#When i wrote that fic i was still in that stage of reading comics (and specifically bat comics in this case) and feeling like i should fit
misspickman · 1 year
Your transfem Tim fics are just SO amazing and moving to me and I love them so much. But I'm curious since a couple days ago you said your most popular ('by any other name would smell as sweet') isn't your favorite you've written- which one is, and why?
Thank youuu also hm i think its too mean to say 'literally any other one' bc i dont hate it or think its bad i just. Looking back i would change many things. Like maybe lower the amount of supporting characters in that fic. Paralytic states + crude and graceless are dear to me bc i think the levels of repression and tiptoeing around the issue comes through better and it takes tim longer to come to terms with it, and i think he'd be much more withdrawn about it/keep it close to his chest than i wrote it in that fic. Thats just the sort of stuff i changed my mind on as time passed and i thought about this hc more so u know it happens. Drowning lessons has a vibe i still really enjoy it feels kinda self contained? And hairline fracture is special to me bc its a part of a kind of complicated au im probably never actually going to write. So yeah im v fond of all of them for different reasons
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otherone12 · 17 days
Fuck Off!
Gerard Way × Reader
-> Masterlist
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A/N: Hey!! Well, i took too long to post this, 'cause I was busy with school shits. I hope u like it, anyway. And i want to say thank you for all of you who interact with my fics, you're fucking awesome <3
Summary: Your parents discovered that you’re dating Gerard, and they definitely don't approve of it, because of the way he acts on stage. Anyway, They ask you to bring him to meet them, you did… this end up in the worst way possible.
- Word Count: 2.200 (the longest fic I've ever written)
- Warnings: Legal Age gap (‘cause i love age gap <3) angst and confort; family issues;
- Ps: I'll not use y/n…
- Ps2: I'm brazilian, so english is not my first language ... sorry if i wrote something wrong.
1st Person POV
- Hello?
I answered the phone trying to figure out why my mom called me that late on a random monday… and she never calls me for nothing. Before I could get worried, she started to talk. 
- Hi, sweetheart! - She didn’t seem nervous - How are you doing? 
- I’m fine, I guess… - I said, confused -  is everything okay right there? 
- Yeah, your dad and I we’re great. - The calmness she has in her voice got me even more confused about the point of the call - Why?
- Well, you not use to call… So I got a bit worried. - I explained with some relief, but still curious - So… if everything is fine, why did you call? 
- Your dad was on his phone, reading some magazine, I guess. And he saw you in some headline photo. - She got really serious and I could feel the disgust on her way to talk. - You and a man… a man who was dressing like a cheerleader! 
My breath stopped for a second, I didn't know what to say. I keeped my boyfriend a secret ‘cause I knew that my parents would freak out if they found out. Gerard isn’t exactly the kind of guy my parents wanted me to date. 
- Mom, i-
I tried to say something, i wasn’t sure what, but i tried to stop her to keep pointing thighs she didn’t like about what she searched about him in somewhere. 
- AND i went to google and found out that he has the SAME AGE as your dad! - Her serious voice turned angry but not angry enough to get me scared  - Can you explain why you’re dating this guy, and why you did NOT tell us about it?!
Frozen with the accusatory tone and my fear that I would get scolded, even though I was an independent and responsible adult, I took a deep breath and thought as quickly as possible of the simplest excuse to get out of this conversation
- Mom, i knew how you would react, so i was waiting for the right moment to tell you and dad about me and Gerard… 
It clearly didn’t work.
- Well, the next weekend is the perfect moment to bring him here! - When I heard her say those words, I choked on my own saliva and my eyes widened. - So your dad and I could meet him. 
I got shocked. I definitely didn’t want them to talk with Gerard. They’re insensitive, and really rude with people they decide they don't like. My mom is just impolite and says she ‘has a strong personality’. My dad is nice, but he knows how to be a dick when he wants.   
- I don’t know… I'll ask him if he’s up for it, okay? 
- Fine, but if he said ‘no’ I would need to hear a good reason.
She was mad. 
- Sure… so, I'll text you as soon as I get his answer, mom. 
- Okay, sweetheart. I love you!
- I love you too, mom! 
I turned off the phone and breathed heavily, with my head in hands, desperately trying to not explode or something.
Holy shit. Now, I have to think of how I will ask him to go with me meet my parents that already hate him. And more, how will I act in front of them, knowing that no one will be comfortable with this situation?! I’m fucking screwed.
I walked into the room and saw Gerard layed on the bed, reading just to distract himself after a long day. He turned his attention to me the second I crossed the door, looking up from his comic and matching my eyes.
-Hey, sugar! - He said, lovely as always, but his smile disappeared as he looked more closely at my face, which showed concern - Is everything right?
- Hi, babe! - Kindest as possible, I was still thinking of how I could start - Well… I wouldn't say i'm ‘right’...
I sighed and sat on the bed, Gerard got close to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. 
- What happened, hun? 
His head layed on my shoulder and I felt my body getting warm, almost forgetting what I was nervous about.  
- Remember that show, where you brought me to the stage and said that we’re dating?
I spoke slowly, while caressing his thigh. 
- Yeah… - He sounded confused, but soon a small smile appeared on his face and he kept talking. - Was one of my favorite moments of our reunion tour… why?
I giggled, knowing it was one of mine too. I took a second to keep going, ‘cause I was remembering the way I felt on that stage. Loved. Not by a crowd, but by him. Back to reality, I got serious again.
- My parents saw the headline where we were kissing…
- And that's bad because…?
- Because they wanted me to date a man who doesn't wear skirts, and was my age.
I closed my eyes and held my breath, waiting for his reaction, but Gerard was totally fine with what I said.
- I get it… but why is this a problem? 
Sometimes, I wonder if he is that naive, or he just doesn't care about what people think.
- ‘Cause they want to meet you and-
Before I could finish, he put his head up and looked at me with such a confused gaze.
- Fair… but why are you that nervous?
- ‘CAUSE THEY AREN’T NICE, GEE! - I had a lot of things in my mind, and now, I felt blamed for screaming at him. With my hands on my face, I keep talking. - Sorry… Just… They will be rude and I don't want them to make you feel sad! 
- I’ll be fine, sugar… - His sweet voice confort me, while he caressed my back - I can deal with this, I’ve been doing this my whole life, actually. 
- Are you sure?
- Totally! Don't worry, my love. 
Gerard looked deep in my eyes and his cute smile got closer to my mouth, shocking with a kiss. 
 ***time skip***
The week passed normally, except for the growing nervousness that hovered and grew over my head as the weekend approached.
When the day of the visit finally arrived, I tried to remain calm. Put on my clothes, not too casual, but pretty, and Gerard did the same.
- Does this look good? - He asked, walking my way - I wasn't sure which jacket to choose... I always end up picking the green one, anyway.
- You always look good… - I get closer to him, pressing a kiss on his lips - No matter what you dress.
We smiled at each other, and got in the car, to drive to my parents house. 
I knocked on the door after seconds that seemed like an eternity, trying to remain calm. I maintained a somewhat forced smile as I squeezed his hand tightly and waited for someone to open the door.
My mother opened the door and grabbed me with a hug that I wanted at all costs to get away from. Don't get me wrong, I love her, but I definitely wasn't in the mood.
- Sweetie! I was waiting for you! You look so pretty!
She looked at me up and down, but looked like she was pretending that Gerard wasn't there.
- Hi mom! How long, right?
- yeah yeah, come in! - She signaled for us to enter, and I still held Gerard’s hand, guiding him inside. My mother closed the door and turned her attention to him. - Oh, and you must be Gerard. 
He greeted her and we sat down at the table, which was set.
To avoid the awkward silence, we began a quiet conversation, then my dad left the living room sofa and joined us at the table. 
- Hi, dad!
I said, noticing the looks of seriousness and annoyance he had when he sat down in front of me.
- How you doing?
I'm used to his kind tone, but I felt that something was wrong when he dropped this with his dislike tone. 
- Everything's fine. - Even though I was calm, I couldn't help but add my severity to my answer. And, like removing a bandage, I didn't think twice and mentioned what I knew was the reason for this rudeness. - Dad, this is Gerard, my boyfriend.
I held Gerard's arm and rested my head in it. Without breaking the eye contact with my father, i heard Gerard saying:
- Nice to meet you, sir. 
My dad gave him a deathly look, contrasting with Gerard’s hopeful countenance. I was waiting for the worst, but not prepared for what was coming.
- I wish I could tell you the same.
My stomach turned and I swallowed hard. I didn't dare analyze all the features around the table in detail, but the tension in the room didn't last long, as I broke it with a bang.
- DAD?!
We hadn't even started eating, and I already wanted to go home. Unlike me, who was clearly angry, my father remained calm, and with his typical air of superiority. Again, I didn't dare look at Gerard’s face.
- Sorry, but that's the truth. - the pride in his voice made me want to throw up. - Don't think that your mom and i we're happy with this.
He kept his voice low, but I'm not that calm.
- With ‘this’ what?
- Your “relationship” with him. - The way he said ‘relationship’, the contempt in his voice was just too much.  - I'm sorry, but I can't understand what you see in him. 
I got up from the table with my body overcome with fury. I couldn't take it, and neither would Gerard be forced to take it.
- He's perfect. In every single detail. He's kind, smart, pretty, funny, talented and most importantly, he loves me as much as I love him.
Gerard looked up at me, don’t giving a shit for what was happening, apparently, his only worry was keep me calm, so, he said:
- You can be sure of that. 
His smile helped me to calm down, but it didn't last long, ‘cause my mom came with a passive-aggressive sentence.  
- Honey, you know we don't think that you and him should be together, right?  
What really pissed me off was that I had some expectations. Deep down, I knew that the only reason for any type of invitation they had made was for the sole purpose of creating an uncomfortable situation.
- you could at least pretend… - I said, not screaming yet, but almost. - Remember that YOU asked us to come here, not the opposite.
When I thought I had put an end to the situation, my father raised his voice.
- And you could ‘at least’ chose a MAN to date, not this fucking fag!
Paralyzed, I stared at him with such hatred, and a scream came out, almost making the house shake.
- SHUT THE FUCK UP! - I was still standed up, so I walked toward my dad, pointing my finger to his face. - I'm done with this! After all, why did you invite us?! To make us feel bad about this? Guess what, I DON'T CARE and neither does he!
Gerard got up the second I stopped talk. I grabbed his hand and we walked fast through the door. My parents didn't bother to go after us, which was great, I didn't want to fight any more than I already had. My eyes were full of tears, we went to the car and I finally broke down. The wind hit my face, leaving me cold, but I was soon comforted by Gerard's arms around my body. 
- I’m sorry. - I started, still in his arms, with my voice choked from the crying I let out. - I’m so sorry. I knew that wasn’t a good idea.
Gerard passes his finger through my hair, caressing my back. As he kept his body pressed against mine, the guilt I felt for all this shit began to dissolve, but I kept crying. 
- That’s all fine, babe. I told you that I didn't care about this. And I really don't care. - He rocked me slowly while his sweet voice crossed my ear - And thank you for defending me, babe.
I looked up for him, with my arms still around his body and my chin in his chest. 
- It was the least I could have done after putting you through that.
He wiped the tear that ran down my cheek with the back of his hand, which remained holding my face.
- Babe, everything is alright. - He rolled his thumb on my cheek - I mean, for me it is… is it for you?
- I don’t know… - My feelings about what happened were a mix of regret and disappointment - I'm so mad with myself… like, why did i think this was a good idea?!
- Wasn’t your fault, by the way, you dealt perfectly fine with this situation. 
 One of his hands on my hips, the other moved my hair out of my face, then he tenderly kissed my forehead.
- Now, let’s go back home, okay? - His soft smile and bright eyes made my tears stop. - Then we can buy dinner, cuddle and marathon some Star Wars movies. What do you think, hun?
- I thought it was impossible, but I think I love you even more than I loved you seconds ago.
~That's it! hope u enjoyed. ;)
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morocosmos · 27 days
Writer Interview Game
Tagged by @arcaneoddity, tyyyy 💜
When did you start writing?
I noodled at an unfinished story or two when i was a kid (i drew comics a lot more tbh), the first fanfic i wrote was when i was 13 (it is consigned to ff.net, never to be perceived again). i started developing my writing during secondary school, we had to for english class but i genuinely enjoyed those assignments so much that it didn't feel like schoolwork lmao, it was smth of an outlet. i did write a couple of fics for other fandoms between 2016 and mid 2020, but in late 2020 FFXIV revived my desire to create, while @stellarfatalism and @lemoncakedesign's fics inspired me to actually start writing.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I read a much wider variety of smut than what i could be convinced to write. other than that i think they mostly overlap.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
@haillenarte, @rabbitprint and @sezja's fics have stuck with me the most in terms of "god i want to be able to write characters like this"....i've never been compared to another writer before, never even considered it and idk how i'd feel.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I was writing on openoffice at first, but their software has a tendency to crash when you press two keys too fast, for example when you. try to save your work. moved to gdocs to avoid that and so that i could continue working on fic on my phone, but i also use the notes app on there, mainly to get down ideas that i don't want running away or to write more freely. it's easier to be experimental and loose when i'm writing in notes, idk, whereas i prefer sitting at the desk and working on my computer when it's a longer fic or a more """important""" piece.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I've let it happen when it happens, for the most part. i was forcing myself to power through job around the time i really grew into writing, so i needed it to be a space where i wouldn't do it if i didn't want to. my feelings about that are more mixed now, because i'm a slow writer to begin with, and i can't help but wonder if more people would read my stuff if i updated more consistently. but i digress - the only time i've had to bring the muse in myself was for to sail your seas, and that was because there was accountability and a deadline. so i guess my most effective tricks are ADHD hacks and brainworms.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Until recently i didn't approach fic writing with themes in mind, when i get an idea it's usually about throwing a character at something and seeing what happens. that something tends to be another character, sometimes it's more existential like touch starvation. that said, i do have a WIP where i sat down and thought about what i want the themes to be before i know how it's going to pan out, but it's baby's first attempt so i don't have an answer to this question yet, really.
What is your reason for writing?
Processing things i know and exploring things i don't. when i got back into writing in 2020 it was extremely cathartic, i've burnt out on several creative pursuits over the years and having that spark come alive was, and is still very precious to me. i spent two years writing simply because i had ideas and a vice-grip compulsion to write them out. now that that's slowed down, i've started to think more about craft, and how i might try to hone that when i'm lowkey afraid of this stage of learning, and there's no formal institution to kick my ass into it. but in some ways, i think i write because i can't afford not to.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've been told by a friend that i'm good at continuity, which is nice considering it lines up with the obsessive approach i take towards trying to tie plot/character threads together lol. personally, i still consider descriptive writing to be my greatest strength. it's what i keep going back to, maybe because it was the first thing i discovered i was good at that wasn't influenced by someone else's decision.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I miss the honeymoon period when i thought my writing was the hottest shit LOL. that tapered off towards the end of 2022, but it's not like i think my writing is bad now, just that over time i became more aware of my shortcomings, and how much knowledge and experience i lack. i did have to fight a little to keep my relationship with writing from souring last year, but in hindsight it was more about frustration that i didn't have the energy to write (work burnout wooo) than a problem with writing itself. after a year plus of stalling and big fic projects i just want to have fun again, be a bit silly.
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heywriters · 6 months
For the fic commentary ask (idk if this is 500 words):
Standing in the darkened wings, suited in tulle and satin, our faces painted, we await our cue. We stand in an elongated row, the lead girl up front, nearest the stage, the last girl with her heels in the hall. I am four dancers back, head held high in a fixed pose as we are taught to hold; no relaxing just because we are not on display. I can see the lights beyond the lead girl’s head, but I cannot see the stage.
Above the music and the paces of performers already onstage, I hear a single footstep. My sister ahead of me does not hear it, my sister behind me does not hold her breath. I’m the only one who knows there is someone unexpected in the shadows with us.
The mildest glint of a metal knuckle and I stare straight ahead, my throat tight and my heart racing like a snared rabbit’s.
Seconds pass. The music swallows itself mournfully. The shadows squeeze tighter around me until—
I can feel his breath, but I do not look at him. When he moves I know better than to move, better than to distract him, knowing it’s like stepping out of the road when a vehicle hurtles by, it’s destination immensely more important than your own. So when the movement grazes my cheek I remain statuesque, but out of the corner of my eye I look.
His right hand made of flesh and blood touches my cheek, fingers gingerly tracing my cheekbone. They trace a curve down the side of my face and under my jaw, and too late I tremble. His hand still touching me, I turn my head incrementally to look into his eyes for an explanation, thinking this is a test, but really not thinking at all.
The eyes gazing back at me show no fury. They are not cold. They are not blank.
The Soldier is admiring me, and not with dilated pupils or calculating lust, but like he’s found a piece of art he enjoys, eyes following the trail of his fingers. I hold every muscle still just as I’ve been doing, watching his eyes as he drags his knuckles back up my cheek.
He hesitates. He sees me looking, and the admiration is drowned. His eyes portray a dilemma, a lost man, a little boy. He drops his hand and I look straight ahead, about to break a bone or strain a muscle from how tightly I hold myself in place. I hear him slip into the wings and I do not look back, but I listen, focusing all my attention on listening through the one ear aimed in his direction.
Our cue sounds, and we advance onto the stage, curtain rising, audience sighing. Throwing my attention into the dance, I forget the Soldier completely. Mind and body stay in the dance, senses stay on the audience, cues taken from fellow dancers, but the side of my face burns throughout the performance.
Author's Commentary
Wow. Not the fic I expected someone to pick, and also I forgot I wrote this, especially upon re-reading it (it's good?).
This scene came to me and was written down in roughly the same day. That's why the rest of the fic is so short, sadly. Spur of the moment, and it remains unfinished.
I picked 1st POV for Natalia because I had put myself in her shoes and couldn't imagine it from another viewpoint. Unfortunately, 1st POV is not popular for fanfic or fanon characters—I too dislike fics told from 1st POV. I really wanted to try it though and am not dissatisfied; it is what it is. Have frequently considered altering it to 3rd POV to make it more palatable to readers. Attempted to justify it by making these modern-day Natasha's recollections.
Key points to note:
Meant to exist in MCUniverse, not comics
This fic was inspired by another fic by...crap, I can't find it. I kept the vibes because they were good
I know almost nothing about ballet so I leaned on the canon understanding that the ballet aspect of her backstory was implanted memories and therefore could be fudged
I'm more of a Bucky fan than a Natasha fan, but both of them have such trauma, such stoicism, and above all repression to explore
Commentary by Excerpts
"Seconds pass. The music swallows itself mournfully. The shadows squeeze tighter around me until—" <- I really like this bit, wow. I don't remember what I was listening to when I wrote this, but I might have been describing it.
"I can feel his breath" Don't know why I wrote that, i didn't intend for him to be that close.
"When he moves I know better than to move, better than to distract him" Because both characters are essentially in a mind-controlled fog, neither of them really understands what is happening. However, Natasha has an advantage over "The Soldier." She lucidly assumes he must be there to execute someone, so both fear and duty compel her not to distract him.
("it’s destination" Typo! Writer, you cad. It's "its"!)
"The eyes gazing back at me...are not cold. They are not blank. The Soldier is admiring me...like he’s found a piece of art he enjoys, eyes following the trail of his fingers." Arguably, The Soldier is more tightly controlled than the Widows, having been tortured for decades longer than Natalia and being a greater asset to his handlers than her (also, different handlers, but that's another topic). So for him to notice Natalia, especially when she herself believes she's a ballerina, means there's a flaw in his programming.
I imagined WS had been on his way to do whatever he was ordered to do, only to see this really cute girl nearby and his inner, lost Bucky Barnes was like "huh, that's interesting." It's possibly the first time he's felt an emotion like this in a while too, so he forgets himself (did he know himself to forget himself?) and reaches out to see if she's real.
"He hesitates. He sees me looking" This is kind of the "only two people in the room" trope, but less in a romantic way and more in a "we were not supposed to see each other, much less make direct eye contact" type way. In that handful of seconds, they break through their programming together. But they cannot dwell on it.
("curtain rising" oops, no, I've already established the ballet is in progress, why would the curtain rise again? my bad)
"I hear him slip into the wings and I do not look back, but I listen, focusing all my attention on listening" For their safety, they return to their roles, but Natalia now has food for thought. Even though she tries to move on, she can't forget what she's learned: that the Soldier is trapped in his role as much as she is in hers.
Another layer to this that wasn't clear here is that he shouldn't be there at all. His presence is disrupting her conditioning. His brush with reality alters hers as well. By random happenstance, or perhaps "user error" on the part of his handlers, his small break in character has had a ripple affect on young Natalia. She will eventually be the first to escape because of this random, unsupervised moment.
THANKS FOR SENDING THIS! It was really fun to go over this, mostly forgotten, fic of mine.
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Scoop&Dreadwing's Excellent Adventure: Director's Commentary
Chapter 1: Sometimes I Can Still Hear His Voice
And thus begins the running gag of Dreadwing not remembering people's names correctly. There is nothing in canon that supports this, I just thought it was funny.
This chapter gets into "hey, so how DID Scoop join the Decepticons after Dark Cybertron anyways"
Writing Galvatron as a large ham was both very fun and completely in-character for him. Writing him as just rolling with Scoop showing up, is also I believe in character for him.
“What about you?” Dreadwing asked. “Why were you in this fight?” “Well, it was the end of the world,” Scoop said. “Everyone was going to die. What, was I supposed just sit there and panic about how I screwed up enough that things got to this point?” The last part seemed oddly specific. “Sorry,” said Scoop. “Nothing to do with you.” “Seems like it’s kind of putting the blame on yourself a lot,” said Dreadwing. He racked his brains trying to remember if Scoop had been involved at all at any stage of the process. “Not really,” said Scoop. “I was just…never mind.”
For those of you who are normal and haven't reread every scene with Scoop ever, Scoop is obliquely talking about Starscream here. In Dark Cybertron, Starscream does in fact panic about how he screwed up enough for things to get as bad as they did, and everyone's depending on him. Scoop is I believe the main voice in the comic telling him he screwed up - no I mean literally, Starscream visited Scoop in jail, he wasn't hearing voices (this time).
“All right, then,” said Dreadwing. He looked out over the flat plains and wished they had some kind of cover. They were the opposite of stealthy, right now, which was wrong and a violation of the natural laws of the universe. He was a stealth bomber, emphasis on stealth. He wasn’t made to stand outside on a featureless plain. And what was with that, anyways? It was like Primus had been short on time and budget when he’d made this part of Cybertron, and not bothered to fill it in.
The background art for Dark Cybertron in general was great, this is actually more of a dig at some of the bits of IDW2 which were, let's just say, very sparse with the background, and I was actively reading it at the time I was writing this fic.
I spent some time thinking about how exactly Shockwave would send the time travel ship plans to the past before going "sure why not, he can just send it to Dreadwing's brain, weirder things have happened". Don't think too hard about it.
Don't think too hard about how quickly the two of them teamed up either.
A lot of this fic really needed to be fleshed out, and this is visible starting in this chapter, where I have a very short scene that honestly really needed to be expanded on to make sense. Look, I had a deadline and I ran out of time due to chronic illness which is why I worry about doing any other fic events or exchanges in the future.
“You should put on one of those face things,” said Dreadwing. “You know, like that old coot who says he knew the Thirteen. Also lenses. And a fake nose. No one will recognize you then.”
The beginning of the moustache running gag. This was not in fact the first one I wrote, but it is the first chronologically.
Scoop looked like he was about to say something else, but his attention was caught by someone standing at the bar and he did a double take. “Sandstorm?!” The guy holding one end of a cabinet also did a double take. The cabinet started to slip from his fingers. “Scoop?!”
So one thing I really wanted to write about was Scoop and Sandstorm meeting up I'm going to go feral and chew my bookcases to shreds they were both in the Wreckers together!!! They both ended up in jail!!! They were both secret agents for Starscream!!! Scoop and his offscreen character arc that only exists in my head had so much relevance for Sandstorm and his!! Hot take the reason it only exists in my head is because there's no way Barber could ever write religion as having a positive effect on anyone Context on this: there's a reason I explained the high concept of this fic to people as "mad scientist's minion and ex-black ops soldier who found religion team up to build a time machine and save the space-time continuum" (yes I realize that's ignoring blackrock) (sorry blackrock). Because "ex-black ops soldier who found religion" really is just about the only valid explanation for how Scoop went from being in the Wreckers in Stormbringer to the :D altruist we meet in the leadup to Dark Cybertron. I'm going to make a post about this later, fear not.
“Sure, I can grab you some of those…insignia,” said the bartender. “Any friend of Sandstorm’s is a friend of mine.”
This whole bit I wrote at the last minute because I really needed to explain HOW they got the fake moustaches. I did end up lampshading "hey isn't this convenient". That makes it fine then, right? (lol)
“Gotta say,” said Rattrap. “Of all the things I expected to see here, you in a bad disguise did not make the list.” “Hello, Rattrap,” said Scoop. “Oh good, it’s a friend of yours,” said Dreadwing. Rattrap snorted. “Oh yeah, me and Scoop are real close buddies, right, Scoop? After all, here I am, not tryin’ to arrest you after you evaded justice.”
Canon SHOULD have given us any kind of resolution between Rattrap and Scoop but it did not. So I wrote it here lol.
Dreadwing pointed his very large gun at Rattrap. “What about now?” “Dreadwing!” said Scoop, stepping in front of Rattrap. “You can’t just threaten to shoot him!” “The fate of the universe is at stake here, Scoop! We need that nucleon! Also he framed you,” Dreadwing said, puzzled. “That doesn’t mean it’s okay to kill him, Dreadwing!”
Given some stuff in...some comics about ends justifying the means, I did want to make it a repeated element of Scoop's characterization that he would point out "hey you know what, that's still wrong". Also it's really fun to bounce off of Dreadwing.
“Dreadwing, you can’t just go around threatening to shoot people if they don’t give you what they want,” said Scoop. “Sure I can,” said Dreadwing. “It’s pretty easy.” “I mean it’s wrong,” said Scoop. “Well, yeah, but how else am I gonna get stuff if people say no? Not like I have any money, and while I am pretty sleek with great colours, I’m not so good looking that people will just give me stuff.” Scoop looked like he was trying to form a response to that when-
We interrupt this serious conversation about morals that brings up the conflict that would inevitably arise between these two because this is a crackfic. I do still want to rewrite that line about Dreadwing basically being like "I'm hot, sure, but I'm not so hot that I get free stuff", it's not snappy enough and it feels a little OOC.
“Hey, wait!” Dreadwing and Scoop turned to see someone neither of them recognized running up behind them. “Sorry, who are you again?” Scoop asked. “I’m Windblade, the cityspeaker,” she said. “What are you doing with all that fuel?”
This whole bit was one of the first bits I wrote after the prologue.
“Yeah yeah, what is it?” “We have a problem! The Decepticons are leaving! You’ve got to get back here fast! I tried to stall but-” “You’re kidding me, Galvatron’s ditching me? And keeping you? No offence,” he tacked on.
Yeah this makes no freaking sense in canon either. When I was, I don't remember if I was planning out the fic or if it was even before that, I was like "hey wait what is UP with this". WHY did Galvatron ditch Dreadwing on Cybertron? HOW did Galvatron ditch Dreadwing on Cybertron? WHAT was Dreadwing doing all that time he was on Cybertron??? It would have been incredible if he'd shown up in the Windblade comics, I had a vague fic idea about it that was hilarious, I'll have to dig it up later.
My Doylistic theory for what happened was that one of Barber or Griffiths forgot to add Dreadwing to any of the scenes of the Decepticons on Earth until it was too late and then Barber had to write around it. I don't have a theory on what actually happened re Scoop joining them.
On the topic of that, there isn't really a good spot if you look through the Dark Cybertron timing. The last time we see him is him sacrificing himself (he survives. obviously) along with Getaway and Starscream having an emotion about it. And Scoop, as I mentioned in this chapter, is supposed to go back to jail. SO he has to meet with either Rattrap or Starscream, get talked into becoming his agent when he was still kind of :/ about Starscream, and then find Galvatron and co and successfully bluff his way past Soundwave THE EMPATH to join the group.
It is really really hard for me to pick a favourite bit from this chapter. I love the comedy cuts between scenes especially but honestly the whole thing from them trying to plan right through the Windblade appearance...I really love it
But I think my favourite lines/exchanges are:
“You should put on one of those face things,” said Dreadwing. “You know, like that old coot who says he knew the Thirteen. Also lenses. And a fake nose. No one will recognize you then.” “Wait, do you mean Alpha Trion?” Scoop asked. Dreadwing shrugged. “He was purple but the stuff on his face was white?” “That was Alpha Trion,” said Scoop in a resigned tone. “You want me to cosplay as Alpha Trion.”
I didn't come up with ex-ticon but I did come up with this exchange:
“A Decepticon bar,” said Scoop, looking a bit askance at the askew “Grand Opening” sign at the door. “These guys all gave up and took off their badges,” said Dreadwing. “It’s an ex-ticon bar.” “That’s not a word.” “It could be!” “But it’s not.”
I love the mental image of Rattrap miming being Dreadwing. And Shockwave does look rather stupid in his altmode, I'm sorry:
“And you! How can you judge me when you’re working with the guy who tried to end the universe!” Rattrap said to Scoop. “For the last time, people, I didn’t know that’s what Shockwave was doing. And you know what? At least I got some cool stuff out of it, like magical healing. And getting to shoot Soundwave. What do you even get, being Starscream’s minion? At least Shockwave has style.” “He really doesn’t,” said Rattrap. “He turns into a giant cannon with a jetpack.” “And it’s awesome,” said Dreadwing. “So, are you gonna give me the nucleon?” Rattrap looked at him like he was an idiot. This was a look Dreadwing was familiar with, because many people he knew were jerks. “No, of course I’m not gonna give it to you,” said Rattrap. “Who are you even going to tell? ‘Yeah, hi, I’m Dreadwing, Shockwave’s goon, yeah he tried to end the universe, anyways, Rattrap framed- wait, don’t call the cops on me!’” Rattrap mimed being a depressed Dreadwing walking sadly away.
Here it is like the very second or third bit I wrote for this fic:
“Nothing weird!” said Dreadwing, in a high pitched voice. He and Scoop did their best to look like normal sensible boring Cybertronians who could be trusted with enough nucleon to level Iacon. Windblade eyed them skeptically. Scoop’s fake glasses started to slip onto his fake nose. He hurriedly pushed them up. “It’s for a ship,” said Scoop. “It’s for a bar,” said Dreadwing at the same time. They looked at each other. “Some of it’s for a bar but most of it is for a ship,” said Scoop, improvising. “We’re leaving Cybertron.” “The bar is a favour for a friend,” said Dreadwing. Windblade frowned. “Is it normal to drink nucleon at Cybertronian bars?” “Yes,” said Dreadwing. “No,” said Scoop. “It’s normal if you’re not a weenie,” said Dreadwing. “Have you ever gone to a bar in your entire life?” “We were just at a bar,” said Scoop. “Not drinking,” he added hastily, looking at Windblade. “We’re completely sober.” “Exactly!” said Dreadwing triumphantly.
Incidentally, I had NO CLUE how to end this scene and get them out of there, originally I think I had Dreadwing going "OH LOOK OVER THERE A DISTRACTION" and them running off pushing large containers of nucleon but that did strain plausibility. Just a touch.
Once again, the thought of stealing a ship and just flying off came to Dreadwing. He gritted his teeth. “No…remember…do it for him. Do it for Shockwave.” And his magical mystery healing rocks.
Honk if you love Shockwave's magical mystery healing rocks. My goodness was that whole subplot silly.
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spikrock · 10 months
how i feel every mtp character was mischaracterized by the old fandom
basically me describing my icks about mtp fics that ive seen from like 10 years ago/kinda sorta my personality hcs. bear with me here, because they are all my headcanons/opinions and i dont want to make it sound like i think my ideas are the only way you can see the characters...(talking into the void)
Alice: she loses her spunkiness! she becomes a perfectly sweet and agreeable person in almost every fic ive read. i dont see her like this. in my mind, alice is a good mix of kind and understanding with hot headed and stubborn. everyone in the band loves her and she’s easy to get along with, but that doesn’t mean she’s perfect. i feel like fics always wrote her as the mom friend, and i dont really like that. i feel like it’s just because shes the only girl (ive read very few fics where caterpillar is written as a girl) alice really doesn’t scream “mom friend” to me. i see her as pretty chaotic and impulsive. she’s kind of immature, but she always has good intentions in mind and most people in her life admire her, so it’s easy to miss. you know? 
Tarrant: ouuugh boy. in my mind, tarrant is a lovable idiot, his ideas are wacky, sometimes he says things that make zero sense to anyone but him (and maybe thackery and mally), and he’s typically bad at reading a room, being cheerful most of the time (even if his friends arent). most fics i read write him as this! which is great, because i think it’s pretty close to how i see him. he’s pretty much always written as comic relief, which is fine by me. 
my problem starts with how the other characters treat tarrant. they act like hes annoying…ive read so many fics where tarrant will say something a little wacky and every character in the scene side-eye one another and go, “okaaaay, tarrant…🙄” or something similar, and it makes me mad!! so many times i see scenes where alice is “apologizing” for him, when all he did was…talk? be around? the bandmembers are his friends…they aren’t treating him like that, alice would NOT feel the need to apologize for him either? in fact, if alice felt like anyone was making fun of tarrant behind his back she’d fucking kill them. im so serious. 
Mally: not that cool. mally is a LOSER. and i say that with the most love imaginable. he’s got zero game, he’s fairly awkward when he’s not playing or on stage, he fails at like everything, he’s literally insane, and he doesnt think any of that is true. in mally’s mind, he is THE coolest and most special-ist person on the planet at all times and in all ways. he’s so lucky he wasnt subjected to fandom nowadays where people talk about killing their favorites with rocks or whatever. he wouldnt stand a chance. 
fics write him too cool, and too “normal”, if im being honest. this is something that happens to both mally and thackery, and idk. he’s insane!! hes a weirdo!!! the name of the band is MAD t party, i feel like they should all be at least a little crazy. idolmouse was giving them EVERYTHING in those shows and they just threw it all away 😔 the disrespect…
Thackery: they make him way too shy and quiet and nervous when he isnt like that at all. thackery, in my mind, is definitely quieter and less showy than his bandmates, but he’s still as energetic as they are. he, unlike some of his other bandmates, is fine to step back and let someone else be the center of attention. he just wants to be along for the ride; he doesn’t mind what songs he needs to learn for the shows or what they need him to do, he just wants to play in a band with his friends. none of that means he’s overly shy or timid or anything, though. i don’t really know where they got that? the most i see is when he’d hide behind his ears sometimes. but other than that he's always getting in people's faces and jumping around and they just forget hes silly as if thats not one of his most endearing traits like cmon now
and…it hurts even more because you can really tell while reading the fics that it’s because of the ship dynamic with mally that they write him this way. its really frustrating to me. i dont see them as opposites, more like slightly different variations of weird. 
Absolem/Adonis/Caterpillar AUGH whatever: ive only ever read one fic where they write caterpillar as ladypillar so maybe i should just put absolem but whatever.. too serious. too stoic. they basically just copy paste his personality from the 2010 movie. why? i dont know. he gets plenty of personality in the shows but old fics really just ignore that... his ass is NOT wise he plays the fucking keyboard in a band at disneyland 😭 he doesnt know shit 😭😭😭
he’s sort of just around to give advice to people. im just saying they could stand to let him be funny once in a while...hes just so serious even though he doesn’t really act that way on stage. i do like the idea of him being more like that when the bands first getting started but eventually coming out of his shell and letting himself have fun with the rest of them. and almost every caterpillar performer made him really aggressive lmao, i think they should’ve leaned into that it would have been funny. like he just punches someone in a fic. idk. i think we should let absolem hit people
Chessur: in the few fics ive read where chess does much of anything, he’s basically got the same problem that absolem’s got where they just sort of copypaste his movie-self, even down to the way he speaks. i REALLY hate that, they usually make absolem and chess talk all elegantly, esp compared to the other characters. its just really weird to me and makes them feel out of place. 
but out of all these characters, chess being the one that writer’s struggled to do much with makes sense. he’s behind that drumset all the time, he doesn’t get much explicit character shown, so i mean, what else were they gona turn to? going back to the 2010 movie is the next step ig. but also, i mean, it’s possible. it’s not like the performers NEVER did anything, because they did. you can still get a personality and come up with a character that isn’t just tim burton’s chessur but a human. 
i see chess as the quietest in the band; he isn’t shy, he doesn’t not want to be around his bandmates or anything, he’s just sort of quiet, unless someone speaks to him or he’s teasing someone lmao. i see him and mally as pretty similar, but neither of them like acknowledging or admitting it. hes meanspirited, but actually very caring and nice, you just gota know him. and hes closest to alice, so ofc SHE knows it. all his sarcastic comments to his friends are just how he says he loves them <3 if you ask, he’d tell you that he only joined the band because he knew they needed a drummer, but it was really cus he wanted to hang out at the tea party (he rarely went before because he and mally genuinely did not get along before the band) i think chess is the type to never talk and then randomly drop the most profound shit anyone has ever heard. idk, does any of that make sense?
so yeah. i know mad t party fandom was all about doing whatever you want with these characters cus there really wasnt much to base anything off of, but i dont think that really applies to their characters?? really just the stories? like they DO have characters and personalities. when people would say things like theyre acting when theyre on stage...that is so weird to me because thats literally just what the show itself is. where is the fun in saying that theyre not actually like how they are on stage? 
this is just a peek into how i see these silly little band guys…ive wanted to share my hcs for a while now, but like. my mind is just spaghetti. i know everything i want to say, but writing it down and putting it out there is just sooo hard. i hope the 5 people who will see this post will understand sort of what im trying to say here. thanks for reading if you read the whole thing thats insane. gold star fo you.
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tielforest · 3 months
#animals <3 tag for when we need the serotonin
#fabi writes for my writing, under construction cause i don't write nearly enough lol
what i'm currently writing (or daydreaming about)
a fantasy series i gotta work on a lot of worldbuilding, atm i only have alucinations about it, but we got magic, dead gods, creepy creatures, some betrayal of course and complicated relationships
a dystopian story inspired by sharks (i love sharks), i'm also at the worldbuidilng and vibes stage, there's a "building a religion" part as well which is fun
a horror comedy thingy where i want to mix a good horror with comic elements, i still haven't figured out the dynamics, but we got mommy issues, asexuality and unlikely friendships
a gay romance i actually started writing when i was a teenager dealing with some trauma, so it's kind of a story about childhood, friendship and belonging, and it's fun to see how it actually changed so much as i grew older - we can actually outgrow our writing and that's awesome that means progress
a gay period romance (brazilian period, not european/american period) that's actually supposed to be light and fun, there's a circus and a lot of regional dialect, it reads kind of like a brazilian soap opera if our soap operas weren't homophobic
a gay fantasy romance i started recently (like last month) when i was inspired by some ~vibes~, it involves memory loss, past lovers, magic, i'm still learning about the characters
a couple short horror stories cause i love them, we got body horror, creepy ladies, ghosts and some of my worst fears personified
a sasunaru fic that i actually started back in 2019, i only wrote it like half of it but the inspiration comes and goes, it's all about sasuke and naruto married life post war. waiting for the inspiration to come back
peace 💜
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dodger-chan · 6 months
For writer truth or dare: 🌵🍄🦴
🌵: So, I don't really stream music, and I'm less of a playlist person than an album person. In the spirit of the ask I will share this youtube playlist of Der Vampyr because I love this opera and this recording of it in particular. There's also Drum Hat Buddha, an album by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer which has a lot of Stranger Things fic vibes to it.
🍄: Well, a lot of my steddie headcanons make it into my fics, so I'm going to switch this up. The only romantic couple we see in Stranger Things that I think is still together at the ten years later point is Lucas and Max. Max has to go through a lot of therapy (physical and psychological), and she nearly dumps Lucas a couple of times during the early stages, but ultimately they stay together. Lucas teaches highschool (and coaches the school's basketball team) while Max becomes a disability rights advocate (she does go to law school, but her career really starts when she wants to go back to Hawkins High and there are no ramps). They never have kids, but they never make a point of trying to. Max calls Lucas "Stalker" at their thirtieth anniversary dinner. Lucas loves it.
🦴: Well, most of what I write is fanfiction, so yes, obviously. I would not be writing Stranger Things fic without Stranger Things. But also lots of other media. Probably most notably The Rocky Horror Picture show, as I wrote Let the Sun and Light Come Streaming Into My Life about Steve's love for that movie. I couldn't have written Time Out of Mind without the Days of Future Past comic, or the many time travel fix-it fics that sent Steve back in time to save Eddie I read before thinking how fun it would be to send Robin back instead. Some influences are less obvious, such as how Dave Carter's music and my love of Twin Peaks keep distorting the wholesome presentation of Hawkins the show tries to give us. Reveal the Yearning Desert was greatly but very indirectly inspired by @sharpbutsoft's Road to Nowhere (I think the only notable similarity is that they're steddie fics, but my fic absolutely would not exist without hers). On the other side of the spectrum, I'm still plugging away at a steddie fic that is so heavily inspired by Chandler's The Long Goodbye it will spoil the ending of the novel. When I finish it I may have to post it as a crossover.
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robsterskellington · 1 year
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Oh, boy. Okay, this will take a hot minute, but thank you, I appreciate the question. None of these are in order, they're just my favourites.
1. Bungou Stray Dogs- Confession: I grew up hating manga and anime because in high school, I had friends obsessed with them, and they tried forcing me to watch them and read them, then they got angry when I had no interest. But with BSD, my younger cousin just needed someone to talk to about it, and I wasn't about to be rude, especially when he made it sound so interesting! I got Covid and had to take some time off work, so I gave it a shot- the characters were interesting, the dialogue was hilarious and the story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I caught up with the manga, and thankfully got into the franchise in time to watch seasons 4 and 5. I'm also working on a couple BSD fanfics with my cousin, they're just taking a while lol
2. Hollow Knight- I don't take recommendations for anything, like if someone tells me "You should watch ****", or "I recommend ****", my mind goes "Well, I know what I'm avoiding for the next several years!" Hollow Knight was a little different because my best friend spoke highly of it, and said that it would definitely be my kinda game. He was absolutely right, I have well over 550 hours on it, and I'm really good at the game. Still haven't beaten the Pantheon of Hallownest, though. The art is beautiful, the music is phenomenal, and I love the challenging Boss fights.
3. Sonic the Hedgehog- while I'm absolutely aware that a lot of the games are trash, the comics can be a bit of a mess, and the shows are... actually no, the shows are pretty good and I LOVED the movies, really looking forward to the third one. I binge watched Sonic Prime yesterday and loved it. But Sonic is what got me through high school, I love the fast paced gameplay, the stories were always interesting to me, and the characters were always able to make me smile, even on the worst days. Admittedly, though, I tend to like the games that people hated most: Sonic Unleashed would be my favourite Sonic game, because I loved the fast day stages, and I loved beating the everloving life out of enemies at nighttime. I enjoyed all the stupid glitches in 06, and I actually really liked playing as Silver because I had a better grip on his controls. Because I grew up playing on my DS the most, Rush, Rush Adventure, Colours DS and Chronicles were the Sonic games I played most, and Chronicles was easily my favourite, I liked the RPG style and the larger cast of characters to use.
4. Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario- since both of these are in the same franchise, I'll stick these two together, especially since I like them for near enough the same reasons. Each new villain that the games brought out always made me grin, I have a soft spot for both Fawful and Dimentio, though I love Antasma as well. The stories were really good, like Super Paper Mario made me cry quite a bit. I loved the RPG gameplay that most of these games had, I've always been great with my timing unless it's a Boss, in which case I always screw up somehow. The music is amazing, the stories are incredible and I love the humour. For both, my favourites would be Bowser's Inside Story and Super Paper Mario.
5. The Case Study of Vanitas- okay, so while BSD is absolutely my favourite anime, it wasn't the first one my cousin got me invested in, that would go to this one. The story was fascinating to me, I loved all the characters (except Moreau, he can die painfully, please), and it inspired another fic that my cousin and I wrote together. I enjoyed the character interactions and how much each of them grew in their own ways, as well as just how they all know how to do things while trusting each other. Does that make sense? Probably not, I'm ill and I'm rambling lol
6. The Nightmare Before Christmas- I never watched this movie until I was in college, and I only knew the basic premise because of Kingdom Hearts, but when an ex-friend of mine lent me her DVD of the movie, I was in love. The story was simple, but interesting. If I'd watched it as a child, Oogie Boogie would have absolutely scared the living daylights out of me, I still have a bit of a phobia of bugs and I can't understand why when they're relatively harmless where I live. This was the only Disney movie where I had actively learned to sing ALL of the songs. I haven't watched the movie in a while, so I should get back on that. Oh, and if anyone asks "Do you watch it on Halloween or Christmas?" The answer is both: it is both a Halloween and Christmas movie, though you could also watch it on Easter if you wanted to, just use the excuse that the Easter Bunny makes a brief cameo, making it an Easter movie for a few moments.
7. Five Nights at Freddy's- this was something a lot of my high school "friends" tried forcing me to like by making me play it without giving me any context, but I ended up liking on my own by watching YouTube videos in my own time away from them. I understand that the timeline is so convoluted that even MatPat seems to be struggling to make it all fit, but I've always found the overall mystery fascinating and the character designs are really cool. Springtrap used to make me more nervous than any of the Nightmare Animatronics, although that could just be the knowledge that the Nightmares are an illusion while Springtrap had a rotten corpse inside it. Obviously I know that the newer games are a bit more broken, but I still love them. After all, without Security Breach, we wouldn't have Sunny and Moon, and I'd argue that a few people on Tumblr's lives have gotten better from their existence alone.
8. Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival- this is the only series of horror games I can play without having a full on panic attack, so that gives it a few points. I'll ignore whatever nonsense is going on with the books and a will remain unnamed co-creator, because I am the sort of person who will separate a creation from creator. I won't let someone ruin something I love for any reason. Anyway, I always found that the premise was interesting, I liked the artstyle and loved the characters. The voice acting, character models and the little combat we had were all excellent. I do like how Dark Revival took the story, but I admit that I haven't played that yet, because I'm hoping it'll come out on the Switch eventually, since that's what I played Ink Machine on. Oh, and I'll be honest when I say that when the pandemic first started, I read a lot of the fanfics people created on this franchise, and it was because of them that I got this Tumblr account in the first place.
9. Kingdom Hearts- this was actually the first game I ever played on a console that wasn't handheld; my older half-brother came to stay with us when I was really young and he wanted to bond with me, so we played Kingdom Hearts together. I sorta remembered the game in college and watched all the games on YouTube before buying a PS4 with my first work paycheck and then buying the Final Mix games. Again, convoluted story, but I don't care. I love the characters, all the different worlds you can explore, how different the battle system is. I never played or watched any of the Final Fantasy games, so I don't know much about their characters, but Cloud has always interested me for some reason? Anyway, I loved the bond that Sora, Donald and Goofy (in that order), have together, and being able to watch them grow as friends and as a team, saving all the Disney worlds makes me feel like a child again.
10. Spy X Family- this anime, I actually did watch on my own, purely because I saw an ad for it and thought "This looks cute, let's see if it actually is!" And yes, it was. My cousin was so happy that I watched it because he wasn't sure if I'd like something relatively soft, compared to BSD, and I unintentionally got my best friend to watch it, when I talked to him about it. Now we're all looking forward to the new movie and new season! The characters are all quirky in their own ways, the story doesn't take itself too seriously while also fitting in dramatic moments and even some emotional ones. Anya is a precious cinnamon roll and literally everyone should protect her.
TL;DR, if I had to pick a top 10 things I like, in no particular order, it's Bungou Stray Dogs, Hollow Knight, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario and Luigi/Paper Mario, The Case Study of Vanitas, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Five Nights at Freddy's, Bendy and the Ink Machine/Bendy and the Dark Revival, Kingdom Hearts, and Spy X Family.
Okay, thank you for that question and I'm so sorry if you regret asking because I have no idea how to shut up when I start lol
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courfee · 5 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Thank you for the tag @snarky-magpie <333
1. How many works do you have on A03? 14 published, 1 hidden.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 315,642
3. What fandoms do you write for? harry potter (mostly marauders and back in the day on ff.de also next gen, tho there is a golden era one happening atm), les miserables, and i used to write a handful of doctor who drabbles
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule 2. blindspot 3. All My Theory Complete 4. Borrow My Name 5. If you ask nicely
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually yes, though I am very very bad with responding (in general, not just ao3 this is a all messages kinda problem) and sometimes im off of ao3 for a solid 3 months before i check my inbox again. i am so sorry for all that, i do read all the comments when i get email notifs for them, i just often dont have the spoons to reply then and there.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably On Lies And Spies since it's a canon compliant peter fic, tho i think my prongsfoot fic might also be up there for competiton... (if we go off of ao3 i am currently writing a basically everyone dies fic and have written an angsty fred&george os on my first fic account)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'd say operation wanker, probably
8. Do you get hate on fics? mm yeah.. amtc specifically... idk what it is with that fic but ive had all kinds of things said there... people who hated the ending, people who thought no one should ever forgive james, people who said no one should ever forgive sirius, people being just in general mean (and not even in english??).. especially the comments in the bookmarks suck, ive had several people rate that fic out of 10, have had people write an entire list of what i should have done different etc etc... it sucks cause i still like that fic a lot, the first long fic ive ever finished, but its reached a point where im scared when people tell me theyre going to start reading it :(
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeahh ive written one jegulus smut fic. it was supposed to be a one shot for practicing purpose of seeing if i can do it and got slightly out of hand....
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've started writing one chronicles of syntax hogwarts au before and i did a comic forever ago where the 10th doctor and rose end up in hogwarts meeting the next gen crew
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? someone started translating amtc
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I've had plans, but we haven't yet gotten beyond the planning stage. would love to try it some time tho!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? whatever the fuck james and sirius have going on, their relationship has been my favourite for all eternity
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My jegulus Krabat AU. I so badly want to have it written because i want to read it, but unfortunately the world is just not something i like writing in all that much
16. What are your writing strengths? Writing (un)healthily codependent friendships (aka james and sirius, (or the triumvirate)) and probably also consistency with little details
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plotting. I suck at it. i am very much a paper thinker, so if i dont write i cant think
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? depends on the context? it has to work with the story line and characters and id rather use it sparingly
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter (my first published fic was next gen, my second marauders all the way back in 2011)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? probably either operation wanker or on lies and spies
no pressure tagging @messymoony @static-radio-ao3 @otrtbs @iceprinceofbelair @alarainai @delicris
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vanderwoodlings · 11 months
20 questions game for fic writers
Tagged by @strideofpride tysm <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 92! That is… more than I expected. Gonna have to do something special when I hit a hundred I think
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 239,532
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly GG and DC Comics, but I’ve done a little of a lot of things. Still currently working on HOTD on a tertiary level, I guess
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? après le déluge, moi (post-film fic for The Batman (2022)); Here’s the part where I make a joke about roses, right? (Batfam fluff); maybe i’m just breaking free (took the apprentice arc from the Teen Titans cartoon, mix-and-matched with Winter Soldier, threw it all into the comicsverse); like a weird, murdery uncle you don’t invite to thanksgiving (batfam & rogues) and Paradigm Shift (Damian Wayne adjusting to Wayne Manor, part of a larger au)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yep! Unless it’s very flat out hate, I’ll give it a shot. I like talking to people who leave more in depth ones, and it makes me happy to even get little compliments, so I try to say thank you.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hm… load-bearing (the ventfic about Eric getting vented at) is pretty heavy, and so is steal my reflection (what do you see?) (some reactions to Inside)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Maybe the park au (single parents Dan and Blair meet watching their kids at the park)?
8. Do you get hate on fics? It’s happened before, yeah. Not fun
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? Nope
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? Sometimes! The only one I’ve published is stage name (crossover where Jason Grace is Aaron Hotchner’s nephew)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? It’d be cool, and I’ve gotten some awesome related/inspired works, but no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? A few times, yeah—mostly with my sibling (on here @darngosh-it and ao3 as DarnGoshit)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? ,,,,,there are lots. First one that comes to mind, though, is a pre-series blairserena piece
16. What are your writing strengths? Atmosphere, I think. I’ve been told a few times that my writing has a very distinctive Vibe
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I always feel like my characters don’t exist in physical space. They’re talking heads a lot of the time
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I mean look. If you’re wrong it’s embarrassing, and if you’re making your readers scroll to the end of the chapter it’s annoying and hard to read. Generally, writing in the same language and indicating that it’s not somehow is gonna be better
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? I believe somewhere there is still a composition book with Narnia fanfic from when I was twelve
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? I’m gonna cheat and give three in the form of talking about the thing that canon doesn’t talk about
Tagging: @mysteriesofloves, @blairwaldcrf, and anyone else who might think these look fun!
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stillness-in-green · 11 months
Fanfiction Writer Bingo (+a silly poll)
Got tagged by @scumtrout, whose example I'm following in explicating a few squares, albeit with more shilling.
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Talking Points:
Smut Content: For the most part, I virtually never get even as far as sexual content that would meet the bar for mature—two fics that depict sex acts without explicit details/body part terms. The only explicit sex scene I've ever written is still less than a third of the length of the fic as a whole, which I guess makes it only debatably smut. Is there a percentage you can exceed at which point the sex becomes part of the story rather than the story itself, or does any sufficiently explicit sex scene make the whole of the work smutty? Well, in any case, my writing is usually gen enough that the one story with the explicit sex scene the whole story is leading towards feels smutty by my standards.
Unbeta-d Fic Posting Crimes: I get extra pairs of eyes when I’m writing specifically gift fics, but otherwise I basically do all my own beta, which does mean I sometimes miss things.  That happens less if I take the time to paste a work into a different format or look at it on a different device—it’s true and good advice that doing that freshens up text to your brain!—but I’m just not hugely stressed about pruning out every single orphaned word or stray comma in writing I do for fun.
So Self-Indulgent: This will be more prominent if I ever do more with the ShigRD mermaid AU (which is, my god, so self-indulgent—mind control powers? 100% The Author’s Fetish), but the Gundam IBO Wedding Fic is pretty much twenty-two thousand words of me rolling around in post-series character dynamics and throwing worldbuilding absolutely everywhere I think it will stick.  I’ll also throw in a shout-out to the extreme silliness that was See the Blazing Sky Before Us, a Yuletide treat I wrote involving Doctor Doom, Gwen Stacy (Sorceress Supreme version), and Santa Claus, with the aim of replicating in prose the effect of reading one of those really over-the-top Jack Kirby comics from the 1970s.
Multi-Fandom Drifting: I have a very established pattern of fandom migration, so most of my fic writing is done in multi-year spans of same-fandom-ness.  That said, I certainly have written for more than one fandom in my life, particularly during the years I was doing Yuletide.
Research Before Riting: I often just bracket things off when I’m writing first drafts and do the deep research on the second pass, but there are also cases where the whole fic rests too much on research I need to do for me to even start drafting before I do the deep dive.  In either case, have a silly poll about it!
Deserves More Attention: I fear Moon Shot Aim is too spliced in with Overhaul/Nemoto to appeal to people who want more fic on Lady Nagant, and too Lady N-centric (as well as being a bit esoteric with its soulmate mechanic) for the people who want Overhaul/Nemoto, but I’m really quite happy with both ‘sides’ of the story, and wish it could get a bit more love.  Likewise, I wonder if all the OCs in the first chapter of The Way You Survive Is… scare people off of a story that is, in all of its subsequent chapters, much more focused on the canon characters.  Alas that my dedication to exploring the MLA as a group means I’m willing to make up a thousand MLA OCs before shoehorning in a canon character where I don’t think they fit!
Finally, have a few brief notes on two boxes I didn’t check—
1: Formatting my meta for posting is absolutely hellish, but I don’t typically do very complicated things with my fanfic.
2: While I did once want to be a professional writer, I fear it’s one of those ambitions that’s somewhat fallen by the wayside as I’ve gotten older.  Some of that is a matter of not having the energy/freedom to really focus on it in my financial situation, but it’s also the case that my two major original projects suffered from opposing problems—one was a story with a vastly underdeveloped world, and one was a rather nicely developing world with no specific story to happen in it!  But who knows; I do have periods of going back to dabbling with original projects, often in between my intense fandom periods, so maybe I’ll get something off the ground yet.
(Thank you for reading this silliness. Come back next week to finally talk BNHA's hospital attack.)
Tagging @codenamesazanka, @robotlesbianjavert, @leftofrevolution. @evilasiangenius and @megkips, if they would like to play. Here's the template!
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knamil · 2 years
The comics class I'm auditing is doing a comic of Little Red Riding Hood (the very old public domain version I think it's Grimm, but not sure). The class assignment for the week is to come up with 3 genres and the instructor is going to pick the genre and then the students have to tell the story in about 12 pages. (They also have to do full character turnarounds for each genre for each character. That is so fucking intense. I'd fail this class if I was actually taking it an not just observing. There is no pass/fail for the class. I'd still fail.)
So, I don't want to do that. Not interested in Little Red Riding Hood, but I have to come up with a story if I'm going to make my own comic to follow along.
Do you see where this is heading?
As I was digging through past fanfics and fanarts I found an AU story I wrote in 2014 or so based around the cut dialogue that had been datamined from the original swtor launch.
I haven't played the latest swtor stuff. I played through kotfe/kotet and barely remember it (and since my favorite companion had not returned for a storyline that should have included him I'm still kind of meh about Valkorian in general. Like I have opinions, but I don't even remember enough about it to know if they're valid or I'm just salty) I know Scourge and Kira returned and I did all that content to see the new romances and get a little snippet about what happened with them, but it was too short for me to want to write about it.
ANYWAY, about that AU fic that I never posted. From all appearances I had played around with making it into a comic, but never even got into the scripting stage. I think maybe that's why I never posted the text anywhere?
I didn't actually remember the fic when I read it, I only know I had planned a comic because I have an empty scrivner file with the fic name and the word comic at the end.
The story itself is 6,000 words long which is SUPER short for me so I can see that I was trying to reign it in to make it doable within what remains of my lifetime.
(Sad side note: I usually abandoned comics projects because I estimated the time it would take to make them and came out with several years. I would have finished at least 3 full fanfic comics by now if I had just stuck with it so yeah. Time: it passes. I need to stop giving up on everything.)
SO yeah. Making a comic about Remi and Scourge. Completely AU. Nothing that happens after the main JK story happens at all. No makeb/revan/ziost/kotfe/kotet/etc. because the story was written before any of those things even happened.
My recent Scourge drawing was a panel test. :D
We do this, not because it was easy, but because we thought it would be easy.
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That's the first act. Did I mention the text is only 6000 words? Clocking in at 22 pages the first act is the shortest text wise (1600 words). So... heh heh ehhhhh. Wish me luck?
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pnf-lover98 · 2 years
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Ho postato 80 volte nel 2022
Sono 46 post in più del 2021!
78 post creati (98%)
2 post rebloggati (3%)
Blog che ho rebloggato di più:
Ho taggato 79 dei miei post nel 2022
Solo 1% dei miei post non aveva tag
#sing movie - 62 post
#sing 2 - 59 post
#sing oc - 39 post
#my art - 39 post
#original character - 39 post
#buster moon - 33 post
#bia springs - 29 post
#bia and buster - 29 post
#my writing - 18 post
#asks - 12 post
Tag più lungo: 19 caratteri
#the stanley parable
I miei post migliori nel 2022:
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When her sobs eventually died out, Rosita wiped her eyes and placed her hands down on the metal surface of the platform. Suddenly, maybe due to tiredness, or to her sense of guilt - or perhaps due to that trauma she hadn't yet learned how to handle - she thought she saw a hand moving closer and coming to rest on hers. Rosita gasped as she recognized the familiar gray fur, and quickly raised her head. Buster was there, sitting down on his knees next to her on the platform, smiling at her. He wasn’t speaking, but he was trying to reassure her with a soft, caring look in his eyes.
(An extract from my fic “Stars still shine”)
While I was still working on the second chapter of my fic, I felt inspired to draw one of the scenes I wrote. Sadly, it took me way too long to finish this minicomic to publish it along with my fict. So here it is, with a post on its own. 
For this scene, I had two main musical inspirations, one of which is “Drops of Jupiter” (Taylor Swift’s version, because she talks about a man instead of a woman like in the original), from which I took the main artistic decision for this comic: instead of going for the usual transparent-glowy look for my little ghost, here he is with “drops of jupiter” (tiny glittery ‘stars’ and blueish reflections) in his fur.
Now, the story arc is officially over. See you soon with happier content!
38 note - Postate 10 febbraio 2022
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A tiny porcupine lady I sketched while I was having lunch 🎸🎶
39 note - Postate 13 novembre 2022
Sing fanfic - “The mom living next door”
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Ever since I read @pinwheelwhirl 's post with her headcanons about Miss Crawly knowing Buster ever since he was a kid, I've been wanting to try my own hand at writing something for these two. And the moment has finally come!
Here’s the fic!
“Have you seen Miss Crawly’s brand new eye?” His father asked him one day, after he came back home from school. Their neighbor, in fact, had recently lost an eye, and now she sported a prosthetic one made of glass that gave her a funny derp look. “I did. She looks fun, it reminds me of a pirate.” A teenage Buster replied, smiling. “I want to write a story with a character just like her. And when I’ll have my theater, we’ll stage the show. I’m sure that everyone is going to love it!”
But rather than a character in a show, Karen ended up becoming a pillar to the theater itself, the only other person that knew the building down to its last brick just like he did.
[Attention, everyone! This fic is going to be an emotional one. You’ve been warned.]
45 note - Postate 24 marzo 2022
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It seems like Narry woke up on his funny side, on this run!
47 note - Postate 18 giugno 2022
Il mio post numero 1 del 2022
Meanwhile, somewhere in Heaven...
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... We have a lovely couple of parents watching their son from above!
(For those who are wondering, no I didn't make up Buster's mom; her design appears in one of the original sketches of the Sing movie artbook)
73 note - Postate 5 aprile 2022
Guarda ora l'Analisi del tuo anno 2022 di Tumblr →
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eddsworldstuck · 4 months
i asked who the space player insert is based on a short while ago and so i still have my space player :)
anyway i should really find a new theme for this blog, huh? especially if i want to make a full comeback. if i do. something other than the old redux theme (despite how much i like how simple it is). i may have already found a new theme to use tho.
i've already edited some things on the blog. i edited some pages.
i am still very tuned in on writing/drawing for specifically game of dice tho (i love the characters and story there more than anything)
if you're wondering how the story is now (in the time since i posted that art of the 4), i have a whole rough timeline complete. including chapter names. (still unknown if i wanna post the story publicly) by rough i mean it's just short summaries of what happens in each chapter.
i wanted a timeline set (i did that for the old version of the story, it was actually mostly complete) before any actual writing. and i think the timeline is pretty much set. and i wrote part of chapter 1. wrote as in i blacked out after reading some of my old writing and woke up to about 200 words. that then expanded to 900 and counting. what being fueled by wanting to annoy a fave character does to me. and spite. also one of the main reasons for setting a timeline is the theme for act and chapter names i have. and every act and chapter has been properly named :) i think saying some of the chapter names would give things away, but i'll give away the name of Act I: Brand New Days
yes i am calling them acts like homestuck cause i like the stage play terms and how important music and the performing arts are to me and this AU. (plus music is so ingrained into homestuck itself, the fraymotifs [special moves] are musical terms for example). plus the old version had acts too
they're basically like this. the act is broken into parts with chapters. (of course there's more than 2 chapters for act 1)
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if i were to write it in full again and post it, i'd post it to ao3. the old ews story is still there cause i don't want to delete the only archive of the story (aside from it being in my files) but don't read it. don't worry about it. oh god it's so old, don't look at it. i don't even have my fantrolls in it anymore. altho i have put it locked behind view to registered users only to make it somewhat private without getting rid of it. as well as disabled comments. my game of dice fics i've put there are far better, and it's not cause it's my game of dice bias (even tho those are old-ish too and predates the main story. and predates present nea [my game of dice fc])
altho i have did a little editing on a code to help make pesterlogs and memos look so much better than what they originally looked like in the old ews. i just decided to make this ahead of time in case it DOES come back to be posted publicly.
the new code (i just added extra bits in a copy/personal work skin that adds the 6): [AO3]
old (the dark bg is only due to me using a dark skin for ao3 overall)
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new (not official logs/just made for testing, also these are the new unique handles for the 4 so it's no longer based on the irls. i hope the inspo for the handles is very obvious. sorry Matt did not speak in the memo, i just didn't know what to make him say. but there was already a lot to type. and by a lot to type i am talking about the code itself, even with copy+paste)
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also i have some ideas for a new icon and header. the ideas i have are heavily persona 3 reload inspired. persona 3, especially reload, is one of the reasons i've thought about this AU again after all. what listening to full moon full life on repeat does to me. maybe the icon tho will be a redraw of the old one. which was from the old cover of when i was planning a comic version of the story. ...maybe i will redraw that cover, hm... who knows lol
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bellepeppertronix · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @bittylildragon!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
5. do you respond to comments?
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Here goes!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
I have 40 works on Ao3! I can't believe the first ones were from 2013.
I remember worrying about the general state of the internet at the time, and feeling like Ao3 would collapse like all the LiveJournal clones were starting to (I used to have a writing LJ too, lol 🥲)
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
My word count is currently 473,741! A lot of this is from my Darkest Dungeon longfic, What Happened to the Candlemaker's Apprentice.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
I have written fic for Team Fortress 2, Pacific Rim, Mass Effect, the Alien movie franchise (Prometheus), Overwatch, The Shape of Water, Cable & Deadpool, Darkest Dungeon, One Punch Man, DC Comics (Superman and Wonder Woman). In the past I wrote some long-buried fic for Metalocalypse, and The Hobbit. There may or may not still be some Star Trek fic I wrote out there, which is a slight crossover with Teen Titans...
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
•Sharp-Dressed Man (a PacRim fic)
•In Which Newton is A Badass And Everybody Is Surprised (also a PacRim fic)
•Small Insistent Things (another PacRim fic)
•What Happened to the Candlemaker's Apprentice (a Darkest Dungeon fic)
•Rained the Whole Time (a TF2 fic)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try to! I have a rather chaotic home life irl, unfortunately. And often I am either not sure how to respond, or I draft a reply and forget to send it bc of my not-great memory.
I re-read through them to lift my spirits when I'm feeling down, though. Thank you to everyone who has ever read my work!
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
One of my Overwatch WIPs was basically a study of Commander Reyes as he slowly turned into Reaper. Not just physically; there's a bunch of lore, probably now ret-conned because Blizzard is A Mess and A Joke when it comes to storytelling, un which he was the unsung heroic commander behind a lot of important things. Only he got passed over for Overwatch commander by a white man who was a colleague of his. Anyway his whole team is/was rehabilitated criminals.
I wrote all this to say, in the fic, he falls in love with Genji, who is Not in a great headspace at the time, and after seeing what the Overwatch docs do to Genji in the name of "saving him"-- Gabriel becomes really bitter and disillusioned, and the fic ends with him deciding he's done with the organization and is just going to do Criminal Shit for himself instead of the government now. (He "dies" at the end, but it was staged, and not by himself, and then is "brought back to life" by Overwatch doctors. I wrote ths before Moira existed, so it was Mercy.)
I'm not even sure I posted that much of that fic, come to think of it...
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ah! Haha! Most of my fics have happy endings desired. But I am a very slow writer, and so the happiest FINISHED thing I have is, I think, the story where the Scout from TF2 learns to read better, and learns to really enjoy literature, after finding a book that reminds him of his own life. (The fanfic is Rained the Whole Time, and the book is A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. You should read the book, if you haven't! It's a very beautiful experience.)
8. do you get hate on fics?
No, I haven't gotten any. Then again, I survived the whole Shipping War nonsense on both LiveJournal and FF.net, and I learned to just...avoid a lot of people in fandom. I'm trying to get past that. But, that said, you can't get any hate if you hardly talk to anyone! (I do not recommend this. It can go from very peaceful to very lonely, very quickly.)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes! Not often, though, because I always feel shy about writing it, even if I love reading it!
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
My one Mass Effect fic is a Mass Effect/Aliens crossover.
It goes exactly as you think it would.
I also wrote a Watchmen/Marvel crossover, in which Deadpool and Rorschach have to find their way out of a weird parallel death-dimension. (I...cannot remember if I posted this...)
I also have an idea for a Discworld/The Witcher/Final Fantasy XII crossover that is so self-indulgent I don't even know where to start with it...
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Speaking of my current works--I don't know, and I'm afraid to look.
I do have a history of irl "friends" stealing my work and art, though, so I'm very wary and cautious about sharing. :(
Plagiarism, even of fanworks, is terribly anxiety-inducing and ruinous to self-esteem, and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I don't mean "heavily inspired by", I mean "I literally stole your rough draft and edited it and added to it, and I'm going to publish this and say I wrote it" stuff.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I have had a few offers, which is very flattering...but I have declined them, though, for the reasons in #11. I never really feel safe about it. :(
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! And it was a disaster! Because we (me and the "friend") were in junior high school writing a genuinely awful Interview With the Vampire multi fandom crossover mess. I lost my notebooks. I hope she lost hers, too. 🤣
And now, as an adult ~20 years later, I still sometimes want to. But I have no idea how that would work out.
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't have only one! I tend to trip and fall into rarepair holes, so my longest-worded ship is the Highwayman/the Leper from Darkest Dungeon, followed immediately by the Demoman/Soldier from TF2, which I think is my oldest ship. Another delicious one is Stacker Pentecost/Hercules Hansen, from Pacific Rim. My current favorites to read are (from the Witcher) Geralt/Eskel, Geralt/Dandelion, Geralt/Regis (I just love reading people rubbing that Witcher-man all over other people) Lambert/Aiden, Lambert/Keira. From Darkest Dungeon, I like the Highwayman/the Crusader, the Higheayman/the Leper, the Plague Doctor/the Grave Robber...I like a lot of ships.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ahaha...hehe...well...you see...a LOT of my fics are WIPs. I want to finish Thank You For Hiring Pan-Pacifica Construction! I love that one, but I'm not really active in the PacRim fandom anymore, so...
16. what are your writing strengths?
I love, and like to think I'm good at, describing scenery (which I sometimes love so much that I forget to have the characters DO anything in it). Somebody told me once that they loved how distinct all the characters' voices were, and that I fleshed out even side characters, which was a compliment that made me feel So Happy and Proud!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, man, I am NOT a finisher.
I'm trying so, so hard to work on that.
Also, like I mentioned before, I can describe a setting forever and the characters will be standing under a tree waiting for permission to wander around in it. 😅 I had my adventurers stuck in a cursed hallway for like 12 pages once. For the Vibes, you know!
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I only speak and read English, unfortunately! I always find it fascinating when people can work different languages, or even constructed languages, into their fics, though.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
😅 Posted/publically shared? Either Star Trek (2009) or TF2. Possibly Hellsing? As for unpublished/unposted? (Or, well, shown only to a friend?) Some quite terrible Interview With the Vampire fanfic from AGES ago, in school. That was also the first, and last time, I collaborated with anyone. Farther back it was all Star Trek: TNG fanfic and The Last Unicorn fanfic.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I can't answer this 😂! The ADHDemons are forever upon my heels. I write things and forget I wrote them, then re read them and fall in love with them again. Right now I love my Darkest Dungeon fic and all its related fics in the same world.
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