#But i dont agree with my past self i think hed be much better at hiding this bc of his many internalized issues around this
misspickman · 1 year
Your transfem Tim fics are just SO amazing and moving to me and I love them so much. But I'm curious since a couple days ago you said your most popular ('by any other name would smell as sweet') isn't your favorite you've written- which one is, and why?
Thank youuu also hm i think its too mean to say 'literally any other one' bc i dont hate it or think its bad i just. Looking back i would change many things. Like maybe lower the amount of supporting characters in that fic. Paralytic states + crude and graceless are dear to me bc i think the levels of repression and tiptoeing around the issue comes through better and it takes tim longer to come to terms with it, and i think he'd be much more withdrawn about it/keep it close to his chest than i wrote it in that fic. Thats just the sort of stuff i changed my mind on as time passed and i thought about this hc more so u know it happens. Drowning lessons has a vibe i still really enjoy it feels kinda self contained? And hairline fracture is special to me bc its a part of a kind of complicated au im probably never actually going to write. So yeah im v fond of all of them for different reasons
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What do you think of Raphael and Camille's relationship?
not much i guess? at least not much i havent said before. i think its pretty clear that raphael has no loyalty for her and if anything had been waiting to dethrone her for a long time. i think rapha had been working to earn her trust and get rid of her for years now
first of all because like i know that's sh's writing being bad but his little coup over her was just so easy? it sounds to me like he had been getting ppl on his side and ready to overthrone her when the time came for quite a while. plus it's obvious that he was never in accordance with her shit - he went behind her back SO MANY TIMES and it was always for ppl he doesnt even know and has no reason to help? in fact has reasons to hate, since theyre shadowhunters
plus rapha knows about magnus and camille's history (remember how he deliberately didn't involve magnus in the clan thing because he didnt want magnus to have to deal with her? yeah) so of course he fucking hates her lmao. it is one of my treasured hcs that he joined her clan Exactly To Dethrone Her. rapha can play the long con, and i dont see a reason why hed join her clan as opposed to any other when she wasn't his sire and he had a home with magnus. i mean sure being in the NYC clan is convenient but ur telling me theres one (1) vampire clan for this entire town???? im calling bs like sorry
anyway yeah thats it. as for Camille's feelings towards him, i think she thought she had him wrapped around her finger and that he was no threat, which is a testament to how well rapha managed to play the long con, ESPECIALLY since he was going behind her back and freeing simon and giving his body back to the shadowhunters and all that crap. again he didnt even know him. like i know he did it because rapha believed it was right and he didnt want that to weight on his conscience but still, its obvious that he had to do a lot of shit he doesnt agree with for camille because shes a weirdo like that, and still he managed to go out of his way to help her victims AND have her trust pretty much until the end while organizing an uprising against her. like we have to stan
not that like camille liked him, by "trust" i mean mostly that she believed he was harmless which is why he was her second-in-command imo. not like, something meaningful udndidndod but still. and god knows how many years or even decades hes spent in her clan, so like. props to him? yeah
and to some point i think this has to do with rapha's moral standing. i had always thought that hes one of the most complex characters in shadowhunters because we got this guy who at the same time is obsessed with attoning for his Sins™ and self harms on the regular and blames himself for everything but whos also like. willing to kill and even turn on the ppl he loves to do that (like when he basically held magnus down and tried to kill clary during the soul sword thing)
and like once again! rapha was right lmao like im sorry but he was, her existence was a threat to millions of ppl and she was being so reckless like she didnt CARE and choosing to save her over millions is just. some MC bullcrap. but youd expect that someone with so many guilt issues and a sense of loyalty as strong as rapha would at least have a hard time taking that decision
and like i know it's the racism and the need to villainize him because hes a vampire! but in the good shadowhunters that exists in my head, it's because living with camille for so long he was forced to do a lot of shit that he would rather die than have to do, shit that compromised his moral standards to their very core, and in doing that he was still helping keep the world safe because he was no good if he didn't earn camille's trust so he could get rid of her and save the vampires. and also a part of him already feels so tainted by all the things he had to turn a blind eye to, i think its kinda like. might as well add another sin. better him than someone who still hasn't had to compromise, know that pain. and at the same time that only makes his obsession with atonement stronger
(because this is the good sh that exists in my head, mandatory disclaimer that im ignoring the heidi plotline because it was not only ooc nonsense but also like... nonsense plot-wise? i am once again asking why the fuck hed experiment on heidi who wasn't a daylighter when he could have gone for simon since he's so evil and willing to do terrible things for his sister or whatever. also this post is about the show not the books and idc what happened in the books)
anyway no wonder he was ready to fucking kill simon when he freed her like could you imagine spending decades compromising ur own beliefs and moral standards just so in the end you could get rid of an evil dictator and then some MOTHERFUCKER just fucking frees her because of his stupid childhood crush?????? bruh id be fucking livid. and thats not even considering what it meant for those he loved - his clan, magnus, etc
but anyway yeah those are my thoughts basically. i think rapha had always intended to take her down because 1- she was fucking terrible and hurting so many ppl including vampires: 2- he knew of her past with magnus and he was Protective. and he was very clear headed about it and managed to play a long con in a mind destroying game pretty well and just like damn we stan. thats all hdbdjd
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the-gay-cryptid · 4 years
Okay, I'm super pissed right now and I dont want to bother my friends with this, theyve got shit of their own, I just need to get the angry out of my system.
I want to shave my head. I want to because it would give me a feeling of control and it's the much safer, less permanent, and less painful of my three options: shave head, get piercing, get tattoo. Since whatever I picked would be self done, I naturally went with shaving my head.
I'm no fucking idiot though, I've done my research. I know that, because of my hair type and my own preferences, I dont want it too short. I would first get a #8 attachment, which it the longest you can get. That's what I would use. I looked up a video of someone comparing the lengths of each attachment when actually used on hair, so I have a better idea of what it would actually look like since I'm not good at visualizing lengths.
I was going to tell my mom all this, show her that this isnt a sudden decision, and that I've actually done research and know what to do/expect. It was still entirely possible she'd say no, but this approach was my best chance to convince her.
I told me dad this morning, "I want to shave my head. I think I'd have to order attachments since your clippers are too short, but its definitely doable." I said it this way because I've never had to prove to my dad that I know what I'm doing, like I'm writing a damn research paper.
He wasnt a fan, because he thinks I'll look like a man. He doesnt want me to look too masculine. That's a problem to revisit at a later time. I pointed out that I already look like a boy when I wear hats, my hair grows out fast, and that how he wants me to look isnt my problem. He conceded to all three points, though he still wasnt a fan. He wouldnt stop me, but we both knew I had to convince mom before I even picked up the clippers.
Mom came in, and we said good morning and so on. Then Dad says "she wants to shave her head." Which was the absolute worst possible way to introduce that to my mother.
To her credit, she handled it well. She said she didnt think it would suit my head shape, but if I wanted to I couldn't but if I did it she wasnt going to pay for my hair appointments anymore, even if I grew my hair out again. I wouldnt really mind paying for my own cuts and colors, it's just that it's kinda expensive and I have 10$ and no income until August assuming we're back on campus next semester. I figured I'd think about it.
I took a shower, did makeup, and finished making some earrings I started last night. Then I went to show my parents, because i was proud and I thought they looked cool.
Dad loved them, mom definitely thought they were tacky, but I'm used to that and she's given up trying to convince me that tacky jewelry is bad.
She was making a face that screamed "not a fan", and I asked her why she was making said face. I expected a comment about how people would judge me, and I was totally emotionally prepared for that and ready to let it roll off. But instead, she says
"This doesn't seem like a good use of your time. I just dont feel like enough work is getting done"
I dont know if any of you know this about me, but I'm very sensitive about my work ethic. I've had problems in the past, but I've worked fucking hard to learn the self discipline and time management I have today. It's not perfect, but I'm better than I was. So when people imply that I'm not doing enough, or I'm lazy, or that I'm wasting my time instead of working, I take it a little harder than most.
I didnt linger, because it wouldnt help anyone. I just left and waited in the kitchen to vent to my dad.
"I just wanted to show her something cool." I said. I kept my voice low, because mom has a habit of walking in when I'm venting about her and then getting overly offended and turning it into me being disrespectful. "And she just ignored it-" at which point my dad cut me off. He doesnt like when I complain about mom. He doesnt like the confrontation that occurs if she over hears, and he doesnt like seeing her upset that her kid is implying shes a bad mom. She isnt, but she's not perfect, and as a grown ass woman who lectures me about the same flaw, she should be able to take criticism.
I'm still a bit pissed, so I just grabbed my laptop and went upstairs to do schoolwork. I dont have much to do, since, contrary to my mother's suggestion, I'm very on top of my work, and even ahead on some of it.
Just now, I went down stairs to take a break and grab my house shoes. I talked to my dad a little bit about some netflix shows. Then, because I thought maybe I could sway him a little, I showed him the video of someone comparing all the attachments and how short they actually cut.
I also pointed out that mom wouldve reacted better if hed let me explain what I wanted. He disagreed, so I told him how I'd present the idea:
"I have something I want to do, and I've done a lot of research, so I understand what to do, what I'd need, and how to do it the way I have in mind. I'd like to shave my head, not super short though. I'd use the longest attachment..." et cetera, et cetera.
Basically I'd just prove to her this wasnt decided on a whim. And then I'd ask her opinion. She'd hate it, but at least she'd probably consider it. Even Dad admitted it might have worked.
I started telling him why I wanted to do it, the whole needing to feel in control thing. But he was putting away clothes and heading his and Moms room, and if mom heard me talking through all this she'd get mad and double down on the "fuck no" stance. So I dropped it for now.
But then my dad thought hed be real fucking funny. I was standing in the bathroom with him, and he turned on his clippers and started to reach for my hair. I grabbed his arm to stop him. I knew he was joking, it was just my knee jerk reaction since his clippers have NO attachment and would actually buzz my head completely.
He then said, very smugly, that that's the reaction of someone who doesn't actually want to shave their head. I told him that wasnt funny, and started to explain that I stopped him because it wouldve been the wrong length.
But mom, being in the bedroom right fucking next to us, got PISSED. She then informed us, mainly me, that I wasnt allowed to shave my head, and that she'd be so furious if I did it. And now i was mad with both of my parents.
Since I couldnt be delicate about it anymore, I told her point blank the whole conversation this morning wouldve gone better if dad hadnt said anything, and that I was going to actually explain myself before telling her I wanted to shave my head.
She listened to my whole explanation. I'll give her that. But when I finished, she just hummed and went back to her work. Which is mom for "fuck no, and this is a stupid idea."
As all conversations with my mother inevitably go, I went to the kitchen to talk to dad. I told him he shouldnt have done any of that, and that now, because of him goofing off, mom wasnt taking anything of said seriously.
He told me he was sorry he did that, but that he didn't want me to do it anyway. I reminded him, in far less polite terms than usual, that I dont care what he thinks and that it's my hair and my choice.
He agreed and apologized again, still just as insincere.
Since I didnt have the patience or calmness to try and talk about it further, I went back upstairs. I heard him calling me a little bit ago, probably to talk again, but I'm still fucking angry.
Because of him not only taking away my ability to bring this up with my mom on my own terms, and then ruining any chances of her taking me seriously, theres no way in hell I'm going to be able to do what I wanted. I know shaving my head isnt that big of a deal, but the amount of bullshit its brought out of them both is infuriating.
If he'd just kept his fucking mouth shut this morning, all this could've gone so much better.
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bdamanlover4ever · 6 years
Heya:P I was wondering about a MitsuBoru fic revolving around the two just chillin after the whole “Mitsuki betrayal ark”and then Mitsuki starts talking about his love of (what ever, hobby, animal, person, toy, picture etc.) and Boruto is McFuckin Floored, Not Ok, bc watching Mitsuki babble on and sparkle with what he loves Boruto realises “sHIT IM IN LOVE” the more fluff the better :D -Boruto Gen = Gay Minefield
Word count: 1,244
‘Maybe there was something in the way Mitsuki talked. No, No, not the way…how? No, not how. Prehaps it’s when.’ Boruto nodded to himself, satisfied with this conclusion.  His brain configuring, ‘There is something special when Mitsuki talks.’
The wind seemed to change, the air felt more thicker, and it could be freezing outside, but Boruto would still sweat. A sensation of endearment would flood his senses, and he’d stay locked in yellow orbs. Ears tuning in to hear the soft sound of Mitsuki’s voice.
“I thought about it.” Mitsuki explained, “I really did take a bunch of things into cons-”
“During your journey of self awareness?” Boruto cut him off, a dopey smile resting on his face. His pretty blonde locks covered up his cheeky sky blue eyes, as they twinkled in admiration.
The blue haired boy closed his eyes as if recalling the memories implanted in his mind. He swayed a bit, listening to the trees rustling, birds chirping, and other pleasant sounds of Leaf Village.
Boruto tucked his head down in his jacket. He was slightly embarrassed for interrupting his friend like that. It was an accident, he’d get so excited and impulsively blurt something out. Shyly, he fumbled his thumbs. “What did you miss most about this place?” He asked lowly.
Mitsuki blinked his eyes open, just in time to see the sun catching through blond locks. Boruto was steadily messing with his hands and blush claimed his face, but his blue eyes kept right on staring into Mitsuki’s.
There was something dazzling when their eyes fell into each other. Simple gestures, and emotions could be felt just by a single gaze.
Mitsuki raised his eyebrows to a serene position, lips quivering as the sun slowly sank into the horizon. It made him inch forward, just until his nose touched up against Boruto’s. “You.” His voice was less confident than before, when he was rambling. Instead it had switched out to be more delicate and peaceful.
Boruto scoffed, trying to disregard the answer. “That’s not true!” He fired out, yanking his head back away from Mitsuki. He ended up slamming his whole back against the wall, which made him wince. “Oops, dang it! I didn’t mean to bump…” He turned back to sputtered, “Hold on, it’s a wall…What are you do-” His face turned an even brighter shade of red, he was ready to smack himself on the head. “Why am I talking to a wall?!”
Snake like hands grabbed his wrist, and pulled him close. “Boruto, walls can’t talk.” Instead of allowing Boruto to smack himself for his own stupidity, Mitsuki gentle patted him on the head. He ran his fingers through soft blonde locks and combed them back.
At the sensation, Boruto shuttered. He felt like he might boil over, with Mitsuki’s smooth touch messaging his scalp. Closing his eyes, he broke their trance. “I know.” He mumbled. In comparison to Mitsuki’s voice, his sounded distant, gruff, and slothful. It much much more interesting to have Mitsuki ramble on, then to hear his own.
Yet Mitsuki grew silent again, and withdrew his hands from Boruto’s hair. Soon as the delicate touch left him, Boruto whimpered like a homeless puppy.
“What’s wrong?” Mitsuki grew concerned for his friend once more. There was confusion and heartbreak written all over his face. It was times like these, he wished Boruto would be more clear about stuff.
Boruto popped open his eyes, to watch the sunset in the distance. “Everything and nothing at all.” His eyebrows melted together, as he finally stopped fumbling with his thumbs.
“How so?”
“I overreact is all.”
Boruto turned to face Mitsuki. He pierced his lips together, carefully observing the other boy. He scanned his face for any hidden signs of loneliness, or if he was annoyed with him yet. There was never any signs of that on Mitsuki’s face. It was just paranoia that always made him have to check.
Mitsuki shrugged his shoulders, “I overreact too. Mostly, when I see my friends get hurt.” A mischievous gleam came in his eye, “Especially when I see you get hurt.” It seemed to read but the words were never actually verbalized aloud.
That was the thing. Words just didn’t get said between them. Actions spoke louder. The strings tugging in their hearts, silently pleaded things best left unsaid.
Boruto agreed with Mitsuki. “Same!” He nodded feverishly, “I overreact all the time, even on accident.” This was his way of saying, “Right now, I’m overreacting. Your touch, makes my heart flip out. Haha.. get it overreacting?”
Mitsuki’s drive to keep on rambling wavered. He uttered a simple, “Okay.” A one word response, which meant that he was ending wherever this was going.
A sigh of relief escaped from Boruto, one that he didn’t even know he was holding in. In times like these, the more he took into consideration feelings and emotions, it would make him get more discombobulated.
He had to keep his head up, eyes locked on, ears focused. Boruto couldn’t afford to miss a single word that past through Mitsuki’s mouth. From now on he was going to take all his friend had to say straight to the heart.
“So you say you missed me the most, well now you probably think I spent my time talking to walls while you were gone.”
“I don’t think that. You came looking for me, so that’s something.”
“Something?” Boruto retorted, as if there sound have been more substance to that word. He motioned to the wall behind them, “That is something.” He switched up and pointed at Mitsuki, “Me going after you was….” All at once his mouth went dry, words fled from his tongue before he could properly explain.
Mitsuki tilted his head, curiously awaiting an answer. Then, he read the perplexed awestruck look on Boruto’s face. The blonde fumbling around with vowels and consonants that didn’t make any sense, as he attempted to string together a valuable sentence. A little sly smile came on Mitsuki’s face. “I don’t need to know what it was, your eyes and expression say it all.”
For a long time, neither one of them spoke. They just took in the view of the sky and watched the sunset together.
The whole time Boruto was struggling to find a way to explain himself. Yet, how could he explain the inexpiable? Mitsuki said he didn’t need to know, but Boruto wanted him to know. He wanted the other boy to hear him say it.
“Dang it!” Boruto complained hunching over, he folded his arms bitterly. “Out of the times to overreact.” He muttered under his breath, eyes flicking to catch a glimpse of Mitsuki smiling at him lightly with his face in the palm of his hand.
“Why are you looking at me? The sun is setting over there.”
Mitsuki kept on watching Boruto’s adorable reactions. “Well, I’m watching my sun set.” He got a vibrant excited ring in his tone, “Ya know, the sun doesn’t set the same, when you don’t see it in person.” Yellow eyes flickered, as cherishing words fell from lips. “I missed seeing it in person.”
Boruto felt his heart flutter, at the declaration. His blue eyes falling into yellow, desperate to convey words that he knew might never be verbalized. But even if he never said it aloud, the fuzzy sensation in his chest could no longer be denied.
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
ask your destiny to dance [6] {Roger Taylor}
“What are you doing here?” Ash’s voice is hostile, and Roger waits with his snare in his arms, just around the corner of the building. He’s not following her, or at least, he didn’t mean to; he’s just packing up his drums, like he did after every show. Sure he was a bit earlier than usual but that didn’t mean anything.
“Sweet girl, I wanted to see you.” The voice is teasing, like she should have know this already, masculine, low, and it makes Roger nauseous. Finally he peers around the edge of the building and catches a better glimpse of the man from the bar, who is now standing less than a foot from a tense and confused Ash who leans against the door to the bar.
“You- why?” Already her voice has softened, but it seems he still makes her uncertain, if the tense set of her shoulders is anything to go by. But then the man’s reaching out, resting his hands on her upper arms. “You’re not mad at me?” She asks, relaxing under his touch, looking up at him with her big, brown eyes. Something in Roger’s gut twists at the sight.
“Of course not, baby girl.” He’s got her accent, Roger realises, and something in his chest tightens as the man places his hands on her shoulders coaxing her away from the door so he can wrap her up in a hug. Roger can see her trembling as she hugs him back, a soft confusion written all over face. “I’ve missed you.” He tells her, voice a murmur, but in the crisp, night air, it’s loud enough that even Roger hears.
“Why are you here, Gus?” Ash is the one who steps back, out of his grip, leaning back against the door. Roger can see her hands shake when she pulls half a cigarette from her breast pocket.
“I wanted to see you again, make sure you’re okay.” And the man, Gus, takes her hands, gently taking the cigarette stub and throwing it away before he laces his fingers with hers. She doesn’t even protest.
“And Kira?” She’d asked, voice so soft that Roger almost didn’t catch it, and the man in question shook his head with a smile as he leaned in, murmuring something that only she could hear, pressing kiss to her cheek.
“Oh, my sweet girl, you look so good.” He mused, voice growing a little louder, stepping back to admire her, and though Roger wants to gag at his tone, syrupy and full of obviously fake revere. Ash actually giggles, and not insincerely. “As beautiful as the day I met you.”
“You think so?” Voice uncharacteristically young and hopeful, it’s so unlike her that Roger’s pushed to the end of his patience, and rounds the corner with his drum in hand, not even acknowledging the pair as he heads for his van, though the way Ash jumps back from the man as if he’d burned her, it does little to ease the discomfort in Roger’s chest.
“Hi!” Suddenly flustered, Ash moves around Gus to stand between him and Roger. He’s not really sure why she’s bothered, there’s so much distance between the back door and the van, but he thinks it might be so that they look less suspicious. It’s not working.
“Hey.” Roger says, tone clipped as he says it, fumbling for his keys as he opens the back doors of the van.
“This is, uh, August.” She’s aware of how strange it sounds, how guilty her words come out, and when Roger’s sat his drum inside the van, he finally turns to get a good look at the man. The man with a hand on Ash’s shoulder, making direct, unflinching eye contact with Roger, smirking.
“August, this is Roger, he’s in the band.” There’s a waiver to her voice that Roger doesn’t like, and he can’t bring himself to smile at her. Everything feels so wrong, and Ash looks so guilty, like she’s been caught red handed.
He’s handsome by any definition, but not by Ash’s usual one. High cheek bones, hair gelled up into a neat quiff with a few sparing grey strands running through it that only served to make him look more distinguished, as did the dark, well groomed stubble on his jaw. He looks to be in his late 40s, in a pressed, well tailored suit, and shoes that Roger would consider too formal for even an explicitly formal event, so out of place in the dingy, pub setting. And his hand is still on Ash’s shoulder.
Roger doesn’t want to think about why it puts him on edge, just knows that it does. August takes long, deliberate strides before he reaches Roger, holding out his hand.
“August Reid.” His smile was sharp, and when Roger took his hand, he held it a little too tight, a show of dominance. “You guys played very well.” It’s the least sincere compliment Roger’s ever received; he wants nothing more than to punch August in his smug face.
“Roger.” After a beat, he leaned against the edge of the van, crossing his arms. “So how do you know Ash?”
“Ashley.” August correct automatically, and Roger can see the way Ash flinches out the corner of his eye, still looking a little mortified, avoiding looking at both of them. August doesn’t see it, his smile widens just a little bit, all sharp teeth. “I taught her back at Saint Andrew’s, I thought I’d stop in while I was in town.” 
“He was my Art History professor.” Ash confirms from behind him, and Roger freezes where he’s looking at her. He’s never seen her like this before, demure, shy; she’s always consciously made an effort to appear larger than life, to compensate for her size and sweet looks, but now she looks so young. She can’t even bring herself to meet his gaze, but he can tell she doesn’t know he saw their earlier exchange, if she did know, he thinks she probably wouldn’t be so honest about that.
“Oh,” is all Roger can say, before he snaps out of it, moving past where August is trying to be intimidating, up to Ash who’s leaning against the back door, “Rocket, can you move, I’m trying to pack up.” She doesn’t even fight him on it, tell he can walk around the front the same way as he got here. With the door opens, he hesitates, reaches out to touch her arm, and when she looks at him her expression is surprised as he tilts his head in a silent question, asking if she’s okay.
“What?” She snaps, frowning and shifting out of his grip, a spark of her old fire returning. Roger’s moment of softness receded with his eye roll and he lets the door slam closed behind him. Part of him knows that August was watching the exchange. By the time he’s pulled down the rest of his equipment and is ready to haul it out, Ash is behind the bar, cheery as ever, and August is nowhere to be found.
“I thought you were studying fashion.” Brian muses into the balmy night air. The band had stayed until last call, intrigued about the newcomer, waiting until Ash was taking out the trash for the night to ask her, the four of them chatting around the van, Mary looking quite tired and leaning against Freddie, but enjoying their company..
“I am.” Ash agreed, seemingly back to her old self now that August had left, grinning like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “This isn’t my first go at uni.” She admitted, and Freddie nodded, passing Mary his lit cigarette.
“I thought he was a talent scout or something; he’s well dressed.” Brian half smiled, and Ash chuckled, shaking her head at him, smile bright. "What was his name?” He asked, and Ash looked a little shocked, looking to Roger, who was suddenly avoiding her gaze.
“Rog didn’t tell you guys?” She asked, smile fading a little into confusion, and Roger snorted out a laugh.
“Told them he seemed like a prick.” He scoffed around his cigarette, and Ash flushed, frowning at him.
“Oi, don’t be mean, Rog! It’s just how he is, he’s always been a bit of a-” and for the barest moments they lock eyes and Ash turns a hilarious shade of pink, they both somehow know what she was about to say, he’s always been a bit of a dominant one, but she can’t bring herself to say those words out loud. She doesn’t want to say it for how it would sound, how it would make the others suspicious, but she knows Roger already is, even if she doesn’t know the full extent; it would be funny if the implication didn’t make Roger’s stomach turn, “a bit of an alpha male, you know.” After a beat, she clears her throat. “But yeah, Doctor Reid is my old Art History professor.”
It doesn’t escape Roger the way she doesn’t say his first name.
“What made you change your mind?” Mary yawns, passing the cigarette back to Freddie, and Ash fixes her with a fond smile. Since Freddie had introduced the women, they’d become fast friends, and Roger had never seen anyone as ready to fight as Ash when the dudes start leering at Mary.
“This was the only place that I could do what I wanted to.” And it sounds so honest that Roger’s tempted to believe it, if not for the memory that surfaces.
It’s her, a few months ago, bathed in moonlight, her head on his chest and his arm around her, ‘I was kicked out of uni once before, you know?’ her voice is thoughtful and he laughs, a little incredulous, asks how, but she’s grinning at him with that wicked smile of hers, and does a good enough job of distracting him that he doesn’t even realise she doesn’t give an answer.
“I’m surprised you even remember his last name,” Freddie laughs, “she couldn’t name a single lecturer on our timetable this semester.” And the others laugh, but Ash just rolls her eyes.
“I don’t want to know their names, it’s not like we’re gonna be friends,” but she does concede after she turns to head inside, “Doctor Reid is a friend of my dad’s, I’ve known him since I was sixteen.” And she smiles so blithely it somehow takes some of the shock out of her statement for Roger, who chokes on the smoke of his cigarette. 
“How did he know you were here?” John’s question cuts through Roger’s spluttering, and Ash stops in her tracks.
“What?” She asked, suddenly confused, a little defensive, as she turns back.
“How did he know you’d be here?” He asks again, so calm and unflinching, not looking away from the sudden flicker of doubt that cross Ash’s face.
“It was coincidence, Deaky; just luck is all.” She says, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. She heads back inside. 
The next time they play there, he’s back, and Ash is a sweet, flustered mess, and the dichotomy of this, and who Roger knows her as, is a little shocking. Even Maureen seems concerned, though she doesn’t say anything.
“He’s too old for you.” Roger makes it out the back before Ash does during her usual post-gig break. August went home halfway through the night, and Ash had returned to her normal bright, if a little sultry, bar-persona.
“Excuse me?” She snapped as the door slammed closed, and she looked to where Roger was sitting on her usual milk crate.
“You heard me.” Roger responded, something easing in his chest at the comfort of hearing the hostility in her voice that she’d used when they’d first met. It also hurts a little, to think how he’d prefer the hostility to the cute, blushy mess that August brings out in her. “I saw how he looked at you.” 
“Watch your accusations.” She snapped, but there was actual anger in her words, which surprised Roger. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She growled, and it was cold hostility; it wouldn’t lead anywhere fun, and Roger didn’t know how to face this. “I’m an adult, dickhead, so don’t think I can’t make my own decisions.” And her accent’s a little stronger, but her words take a moment to process. “He’s a friend-”
“He calls you baby.” 
That shocks her into silence, and after a moment, a cruel, cold smile spread over her face. They both know, now, that Roger knows exactly what’s going on between her and August. He’d never been good at anything apart from blurting out exactly what was bothering him, and this time was no different.
“Are you jealous? Were you eavesdropping on us? What the fuck?” And there’s no warmth in her harsh laughter. “This is why I don’t do casual.” She spits, and Roger’s whole face lights up with shock, and he barks out a laugh.
“Jealous? Oh Ashley,” and when he says it, she flinches again, and he regrets using the name almost immediately, but he can’t help digging himself deeper, “no, I’m just interested in what a goddamn doctor, who’s almost fifty, mind you, is doing being interested in a girl like you.” 
He watches as she actually has to take a step back, her mouth falling open in shock, eyes suddenly shiny with tears, and he knows he’s fucked up.
“A girl like me...” She whispers it with a laugh, smiling sadly, before finally meeting his gaze. “He... he likes me, Roger.” And fuck, she sounds so vulnerable it’s like a punch to the gut. “After everything I’ve done, he fucking likes me.” And after a beat, she stepped forward. “He still thinks I’m good, and that’s all that matters.”
She cuts her own break short, slamming the door as she heads back inside, leaving Roger to the silence of the car park.
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe  @laueecakee@smittyjaws @crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings @2ptonpt@benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times @heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights​ @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder @ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues​@banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric
151 notes · View notes
kpopblog91 · 7 years
Summary: Jimin + you = sex but you + jungkook are a couple so + confusion and + guilt + cheating but also + nastiness. sorry thats my best description lmao
Type: SMUT. 18++++
Length: 6.8 k
A/N: My revised jimin smut so there would be no more confusion. i worked on the revised part in like 15 mins so sorry TT, i have a hoseok smut coming next so look out for that one! enjoy~
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“Do you think he’d hate me?” Jimin’s voice was quiet, his fingers gripping the bottle of beer in his hand, he didn’t even look in Hoseok’s direction, only hearing a sigh from him.
“He’d kill you.”
Hoseok was right. Jimin didn’t answer him either way though. He opted to watch you instead.
You were laughing, your arms wrapped around Jungkook’s waist as you both swayed to the light music at the party, your bottles of beer in hand as you twirled and spun. Your hair framed your face in the most inviting way, your hoops glinting in the light of the dorms, your dark red dress creating patterns in the wind, and Jimin frowned.
Your body was clinging to the dress, and your lipstick was a little faded into a beautiful muted pink color, glittery eyelids and long eyelashes sparkled against your face as you and Jungkook danced around.
Jimin watched, his mood turning more sour by the second.
“I don’t care.” Jimin announced quietly, sulking and still not taking his gaze away from you. But Hoseok was gone and Jimin was left alone on the couch, his liquid courage lighting his fire as he chewed on his lip.
Your curves, your hair, your skin, Jimin wanted to touch it all, he wanted to feel it under him, he wanted you to wrap your arms around him the same way you did for Jungkook.
Jimin bit his lip harder, tasting a little blood.
He watched as you pulled away from Jungkook for a moment, taking a swig of your drink, laughing at something Taehyung said that Jimin didn’t even bother to pick up. His focus was on you, and he couldn’t tear his gaze away.
He didn’t want to. He wanted to stare at you forever.
A slight resolve began to wash over Jimin’s face, a small plan that he didn’t want to acknowledge he was going through with set into motion, and he swallowed hard as he stared at your figure only a few feet away.
“Jungkook-“ he began, his voice only low enough for himself to hear, gulping in his last drink of beer as he stood up, stretching his arms, “I hope you forgive me for tonight.”
Jimin watched as the party goers began to file out his apartment, waving with no enthusiasm as he surveyed the crowd, his mind only a little cloudy as Jungkook began to shut the door behind him. Taehyung plopped on the couch, spreading his legs, and you sat on one of the bar stools. The only 4 left from the night.
“That was nice.” Jungkook began, snaking his way past Jimin’s rigid form in the doorway, hearing him trail with him into the living room.
“Yeah, it was.” Tae piped from the corner, taking a drink from a random bottle of beer which made Jimin grimace, but he didn’t say anything.
It was silent for a few moments, before the small sound of you yawning caught everyone’s attention.
“Kookie-“ Jimin’s blood boiled over, he hated when you called him that. “I’m tired.”
You rubbed at your eyes sweetly, causing the boys besides Jimin to giggle lightly.
“Go sleep in my room Y/n.” Jungkook coughed, coming up next to you, his hands rubbing at your arms softly, and Jimin scowled.
“Mmm.” Was all you hummed, turning around to give Jungkook a kiss on his cheek before you started to make your way down the hallway towards Jungkook’s room, waving meekly to the boys as you padded away.
“I’ll be back in a few baby.” Jungkook called after you, only earning another light hum from you a you disappeared into Jungkook’s room, the door closing behind you.
Jimin didn’t hear the lock latch, and he bit the inside of his cheek.
“Jimin, you wanna come?” Jungkook’s intrusive voice got into his head, causing him to come from his thoughts as he stared at Taehyung and Kook in front of him.
“We’re gonna go pick up some snacks and have a couple more drinks near the park. Hoseok and Jin are there too.” Taehyungs voice was too loud, and Jimin tried his best to look his friendliest, answering the two boys in front of him.
“No, I’m probably gonna head to sleep.” Jimin coughed a little, trying to sound as normal as he could, watching both boys shrug their shoulders as they headed for the door, not even looking back twice. They each picked up their coat from the closet, shutting it before Jungkook finally turned around to answer him, smiling lightly.
“Suit yourself.”
The door was shut softly behind them, and suddenly Jimin stood alone in the middle of the apartment, buzzing. He hadn’t thought it would go that fast. He couldn’t help but gulp as he heard the sound of Jungkook’s car leaving the port, and he felt his knees go a little weak with jelly.
His beer was wearing off, he wasn’t completely drunk, but he didn’t want to admit that he was sober for what he was about to do. He grabbed at the hem of his shirt, pulling in nervousness.
“I cant do this.” Jimin breathed out, his hair flying from the breeze, and he brought his hand up to scratch at his nose, a tick he’d picked up from you out of nervousness.
“I can’t do this.” Jimin said again, a little louder this time. Jungkook was his friend. Jimin shook his head, teeth gnawing against his lips.
“I can’t.”
Jimin shut his eyes then opened them quickly, breathe coming out in small puffs, he couldn’t do it.
He stayed like that for a few minutes, standing in the middle of the living room, his feet hurting from being upright for so long.
Running his hand through his hair, he turned around, heading down the hallway. He really couldn’t do it. He wasn’t drunk anymore, he wouldn’t do it.
He padded down the hallway, his black button up flowing behind him, before slowing a little as he passed up Jungkook’s doorway, stopping completely a few inches a head of it. He gulped.
He couldn’t do it. Jimin knew he couldn’t. So he had no idea what he was doing when he turned on his heel, his hand reaching for the knob, holding it as his heartbeat quickened.
He licked at the inside of his mouth, it was dry, and he squeezed his eyes shut.
“No.” He mumbled, trying to will himself to stop, but his hand still stayed on the door knob, and he was getting antsy.
He didn’t want to hurt Jungkook or you, but he couldn’t help himself.
His hand was still grabbing at the knob as he fought with himself in his head, his feet planted firmly on the ground.
“Maybe...” His voice was barely a whisper, his eyes fluttering open as an idea wandered into his head.
Maybe he could just take a peek at you.
Jimin nodded, agreeing with his own self, just a peek. Just look, once, see you, and leave. Jimin nodded again, finding resolve in his own idea, and he sighed.
Just a peek.
He opened the door, coming face to face with relative darkness, but he frowned. He didn’t see your body anywhere, the bed was made and the pillows were untouched.
Maybe this was a sign, Jimin decided. Maybe this was meant for him to stop being a pervert and trying to get with his best friends girl. He was pathetic.
Jimin was so into his own thoughts of stupidity that he didn’t even notice the bathroom door opening, the both of you unaware as you walked out, towel wrapped around and hair dripping.
You hummed, feeling better after your shower, eyes darting to the bed to see if Jungkook was back, before noticing a figure in the corner, and you couldn’t help but jump before realizing who it was.
His head snapped up, and his eyes bulged out his head, it was almost too comical, and you couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out.
“Y-y/n!” Jimin exclaimed, his hands coming to mask over his eyes, he wanted to die.
You smiled again, not really bothered but a little confused. You sauntered up to the bed, your towel wrapped round as you picked up your brush, watching Jimin’s form.
“Looking for Jungkook?” You mused, the boys didn’t really have a sense of privacy so you didn’t mind too much, it was an easy mistake.
“You can take your hands away, I’m not, naked or anything.”
Jimin peeled his hand of of his face, peeking through his fingers before they were fully off his face, and you giggled again, he was cute.
Jimin’s answer took you by surprise, if he wasn’t here for Jungkook then why was he here?
You leaned on the edge of the bed, grabbing at the bottle of lotion on the dresser. You reached out too fast and watched as it began to topple over, falling flat on the floor, causing you to frown.
“Let me get that.” Jimin’s voice was small, but he sauntered up to where you stood near the bed, your towel wrapped around loosely, hair still wet. He picked it up from the ground, suddenly very close to you now and you swallowed. He held the lotion bottle up to you, his cheeks warm and you wondered why.
“Thank you.”
You took the bottle from him, placing it between your hands and squeezing. Jimin stayed in your vicinity, shifting his weight from foot to foot. Taking some lotion, you sat on the bed and began to apply it, unsure of what else to say to Jimin as he stared at you.
You stopped, realizing you couldn’t reach your back without exposing yourself to Jimin, and just as you were about to say something, he spoke up.
“Do you need some help?”
His question took you aback, and you held the lotion bottle loosely. You knew you probably shouldn’t take him up on it and tell him to go, but you didn’t know why you hadn’t done exactly that yet. You stared back up at him, and the quiet nervous look he had plastered on his face from earlier was gone, his eyes dark.
“Ah, s-sure.”
The words left your mouth and you bit your lip, watching as Jimin came closer, settling on the bed next to you.
“Turn around.”
Jimin’s voice was deep and it caused you to shiver even though you were already dry.
You gulped and began to move your body around, giving Jimin a full view of your back wrapped up in the towel, and he choked back a groan.
Your breathing began to speed up and you couldn’t understand why. You knew what this would look like if Jungkook walked in, and that thought made you clench your legs, feeling only a little guilty.
Behind you Jimin closed the lotion bottle, his hands lathered in the substance. He gulped again, before he placed his two hands along your smooth back, beginning to rub between the shoulder blades and along your mid back. He felt himself grow a little in his jeans as he continued to smooth onto your skin.
Jimin’s hands felt good. They were rough and thicker than Jungkook’s, who’s hands were smaller and soft, and the feeling of his hands on your back cause you to moan a little bit, you couldnt help it.
Jimin’s skin burned when he heard the small sound come from your mouth, and he was more than halfway hard. He gulped again, testing the waters as he began to rub the lotion down to your hips, opening up the towel a little bit.
You felt his hands venture and didn’t say anything, you felt too good, Jimin’s hands were like magic and you couldn’t understand why you weren’t telling him to leave. All thoughts of Jungkook were barely playing into your thoughts, Jimin’s hands were pushing the memory of him further and further back.
“D-do you wanna lay down for me?”
Jimin’s voice caused your body to stiffen, his hands had felt so good. His offer to lay down was tempting, you knew you shouldn’t. You couldn’t. Jungkook could be back home any second. You didn’t know why Jimin was doing all this, but it felt so right.
“Yeah.” You breathed out, you couldn’t give any reason for it other than you wanted to, so badly.
“Good girl.” Jimin breathed against your neck, causing you to groan. This was going fast. You didn’t know why you weren’t stopping it. You wanted it to continue. You vowed you’d stop it if it went too far, but you had a feeling it was already there and neither of you made any move to stop.
You turned around, meeting Jimin’s eyes for the first time since he started rubbing your back, and something was different. Jimin wasn’t the same Jimin as before, and you couldn’t help at the pooling feeling in your tummy.
Before you knew it, his mouth was against yours, his lips were soft and intense and you found yourself kissing back. Your head was going dizzy from the sudden contact, Jimin’s kiss knocked the air out of you but you couldn’t tear away from his lips to breathe.
His hands came up around your neck, holding you there lightly, you were being lightly pushed back, and you knew where this was going and you wanted it to happen more than anything.
He pulled away from your mouth, allowing you to drink in air for a few seconds, looking at you with hungry eyes.
“Is this okay?”
You couldn’t nod faster.
Jimin’s mouth was on yours again, lying you down on the bed, your towel unwrapping naturally, you both knew this wasn’t okay, but you couldn’t stop.
He kissed you with voracity that you had never felt kissing Jungkook, your stomach was turning flips and it was all brand new and it felt so good.
He kissed down your neck, sucking on the skin as you grabbed at his shoulders, letting soft moans intermix with the dim light in the room.
“Y/n.” Your name rolled of his tongue, causing you to squirm under him.
“You don’t know-“ He began, peppering kisses as he began to lower himself on your body, taking your one of your breasts inside his mouth, making your body tense. “You don’t know how long i’ve been waiting to do this.”
Something about Jimin maybe thinking of doing this to you in the past made you moan out loud, shutting your eyes in ecstasy as he continue to nip and suck at your breasts.
“Jimin.” You moaned, feeling him swirl his tongue along your tummy, he was moving down very fast, desperation is his kisses.
He licked a stripe along the skin right above your clenched thighs. His hands came up roughly to grab at them, pulling them open and causing you to moan.
“I’m gonna eat you out.”
You couldn’t say anything other than a light moan, Jimin was taking all your energy and you felt amazing.
He kissed the skin around your thighs, licking in all the crevices around your slit, you were the desperate one now. Bucking your hips up, Jimin smiled, he was so happy to see you enjoying it as mu h as he did, enjoying it as much as he had fantasized you would.
Finally, finally, he let his mouth swipe quickly over your slit, he had wanted to taste you so bad, and as his tongue ran over you, you jolted, Jimin’s tongue was working on your clit now, flattening and flicking at it, causing you to jerk from the pleasure.
“Fuck.” Jimin mumbled against you, his plump lips planting some kisses on you before he started to lick again. “It’s not fair.”
You didn’t ask him, partially cause you couldn’t find the words as he licked inside of you, but Jimin found it unfair that Jungkook got to do this to you every night, he got to lick you and kiss you and Jimin didn’t.
He sucked on your clit with more enthusiasm, his hand reaching down to find your entrance, and he groaned at how wet you were.
“I’m gonna put a finger in.”
“Please, Jimin.”
He slipped in easily, curving his fingers along your walls as you clenched around him. His lips never moving from you clit. You felt too good, Jimin’s fingers and mouth were becoming too much, the familiar burn at your stomach causing you to moan even louder.
Jimin was attractive, of course he was, of course you had thought of him in this way, it was natural, but it was happening and you couldn’t figure anything out. Why? How? When? You were clueless. But you could only moan at Jimin pumping his fingers in you, his plump lips sucking and his tongue toying with your clit, and you bit your lip. This was bad. Very bad.
“Y/n.” Jimin said your voice, mixed in with a long guttural moan as he licked at you, his hips still snapping against the bed.
You shook your head again, unable to control the way your stomach began to tighten, you wanted to come now, you needed to, Jimin had you far too gone to think it through.
“Jimin.” You moaned, causing him to groan again.
He quickened his fingers and his tongue, switching between french kissing your clit and sucking on it and you moved your hips against his face as you felt your tummy warm.
“J-Jimin...” You let out a breathy moan, still causing him to reply back to you in the same way.
“You wanna come?” He asked against your clit, and you nodded, unsure if he could even see you.
“Let me hear you say it.”
You froze up, whining as you felt his tongue and fingers stop, and you tried to rock up against him, but his other hand firmly held your hips down as he glanced up to look at you.
“Admit you want me to make you come. And I will.”
You stared at him, unsure of what to do, but you felt your orgasm fleeting away, and you wanted it right now more than logic could explain.
“Jimin I...” You started, trailing off as he watched you.
“You can do it.” He said. You weren’t sure if it was him reassuring you, or stating something, and you couldn’t help but stare at his lips as your heat began to pool more and more.
“Jimin... please. Make me come.”
Jimin smiled, his heart quickening as you spoke those words, he wanted to pass out hearing you say it, he couldn’t wrap his head around it, but he had said he would make you come, so he dipped his head again.
You threw yours back this time, moaning with relief as Jimins tongue found your clit again and his fingers starting pumping with a curl inside of you, a tear began to well up in your eye, you didn’t understand why this felt so good.
“Oh my god.” You whispered, feeling Jimin’s fingers and tongue work it’s magic, your vision was going cloudy and your stomach was burning again and you could feel you were close.
“Fuck, y/n.” Jimin groaned inside of you, “you’re so tight around my fingers, so warm.”
You heaved your chest at his words, Jungkook never talked to you like that.
“Your pussy is so pretty, y/n. It tastes so good. Fuck, I want to do this forever.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, his words sending waves to your bottom half, and you could only moan against him.
He began to brush up against your g spot, causing you to recoil from the pleasure as he assaulted you with his tongue, his fingers never wavering in pace.
You felt your stomach tighten, you knew you were close, you couldn’t escape your orgasm, it was coming and Jimin even knew it, opening his mouth a little wider to swallow any stray juices, and you couldn’t make out a clear sentence as the feeling of your orgasm began to wash over you.
“Come... I’m gonna...” You got that out, before the feeling hit you, and you slammed your head against the headboard, barely hearing Jimin as he helped you ride out your orgasm.
“Yes y/n, that’s it, come around my fingers. You look so fucking pretty when you come, shit.”
You stopped breathing for a second, squeezing your eyes as your body convulsed against your will, shuttering as waves of pleasure left your body, leaving you limp as you tried to regain your breathe, feeling Jimin’s tongue still lap at you, drinking in the juices you had emitted and you hissed.
You opened your eyes now, your orgasm creating a buzz around your body, as you felt Jimin pull away from your pussy with a pop.
He stared up at you and you stared back, staying that way for a bit.
“I’m sorry.” He spoke the same sentence from earlier, except it was small and meek now, he sounded upset, and you watched him as he moved himself from the bed, and you didn’t know why you felt sad watching him go.
He pulled up and away, and that’s when you noticed the tent in his jeans as he smoothed his hand against the fabric, your body still teeming.
He began to walk away, fast, and your voice spoke up before you could understand why.
He stopped dead in his tracks, not turning around to face you.
“Jimin come here.” You didn’t know what you were doing, but you sat up and patted the bed, still basking in your own afterglow.
He turned around sharply, his eyes bulging as he walked up to you, and you saw him gulp.
“i’m-“ He tried to apologize again, but you held up your hand.
“Let me help you.” You looked at his mound, and you watched him choke out a groan.
“No, you don’t have to-you can’t.” Jimin watched your face, confused.
“I want to.” You didn’t know what you were saying, but any thoughts of Jungkook and any consequences had been pushed far away into the back of your head, you wanted Jimin right now, you wanted him, he was new.
He walked up to you anyways, even if you could see the apprehensiveness on his face.
You couldn’t pinpoint why you wanted to do this for him, but you did.
He stood in front of you, his mound level with your face, and you stared up at him for a few seconds, before reaching out and cupping him in his jeans, and he bit his lip.
Jimin watched you with wide eyes, gulping as you began to rub him through his jeans, switching between looking at him and looking at his bulge.
“Y/n... Fuck.” He moaned once you grabbed him harder, placing an open mouthed kiss against his jeans, wetting the entire thing. You couldn’t understand why, but you wanted Jimin. It was like months of ignoring him were coming up to smack you in the face, you were Jungkook’s girlfriend, you kept yourself in line. But jimin had crossed that line, and now you were too far gone to think about any consequences that might be had.
Jimin suddenly reached out to grab the back of your hair, wrapping it in his hand, and he pulled your head back roughly, and you liked it.
“I don’t want to come in my fucking jeans.” Jimin growled, and you gulped, his nervousness completely gone as he reached down with his free hand to do undo himself from his belt, quickly shedding his pants and kicking them downwards, his boxers following with it. His cock sprang free from its cage, and you gasped a little.
He was much, much, thicker than Jungkook, about the same in length. He had one long vein running through the underside, and his head was pink and throbbing, twitching on its own as you stared at it. Jimin smiled as he watched you, content in your reaction.
“Say ah.” Jimin teased, watching as you looked up at him with wet eyes, before quickly stretching out your lips, and Jimin’s eyes sparkled even more at your willingness. Things went a lot better than he had planned for tonight.
He leaned in, holding his cock with the hand that wasn’t in your mouth and smacked the tip against your tongue that was protruding it. You moaned a little, feeling Jimin start to slide his length along your tongue, before starting to slip his entire length inside you mouth before you had time to react.
“That’s it Y/n, take all of it inside.” He hummed, watching as you closed your lips around his length, your hair still wrapped in his hands. Jimin’s cock felt snug in your mouth, tasting like salty skin, and you could smell the leftover cologne wafting over from his button up, causing you to groan a little bit.
“Fuck.” Jimin started, moving his hand to cup at your chin as he slide his cock in a little more, starting to get dangerously close to the back of your throat.
You hadn’t moved the entire time, instead letting him adjust his cock inside your mouth. You pulled your head back a little bit, out of instinct, and Jimin growled.
“Don’t move. You’re gonna let me put my whole fucking cock inside your mouth and you’re gonna say thank you afterwards. Got it?” His tone shot directly to your stomach, causing you to clench your legs, but you could only blink up at him.
“Answer me.” His hands pulled at your hair, causing more of a shock, and you hummed an answer around his member, seemingly pleasing him.
“Good girl. Now open wider.”
Jimin started to push himself inside of you, his length causing your lips to tear a little bit from the lack of preparedness, but that only made your panties pool more.
He pulled his hips back once he got a good portion of his cock inside your mouth, and he began to slowly snap his hips inside your mouth, you flattened your tongue against his length as he went in and out, causing his hand to tighten in your hair and his fingers to hold your chin a little tighter as he groaned.
“You’re a good girl aren’t you? Taking my entire length inside your mouth, letting my cock in the same place you kiss Jungkook with.”
The mention of jungkook you thought, should have had you feeling something, something like guilt maybe. But you only felt more arousal, and you found yourself humming an answer to him around his length while he continued to move his member inside your mouth.
“Are you gonna let me come in your mouth baby? Come all inside your mouth, so you can kiss Jungkook later on? He wouldn’t even know. But I would. Fuck.” Jimin groaned, continuing to hold your head in place as he pumped himself in your mouth, your throat felt numb but you didn’t care, you didn’t want this to stop.
Jimin’s hips began to still, his moaning increasing and decreasing randomly, he was close to coming. He wanted to come inside of you. He needed too.
Before you knew it, Jimin pulled himself from inside your warm wet mouth, causing him to hiss when his cock hit the cold air of the room. He watched as a trail of saliva left your mouth and trailed along the head of his member and he groaned.
“Turn around.” Jimin barked out, letting your hair and chin go, finally letting you move your head as you gasped a little from the lack of air you had been getting, watching as he moved to hop on the bed with you. You couldn’t help but stare at him, he looked amazing, his features blending in with the dimness of the room, his blonde hair messy now and his lips red from biting them. You could only blink.
“I said turn around. We don’t have time for this.” Jimin said sharply, and you found yourself nodding for no reason, turning around on the bed immediately and feeling Jimin’s hands come up to grasp at your hips, hard and firm.
“Lift up your ass. I’m gonna fuck you now.” Jimin announced, and you didn’t care, you just wanted him inside you, you wanted more.
“Please Jimin.” You didn’t know what you were begging for, but you wiggled your ass as you felt him adjust himself behind you, and Jimin gulped.
“You’re so fucking...” Jimin let his sentence trail off, unable to finish as he ran his hands along your ass, you were beautiful. There was no other words to describe it.
“Jimin.” You moaned again, feeling him rake his hands along your back and bottom, your wanted him inside you, you were getting antsy.
“I know.” He supplied, he was getting antsy too. He didn’t know what time it was, but he had been in your room for at least 30 minutes, he needed to use his time quickly.
“Lift your ass up more, baby.” Jimin demanded in a softer voice and your complied, letting your hair drape over your face and around your shoulders as you felt him grab your hips in earnest.
He wrapped his hand around his cock, and gently brought it to your entrance, letting it softly run between the folds of your wet slit, and you found yourself humming and rocking back against him.
“Fuck.” Jimin bit his lip, watching as his precum spread with your juices, he wanted to clean it off you right then.
He held his tip against your entrance then, softly starting to push in. Slowly.
“Jimin. Please. Inside.” Was all you could muster, your skin hot as he toyed with you, and you could almost see the smirk on his face.
“You want me inside of you?” Jimin started, his cock twitching at your entrance. “You want me to fill your little pussy up? You want me to fuck you and come inside of you? Let your pretty little hole get filled with my come, is that what you want baby?”
Jimin’s words were hitting your hard, and you were so desperate for anything you began grinding at the air, and Jimin laughed again.
“Yes, yes Jimin I want that. I want you to come inside of me.” You moaned, head bent over as you felt his cock still only play outside of your pussy.
“Ask for it nicely.”
You bit your lip, and hesitated. You didn’t know why, you knew he’d do anything he asked of you in this moment.
“P-please Jimin, please put your cock inside of me and come. I want to feel you come inside of me, please. Please.”
Your voice was ragged and that made Jimin groan, he couldn’t believe he had you like this right now. He was basking in it.
“Since you asked so sweetly.”
And then his cock was buried to the hilt inside of you, taking you by surprise and causing you to squeal, the feeling of him stretching you out burning but you were to abuzz with pleasure to care.
“Oh fuck.”
Jungkook never felt like this.
“You’re so fucking tight. Holy shit. Does Jungkook’s cock even reach your pussy?” Jimin half joked as he felt your walls tighten around him, slick wetness glistening as he began to thrust.
You only moaned, you couldn’t understand how Jimin could still be talking. You couldn’t even form words, but Jimin was doing enough talking.
He let his hips pull out of you before thrusting back in. You couldn’t help but note how different and great he felt inside of you. He felt right.
His cock was throbbing inside of you, the slight curve on it making you clench your toes.
Jimin watched his member make its way in and out of you, and he couldn’t catch his breath or control his heart rate, he had thought about this for so long, it felt surreal.
“Does this feel good baby? Hmm?” Jimin leaned down, his lips coming to kiss at a sensitive spot on your back, causing you to moan, his hips never faltering.
“J-Jimin, yes. It feels so-so good.” That took you long to get out, and Jimin noticed, smirking lightly against your skin.
“You feel so good around me too baby. Fuck. I can’t believe i’m in you right now, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.
You moaned in response, you hadn’t known how long you wanted this either.
Jimin’s length continuously snapped inside of you, and you could feel your toes go cold from the feeling of him brushing against your g spot, making your eyes water.
“J-Jimin... I-....” You couldn’t form words, gasps overtaking you as Jimin held onto your hips tighter, snapping into you harder, sweat beading on both of your foreheads.
“Yeah y/n? You gonna come all over my cock? Fuck. I wanna come inside you y/n. I wanna fill you up and just know I marked you up. Fuck.”
Jimin’s teeth gnawed at the skin on your neck now, and you felt your eyes roll into the back of your head by instinct. Everything felt too good.
His hips sputtered, his throbbing length starting to hit exactly at your spot, and you found yourself screaming into a pillow, you couldn’t help it, Jimin fit perfectly inside you, he felt right.
“Holy shit.” You managed to get out as you got closer to your second orgasm, you couldn’t believe this was happening, you never got a second orgasm with Jungkook, let alone a vaginal orgasm. Your head was spinning.
“Y/n, fuck, I’m gonna come soon.” Jimin groaned, and he was. Seeing you bent over for him, screaming into a pillow, your walls clenched around him, he wasn’t going to last much longer.
You couldn’t answer him though, already at the verge of your second orgasm, and you could only go quiet, mouth gaping as you felt the same familiar cool feeling wash over your body. You clenched around Jimin, hearing him moan behind you spurring you on as your second orgasm completely wrecked your body.
“That’s right Y/n. Such a good girl coming on my cock, you’re so amazing.”
You felt your walls tighten against Jimin’s cock instinctively, but you couldn’t do much more for Jimin as he continued to fuck into other than lay there. You’re last orgasm took breath away from you, you couldn’t even see straight.
“Ah fuck. You’re squeezing me. Im gonna come Y/n. I’m gonna come inside you, you’re gonna be filled up with my cock while Jungkook’s away, on his bed, you’re such a bad girl.” Jimin thrusted in you a few more times, his heavy breathing music to your ears. “I’m- fuck. I’m coming.”
You suddenly felt warm spurts of Jimin’s come milking itself inside of you, you moaned at the feeling, you wanted every drop inside of you. You couldn’t explain why.
Jimin only moaned and stuttered as he came inside, his come leaking out only a little from your pussy. He couldn’t see straight either, his head was fuzzy, he had just come inside you and he couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.
He pumped lazily into you a few more times, making sure all his come was inside of you, before you felt him come up and kiss against your neck sweetly.
He pulled out of you slowly with a slight hiss, his soft member completely milked. You felt him slide your towel back around you, the fabric connecting with the come he left inside of you going sticky.
He crawled off of your back, letting his arms grab at your shoulders and gingerly placing you on the bed, you were too weak and let him.
You stared into his eyes as he kneeled on the bed now, only his t shirt on as he watched you watch him. It was quiet.
Jimin’s guilt began to wash over his face, and you could tell.
“Y/n, I’m.... I’m so sorry.” It didn’t sound like his other two apologies, this sounded... genuine.
You blinked your eyes, you didn’t understand why you didn’t care, you didn’t want him to be sorry.
“No. I... I liked this.” You didn’t know what that meant, and Jimin cocked his head at you.
“You liked this?”
You shrugged at him. You didn’t know.
“I’m such a bad friend.” Jimin rubbed at his eyes, oh that was right, Jungkook.
You didn’t know what to say to that.
“I’m a bad girlfriend.” You spoke. Realizing what just happened.
“I’m sorry, y/n.”
You both stayed silent for a bit, before Jimin finally got up, grabbing his boxers from the floor.
“I-This won’t happen again. I swear. You can tell Jungkook, I can tell him. I screwed up-“ Jimin was rambling, and you found yourself grabbing at whatever energy you had to sit up and tug at his shirt.
“I don’t know what happened. But it felt good Jimin. It felt very good. I know you felt it too.”
Jimin gulped, buttoning the last button on his jeans before he turned to face you.
He knew what you were talking about, it felt too good. It felt better than anything he had ever felt before.
“I-but Jungkook. You two are in love.” Jimin interjected, and you winced.
Did you love him? You weren’t sure. He had said it to you already, but you hadn’t said it back. You enjoyed his company. You liked him, yeah. But could you say love?
“I like him, Jimin.” You mumbled, watching his face carefully.
You bit your lip.
“I...  I like you too.”
Jimin caught his breath at your words.
“Y-you do?”
You shut your eyes, running a hand through your hair.
“I felt something Jimin.”
“I did too. I didn’t want to say it.”
You continued to stare at each other. Unsure of what to do.
You opened your mouth to talk, before he distant sound of a car pulling in the drive way made you and Jimin burst into a cold sweat.
“Fuck. I gotta go y/n, I... Here.” Jimin grabbed your phone that was on the nightstand, quickly handing it to you to unlock, and he tapped his number in, just as two car doors shut, and you gulped.
“Text me.”
You nodded, watching as Jimin stood there for a second, staring at you, before the sound of Jungkook’s car honking as it locked brought you both out of it.
He tapped his foot, watching as you still stared up at him with doe eyes. Leaning down, he placed a small kiss on your lips, and you felt electricity zap through your body when you remembered it was the first time you touched your lips to his this sweetly.
Jimin stroked your cheek, hearing the boys walk up to the front door, and he had to force himself to turn around, not wanting to leave yet.
“I have to go.” Jimin said, you nodded.
Watching him leave, he shut the door behind him, shooting you a small smile as he went his own way, and you stared at the door after he was gone.
The front door opened, just as Jimin’s own door closed, you could hear Jungkook in the distance.
You remembered you were still full of Jimin’s come, and you sighed as you began to get up to go wash yourself out again before Jungkook came in the room.
You waddled and shut the door to the bathroom, staring at yourself in the mirror for a second, phone in hand.
Jimin’s number was padded into your phone. You had never had it, and now it was saved, and your heart jumped a little bit.
You sat on the tile of the bathroom, not ready to completely wash the night away. Fiddling with his contact information.
You didn’t know what you felt, but whatever happened tonight scratched the surface of it. You heard Jungkook and Tae loudly talking in the living room, drunkenly.
Too many emotions filtered through you, you felt good, you felt bad, you felt emotional.
Jimin... Park Jimin.
You lowered your eyes to your lock screen. A selfie of you and Kookie, and your stomach twisted a little.
You let the confusion wash over you as you went to turn on the shower, blinking your eyes and trying to remember the ways Jimin touched you.
The steam filled up the bathroom quickly, and you sat down in the tub, legs weak still.
You had never felt more confused in your entire life.
In another room, Jimin laid in bed, wide awake as he stared at his ceiling.
He had felt it too.
He wanted it to happen again.
He wanted you. Over and over again now.
But still, at the same time, he had never felt more confused in his entire life either.
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bigfuckingteeth · 8 years
god its been a while 
im sure nobodys reading here so lets do this . i just need to write a lot out . 
heres a timeline : march 2016 i irreversably fuck up my relatoinship to the most important person in my life, who proceeds to not communicate with me at all for four months 
april 2016 i get kicked out of my parents house again and have nowhere to go, since normally when i got kickd out i would hang out with f but . we werent speaking so i couldnt so i decided to go kick it w someone who lived far away bc i didnt want to be in issaquah where my dad might find me . bused to snohomish and staid with s for a week . we got irrevocably involved . did a lot of drugs and fucked in the forest a lot it was awesome . no going back 
summer 2016 i,m still estranged from f and am extremely bitter so figure i should just cut my losses and let him leave my life . i decided the person to fill the void he leaves is going to be s . 
august 2016 s and i move in together , by this point ive come to terms wit the fact im in love with s
fall and winter 2016 i somewhat regularly talk with f and see him like twice , we both agree we want to fix what we did wrong and be friends again but its more like.. we only bring that up when incredibly stoned like ‘shit man remember how good we used to be lets do that again’ then wed sober and not speak about it 
feb 2017 . all caught up . f is alone and takes four hits of acid bc why the hell not and we stay up literally all night talking on skype. we both decide to be mature about things , no more sarcasm and bullshit and not saying what we mean so we said a lot of things we do mean . and i always knew those things were true on some level but seeing him say it made it real . we’re in love with each other on a cellular level and we want to start like ... Doing something with that . 
which is cool and all but i have s in my life now . normally not a problem - we’re all poly . but literally all of s’s exes cheated on it/abandoned it to be with other ppl and it is extremely paranoid that i would leave it and is not comfortable with me being in a serious relationship with someone else . if i try to explain that to f hes gonna say s is being unreasonable and manipulative . if i try to explain the nature of f and i’s relationship to s its going to have a paranoid breakdown and be convinced i dont love it anymore . 
there is literally nothing i want more in life than to have a serious relationship with f . ive wanted that for years . i am absolutely wiling to lie to s about f and i’s relationship but i really dont want to it makes me feel like such an asshole but honestly. im not going to let anybody tell me how to interact with the most important person in my life . i fucking love him so much and i know together we could do incredible things and at the same time i love s so much and love living with it , these past few months have been wonderful and with s im a better person, im happier and so fulfilled, and its had such a horrible life i want to take care of it and help it actually .. enjoy being alive . 
this is so fucking stupid i never thought this would happen lmao, i never thought id be in some bullshit love triangle bc i ppersonally dont have any problem being in multiple serious relationships i never thought i would end up with somebody who wasnt comfortable with that its so stupid and i dont know what to do . i want to be as close to f as possible and really .. i cant do that if s is in my life. but i love s so so much and want it in my life this is all so fucking stupid im frustrated and want to die there are literally only two ppl on this shitty planet i care about and now theyre unknowingly making me choose between them like i just want both ? i just want to be able to love thm both without making anybody uncomfortable or paranoid or scared but i literally see no way of doing that , and IM paranoid about bringing this up to f bc im scared hed convince me to leave s idk if that would actually happen, or conciously happen, but i know f and idk .. if you want something badly you do fucked up things sometimes im scared to bring it up bc i love him and he has so much influence over me still and i think he think s isnt good for me , all three of us have hung out together during a time when s was going through A Lot of shit and did some bad things (it literally wasnt s tho .. thats a whole nother story but i know it literally wasnt s doing those things ..... okay i just have to put it here  put it somewhere but it did rape me at least once that i can remember its body did, s didnt do it but its old dead self that still is in its head did fuck i dont even want to think abut that fuck
like i know how paranoia is and i know that even if s told me it was comfortable with me being with f it rlly . wouldnt mean that . s would absolutely lie to make me feel better bc i know it wants the best for me to and is willing to sacrifice its own wellbeing for that , thats not what i want !! thats not what i fucking want but i feel like if i ever explained the extent of f and i’s connection to s it wouldnt be able to trust me andd would always be scared id leave it fuck fuck fuccckk god fuck smash my head in with a fucking rock i hate this 
so many things in my life have gotten better recently but now this bullshit , i need to navigate this bullshit and i dont know how i just want to be able to love without worrying about shit im so tired i want to cry i just want f in my life so so badly hes been gone for so long and i miss him i feel like weve missed so much by not speaking for so long , i need to catch up with him im so fucking sad just im so fucking sad 
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frankthomas090-blog · 7 years
abby winter yoga - The New Angle On Abby Winters Lesbian Porn Just Released
In town for a bit on business, he wants to have some casual fun. 5 inches and THICK- his emphasis. Hes at the top end of length for my preference, but self describing it as thick got my attention. Sometimes theres just an instant connection or chemistry, drawing you in so fast with a new person you just kind of dance around the usual screening process.
Described his cock as 7. Average height, better than average build, green eyes. Hes my age, 31, but with the right combination of personality and body- I can look past it. Gimme that thick dick. This Ginger was respectful and straight to the point from the get-go on Plenty of Fish. Hes former Army- he had a pic up in his dress uniform. He sends me his number, we text briefly, and make the plan to meet that same day.
I appreciated his ability to be direct without being rude or vulgar. I like em young and hung! Also, I give it a 95% hes well endowed- orange is the new Black. At no point did he ask for nudes, or ask endless intimate questions- I give it a 50/50 chance of being a satisfactory encounter given our lack of communication beforehand, but I cant resist a Ginger to save my life.
He passed with flying colors. Im telling you, this isnt rocket science. I feel my lady business respond immediately. In our very brief texting we went over our Dos and Donts, as well as both agreeing we like aggressive AND passionate sex. Dont ever forget that.
The way hes kissing me I can already tell this will likely be a very good encounter. " Its early afternoon, what a great way to spend it. Upon his arrival I am freshly showered, bed is made, and Im wearing t-shirt that says "MEETS OR EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. He sits next to me, we awkwardly exchange hellos, and then he moves right in to kissing me. Not overly eager, not sloppy, makes you want it right meow.
Hes not pushing my body down while shoving his tongue down my throat. He starts lifting up my shirt after pawing me and groping for the goodies- having discovered my nipples are pierced and briefly sucking them, its time for layers to come off.
He peels his layers off as Im taking mine off and comes right back to mauling me so expertly I couldnt resist. Hes kissing me like hes excited to see me, and hes real good at it. Hes maneuvering me onto my back while he takes a top position.
Moving his head lower he pulls my panties off but with such reckless abandon theyre still on my left leg. Good kissers are also known to be good lovers, from my observation. Youre taking your clothes off, too. I dont recognize the alphabet hes writing, maybe its Spanish.
The moment he kisses my thighs its all over. His eagerness to put his mouth on my slit is palpable. He didnt just dive face first into my nonsense salad- first he ran his tongue up my outer labia on both sides and it felt soft and gentle and GIVE ME MORE. Fuck God sounds totally different when Im cumming and yelling nonsense. Right around now is where I learned Im actually bilingual, but whatever language I was stuttering out can only be whispered or shouted; theres no in between.
Oh my god hes licking my asshole- I have sex Tourettes. Do you think Jesus and God can tell youre not swearing AT them? he pushes my legs up and licks up and down, then just down. I can barely take it, stretched to maximum capacity for comfort, and even then hes mildly uncomfortably large. And it consists mostly of very short, hostile sounding 4 letter words.
DONT STOP, DONT STOP, DONT STOP. Once he was done tracing and teasing I felt the warm, wet touch of his whole mouth open around my clitoris, moving his tongue in ways I cant imagine or describe. Holding my body close to his and pushing his hips up into me, my limbs instinctively wrap around him like a slutty octopus. His length is perfectly spot on- any longer and he just wouldve www.abby winters.com been too much.
GOD DAMN YOU HAVE A BIG DICK. Pushing my limits for size, I question if my lungs have enough room to inflate fully while hes all the way inside. Id put him right around 7 inches in length, my preference being 6.
With my pelvis lifted to the right level, hed shove his tongue in me as my insides start to contract with the orgasm. Literally cumming on his tongue. For sure hes wearing the biggest condom commercially manufactured, or a trash bag. My hips would buck but his arms would find their way around them and hold them in place, while my legs stretched upward trying to walk on the ceiling. We didnt transition out of missionary, he sat up and spread my legs wide while plunging into me with force and conviction.
He rolls on a condom and pushes himself inside me- my eyes rolled back so far I saw memories from my childhood. I sound maybe like a dying rabbit as my fingers pull his short hair and hold his head firmly in place. I didnt keep count, I was much too busy screaming his praises to the Gods.
He gets his and we collapse away from each other. As soon as I begin to cum, back go the legs, down goes the head, and hed ride my climax on his face. When I would start to climax, hed withdraw quickly and push my legs up around my head. He puts his underwear back on and Im guessing hes leaving now, sad times, but then he hops back onto the bed and I take the opportunity to snuggle up into his armpit and touch on his body while I bask in the afterglow.
He does this for every single orgasm. Im wrapped around him and mostly content. I cant get my mouth around it right, my hand doesnt wrap around it. Its awkward to handle, do I need a license? I feel like my certs are out of date because this newfangled cocktraption is just outside of my scope of experience.
Good Lord, who taught you to do that? I gift him my mouth because hes more than earned it. I could definitely go for more, but hes not some 20-something with endless stamina. He pounds away at me from different positions, I like him behind me because I like his stroke and how he braces himself by holding my hips down. Clearly he gets most of his satisfaction from pleasing his lady.
Im not going to argue, and somebody has been listening to my thoughts and dreams again because this man was made in a fucking lab just for me. The sun goes down around 4pm right now so thats not a good indicator either. what even is time, man. Im amused I come across that way- Im all about those afterglow cuddles.
Between our rounds we break for cuddles and snuggles- he confesses he assumed, from my profile on PoF, that he was to go after the first round and I wasnt much for affection or cuddling afterward. He enjoys the cuddles too, and doesnt like to just leave after a hookup unless thats her preference. Please me you thick dick Georgia peach!
Take care of your partner after you fuck them. He enjoys my head game but it just makes him want to fuck me. He gets off twice more and I have no idea how much time has passed. HOLD MEEEEEEEEEEE, pet my hair and tell me Im pretty. Fool I dont get to round 3 very often with men in their supposed prime, so whos more thrilled! Hes an intuitive partner and he reads my cues very well, plus he just wants to bring me all the pleasure.
Apparently he doesnt get to round 3 very often, and hes kind of thrilled about it. His size is intimidating and hes more shaped for vaginal feel goods. I like how he lays it down, and I like anal with the right partner. He admits hes never been able to have anal successfully, and I can understand why.
The way hes shaped, getting the head in is not the hard part- he gest wider towards the middle and base, like a fucking road cone. I dont doubt that hell follow my lead and respect my signals if things get too intense. The last time things started heating up Im on my belly and hes pressing the head of his monster cock on my asshole- Im doing word problems in my head about the likelihood of this being a good idea or not.
He apologizes for cumming too soon- I had to hold back my school girl giggle. He flipped me over and fucked me hard up until I told him to say my magic words. What a dear, sweet lover. He actually thought he owed me an apology after our FOURTH consecutive romp. Tell me you love fucking me. Ive got shit to do as well. 10/10 would fuck again.
I tell him point-blank Id like to see him again before he leaves, he happily agrees. We were unable to make it happen, he was just too big and we didnt do enough warmup, but I took about half of him before tapping out. He texts me asking what my plans are for the evening, as hed like abby winters galleries to grab a couple of beers and a late dinner.
Fast forward 24 hours. When posed with options like this, I always ask WHY NOT BOTH? I tell him Im going to shower and meet him at the restaurant bar near his hotel, he instructs me to bring my lube. I dont really do compromises. Or I could come over to his hotel room after and he could just fuck my brains out all night.
Maybe Id like to join him? In the time it took me to excitedly shower and keelhaul the warts off my body, my phone starts showing notifications of other interested men folk. The words fall out of his mouth and he explodes seconds later, to his own surprise. why end with a OR when theres always an AND?
He tells me I cant miss him at the restaurant bar- hes wearing a cowboy hat. (You thought that hyperlink went to the movie reference, didntcha? CANT TALK NOW, THICKEST DICK EVER WANTS TO TAKE ME TO POUND TOWN! Oh goody, I know what Im wearing later. Can honestly say hes a good one.
Test me, Ive got true grit. ) The company was great, hes fun to talk to. Cleaned up, its time for him to go he has things to do. As were leaving I ask how many Magnum XL condoms he has- he says 4. He confesses he doesnt generally have his lady spend the night because hes very affectionate and waking up next to someone hes spent the better part of the night pleasing, can lead to him having feelings.
We need to buy more, STAT. I feel like a teenager again. We talk about our kids, divorce, he tells me about his previous military experience, and what hes doing now. Rolling into Wal-Mart at that hour, with giant shit-eating grins on our faces, buying only condoms.
You think youre big, you aint big until you must have custom condoms. I get what youre saying, were gonna fool around and then I gotta GTFO. Sexy Ginger man with a good head on his shoulders and giant cock, somebody please snatch this man up quick haha or dont, and let him keep sharing that beautiful endowment with all the ladies.
Back to the hotel room, we barely make it to the bed and hes on me. Details from here are fuzzy, but he went down for ages and we fucked around in every position. Dont get it twisted; theres approximately 10 million condoms in my purse, but they wouldnt fit him. Remember, if youre hard to size on either end of the spectrum theres a UK company called TheyFit that you can enter your measurements into and theyll get you fitted with one of their 66 sizes.
We took a smoke break before trying www.abby winters yoga abby winters.com (linked site) again, and he tells me hes half Mexican. This perfect Ginger man is also a beaner. He was made just for me. While he was behind me licking and sucking my clit, shoving his tongue inside my pussy and my asshole, I hear the top of the lube bottle click. At some point I wore his Stetson when we come back inside, naked.
He positions himself at the backdoor and gently adds pressure until I whimper or tense up. Working together slowly, gently, following my vocal cues I take him to the base. Pushed to the hilt we pause. Its more than mildly uncomfortable, but if we take it slow itll feel great.
I can feel it cold and slippery, then hear him stroking it on himself. I swear to Kylie Minogue I cant make this stuff up. Im a little drunk- 3 drinks on a mostly empty stomach, Ill sit on your lap and call you Daddy if you want. He picks up the pace, we start talking dirty to each other. I have not been quiet at all during any of this, but now Im incapable of controlling the primal animal noises Im bleating into the bedding.
He was having some performance issues but was bound and determined to make sure I enjoyed our time as much as possible. I can feel him shaking a bit, hes going to cum soon. Its late, the booze and orgasms are sedating me.
Hes down close on me, wrapping his big hands around mine, entwining our fingers, crossing arms under my chin as he grinds into me. I tell him to withdraw slowly. I wake up hazily to roll over and his arms find their way around me again, hes a perfect big spoon. After several loud, amazing orgasms, he gets down close and pushes himself inside me all at once.
Rocking into me Im wrapped around him in my koala hug. Hes holding me and Im lost in it. I awake fully to him sliding down the bed, tossing my right leg over and burying his face in my morning pussy. Digging my fingers into his back and pulling his short hair, I dont want it to end. Im cold and reach for a sheet, he covers us immediately and Im back out like a light.
He slows down but hes plunging into me with the kind of force and quivering body that lets me know its now. Pushing my skirt up, pulling my panties to the side, he takes my box in his mouth and I hold on for dear life, staring up at the mirrored ceiling I get to watch myself almost cum in his mouth.
Morning sex was more passionate, and a bit briefer. Hes even kissing me with my dragon breath. We havent even hit the floor button yet. When we get to the ground floor we smoke together outside, recap our enjoyment with each other. My back hurts from how he so violently throws my legs back to eat my pussy while Im cumming, both my pussy and asshole are recovering from their respective stretching and beating, and Im walking on a broken toe.
We get dressed together, and he goes to walk me out but as soon as the elevator door closed he dropped to his knees. He tells me after two days with me, he wont be able to fuck for a week. God damn that was good. He reaches up, hits L, and continues his works. 10/10 would fuck any time. I am completely satisfied. This will happen one week from now, when he has free time again.
I scamper home to sit on frozen bags of peas, pound water, and cuddle all my pillows. tt/2i9A4Cy /u/DDfnord Link is directly to this story http://ift. This entry on my sex blog has hyperlinks, if youd like to see it in full I write on WordPress and the blog name is All The Dicks.
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Never again will i ever never be me
All my post were about a year or two into the relationship. You can see that I was insecure and unsure how to really take his actions was i wrong to think a certain way was I closed minded because I had never been in a relationship before this. I dont remember it being that harsh in the beggining and maybe thats because it got worse. I pretty much lived with him I never went home. We did everything together and I loved him so much and I thought he loved me and maybe he thought so to but it was a lie. Little things i did would piss him off to the point where he would ignore me completely. He started calling me stupid and useless. Sometimes he would ignore me for days. The worst part is he would play on my insecurities he would make me feel like I was just screwing up all the time when in reality it just wasnt the way he wanted it done. I tried to tell him how i felt but he said it didnt matter that the point was i had made him mad and i had to make it up to him but the way he wanted me to would always change to the point where I felt like i was literally jumping through hoops as he whipped insult after insult at me. If i got mad he would become angry, if i didnt console him and get over my anger by myself at the same time he would threaten to leave. He kept putting everything on me to the point where i truly believed everything was my fault. He became unemployed i started paying for electricity and bills, food...etc. He started talking to a girl and when i got insecure he made me feel worse by saying i didnt trust him that i wouldnt let him have friends. So i let him talk to her even though my instincts told me he liked her and she liked him and one day when i went to work he fucked her that day i felt something was up the shower had been ran it made me feel suspicious then he wouldnt let me touch him saying he had masturbated and his dick was raw...i even had a nightmare where he fucked her and i walked in on them and he consoled me reasurring me that he wasnt intrested in her do left it and he continued to talk to her. He tried to break up with me and broke down and told me and i forgave him I stayed with him...so stupid really. I lost more money in the place we were staying and then due to complications and an eviction notice moved in with my parents. For a while things were great we hardly argued and he was tolerant of any mistake i made just like i was to him as usual. Then he started to ignore me became frustrated at the tiny things people shrug their shoulders at. Expected me to sweep him off his feet everytime he became upset while he hypocritically shoved off my own feelings. I was all about him to the point of even though i lived with my parents i hardly saw them. I spent all my money on him I took him anywhere he wanted to go i cooked when he worked loved on him while he played video games it was never enough. He always said I never showed enough effort. When ever i tried to tell my side of an arguement he called it an excuse and a waste of time. Soon I had to change and he insisted i had to...he never looked in the mirror never wanted to hear my problems with him or things he did wrong only i had to change for him. He would belittle me to try to get me to change ignore me to teach me a lesson and at a few times used the chick he fucked to get inside my head and prey upon my insecurities. I tried to break up he came back and i still loved him. He tried to humiliate me in front of my family which outraged them and for awhile due to them lecturing him we were ok but apparently he wasnt satisfied. He just wanted to appease my parents he still wanted me to change and still refused to think about how he was treating me. I was walking on glass i had lost my confidence i just didnt want to make him angry mu goal everyday was just to have a good one and i never succeded once. Break and egg wrong, look at him a certain way, not apologize correctly there was always something. It got to the point where he admitted he was trying to fix me like i was broken...still i showed no effort in his eyes, and wasting time became his biggest pet peeve. Especially when it came to me trying to explain myself instead of making it up to him in the exact way he wanted me to. He tried texting the girl he fucked just nonchalantly and i became upset but he couldnt wrap his head around why why i wouldnt want him talking to the girl he had stabbed me in the back with. Made me feel bad like i should trust him and be ok with it that i was being closed minded. He didnt understand or didnt care. By now hed had a job amd had quit again he lasted almost two months then i was taking care of him againwhich i didnt mind i loved him. We went camping i was extremely excited it was a family tradition and i had been wanting to experience with him. Worst mistake of my relationship. He asked for a cig then because i dont like people smoking cigs he tried to love on me and didnt hear me when i said i loved him back. When he came back he wouldnt talk to me i cried and vegetated for almost the whole day. When i found out why he was being that way i tried to explain myself thinking if he knew he just hadnt heard me then he would get over it like i normal person...no he didnt believe me as tho i was some spiteful bitch bent on upsetting him and he didnt care excuses were a waste of time i had to make him feel better in the middle of the woods i didnt know what to do. He stayed mad then threatened to walk home if i didnt take him...like i was going to let him walk i had to tell my family we were leaving early after hardly spending anytime with them due to our fight...which to me was like saying fuck you to my entire family. I yelled at him the entire way home but he got what he wanted. He continued to be angry at me belittle me ignore me walk away from me and sometimes he would even mock my crying even when we went out with my mother something would go wrong and wed have a terrible time. I slowly became more and more frustrated and the onesidedness of it all...but i loved him. To him i just started to waste more time explaining things when i should be making him feel better. One day he made lentils and he wanted chips to dip and i didnt and emphasized that fact he proceded to throw chips into my soup and when i looked at him angrily because he had pretty much done the exact opposite of what i wanted something he complained so much about me doing he became mad himself and i had to get over the fact that he had pissed me off and kiss his ass. Which made me even more frustrated. Finally the day arrived we were making tuna sandwiches and i was growing more and more frustrated because he kept taking away the vegetables i was cutting because i wasnt doing it "right" i slowly became less enthused and quieter. Instead of acknowledging which to him is the first step in apologizing he became frustrated with me started asking me degradingly what the next step was and because i didnt know how he wanted it made i didnt know the answer he started to walk away i became panicked i had cracked the glass. I explained that i too was frustrated i wanted him to care he didnt he wanted me to get over it and console him feeling conflicted because i was angry myself and he didnt care i let him leave. He called me told me i was a selfish and stupid bitch going on and on insulting me telling me ge was thinking about leaving me over this shit...i began to cry i loved him he said i needed to figure out how to make it up to him he didnt care if i was upset as well. He mocked me for crying. All this time in the back of my head my past self is resurfacing going wtf and dont talk to me like that im not stupid this situation your ridiculous anger is stupid. So as he yelled at me again to figure it out or he would leave...i snapped i started shouting at the top of my lungs all the unfairness he started to tell me to shut up something he loved to do when i started voicing any opinion he didnt agree with at first i listened then i said fuck u i told him he needed to reflect on his own actions not only mine that he was a hyprocrite and selfish not only for not caring i was upset but also by walking away something i stopped doing for him cuz it upset him. I told him i wasnt stupid the fact that he gets angry over all these little things was ridiculous he as usual refused to listen. He said fine why be together at all and said it was over i repeatedly told him i loved him and i didnt want to end it like this he didnt care. He came got his stuff and left i texted him and called him probably 40 times pleading he come back because i loved him i didnt want to waste almost four years i missed him. And its sad because in two days i got over him in two days i became excited at all the things id get to do again now that i wasnt with him the freedom and happiness i felt now that i didnt have someone bearing down on me making me scared to make them angry or face a bad day. And the tuna sandwiches he made were disgusting. Im more myself in these few days then i had been in that entire 4 yr relationship.
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