#Buttercream Squad Scenes
themightymoose · 2 months
So is this photo was from when Zoe first joined the pet shop
So is Zoe the last one to join
And if so, how much has passed since then. Because she looks like the same age
Okay so it would be one year ago Penny joined The Squad
My headcanons 🥺
imma ignore canon >:)
Pepper and Zoe being so excited for her
Penny's just like "No, bitch they're gonna kill each other."
Blythe brushing Penny
Vinnie being excited about Penny's party
Vinnie middle name is Alfonso?
Vinnie almost fucking died
They all look so traumatized
He is legit scarred for life
"I think you look pretty cute without your tail, Vinnie!" :)
What parents Sunil? What are you talking about sir
Uh oh
Blythe is like "Well this is awkward. :/"
Guys your hyperfixations aren't Penny's hyperfixation
"And we all get a pie that we can throw at Zoe!" "WhAT-" damn 💀
Girlie just got shot into another dimension
Which is a reoccurring theme of this show
"I look terrible in lilac." NO YOU DON'T SUNIL
Russell looks so snazzy
"And then we have the skunk dunking booth where we can dunk Pepper!" "WHAT-"
The shaaaaadddeee
"Okay that's kinda funny actually-" at least she's taking it like a champ
Pepper's middle name is Mildred 💀
Yeah she seems like a Mildred to me
The fellas are just so silly :)
What's Minka doing during this
Buttercream just comes from out of nowhere
The awkward tension
They should just kiss me thinks
Pepper is so shit at lying
Russell trying to give confidence in his mongoose bf <3
Vinnie's cranky
Oh hi Minka
I'm so confused
Vinnie drew the Mona Lisa
Vinnie is going through fucking hell right now
How the fuck did she get that hay bale inside
They're laughing so passive aggressively
Blythe has no idea does she
Vinnie is so sad he can't perform a dance for Penny
Blythe giving Vinnie some encouragement
Vinnie's so happy
Pepper just got flung into the wall
Damn hit a nerve there
Vinnie breaking them up to make the conversation about him
They are so confused
Minka and Vinnie only joining Zoe's party for the food
Sunil and Russell giggling
Damn this is awkward 💀
Did Zoe just flirt with Penny
Got some smooth moves I'll give her that
You can tell that even though they're literally about to kill each other they truly do love Penny
And I think that's beautiful
Penny feels like a child of divorce rn
The girls are fiiiggghhhtinnnngggg
I think the fire hydrant house night be everyone's comfort place
"Okay, you two. You're grounded."
They all probably think Zoe and Pepper are Blythe's favorites
"Blythe that's fucking stupid."
Okay this is so sweet I'll get cavities
They're sharing their feelings
Pepper and Zoe were just jealous of each other
Please excuse me while I rewatch this scene five hundred times
Now kiss
Did they forget Penny exists
I do too sometimes
Mostly with Minka though
Sunil is so happy for Vinnie
Penny and Vinnie's friendship means so much to me I love them
Vinnie's showing off his vocals right now
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Despite the Feelings - Joe Sugg
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Have you heard about Joe?” Cam asked as she sat down next to you on the couch. “We never saw it coming.”
Strictly Come Dancing had just finished and unfortunately Joe, doing his best, didn’t win. However, the announcement he made afterwards shocked, not only the world, but you as well. You knew he was getting close with Dianne and you loved her as a person, but any time you asked Joe if there was anything more between them, he would deny it.
“Why didn’t he tell me about it?” You asked, looking over at her. “He’s supposed to be one of my best friends and he let me find out with the rest of the world.”
“Babe...you didn’t tell him you were dating Jack.” 
About a year ago, you and Jack became really close and eventually, the friendship changed and things became romantic between you. You both found it was best to keep it from the group in order to figure out if it was more than a fling.
“Yeah, but I told him I was seeing someone.” Any time Joe would ask about your love life, you’d tell him there was a guy but you would refuse to give details. “I’ve got to talk to him.”
Walking into Joe’s place, you felt a weird tension in the air that you had never felt before and although you two had gone through a lot together, you never felt space between you...until now.
“Want a cup of tea?” Joe asked, already heading towards the kitchen, knowing your answer. After a couple of minutes, he joined you on the couch, placing the tea on the table in front of you.
“Why does it feel weird?” You asked, looking down at your intertwined fingers, beginning to play with them. 
“I don’t know...” 
“Why didn’t you tell me? Why did I have to find out like everyone else?” You began, turning around so you were now sitting cross-legged facing him.
“You didn’t tell me about Jack.”
“So what!?” You yelled without even realizing you had done so. “I told you I was seeing someone and I never lied to you. You straight up lied to my face, Joe.” The room fell silent as you both tried to take in what was being said. “I just...feel weird.”
“You know,” Joe said, his voice a little more quiet than before. “when I woke up next to you that very first time, I swear to you, I could have lived in that moment forever. There was a time where I wanted everything with you and it killed me to hear about you getting with someone else. I will always have a place for you, no matter what. But you’re with Jack and I’m with Dianne. You’re happy, I’m happy. We finally have with someone else what we never had with each other. You’re my best friend, despite how we feel about each other, and you’re always going to be my best friend. Come here.” Joe instructed, taking your wrist in his hand and pulling you towards him. “I love you.” He whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I love you too.” You said. Tightening your grip on his body, you dug your face deeper into his neck but as he began to pull away, the distance between you began to decrease as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. 
Placing a soft and gentle kiss upon your lips, you realized it was his way of saying goodbye to whatever feelings that might have been lingering. 
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kpopchangedme · 4 years
Sun-drenched [M] - Youngjae
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Every time you opened your mouth something outrageous came out but unfortunately, your new dorky step-brother seemed to be immune. You couldn’t tell if Youngjae was actually that clueless or if your reputation preceded you. 
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Protagonists: Choi Youngjae & You
Word Count: 4.6k
Genre: NSFW - Cringe Fest - Smut - slight exhibitionism - f*ckgirl - Stepbrother!au || [One Shot]
[The Pleasure Chest: A Cringe Fest]
GOT7 | M.list
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Your mother was doing that thing with her hair again, slightly shaking her head every time her new beau spoke. Every single bob invariably made her blonde curls spring. How disgusting. You had asked to be bleached once, a few years ago, and she had the audacity to claim it would look cheap on you. So unfair. 
She hadn't met her fourth husband for more than 6 months before she did just that. She thought it made her look younger, but Miami-midlife-crisis was more like it. It wasn't pretty wheat blonde, it was white yellow-ish banana buttercream. On-sale daffodil... Much like the sad ones Youngnam had gotten her from the convenience store yesterday.  They were now awaiting certain death in a crystal vase husband-number-two had gotten her for God knows what occasion.
You rolled your eyes when your latest stepfather started going over safety rules again. At your dad's there was never a need for them and if you correctly remembered the last time you had lived with your mom... You smiled, imagining how Dr. Top Surgeon would react if he found out his perfect church-going wife used to pop pills like candy and store a very impressive bong in the third drawer of her kitchen.
That would make for a fun scene. 
The goodbyes seemed to stretch half an eternity in the living room, after which you got dragged to the hall where the speech began all over again. Your mom gave you a short hug, more of a shoulder squeeze, then she pulled back and frowned with intent as much as her botox allowed. You shrugged off her silent don't-screw-this-up warning, already waving goodbye to her husband. Shoo shoo, you thought, sending the adults off to a far far away location. 
As soon as the door shut behind, you squealed in excitement. 
Summer had officially begun! 
Moving half across the country to fake “house sit” their new place while they honeymooned in Boca wasn't exactly what you had scheduled for your vacations. But when Youngnam accidentally let the words infinity pool and cars – as in with an S – slip out during the weekly video call, not even the dread on your mother’s face could’ve deterred you from flying over. 
As it turns out, Dr. Choi was loaded. 
Something you probably would’ve figured out earlier if you’d bothered showing up for the ceremony at all. Unfortunately, the wedding hadn't matched your Spring Break’ schedule and you decided having been present to the many previous ceremonies should be considered enough daughterly care for a lifetime. 
As you bent to the freezer for a celebratory parent-free popsicle, you felt the eyes of that gift-that-came-with-the-house glued to your ass. He briefly glanced down at the flash of your stomach’s skin when you jumped to sit on the counter. 
Surprisingly enough, your mother’s many rings had never once come with a step-brother before...
Usually, she went for the bachelor or womanizer types and those had the decency to never have baggage. Dr. Choi was a break of pattern and the news came with complete horror on your part.
For as long as you could, you had made a duty of never meeting his son, pretended he didn't even exist. So when the bubbly blended trio came to pick you up at the airport yesterday, you had been shocked.
They had said soloist of the local Choir and you’d heard; loser. Piano lessons? Dork. All-boys school graduate? Stuck-up. Computer Science Major? Nerd alert.
No one had talked about… That.
As a matter of fact, Choi Youngjae himself had not spoken much either, but he was certainly looking... 
And there were few things you enjoyed more than having a man's undivided attention.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen in all his glory, your new step-brother was staring, as usual, watching intently as you sucked your popsicle. You made sure to make a show of it.
“So… What about lunch?” He finally asked even though it was barely 9. Just to rattle him you hummed on the sugary treat as a reply. Mission accomplished. “S-Should I order pizza?”
“Don't worry, I’m easy...” Youngjae’s gaze fluttered down to your belly ring again. Boy, if he liked that one he had a few things coming. “I’ll eat anything if it's on you.”
Gaze widening, he pretended to look at something over in the living room and walked away.
Wait no, the poor guy literally bolted out of the kitchen to escape to safety. So fast one could wonder if this whole first exchange was the fruit of your devious imagination.
Oh no, you had just traumatized your babyish step-bro.
It made sense, you were one scary bitch.
All-boys school graduate? Virgin, you mentally took note. 
Or perhaps your mom had said something about you devouring the souls of poor innocent men. They said the apple never fell far from the tree. Grinning like a shark, you discarded the melting popsicle in the trash.
This promised to be one Hell of a summer break. 
“It’s been more than 10 minutes...” Chimlin flipped the phone over to yell unintelligibly at her demonic baby twin sisters. Despite the protection, you winced. “No DMs.”
“Then he hasn’t seen it yet.” Artlessly reporting for BFF’ duty was a lot more fun face to face, but for a few months, video calls would have to do. “Trust me.”
“I don't know,” she whined, going on all over again about how her boyfriend hadn’t picked up the phone since their nightly routine fight of yesterday. 
Sometimes you wondered if you’d even follow her back on Insta if you met this current sad version of herself. Kinda hard to tell, but she used to be the coolest baddest chick on campus. Then she was partnered with that Italian exchange student for a Statistic class, disgustingly dripping pheromones, cash and European pizzazz. Yes, Statistics. The most boring course ever, let's be real. But Chimlin was a genius, the deadly hot kind. No matter how shit-faced she was, that girl could track the B-52s and Gin Tonics’ calorie count of each respective member of your girl squad, not that she'd ever had to care herself.
Then Massimo came. At first, he was just a casual hook-up, but he managed to worm his way into her brain and grew there like a tumour. By the end of last semester, they were full-on steady-going together like in cringy 90s rom-coms. He was always stuck to her like a parasite.
Gone was your favourite 4 feet 11 party animal.
“Do you have any idea how many bitches Mas could meet this summer?”
You snorted, “Not even close to the number of dicks you could have in Pattaya if you wanted to.”
“Phatthaya,” she corrected automatically with a dramatic eye-roll. “That’s the thing, I don't want to. I only want one dick and he's miles away.” She waved her hand to brush it off right as your mouth opened in protest.
Her Italian barnacle did want to remain with her on campus for summer, but Chimlin thought she had better plans that involved a lot more beaches and fruity drinks. She simply couldn't live with her own poor life choices now and you were just about to tell her so when a flash of skin on the screen distracted you.  
“What else have you been hiding?” You sing-sang, impressed by the view. 
She glanced over her shoulder, “That's my uncle. Like... He’s literally my mom’s lil’ brother. Gross.”
“I know what an uncle is and that's a very hot one if I’ve ever seen one. You can look.”
“We’re not all depraved sluts like you.” She only half-teased with a sharp laugh. “How's the cute new brother doing, by the way?”
“No idea.” You flipped the camera and zoomed on Youngjae's bedroom window like to prove a point. The curtains were drawn, concealing anything worth mentioning from view. You were lounging by the pool on one of those fancy long chairs, much as you had been for the past week. Margarita, sunscreen, repeat. If this boring routine went on, you’d be so tanned by the end of summer no one on campus would recognize you. Sometimes you did think Youngjae's curtains were wobbling, maybe he was spying on you but it could all be your imagination. “Typical. He's been in hiding from me since day one.”
“I don't blame him.”
“Don't blame me for wanting him either. He's a good boy in a bad boy’s body.”
“I don't even know what that means...”
“No one does. But he's not cute, he's hot. I need him all over me and I've been telling him so, but he's strangely elusive. I think he hits the gym above the grocery store on the corner, I should join.”
“I don’t stalk, I live in his house.”
“No wonder the poor guy doesn't go out of that room, I bet he picked up on all your slutty energy.” In the rectangle screen, Chimlin switched to tan the other side and you did the same, laying on your back.
“Ha ha. He'd have to be moronic not to,” you were holding the phone above, casting a partial shadow on your face.
“Your legend precedes you. He's scared you're gonna trap and fuck him.”
“What else am I supposed to do when you've abandoned me and flew to the other side of the world? You know I need a summer project.”
“And of course, it had to be a guy.”
You were so glad she stopped whining about Mas for a minute that you let that one slide. “Well, I am not a needlepoint kind-of-girl.”
“Right, hey maybe it isn’t the incest that’s creeping your brother out. Maybe he's gay.”
Someone snorted out loud at that – not you – and you sat up in alarm.
Two guys were standing by the edge of the pool.
“No, he's not,” said the one on the left, a smile in his voice. They were directly in your sun, so you had trouble making out their features. One silhouette was slightly slumped, the other tall and all limbs. You suddenly felt very exposed, dropping Chimlin to fasten your bikini top in a hurry. This show wasn't for strangers to enjoy.
“Who are you?” The second man asked, clearly lost.
“She's it,” the other echoed.
“Who are you? I live here.”
“We're your brother's social life,” the frisky one smiled largely, kind of in a dangerous way that you immediately recognized for your own. Friends, they were Youngjae's friends and they very clearly overheard your embarrassing banter with Chimlin.
Flushing – a rare occurrence – you brought a hand to shield your eyes from the sun while you corrected; “Step-br–”
A sharp voice cut in, “She's not my sister.”
Behind, Youngjae was standing awkwardly by the patio door, a stern look on his face. He didn't seem surprised his people were there. He didn't even glance in your direction before disappearing back as you blankly stared after him. 
“Well, thank fuck,” the you-guy turned to wink, following him inside. “Good luck with your summer project! I’ll root for you!”
In a daze, you picked your phone back up. Chimlin was still there, waiting dilligently to be briefed on what just transpired. You puffed your cheeks, mentally preparing for what was to come.
Swear to God, Youngjae had not come out of that room for two days.
Maybe he had a fridge in there.
Maybe he only came to life after midnight like a vampire to avoid the whore squatting his dad’s house. 
Whatever his annoying friends told him had certainly made a lasting impression. You just hoped he wasn't the type to go cry to parents whenever something happened. You had no intention of going back to your tiny dorm all alone and sad for the summer just because you hurt his feelings by finding him bangable. Or worse, at your father's.
What was he even thinking?
You had not done anything wrong. Pushed a bad joke a little bit too far perhaps, nothing to get all worked up about. No reason to get shunned out of your mother's life again. 
Youngjae's reaction, or lack thereof, was way out of line.
It's not like you had actually done anything to him. He was such a prude. A prude that eye-fucked you all the time!
Church baby boys were the worst.
What an ass.
Three days?!
Three days of an overly empty house. The atmosphere had gotten so heavy, the air so tense you couldn't even think about anything else. There was nothing left to do. Just sit on the couch inside or by that dumb infinity pool, starring at the drawn curtains of your step-brother's bedroom. They weren't wobbling anymore.
Which was what you were actively doing this afternoon, ruminating your dark thoughts for hours. You didn't even notice you were getting dangerously warmer. When your timer went off, announcing it was sunscreen time again you nearly fell from your chair. 
Doing the legs was the easiest part, your favourite to be honest. They were one hell of an asset of yours. You were massaging the thick lotion on your right calf when something at the corner of your eye caught your attention. 
For a heartbeat or two, you thought you were hallucinating. 
Youngjae had finally reappeared. 
He was standing at the end of the pool, a knapsack thrown over his shoulders. His thumbs were hooked in the straps, hands dangling to his sides like dead weights. If he looked like a young boy at first glance, the heated look on his face was one of a man.
Frozen still, you gulped. True to form, he kept staring for a long moment before turning to the house and you thought he was about to go into hiding again – but oh no, fuck – he was actually pacing towards you. 
“I’m back.” Youngjae blurted out awkwardly, mouth twisted. 
Yours was opened in a mix of disbelief and shock. He was actually addressing you. “Back?” From where the corner store?
“Yes,” his eyes ghosted over your poor excuse of a bikini before anchoring themself back to safety in yours. Again, horny eyes. If you were warm earlier, now you were burning up. “I thought it'd be better if I stayed away at Bam's for a few days…”
Right? No one could actually stay between four walls so dilligently. It made sense. You were so dumb.
Apparently, your confusion was evident. “Didn’t you notice I was gone?” No, you had not. So your step-brother was so freaked out being around you that he actually moved out for a few days. Had you gotten that bad? Jesus. “Anyway, I’m back home with you now.” 
Youngjae took a step closer, kindly getting in your light so you'd stop squinting at him. He looked even hotter in the bright light of day, sweat pearled between your breasts. He frowned and bit his lower lip waiting for a reaction. The things you'd do to that perfectly proper mouth. 
Of course, what came out of yours at the moment was less than appropriate. He was right to be scared, you weren't safe at all.
“Wanna do me?”
Yes, you were that bad. Terrible indeed.
“Do I-I,” he gasped for air – oops, “w-what?”
“My back,” you clarified smiling like a prisoner that hadn't been fed a good meal in days, “sunscreen.” The poor man should've stayed far far away from you. 
You weren’t crazy or desperate, but you couldn't resist. You had been patient and unusually upright so far. You deserved a treat. You were hungry and you knew your step-brother wanted you too, he wouldn't have felt the need to hide away otherwise. Youngjae had an interesting duality, shamelessly thirsting over you one minute and getting flustered and embarrassed the next. He must have been deeply unsettled by your open invitation because before you could flip over, he had claimed possession of the bottle. 
Or maybe he just didn't need to be asked twice this time. He knew. He wanted to give in to temptation. Why would he even come back here otherwise? 
Laying down, you reached to undo the bikini strings, pressing your loosely covered chest against the rough towel on the chair. You waited.
“You must really hate tan lines,” Youngjae said in your back, sounding tormented, “it seems you're never properly wearing clothes.” He sat down in slow motion like an obedient little boy as you grinned. 
“Are you ever gonna put your hands on me?” You teased once more, it was like a string was tugging up your insides through that dirty mouth of yours. You wanted to keep pushing him, wanted to find out what it'd take to make him break. And just fuck you really. It was fighting the inevitable by now. 
Every guy you met wanted to have you.
Usually, you didn't have to beg.
“I'm trying not to,” he admitted the obvious. “I promised I would never touch you,” Youngjae grumbled and you jerked in surprise when lotion spurted on your lower back. “Promised my father I’d treat you well.”
It made sense, a good boy would never disobey and do his dirty step-sister. If your legend preceded you, his golden son’s reputation certainly did too. Honestly, this promise made the taunting easier and even more tempting. It made for a funnier challenge and the spark in Youngjae's eyes when he looked at you hinted you could break him if you really tried.
You were about to defy his ethics again when words went back down your throat, letting way to a sharp sigh. He had suddenly fully committed to applying your sunscreen, fingers exploring your skin. You asked to be touched and he had risen to the occasion, firmly rubbing the lotion on your naked back. 
Earlier you had every intention of teasing him further by enjoying this a little too much, but you weren’t sure it was entirely voluntary when the first moan escaped. If he wanted to keep it PG, he probably should’ve stopped right there, but it didn't seem to deter your step-brother. He kept going, massaging you along the way. His thumbs traced circles up your spine until one of his palms cupped your nape. 
Perhaps this is what an erotic massage was supposed to feel like, heaven. Every stroke was totally appropriate, very perfect boy-ish, but still, your toes were curling. After a few minutes, Youngjae's breathing was heavy, he was enjoying this impromptu contact just as much.
You both had made yourselves obvious these past weeks; him with the eye-fucking, you with the open-truths. Clearly, the forbidden nature of your desires would make for an even more intense experience. You couldn't even imagine how it'd feel to take it further now. 
“I've never had a step-brother before,” you mewled, mentally following the downwards path of his hands.
“I bet you love messing with me,” he replied, barely audible. 
His pianist’s fingers were now haltingly sliding up your ribcage. He wasn't rubbing in anything anymore, just caressing all he could reach. 
He was right, but you wanted more. That was the sexiest thing that happened to you in forever. Having a guy want you bad enough he had to hide away to resit, and now having his hands on you. You wanted him everywhere, all over. You didn’t care; step-brother promises or not.
Giving in to temptation, you turned around, resting on your elbow. Your untied bikini had not followed so you watched as his face fell in realization. Youngjae's mouth opened in awe, eyes glued to your bare perky breasts. At the moment, there was absolutely nothing going on in that male brain of his. He didn’t move; you helped.
As soon as you put one of his hands on your chest, he came back to life. 
“Jesusfuck,” he breathed out, completely winded.
Church baby boys were the best.
Entertained, you reached for the sunscreen, pouring lotion on yourself again. “You aren't done.”
“I…” Youngjae swallowed back his protests, cupping your boobs with both hands. He couldn't even look up anymore, enthralled by your nakedness.
No matter what their intentions were, it seemed good guys were still guys after all. If you had known he was this easy to overwhelm, you would’ve walked around topless sooner.
“The neighbours will see us...”
He didn't seem to mind that much, seeing as his thumbs were stroking your pierced nipples relentlessly. If those middle-aged housewives you only caught glimpses off looked over the edge now, they’d have a pretty impressive show. 
“Let them,” sitting, you snaked a hand to his dramatic bulge. Your mouths got so close you felt his breath ghost over. Beaten by your expertise, his shorts’ button came undone first, his fly was even more compliant. 
The moment of truth.
Youngjae's whole body shook when you took his cock in your palm. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing. Fuck, he was so hard and flushed for you. He pinched your erected nipples in response and you felt a familiar vivid jolt of pleasure and pain down to your toes. Not a virgin, after all, no doubt he would handle you just fine. 
You pressed your mouth to his neck and sucked, right where his Adam's apple bobbed.
That's it, all for you. You were so going to eat up that good boy.
“Mmmm, I’ll tell daddy you’re treating me so fucking well...”
Of all the filthy things you had said so far, this was the one that got the strongest reaction. The wrong one. Youngjae jerked up to his feet, tugging at his shorts in panic. He swore a dozen of times, out of his mind as you stood there, frozen still.
“Sorry,” he offered at last, pitiful before running for his life to the house. 
Surely you were feverish. 
Having a heatstroke.
You had imagined the whole thing.
You had not just being left out cold by a man.
This type of shit never happened to girls like you. 
It took a few minutes to gather back your thoughts and when you did, you decided this wasn't even close to completion.
Without wasting a second more you stormed inside the house, almost flying upstairs to that mythical off-limits bedroom of his. You didn't bother banging, he was in such a hurry he forgot to lock behind, so the door flew open. 
Like a scene straight up from a bad porno, Youngjae spun on his computer chair, a hand still wrapped around his fully erected dick. You couldn't believe your eyes.
“Are you jerking off?” He was already pulling up his shorts again to cover himself, caught red-handed, blushing as though you hadn't been doing it yourself a moment ago.
“I’m sorry, I don't think you–”
“Please don't stop on my behalf,” you waltzed in, confident, and sat on his well-made good boy's bed.
“W-What?” Youngjae blinked, even more, rattled by the sight. 
He didn't leave because he didn't want you, he clearly did. He probably only left because of his father and that dumb promise he mentioned.
“Is this how you've been dealing all along?” You laid back on the comforter, smirking and remembering all those afternoons by the pool you’d thought you’d seen his curtains fall. He certainly enjoyed spying so it gave you an idea. He could try to resist you all he wanted, you'd still made him cave. “You don't want to touch me, right?” Your step-brother nodded, spellbound. “Because you're the perfect son.”
He swallowed hard, “But you keep… Saying those things, sunbathing… And to my friends...”
“Yes, you’re right... So let's start over.” You sighed in fake contrition, “I'm sorry, I've made this so hard for you. I’ll be good too from now on.”
Youngjae scoffed in disbelief, “You are sitting topless on my bed.”
“Oh,” looking down at yourself, you cupped your breasts. “I thought you liked the looking.” His cock was standing up, glorious testimony to this mess. “Don't worry, I get it. I promise I won’t let you touch me...” Throwing your head back without breaking eye contact, you moaned and lightly twisted one of your pierced nipples. “But I’ll make you watch...” Out of his mind, Youngjae did just that as you caressed your own chest for him. Somehow his eyes on you now burned even better than his hands earlier. 
You were so turned on, so worked up by all the days of teasing and loneliness. Your hips started swaying on his bed, craving some fiction and release. 
“You're crazy,” his voice was laboured but he had yet to escape again. This time you wouldn't have followed.
“I-I'm so wet, Youngjae...” Giving in, your right hand fell to your sex, rubbing your last piece of clothing. He was captivated. 
“Fuck it,” he immediately breathed out in surrender, hand wrapping around his dick. That was it, you finally had him. He was all in, playing along with your new favourite family game.
No touching, just innovative teamwork.
You had to establish ground rules, but pushing them was what fun was all about.
“I want you so bad...” You mewled, slipping your middle finger inside your bikini bottom.
Stroking himself, Youngjae groaned, “So you’ve been saying baby, but now you have to show me.”
Oh shit. You were going to come so fast if the golden son had other surprises like that. In a hurry, you wormed out of your panties before he could change his mind once more. In front of his fully clothed self, you laid back, touching your damp slit while he observed intently. The whole experience was surreal, your mind was buzzing, overwhelmed by the wrongness of it all.
It felt so amazing though.
Touching yourself for your step-brother was the sexiest thing you’d ever experienced, and you were very accomplished. You would’ve done anything he'd asked of you, and Youngjae knew that but he abided by his dumb rules. Standing up he came closer, boxer messily shoved down from his earlier haste, one hand was in his hair, the other working hard. You kept rubbing your clit repeatedly letting him see, hastening the pace until you were numb all over, panting. 
“Youngj-jae, I-I–”
Moaning, you broke faster than you had ever with someone, then again no one knew how to make you reach your own high better than yourself. Paroxysm made your thighs jerked as the pleasure waved through you, annihilating all sense of your surroundings.
When you came back, your step-brother was giving up too, bursting in thick spurts of hot cum all over your body and chest. His eyes were wide opened in black elation, intense, not missing a second of the show as he came on you. His whitish-gray seed painted your bareness in ribbons until he was completely emptied.
In silence, Youngjae dropped next to you on the bed, hands covering his face as you both caught your breaths. His now softening dick was still protruding out of his shorts and underwear for the world to see. It probably made for quite a view; your naked body covered in semen right by your respectable step-brother’s way more humble cock.
If your parents came home early, they would both have a stroke.
Youngjae sort of kept his word though... For today at least. 
Because now that you had him all over, you knew you were going to crave him under you.
And no man had ever resisted your charms before.
Step-brother or not.
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[The Pleasure Chest: A Cringe Fest]
GOT7 | M.list
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blakeyxholland · 6 years
Carpet | J.P
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Request:  49 and 63 with Josh Pieters please? Some funny imagine😏
Word Count: 512
Warnings: None
“Caspar, we need the first aid kit!” Josh called out to his roommate who was sat in the office space. Josh was sat trying to tend to your accidental cut.
You groaned loudly, “Josh, it hurts. Tell him to hurry please.”. Josh smiled at your clumsiness as you pouted looking down to the gash that was proudly in the centre of your palm.
You had been trying to make a nice dinner for the boys and Ambar because you had all been working so hard throughout the day to get a secret project done. However, being your clumsy self, you managed to cut your hand whilst chopping vegetables. This wasn’t a rare occurrence for you seen as you were so clumsy, but this was the worst you’d ever managed to cut yourself.
“It’s not that bad babe!” He rolled his eyes examining the wound. He pulled you down from the island in the kitchen and walked you to the sofa. As you were being guided to the sofa, a few drops of blood accidentally dripped from the uncovered wound. They landed on the cream carpet of the living room.
“You’re bleeding on my carpet!” Josh yelled with fake annoyance dripping from each word. He knelt and nursed the carpet hushing it as if you had hurt his most loved item.
“Tragic!” You replied sarcastically whilst trying to hold back a laugh. “However, I’m bleeding out here, so a little help would be wonderful!”
Caspar returned finally holding the first aid kit in his hands. He was confused by the scene that was in front of him. Josh was nursing the carpet that now had a blood stain on it and you were sat on the sofa clutching your hand trying to stop it from bleeding onto the sofa as well.
“Josh, it’s just a carpet, we can get it cleaned. Now can you attend to Y/N’s monster injury? Like seriously Y/N how do you do these things?”  Caspar asked staring at the bloody mess on your hand.
Josh sat on the sofa next to you and opened the first aid kit. He knew exactly what he needed to get out and what he should be doing seen as this was a regular occurrence. He was always so gentle when he was fixing your injuries. He sat trying to find something to cover it as none of the plasters in the first aid kit would quite cover the cut.
“There we go, you’re all fixed up. Now, what do you want for dinner seen as you can’t continue cooking?” He asked before kissing the top of your hand. You smiled at him as he raised his head.
“Hm, I think we’re in need of (your favourite takeaway). Don’t you?” Josh nodded in agreement, then he grabbed his phone, so he could order the food for you.
“I love you Joshua Pieters!” You told the ginger-haired man who was sat on the sofa, his arms protectively around you as if to keep you from injuring yourself again.
“I love you too Y/N Y/L/N.”
I hope you liked this! My requests are OPEN. Find my prompt list here and my fandom list here
Also, if you liked this and want to read more Josh Pieters imagines, I have a Buttercream Squad Gif Series on Wattpad!
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buynearme-us · 3 years
Best Pubg- Best of Everything In Pubg 2021
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Best Pubg
Hi Gamers, would you say you are looking for best pubg for young men to make your PUBG account ultra charming? The best name for a star gamer is generally needed because nowadays gamers call each other by their in-game name. By picking a good name you have an effect on the foes you killed in PUBG. Pubg, as most of us know, is an amazingly notable Battle Royale game, which was dispatched back as a beta program back in March 2017, available for Microsoft Windows through Steam. A full conveyance was made open in December 2017. Since Day 1 of its dispatch, PUBG has been a top decision among gamers and overpowered the gaming business. PUBG has been a particular benefit in the business as it upheld the Battle Royale mode which gamers from one side of the planet to the next embraced compassionate. This climb in progress moreover achieved the gathering of a permitted to-play convenient transformation of the game which again wound up being a hit. Is it precise to say that you are exhausted on getting executed successfully in a pubg game because of a perspiration drenched and subtle screen? The solution for your anxiety is getting exceptional among other pubg flexible controllers for your phone to make winning quiet and genuinely stimulating. We have brought under thing overviews of our top picks of controllers which are reasonably esteemed, pleasing to hold and play with, minimal in size thus easy to heave around, and quick and responsive making your gaming experience helpful.  
Best Pubg Names of 2021
PUBG Names for boys Stylish Names Vΐ℘er Aɭoŋɘ K͎i͎l͎l͎e͎r͎ H̾y̾d̾r̾a̾ 🇩‌🇪‌🇦‌🇹‌🇭‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇴‌🇷‌🇲‌ ɖɛʋɨʟ ᔕOᑌᒪ ƒø✘y ₦Ї₦ℑ₳ ❥Həʌrtləss Head Hunter ʚ’Ŋuaghty-ʚ ŘỖββẸŘ ๕ۣۜZΞUS Assaulters ιи¢яє∂ιвℓє Panda DEaTh StorM T€RM¡N@T?R ʍʀ ƈօօʟ ℛȇɳ IɱCʋtɘ Groot N๏๏乃 ࿇shadow࿇ Uŋstoppaʙʟe Ғїԍђтєя ₷ ilεn է … M̳r̳ ̳P̳e̳r̳f̳e̳c̳t̳ Agent47 Badßoy Rebel DEADPØØL ᗰᗩᖴIᗩ Ⓟⓤⓑⓖ ⓑⓞⓨ ⱮօɾէąӀ Leͥgeͣnͫd Legend ༒S P Y Đ Ê R༒ Vıllʌıŋ Həʌɽtləss ƧMӨKΣЯ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ DⴽΛGΘΠ Çûtê ATØM Ѫ4 Кїггёя 🇸‌🇴‌🇱‌🇴‌ 🇸‌🇳‌🇮‌🇵‌🇪‌🇷‌ ƈʀǟʐʏ ɮǟɮʏ sɴɪᴘᴇʀ ᴋɪɴɢ Sonic Hari Winter Soldier Super Sonic SuperDot Hexoic Caption Notable Dreamer Rex D𝓮ⱥ∂p☢☢𝖑 「Qᴜᴇɴᴛɪɴ」 ◤EτђaŇ◢ VirusメEthan RTK|ETHAN✓✓✓ Thanos 『ᏫᎮ』☯乂ᗪ℮vιƖ•࿐ᴰᴬᴰ ๖ۣۜƤαท∂α🐼◢✨Řβ ♦言𝓓𝓐𝓥𝓘𝓓•益☬.♦ ༒☬Alone__bo¥☬༒ ꧁ᖫ丂тΐνᵉภᖭ꧂ツ Death squad Crazy wolf 🐺 Mιss_❤_Tᴀɴu Fɪɴᴀʟ乂Sᴛʀɪᴋᴇ ɴᴇᴏɴ-x SYKLORD ᴬ ᴸ ᴼ ᴺ ᴱ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀツ ๛ßäßy♨ℇthan๛ Tʀʏ-Nxᴛ-Tɪᴍᴇ Dɪᴏ፝֟ᴛʜᴀɴღ᭄ 𒆜 𝑴𝑹☞𝑨𝑳𝑶𝑵𝑬 𒆜 Eth-rex pRO༒Badsha ♤ ʀᴇᴅ♹ꜱᴇᴛʜᴀɴ ♤ ⋉AiⲘbøT⋊ Ꭰᥲʀκ͢❥𝕰𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖓 亗|•ᴍ ɪ ᴋ ᴇ y̸•|☮︎ ༒︎Q ᴜ ᴇ ᴇ ɴ☠︎︎F ғ༒︎ In𝓭ΐคnArϻℽ    
Best Pubg Wallpapers of 2021
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    Best Pubg Cakes of 2021
Best PUBG Birthday cake with name remarkably make for best pubg fans. Send this best pubg cake on your buddy's birthday with his name engraved on it. He will love it. In the wake of winning a chicken dinner participate in a great and restoring Pubg Cake. Available online with a name for you to make birthday wishes great. This cake is for amusement reason nobody however, you can't structure here. We have used this cake to wish each other on our birthday. If your sidekick is an aficionado of best pubg game? In addition, today is his birthday. This birthday cake is most certainly the best awe for your buddy. Make it now and express your friendship for best pubg and association. Endeavor this birthday cake with your name as of now to amaze your colleagues by making your name on it. Everyone will be staggered. Make any name on splendid heart birthday cake which appears to be like certified and make anyone's birthday incredible. It will make them feel novel. Interest your soul mate with an uncommon happy birthday life partner cake with a photo. Pick a magnificent photo of her and paste it on this impeccable heart birthday cake. Shock your Friend on her birthday with this Tik Tok Birthday Cake. An ideal cake for a Social Addict sidekick. Think about her name and supplement her photo. This beautiful birthday cake is done with blooms and has buttercream beating on it. Inside this cake, it is overflowing with chocolates and bits of chocolate chips. Create anyone's name on little hearts frozen yogurt birthday cake and praise their birthday in an exceptional way. Interest them, they will appreciate it.
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Endeavor this cupcake for wishing your mate online with a beguiling photo. This birthday cake with a photo will allow you to set a photo perfectly healthy on the cupcake. Necessities to send your friend a web-based birthday cake who is an activity community darling? Send this beautiful birthday cake practice focus themed to your buddy on his birthday. Hope everything works out for him of karma later on.  
Best Pubg Controllers for Better Gaming
  Drumstone SR Game Handle Pubg Controller Gamepad Pubg Mobile Trigger L1R1 Shooting Gamepad Game Mobile Phone Holder Calm Cooling Fan: This game controller for PUβG is equipped with a cooling fan, it can hold the phone back from overheating when gaming, secure the phone battery by keeping the phone cool Six-finger support for action describe the catch as you like, with this game controller, you can play with 6 fingers to point, shoot, move left and right at the same time. (open rucksack, target, skip, right test, left test, drop, replace siphon, trigger), the action will be more smooth and definite Charge and play: This 6 finger game shooter is arranged with a charging port on various sides of the handle, you can charge your phone while playing the adaptable game. The adaptable gaming trigger handle is ergonomically shaped and fits altogether in the hand, simplifying it to hold regardless, when used for huge timespans without fatigue Versatile area: The phone triggers have a segment adaptable at various focuses, it might be used as a phone holder for watching movies or accounts. This flexible controller is brilliant with a 4.7-6.5 inch cell game controller 1 Year Replacement Warranty all over India Snap here to purchase this best pubg regulator currently:- Click here   SpinBot BattleMods X1 Conductive Gaming Triggers for PUBG Controller/FreeFire/COD Mobile, etc Works with Most Android and iOS Phones-1 Pair-(Midnight Blue) Inventive capacitive conduction development that impersonates human hand contact by passing on a capacitive directive for a zero-slack second response. Worked of solid ABS material and premium nickel-plated composite attaches that breeze through the 1million press appraisal, ensuring expanded strength. Mouse-like mechanical snaps, restoring the PC-like game knowledge on phones. Mouse-like mechanical snaps, restoring the PC-like game knowledge on phones. 90 Days Replacement Warranty against collecting forsakes. Snap here to purchase this best pubg regulator presently:- Click here   SRB Mobile Game Pubg Controller with Cooling Fan, L1R1 Triggers, 2000mAh Power Bank, and Microfiber Cloth. Practical with Fortnite, PUBG, Most Battle Royale Games. iOS/Android Phones 4-6.4 Inches : The flexible gaming controller expressly expected for shooting match-up, as PUBG, Rules of Survival, Knives Out, Survivor Royale, Critical Ops, as long as the game grants change and drag the keys, you can play with best guest compact game controllers. triggers consume scarcely any room whatsoever most elevated place of the screen, they have a very satisfying snap when you pull the triggers as well. : The PUBG adaptable controller licenses 4 fingers action, you can meanwhile move, turn, simple to use by using the pointers to press the triggers, no power supply and driver expected, easy to use and high exactness, increase your game score. In the game setting, you can change the controls, to move shooting and guide get toward organize with the triggers of this controller. : This Android adaptable controller work in a 2000mAh power battery and cooling fan, you can re-invigorate your phone while playing the game and don't worry over running of battery. The fan can enough decrease the temperature of the phone, cuts down the power usage, extend your phone and battery's life. : Mobile Gaming Controller can be used with all models of 4-6.5 inch iPhone/Android phones : Play and obliterate your gaming enemies when playing feasible games like PUBG, Fortnite, Knives Out, Rules of Survival, Survivor Royale, Battle Royale, Critical Ops, and various others. Snap here to purchase this best pubg regulator currently:- Click here  
Best Pubg Player in India and the World of 2021
#1 Soul Mortal  Soul Mortal, otherwise called Naman Mathur is a 22-year-old living in Mumbai, India. Naman Mathur is the most standard best PUBG Mobile part in India. He is striking by his name 'Mortal' which turned out to be notable when he started moving progressively more PUBG Mobile accounts. Soul Mortal is a saint player of season 3. At this point, his esports bunch SOUL is into the finals of the PUBG Mobile India Series 2019. Soul Mortal is generally famous for its 1000 level IQ, high reflexes, ideal to try and out gaming capacities. He has a Youtube Channel 'MortaL' where he moves PUBG Mobile right multiple times every day. Soul Mortal has been featured in various esports magazines and channels like Tech2, Sportskeeda, Firstpost, etc There are various players from his gathering SOUL who got featured in PMSC, Crew Challenge, India Series and are generally famous for their strong of level gaming capacities. A part of the respected names are 'SOUL NOVA", 'SOUL OWAIS", "SOUL ICONIC", and "SOUL VICKY", "SOUL POTHEAD", and "SOUL VIPER". He is seen as unprecedented contrasted with other best PUBG Mobile parts in the world and unmistakably, he is the best PUBG Mobile part in India. NAMAN MATHUR AND HIS TEAM WON A BATTLE ROYALE MATCH WITH 50 KILLS WITH NAMAN MATHUR also known as SOUL MORTAL HAVING 13 KILLS.     #1 Paraboy Zhu "Paraboy" Bocheng, also indistinct from annihilation, is a Chinese player who at present plays for X-Quest F. Zhu Bocheng, also called XQF Paraboy is among the most astounding PUBG Players all through the planet. Some trust him to be the magnificent force of PUBG Mobile's completely serious scene. He is eventually upheld to X Quest F. Paraboy's barbarous strength of vestibules in competitions studded with heaps of gifted players has truly isolated him. Other than he has the joy of stowing the MVP grant in basically all of the contentions he has included in. He comes from China at any rate has figured out some approach to get a by and large after. The most treasured firearm of Paraboy is DP-28 with a 4x extension. He has tended to XQF in various esports competitions any place on the planet and has figured out some approach to edge past his foes by some distance. It is no gigantic shock that Paraboy, who is only 18, has as of late settled himself as amazing diverged from other PUBG Mobile parts on the planet. This is clear when one perceives how he overwhelms certified anterooms with strut and conviction. Paraboy in like way has a fundamental number of fan procedures in India after his quick assault execution in Peacekeeper Elite Championship where he wound up as the top fragger. Paraboy is far most the best pubg player on the planet 2021.   Also Read:- - Best Pubg Players in India and in The World 2021 - Best Affordable Wireless Headphones 2021 Read the full article
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I watched Joe’s live stream so you don’t have to (play by play reactions)
- announcement is a 24 hour livestream on ThatcherJoeVlogs on Friday starting at 6:00pm UK time (1:00pm EST) ft guests and Joe signing a lot of Username:Uprising
- I wish I had friends I could have a sleepover with and watch the livestream dude that would be so fun
- throwback to #1Dday I couldn’t even last seven hours with One Direction how the hell am I gonna do 24 hours with YouTubers
- just kidding I’m about to be dedicated as fuck
- Jack and Joe from 12:00-3:00 am
- #unpopularopinion I like Joe’s mustache
- my poor baby and his infected gums he was so ill he almost passed out whenever he ate cuz the pain as so bad fuck I want to hug him
- Joe speaking foreign languages is my aesthetic (and it reminds me that I really need to brush up on my spanish)
- “I’m trying to set up other things for the future cuz, you know, you never know how long this whole YouTube thing is gonna last before I’m back on the ol’ roof”
- “it’s getting to the point where I really do want a girlfriend”
- well I’ve always been at the point where I want to be your girlfriend so I don’t understand why this is such a predicament for you when I’m always available so quit complaining and hit me up
- no but really I want him to be happy and I think he would be so happy in a relationship so he’s just gotta get someone awesome
- (like I wasn’t mad when Caspar got with Maddie cuz she’s great so Joe needs someone great)
- main channel might become a lower priority in the future
- “And I’ll see you in the future with a Sugg Sunday Special. Who knows when it’ll be. I don’t wanna say that there’s gonna be an end to Sugg Sunday but... I don’t know. I’m not as fussed about that channel as much, which is a shame cuz that’s my main channel. I don’t know it’s been so nice to have a week [...] where I haven’t thought about that kind of stuff”
- obviously the idea of irregular Sugg Sunday Specials is sad but the idea of Joe putting out things because he feels obligated to and not because he enjoys them is even more sad
- “Wow that was deep whoa I went off! That’s what happens when Harry Styles starts playing music I start talking about proper stuff that I don’t normally speak about”
- yes, Harry Styles’ album was playing in the background throughout the entire livestream
- Kiwi is his favorite song (I shit you not that’s my favorite too it’s such a bop)
- serious Joe makes my heart feel warm
- he wants to raise a family in the countryside omg raising kids in the countryside he’s a country boy at heart
- “No iPads, no YouTube, no YouTube until you’re 12″
- “The dream is be able to have a lake and my dad can live in a little cave in the garden and look after the lake”
- honestly I love Joe wow
- “We started it as like a little internal thing that we called ourselves and it spread and people call us the buttercream squad and I’m just like ugh it makes me like cringe out a bit whenever I hear it even though it’s what we call ourselves I guess. I don’t really call it that anymore”
- he starts the story of how they started to call themselves that at 28:38 of the video I’m not even going to try and summarize it ya’ll should just watch that bit
- okay but him, Conor, Caspar, and Mikey were the original four and that is so fucking random to me
- for some reason I just got really bummed out that he doesn’t like that name like okay Joe I literally have a blog dedicated to it so what the fuck am I supposed to do now
- he said none of them expected anyone else to start calling it that
- literally you’re all Internet sensations you should’ve known it was gonna get blown up when you gave yourself a name so honestly you brought this upon yourself lmao
- also Byron is a member of their squad and literally none of us even talk about him/know him
- (side not Byron is hot as hell)
- I’m dead at how we all cling to whatever they say like the SECOND they tagged #buttercream on a photo we all went off
- I’m have an existential crisis wow
- “I just miss Jaspoli. That was my favorite, back in those days”
- he wants a pet pig ??
- he’s gonna hang out with Brit soon !
- I ship him and Brit I have since the Jaspoli Coachella days (#unpopularopinion ??)
- literally the second I typed that he made a comment about it oh sorry sorry didn’t know that was a touchy subject
- reminder once again that I am single and available
- okay but they FaceTime every week for hours and that’s goals ???
- my jaw dropped at this bit he said he wants to stop going on nights out and start going to dinner parties and such, that he’s done with the night scene
- I thought he was joking but he was dead ass serious oh my god he’s growing up that felt weird to hear him say that
- “when the time’s right and it’s the right person” he’s a romantic person
- 52:58 through 53:05 is a joy
- “I’m a giver, not a receiver, take that as you will”
- he keeps getting shaky and he thinks it’s because he hasn’t eaten all day and it really worries me
- he’d like to live with both Oli and Josh (separately) and says that they’re both very mature
- his favorite YouTubers are the Sidemen and Caspar
- someone told him to collab with Kian and JC and he completely ignored it lmao
- “I feel like I’ve watched him grow from like a little baby seed to like an oak tree. To see him do so well for himself now and he’s in a position where he’s just loving it and I’m so proud of him. I feel like a proud older brother and he’s said he sees me as like an older brother. We’ve had a lot of heart to hearts and stuff and he’s so good for advice. Even though he’s like my younger brother I go to him for advice a lot of the time cuz he’s been doing YouTube longer than I have and he’s just very knowledgeable about everything and he’s very sincere he cares about people a lot he puts others before him a lot of the time and he’s a genuine friend for life”
- it takes him a long time to open up to people, he’s usually quite shy when he meets people for the first time unless there’s that instant “chemical spark”
- he talked about being nice to people and compared life to climbing up a tree and how you should be nice to everyone you pass on your way up because if you’re not and then you start to drop, the people you pass won’t be there to grab your hand and stop you from falling
- in girls he looks for someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously, not too obsessed about themselves
- obviously first attraction is important but ultimately it’s about the personality (said every guy ever tbh) and then mentioned how if looks are that important to you it means you probably care more about how other people perceive you and your girlfriend than how you feel about your girlfriend herself
- “I want to find someone who can only add something to my life. Someone who improves my life and makes me a happier person. At the moment I’m a really happy person so anyone who has that affect to make it better is the one for me”
- reminder once again that I am single
- like I’m not drop dead gorgeous but I’ve got some stuff to offer I have nice eyes and good hair and my personality is great aside from the occasional down periods due to mental illness but you know we all have our flaws
- he talked seriously quite a bit in the stream and I’m really digging it I like serious Joe
- someone asked for advice on having a crush on your ex and he talked about moving on because it’s probably not good for you but then he said “unless you think they were the one”
- one of the best relationships he’s ever been in has been with someone older than him
- “Maybe I need to go for a cougar. Any 40 year old ladies?”
- *awkward laugh* “I’ve just admitted to a live stream that I’m after a mum. No I’m only joking. Imagine that I could end up being your dad”
- Poop Scoop with Brit on Friday
- he’s in no rush to have children
- “I’m fortunate enough to act like an immature child and get away with it a lot of the time”
- he doesn’t really want to settle down/get married anytime soon because he meets new people everyday and the idea of getting really settled down scares him because he never knows who he’s going to meet the next day
- “that’s why I’ve never- well not that you know of- had any public relationships”
- what the hell does that mean Joseph
- “I’m very good at keeping it all under wraps”
- he’s literally so hungry he’s shaking Josh hurry up he needs food
- “I hope Caspar’s there cuz I haven’t seen him in bloody ages and I miss the ol’ boy. I miss the bloody weirdo”
- he loves livestreams because it’s the closest we can get to all sitting in a room together and “having a good ol’ standard chit chat”
- reminder of the 24 hour live stream on ThatcherJoeVlogs starting at 6:00pm UK time (1:00pm EST)
- “New vlog soon. New gaming video soon. I’m back. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere. I’m still loving life. And more importantly, you’re all bloody legends.”
that was a lot there you go (or you could just watch the live stream idk)
also I wish I knew people who lived near me 😭 I would so fucking love to have a sleepover and make good friends and watch Joe
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girlmeetsminter · 7 years
never enough (miniminter)
request: (@mishaddy) Can i get a cutsey simon one shot? Where he and her go clubbimg and some guy tries to flirt with her so simon puts a stop to it but feels insecure
- you weren’t renowned for being the youtube party girl. instead you liked to uphold a clean cut image, keeping in mind that you had a young audience. so, it was fair to say you were the exact last person people were expecting to show up at the after party of the annual production of youtube rewind.
You daringly entered a room filled with many alcoholic beverages and horny young adults, determined to make it through the night and stick to your new years resolution of being more outgoing.
youtubers, both those involved and those who weren’t involved in filming loitered the cramped hallways of the house whose owner you were still unsure of. if it had been up to you, you’d have spent new years in the comfort of your own four walls but stupidly, you made a promise to chai when wrapping up filming that you would go to the after party on the release date of the rewind. which, coincidentally was new year’s eve.
looking around the room it became apparent that it didn’t even matter if you were apart of the production, or not. meaning chai had sneakily conned you into attending an actual new years party. whilst mentally reminding yourself to find a new best friend in 2017, you began shifting through people to search for someone you knew well enough to strike up a conversation with.
“aye, y/n” a voice called from behind you followed by a chorus of similar responses. you turn to see what is known as ‘the buttercream squad’ grouped together, one of the culprits had his red solo cupped raised inviting you over. disappointed that you hadn’t come across chai yet you made your way to the group of boys who’d taken a sudden interest in you.
“hi jack, boys” you said respectively, greeting the blonde who initially summoned for you.
“didn’t think you’d be here tonight gorgeous” jack admitted with a certain lust to his tone.
“yeah, thought you’d be the last person to show up at a stupid youtube party” joe adds in, unnecessarily.
looking down, you played with your rings to avoid giving a pathetic answer about why you hate this type of scene.
“oh, come on love. joe’s just winding you, don’t feel embarrassed” jack nudged after he’d moved uncomfortably close to you.
the boys continue to rave on a bit, slowly letting you perish from the spotlight. at some point or another jack had moved his arm to let it rest upon your shoulder, burning into you. the thought of the contact made between your skin and his made your mind get lost in its own world. it wasn’t until he let it drop from your shoulder, to the small of your back did you suddenly become aware of your surroundings again and the discomfort you’d endure for the past 5 minutes. and he wasn’t finished there, you could tell he was slowly inching towards your ass.
in which point you frantically jumped away from him, causing all the other boys heads to snap your way.
“jesus y/n, you alright?”
“yeah, just fine” you lash. “i’m going to go get myself a drink.”
“yeah, i’ll join you. i need a refill anyways” jack says trailing behind you, trying to keep up with the fast pace you had in attempt to get away from him.
after rushing to catch up with you he slows his pace, stopping in front as he whispered in your ear “i’m glad you felt the need to get us away too. maybe we should ditch this party it’s lame anyways…” he glances around the room for a second before uttering “i could think of a few things that would put you to good use.”
feeling nothing but disgust you push past jack still in hopes of crossing paths with chai, or really anyone that could save you from this creep.
“hey, slow down y/n. i’ve always fancied you, and i’m sure you find me attractive enough, it doesn’t even have to mean anything-.” jack getting cut off grabs your attention enough to stop storming away from him and see what caused the disturbance.
now stood between jack and yourself was a large frame, and lanky limbs. simon.
he guarded you with a protective and, in some ways an endearing stance as his hand that reached behind his back interlocked with yours.
the two of you had a thing on and off. although it never really went any further, and it had been at least a month since you’d last seen him. it wasn’t really a thing either, you just used to hang out just the two of you and he’d act like the perfect gentleman but in fairness you’d never even kissed the guy. so maybe it wasn’t a thing, maybe you weren’t anything more than friends, which would explain the growing distance between you both. but right here, right now, you couldn’t think of anything other than how protective he was of you and how nicely your delicate hands slipped perfectly into his strong ones.
“i think she wants you to leave her alone mate” simon warns.
“fuck off, i just wanted to have some fun. i wasn’t going to hurt her. besides i can get any girl here i’m not going to put myself out for y/n she’s not worth it.” jack walks backwards slowly, with his arms raised in the air to emphasise his innocence before disappearing back into the party.
simon turns to face you “you okay?”
wiping the tears from your eyes from jacks last comment before they fall you nod in response. “i’m okay si, you stood in before he did anything.”
simon stops momentarily processing what jack could have done to you and instantly feeling disgusted. “hey don’t cry, you’re okay. i promise i’d never let anyone hurt you” he says detaching your fingers so he could bring you closer and engulfing you into a warm hug. “c'mon let’s go sit somewhere quiet.”
you end up following simon outside, the cold of the night nipping at your bare skin. “here, let me” he says removing his flannel and placing it over you shoulders, leaving him in his plain black t-shirt that fitted him just nicely.
“you’re such a cliche” you laughed while gladly accepting his offer. he sits down besides you, letting your head rest upon his shoulder. you both sat in silence for a few minutes while you gazed at the midnight sky.
“y/n?” simon broke the silence, you hummed in response continuing to take in the view of the night stars. “i’m sorry i’m not enough for you”
you quickly sat up properly in order to look at the man beside you in utter confusion. “simon? what do you mean?”
“sarah told me you had a slight crush on me, or at least you used to..” you sighed in response, adding her to the list of people to murder later. “..but you need people like jack, who are confident and have all the time in the world to dedicate their love and affection to someone as gorgeous as you. all’s i’m saying is that i’m sorry i can’t be that person” he apologised.
i went to interject but he continued on claiming, “y/n you are one the prettiest and most intelligent girls i’ve ever come across. and the temptation to kiss you right here, under the moonlight is painfully strong. but, i know you deserve someone better than me, and sure as hell better than jack. i’m sorry for taking you on those dates that weren’t really dates because neither of us were brave enough to call them that, and for wasting your time-”
you’d heard all you needed. simon liked you, just as much as you liked him. you were no longer afraid of his rejection, and you needed to stop him from continuing on with his stupid speech. and the 10 second countdown to midnight was your perfect opportunity to do so. you cut him off in the only way you could think, by pressing your lips to his. letting you both get lost in one another momentarily. his fingers tangled themselves in your hair while your arms made their way to the nape of his neck. you openly welcomed the sudden warmth despite the chill of outside. the feeling of excitement rushed through you as you felt so comfortable with simon, unlike jack.
as you both pulled away slightly, you grinned at one another, panting slightly with your foreheads resting adjacent to the other.
boldly, you feel the need to address his previous assumptions “simon, you’ve always been enough. from the very second you entered chai and sarah’s apartment and our eyes met for the first time.”
he pulled you back under his arm, a permanent grin etched on his face, “what do they say about kissing someone you fancy at midnight of new year’s eve? is it that they’re obligated to go on a proper date with you in the new year?” he smirked knowing full well that you’d have gone on a date with him even if you hadn’t just kissed him.
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cursivesugg · 7 years
Protect || Buttercream
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Requests are currently [ CLOSED ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1k+
Summary: In which you get injured at a Gleam party and the boys make a huge deal out of looking after you after being you cry for the first time and feeling very protective of you. 
Dedicated too: The anon who requested this, I hope you like it!!xo
Seeing as you were bestfriends with each and every member of the buttercream squad, you were a compulsory addition. It'd all started when you met them in a club one night; Jack had saved you from a rather awkward situation where a guy was being a bit forceful and had then taken you to meet his friends. You clicked with each of them almost instantaneously. 
You didn't have a Youtube channel, instead you worked at an editing company in Central London - but after the boys got to see one of your most recent projects, they demanded that you quit your job and work with them behind the scenes instead. Seeing as you'd never exactly enjoyed your job, being able to walk into the building with your head held high and quitting on the spot with no explanation was one of the best feelings that you’d ever felt. 
Working for the boys didn't feel like work, not really. Of course, some videos were more challenging than others, but they were always so much fun to put together and add silly effects to. You got to travel, more than you ever had before, and the fact that you got spend all that time with a group of boys who surely enough became like your brothers after just a matter of months made it all the more enjoyable.
LA was by far your favourite place to visit, and luckily enough the boys all visited the place regularly. That was the city where you finally found you true worth, and gained the confidence to begin appearing in the boys’ videos and vlogs.
During one of Gleam's annual parties, where you were supposedly each and every one of the boys' plus one, you tripped over a particularly long extension cord in your room and sprained your ankle pretty bad.
Seeing as you couldn't exactly walk afterwards, all of the boys waited on you hand and foot. They all freaked out at first, especially after finding out that you were hurt, and Joe had wasted no time in storming up to the front desk to shout at the manager about the unsafe wires whilst Caspar and Oli made sure you hadn't broken or fractured any bones.
That night, the boys decided that it'd be best if they took you home a day early. You tried to insist that it wasn't necessary, but they weren't being swayed at all. They insisted that you needed to be at home where they could keep at eye on you and where you could take painkillers and not have to worry about drunk people causing you any more injuries.
You got two separate cars home, seeing as there was no way you could all fit into one, and as there was virtually no traffic, you arrived back at Joe's apartment in no time.
The boys had decided that since Joe had the biggest place that it'd be best for them all to crash there, seeing as none of the boys were willing to part ways with you until they knew for a fact that you were okay.
Jack carried you up the stairs, and even though you'd rolled your eyes and told him that he honestly didn't need too, he did anyways. Joe unlocked the door and opened it for you and Jack, though you could do anything but smile at him in thanks as Jack whisked you off into the apartment and placed you down into the couch with such delicacy it almost made you laugh.
The rest of the boys all huddled around and and provided endless cuddles for the rest of the evening, and even let you choose what to watch. Of course you chose your favourite show, which none of them argued about, instead they all smiled softly whenever they heard you giggle: knowing that as long as you were laughing, you weren't in any pain.
Conor respectively had the most comfortable and soft shirt on, so you ended up with your head on his chest and your legs draped over two other boys, and then your hands entwined with two different hands whose owners you weren't exactly sure of.
It was like a huge puppy pile, everyone cuddling and sharing blankets - no arguments or drunken conversations. Simply shared smiles and a respected amount of comfort. They'd all panicked when they found out that you were hurt, and they weren't afraid to admit that, but they'd never actually seen you cry before and their protective instincts kicked in immediately at the sight of tears.
You were their bestfriend, their little sister - one of the most important people in all of their lives. And even though it was a minor injury, all they wanted to do from that moment on was wrap you up in cotton wool and hug you until you fell asleep - when they knew you couldn't accidentally cause yourself harm.
You share a few conversations about the episode once it finishes, and you giggle at Joe's displeased expression, knowing he wasn't exactly fond of the show at all, but still pulled through for your sake. Feeling your eyes on him, he turns his head and gives you two thumbs up with a forced smile that made you laugh and squeeze your eyes shut in amusement.
Conor then spent awhile telling you about his weekend at the studio, explaining some of the songs he'd managed to record for his new album and even leaking a few of the lyrics after you'd all promised to never repeat them to anyone.
You curled your first around his shirt as the painkillers that Joe had basically force fed you began to kick on: your eyes fluttering as you tried to force yourself to stay awake. But when you feel one of the boys run their hand through your hair and began to play with it, a well known way to put you to sleep almost instantly, you sigh into Conor's chest and allow yourself to fall into the land of dreams; your fist remaining clutched around Conor's shirt.
All of the boys share a knowing smile as they all look down at you with small grins on their faces. Protecting and looking after you made them feel good, and they’d happily do it more often. But for now, they were just glad that you were safe at home. 
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Kicked Out (Part 5) || Buttercream Squad Imagine
My eyes widen as they meet the brunette on the floor cradling his cheek. I trail my eyes over the scene in front of me. Joe's chest is heaving up and down and his eyes look ready to kill.
"Why would you do that?" I ask throwing my arms into the air, "I'll deal with him, can you guys get Mikey cleaned up?"
Jack lets go of Joe who immediately makes his way over to Mikey helping him up. A nod is passed between the two. Joe turns back to me, "What?" He asks as if I have nothing to be mad about. The boys make their way out of the hallway and into the kitchen. Jack stops in the doorway and walks back to us.
"If he didn't hit him, I would've."
"Why?" I cross my arms over my chest looking at the two boys expectantly.
"Because Y/N," Joe groans running his fingers through his hair.
"That's not an answer Joseph!" I shout.
"Y/N, You're not his to talk like that about," Jack says, eyes widening when he realizes what he said.
I scoff, "I'm not an object, and what if I liked it?"
"You were uncomfortable," Jack says rolling his eyes.
"So you hit him?" I ask my chest heaving up and down with emotion.
"Yes!" Joe says exasperatedly, "You're my baby sister I'm not going to let anyone talk about you like that."
"And if it was jack?" I ask gesturing to the other man.
"What are you trying to ask me Y/N?" He asks eyes narrowing at me.
I feel tears brim my eyes, "If it was Jack calling me hot would you have hit him?"
"Yes," He says simply, "Jack and I had a conversation today about how he's one of the only people who I would trust with you."
My eyes snap to Jacks guilty ones, "Oh my god."
"Joe and I talked about how" He trails off looking for the words, "I like you, and that I wanted to ask him permission before asking you out."
I close my eyes, "I can't do this right now," I spin around and walk back into my room.
"You got this one," Joe claps his hand on Jacks' shoulder, "I got some apologizing to do."
As he walks away to meet the others Jack makes his way over to me. I'm sat on the bed knees raised to my chest.
"We need to talk," I say softly.
"Or we could not?" Jack suggests making me give him a pointed look.
"Let's try this again," I clear my throat, "We need to talk about what just happened."
"But I don't want to," Jack groans flopping down next to me on the bed.
"Okay, so I'll start us off then shall I?"
"Nope! I'll start," Jack says sitting up quickly, "So I guess I should start from the beginning."
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wroetominter · 8 years
Dance With Me - Jack Maynard Imagine
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
New Year’s Day - Jack Maynard
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I am aware Jack was in SA for NYE but too bad. I hope you like it :)
Waking up, you rolled over to the sight of a brand new day in a brand new year and you were starting it off right; hungover. Your phone buzzed with people tagging you in photos from the night before but you couldn’t be bothered to go scrolling through. So you pushed yourself out of bed, pulling Jack’s sweater over your head and began making your way into Jack’s living room. 
The living room floor was covered in glitter, bottles on every surface people could find and you were sure it would take all day to clean the mess up. 
“You’d think we actually partied here last night.” Jack said, placing a bottle into a plastic bag. The living room looked like a warzone but the truth was, there was only a couple of people in the room before you all headed to the Sidemen House for the real party.
“To be fair, I don’t remember much after we got to the Sidemen House so for all I know, we could have.” You replied, laughing as you headed towards the kitchen and began making coffee.
“What sucks is that we party the last day of the year away and then spend the first day of the new year cleaning up.” Taking the mug from your hand, Jack sat down on the couch, resting his feet on the coffee table in front of him.
“So...let’s not.” You said, smirking as you reached for the TV remote and snuggling up next to Jack.
Hours later and the house was still a mess but having watched a number of Shameless episodes distracted you quite nicely. The table in front of you was now covered with two empty mugs and a couple of chip bags and your position had changed from resting your head on his shoulder to completely using his chest as a pillow.
“You know, it may suck to clean up after a night out but at least we’re together.” You whispered as Jack’s fingers played with your hair.
“And there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” He replied, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Mistletoe Hung - Jack Maynard
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“I’m so happy you could make it this year.” Helen said to you as she handed you a glass of wine. “Last year didn’t feel the same without you.”
“Oh I know,” You said, smiling. “As much as vacationing is nice, being at home for Christmas will never get old.” 
Last year, your parents set up a Christmas vacation to Dubai and as much fun as it was, you missed being around family during the holidays so as soon as Helen messaged you about the Maynard’s annual Christmas party, you immediately said yes.
“I heard you were lurking around here somewhere.” Your smile grew wider as the familiar voice filled the room and an arm wrapped around your shoulders. “You look lovely as always, (y/n).”
“Smile you two!” Gary instructed, holding the camera, ready to capture the moment. “Come on Helen, let’s leave them to catch up.” Sending a wink towards Jack, he took Helen’s hand in his and took her towards the dinning room.
“Well that photo will be next year’s Christmas card.” Laughing at the remark, you took a sip of your wine before Jack’s continued. “It’s really good seeing you again, (y/n). Last year wasn’t the same.” 
Having your dad grow up with Jack’s meant you two were forced into a friendship at a young age, however to you guys, it was anything but forced. The friendship came naturally and even though you would go months without talking, whenever you saw him again, it was almost as if you had never stopped.
“I’ll never miss another Maynard Christmas Party again. Scout’s honour.” You promised, cheersing your glass against Jack’s beer and smiling. 
“I mean, it was, however, nice to not have to avoid the mistletoe the entire night.”
“But that’s what makes the night fun.” You replied, placing your hand on Jack’s cheek, lightly tapping it as you began to make your way into the kitchen to pour yourself more wine. 
Every year, Jack’s mom would try to set you guys up, as she believed there were no people better suited for each other than you. However, every year, she failed to catch you two with the mistletoe, as you both were very aware of her plan.
“If we could all make our way to the dinning room; dinner is ready.” Placing the wine bottle back in the fridge, you began making your way towards the dinning room, smiling as Jack nodded towards the empty seat next to him.
“You know, you’d think she’d realize we always sit next to each other.” He whispered, directing his eyes towards the ceiling, acknowledging the perfect place for a mistletoe.
“Let’s keep that our little secret.” You said. 
“One of many.” He said, smirking before turning his attention to his parents, who were ready to beginning their annual speech.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Snowy Nights - Joe Sugg
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: This is kind of long...oops? I hope you like it :)
The snow had started to fall in the morning but you were perfectly content staring out the window, watching it fall as you drank your coffee in the warmth of your apartment building. Your day was going to be long but the longer you looked outside, the more you wanted to curl up under a blanket and binge watch any show you could find. But your day was also important, which meant you couldn’t miss it for the life of you.
Parking your car in your usual spot, you made sure you had your snow brush in your trunk as the weather was starting to pick up during your drive in to work. Placing your things at your desk, you waved to the nearby cubicle at Delaney before beginning your day.
Hours passed and one by one your co-workers started packing up their things and heading home for the night. However, your boss expected these papers on her desk by the end of the day, which meant for you...staying all night. But surely, soon enough, you stapled the papers together and slid them under your boss’ door and into her office. 
Grabbing your things, you made your way to the parking lot but almost immediately stopped in your tracks. The whole of London was white and never in your life had you ever seen such a sight or even prepared for it. Heading to your car, you placed your things inside, turned it on to warm it up before grabbing your snow brush and beginning the journey of cleaning your car.
“Who knew London could even get this much snow?” Jumping at the sound of a man’s voice, you looked a few spots down and saw a man cleaning off his car as well. “Here,” He said, making his way towards you. “pushing the snow from behind your tires makes it easier to get out.” Watching as he did just that, you studied him. He was small and thin, which meant if needed, you could take him. “I’ve been out here for so long, I can’t even feel my fingers.”
“You don’t have,” You began, as he started wiping off the snow from your car. “to do that, you know? I wouldn’t want your fingers falling off at my expense.”
“What’s a few more seconds?” He said, looking over at you as he smiled. His face was red from the cold but still, he continued. “Well, that should do it. Have a nice night.” 
Calling out a thank you as he walked towards his car, you headed to the drivers seat and began your journey home. However, looking behind you, you saw the man from the parking lot in the car following you and your mind began to wander. What if he wasn’t as nice as he let on? Not knowing what to do but not wanting to spend any unnecessary time on the icy roads, you headed towards the parking garage of your apartment building, praying you could make it inside without him seeing you.
“Okay,” Jumping once again at the sound of his voice, you turned around and saw him emerging from his parked car. “I know what you’re thinking and I swear it’s not that. I live here.” He explained, pointing towards your apartment building.
“And I’m just supposed to believe that you’re not just some creep who’s trying to kill me?”
“Fair point.” He said, nodding his head. “I’ll prove it, come to mine for a cup of tea. Lord knows my fingers could use the warmth.” 
“Well since I won’t be able to sleep without knowing the truth, I guess I have to.” Keeping your bag close to you as you held onto your phone tightly, you followed the man towards the apartment and watched as he entered.
“Can you believe this weather, Joe?” Hearing a voice call out as you entered the apartment, you smiled at the thought of the man actually telling the truth.
“It’s crazy outside, Byron.” He called back, offering to take your jacket from you. Following him into the kitchen, you sat on the bar stool and watched as he began making the tea. “See? I’m not a killer.” He joked, placing the mug in front of you.
“Well, depending on how you’ve made this tea, I might just have to come back.”
“You’re welcome anytime.”
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Life Saver - Byron Langley
Request: Fluffy/cute Byron imagine where you don’t know each other but you were in the same bar and somebody roofied / spiked your drink with something, so Byron takes you back to his and joe’s place and looks after you for the night and you wake up to this GLORIOUS BRONZE DADDY and he’s so nice and gentle and it’s awkward at first but it gets cute / fluffy xx
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
Feeling the pillow hit the back of your head caused you to curl up into a ball and hold the blankets as close to your body as possible. With the weather getting colder by the minute, you immediately hated the suggestion of a night out, knowing your best friend would make you wear the shortest, thinest outfit you own.
Your world had been spinning for hours now and you were unsure if it was because of the alcohol or the massive headache you’d been suffering from. However, the minute you arrived home, you were shoved into an oversized sweater, your hair was put up into a very messy ponytail and your heels had been placed on the floor. Allowing yourself to sink into the bed, you mentally thanked God for blessing you with such an amazing best friend.
Waking up the next morning, you immediately brought your hand to your forehead, hoping it would help stop the headache from hurting so much but you sighed as you realized it was wishful thinking. Looking around the room, your eyes fixated on your heels that were placed nicely in the corner of the room but what caught your attention was the floor they were placed upon. The carpet was one you had never seen before and as you continued to scan the room, you realized you had no idea where you were.
Throwing the blanket off you, you began grabbing your belongings, praying your phone was in your purse as you didn’t see it around the room, and quietly but quickly opened the bedroom door and began searching for the way out.
“Hey, hey, hey,” You heard from the living room just as you passed the stairs. The voice was deep but relaxed as he shuffled himself towards you. “You’re leaving? Let me call you a taxi. Are you feeling okay?” Looking towards him, his brown hair rested perfectly on his head, however you could tell he was a restless sleeper by the state of it, and his toned body was definitely your type. “At least let me make you a coffee. Here,” He instructed, taking your wrist and bringing you into the kitchen. “Take some Advil.”
“I’m really sorry,” You spoke, placing your hand on your chest, preparing yourself for the answer. “and don’t take this offensively, but um...did we-”
“No,” He explained, cutting you off as he took a mug out of the cupboard. “we didn’t sleep together.” Letting out a sigh of relief, you placed your hand on the countertop as you sat down. “But, I think someone roofied you last night and um, you were talking to me and then things started going black for you and I didn’t see your friends with you. Um, you wouldn’t tell me your name, where you lived and I tried looking for a phone on you so I could call someone but I think you lost it. I didn’t really know what else to do so I brought you here...you know, so nothing else could happen to you. I know I’m probably a little bit creepy to you...or a little bit more than a little bit but I couldn’t just leave you there. I um...slept on the couch.”
Hearing the kettle go off, you watched him begin to pour the water into the mug, giving it a stir before giving it to you.
“Well that’s not how I thought my night would go.” You explained, putting sugar into you coffee. “But thank you. I probably would have woken up in a much worse place...who knows, you probably saved my life.” Looking down at the coffee, your mind traveled to all the possible outcomes of last night had you not been around this guy. So many things could have happened to you and all it took was one guy to stop it. “Oh my God, is that time right?” You asked, beginning to stand up and gather your things. “I’ve got to go, I’m going to be late.” Heading towards the door, you turned to face the boy. “Thank you, again. Honestly...I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough.” Wrapping your arms around him, you thanked him again and said, “It’s (y/n). My name’s (y/n).”
“Nice to meet you, (y/n). I’m Byron.” Holding a finger in the air, he disappeared into the kitchen but came back a few minutes later with a napkin. “Text me when you’ve arrived home, please. And text me if you ever need anything...maybe another coffee...one day.”
Smiling at him, you placed a soft kiss upon his right cheek before leaving the apartment you never knew existed.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Double Date Don’t - Conor Maynard
Request: No
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :)
“Wear your hair half up, half down.” Throwing your phone across the room, you let out a sigh as you watched it roll off your bed and onto the floor. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you smoothed out your shirt, wondering if it would live up to Conor’s wishes. 
Last week, Conor mentioned how the girl he was seeing, Rose, explained her brother was looking for a relationship and Conor immediately mentioned you, his best friend. Explaining that you had no say in the matter, Conor set up a double date between the four of you and had been bugging you about it every day since.
“Since you were ignoring me, I thought I’d pick you up and we could go together.” Rolling your eyes at the sound of Conor’s voice entering your room, you turned to face him, waiting for his criticism on your outfit, however it never came. “Whoa, I don’t know a single guy who wouldn’t.”
Arriving at the restaurant, the nerves began to grow as you approached the table and were finally greeted with your date....your hot...totally your type date. 
“You know, when Rose said Conor was setting this thing up...I’m not going to lie, I was quite nervous.” Josh explained.
“I mean, I don’t even trust Conor to make a cup of tea, let alone set up a date.” Continuing the conversation with Josh, you looked over at Conor who sat quietly, swirling his wine around as if he was on a wine tour and looking down at his food.
The night continued with you and Josh enjoying many conversations between each other and Rose and Conor sitting there in silence as they watched you two get along.
“I really enjoyed myself.” Josh said, smiling as the four of you began to leave the restaurant. “Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
“I’d love that.” Smiling at him as you received a hug from Rose, you mentally thanked Conor for setting you up with someone you got along with so well. “Well, that went well.” You said, getting into the passenger side of Conor’s car. 
“Yeah.” He replied, beginning to back out of his parking space.
“Are you alright?” You asked, after moments of silence as Conor drove down the street. Remaining quiet, you began to wonder if you had done something wrong. “Conor, what happened?” You asked, concerned. Feeling the car come to a sudden stop, you raised your hand and pressed it against the dash in order to stop yourself from flying even more forward than you already had. “What the hell are you doing!?” You asked, turning around to make sure no one was behind you. 
“I don’t know.” He replied, looking over at you, surprised at his own actions. “I just...” Stuttering over his words, he took off his seatbelt as he turned his body fully towards you. “I just need you to not go out with Josh again.” 
“Excuse me?” You asked, not quite understanding the situation. “Conor, you made me go on this date. You made this happen. This was all you. And now all of a sudden, you’ve got a problem with it. What happened? I don’t understand why-” Your confusion was cut off by a different kind of confusion as you felt Conor’s lips press against yours, stopping you from continuing to question him. Pulling away after a couple of seconds, the car remained silent as Conor turned back towards the wheel, putting his seatbelt back on. 
“So when are you going out with Josh again?” Conor asked, completely ignoring the last couple of minutes as he continued to drive down the road.
“I don’t know.” You replied, wondering what the hell you were supposed to do now.
“Cool.” Conor replied, allowing the conversation to die down and the silence to return.
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buttercreamscenes · 6 years
Rocket Part 2 - Byron Langley
Request: Basically you’re friends with Joe and you’ve just come back from studying abroad and you get on with Byron.
Request: You wear his clothes and the others tease you.
Smut: No
Requests are OPEN!
A/N: I hope you like it :
“She’s an absolute rocket, Joe.” Jack said, as he looked over at you from the kitchen. You and Byron were still playing Rocket League, only stopping when the food had arrived, and although you wanted to get to know the others, you were having too much fun with Byron.
“Sure, Jack.” Joe said, dismissing Jack’s statement as he poured himself a new drink. Heading back over to you, Joe took the controller from your hand and shut the game off. “Beer Pong.” Following Joe outside, you took Byron’s arm and brought him over to your side, forcing him to be your partner. 
“We haven’t lost yet.” You said, smiling as you took the pong balls in your hand, passing one over to Joe to begin the game. It felt as if you and Byron were unstoppable together and after the third time losing, Joe had finally given up. 
“I should have locked you out last night.” Joe said, downing the rest of his beer, causing you to laugh.
“You and me.” You challenged, turning to face Byron. “We’ve got to see who the real champ is.” Joe and Josh headed back inside to grab themselves more beer as Byron made his way over to the other side of the table. 
“Here.” He said, beginning to take his sweater off before tossing it towards you. “I can see those goosebumps from here.”
“I’m still going to kick your ass.” You said, popping your head out from the sweater.
“Oh, I fully believe it.” The game begun and like most, it was slow at first. Both of you only sinking two cups before missing a number of a shots. “If I sink this, you finish the rest of your drink.” He teased, beginning to line up his shot. 
“Fine, but if I win the game, you take me out.” Smirking as he cracked a smile, you watched as the ball hit the edge of the cup and bounced to the floor. 
“I think I like your deal better.” Finishing the game up, you headed back inside to join the rest of the group.
“So, who won?” Conor asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“I-” You began to say but Byron cut you off.
“We both did.” Looking over at him, you smiled as the thought of going on a date with him crossed your mind. 
Making your way towards the kitchen, you let out a laugh as you heard Caspar whisper, “Anyone else notice she’s wearing his sweater?”
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