#But nope! Flat! TWO FLAT!!
pineapplejayden · 1 year
I think what hit me hard (not as hard as the ending, there is nothing worse than that) is the fact that Crowley lives in the Bentley.
It has been… what? 5 Years? And he still lives in his car with his plants on the backseat maybe hoping that Aziraphale would let him stay at the bookshop? I mean he had a room for Jim and GOD I CANT—
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this is not how i am supposed to start my year.
#so years ago my parents bought our current house#but there were some sligh foundational issues - nothing too big at the time#since then our house has been taken over by cracks in our walls and doors and windows#and I had to MOVE out of my room (my SANCTUARY) into the spare bedroom#and now I cannot sleep#the carpet is too fluffy (I paced and danced in my old [OLD] room so the carpet is rough now)#the room it Too Clean (I had to discard my jeans on the floor just to give it a little messiness)#it's much warmer in here#the window is different#this room has so much space - TOO MUCH SPACE for just little old me#a vaulted ceiling?? nope. nope nope nope I need my flat one#I need my room smaller it is meant for one person only -> moi#even sherlock is freaking the fuck out because he cannot go into the old room#SPEAKING OF WHICH#my beautiful precious room now looks like a tornado hit it!!!#cardboard boxes trash and clothes are all across my floor and I now have two different mattresses just hanging out#in my poor old room#and I HAVE. NO. BOOKSHELF.#all my life I've always had a bookshelf for my books and knick knacks and cute little succulents#all my life. bookshelf.#no bookshelf here#only vaulted ceiling#and the closet is too big for me!!!#I don't need all of this space and I don't need all of this change#some of this furniture I'm using isn't even mine!#my mother (an actual godsend) helped me bring in as much of my furniture as we could#but my bedframe is gone - the one I'm using is too big and hits the wall to easy!#I know okay I KNOW that I need to be an adult about this but I am freaking the fuck out#in six to eight months I'm not going to be living here anyways I'm going to be living in college#so all of this had to happen sooner or later right??
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1d-trashcan · 1 year
On a scale of 1 to “I asked my mum to drive to the bins with our rubbish bc what if I get chased by a wasp walking the 50 meters to the bins and die”, how bad is your wasp phobia?
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isaacathom · 2 months
ive been lot deep in the sauce of my oc and my friend and gm reminded me that i had a short character summary of naielle's family members on her little profile, so i went to go check it and while most of them are still baaaasically true, the way i described her sister is. Fascinating in comparison to how she's ultimately been characterised.
or, rather, its not the character thats wrong. the assumed personality from the excerpt is about right. its the little details. 'had little interest in the education offered by the university', 'contrary to expectation, excelled in her [feywalker] training', 'hardly noticed naielle's departure'. none of those are true. or, well. its complicated. NAIELLE thought all those things are true. NAIELLE thought Mariela was uninterested in academia, that her success in feywalking was a triumph considering her easily-distracted nature, that she was so dedicated in her duty that she wouldn't have noticed that Naielle had left but as a footnote.
she's wrong! Naielle was simply incorrect! Mariela was interested in academia, but didn't excel early, and not in the fields of her parent's interests (history and mathematics, respectively). Meanwhile Naielle quickly found a passion for history and did well in it. Mariela was compared to her older sister, found wanting, and instead of pursuing whatever she was actually interested in, she had to split off to do something else.
she became a feywalker because its something Naielle could never do - which is unfortunate, considering what Naielle currently is (a celestial warlock, the crews resident planar expert, the major teleportation and navigation bitch - things that have significant overlap with feywalking but for some particularities). Naielle doesn't know if their parents had low expectations for Mariela in that field, so that bits still in the air.
But Mariela definitely fucking noticed Naielle's departure. She fucking noticed. Naielle can't really know how, in an emotional way, but she did. She noticed Naielle's departure, and it didn't make the comparisons any easier. She stole Naielle's research notes to make something of so she could excel over her, for fucks sake. she noticed her departure keenly.
I intend to keep the description because i think its a genuinely fun point of comparison because all those little descriptions are mostly in line with what Naielle thinks is happening, and some things she knows. She knows, for example, that Yivien (her younger brother) is delighting in her departure, because letters between people have mentioned his good mood and praised his architectural designs. And she even knows on some level that this wasn't happening before, because the person recieving the letter mentions not having seen any of his designs prior to that point. Naielle had seen them, of course she had. but her mother had never praised them in letters like that. that's new. Naielle knows this.
idk. its neat! the description of her fiancee (now wife) describes her only as a merchant of middling success, and notes that "Though she was well within her rights to do so, she did not annul her engagement after Naielle was exiled.", which is certainly what naielle would think.
now the descriptions arent entirely naielle's thoughts, because Xistina's does say "she sought a Letter of Marque without Naielle's knowledge", and this was written before naielle had actually learnt this information. It's a bit loosey goosey. It's like, close 3rd person omniscient, where sometimes the narrator goes 'she doesn't know this, BUT'. idk!! i enjoy it as a little relic.
oh god theres also descriptions of (some) party members here and this is some very funny stuff for me.
Vandervest - "Naielle does not contradict his orders," HAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HOOOOOOO BOY. BUDDY. OOOOOOOH MAN. HONEY YOU'VE GOT A BIG STORM COMIN. You can tell this is old because it refers to him as Captain rather than Commodore, and that its from before the Gunpowder Heist, because Naielle did... well okay she did not strictly contradict a given order, because she was not explicitly ordered to do anything, but i think the spirit of the order that was levied was definitely violated. this statement is a categoric falsehood. but she was just a lil guy back then, so,
Marius - "For various reasons, Naielle feels very indebted to him." haha! there are more now, bitch! when I wrote this i think it was only the first instance, in the Astral Sea, because that's from before the fight that got Vandervest promoted. the SECOND instance is from after that. and then the third is after that again, because Marius at this point has done enough Things for Naielle (both as a duty to his fellow crewmember and as a friend) that he could probably levy some fucking heavy loyalty off her. the fact he is now in charge makes this useful i think cause naielle is far less likely to directly disobey him. but again, she didn't directly disobey Vandervest either, so... sorry Marius!!
The Rthnathea - "A psionic warforged with foggy memories and a traumatic past" oh buddy you dont know the half of it. naielle actually doesn't and frankly neither do i but at the time i wrote this i knew like. 0. i now know Much More. its rough in there. it has siblings though so thats cool.
gah. old content, yknow. this shits from MARCH 2021????? ough. ooooough. a year in.... wait when i first wrote this we hadnt even ENTERED NINGBO????? No,,, oh my god i wrote the original article during the intermission between module 1 and 2. then i came back during module 2 and added in some stuff, mostly to add a few characters in the character list (rthnathea, saphielle, the specific detail about marius, sidika,). guh. i think the old version of the article before i rewrote it was LAST edited around... december 2021? maybe jan 2022? barely at the end of module 2. and i could have updated vandervest's title at the time, but didn't even think to do so. gagh
i never actually finished the rewritten campaign summary but its so fucking hard to summarise this shit and i got lost part way through it. also i have homework i need to start doing lest i fall the Fuck behind. augh.
#story blogging#naielle odelia#nothing interesting is going on in here. at some point i am aghast at the passage of time. yknow how it is#the first bits neat enough but mostly for me because its so FUN thinking about how Naielle was flat out wrong#not maliciously or anything. she just couldnt possibly have the full picture. she had no reason to think she was wrong#she thought mariela only hated her because of what she did HERE and NOW. with the kidnapping and what not#and she was wrong! Mariela has had it out for her for years!#when naielle captured her she said 'i hoped you had died' and naielle was just very sad#and said 'i hoped so too for a time' and walked off#and in the moment i think naielle thought mariela was just acting out. that she was so pissed about the kidnapping#that she was saying something fucking awful that maybe she didn't entirely mean. nope! mariela meant every word!#and naielle did too to be fair. naielle responded sincerely to the barb. she just hoped it wasnt sincere in kind#and it was! mariela had that in her long before naielle came back#she'd spent those two decades hoping naielle was dead so that she'd never be compared against her again#or at least some of that time. itd be much easier right? never worry about the matter again#with your smart sister removed you can just Be You. and are you happy? the answer is Not really#and then it all comes back to the last session and the two of them just laughing at how fucking absurd this all is#and her so sincerely going 'i dont want you to go' THATS FUCKING *GROWTH* BABY. LOVE THAT FOR HER#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK#ayway i gotta go to bed but i just lost my mind a second time. whoo!
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Thinking abt her <333333 (oni gas range)
#rat rambles#oni posting#I <3 cooking in video games I <3 watching my calorie count go up I <3 seeing my dupes grab the new fancy food I got access to#I just got my first water weed harvest and my chefs have already cooked up over 100k calories of quiche I am experiencing bliss and whimsy#oh also over 100k calories of frostburger#these things are not necessary and I do not need the well over 3 million calories I have but I like having them#deep freezer my beloved#oh also Im so so so close to getting my radbolt rocket up and running#Im currently building my radbolt generator setup and then we'll be in business#do I know how to deal with the consequences of radiation yet? nope. will I learn? probably not#I have decided Im going to attempt to get the archeologist achievement tho#which will be hard considering my laptop is already shitting itself but I wanna give it a shot anyways#but first let me stare at my new(ish) kitchen for another 5 hours I love watching ny cooks do their thing#even if two of my current cooks arw blond ppl 😔#oh another thing Im going to need to do is make a drillcone rocket so I can work towards slowing down the approach of the inevitable#dirt crisis that constantly looms over my shoulders#I don't even use dirt for that much at this point but it's still important enough that my base Will fall apart without it#its more of a matter when Ill need to switch my power generators out than if#idk maybe I can get away with switching to stone hatches but that also feels like stalling to me#idk Ill figure it out once we get there#rn I still have almost 500 tons of coal so I dont have a huge amount to worry abt#especially since my coal generators arent anywhere close to running flat out so its not like power demands are too high rn#as I've said before Ill probably have to tap into oil to rly continue my environmental ruin run lol
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andersonfilms · 6 months
lifeguard!abby who is a cocky girl flaunting her washboard abs when she wears a sport swim top and vibrant red shorts hugging her ass perfectly. she knows just how hot she truly is and she uses it to her advantage anytime she sees you. like clockwork, wednesday evening rolls around and you show up with two friends. abby is thankful for the protection of her sunglasses, hiding her baby blues as her eyes look at you from time to time. checking out the way your tits sit in the bikini top you’re wearing. impossible to ignore the way her pussy flutters for you.
lifeguard!abby who truly knows how to fuck. she’s nasty about it, too. she’ll close up the private pool and you’re conveniently there after hours with her. somehow abby ends up in the pool with her top discarded on the poolside, your bikini top abandoned with it as she’s knuckle deep inside you.
“feels good baby, yeah? like it when i fuck you with my fingers, huh. your fucking cunt is so tight for me. can never stay away from me. need to be here every week on the dot so i can fuck you.” abby removes her fingers and you whimper at the loss.
abby lays her tongue flat, before licking up your slit in it’s entirety. you shiver instantly, soft thighs beginning to tremble.
“nope, fuck, it’s pathetic isn’t it?”
she pulls away for a moment, leaning her head on your warm thigh. “well i guess you’re in luck, angel. i love my whores when they’re fucking pathetic for me. now, be good for me and hold my hair baby. need to fuck you with my mouth, yeah?”
thankful for the lovely @flowersforvi for getting my brain here.
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drabblesandimagines · 4 months
Leon Kennedy x female reader, established relationship, absolutely fluffy nonsense once again
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“Stand here for me, ma’am.”
You giggle at the odd term of address as familiar hands maneuverer you forward into position by your hips, the owner of said hands stepping back in front of you when they seemed happy with your positioning.
“Now, put your left index finger on your nose.”
You roll your eyes. “You can’t seriously be making your girlfriend take a field impairment test.”
Leon crosses his arms, trademark smirk on his lips. “Oh, I’m serious, sweetheart. Left index finger – go.”
You swallow down a hiccup as you follow his order, finding your nose with ease and smile, triumphantly.
“Now with your right.”
That one doesn’t go as smooth, your finger sliding down the side and prodding yourself in the cheek before you reposition, finding it at last. “Oops.”
“Arms straight down by your sides.” You comply at once, straightening your posture as you do. “Place your left foot directly in front of your right, heel touching toes.”
That one is a little more tricky to follow, you admit, but you think you’ve nailed it after a little bit of shuffling, though your boyfriend doesn’t look entirely convinced.
“Walk forward – heel to toe every step and count aloud.”
“Heel to toe…” You mutter, looking down at your feet. “One.” You swing your right leg round a bit too dramatically and your foot lands too far in front of your left but you persevere.
“Two.” Another big step forward has you throwing your arms out for balance.
“Arms straight down by your sides, sweetpea.” Leon chides.
You huff, dropping them back down and scoot your foot backward, before stepping forward with the other. “Three…”
Unfortunately, you step too far off to the right, nearly losing your balance completely before Leon steadies you with a firm grip on your elbow.
“Yep, you are 100% not riding on the back.”
“But I promise to hold on real tight.” You press your face into his chest then, wrapping your arms around his waist in demonstration and giving a firm squeeze to show off your strength.
“Not a risk I’m willing to take.” Leon wraps his arms around you in return and presses a kiss to your crown. All it would take was for you to let go around a corner and…
He shudders, can’t even bear to imagine any further. Nope, not happening.
“I’m sorry.” Your words are muffled, feeling like an annoyance. “I really didn’t think I’d drank that much.”
And you hadn’t, it had only really hit you when you’d exited the bar into the fresh air to meet Leon on the sidewalk. He’d parked his bike a block or so away from the venue and that short, stumbled walk had set alarm bells ringing.
“I’m sure you didn’t, little lightweight that you are.” He teases. “Come on, it’s not too far a walk from here anyway – might help you sober up.”
You pull your head back and look up at him, brows furrowed. “What about your bike?”
He looks at it – his prized Ducati, security lock already in place from when he left it to walk towards the bar – and shrugs. “I can get it in the morning.”
“Uh-uh,” you step back, Leon loosening his arms as you do but still keeping you close. “You take the bike and I’ll walk home. Ooh, I could jog alongside!”
Leon smiles in amusement, but shakes his head. “Not happening.”
You look down at your feet, double-checking you were in fact wearing flats and not heels when Leon doesn’t take you seriously. He’s in his military-grade boots, as usual. You’re not sure how they can be comfortable to walk in, steel-capped toes, but he never seems to complain.
“Okay, how about you wheel it home as I walk?”
“Why are you so concerned about me leaving my bike?”
“Are you kidding me? You have the worst luck with it. If you leave it here, it’ll get stolen or hit by a truck, or… struck by lightning.”
“And my insurance covers all of those.” He turns you, gently, one arm snug around your waist and encourages you to take a step forward. “Come on, let’s get home.”
You wrap an arm tentatively around his waist in return and only make it a few steps before your insecurities arise. “Leon…”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Not at all, sweetheart.” He squeezes your hip in reassurance. “Why would I be? You had fun, right?”
“Yeah, I did.” You nod, thinking back over the evening. You’d met up with your friends to catch-up over some cocktails, a rare evening where you’d all happened to be free. “It was so nice seeing them all. Tabitha’s been through two boyfriends since the last time we managed it.”
“She still dating jerks?” He frowns, familiar with her tales of dating woe.
“Sadly. Are you sure there’s no suitable guys at your work?”
“Oh, I’m one of a kind, baby,” he chuckles. “Don’t wanna set her up for disappointment.”
“Maybe this one will be diff… Ooh, look!” You point just up ahead, your attention span apparently at an all-time low. “They finally finished the renovations!”
The playpark had been taped off for a while – the equipment old and outdated and more than a little bit dangerous. You pull away from him and race through the gate, making a beeline for the swings. Leon jogs behind you, stopping a few feet in front of the swing-set and places his hands on his hips as you plonk yourself down and kick your feet against the fresh tarmac.
“I don’t think you’re the demographic they’re looking for, sweetheart.”
“Says you.” You tease, the agent having a handful of more years on you. “When’s the last time you sat on a swing anyway?”
“I dunno, 30 years ago?”
“Long overdue.” You jerk your head at the swing besides you. “Bet I can swing higher than you can.”
He tilts his head and smiles. “I’m sure you can.”
“Leon, come on.” You pout, scuffing your soles on the tarmac again as you swing half-heartedly back and forth. “Please?”
How could he ever say no to that face?
He rolls his eyes and walks over to the swing, sitting down heavily as instructed, wrapping his fingers around the chains. “Happy?”
“Uh-uh, not until you swing, Kennedy.” You kick your feet against the ground in demonstration, picking up some height and speed as Leon follows suit.
You look at him and grin as the two of you begin to swing in sync, getting higher and higher. Leon’s smile only grows wider as the wind rushes through his hair.
It takes him back for a moment – back to before he knew what Umbrella and BOWs were. He still has his jokes, of course, but it had been a while since he’d allowed himself to be a little bit silly.
You just make it far too easy.
He scuffs his boots against the ground to slow down his movement and watches as you follow suit, tilting your head in concern.
“You okay?”
“Mm-hm. Come here,” he pats his lap and you jump off mid-swing, somehow managing to keep upright. Leon rolls his eyes and stops his swing completely as you step over and drop yourself sideways onto his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck for stability.
“I can’t ride on the back of your bike, but I can sit on your lap whilst you swing, huh?”
“Uh-uh,” he lets go of the chain and cups your face. “I just wanted a kiss.”
He closes the gap then with a soft kiss, one full of utter adoration – not too firm, but one that makes your scalp tingle as his lips caress yours, over and over.
He pulls away to lean his forehead against yours.
“I love you, sweetheart. Thanks for keeping me young.”
You let go of his neck to pat his chest, chidingly. “Come on, you’re not that old. You were swinging pretty high.”
“Yeah, guess I was.” The cocky grin crosses his face then. “Higher than you, actually.”
“Uh-uh”, you shake your head, adamantly. “You just think that cos you’re a little bit taller.”
“Keep telling yourself that.”
But he’s lost you, your attention fixed on something over his shoulder. “Ooh, they’ve got a new slide too!”
You make Leon try every piece of play equipment before finally heading home, but his smile never drops.
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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tongue-like-a-razor · 9 months
Brother's Best Friend - Part 11
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: Fair warning: I didn't have much time this week so this was a bit rushed and definitely not my best piece of work, but I really wanted to do at least *something* for the holidays!
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: New Years Eve party, banter, fluff fluff fluff
WC: ~2300
Part 1 | Masterlist
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“So,” Bradley starts slowly, drawing out a suspenseful silence with a smirk as he butters his toast. “I met study group guy.”
You look up from your plate in alarm, your fork halfway to your mouth, and awkwardly meet your brother’s gaze.
Jake, who’s just set his food down to your left, picks his coffee back up, ready to make a quick exit.
“Uh, where?” you ask, trying to sound casual, but you’re so nervous that your voice wavers.
“Here,” Bradley replies with a grin as he makes his way to the table. “He came by to see how your exam went.”
“Oh?” You gulp anxiously.
“How considerate of him,” Jake notes moodily, setting his coffee back down and giving you a look.
“I agree.” Bradley sits down. “I think he wanted to compare study strategies,” he continues, then clears his throat. “Since the two of you didn’t end up studying together.”
Jake’s eyes go wide as he lets out a feigned gasp. “You didn’t?”
You give Jake an annoyed look and then glance back at your brother who is watching you with a pair of raised eyebrows. “Yeah,” you nod, “about that. Umm, the thing is…”
“You lied?” Jake brings a hand to his chest as though this revelation continues to shock him.
You glare at him irritably. “Partly.”
“Which part?” Bradley enquires, biting into his toast.
You sigh. “The part about study group guy.”
Bradley grimaces. “Why?”
“Yeah,” Jake chimes in, finally taking a seat. “Why?”
“Because I obviously made the wrong decision studying at home,” you retort, eyeing Jake bitterly. “And I just needed somebody to blame.”
Jake watches you cautiously, likely wondering if you indeed think you’ve made a mistake. Good.
“So, you bombed your midterm, big deal.” Bradley waves a hand. “We wouldn’t judge you. Guess that means he won’t be attending tonight’s party.”
You purse your lips. “Nope,” you confirm. “I’ll be all alone.”
Jake tries to catch your gaze as you rise from the table. “We’ll be here.”
“Aren’t you gonna bring your girl?” Bradley asks.
“Nah.” Jake waves a hand.
“Why not?”
Jake eyes you pointedly. “Not really sure where we stand, to be honest.”
You gasp theatrically. “Oh dear! Trouble in paradise?”
Jake throws you a flat look and grumbles, “Well, she’s sort of hard to read at times.”
“Because you’re illiterate?” you retort.
Bradley snorts while Jake scoffs in offence. “Dump her!” Bradley cries as you bring your dishes to the sink. “Life’s too short for mysteries.”
Jake sighs. “She does love to keep me guessing.”
Bradley shakes his head in disapproval after taking his last bite. “She’s playing games with you, man. It’s not worth it.” He gets up and follows you to the sink. “How ‘bout you? You need a date for tonight?”
“Huh?” you say in surprise, having been under the impression that your turn under the microscope was over.
“Remember that dude you met at the Hard Deck last summer? The one you said was ‘so hot’” – Bradley visibly shudders – “I just found out that he’s into you.”
“What dude?” Jake asks abruptly, his posture instantly going rigid.
“The one from 22,” Bradley clarifies. “The backseater. Forgot his name.”
“The douche from Michigan?” Jake makes a face and quickly rises from the table. “You think he’s hot?” he asks you incredulously.
Before you have a chance to respond, Bradley continues. “Apparently he ran into you last week at the café?”
You blink between Bradley and Jake as the latter approaches. While it’s true that you saw one of Bradley’s colleagues the previous week, you’ve since forgotten all about that encounter, because the very next day was when Jake had finally made his move. You start to back out of the kitchen but both Bradley and Jake follow you out. “I have some errands to run,” you say quickly.
“Nothing’s open,” Jake reminds you.
“Do you want me to invite him tonight or not?” Bradley asks, already scrolling through his contacts.
Jake elbows Bradley aggressively. “You’re seriously trying to get your sister laid?”
Bradley cringes. “Dude! Don’t go there!”
Jake stares at Bradley. “What do you think is gonna happen?”
You scoff at Jake incredulously. “Excuse me?”
Jake turns to look at you and places his hands on his hips with an impatient exhale. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I just don’t want her to be alone on New Years!” Bradley exclaims, still looking down at his phone.
“She’s not gonna be!” Jake cries desperately.
“I don’t want the date, Bradley,” you say, putting on your shoes despite having absolutely nowhere to go.
“Why not?” Bradley enquires.
“I just don’t. I’m fine with being alone.”
“You won’t be alone,” Jake repeats, the frustration in his voice noticeably mounting.
“I thought you liked him,” Bradley says, slightly deflated. Clearly, he assumed that he was doing you a favor.
“I don’t even know him,” you say. “I just thought he was good-looking, that’s all.”
Jake makes a face. “He’s not.”
You roll your eyes. “Appearance is subjective.”
Jake stubbornly shakes his head but makes no further comment.
“Okay, so why not give him a chance?” Bradley presses. “It’s not like you’re seeing someone. Right?”
You give Jake a quick glance before conducting a thorough examination of your own shoes. “Well, kind of.”
“Kind of?” Jake asks, slightly panicked.
You continue studying your feet. “I think.”
“Who is he? What’s he like?” Bradley asks.
“Uh,” you stall, “he’s alright.”
Jake lets out a muffled cry. “Alright?” he asks and you try not to wince at his utterly obvious outrage.
Meanwhile, Bradley raises an eyebrow. “Wow,” he says wryly. “Sounds promising.”
“What else?” Jake says quickly.
You look up at him in disbelief. “Occasionally aggravating.”
Bradley appears puzzled. “Why are you with this guy?”
Jake squares his shoulders. “He must be extremely handsome.”
Bradley looks back at you. “Is he?”
You roll your eyes. “He’s cute.”
“Cute?!” Jake exclaims.
Bradley laughs. “I really think you should give my guy a try.”
Jake crosses his arms over his chest and stands up taller. “I’m sure there’s more to this guy than just… his looks.” He’s blatantly searching your face now, as if Bradley isn’t even present.
You start to nervously fix your hair in the mirror at the front door. “I’m not interested in your guy, Bradley.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” You sigh resignedly while Jake watches your reflection. “I… I like my guy.”
Jake stares at your face in the mirror as if this is news to him. Then, his mouth slips momentarily into a smile before he sucks in his cheeks to hide it.
Bradley grimaces. “Why?”
“Because, he’s…” another reluctant sigh, “…he’s a good guy.”
“That’s kind of vague,” Jake comments, still trying to suppress a grin.
You shoot him a glare while Bradley chuckles. Then, he says, “Alright, fine. Maybe in a couple of weeks when you’re single again.”
Jake looks at Bradley sharply. “Why would she be single again?”
“Come on, when was the last time my sister liked a guy enough to stay with him long-term? She finds something wrong with everyone she dates.”
Jake shifts his weight uncomfortably. “Maybe this one will stick.”
“Doubt it.” Bradley shrugs.
“This one’s different, Bradley,” you say quietly, turning to face them again.
Jake looks back at you. “He is?”
“How so?” Bradley asks.
You pause, hesitant to reveal the truth. “He… makes me feel…”
Bradley watches you dubiously. “Pretty?”
Jake also takes a stab: “Aroused?”
You let out a weary sigh and lock eyes with Jake. “Safe.”
He stares at you with a stunned expression while Bradley nods approvingly.
“Happy,” you continue.
This time, Jake doesn’t hide his smile, but Bradley raises his eyebrows as though your response has surprised him.
“Strong,” you say.
“Wow,” Bradley mutters.
Jake lowers his gaze with a grin, but you decide to add, “And aroused, I mean –”
“Oh god!” Bradley exclaims.
Jake chuckles, glancing up at you again.
Bradley shakes his head. “I get it, you’re in love. But, Seresin – I just remembered: I’ve got the perfect girl for you!” He holds up his phone, beaming.
Bradley decides to invite the perfect girl just in case because he can see how much his dear friend has suffered at the hands of his mysterious lover. And the perfect girl just happens to be Jake Seresin’s exact type. You try to ignore her flirtatious behavior while Bradley all but pushes Jake in her direction. Your brother seems so keen to set Jake up, you start to wonder what his vested interest might be.
There are enough people in attendance that you can watch Jake without worrying about anyone noticing that you’re staring. So, you pour yourself a fourth martini and head back into the living room to see what your brother’s best friend is up to. You barely make it past the couch, however, when someone you’ve only met once in your life takes your hand and starts encouraging you to spin under his arm.
You glance over at Jake, whose date is also trying to get him to dance. Taking a sizeable gulp of your drink, you follow through with the spin and smile uncomfortably at your new dance partner. The room is bustling because the ball is about to drop and everyone has gathered for the countdown, so you’re forced to crane your neck every so often in order to check on Jake.
He notices your new friend right away, locking eyes with you despite his own supposed date trying to monopolize his attention. You wish you could steal a moment with him when the new year arrives, but Bradley would notice his friend’s absence in a heartbeat considering he’s been tailing Jake all night, making sure that he was having a good time.
When the champagne flutes start making their rounds and the crowd erupts in an enthusiastic countdown, however, Jake separates from his friends and starts making his way through the bodies toward you. He nods his head in the direction of the hall before he’s even come near you, inviting you to join him. But you glance back at Bradley and see that he is already searching for Jake in the crowd that’s suddenly doubled in size as everyone has made their way into the living room.
You shake your head at Jake regrettably. The last thing you need is for the year to start with Bradley walking in on the two of you making out.
Jake gestures more vigorously with his head, urging you to follow and, when you refuse, he moves closer and reaches out to grab your hand. You don’t resist when he pulls you in and, before you can check to see if Bradley has finally given up his search, the clock strikes midnight, and Jake takes your face in his hands and kisses you right there in the middle of the living room amidst the explosion of cheers that welcome the new year.
You hope there is enough commotion in your vicinity to obscure the way Jake’s hands slide sensually down to your neck and then take your shoulders as he steers you through the crowd out of the room, his lips avidly devouring yours the entire time. Somehow, the two of you make it out without even looking up and, once you’re more or less alone, Jake mutters, “Your brother is getting real fucking annoying.”
You chuckle as he plants kisses along your jawline. The two of you are still moving through the house, into the darkness of the entry hall. “He’s been extra involved today,” you agree.
“He’s been fucking annoying,” Jake repeats, sucking on the side of your neck as you come to a halt in the foyer and he wraps his arms around you.
“He’s your best friend,” you remind him.
Jake presses you gently against the front door and licks your earlobe, whispering, “Who the fuck were you dancing with?” You giggle and feel his lips spread into a smile against your skin. “Oh, you think that’s funny?” he asks, and you feel his tongue on your ear again. “You think it’s funny that I had to actively restrain myself from socking him?”
“What about you?” you say, still laughing. “You were with that girl all night!”
Jake whimpers into your neck and his hold on you tightens. “All I wanted was this.” You close your eyes when his mouth finds yours once more. “My new year’s resolution is that I’m never gonna stop kissing you,” he mutters between pecks to your lips.
You giggle again and then sigh, slightly pushing him away. “What are we going to do?”
“I just told you what I’m going to do,” he says, going in for another kiss.
You turn your head and he ends up kissing your cheek. “This is how we’re going to spend the new year? Sneaking around? Hiding in dark corners?”
Jake exhales slowly, resting his forehead on your temple. “I’m going to tell him,” he assures you.
“What are you going to tell him?” you ask, hoping that this question might lead Jake to reveal the nature of your relationship as he sees it.
He leans away from you and looks you in the eye. “That I make you feel aroused, of course.” Your jaw drops in outrage and you let out a yelp that quickly turns into a cackle. Jake is grinning widely, pleased with the effectiveness of his joke. Then, he draws you closer and his face changes shape. He squares his jaw and you see the evidence of a nervous gulp in the bob of his Adam’s apple. “I’m gonna tell him that you’re the girl I told him about,” he says, his tone low but steady. You gaze at him in silence, afraid to move a muscle lest he reconsider the sudden sincerity of his words. “The one I can’t stop talking about.” He swallows again. “The one I’ve been obsessing over.” He pauses to study your reaction as though he’s afraid he might be scaring you off. “The one that I – uh” – he takes a deep breath and then lets out a chuckle, shaking his head. He takes your hands in his and weaves his fingers through yours, tugging you forward until his lips connect with the tip of your nose. “Oh god, Baby B,” he says, leaning into you affectionately. “I should probably stop talking now.”
*That's all folks! Happy New Year!*
Read Part 12
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: The rest of the list will be in the comments. As always, let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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reidsdimples · 3 months
I Can Take Him
18+❤️‍🔥 MDNI ‼️
Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader
You think you can take Spencer in a wrestling match. You end up taking him in a different way.
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“JJ,” Derek nods towards your coworker who is railing into a punching bag in the private gym.
“No way she’d destroy me,” you laugh.
“Come on what about Emily?”
“What about me?” She cuts in.
“I was wonder who Y/N thinks she could take in a wrestling match,” Derek beams.
“She could take me,” Emily pauses. “Until I stop letting her win.” She nudges your shoulder and exits the training room. You laugh.
“I could definitely take him,” you point out Reid who finally wanders into Derek’s ‘mandatory not mandatory’ team workout. He was at least dressed to workout but had his nose in a book while he walked.
You eye his long legs and arms that weren’t usually on display. The black shorts and t shirt suited him well.
“What?” He asks through a mouth full of donut.
“See?” You turn to Derek as you finish your post workout stretch.
“Well pretty boy, you’re on your own! We’re just wrapping up,” Derek claps him on the shoulder and leaves behind Emily and JJ.
You lie on your back on the soft mat and bring your legs to your chest, hugging your knees close to stretch.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” you inform him. You hear him shuffling around somewhere behind you.
“What were you guys talking about?” He appears above you, looking down at you as you bring your legs back down. He looks peculiar at this angle and then he crouches down to get closer to you.
“How I’m stronger than you and could take you in a wrestling match,” you flirt and move to standing. He stands with you and tilts his head.
“What makes you so sure of that?” He raises his eyebrows. You couldn’t help but think he looks especially delicious today. But you couldn’t do anything about it, he’s your coworker.
“I just know,” you smile as you stretch your arms across your body. He stares at you, amused. “What? You want me to prove it?” You’re a very competitive person and the way he’s glaring at you makes you want to prove it to him.
“You can try,” he opens he’s arms and taunts you. His lean body looks so tackle-able so you do just that. With a laugh you dip low and tackle him with your shoulder to the ground.
The two of you roll around for a moment and he flips you onto your back. You shake it off and sit up in time to catch him as he throws his body across yours to pin you.
“Nope,” you laugh and knee him end the ribs.
You take advantage of catching him off guard and roll him off of you. You’re attempting to pull him into a choke hold when he breaks your grip, and pulls you around him to the floor.
Then he’s on top of you, your hands pinned above your head with his strong arms hovering over you. Your wrap your legs around his waist and buck side to side, trying to break his grip. But his knees are planted firmly on the ground, his hands pinning your hands to the mat.
He stares down at you with a smile, sweat beading in his forehead. His eyes skate over your body briefly before he stops himself.
“Tap out,” he demands.
“No,” you squirm beneath him. But a darker part of you is turned on.
All the points of contact between you is overwhelming. Your legs around his narrow waist, allowing for the smallest bit of friction against your now throbbing cunt.
The flat planes of his stomach are against yours and you feel him panting. The air grows more charged between you.
“Come on I already won,” he growls into your ear. His breath fans over your neck and he presses his hips harder against you. Your body betrays you and a moan escapes your throat.
He jerks his head to you, eyes blown wide as they meet yours.
Oh shit.
Your eyes trail down to those perfect lips and his grip on your hands loosen as he leans down. You drop your legs open for him with either foot on the mat, allowing him to get closer and kiss you. You feel his hard cock graze between your legs when he adjusts himself up your body.
His lips find yours ready, wanting. It’s sloppy, it’s heated, but it’s passionate. Your hands trail up his sides, skating against his ribs as he deepens the kiss. His tongue invades your mouth deliciously and you flick yours across it. Your hands are on his bare chest beneath his shirt and you’re writhing with need beneath him.
“Spencer,” you say his first name now as you place your hands on his chest. “We can’t do this here.” It’s a miracle no one walked in and saw something already.
“Come on,” he helps you up.
He drags you into the nearest closet outside of Quantico’s on sight gym. It’s a maintenance closet of some kind with loud servers humming.
You dip your hands into his waist band and pull him forward into you. He pushes you up against the wall and you revel in the feeling of his fit body on yours, his tall frame devouring you as his lips find your neck.
You move your hands up into his recently cut short hair. It’s new, you like it.
“Fuck,” you groan when he sucks on your neck. You push a hand into his shorts and palm his hardened cock.
He exhales at your grip and digs his nails into your hips. You run your hand along his length, and rub your thumb over the pronounced head of his cock with a moan. God that’s going to feel so good inside of you.
He moves down and roughly pushes your tits up out of your sports bra. He cups and bites at them until you have to throw your head back to absorb the sensation. You pump him slowly, a whimper escaping him.
You grab his face with your free hand and bring him up to kiss you.
“Fuck me Spencer,” you plead.
“I don’t have a condom,” he looks into your eyes but you pump his cock again.
“I’m on birth control,” you smile. He sighs like it’s a relief and you bite his bottom lip before sucking it greedily into your mouth.
His hand slips into your shorts and it’s his turn now to explore you. He pushes his long middle finger between your folds and moans in appreciation at your arousal.
“Does losing always get you this wet?” He teases and you groan. He knows you’re competitive but before you can argue he’s pressing his palm against your clit and sliding two sinful fingers deep into you.
“Oh my…” your mouth pops open and you reel your head back.
The raw sensation of those fingers stroking the nerves inside of you is unreal. He’s skilled and he curls them inside of you until you’re twitching and moaning.
You steady yourself with your arms around his neck and cry out into his chest.
“You gonna cum for me too?” He taunts into your ear. He’s so fucking hot, his dirty words send you over the edge until you’re shaking and your cunt is clenching around his fingers. “There you go,” he praises and lets you ride it out against his palm while you grip onto him for dear life.
He pulls his fingers out of you and you can’t wait any longer. You step out of your shorts while he watches you, biting his lip. God you could devour him in that moment.
You pull his cock free and look around the space, trying to determine the best position.
“Bend over that work bench,” he instructs. You take his hand and lead him over to it where some kind of technical tools and papers are spread out.
You bed over and arch your back expecting him to enter you, needing him too. Instead he puts one of your legs up on the table, spreading you wider and giving him better access.
You feel the hard head of his cock between your folds as he torturously drags it through your wetness.
“Mmm please,” you whimper.
“Can you admit that I won?” He drags his nails down the center of your back while teasing your clit with his cock.
“Fine you won, now give it to me Spencer,” you huff. He grins and obliges.
He slides his cock into you slowly and sucks air through his teeth as your walls tighten around him.
“Sorry it’s been a while,” you blush.
“No it’s…” he stammers. “Feels s’good,” he moans.
You were right, his cock feels amazing inside as he starts to move. The head of it brushes against that sweet spot and he seems to have a set rhythm. It drives you crazy as he pushes into you. You try to quiet your moaning but fail.
He reaches forward and shoves his fingers into your mouth, giving it something else to do besides moan.
He increases his speed, letting out whispered praises here and there as he stretches your pussy for his needs.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whine around his fingers in your mouth. He pulls them free and moves his fingers down to your clit.
He speeds up and sets a wicked rhythm against your throbbing bud until your eyes are rolling back into your head.
“I wanna feel you,” he groans.
Your body starts to shake and you hold off for a moment, letting it build until you can’t anymore.
“Fuck!” You slam your hand into the wall in front of you as you explode.
Your pussy clenches and tightens around his perfect cock, milking him for everything his got.
“Of fuck,” he shudders and pumps his load into you. He moves slowly as you feel the hot liquid fill you and then start pouring out of you around where his cock is still inside.
You push back against him, reveling in the feeling.
“Mmm,” he moans and throws his head back.
You had no idea Spencer Reid could fuck like that, or that he could overpower you on a wrestling mat. Damn.
“For the record, I want a rematch,” you tell Spencer after you’re both clothed again. “I was distracted the first time.”
“Let’s do it,” he smiles and you follow him back to the gym.
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bloatedandalone04 · 2 months
Date Night
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➪the one where jake intentionally ruins your date just so he can have one with you instead.
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, soft dom jake, unprotected sex, public sex, size difference/kink idk, pining, swearing, alcohol consumption, jealousy
Word Count: 4.4k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Hey,” was the first thing you said to Jake when you entered the Hard Deck at nine twenty eight on a Thursday night. The sharpness in your voice wasn’t new, he’s heard it many times now, but the calmness was.
Jake had his back to you and looked up at Phoenix, who just raised one of her brows at him as she leaned down to take her shot at the pool table. With a small smirk, Jake stood up straight and turned to face you, holding onto his pool cue with both hands.  “Hey back, princess,”
Your glare intensified as you locked your jaw. “What the hell is the matter with you?” You asked and he knew exactly why you looked beyond pissed right now. He wanted to blame himself, he really did, but it was all Phoenix’s fault. 
She decided to set up a date for you with her friend from the academy, even after Jake flat out told her to forget about the idea. The date was scheduled for tonight, but he knew it wasn’t going to happen.
Why, exactly? 
Well, because Jake met up with this guy himself a few days ago and set him straight, that’s why. He assumed the guy broke all contact with you without letting you know that the date was no longer happening, if the angry look on your face was anything to go by. 
“What?” He asked innocently but his smirk gave away his true intentions. 
You took a step towards him, “Do you have any idea how embarrassing it was to show up to a date only to find out the guy is no longer interested and isn’t coming? I was there for almost an hour,” 
Jake shrugged, glancing over at Phoenix with a grin. “Nope, because I don’t swing that way,”
Your eyes narrowed even more and you looked like you were about five seconds away from going off on him. And he knew he would love every second of it. “Do you want me to be embarrassed? Is that it?”
Jake laughed quietly, looking down at you. The height difference between the two of you was more obvious than ever now, and it just made him want you more. “What are you talking about?”
“You somehow knew I was going on a date and you stepped in and fucked it up,” you accused, crossing your arms. “Why?”
Jake’s smirk faded and he looked down at you as he reached a hand out and gently grabbed your hip. “Because I think you’re sexy as hell and haven’t been treated right by any man you’ve ever been with,”
You open your mouth to fire something back but promptly close it after his words sink in, your eyes widening a bit. “You…what?”
He keeps his eyes locked on yours as he moves closer to you. “You heard me,” he rasped. “I can treat you right, the way you deserve.” 
You shake your head but don’t move away from him. “Yeah, right,” you scoff. “You just wanted to embarrass me publicly and finally win this stupid feud between us.”
Jake wrapped his arm around you, pulling your body up against his. “Baby, I won that a long time ago,” he whispered, thinking he had you right where he wanted you. 
He did not. “Yeah, you did,” you whisper back, stepping away from him but keeping your eyes locked on his as you call out, “Hey, Rooster?”
Bradley, who had been watching the two of you from his place on a nearby stool, smirked as he answered, “Yeah?” 
Jake watched with annoyed eyes as you turned to the other aviator and smiled. “Dance with me? I didn’t get all dressed up for nothing,”
Bradley’s smirk widened before he finished his beer and set it down. He stood up straight and held his hand out to you, “With pleasure, honey,”
Your smile grew as you took his hand, then you looked back at Jake with a glare. Jake glared back and tightened his grip on the cue as he watched Bradley lead you over to the jukebox. Then he watched as the bird man wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you up against his chest. 
Twenty minutes later and Jake was the one who is pissed now. He finished his own beer and let Phoenix win the game of pool just so she could go off and leave him alone. You and Bradley hadn’t separated once, and Jake has had enough. 
He set the pool cue down before striding over to you, placing one hand on your waist while his other gripped Rooster’s shoulder. His expression was stoic as he asked, “Mind if I cut in?”
Bradley looked down at you with a smirk before stepping away. “No problem, Hangman,” 
As he walked away, Jake pulled you close to him as you rolled your eyes and placed your hands on his shoulders. “I was having fun,” you muttered, looking away. 
Jake pulled you a little closer, wrapping one arm around your middle while his other trails up and grips your chin, turning your head to face him. “Look at me, baby,”
“Don’t call me that,” you muttered, staring up at him with guarded eyes. 
“Why not, princess?” He asked, watching your eyes narrow at the other pet name. “Don’t like it?”
You huffed, “No. I’m not your baby or your princess,” 
Jake’s hands run up your sides as he gently sways you to the slower song that is now playing. “What if I want you to be?”
Your eyes met his again as you went tense in his arms. “You don’t,” you say quietly. “You just want me to be the person you can boss around.”
Jake’s hands paused on your waist as he muttered, “Then why do I want to pin you against the nearest wall and kiss you senseless right now?”
Your breath hitched as you grabbed onto his shirt. “Jake,”
He smiled down at you, moving one of his thighs so it’s between both of yours. “Do you like this?” He asked and you looked away and bit down onto your lip. “Answer me, princess. Do you like it?”
You let out a sound of annoyance before answering, “Take a wild guess, Seresin,” 
Jake tightens his grip on your waist as he pushes his leg more firmly between yours. “I think you do,” he said. “I also think you don’t want to admit it.”
You let out a quiet whimper before closing your eyes. “I can’t. I can’t do this,”
“Why not?” He asked in a soft tone, trying to get you to meet his gaze but you weren’t letting up. 
“Because…this is exactly what you wanted,” you mumbled, bunching up the fabric of his uniform shirt in your hands. “You made that other guy ditch me just so you could sleep with me, didn’t you?”
Jake drops the cockiness and smugness from his voice and stills both your bodies. “You really think that’s the reason I did it?”
He didn’t even care that he had now admitted to ruining your date with that guy who wasn’t worth your time. You thought he did it just so he could sleep with you, when in reality he did it so he could be with you. “Yes, I do,” 
“That’s not why,” he muttered, “Not even close.”
“Then why?” You asked desperately, looking up at him with tired eyes. 
Jake reached a hand up and caressed the side of your face. “You have the worst luck with men, princess,” he murmured. 
“Apparently I do,” you whispered, looking away from him. “I think I’ll just go home. I should’ve never come out tonight.”
“Stay,” he nearly begged. “Stay with me, drink with me and then I’ll take you home.”
“Why do you want me to drink, Hangman?” You asked and he hated the sound of his call sign coming from your lips. He just wanted to be Jake to you, and that’s it. 
“Because, princess, you had a shitty night and it was my fault. Let me try to make it better,” he offered, “Just a few drinks, then I’ll take you home.”
You looked at him skeptically before grunting, “Fine,”
Jake nods and pulls you over with him to the bar. “Do you want tequila or beer?”
“Whatever’s the strongest,”
“So tequila then?”
He grinned and kicked a stool out for you to sit. “Alright, princess. Sit your pretty ass down while I order us shots,”
You scoff and brace your elbow on your knee, resting your chin on your hand. You looked fucking adorable like that and Jake was praying to anyone who might be listening that he doesn’t fuck this up. 
All he wanted since the night he met you was just a chance, and you never gave him one. Sure, he was a prick with a really bad attitude sometimes, but you weren’t that far off yourself. You had a bite to you, as well, and it only made him more attracted to you. 
When Penny gave him the shots, he turned to look at you. “Ready?”
You take one of the small glasses from him and raise your brow, clearly wanting him to go first, but he just smirked. “Drink up, princess,”
You huffed before taking the shot, your brows scrunching up as you set it down. “Fuck,” 
“Good girl,” he grinned and you looked over at him quickly. 
“Do not call me that,” you say with wide eyes.
He downed his shot before turning to you. “Why not?”
“Because it makes it sound like we’re together or something,” you mumble, watching as he sat down on the stool next to you. 
Jake lowers his voice a bit as he says, “What if I want us to be?”
“You don’t,” you say quickly, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“I don’t?” He laughed, leaning back. He found it funny that you thought he didn’t want to be with you when it was all he wanted. “I think I do. I think I really want us to be together.”
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you look back over at him. “Why?”
“Because I’ve wanted you ever since we first met,” he answered simply, watching as you slowly shook your head. 
“That’s not true,” you mumble. “We couldn’t stand each other when we first met.”
Jake pressed his lips together and nodded. “You’re right,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “You got under my skin so much, I always wanted to take you into my arms and shut you up with my mouth.”
Your eyes widened a bit as you brushed your leg against his. “Jake,”
He could feel the heat radiating off you and it only made him want you even more. “It’s true, baby,” he rasped, leaning towards you. “I’ve always wanted to be the one to straighten out that sexy fuckin’ attitude of yours.”
Your gaze softened a bit as you shrugged. “That one might be impossible to do,” 
“Well, you know I don’t shy away from a challenge,” he replied. “Admit something for me.”
You tilt your head as he reaches out and grabs your hip. “What?” 
“Admit that you want me just as badly as I want you, princess,” he said, his voice deep as his green eyes stared into yours. “Admit it. Admit that you’ve wanted me since the beginning.”
You part your lips as you reach up and grab onto his shirt. “Jake,” you started in a quiet voice. “I…I want you.”
Jake felt his heart leap at your words, because he fucking knew he wasn’t the only one feeling things between you. He knew he wasn’t the only one losing his damn mind. “I’ve been waiting to hear you say that for so long,” he groans, reaching his other hand out and grabbing your thigh. 
Your own hand reaches up and your fingers tangle in his hair. “I want you,” you say again, “Badly.”
He grins down at you, the feeling of your fingers in his hair feeling better than he ever thought they would. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, leaning up towards him. “Kiss me.”
Jake tightens his hold on your hip as he reaches up to grab your chin. “God yes, princess,” he murmured before kissing you like a starved man. 
The quiet moan you let out as you kissed him back had his whole body heating up, his hand pulling you from the stool so you could stand in between his legs. He lets out a deep groan, moving his hand from your hip to your thigh, where it slowly inched higher and higher. His tongue swipes against your bottom lip as the kiss grows more and more heated.
It was definitely becoming less and less appropriate for public, but you didn’t seem to care as you parted your lips and grabbed onto either side of his face. Jake groaned again as his tongue slipped into your mouth to taste you, his hand moving higher up your thigh. 
The need for air was the only thing that could’ve pulled him away from your sweet lips, and even then his mouth started to press kisses against the skin of your shoulder. “I want you so bad, baby,” he said against your smooth skin, his hands sliding up your back and pulling you impossibly closer to him. 
You moan quietly, the song playing from the jukebox drowning out the sound so the others can’t hear you. Only he could. “I want you, too,” you confess and his uniform pants were definitely starting to grow a bit tighter now. You pull away from his wandering mouth with a grin, your mood a lot lighter now as you hold onto his shoulders. “Dance with me first.”
Jake groaned, tipping his head back. “Fine, but I’m warning you now, baby, I’m gonna be real fuckin’ handsy with you,”
“God, I hope so,” you teased and he was up and off the stool in seconds. He pulled you back to where you danced with Rooster earlier, and Jake made sure to send Bradley a soft glare as he pressed his body against yours. “This is going a lot better than our first dance.”
He laughed quietly, wrapping his arms around your middle as he leaned down and brushed his lips against the shell of your ear. “This is a lot better, baby,” he agreed, kissing along your jaw as you draped your arms over his shoulders. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this, princess. To feel your sexy body pressed against mine, to feel your lips…to hear your sweet moans.”
You whine at his words, tipping your head back. “God, Jake, have you always been this much of a flirt?” 
Jake laughed again, slowly moving your bodies to the music. “Only with you, baby,” he whispered next to your ear. “You bring out the most desperate side of me. A side I didn’t even know I had.”
You grin, trailing your hands through his hair as you both tuned out everyone else around. “Do I?”
“Don’t even start,” he muttered, feeling his pants grow even tighter. He’d be damned if he got a fucking boner in the middle of a bar, but it was definitely looking like things were heading that way. 
You laugh, pushing your body even closer to his. “Why not?”
“Baby, you’re driving me crazy,” he groaned. “It’s taking everything in me to not throw you over my shoulder and carry you out of here so I can have you all to myself.”
You smile up at him, tracing your fingers along his jaw. “You know, I think this is better than my failed date with Eric could’ve ever been,”
“Oh, so that’s his name?” He grinned, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “Trust me, princess, this is only going to get better because once we  get out of here, you’re all mine.”
He watches as you bite down on your lip, your hands sliding down his sides . “You’re not drunk, are you?”
Jake shakes his head, “I’m stone cold sober,” he answered, taking your chin between his thumb and index finger. “Don’t tell me you’re already regretting this.”
“No. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” you mumble, taking his hand in yours. 
His smugness drops again as he laces his fingers with yours. “C’mon, baby,” he says deeply, “Let’s go somewhere more private.  I need you all to myself.”
You nod, grinning up at him and letting him lead the way towards the other side of the Hard Deck. He pushes open a door marked ‘Employees Only’ and pulls you inside with him. The room was full of boxes and spare chairs and bar stools, and Jake quickly closed the door before pinning you against it. 
“I want you so bad,” he muttered, taking your wrists in his hands and pinning your arms above your head. You let out a soft moan, pressing against him as he holds your wrists with one hand and uses the other to grab hold of your thigh and wrap your leg around his waist. 
“I want you, too,” you gasp, tightening your leg around his hip. 
Jake groans, leaning down to kiss you deeply. “You’re mine tonight, princess. All mine,”
“Just tonight?” You tease, tilting your head back against the door. 
Jake shook his head, pressing his hips to yours. “Hell no, baby. You think I’m going to be able to let you walk away after just one night?” He asked, feeling the way you inched even closer to him. “I’m gonna want you every single night after this.”
“You can have me,” you promise, showing more of your neck to him. 
“You better mean that,” he grunted before leaning down and sucking various marks onto your neck. “I didn’t wait nearly two fucking years just to only have you for one night.”
You laugh, pushing against his hand. “You’re telling me that you acted like a prick to me for the last two years, but secretly wanted me the whole time?” 
“Yeah,” he answered, letting go of your wrists and wrapping his arms under your thighs. “Add me to that list of shitty men you’ve been with.”
“You’re not so bad,” you grinned, draping your arms around his shoulders. “You got me alone tonight, didn’t you?”
Jake smirked and nodded, lifting you up into his arms and carrying you over to one of the large wooden crates. “I did,” he confirmed, “I want you so bad, princess. You make me fucking feral.”
You moan softly, pulling up your dress so it bunched around your waist. Jake’s eyes darken as he looks down at your bare thighs before he’s groaning and pressing his lips to the side of your neck. “It’s not perfect,” you say, leaning back against the crate. “But I want you to fuck me. Right here.” 
Jake bit his lip and slid his hands up your thighs. “You’re fuckin’ perfect, baby,” he nearly growled, “You know I’m more than happy to fuck you right here.”
A small laugh of excitement escapes your lips as you place your hands flat against the top of the crate behind you, your hips lifting as you help him rid you of your lace panties. 
“Should I be jealous?” He asked, bunching up the flimsy fabric in one of his hands while he used the fingers of his other to slowly trail up your inner thigh. “You weren’t planning on showing Alec these, were you?”
You laugh again, a quiet moan escaping your lips as his fingers brush against your slit.  “It’s Eric,” you corrected but quickly moaned again when he began circling your clit. “No…I wasn’t going to sleep with him. I promise.”
Jake grinned, leaning down to press his lips to yours. “Good…that’s good,” he hummed, sliding his now wet fingers back down your folds. “Let me make you feel good, baby. Can I?”
You nod quickly, your eyes closing a bit as you feel his fingers slowly sink into you. “Oh, God,” you whispered, already so wet for him as you leaned back on the crate. “Jake.”
Your moan of his name has his pants tightening to the point where it was very uncomfortable now, and he leaned down to kiss along your neck as he slowly fucked his fingers into you, his other hand fumbling with his zipper. “You sound so pretty,” he cooed, curling his fingers and beginning to rub your clit. “All for me.”
You moan again, nodding quickly and starting to grind against his hand as he finally manages to relieve the tension of the zipper. “For you,” 
Jake groaned, feeling his fingers get more and more wet as he worked you open. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing along your shoulder as one of your dress straps slipped down. “I always thought you were so damn stunning, baby.”
You whimper, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Really?”
He nodded slowly, moving his head so his lips brushed against yours. “Of course,” he answered, pushing his fingers deeper inside you. “Always thought you were way out of my league.”
“But that didn’t stop you from ruining my date,” you laughed, biting your lip after to muffle your sounds. 
“Are you still mad that I did?”
Jake grinned, kissing you deeply as he felt you clench around his fingers. “God, you’re so hot,” he grunted, “I want you to come for me.”
You moaned rather loudly, now starting to fuck yourself on his fingers. “Please,” you begged, reaching up to grab onto his shoulders. “I’m close.”
“Come for me, princess,” he rasped, letting you use his hand however you wanted. “Let me see how fucking pretty you look when you come.”
Your back arched and you wrapped your arms around his neck as you came, biting onto the fabric of his shirt to stifle your moans. “Fuck,” you whimpered, slowly grinding against his fingers. 
“There you go,” he murmured, lifting your chin with his free hand so he could look you in the eye. “You’re mine.”
The moan you let out was pornographic as you nod. “God, yes,”
Jake grinned, slipping his fingers out of you and bringing them up to his lips. He tasted you as you reached down to free him from his boxers. “You taste so good, baby,” he groaned, cleaning your release from his fingers. “Makes me wish I went down on you instead.”
You whine, stroking his hard cock. “Next time,” you promised, staring down at him. “God, you’re big.”
Jake felt himself smirk as he lifted your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist. “I need to be inside this sweet pussy,” he said, his voice deeper than its ever been. “Please?”
You nod, grabbing onto his shoulders. “Fuck me, Jake,”
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say those exact words,” he muttered, coating himself in your wetness. “You’re so perfect.” 
You blushed, looking up at him through your lashes. “I secretly wanted to say them to you for a long time now, too,”
Jake buried his head against your neck. “Fuck, baby. Do we need a condom?”
“Mm, no,” you answer, “I want to feel all of you.”
He grunted, slowly pushing into you. It didn’t take much for him to be fully inside, you were drenched and it made it easy for him to bottom out in one movement. “Princess,” he huffed out as he slowly began fucking you. “You feel so good.”
“So do you,” came your breathy reply, your arms wrapping around his broad shoulders. “I had a feeling you would.”
Jake moaned at your words, pulling nearly all the way out before burying himself back inside you. “God, baby, you feel even better than I imagined,”
You whimper, wrapping your legs tighter around him. “You’ve thought about this?”
“Of course,” he scoffed, pulling back to press his forehead against yours. “Not just this, though the image came up quite a bit. You’re the only thing I’ve been thinking about lately.”
You moaned lowly, bunching up his shirt in your hands. “Fuck me, Jake…I want to forget about everyone else except for you,”
Your words make him feel a wave of possessiveness wash over him and he grabs your waist tightly, holding you steady as he fucked into you harder than before. “Like this, baby?”
“Yes,” you whimper. “Yes…like that.”
Jake grunted and fucked you hard and rough, and he wasn’t even sure if he locked the door to this room or not. He didn’t really care; if someone were to walk in, they’d just see his back since his whole body covered yours because of the size difference between you and him. Odds are the person would be Penny, and she would probably just walk back out after interrupting because of all the business Jake had given her since he settled down in San Diego. 
His lips are all over your neck and chest, marking your skin as he pleased. “You feel fucking perfect, baby,” 
Jake’s thrusts were becoming more and more desperate as he fucked you hard on the crate, not caring about whatever was in it at all as he heard your sweet moans. “Jake, oh God, don’t stop,”
He kissed you deeply, the slick sound of you taking him bouncing around the dark room. “I won’t, princess,” he grunted, reaching up to tightly grip your jaw. “You feel too good, too tight.”
You tip your head back, moans freely leaving your lips. “I’m gonna come,”
Jake groaned, pushing even deeper inside you. “Yeah? You gonna come for me again, baby?”
“Yes…” you moaned, clinging onto him. 
He grinned and kissed your neck. “Come for me, princess,”
You cry out, clenching around him as you come for a second time, an all too tempting request on your lips as you grind against him, “Come in me,”
Jake’s jaw went slack and he barely had time to process your words before he was coming, too, burying himself deep in your soaked walls until you both were panting. “Fuck,” he breathed out, resting his head against your shoulder as you run your fingers through his hair. 
You grin up at him, keeping him tucked inside you by pressing your heels against his back. “Jake,” you whispered, gripping the sides of his neck. “We’re…together now, right?”
He smirked, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Damn right we’re together now,” 
You blush and smile before kissing him again for a long time.
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oshygoshy · 3 months
2:07 pm
word count - 570 words
warnings - none
a/n - omg this is based off my own experience working at bath n body works BRO. i was asking this older guy if he needed anything special today and he was like, "my wife! who's pretty special to me" like alskdfhskafash let me find someone who loves me like that
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sakusa kiyoomi didn't particularly like nor care for shopping, instead opting for whatever athleisure was the highest quality, or whatever the newest brand deal msby signed with. (seriously, the amount of free nike promo the team got was kind of insane.) he especially doesn’t like the bright, heavily scented body care store you frequently shopped at. the loud music, cheery (read: plastic) decor, and strong, swirling scents messed with his head, causing headaches and itchy skin. and don't get him started on the testers...! just how many people could've potentially touched them by now?
"hello! are you looking for something special today?" an employee asked with a picturesque fake customer service voice and smile voice plastered on thickly. 
he gave a brisk nod at them back. "nothing much, just my spouse." he paused. "although, you could say they're very special to me," he said, icy exterior melting and a warm smile peeping through. 
she laughed, a genuine smile appearing on her face this time. “aww, cute! well, we do have a buy 3 get 2 free sale going on right now on our full-sized body care items, so maybe you could help her shop for something special," she said before heading off to greet another customer. 
he nodded absentmindedly, glancing at some of the select items. although the store itself was too much to bear, whenever you put something scented on yourself, it was much nicer. less overbearing compared to the store, and it was like a secret surprise every time he leaned in for a hug. would he smell a hint of vanilla or pear wafting against your skin today?
"omi? you're in here?" 
he was startled at your sudden voice. "huh? oh, yeah, you were taking a while," he explained, turning around to see you peering up at him. he didn’t see anything in your hands, so he supposed nothing piqued your interest. (this time, anyway…)
"whoops! got carried away looking at the samples,” you say, abashed, as you stick out your hand. he holds it in his palm obediently. “anyways, i'm done here. i didn't find anything i liked, so we can head out now," you say, leading him out of the store. 
“have a good day, you two! and good luck on your marriage," said the employee from before, smiling at you both. he nodded back, and couldn’t help but smirk a little as he felt your steps falter. 
“now now dear, let’s not bother the poor working lady,” he murmured low into your ear. you gave him a flat look in return. 
“omi-omi, please-“
“don’t call me that! you know i don’t like it.”
“omi.” you stop in your tracks, frowning at him. “if you’re going to go around announcing that we're married, why don’t you at least…i don’t know…propose to me first?” you say, raising an eyebrow.
(unbeknownst to you, the ring was waiting underneath his boxers back at your shared apartment.)
“yeah, alright,” he hummed. “just wanted to test it out first.”
you hug his arm, a small smile on your face. “you’re so cute! who would've thought you’re capable of being emotive, let alone adorable?”
he gently pushed you off his arm, using just enough force to loosen your grip on him. “fuck off. i take everything i just said back.” 
“nope! no take-backsies! you’re my cute little wifey now!” 
he sighed incredulously. “i’m the wife?” 
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440 notes · View notes
fyodior · 3 months
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pairing: toji fushiguro x gn!reader (no anatomy described)
cw: pegging toji !!!! reader uses a strap, toji is hesitant but goes along with it and ends up LOVING it. anal (m!receiving), missionary and doggy, minor orgasm control, etc. kind of glorified anal so keep that in mind. MINORS DONT INTERACT ILL BITE
notes: this is a sponsored fic for @ficsforgaza, and im so so excited to finally be posting it!! (other wips available for sponsor here) go check out some other great creators on the blog too!! and this is my first time back writing in a bit so pls be kind :") divider by @/cafekitsune!
wc: 2.8k
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“Toji, sweetheart, you need to relax.”
“Fuck- I’m fuckin’ trying,” your lover grunts, wincing and sucking in a sharp breath. “I’m not fuckin’ used to things inside’a me like you are.” You choose to ignore that last quip. 
Only half a very well lubed finger deep into his tight ass, you figure this is going to be a long night, but you know it’ll be so, so, worth it - for both you and him. 
The day you first proposed trying anal to Toji, he was all for it - excited even. Until he found out that you meant he’d be the one receiving, and his face immediately fell. 
“No. Nope. Nothin’s goin’ up my shitter,” he had responded, making you roll your eyes and groan. You swore up and down that a prostate orgasm could be life changing for males, but he flat out refused for months. It wasn’t until your birthday when you promised him he didn’t have to buy you a gift if he agreed to try anal just once - and then he was all for it. 
He was hesitant as the two of you scrolled through sex toy websites to search for the best possible strap and dildo for him. Pointing out ones you thought he might like only made his face contort in discomfort, haunted by the thought of something going inside his asshole. The list of “hard no’s” grew and grew the longer you searched: nothing longer than 6 inches, nothing girthier than a circumference of 5 inches, no skin colors because that felt too real, and no balls. Toji Fushiguro was a hard man to please. 
Finally, finally, after months of convincing, hours of online shopping, and a few more days following the arrival of the package, did you have your lover laid out in front of you, legs spread and hole awaiting. It was the sweetest fucking sight in the world, and you were so grateful you maintained enough patience to get to this moment. Good things really do come to those who wait.
The harness was already strapped around your waist, painfully eager to attach the dildo and get to it, but of course there was ample prep required, especially for someone completely new to anal. Per your request, he had showered prior to you getting home from work and had tried to clean himself out a little bit, which you were very grateful for. Now you were tasked with stretching and prepping his hole. Your mouth watered at the thought of it. 
Instructing him to lay on his back, for no other reason than you wanted to see his face, you press his thick, sinewy thighs apart and settle between them. You had done your best to create a gentle, relaxing environment in your shared bedroom, with the lights dimmed low, a few candles flickering on the shelf, and soft music playing from the TV. Yet still, the man was as tense as a clenched fist. 
The goal was to get him a little worked up and wanting it, so you start with a little foreplay. Kissing him softly, you jerk him off slowly, getting him hard enough that he wants to cum. His hard cock lays neglected on his belly as he rests on his back, propped up against a horde of pillows, and you could honestly cum just at the sight of him. Toji is fucking beautiful.
But now it was finally time. After dousing your fingers in a thick, goopy layer of lube, you press the tip of your ring finger against his puckered hole, and he immediately flinches.
“Baby, I promise I won’t make this hurt, you have to breathe, though,” you plead, using your other hand to massage his thigh. “Here - take a deep breath with me.” 
Motioning for him to follow, you suck in air, watching him closely. After rolling his eyes and deciding he’ll finally play along, he mimics you. The second he releases the breath he was holding, his body deflating, you take the chance and slip in your finger down to just the first knuckle.
He immediately gasps, furrowing his brows and grunting. “Hey! You fuckin’ tricked me!” he accuses, indignant as a little kid. 
You chuckle in response. “It got it in, didn’t it?”
You stay like that for a bit, wriggling the tip of your finger purely just to start getting him used to the feeling of something inside him, watching his expressions closely.
“Does it feel good at all, babe?” 
It takes Toji a moment to respond, clearly chewing on the idea in his brain. “It… it’s weird,” he finally says, pursing his lips. “It just feels strange - not… bad, though. Yet.” 
“Good,” you nod. “Good. Just hang in there, and you’ll feel good soon, okay? Promise.”
He just grumbles before gripping his cock, fisting it a few times before you smack his hand away. 
“Hey!” he gasps, jaw wide open. “It’s my dick!”
“No. I said no touching yourself yet,” you bite back. When he looks like he’s about to pitch a fit, you decide to throw in a “please, baby? For me?” and he backs down. Toji is nothing if not a sucker for you.
After warning him, you push your finger in to the second knuckle. He sucks in a sharp breath, but makes no protest - a good sign. Soon, you have your whole finger inside him, and he’s panting a bit.
“See, baby? I knew you could take it,” you smile softly. 
“Whatever,” Toji grumbles, avoiding your gaze. He can deny it all he wants, but he can’t hide the fact that his dick twitched every time you pushed your finger in a little further. “Let’s hurry this up and get it over with.”
Your eyes go wide at that, but you nod. “Your wish is my command, sir,” you smirk.
And just like that, your whole pointer finger has bullied its way inside him. 
“Fuck!” Toji coughs, lurching forward. “You can’t do that!”
“Oh, but I can,” you grin impishly. “Just lay back and let me work you open, okay?”
Now that you have two fingers inside him, you can actually make some headway. Squirting some more lube around his entrance, you start to very slowly fuck him with your fingers, pumping them in and out at a snail’s pace. Toji stays silent, still refusing to meet your gaze, but his cheeks are cherry red and he’s gripping the sheets with a tight fist. 
The quiet music coming from the TV hums softly in the background, and you hope it’s relaxing him at least a little as you slowly spread your fingers apart, trying to scissor them open to loosen the muscles and stretch him out. Toji’s breath hitches when you spread them even past when his hole starts to resist, and you smirk. You guess he likes the feeling of being full just as much as you do. 
Time passes painfully slowly while you work him open with your fingers, aching to finally get inside him. To finally fuck Toji in the way he deserves. Finally, you feel like he’s prepped enough to adequately take the strap. It might hurt a tiny bit, but what’s the harm in that?
“Okay, sweetheart,” you start as you fit the jet black dildo into the O-ring connected to the strap. “You okay on your back like this, or do you wanna take it from the back?”
His face burns bright red at the thought of you fucking him in doggy, so he just shakes his head. “ ‘m fine like this,” he mumbles, and you nod.
Once again settling between his thighs, you wrap a hand around his cock and pump it lazily, offering him a small smile.
“You look so pretty laid out like this for me, legs spread and ass spread so wide, ready to take my cock,” you muse, mind in overdrive.
“S-st-stop,” Toji squeaks out, biting his fist. He won’t admit it, he can’t admit it, he’ll die before admitting how much that turns him on. He can’t admit how his ass has started to ache for something to fill it back up again, even though you’re more than willing to oblige. 
“Can’t, baby boy,” you frown, leaning in for a kiss. “Not when I finally have you like this.” 
The brief kisses seem to relax the tense man just a bit, melting against your lips and kissing back hungrily. You could’ve sworn you caught a just fuck me already under his breath, but he’ll refuse it until his deathbed. 
When you make eye contact with him and he nods, you press the well-lubed tip of the strap against his hole, watching with stars in your eyes as it resists, but still tries to spread open. A cough can be heard from near the headboard, but no protests so far. Soft whines fight to escape Toji’s throat as you push in each centimeter of the silicone cock, face burning hot and red. About halfway in, you pause, giving the man a moment to breathe and acclimatize to the intrusion inside him. He’s grateful for it too, huffing and groaning and squirming as he tries to find a more comfortable position, but there is none. Not when there’s something hard shoved up his ass. You just stay as patient as a saint, massaging his muscly thighs and running your hands up his torso, trying your best not to lean too far forward and inch any more of the cock inside him. As a treat, you give his throbbing, aching cock a few tugs with your spit coated palm, and he lets out a sigh. 
One more moment of eye contact, and more nod, and you push your hips a little farther forward. Suddenly, Toji lurches forward again.
“Gah!!” he cries out, eyes wide and heaving. “What- what was that? What did you do?” The accusatory questions only make you laugh, leaning in to kiss him sweetly. 
“Must be your sweet spot - your prostate,” you chuckle. “Here - let’s try again.” 
Pulling out a few inches and thrusting in again has Toji sputtering and groaning all over again. You can’t help but break out into a wild smirk. This is exactly what you wanted. Not only for yourself, as a perfect view to marvel at and take in, but for him - Toji deserves this, deserves to feel good. 
Leaning forward, hands braced on either side of his chest, you muster up all your strength and thrust hard. This time his head is falling back against the pillow as he cries out with a call of your name, too.
“It’s all the way inside, sweetheart,” you smile, marveling at how the silicone balls are pressed firm against his ass. “How do you feel?”
“G-good,” he nods, gulping. “Just- let’s just do this- please,” Toji chokes out.
This version of Toji, one so vulnerable and desperate, is one you’ve never seen before. Not even when he’s fucking you - he’ll get desperate to get his dick wet, sure, but this is… different. Sweeter. His dark, unruly hair is matted to his forehead with sweat, and his chest is heaving in anticipation. You simply have no choice than to give him exactly what he wants.
Inching your strap out to where the tip is almost dangling out of his hole, you thrust all the way back in, relishing in the way he once again moans. His reaction is so much sweeter than you could’ve imagined, and you simply can’t help the way you go fucking crazy. Your thrusts pick up speed, anchoring yourself by gripping the sheets hard as you erratically fuck your lover’s ass. The both of you are complete messes, groaning and whining and gasping almost theatrically, chasing a beautiful high. 
“Harder,” Toji grunts, pulling you in by your cheeks for a messy kiss as his thick legs circle your waist. “Fuck! Fe-feels so fucking good, fuck, fuck fuck…” he blabbers, your face still in his tight grip. You couldn’t give less of a shit, just want to see him falling apart even more, so you give him exactly what he asks for.
Wet sounds of lube and skin on skin echo throughout the bedroom, mixed with the tunes of both your moaning and groaning. An ache is blossoming in your thigh muscles and you can feel yourself losing stamina but you refuse to give in just yet, using every ounce of your strength to piston your hips in and out of him. Toji can’t help but clench tight around your cock, you can feel it by the increased resistance, and you truly think you must have died and gone to heaven. 
“Toji, sweetheart,” you call, trying to grab the man’s attention. “Get on your hands and knees for me, okay?”
For the first time likely ever, the man does as he’s asked with no protest. He hisses a bit as you slip all the way out of his tight heat, but scrambles to flip over and present his ass for you. There’s no way this is your Toji, not when he’s acting like this - but you decide you’ll allow yourself to indulge in this doppelganger, just for tonight. 
Some adjustments to his stance are required, as he is taller than you, but you soon find a comfortable position so that your hips can be flush against his ass. His throbbing cock and balls hang heavy at this angle, dangling between his thighs, but he doesn’t seem to mind. At this angle, you have a much better view of his beautiful ass, using two hands to spread his cheeks apart and stare with a slack jaw at his abused hole, puffy and throbbing. It’s mind boggling that you were inside him. And will be again. With one languid thrust, you’re bottoming out again and pressing his face into the pillow, making him cry out. 
This angle, while depriving you of your lover’s beautiful face, is much easier for your task. Having his ass presented for you like this makes fucking him a breeze - so you take, and take, and take, and take. Pump in and out of his tight, wet hole, both of your bodies trembling as you’re overcome with so much emotion and overstimulation. You feel like a bitch in heat with the way you’re rutting into him, bottoming out with almost every thrust. 
“Fuck,” Toji spits. “I’m gonna fucking cum.” 
Your eyes go wide at the realization. He’s going to cum? Just from getting fucked? Holy shit.
“Yeah, baby? Wanna cum? Feels so good getting fucked, huh?” you tease, continuing to fuck him hard and deep. “Want me to help you out, or so how long it takes for you to cum just from getting your ass fucked? Hm?” Your own words are lost on you, seemingly coming from a place of pure lust and not from your rational mind.
“Please help,” Toji chokes out. And he’s been so good, not touching his cock this entire time, taking your cock so well, that you decide to do as he asks. 
Your pace slows down some as you wrap a hand around his aching, angry red cock, thumbing at the tip and using his tacky precum to lube up your hand some. It only takes one, two, three strokes before he’s gasping and spurting thick, hot ropes of cum onto the bed, whole body tensing as he cries out louder than you’ve ever heard before. He collapses onto the bed, and you take the message, pulling your strap out from his abused hole. No words come from his mouth, only heaves and gasps for air as he tries to come to terms with what just occurred. You don’t nag him at all, just flop down next to him and push his sweat-soaked hair out of his eyes.
“Did that feel good, baby? Hm?” you ask, smiling softly at him. That’s truly all you ever wanted. You truly couldn’t give much of a shit about your own desires and lust - all you ever, ever wanted in this world was for your lover to feel good. 
Toji gulps. “....Yeah. Felt real good.” It’s obvious he’s exhausted, only moments from passing out. You can’t blame him.
“Did so, so good for me, sweetheart,” you coo, leaning in to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. “Now get some rest. It’s hard getting fucked, isn’t it?” That makes him chuckle weakly.
“Fuck you,” he rasps, but he has a lopsided smile on his face. “Love you. Really. Thank you.”
Your heart soars and you smile widely. “Of course, sweetheart. Always. I love you. Now please get some rest so we can go for a second round.”
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unitedhamilton · 3 months
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Summary: a resolution with flowers on the counter.
Word Count: 1k
A/N: here is part two of Flowers! I would recommend reading that first. Enjoy lovelies 💜
Lewis’ head shot up off the couch pillow when he heard the lock on the front door click. 
He didn’t move when he saw you in the living room doorway. You broke the silence first. 
“I’m going to bed.”
“Do you want me to sleep on the couch?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Whatever, Lewis.” 
Then he saw you turn and go up the stairs. 
Lewis dropped his head into his hands. He couldn’t believe what the last few hours had turned into. 
Lewis jogged up the steps, slightly out of breath as the Colorado freezing air kicked his ass. A crappy night's sleep and the change from Las Vegas weather had him struggling. 
He opened the door and immediately saw Roscoe camped out on the welcome mat. While bending down to pet the attention seeker, he caught sight of you in the kitchen. You had a mug held to your lips with your phone in the other hand. 
Lewis felt your eyes on him once he stood up. The light still hadn’t returned after a night of sleeping apart. It’s not like he expected anything different. 
“Morning,” you greeted as you set your mug on the counter. You tucked your phone in the back pocket of your jeans. You kept talking, voice flat as it has been and Lewis didn’t like that. “I’m going to the store so if you need anything you can text me.” 
Lewis walked to the cabinet and grabbed a glass making his way to the sink to get water. He didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say. 
“Alright, I’m going. See you in a bit,” you said. 
“What store are you going to?” Lewis asked. 
“I haven’t decided yet. Sprouts perhaps. Maybe Trader Joe’s. Whatever I feel like when I get in the car.” 
You started to walk out of the kitchen when Lewis spoke. He really shouldn’t have. He was still pent up from his run and over everything he caused. 
“You’re not going to the store.” 
You froze and slowly turned towards him, eyebrows raised. “We need groceries, Lewis.” 
“No we don’t.” 
“Yes we do.” 
“Okay,” you put your hands on the counter, leaning towards Lewis, “the fruit and few vegetables I got yesterday barely feed you so we need groceries.” 
To this, Lewis replied, “I’ll go with you.” 
You barked out a laugh and shook your head. 
“Don’t laugh,” Lewis ground out. 
You both moved simultaneously, Lewis towards you and you towards the door. But, Lewis caught your wrist and pulled you towards him. 
“Don’t laugh at me baby.” 
“Lewis,” you whispered, in shock and maybe even surprise at your sudden closeness. 
He walked you so your back was against the counter. Lewis reached into your back pocket and pulled your phone out placing it next to your hip. 
“Why’d you throw the flowers away?” Lewis rumbled, you didn’t respond, he asked again, “why?” 
“They were dried out.”
“You did that on purpose.” 
“Just let it go Lewis.” 
He pressed you harder against the counter. “Tell me, honey. Why did the flowers end up in the trash?” 
“They were just flowers.” 
“They weren’t.” 
“You’re right,” you said quietly. “Once you stopped showing up they became just flowers.” 
He dropped his forehead to yours. 
Lewis didn’t mean to hurt you. Truly. You had the best vacation together, something he enjoyed every second of. No work, no responsibilities. Time together that was needed. He did have work he needed to handle when getting home but went about it the wrong way. 
He had to fix what he did. 
“Please let me go Lewis,” you whispered. 
“No? You can’t just say no.” 
He moved his hands from your hips to around your shoulders pulling you into a hug. 
He moved his lips to your ear and whispered, “I hurt you. I messed up and I hurt you.” 
Lewis felt your arms lightly wrap around his waist. He tightened his arms and pressed his temple to your hair. 
“I’m sorry I hurt you, baby,” he murmured. 
“Fine Lewis.” 
“Let me in, baby. Let me fix my mistake. I shut you out and I shouldn’t have.” 
He pulled back and saw your hard exterior slowly crumbling. He didn’t let you go but gave you time to speak. 
“We got back from a fabulous time together, Lewis. I would have supported you through whatever you were going through. You know I have supported you and always will,” you said quietly. “What am I supposed to do and think when you aren’t talking to me?” 
Lewis placed a finger on your chin guiding your eyes together. 
“Give me your eyes honey.” Once you locked eyes he continued. “I didn’t want to burden you with everything I was working through. I can’t tell you exactly why I did what I did. I knew it was wrong. I can promise you I won’t do it again.” 
He saw you take a deep breath and sigh. He hoped you weren’t gearing up to keep arguing. 
“I know you didn’t do it on purpose, Lewis. But I’m not here to be thrown to the side when you’re stressed or whatever,” you flicked your hand off to the side. “I forgive you, but I’m not tolerating it again.” 
Lewis felt the smile creeping onto his face. He heard you laugh quietly. 
“Hug me baby. I’ve missed you.” 
At that, you wrap your arms around his shoulder at the same time he hugs your waist. He missed the feeling of you. All parts of you. 
You pulled back, Lewis not wanting to let you go, but loosening his hold, and seeing the smirk on your face. 
He knew what was coming and braced for the incoming sass. 
“Now, can we go buy groceries or are we going to stand here and starve?” 
Lewis bent his neck and dropped his forehead to yours. 
Then, his eyes locked with yours, he muttered, “Of course honey.” 
“Then get off me and let’s go!” 
“Fine, fine,” he replied, fighting a smile. 
You looked into his eyes for a while. 
Then you yelled, “let’s go Roscoe! You’re daddy stopped being an ass so we’re going as a family.” 
Lewis closed his eyes and laughed. Then he moved and touched his lips to yours. 
Then he let you go and watched as you went to get Roscoe’s collar and leash. With you out of sight, he went to the garbage can and pulled the flowers out. They’d deal with them together after shopping.
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hotshotsxyz · 6 months
beer & apologies
(buddie) (722 words) (7x04 coda)
It’s late, later than any reasonable person would show up on a friend’s doorstep, but Buck’s got this bright, warm feeling in his chest and all he wants to do is apologize so he can share it. For a split second he thinks about knocking, but that feels a little too much like going backwards. Instead, he lets himself in and hangs his key on the hook.
“Eddie,” he calls quietly into the still house.
“Kitchen.” The reply is soft, easy, like Eddie was expecting him.
Buck steps into the room and holds up the beer he brought.
Eddie looks up at him and grins, soft and warm in the glow of the lamplight. “What’s that for?”
“This is ‘sorry for acting like a teenager and spraining your ankle’ beer,” Buck says, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “Seriously, I’m sorry.”
Eddie sighs and pushes an empty chair back from the table with his foot, gesturing for Buck to sit. “I’m sorry too,” he says.
“No, no, you don’t—" Buck starts.
“Yeah, I do,” Eddie interrupts with a wry grin. “You should definitely be sorry-er, though, so I’ll take the beer.”
Buck snorts and sits, setting the six pack on the table between them.
“We didn’t—well, I didn’t…”
“I know,” Buck says. “I was just—”
“I know,” Eddie says softly.
A few, quiet moments pass, and it’s comfortable, exactly what Buck was missing the last couple of days.
“Hey,” Eddie says suddenly, sitting up a little straighter, “at least now I know why you always said no to basketball.” He smiles, loose and just a tiny bit mischievous.
Buck splutters. “What? No! I wasn’t that bad,” he protests.
Eddie lifts his injured ankle and raises an eyebrow.
“Okay, well maybe, but—”
“Uh-uh,” Eddie says, “no buts. You haven many talents, Buck, but basketball isn’t one of them.”
Buck ducks his head and grins. “Maybe I’ll get Tommy to teach me, then I can beat you without playing dirty.” Saying Tommy’s name out loud gives birth to a few giddy butterflies in his stomach.
“You two make up?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah,” Buck says. “He uh—texted me.” The butterflies turn to little rocks.
“Good,” Eddie says, “that’s good.” He grabs a beer and twists the top off. “I really think you guys will get along, if you give him a chance.”
“We, um. Yeah. We probably will.” Buck grabs a beer of his own and stares at the label.
He doesn’t—he didn’t mean to lie. It just kind of… came out. Which, it’s Eddie. Buck knows he could tell him exactly what happened, right now, and it’d be fine. It’d be completely fine because it’s Eddie and he knows Eddie would be cool about it, probably even happy for him! But when he goes to open his mouth it just. Doesn’t.
“How’s—uh. How’s Marisol?” he asks instead, tripping over his words.
Eddie shrugs. “She’s fine, same as always. Apparently Christopher got her to play Fortnite, which, according to him, was a disaster.”
Buck laughs, shaking his head. “That kid,” he says softly.
“That kid,” Eddie agrees. He takes another swig of beer and sits back.
“Hey, wait,” Buck says suddenly. He lurches forward and snags the bottle out of Eddie’s hand. “You can’t have this, you’re on pain killers.”
“It’s my apology beer!” Eddie protests.
“Nope, two sips is plenty. I can’t hurt your ankle and your liver on the same day.”
“It’s after midnight, it’s tomorrow,” Eddie pouts. “Give it.” He makes a halfhearted attempt to grab it back, but Buck holds the beer aloft.
“Nuh-uh, absolutely not,” Buck says. “You can drink your apology beer this weekend.”
“My apology beer is going to be flat and stale,” Eddie replies, unimpressed.
Buck rolls his eyes. “I’ll buy you a new apology beer, alright?”
“Promises, promises.”
“I will!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie laughs. “You better. Want to bring it over on Saturday? We can watch the game.”
Buck’s grin falters a little bit, even as that warm feeling bubbles up in his chest all over again. “I uh- can’t, sorry.”
“What, you got a hot date or something?” Eddie asks with a laugh.
Buck takes a long swallow from the beer he stole from Eddie. “Yeah, something,” he says with a hollow laugh.
He feels like a liar.
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
im begging for a fic with ellie about tribbing i don't even care about the plot at this point i just an ellie fic with scissoring
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, ex gf!ellie, angst here and there, SMUT, tribbing, kissing/make out session, lowkey toxic behavior, mentions and situations with alcohol, both ellie and reader are tipsy, party environment in the first 1/2, top!ellie, bottom!reader
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - ehhehehehehe i love olivia rodrigo so i had to bruh REQUESTS ARE OPEN NOW!
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Music bumped in the room on the other side of the wall that supported the upper cabinet that held your head. The smell of sweat, alcohol and cigarettes filled up the small kitchen to the brim while a few people laughed and chugged the concoction in the punch bowl that sat on the corner countertop.
Other than the patrons drinking themselves into a very horrible morning that was soon to come, there was a couple making out against the fridge. Bothering anyone that wanted to drink something other than what the party host called, 'the ultimate punch to the gut' that the college boys were frothing over.
You decided on something else that you'd scavenged from the liquor cabinet that had been broken into earlier in the night. The liquid a pink color, bubbling from the continued sloshing in your red solo cup that was lazily hanging from your hand.
Your head felt dizzy at all the uproar in the room, the only thing keeping your two feet flat on the ground was the girl in front of you. Chasing your gaze with her head that way with each direction you looked, her eyes weren't far behind to follow.
"I told you I'm done, Ellie. I'm sick of your shit." You slurred slightly, having swayed your hips on far too many people and had too many drinks to care about how you currently sounded.
Or looked for that matter, lipstick smudged across your lips and even had made its way off your mouth. Eye makeup mirroring the appearance of the lower half of your face and all the while your dress was halfway up your thighs from her prying and your continuous attempts to stop yourself from making a decision you'd regret.
"You're a fakeass bitch, y'know that?" You pointed at her, the manicure that she had in fact paid for practically mocking her as she grabbed your hand and pushed it down, holding it in her own.
"Don't be like that, babe." You rolled your eyes at just the sound of her voice, suddenly hearing it and comparing it to the biggest annoyance in the world. "You were like that first, or did you already discard the lap warmer you were entertaining when I walked in?"
Right, the bottle blonde with the bad roots.
"Y/n..." She dragged out your name with that excruciating tone that made you feel like you'd done something bad. "Answer me Ellie."
She opened and closed her mouth for a second, not meeting your eyes before shrugging her shoulders. The black fabric of her long sleeve button up going with, pissing you off even more as the realization set in that she'd worn your favorite of her nice shirts and even undone the top few buttons you always undid for her.
"She's one of Abby's friends, fuck Y/n, I don't even know her name I promise." You scoffed, leaning your head back on the cupboard, looking over at the drunk guys challenging each other to drink a full cup of the punch once again.
"You piss me off." You rubbed your eyes, not caring of the slight burn that your lashes caused on your irises. "I know. C'mon, I said sorry." She said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You sent me fifty-eight text messages, I don't remember there being a 'sorry' in there though." "Babe-" Ellie stopped when she realized you were in fact not paying any attention to her now, looking out the kitchen window, but it was too dark to actually see anything past the glass.
"C'mon... let's just go home, I'll give you the best apology fucking ever." The alcohol really boosted her confidence as she said this, Ellie moving to kiss up your neck as you thought, her thumb coming to wipe the smeared lipstick away.
"I promise, babe." You wanted to fall against her and give in, just how you wanted when you seen her earlier eye-fucking you from across the room. Fucking hell you were such a gullible mess.
"Ellie..." "Can't tell me you don't miss my fingers..." "Shh!"
You tried covering her mouth but it was no use as she just laughed, looking down at your pretty eyes while you tried to shut her up.
"I don't, mine work just fine, actually." Such fakeness followed those syllables, even you cringed slightly on the inside as you spoke them.
"Huh, so you're lying to me now too?"
"No..." Yes.
"You're a bad liar." She then whispered, impossible to hear her if you had not been so close to her mouth. "You're a dickhead." You then replied, giving her a smile while pulling back.
That was nothing to her, leaning forward despite your unwillingness just earlier, but something about the way you met her lips wondered if you changed your mind.
She tasted like the shitty alcohol mix those dudes were chugging along with soaked in Chapstick and the two combined creating a rush of memories that came trickling back. Those pictures soon invading your mind all the same, fingers wrapping around her belt loops before you got a chance to stop them.
And in the haze of the smoky kitchen you broke your promise to each of your friends promising you wouldn't go back. Tugging her closer and allowing her to rest her hands beneath your ass, holding the backs of your thighs to get impossibly closer.
She was your everything and nothing, the mess stuck between your floorboards that you could never fully get rid of. Ellie knew she wasn't going anywhere, she couldn't and wouldn't be replaced and it was comforting, smirking as she began pushing herself against you and hitting your hips against the counter.
"M'not-" A kiss. "-gonna fuck you-" Another kiss. "-here." You finished, her tongue invading your mouth as soon as the final breath passed your lips. "Why not?" "Seriously?" Ellie rested her forehead against your own, huffing like a child until you tapped her phone that was in her back pocket.
"You can start your apology by buying the ride home, 'kay?"
God, the things she did to see you as you were now, laid back on the bed with your dress pulled up and your head resting against her pillows. Thighs spread all for her while you stared up and watched her unbuckle her belt and unzip her jeans. Wanting nothing more than to have her between your thighs
You just looked so gorgeous in the lamplight, the yellow glow kissing your skin and she moved to kiss it as well. Wanting just as much as the inanimate object had gotten in the past few moments.
"M'gonna be so mad at myself in the morning." You grumbled playfully, Ellie watching you grin at your own prediction, returning the smile while throwing her shirt away and exposing her torso for you to run your eyes over. "But I don't even care." You concluded.
Your nail ran along the light bulge her muscles created on her arms, eyes fluttering shut while her lips made their home on your neck. Jaw becoming her favorite place to hover, smirking against your flesh when you giggled that it had tickled. Looking at the way her boxers met her lower back, little dimples just barely shadowed.
"Ellie?" She pulled back to look at you, cradling your face in her hands.
"Unzip me, I wanna feel you."
She didn't have to be told twice, helping you from your dress before tossing it to find the next morning. Your undergarments going with, swept away like they were stolen by the ocean. Your body running against hers as if you were the waves and she were the rocks, though less jagged then you'd like to admit out loud.
Her curves were softer than you remembered despite feeling them just days ago, along with her freckled skin.
"I want you." She whispered, mouth brushing against the shell of your ear.
Your friends were so gonna put you in time out.
Her boxers fell down her legs and yours wrapped around her hips, waiting for the agonizing thumping of your arousal to be put at ease. The discomfort growing while her fingers ran along your nipple, warm breath fanning your face as you both watched her hand run along your boob.
It was like the air paused along with your movements, sucking in a gasp as she played with your breast. Hand trickling down between your legs just to barely tease you.
"You wanna feel me?" You nodded at her question, moving your head up and down again and again while she lined herself up with you. Fingers lightly, just barely, brushing against your little, yet swollen, clit.
"Need to hear you say it again, Y/n."
"I wanna feel you, Ellie."
And before you knew it she was humping herself against you, not even attempting to muffle your sounds which you'd given up caring about. Grabbing at her back and holding her as close to you as possible while her clit bumped and rubbed against your own.
It felt like fireworks, despite having done this just over a million times. Burying your face in her neck while she fucked into you over and over, promising her love silently while whispering things that would make a catholic mother weep.
"Missed you so much..." You turned your head, meeting her eyes as your lips did the same. "Me or this?" You asked, a choked whimper following when she became rougher at the sound of your falsely innocent question. Her hand trapping your leg on the bed as she spread you apart.
"Both, but mainly you." She played off, her other hand softly wrapping around your neck. "I would hope." You giggled, mouth dropping agape as her pace picked up. The whole bed rocking back and forth while simultaneous creaks that were sure to piss off her neighbors for the next however long she spent on top of you.
"Oh fuck, El... fuck please..." You squeezed and clawed at her, sure to leave red marks on her pale skin for her to be teased about when she went to the gym. Cunts grinding back and forth creating a heavenly feeling you just couldn't describe, choking out noise after noise.
"El... m'gonna- fuck I- fuck..." She kissed along the column of your throat, squeezing just the slightest. "I know." From your hole to your bundle of nerves, in your slightly inebriated state it felt like too much.
Sounds you weren't aware you could make falling from your mouth, and you were sure you heard her lightly grunt. Hips stuttering as you'd begun to jerk against her pussy, letting out a yelp while you trickled into your orgasm.
A mix of both you and her dripping down your ass, but it didn't stop you from trying to meet her thrusts. Crying a bit when she slammed you back down, kissing you and then down your chest.
"Leah's gonna be so pissed at me." You huffed, staring up at the ceiling as she peeled herself off of you and fell to the side. Giving you the option of moving to lay with her or finding your way the hell out of here.
"Who cares? Come ride me." She said, sitting up against her pillows that laid against her headboard. "Seriously?' You tilted your head up to glance at her, giving her your best unimpressed expression.
"What? Can't take it back anyway."
This was a bad idea, right?
"Will you eat me out after?" You asked, tilting your head and then rolling over to make your way up to her. "If you do a good job." She said, setting her hands on your hips.
Fuck it, it's fine.
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
Aaron making hot chocolate for his little girl 😭😭😭😭 she only wants his and can tell if someone else has made it, and flat out REFUSES to drink it. Reader calls Aaron on the phone during a case and all he can hear is his daughter crying in the background and reader is like “wtf do you put in this hot chocolate??? Coke???????” because reader just cannot get it right despite Aaron walking them through the process of his hot chocolate before 😭 maybe Aaron talks on the phone with daughter for a bit to calm her down and the promise of unlimited hot chocolate once he comes home AHHHHHHH
dad's way
please 😭 and the way i literally had a hot cocoa candle burning as i worked on this cw; fem!reader, food descriptions, brief picky eater talk, girl dad!aaron <333333
"hi sweetheart-"
the shriek on the other end immediately caused him to hold his phone an inch or two away. it was piercing and loud, even for his bad ear.
concern had already swarmed his chest before the cry had ceased, and the room suddenly felt a bit hotter. "honey? is everything alright?"
there was a brief rustling sound, a small clattering of what he assumed was dishes, the close of a cabinet following after. "how do you make your hot chocolate?"
"how, do you make your hot chocolate." you interrupted him, your voice distancing a bit for a moment, "dada's on the phone, it's okay."
"oh." aaron chuckled softly as realization hit, his voice filled with a tinge of pity. "someone's upset."
"tell me about it." you sighed in defeat, exasperation clear. "apparently, whatever i make isn't good enough. i've given her three different cups already. three. well, given the third was a reattempt of number one. but with whipped cream and sprinkles. jack too tried to persuade her, but nope. it's daddy's hot chocolate and daddy's hot chocolate only."
"is it in the right mug?"
"the one with all the little ladybugs? yup."
"okay," aaron quickly excused himself - he was still sat amongst the rest of the team, who were silently digging through records - jj shot him a sympathetic glance as he got up. he trailed down the short hallway outside the conference room, in search of a more secluded area to give instructions. "well, i usually-"
aaron walked you through it - steaming the milk, at just the right temperature. adding the cocoa mix, a little extra than the standard serving size. mini marshmallows, and the secret ingredient you had missed - adding a touch of vanilla extract. it was simple, really, but your daughter was a stickler.
she wasn't a picky eater, but was very adamant on how things were made or presented. for example, if two foods next to each other on a plate happened to merge - it was the end of the world. and when it came to aaron's hot chocolate, she couldn't get enough of it. she asked for it nightly, promptly right after dinner. she always insisted on sitting on the counter as aaron made it, watching intently and asking questions on what he was doing. it was their thing together. and more than likely, his absence was aiding to the current meltdown.
"here," aaron hears you say, your daughter's cries lessening for a moment. "this is dada's."
there was a moment's pause, and aaron could easily visualize your daughter analyzing the drink, her eyebrows furrowing in that hotchner way that was just genetic at this point - jack had it too. but as you both already anticipated, another wail produced in response.
"nooooo it's not!"
aaron heard you tiredly sigh, and he was quick to offer more assistance. "want me to talk to her?"
another shuffle came from your end of the phone, handing it to your daughter. there was a slightly louder sniffle, indicating she was close and listening.
"hi sweetheart," aaron softened his voice, his heartstrings tugging as he silently wished he was home, with you all, rather than a few states away. "what's the matter?"
another sharp sniffle. "i want your hot chocolate."
"i know bug," he consoled softly. again, his heart breaking at her small, upset voice. "but since i'm at work, mom's gonna have to make it for you."
she hesitated, bottom lip quivering. another small wail was quick to follow. "but i want yours."
"i know, but i told momma how i make it, so it'll taste exactly the same, i promise. she put all her love in it too, just like i do. which, do you wanna know a secret?"
that grabbed her attention, her cries stilling so fast it was almost humorous. "uh huh."
"that's the secret ingredient that makes it taste so good, whether mom or i make it. but you can't tell your brother that, okay? it'll be our secret."
"so tonight, can you drink mom's hot chocolate? she worked really hard to make it special, just for you." she quieted, still unsure, so aaron switched tactics. "and when i get home, i'll make you two cups. with extra, extra marshmallows. how does that sound?"
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