good, Seneca.”
She closed her eyes with a smile on her face, letting her tiny little lie fade into the night. 
Seneca had been accepted into Harvard, Yale, NYU, Georgetown, and about ten other of the nation’s top law schools. And while she hadn’t accepted her admission into any school yet, she knew where she was going. She just decided.
In the fall, Seneca was going to the University of Chicago. It was really the only option that made sense.
0 notes
yujachachacha · 7 years
Do you think You's been sidelined too much in Season 2?
Unpopular opinion: Nope.
Now, before y’all start coming at me with pitchforks, let me explain.
[Putting under a cut for S2 spoilers]
To understand this question, we need to know what factors contribute to a character getting screen time. Of course, this is usually not a straightforward matter, but for the purposes of this ask, I’ve simplified it down to three:
…I’m now slightly upset that I can’t find a word that starts with a “p” for #3.
Well, whatever. First up, the plot. If a character is crucial to whatever story arc is going on at the moment, then obviously they get more screen time. Take Kanan in Season 1 - everyone made jokes about her getting next-to-zero lines for the first half of the season, and then she finally got her chance to shine in the moments leading up to the Mijuku DREAMER episode.
But look at it this way: in the beginning, the anime was all about Chika’s efforts to start a school idol club and develop a fledgling school idol group. At that point in time, Kanan was still opposed to the idol of being a school idol again, and was busy helping out at her family’s diving shop to boot. It’s a shame that Kanan didn’t appear more, but you also have to consider that she didn’t have anything to offer in terms of plot advancement.
As for popularity, it’s actually kind of a chicken-or-the-egg factor. Popular characters get more screen time because they’re the ones who are drawing in viewers, and so the more screen time they get, the more that people will watch a show. On the other hand, certain characters become popular because they get screen time - just look at how Ruby’s popularity exploded after the Hakodate episodes in Season 2.
You can even argue about this working for ships. There are plenty of YohaMaru and YohaRiko moments for the massive YohaMaru and YohaRiko fanbase out there. KanaMari has no shortage of ship tease moments in S2, and I will confidently say that a large part of their explosion in popularity is thanks to S1E9. Whatever the case may be, it’s undeniable that popularity does have some level of influence on screen time.
Finally, we have fairness. Every character gets their chance in the spotlight by having an episode dedicated to them. Dia fans did get plenty of fun moments in Season 1, but had to wait until Season 2 for her “turn”. Plus, if a character doesn’t get enough screen time for a while for no particular reason, usually the gap will be made up for at some point in the future. Since the RubyMaru episode in S1 mostly focused on Hanamaru, and Hanamaru got a lot of screen time after that, it was only fair to introduce a major Ruby arc in S2.
Now, how does You fare in Season 2 under these three conditions?
Is she popular? Sure! Her popularity’s probably taken a bit of a hit over time, as characters like Yoshiko and Hanamaru have gotten a chance to be fully developed through the anime, but she’s still up there in the ranks.
A side note - this is probably my bias speaking, but part of You’s constant popularity might be thanks to her seiyuu Shukashuu, who is undeniably popular. Case in point: at the time of this post, Shukashuu has the most followers on Twitter out of the Aqours cast (if you’re curious, 2nd is Rikyako and 3rd is Aikyan). Also, if you look up prices for Aqours seiyuu bromides, sets for Shukashuu tend to be markedly more expensive than sets for the others. I can’t help but feel like You would be a lot less popular if Shukashuu wasn’t so well-loved. I have no doubt that there are plenty of fans under the Watanabae spell, but I also suspect that You has an underlying base of Shukashuu fans who help maintain the character’s popularity.
All right, back on track. The big questions we need to ask: is You plot-relevant right now? Is it her “turn” to get screen time?
Let’s go over what’s happened so far in Season 2. Dia learned how to be more comfortable with the group; Riko finally got over her crippling fear of dogs; Chika went through another period of self-doubt over her capabilities as a leader; Ruby proved that she’s grown from a shy girl into an independent young lady; the third years made peace with their inevitable separation; and finally, Aqours renewed its commitment to winning Love Live for the sake of their beloved school.
Now, where does You fit into this? That’s the issue - she kind of…doesn’t.
Season 1 was about Aqours making a name for itself. They needed to prove that they weren’t just a µ’s copycat, and that they had their own unique hopes and charms that would make them stand out as school idols. Since at that point, Aqours was still forming and everyone wasn’t quite comfortable with each other, You got to have a lot of screen time. Since she was Chika’s best friend, You would be the one who Chika would rely on in the beginning. As You provided a lot of skills that Aqours didn’t have yet (choreography, physical training, costume designing), she got bonus screen time for those parts as well.
With Season 2, a lot of the reasons why You got screen time faded away. Chika learned how to communicate better, confiding in not just You, but Riko, Kanan, Maru, and the others as well. Ruby gained enough confidence to proudly sew outfits for the group instead of hesitantly hovering in the background. Kanan and Mari continued to oversee the group’s training regiment and choreography.
Unfortunately for You, the way her character has been built means that the factors of “plot” and “fairness” work against her for screen time. Since You got to shine in Season 1, she had to step aside to give the others a chance in Season 2. As for plot…well, there are some people who complain that You is too “perfect” of a character. In a way, they’re right.
You see, characters like Chika and Yoshiko stay onscreen because of their imperfections. Chika has the constant pressure of being the leader and trying to stay positive for the sake of the group. You can see that there are times when she breaks under the stress, particularly at times of failure (see: the 0 from S1, the training portion for MIRACLE WAVE, the announcement that the school was closing for good). Chika is the embodiment of Aqours, and seeing her ups and downs is the equivalent of seeing the growth of the group as a whole.
Yoshiko is also a character who always struggles with herself. Her “fallen angel” routine hides a vulnerable first-year student who is still unused to the idea of having friends. Riko and Maru may scoff and tease her at times, but they are also her top supporters, and don’t hesitate to step up to the plate when they see that she needs help (whether it’s raising a dog or attracting customers for fortune-telling).
So while others may stumble and falter, You is the character who will always be there for the protagonist, and provides a sense of security and consistency. If it’s You, she can do it. If it’s You, she won’t fail. That’s what You means to the viewers - she’s everyone’s “rock”. However, this means that she’s there as support rather than the driving force behind the plot. Above all, characters need to be shown for the sake of development and growth - You, unfortunately, doesn’t have too much room for either.
There’s actually a µ’s character who I’m reminded of in this situation: Umi. Like You, Umi is the childhood friend of the leader of her school idol group, and decided to give her all to support her despite juggling a top position in a sports club. Unlike You, Umi didn’t even get an episode dedicated to her - although Umi also suffered from being the reliable best friend, she didn’t really have any glaring insecurities that needed to be resolved (plus, Honoka constantly clung to Umi, which eliminated any possible jealousy subplots like You’s).
Both Umi and You have the misfortune of their major character block being something that can’t fit into the anime - them being in another club. If you read alternate LL adaptations, you’ll discover that the characters who get left behind in the anime get their chance to shine again. In SIF, Umi missed practice for several days due to an archery competition, and in her School idol diaries, she goes over how she feels about her duties as the inheritor of a dojo. In the manga, a major plot point for a couple of chapters is actually about You’s swim club practices making her too busy for the school idol club.
These story arcs, while interesting, have no place in the anime. The anime needs to focus on the group’s journey to Love Live, and there are already enough nigh impossible obstacles for them to overcome without the additional threat of missed practices. It’s regrettable, but Umi and You were thus relegated to providing reassurances and encouragement when needed, and making sure that everything runs smoothly for the group in the background.
So in the end, do I think that You’s had a severe reduction in screen time this season? Yes - in fact, there are actual statistics out there (i.e. hardcore fans straight up recording how much time she gets on screen) to prove this. She really has been kinda put on the sidelines for a good chunk of Season 2.
But do I think she’s been sidelined too much? As I’ve explained above, although I’m a huge You fan myself, I get why the sidelining had to happen. It’s not “too much” if there’s a legitimate reason behind it.
Plus, remember my third point about fairness and how characters that lacked screen time would eventually show up again? Fans of You (and ChikaYou in particular) got massively rewarded for their patience with that lovely, heartfelt moment between You and Chika in S2E11. Perhaps it was done on purpose - after all, S1E11 was You’s episode (and also the episode that caused all ChikaYou fans to melt into a puddle of tears).
It’s a pity that You hasn’t appeared too much in Season 2, but hopefully it’s understandable. I have strong hopes that she’ll appear more often from now on - and I have no doubt that we’ll get plenty of yousoro love in the future! o7
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capell0 · 8 years
Roseali Week 2017 - Day 7: Food
TItle: Yielding
Summary: Alisha starts perparing dinner but Rose won´t have it. (Set during the DLC.)
Rating: T to be safe
Day/Prompt: Food
Some things in life were a test. At least, that´s how Alisha thought of it. For instance, being a knight consisted of various tasks, and amongst many, the ability to take care of oneself while on the road. And the knowledge on how to survive on one´s rations and how to cook could by that be considered a test of her worth as a knight.
Now, Alisha wasn´t a master chef but she was capable of preparing food for herself and she could say with confidence that the taste wasn´t half bad either. When on a mission with her platoon, they´d take turns to make everyone´s meals so she´d gotten a lot of practice over the years, too. And now, travelling with Rose and everyone else again, she was glad for it. Cooking dishes she thought tasted good was fine enough so long as she only cared for herself but cooking for others was definitelly something else. They all took turns, too, so everyone would be equally responsible but every now and then, Alisha volunteered for the task. She enjoyed it, having to use her knife for something other than self defense and she wanted to keep her skills as fresh as possible. But she had another reason for deciding to do so, too. That-
“...What are you doing?”
Alisha startled at the voice suddenly sounding from behind her. She looked up from the vegetable she´d just been about to cut up and turned around, looking at Rose who stood there with one hand on her hip. She had a quizzical look on her face. “Ah, Rose”, Alisha said, putting down her knife. “I´m about to prepare dinner.”
Rose´s frown deepened a bit. “I can see that”, the other girl said, removing her hand from her hip to scratch the back of her head instead. “What I meant was that it´s not your turn today. It´s mine, actually.”
“I know”, Alisha said quickly, trying not to sound too stiff. She picked up the knife again and began to cut up some of the mushrooms they´d bought in a village a couple of days ago. “But I felt like it”, she explained. “I find I kind of enjoy cooking formy friends.”
“Aha”, Rose nodded. After that, she was quiet. Putting the already cut up vegetable to the side, Alisha moved on to the next until she heard the soft rustling of grass next to her. Glancing to the side, she saw Rose plopp down on the ground, drawing one of her daggers.
Alisha blinked. “And what are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I´m helping you!”, she proclaimed, making a grab for a potatoe that lay close to her. “Can´t have you do all the cooking on your own again.”
“You really don´t have to!”, she protested. “I know you´re tired form walking all day and-”
“So did you, right?”
“Of course, but I said I´d volunteer so-”
“Like you volunteered the last three times it was my turn to cook?”
Alisha swallowed. “Well, maybe, but...”
“And if I help you cut and stuff you´ll be done faster so let me help you. Otherwise the others´ll think I´m making you do it and I won´t stand for that! Or what, is this some kind of special training for you to become the perfect wife?”, Rose suggested, flashing her a knowing smile.
Heat rose to Alisha´s cheeks. “That wasn´t my-”
“Alright, it´s decided then!”, the red head announced smilingly. “Can´t have our head chef overwork herself”, she added and readied her dagger, starting to peel the potatoe in her hand.
That´s not the problem, Alisha thought, unease growing within her. That wasn´t the problem at all. She tried to think of something to convince her to let Alisha do it on her own but feeling it would only end up in Rose arguing with her- again- until she´d persuaded her- again- she thought it was a more reasonable choice to simply accept her help. For now. Alisha was glad she wasn´t in charge of discussing trade contracts for Ladylake with her. Honestly, she could see how the other girl could be the leader of a merchant guild. She´d never let up on a contract if she thought it was unreasonably done. But, as a politician, Alisha would do her best and stand her ground if it came to that. I have no intention of loosing to her, after all, Alisha thought with a small smile, her eyes sparkling with ambition.
Swiftly, she continued cutting the rest of the vegetable alongside the other girl. Albeit, her satisfaction about that was short lived, as they gathered their minced up ingredients and Rose swept the cutting board out of her hands a moment later. “Huh?!”
“Okay, time to get to the cooking part!”, she said cheerily. “You go and rest up, princess.”
Oh, no... Trying to keep a calm exteriour, Alisha waited a moment before responding. Had she gotten to it, that was.
“Don´t worry, I can handle it. It´s my turn anyways.”
She gulped. “At least let me help you with the spices, then. I tried something the other day and-”
“Will you let me handle things already? I said it´s my turn so go get busy with doing your hair or polishing your armour or whatever it is you Knight Princesses like to do in your spare time!”, Rose huffed at her angrily.
“What...” Alisha was taken aback to say the least. It was true that Rose was one to tease people quickly, especially Alisha it seemed, but she´d gotten used to it. She wasn´t a child anymore. This, however, wasn´t like the usual Rose. She´d taken jabs at Alisha´s status and made fun of her before but making her sound like some helpless damsel in distress after everything they´d been through together, after everything that happened between them- she hadn´t done that ever since. She wanted to demand an explanation, but before she could get to it, she was interrupted by a voice cutting in.
“How about you children hurry up with the food already, I´m getting impatient”, Edna said in her usual dry tone, having just returned from her stroll through the forest. Lailah had insisted on taking her along, because she wanted to take a walk that didn´t end with them fighting hellions for a change. Mikleo hand´t minded the idea either, using the opportunity to gather some more fire wood, and Zaveid-  well, he simply tagged along since he wasn´t exactly one to sit around and play idle, proclaiming he had to protect the ladies and make sure they returned unharmed. Alisha was pretty sure Rose hadn´t asked about why he thought it was better to leave them alone instead out of fear he´d start another one of his explanations on how a man had to be. Or worse, stay behind. Alisha would never utter anything like that, although she had to say that Zaveid was... a bit odd. But that wasn´t what she should be thinking about at this moment.
“Then help me convince Alisha here to give it a rest and let me get on with it”, Rose said, dropping the vegetable into the kettle that hung prepared over the fire place.
“No way”, Edna answered without hesitation. “You think I´d involve myself in your little lover´s quarrel? Fix that on your own.”
“Edna...!”, Mikleo chided her under his breath but it only fell on deaf ears. Though, as if they could sense the akward air between Alisha and Rose, everyone held their peace, saying they´d be busy with some things, giving the two of them their space to cook.
Again, she and Rose were alone.
Hesitantly, Alisha watched Rose who had started stirring the stew-to-be lazily with a wooden spoon. She looked a bit sulky. Alisha opened her mouth, wanting to ask why Rose had acted that way, however, as if reading her mind, Rose let the stew cook and began to explain on her own accord.
“You could let me do something nice for you once in a while, you know”, she suddenly mumbled grumpily. Alisha looked up at her, surprised. “You´re always so diligent in everything you do, and I respect that, really. But, geez, you gotta learn how to relax and sometimes let others handle things, too!”
Alisha didn´t know what to say. So she laughed instead.
“Why-! Why are you laughing?!” Rose looked up from the kettle with an angry look on her face, gripping at the spoon.
Alisha couldn´t help it. She started laughing so hard, she had to hold her stomache, desperately trying to calm down. She whiped away a tear, finally regaining her composure after one last giggle. “I´m sorry”, she said, smiling brightly at Rose. When there was no answer from her, Alisha walked over to the fuming girl staring her down. “I´m sorry”, she apologized again. “I was merely thinking just how like you that was!”
Still angry, but a bit confused at that comment, Rose gave her e questioning look. “What was?”
Without a warning, Alisha reached out for Rose´s hand and slipped it into hers, watching the confusion on her face grow. As was the blush that came with it. “That”, she began, “how every time you want to speak your mind, you do but whenever you want to do something nice, you just can´t be honest with your words. And yet, you are with your actions.” She smiled at the other girl, barely containing all the affection she felt towards her. It might have been obscure, but in her own, weird way, Rose tried to be considerate of Alisha and wanted to take on some of what she thought was a burden on her. She had laughed because it was sweet and due to the fact that everything was one big missunderstanding. Rose thought she was trying to hogg all the cooking duties so she´d make it easier on her and the others and tried to help her in turn. It was true, in some way, but it was only one part of the reason.
The reson why Alisha had been so adament about cooking was that, as much as she loved her, she tried to prevent Rose from doing it. She hated to say it, but Alisha had tried to give her pointers, albeit suttle ones, as had Mikleo, but none of them had improved the girl´s cooking skills, if the number of times she´d let the food get burned, soups overcook or doused their meals in heaps of seasoning without even tasting them first was anything to go by. Even though she hated to keep it from her, she simply couldn´t bring herself to tell Rose why she didn´t want her to cook. And she felt horrible for it.
Especially now.
Her smile wavered a bit but when Rose squeezed her hand, she looked up into Rose´s bright and happy face. But maybe there was a way to make it up to her, after all.
A knight´s duties were many, and as she had learned over the years and been reminded today, yielding in some matters and leaving them to others wasn´t necessarily a bad thing.
Rose flashed her a grin before she leant in and gave Alisha a chaste kiss on the lips. Alisha blushed. “Well, as long as you get it, that´s fine with me”, Rose said. “Now go and get some rest while I finish up here.
Letting go of Rose´s hand, Alisha retreated to where Lailah and the others seemed to be in a heated discussion.
Some things in life were tests. And sometimes, Alisha had to acknowledge, passing them didn´t automatically mean going without some kind of punishment. But if she could make Rose happy by yielding on the matter, she would gladly do it. If it meant making it up to her if only a little, she had no hesitation. She could take the punishment. Probably.
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caplofan · 4 years
25 Ways To Monetize Your WordPress Content In 2020
25 Ways To Monetize Your WordPress Content In 2020
WordPress is by far the most popular material management system in the world. What began as a basic blogging platform rapidly became a much bigger job with functions for all kinds of services and content developers.
Today, you can utilize WordPress for releasing an eCommerce shop, developing property listings, making service directory sites, invoicing customers, and a range of other activities.
The finest thing about this material management platform is that you can utilize it to generate income from the material on your site.
This is the primary reason that WordPress powers more than 35% of all sites presently active online.
You won’ t even need to run a full-time company to begin thinking of money making. On the contrary, all it takes is to have your own blog site and the site is currently readily available for revenue generation.
In such scenarios, the only rational concern is: How can I utilize WordPress to generate income from the material on my site? Keep reading as we will reveal you the 25 most useful methods to do it!
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25 Ways To Monetize Your WordPress Content in 2020
1. Offer marketing area by means of Google AdSense.
The very first and without a doubt the most popular WordPress money making approach is Google AdSense.
You won’t need to be a digital marketer to understand that it ’ s a marketing platform that combines companies and content developers. The procedure is totally automated –– all you require to do is produce an account and Google AdSense will match you with the best marketers based upon your keywords.
2. Offer marketing area by yourself.
Google AdSense may be the most popular marketing option, however who states you need to utilize it? Another choice is to offer marketing area straight by discovering a service partner by yourself.
3. End up being an affiliate online marketer.
Affiliate marketing is the procedure of making a commission by promoting other individuals’’ s (or business ’ s) items.
Your task is to briefly point out a provided service or product someplace within your post and wait on readers to engage. Each time somebody buys based upon your link, you will be paid a commission.
4. Compose sponsored posts.
There is likewise the choice of composing sponsored posts. It’’ s a basic procedure– you can charge customers for publishing material that promotes their occasions, items, or services. This is a substantial income source for extremely pertinent WordPress sites.
5. Compose paid item evaluations.
If you are a real specific niche authority, you may too charge brand names for composing services or product evaluations. The distinction in between sponsored posts and item evaluations is simple to determine –– sponsored posts are straight advertising, while item evaluates keep the range and function as unbiased and objective pieces of material.
6. Offer eBooks.
Are you releasing a great deal of premium article focusing on the very same subject? You may as well believe about putting together posts into an eBook if yes. This is a popular digital format that you can begin offering on your WordPress site, particularly if it currently creates an enough quantity of traffic.
7. Offer online courses.
Have you ever took a look at online knowing resources such as Coursera or Udemy? The 2 platforms consist of thousands of online courses, which might be a great option for your website. Naturally, you need to concentrate on one specific niche that actually fits your expert knowledge and style a high-level online course.
8. Host webinars.
WordPress is likewise efficient in hosting online conferences. You can exploit this function and utilize it to arrange online workshops. Webinars have actually ended up being a typical knowing method in the last couple of years, hence providing you another possibility to show abilities and make money along the method.
9. Offer style items.
You’’ ve most likely seen lots of WordPress sites offering all sorts of style items. The similarity logo designs, design templates, labels, item packaging, illustrations, clip art, and comparable products can be found in digital format, which implies you can offer them online with ease. It’’ s a standout money making method for imaginative people with fresh style concepts.
10. Offer WordPress styles.
A style is a collection of style-sheets and design templates utilized to specify the look and screen of a WordPress-powered site.
In case you can integrate coding and style abilities, why wouldn’’ t you attempt offering WordPress styles on your site? Countless brand-new sites are released every day and you can rely on high need in the long run.
11. Offer WordPress plugins.
Although there are presently over 55 thousand plugins readily available on WordPress, there is constantly adequate space for a couple of fresh items. Plugins are constructed with the function to enhance the performance of a WordPress-powered website, so you’’ ll requirement to think about an useful method to increase site efficiency.
12. Offer video lessons.
You’ve most likely discovered that WordPress web designers can offer a great deal of various things online. If you understand the fundamentals of video production, Video lessons are by no suggests an exception and you can provide this strategy a shot. That, you will require a dependable WordPress plugin such as Video Lessons Manager .
13. Deal freelance services.
Freelancing has actually ended up being a huge offer all over the world and you can benefit from it utilizing WordPress. Particularly, you are complimentary to use independent services through the site and welcome possible customers to send you task propositions. As we currently understand you are an experienced specific niche specialist, you must draw in a range of deals soon.
14. Start a consulting company.
Another thing you can do is begin a consulting service and promote it through the WordPress website. This option resembles the previous one as you are expected to show know-how in order to bring in sufficient customers.
15. Release an eCommerce shop.
The online retail market is flourishing nowadays with gamers like Amazon and eBay, however there are ample chances for constructing a smaller sized eCommerce shop.
All it takes is to thoroughly pick the ideal specific niche and develop collaborations with pertinent stakeholders in the early phases of business.
16. Develop an auctions site.
Similar to eCommerce, auctions sites can likewise assist you make a great deal of cash.
The only distinction is that auctions websites enable users to bid on items, so there is no set rate to pay. You can craft an auctions site utilizing a WooCommerce plugin and an unique auctions add-on.
17. Offer premium subscriptions.
Are you sure that your material is truly something unique?
You have a green light to offer premium subscriptions if the response is favorable. Simply put, you can lock particular parts of your material and wait for premium members who want to spend for it.
18. Produce personal online forums.
Instead of spending for material, site visitors might likewise pay you for signing up with personal online forums committed to extremely particular subjects. This is where you can interact with each member individually and provide individuals suggestions on how to resolve their expert or personal issues.
19. Construct a Q/A site.
Since users desire to understand responses to their concerns practically quickly,
Question-and-answer sites are thriving these days. In such situations, constructing your Q/A website appears like a completely affordable service as you can later on utilize it to position advertisements pertinent to a provided conversation.
20. Make a task board website.
Almost every company is now searching for the most appealing skills online, the truth you need to make use of to monetize your WordPress material. The method is basic –– you make a task board website where business can release job statements. Obviously, you charge a charge for each post.
21. Make an occasion calendar website.
This pointer works together with the previous one. You can develop an attractive occasion calendar website and divide it into numerous classifications based upon users’ ’ and customers ’ interests. When once again, you will earn money for each occasion promoted through your WordPress site.
22. Develop company directory sites.
Some web designers consider this to be an out-of-date money making method, however the reality is that company directory sites stay a successful WordPress technique.
23. End up being an influencer.
Influencers are among the most effective weapons in digital marketing, so you need to not think twice to develop a self-brand and end up being a crucial viewpoint leader in the targeted specific niche. That method, you will make regard and lots of organisations will be grateful to pay you for discussing their items on your website.
24. End up being a ghostwriter.
If the audience likes your online material, you are most likely to be sought advice from as a ghostwriter. This is yet another opportunity to make money through your WordPress material, however you much better make certain to release incredible posts regularly.
25. Earn money for public speaking.
A real market believed leader will get lots of public speaking invites. Such chances are not just attractive however likewise well-paid, which is a great deal for a devoted WordPress material developer.
Approximately You.
Webmasters like WordPress since of its exceptional performances, however the primary factor they value the platform is money making.
The system provides everybody the chance to generate income through blogging, marketing, online retail, and lots of other activities.
In this post, we revealed you the leading 25 methods to how to earn money with your WordPress material. Have you ever attempted any of these approaches? Which one showed to work the very best for you? Share your ideas and concepts in the remarks –– we would enjoy to see your experiences with WordPress money making!
  Original Source: 25 Ways To Monetize Your WordPress Content
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sabine-leo · 6 years
A smile to remember
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Chapter 20
Author: @sabine-leo
Chapter: 20 /?  
Genre: Fluff, Humor, Romance, Smut and more detailed Smut...
Note: Again I want to say THANK YOU! I love love love your comments!!! And every reblog is highly appreciated!!! 
Only half covered with a blanket you both lay there cuddled up to each other. As your breathing got even again you laughed a little. Tom looked at you sideways. “What´s so funny love?” You smiled up and kissed his soft lips. “We may have given Mrs Wilson an eyeful before the door closed.” Tom laughed too. “Don´t worry, I´ll woo her with my charms tomorrow.” Tom turned you onto your back and hovered above you. “I plan to give her more eyefuls in the future, just so you know!” Giggling you kissed him before he fell back onto his back. Sitting up you looked at this gorgeous man in your bed and stole his shirt. Standing up and putting it on you tilted your head and licked your lips.
 He was totally wet dream material. Laying there naked only covered across his groin, his lean, muscled body on display. Tom grinned and put his hands behind his head, showing even more off his muscles. “Water…I need a glass of water..” You turned and walked into the kitchen to Toms soft chuckle. Standing at the worktop of your kitchen you prepared two glasses and a cool bottle of water on a tray as you heard footsteps and soon were pulled against a naked chest.
“You´re not having doubts about what happened, are you?” he said softly into your ear and kissed that sensible spot beneath it. “No, no…I…Don´t ever think that. I was just a little overwhelmed by seeing you in all your naked glory finally!” Ups, that was out before you could filter yourself.
 Tom laughed and turned you around to look into your eyes. 
“Finally?!” he asked with a lifted eyebrow. The blush on your face came fast and tinted you slightly red. 
“Yeah, I mean, look at you…”
“I´d rather look at your stunningly beautiful body!” he grinned and kissed you deeply.
“And for the record, I don´t want you to doubt this…us…ever! I want to build something between us, have wanted to do so for months…” You nodded and smiled, his words hit you right in the chest. So honest and sweet, how could you not believe him? Tom kissed you again and took your hand in his. 
“Show me your lovely home, I´ve seen a glimpse now and then when we facetimed, but I want to see more…”  
 You took Tom into the Livingroom. Switching on some dim lights. He laughed softly as he saw his drawings in the frame. “You kept them save…” He said smiling down at you as he pulled you into a tight embrace kissing your hair. Inhaling deeply before looking around to your bookshelf. Slowly letting go of you to walk over to the books you leaned against the wall and watched him. Tom, only in his boxer-briefs in front of your books was a sight that would be stuck in your head for eternity.
“There are some rare gems in here.” He pulled out an old book full of poems and smiled.
“You do love your romance, don´t you?!” he grinned and put it softly back into its spot.
 “Can´t help it…I´m still a little girl inside, waiting for her knight in shining armour.” 
“And yet here I stand in front of you as a beggar only in his underwear.” 
The both of you laughed before Tom pulled you against him again. 
“Just because I rid you of your armour to wear it myself!” You proclaimed chuckling. “Oh yes, and I fully intend to get you out of it very soon sweet maiden mine.” Stealing another kiss from this gorgeous human in front of you you put on some music as Tom asked to look around your home a little bit more. His interest in you honoured you and you had fun watching him getting to know the place you called home and picking up on your likings very quickly. You sat on your sofa and cuddled a pillow to your chest, his smell surrounding you from the shirt you stole of him to wear.
 Coming over to you Tom sat down and pulled you onto his lap.
“You have a cosy home, I like it here!” he declared softly. Cuddling up to him you kissed his shoulder and smiled. “I´m glad, because I hope to have you around more often.” Stroking your back Tom smiled. “I´d like that!” The soft light half keeping you in shadows only added to the feeling of being in a little cosy bubble. Tom began to kiss you slow and deeply. Hiding one of his hands in your hair and the other one stroking your naked back under his shirt, guiding you to straddle him fully. His tongue teasing and coaxing you into a sinful dance. Soon it got more heated and hungrier on both sides. Tom opened up the few buttons you had closed and pushed the shirt of your shoulders, tilting you back and kissing your neck down to your breasts.
 You could feel his growing need for you under your butt. Your hips started to circle a little on top of him causing him to gasp before he sucked one of your nipples into his heated mouth. “Oh god..” you moaned breathless and tilted your head back, pressing yourself even firmer against him. Tom tucked you up again and with a fast motion he flipped you. Now you were sitting on the edge of the sofa and he was kneeling in front of you. The look in his glowing blue eyes could only be described as wickedly aroused. “Lean back darling!” he murmured darkly and pushed your legs open.
 “Time for desert” he grinned before his head dipped down kissing your inner thighs before his hot lips found your centre. He really wanted to take his sweet time with you as he´d said a while ago. His lips, his tongue teased you and tasted the lust you had for him. Your back arched and one of your hands grabbed a bit of his hair. The chuckle that left him almost toppled you over the edge but Tom let you calm down a little only stroking your legs and watching you intensely before he started anew…his skilled tongue dipping in and circling around the little bundle of nerves. By the third time he did that you were a whimpering mess threatening him to let him sleep on the floor tonight.
 Chuckling darkly Tom stood up, tucked you up as well and made you kneel on the sofa before he grabbed your hips and pushed oh so slowly into you from behind. The second thrust was faster and harder and had you gasp out lustfully. Toms arm came around you and his long fingers went between your legs, circling your clit. His breath hot against your ear as he growled “Come darling….now!”
 That´s it…you died and went to heaven.
 Your whole-body shook out of pure ecstasy and the orgasm that rippled through you nearly made you faint. Breathing only sporadically you held onto the backrest of the sofa as Tom got faster and faster with his thrusts and groaned out in relief as his climax buckled his knees a little. You couldn´t hold yourself up any longer and collapsed on the sofa, Tom following suit. The next 2 minutes you just tried to get your breathing under control and said hoarse. 
“Just leave me here, I can´t move!”
 Toms chuckle was breathless too but he had the audacity to lift himself up and kiss you sweetly. “What Knight would I be if I let you sleep here?” He tucked you up and lifted you into his arms. Kissing you all the way into the bedroom. Laying you down and engulfing you with his arms and body from behind he kissed your neck and painted slow circles on your belly.
 “Don´t even think about touching me deeper for the next few hours!”
 Tom laughed his boyish laugh “Ehehehehe…you have my word…for now.”That made you laugh too before exhaustion got the better of you and you fell asleep in his arms.
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