#But even just Vio was quite a project. Then again
otherviosmainblog · 2 years
Would you ever consider moving the files for your Vio shimeji to a site other than DeviantArt? I would love to download it, but you have to have an account on the site to do so (and I don't have one). I just wanted to ask before I go ahead and make an account. No pressure either way!
Oh, sure thing! I'd honestly completely forgotten about it. Here you go!
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(Screenshot from my deviantart) 2018... It's wild to think I made this so long ago. Anyway, enjoy!
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
OH BOY OH BOY DO I HAVE SOME HCS FOR YOU (mainly gonna be sbi or bench trio bc them,, *gently holds*
I don't see this much but Phil using his beard to tk,,
Not only dies Phil use his wings to tk he also uses them to trap the lee, like a little ball they can't escape >:)
I've seen designs of Phil with sharpish nails and I'm just like
*e ye s e m o ji*
Mainly does light tickles unless provoked alot or told otherwise
If I had a nickel for everytime Phil has accidently tickled himself w/ his own wings I'd have, way more than nickels, which is quite alot and honestly it's not surprising that it's happened so often
Tinyinnit would sometimes use Phil's feathers to tickle him, ofc Phil would always get him back because he always feels the feathers getting plucked
Honestly doesn't try to escape much unless in a ler mood because Dadza doesn't have the heart to push his chilren away
This enderboy is too ticklish for his own good
Holy shit
He wasn't really used to physical contact so whenever he and Tubbo platonically cuddled he'd always giggle and pull away bc Tubbo's hair was tickling his neck and he was kinda confused at first but he finally asked about it and was relieved when Tubbo's face lit up
Enderman chirps and purrs while being tickled, that's how you tell if he's comfortable and happy
PAW PADS. EXTREMELY SENSITIVE. His hands do the little twitch thing cats do in their sleep when you touch them, it's really endearing
He now initiates tickle fights for the sake of physical affection
He rarely wins ofc
Which is kinda funny bc
His arms are really long conpared to his body and the just barely touch the ground if he hunches over (which is all the time in his current house)
Far reach, can stop the lee from running easily
Two tails pog? Prepare for trouble, and make it double? Fluffy tips? Can latch onto stuff in addition to having long arms
Half the time he doesn't even mean to tickle the lee but when he does
He can be evil if his knows the lee is comfortable with it. Especially if provoked
He makes really dry puns in between teasing, sometimes will ask genuine questions and make conversation as if he isn't wrecking your shit—
(Exp: "I can't beLEEve I didn't know this sooner." "I didn't know you were ticklish here. You hidin' stuff from me [lee name]?" "Wanna name any other spots for me? Or do I need to find out myself?"
[If the lee names a spot]: 1. "I forget, did I already try that? It seems you'll have to name another spot." 2. "Really now? I never knew that~."
[If the lee doesn't name a spot/tells him to shut up]: 1. "Well that was rude. I guess I'll just have to keep looking. Are you ticklish here? What about here? Oh I think here~." (He'll keep moving spots each time) 2. I can't think of a number 2 LABEUIS onto Tubbo hcs, apologies if I'm rambling alot
Chaotic gremlin child, usually gets tickled to take him down a peg
It usually works
Tiny horns, long goat/ramlike ears that flick whenever they get tickled
If the base of his horns get tickled he'll most likely shake his head at rapid speeds so be warned
Well, anywhere on his head really
(noooooo I'm not projecting I swear/s)
He definetly snorts, though he'll deny it to the day he dies
If somethings tickling him he'll only let you know if he thinks it was an accident, which isn't the best idea bc the ler just immediatly looks like '>:)'
Will definetly run, but he honestly enjoys the chase, even if he never makes it very far because he's SHORT/lh/hj
Good at hiding, like holy cow, he'll literally be in a tiny little crevice and just stare at the ler, that is until he giggles and they turn around and see a tiny ram boi staring at them
And the chase is on again
Remember when I said usually in the lee hcs?
You'd better hope usually is all the time
Tubbo is a man of revenge
Evil revenge indeed
He'll just deadpan stare at the former ler and do one of the two things
1. Reach out his hands for cuddles, but the cuddles are a lie! You've been fooled! Absolutely outplayed! Now get wrecked!
2. Stand up and say "Run." You already know what's coming :)
Will have existential crisises™ while tickling the now lee (aka the sleep deprived conversations we see on Ranboo's streams) and the confusion just makes the lee laugh harder
(Exp that totally isn't me projecting my 4am thoughts: "You know, I've always wondered why children cry the second they're born, do you think humans live a life of constant pain and decay since they're born, but as we get older we just get used to the constant turmoil? Do you think that whenever we 'get hurt' so to speak, the pain just intensifies?")
Whenever the lee laughs harder during his dilema he'll say something like "Hey! Are you laughing at me? This is an important discussion! Do you think tax fraud should be legalized?!"
OHHHH wow ok theres a lot to unpack here *eyes*
phil using his beard to tickle,,,,,,,,thinks about it
lee!phil. so true
i’ve seen the headcanon the ranboo makes enderman chirps when tickled and it’s just. *gently holds him*
the concept of ranboo being an evil ler....mmmm i like that :0
tubbo shaking his head rapidly and snorting while tickled <3333
THESE WERE ALL SUCH GOOD HEADCANONS. thank you vio!! although, can you maybe split these into multiple asks next time, like one for each character? i just don’t want people to have to scroll down such a long ask to get to the next post on their dash bshsjdnkdkd /nm!
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moonish03 · 5 years
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Senku and Chrome were tidying up the lab after finishing the last demon level project, both were submerged in deep silence, which was unusual for Senku, he almost never used to be very quiet except when he is quite focused on some project , but they had just finished a fairly large one, isn't that strange? Chrome wondered, Senku behaved strangely since he returned from the coast where they were building the Perseus, He had tried to get information from Kohaku because she was with him yesterday to which she only said that if he wanted to know something he asked Senku himself directly and then fled with a face as red as a tomato.
Determined to break that stifling silence he turned to see the scientist and realized something, Senku was smiling, terrifying. Something was definitely happening and nobody has told him anything, Chrome wanted to know, Chrome needed to know.
"Senku, can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Sure"
"Something happened? You act strangely”
"So you think? It could be… something happened”
Chrome was definitely not the best for these things, maybe he should have asked the great detective Suika for help, but his curiosity is bigger and he is impatient.
"I see ... Senku, can you tell me about your life before Petrification?"
It seemed like a good plan to get answers to Senku. At first he simply described his work thinking that it was what Chrome wanted to hear, but little by little the conversation was diverted, they went on to talk about their interests apart from science, anime, comics and things like that, Chrome felt that I was achieving, They had already finished ordering but the conversation continued.
"Then I told him it was a love potion, and he threw it away," Senku said with a laugh.
"Wouldn't it have been bad if he took it?"
"Yes, but I'm 10 billion percent sure nothing would happen, that's how he is"
"I see, they were partners and they knew each other since they were children, the confidence they have is incredible" By this time Chrome was concentrating on knowing more about life before petrification but had not forgotten his main objective no matter if he stayed talking until that it was done at night, I would get information and solve it.
“What about Gen? Did you know each other before? When he arrived you knew him, right? ”
Suddenly Senku's expression changed, His face took a slight red volume and he had that smile again. Chrome saw its opportunity to discover the mystery.
"Something like that, he was famous, he even wrote some silly books, most of them were about psychology, I read some of them, he also appeared in several magazines, they interviewed him often, he had a fan club even"
"I didn't expect that, Gen must have been important then"
“Yes! He also had a television show, his magic acts really liked people, he has a unique charisma, a lot of people went to live shows, he liked to be the center of attention, really… dazzled in the stage…"
"Senku?" Chrome looked at Senku somewhat strangely, kept talking, didn't even listen.
 …10 minutes…
 “Do not misunderstand me, it is not that now it is not like that, it still has its charm, although I liked his hair completely black, but the white looks good too...
 …20 minutes…
 “Yesterday Suika said she looked like a Husky and I hadn't realized it, the resemblance is great although I always saw him more like a cat you know, he is someone a bit extravagant...”
 …30 minutes…
  “But he also has simple tastes and is a good person, he is very skilled at doing delicate or precision work, he is… impressive”
"I think ... I think the magician has bewitched you, you are not acting normal, you have been talking about how great it is for more than half hour, the truth surprises me that you did not realize Is there something you have not told me? Something happened yesterday, isn't it? Tell me at once”
"If you put it that way ... I guess it's true"
"What do you mean?"
"Gen and I kissed yesterday, maybe he should have put a spell on me, I haven't stopped thinking about him, Maybe I am delighted by his charm, Maybe I´m Enchanted" Senku said with a look he would be but keeping the smile on his lips.
"Senku ... you're scaring me"
Chrome wished he had never given in to his curiosity, from now on every time they were left alone Senku would torment him with all his thoughts about Gen, from How cute he is today to how anatomically perfect his butt is, things that Chrome didn't want to know .
To be continued...
My new headcanon is Fanboy Senku, I Has so much Fun writing this!
Previous part / Next part
Senku y Chrome estaban ordenando el laboratorio después de haber terminado el último proyecto nivel demonio, ambos estaban sumergidos en un profundo silencio, lo cual era inusual por parte de Senku, Este casi nunca solía estar muy callado exceptuando cuando se encuentra bastante concentrado en algún proyecto, pero acababan de terminar uno bastante grande, ¿No es algo extraño? Se preguntó Chrome, Senku se comportaba extraño desde que volvió de la costa donde estaban construyendo el Perseo, Había tratado de Sacar información a Kohaku pues estuvo con él ayer a lo cual ella solo dijo que si quería saber algo le preguntase directo a al mismo Senku y luego huyó con la cara tan roja como un Tomate.
Decidido a romper ese asfixiante silencio se giró a ver al científico y se dio cuenta de algo, Senku estaba sonriendo, aterrador. Definitivamente algo estaba pasando y nadie le ha dicho nada, Chrome quería saber, Chrome necesitaba saber.
“Senku, ¿Puedo preguntarte algo?”
“Hm? Claro”
“¿Pasó algo? Actúas extraño”
“¿Eso crees? Puede ser… que algo pasara”
Definitivamente Chrome no era el mejor para estas cosas, tal vez debió pedir ayuda a la gran detective Suika, pero su curiosidad es más grande y se encuentra impaciente.
“Ya veo…Senku ¿Puedes contarme sobre tu vida antes de la Petrificación?”
Parecía un buen plan para ir sacándole respuestas a Senku. Al principio se limitó a describir sus trabajos pensando que era lo que Chrome quería escuchar, pero poco a poco la conversación se fue desviando, pasaron a hablar de sus intereses a parte de la ciencia, animes, comics y cosas así, Chrome Sentía que lo estaba logrando, Ya habían terminado de ordenar pero la conversación seguía.
“Entonces le dije que era una pócima de amor, y la tiró” Dijo entre risas Senku.
“¿No hubiera sido malo que se la tomase?”
“Sí, pero estoy 10 billones porciento seguro que no le pasaría nada, así es como es él”
“Ya veo, eran compañeros y se conocieron desde niños, es increíble la confianza que se tienen” Para este momento Chrome se concentraba en saber más sobre la vida antes de la petrificación pero no había olvidado su principal objetivo no importaba si se quedaba hablando hasta que se hiciera de noche, le sacaría información y lo resolvería.
“¿Qué hay de Gen? ¿Ustedes se conocían antes? Cuando llegó tú lo conocías ¿verdad?”
Repentinamente la expresión de Senku cambió, Su cara tomó un ligero tomo rojo y volvía a tener aquella sonrisa. Chrome vio su oportunidad de descubrir el misterio.
“Algo así, él era algo famoso, incluso llegó a escribir algunos tontos libros, la mayoría de ellos eran sobre psicología, leí algunos de ellos, también salió en varias revistas, lo entrevistaban seguido, tenía un club de fans incluso”
“Eso no me lo esperaba, Gen debió ser importante entonces”
“Si!, también tenía un programa de televisión, sus actos de magia gustaban mucho a la gente, tiene un carisma único, mucha gente iba a los programas en vivo, a él le gustaba  ser el centro de atención, realmente… deslumbraba en el escenario…”
“¿Senku?” Chrome miraba a Senku algo extrañado, no paraba de hablar, ni siquiera lo escuchaba.
 …10 minutos…
 “No me malentiendas, no es que ahora no sea así, sigue teniendo su encanto, aunque me gustaba su pelo totalmente negro, pero el blanco le queda muy bien también…
 …20 minutos…
 “Ayer Suika dijo que parecía un Husky y no me había dado cuenta de ello, el parecido es genial aunque yo siempre lo vi más parecido a un gato ya sabes, es alguien un poco extravagante…”
 …30 minutos…
  “Pero también tiene gustos sencillos y es una buena persona, es muy hábil para hacer trabajos delicados o de precisión, es… impresionante”
“Creo… Creo que el mago te ha hechizado, No estás actuando normal, llevas más de media hablando de lo genial que es, la verdad me sorprende que no te dieras cuenta ¿Hay algo que no me has contado? Pasó algo ayer ¿no es así? Dímelo de una vez”
“Si lo pones así… supongo que es cierto”
“¿A qué te refieres?”
“Gen y yo nos besamos ayer, tal vez debió ponerme un hechizo, no he parado de pensar en él, Tal vez estoy encantado por su encanto” Dijo Senku con una mirada sería pero manteniendo la sonrisa en sus labios.
“Senku… estás asustándome”
Chrome deseó nunca haber cedido a su curiosidad, de ahora en más cada que se quedaran solos Senku lo atormentaría con todos sus pensamientos sobre Gen, Desde los lindo que se ve hoy hasta lo anatómicamente perfecto que es su trasero, cosas que Chrome no quería saber.
Senku fanboy Senku fanboy, lo amé, me diverti mucho escribiendo esto, y al final resulto algo largo haha
Anterior parte / Siguiente parte
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jadeender · 5 years
Switching Sides
It had been nearly two months Maverick and Curse had been traversing the dark world together. In that time they hadn't come across another dark, not ones like them at least. Being the dark world constantly was mentally draining, the monsters of the land haunted and he had become all to familiar with the feeling of Curse pulling him down into the shadows to hide as a dragon, demon, or some other distorted creature flew over head.
They had only fought a few time, Maverick took advantage of those moments and began to get more comfortable with the dragon’s fang, the sword had been made for him literally and metaphorically as he took to the blade instantly, though he had a suspicion it had to do with retaining muscle memory from Four.
All those times hiding in the shadows had been a good teacher, Curse thought him how to pull himself into the shadows in just a way that they were neither in the dark world or the Light world. Now Maverick was fully capable of doing it himself and even pulling Curse in with him without the other dark helping him at all.
Despite that early exhaustion and worry he was rejuvenated, the dark world was ultimately where he had come from and something felt, right, about the way it strengthened him the longer he stayed.
Over the months he and Curse had investigated the few towns they had come across. The twins were situated where they would have been in the light world but they were few and far between, because the dark and light world's aren't exact replicas. There was a space beyond and a space between where no influence from the light world could be seen.
But in the town's the few shadowlings who knew anything had all told them the same thing, go west. They didn't know what lay west but it had all the shadowlings worried, and the only thing that speaks in the dark world is power, whoever or whatever was causing the thing to the west is powerful.
As Maverick and Curse journeyed the kept to no seen path and often didn't speak.
"When we get to whatever the shadowlings are worried about what are you going to do?" Curse asked. "This is your mission after all."
"I'm going to check it out, anything this big has to be related to a true dark and if it is Callous I can tell the lights what to be ready for." Maverick confirmed. He came on the mission not just to help them but to prove himself, he was done hiding. If the true darks wanted to test him he'd be ready to fight back.
"What about the mirror? That was our original goal after all." Curse questioned. "Or have you forgotten."
"I haven't forgotten at all, we haven't gotten anything from the town's. And we know nothing about what Callous cares about and where he'd hide it. He may even still be wearing it! He's too prideful to think it could be stolen easily. If we find him and see the mirror we'll know, if not we'll come up with a new plan." Maverick said rubbing one of the dragon like scales in his shoulder, a thinking habit he'd picked up, really he'd always fiddled with something while he thought.
With that matter settled they walked along in silence as they continued west, after a little while however Maverick began to feel something, almost like a little buzzing at the edge of his senses. Something was nearby, and something powerful. Powerful enough to leave a trace.
He looked up slightly at Curse who met him with a similar look, whatever was causing this was strong enough for them to affected then it had to be whatever they were looking for. They began to move faster on the verge of a full sprint, subtly Maverick shifted the shadows below feet so they propelled him forward allowing him to pass Curse and go forward.
From a distance he saw the area where the shriveled forest they had been traveling through for the months stopped so he quickly slowed down and stopped at the edge. Below was a valley filled with a silver lake, and at the edge of the lake was a massive construction project. In size it rivaled any of the finest castles in Hyrule but it was not sleek and beautiful white marble. It had been built out of a jagged black stone. It was more like a fortress, but it wasn’t even finished. Hundreds possibly thousands of shadowlings bustled around carrying in materials and working on construction.
“I… I didn’t know shadowlings were capable of this.” Curse said his usual confidence faltering.
“Minions are capable of anything when they have a good master.” Maverick answered. A vision of the armies of monsters he had once lead popped into his head. Though incompetent they always served a purpose when given the correct… persuasion. “And I’m sure we both know who that master is.”
“This could be conqueror’s doing, he’s prideful enough to want an entire empire in his own image.” Curse considered as they stared down at the fortress. “But I doubt he’s competent enough to coordinate so many shadowlings.”
“I’m going to scout it out. Come if you want or stay here.” Maverick said as he prepared to shadow travel across the lake. 
“How are you going to get in there? They’ll know you’re different the minute you step foot over there.” Curse questioned.
“Not when I’m disguised as one of them.” 
A short demonstration and convincing later Curse and Maverick entered the castle disguised as shadowlings. While he couldn’t shape shift Maverick had learned how to spin shadows around himself in such a way that he could appear as someone else. He had used it to impersonate Four before. Doing the same for Curse was somewhat draining but we knew he could last long enough to let them scout the fortress.
As they entered the fortress the front foyer was obviously the throne room but it had a sense of force to it, large gothic arches formed the ceiling and from them jutted razor sharp crystal chandeliers. Banners with the symbols of two crossed knives fell from the ceiling, confirming this was in fact Callous’s fortress. The walls were dark and daunted, and the walls were lined with armed shadowlings, each of them bearing a spear and shield. The sentinels stood still and focused.
“How is he controlling so many of them?” Maverick wondered allowed to Curse as they shuffled across the cold black floor following the flow of the construction.
“I don't know, I’ve never seen Callous use his powers, and have never been able to find any record of what they could be.” Curse whispered back as they crossed into the next room, this one an armory. Weapons of all types and origins hung there, enough to outfit an army or two. 
They continued to move beyond in and up through the castle passing room after room, rooms full of monster sized cages, more weapons, and even several lavish lounges likely for Callous himself. 
“He’s planning something big that's for sure.” Maverick whispered. “He has enough here to launch an invasion of the light world and dark world, and win. I don't even want to think about what monsters he intends to catch for those cages.”
“You could always ask me.” Mavericks eyes rose to find Callous coming down the hall. The true darks red eyes glinted as though they were glowing from within, his normal outfit had been switched for one of slightly higher quality, without rips or tears. “That disguise is quite ingenious, anyone weaker than me would have been completely fooled, but alas a true darks eyes will always see through this kind of illusion.”
Callous put out a hand and the shadows creating the illusion ripped themselves of Maverick and Curse, immediately he drew Dragon’s Fang as Curse reached for his sword.
“Ah so its two little erembour come to find out what I’m up to. Being the light’s lap dogs. And even little Shadow.” Callous sauntered forward and eyed Maverick slowly taking in his new outfit. 
“It’s not Shadow anymore, I’m Maverick now.” He refuted standing his ground though a cruel smile grew on Callous’s face.
“Maverick huh? You even took on the name I gave you. You’re remarkable for an erembour, none of the others would have thought to disguise themselves to sneak into my fortress. I see a cunning side in you, and a remarkable control of the shadows. You could do great things if only you had a full darks powers.” Callous remarked walking slowly away. “But you’ll never get the chance, I’ll have my shadowlings escort you out.”
Callous turned back waving a hand. Maverick thought quickly, he hadn’t seen Callous’s mirror on him so most likely it was hidden, and it was probably hidden here. He had to do something, and in the back of his mind and image arose of a tactic he could use. It was time to pull a Vio.
“No wait.” Maverick called out. “I didn’t come here to spy for the lights. I couldn’t be happier to be gone from them. I’m done hiding behind Four I want to learn how to use my powers to grow stronger.”
Swallowing a fair amount of pride he knelt down. “I came because I want you to teach me.”
Curse looked back and forth completely stunned, in the time he and Maverick had traveled together he’d never seen Maverick act like this. As far as anyone knew Maverick and Four where closer than any of them, possibly even than himself and Ravio.
Mavericks plea caught Callous’s interest as he turned around and walked up to the kneeling dark. 
“Groveling is a good start, but why would I ever teach you? I’m under no delusions that you’ve completely given up your light loving ways and truly want to assist me.” Callous questioned Maverick standing directly over him. But Maverick was unmoved and spoke again.
“Of course you require proof of my loyalty.” Maverick stood forcing Callous back slightly and turned to look at Curse. “This one volunteered to be my guide when I ‘agreed’ to spy for the lights. And I think I’ll send him back with a very important message, though it’ll take him awhile to get there as dust.”
As Curse processed Mavericks words he attempted to doge Maverick’s strike but a sword coated in shadow sliced directly through his heart.
“Tell the lights I’m done. I’m just joining the winning side.” The look on Maverick’s face was truly cruel. “I learned it best from my own light after all.”
With that Maverick pulled the sword up and out of his body and Curse faded into black dust.
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tcplnyteens · 5 years
Meet Cute
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If you like love stories - fantasy, sci-fi, realistic fiction - about any gender, race, or situation, you’ll enjoy this book. It’ll instill unrealistic romantic fantasies in your mind about falling in love at an airport, on a subway, in a library ;), or a print shop, which can be disappointing, but most of all it’ll warm your heart and open your mind. I highly recommend checking out this book and reading some (or one, or all) stories. They’re all wonderfully diverse and will lead you through a range of human emotions.
Spoilers ahead ~
Short stories are my absolute FAVORITE, and I get a little happy, fluttery feeling every time I pick up a book like this one. There’s nothing more affirming than reading short fiction and thinking, “I could write something like this!” and nothing more pleasing for a hopeless romantic than reading about people falling in love in fourteen different ways.
Siege Etiquette by Katie Cotugno - Queen bee Hailey finds herself stuck in the bathroom with Wolf, a loner who spends half the year homeschooled at his family farm, when a high school house party is discovered by the police. I can’t remember the last time I read something in second person, which makes it pretty interesting. I don’t find the main character especially likable, though she is mysterious. Overall, I didn’t think the first story was all too romantic or compelling, though the situation certainly invites the reader to imagine.
Print Shop by Nina LaCour - Evie’s job at the print shop is not quite everything she’d hoped it would be, but it does lead her to a cute, nerdy girl despite a Twitter argument over customer service. I love everything about this story, from the characterization to the setting. The casual representation of Alex and Terry being husbands without anyone objecting or judging is beautiful. “Print Shop” makes me want to work in a small, old-fashioned print shop with a cranky owner and his doting husband. We must all bow down to Nina LaCour for giving us so much amazing content. 
Hourglass by Ibi Zoboi - Cherish deals with end-of-high-school stress when her best friend ditches her to go with a boy to the prom and she faces modern problems in a digital world. Cherish is such a great character, and I love the issues this story confronts. It’s great for diversity in terms of body size and race. I also appreciate that the romantic element isn’t the basis or main theme of the story but hints at a very very cute and healthy relationship by the end.
Click by Katherine McGee - Alexa’s first experience with the world’s top dating technology is going terribly, considering that she lost her phone and with it her project to create a virtual reality avatar of her sister. Raden notices she’s different from other girls he’s dated, and maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. I liked the science fiction element of this story, and even though it was sad, it was heartwarming by the end. 
The Intern by Sara Shepard - Clara’s first task at her father’s record label is an unusual one - she must take musician Phineas on an outing through New York to see a psychic. First of all, Phineas reminds me of Hozier in the loveliest way possible, so whenever he talks I picture Hozier and read the words in his voice. The two characters’ interactions are so pure and distinctly human that I just melt. This one made my heart HURT and squeeze with excitement. 
Somewhere That’s Green by Meredith Russo - Nia Robinson already has to deal with adults and students alike telling her she doesn’t have the right to use the girls’ bathroom at school, and on top of all that, one of such protestors is playing Audrey in the very same production of Little Shop. But maybe Lexie isn’t exactly like her parents, and maybe Nia is a lot different than Lexie had expected. This story is so cute!!! I’m so grateful for Lexie’s character arc and the way she was portrayed as a naive yet brave person instead of an antagonist. The romantic tension that builds up and the way it’s resolved... just. Aaah. 
The Way We Love Here by Dhonielle Clayton - Every person from the Isle of Meridien is born with red strings coiled around their ring finger to signify love. Once only one band is left, they will meet their soulmate. After saving an unfamiliar yet undeniably handsome boy from drowning, Vio ensnares with him, pushing them through glimpses of their future together. The imagery in this story is so beautiful. It’s all quite simple and peaceful, but it’s warm and happy and very well-written. 
Oomph by Emery Lord - Cassidy is stuck at the airport with a one-hour delay likely to increase, and Johanna escapes a drunk guy’s conversation by sitting next to her. I know I’ve said this about just about every story in this book, but it’s just so cute. I found myself identifying with Cass and falling in love with Johanna alongside her. It was so satisfying and didn’t tear out my heart like the usual “Oh wait, I didn’t get her number!” moment.
The Dictionary of You and Me by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Moss has been trying to convince a mysterious library patron to return a dictionary for months now, and it seems futile until the hot guy from her history class shows up at the library. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that I have an affinity for love stories that take place in libraries, considering that I work at a library. From the quirky characters to the new words I’ve learned, this story is so beautifully crafted and well executed. 
The Unlikely Likelihood of Falling in Love by Jocelyn Davies - What is the likelihood of falling in love with a boy you see out of the subway window, only to pass by and disappear? What are the odds you’ll find him again? Romance and math seem like the most mutually exclusive things in the world, but poets, songwriters, and authors have proven they are not. I love stories that throw you wholeheartedly in support of the main character, and this one had me rooting for Sam in all her math-genius glory. 
259 Million Miles by Kass Morgan - Philip’s only chance of escaping his mortifying online presence is being chosen for a one-way mission to Mars, but he meets another contestant during the final round of challenges and it all goes awry. Kass Morgan’s characterization of Philip and his social anxiety was so accurate it hurt to read. The amazing things authors can do with characters and settings and dialogue in so few pages never ceases to astound me, especially in “259 Million Miles!” I had to stop the tears so I didn’t cry in the middle of the library. 
Something Real by Julie Murphy - June and Martha are contestants on a dating show with a chance to win a date with Dylan, a pop star. This is another awesome story with plus-size representation and a same-sex couple! I love how Julie Murphy wrote this story - it’s rich with imagery but also very readable and humorous. This is at least the third time I’ve read this story since every time I get my hands on the book I race to show it to my friends. Also, the emphasis on TV being a lot more fake and a lot less magical than it looks is great. 
Say Everything by Huntley Fitzpatrick - Emma Greene’s family hasn’t recovered from her family’s financial crisis and neither has her social life, but when a local rich athlete at the prep school a town over asks her on a date, she must confront the damage. This is another story written in second person, of which I’m not a fan. I did enjoy the descriptions and characterization in the story, though, and I found I could identify with the main character.
The Department of Dead Love by Nicola Yoon - After Thomas’ seemingly perfect relationship ends and he’s still not over it, he turns to the Department of Dead Love to determine its cause of death and perhaps start over, where he encounters empathetic Gabrielle Lee. I found it interesting to imagine a parallel universe or future in which we are able to autopsy and diagnose our failed relationships and how that would affect my choices and my life. I’d like to end this review with a quote from this last story that I thought was very striking: 
“For whatever reason, there are people you want to tell your weird, secret thoughts... you want them to love you because of those things, not in spite of them. ‘Some people make you want to be known.’”
Happy reading! ~Raia
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odogaronfang · 7 years
what about a shadow fresh out of the dark world whos just full of rage and bitterness at the links and ready to wreak some havoc on hyrule?
[[oh NICE i love angry nasty shadow
Hylians were so incredibly stupid it was funny. He’d seen his opening and taken it; somehow, inexplicably, a passage to Hyrule had been opened. So he’d gone through it, clawed himself out against the harsh kickback of the light, emerged from frothing darkness on the other side of the Mirror, under the new moon.
Stupid, stupid Hylians, with their little pet projects. They’d been repairing the Mirror. All signs point to it, the tools laid carefully by its frame, the fragments pieced together on its horizontal surface, some pathetic little signs staked around that probably say something stupid like “keep away”. He can’t read Hylian, but he knows how they love their little useless measures. So unbelievably stupid- they’re inviting another Vaati in. What’s the point of putting it back together? It certainly isn’t in anyone’s best interests, except maybe his own.
He’s laughing at them all the way to the castle. They aren’t going to suspect anything, are they? He’s got a better shot on his own than he ever did with the forces of Ganon at his back. What a rich little piece of irony that is. He’d love to rub it in their faces, but Vaati’s dead and Ganon is back in his thousand-year nap. Maybe he’ll just leave a memo.
He won’t even bother with Castle Town- not yet. No need to raise alarm when walking right in will be so deliciously easy. Take out the top of the pyramid, and work his way down, that’ll be the best way to do it. And he’s willing to bet that that Four Sword is back in its pedestal, rotting away in its temple ruins, waiting for another goddess-blessed airhead to yank it out again. All so stupid. He’d nearly destroyed that piece of crap back at the Fire Temple- they’d just gotten lucky, that time. Not going to happen again.
Guards are so dumb, so easy to fool. They’re looking for people, not shadows; he slips in and out of the darkness smooth as silk, waltzes right by, mutters a thing or two just to mess with ‘em. Won’t matter much soon. The ones stationed by the door look so ridiculous, caricatures of vigilance, the proudest of their stations. And he just laughs and waves as he moves right on by, because no one’s looking for a shadow. Shadows are harmless.
“Hello, Princess,” He says as he strolls right into the throne room, “I do believe we have some unfinished business.”
The look of fear on her face as she turns is priceless, a deer staring down the shaft of an arrow. Someone up in the balcony shouts, sends a crossbow bolt at him; he laughs, flicks it away like they’d tossed a toothpick.
“This is between just us two,” He says, so conversationally, “Do me a favor and leave it that way, yeah?” There’s a thump as they fall to the floor, unconscious. An instant death is poor form and just no fun.
She shouts, for someone he can’t quite make out from that distance. It doesn’t really matter, because he’s got her right where he wants her.
“Shadow Link. What are you doing in my realm?”
“What d’you think, sweetheart? I’ll give you three guesses, first two are free.”
She sets a fierce glare on him and says nothing.
He sighs, eases his feet off the floor, lets the flow of magic hold his weight. “Oh, you’re no fun. Some little idiot playing archaeologist pieced the Mirror back together, and, well, here I am! And like I said, I’ve got some unfinished business with you.”
Her resoluteness is admirable, even in the face of what she must understand is her death. “Do any others follow?”
“You think I’d give any of those fools a chance to take this from me? No one else but me. Flipped the Mirror and blocked the moon from it. They’re not coming back. You’re welcome, by the way, for even breaking it in the first place. Really a nice thing to have done, if you ask me.”
“Well, I didn’t.”
“Oh, ouch,” He says, and laughs. “The Princess didn’t ask for my opinion. Guess I’ll just be on my way, then, huh?” He can hear footsteps approaching- another detail of guards, he assumes. “Funny. But I still haven’t gotten a thank you.”
“After everything that you’ve done to Hyrule?”
“What, saving it? Yeah, I said you’re welcome! Why, now I’m almost regretting my decision.”
“Something tells me you already have, Shadow Link.”
The doors to the left of the throne burst open- Shadow’s prepared to knock out a few more guardsmen, but to his absolute delight, it’s Link. And it isn’t just Link, it’s the Links, separate and individual, and if this isn’t the most wonderful stroke of luck he’s ever hit then he doesn’t know what is.
“Well, it’s really a party now!”
Blue looks ready to charge him and he is so very ready, he’s going to knock these fuckers into next week. But maybe Blue’s gotten a little better about impulsivity, oh well, because their first move is to guard Zelda- of course, of course, their precious princess. And Red doesn’t look very scared of him, Green hardly looks nervous- so much has changed. But Vio; Vio is staring him down, icy and unreadable, bow at his back and sword drawn. Some things never change. The traitor and the princess and the heroes, things just could not go better for him today. He notices the magic rod at Red’s hip, and grins.
“Still playing with that toy I left you, huh, Red?”
Maybe he’s figured it out since Shadow ‘died’ or maybe he’s just gotten much better at masking his emotions, but it doesn’t seem to faze him. He’s scowling, with a fiercer gaze than Shadow’s ever seen on him. “It works.”
“Well, unfortunately for you, it works for me too.” A snap of his fingers and the rod’s superheated, halfway to flames, and only his reflexes save him; he tears it from its holster and tosses it away as far as he can, escapes the fire by mere seconds. “I wouldn’t just give you one of my favorite things and not expect it back, you know.”
“What are you doing here?” Green asks, same as the others, firm and unflinching. How far they’ve come.
“Oh, Green, I don’t know, what would I be doing at the castle so late at night in the throne room? Just came to drop by and say hello, offer my congratulations, you know the deal, no hostility here.”
Blue looks the closest to snapping, big surprise, and Shadow welcomes it- he knows the moment one of them breaks the rest will have to. “How did you get past the guard?!”
“Simple. They’re incompetent. They’re so focused on suspicious-looking strangers they don’t pay half a second’s attention to the shadows. I bet if even one had glanced back at the wall we wouldn’t be where we are. So make sure to give Valensuela my thanks, okay? And hey, while we’re at it, where’s your father? I got him once, I bet I could do it again. It was so simple: a little mimicry, a little blood, and it was like a fly to a web. Too easy.”
Green looks like he’s about to come and fight him, now, exactly his intentions with bringing the dad into it, but Vio puts a hand on his shoulder, shakes his head. Leave it to Vio to go and ruin things for him.
“You’re so quiet, Vio. What’s the matter, cat got your tongue? Cut out for treason, maybe?”
He can see that Vio isn’t going to rise to the bait, which is a great shame. It’d be an accomplishment to sing of if he could get that one breaking. “There is little to say on the matter. You know that you are not welcome here and we know that you do not care.”
“See, you might be a traitor, but at least you’ve got some sense. I don’t feel like going back through that whole spiel I had to with Zelda. All ‘why are you here’ and ‘how are you here’ and those other tired cliches. You already know, and it doesn’t really matter.”
There’s a tense silence, briefly; everyone knows that any move is going to incite a fight. He’s cocky, arrogant, and itching to kill one of them- he’s been waiting so long for this. And they know they can’t do very much about it.
“Will you all excuse me for just a moment,” Vio says, sheaths his sword and walks out, cool as ever.
The others look confused, and if that isn’t the funniest thing to Shadow- fitting, for someone like him, pulling that.
“Look at that, from four to three and I haven’t touched a soul! Really, it’s over now.”
And he starts casting magic, then, because he can’t be patient when victory is this close, almost in his hands. Their form is to defend Zelda, at first, with a chink where Vio ought to be, and they quickly realize that without four it doesn’t work, and Zelda has magic of her own to protect herself with. So they go on the offensive, or try to- Red without his rod is like swatting a fly, he’s been specializing too much with it, and Green’s hardly an issue when all he’s got is a sword, just a quick spell to knock it away and he’s done with. Blue’s a little trickier, the hammer hurts, and in a distracted moment when Zelda’s casting Blue manages to hit him good in the side, and he shouts in triumph. Until Shadow melts into the darkness, comes back out good as new, laughing.
“Idiot,” He sneers, with a maniac’s grin, blasts him aside like he’s nothing.
“I’ll save the princess for last, as befits her station, but I’m curious,” He says, and starts towards Green, “If I kill the original, do the copies die too?” Green is struggling to reach his sword, but it’s far away and he’s got some serious injuries if his crawl is anything to tell by. “Of course, I guess if that’s true then I won’t get to see Vio die a traitor’s end, but we can’t get everything, I suppose.”
He summons his copy of the Four Sword, to make sure the hero’s end comes with a brutal twist of irony, stands over Green and prepares the strike, and then he hears the door open again. He doesn’t make the rookie mistake of pausing, keeps going, almost has it before an arrow knocks the blade off-course, and it plunges into the ground and dissipates at his angry growl, stupid fucking traitor has to ruin everything!
“You,” He snarls, turns to face him and finds Vio with the Bow of Light, very calmly sizing him up.
It’s almost comical, how quickly the arrogance melts into fear.
“Get away from them.”
And he hesitates, and then he does. Not very far, but away, enough for them to get back their weapons, and Zelda runs to help them and Vio keeps that deadly glowing arrow pointed straight at him.
“I am offering,” Vio says, slowly, carefully, “Once, the opportunity to leave, and not return. And I am sincerely hoping that you will show the appropriate level of wisdom and accept, because I do not want to tarnish this hall with your blood.”
“Vio-” He hears Green hiss, but Vio shuts him down with a glance.
“And you will do this with the understanding that I will kill you on sight next time. I do not care for excuses. You leave or you die, and I will make certain that the Mirror is irreparable.”
“Why bother,” Shadow says, and hates how sharply his tone has dropped from confident to afraid.
“Think of it as our gratitude. What you have done is unforgivable, and it pains me to even let you go now. But I will not neglect to acknowledge that you helped.”
“Gratitude from a traitor, huh? Never heard that one before.”
Vio very noticeably adjusts his grip on the bow, and Shadow knows to back down now and leave, before he loses his chance.
“Fine,” He hisses, “Whatever, I accept, I won’t come back.” And he melts into darkness, and leaves, and knows that he didn’t mean a word of it.
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kakkoweeb · 7 years
tagged by @atsumus thank you i see this is about writing and i love you for that
i,, don’t know who to tag WRITER FRIENDS ASSEMBLE okay maybe @karasunovolleygays hello i am interested to see you do this, if you haven’t yet
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
i formulated it for tumblr and and decided to use it for ao3 to retain my branding. it’s basically just, cool weeb idk it’s not even true but i’m owning it
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
that would be the multi-chapter i guess. though i do want to maybe someday do actual math like. compare the kudos/comment ratio with the hits and then calculate which ACTUALLY performed the best based on that.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
oh it’s that one art i did of oikawa saying “4 YEARS WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER AND YOU DON’T WANNA SEE ME JUMP OUTTA DA CAKE” except i put a comic sans ‘excuse u’. not sure why i used it either; it makes me look sassy whenever i reply to comments but it got me a mutual (lolol hi vio) and people comment about it when they see it so No Ragrets
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
yES. the oikage ao3 community is so kind to me tbh ever since i posted my first fics. of course i love every single commenter i get (with one exception, maybe.) and i appreciate the diversity when i post non-oikage fics too. (those are basically my ao3 categories. oikage and misc JDFKSJD)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
i reread my own fics from time to time for no reason and the ones that i come back to the most are from the p+c series i did for oikage week. i’m sort of proud of them? but i feel like they didn’t get as much feedback as i would’ve liked so i appreciate them in my own time. #2 and #5 in particular.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
i’m a picky person, so i only have 25 bookmarks, 8 work subscriptions, and 3 user subscriptions. the bookmarks and subscriptions may overlap
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
i am a private au royalty, and i have so many idek which to start, which i’m actually going to write, etc. i’m a sucker for complex and adventure aus, as well as the heart-wrenching ones
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
uhhh user subscriptions are 25, subscriptions are 86, and bookmarks are 331. doesn’t seem like a lot haha how dare you ask me this,
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
basically everything that i write yet don’t post. mostly because they involve my ocs. don’t get me wrong; i’m good at making ocs now i don’t mary sue or anything and they’re all really cool and story-relevant but people just don’t want/need to see that kind of thing, you know?
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
setting description, dialogue-heavy pieces, condensing a work to involve less words, romance in general u gh how an anti-romance as a genre person ended up here is a mystery to me, and just. writing in general. as far as i see, i still suck
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
rarepairs. i don’t think i’ve ever glorified a popular ship before. if ever i do write for them it’s just because it was requested or something.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
uhhhh last i counted i had like 30+ non-drabble/short WIPs but that was last year. a lot has happened since then adfjsdkf
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
my head can’t remember what day it is, so i write em down. 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
nope (i want to tho)
16. How did you discover AO3?
tumblr, i would think, back when i was still fixated on dmmd.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
nope lmfao but i could. because i am kakkoweeb from now on y’all are The Weeb Shits djdkf im joking of course. does anyone other than youtubers even do that?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
when i was eight years old, i think that would be anne mazer. right now, i’m inspired by my favourite fic authors bECAUSE THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD i’d name drop/tag but i’m embarrassed haha,, basically take a good look at my bookmarks you’ll know who they are
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
everyone has to start somewhere, and i think a pretty good start before the actual writing is reading. reading is where the whole thing begins, and from it you can get ideas and styles and words, and develop your way of thinking. as for actual writing: it’s important not to pressure yourself to be really really good and that you find ways to have fun with it. write for your own reasons. look to improvement, but not to the point that it’s all you care about. it’s normal to get stuck, it’s normal to go slow. but if you really love it, don’t quit. keep writing and you’ll never go wrong. oh, and editing is your friend.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
definitely plot out. it’s going to be impossible for me to remember everything on the fly, and ideas pop out at random times in the day and i can’t discard them, so each story has a plan. the level of detail depends on the complexity and my own creative ability at any given moment. sometimes tho i get ideas midway through speed-typing and just go with them.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
no, not really bad. some kind of off-topic, yes, but not bad. i just don’t reply.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
romantic things in general. the emotions and sensations that come with touch and affection, because i don’t write those based on experience.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
…a lot. just. a lot.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
bruh yeah. i even have projects that have spinoffs/sequels where i want to write the sequels before the actual project 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
ideally, that would be to write and then feel satisfied with what i’ve written, in terms of the degree of accomplishment (did i just finish a subsection or a chapter? get past a part where i was stuck?) and the quality. most days, it’s too high a goal.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
infinitely, yes. it’d be a little embarrassing if i didn’t improve since childhood
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
i,, i don’t know, i like and hate them all to some degree lmfao
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
:)))) i don’t want to talk about it. if you read my writing journal though, you might be able to tell what it is.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
hopefully finished with a couple of things, still writing, and maybe with some writer friends? I HOPE AND CREI
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
…finding a word processor. LMAO idk each aspect has its own easy and hard moments depending on the type of project you’re working on. getting excited about an idea, maybe? that’s easy
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
33. Why do you write?
because i have been for years and don’t know how to do anything else, and because i want to be the content i want to see in the world. also because i have like 34838 worlds in my head and need a medium for all of them 
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viostormcaller · 7 years
Dragons and Darkness - Chapter Two
(Woot! Next chapter. Here we go!) I slowly awoke, my bones aching. Groggily, I attempted to become aware of my surroundings, but my brain just wouldn't allow it. I was still sleepy, and my vision was still blurry. I went to rub my eyes, but cold metal restricted my wrist, preventing me from doing so. Immediately awake now, I looked at both my arms. I was chained to the wall. The guards had the fucking audacity to chain me to the wall. Rediculous. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I breathed, agitated. At least that explains the ache in my...well, everything. Who knows how long I've been sleeping like this, standing against the wall with my arms spread, my body making the shape of the letter T. I glanced down at my legs. Sure enough, they were chained too. I sighed. "Great." Now fully awake, I took the chance to become familiar with the room I was in. Stone brick walls lined the room, and the floor was a dark gray concrete. What caught my attention, however, was the deep brown, rectangular oak table in the middle of the room, upon which was a handful of torture weapons. My heartbeat began to pick up. What exactly were those guards planning to do to me in the span of a few days? Were they going to beat me for the fun of it? It's not like I would have any information to give them, nor are they seeking any from me, so that could be the only possible explanation for them torturing me. Sickos. I shook my head to clear it, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to calm myself and refocus my thoughts. Reopening them, I looked around the rest of the room, though there wasn't much else to see. The only other thing of note was a safe in the farthest right corner. Luckily, instead of a combination lock, the safe was held shut by a lock that required a key, which I assumed wasn't in the safe with me. If I could find a way to free myself from the chains, I could pick the lock and open the safe. Looking down at myself, I realized some stuff of mine was missing. My robe, my satchel, and the trusty sword that I kept sheathed at my side. My sword and my satchel I could only assume would be locked within the safe. My robe, however, was only about a foot away from me, crumpled on the floor. The guards must have removed it and tossed it to the side when they chained me to the wall. To my left, not that far from me, was the door to the dungeon, closed by large bars that protruded out of the floor instead of an actual cell door. I assumed this was to let more light in, as the room didn't have any windows. The only light coming in was a yellow glow from the brightly candlelit hallway outside my cell. I sighed. I didn't want to give up hope so soon, but without the use of my limbs there wasn't much I could do to aid in my escape. There was no point in struggling against the chains, as they wouldn't break. And I couldn't melt them either, not with my fire magic. My hands can't bend far enough to have the fire come in contact with them. So, I decided to accept my fate, and wait possibly three or four lonely days in a dank cell in an unknown location, with nothing to keep me company but my thoughts. My arms were already becoming sore at the thought of being imprisoned here in this position for another hour. I wasn't sure how I could manage to hold up for a few more DAYS. "Hey, you there," Pulled from my thoughts, I flinched as I heard a guard's voice outside my cell. I turned my head towards the door, immediate steely gaze cast upon my face. Secretly, though, I was internally panicking, fearing that the guard had come to torture me with one of the weapons on the table. "You have a visitor." The guard spoke. He walked out of view, but I heard the clanging of him pulling a lever, and the bars in the doorway retracted into the floor. Then, coming back into view, he turned and motioned towards someone off to the right. Who walked in was none other than the mystery man that I saw before. It took all my might to hide the shock I felt. "You have one hour." The guard told the man. The man nodded back at the guard, and the bars raised up behind him as he walked in. He then stood in front of me, arms folded behind his back, and he rolled his head, cracking his neck. "It's you!" I exclaimed. "You're the man from before. But why are you here?" As grateful I was to have company, I was confused as to why he decided to show up. Surely he didn't ACTUALLY want to help me, did he? My idea to get him on my side back during my arrest was so far fetched, I definitely didn't expect it to work. The man cleared his throat. "Well," he spoke, "considering the situation you're in, I'd expected you to be a little more...appreciative...of my company." Even though there was a slight bit of humor in his voice, I realized that the way I'd reacted WAS a bit rude. I didn't mean it to be. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I was just surprised, that's all. Wasn't really expecting anyone to actually help me. Or care." I shrugged. Or, tried to shrug, at least, what with the position I was in. "Well, if it's help you want, I can provide." His tone almost seemed...warmer, when he said that. I was getting odd vibes from this man. Still, I didn't have much of a choice here. If I were to get out of here and avoid possible incarceration and/or execution, I needed to trust him. "You can help me?" I asked. "How?" "With this." With a small grin on his face, he pulled out a black, metal key from his back pocket. "How did you-" "I have my ways." He simply stated. Well, alright then. "I'll help you, but on one condition. You have to help me with something in return. A...project, if you will. It's something I've been working on for quite a while, but I've found that I need assistance to finish it. I have a feeling that you'll do nicely. Do we have a deal?" Again, not having much of a choice in the matter, I nodded. If it would get me out of here, then that's all that mattered. "Deal." I agreed. The man then came closer, using the key to unlock my arms first, then bending downwards to unlock the chains around my ankles. I sighed and stretched, relieved for my arms' freedom, then went on to pick up my robe off the floor. It was a deep purple, with light purple and yellow embroidery around the edges of the opening in the front, which extended to the bottom of the robe, and around the edges of the sleeves. I attached the large amethyst pin on one side to the other, pulling the robe closed, then reached behind me to adjust the robe's hood. I started towards the safe when I realized something. "Hey, I never got your name, by the way." I said, turning towards the man, who went back to folding his arms behind his back. "My name is Darkiplier, but please, I would much rather prefer it if you just called me Dark." He stated. "Okay, Dark it is, then. Nice to meet you, Dark. My name's Vio. Vio Stormcaller." I smiled at him, then immediately went back to what I was doing. I crouched in front of the safe, and, pulling a lockpick from a secret pocket on the inside of my boot, I went to work. I heard Dark's footsteps come up behind me as I fiddled with the lock. "Are you sure you don't need any assistance with that?" Dark questioned. "Hey," I held my hand out to stop him from saying anything else that would question my lockpicking abilities. "Relax, buddy. Juat because you found me in a compromising situation and had to free me from said situation doesn't make me no damsel in distress. I got this." He stepped back, and I turned my head back towards the safe. Suddenly, after a few more seconds of messing with it, there was a click, and the safe's door opened, revealing my satchel and my sword. I silently cheered, happy that my assumption was correct, and I reattached the satchel and my sword to the belt of my light brown pants. "Now," I spoke, getting up from my crouching position. "How are we getting out of here? There's no windows or secret doors in here, and we can't use the front door because that's just dumb. Also, it's closed." "Oh, you needn't worry about that." Dark spoke, an almost ominous tone lining his voice. He stood before me and clapped once, and suddenly we were no longer in the dungeon, but in an entirely different place, one I certainly didn't recognize. "What the fu-" "Welcome to my dimension." He stated calmly. Everything around me was just black, except for a large mansion that stood on a plot of grass, with stone steps leading up to it. Everything beyond the grass and the house was just...black. Almost as if it were all empty space. The house seemed to be the only thing that had some sort of light on it, as well. It was all extremely odd. I know I had said I had seen some weird shit during my travels, but this was definitely a first. I realized my mouth was gaping and I immediately closed it. "Follow me, please." Dark said as he walked past me. "Uh, r-right." I began to quickly follow him up to his house, not knowing what to expect when we were inside. Hopefully, I would be safe here, I thought, at least until I fulfill Dark's favor, whatever that may be. Then I would have to figure out a game plan on what to do next, and what world to hide in until the heat on me wears off. I decided to dwell on all that later, and just focus on the now. I inhaled deeply, then exhaled, preparing myself for whatever else I was to see upon entering. Dark unlocked the door to the manor, and I trailed behind him, shutting the door behind me as we walked inside.
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