#But I'm still recovering from the shot I got yesterday rip
ursarangler · 1 year
[A photo is attached. It appears to have been taken in some kind of underground tunnel, and the angle is pointing downwards. A wooden baseball bat is being held up diagonally in front of the camera. It's wrapped in wires and has several nails and pokemon fangs affixed to it. Blood seems to have soaked into the wood. In the background of the shot is what appears to be a pot full of stew ingredients—most notably a large segment of a skinned pokemon coiled near the top. A keen eye might be able to discern this as a piece of an Arbok's tail.]
sorry for not keeping y'all updated!! I'm still alive!! U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U I've just been recovering from a bite I got in the ring yesterday. y'all would think I'd be immune to Arbok venom by now but U⁠ ⁠´⁠꓃⁠ ⁠`⁠ ⁠U nope. just resistant
it's not so bad though!! I got some new teeth to line my bat with!!! besides I've had worse bite wounds, and the venom gave me an excuse to visit Marty!!! not like I was on death's door or nothing, I just wanted to see him ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ and I brought him a present for his troubles!!
[A second image is attached. The metadata indicates that it was taken this morning. It's an Arbok's corpse, mangled and laying coiled up in a chest freezer. It's had multiple teeth ripped from its mouth, its eyes are completely smashed in, there's a large chunk taken from its hood that looks as though it was ripped off using claws and teeth, and several bones are exposed and poking through the tough, scaly hide. The whole body has been heavily damaged, with rips and tears down its entire being. Its frozen mouth is open in what looks like a pained scream.]
he said I probably SHOULDN'T be dragging a whole Arbok around while I'm full of venom. I'm going to do it again. U(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)U he's cute when he yells, thinking he's all tough... he said he didn't have enough room for it at the lab, soooo I just skinned it and took the meat V⁠●⁠ᴥ⁠●⁠V the hide is pretty damaged but. I'm sure he'll find a use for it.
anyways!! back to easier targets for a while!! U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U gonna scout around once this stew is done cooking!! I've been waiting on it all dayyy U(´⁠ω⁠`)U
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Why did you elbow me? 97
Achilles Castle part 2
Castle: pov it's 8am and Kate is still sleeping. I try to get out of bed to go to the bathroom but as soon as I put my foot on the ground to stand I let out a yelp as the searing pain hits me, Kate is immediately up and by my side. The pain is overwhelming, she manages to help me to the bathroom. She quickly got me and herself dressed. Her and Alexis help me downstairs to the car. It's decided we are headed to the Er since my leg is swollen. The ride to the Er is short.
Dave: pov it's a rush to get dressed, we help get Mr Castle get in the car. Me and Alexis run into the Er to get a wheelchair for her dad since it hurts for him to walk. Mr Castle is filling out some forms. After 30 minutes his name is called. I offer to wait here in the waiting room until he is done being examined.
Kate: pov me and Alexis wheel Castle into the exam room. The Dr named Clark is nice. We help Castle onto the exam table. The Dr feels around his leg/foot and says nothing feels broken but there is a lot of swelling and a small gap. He has Castle lay on his stomach so he can look at the back of his leg. I explain how he got injured, Dr Clark said why didn't he come in yesterday I mentioned he said he was fine. Also we had no power. They are going to take him for x-rays and more in depth scans. The Dr thinks it could be that something is pulled or ripped in his leg like a muscle or tendon which is scary and concerning. Me and Alexis are waiting for him to get back from his scans.
Castle: pov a nurse wheels me to the scan room so I can get an x-ray and a more in depth scan. Once the scans are over I'm then taken for an ultrasound of my leg. I tell the nurse my wife always tells me how cold the gel is but I never realized until today how cold it really is.
nurse Karla: pov well instead of seeing a baby you're seeing your leg muscle. How many kids do you and your wife have?
Castle: pov i tell her I have one from a previous relationship but other than that none together.
nurse Karla: pov Oh I thought because you talked about the ultrasound gel being cold that you had kids together.
Castle: pov no my wife has a heart condition, so she gets a lot of echocardiograms.
nurse Karla: pov I'm so sorry I had no idea. What type of heart condition does your wife have? He says ventricular tachycardia. I ask if she was born with it. He says no she got shot at her Captain's funeral she is a homicide captain out of the 12th precinct. He mentions she had to have emergency heart surgery, Wow.
Castle: pov I'm sent back to the exam room to wait for the results. 40 minutes later the Dr comes in and mentions an orthopedic surgeon will be brought in to look at my scans. He says I have a Achilles tendon rupture. That sounds awful, he goes over the options with us.
Kate: pov me and Alexis are in the room with Castle. The orthopedic Dr and surgeon are giving us options he says surgery might be the best option so this doesn't happen again if we had come in yesterday he might not have needed surgery. Since Castle is a writer he can still work while he is recovering.
Castle: pov I agree to have the surgery, I tell Kate to call my mother, Lanie and the boys. Kate says she will also update her dad. Since I haven't eaten since last night it means I don't have to wait to have the surgery. They go over my medical history with me while Kate calls our family and friends.
Lanie: pov I'm in the morgue examining the body trying to determine what killed him. I can tell he was already dead when his organs were removed. I pick up the phone and call Esposito to update him on what I found.
Kate: pov I call Martha first who is very worried for her son, the boys and Lanie have a homicide which means they can't come down right away but hope everything goes well, my dad is in a meeting so I left him a message.
Alexis: pov me and Kate are with my dad saying goodbye as they are getting him ready for surgery it's around lunch time now. In the waiting room Dave offers to get us food because we never ate breakfast. I get up and tell Dave what Kate can eat.
Castle: pov an iv is placed in my arm and I'm wheeled into the OR. The surgeon cleans the area he will be working on. The anesthesiologist puts a mask on my face and has me count to 100.
Esposito: pov I'm talking to witnesses of the crime to see if they saw or heard anything.
Ryan: pov I'm looking the guy up online and checking out his financial records. Lanie was able to I'd the guy thanks to his wallet being in his pocket. Esposito is getting in touch with his family.
Dave: pov I grab 2 sandwiches and for Kate a bowl of oatmeal, the lady gives me a bag so I can carry the waters. I hand Alexis her sandwich and water.
Alexis: pov Dave hands Kate her oatmeal and water which she puts next to her. I'm very hungry but nervous about dad's surgery. Gram should be arriving soon. Me and Dave manage to finish our food Kate hasn't touched hers yet. I ask her if she Is nervous about dad's surgery, she says yes, something bad could happen. I can tell there is more to it but won't press her on it. I tell her that she doesn't look good. To be continued. ………
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liethrasir · 3 years
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Headcanon Free-for-all
@electricea​ asked; “ which three traits define your muse? (Silas?) “
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The three traits that most largely define Silas are easily his self-destructiveness, deceitfulness, and his cruelness. 
The former two are pretty easy to see in the way he is and the way he does things; he regularly drinks extremely large amounts of alcohol-- and I don’t mean the likes of beer or low proof things, I mean the likes of 190/189 proof Everclear-- and smokes entire packs of cigarettes that are at least at the strength level of unfiltered American Spirit cigarettes, on top of allowing himself to regularly tank fatal injuries (for a clear example being an event between Silas and Amarok, when the later decided to pick a fight and he allowed the spear Amarok is armed with to pierce him) and doing other stuff that would otherwise cripple a normal human. And then there is the fact that he has an arsenal of different facades that he can throw up for just about any situation or task that he may have set his mind on dealing with at any point in time, all of which are VERY different from his true personality at this point. Though most people don’t actually ever get to figure that out.
The last of the three is a bit different-- mainly because its not something he actively sets out to do, at least most of the time. Those who actually get to see his real personality at this point typically get hit with a dose of it, though in some sort of irony, there are times where it’s a veiled attempt at actual kindness. The large bulk of it comes from when he actually gets into combat with someone and... that is not pretty. A lot of his moves inflict a very slow and painful demise to those unlucky enough to get hit with them, and while that probably makes it seem like those are the worst ones, it’s actually some of his moves that inflict a swift death that are the cruel ones. I won’t go in depth on any of those here, due to the fact that I’m not entirely sure what people are comfortable seeing on dash and god knows things get very unpleasant with what he can do; I will say though, that it does NOT fall into the realm of being sadistic, because he doesn’t enjoy what he does.
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