#But cap looked at Havers like he was the sun
help bestie the "some guy"-ness of Capvers is getting to me again
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
Right lads I’m gonna sit you all down so we can all have a fun little chat about ✨the lighting in the captain’s flashbacks✨
Have a look at these screenshots from redding weddy and carpe diem, these take place during the day. Notice how the lighting is very warm; there’s golds and browns and you can feel the sun coming through the windows
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Now take a gander at these screenshots from redding weddy, they take place during nighttime and the lighting is very cool. Blues and dark greens and blacks, you can feel the bitter chill in the night air
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There’s another difference between these two scenes: in the warmer ones, havers is present, and in the cooler ones, havers is gone. Havers quite literally brightens the captain’s life, this is regardless of whatever is happening. In cap’s death scene, the lighting is warm despite the tragic circumstances. When havers tells cap he’s leaving, the lighting is still warm. Any kind of heartbreak the captain feels is eased by havers’ presence, even if he is the source of that heartbreak.
I would also like to note the parallels between these two shots (this fucking window oh my god)
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When we first see cap sitting here in redding weddy, he is reliving the memory of havers leaving, the music crescendos as the beloved lieutenant disappears through the gate. Because the scene focuses on havers leaving, the lighting is cool. When we revisit it in carpe diem, cap is reflecting on his death. The main focus of the minor flashback isn’t havers but it highlights a scene where havers is present (the one with the general guy) Thus, the lighting is warm.
Uhhhhh anyways that’s all I have to say about this lol, idk who’s creative decision it was to do this but they deserve a million dollars and I want to give them my hand in marriage
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imagines-babes · 1 year
Here with me (Sapnap)
Hey again, im back with another Sapnap story. This one is short and nice. The song is 'Here with me' by d4vd. Also, I do take requests and ps I will be updating the punz story just need time with it sorry
Sapnap List Masterlist
Today it is a rainy day. Did I forget to bring an umbrella? Yes. Do I also love the rain? Yes.  But is today also pouring not some soft sprinkles? Yes? Now do I regret bringing one? Yes, I do. The sun is hidden behind the clouds as I start to walk to the bus stop. Everyone is under the cover for the bus stop making it crowded. I tried to find the shelter of some sort only to notice there is none. Taking my book bag, and placing it over my head. Some water still fell as I waited for the bus. Glancing at my phone to see a message from a friend. Then played music just to be staring at my shoes. I glance down the road to see no buster. 'By the time it gets here I will be soaked,' I brought myself to laugh.
Shortly notice an elbow right over me holding an umbrella. Slowly moving my bag to see The man's face. All he did is looked forward. He stood by the same height as me. Wearing a grey sweater with a black cap under his hoodie. Then followed with black pants and Nike shoes. He has accessories like rings on two of his fingers along with a bracelet on his left hand. Paired with a dangling necklace.
"Thank you," I spoke to him. He gave a smile with a nod, "no one should be drenched with water cause of rain." Laughing. I nod looking at the estimated time for the bus to come by. '23 minutes estimated time for this stop.' It's quiet between me and this man. Only to hear music and the raindrops from the umbrella. "My name is y/n, and you are?" My eyes wander back to him. "My name is Sapnap," he turns his face to see his dark brown eyes. "Sapnap that's a unique name," I give a smile while he broke into a laugh. I tilt my head to the right as I squint my eyes. "Oh no. my name isn't actually Sapnap but usually my parents or if I'm in trouble they say my birth name so now I just go by Sapnap." I nod my head relaxing my face. 'So I call him Sapnap but his actual name isn't that. Well that's interesting.'
once again it's quiet between us.
He looks at his phone starting to type fast with his thumb. His phone was getting wet moving the umbrella close to him with me close to him. His face looks at me confused, "your phone is getting wet so I just thought if we were close we would both not get wet as much." He just nods typing once more. It brought curiosity to so I leaned over not too much. To wonky see him texting in a group called the 'sex havers plus Sapnap,' it made me laugh maybe it's an inside joke. "Hey y/n," he looks at me as the bus stop. "I have to go are you also getting on?" I ask as the people slowly got on. He shook his head no it made me question a little. "Oh, then I will see you around Sapnap," walking up to the bus as I mumble, "I hope" all he did is nod seeing me leave. There is a seat in the middle sections as everyone just waits go the bus. Being the last one on the bus slowly started to go. Putting my face to the window. Feeling someone sit beside me making room for them. "You know y/n," I turned my head to see him, "I was planning to ask for your number but I guess getting on this bus with you is also fine. Sapnap said as I smiled.
Till that day y/n, never regret not bringing an umbrella.
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wildenessat221b · 3 years
Capvers fluff/angst where Cap practises several times in the mirror telling Havers how he feels about him in the most flowery terms (and grimly acknowledging to himself the potential risk given the time period), only to bottle it when he sees him.
Dashing, Edmond, you look dashing.
He smiled appreciatively at the voice in his head, with a little tilt of the head. Didn’t he just.
He bloody better.
Five-hundred hours he’d begun sculpting his moustache, five-hundred hours. The sun was eons from being up and he’d done it by gaslight, but he was careful, oh so careful. He hadn’t broken the skin once.
He’d scrubbed himself within an inch of his life, shoved the soap down his fingernails like a bayonet into a sandbag. Then he’d filed the nails until rounded and sensible. His uniform was crisp as a brisk Winter morning.
Dashing, he looked dashing.
If a little tired.
He straightened his tie, and quirked his eyebrows up at himself in the mirror. Today was the day. Today was the day. No more secrets. No more fear. No more wringing his hands behind his back like a schoolboy, drilling his toe into the dust and swinging his knee from side to side with a sheepish blush.
“Havers -“ he said to the mirror, before catching himself. “William. There is something I mean to tell you.”
And then he stopped. Frowned. Bit his lip. Spun around once with a disgruntled noise. Returned his gaze to the mirror.
“William, there is something I mean to tell you. You are a marvel. You are a marvel at everything you do, everything you say, every move you make. It’s frankly impertinent that every smile you produce appears to be in an egotistical arms race with the sun, and that your voice appears to be competing with Mozart’s finest symphonies for a play at the Royal Albert Hall. You are effortlessly elegant, hideously handsome and I wouldn’t bet, remarkably strong. Your arms are... yes.”
He gave himself a serious look and nodded decisively.
That should do it.
Except... it wouldn’t, would it. He hadn’t scratched the surface.
No secrets he’d said, full disclosure.
His left eye twitched.
He straightened his tie, blew out a breath. Continued, quieter this time.
“William, you give me the time of day. You don’t snigger or mock or impersonate. You don’t give me funny looks across the mess hall or elbow your friend in the ribs and pretend not to point. You don’t insinuate that there’s anything wrong with me, you don’t patronise me. You...” he swallowed, “William, you treat me like a person, and actual living, breathing person. Not a caricature, not an automaton, not a figure of fun or a scapegoat. A person.”
His tie couldn’t possibly get any straighter, but he straightened it anyway.
“And if it’s all the same to you, I should very much like to be your person.”
He coughed.
“Hope that’s alright.”
He knew that it wasn’t.
Outside, the grandfather clock struck seven-hundred hours.
Into battle it was.
“Morning Sir.”
And there he was, in full glory. Basked in sunlight - was he ever not, bastard must carry some in his pocket.
“Ah Havers. Good morning.”
The best, it was going to be the best morning, it was going to be the start of a new kind of morning, a morning of gentle kisses and glimpses of soft skin and the smell of cedar wood, it was going to be -
“Are you alright sir? You look a little tired.”
He barked a nervous laugh.
“Why yes, of course, I’m fine, completely fine, not tired at all, no, trained for sleep deprivation, our stock, isn’t that right.”
“Oh, perfectly. So you weren’t up all night thinking about those blueprints?”
And for once, the knowing look, the knowing look that can usually penetrate through each and every one of The Captain’s carefully constructed exteriors, was hideously misplaced.
“Caught red handed, Havers,” he said quietly. “Spot on.”
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20th May 1940
Dear Diary,
today was our match against the RAF Dunham Marsh Eleven
When it was my innings I opened my shoulders up, like I always do, and made a quip to their keeper about how the motion almost mimics one of their propellers. It made my the Captain laugh a lot. I do love the sound of his laughter
I caught him looking at my hair again (I forgot my cap on purpose but shhhh) and later I took my jumper off and found him staring at my forearms. He was a bit red in the face but that was probably from the sun, I don't know
I played as best as I could, I do love playing cricket so much, and was not out for 88 innings. The Captain looked very proud and a bit flustered but once again that might have been from the weather. However he is so dreamy I can't even!
Today was a great match and a great day and I hope I can make Cap laugh again soon.
Diary entry of Lieutenant Havers (written in glitter pen whilst kicking his feet)
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Captain’s favourite film is captain America the first avenger. I wonder what are his thoughts on the film? I think after seeing it one of the questions reeling in his mind is “how would I feel if I died and then suddenly brought back in the 21 century instead of becoming a ghost?”
Okay thanks for the second part because I know most Marvel movies only from Tumblr gifsets. Though I think I have seen bits of it.
In my 'pinion the shock for Captain Murica was of course ginormous. Our Captain of course nows of the 21st century especially through Alison. So going back to imagine the cultural shock he would have is probably not that easy. So I think instead he would imagine what he would do if he was alive nowadays.
Okay it's getting complicated now.
Because for some reason I thought that he'd think not about what he would do but rather have a scenario in his head where next to the ghost board is a board full of postcards he would have sent to Alison or pictures they decided to put up.
(I wish I could draw, because I see it so vividly)
(Also I think he would imagine some of the others being alive as well)
I'm just gonna describe them?
-there is one with him, Alison and Kitty, Standing in a half circle, all have rainbow stickers under their eyes and rainbow flags wrapped around their shoulders. Cap ist in the middle and he has one arm on Alison's shoulder and one on Kitty's as if he has pulled them close for the picture. They all are beaming. (I think even if he wasn't comfortable being out, he still would accompany Kitty who would want to go because people in love and rainbows and it would make him euphoric, maybe even to a degree where he would come out by just yelling it out and they all hug and jump up and down)
-there is one where he and Pat and Pat's dog stand in front of a tent somewhere near a lake idk has the forest of a Dean a lake?
-there is one where lady B and him are in the background of a selfie, browsing a farmers market/art fair and they stand at a stall and look at ceramics, holding up a few things and apparently judging and discussing which to buy. Alison is in the foreground, sun in her face, making a peace sign (she sent this pic to Mike who wanted to know what the delay was about because he wanted to get something to eat) (her face looks like it does in her picture with Kitty)
-there are numerous postcards with sights and landscapes from all over England, Wales and Scotland
(There is one where the Captain has taken a selfie. He is in the foreground in a blue Jack Wolfskin jacket with a hiking rucksack. It looks like he is hiking in glencoe, with lot of rocks to walk over and mountains behind him. The ground etc seems like it just stopped raining and the light falling in the mountains looks marvelous. Few steps behind him there is Havers also in full hiking gear (maybe even wearing one of those weird round hiking hats like PSC does for cricket), grinning from ear to ear, his trekking sticks and one foot up on a rock that forms a step, about to step up. The Captain has a happy-willbond-smirk on his face like ....so
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Omg I am so sorry I never went more offtopic I got so carried away 🙈.
God I wish I could draw or edit this.
Also this post is sponsored by Jack Wolfskin 😉😂
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wildenessat221b · 3 years
A different kind of challenge. A story from Havers perspective. Cap, from Havers perspective. Havers internal monologue, and how Havers sees and feels about The Captain. Havers trying to drum up the courage to tell Cap how he feels and also bottling it.
I’ve given it a go, me dear! Havers is harder to embody than Cap, because my version of Cap is... well, me lol. Except the moustache. Sometimes.
Heart recognised heart, it was as simple as that.
On the outside it was messy and complicated and nonsensical and downright dangerous.
On the outside it was two souls that didn’t fit.
It was someone who heard a threat in every noise and someone who got up early to listen to the birdsong. It was someone who took his tea with milk and someone who had it with honey. It was someone who slept rigid on his back and someone who curled around the bedsheets like a woodland creature.
It was someone who knew how to take a deep breath every once in a while and someone who was still getting there.
But on the inside, it was simply a case of heart recognising heart.
Havers’ gaze wandered across the mess hall to where the Captain was sat. He was peering down at the newspaper, but had the best seat in the house - a vantage point of the whole room.
Perhaps he’d been observer corps at one time, Havers thought. Perhaps he’d get to ask one day.
Perhaps he’d get to ask one day, by oil lamp, in a cold and still room with frosted windows. Perhaps he’d get to whisper the question, with his thumb stroking across his cheekbone, perhaps their feet would be tangled together. Perhaps the men would be drinking downstairs, raucous and dangerous, and they would have found their sanctuary.
Perhaps he’d get to ask, what made you this way?
Perhaps he’d get to ask, what made you this way, dear heart?
And perhaps the answer would break him, perhaps it would split him in two. Perhaps he’d discover demons and perhaps he’d promise to slay them. Perhaps he’d wipe away a stray tear and swear, swear that nothing would ever hurt him again.
Perhaps there wouldn’t be an answer. Perhaps what he was was simply what he was.
Perhaps he was all feeling, all order, all nervous energy right down to his core. And perhaps one day Havers would be able to love every churning, bubbling atom of that core.
Perhaps one day he’d have the courage to ask.
To ask, will you let me in?
You’re like me, and for Christ’s sake, there’s nothing wrong with you.
It was the case of a man who had come to terms, and a man who hadn’t. It was a heart that loved boundlessly and breathed and a heart that loved within bounds and so far only had the courage to beat.
It was more an act of mercy than anything when Havers slipped into the seat beside him and bit his tongue around the words, you look beautiful when the sun’s coming up.
“Oh, good morning Havers.” The Captain licked his finger and turned the page of the newspaper. “Didn’t see you there.” He lied.
“It’s alright Sir.”
All of it.
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