#But grantaire? A twink? Where?
courfee · 1 year
every time someone calls grantaire a twink a part of me dies
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vivalamusaine · 1 year
One of the most beautiful post barricade and they were roomates exr fics I've ever read was not one that painted them as perfect horny twinks but one where Enjolras was a freshly out of jail domestic terrorist, Grantaire was an out of work house painter who needed a couch to crash on and tried to stop romanticising him by seeing him as a human being with flaws but instead accidentally fell even more deeply in love with him for doing gross shit and leaving toothepaste stains on the mirror. Like tell me that isn't poetry. I don't love you despite your flaws I love your flaws, you don't need to be the person you're aching to be yet for me to still fall in love with you.
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Alright y'all today me and @cloudtastrophie were talking some Newsies opinions bc I love to pick ones brain. And she likes the Live version whearas I like the '92 version
So just a friendly reminder take these topics lightly
#1 ✨Sprace✨this was kinda similar to how I posted where we get Sprace and Ralbert (who she is more of a fan of BUT WE'RE BOTH DIE HEARTS FOR REDFINCH) but the movie gave us Sprace and the live gave us Ralbert
#2 Do you think Livesies Race is a gambler bc he don't give me the vibes as much as 92sies
Friend: "Livesies Race is more of a gambler to me because he is jittery like a gambler doing his tricks and being scared of getting caught"
Which I don't see that, I see that Race as a twink (I will die on that hill) but I can see where she is coming from although 92sies Race is so cool and collected he would seem more like one and also MAN'S talk about gambling not Livesies who is just like "yeah I gamble" (not really the line but you know what I mean)
#3 The different Santa Fe's
Friend:"I like the live version more because it's more heartbreaking and moves the story and gives character to Jack and how he like betrayed the Newsies"
I can totally see this and it's not bad bUT like fngnfnmrmdn, idk my brain is just so istched with 92sies and Christian rides a goddamn horse oK LIKE SIR- but I feel like I relate to it more for like no reason, I also pointed out the tumblr post (who I think was @i-didnt-do-1t ) about the lyric change and how much that means to the song (also I just really like the sounds)
#4 Outfit differences
This was like nothing, I just, idk wanted to pick her brain but she just said it was another way to identify the people on stage and in a movie you don't need that... Which fair idk, anyways lol
#5 ✨Gay ships✨
As mentioned we love Redfinch, but we also screamed about Ikeshot, Spromeo, Jomike Buttons and Elmer WE SCREAMED SO HARD I JUST CAN'T WITH THEM, there all so cute (also if anyone has one of crystals old art work about Hotshot mistaking Mike for being Ike and telling him something dirty PLZ GIVE)
Also shared how in 92sies some people ship Specs and Dutchy and friend said "fair, could see it" so true
#6 Jack and his bandana (along with David being very gay)
Told her about my bandana post and she found it kinda silly BUT IT'S SO TRUE, also talked how gay David is because look at that man
In the live version he is so gay but in the movie he has to be like worked on (if that makes sense) it just takes him awhile to accept
#7 ✨Grantaire and Enjolras✨
🤭 the gay boys from Les Mis bc we all know there so gay for each other
#8 Jack the artist vs. Jack the cowboy
Friend: "Kinda vibes with it but sees it more as Jack isn't into all that much of art"
I just like the thought of him being a cowboy or just having that, idk I don't mind that he's an artist BUT BRING BACK THE COWBOY
Shoutout to that one tumblr post that head canon Jack getting his cowboy hat stolen by the Delancys
Honorable mentions-
Davids character growth and him being use to the Newsies and getting comfortable with them towards the end of the movie
Jacks cowboy hat that we all miss and the line "go get them cowboy" along with just in general calling him cowboy
Blush and Newsbains were talked about
How much I love Blush
Told her about a Tumblr post saying Finch is a version of Skittery and makes sence
Talked about how Teddy calls Denton Denty
How queen Medea is
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carphoegras · 1 year
I don’t ship most of these myself , but your rant/ramble posts on Les Mis ships are funny so I genuinely wanted your opinion on these 👁
1. Enjoltaire
2. Valvert
3. Enjonine
4. Marisette (or whatever Marius x Cosette was called)
5. Javonine (Javert and…Eponine 😭)
6. Marionine (A name a just guessed for Marius x Eponine because I wasn’t bothered to look it up)
7. and uhhh.. Granjonine (I think that was the name)
well hello darling! i live to entertain lol lets get into it i might have to put this under a cut because i think its obvious i have a rambling issue
Enjoltaire : a classic for good reason. they seemed really base level to me at first because i watched the movie first, but once i read the brick and really saw their dynamic i fell for them HARD. for me the beauty of this pairing is really rooted in the substance of their individual characters as opposed to like a romantic relationship. idk its so difficult for me to verbalize why i love them so much i think i just love the idea of finding common ground despite difficulties. enjolras and grantaire mirror each other in such a beautiful way that i feel the musical/movie couldn't really capture without demoting it to a puppy love grantaire/mean enjolras dynamic idk i have such an issue with some portrayals of them because i feel like they create a victim/abuser situation where there wasn't one but that's like a whole post within itself anyway i feel like im getting incoherent i love exr with every fiber of my fucking being just read the brick if you don't get it ok the movie and musical just dont do it justice and for the love of god avoid the fics written in 2012/2013 after the movie hype its all wRONGGGG (i love you george blagden but you created a twink grantaire movement) (they pull each others pigtails okay its a mutual obsession) (enjolras why don't you just ignore him baby? glutton for punishment my dear we all know if you hated him you wouldn't let him hang around) (anyway) i should make a seperate post about my exr feelings bc i could talk ab them for hours
2. Valvert: okay this is where i feel like i can be unpopular with the fandom. i fucking hate this ship. like physically, spiritually, all that. its one of those that i kinda lose respect for the person bc its literally a cop/prisoner thing. its not enemies to lovers. its not a hate love thing. javert's a fucking cop. valjean is his victim. the whole idea of people romanticizing this makes me feel so insanely icky and i think the point of the story has just gone RIGHT over some folks' heads please take a step back and think about it. neolib behavior sorry not sorry
3. Enjonine: enjolras is gay. just like, straight up in the brick enjolras is a gay man. this ship is spawned from straight girls who saw aaron tveit and use eponine as their not like other girls posterchild. just a whole bunch of hetero nonsense. same behavior as the joseph quinn enj x reader bs. honey thats a homosexual man and can we please stop reducing eponine to needing a boyfriend she needs a stable home and a goddamn therapist fucking hell
4. Marisette: okay. i LOVE THEM. i'm a cosette stan myself, and i'm a huge fan of a gooey love at first sight situation. they contrast my love for exr in the sense that they're a very easy love. their parts in the book literally make me SWOOOOOON i can put aside my beef with marius as a combeferre kin to appreciate how sweet they are
5. Javonine??: im sorry wh aht. did the snape x hermione shippers leak into the lm fandom or am i being fucking punked im not discussing this its obvious why this is wrong please tell me its obvious y'all are NASTY
6. Marionine: eh. eh. i mean, like i said with enjonine eponine's problems are not gonna be solved with a dude. i'm really not opposed to them, persay, its just that eponine's love for marius is so incredibly dependent and rooted more in her personal trauma than actual love, so i feel a little weird with them sometimes. sometimes it just gives anti cosette vibes (cough cough bc of the bullshit love triangle angle that the musical markets cough cough) so i tread very carefully with them
7. Granjonine: again what in the damn hell. i'm not dignifying this shit they could be besties but for the love of god george blagden did a number on the straight girls. STOP PROJECTING ONTO EPONINE IM GONNA LOSE MY FUCKING MIND LEAVE HER ALONE
thanks for the ask lovely, i do love rambling even though these ships are baffling lmaoooo
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koheletgirl · 1 year
Do you have any les mis fic recs?
hello! first off im assuming you mean exr fic recs, since those are the only ones i have read (sorry i only care about the shippable twinks im problematic).
anyway that is a very good question that is harder for me to answer than it should be, because the thing is i am discovering that i am very particular when it comes to exr fic - both because im picky wrt characterizations, and bc im weak and i need happy endings (which obviously rules out almost all canon timeline fics). so what im going to do here is only give you fics i have no reservations about, and you can dm me if you want to hear about more.
im going to do this under the cut. please mind the ratings and the tags, r has issues <3
we'll start off with world ain't ready, because how can we not. it's a fake dating high school au that takes place in the mid 2000s (a fact that never fails to bring me joy), and it has to be one of my favorite fics i have ever read. it's well written, the characterizations are soso good and despite dealing with some heavy subjects it's such a feelgood read for me. in fact im the only one in our 3 person book club who hasn't started my war reread yet. i should do that
speaking of our book club. It's Not the Same Anymore is a bookshop au where grantaire is a father (!), and it's is the last thing i imagined myself getting into, but life is full of surprises i guess. it's just one of those fics that has A Feeling to it iykwim, it's a delight to read, and the way it handles the characters is simply beautiful. it also includes one of my favorite portrayals of jehan, and definitely my favorite description of their house.
another one i haven't been able to stop thinking about is how sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame. the thing is. 10k words of pwp have no business making me this emotional. i thought about rereading rn so i could explain to you why i love it so much but im at work and do in fact have some boundaries so. just trust me ig
and lastly. i don't usually break my habit of Not Engaging With Sad, but i had to make an exception for ta bouche de ciel by @jondrettegirls, and it absolutely destroyed me. it's definitely the most difficult fic on this list so mind the warnings, but god. i feel like it reached into my soul and rearranged my organs. thank you lucy <3
i'm also going to link lucy's and shosh's fic recs because i trust them (when they're not tormenting me for their entertainment). love and light
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vexedfromchaos · 5 years
if you think enjolras doesnt swear like a deranged middle schooler who listens exclusively to death metal i think we read very different books. he may be pretty and compassionate and articulate but he also calls grantaire a bitch at least 4 times per les amis meeting idk where you've been
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hi i think it's fair to assume you like enjolras
so okay
why do you like him? what are traits/qualities of his that make you like him as a character? i genuinely want to know
i've been trying to find arguments to kinda force myself to like him and not just hate on him for no reason because im sure he's an interesting character, but i just can't bring myself to like him. idk why. maybe someone who likes him might make me see beyond what i see.
thanks in advance, also love your blog :D
hey anon! Thank u v much I’m glad you like the blog I’m sorry this took forever xo
yes it is fair to assume I like Enjolras, I am not very subtle about it lolll.
Please note that I have not read the brick in a good.........Seven years ish? A long time, anyways. And also I am by no means an expert on analysing text/characters, genuinely when it comes to a lot of my favourite books/characters it’s just “I enjoyed myself and I like their vibe” lmao
that said, I’ve really tried here lolll pls no one bully me. 
I think the reason I’m personally such a fan is because he has a lot of character traits that I personally wish I had more of sometimes? The charisma, the self-assuredness, the idealism, the determination and decisiveness. All very good character traits. He’s compassionate, but he’s also a pretty ruthless person if it means going after something he wants. But it’s cool bc even when he’s at his most ‘terrible’ it’s in the service of  a better world for the people around him and the people who will come after. He genuinely think he’s doing the right thing, and he isn’t afraid to sacrifice himself or his morality if he thinks it’ll go towards achieving the goal of Les Amis. 
Also I love the fact that he just....Admires the people around him so much? His interactions with Combeferre at the barricade, the entire ‘Enjolras and his lieutenants’ chapter where he’s able to individually select the best person for each job based on their respective strengths (minus Grantaire, but hey that isn’t exactly his fault let’s be real), the way he talks about Feuilly at the barricades. He knows the people around him, the comrades he’s working with. Apart from when he let Marius be a leader of the barricade bestie wtf were you thinking (/j). And I think it’s really nice that we can take this and turn it into “Enjolras really loves and admires his friends” and/or “Enjolras respects his comrades and recognises their importance to the cause”- It’s def one of my favourite things about him. 
Also I live for the scene where he fights with Gavroche- He’s canonically a giant dork and I think that’s really sexy of him (and so does Victor Hugo and he will remind you every page with Enjolras on it)
He gets a lot of amazing, intense scenes and lines in general as well which I think just makes for a really fun character. The execution of Le Cabuc, “your friends have just shot you” to Javert after the National Guard execute Jehan, “The 19th century is great but the 20th century will be happy” (makes me go OOF every time), “Love, thine is the future”, his DEATH scene???? Honestly it’s kind of sad that most of his ‘big’ scenes didn’t really make it into the musical because they are missing some great action
also I just like his vibe
That said, I feel for you if you can’t get into him, since so much of the fandom content, especially for the Les Amis side, is centred around him (and since I haven’t done him much justice with my rambly mess of an answer lmao). It’s stange since he’s such a minor character in the book and even more so in the musical, but that’s the power of a shippable twink I guess. 
If you want some recs for fics etc where he isn’t there/isn’t a main character, let me know and I’ll do my best to help!
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captainenjolras · 4 years
for the ask game: 4 and 14 <3
4. What (body part) is Bahorel most likely to get a piercing?
Bahorel pierced his own ears when he was thirteen and passed out while doing so. He’s absolutely afraid of needles. As usual, however, he held a drunken bet with Grantaire where the loser had to get a piercing (it could be anywhere, but they had to get one). Well Bahorel lost and ended up getting a tongue piercing. He sobbed the entire time and both Grantaire and Feuilly had to hold his hands
14. Is Grantaire a twink or a bear in your mind?
Oooh that’s a good one. He’s more of a twunk to me. So is Enjolras. I usually portray Taire as short and slim with stubble and a body hair
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roombagreyjoy · 4 years
Okay, sit down and shut up, I'm about to tell you the story of how I started a conspiracy theory during the Les Mis production I was in.
Picture this: a small amateur theatre group composed of a bunch of high schoolers and recent graduates at the local community centre. Very low-cost, pretty chill, everyone's buddies with everyone, that sort of thing.
I was either 16 or 17, playing Grantaire (because I was spoiled as fuck while I was in that group, I miss those times lol), and it was Jean's second run on that production (I think Les Mis lasted three years in performance for the spring season of local theater productions, but he was only there for two years if I recall correctly). He was playing as Enjolras for both those years because he was an 18 year old twink that could barely grow a beard, and that's exactly how Enj is supposed to look like. He's also one of the few trained actors in the group but that's besides the point.
Now, here comes the funny part.
Jean's brother (and the love of my life) works at that community centre. Here's what happened: for some reason Jean managed to convince him to try it out, and because he was not willing to play one of Les Amis because "he didn't want his brother to angrily yell at him about France," he agreed to play Montparnasse.
Every day I grow more and more certain that he only agreed to spite Jean and he played Montparnasse just for the laughs. He was brilliant at it too, though.
Also, this has nothing to do with the story but I will honour Victor Hugo's memory by adding that the girl playing Jehan actually fancied him, which was a funny coincidence. Anyway, let's move on.
I am a petty bitch and I thought it was so funny he agreed to play Montparnasse (to whom he referred to fondly as "Hannah Montana" because he is That Bitch... truly perfect casting, what can I say) that I started the conspiracy theory that Montparnasse was actually Enjolras' illegitimate brother and he was so angry about being laid off from the joys of the upper class that he decided he was going to not only be a criminal, but he was going to be a Fashionable Criminal. And that's that on that.
Anyway the theory caught up so quickly and strongly that soon enough everyone was in on it and started adding bits and pieces to put a compelling story together. We basically made a full-on backstory for a character that was not even supposed to be there that much.
But we weren't being paid for it so we could do whatever the fuck we wanted... and we did.
In the end we managed to sneak up some of it in the actual play, never changing the actual dialogue but positioning a scene where Enjolras and Montparnasse would just stare at each other for a solid five seconds, or Montparnasse wearing one of Enjolras' clothes (not obvious ones, but his clothes nontheless... god bless the chaotic tiny energy those two exude) after a costume change, etc.
It was our inside joke and it was glorious so I thought I'd share it with the world today.
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andrewlloydwebber · 6 years
the modern au webseries IS solely about the boring twinks like it's filming and literally coming out in months or w/e ... valjean and javert are not in it ... its a real thing sdfjlkdf
yeah i keep seeing that getting plugged and.... they do appear to have a valjean but it's probably someone's grandfather or something... they didn't even spring for a $12 domain name, their official site is on tumblr. i'm not saying it's an "all or nothing" or "butch pal" type scam, they appear to have real cameras and they're only making $42 a month on patreon. it's not some 14 year olds making faces at a webcam with mascara stubble. anyway people keep getting mad at the bbc series for "missing the point", the point being social justice, and i honestly have to say if you think that's all that matters in the story, you're missing the point. it's also about the redemptive power of love and all kinds of love. i don't think you can make much of conclusion on the point of the series with less than 5 minutes of content, most of which is out of context clips with music over them. yes i think it's derivative of the movie visually and the music in the trailer wasn't that epic or whatever, but some third party working for the bbc made the trailer, not the director himself.also, let's look at some numbersthe name "valjean" is mentioned 1,120 times in the brick. this does not include the times where they're talking about him being any of his alter egos.the name cosette is mentioned 1,023 times (not including euphrasie or anything else)the name "javert" is mentioned 465 timesthe name "enjolras" is mentioned 256 times (not including nicknames)the name "grantaire" is mentioned 85 times (not including all his nicknames)the name "feuilly" is mentioned 26 times.i'm not getting into all of them but most of the "amis" official names appear less than 200 times (yes i know a lot of them have 24601 nicknames but whatever). most of their death scenes consist of "_______ died." and THAT'S IT. they're not intended to be the main characters. it's frustrating because it seems like most people only care about the amis and their associates because they're young and (you can imagine them as) hot.
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soulwounds-a · 6 years
Tumblr media
was  that   niels schneider  ?       oh  no  no ,  that  was  just   enjolras ,  a  canon  character   from   les  misérables .       they  are   twenty  years  old  and   are  not   aware  that  they  are  not  actually  from  washington  d.c.
link  presents:   angry  french  twink  in  red .       ------       do  i  love  les  mis ?    well  i  didn’t  buy  three  separate  copies  of  that  massive  book  to  have  several  different  translations  of  it  just  so  i  could  be  someone  who  moderately  enjoys  it .    i  literally  could  not  tell  you  what  it  is  about  it .    it’s  probably  not  the  paris  sewer  system  but  you  know  victor  hugo  made  sure  i  knew  all  about  that  anyway .    point  is  though  i  just  fucking  love  all  these  mega  depressing  french  people .    and  if  you  like  les  mis  then  how  can  you  not  love  this  righteous  twink ??    love  this  gay  sjw  to  pieces  so  here  we  go  into  it .
how long has your character been here ?
he’s  been  here  around  a  month  now  which  is  exactly  how  long  he  believes  he’s  been  DC  even  with  his  false  memories .    he  thinks  he’s  come  here  from  paris  for  school  ;   that  it’s  a  year  abroad .    
he  also  believes ,  from  his  memories ,  that  this  year  abroad  was  entirely  his  parents’  decision .    he  didn’t  exactly  want  to  spend  a  year  in  america  ,  he  loves  his  home ,  but  he’d  been  causing  some  chaos  with  his  extremist  activism   &   inability  to  keep  his  rather  strong  opinions  to  himself  that  his  parents  sent  him  on  a  year  abroad  in  hopes  of  simmering  him  down  some .    it’s  not  working  at  all .
what is your character’s job ?
he’s  a  college  student !   specifically  a  political  science  major .
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom ?
he’s  taken  from  his  death  at  the  barricade .   obviously  he  has  no  memory  of  his  real  life  but  he  does  see  glimpses  of  it  in  dreams   &   occasionally  has  nightmares  of  the  barricades .    he’s  woken  up  in  sweat  after  seeing  one  of  his  friends  in  his  real  life  die   &   while  his  false  memories  have  him  unable  to  recognize  them  fully  he  still  feels  agonizing  sadness  seeing  them  die   &   will  sometimes  wake  up  with  their  name  on  his  mind  but  no  idea  how  he  knows  it .
from  the  gunshots  that  killed  him ,  he  also  has  eight  birth  marks  across  his  chest  from  where  the  bullets  hit  him .
has any magic affected your character ?
he’s  alive   &   can’t  remember  anything  but  other  than  that  he’s  the  same  pissed  off  revolutionary .     oh   &   also  he  can  speak  fluent  english .    it  put  learning  that  into  his  false  memory .
other information
brief  rundown  for  those  who  don’t  know :    in  les  misérables ,  enjolras  is  the  designated  leader  of  a  group  of  student  revolutionaries  in  paris  from  the  early  1830s  known  as  les  amis  de  l’abc .   in  1832  they  took  place  in  the  june  rebellion  in  attempt  to  rise  up  against  the  government   &   king .   they  had  hopes  the  people  of  paris  would  stand  with  them  but ,  unfortunately ,  they  weren’t  aided   &   were  fiercely  outnumbered   &   outgunned .   still ,  the  refused  to  surrender .   they  were  slaughtered  by  the  national  guard  at  the  barricades  they  built .   enjolras  was  one  of  the  last  standing ,  along  with  grantaire ,   &   they  were  shot  together .
also  should  note  enjolras  is  ,,    exceptionally  beautiful .   i  mean  literally  every  other  line  when  he’s  around  is  something  about  how  perfect  he  looks .   victor  hugo  wanted  everyone  to  be  completely  aware  that  enjolras  looks  like  a  fucking  flawless  angel .
now  on  to  headcanon  stuff .
while  victor  hugo  gave  us  a  description  on  every  kind  of  silverware  the  bishop  likes   &   dislikes   &   why   he  likes / dislikes  them ,,,    he  did  not  give  us  any  of  barricade  boys’  first  names .   save  for  like .   bossuet .   jehan .    &   marius .    that’s  it .    so  i’ve  picked  one  out .
though  he  prefers  to  go  by  it   &   everyone  calls  him  it ,  enjolras  is  his  surname .    his  full  name  is  philippe  alexandre  enjolras .    hardly  anyone  even  knows  that  though  as  he’s  just  always  going  by  enjolras .
the  book  specifically  goes  on  about  how  he  never  pays  attention  to  women  trying  to  flirt  with  him   &   that  he  hardly  realizes  they  exist ,,     waves  it  off  by  saying  it’s  because  he’s  too  swept  up  in  the  Revolution(tm)  but  i’ll  tell  you  the  truth .
it’s  cause  he’s  gay .
like  maybe  his  overall  distraction  from  romance  is  due  to  his  dedication  to  the  cause ,  sure ,  but  his  tendency  to  specifically  ignore  flirtations  from  women ?    that’s  just  cause  he’s  gay .
he’s  extremely  into  activist  work   &   though  this  isn’t  his  country  he’s  still  trying  to  get  students  to  meet  up  to  talk  about  things  they  can  do  for  change   &   he  has  never  once  kept  an  opinion  to  himself  in  his  life .   he’s  loud   &   angry .   and  he  will  let  you  know  when  he’s  pissed  off .
keep  in  mind  though  he’s  not  a  lot  of  muscle .   he’s  like  5′9″  &  generally  a  twink  in  terms  of  body  type .   so  while  he  does  get  into  it  a  lot   &   that  results  in  physical  fights  sometimes  ,,    he  doesn’t  always  come  out  on  top  in  those  fights .
he  feels  things  in  extremes  all  the  time  he’s  got  very  strong  emotions .
he  has  a  disease .   it’s  called  caring  too  much   &   it’s  INCURABLE .
while  he  can  be  forceful  for  what  he  believes  in   &   when  he’s  angry  he  can  be  very  cold   &   say  extremely  harsh  things   . . .    he  also  is  an  extremely  caring  person .    he’s  an  extremely  passionate  person   &   loves  so  fiercely .     human  rights   &   equality  for  all  is  kinda  what  he  drives  home  on  in  his  beliefs .    also ,  if  you’re  his  friend  he’ll  do  basically  anything  for  you  he  loves  his  friends  so  much .
he  hates  rich  people  like  fuck  you  if  you’re  rich  but  also  he  is  a  rich  person   &   he  hates  it .     his  family  is  extremely  wealthy  both  in  his  real  life   &   false  life .     he  tries  his  best  not  to  show  or  talk  about  his  wealth   &   doesn’t  use  it  lavishly .   he  donates  to  a  lot  of  charities  with  the  allowance  his  parents  send  him .
he  does  have  feelings  harbored  for  grantaire ,  yes ,  which  came  much  clearer  to  him  just  before  their  death  together .   before  they  were  mixed  in  with  a  lot  of  frustration  pointed  towards  grantaire  due  to  how  little  grantaire  seemed  to  care  or  how  enjolras  almost  felt  like  he  was  mocking  the  cause .    he  believed  grantaire  could  be  great  but  was  frustrated  that  grantaire  wouldn’t  even  try .   at  their  death ,  though ,  grantaire  made  clear  how  much  he  cared .
of  course  enjolras  remembers.........none  of  this  not  even  who  grantaire  is  but  you  know  he  will  some  time  or  later .
anyway  this  got  longer  than  intended  bye  lmao .
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tired-enjolras · 7 years
Enjolras Needs a Roommate: Part Two
•in the two weeks since Grantaire moved in, things weren't so bad.
•if he was being honest, he expected the house to be in flaming shambles within a week without 'Ferre.
•('Ferre did also)
•Grantaire did an awful lot of keeping to himself.
•which was totally fine, don't get Enjolras wrong, but he was used to having Combeferre, the overly affectionate, mother hen roommate.
•but he missed Shark Tank Saturday, and he felt like he didn't know a thing about the guy living in his extra room.
•Enjolras walked down the very tiny hall from his room to 'Ferre's 'Taire's one day, after a particularly boring lecture and before a particularly long shift.
•then he knocked.
•the soft guitar inside the room stopped and Enjolras already regretted knocking. he would rather have never knocked and just stand there listening to that guitar.
•the door swung open to reveal Grantaire's unkempted everything.
•"what can i do you for?"
•Enjolras hadn't really put any good thought into what he was going to say. he's been told he's a powerful speaker or some shit, but he knew, deep down in his heart, that he was a flounderer.
•a flounderer with a grand total of three friends and know idea how to make new ones.
•"so, erm, how're you? your guitar... you're really good at guitar."
•oh dear god.
•Grantaire leaned up against the door frame. everything he did was effortless, which grandly pissed off Enjolras.
•"thanks, man."
•"ha, yeah, anytime."
•"so... shit, right. can i make you a cup of coffee or something? i realized i know, like, nothing about you, and i mean, we live in the same place, so let's talk. if you're busy, or don't want to that's—"
•"yeah, okay."
•look at you!! a d u l t i n g
•Enjolras wasn't one to brag, but he worked at a café for a reason, he made a decent café latte so, that's just what he did.
•Grantaire wondered if this deal could get any better. dirt cheap rent (because the place was a shithole. you take what you can get), quiet, hot roommate, hot roommate who can make good coffee.
•he couldn't stop staring at Enjolras. steaming milk wasn't the most interesting task, but Enjolras' bone structure, and the lip biting.
•Enjolras opened with: "so, did you hear about the plot to assainate Macron?"
•"as a citizen of France, i did."
•"ha, yeah."
•well, this was awkward.
•"so, what're you at school for again?"
•thank god.
•"oh! I'm a poli-sci major. and working towards being pre-law."
•"not really, just expensive."
•it was quiet again, but it was less weird this time.
•Enjolras set down the two cups of coffee.
•"how long have you been playing guitar for?"
•"fuck me, uh... forever and a day?"
•"you're really good. do you play shows? because you absolutely should."
•"shut up. selling my art already makes me feel like a sellout, but that? too much for now."
•"so, you paint?"
•"and sketch. and sculpt. whatever."
•i hope he doesn't ask to see my art.
•"could you show me your art sometime?"
• G O D D A M M I T
•the next fucking day, Enjolras had gotten up, showered, gotten dressed, and ran down the hall, trying to leave for school, when he saw it.
•above where the TV, and the TV stand used to be, across from the couch that was no longer there, in place of the former Kingcade painting
•was a Grantaire original.
•it didn't have a frame or anything, but it was beautiful.
•late for school, or not, he stepped in to examine it.
•it was signed with a capital R, and dated yesterday. the title was also written in the bottom right corner.
•Brutus at the Pulpit or Twink Speaks his Mind in oil and charcoal.
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nyantaire · 7 years
i haven't posted anything about this here so this may surprise ppl but... while i acknowledge george blagden's incredible contributions for playing grantaire as appropriately gay... i do not like his face n wish people would stop HCing grantaire as a skinny white twink with blue eyes and a pointy nose. (especially when their HC of enjolras is like, all of those things, why????!!)
just got reminded of this bc so many ppl have gblagz icons where the only thing i get from it is u think he is a good R looks-wise, n im just like...... no.
sometimes ill get into a fic n it's good but then they describe one thing abt R and i can immediately tell they're describing george blagden and i instantly age 20 years
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psi-psina · 7 years
i remember being a baby back in  2012 and being all like ‘where is the les mis content?? where is it?? WHERE??’ bc the only blogs i ever found were these twink obsessed fools cooing about les amis and who in their RIGHT MIND reads/watches/listens to les mis and decides they care about grantaire more than jean valjean??? it’s a disgrace! the only valjean content i ever found was from some weirdo’s who shipped valjean/javert! who does that...who....wHo
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dykevillanelle · 7 years
i really and truly cannot BELIEVE that i have not seen ANY discourse about the current west end cast of les mis because i went and saw it last week and have been steeping in my emotions until this point where i feel i may be finally ready to actually write about it 
like? the real softest grantaire? being the caretaker of the barricade even though his doubts are practically physically restraining him??? and this is the first time i’ve really seen a production tackle hugo’s detail that enjolras serves as the backbone for r’s amorphous beliefs; grantaire has QUITE a few moments in this production where he surges up (he’s the first to follow enjolras during do you hear the people sing, right next to him during one day more), falls back, is corrected by enjolras, surges again. this is in TOTAL opposition to the grantaire i usually see who is a drunken louse until maybe right after drink with me, always the last one, trailing behind, caring for gavroche (in some productions) and watching enjolras from afar 
after éponine’s death, enjolras comes over to speak to marius and grantaire stops him physically to let marius grieve on his own (bc let’s be real, there is no possible way enjolras could not royally fuck up that situation and make it worse) 
there was this MAGICAL moment when a soldier fell and grantaire immediately went to him, then was joined by enjolras, and there was this moment of collaboration between the two of them that (though perhaps not necessarily in character if we’re going strictly by hugo’s canon) was SO nice to see 
plus, uh, let’s just BRIEFLY TALK about the BLATANT HOMOSEXUAL CONTENT??? 
WHEN grantaire was the first to follow enjolras during “do you hear the people sing,” enjolras like...slung his arm around him and side-hugged him while they walked until enjolras got up on his chariot like the dramatic twink he is
after grantaire held enjolras back from marius, he literally like...collapsed onto his chest and they had the first of several Tender Embraces complete with Face Touching 
bruh i don’t think even martin neely and gareth gates’s drink with me embrace could match these boys...i was like “y’all i feel like a damn voyeur on this intimate moment...” 
and i forgot to cry during the entirety of the fall of the barricade because enjolras SPRINTED DOWN THE BARRICADE and they hugged YET AGAIN and touched faces YET AGAIN before running back up the barricade to die together
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