#But also like. A fight between anacondrai kai and and anacondrai chen would be so fun.
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The Elemental Master of Surprise has been usurped!
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akariarda · 9 months
Return of the enemy(Ninjago fan season between season4 and 5 with Sensei G.)
Episode 1-The return
Episode 2-Surprises
Our heroes encounter many surprises on their way. Not all of them are very pleasant.
"What do you think, is Wu okay?" Misako asked Garmadon as they walked along the docks.
"I hope so," Garmadon sighed.
"And are you okay?" Misako gently asked him. "All this with Chen.."
"I'll survive," Garmadon snapped at her. "Now we just need to get rid of him once and for all."
"If that's possible," Misako muttered to herself.
They walked in silence for a long time.
"I'm sorry we're not going anywhere after all," Garmadon sighed.
"Me too," Misako agreed. "Where did you want to go?"
"That's a surprise," Garmadon smiled at her.
"Oh come on," Misako encouraged him. "You know I hate surprises."
"I know you don't hate them, you're just afraid you won't react well to them."
"You know me well," Misako smiled back, though deep down she was still worried.
It was a good way for both of them to get their minds off the situation.
"And psst!" She put a finger to her lips and pointed towards the docks. "Someone is there."
"Who..." Garmadon asked but then immediately recognized the face and voice.
"Oh, isn't that Sensei Garmadon," the voice taunted. "And surely that's Misako, nice to meet you."
"Clouse!" Garmadon hissed and started to move forward as if to attack, but Misako grabbed his hand.
"You? How? I will.."
"I don't think now is the time to throw threats, Garmadon," Clouse continued in a mocking tone. "You're not in a position to do so."
"And I also think that fighting is not the best solution right now," Misako said, pulling Garmadon's hand again.
"But..." he started, then stopped when he looked around.
They were surrounded by Chen's soldiers, there were at least a dozen of them, no, more than a dozen, three dozen?
"At least they're not Anacondrai anymore," Misako offered poor consolation.
~~~With the ninja:~~~
"We need to come up with a plan," Zane said when the ninjas stopped in front of the noodle house with their vehicles.
"I agree," Cole replied. "We shouldn't underestimate Kai if we fall into a trap with him."
"But we can't just leave him," Lloyd complained.
"No one said we would abandon him."Jay patted Lloyd on the shoulder.
"I know he's your best friend, he's family to all of us, but that doesn't change the fact that we need a plan."Cole insisted
"But Chen said we have to all go," Lloyd lamented.
"Maybe I have a plan," Jay smiled.
~~~With the Kai and Skylor:~~~
"What do you want from us, father?!"
Skylor yelled as she and Kai were forcefully dragged through secret hallways by soldiers.
"And what did you mean by saying we are useful?"
"Stop!" Chen raised his hand as they halted in front of the dungeons.
"This is your new residence, fear not, there is also space for your friends when they enter my castle."
"They're not that dumb!" Kai objected. "They'll find a way to deal with you." "
They may not be dumb, but they are loyal," Chen sighed, feigning sympathy. "And that's just as good as being dumb."
"You still haven't answered me, father," Sklor interjected. "What do you want from us?"
"If you want to steal all the elemental powers again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you this time," Kai sneered.
"Don't worry, this time I have completely different plans," Chen looked at them, for the first time appearing serious.
"No matter what is it, you will not succeed!" Skylor shouted at him.
"We'll see about that," Chen motioned to his soldiers to take Kai and Skylor to the dungeons.
~~~With the ninja:~~~~
"No, no, and no!" Lloyd shouted. "That is out of the question."
"I agree with Lloyd, we can't put innocent people in danger,"
Cole said, pulling out his weapon. "We will fight."
"I don't like it either, but my sensors tell me we have no choice," Zane sighed.
"We won't send just anyone, but someone with the necessary skills."
"But it's still too risky," Lloyd groaned. "What if something goes wrong..."
"That's what Kai would do," Jay entered the noodle house. "So the majority wins."
"No..." Cole and Lloyd shouted at the same time, but they couldn't respond Jay from going into the Noodle House.
"Who wants to go on a ninja mission?!"
Soon, a considerable number of people gathered around them.
"Everyone, calm down," Lloyd shouted, and everyone fell silent.
"It will be very dangerous and risky. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Those who are sure and think they are capable, stand on my right side!" Jay shouted, and a few people stood on his right side, while the others dispersed.
"Hello, fellas!" Dareth stepped forward. "Going on another mission with the brown ninja?"
"Oh no," Cole groaned.
"People, you need to be aware of what's happening. We are fighting Chen."
Lloyd interrupted again. "He wants us all to come to the backyard of this building.Jay's plan is for you to pretend to be us until we find a way into Chen's tunnels."
"It will be very dangerous, can you handle it?" Cole added.
After a few mumbles, people dispersed, leaving only Dareth and one man in his thirties with a bandage on his forehead and black hair streaked with gray. He was tall and slender.
"So, the two of you go with Dareth... And sorry, who are you?" Lloyd asked.
"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I am Sangfugol. I usually play the harp somewhere else, but I have a mission here."
"What kind of mission and where are you from?" Jay asked, confused.
"And why are you telling us this now?" Zane inquired.
"Because it concerns all of you," Sangfugol looked at Lloyd. "But enough about that, I just want to say that I am a friend."
"Alright then, I suppose we continue with the plan," Lloyd, who seemed uncomfortable, said.
"Which two will go with Dareth and Sangfugol?"
"rock, paper, clamp?"Cole suggested.
"It's not like we have any other choice," Lloyd sighed.
"No!" Jay exclaimed. "I wanted to go!"
"So, it's Cole, Dareth, Sangolfun, and me," Lloyd repeated. "Zane and Cole, you stay behind and follow us later."
"Affirmative," Zane confirmed.
"Now, who will play whom?" Jay asked, looking at Sangolfun and Dareth.
"None of them really resemble any of us..."
~~~With Misako and Garmadon:~~~
"How did you know we would be here?" Garmadon angrily asked Clouse, who was smiling in front of them.
"Everything in due time, Garmadon. It is best for you to come with us," Clouse replied.
"Never," Garmadon said.
"I believe we don't really have a choice," Misako said, pointing to more soldiers disembarking from the ship.
"Oh yes, how could I forget to mention that?" Clouse gloated. "If you cause any trouble, she gets hurt, and vice versa. Now let my soldiers escort you to our ship."
"You'll get yours, you..." Garmadon pushed away a soldier who approached him. "I'd rather die than go into your captivity."
"Such a shame," Clouse sighed. "But like I said before, you won't die. Throw her into the sea."
"No!" Garmadon shouted, and the soldiers stopped trying to pull Misako away.
"Leave her alone, coward. This is between us."
"I'm afraid this is much more than just between us, Garmadon,"
Clouse began walking towards the ship, and Garmadon and Misako were finally allowed to be taken with them.
"Furthermore, I'm afraid your wife plays a significant role in all of this."
"Which one?" Misako asked.
"I'm afraid I can't speak of it just yet," Clouse pretended to sigh. "But I am certain that my master won't spare any words when I deliver you to him."
They let themselves be tied to a pole. Garmadon could no longer feel anger, all that was left was exhaustion.
He felt Misako testing how tightly their hands were tied on the other side.
At least she didn't give up.At least they were together, even though they couldn't see each other, he could at least feel her hand and hear her breathing.
He grabbed her hand and squeezed it before letting go again. More for his own comfort than hers.
She didn't know what kind of person Chen was.
"So, we're going to Chen," Misako said. "Great."
"You'll like it even less when you get there," Clouse gloated. "Especially your husband."
"You still haven't told us how you knew where to find us," Garmadon said indifferently. "And where is my brother?"
From his expression, they could conclude that Clouse failed to capture Wu. He didn't know he would be there. He only knew about them.
"Wu and the ninjas will come after you again," Misako told him just as indifferently.
"Not if your son and his friends stumble into a trap," Clouse replied.
"They'll figure it out," Garmadon responded.
"We'll see about that," Clouse's mood clearly improved. "And what about your samurai, isn't her name Mya?"
"Nya, you idiot," Garmadon told him.
"Oh, right, Nya, of course. Watch this now."
Misako and Garmadon gasped when they saw the image that appeared on the screen.
"No, I need..." Nya was speaking on the screen while talking to someone.
"How?" Misako asked in disbelief.
"I think I know," Garmadon said, recalling the empty box he received that morning.
"Anyway," Clouse interrupted the recording. "Soon our army will capture your precious little monastery and capture the samurai."
With those words, he left the room where Garmadon and Misako were standing.
"Quick!" Misako said when everyone left. "We won't be alone for long."
"You don't think we can escape, do you?" Garmadon asked in disbelief.
"No," Misako admitted. "But I think we can try to send a message to Nya to flee."
"If we can hear her..."
"You mean she might somehow be able to hear us," Garmadon slowly began to understand.
"There must be a button..." Misako looked towards the panel.
"Maybe the one with something drawn on it?" Garmadon suggested.
"I think so, but how do I get to it?" Misako tried to free herself but without success.
"We need to throw something at it," she mumbled.
"Wait here," Garmadon said as he grabbed a nearby box with his feet.
"It's not like I'm going anywhere" Misako replied.
With a few swings, he managed to launch the box and hit the right button.
"You did it!" Misako exclaimed.
"Shh, Misako, be quiet," Garmadon said, unable to hide his smile.
"Nya, if you can hear us," Misako said, "run away from the monastery. Clouse has captured us, he's listening you."
"Go to Mystake's tea shop," Garmadon added.
"She..." he began, but stopped when he noticed someone approaching.
"What's going on here?" Clouse angrily asked, fortunately not appearing to know anything,but even they didn't know if it worked.
~~~With the Nya:~~~
"Where can I find them?" Nya talked to herself while trying to figure out a way to contact the other elemental masters.
She dialed a number, but before she could start speaking, someone interrupted her.
"This doesn't make sense." Angrily, she hung up the phone, but then heard some whispering.
"....hear us," Misako said, "run away from the monastery. Clouse has captured us, he's listening to you."
"Go to Mystake's tea shop," Garmadon's voice said. "She..." he began, but stopped.
"What's going on here?" A voice. She assumed it was Clouse's.
She bent down a few times, trying to locate where the voice was coming from.
"There you are," she said and caught a mechanical spider.
"Now you're mine!" she said and turned it off. She didn't want to completely shut it down in case she might need it later.
After some hesitation, she turned the spider back on.
"Obviously, the best solution now is to go get the other ninjas," she said and turned off the spider again.
"Quickly," she told herself because she didn't know how long she would be alone.
She picked up some scrolls she had found earlier and considered them relevant to the situation.
She put on her samurai X suit and flew towards Mystake's tea shop.
"I'm here," she said and stepped inside uncertainly.
"Hello!" she shouted at the entrance. "I am Nya, and I..."
"Welcome, Nya, master of water," an older voice interrupted her. Mystake turned towards her.
"Master of what?"
"I was expecting..."
Mystake started but had to stop when she saw Nya faint.
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
Okay so I was thinking about ToE and had ideas to add for my Not Today Destiny AU(tl:dr, Kai keeps Lloyd’s Green Ninja status secret from everyone and how canon is affected from there)
Also, before we get into it, because there was no Overlord messing with tech, THERE IS NO LOVE TRIANGLE! I am fully subscribed to the theory that the Overlord messed with it in order to split the team up, and it’s stupid that it worked. So no Love Triangle and no Jay Cole Fight. That’s important later.
ANYWAY, with Zane not dead they’d be a bit less desperate to go to the island, and without that incentive of keeping quiet they’d probably immediately go talk to Wu about this weird invite and the fact that other Elemental Masters existed.
Wu would fill them in, explain how Chen was definitely up to something, which has them all go in the first place, and Nya and Wu agree to stay behind to watch Lloyd and defend against Garmadon.
How does this exactly tie into this AU? Well, there were two extra letters sent, one to Kai and Lloyd respectively.
Lloyd’s letter explained how he was also being invited, and if he won he would be awarded some info about his mom. Lloyd knows the ninja would never let him go, so he opts to sneak there and then explain. Better to ask apologies than permission. But don’t worry, he left a note for Nya and Wu
Meanwhile, Kai’s explains how they have found knowledge of who the Green Ninja is, and if he wins he’ll get that info and can do whatever he wants with it.
These two are connected and also important later.
They go to the boat, Nya gets them some hidden trackers to be safe, Kai is secretly freaking out since “How the heck does Chen know???” and then Lloyd sneaks on too. Now, at first everyone just thinks Lloyd is just really short and keeps to himself. It’s not until they land and get to the main room that it finally clicks to Kai that it’s Lloyd when Chen points him out as the Master of Energy.
He of course, is very not happy that Lloyd is here and makes that very well known. The other ninja are equally unhappy while the rest of the EM’s are given a slight Moral Dilemma since yes they want to win, but that means there’s a chance of them fighting a literal child(it’s been….almost a year since they first met Lloyd so he’s about 10 right now).
Lloyd’s room is next to Kai’s, just on the other side so he still shares a balcony space with Skylor. Maybe one of the other EM’s finds Lloyd desperately looking for a Jade Blade and “accidentally” drops it so he can pass.
Later when Karlof is dropped through the floor more than a few cast a glance over to Lloyd, each silently dreading who will have to go against him. Nobody comments when Kai holds Lloyd close and if anyone saw Lloyd sneaking into Kai’s room that night, they didn’t say anything.
It’s that night when Lloyd explains why he came, which makes Kai panic even more. On one hand, he cannot let anyone else find out about Lloyd’s Destiny. But on the other….Lloyd could finally get answers for what happened to his mom unlike Kai who has no idea what happened to his parents
So yeah. Not a fun time.
But it only gets worse from there.
You see, at first each of the ninja let out a silent sigh of relief when they learned they wouldn’t have to fight Lloyd.
Wellllllllll since there’s no Love Triangle and no fighting between Cole and Jay, Chen has no reason to pit them against each other to further split up the ninja.
What he does instead? Changes things so instead it’s Kai vs Lloyd
Now, it’s plainly obvious to everyone that those two are very close, so they’re not looking froward to this next fight at all. Camille honestly isn’t sure if this is better or worse than if she had to go against him
At first, their fight is mostly a verbal one, trying to get the other to take the Jade Blade, with only the occasionally very wide shot to try and herd the other toward the Blade. At some point Kai ends up physically picking up Lloyd and trying to carry him over to the Jade Blade, yelling about how Lloyd has a chance to find his mom and he shouldn’t that up, but Lloyd is fighting him and immediately yells back that he doesn’t want to find her at the cost of his Big Brother and god if that isn’t a knife in the heart of the other EMs.
But Chen, being the bastard he is, decides this is boring because it’s going no where and release the bikes like canon, and then these two fight like a well oiled machine. 
But ofc, we can’t have nice things and the arena starts falling apart.
And Kai….as much as he’s terrified of Lloyd’s Destiny, he even more terrified of loosing Lloyd.
So with a bright smile and a good luck wish, he jumps.
That night when Chen takes away their rooms as punishment, none of them can be mad. They don’t comment either when the remaining ninja drag two of the bunk beds together a curl up around Lloyd. Instead of splitting them apart, it only lets them know that Chen is not their friend. He sees all of this as a game, going as far as to lure a child here with promises of finding his mother and making him fight the family he has left. 
This actually makes their Elemental Alliance work out better this time.
(Also this time Jay fought Ash, then Cole fought Camille(I’m also 99% sure the skating thing was just another attempt to split them up, so again it’s kinda useless here).
Meanwhile Kai does not have a fun time. Clouse is upset since 1) the plan was for Lloyd to be the one to loose, either by Kai winning or making Lloyd fall, since because he’s the green ninja he’s bound to be powerful and 2) because Skylor got attached to this stranger and Chen ordered him to make Kai useful to them. So now he’s trying to keep a very annoying, very loud prisoner while waiting from the Master of Mind to be captured so he can use those powers to make Kai more docile.
Unfortunately, a side affect of Kai being as loud and obnoxious as possible means he spends a lot of his time knocked out, so he has no idea how long he’s been stuck under or if any of his family are stuck under here too. At the very least he shares a wall with Karlof who tries his best to fill him in(when he learns who Kai was made to fight he also gets pretty pissed).
Later when they’re all dropped from the plane, all of them are quick to make sure Lloyd has a parachute. This time the objective is to a “Safe Zone,” but there’s only enough for four of them. However, the Safe Zones are, unsurprisingly, traps and there’s enough for everyone. Once you step in one, it descends, then vengestone cuffs fly out and trap the Master inside.
Skylor ends up finding Lloyd and offers to help him look for one. They end up talking and joking, Lloyd saying how Kai has an enormous crush on her and kept trying to impress her, but Lloyd thought she was good and would like Kai if they didn’t need to fight each other, which accidentally slams her with guilt. 
Some how she ends up slipping, maybe by accidentally revealing how she knows the locations/number of traps and Lloyd realizes she’s the spy which crushes him. He tries to fight her but she just pushed him onto the trap.
Going to the small cult area below, the remaining EMs are brought together. They try their best to keep Lloyd protected but he’s brought to the front anyway. Lloyd asks if they even knew about his mom, to which Chen reminisces about a woman they meet a few years ago who was stealing from them and how they stole some of her things, but they were mostly worthless. They honestly have no idea where she is, which just makes Lloyd mad.
Mad these people tricked him. Mad these people had the audacity to pretend to know his mom. Mad these people made Kai sacrifice himself for him.
However, they weren’t lying About having met Misako. That’s actually how they found out about the whole “Lloyd Being The Green Ninja” thing
But anyway. Chen steals their powers, Skylor is having a moral dilemma, and they start getting ready to Make Trouble in the Noodle Factory
Only this time when they go to steal the staff, they now have to fight Kai.
Only this time for real.
This is the replacement for the Staff Scene. Because of his affect under the Staff Kai…..isn’t really there. Like, he’s just a blank puppet. There’s the tiniest amount of emotion, but his eyes look empty.
At some point the staff goes flying and it turns into a mental tug of war between Clouse commanding Kai and Lloyd and the others trying to get through to him. Lloyd is luckily able to get to Kai enough for him to smash the jewel, releasing the EM powers and the control on him. It gives him the worst headache though.
And from there, canon is mostly the same for a while. The whole time this has been going on Zane has been having dreams/nightmares about an Ice Dragon and finally makes the connection to unlock it. Skylor is still captured, Chen still escapes but now Clouse is still around, Pythor is captured, TIME FOR THE END
This time around, the EMs are able to follow Chen to their base of operations and have the final battle there. They fight, and even though they’re only partially Anacondrai, they’re still hard to fight.
Clouse tries to do the whole “Banish You To the Departed Realm” thing, but accidentally summons the Anacondrai Generals as well, who are very not happy over what these humans are doing.
And yeah. That’s what I got.
I might do more in depth posts for some of the other seasons, not sure. But feel free to ask or submit ideas of your own
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
[waddles in here and does the club penguin dance(tm)]
okay okay so this might be a bit hard to read and junk because im kinda panicky rn (and not the best with words lol) but i'll try my best:
okay so.. essentially, could i get a kai x reader oneshot that takes place after the battle at the corridor of elders in an alternate universe, nobody really wins the fight? because (reader) gets caught up in the fighting and ends up getting stabbed or something by chen's hand. afterwards, (reader) gets put in a rejuvenation tank to be revived and used as a pawn lol and kai goes to save them because. yeah
(sorry if this didn't make sense lol)
- 🎸
I'm gonna assume this is a continuation of my Three Broken Hearts story? I'm happy other people love it so much as even though angst is somewhat hard for me to write I still like making it from time to time; especially as a prelude to heavy comfort.
So yeah! A bit of angst in the beginning but reader gets saved! Also instead of she/her like the originals this one will be they/them
Lost and Found
The fight had been going on longer than he expected. Kai looked over to you; bloodied mouth, torn gi, yet confident scowl. He mimicked you, taking a two second break before diving back into the crowd of Anacondrai. Every time it seemed like the elemental masters were getting the lead, the serpents would strike back and dwindle each others' numbers.
He's trapped between two of them, barely holding them off before Cole fends them off and presses his back against his to cover his blind spots. "Where's (Y/N)?" Kai shouts above the battling.
"They left to set up a healing camp with Nya, providing shields to block Anacondrai attacks." True to his word, Kai peers over his shoulder to see golden shields of light forcing Anacondrai warriors into the sky.
He laughs, "sounds just like them." Nothing else is said as the battle rages on.
An hour had already passed; both parties exhausted and troops depleted. It was just you, Lloyd, Cole, and Mr. Pale fighting against a handful of warriors and Chen himself sitting in the back letting his warriors fight for him.
You were still going stronger than any of them; having unlocked your full potential today and gaining excess energy. Chen could see this, and was getting frustrated. If it weren't for you, he would've won this fight with ease. He needed you out of the picture.
"Give me that!" He snaps, grabbing a tool out of one of his warrior's hands and aiming it at you. "I won't lose that easily!"
You were too busy fighting to notice; "(Y/N), BEHIND YOU!!" Kai screams.
He's too far away to push you out of the grappling hook's path as it punctures the middle of your chest, shoots out through the other side, then pulls back and embeds the hooks into your ribcage. Your lungs fill with blood, drowning you as you collapse first to your knees, then on your side. You were dead before you hit the ground.
Neither your lover nor your brother could even rush over to cradle your lifeless corpse before it was cruelly dragged away by the chain of the grappling hook. Some masters look on, terrified, as others scream horrifically at the sight. Chen merely cackles, not afraid to get a little blood on his hands as he pulls you into one of his flying contraptions and takes off with your body.
His eyes are too blurry with tears to see properly as Kai tries to get his legs to coordinate with his thoughts. He had to chase after you; get you back, even if it was just for burial. His body was already exhausted from overworking himself for the fight, and all it took was a stumble as he couldn't keep moving. Fist moving to hit the ground, he screams in frustration and continues to sob in your memory. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry..."
You could faintly see a figure in the distance over a field of grass and flowers. It was peaceful, but once you reached out to touch it, you were forcefully pulled back from it.
Your eyes snapped open as you wildly looked around, hands reaching up to your chest to feel for any wounds, but there didn't appear to be any. Sitting up and looking down, there wasn't even a scar. Where were you? What happened, and how did you get here? You couldn't waste any time thinking, you just had to get out. You were in some strange vat of amber liquid, and the only thing preventing you from breathing it in was a mask connected to a tube that led to the top of the container. You swam upwards, trying to push on it but it wouldn't budge.
You could hear muffled chuckling, as the liquid flooded your ears. "You can't get out without my help." Chen rounded a corner and entered the room.
"I don't want your help!" You yelled at him, pounding on the glass.
He just kept grinning as he hit a button on a panel beside your container, draining the liquid and opening it by pulling off the top, which was attached to the glass; no wonder you couldn't open it. Was he stupid? He just let you free.
The moment there was enough space for you to squeeze out from under the glass, you made a run for it. He simply sighed, "I figured this would happen." Holding up some sort of remote, he pressed a button.
You had barely a second to react with a scream as an explosive planted in your arm went of, blowing it into chunks and a scrap pierced your heart, killing you again.
When you woke up, the first thing you did was feel for your arm, which was still there, despite watching it blow up. What was going on? There was no way this was healing you; humans can't grow back entire limbs and organs.
"Let's try this again, shall we?" Your head whipped around to face the source of the noise; Chen sitting at the panel and looking up at you with a smirk. He presses the release button again, "what will you do?"
You were determined to escape. If Chen was willing to keep doing this, reviving you, surely he'd realize it was futile and just let you go.
Time and time again, you were proven wrong. "You know, I have the resources to keep doing this as long as you like. It's not hard to admit you're tired of all this. The death, the reviving; watching as the floors of this room get coating in your very own body parts."
You glared at him. You thought you could get used to the pain, as he kept planting the explosive in the same arm, but it still hurt just as bad each time. And every time you blew up, you would see the same person in that green field, and sometimes he would try to help you; other times he would watch you with a kind of sadness you'd only seen on your mother's face when she told you how sorry she was to leave you at such a young age.
How long had it been now? When was the last time you even slept or ate? How many times have you...died? Was anyone coming to rescue you? They thought you were dead anyway. You couldn't even will your legs to move next time the vat opened; you simply slumped to the ground and began to sob.
Chen shuffled over and began to stroke your hair, "there, there. See? It's not hard to just listen, now, is it?"
"I hate you." The words could barely come out of your throat in the form of choked out syllables.
"Is that so? Perhaps I have not made you obedient enough." He held up the remote threateningly.
Just the sight of that thing triggered a violent response in you; causing you to scream at him and lunge for the remote in a desperate attempt to destroy the object causing you pain. You wish it would've worked, but instead he simply pressed it and killed you once again.
This time, Chen held the button right above your head. You were far too broken to even reach for it. He had finally gained your obedience. "Would you like to finally eat?"
You gorged yourself on the feast in front of you; every type of dish imaginable laid out as you grabbed food by the handfuls, shoveling it in your mouth as you tried to savor the taste before the next handful was crammed in alongside it. You didn't like doing this, but you didn't like watching the clock in front of you count down either; and you didn't know when your next meal would be. Only half of it stayed in your stomach as you threw up the rest from overstuffing yourself.
"We'll just have to work on that." Chen scoffed.
You didn't know what was worse; dying every time you tried to protest anything, being given only exactly 8 hours of sleep, being given only two bathroom breaks and one break for food, or the constant training between everything else. Your body was beyond exhausted, and sometimes you'd be disobedient on purpose, even if it would cause you severe agony, because at least you could rest in the vat of amber liquid.
Assuming each time you woke up had been a day; you had to have been in here for at least 3-4 months by now. Chen had noticed your little healing scheme and refused to blow you up now and just put a shock collar on you for less extreme cases. He tsked, "you're so expensive, you know that?" You had learned by the tone that he wanted an apology.
He finally had you wrapped around his finger.
"I'm sorry, Master Chen. I will...become more cost efficient."
Kai and your brother Cole had been using all their free time to scour the entire land of Ninjago for any possible place you could be. Even when the other ninja told them to rest a little; they knew it wouldn't persuade them to take breaks. After all, they were the people closest to you, and they weren't ready to give up, even if it was just to bury you.
They had started from the bottom up; knowing Chen could be anywhere at this point. It had been an entire 7 months now, but they refused to give up.
When you first met each other in the mountains; you had begun to cry.
"(Y/N)?" Tears leaked from Cole's eyes as he looked upon his beloved younger sibling; alive and seemingly okay. "How are you-"
"-Don't!" You pointed your sword at him to keep him from getting closer. "Chen already knows we're talking. It won't be long until he finds out what we're talking about, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"Please, it's been 7 months, we thought you were dead; we need you!" Kai shouted.
"I...7 months?" You couldn't control your sobbing. "It's been too long...I love you, Kai. I'm sorry."
Both boys screamed as you blew into chunks. They immediately went home to get looked at, but Zane concluded what they saw was in fact real. "If it was a hallucination; the odds are too low for you both to have seen the exact same thing." He holds up a small slide with dry blood on it. "And the blood on your shirts was in fact (Y/N)'s. This means that (Y/N) was somehow revived, and was completely alive when you saw them on that mountain."
All the ninja began doubling down on their search for you now; knowing you were out there, alive and breathing, somewhere. Yet every time they saw you, you would either try to weakly attack them, or talk to them. Either interaction ended up with you exploding, and it didn't take long for Zane to analyze the situation and figure out what was happening.
"Every time I have encountered them, they have been missing their left pinky finger. I have reason to believe that Chen has been using this piece of DNA to either clone or revive them every time they..." He didn't want to say it; it was too gruesome to face.
Kai clenched his fists, trying not to burst into flames through sheer rage, "so Chen has just been...killing (Y/N) every time they disobey him? And then reviving them? He's been fucking torturing my partner?!"
"Hey, hey," Nya goes to calm her brother down, "now's not the time to get angry."
"Yeah," Cole scoffed, "save that for the fight against Chen." He added darkly, "you'll need it."
Chen glared at you; the ninja were getting too close to discovering his base. "What have you been hiding?"
Your voice, which previously held much light and humor to it, was now monotonous as you replied to him, "nothing, Master Chen. It's merely normal for me to want to talk to my friends after not seeing them for...8 months now."
He hits you hard over the head with a staff, but you had since been taught not to flinch, nor react to pain. "You blithering idiot!" He hits you again, "if you weren't such a blabbering fool, you could've rid me of those pesky ninja a long time ago!" He shouts out in frustration, "just for all that trouble you've caused me, you deserve a reset!"
His instructions for you are clear as you wake up again. "I want you to fight the ninja. I want you to finally kill them off. I don't care what it takes, or I'm going to make your punishments so, so much worse."
There is no room for arguments. "Yes, Master Chen." You only had a few hours to prepare. Chen was going to have his way no matter what, so you had to outsmart him somehow. As you took your precious 8 hour sleep break, instead of spending it resting up, you started to think and plan ahead. The one thing standing between you and freedom was Chen. But why? He had the explosive in your arm. But there was no way you could safely remove it; it was set to explode if it was ever detached from the flesh. You were never going to be mentally prepared for the battle tomorrow; no matter what you did prior to this.
Chen had you trained to the max. You were faster, stronger, and even knew how to evade most attacks now. There wasn't much left he could teach you without letting you practice; but there wasn't time for that now.
Hiding in the leaves of the trees, the colorful ninja were easy to spot amongst the browns and greens of the forest. You had to execute this perfectly, and you hoped Zane would understand why you were doing this to him. "I'm sorry." You muttered to yourself before dropping down on him and yanking his head off with all your might. Chen might not have known, but you knew that it could easily be put back on. The thing that mattered most was his core; literally his heart. You stole the earpiece from him that all of you wore, and put it on.
The other ninja immediately went on alert; pressing their backs against each other. "(Y/N), is that you? You don't have to do this!"
You yelled loudly, "it's either you, or me, and I'm sick and tired of dying, when you all just left me for dead!"
Chen needed to hear you argue with the ninja, and he needed to believe it too. "We didn't leave you to die!" "We're sorry, (Y/N), we didn't know!" "Please, come home with us, we can fix this!"
"You can't undo 8 months of trauma!" You screamed as you made an attack against Lloyd, who blocked your attack, forcing you to retreat back to the trees to remain hidden. While the others were busy trying to convince you to join their side, you tuned into Cole's headpiece. "Brother, it's me." You whispered as you made another attack, only to get blocked. "When I tell you to go, I need you to pick up Zane and run."
"(Y/N)? Why are you doing this?"
"I don't have time to explain!" You threw a dagger at Cole's feet, intentionally missing by just a hair. "If Chen suspects a single thing is going on, he's going to kill me again, and you'll lose me forever!"
"...I trust you."
And with that, you moved on to Kai. Making a few attacks with real effort this time, Jay struck you from behind with a harsh blow to the shoulder blades, but you just kicked him off you and threw another dagger at the group. "Kai, babe, it's me-"
"(Y/N)? Why-"
"-Shut up! I'm...sorry for making you wait. I don't have time to explain, but there's an explosive in my arm that Chen can remotely detonate if he thinks I'm trying to escape him. I'm sure you already have noticed, but I'm missing a finger on my dominant arm. That's how he regrows my body. Please don't argue with me; I need you to cut my arm off." He started to talk, but you refused to let him speak. "Stop! I'll be lost to you forever, and I know neither of us want that. After I attack Lloyd, I'm going to come for you next, okay? There's going to be a split second where I hold my arm out and...that's when you strike. Don't hesitate, and use your fire to immediately cauterize the wound. We can get to a hospital when we're all safe from Chen."
Kai couldn't do this; to cut off one of your limbs on purpose? Your dominant hand? You used that arm for writing, eating, playing games, and most importantly, caressing his face. Could he really do this? He watched as you attacked Lloyd, then charged for him. It was now or never.
If he blinked, he would've missed it. You held your sword in the wrong hand as you held your arm out to him. He swung.
The rest of the team looked on in horror as your arm disconnected from your body, blood seeping out as you screamed at your boyfriend to cauterize the wound. He panicked a little, but got to work and held your stump, applying his fire to it. "Go, go!" You screamed.
Cole knew this was the signal and picked up Zane's body and head and began sprinting for The Bounty. Everyone else was confused, but followed you, Kai, and Cole as you left. Seconds later they could hear Chen's frustrated screams. "(Y/N)!!" An explosion went off, presumably your arm, "you can't leave me! Come back!"
Nobody listened, and once you got to The Bounty, there was a lot of explaining you had to do while they flew to the hospital. "I hope I didn't hurt anyone." You winced when you looked over at Zane, "I'm sure he'll be fine..."
"Why didn't you let any of us in on your plan?" Lloyd asked, crossing his arms.
You shook your head, "I couldn't. If I did, you would've definitely looked like you were acting. If Chen knew I was trying to work with you, he would've blown me up, then tortured me."
"Worse than what he was already doing?" Cole frowned, holding your hand. He felt horrible knowing how Chen treated you, and wished he could've done anything to protect his little sibling from what happened there.
"...Yeah..." You glanced away painfully and laid your chin on your boyfriend's head. Kai had buried his face into your neck and enjoyed your warmth and scent he missed so much. You missed him a lot too.
"Well, that's never happening again." Kai growled, clutching to your shirt. "You're never going to get kidnapped, and you'll never be tortured again."
You kiss the top of his head, "thank you. I just hope Chen doesn't revive my finger to keep this...thing going." You look down to your stub, where your finger would've been. It was going to take a while to get used to not having an arm.
Zane, who had just woken up a minute ago, came into the room with good news. "That shouldn't be possible. While I was in shutdown mode, I had gone through my files and realized that all of your previous scars are gone, and you appear to be slightly younger than you're supposed to be. This means you weren't being revived, you were being reversed. By putting your finger in the solution, it would reverse the explosion and put your body back to a state when it was together and alive. But since you already are together and alive, all it would create is the rest of your arm, and Chen couldn't do anything with that."
The team sighed with relief. "Thank you, Zane. I feel more relaxed hearing that." You smiled to him.
You continued talking with the team as they promised to treat you to all sorts of things; your favorite desserts and meals, no chores and complete control over the television for a week, and they even swore to take you someplace fun. They watched as your eyelids became droopy and your sentences became shorter, and once you arrived at the hospital, you were nearly asleep on the bed.
Kai kissed you quickly, "I'll see you when you wake up. We all missed you, (Y/N). I missed you." He watched you smile tiredly as the doctors pulled your bed away.
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miakwat · 3 years
would it be possible to elaborate on those aus you are thinking about mayhaps 👉👈
I haven't thought too in depth about this, so I probably still have to workshop what I've written down still
("But Mika, you said you've been thinking about-" I've been thinking about two specific things over and over again)
OK, so typically when I see AUs surrounding Kai working under Chen for the entirety of the tournament they usually have Chen take him in after Ray and Maya are kidnapped by Krux. (I've only seen one where it follows canon up until that point.)
(I'm going to try getting a rough idea of how my version of this AU would work? Will probably workshop this a bit later)
(Also, I'm putting everything under the cut for once so I don't clog up people's feeds.)
-In between s3 and s4 Chen (or at least his followers) found Kai when he was at his absolute worst. He was fighting in the Slither Pit, drowning his emotions out in alcohol, and suffering from survivals guilt.
-Chen decides that now would be a great time to try and get one of ninjago's protectors onto his side (and on top of his current state, the emotional ones were already easy to target).
-He sends Skylor to the Slither Pit to try and gain his trust, and after a week or so of sharing drinks and banter, she's successful in doing so.
-Skylor is also able to get a bit more information on Kai, like how he has a fear of being weak and his repressed jealousy towards Lloyd (he didn't outright say that last part, but it was heavily implied).
-In his state, Kai is somewhat easy to manipulate. Skylor's made his days a little brighter, but he still feels horrible and wishes he could've done something during their last battle.
-This is when Skylor brings the possibility of Zane being alive up, and after a bit more discussion, Skylor tells Kai to meet her at the docks the next day.
-This is where he meets Clouse, and is told about Zane being stuck in Chen's custody. Clouse offers a place among Chen's ranks in exchange
-He immediately reacts with anger and attempts to attack Clouse with his fire, but Skylor counters with her own fire.
-Skylor tries to reason with Kai while he's in his shocked state. She tries negotiating with him, offering things like the power of the Anacondrai and Zane's safety. All the while Clouse might be casting a spell to sort of sway Kai and guarantee that he will stay with Chen throughout the tournament? Maybe?
-Normally, this type of spell wouldn't work when somebody's at their peak mental and physical health, but Kai? Kai's basically at rock bottom. Zane's dead, his friends split up and left him alone, and somebody he trusted led him to, well, this.
-Kai's swayed, but the spell is only meant to tempt. So he's not completely under Clouse's control, but whenever he seems like he's going to betray Chen they bring Clouse in to set Kai straight.
-Kai asks to see Zane as a way for him to be %100 sure they weren't bluffing about him being rebuilt. Of course, Zane doesn't recognize Kai but Clouse reassures him that with time he'll regain his memories.
-This happens a lot due to how devoted to his family Kai is.
-Kai is forced to get an Anacondrai tattoo.
-When Chen's cultists over in Ninjago catch wind of Lloyd getting back in contact with Jay (and was also heading to where Cole was located), they sent Kai back right away so they wouldn't get suspicious of his absence (they of course had Skylor watch over him to make sure he didn't slip up).
-Lloyd finds Kai at the park by Zane's statue, and their interaction is relatively less "it should've been me" "gah stop being so selfish" and more "are we even a team anymore if theres bad blood between a good portion of us?" "wdym of course we are".
The whole Clouse manipulation thing is a little self indulgent, but I think it'd make for some good angst? Like maybe after everythings done and the spell finally wears off Kai has to deal with the thoughts Clouse had shoved into his head?
Anyways I might try getting into what happens during the tournament at a different point in time, but for now I'll leave it at that! (I'm sorry if none of this makes sense or if anything seems ooc. Also, if you have anything specific you'd like to see expanded upon maybe send in an ask? 👉👈)
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ninjapolis · 4 years
Masterpost of My AUs
So, I have a ton of these that I never posted about...
Here’s info on ALL of my AUs, whether I’ve posted about them or not! Mostly in order of when I made them! I’ll provide a place for a link with each, if there’s no link I haven’t posted about it yet.
Future AU: (Mostly) adheres to canon. My fankids and their adventures, along with the shenanigans the ninja get up to when married! It’s polyninja, but the ninja are married to their female love interests too and the girls are married to eachother. Also contains Destinyshipping, Garmaclouse and Badboyshipping. Consists of two parts: Right after Lilly, the ninja’s youngest is born; and thirteen years later, when most of them are old enough to be training. Learn more here.
Serprincetine AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. 100% a polyninja AU. All of the ninja are serpentine: Kai is the prince of the Hypnobrai, Cole is a Constrictai training to become a Peacekeeper’s Guard, Jay is a Venomari mechanic, and Zane is a Fangpyre mercenary hired to kill Kai before his 18th birthday. A Peacekeeper is someone who’s supposed to keep the peace between the five tribes. Garmadon, an Anacondrai, is the current Peacekeeper, while Kai is his successor. Garmadon is going to die on Kai’s 18th birthday, so Lloyd hates Kai. Zane was hired to kill Kai so the Fangpyre could start a war. There’s a lot to unpack and it’s also a soulmate AU, so I can’t fit everything here. Learn more here.
Vampire Hunter AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. Lavashipping and Technoshipping. Jay and Cole are vampire hunters who have been hired by their village’s leader, Wu, to kill the vampires living in the castle above the town: Kai and Zane. Due to a long and harsh blizzard, Cole and Jay are trapped with the extremely hot vampires in the very nice castle. They can tolerate it I guess. Learn more here.
I Obliterate My Favorite Character for No Reason Other Than Angst AU/Kai Dies AU (first one is the official name/tag): Starts out same as canon but deviates in Season 3. No ships. Kai says in Season 4 that he wanted to die instead of Zane, so I grant his wish. Except he doesn’t come back because he’s made of flesh and bone. Read more here.
Everything’s Alright AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. No ships. Nothing bad happens, so the ninja can just live normal lives. Read more here.
Kai Smith is Now Kai Chen and He’s Evil AU/Kai Chen AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Kinda plasmashippy. Essentially Kai and Skylor swap places, with Chen adopting Kai and Skylor’s mom adopting Nya after Ray and Maya die and Chen and his wife divorce. Kai fucking dies, then tries to help his dad wreck Nya and Skylor, then dies again. Read more here.
Actor AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. No ships.  The characters are all actors, simply playing parts in a TV show. Most of them have different backgrounds and slightly different personalities. It has very little development, and it doesn’t really have much of an actual storyline. Learn more here.
Jay Suffers AU: Starts out same as canon but deviates in Season 4. No ships. All of the ninja except Jay die at some point and Jay is suffering. Ed and Edna place him in a mental hospital after he attempts suicide and he befriends Harumi. Mostly focuses on his time in the mental hospital, and I try to make it wholesome sometimes to offset all of the angst. Read more here.
Ninja Nya AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Contains plasmashipping, a hint of lavashipping in season 3 and 4 and phoenixshipping. Everything’s the same except Kai and Nya swap places: Nya is the ninja of Fire, and Kai is Samurai X/the ninja of water. Read more here.
Oni and Dragons AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Contains plasmashipping and Jaya, probably. Maybe Wusako, if you squint. And possibly glaciershipping to accompany the plasma. Oni and Dragons were created to serve humans like the FSM. Wu is also a full human. Wu and Garmadon aren’t brothers; rather, Garmadon is Wu’s former bodyguard. Garmadon is an Oni, and like most is sick of being bossed around by what he considers a powerless species. He and every Oni elemental master lead a revolt to gain their freedom, while Wu and the Dragon elemental masters fight against them. The Oni win, but Garmadon wants to completely control the humans and Dragons. He gets banished to the Underworld. Wu started training Morro, who was half-Oni and half-Dragon, to foster peace between the warring species. Morro gets killed by an Oni. Wu later starts training two half-Dragons (Kai and Nya), two half-Oni (Cole and Jay) and a Nindroid (Zane) for a second attempt. They later find Lloyd, who is Wu and Misako’s illegitimate child (Misako is still married to Garmadon) and 100% human. Dragons and Oni are both very protective species by nature, so Kai, Nya, Jay and Cole all become very protective of Lloyd. They learn about Morro much sooner, since Wu actually honors him and his death with a small altar and talks about him. They raise Morro from the dead, since he’s still the Chosen One (because Lloyd doesn’t deserve that burden). He kicks Garmadon’s ass and everything else is just shenanigans with the ninja, Morro and redeemed Garmadon. Wu actually acknowledges that he is not a good parent. The ninja are all adults because Wu learned from his mistakes like he should have in canon. Read more here.
The Pirate and His Dragon AU: Follows a completely different story from canon. The entire purpose of this AU is plasmashipping. This AU combines the popular concept of Pirate! Jay with my Half-Dragon! Kai because I thought it would be cool. Mostly just slice-of-life as they do pirate and half-dragon things. Read more here.
Garmadon’s Servant Kai AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Canon ships (Jaya and Llorumi). Kai starts training with Wu, only to soon reveal he’s been in cahoots with Lord Garmadon the whole time. He remains a traitor and nuisance until season 3, in which he pretends to chill out due to Garmadon becoming good. He slowly warms back up to the ninja until season 8, in which he’s the Quiet One instead of Harumi (Lloyd gets the healthy romance arc he deserves) and Kai essentially completely destroys any more chances of reconciliation with his former teammates and sister.
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drowsydregon · 5 years
EVEN MORE Small Facts/Details About Ninjago Characters
> Day of the Departed is Nya's favorite holiday
> Lloyd isn't usually one to snark or be cold towards people, but if you do him dirty he will verbally eviscerate you. He did this to Harumi, Garmadon, and Akita after feeling betrayed or hurt by them.
> Cake isnt the only thing Cole likes. He also likes chocolate-covered shell peas!
> Jay really likes cotton candy! he's seen eating it during Lloyd's trivia game in "Child's Play" as well as after stopping Lloyd in "Rise of the Snakes."
> While Kai isn't very good at skating, he is good at sledding.
> Lloyd's animal symbol was an ouroboros serpent until he became the golden ninja. Now it’s a dragon.
> Cole tends to cross his arms.
> Ninjago's version of Instagram and Facebook merge together, and the site is called "InstaBook.' Twitter on the other hand is called 'Chirper.' Kai's handle on Chirper is @ Fi-Ya13 (Yes, it's pronounced how you think it is. Bonus fact: Kai is a professional dork.)
> Cyrus likes talking about technology and the work he makes, even in the presence of people he doesn't necessarily like. He was very proud to announce the features of the BorgWatch after Krux dismissed the device.
> Cole is a nervous eater, and Ronin called him out on this.
> Nya and Zane are the only Ninja who have never been shirtless at any point in the series. On the other hand, Jay has straight up been naked on-screen before. (And... hit a dude with a towel while he has naked.)
> Zane's speech pattern tends to be more formal than his fellow Ninja's. He doesn't use slang, idioms, or contractions very often. The other nindroids tend to be the same way.
> Wu's beard got a lot longer after being hit with the Time Punch. Seriously, it basically dragged on the ground.
> Cole is a very skilled artist. Specifically, he likes making traditional paintings.
> The last time we saw Zane's falcon was season eight.
> Jay.. does not have a very expansive vocabulary. He wasn’t exactly sure what 'bequeathed' or 'temporal' meant.
> Skylor has appeared in every season since her debut. The only exceptions are season 8 and season 11.
> Ronin's eyepatch has thermal vision and can scope out ghosts. Pretty handy if you owe a very dangerous ghost a large debt, no? ((This also implies that Ronin likely isn't blind in his right eye.))
> Ever wonder what happened in the aftermath of Skybound?? No?? Well according to The Dark Island Trilogy, Nadakhan's crew is actually currently in Kyptarium Prison, while Clouse is trapped in the Underworld.
> Acronix's favorite modern invention is the BorgWatch. Likewise, Krux hates BorgPads the most.
> Acronix says he has followers on InstaBook. How many or who these followers are is unknown.
> During DotD, Morro and Pythor's statues are opposite side of the other villains'. This could be possible a representation of how Morro and Pythor got redemption arcs while the others did not. (even tho Pythor's redemption arc was a psuedo arc, he was still considered 'redeemed' until that point)
> Fangtom and Skalidor's names are never mentioned in canon; whereas Pythor, Skales, and Acidicus are all mentioned by name at least once.
> The spider song Harumi sings is actually a lullaby Hutchins taught her. Ironically, she found it pretty creepy as a child.
> Harumi likes lots of garlic in her noodles, but wasn’t really allowed to have garlic often due to her parents believing that princesses 'are not allowed to have bad breath.'
> Harumi also likes ice cream and cats!
> Pythor has happily taken pictures with a family visiting the amusement park, and only seemed to hate it after the flash went off.
> Acronix likes taking pictures. This includes selfies. 
> After being bleached, Pythor's eyes shift in and out of being pink and red. Whether this is an animation error or there's an actual reason for this is unknown to me.
> Harumi has zero clue where Mr. E came from. He just kinda... appeared.
> Nonetheless, Harumi was soft for Mr. E. She tried to reason with Garmadon to prevent him from being murdered, and looked legitimately hurt when she was unsuccessful. 
> There's a particular scene where Morro walks into a bar, and he seemed to get a nostalgic kick out of being there. As if he's visited it many times before when he was still alive.
> Pythor prefers to lead armies with perfectly concocted plans rather than directly fight his enemies. If he has to directly fight, he's either gonna pull a trick out of his sleeve or he's gonna end up running away.
> Morro is one of the only ghost warriors we see whose never seen with a tail. (Unless you wanna count the time he possessed Bansha)
> While Chen is ultimately a selfish asshole, he did stick up for Skylor after Clouse made a snide remark about her betrayal.
> Pythor is extremely lonely, going so far as becoming friends with inanimate objects in order to fill the void. He even questions why Lloyd would run away from making friends, saying that 'everybody needs friends, even tyrants,'
> Chen, Clouse, Skylor, and Garmadon are the only cultists without tattoos on their faces. Likewise, they're the only cultists who keep their regular humanoid heads after the transformation spell is complete. (Well aside from Clouse, since he never became an Anacondrai in the first place.)
> Hutchins was more aware of Harumi’s problems than the Emperor and Empress. It’s also implied Hutchins was growing suspicious of Harumi’s plans.
> We don't have much to go off of, but it's subtly implied that Morro was very curious as a child. This seems to carry over as an adult, as he can be seen assessing situations and acting quickly based on these assessments. (For example, he was the one to figure out Yang was likely the culprit that brought everybody back to life during DotD while all the other villains were still bantering with each other. He was also able to figure out how to use the Sword of Sanctuary fairly quickly through mere study.)
> Morro almost always has an eyebrow raised. Seriously, between his smug nature and his curious nature, his eyebrows never even out.
> Cryptor laughs... a lot. Like that's literally half his dialogue. At least he's having a good time!
> Morro had his green hairstripe before he was adopted by Wu.
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master-of-cosmos · 5 years
Imprint [Ninjago Fic]
apparently some people are calling this ‘whumptober,’ so you know what that means! entersroomhoppingonmyhighheels.gif
it’s quick oneshot-inspired-by-@rinas-ninjas‘ palette-challenge-art time ❤️ that stuff is right up my alley y’all don’t even know. anyway, this is also a bit of a thank you gift to @lloydskywalkers for always being so supportive of this fandom’s writer community and such an inspiration in her own work! i absolutely do not deserve all the love you’ve given TMS, so you completely deserve some post-s4 brotherly bonding hun 💚💚
content warning: there’s lots of blood and a very likely upsetting way it’s taken care of because of the way it’s described, so please don’t read if you’re under 13 or sensitive to these things!
Kai wasn’t exactly expecting things to go back to normal right away. The team could still laugh with each other and band together against an enemy like nothing changed, but it’d be naive to think that, once everything settled down, there wouldn’t be some hitches.
He just didn’t think Lloyd would be one of them.
It’s three in the morning, and he’s already awake. Rolling over onto his back, he stares up at the ceiling in the guest room he’s been staying in since they got back from Chen’s outright lousy island. He blinks a few times, wondering what pulled his brain out of his coma so early.
Soft - slow - footsteps pad down the hall outside. Right, it’s time for Lloyd’s patrol. His actual one today, apparently. He’s been randomly stealing everyone’s shifts after Anacondrai gang wannabes started cropping up, inspired by Chen in spite of what happened to him.
In spite of what Sensei Garmadon sacrificed to stop him. Weeks ago.
A whole month has gone by, and Lloyd still won’t talk to anyone about it, least of all Kai. And Kai, in particular, has barely been able to have a conversation with him about anything without the kid stuttering and finding something else to do that cuts off the interaction like an axe to his neck.
He knows perfectly well why.
Kicking off the blanket, he drags himself out of bed and slips on his sandals.
He’s got no one else to blame but himself that Lloyd’s scared of him now, so he let this go on for too long. He’s not sure what’s come over him about it, but at some point in the last few days, he decided he’s putting a stop to it, any act he can do at a time.
He has to show Lloyd that he can still rely on him. That he’s trustworthy and useful and not a screw up and worth more to the team than the shattered bathroom mirror says.
His hurry down the hall causes a yawning audience to trail him, Jay mumbling, “Where’s the fire?”
Lloyd’s about to step out when he makes it to the foyer. “Hey,” he calls.
Freezing, Lloyd tilts his head back a little, answering with a hesitant, “Yeah?”
Ignoring Cole and Jay behind him, Kai moves further into the room, mustering his nerve to say, “I can take your shift. If you want.”
“It’s fine. I got it,” he responds quickly as he turns to Kai. He wavers a little bit, and the dark circles under his wide eyes stand out in Zane’s reading light.
Catching Kai’s drift, Cole gently suggests, “Lloyd, maybe it’s better for you to stay in.”
“I…appreciate the concern, but this is something I need to do,” Lloyd asserts back, his jaw locked from annoyance.
It’s clear to Kai that Lloyd’s been using the patrols to ignore what happened to his dad. Maybe he’s trying to put off sleep, too. Both worried about that and absorbing Lloyd’s aggravation like a sponge, Kai huffs, “Look, dude, it’s obvious you’re tired. Just let me cover you for one night.”
“I said it’s fine. You don’t want to be here anyway,” Lloyd bites, hardly even looking at the others when he says it, and storms out of the dojo so fast that Kai can only stare as the door slams shut.
Kai braces himself on the front counter, squeezing his eyes shut. That’s what’s wrong. They - he - left Lloyd all alone. Of course he feels like he has to do everything like that now.
Jay humphs a little and rubs his eye, heading back upstairs as he tiredly jokes, “Well, my shift’s always open.”
Following him, Cole pats Kai’s shoulder. “Let the kid grieve in his own way. He’ll come around.”
Easy for you to say, Kai thinks. He has it on good authority that throwing yourself into work to avoid your feelings doesn’t help in the long run.
“Are you all right?” Zane asks from his chair on the other side of the room, the giant book he’s been chipping away at for three nights abandoned in his lap.
Straightening, Kai tightly answers, “Yep.”
“I am certain you will think of a way to help him,” he states, returning to his book.
Well, he already has. He races back up to his room and throws on his gi. With his comm-link in his ear, he doesn’t waste time running back downstairs. Instead, he leaps out the window as he summons his elemental dragon and takes off after his little brother.
He’s going to prove to Lloyd that he won’t just leave him on his own again.
A few miles out from his dad’s dojo, Lloyd rides his dragon along his patrol route and fights tears, scrubbing at his face every few moments. Stupid Kai, he thinks, but then he shakes his head, mumbling, “Stupid me.”
Somewhere inside, he’s happier than anything to have the team back together. He knew how much he missed them, but it feels a million times better actually being able to watch them work hard in the training yard, hearing them laugh at the breakfast table, everyone saying “good morning” and then “goodnight,” just like it used to be.
But he got used to his dad.
Lloyd can’t keep himself from running through scenarios that might have saved him, and some of those possibilities include things he would never voice, like not taking the challenge at all. But because he wouldn’t do something like that, Dad got to suffer the consequences.
A scream splits him from his thoughts.
“Where?” he asks the night, searching the ground. In a secluded alley, he spots what looks like three men corning a woman.
He sends his dragon into a dive for them, landing it between her and the attackers. It roars before he banishes it and readies his stance. “If you guys know what’s good for you, you’ll leave right now,” he threatens, lighting his power in his hands.
“It’s the Green Ninja,” one of them shouts to his buddies.
“Get him!”
The three drawing knives, they descend on him.
He cuts out the energy and dodges the closest man’s knife, noting the Anacondrai tattoo on his wrist. Grabbing the extended arm, Lloyd hurls the body at the next one. While they untangle themselves, he punches the third in the gut, grabbing his head when he doubles over and slamming his face on a nearby electrical unit.
The second kicks his kneecap from where he still lies on the ground, but Lloyd jumps back enough before the attack can fully connect. With a small yell, he blasts the man’s chest.
Left alone now, the first tries his luck again, charging at Lloyd with his knife held above his head. A high kick knocks it from his hand, and one more solid kick to his solar plexus takes him out.
With a stumble that he locks down on, Lloyd moves over to the woman crouched in the corner. “Hey, you’re safe now,” he says soothingly, extending his hand.
She looks up from her knees and stares at it before she takes it, her own hand trembling.
“It’s alright,” he consoles as he helps her stand. “Do you live around here?”
Wordlessly, she nods, clutching her purse close to her body.
He steps back to give her some space. “Do you need to call someone? Or, uh, I can take you there.” He accepts her careful step forward as an answer and turns around to leave the alley. Mostly to himself, he mutters, “I need to let the police know about these guys. Should’ve brought a rope or some―”
Normally, he’d never let anyone get the drop on him, especially not someone he could take without even looking, but Kai’s right. He’s tired. Distracted. Stressed and not keeping his guard up when he should, but how could he? She’s just an innocent person who needed help.
She’s not holding a switchblade, and that’s not his blood. It couldn’t be.
“It’s your fault,” she spits, circling around him. “You let those Anacondrai warriors attack my home. My children.”
Gasping, Lloyd backs against the wall the woman was just cowering against, his hand pressed to the throbbing fire in his side. “I-I’m sorry. We did―”
“Save it for your maker!” She steps over one of the men and kicks him, barking, “Get up.” The three of them groan as they comply. She hands her knife to the one who stands up first and orders, “Now finish it.”
Lloyd sucks in deeper breaths as he pushes himself to straighten. He can ignore the pain and pretend he doesn’t feel it long enough. With his teeth bared, he calls up another two energy orbs, warning, “Stay. Away.”
The man just smirks and keeps inching closer, so Lloyd pitches a sphere at him, knocking him clear out of the alley. Scrambling back to his feet, he squeaks, “Forget this,” and runs off.
Lloyd manages to re-energize his empty hand before the others get any more ideas, bending his knees and glaring, daring them.
“Yeah, I’m out. I didn’t sign up to kill him,” the second man says. The third follows after him.
The woman glowers at their retreat but makes no effort to stop them. Snapping her purse shut, she looks back at Lloyd, bitterly stating, “You may have this city worshiping you, but you don’t fool me.” And with that, she leaves him alone.
His energy orbs sputter out, taking his grip on equilibrium with them. The ground falls away like a tunnel as he staggers back a step, but he shuts his eyes and shakes his head sharply. He’ll be fine. He can get home and have this taken care of, no problem. He just needs his dragon.
Trying to summon it nearly sends him to the concrete. So he’s too freaked out to do that.
He can walk then. Find someone with a phone or something. The knife was pretty thin, wasn’t it? It can’t be bad enough that he won’t be able to walk.
One foot in front of the other. Not difficult. One step, next step, and then the next―
He gasps so hard he sees stars and has to catch himself on the wall. Restraining a scream in his throat doesn’t do much to chase away the incessant throb, but it helps the frustration building faster around his racing heart.
Flipping over, his back hits the wall. It’s practically the only thing holding him up, and that makes ice run down his spine.
He’s not as knowledgeable on anatomy as he should be, but he has a vague understanding that where she stabbed him is close to a cluster of nerves. On reflection, he instinctively twisted his torso just in time; she was probably going for his kidney or the giant artery beside it. A common target for someone who wants to cause pain.
Great, now he needs to know how bad it is.
He reaches around to touch the excruciating point under his ribs, hissing when his hand fumbles over it. Holding them up to the light of a distant streetlamp, he finds his fingers glazed in red, a mini pool of it in his palm.
A tremor’s already wracking his whole arm, and there’s warmth seeping across his lower back, stolen from his limbs.
He’s been injured and bled before, but this. It’s too much for him to deal with by himself. The pain, the fear, the knowledge of why all gather together behind his eyes and spill out as he murmurs, “Oh god.”
But there’s hope. He’s still got a spark of it. With the others home again, he has one last option.
Tapping his comm, he forces his voice to steadily enough ask, “K-Kai?”
His heart drops to his stomach when his brain promptly supplies, What if they  went back to sleep? Nobody’s listening. Even if he does hear you, the dojo’s miles away.
No one’s gonna be able to come for him. He’s in real trouble now, and it’s all because he was a jerk and didn’t let them be a team even though that’s the exact thing he wanted, and god, what’s Dad gonna think? Is he even in a real afterlife? Oh god, he’s never seeing him again. He’s gonna die out here, or some other day, and it won’t even matter―
“What’s up, Lloyd? You’re kind of staticky.”
He wants to laugh in relief, but the pain’s killing him enough, and as cloudy as it’s making his senses, he heard the worry in Kai’s voice despite the effort he used to hide it.
With his fleeting strength, he manages, “I-I need h-help.”
Ten minutes.
He was only ten minutes behind Lloyd.
Kai can’t hear anything outside his comm. He can barely see besides the blurry lines that are supposed to be streets he soars above. The only reason he knows Nya heard him when he told her to notify a hospital is because she commanded him to keep Lloyd talking.
“Yeah, and what’d he say to that?”
“Jeez. Gene was…s-so mad. Said..said he’d get me back f-for sure.”
“Tell me you got him first.”
“I-I tried, but I d-didn’t know where..to find…scor-scorpions.” He laughs at himself, but the sound chokes off with a gasp.
“Are you close?”
“Yeah. Yeah, buddy, two minutes. Just sit tight.”
“I know where we can get a couple.”
“Scorpions. We can still get that jerk.”
“H-he’s nice…n-now…Remember? Don’t..be mean.”
“Right, yeah. We ruined a perfectly good bad boy, didn’t we? Too nice for your own good, Lloyd.”
Instead of answering, Kai just hears sniffling and measured groaning like Lloyd’s trying to control the pain.
He’s about to ask how he’s doing when Lloyd speaks up again. “Is…is that what’s…wrong with me?”
“Nothing’s wrong with you, man.”
“B-but if I was mean, then…then Dad might still―”
“Hey, hey, listen. None of that was your fault. Okay? Can you see me? I think I’m over the right street.”
It takes Lloyd a minute before he hums, “Mhm. F-fire…dragon.”
“Yeah, bud. I’m right here. You’re gonna be fine.” Kai doesn’t see him, though. It’s still pretty dark, and the alley’s crowded with junk.
A green orb floats up from beside a big power box.
Kai drops his dragon and banishes it just before they hit the ground, flipping off it to break the fall. He’s at Lloyd’s side in a near instant, looking him over where he sits against the square unit, one arm bent around his torso.
Bleary eyed, Lloyd smiles at him. “Y-you made it.”
“’Course I did.” He resists the urge to yank his hair out, sinking his tooth into his cheek instead. There’s blood all over the concrete, a smudged handprint on the brick wall. Lloyd moves his arm so Kai can see, and from what he can tell, the wound’s still bleeding. His gi has a jagged rip going down, like the attacker cut into him before she got the leverage needed to sink the knife in deep.
Immediately, he presses his hand to it, making Lloyd flinch. He tries so hard to be calm, but he can’t get the terror out of his voice when he demands, “God, Lloyd, why’d you leave it like this?”
“M’sorry,” Lloyd groans in a cracking voice, slumping forward.
Kai puts his other hand on his shoulder, noticing the abandoned hood and gi sash wadded in soaked piles. Swallowing his nausea, he alternates brushing Lloyd’s arm and hair, saying, “No, it’s alright, okay? It’s gonna be fine. Nya’s already got an ambulance on the way. They’ll be here any minute.”
Shaking his head, Lloyd gasps, “Too late. T-they’re gonna be―” Suddenly distressed, he huffs and whines, “Kai…”
Kai nudges him upright. “What? Tell me.”
Lloyd’s head lolls to the side and back against the metal box before he pushes himself to lean over on his elbow, grimacing. He tugs the end of his gi aside, exposing the injury. It’s the way he pinches his brows and further labors his breathing, his expression miserably expectant as his neck gives out on him, tears and beads of sweat bouncing off his face from the movement. It says enough.
“N-no,” Kai croaks. Stronger, he says, “Lloyd, no, I can’t do that to you,” standing as he recoils.
“I-I’m gonna…bleed―” He winces, raggedly continuing, “Bleed out..i-if you don’t.”
Kai yanks on his hair anyway, but he glances back at Lloyd.
His dark circles stand out worse, a sunken mask on his paling face, and his eyelids droop despite how he’s fighting to keep them open. With the arm he’s propped on trying to shake out from under him, he’s almost lying down, each shallow pant pushing him lower bit by bit.
And now that Kai can see it, he’s losing too much blood. It’s just leaving him in small yet constant pulses, four black rivulets dripping down his stomach and adding to the puddle on the ground.
He’s right. Why does he have to be right?
Kai takes Lloyd’s weight off his arm, wrapping his under it and along to his little brother’s back, and gathers the green cloth there in his fist to keep it out of the way. “Just― just hold onto me, alright? Don’t let go.”
Lloyd nods. His arms come up around Kai’s torso and across his shoulder blades, squeezing with all the strength he’s got.
His right hand free, Kai closes his eyes and ignites it.
Or, he tries to. It doesn’t respond instantly like it should, only giving off smoke. The consequence of his own reluctance.
Sensing the hangup, Lloyd mutters, “I can…handle it..pro-promise.”
Kai inhales, letting the air out slow. “You better.” He snaps his wrist again, the fire lighting up the alleyway. For a few extra seconds, he makes it burn hotter than he usually needs before he pulls the flames down to a dull orange smoulder in his palm. “Ready? On three.”
He’s not ready, and Lloyd tenses, burying his face in Kai’s shoulder.
“One. Two…T-three.”
For the second time, Kai presses his hand on the wound.
As promised, mostly, Lloyd toughs it out at first. He keeps the pain deep in his throat, but eventually the groan turns shrill, and then he’s screaming and struggling not to writhe.
Kai wants to scream with him, but he won’t. Maybe he can’t either. All he can do is hold onto Lloyd tighter as he tries to block out the sound under his hand.
He turns his focus to how the muscles in his back seize around Lloyd’s fists from the energy he’s started channeling on agonized reflex. He gets kneed in the ribs, too, and he’d lose his grip if the slick blood wasn’t burned away.
Burned. Burning. He’s burning his baby brother.
Why didn’t he think to heat up a knife or something instead? Why’s he using his hand for it? Why’d he let Lloyd convince him to do this at all? He should’ve just carried him to the hospital on his dragon, or better yet, he never should have let any of this happen.
“I’m sorry,” Kai yells, screwing his eyes shut. Just a few more seconds, just enough to make sure it’s cauterized fully. He can’t risk messing up because if Lloyd has to suffer for nothing, then he―
Kai’s gonna―
Lloyd loses his strength to keep screaming, and then Kai’s muscles relax only a fraction when the scrabbling limbs behind him fall slack.
Enough. It has to be enough.
Ripping his hand away, he crushes Lloyd in both arms, unable to stop rocking him or repeating apologies. Not just for this. He’s sorry for everything ― the betrayal, the staff, for leaving and allowing so much time to go by that it ended up leading to now.
Lloyd probably can’t understand any of it. He just hiccups while he cries, slowly quieting until he’s too limp in Kai’s hold.
The paramedics find them like that, but they’re all strangers, and one of them talks to Kai while another tries to pry Lloyd away from him. He’s gonna blast them in their throats if they don’t shut up and stop and get their hands away.
But then the Bounty’s sailing overhead, and Nya’s getting through to him as Lloyd’s taken to someone who can actually help a hell of a lot better.
He clenches his fists the entire flight over to the hospital, refusing to look at his own hands.
Kai gets an earful later about how ‘incorrectly’ he handled the situation, and Master Wu adds ‘proper field medicine’ to their training schedule, but ultimately, everyone hugs him and cries and are so thankful he’d at least ‘been there to do something,’ and he doesn’t remember a whole lot of it.
He knows the others have been worried for him now, too, though.
He hasn’t been able to eat anything cooked if he’s around while it’s being prepared. Zane picks up on that in record time and starts making oatmeal and cold-cut sandwiches for him instead.
Cole and Jay learn real quick that if they ask Kai for help with fire-related needs, then his powers won’t respond. Fighting is the only thing it’s felt like doing, and fight it does. They steer clear of him when he goes out to the training yard.
Nya keeps looking at him with a face that’s so sad, like she wants to help him but doesn’t know how, he can’t help it. He retreats to his room and hides under the blanket for hours until the world stops spinning and he can breathe without needing to think about it.
But Lloyd heals fast, so there’s that.
The cops want to track down the people who attacked him, but he refuses to help, muttering something like, “She’s a mom.”
That doesn’t stop Kai from trying to find the woman himself, but he has nothing to go on, and the cops have better resources. They catch her pretty soon after that.
He does have the power to scare other Anacondrai wannabes into never showing their faces again. He gets another earful for that, but it’s worth it to rest at least a little easier.
Things get better after Lloyd comes home, where Kai can see him and be reassured.
He seems better, too. He spends more time with everyone, participates in conversations, and doesn’t run away from Kai anymore.
The thing is, Kai thinks he should. Especially now.
The heat index today’s like a hundred and ten degrees. It doesn’t really bother Kai, but the others already went inside after training as much as they can stand. Lloyd’s not done sparring, though. Said he feels like he fell behind and wants to keep going for another half hour.
But it’s still really hot out for him, so he’s folding his shirt and setting it on one of the benches before he heads back over to Kai to resume their match.
And Kai isn’t sure what he thought would be there. He knew Lloyd had to have been scarred, but he didn’t know. It didn’t occur to him at all how it’d look.
Under Lloyd’s ribs, close to his lower back, it’s a reddened, indistinct patch of burned scarring surrounding a handprint.
It looks like a violation, like a betrayal of Lloyd’s trust and Kai’s job as the Green Ninja’s protector.
He practically collapses as he sits down on the packed dirt. He waves his hand dismissively and pants, “I’m done,” when Lloyd looks at him, confused.
His confusion shifts to narrowed worry as he glances towards the scar. Carefully, he says, “You saved my life.”
Kai pulls his legs in, one hand on his thigh while the other scrapes at his forehead. “I know…I know.” He ends up ripping at his hair, closing his eyes tight. “It’s just. Everything. All of it.”
After a second, Lloyd’s kneeling in front of him. He’s put his shirt back on and has that stupid, sad face that’s gonna send Kai packing. But he can’t leave because Lloyd catches onto his shoulder and says, “You can’t hurt me, Kai.”
“But I―” Kai’s already pounding heart speeds up, making him dizzy, because he did. He let them shackle Lloyd and steal his power and drop poison on him, and he’s alone. He’s bleeding. Kai’s burning him, so who’s to say he would have dropped the staff? “I’m―”
“Hey,” Lloyd interjects, shaking him once. “You. Can’t. Hurt me. Alright?” He harshly emphasizes the words, except they’re gentle, kind, more than Kai deserves, but if he can still have conviction like that, then Kai can try to accept it.
His head bows. He can’t get his heart to stop demanding to fly out of his chest. It hurts, it hurts, he’s sinking, and he wants to hide because this feeling won’t go away out in the open.
“Look at me,” Lloyd says, a beacon of calm. “Just breathe. In and out. Copy me, okay?”
He does. He feels completely stupid because whatever’s wrong with him is nothing compared to what he put his little brother through, but he looks up and matches Lloyd’s exaggerated breaths.
Minutes go by as the world melts away and rebuilds itself enough to steady him, Lloyd’s presence somehow a foundation for it.
Swiping at his eyes, Kai nods when he’s fine. He huffs out a short laugh, asking, “S-someone teach you that?”
Lloyd gives him a hand up and mumbles, “Yeah. Um, Dad did.”
The floodgates open with that. Kai listens while Lloyd talks about Garmadon for the first time since his funeral, the conversation leading to shared stories and lessons the man taught them both and on to experiences the ninja had with him before Lloyd got to meet him.
He does mess up again, really soon actually, but at least this time Lloyd knows someone’s coming to save him.
overuse of adverbs and unbroken dialogue signals that this is a ‘doodle’ lol
and because it is, i didn’t feel up to writing much more – i just want to point out here that lloyd absolutely does internalize the fact that he traumatized kai, so jot that down
*pats their heads* these beans can fit so much angst in them!
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yozaka · 7 years
I Need your Help!
I’m planning to make or animate the history of Ninjago up until this coming season but IN SONG FORM! this is going to be a great project but i need your help with lyrics I will provide the ninjago timeline you guys have to put all of that into singable lyrics AND IT HAS TO RYME! the deadline is 12/29/2017 whoever has the best lyrics I will use in my project and you will get a speacial mention!
You don’t have to include everything some things you can leave out if its  negligible
The First Master of Spinjitzu forges the Golden Weapons in the Temple of Light with gold from the Golden Peaks.[1]
With the weapons, he creates Ninjago.
The First Spinjitzu Master's counterpart, evil (the Overlord), manifested itself in the shadows, and declares war to decide the fate of Ninjago.
The Stone Wars: The Overlord creates the Stone Army to combat the First Spinjitzu Master, as well as the Temple of Fortitude to fortify against the Golden Power. To combat the Overlord, the First Spinjitzu Master uses the power of the Golden Dragon and Golden Mech to fight him off.
The First Spinjitzu Master splits Ninjago in two parts (Ninjago and the Dark Island), with the Overlord banished to the Dark Island and the Stone Army entombed underneath Ninjago City, leaving the ultimate battle between good and evil yet to be finished.
The First Spinjitzu Master creates the Realm Crystal.
The Serpentine come into existence, along with the humans who colonize the land, building cities, villages, and other places. The first Elemental Masters are created as well.
Samurai Warriors are hired to protect the land of Ninjago.
The Sons of the First Spinjitzu Master
(Centuries Ago)
Garmadon is born as the first son of the First Spinjitzu Master. He is given the element of Destructionby his father.[2]
Wu is born as the second son. He is given the element of Creation by his father, in order for his children to represent balance.[3]
Garmadon and Wu spar one day, but Wu loses one of the katanas over the wall of their monastery. Afraid of their father's disapproval, Wu chooses not to go after it, but Garmadon does. In the process, he is bitten by the young Great Devourer, and becomes ill as its evil venom starts to affect him.
Wu and Garmadon learn Spinjitzu from their father.
The First Master of Spinjitzu dies[4], but first leaves a hidden message for Wu that will lead him to his final resting place where the Realm Crystal is hidden. Additionally, the siblings also gain kimonos with protection spells against evil.
Wu and Garmadon fight and defeat Samukai.
200 Years before the events of the Pilot:
Stone Warrior statues are uncovered, marking the era of the Stone Warrior. [5]
Captain Soto and Nadakhan's crews would clash in a battle between their ships, the Destiny's Bounty and Misfortune's Keep, with Soto proving victorious. Soto traps Nadakhan within the Teapot of Tyrahn and scatters the Sky Pirates across the Sixteen Realms, before going on to look for the whereabouts of the Island of Darkness.[6]
In his search for the Island of Darkness, Soto's crew accidentally crashes into the coast of Ninjago, causing their ship to sink and killing them.
The First Serpentine War
(Decades Ago)
40 years before the events of Hands of Time:
Morro dies in the Caves of Despair and his soul is banished to the Cursed Realm.
Dr. Julien builds Zane, the first Nindroid, and builds the Falcon as a companion.[7]
Garmadon trains under Master Chen alongside Clouse, and later, Garmadon gains the title Lord (as Chen's right hand). Meanwhile, Wu finds Morro, and trains him.
Morro fails to become the Green Ninja and attempts to find the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.
As conflicts between the Serpentine and humans arise as a result of paranoia over the Curse of the Golden Master, Chen takes advantage and tricks both sides into attacking each other.
The Serpentine War begins, and Garmadon defects from Chen. Garmadon, Wu and the Elemental Masters fight the Serpentine, who in turn eventually split up. The five tribes begin fighting among each other. Garmadon develops the Sacred Flute, allowing the humans to win the war. The Serpentine are locked away in their tombs, the Anacondrai generals are banished to the Cursed Realm, and Chen and Clouse are banished to an Island far from Ninjago due to their involvement with the Serpentine.
The Hands of Time, Acronix and Krux, betray Wu and Garmadon and try to take over Ninjago with their Elemental Time Powers.
Ray and Maya forge the Time Blades; Wu and Garmadon use them to battle the Time Twins and steal their power. Wu and Garmadon dispose of the Time Blades through a temporal rift as Acronix and Krux follow them and became lost in time.
At some point, Krux emerges from the Temporal Rift along with the Reversal Time Blade and begins plotting his revenge on Ray and Maya for creating the Time Blades, and Wu and Garmadon for stripping him and his brother off their powers and causing them to be lost in Time.
Ray and Maya find the Reversal Time Blade and Wu has them dispose of it in the Boiling Sea.
At some point after the war, Garmadon marries Misako.
The Birth of the Ninja
(Nearly Two Decades Ago)
Possibly 16 years before the events of the Pilot[8]:
Jay is left at the doorstep of Ed and Edna, and the couple adopt him as their own.
Possibly 14-15 years before the events of the Pilot[9]:
Kai is born to elemental masters of Fire and Water respectively, Ray and Maya.
Jay is born to Cliff Gordon and the Elemental Master of Lightning.
Cole is born to Lou and an unknown mother.
Nya is born as the second child of Ray and Maya.[10]
Battle Between Brothers
(Several Years Ago)
Around a decade before the events of Rise of the Snakes:
5 years before the events of Rise of the Snakes:
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is born to Garmadon and Misako.[11]
The evil in Garmadon completely takes over him, and it mainly manifests itself in the form of overwhelming greed. He returns to the Monastery of Spinjitzu to steal the Golden Weapons in an attempt to recreate Ninjago in his own image. Wu confronts him, and after a short battle, the combination of the four weapons and the protection spell on their kimonos opens a gateway to the Underworld, where Garmadon is struck down to. As he fully succumbs to the evil in his veins, Garmadon battles Samukai (leader of the Skulkin) for command over the Skulkin army, and easily wins (becoming the ruler of the Underworld). Wu realizes that Garmadon will stop at nothing to get the Golden Weapons, so he hides them away in secret locations, each guarded by a dragon. Wu then makes a map of the four secret locations, and gave the map to a trustworthy friend to keep.
Kai and Nya's parents, Ray and Maya, are taken by Krux for his plan.
In his final moments, Dr. Julien erases Zane's memories. Zane becomes an orphan, but Dr. Julien is soon revived by Samukai to construct vehicles for them (being reunited with his son as ransom). When he disagrees, the Skulkin take him to a Lighthouse Prison guarded by a Leviathan, to force him to design their vehicles. After he successfully complies with their demands, the Skulkin do not release him from the prison, and leave him there.
Misako drops off a young Lloyd at Darkley's Boarding School (in a precognitive precaution), so she can go find a way to prevent the father and son from facing each other.
Masters of Spinjitzu
Master Wu finds Cole climbing a mountain, Jay testing an invention, and Zane meditating under a frozen lake.
The three train together for a short time as a team of ninja.
Kai and Nya work in the Four Weapons Blacksmith when Master Wu comes in search for a ninja to train: Kai. However, the hard working blacksmith declines Wu's offer. Soon after, Samukai and his army (ordered by Lord Garmadon) attack the blacksmith in search the Map of the Golden Weapons, and in the process manages to get both the map and kidnap Nya. Encouraged by compassion for his sister, Kai agrees to train in the art of Spinjitzu under Wu's teaching to become a ninja.
Kai begins training as the Fire Ninja, and in the same instance meets his new teammates: Cole (the Earth Ninja), Jay (the Lightning Ninja), and Zane (the Ice Ninja).
The Ninja team begin their hunt for the Golden Weapons.
Kai goes to the Fire Temple and finds his sister and the Sword of Fire. While retrieving both, it is revealed to be a trap set by Lord Garmadon. Master Wu then rescues Kai and Nya, but discover theother ninja have been ambushed by the Skeletons, with the weapons stolen. Master Wu then takes the Sword to go to the Underworld to confront his brother.
The Ninja tame their respective Dragons and head to the Underworld.
Samukai and Master Wu fight for the Sword of Fire, but Samukai wields the three other Golden Weapons and wins. Samukai then betrays Garmadon, attempting to take the Golden Weapons for himself, but their combined power causes him to implode, opening a portal to the Dark Realm. Garmadon escapes through the portal, aspiring to gain a way to possess all four weapons, leaving Ninjago in peace.
They find the Scythe of Quakes.
They find the Shurikens of Ice.
They find the Nunchucks of Lightning.
Rise of the Snakes
(Season 1)
Lloyd gets kicked out of Darkley's Boarding School after spending his whole life there and makes his journey to Jamanakai Village, in an effort to become like his father. He terrorizes the village, but is soon suppressed by the Ninja.
Seeking revenge on the Ninja for humiliating him, Lloyd releases the Hypnobrai from their tomb. Lloyd tricks the Hypnobrai General, Slithraa, into hypnotizing himself and gains leverage over the tribe.
Lloyd returns to Jamanakai Village with the entire Hypnobrai tribe. The tribe uses hypnotism to take control over the citizens. The Ninja arrive to stop him and defeat the Hypnobrai, freeing the people and taking the tribe's staff. However, Skales (the Hypnobrai second-in-command) manages to post-hypnotize Cole.
Zane finds a Falcon after another evening of feeling left out from the Ninjas' antics, and he follows the Falcon to a Treehouse being constructed by Lloyd and the Serpentine. He informs the Ninja of his discovery, and they begin their mission to destroy it. Just before they finish the destruction, Skales uses the previous post-hypnotic command on Cole to attack the Ninja. As the Ninja struggle to fight Cole, Master Wu and Nya arrive on Kai's dragon, using a flute (later to be described as one of the flutes of the First Spinjitzu Master used to banish the Serpentine in tombs) to snap Cole out of his trance. The group hurry back to the unguarded Monastery, only to find that the Hypnobrai had burned it down in search for their staff. Cole, Jay, and Kai blame Zane for the loss of their home, and in the ruckus, no one notices Zane flying off on his dragon. Later on, the Ninja try to make the best of their situation, but immediately regret what they had said to Zane. To their surprise, Zane returns, conveying to them that he had not been hurt by what they had said, but merely had seen and followed the Falcon again. He then leads them to where he had followed the falcon to: an abandoned ship in the middle of the Sea of Sand, that would be their new home, and goes by the name "Destiny's Bounty."
After being betrayed by the Hypnobrai, Lloyd uses a map of other tombs to find the Tomb of the Fangpyre and reawakens the Fangpyre Tribe.
Master Wu informs the Ninja that their Dragons have reached the age when they need to fly off in order to go through a stage of metamorphosis. This leaves the Ninja without transportation.
Jay and the Ninja go to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk to visit Jay's parents, Ed and Edna, only to find out the Fangpyre have injected venom into them, and Lloyd has taken over the Junkyard.
To fight off the Fangpyre (who's venom turn's people and objects into snakes), the Ninja find out they can transform their weapons into elemental vehicles (Jay's Storm Fighter, Kai's Blade Cycle, Zane's Ice Glider, and Cole's Tread Assault). They manage to get the Fangpyre Staff, which Nya extracts the anti-venom from to reverse the effects on Ed and Edna. With a bit of help from Jay's father, Jay activates the Bounty's new flying function that allows them to escape the approaching Fangpyre, but the staff falls over board in the process.
Master Wu travels to a dark dimension and finds Lord Garmadon, who's revealed to have four arms. After informing him of Lloyd's releasing the Serpentine and his imprisonment at Pythor's hands, Garmadon agrees to return to Ninjago to rescue his son.
After following the Falcon into Birchwood Forest, Zane finds out that he and the Falcon are robots. Prior to this event, Zane was in shock for a while. Zane discovered a memory switch in his robotic body which leads to him remembering his creator. After accepting this, Zane discovers his True Potential.
Jay and Nya are at the Mega Monster Amusement Park but Jay becomes a snake after pricking his finger on a skeleton from a Fangpyre. Meanwhile, Pythor and the other Serpentine find the first Fangblade. They tie Nya to a rollercoaster and Nya reveals to Jay that she is Samurai X. After that, Jay discovers his True Potential.
The Ninja are searching for the second Fangblade and Cole says he has seen the Fangblade on the Blade Cup, a trophy which his father had won many times. The Ninja go to Cole's father and train to be dancers to get the Cup but the Serpentine sees it too. The Ninja go to the Concert Hall of Ninjago City and win the Cup but Pythor steals it and crushes Cole and his father, leading Cole to discover his True Potential.
After all his training, Kai unlocks his True Potential upon realizing he wasn't destined to become the Green Ninja but to protect him: everyone soon realizes Lloyd is the Green Ninja and must face his father. Meanwhile, the Serpentine obtain the Fangpyre Fangblade and are one away from releasing The Great Devourer.
The Ninja capture Spitta and later figure out that the Serpentine are using underground tunnels to avoid them.
Lloyd suggests getting the remaining three Fangblades while Python retrieves the Venomari Fangblade. The Ninja train in preparation and infiltrate the Constrictai Tomb, leaving Lloyd and Garmadon behind.
Lloyd catches his father trying to steal the Ninjas' secrets, and confronting him, gets him to leave. The ninja fight the Serpentine, only to fall into Pythor's trap.
Pythor places the Fangblades together and holds a Slither Pit to celebrate.
Lloyd dons the Green Ninja robes and confronts Pythor alongside his father and the Skulkin. The ninja get the fang blades and escape on the Destiny's Bounty, but Pythor sneaks inside.
Master Wu gets a vision of the Great Devourer being awoken.
Pythor saves the Fang blades from being thrown into Torchfire Mountain and escapes on a nearby train with his Serpentine forces, converting it into the Serpentine Train.
The Ninja pursue Pythor, but he manages to awaken the Great Devourer, only to be eaten alongside Master Wu.
The Great Devourer destroys the Destiny's Bounty.
The Ninja use the Tornado of Creation to create the Ultra Sonic Raider and use it to discover the Great Devourer's weakness on its forehead.
The Great Devourer attacks Ninjago City and the ninja are helpless against it, even when the dragons return in the form of the Ultra Dragon.
Garmadon attempts to go back to the Dark Realm, but upon noticing the return of the serpent that cursed him, arrives to help the ninja kill it.
The Ninja begrudgingly entrust Garmadon with the Golden Weapons, and Garmadon destroys the Great Devourer, only to escape with the weapons in tow. Master Wu survives, reconciling with the ninja, and Pythor escapes, undetected.
The Final Battle
(Season 2)
The Ninja fix up the city and train Lloyd to face the Dark Lord.
Lord Garmadon uses the four Golden Weapons to recreate the Destiny's Bounty into an evil variantfor his own transportation.
Garmadon shows off his powers, getting the Serpentine to abandon their generals in favor of him.
Garmadon takes the Weapons to the Golden Peaks, and forges them into the Mega Weapon.
Skales tries to kidnap Lloyd as leverage but fails and is arrested.
Lord Garmadon uses his Mega Weapon to resurrect Captain Soto and his crew of pirates, but Soto takes advantage of his exhaustion and reassumes command of his ship, before attacking Ninjago City.
The ninja meet Dareth and train at his dojo.
Lloyd unlocks Earth and his own element, Energy, and helps the ninja fight Soto and his pirates.
Soto wins, but is defeated by Nya in her Samurai Mech.
Soto and the pirates are captured, and Garmadon reassumes command of the Black Bounty, escaping.
Lord Garmadon uses the Mega Weapon to create evil versions of the Ninja.
The ninja and Lloyd are invited to Darkley's to celebrate their reforms, only for the students to reveal it as a trap and attempt to lure Lloyd back into the side of evil.
The Bizarro Ninja track their counterparts to Darkley's, forcing the students and Ninja to team up together to defeat them, and Lloyd unlocks his control over Lightning.
Garmadon uses Darnagom Enterprises to threaten Dareth's dojo into ruin.
The Ninja join the Ninjaball Run to save Dareth's Dojo. Skales escapes prison and the ninja win the race, getting back their ship, and Skales rescues Garmadon from the police.
Lord Garmadon uses the Mega Weapon to turn the Ninja into children, and awakens the remains of an extinct Grundle. In the process of turning the Ninja older (and killing the Grundal), Lloyd becomes a teenager.
The Ninja go back in time to stop Garmadon from changing the future to his own desires, destroying the Mega Weapon in the process.
The Ninja meet Misako, Lloyd's mother.
Garmadon, inspired by Soto's tales, attempts to find the Island of Darkness and succeed where the pirate failed. However, unimpressed by his plans, Skales, shoves him into the Endless Ocean, leaving him to drown, and is crowned the second Snake King.
Garmadon washes up on the shore of an island and meets the weakened Overlord. Acting as his champion, Garmadon activates a switch that raises the Island of Darkness from the Endless Ocean.
Skales leads the Serpentine to dig tunnels underneath Ninjago City, destroying its foundations and causing earthquakes.
The Serpentine become trapped underground in the tomb of the Stone army, simultaneously awakening the long dormant Stone Army.
Garmadon activates the Celestial Clock and dons the Helmet of Shadows, summoning the Stone Army to the Island of Darkness and assuming control.
The ninja sail to the Island of Darkness.
Garmadon begins digging up troves of Dark Matter to power the Garmatron.
The Falcon is captured by the Stone Army.
Zane reunites with Dr. Julien, his father and creator, and frees the Leviathan.
Zane saves the Falcon.
The Ninja go to the Temple of Light and gain the Elemental Blades, giving them an advantage, and Lloyd gains the power of the Golden Dragon, allowing him to defeat the Stone Warriors.
The ninja attempt to stop the Celestial Clock from finishing its countdown but fail, and the Garmatron is finished.
Nya is corrupted by Dark Matter.
Garmadon uses the Garmatron to infect Ninjago with darkness, shifting the balance and allowing the Overlord to cross over into Ninjago by possessing Garmadon.
The Overlord wrecks the Destiny's Bounty and escapes with the Stone Army to Ninjago City, and proceeds to convert nearly everyone under his control.
The Ninja unlock the Golden Mech and with the Ultra Dragon fly back to Ninjago for the final battle.
Nya destroys the Golden Mech, and Dareth dons the Helmet of Shadows, placing the Stone Army under his command.
Jay, Cole, and Zane get corrupted by Dark Matter in their efforts to help Lloyd defeat the Overlord.
Lloyd becomes the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master and defeats the Overlord, restoring both balance between Good and Evil, with Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya and, especially Garmadon being purified from evil.
Post-Final Battle
Cyrus Borg turns Ninjago City into a futuristic metropolis with new technologies, becoming New Ninjago City.
The Overlord's spirit survives his battle with Lloyd and infiltrates Borg Industries' computers, transforming himself into a virus in the process.
Garmadon builds a Monastery and assumes pacifistic ideals to atone for his crimes.
The Ninja (all except Lloyd) become teachers at Master Wu's Academy.
Dr. Julien, once again, perishes from old age.
P.I.X.A.L. is built.
The Serpentine free themselves from the Stone Army tomb and become pacifistic to atone for their ways. Skales marries Selma and has a son that he names after himself, Skales Jr.
Age of Technology
(Season 3)
The Ninja and the others visit Borg Tower in the recently new and renovated city.
Nya takes the perfect match compatibility and finds out Cole is designated as her perfect match, thus straining the friendship between Cole and Jay.
Cyrus Borg gives the Ninja the techno blades and all of New Ninjago City's tech becomes hacked by the Digital Overlord.
The Digital Overlord virus begins to take over New Ninjago City.
The Overlord converts Cyrus into a cyborg, possesses him, and creates the Nindroids.
Cole develops feelings for Nya.
P.I.X.A.L. is freed from the Overlord's control and becomes the ninjas' ally.
The ninja destroy Ninjago's main power station, knocking out the power and deactivating most of the tech in Ninjago. Pixar is deactivated as a result.
Cyrus is rescued in his tower, but Pythor rescues the Overlord's hard drive and moves it to his underground lair.
Master Wu becomes Techno Wu.
With Ed and Edna's help, Pixal is reactivated; However, Pythor and Techno Wu use Electro Cobrai to reactivate the nindroids, though eventually escape.
To investigate Pythor's white scale, the Ninja find the Serpentine in the Stone Army Tomb. Acidicus tells them about the Curse of the Golden Master, only for Nindroids to attack.
Pythor attacks Garmadon and Lloyd at Hiroshi's Labryinth, revealing himself and leaving Garmadon to die in the Endless Ocean.
The Overlord begins draining Lloyd's power.
The Ninja go to the Digiverse and defeated the Digital Overlord, with Pythor and the Nindroids, along with a captured Cyrus Borg, escaping. The Mech Dragon crashes, but Lloyd escapes in time. Wu is freed from the Overlord's control.
The Overlord, having drained enough power to become physical, is rescued from the Mech Dragon's wreckage by Pythor, and hides in the Anacondrai's stomach in order to conceal his weakened form.
Lloyd decides to halt the Overlord's plan by splitting the Golden Power apart, forcing the Overlord to use his other plan, Codename: Arcturus.
The ninja track Pythor to Ouroboros, where a rocket is being built, and board it in time.
The Nindroids are sent to space to retrieve the remains of the Golden Weapons, the ninja acting as stowaways. Pythor and Cyrus recapture Borg Tower in anticipation of Cryptor's return with the Golden Weapons.
Cryptor retrieves the Golden Weapons and escapes, arriving back at Borg Tower. The Overlord, using a machine, recreates his physical form and gets to work forging the Golden Armor so he can become the Golden Master prophesized by the Serpentine.
The ninja build a miniature rocket out of the remains of the Nindroids' space ship and return to Ninjago.
After regrouping with their allies, they confront the Overlord, the latter now reborn as the Golden Master and having used his powers to convert New Ninjago City into a massive fortress.
Cyrus is freed from the Overlord's control and escapes to the Temple of Fortitude, giving the ninja a shrinking pill to stop the Overlord and Stone Warrior armors to protect them.
Nya tricks Mindroid into attacking Cryptor.
Pythor saves the Overlord by swallowing the shrinking pill and is shrunken, before being chased off by the Falcon.
Zane sacrifices himself to defeat the Golden Master by absorbing the Golden Armor and unleashing a blast of element power, the explosion destroying his body and destroying the Overlord and the Nindroids. The Golden Armor is left behind, and the Ninja grieve Zane's death at his funeral.
Zane survives by implanting his consciousness into Borg Tower.
Seperate Paths
The Ninja are divided, and Lloyd is the only Ninja remaining after Zane's sacrifice.
Cyrus Borg locks up the Golden Armor in a hidden location.
Mezmo hosts Slither Pit matches underneath Ninjago, which Kai regularly attends.
Jay becomes a gameshow host.
Cole becomes a lumberjack.
All the future tech from the past season is removed and Ninjago City reverts back to its modern self after the events of the Digital Virus.
Zane rebuilds himself as the Titanium Ninja. He and P.I.X.A.L. are captured by Ronin and sold to Master Chen, who steals Zane's powers and scraps P.I.X.A.L..
The Tournament of Elements
(Season 4)
Chen gets a Chair.
The Ninja meet at Chen's Noodle House, meet their new foes, and find out that Zane is still alive.
The Ninja join the tournament.
Kai meets Skylor and falls in love with her.
Karlof is eliminated from the tournament.
Bolobo, Gravis, and Ash are eliminated from the tournament.
Cole gets eliminated from the tournament, though his friendship with Jay is restored.
Zane decides to place P.I.X.A.L.'s data chip into his own database.
Cole finds and frees Zane.
Jacob is eliminated from the tournament.
Chamille is eliminated from the tournament.
The Ninja are able to ally themselves with the Elemental Masters.
Kai finds out that Skylor is Chen's daughter.
The remaining Elemental Masters, except Lloyd, are captured.
Chen tries to ally Kai, who leads Lloyd into a trap.
Lloyd is captured and loses his power.
The Elemental Masters escape and kill the Anacondrai Serpent.
The Ninja re-unite and capture several of the cultists except for Chen, Clouse, Zugu, Eyezor, Kapau, and Chope, and Skylor gets captured.
Skylor escapes but is recaptured alongside Kai so her powers can be used to power the spell. Close and Garmadon clash, and the former opens a portal to the Cursed Realm, only to be thrown inside.
The spell activates and Skylor, Garmadon, Chen, and the Anacondrai Cultists become Anacondrai. The Cultists escape and flee the island, heading to Ninjago.
The Elemental Masters overcome their fear and summon Elemental Dragons, arriving back at Ninjago.
The spell's affects begin to wear off, and to render it permanent, Chen seeks out Pythor's essence; likewise, hoping to find a weakness of the Anacondrai, the ninja confront a shrunken Pythor within Kryptarium prison.
Kapau'rai and Chop'rai break in, allowing the rest of the cultists to come in and kidnap Pythor, who reveals the truth of Chen's involvement in the Serpentine Wars.
Pythor's sweat is used to render the transformation permanent, and Chen declares the Second Serpentine War and takes over most of Ninjago.
The ninja rally several allies and fight the Cultists at the Corridor of Elders.
Pythor brings the Book of Spells and Garmadon is sent to the Cursed Realm to free the Anacondrai Generals, defeating the Cultists, but Morro escapes.
Post-Second Serpentine War
The Falcon is updated with a metallic exterior.
Ronin loots Chen's Hall of Fame and sets up a pawn shop at the City of Stiix, and later steals the Scroll of Airjitzu at the library of Domu.
The Possession
(Season 5)
An exhibit about the Ninja is opened at the Ninjago History Museum.
Wu attempts to retire from being a master and opens his own tea shop.
Lloyd goes to the museum and Morro possesses him.
Kai faces Morro to try and get to Lloyd. Kai hears Lloyd trying to fight Morro's possession.
Morro and Wu fight for the staff. Kai gets close to stopping Morro, but fails, and Morro gets the Staff of the First Spinjitzu Master, but not before Wu learns of the symbols engraved in its side.
The Ninja go to Stiix.
The Ninja and Morro try to get the Scroll of Airjitzu from Ronin.
Morro gets the Scroll and learns Airjitzu, and Ronin becomes an ally of the ninja.
The Ninja enter Master Yang's Temple looking for another scroll, and in the process, Cole becomes a ghost.
The Ninja learn Airjitzu.
The Ninja enter the Cloud Kingdom, only to be ambushed by the Ghosts.
Morro gets the Sword of Sanctuary, only for Kai to steal it back.
Ronin steals the Sword and brings it to Morro to free his cursed soul from Soul Archer's debt, only to be swindled.
The Caves of Despair is destroyed due to a chain reaction.
The Ninja and Morro look for the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master.
The Ninja see their future, whilst Cole simply sees nothing.
The Ninja and Morro find the Tomb, and Morro gets the Realm Crystal.
Morro opens the Cursed Realm to free The Preeminent.
The Preeminent drags Lloyd into the Cursed Realm.
Lloyd finds his father in the Cursed Realm, and with his encouragement escapes and fights with Morro over the Realm Crystal, traveling through multiple realms in the process.
Nya unlocks her True Potential and defeats The Preeminent, resulting in the death of both the Anacondrai Cultists and the Ghost Army, and Clouse escapes in time. The Preeminent attempts to drag Morro to his death, and Morro and Wu reconcile their pasts before the former hands him the Realm Crystal and dissipates in the Endless Ocean.
The Ninja bring back Lloyd from the realm Morro left him in, with Lloyd ready to train to become a master.
The Cursed Realm's destruction causes the collapse of its sister realm, Djinjago.
(Season 6)
Cliff Gordon dies.
The Ninja deal with their newfound fame and while attempting to escape news helicopters, Nya refuses to take Jay's hand, exposing them.
Clouse returns to Stiix and frees Nadakhan, a Djinn who is trapped in the Teapot of Tyrahn.
Nadakhan traps Clouse and Wu in the Teapot of Tyrahn.
The Ninja are framed by Nadakhan and are incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison thanks to the efforts of Ronin and the Police Commissioner.
Nadakhan traps Misako in the Teapot of Tyrahn and successfully retrieves the Realm Crystal from Hiroshi's Labyrinth.
Nadakhan brings his crew back to Ninjago.
Nadakhan visits Djinjago and learns of its collapse as a result of the ninjas' actions, and gets the Sword of Souls from his father.
Nadakhan and his crew return to Ninjago, swearing vengeance.
The Ninja escape Kryptarium Prison with the help of Captain Soto, who reveals how to defeat a Djinn through the use of a Tiger Widow's venom.
The ninja infiltrate the Police headquarters and learn the whereabouts of Nadakhan's ship, Misfortune's Keep.
The Misfortune's Keep is converted into an airship and escapes before Cole and Lloyd can find it.
Nadakhan confronts Jay alone and gets him to wish to become rich.
As a result of Jay's wish, Jay learns the truth of his parentage, inheriting massive wealth due to his father's death.
To lure out the ninja, the Sky Pirates attack New Ninjago City. As a result of the ninjas' heroic actions, the Police Commissioner gives them a pardon.
The Ninja find the Map to the Tiger Widow venom on Nadakhan's ship.
The Realm Crystal is accidentally destroyed by Flintlocke.
Kai is trapped in the Djinn Blade.
Nadakhan uses the Djinn Blade to slowly reconstruct Djinjago.
Zane is trapped in the Djinn Blade.
The Ninja grab the Tiger Widow Venom. However, Jay is captured by Nadakhan.
Jay learns of Nadakhan's plan to marry Nya on the newly-remade Djinjago, giving him infinite wishes.
The Ninja manage to free Jay.
Cole and Lloyd are trapped in the Djinn Blade.
Flintlocke realizes Nadakhan's true intentions and attempts to mutiny but fails and is demoted.
Jay and Nya return to the Lighthouse Prison and meet Echo Zane.
Nya is captured by Nadakhan.
Jay gets the help of Skylor, Echo Zane, Ronin, Dareth, and Soto to free Nya.
The Ninja are freed from the Djinn Blade.
Nadakhan marries Nya and gets infinite wishes, before betraying several of the Sky Pirates.
Dogshank and Flintlocke help the ninja fight Nadakhan.
Nadakhan and Nya are hit with the Tiger Widow venom thanks to Flintlocke.
Nadakhan's magic begins to disappear, causing Djinjago to collapse on Ninjago below.
To save Nya's life, Jay wishes that she had taken his hand and that Clouse never found the Teapot of Tyrahn.
Weakened by the Tiger Widow venom, Nadakhan complies perfectly with Jay's wish and undoes the events of the season, leaving nearly everyone, except for Jay and Nya, with no memory of what happened.
Back on the rooftop, Jay and Nya reconcile and their kiss is broadcast across Ninjago.
Clouse, with no memories of what happened, attempts to retrieve the Teapot of Tyrahn but is driven off by the citizens of Stiix, leaving the Teapot lost forever.
The Realm of Shadows
Wu sends some travelers off to send Kai and Nya a message.
While Kai and Nya are training, some visitors arrive with a teapot and a dragon egg. The teapot held a message inside of it that told the two Ninja to raise the dragon egg, and that it was important to the balance. At the same moment, Kai dropped the dragon egg and it broke, unleashing the young dragon, Bandit.
Meanwhile, Clouse is in a temple in the Toxic Bogs, planning to use his newly recruited Shadow Minions to capture Bandit, and perform a ceremony that will turn him into a Shadow Dragon.
Kai and Nya go to the Destiny's Bounty to tell the others the news, while the travelers tag along. Zane remarks that Bandit appears to be a rare YinYang Dragon, that depending on how it's raised, will either become a Shadow Dragon or a Light Dragon.
Not too long after, the Shadow Minions attack Destiny's Bounty and capture Bandit. The Bounty soon crash lands in the Toxic Bogs. Once the ship crash landed, Kai and Nya went to the temple where Clouse was performing the ceremony.
Clouse finishes the ceremony, turning Bandit into a Shadow Dragon, but with the encouragement of Kai and Nya, and the travelers, Bandit transforms into a Light Dragon. The temple soon collapses, and Clouse pledged to one day meet the Ninja again. Bandit soon flies away to its destiny beyond.
Dark Island Trilogy
Day of the Departed
The Ninja test out their new machines before going to the museum where they see an exhibition of old enemies.
Cole is upset about being a ghost and is suddenly forgotten by his friends.
Cole goes to the Temple of Airjitzu to get revenge on Yang for turning him into a ghost.
Yang tricks Cole into using the Yin Blade to open a rift to the Departed Realm during the Yin-Yang Eclipse.
Yang's students detain Cole while he reveals his plan of returning to Ninjago during the eclipse.
Yang releases the souls of Chen, Morro, Samukai, Cryptor, and Kozu who inhabit their mannequins at the museum.
Yang tells them that they can stay in Ninjago if they destroy the Ninja.
Pythor joins the villains who each pick their target (Chen chooses Kai and Nya, Morro chooses Wu, Pythor chooses Lloyd, Cryptor chooses Zane, Samukai chooses Jay, and Kozu picks Dareth.
The Ninja are scattered across several areas of Ninjago and are attacked by their old foes.
Morro visits Wu and instead of battling him he warns him of Yang's plans.
The Ninja and Dareth manage to defeat their enemies sending back to the Departed Realm while Pythor escapes.
Wu and a redeemed Morro tell the Ninja of Yang's plans and how he made them forget Cole.
The Ninja rush to the Temple of Airjitzu as Morro returns to the Departed Realm at peace.
Cole escapes Yang's henchmen and battles his way to stop him.
Yang tries to demoralize Cole by mentioning his friends forgot him until he hears them call him. Rejuvenated, Cole attacks and overpowers Yang which releases his students from his mind control spell.
Yang's former students escape turning them back into humans.
Yang reveals he cursed himself in order not to be forgotten as Cole relates to this.
Cole states Yang would of been forever remembered because he created Airjitzu.
Cole tries to take Yang with him through the rift but Yang explains how the curse works of one ghost remains.
Yang then sends Cole through the rift turning him into a human again.
The Ninja make the restored Temple of Airjitzu their new base and celebrate the Day of the Departed.
The Hands of Time
(Season 7)
Acronix returns after 40 years of being lost in Time to take his revenge on Wu for putting him there. When The Forward Time Blade arrives, Acronix accelerates Wu's growth and defeats the Ninja with ease.
Acronix reunites with Dr. Saunders who reveals his identity of Krux as they embrace and plot their revenge.
Zane protects Cyrus Borg but is taken down while Borg is kidnapped by the Time Twins and forced to make a weapon for them.
Various people and metal are stolen by the Vermillion to use for building armor and weapons.
Kai investigates his parents' disappearance and discovers Dr. Saunders, who he finds out is Krux, was behind it. Krux tells Kai that his parents were a pair of traitors who aided him and his brother in many ways.
The last three Time Blades appear one after another.
A mysterious person donning the Samurai X suit appears.
Kai and Nya reunite with their parents and learn why they disappear.
Kai, Nya, Master Wu, Acronix and Krux travel in time, 40 years before, after the defeat of the Serpertine.
Master Wu sacrifices himself and together with Acronix and Krux they are lost in time.
After the loss of Master Wu the Ninjas need a master and Jay names Lloyd as "Master Lloyd."
Source:Ninjago Wiki!
So like i said you do not have to include all the detail 
Thank you for taking on the challenge!
When your done post it on your blog and @ me. 
make sure you put on your blog and  @shiryokuninja-chan 
Good Luck! this will be an awesome collab
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piperchu · 8 years
DotD rewrite Episode 2: Night at the Museum
Here’s Episode 2! Enjoy!
Episode 2
Night At the Museum
Cole stepped back at the expression on Yang’s face. He looked furious. “You never should have played with dark magic, boy!” he exclaimed. “That was the Vase of Wicked Souls Past! You have awakened evil spirits who were imprisoned in the Departed Realm! Now, give me my weapon before you do any more damage!”
“I don’t think so!” Cole shouted back.
“I do! Seize him!”
Suddenly six ghost ninjas appeared out of nowhere. “What?!” Cole yelped before he was tackled by all of them. He felt the Yin blade leave his grasp. Yang’s students held him upright with a tight grip. One of them put handcuffs on him, and another handed the Yin blade to Yang.
“Now, Cole,” the teacher said, pointing the Yin blade at him, “you are going to hear the reason I called you here in the first place.”
Meanwhile, in the museum, one by one the villains awoke. First Samukai, then Chen, then Cryptor and Kozu, and finally Morro. All of them looked around at each other in total confusion.
“Huh? Uh, who are you all?” Samukai rasped.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Morro said, hopping off his pedestal and narrowing his eyes at the Skulkin suspiciously.
“I am Samukai! Skulkin general! Fearsome master of the dagger!” He looked at his hands. They were empty. “Uh, where are my daggers?”
“FEARSOME?” Kozu shouted. “You call yourself FEARSOME? I am fearsome! I am KOZU! DESTROYER of all foolish enough to challenge me!”
“Yeah?” Cryptor snarked. “So how am I not impressed?”
Kozu roared at the insult in his native language, but Chen interrupted. “But what has brought us back?” he asked. Then he saw he was sitting in a throne very much like his old one, with an array of buttons on the arms. “OOOH! BUTTONS BUTTONS BUTTONS!” he squealed with delight. He pushed a few, but nothing happened. “What?! My chair is fake?!”
“What is going on here?” Samukai questioned, ignoring Chen.
“Perhaps a better look around will give us some answers,” Morro mused. All the villains hopped off their pedestals and began to search for clues.
“Hey, look at these!” Samukai exclaimed, pointing at a case that contained various weapons. Although they were all different, they had one thing in common: they all had a green jewel on them. The others crowded around him. Morro began to read the description.
“‘These are Departed Blades. In the Dark Ages, they were said to be used by departed spirits. When a spirit’s living enemy was struck down by the blade, the spirit wielding it would be able to take their victim’s place among the living.’”
“I want THAT one!” Kozu shouted, pointing at a sword with jagged edges. Being made of stone, he easily shattered the glass case protecting the weapons with one punch. Each villain took a weapon. Kozu immediately snatched his chosen sword. Cryptor chose one that looked vaguely like a technoblade. Chen took what looked like an anacondrai sword. Samukai reached for an axe, and Morro grabbed a golden katana. Once they each had a satisfying weapon, the hunt for answers continued.
Eventually they came across a painting of a vase with green smoke swirling around it. Again Morro read the description. “‘The Vase of Wicked Souls Past was an ancient artifact created during the Golden Age. Legend says that the vase was enchanted by a sorceress to hold the souls of the wicked once they died. It is said that if released, these souls will find likenesses of their former selves and possess them to bring themselves back to life.’”
“So that’s what happened,” Samukai growled.
Back in the main room of the exhibit, Pythor entered through a side door. “Hm, Hall of Villainy?” he murmured. Looking up, he found nothing but empty pedestals. He scoffed. “Hah! More like Hall of Empty…ny.” Suddenly he heard something in the other room of the exhibit. Thinking it must be more interesting than this, he followed the sound of voices. On his way, he found a broken case that looked like it had housed weapons. He saw one was still left. It looked like one of the Serpentine general’s staffs. “Nice,” he said, and took it with him.
“So we all agree?” Chen asked the others. “We’ll use the Departed Blades to kill the Ninja and take their place among the living! Finally, we will have revenge!” All the villains cheered, except for Morro. He frowned and furrowed his brow, but quickly regained composure.
“Did someone say revenge?” Pythor asked, slithering in. “I want in.” Suddenly he saw the nindroid in the room. “Ah, Cryptor, my loyal friend! Haha!” Then he turned to Chen. The atmosphere between them turned cold. “Chen,” Pythor acknowledged.
“Pythor,” Chen returned the greeting.
“Oooh, frosty,” Kozu remarked.
Pythor looked around at the three villains he did not know. “And what might your names be?”
“Samukai,” the skeleton announced.
“KOZU!” the stone warrior shouted.
“Morro,” the ghost answered.
“A pleasure to meet you all. So, if we’re going to kill the Ninja, we’d better split them amongst ourselves,” Pythor suggested. “We don’t want to take them all on at once.”
“I call Zane!” Samukai blurted, throwing up two arms.
“No! He’s my clone!” Cryptor insisted.
“Technically, you’re his clone,” Pythor pointed out. Kozu, Samukai, Chen, and Cryptor began to fight. Morro just frowned again.
“Enough!” Pythor shouted above the fray. “Personally, I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible. I pick Lloyd! I got rid of the father, well, more or less. It’s finally time to get rid of the son!”
“I have a score to settle with Kai and Nya!” Chen claimed. “So they’re mine!”
“I’ll take Zane,” Cryptor decided.
The wheels in Morro’s head turned. He’d have to be careful about this. Strategic, purposeful. “Sensei Wu,” he finally said. “We left things… unfinished. I will settle our debt once and for all.”
“Ugh, that only leaves Jay,” Samukai groaned, looking at Kozu. “One ninja, but two of us. Okay, rock paper clip. ONE, TWO, THREE! ONE TWO…” Kozu just walked away. “That doesn’t seem to work.”
Kozu looked out the window and spotted Dareth. “I want HIM!” he shouted.
“Yes!” Samukai agreed.
“Then it’s settled!” Pythor announced. “Although, the Ninja won’t go easily. Perhaps we could use… some help?”
Cryptor looked at Pythor’s museum brochure. “The Hall of Sidekicks!” he offered.
“Haha! Convenient! Is it not?” Pythor chuckled. With that, Pythor, Cryptor, Chen, Kozu, and Samukai left the room, off to prepare for their confrontations. Morro, however, stayed where he was. He bit his lower lip, thinking hard. He considered his options. There was a lot to lose if he went through with his plan. Independence, control, self-determination, to name a few.
But this also might be his only chance for redemption.
Finally, he made up his mind.
Pythor turned around to find Morro hesitating. “Coming, my new friend?” he asked.
“You all go on ahead,” Morro told him. “I prefer to do things alone.”
Pythor considered Morro’s words. “Perhaps you have a point. I’ve seen the Hall of Sidekicks on my way here, and there were no serpentine. And I doubt any of the real serpentine will join me. Very well. We shall both go solo. Good luck.”
“Thanks.” With that, they parted ways.
Cole sat on the wooden floor, glaring up at Yang. “Alright then, Yang, why did you bring me here?” he snapped.
“I brought you here because you have been struggling amongst the living. You’ve been fading, losing control,” Yang explained.
“How do you know about that?”
“It is what happens to many ghosts when they remain among those with whom they do not belong. There are some ghosts who have enough control to dwell among the living, but for those who do not, they suffer.” Yang bent down so he was level with Cole. “Cole. You don’t belong with your friends anymore.”
“No way! I belong with them!”
“No, Cole. You don’t. You became a ghost here. You belong with us.”
“You want me to join you?! No! I’m never staying here!”
“Very well. If you will not join us out of your own free will, I will not stop you. However, I am not going to let you out.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll find a way out! You’ll see!”
“Take him to the basement,” Yang commanded one student. “He’ll stay there until he reconsiders.”
“When my friends see I’m missing, they’ll come for me!” Cole yelled behind him as the student led him away.
“See you’re missing? They’ve flat out forgotten you. Besides, you’ve caused quite a few problems for your friends,” Yang told him crossly. “They’ll be quite busy cleaning up the mess you made.”
Back in Ignacia, Kai and Nya were sitting on the couch, talking about the past month.
“I still can’t quite believe Dilara really thought Jay was Amir,” Kai said, reminiscing their last adventure in the Arabian Isles.
“Can you believe an evil Jinn thought I was Dilara?” Nya asked with a smirk. Kai chuckled. There was a small silence before Nya spoke again. “It feels strange, being back in our parents’ shop after all this time.”
Kai looked distant. “Nya, do you ever think we’ll find out what happened to them? You know, after they went away that day and never came back?”
Nya was about to answer when someone else outside did. “I could tell you,” it said. “But you’ve got bigger things to worry about!”
The siblings rushed outside to find Chen standing on the path with what looked like an anacondrai sword. “Chen?!” Nya gasped.
Kai ran back inside and got two katanas. He tossed one to Nya. “I don’t know how you’re back, but it’s two against one!” he warned.
“Is it?” Chen asked. From behind him flew in two anacondrai soldiers in Condrai Crushers. Kai and Nya readied themselves for battle.
In the Birchwood Forest, Zane was turning to leave, but a rumbling behind him made him turn back around. His father’s statue was crumbling! Zane stepped back in alarm. Finally it fell, and standing on top of it was none other than Cryptor, accompanied by three nindroids.
“Oops. Did I hurt your dear old dad?” he taunted. “Or should I say our dad?”
In the junkyard, Ed and Jay were sitting on the bench outside the trailer. “Edna, dear,” Ed called, “is that crumbcake ready yet? Jay’s starving!”
“I’m fine dad!” Jay assured him.
Ed laughed. “Well, I know, son, but I love your mother’s crumbcake!”
Suddenly there were yelps from inside the trailer. “Mom?” Jay asked nervously. The door swung open, and out came Samukai with his mother held above his head.
“Guess who’s back?” the skulkin general yelled as two skulkin underlings approached in mechs.
In the Corridor of Elders, Lloyd and Misako watched as the floating lantern flew up out of sight. “I know dad’s gone,” Lloyd said, “but sometimes I feel like he’s still with me.”
His mother smiled. “He is with you, Lloyd. Sometimes I look at you and see him when he was your age; you look so alike. But he’s not only in your face - he’s in your heart too.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
They turned to leave, but a movement in the rocks made them stop and look around. Then Lloyd spotted a familiar-looking snake. “Pythor?” he asked. “What are you doing here?”
“When we last met,” the anacondrai began, “I decided to help you and your father defeat Chen. Do you remember why?”
Lloyd thought back to that moment. “You… you said something about if anyone was going to take over the world, you’d rather it be you?”
“Precisely!” He pulled out a serpentine staff. “Time to finish the job!” Lloyd stepped back.
On the mountain where the monastery ruins sat, Wu looked up at the bright moon. The eclipse was growing closer. He remembered something his father had told him once. “An eclipse is always an omen,” he thought aloud. “But is this one of good, or bad?”
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a voice whispered to him like a gust of wind. “Bad,” it breathed. “Bad. Bad. Very bad.”
Wu knew that this was no wind.
It was the one who controlled it.
Cole was led down the many hallways and down staircases by one of the ghost ninja. He knew he had to get out of there. “So, uh, I didn’t get your name,” Cole said to his escort.
No answer.
“Okay, then. I’ll just call you-”
“Chuck,” the ninja told him in a quiet voice.
“Oh, so you do talk! Well, listen, Chuck. I know Yang’s your master, but how can you be on his side? He’s evil!”
“Let me ask you something,” Chuck said. “What makes you think my Master is evil?”
“Well, he turned me into a ghost!”
“Look - Cole, is it? Yang wasn’t the one who turned you into a ghost. You were the one who stayed behind. Also- I’m not finished! Also, I wanted to come here. My parents wanted me to have a good martial arts education, and they were suggesting Sensei Wu. But I’d heard that he had a student that ran away.”
“Morro,” Cole put in.
“Was that his name? Anyway, I wanted to go somewhere else, and the other option at the time was Sensei Yang. My parents didn’t like him, because they heard shady things about him. Although my parents told me it was Sensei Wu or nothing, I left in the middle of the night and arrived here. Yang took me in gladly, and introduced me to all of his other students. I don’t mind the rule that we can’t leave, because I wouldn’t want to leave.”
Cole was speechless. He didn’t think anyone would want to stay there forever. But Chuck didn’t seem all that bad.
But he still had to get out of here.
“Well, it’s been nice getting to know you, Chuck,” Cole told the ghost ninja. Then before Chuck could respond, he broke free of his grasp and knocked him out. “Sorry, but I’ve gotta go help my friends,” he explained. With that, Cole ran back the way they came, determined to get out of here.
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