#Buttocks (Anatomical Structure)
drsohinisastri · 4 years
Do You Know the Relation between Astrology and Medical Science
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The ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates once said, “a physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Those who have faith in astrology always considered the position of the sun and planets to understand our health, our personalities, and to make predictions about the future. This is an old age tradition.
 We can’t ignore our health if we want to live a happy, fit, and prosperous life. If we are suffering from health issues, it eventually breaks the whole cycle of life. You cannot study, work or even earn if you are not healthy. To sustain in this competitive world we should all be focusing on our health. Especially with current pollution, workload, duplicate food, pesticides, junk food habit we all need an extra bit of care.
 According to the best astrologer in Delhi, astrology can help you to live a healthy & fit life. As each of our organ, anatomical structure, body part is inherently influenced by astrological elements; we can predict certain things through astrology.
 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 12th house plays the major role in indicating health issues. If any of them is influenced by malefic planets then the native will face health trouble. The native will suffer from related medical problem if any planet posited in those houses is weak or debilitated.
 The 6th house denotes sickness, 8th house surgery, death, and 12th house hospitalization. If the sub lord of 12th cusp is in 6, the house of disease, and if the sub lord is in the constellation of the planet occupying or owning 6 or 8 or 12 it is definite that one will have the defect from the time when the significations conjointly operate. If the sub lord of the ascendant is in the constellation of the signification of 6 or 8 or 12 then one suffers from disease or danger or hospitalization.
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 The following list has the planets and organ/ body part/ health issues they represent.
Sun: Stomach, heart, head, back, right eye of a man, left eye of a woman, vitality, joint, sinus, migraine, high fever etc.
Moon: Lungs, blood, body fluids, brain, left eye of a man, right eye of a woman, insomnia, asthma. When aligned with Saturn it causes dry cough, diabetes, vomiting etc.
Mars: Blood, thalassemia, chest, nose, gall bladder, bile, bone marrow, red blood cells etc. It causes brain disorder, itching, blood clotting, female genital diseases, knee problems etc.
Mercury: Nerves system, skin, face, thyroid. It has direct influence over mental disorder, ear problems etc.
Jupiter: Liver, kidneys, pancreas. Excessive fat gain, fatty liver, heart tumor, memory loss are few effect of weak Jupiter.
Venus: It has direct impact over throat, throat glands, face, cheeks, urine problems, ovarian cyst etc. A weak Venus can also cause impotence.
Saturn: Legs, bones, muscle, teeth, hair, physical weakness, joints pain, arthritis, gastric problems etc.
Rahu: Rahu causes cancer, breathing problems, ulcer, cataract, stammering problems etc.
Ketu: This is ‘karaka’ planet of abdomen. It is also responsible for wound and rotten flesh due to insect bite. Ketu brings in mysterious diseases, it gradually decrease our immunity system. It can also cause physical weakness, stomach pain.
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According to Vedic astrology, planets and our birth sign is closely related to human chakras and organs. Planets and Horoscope will help identify Chakras energy, physical, mental, emotional strength and diseases in the human body. Every planet is connected with respective chakras in our astral body.
Chakras indicate qualities of a person through ruling planets. If any planet is weak, respective chakra associated with that planet would also be weak. This also means that the specific chakra energy is debilitated; hence health issues related to that chakra are caused. We call this method as “AstakaVarga” vedic astrology.
 Here go the list of 7 chakras and their related human characteristics & organs.
 1. Muladhara/Root Chakra:
Mental characteristic: Fear, indiscipline, Facing tough situations, being greedy & insecure, sleeplessness, work longevity.
Organ/ health issue: Meat, muscles, teeth, bone, knee, feet, joints, rheumatism and endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex.
 2. Svadhishthana/Sacral Chakra:
Characteristic: Self Assurance, financial wealth, luck, material and spiritual life, justice, education, dishonesty, being opposite to religion and philosophy, expansion, passion.
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Liver, hips, glands, hormones, pancreas, diabetes, blood vessels, buttocks, obesity, sexual urges and sexual endocrine gland issues, Ovaries, testicle issues.
 3. Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra:
Characteristic: Independence, courage, will power, generosity, protection, clarity, Energy Drives.
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Sexual energy, head, blood, digestive system, bile, accidents, metabolism, burns fractures, fever, piles, skin rashes, electronic shock, suicidal tendencies, pancreas, Endocrine gland: Adrenals.  
 4. Anahata/Heart Chakra:
Characteristic: Love failure, extreme attachment to materialistic things, importance to luxuries, and unhealthy relationships
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Throat, neck, Sexual organ, pelvis, menstrual irregularity, semen, urinary bladder, kidneys, and Endocrine gland: Thymus.
 5. Vishuddha/Throat Chakra:
Characteristic: Lack of intelligence and Communication, bad decision making.
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Abdomen, skin, nervous system, neck, mouth, bronchial tube, tongue, lungs, hands arms, insomnia, deafness, dyspepsia, Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland.
 6. Ajna/Third Eye Chakra:
Characteristic: Being overconfident, lack of awareness, dominating, the wrong judgment.
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune system, breast, face, psychic problem, sleep disorder, tuberculosis, cough, cold, hypersensitivity, overreaction, lack of appetite.
 7. Meditation Sahasrara/Crown Chakra:
Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Memory problems, productivity, femininity, motherhood, depression, emotions disorder, bad and horror dreams, nervous system, neurological Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy, Head, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems Endocrine gland: Pineal gland.
 According to the best astrologer in Delhi, the combine effort of astrology & medical treatment has a better chance in curing your health issues.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
In a patient with congenital left-sided short leg the lumbar spine convexity is on the left-side (toward the short leg's side). That is, there is side-bending toward the right side (i.e. the longer leg's side).
Other typical findings in left-sided congenital short leg:
Lumbar spine convexity is on the left side, whereas sidebending of the pelvis (and buttocks) will be toward the right side (the longer leg).
Innominate rotates anteriorly on the left side, and posteriorly on the right side
Lower position of sacral base, iliac crest, and greater trochanter on the left-side
Forward sacral torsion with rotation toward the right side, and sacral sidebending toward the left side
Note that short leg is either anatomic or functional. In anatomic (congenital) short leg, one leg is anatomically and by measurement shorter than the other. In functional short leg one leg appears shorter than the other. The functional short leg may result from pelvic dysfunction, structural imbalances and scoliosis
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stefanduell · 5 years
LOW BACK, BUTTOCK, HIP, THIGH OR KNEE PAIN? ⠀ SACROILIAC JOINT ⠀ [MANIPULATION OF THE SACROILIAC JOINT - LUMBAR ROLL TECHNIQUE HVLA] ⠀ First of all, I’d like to mention that I do not use these kind of techniques very often, as I have found out over the years that functional myofascial release treatment combined with medical training therapy works much better, especially in a long term! Nevertheless, in a very few situations I still use manipulation techniques. ⠀ Also, I want to point out, referring to several studies and research, that the popping sound you hear when having a joint manipulated is nothing more than a pressure change in the facet joints, just like popping the joints of your hands. It has nothing to do with correcting the alignment! ⠀ A posterior rotated Ilium bone causing a functional short leg requires anteriorization. Before you perform this kind of technique, you should make sure to have released all myofascial structures which cause an posterior rotation of the ilium bone: Hamstring muscles, Gluteus maximus muscle, Rectus abdominis muscle, Obliquus externus abdominis muscle and Adductor magnus muscle. Usually, if you do a proper myofascial release treatment, the ilium won’t cause a problem any more, but sometimes it still can. If so, it requires a high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) thrust technique, otherwise it can force lower back or even knee or foot problems! ⠀ For the examination of the sacro iliac junction is it important to know your anatomical landmarks! You wind down the upper body of the patient below the lumbo sacral junction plus adding flexion and rotation. This focuses the force at the superior pole of the sacro iliac joint. Using the forearm you come over the superior pole of the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS). Now you perform a high velocity low amplitude thrust towards the therapist thereby gapping the sacro iliac joint to a neutral position. ⠀ #physiotherapy #osteopathy #chiropractic #therapy #quiropractica #quiropráctico #physicaltherapy #fisioterapia #osteopati #osteopatia #massage #sportsmassage #manualtherapy #treatment #spinalmanipulation #adjustment #sportsinjury #health #backpain #neckpain #pain #painrelief (hier: 's-Hertogenbosch) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bymxj_kj8Am/?igshid=1wjaiftrptqm1
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drseemagupta-blog · 5 years
Importance of Ultrasound in Pregnancy
In pregnant women, tests that use radiation, such as x-rays and computerized tomography, should be avoided due to the obvious risks they bring to the baby. So, ultrasound in Delhi is the imaging test of choice for prenatal follow-up. Ultrasound is a cheap test, without risks for the fetus, which causes no side effects and has no contraindications.
In this article, we will briefly review the role of obstetric ultrasound scan in Delhi. We will address issues such as nuchal translucency, morphological ultrasound, estimating gestational age and 3D and 4D ultrasound.
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Ultrasound can be performed several times during pregnancy, but it is not necessary in each consultation. In fact, many international Gynecology and Obstetrics societies agree that, if the patient is healthy, she has no complaints or risk factors, only one or two ultrasound evaluations, carried out between the 10th and 13th weeks and between the 16th and 20th weeks of gestation, they are really necessary during pregnancy.
However, since many obstetricians have an ultrasound device in their office, it is very common for the test to become part of many, if not all, prenatal consultations. It is good to make clear that, being pregnant well, there are no studies that indicate advantages in terms of health of the mother and the fetus when we compare pregnant women who did serial ultrasounds throughout pregnancy with pregnant women who made only a single ultrasound between the 16th and 20th week of gestation. Therefore, in places with structure and limited access to medical resources, there is nothing wrong with requesting only a single ultrasound during pregnancy.
In places with more resources, the obstetrician usually performs at least 3 or 4 prenatal ultrasound exams, divided during the 3 trimesters of pregnancy:
1- In the first or second prenatal consultation with the aim of confirming the existence of an embryo within the gestational sac and intrauterine pregnancy, visualize the heartbeat of the fetus, early identification of a twin pregnancy, estimate the gestational age and evaluate possible changes Anatomical aspects of the female gynecological tract, such as ovarian cysts, myomas, uterine malformations, etc.
2- In the second trimester of pregnancy, the pregnancy scan in Delhi should be performed, preferably, between the 18th and 24th week of pregnancy, to evaluate the formation of the fetal anatomy. This test is called morphological ultrasound (or morphological ultrasound) and is the most important ultrasound of pregnancy since it is capable of detecting fetal malformations.
Then in the beginning of the 2 trimester, around the 12th week of gestation, it is also very common to perform an ultrasound to measure the nuchal translucency, which is a test that evaluates the amount of fluid in the region of the nape of the fetus. An increased nuchal translucency suggests the possibility of a chromosomal alteration, such as Down syndrome.
3- In the third trimester, ultrasound is used to control the growth rate of the fetus, the placenta of the uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid, the vitality of the fetus, its position inside the uterus and the position of the umbilical cord.
Obstetric ultrasounds performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy are usually done through the transvaginal route. From the 12th week, the abdominal route is more indicated.
The first pregnancy ultrasound in Karol Bagh can be performed after the 5th week of pregnancy, when it is already possible to visualize the gestational sac, the first identifiable structure of a pregnancy. The gestational sac is usually visible after the 4th or 5th week of gestation. Before the 4th week it is useless to do the ultrasound since he is not able to identify any sign of gestation.
A few days after the beginning of the 5th week of pregnancy it is possible to identify, within the gestational sac, the vitelline vesicle, structure that provides nutrients to the embryo. The presence of the gestational sac and the vitelline vesicle inside the uterus confirms the existence of an intrauterine pregnancy, ruling out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, although the embryo is still incapable of being seen.
The embryo itself is usually visible from the 6th week and its heartbeat can be identified between the 6th and 7th week.
In general, we indicate the realization of the first ultrasound during the 7th week of pregnancy, when all the data referred to above will already be available to the obstetrician.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, the human embryo presents a more or less stable and predictable growth and development rate, thus being possible to estimate the gestational age according to its ultrasonographic characteristics. From the second trimester, babies begin to grow at different speeds according to their genetic characteristics and pregnancy conditions, being it more difficult to estimate gestational age through ultrasound.
The estimate of the gestational age and the probable date of delivery (PPD) are made more accurately by the obstetric ultrasound in Delhi in the first trimester than by the date of the last menstruation (DUM), mainly in women who have a cycle Irregular menstrual or that are not remembered with certainty of the day of the beginning of the last menstruation. If the DPP calculated by the DUM is different from the DPP calculated by the ultrasound, the latter should be the one used by the obstetrician to assess the most accurate gestational age.
The size of the gestational sac and, mainly, a measure called head-buttock length (CCN), are the most used measures to estimate gestational age. Data, such as the presence of the heartbeat, the vitelline vesicle and an embryo visible inside the uterus, also help in the estimation of gestational age in still very early pregnancies.
From the 12th week of pregnancy, other measures allow to estimate the gestational age, such as the biparietal diameter (DBP), the cephalic circumference (CC) and the length of the femur (LF).
The evaluation of the nuchal translucency (TN), which some call morphological ultrasound of the first trimester, is an examination performed between the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy, whose objective is to identify the amount of fluid present in the nape of the fetus. Studies show that fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformations and genetic syndromes tend to have more fluid in this region, making the neck look wider.
As liquids create less echo than solid structures to ultrasound, they appear darker, that is, with greater translucency or increased nuchal translucency. The examination of the nuchal translucency only has value when performed on fetuses with head-buttock length between 45 and 84 mm and with less than 14 weeks of gestation
Normal values ​​of the nuchal translucency are less than 2.5 mm. These values, however, must be evaluated according to the age of the pregnant woman. A nuchal translucency greater than 2.5 mm in a 22-year-old pregnant woman is less worrisome than the same value in a 40-year-old pregnant woman. The greater the value of the nuchal translucency, the greater the possibility of the fetus having some genetic alteration.
The increased nuchal translucency may be an indicator of several genetic diseases or malformations, with Down syndrome being the most important. About 75% of babies with Down syndrome have increased nuchal translucency.
It is necessary to reinforce that the nuchal translucency is only a screening test, and does not serve as a definitive diagnosis. The false positive rate is relatively high, around 5%. In the same way, a normal TN, below 2.5 mm, does not rule out the possibility of a chromosomal disease since around 20 to 25% of fetuses with Down present normal TN.
When we find an increased nuchal translucency, other ultrasonographic evaluations must be performed to obtain more data. Generally, the absence of nasal bone and an altered blood flow in the venous duct (communication between the umbilical vein and the inferior vena cava of the fetus) are alterations that reinforce the possibility of genetic problems.
When the tracing by the nuchal translucency, nasal bone or venous duct is altered, an investigation with blood analysis of the mother (beta hCG and Plasmatic Protein A (PAPP-A)) is necessary.
With the TN data and the results of the blood tests, the obstetrician can calculate the risk of chromosomal diseases of the fetus. If the value is much higher than expected for age, amniocentesis (collection of amniotic fluid) is usually indicated for the definitive diagnosis.
Fetal morphological ultrasound is the most important ultrasound examination of pregnancy. It should be done abdominally between the 18th and 24th weeks of pregnancy. In this stage, the fetus is already fully formed, being possible to identify present malformations with relative ease.
The morphological ultrasound is the slowest and most detailed of the pregnancy, being able to take more than half an hour, since the doctor at ultrasound centre in Delhi needs to individually evaluate different structures. In many cases, it is not your obstetrician who performs this test, but a radiologist in Delhi or another obstetrician specializing in fetal morphologic ultrasound.
In the morphological ultrasound it is possible to confirm the sex of the baby, verify its heart and its chambers, evaluate the formation of the brain, digestive organs, limbs, face and other systems of the fetus. The use of Doppler is used to check the blood flow in the placenta and uterus. In this ultrasound it is also possible to determine the location of the placenta to know if it may be blocking the exit of the uterus, a condition called placenta previa.
The morphological ultrasound also serves to measure the head of the baby, the femur and the abdominal circumference to know if its growth is adequate.
3D ultrasound has gained popularity in recent years due to the greater sharpness and beauty of its images. For parents, 3D ultrasound is much more interesting, because it shows the appearance of the fetus in more detail. For the doctor, however, in most cases, there is no indication for its realization because 3D ultrasound adds little information in relation to the common 2D ultrasound.
In some cases of suspected facial abnormality or neural tube defects seen by common ultrasound, 3D ultrasound seems to show the defects with a little more clarity. Except situations like this, there are few cases in which 3D ultrasound is really useful.
The 4D ultrasound is only a 3-D ultrasound in real time, capable of showing the movements of the fetus and its internal structures, such as the heart. It can be recorded as a video, which makes it even more attractive to parents.
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your-dietician · 2 years
The Sciatic Nerve
New Post has been published on https://backtherapyhealth.com/the-sciatic-nerve/
The Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve is often implicated as being a causative component of many back and leg pain syndromes. In fact, the structure has graced the orthopedic and neurology communities by lending its name to the actual condition known as sciatica. By accepted medical definition, sciatica is caused by a pinched nerve in the back, creating symptoms in the lumbar spine, buttocks, legs or feet. However, the structural theory used to explain most sciatic nerve complaints is shaky at best and misdiagnosed in the vast majority of patients.
Medical science describes true sciatica as stemming from physical compression of a spinal nerve root, as it leaves the neuroforaminal openings between each vertebral bone. This condition is often referred to as radiculopathy, a radicular pain condition or a compressive neuropathy. Medical science also defines a condition known as pseudo-sciatica as back and leg pain symptoms not caused by a spinal source. The 2 most commonly diagnosed varieties of pseudo-sciatica include piriformis syndrome and sacroiliac joint pain.
The diagnostic basis for determining a condition of true sciatica rests on the fact that the affected nerve root is being pinched off by some structure in the spine. This structure may be a herniated disc, a ruptured and extruded disc or an osteoarthritic bone spur. These conditions are identified as the source of pain in countless patients, even though anatomical evidence proves most of these abnormalities to be completely innocent and asymptomatic. It is well known that in order for a nerve root to be affected, virtually the entire foraminal space would need to be closed off. This almost never actually occurs. Usually, the suspected symptomatic culprit either does not touch the nerve at all or merely makes contact, but provides no compression. It is further known that continued compression of a nerve root will cause that neurological structure to completely cease function. The result is true and objective numbness, not the pain, tingling, weakness and subjective numbness often encountered by sciatica sufferers.
Pseudo-sciatica is a diagnosis on the rise, although these pain syndromes are even more logically suspect. Sacroiliac joint pain can be diagnosed as sacroiliitis or sacroiliac joint dysfunction, but rarely actually exists. The SI joint is one of the strongest in the body and rarely becomes injured or degenerated to the point of explaining pain above and below the theorized source of symptoms. Piriformis syndrome is a completely unproven diagnosis, usually speculated to exist after an injury to the powerful piriformis muscle, which exists deep in the buttocks. Although this diagnosis has never been medically validated, it continues to be a popular scapegoat on which to blame otherwise idiopathic sciatica and back pain.
Sciatica patients are further subjected to insult on top of injury when they are told by their care provider that something in the spine is compressing or pinching their sciatic nerve. This is anatomically impossible, since the sciatic does not even join directly into the spinal column. Instead, this largest of all bodily nerves is made up of branches stemming from the L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3 spinal nerve roots. Suspicion of a spinal cause is common in these poor souls even when the actual symptoms do not correspond to the diagnosis rendered. For example, there is pain in the lower back, buttock and leg attributed to a herniated disc. However, the patient suffers from far too wide ranging symptoms than could be explained by the single herniation, since the affected nerve root does not even remotely serve the neurological needs of areas which exhibit pain. This fact is grossly overlooked in the vast majority of diagnosed patients and helps to explain why treatments for sciatica are so universally unsuccessful.
Sciatica is a fascinating condition, since it is well known to be treatment-resistant and chronic. Medicine will gladly acknowledge these attributes as descriptive of almost all sciatic nerve pain. However, what medical providers will not acknowledge is just how clueless they are in dealing with the condition and how it is criminally misdiagnosed in most sufferers, leading to years worth of wasteful symptomatic treatment and even unnecessary and negligent surgical interventions.
Source by Adam Rostocki
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meditativeyoga · 6 years
Anatomy 101: Strengthen Your Big Toes to Build Stability
Sometimes the tiniest adjustment makes all the distinction in exactly how comfy and also secure you feel in a yoga exercise posture. Consider your huge toes, for instance. You may believe they function subconsciously, specifically throughout tasks such as stabilizing on one foot. Paying more interest to, and adjusting, your huge toes during asana method can reinvent your positioning as well as equilibrium, instilling a soothing sense of groundedness. The following time you are in Uttanasana (Standing Onward Bend), notice where the weight in your feet is. A lot of us practice with our hips back and also our weight in our heels. This stops you from stacking your bones in a means that permits you to support, as well as could strain your hamstring attachments at the hips. A straightforward, mindful big-toe adjustment can create security in the bones, ligaments, and also muscular tissues of the feet, enhancing the mind-body link and also producing a safe and secure foundation for secure and easily aligned poses.
So exactly how does the anatomy work? Muscle mass in your large toes support the tendons and also bones that comprise your arcs. Healthy and balanced arches( instead of fallen ones) imitate shock absorbers, transferring kinetic pressures, or the pressures of motion, up with the ankles to the knees and also up the kinetic chain of the body, potentially triggering concerns with placement, joint health, and also muscle stamina. For example, weak big-toe flexors, the muscle mass that flex the toe, could alter the stamina as well as efficiency of your biggest glute muscle, gluteus maximus. And also the glute max is critical in supporting most positions. For the big-toe muscular tissues to do their job well, securing your body from influence as well as instability, they require to be dynamically steady, indicating they need to reply to shifts in movement, weight, as well as balance.
The good news is that you could train your huge toes. In a position like Standing Forward Bend, uniformly push the fleshy part of the large toes right into the floor covering. Do not grasp the toes, instead, imagine you are delicately pressing a switch with them. This button-pressing action could reinforce the big-toe flexors to awaken the kinetic chain of muscle mass on the back of the leg and bring the hips into placement above the ankle joints. After you strengthen your big-toe flexors, you'll intend to stretch them using positions like Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Personnel Posture) as well as Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward- Facing Canine Posture). Both extending and enhancing workouts are had to maintain vibrant stability in the toes.
Getting a lot more acquainted with the anatomical structures in the soles of the feet, likewise called the plantar surface area, will assist refine your awareness of how you can engage the huge toes. Your big toe is made up of 2 joints: The metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint attaches the long bone (metatarsal) of the front of the foot with the very first bone in the large toe (phalanx). It develops the pile at the base of the sole of the huge toe. The interphalangeal (IP) joint is the big-toe knuckle. Pills (ligamentous cavities that confine joints) as well as tendons cover and cross both joints, providing static stability.
Finally, let's take a look at just how these joints move. Bending your big toe is regulated by two muscular tissues: the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and also the flexor hallucis brevis (FHB). They are helped by the abductor as well as adductor hallucis muscle mass. The FHL comes from the inmost part of the back of the lower leg, under the calf bone, as well as attaches through tendon around all-time low of the foot to the base of the IP joint. The FHB flexes the MTP joint. All these muscles sustain your arcs. Lightly weighing down with the big toe maintains security in the MTP joint and turns on the kinetic chain of muscle mass from the soles of the feet to the hamstrings and glutes. While you cannot transform the ligaments, capsules, and also bones knowingly, you could service moving the muscular tissues to build stamina and also security in standing balance poses.
4 Poses to Touch Your Toes' Power
Try the yoga poses listed below for developing stamina as well as wheelchair in the muscular tissues supporting the large toes, after that observe the changes in your perception of feeling rooted as well as balanced.
Standing Forward Bend, variation
From Tadasana (Hill Pose), breathe in to lengthen your back, then exhale to hinge from the hips to fold up. When the pelvis drifts back in this present in yoga class, the teacher commonly will certainly drop by and gently press it onward to straighten the legs perpendicular to the flooring. When the educator leaves, the pelvis has a tendency to wander back once more. Right this on your own by carefully pushing the fleshy part of the big toes right into the mat, which can help bring your femurs into a more upright position over your ankles. Press the outdoors sides of your feet into the mat to trigger your arcs. You ought to feel grounded. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths before going back to Mountain Pose.
Chair Pose, or Fierce Pose
With your big toes with each other and also heels slightly apart, inhale to extend your arms along your ears as well as bend your knees, lowering your glutes into Chair Posture. Press the fleshy component of the large toes down, after that add the external sides of the feet to balance the arcs. Function your way up the body, pushing the knees together (all while holding the action in the feet), after that involve the buttocks. Note how this connects the large toes to the core, through the kinetic chain of muscular tissues as well as fascia, or connective tissue, from the soles of your feet via the rear of the legs. Hold for 5 breaths.
Extended Hand-to- Big-Toe Pose
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Stand in Hill Pose. Stabilizing on your left foot, elevate your right knee. Cover your best index and also center fingers around the best large toe as well as proactively bend your toe against your fingers as you gradually function to align your leg. Bring your recognition to the connection of your right big-toe flexor's origin on the back of the lower appropriate leg. This present actively enhances and also stretches your big-toe muscular tissues. Hold for at least 5 breaths before switching sides.
Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana
This is a counterpose to stretch the toe flexors, especially the FHB. Come to Plank Posture and slowly lower down, seeing to it your joints more than your wrists, your arms are alongside the flooring, which your shoulders do not dip reduced compared to your elbows. Reach back with the heels and make certain you are piling them over your toes, and also that your toes are crinkled under. After that press your huge toes to shake onward, filling the stretch. Go slowly, and also if you experience discomfort in the MTP joint, back off a little bit. Hold for 5 breaths prior to releasing.
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bloglumfia · 3 years
3 Tips For Selecting a New Hiking Backpack
Selecting the right backpack yourself does not have to be overwhelming. Have a look at these types of backpacks and learn how to find the best backpack for you. With regards to the size of your load, you'll need to select a group with adequate support. The key kinds of backpacks are straight back packs with internal frames, backpacks with additional structures, and frameless backpacks.
Frameless packs are meant for light loads. This sort of backpack is merely a case with straps that suit on the shoulders. More innovative frameless backpacks could have padded neck straps and buttocks for extra ease and extra pockets to simply help arrange your supplies. When carrying more weight or traveling lengthier ranges, you will need a backpack with a frame.
Walking backpacks usually have an external frame, manufactured from a lightweight material such as for example scandium or titanium alloys. The body of the backpack is material attached with the frame. This frame supports the weight of the pack and then directs the weight across your sides for an even more anatomically right fit. Backpacks with central structures really are a recent innovation. https://backpackboyz420.org/product/blue-gotti-backpack-boyz
The idea is simple: a metal or plastic frame is sewn in to the backpack for built-in support. Plastic pieces follow the shape of one's right back for a much better fit. Additional steel parts may possibly reinforce the frame. And when you go discovering within an metropolitan placing, backpacks make great lightweight and easy luggage. When fat is spread precisely, you are able to take your backpack long distances without straight back pain or muscle strain.
Children' backpacks give them more room when carrying publications, binders, notebooks, lunch, fitness center clothes, and different crucial college things. Plus, many backpacks offer additional pockets that are perfect for pencils, cellphones, and other gear. Stylish backpacks can be purchased in various types and shades, usually presenting the newest celebrities or television heroes, giving kids to be able to show their uniqueness via a cool backpack.
Young kids enjoy carrying backpacks as a sign of the maturation and rising independence. Also preschoolers and kindergarteners like to carry backpacks to have a special position to put their things. Keep in mind, pediatricians propose that stuffed backpacks must weigh a maximum of 10-15% of a child's body weight. Most college backpacks also have adjustable straps for a convenient fit.
Back once again to school looking or finding your way through a hiking journey can be costly. Save money by buying discount backpacks. With wholesale backpacks , you will find good quality, inexpensive backpacks at serious discounts. Check out on line deals on backpacks to get the greatest variety of hiking packs and college bags. For their usefulness, right back bags, occasionally called knapsacks, are favored by students.
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readyems · 7 years
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 The Sections of the Spinal Column
Cervical Spine
5 Vertebrae (C1 - C5)
Cervical Collars (C-Collars) are so named because they immobilize this section.
Most vulnerable section of the spinal column. Thoracic, Sacrum, and Coccyx sections support by other bony structures, protecting from over extension or flexion that causes vertebrae injuries.
Supports head, which weighs 17 lbs, is relatively poorly supported by muscles/other anatomy, and head and neck move independently, increasing susceptibility to injury.
C1 and C2 (Known as Atlas and Axis, respectively) are very unique vertebrae. The Atlas is just under the head. The axis has what is called the odontoid process (its anterior surface is an oval or nearly circular facet for articulation) about which the atlas rotates. The joint between the atlas and axis is a pivot type of joint. It allows the head turn from side to side.
Thoracic Spine
12 Vertebrae (T1 - T12)
Built for stability, plays an important role in holding the body upright and providing protection for the vital organs in the chest.
The rib cage is connected to thoracic spine. One rib is connected firmly on each side of each thoracic vertebra. T1-T10 connect anteriorly to the Sternum, while T11 and T12 do not (free floating), but do protect the Kidneys.
Lumbar Spine
5 Vertebrae (L1 - L5)
Comes from the Latin word “Lumbus,” meaning “Lion.”
Built for both power and flexibility - lifting, twisting, and bending. The five vertebrae of the lumbar spine are the biggest unfused vertebrae in the spinal column, enabling them to support the weight of the entire torso.
Like the Cervical Spine the Lumbar is not well supported by other anatomical structures and bears the most weight of any spinal section, leaving it susceptible to injury. 
The spinal cord ends at the point of connect between T12 and L1. At that point numerous nerve roots from the spinal cord continue down and branch out, forming the "cauda equina.” These nerves extend to the lower extremities (buttocks, legs and feet). Because the spinal cord does not run through the lumbar spine, it is quite rare that lower back injuries would result in spinal cord damage or paralysis.
Sacrum Spine
Triangular-shaped bone and consists of five segments (S1-S5) that are fused together.
As part of the pelvic girdle, the sacrum forms the back wall of the pelvis and also forms joints at the hip bone.
A healthy sacral region is rarely fractured except in instances of serious injury. 
Coccyx Spine
Also known as the “Tailbone”
Depending on an individual’s development, the coccyx may consist of three to five vertebrae connected by fused—or semi-fused—joints. It’s generally assumed to be 4 vertebrae.
Although the tailbone is considered vestigial (or no longer necessary) in the human body, it does have some function in the pelvis. It is one part of a three-part support for a person in the seated position. Weight is distributed between the bottom portions of the two hip bones (or ischium) and the tailbone, providing balance and stability when a person is seated.
Injury to the Coccyx is more common in women. Women tend to place more weight on the coccyx when sitting and during childbirth there can be acute damage as the baby moves over the tailbone.
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your-dietician · 2 years
Psychogenic Sciatica
New Post has been published on https://backtherapyhealth.com/psychogenic-sciatica/
Psychogenic Sciatica
Psychogenic sciatica is one of the most common lower back and leg pain symptomatic expressions and is almost always misdiagnosed as stemming from a structural spinal source. Psychogenic pain is an epidemic in today’s healthcare system, but is rarely recognized for what it truly is. This is one of the many reasons why sciatica treatments fail so often and so miserably. After all, if the causation of pain is psychosomatic, then any medical or complementary therapy targeting an anatomical source can not possibly succeed. No wonder sciatica has such as bad reputation as a stubborn and treatment resistant pain syndrome!
Sciatica is defined as pain, tingling, weakness and/or numbness experienced in the lower limbs, including the buttocks, rear or side thighs, knees, rear or side calves, feet and/or toes. Sciatica may be mild or severe, acute or chronic, dull or extreme. There is certainly no such thing as a typical case, since every patient tends to experience their own form of pain. Furthermore, while some patients have predictable and regular pain patterns linked to activity or position, the majority of sufferers endure variable symptoms in variable locations not logically linked to any particular circumstances at all. All these factors make sciatica a condition which is difficult to define and diagnose for most patients.
Most sciatica is blamed on a structural source in or out of the spine. Spinal sources include herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, lumbar lordosis, spinal arthritis and spina bifida. Non-spinal causative theories include sacroiliac joint concerns and piriformis syndrome. While virtually all of these conditions are capable of producing sciatic symptoms in some patients, the greatest number of patients are truly suffering from regional ischemia as their true torturous condition. This is rarely correctly identified as the underlying source of pain, since oxygen deprivation is a purposeful process enacted by the subconscious mind.
Now, before you start thinking that this sounds far fetched, let me remind you of some facts when it comes to the mindbody process. First off, the mind and body work together to create all states of health and dysfunction. The mind is responsible for many anatomical processes we take for granted, such as regulation of breathing heart rate, digestion and chemical processes which go on 24/7 under the auspices of the autonomic system. The mind explains the effectiveness of hypnosis and placebo on the body. The mind is fully responsible for fight or flight response, the sexual response and that feeling of anxiety. All these factors are well known to us, laymen and medical professionals alike.
The reason doctors do not diagnose mindbody conditions in most cases is simple ignorance. This does not mean that they are stupid. Instead, this simply means that doctors are educated under the Cartesian model of pain, meaning that every symptom should have an anatomical root. This model has proven itself to be unenlightened, antiquated and completely incorrect when compared against modern back pain research. After all, there has been little, if any, connection determined to exist between spinal abnormalities and the incidence of sciatica. To put it simply, doctors mostly do not know how to recognize a psychosomatic syndrome when they see it, and are more inclined to blame the pain on some documentable, but purely coincidental spinal abnormality.
The point of this article is simple. It is to open your eyes to the very real possibility that your sciatica has been misdiagnosed. Ischemia is a far more logical and plausible answer to the sciatica riddle than any structural abnormality could ever be. If your pain has defied treatment time and time again, despite your best efforts, there is an excellent chance that the diagnostic theory is flawed. In this case, I strongly advise all patients to take an active role in their own care and consider looking to less obvious sources for help. Luckily, knowledge therapy is a simple and effectual solution which has cured countless patients from a plethora of mindbody disorders ranging from back pain to fibromyalgia and from carpal tunnel syndrome to stomach ulcers. The best parts of this therapy option may help to convince you to give it a try. Knowledge therapy has no cost, no risk and is proven to work. What do you have to lose?
Source by Adam Rostocki
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advicetomoms-blog · 4 years
Baby Kangaroo Guide: How To Use, Which Should You Buy?
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Baby Kangaroo Guide: How To Use, Which Should You Buy? The baby kangaroo, inspired by the kangaroo that carries its cub in its pouch, is one of the most useful products to help you carry your lamb. What are the things to consider when buying baby kangaroo, how to connect kangaroo, which are the most preferred kangaroo brands and models, baby kangaroo prices and our recommendations, you can find all of them in this article.
Why should you take kangaroo? Is the use of kangaroo harmful in infants?
"Is kangaroo harmful for babies?" If you think, "Oh, don't get used to lap, then you can never download it." If you often hear the words, let us relax you. For many mothers it is harmful to carry the baby on the lap. But the main place where especially newborn babies find peace and security is the mother's lap. Lapping is harmful, it is more of a problem with not being able to sleep. Let's list the benefits of using kangaroos as follows: 1- Carrying the babies with a strap is beneficial for the vestibular system in the inner ear. This system provides balance. During movement, the baby moves and this movement stimulates the vestibular system. Some experts say that this stimulation contributes to comfortable breathing, growth and motor development of babies. With the kangaroo, your baby moves with you in all directions. This is something different from raising your baby in the cradle constantly in the same direction. 2- The ability of your baby to be in close contact with you increases the sense of trust and ensures peace of mind. 3- The baby carried by kangaroo experiences less restlessness. You can observe its surroundings quietly and awake, learning capacity increases. The first certified trainers to Turkey this issue Babywearing de Ceren baby has something to say to you:Why Should I Carry My Baby Wearing It?
12 things to consider when buying kangaroos
He should be able to hold his spine upright, that is, back support. It should not harm the bone, joint and body structure of your baby. You should get this floating ergonomic kangaroo.He cannot control the baby's head asleep. So there must be head support.Kangaroo models that will not put pressure on the testicle are produced for boys, attention. Instead of models where the legs are dangled, you should choose the models where you put your baby on the butt.Should not sweat the fabric.You should be able to use it from birth. So be careful if the model you are going to buy is a newborn kangaroo. Or for some kangaroos, the newborn apparatus is sold separately, you can also choose them.It should be easy to put on and take off.It should be portable in front, side and back.Wide shoulder straps give you an advantage.Take the back, waist and neck pain from the kangaroo varieties with lumbar support, back fixing belt, thick and padded arm stems.Measure your distance like this: It's true if you're going to kiss your baby's forehead.If you buy kangaroo models that can grow, you can use it for a long time. There are models that can be used up to 4 years old.Having pockets also provides ease of use, keep in mind.
How old is Kangaroo?
One of the curious questions is "When to put a baby kangaroo?" Depending on the type, baby kangaroo can be used from birth.
How to connect kangaroo?
Let's show it as follows:Baby Transport: How to Use Kangaroo? We also have a video to learn how to carry the baby on the back with the kangaroo:How can I carry my baby on my back? Now we can move on to kangaroo recommendations.
1- Chicco Kangaroo Go
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Chicco Kangaroo Go Among Chicco kangaroo models, Go is one of the most curious products of mothers. Dimensions: 15 x 28 x 41 cm.Weight: 0.4 kgYou can use it from birth until your baby is 9 kg.For the postpartum, there are 2 carrying positions with your baby's face facing you, after the 4th month, with the face facing outwards.It can be adjusted to 2 different heights.Leg supports are soft.It has a padded shoulder strap.The fabric is breathable. ProsconsChicco qualityNot ergonomicThe price is affordableNo pocket.It is not very practical to put on and take off.
2- Chicco Soft & Dream Kangaroo
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Chicco Soft & Dream Kangaroo Another kangaroo model from Chicco, Soft & Dream, has higher features than Go. Dimensions: 16 x 27 x 44 cm.Weight: 0.7 kg.You can use it from birth until your baby is 9 kg.There are 3 transport positions. You can easily sleep your baby with the side lying position. You can use the position facing the first 4 parents after birth and the outward facing for the next 4 months.It distributes the weight in a balanced way with double back support.The lining is comfortable. Breathable fabric and soft.The high protection at the bottom of the lining allows her baby to sleep comfortably and safely. You can easily take it out when your baby grows up. ProsconsChicco qualityNot ergonomicHaving double back supportAccording to the characteristics, the price is above averageUsage time is below average
3- Babyboroosh New Age Borcka Ergonomic Baby Kangaroo
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Babyboroosh New Age Borcka Ergonomic Baby Kangaroo Babybroosh Ergonomic Kangaroo, which fully adapts to the anatomical structure of its baby, keeps up with the development of its baby and allows it to grow for a long time. Let's see what are the features of this product that will make you very happy? The most important feature of the Babyboroosh New Age kangaroo is that it supports the anatomical development of the baby.Thanks to the adjustable seat panel, it prevents the M posture of the hips and legs, and the shoulder strap clips prevent pressure on the spine and support the C position. In this way, it maintains the body form of its baby.All parts of the product keep pace with the development of your baby. You can use this product until your baby is 4 years old thanks to the seat that can be adjusted between 15-42 cm.Of course back support is also very important. Babyboroosh New Age kangaroo is aware of this situation and prevents the baby's back from being idle thanks to the panel support that can be adjusted between 28-45 cm.If the baby has not been able to control the neck yet, it is provided to keep the head intact with the neck support rope.Her doll has a filling to protect her legs.It has a large and useful title. This hood not only protects your baby from the cold, but also creates a secret environment for breastfeeding.It is important that a kangaroo does not sweat the baby. The Babyboroosh New Age kangaroo is made from cotton and breathable fabrics. In this way, it prevents your baby from sweating. Let's talk a little bit about the advantages of the Babyboroosh New Age kangaroo. The shoulder straps, waist belt and stabilizing back-chest belt are in harmony. In this way, it ensures that the baby's weight is spread evenly over the body.Thanks to its wide and solid shoulder padding, it makes you feel the weight of your baby less.The strong waist filling helps to reduce the load on your waist. ProsconsReasonable priceSupporting the anatomical structure of the babyFacilitates transportationCan be used up to 4 years old
4- MomfortBaby Ergonomic Kangaroo
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MomfortBaby Ergonomic Kangaroo The differences of MomfortBaby Ergonomic Kangaroo from other kangaroo models are: MomforBaby ergonomic kangaroos carry the baby by sitting on the pop, while other kangaroos carry the baby by hanging it between the legs. Thus, the weight spreads to buttocks and thighs. The baby's spine is not burdened. All these features reduce the risk of hip dislocation.As it grasps the baby very well, it prevents skidding during the move.Shoulder straps are thick and soft-padded. So you don't feel shoulder pain.With the thick and EVO filled waist belt, the weight spreads evenly, you won't experience low back pain.The waist belt that secures the two arms on the back also prevents you from suffering from back pain. Thanks to all these features, you can carry more weight without suffering than other kangaroos.You can use your baby in the period of 3 months-4 years (7-20 kg).It does not cause back, waist and shoulder pain.You can wear it alone, kangaroo is very practical to use.Baby boys have a safe and healthy sitting position for their testicles.You can adjust the size of the elastic headgear, which protects your baby from the sun and light.There are 3 types of carrying positions (front, back and side).100% cotton inside.Straps are filled, thick.There is a waist and back belt.Extra reinforced seams are used in the joints and all seams are made with endless filament threads. These mean that the seams will not be removed.The proof that it does not contain any additives is that it enters the AZO PAINTS test and is approved by the Independent Research Institution SGS.If you use it with MomfortBaby Newborn Apparatus, you can carry your baby with this kangaroo from the first day. At the end of the 3rd month, you can remove the apparatus.It has a pocket. ProsconsBeing ergonomicExtra apparatus required for use as a newborn kangarooLength of useAbove average in terms of price-performanceColor options are too much
5- Solomom Baby Ergonomic Kangaroo Newborn Set
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Solomom Baby Ergonomic Kangaroo Newborn Set If you are looking for both ergonomic and newborn kangaroos, SolomomBaby will tempt you with its chirpy patterns and comfortable products. What makes this kangaroo a newborn kangaroo is its apparatus, as in MomfortBaby. But since it is sold as a set, its price is more affordable. Already the MomfortBaby and SolomomBaby kangaroos are very similar in both function and design. Ethnic pattern diversity is the main feature of SolomomBaby. Usage time / weight: 0-4 years / 0-20 kg.You can carry your baby in 3 positions: front, side and back.Hyp Dysplasia Instituteute (Designed in accordance with the M seated position proposed by the World Institute of Hip Health (the correct sitting position for the healthy development of the baby's hip, pelvis and spine, in ergonomic kangaroos).Sponge padding on the shoulder straps provides comfortable use.100% cotton inside.It protects the hood from the sun, light and wind. It is functional in terms of providing privacy while breastfeeding your baby.Passed AZO DYE test.You can wash it in the machine.High coats of thread are used in the seams at the joints, that is, durable. ProsconsBeing ergonomicLength of useAbove average in terms of price-performancePattern options are too many
6- Kraft Domino Kangaroo
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Kraft Domino Kangaroo Maximum payload 12 kg.Manufactured in accordance with EN13209-2 European Standards.It is used in 5 different positions (Breastfeeding, face up front, back carrying, face up front, sleeping position up front).Bizfenol A does not contain chemicals such as phthalates and lead.It doesn't sweat the fabric.Among the Kraft kangaroo reviews, the most commonly said is the body to wrap perfectly.There are waist, back and shoulder straps.Its special pocket increases its usefulness.You can use the head restraint folded or open. ProsconsKraft quality, solidLumbar supportThe price is affordableNot in the ergonomic kangaroo classCan be used in 5 different positionsUsage time is below average
7- Ergobaby 360 Kangaroo
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Ergobaby 360 Kangaroo One of the most popular kangaroos among mothers, though expensive, is that of Ergobaby. Why, let's see: Ergobaby is a kangaroo brand that has received awards in many different countries over the years.All Ergobaby kangaroos have been designed and developed under the consultancy of health professionals.Thanks to the newborn cushion, you can use it from birth.Maximum payload 20 kg.There are 4 different carrying positions on the front, on the back and on the side, on the hip.Since it is ergonomic, it distributes the weight evenly between the shoulders, back and hips.In this kangaroo of the baby, the legs are separated, the knees sit parallel to the ground, in a natural and orthopedic position.Depending on how you use it, you can adjust the width with the buttons at the bottom.The shoulder straps are very comfortable as they are wide, high density foam filled.You can adjust the padded waist belt.You can breastfeed while carrying your baby.The integrated hood with UPF 50+ sun protection protects your baby from the sun and wind. She supports her baby's head while sleeping.Kangaroo 100% cotton.You can wash it in the machine. ProsconsBeing ergonomicThe price is above averageLength of useOffers breastfeedingBeing a world-famous, award-winning brand
8- Babybjörn Kangaroo One Air
Babyjörn One Kangaroo is also an expensive and award-winning model. + You can use it from birth to 3 years old.Maximum payload 15 kg.There are 4 different carrying positions (for the newborn, inward and outwardly forward, carrying on the back).You can use your forward-facing position from the 5th month and carry your back from the 12th month.There is a waist belt with padded straps.Ergonomic kangaroo feature, developed by doctors.You can fold the head protection support while carrying your baby outwards.100% cotton inside. The main material is 60% cotton, 40% polyester.All fabrics have been tested and contain no harmful substances. Öko-Teks 100 standard, first class certified.Certified by the International Institute of Hip Dislocation (IHDI).You can wash the machine separately at 40 degrees. ProsconsBeing ergonomicThe price is far above averageHaving an awardDespite its price, it has no extra featuresMachine washableAccording to the price, the duration of use is short
9- Boba 4G Baby Carrier Kangaroo
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Boba 4G Baby Carrier Kangaroo Among the kangaroo varieties, those who use Boba 4G, which draws attention with its being expensive, are very satisfied with its quality and usefulness. Thanks to the cushion under it, you can carry your newborn baby without the need for an extra device.Maximum carrying capacity is 21 kg.He has carrying positions at the front since birth and on the back from the 6th month.You can remove the sleep support head at any time according to the growth of your baby, and put it in your front pocket when you are not using it.100% cotton inside.Suitable for any parent in the 1.52m-1.90m height range.You can breastfeed without removing your baby from kangaroo. To do this, simply loosen the straps and lower the baby down.There is foot rest support for your baby. This design is patented. You can remove the footrest if you want.You can wash the machine in fine tuning, but don't wring it out. ProsconsBeing ergonomicThe price is above averageLength of useExtra functions such as breastfeeding position, foot support
10- Soo Baby Comfy Air Kangaroo
Let's look at the features of the Soo Baby Comfy Air Kangaroo, which comes across the kangaroo ministers from the popular brand Joker among mothers. You can use it from the sixth month to the age of 3.Maximum payload 12 kg.It is used in 6 different positions (the position facing the mother, the position facing forward, the position facing only to the mother, the position used only with the seat facing forward, the position used only with the seat on the side, the position hanging on the back).It has a breathing fabric. Suitable for all seasons.You can use dual function as both kangaroo and baby seat.Suitable for boys and girls.You can use the head restraint upright and folded.It has a pocket in front.The straps can be adjusted.There is lumbar support. ProsconsCan be used in 6 different positionsNot being used as a newborn kangarooOne of the cheapest kangaroosColor option is limited to gray
An overview of 10 Kangaroo models
Look at all kangaroo models, decide which baby kangaroo is for yourself! Make / ModelFeatured featureChicco Kangaroo GoChicco quality + reasonable priceChicco Soft & Dream KangarooChicco quality + double back supportMomfortBaby Ergonomic KangarooErgonomic + good price compared to performanceBabyboroosh New Age Borkça Ergonomic KangarooErgonomic + good price compared to performanceSolomomBaby Ergonomic Kangaroo Newborn SetErgonomic + good price compared to performanceKraft Domino Kangaroo5 transport positions + favorable priceErgobaby 360 KangarooAward-winning Ergonomic +Babybjörn Kangaroo One AirAward-winning Ergonomic +Boba 4G Baby Carrier KangarooErgonomic + functional + above average priceSoo Baby Comfy Air Kangaroo6 different positions + cheap Read the full article
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sharistonecom · 4 years
Bone Shaving & Facial Contouring Surgery.
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Many people are unhappy with their jaw line.  They look in a mirror and they see a strong or overly conspicuous jaw that is disproportionate with the rest of the face or maybe a jaw that is elongated or they find their jaw to be too round and wide, cosmetic surgery can hold an answer.   The increasingly popular operation of facial contouring or ‘bone shaving’ could be the solution to your problem.   This surgery has been performed for many years in Korea and other Asian countries but is now also being offered by many surgeons in Europe and the USA.
So what causes a pronounced jaw?
Often it is down to genetics, these sorts of features often run in families and you might just have picked the ‘short straw’ in your generation.  In many cases a pronounced jaw is the result of enlarged jaw muscles.  While some people are genetically predisposed to larger masseter muscles, others develop them as a result of bruxism or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) whereby the individual habitually grinds or clenches the teeth at night, inadvertently giving the masseter muscles a workout.
Bone Shaving
So what is ‘bone shaving’ and how can it give you the jawline you dream about?
Jaw reduction surgery: Also known as jaw shaving; jaw contouring; or most commonly, V-line surgery, this permanent surgical procedure removes bone from the lower jaw, to change its shape and size. Bone reshaping can be done at both the front (chin) and back (jaw angles) of the jaw. For the chin, an incision is made in your mouth, and the outside of the bone is shaved or a T-shaped osteotomy is performed to narrow it. For the back of the jaw, bone is removed either from the outside, by shaving (narrowing the jaw angle but keeping the same shape) or by removing the entire lower edge of the bone (making it more narrow as well as changing its shape). These bony-jaw reshaping techniques produce different aesthetic outcomes. Your surgeon will help you pick the best method for your desired lower jaw shapeSo, what is involved in the surgery?
Jaw reduction surgery can take one to two hours, depending on the technique used. First, you’ll be given general anaesthesia. Once it takes effect, your surgeon will make incisions inside your mouth (so there’s no visible scarring). Then they’ll use a laser or micro saw or micro bone shaver to remove bone and sculpt the desired jawline shape. .  These surgeries involve the use of scalpels or “osteomes” (essentially a chisel!) and recovery time from any major surgery involving bone shaving can take up to a full year in terms of swelling and for the soft tissue and bones to fully heal
Once the procedure is complete, your doctor will close the incision with stitches that will dissolve on their own within two weeks. You should be able to go home the same day, though you’ll need someone to take you and assist you for a day or two after your surgery.
What could go wrong?
As with any surgical procedure, there’s a degree of risk involved. To start with, there are risks associated with having a general anaesthetic, but there’s also the risk of infection and nerve damage.  You should also consider the following risk factors.
Damage to Inferior Alveolar Nerve: The inferior alveolar nerve provides sensation to the lower teeth and lips. It is the most important anatomic structure during jaw shaving surgery and utmost care should be taken to avoid damage to the nerve. Injury to the nerve leads to permanent numbness and damage to the lower lip.
Failure to reattach the mentalis muscle: This is another possible complication during jaw reduction surgery. The mentalis musclehelps to elevate the lower lip and chin. Failure to reattach the mentalis muscleswill lead to the chin and lower lip to sag, causing permanent damage.
Infection:Infection may also results following the surgery. Preventive antibiotics can be taken to reduce the risk of this complication.
Hematoma:This refers to a solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues.
Asymmetry:Achieving perfect symmetry is very difficult. Even if the surgeon takes the utmost care in marking out the areas on the jaw line that he or she will trim, asymmetry may still occur. If this does happen, however, it can be corrected in a secondary surgery.
. But  in the right hands, the surgery can see impressive results. The results are also permanent unless revision surgeries are performed. These treatments have been happening for decades and whilst with every procedure there is a risk profile, these treatments are safe in experienced hands and can provide amazing results. To fully understand the risks it is important to discuss this with a specialist.
What are the alternatives?
Non-surgical techniques are essentially limited to cases in which only the masseter muscles are enlarged. Factors that can cause the masseter muscle to increase include genetics, teeth clenching, repeated gum chewing, bruxism.
A convenient method to treat an enlarged muscle is through the use of botox injections. Botox is injected into the enlarged muscle, weakening it so it slowly becomes smaller through atrophy over several months. There is no down-time and improvement is gradual—individuals who interact with the patient may never know that a plastic surgical procedure was performed
The use of Botox for jaw reduction has been studied scientifically. Improvement is generally not seen for at least 2 – 3 weeks. Peak improvement occurs at months 3 to 9 with good results still observable at one year in many patients.  Dermal fillers can also be used to enhance a chin in terms of length, projection and width as well as enhance the jawline angle.
Where should I get my bone-shaving surgery done?
From what we can see, the greatest experience in this type of surgery is South Korea and other Asian destinations.  Obviously many destinations are closed off right now due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Other countries also have expertise and London could be a good bet and, of course United States.  But bear in mind that costs can easily pass $10.000 for recontouring you jaw line with bone shaving methods.   Hopefully, the pandemic will soon pass and all the usual cosmetic surgery tourism options will be back with us again.
The surgeries below are known to specialise in bone shaving surgery but many other surgeries in our listings will also be able to help you.
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Trikwan Clinic London UK
Dr Sanjay Trikha and Dr Zoya Diwan are founders of Harley Street and Upper Wimpole…
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Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea
Regen Clinic in Korea is a leader in facial contouring specialising in two-jaw and two-chin…
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Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand
At Naravee Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand, they provide a complete range of services to…
1. Trikwan Clinic London UK
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Dr Sanjay Trikha and Dr Zoya Diwan are founders of Harley Street and Upper Wimpole Street Clinic Trikwan Aesthetics. Trikwan is known as the go to haven for natural looking, yet transformative facial and skin care wizardry.
They were profiled by Vogue, Allure Magazine, Vanity Fair, Tatler and The Daily Mail as the “best in the industry” – Vogue. Recently the doctor’s have also been credited by The Daily Mail as starting a new ‘craze’ for natural look aesthetic procedures.
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2. Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea
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Regen Clinic in Korea is a leader in facial contouring specialising in two-jaw and two-chin surgery as well as the usual cosmetic surgery procedures. It is all about facial harmony and this clinic is well known for achieving really great work in this field. If you want to change the shape of your face then this clinic must be high on your list.
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Seocho-gu, Seocho 4(sa)-dong, Seoul
+82 10-4345-8766
Airport Pickup
Hotel Booking
Private rooms for patients
Medical records coordination
Interpeter & translation services
Procedures Offered
Breast Augmentation
Breast Reduction
Breast Lift
Blepharoplasty (eyelids)
Abdominoplasty. (tummy tuck)
Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Forehead Lift
Otoplasty (ear correction treatment)
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Rhytidectomy (Facelift)
Gynecomastia (male breast reduction)
Hymen Repair
Gender Reassignment Surgery
Facial contouring
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{ "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea", "image": [ "https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/regen_plastic_surgery_seoul_korea_1589281765.png" ], "description": "Regen Clinic in Korea is a leader in facial contouring specialising in two-jaw and two-chin surgery as well as the usual cosmetic surgery procedures. It is all about facial harmony...", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea" }, "offers":{ "@type":"Offer", "url":"https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/listing/regen-plastic-surgery-seoul-korea/", "price":"0.00", "priceValidUntil":"2030-11-05", "priceCurrency":"USD", "availability":"https://schema.org/InStock", "seller":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea", "url":"https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/listing/regen-plastic-surgery-seoul-korea/" } }, "review":{ "@type":"Review", "reviewRating":{ "@type":"Rating", "bestRating":"5", "worstRating":"0", "ratingValue":"3" }, "name":"Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea", "reviewBody":"Regen Clinic in Korea is a leader in facial contouring specialising in two-jaw and two-chin surgery as well as the usual cosmetic surgery procedures. It is all about facial harmony...", "author":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"Pankaj Agarwal" }, "datePublished":"May 12, 2020" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "3", "reviewCount": "1" } }
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Regen Plastic Surgery Seoul Korea (approved)
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3. Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand
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At Naravee Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand, they provide a complete range of services to correct and improve your face and body. They provide procedures that correct and improve flaws in your ears, nose, jaw, chin, eyes and neck. They provide breast augmentation, breast reduction, areola reduction and vaginal surgery for women, and breast reduction and pectoral implants for men. They also provide liposuction services and buttock implants for both men and women.
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Udomsuk 30, Bang Na, Bangkok 10260
+66 62-481-1995
Airport Pickup
Hotel Booking
Private rooms for patients
Medical records coordination
Interpeter & translation services
Procedures Offered
Breast Augmentation
Breast Reduction
Breast Lift
Blepharoplasty (eyelids)
Abdominoplasty. (tummy tuck)
Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Non-surgical Nose Job
Forehead Lift
Otoplasty (ear correction treatment)
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Rhytidectomy (Facelift)
Gynecomastia (male breast reduction)
Hymen Repair
Gender Reassignment Surgery
Six Pack Surgery
Facial contouring
Does Your Clinic Offer Special Packages?
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{ "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand", "image": [ "https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/naravee_aesthetic_clinic_bangkok_thailand_1589282774.png" ], "description": "At Naravee Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand, they provide a complete range of services to correct and improve your face and body. They provide procedures that correct and improve flaws...", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand" }, "offers":{ "@type":"Offer", "url":"https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/listing/naravee-aesthetic-clinic-bangkok-thailand/", "price":"0.00", "priceValidUntil":"2030-11-05", "priceCurrency":"USD", "availability":"https://schema.org/InStock", "seller":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand", "url":"https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/listing/naravee-aesthetic-clinic-bangkok-thailand/" } }, "review":{ "@type":"Review", "reviewRating":{ "@type":"Rating", "bestRating":"5", "worstRating":"0", "ratingValue":"3" }, "name":"Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand", "reviewBody":"At Naravee Aesthetic Clinic in Bangkok, Thailand, they provide a complete range of services to correct and improve your face and body. They provide procedures that correct and improve flaws...", "author":{ "@type":"Person", "name":"Pankaj Agarwal" }, "datePublished":"May 12, 2020" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "3", "reviewCount": "1" } }
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Naravee Aesthetic Clinic Bangkok Thailand (approved)
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The post Bone Shaving & Facial Contouring Surgery. appeared first on Best Cosmetic Surgeons.
source https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.com/bone-shaving-facial-contouring-surgery/ source https://bestcosmeticsurgeons.tumblr.com/post/617911686195789824
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stevepatricklewis · 5 years
Why Women Over 50 Should Lift Weights
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Why Women Over 50 Should Lift Weights
My clients are mostly women over 50 years of age. I can tell as a group that they are the most hard-working and loyal customers that a personal trainer would ask for. Hard-working, dedicated, and fully focused on improving and strengthening. When it comes to training, girls definitely reign. "I need to get rid of this fat around me (fill in the blank)" is the main request I get when I meet with a new client. The impression is that they will lose the fat that has accumulated around their bellies if they do tonnes of crunches. That's not how it works. Exercises that target a particular part of the body do not burn up all the fat in that one region. I'm sorry. Including developing a little extra padding in those "problem areas," after 50, there are other changes taking place in your body. Here are just a few of the more common age adjustments: • Menopause ends childbearing years• Grey hair replaces natural hair colour • Sight disappears requiring reading glasses • Gravity begins to take over as something starts to shrink a little • Skin loses its usual elasticity and feels lose • Thickness around the waist and hips begin to shape, but let's stop there. There is no way to stop the cycle of natural ageing. At 59, I'm shocked at how the last 20 years my body has improved. I have to work harder to keep up with every 12-month turn of the calendar. Because I know that I can't stop the ageing process, my intention is to slow it down a little, and that should also be yours. Lifting weight may be one of the easiest ways to slow down the effects of ageing after 50 years. Now, the little2-pound dumbbells I'm not thinking about. I'm talking about the REAL weight. Here are three reasons why after 50 you have to lift weight: 1. Bone Density You think you're going to drink milk and take calcium supplements to keep your bones healthy and fight off the dreaded osteoporosis "hump back?" Thought about it again. Lifting heavy weight is the best way to build strong bones. Think about it for a second-your brain (being the super smart computer it is) determines that you need a little more thickness in that arm-bone or it will snap like a twig. Therefore, when you repeatedly hoist heavy weight, growth hormone is developed and new bone cells are formed to increase the skeletal structure (your arm) density and strength. This is called "anatomical adaptation," and it's the fastest and best way to strengthen your bones. 2. Do you want to make your body a little "fat burning machine?" There's no question. Just begin to lift the heavyweight. Your body produces lean muscle mass when you lift a weight, which requires calories to support it. This increases your basal metabolic rate and helps you burn more calories throughout the day. The more you build muscle, the more calories you burn. If a ready supply of sugar is not available to the body, it will continue to use body fat for energy. That's where there's good nutrition. Yet, needless to say, you'll minimise the fat around your stomach, hips, buttocks, and arms if you raise the weight and build lean muscle. 3. Feel awesome I know this one doesn't sound very scientific, but it will boost the morale by lifting weight and make you feel like you can do something. Really, really. The body produces endorphins when you lift heavyweight, which interact with your brain's receptors and reduce your perception of pain. Also, endorphins trigger a "positive feeling" similar to morphine in your body. Essentially, when you work with weights, you get "high." Weight lifting is less dangerous and certainly less costly than taking drugs, both legally and illegally. It's really cool for me to be greeted with a scowl at the door (I'm not in the mood to train) just to have my client give me a strong smile as I leave. Yup, it really does work for the endorphin thing. So, if you're a woman over 50, then try to lift the weight. My recommendation is to partner with a personal trainer who will be able to show you the correct workouts and how to properly perform them. Additionally, a good trainer will help you progress the movements and weight to make you stronger. Just let me know if you need any help. Read the full article
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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Multiple Choice Questions: Section One
1) ________ is considered the oldest medical science. A) Anatomy B) Biology C) Physiology D) Cytology E) Embryology Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-1 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
2) Anatomy is to ________ as physiology is to ________. A) function; form B) form; structure C) structure; function D) structure; form E) growth; form Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-2 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
3) The analysis of the internal structure of individual cells is called A) cytology. B) histology. C) embryology. D) physiology. E) anatomy. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
4) The study of the general form and superficial markings of an organism is called ________ anatomy. A) gross B) surface C) systemic D) regional E) surgical Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
5) The study of the superficial and internal features in a specific area of the body is called ________ anatomy. A) surface B) regional C) surgical D) pathological E) radiographic Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
6) Anatomical features that change during illness are studied in ________ anatomy. A) gross B) surface C) microscopic D) pathological E) regional Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
7) The study of the first two months of development is termed A) histology. B) embryology. C) cytology. D) pathology. E) organology. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
8) The study of the function of specific organ systems is called A) systemic physiology. B) organ physiology. C) cell physiology. D) pathological physiology. E) histology. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 9) Cardiovascular function is an example of A) histophysiology. B) organ physiology. C) systemic physiology. D) pathological physiology. E) physiological chemistry. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 10) The study of the liver is to gross anatomy as the study of a liver cell is to A) physiology. B) regional anatomy. C) cytology. D) systemic anatomy. E) radiographic anatomy. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
11) Organ physiology is to ________ as gross anatomy is to ________. A) cell physiology; microscopic anatomy B) macroscopic anatomy; unbalance C) equilibrium; macroscopic anatomy D) balance; equilibrium E) imbalance; microscopic anatomy Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-3 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
12) Which of the following is arranged in correct order from the most complex to the simplest? A) cellular, tissue, molecular, system, organ, organism B) molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, system, organism C) tissue, cellular, molecular, organ, system, organism D) organ, organism, molecular, cellular, tissue, system E) organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, molecular Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 13) Which organ system provides support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood formation? A) integumentary B) muscular C) skeletal D) nervous E) endocrine Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
14) Which organ system transports nutrients, metabolic wastes, gases, and defense cells? A) cardiovascular B) digestive C) muscular D) respiratory E) urinary Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 15) Which organ system includes the spleen and the tonsils? A) digestive B) endocrine C) nervous D) cardiovascular E) lymphatic Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
16) The kidneys and ureters are organs of the ________ system. A) endocrine B) digestive C) respiratory D) urinary E) lymphatic Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 17) The pituitary gland and thyroid gland are organs of the ________ system. A) endocrine B) cardiovascular C) respiratory D) lymphatic E) digestive Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
18) Which organ system removes carbon dioxide from the bloodstream? A) cardiovascular B) lymphatic C) respiratory D) digestive E) endocrine Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
19) Lungs are to the respiratory system as the liver is to the ________ system. A) lymphatic B) urinary C) digestive D) cardiovascular E) nervous Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 20) Skin, hair, and nails are associated with the ________ system. A) skeletal B) muscular C) integumentary D) endocrine E) immune Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 21) A chemical imbalance in the body can cause the heart to stop pumping blood, which in turn will cause other tissues and organs to cease functioning. This observation supports the view that A) all organisms are composed of cells. B) all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent. C) chemical molecules make up cells. D) blood has magical properties. E) congenital defects can be life-threatening. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application
22) In general, the nervous system does each of the following except A) help to maintain homeostasis. B) respond rapidly to change. C) direct long-term responses to change. D) direct very specific responses. E) interpret sensory information. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
23) Which one of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system? A) releases chemical messengers called hormones B) produces a more rapid response than the nervous system C) produces effects that last for days or longer D) produces an effect that involves several organs or tissues at the same time E) important homeostatic system Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
24) The central principle of physiology is A) nutrition. B) reflexes. C) homeostasis. D) stimulation. E) temperature regulation. Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
25) The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment in an organism is termed A) positive feedback. B) homeostasis. C) negative feedback. D) effector control. E) integration. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-5 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
26) When body temperature rises, a center in the brain initiates physiological changes to decrease the body temperature. This is an example of A) negative feedback. B) positive feedback. C) nonhomeostatic regulation. D) diagnostic regulation. E) fever. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
27) A cell or an organ that responds to commands of the control center in negative feedback is termed a(n) A) receptor. B) thermoregulator. C) hypothalamus. D) effector. E) stimulus. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
28) This type of feedback exaggerates the effects of variations from normal. A) negative B) positive C) neutral D) depressing E) All of the answers are correct. Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 29) If a response decreases a disturbance, the control system is classified as a ________ feedback system. A) deficit B) negative C) neutral D) polarized E) positive Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 30) If a response increases a disturbance, the control system is classified as a ________ feedback system. A) deficit B) negative C) neutral D) polarized E) positive Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
31) An example of a receptor in a negative feedback loop controlling body temperature would be A) temperature sensors on the skin that detect a stimulus. B) sweat glands that increase secretion. C) regulatory centers that send commands to an effector. D) effectors that cause blood vessels to dilate. E) sweat glands that act like effectors. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension
32) The integrating center for the negative feedback loop that regulates body temperature is the A) hypothalamus. B) skin. C) temperature sensor. D) positive feedback center. E) thermostat. Answer: A Learning Outcome: 1-6 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension 33) The quadrants of the abdominopelvic region include all of the following except A) right upper quadrant (RUQ). B) right lower quadrant (RLQ). C) left upper quadrant (LUQ). D) left lower quadrant (LLQ). E) pelvic quadrant. Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
34) Which of the following is not considered an abdominopelvic region? A) right hypochondriac B) right inguinal region C) left lumbar D) left hypochondriac E) upper Answer: E Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 35) A person who is standing facing forward with hands at the sides and palms facing forward is in the ________ position. A) supine B) prone C) anatomical D) frontal E) sagittal Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
36) An anatomical term that means the same as ventral is A) posterior. B) inferior. C) abdominal. D) anterior. E) superior. Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 37) The heart is ________ to the lungs. A) lateral B) medial C) posterior D) proximal E) distal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
38) The wrist is ________ to the elbow. A) proximal B) distal C) lateral D) medial E) horizontal Answer: B Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
39) The chin is ________ to the nose. A) anterior B) superior C) posterior D) inferior E) medial Answer: D Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge 40) Which of the following regions corresponds to the buttocks? A) pelvic B) cephalic C) gluteal D) lumbar E) thoracic Answer: C Learning Outcome: 1-7 Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge
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dr-amod-manocha · 6 years
Tailbone Pain and Coccydynia Pain Treatment In Delhi
What is tailbone pain?
Tailbone pain or coccydynia is pain arising at the lower most aspect of the backbone called the coccyx. Coccyx is positioned at the very bottom of your spine, near the buttocks and is formed of variable number (3-5) of fused bony segments. Its structure including length, angle of the curve and degree of mobility varies significantly between individuals. It was once believed to be remnant of the lost tail with no relevant function. Now we understand that it provides support for sitting and a place for attachment for various muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
What causes tailbone pain?
Trauma and falls are the most frequent cause of coccydynia. Trauma can lead to break, dislocation, subluxation or bruising of the coccyx and the surrounding area. Minor repeated trauma such as during prolonged periods of sitting on hard surfaces might often go unrecognized. Spasm of the pelvic floor muscles can cause pulling on the coccyx and lead to pain. Rare causes of coccydynia include cancers and infection. Sometimes coccyx pain is referred from the spine.
Coccydynia is four or five times more common in women. Anatomical changes in the shape of pelvis, coccyx and childbirth may account for this. Some studies have found that it is more common in obese individuals.
Signs and symptoms of tail bone damage:
Most patients present with a dull ache, which changes to a sharp or throbbing pain with activities such as getting up from a sitting position or prolonged sitting. With time the severity and duration of pain can increase. Activities such as sexual intercourse and opening of bowels may become painful.  The pain can radiate towards spine, into legs and affect day-to-day activities.
When should I see doctor?
Tailbone pain is can be self-limiting and resolve on its own within few weeks to months. Those with moderate to severe pain interfering with quality of life and daily activities should seek medical advice sooner. Other common reasons for medical consultation include – persisting pain despite conservative management, uncertain diagnosis, associated symptoms such as signs of infection or swelling etc.
The pain physician will take a complete history, and do an examination to narrow the possibilities. You may be asked to undergo investigations such as X-ray, CT or MRI scan to confirm diagnosis and rule out other conditions with similar presentation.
How is this condition managed?
There is variety of treatment options ranging from lifestyle modifications/ conservative management to injections. Simple measures that can help include
Find an experienced pain physician/ doctor who can help you to confirm the diagnosis and treat the condition
Avoid prolonged sitting especially on hard surfaces and bumpy rides as while travelling on in a car/ bus
Modify your sitting posture to reduce pressure on coccyx such as leaning towards one side ofor leaning forwards while sitting. One should be careful about this as it can often place extra pressure on other areas leading to new pain symptoms.
Using a doughnut-shaped or wedge (V-shaped) cushion while sitting
When getting up from the sitting position do so slowly
Avoidingaggravating factors such asconstipation
Appling heat or ice to the affected area
Simple over-the-counter pain relievers
Physical therapy. Aimed at pelvic floor relaxation techniques,postural retraining and stretching exercises
For severe or persisting pain the pain specialist may consider
Medication. Stronger pain relief medications
Injections.Theseare used to break the pain cycle and involve placement of local anaesthetic and steroids near the pain generator. Commonly performed injections include
Injection of joint or ligaments surrounding the sacrum and coccyx such as the sacrococcygeal joint
Ganglion Impar nerve block. Nerve blocks help to interrupt a nerve’s ability to transmit pain signals
Manipulation. This can be used in combination with injection therapy or separately. Massaging the muscles attached to the tailbone might help in reducing pain.
Surgery. Surgical removal of coccyx is known as a coccygectomy. Because of the associated risks (infection, wound healing problems) and poor outcomes, this procedure is not commonly recommended/ used.
       Tags >>      Tailbone Pain Treatment In Delhi,Tailbone Pain Treatment, Tailbone Pain Specialist in Delhi 
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trackmyfitness · 7 years
15-Minute Bootcamp Workout | Class FitSugar
15-Minute Bootcamp Workout | Class FitSugar
Watch the Pretty. Strong. series premiere, Tues Oct 6 at 10/9c on Oxygen. POPSUGAR Fitness offers fresh fitness tutorials, workouts, and exercises that will help you on your road to healthy living, weight loss, and stress relief. Check out Class FitSugar, our do-it-along-with-us real-time workout show hosted by Anna Renderer who will inspire you to sweat alongside fitness experts and Hollywood’s…
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