#But that’s strictly for G1 stuff
mr-walkingrainbow · 8 months
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Also would now be a good time to mention the person who draws the Monster high comics supports toradeen and wants more lgbt relationships on the show?
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gracebethartacc · 2 months
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currently making ref sheets for mane six rn so in the mean time take some brainstorming I had (tho I definitely think Starswirl is a first draft/I’ll make a less rushed design later,,)
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fiber-optic-alligator · 9 months
You can call me Gator! This is a blog I made because I love those funky mechs we call Transformers. As a lover of giant robots and said interactions between those bots and us humans, the stuff I’ll be writing will primarily be based on Transformers x human readers.
These are the rules for my blog, as well as tag navigation, what I write for, and rules for requests. My AO3 can be found here. I currently do not have a masterlist, but one will be added in the future.
Blog Navigation:
Original pieces of writing will be tagged as "#gator writes”
Answers for asks will be tagged as "#gator answers"
Updates on writings and such will be tagged as "#gator bites"
18+/NSFW posts, including writings and asks, will be tagged as "#valveplug"
Request writings will be tagged as “#gator requests”
What I Will Write For:
Transformers Animated
Transformers Prime
IDW Transformers Comics (MTMTE/Lost Light)
Transformers Earthspark
Rules for Requests:
Absolutely NO racism, homophobia, pedophilia, or zoophilia. Any requests involving these will be deleted immediately.
I will answer requests in fives. That means if five requests are submitted, I will close requests until those five are all answered. Only one character per request. Polyamory and love triangles are an exception.
I will write NSFW, however, there are certain things involving NSFW that I will not write. This includes dubcon, heavy gore, abuse, etc. Please keep this in mind. Anything NSFW I write will display total consent and safety between the involved pairing.
I will write for soft vore, but ONLY soft vore. No hard vore. No digestion. No sexual vore. Any vore fics I write will be strictly SFW.
I will write x reader, however gender, scenario, and the character you wish to have involved in the request must be included. The character must be from one of the forms of media from the "What I Will Write For" list.
I will not write for original characters, and currently, I will only be writing human readers.
I have the right to refuse any request sent to me. If your request is not answered, please do not take it personally. As much as I want to answer all requests that are sent, if there is something in the request that makes me uncomfortable, than if I were to write it, the resulting story would not be up to the quality I wish for all of my writings to have. I would rather not write anything at all than produce mediocre content for you.
Thank you for reading! I hope you’ll stick around!
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spiritshaydra · 1 year
It’s like,, 1am and I just woke up from a nap so here’s some disjointed rambling about how much I love the character designs in tfp like,,, <33
OKAY SO. One thing I don’t think I’ve really seen talked about a lot when it comes to Tfp’s character designs is how every character has a distinctive silhouette. For me at least, I can easily tell every character apart by silhouette alone almost immediately which I think is a GREAT thing, ESPECIALLY for someone who has a lot of trouble telling the difference between characters who look similar. They’re also distinctive enough where you can tell them apart when they’re not colored. It’s one of the main reasons why I don’t like heavily the G1 inspired designs. If you were to show me just the silhouettes or uncolored designs of the more G1 inspired stuff, I likely would not be able to tell who’s who, unless I look at them for long enough.
Whenever I design characters, some of the main things I try to do is to make sure that my designs are recognizable by silhouette alone and that they don’t rely solely upon having a different color palette than the rest of the cast. However, I’m not exactly there yet when it comes to designing good characters, in my opinion. So whatever I say about character design should be taken with a grain of salt. ^^’
Another thing I really appreciate about the Tfp designs is how they’re not really blocky and seem to be a whole lot more dynamic than their G1 counterparts. I’m just a huge fan of sharp and streamlined designs that use a variety of shapes, rather than the strictly blocky humanoid ones of G1. I just find a lot of the G1 inspired stuff to feel really stiff.
Finally, this is probably my most unpopular opinion I guess, but I personally LOVE how inhuman some of the Tfp designs get. I absolutely do not like noses on Cybertronians, or at least the super humanoid ones, because I feel like it doesn’t really make a lot of sense for an alien race that doesn’t BREATHE to have. ESPECIALLY when they don’t share anything with humans really, until more modern times. I also just,, really like how every character has a unique eye design as well and that a lot of the characters have pupils, because I feel like it makes them so much more expressive. I do think it’s cool how everyone also has their own hand designs as well, even though it’s a pain in the ass to find decent reference pictures of. 💀
I just,, really like alien characters looking alien, yknow?
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lionews · 1 year
"where did wolvden go wrong"
i saw a lot of people list a few common reasons why/where wolvden went wrong for them, so i wanted to share a few of the reasons i stopped playing wolvden.
i think a lot of the success with lioden is that you have MULTIPLE avenues where you can focus on. you can focus on strictly events, muties, certain markings, certain bases, stats only, etc. however, with wolvden, this is a lot less do-able.
on wolvden, the stat ceiling is capped low enough to where i believe someone spent A LOT of IRL $$ to get a lead wolf as high as possible w stats. there's a forum post suggestion on wolvden about it, and it's actually kind of sad - i think the person's pup from that high statted wolf, bred to an also high statted female wolf, won't ever surpass the father in stats unless they want to spend another unreasonable amount of money. i can't remember if they spent several hundred or a couple thousand on that wolf, but they won't ever be able to see the fruits of that in-game.
the breeding and the teirs were released VERY... badly. i liked the idea they had for it - with the special fox base being able to be found from explore items and trophies from battling. it made t3 wolves (basically special base lions in lioden terms, but... harder to get) very rewarding at first. but then people mass bred them at an unbelievable rate, and there was no other way to get other t3 bases other than through breeding, so people would just mass breed, inbreed, and chase the wolves in order to get a g1 t3 heir. it wasn't bad at first, but now the market is very... confusing, to say the least. now people chase t3 wolves all the time, so you have a really good chance of finding them. i think they've released new explore encounter recipe t3 applicators, but they're not worth what they used to be.
from what i'm aware of as well, there's comfo factor marking breeding?? or like tiers to it i think. i dislike it personally, because it just adds an extra level of difficulty to breeding a wolf that you want.
and then there's the cool poses you can only get recipes to craft. i love throwing a pose on a cool lioness on lioden, but on wolvden, it's much more expensive to buy a pose app; even harder to find the recipe for that pose app and all of the items needed to craft it just for one wolf.
and then there's the last point i want to make, as a lot of people have covered the issue with hunting and illnesses - the events and their applicators. they really only appeal to people who like extremely colorful wolves or vibrant colors. i think it would have been a lot smarter to have some of the t3 bases found from there, but who knows. the events are very fast paced and repetitive as well. 
for how difficult the game is, the wolves feel like they age and die fairly quickly as well, which is also frustrating when you put in all that time and effort to get them.
some of this stuff might be different from when i last played, but those are the major reasons why i dislike wolvden. it feels harder to just have fun on the game - most things on it are a chore while on lioden it's easier to have fun and you more freedom with how you want to play.
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thetombedspirit · 2 years
Monster High Movie: I Liked It
I honestly thought that it was a decent film. It had a good plot premise, I like what they did with most of the characters and the songs were killer.
But, before I get into things that I like, I’m gonna get into things I didn’t like.
1. Lagoona’s personality and character design
I did not like what they did with Lagoona in this reboot. I always loved how supportive and wise she was, giving good advice to her friends when they needed it. And she looked so cool in the previous rendition. And now she’s a ditzy, rainbow colored piranha whose best friends with Toralei?! Just... why did they have to do my girl like this? Her name is Lagoona Blue! WHY IS SHE PINK?!? She and Clawdeen have always been my favorites.
2. Ghoulia’s personality and ability of speech
I know it shouldn’t bother me as much, but I don’t like how they did Ghoulia. Not only did they make her talk now, but now she’s not the smartest ghoul in school, in favor of making Frankie the smart one. Instead, they made her a little kooky. Like, that’s not at all a bad thing, but I just wish she was kooky and smart. Maybe like Alex (Queen) from Nine Realms. Like, I would imagine her signing something and Cleo just being like “... good Ra, Ghoulia...”
3. No Jackson and Holt
Like, it sorta boggles me that they brought in Jekyll and Hyde, but they didn’t make the narrative about Jackson and Holt. Like, I feel like if done correctly, it could have been such a heartwarming side story on how despite the hardships, they realized they can’t be one without the other.
4. Witch Draculaura???
While, I don’t mind and actually like the idea of witchcraft being strictly a human practice, I don’t see why Draculaura had to do magic. Like, if you wanted to give her a conflict with her dad, I know how. Wanna know how? Draculaura’s vegetarianism. Like, in this universe, Dracula is a pretty big deal now (in the regular installment, he was apparently just a dude) but now he’s like a big name in the Monster World, to the point where’s he’s one of the school’s donors. So imagine the shame Dracula and Draculaura would feel if people knew that she didn’t want to eat humans. I just feel like that would be more then enough.
And I know, vegetarian vampire, what a cliché. But you know the other word for cliché? Classic. 
Anyway, now that the stuff I didn’t like is out of the way, let’s dive into the things I did like.
1. The Plot Premise
As previously mentioned, Clawdeen is my favorite character next to Lagoona, so I was quite happy with her taking center stage as main monster, especially with the route they were going for this reboot, with Clawdeen being ‘half’ monster (even though werewolves are technically already half human) but that just brings up my next point. If monsters like werewolves have always been excluded from Monster High, and Clawdeen was brought in for like a probationary period to prove that half-monsters belong, could be an awesome narrative. But I digress.
2. Frankie being smart
This may not need any say, but I genuinely like the direction they went with Frankie being so smart with all different brain parts. Cause if you watched the original movie for Frankenstein’s Monster, then you would know that a large factor into why he went haywire was because he had a ‘criminal’ brain. So Frankie being super smart, creative and having a problem solver aptitude would be awesome. And you can even go deeper into this narrative, like how Frankie was designed to be better then Stein’s last creation and that could put a lot of pressure on them to be the better student and better child then her ‘big brother’ who could fit the narrative of ‘collage dropout’. Just a thought.
3. Deuce Gorgon
I really like what they did with Deuce. Like, it’s not that G1 Deuce was a bad character, I just feel like if this guy was gonna be the only dude to be a part of the theme song, then he needed to be more then the boyfriend for one of the girls. The depth that they give Deuce in the movie was pretty well done for a movie of it’s quality. Making him have a bit of a rep as a dangerous bad boy trying to be better is a good direction that puts Deuce in the spotlight.
And side note, I don’t hate the Deuce x Clawdeen ship in this movie. Like I said before, I didn’t mind the Deuce x Cleo relationship, but I genuinely like the direction in this reboot with them being exes, because it gives both Deuce and Cleo a chance to develop. And last I checked, Monster High isn’t a love story. It’s a story about being excepted for who you are, ‘freaky flaws and all’. Not to mention that regardless of the relationships in previous installments, doesn’t change the fact that this version of Clawdeen and Deuce have good chemistry.
Those are the key features for me. If a ship has good chemistry, is written well and works in the context of the story then it’s fine with me.
Full disclosure, the movie isn't as bad as I feared. I just feel like that if more thought and effort was put into it, it could have been so much better.
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titanomarchy · 7 months
So that bakugan ramble I was going to post as a video but tumblr didn't like how big the file was? Here we go.
So originally in what I call Generation 1, there were six Attributes, these corresponded to an element and a color. Pyrus (fire, red) Aquos (water, blue) Sub-Terra (earth, brown) Darkus (darkness, black) Haos (light, grey/white), and Ventus (green, air).
Generation 2 renamed these to Factions, but worked pretty much the same way. Sub-Terra was merged into Ventus for some reason, making Ventus a more general "nature" element but otherwise keeping the same green coloration. And a new one was added, I think the name is Aurelos, which represented some sort of "golden energy". Whatever that means. Why they didn't keep Sub-Terra only to replace it with Aurelos is beyond me.
Then generation 3, the 2023 reboot, scraps the system for Clans, which are sorted based on the bakugan's anatomical features. Aquatic ones like crabs and octopi were in Aquatic Clan, draconic were in Dragon Clan, etc. BUT, in addition to Clans, they come in multiple colors matching 5 of the original Attributes, red, blue, black, green, white. It has no effect on the game but does work for collection or purely for selling toys.
The gameplay is also fundamentally different for Generation 3, doing away with G-Power/B-Power which was a rating for how powerful individual bakugan were, replacing it with red, blue, and green Energy on special Character Cards that go with them. Gate cards now have regions, if a bakugan stands on say a blue region, they use their blue energy for the battle. This isn't strictly bad, just different.
(Funnily enough, the Energy types could be summed up to equal G-power, equivalent to high-end G1 bakugan. Usually around 1000. This and setting color=attribute makes G3 bakugan compatible with G1 gameplay)
Unfortunately, G3 bakugan have a gimmick in the design, each one can split in half. This is similar to Bakumutants in Mechtanium Surge or the Bind System in Bakutech. The problem is committing to do this with every. Single. One. So the designs are much more limited, multiple halves will resemble each other with how they open. I think this is because G1 and G2 were made by the same company, but G3 is from a different one. Probably inexperienced or a different vision for the game pieces.
Even so I do like G3 despite all of that stuff above. Having a good time with it so far.
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tf ask
7, 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 33 aand 40
feel free to skip some!! because this is a lot!!! but i would love to hear your answers on any of these <3
7. Favorite show(s)
I haven't had the time to watch all of them yet, but I think G1 is currently my favorite show! Its whacky, its got that 80s charm, its got mistakes that make me go wild. Its got basketballin' 0ptimus. Its got everything.
8. Favorite comic series
Shattered Glass. Idw Shattered Glass. GOD that was so fun. It was dark, it was heart breaking, AUGH. Absolutely GUTTED we don't get any more of it. It was such a cool concept to play with!
12. Least favorite ship(s)
THATS A CAN OF WORMS. UHM... I have many least favorites LOL I'll shoot honorable mentions to Dr1ftr0d, M3gast4r, W1ndscre4m. I got those blacklisted LMAO (yes I'm using numbers in the names, idk how tumblr works its tags anymore and I'm not that kinda person to let my 'ew' get into their 'yay!' )
14. Least favorite Autobot(s)
PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PR0WL. I'm sure he's fantastic in G1 and other shows but oh my god you can't get me to give a hoot about Idw Prowll.
16. Least favorite show(s)
A big big big unpopular can of worms opinion. T f a. I watched one episode and noped out there. I couldn't do more..
17. Least favorite comic series
There was one single comic run in the Idw 0ptimus series that had ninja G i J0e and I just.. Not a fan. But I don't think I have any that I strictly dislike. Just.. g i j0es.
23. Favorite underrated character(s)
I feel like this fandom doesn't let any characters go underrated. But I'll still say Pharma. He's so interesting and the fact that we know next to nothing about him except for like.. a few panels and then some? MHM. LOVE. Obessed you could even say. Thats my babygirl!!
24. Favorite class/group(s) (i.e. Seekers, Scavengers, Constructicons, Aerialbots, DJD, etc)
This one is hard... SO HARD. I love Seekers, I love the Scavengers and holy SHIT I love the DJD. I have a Kaon figure and it is my beloved.. Like.. Seekers are a fun group to roll around in my hands. Whats their deal? Why 3 of them? I like all the answers I get in the fandom. The Scavengers are silly little guys, just goofy dudes. I'd hang with them all day every day. Sublime guys. DJD are just cruel and evil and violent and pure horror. I love the dark side of things, and getting that REALLY dark stuff mixed in with the fun stuff? Its great and pretty horrifying and I love it.
29. A bot you could consider a mortal enemy
Megan..... *side eyes*
33. What your alt mode would be if you were a Cybertronian
To be honest... just based on how much I crave freedom and not feeling caged? A jet. Not a big one, a tiny little jet. Just a little guuy.
40. What would you do if the Autobots landed on Earth right now and asked for your help
They can have anything and everything they need as long as they promise to take me with them. GET ME OFF THIS HELL PLANET. I'll settle for in depth history lessons and culture lessons about Cybertron though if I was forced to stay though.
Thanks friend!!! :D <3
If this shows up in any tags, I'm so sorry, I don't understand the tagging system but I tried!
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This is an rp/ask blog made primarily with Transformers Prime Soundwave in mind! I can do generation 1 Soundwave as well. Please specify who you'd prefer (if not I'll default to tfp), and if you have a certain time period in mind for an ask, that would be considered as well. (Default will be on the Nemesis probably) ^^
- I will do scenarios pre-war, during the war, or Post-war in the aligned/prime continuity! (This includes scenarios in the Shadowzone)
-Canon doesn't have to be strictly followed in certain instances. (G1 stuff most likely.)
- Canon Characters (specifically megatron, starscream, knockout, any of the cassettes, Shockwave) are preferred, but ocs are generally welcome as well.
- I am very much on and off and only do this as a hobby, and I get tired easily. Feel free to poke me if I haven't responded to a thing because sometimes I forget or am not notified, but please be respectful if I say I'm not active for a time. ^^
Headcanons (Prime)
- Soundwave is a telepath and empath
- His em field is sensitive and he doesn't tend to like touch because of it unless it is someone he is close with
- His visor is his face and it is very sensitive- there is nothing but more components and wires beneath
- Soundwave isn't inherently cruel, he simply wants to follow Megatron and the decepticon cause
- He is very close to Megatron, and can be seen as his Amica Endura in some instances (I am fine shipping them as I am fine making their relationship more complicated, or simply having them be friends, or even a darker relationship minus any nsfw stuff)
- Soundwave and Starscream can get along relatively fine. Starscream addresses Laserbeak as a sentient being and Soundwave appreciates that.
-Laserbeak is sentient. She is one of the only cassettes still alive and Soundwave caees deeply about her.
- Ravage, Rumble, Frenzy, Buzzsaw, and Ratbat were all either lost on Cybertron or killed in battle.
- Soundwave is a Carrier and is spark-bonded to all of the cassettes (symbiotes if you prefer the term) and they used to make up his armor, hence his lighter frame towards the end of the war. (After many of the cassettes/symbiotes were killed.)
- Being spark-bonded to his cassettes left him in immense pain when the bonds were lost, and he treasures Laserbeak deeply as his last remaining symbiote. He misses them dearly.
- Ravage is the oldest, next is Laserbeak, the twins, Buzzsaw, and Ratbat as the baby of the family. (Ratbat is unrelated to Senator Ratbat)
- Soundwave was a gladiator and became friends with Megatronus in the Pits of Kaon
Headcanons (G1)
- He is a telapath and an empath
- All of his cassettes are alive
-He is a Carrier and Spark-bonded to all of them, meaning he cares deeply about all of them and is connected to them.
- He is basically holding the decepticons together
- On Cybertron he used to be a slave under a senator, and has a few traumatic memories revolving around that
- His telepathy is sensitive and as a youngling he had little to no control over it, leaving him with migraines and everyone else's thoughts/emotions jumbled into his own
- He is friends with megatron, though likely isn't as close with him in this verse. He is loyal, though in the end his best interest is for his cassettes and their safety/comfort.
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ponyguru · 3 years
Hi, can you help me? I really like my little pony dolls and ive been wanting to start a collection of all the generation four gals if I can (i would settle for the mane 6 and a few others), however i have no idea where to start or how to find any, and on amazon i have only find weird knockoffs that have hard silicon hair. I also want to have an archive of all thr launched dolls, both mlp and equestria girls, but again, i have no idea how to research or really do any of this, do id really really like some pointers, or if you dont have any, for you to point me to someone who does.
Hi! Oh gosh, sorry for the late reply!! I'm not great about checking my Asks, and I only seem to get notifications for messages about half the time! >.>
So... it's a funny thing! Because when I was building most of my early collection in the early 2000s, the way to do it was to buy big eBay lots, and sell/trade any extras you didn't want from there. But now with eBay prices skyrocketing, and more folks getting into collecting/flipping pony lots, prices are all over the place - mostly ridiculously high.
Prices for G4, at least, seem to still be pretty low! More people are selling than buying. So if you're looking for G4 ponies, I highly recommend looking for eBay lots. I've still gotten some good deals there, even on harder-to-find ponies like G4 Minty. There's a fair amount of people just flipping them from the thrift, or selling childhood/post-fandom collections, so you can get good prices for them still. (G1 is less so! And G3 seems to be creeping up as well.)
I also suggest Mercari! Mercari is, unlike Facebook pickups, generally assumed to be for mailing items, so although there's some stiff competition, you can still find good deals! You can use that as an app or on their website! (If you are good at IRL stuff, you could always try the thrift stores yourself, or try local flea markets/toy fairs/Facebook sales! G4 is plentiful among toy collectors, especially those who trade secondhand, and you might be able to get some deals!)
I'm curious about what hard silicon hair ponies you're finding! I took a quick look, and I think you may be seeing the Ponyville/blind bag figures, which are minis. When I look on Amazon I still see some G4 stuff, but it's mostly 3rd party sellers, so it's very expensive. I still scroll through the Amazon Warehouse from time to time - you won't find older ponies, but if there's any newer releases you like, they may have those a little cheaper with a banged-up box! I found a cool Cutie Mark Crew set for $6 on there recently!
The most well-organized and comprehensive site, at least for the first few years, was Strawberry Reef (here's her release list by year), but I believe she fell behind in the past few years, since it only goes up to 2013. (She may have skipped G4 in favor of G4.5? I see links for G5 stuff there now.) MLP Merch is keeping up admirably, but I'm not sure if they have a chronological guide. There may also be some stuff in the various MLP wikis, but I haven't done a lot of research on that yet!
I suggest eBay by and large, but I also suggest checking out the MLPArena - it's one of the last remaining pony forums, and there's still folks selling and trading there! MLPTP is also still going, but they seem to be less busy than the Arena. I'd suggest Facebook, but the crowd there is Real Bad, and a lot of the folks who've become popular there were previously banned for being scammers on the forums. So if you join MLP groups there, be wary, and pay very strictly with Paypal goods/services - no friends/family, no Facebook pay. (Neither will give you ANY level of buyer protection!) There was once a feedback group for Facebook, but it turned out that it was run by some of the same scammers who got banned from the forums.
I'm trying to think of what else to say - I've found some nice and cheap G4 ponies on instagram flash sales, and I've also found some overpriced G4 ponies there! It really just depends on who's selling and how popular/packed their sales are. Jupiter.magia, for example, is a very popular, friendly seller; I got some great basic G4 ponies from her! But her sales posts would get claims within like .05 seconds. Ditto for Kristwoforks, a popular thrift reseller. She does a lot of sales, and has a LOT of fans! (And then of course, there's the classic "super popular seller who everyone loves but will occasionally scam people out of their items and attack anyone who speaks up", which I've personally run into in the past, as well as witnessed my friends get scammed by multiple Big Names.) Instagram, sadly, isn't a real sales platform, so there's no protection if things go south; your only recourse is through Paypal, and there's no real way to leave feedback, so scammers thrive there, as they do on Facebook. You have to be very careful and mindful of your claim deadlines, so I generally warn beginning buyers away from there until they gain a little more experience, and can pick up when someone's giving off bad vibes. I've found most of my IG buys from people I follow; they'll say, 'oh I got this last week from X!' so I'll go follow X's page for their next sale; or Y will get their sale post boosted on my friend's story, so I'll go check them out too. It's much safer IMO to find sellers by this sort of word-of-mouth, because then you know someone who had at least one good interaction with them.
I gave you a LOT of information here, ha ha, but I'm doing my best to be comprehensive! You've decided to collect G4 at a very good time, because with the end of the series, folks are losing interest, and selling off their collections. Not everyone of course, but quite a few! I wish you the best of luck in your future collecting adventures! And feel free to pop back around if you get stuck or have more questions!
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aktosage · 3 years
I really loved your stuff on brainstorm and Perceptor! (I really like any and all science boys) What do you have on prowl? I liked his tfa version and I also liked the idw version with the while battle tactician thing. I think that my favorite version of him is honestly the G1 fanon version, where he still has emotions and can be nice, but he still has that rather cold front. (Also jazzprowl). There's a lot of different ways you could take him. Also is there anything that you changed for shockwave. Especially about empurata since technically it is a strictly idw thing and was never mentioned in tfp. So you could have a purely scientific shockwave before empurata and not have the senator part. Honestly I think it makes more sense. A scientist loosing his morality makes any option, no matter how dark, a possibility.
Hello again!!!!!! I LOVE your questions they are so interesting oml
Prowl (dash of Tarantulas and Jazz)
Mix of G1, TFA and a dash of IDW (will not make him nearly as evil oh my god he is a menace?????????????)
He was a cop/detective before the war so he’s pretty by the book and takes things literally. VERY curious so he learns things rather quickly :] He sometimes is TOO literal, and will act on impulse. He’s more of a “boss” and not a “leader” if you get me (like, he wouldn’t sacrifice a mission or pull back because a ‘few’ dead were less valuable than victory) Basically, he didn’t look at the War, he looked at individual battles they could win
He is a good fella tho :( He wants the best, but HIS best not everyone’s best. Before the war he was a sweetheart but very intelligent and all the praise as well as recognition got to his head and forced him to maintain an image thus he started loosing himself in all that
He met Jazz in the academy and they got along rather well! They mostly bonded over Jazz’s extroverted tendencies and a need to be Jazz which left room for Prowl to micromanage. Jazz was one of the RARE people that liked that about Prowl and didn’t take his nagging to heart. Prowl did notice that and was baffled at first, he wouldn’t admit it but he definitely did appreciate Jazz a lot
He moved up in ranks quickly and eventually befriended Orion through Jazz :] So naturally once the war started Optimus could put his trust in those two without much overthinking
His curiosity actually got him tangled up with sir Tarantulas himself👀 Curiosity and his “they’re not doing this right, a few dead is a small price to pay for xy experiment by Tarantulas (Tarantulas is a deceiver and a LIAR, chaotic) Optimus was of course HEAVILY against that and advised certain bots to keep an eye on Prowl just in case
[redacted] happened with Tarantulas and Prowl rightfully to blame (I have to think of WHAT exactly tho I will definitely work on this, but I’m thinking about the Springer/Ostaros thing👀) and Optimus removed Prowl from his high position to not endanger any more people. Even Jazz was heavily disappointed and hurt by Prowl’s actions to a point where even he openly told Prowl quite a handful of ‘mean’ (but true) things
This affected Prowl HEAVILY, like okay everyone else but Optimus… ORION and JAZZ, his best friends??? So he started to look at everyone as backstabbers and deceivers which lead to him fleeing and joining Tarantulas for comfort (which was false comfort. Their relationship was based on toxic dependency on each other and they bonded over their ideals, situation aka being banished (even though Prowl just got a smack on the wrist lol) as well as their intellect
Eventually Prowl left Tarantulas, which caused more damage to both of them. Tarantulas was always in an alliance with Megatron (though he preferred solo work) and after Prowl left he put more trust in Megatron. He rarely came to Earth and started coming even rarer once Shockwave left Cybertron unattended and ready for Tarantulas’ reign (lol)
Shockwave (just a few things for now :D you can ask more about him)
I knooooow that empurata is purely an IDW thing but I absolutely adore it and wanted to kinda add it here👀
In Shockwave’s case, I think that he did it as a warning to others per Megatron’s request. That would make it SO RAW AND SHOW HIS LOYALTY TO MEGATRON???? He did it himself! Which was hard and don’t ask me how he really did it 💀 but he did
He just did his helm, his gun is a war upgrade. That hand was used for science and his laboratory. It was made out of the same material/alloy like makeshift so it could transform into certain equipment without much hassle :]
Another procedure he thought of and performed himself, for work efficiency ofc
Shockwave has a very ‘beastly’ look imo? He reminds me so much of an insecticon (antennae, his legs/feet, as quiet as a bug ha ha) He no doubt heavily experimented on himself, but since his abilities are beyond almost any Cybertronian they went right 90% of the time
He was never a senator here! Rather just a scientist that also worked as a consultant for Megatronus. The two met very early, before Megatron even named himself Megatronus
^^While Shockwave was a scientist, he didn’t move up in ranks BECAUSE of his self performed empurata. He was frowned upon and actually feared (which is also understandable, while I do love the guy) Megatronus looked at him as he did anyone, he didn’t fear his modifications but actually looked at them in amazement. Which made him resent the higher ups more, for letting such a skilled mind rot because he was eccentric
^would be the kid that performs autopsy on dead frogs he finds in the kindergarten yard 💀
I really hope you like this!!! I loved writing this one a loooooooot, especially making all the connections (I literally need to start making a map of connections bc this is getting inconvenient)
Thank you again for asking! You always make my day with these and I’m forever grateful my friend! 💚💚💚💚
Asks are still open for anything! Feel free to ask anything or share your thoughts!
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marblemartian · 2 years
i want to edit the monster high wiki so bad rn. i dont know how to suggest an edit on it, but i want to change frankies pronouns so bad. someone on twitter, when i mentioned this, said "well their pronouns are only they/them in g3. the others are she/her until writers say so" to which i say fuck you? lol. if they were changed on the site to they/them, it would be relevant to the current iteration as well as the past since
A. in my opinion it feels like MH canon is similar to that of Doctor Who rather than something like MLP, in that the doctor's look changes every so often but theyre the same person, but in MLP they make literally brand new ponies lol. like some share the same name but its not even trying really, anymore at least, to change who those ponies were. theyve got entirely different personalities and backstories, which straight up is NOT how MH is lol all of the characters have the same at least Basic lore even if theyve retconned things from the books or the movies or if some of the dolls arent canon, theyre still the same characters through and through.
B. they/them are flat out neutral pronouns. even if g1/g2 frankies were Strictly she/her, there are two of them are they not? in that case, if every MH gen character change is a new person, and they all Share a single wiki page, there are multiple of them.
C. Frankie is LITERALLY made out of multiple different people.
but also when i looked at this persons account and tweets and stuff there was a good chunk of them agreeing w someone who was saying "FRANKIE DOESNT KNOW WHAT A HIGH FIVE IS BUT KNOWS WHAT A *PRONOUN* IS ?!?!" which is such bullshit lol. based on that logic you can conclude one more of these 3 things. (of which the first is Literally canon in a couple of different ways)
1. Frankie can fucking speak fluent English. as soon as 15 days old. In the books, it's said that that's due to their dad uploading new information into their brain daily, I'm sure a basic fucking building block of the English language is included in that. And according to the first person i mentioned, frankie's brain is made up of pieces from multiple different great deceased scientists that fucking know grammar which brings me to point 2
2. as a lot of other people on that tweet were also saying, a lot of those scientists werent alive while the high five was invented (the 70s). thats also not necessary info their dad would upload to their brain for them to be able to integrate smoothly into high school.
3. Frankie hasn't learned a lot of social cues yet in their little time not just being alive but actually Being in society. high fives for young children are common knowledge because of what also? media bro. fucking tv, and i dont think a typical part of frankie's education is from television dude.
4. similar to the last point, maybe if frankie DOES have a part of the brain of someone from the late 70s and on, they just dont understand social cues and they have AUTISM. think about that. stew on that, chew on that. frankie has autism and they Know of high fives but when they see someone idk HITTING someone else they dont know what to think of it. its weird to them and they dont understand and thats not what they thought a high five actually was.
anyways thats my justification for retroactive they/them on Frankie, and that's all even disregarding the fact that if they're the same person theyve always been, as i alluded to in point A, if theyre Now in the canon coming out/changing their pronouns, they should retroactively be referred to by those pronouns. [good people] dont deadname and misgender trans people just because theyre talking about them at a point before their coming out. i dont talk about You in the past tense and refer to your current self as being a baby lmfao.
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