#Buy Sweeteners Online
naturelandorganic · 1 year
Buy Organic Sweeteners Online
When it comes to making healthier choices for our bodies, Natureland Organics has got you covered with their range of Organic Sweeteners available online. Embracing the essence of nature's sweetness, these organic sweeteners offer a guilt-free alternative to satisfy your cravings. Carefully sourced from certified organic farms and crafted with utmost precision, each product ensures purity and authenticity in every granule. From luscious honey derived straight from bees bustling around flower-laden meadows to the rich molasses extracted from sugarcane fields drenched in golden sunlight - Natureland Organics offers an array of options that cater to various palates and dietary preferences. 
More info: https://naturelandorganics.com/collections/organic-sweeteners
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sugar free sweets & cakes Chennai
Dezire LG Natural takes its pride to be the first of its kind in the world, to offer a whole basket of health food products which are 100% Natural, well researched, clinically proven, best in taste (like the ones made in sugar otherwise) and suitable for people all ages, including kids, diabetics and health watchers
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jampc · 1 year
sweetener ; prologue
chapter 1
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i had so much fun writing this scenario and imagining reader's financial struggles. sugar daddy jotaro to the rescue lol :P let me know what you think and check out my other fics <3
jotaro x fem!reader
warnings: power imbalance
abuse of power?
tags: sugar daddy, sugar baby, student, professor
you stared blankly at your bank account, sighing deeply as you mentally tallied your meager income from your part-time job at the local convenience store.
just thinking about your rent for the month was making your head spin, and you couldn't even afford to splurge on a nice meal once in a while.
you could barely scrounge up enough money to pay your tuition, let alone buy the textbooks you needed for your classes.
it didn't help that your professor was taking a sabbatical leaving you with dr. kujo as your stand-in lecturer.
dr. kujo was a no-nonsense professor who seemed to have zero tolerance for late assignments or excuses.
his lectures were strict and demanding, requiring you to keep up with every word he said.
still, you couldn't deny that he was easy on the eyes, despite his grumpy demeanor.
the way his crisp, white lab coat accentuated his broad shoulders, or how his hat hid his piercing blue eyes made your heart race.
it didn't matter anyway, he probably had a gorgeous wife or husband waiting for him after class.
you sat patiently during his lecture, scribbling notes diligently when suddenly, you heard someone clear their throat.
looking up, you realized dr. kujo had called on you, and you were zoning out instead of answering.
"where is your text book?" he asked sternly, gesturing to your empty desk.
"o-oh, um..." you stuttered, blushing hard. "i couldn't afford to buy it this semester.
"i've been copying my friend's notes and trying to look up the chapters online."
dr. kujo raised a brow, his eyes softening slightly as he watched your embarrassment deepen.
"go to the library after class," he instructed.
"get a photocopy and a notebook. don't come to my class unprepared again."
you nodded eagerly, grateful that he was allowing you a second chance.
as class ended and everyone began shuffling out, you gathered your things and headed for the library, but were interrupted by a voice calling your name.
turning around, you came face to face with dr. kujo standing before you, his large hands in his pockets as he looked down at you.
"let me drive you to the library," he offered, nodding his head toward the parking lot.
you couldn't believe your luck, not only was dr. kujo tolerating your financial struggles, but now he was willing to give you a ride as well.
climbing into his sleek, black car, you admired the interior, marveling at the plush leather seats and wood trim.
everything about it screamed luxury, and you wondered if dr. kujo always drove such a beautiful vehicle.
as you arrived at the library, dr. kujo parked and turned to you, his icy gaze meeting yours.
"come to my office tomorrow afternoon," he instructed.
"we need to talk." your heart raced at his words, wondering if you were in trouble or if maybe, just maybe, dr. kujo saw potential in you.
the next day, you anxiously knocked on his office door, shifting uncomfortably as he bid you inside.
dr. kujo gestured to the chair in front of his desk, watching silently as you sat, smoothing your skirt before clasping your hands tightly in your lap.
"you struggle financially," he stated bluntly, startling you.
"how badly do you want a better life?" you blinked rapidly, unsure what he meant.
dr. kujo stood and rounded his desk, towering over you as he leaned against the edge.
your breath caught in your throat, your cheeks burning as you stared up at him.
"dr. kujo, why did you call me down here-" "jotaro," he corrected, cutting you off.
"outside of class, you can call me jotaro." you swallowed thickly, noting his intense expression.
"answer my question. how badly do you want a better life?" you chewed your lip, uncertain of his motives.
was he mocking you? making fun of your financial situation?
"i-i do. very badly," you finally replied, unable to break his gaze.
jotaro tilted his head, a faint smile forming on his lips.
"i'm willing to offer you a unique arrangement" he explained.
"i'll become your... benefactor of sorts."
your mouth fell open, realization hitting you like a freight train.
jotaro was proposing becoming your sugar daddy.
spoon-feeding you lavish gifts and spoiling you rotten in exchange for a few dates.
part of you was repulsed, ashamed that you were considering such an arrangement.
but the other part craved the lifestyle jotaro was offering, desperate to feel the finer things you never thought possible.
"what would this arrangement entail?"
you asked softly, already knowing the answer. jotaro slipped a business card onto his desk, his long fingers gently sliding it towards you.
"discuss terms and expectations with my personal assistant."
he instructed. "when you agree, you will sign a legally binding contract.
she will handle the finances and coordinate our... meetings."
you took the card and slipped it into your purse, rising to your feet slowly.
"that is if you agree, of course," jotaro added, returning to his chair behind his desk.
you smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "give me tonight to decide," you promised, excusing yourself as you left his office.
walking home, you weighed the pros and cons, torn between morals and desire.
that evening, as you rummaged through a fast food bag, struggling to budget your groceries for the week, you made your choice.
you pulled out jotaro's business card and dialed his assistant's number, excitement and shame blooming in your chest as she discussed terms and expectations.
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laf-outloud · 11 months
Well, since that con is only 4 1/2 months away, it's about time. It also looks like they're trying to sweeten the heller pot by indicating Misha and Jensen will be appearing together. (As of now, only 46% of Gold seats have sold.)
Is this really a draw though?? He goes to as many cons as he can so it's not like he's some exciting new guest. And hellers and cockles shippers have made the assumption they're getting cockles panels at every con Jared doesn't attend so do you think any of them actually waited for this to buy tickets if they were planning to?
Plus, most hellers and cockles shippers who yell online about cockles panels don't even go to cons.
Well, I did say Creation was trying to sweeten the pot. I didn't say it would work, lol! So far, I haven't seen anyone saying they've purchased a ticket now that it's confirmed, only excitement from those hellers who don't go and the few who already have tickets.
Most of the other comments on Twitter and Facebook are people disappointed Jared's not going, and then others asking for JDM.
They still have time to sell tickets, but if Burbank is a sign of things to come for other Jared-less cons, SPN Creation conventions could be in serious trouble.
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sweetjulyofmine · 5 months
Hayy🌸🌸 you’re so beautiful + you&your bf are such a cute couple. Would you mind sharing how you two met? I’m an intrinsically nosy person lol
Hi :3 I am on my laptop so that I can focus on writing an adequate response because I am also an intrinsically nosy person and am almost always hyper curious about relationships I see online or in person (very obsessed with the guy on tiktok who posts videos about people's meet cute stories.) I also love love and have waited forever to feel this way about someone.. My story starts in August 2022, I (living in new york) was about to be in North Carolina to visit my best friend Piper and my boyfriend (colin) was here with his .... then partner now *ex visiting our mutual best friend Natasha (who lives in new york.) Natasha had suggested that Colin and I become mutuals on instagram because we are both fine artists and our work had similar visual cues and we found inspiration from the same photographers. Our paths didn't cross then as I flew down south for some much needed southern summer time and he got a small taste of NY. Even from his vague internet presence, I always had a tiny feeling that lurked (hidden deeeeeep deep inside of me) and told me that he would be the one. A few months go by and I grow secretly fond of Colin and his photographs online (not sure if he felt the same way but I should ask him to write up his version of this story.) In January 2023, Natasha is flying back to her hometown (in the bay area) for our uni winter break and invites me to tag along. This was super exciting to me not only because I had never really been to California (let alone the bay) and I also had an ex there that I was planning on seeing (haha.) I then meet Colin again (who was on his uni break and also visiting his hometown) and in short hangouts begin to develop a small crush on him. I have a hard rule about not falling for someone in a relationship, but I had learned that in his last relationship he was open and while I would never think to try anything, I let myself have hesitant feelings. We went to the SF MOMA during my trip, really only on a platonic excursion, though we both admit now that it felt like a date and our chemistry even back then in those circumstances was most definitely real. The funny part of this story is that after we went to the museum, I had him drop me off at my ex's place (lol.) I fly back to new york with Natasha and from time to time I begin to text Colin. Sometimes it was brief about an artist we had a shared liking for, music we were listening to (he has perfect taste,) or book recommendations. One night we text until 7 am my time (4am his time, he went to uni in portland,) and it was really then that I knew that he had the exact characteristics and soul that I could fall madly in love with. Some more time passes, he's living across the country and still in a long distance open relationship and I'm in another situationship that wasn't developing anywhere. Him and his ex part ways and I am sporadically going on random dates. Speaking of this time of my dating fiascos, I went on a date with someone to a museum upstate and ended up buying a postcard with the intention of sending it to Colin. That begins our real love affair! We start sending snail mail nonstop and I hint to him that I will be back in California, where he would return to after graduating uni that spring. August 2023 I am in LA with my friends and he tells me that he's been thinking about visiting his grandma who lives in southern california. To sweeten the deal I tell him about the book fair that printed matter is hosting in LA, and that if he comes down, we should go together. He (obviously) drives down and the morning of the book fair, he picks me up from my friend's place and we spend the day together. The date actually didn't end for almost 36 hours since he ends up staying the night and we spend the rest of the next day together. Before he drives back up to the bay, we spend one more day together and it was genuinely the happiest I've ever felt. I fly back to New York and he goes on a family trip to Japan and our feelings for each other sort of blossom and we end up writing emails to each other back and forth every day.
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gamerwoman3d · 7 months
Old Person Rant:
I want to apologize to the kids today who are growing up in the misinformation era. I truly hope your generation learns to differentiate the honest from the cozen.
Anyways today I ended up buying a buncha this shit because I like yogurt, I love protein and I love cherries. I figured they added whey powder to cherry yogurt.
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Mean ol' bitch rant under the cut
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Nope. Not a single cherry in the ingredients list. It's sweetened with Sucralose which is an artificial sweetener that makes me gag. So instead of cherry flavor, I get "Rather be giving a blowie" flavor.
Nowhere on this bitch does it say sugarfree.
Nowhere on this bitch does it say "Does not contain cherries."
The texture kinda sucks too but I was expecting that - with 15g protein and 100 calories I expecting that (even though it doesn't say non-fat anywhere on it, I can do the math and figure there's no-to-low-fat at 100 cals.)
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How the fuck are you claiming that there are no artificial flavors when 1) CHERRY IS NOT IN THE INGREDIENTS LIST FOR A FUCKING CHERRY YOGURT AND 2) Sucralose is literally an artificial flavor.
And don't get me started on using BEET. JUICE. Just use a fucking cherry. Using beet juice (for color) is LITERALLY THE DEFINITION of an artificial color when you're advertising the bullshit with a PHOTO OF A FUCKIN CHERRY ON THE FRONT. Just because you didn't use Red 40 does not mean this isn't an act of pure fucking artifice.
I hate products today, man. I fucking hate em. I hate shopping online, I hate shopping in stores, I hate being offered bullshit that has ZERO ACTUAL VALUE that's put in a pretty package with a buncha lies in fine print and sold as if it's something else.
I hate that nothing on the shelf today can be taken at face value because of the big fuckin' hardon that General Mills has for duping people into overpaying for shit that they couldn't GIVE AWAY unless they FORCE the real thing to be unavailable.
If I could give every kid a magic schoolbus trip to go grocery shopping in other countries, and even in the USA but in earlier decades, I would.
My trust in these products are so broken that I even wonder if there's ACTUALLY 15g of protein in this cup or if that math is just a creative interpretation as well.
Sorry kids. I wish we had done better at nipping deceptive marketing in the bud, but there's no consequences for these types of practice. I'm only hoping if you're seeing these products on the shelf that you get critical, and don't buy them if
1) There's too much print on the package and it ain't worth my time to read. [Fewer words means fewer ingredients and less bullshit.]
2) The package doesn't give you full confidence that the product inside is actually the thing that you want or need.
Not buying the shit at all is the only way to get it off the shelf. I'm sorry I bought as many of these as I did and I'll probably be taking the rest to a Free Fridge. At least that way the homeless will know not to let GM give this shit to them and claim it as a tax writeoff.
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illiterate-goblins · 4 months
Tips for my transfemme siblings <3
I've been transitioning for the past 4 years and in that time I've picked up a lot of tips and tricks that I didn't see many other people talking about. So, let me pass along a little bit of the wisdom that's helped me pass to the rest of you all. This is going to be a long post, so brace yourself :)
DISCLAIMER: These are things that I have found personal success with. All people are different, and not all advice is going to be perfect for everyone. Also important to note, this advice is coming from a white person who is ABSOLUTELY not makeup expert. I have specifically made notes below where my advice and recommendations may not be the best / most accurate for people of color. With that said, much of the advice should still be applicable to most people - POC or not.
A lot of the transfemme makeup tutorials I found early on were based in drag. I didn't like the sheer amount of products that were being pushed as *necessary* and had heavy looking final results. Over the past few years I've found a more minimal (and affordable) routine that gives passing results. My daily makeup routine only consists of four products: Concealer, Translucent setting power, blush, and eyeliner. Let's go through each of those.
TOOLS - You're going to want to get a set of brushes. You can find affordable sets online or in stores. I got a set of E.L.F. brushes and they've held up excellently the past 4 years. - Don't buy beauty blenders. Beauty blenders aren't going to be the best tool for us because of our skin texture. Skin that grows facial hair is more textures than skin that doesn't. Applying makeup to textured skin with a beauty blender won't look as good for as long. - The rest of the supplies I use will be listed in their respective sections. You really don't need a ton of tools or supplies, especially as a beginner. Stone rollers, face masks, serums, scrubs.... They're nice extras if you can afford them, but they're not essentials
CONCEALER - I use R.E.M. Beauty Sweetener concealer ($24). It comes in a small pot and will require a brush for application. This concealer comes in a wide array of colors (60, to be specific), provides high coverage, and doesn't look cake-y. - Cream concealer has worked better for me compared to liquid concealers. You get more control on the amount you're using and it should last you a good few months. REMEMBER, a little goes a long way! You don't need to lay it on super heavy. - I apply this just over the areas where I have facial hair shadow. Stipple the concealer on freshly shaven skin and blend those edges out until there's no visible edge. - Using a brush is crucial for trans femmes, especially when going over facial hair shadow. As I said above, the skin that grows facial hair is rougher and more textured, using a brush to stipple on the makeup will get it into the pores. - The concealer I've recommended is great because it can be built up in multiple layers if needed. R.E.M. Beauty is also cruelty free and vegan, if those factors are important to you.
SETTING POWER - I use a L'oreal Hydra Perfecte loose setting powder. Unfortunately, this product has been discontinued. - A great affordable / drug store option is E.L.F.'s High Definition Powder. It's only $6, comes in a sheer option for light skin tones and "soft luminescence" for some darker skin tones. - I don't know what kinds of setting powders will work best on dark skin tones. Light setting powders like this can (I think) leave an ashy finish on darker skins. - I prefer using loose powder, but that's mostly because just what I have experience with. They tend to have a more sheer and transparent finish compared to pressed powders. - Tap out a small amount into the lid of your powder and press it into your skin lightly instead of spreading it across your face. - You will want to use a setting powder on top of every layer of liquid or cream makeup. This will set the makeup and prevent it from smudging as easily and mixing with another liquid / cream product. (if you're applying a second layer of concealer, like I mentioned above, powder in between layers). - Setting powder, in addition to keeping makeup from mixing and spreading, gives the skin a matte finish. This will help hide the textured portions of your skin. - If you want a dewy finish you can add a setting spray at the very end. This will give your skin a little bit of shine without drawing attention to your textured sections.
BLUSH - I use Revolution Beauty Blusher Reloaded ($6). This one pan has lasted me four years and has approximately ten years left. (Seriously, I use this almost every day and the pan hardly looks used). - Blush is a very important step because it brings color and warmth back to your face. - There are two main methods I use when I apply blush: Dramatic and Classic - Dramatic: Place blush from cheek to cheer and across the nose. - Classic: Place blush on the apples of you cheeks (the part that rises up when you smile) - If you apply the blush too heavily just go over it with your bare powder brush. This will reduce the color and blend the edges. - I've found that you can get away with a heavier blush if you're going with the dramatic method (hence the name). Classic blush looks best when it's applied fairly subtly. However, it's still possible to go too heavy with the dramatic style.
EYELINER - The ONLY eyeliner I use is the NYX Epic Ink Liner ($10). - There are three main kinds of eyeliner: Pencils, Pots, and Liquids. - Pencils: Like the name suggests, they're basically really really soft pencils. These are great if you want to blend out and get a smokey look, but aren't great for crisp bold lines. - Pots: This style of eyeliner comes in a pot and requires a specific brush to apply. If you buy a set of brushes, you should be set. This kind of eyeliner is more versatile, able to be blended into a smokey eyeliner AND able to give crisp lines. However, I've found that it's got a steeper learning curve. - Liquid: This style is the best way to get clean lines and sharp wings. Liquid liners usually come in a bottle with a nail polish looking brush, which definitely also have a learning curve. But, that's where my favorite eyeliner comes in! - The Epic Ink Liner is essentially a brush pen. With a pencil form factor and an always sharp brush tip, you will get easy to control lines with just a little bit of practice. - This is my everyday method of applying eyeliner: 1) Start in the outer corner of your eye and extend the angle your lower lid makes. (You can make this wing as big as you'd like, but I would suggest beginners start with a relatively smaller wing (1cm or shorter). Repeat on the other eye. 2) Place the tip of the brush at the peak of that line and draw over in a straight line until you hit your lashes. Close your eyes slightly so the crease of your eye doesn't effect this line. Repeat on the other eye. 3) Move to the inner corner of your eye and apply an even line along the rest of the eyelid. Take a moment to soften the transition between this line and the straight line from the previous step. Repeat with the other eye. 4) Fill in any empty spaces - By doing each step on both eyes before moving on to the next step will help your eyeliner to look more symmetrical. Plus, if the angles aren't matching, it's much easier to remove one line rather than an entirely finish eye. - One additional step you can add is extending the line in the inner corner of your eye just a little bit. Follow the curve you made and don't go down too far. - NOTE: This is my method for non hooded eyes. Because hooded eyes are an entirely different shape, I don't know the best method to add eyeliner.
HIGHLIGHTER - I use Colorpop Super Shock Cheek highlighter ($9). As the name suggests, this is a SUPER highlighter. - I don't wear highlighter every day. It's a fun addition, but I don't find it necessary for days I'm just running errands or going grocery shopping. I reserve it for concerts, dates, or any other event where I want to look extra cute. - The main places to add highlighter are the top edge of your cheek bones, the inner corner of your eyes, the outer edge right below your eyebrows, and down the bridge of your nose and onto the tip. - Since this isn't going on any skin that grows facial hair, you don't need to use a brush. I use my ring finger to apply the highlighter, wipe off the excess, then gently blend the edges with my ring finger again - Blending your highlighter doesn't need to be taken that seriously. Just softening the edges is enough 99% of the time. If you think you applied the highlighter too heavily you can take your powder brush and hit those spots and little. Just like with the blush, this should tone down the pop a bit
FOUNDATION - I don't use foundation anymore. I prefer a minimal face of makeup, letting the natural variations in color and imperfections show. However, wanting a smooth and consistent color all over your face is perfectly valid, too <3 - If you are going to use foundation, you will want to apply concealer first. The concealer is going to do the heavy lifting for hiding your facial hair shadow. - When choosing a concealer to put underneath foundation, many people will say to pick a color that's a shade lighter than your skin. That advice is aimed towards people who primarily conceal their under eye bags, and the lighter color helps the eyes look more awake. If you're getting just one concealer, pick the closest match to your skin tone. - I highly recommend choosing a powder foundation. Powder products, as I said before, give the face a matte finish that hides the textured skin better. Unfortunately, powder foundations are less common and typically more expensive ($30+) - If you already have liquid foundation and don't want to waste it, apply it like you did with the concealer: take a small amount and dab it into the skin with a brush. - The order I would apply this makeup in is: Concealer -> Setting Powder -> Powder Foundation // Concealer -> Setting Powder -> Liquid / Cream Foundation -> Setting Powder. Not everyone agrees on which should come first, concealer or foundation, but I found that concealer first looked better, especially with powder foundations.
COLOR CORRECTOR - You might notice that no matter how high coverage your concealer or foundation are, there's still some noticeable discoloration over your facial hair shadow. This is down to color theory: your shadow is producing a different undertone than non shadowed skin. To cancel that out you need to cover it with its complementary color. There are generally 3 different tones that shadow comes in. - Brown tones: typically found in light to medium tan skin tones. This is covered by pink and salmon tones. The deeper your skin tone, the darker you'll want to go. - Blue/green tones: Typically found in olive skin tones. This is covered by peach and orange tones. Again, the deeper your skin tone, the darker you'll want to go. - Blue/grey tones: Typically found on dark skin tones. This is covered by orange tones. Medium dark skin will want a lighter orange, darker tones will want a more true orange. - DO NOT APPLY COLOR CORRECTOR HEAVILY!!! The heavier you apply the color corrector the more concealer / foundation you'll have to apply to cover it up. You only need the smallest amount to counteract the undertones that will show through your concealer / foundation. - Color corrector is also used to hide other skin tone variations like under eye bags or acne. Under eye bags are usually blue, so use a peachy CC on them. Acne is canceled out by green. - I have seen so many tutorials that recommend using lipstick as your color corrector. Don't do this. Lipstick is generally going to be more oily and prone to melting / smudging. Specially formulated color correctors will stay put much better.
MISC. OTHER PRODUCTS - Primers - A primer can be a good addition to your routine, but they're not strictly necessary for everyone. Primers can be used to give your full face of makeup a better initial layer to stick to, and there are some designed to fill in your pores (something you may want if your shadowed areas are more textured than you'd like after after concealer (and foundation if you use it). I'd say skip it on your first trip to the makeup aisle, but pick it up later on if you'd like. - Eye shadow - Eye shadow can be really fun! It adds extra color to your face and can really accentuate your eye color. It can be a fun addition to tie in with accent colors in your outfit. I just personally don't like the time and effort needed to get good looking eye shadow most days. And, because I don't do it much, I'm not that great with it. Luckily, it is absolutely not needed for an every day look. - Lipstick - I'm an anxious lip biter, so lipsticks don't always last very long on me. I do, however, LOVE one specific lipstick: Maybelline's Super Stay Matte Liquid Lipstick ($11). Once this bad boy dries you're going to have that color on all day. I like the look of matte lipsticks, but if you want a glossy finish you can add a lip gloss once it dries. This liquid lipstick is pretty east to apply, just try to keep a steady hand and work your way to the outer edges of your lips. Letting it air dry will take a little longer, but ends up looking better removing the excess with a napkin (no paper bits will get stuck to your lips). Just be prepared to scrub this off your lips at the end of the day. -NOTE: I don't like recommending people buy from Maybelline since they aren't cruelty free. This is the only product of theirs that I haven't been able to find a suitable alternative that works even a fraction as well. Luckily, one tube of lipstick lasts a long time, and since it stays on so well you won't have to be reapplying multiple times a day -Contour - Contour can be your friend, or it can be your worst enemy. This is one of the more difficult products to apply if you're going for a natural look. Most times that I've personally tried contouring it ends up way too dark. Subtlety is your best friend with contour. I would also suggest sticking to a powder contour pallet to start, liquid contours are much tougher.
SKIN CARE -Okay I am the WORST person to talk about skin care, I neglect doing it so often. With that said... - Don't buy in to beauty youtubers and their 12 step skincare routines. They're super expensive, have so many overlapping products, and I have never met a single person who has the time or commitment to stick to that intense of a routine daily. - Bare minimum: Get makeup remover wipes and take your makeup off every night. Since we are specifically trying to fill our pores we NEED to make sure we take the makeup off. Clogged pores lead to acne outbreaks and ingrown hairs. Eye makeup, if left on, can lead to developing styes, which are painful, annoying, and can grow into a serious issue if not dealt with. Cheap walmart branded wipes will do the job, but they aren't the best. I really like Neutrogena's makeup remover wipes ($5). - If you do develop a stye you'll want to give it a hot compress once or twice a day. Soak a towel or wash cloth, wring it mostly out, pop it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, and apply to the affected eye. This is opening that pore and letting it breathe. After a few days - a week it should be fixed. DO NOT TRY TO POP A STYE!!!! Styes are clogged pored that have developed an infection, if the puss from the infection gets out it can cause more styes. - If you want a better routine than just makeup wipes, here's my 3 step process (that I don't do nearly as often as I should): Simple Foaming Cleanser (now discontinued :( ) to remove your makeup -> CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser ($15) to clean your face once the makeup is off -> Simple Replenishing Rich Moisturizer ($7) to keep the skin hydrated and soft. There is a bit of overlap here, and if you're on a tight budget I would just go for the CeraVe cleanser. - If you're a lazy bitch like I am, just use makeup wipes at the end of the day and keep your face wash in the shower and do that whenever you shower.
Shaving -If you want the closest possible shave or all day smoothness, you won't find a better answer than a 5 blade razor (or a straight razor but those have a steeper learning curve). DON'T DRY SHAVE WITH THIS KIND OF RAZOR!!! You've got to have something lubricating the skin or else you're going to end up with razor burn and irritated skin. Putting makeup on top of razor burn hurts and isn't good for the healing process - I don't like the time and hassle that a standard razor requires, so I shave every day with the Philips One Blade (~$40). This gives an incredibly smooth shave that lasts almost all day (at least with the rate my facial hair grows). The head replacements are a bit on the pricey side (a 3 pack is usually on sale for ~$30), but one head will last you around 3 months. The face will wear down and show an image when it's time to replace it, but I find you can typically get a good shave out of it for a while after. - They make a variant of the razor with a stronger motor that's designed for body hair, but I've have great results with the standard one. If you have thicker / coarser body hair the upgraded motor model might be the one you want to go for (it should work perfectly fine on facial hair, too). - They have also recently released special heads for "intimate" areas but that's another thing I think you can probably pass on. I just snap on the #1 guard and shave my pubic area down. It's not a perfectly smooth shave (and I don't recommend using the bare razor head on your pubic region unless you're EXTREMELY careful and/or don't mind the occasional small cut), but I find that it's more than good enough for me. That length actually bypasses the itchy phase of your pubes growing back in after a day or two (for me, at least)). And... I think that's everything! Those are all the makeup and beauty related products and processes that I can think of. Again, I'd like to reiterate that this is all stuff that has worked for me specifically, and it's information I ended up learning the hard way. I spent several months walking around with orange tinted skin so you don't have to. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to ask in the replies or you can DM me. And, if you have any extra tips that I didn't mention, or if you have tips for darker skin tones / hooded eyes / other non-white features, please add them! Our POC siblings deserve love and support too!
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kenkubluk · 1 year
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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rakhibazaar · 6 months
9 Auspicious Rakhi Gifts to Send to Your Brother Online
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Sending a Rakhi to your brother is incomplete without adding an auspicious gift. A gift will have a major effect on the Rakhi. Well, Gifts are a way to express feelings. That’s why it is a trend to offer gifts to loved ones on special occasions. So, this year, send a gift to your brother with a Rakhi and shower love and blessings. Your brother will be surprised and feel truly loved. Auspicious Rakhi gifts are available in the market that can embrace the Rakhi occasion. Some of the best Rakhi gift items selected are listed below.
Best Bro Mug
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Best Bro mug is one of the best choices to adore brothers on Rakhi. So, you can add it to your Rakhi and make a perfect Rakhi combo. Sending such an adorable Rakhi gift online with a beautiful Rakhi is nothing but a pleasant surprise for your dearest brother.
Dry Fruits Potli
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You can add a Dry fruit Potli to your Rakhi to adore your brother on the occasion of Rakhi. It is a healthy gesture of love and care that conveys a special message to brothers. So, just buy it for your brother and wish him a happy and healthy Raksha Bandhan.
Potted Live Plant
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Keeping health in mind, giving live plants as a gift is quite trendy. You can also choose to send online Rakhi for your brother. You can wish your brother a healthy lifestyle and happy surroundings through this amazing gift. Attractive pots enhance the value of this adorable gift.
Chocolate Box
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On the occasion of Rakhi, how can you forget to send your brother a delectable chocolate box? After all, it is time to sweeten his mouth after tying a Holy thread on his wrist. So, choose his favourite one from the varieties of chocolates and leave him stunned.
Best Bother Printed Cushion
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Printed cushions are available for every occasion. For Raksha Bandhan, the Best Brother cushion is quite popular. It is one of the best Rakhi gifts online, delivered across India and abroad. You can check its popularity before purchasing.
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Send Rakhi to India with a mind-blowing fragrant. Explore various brands and buy a decent perfume for your brother. If you already know his taste, it would be the best thing for you. You can add his favourite perfume to a Rakhi and send it to him.
Customised Bracelet
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Men love to wear bracelets. It is an auspicious jewellery for them. You can give it a personal touch to it by engraving his name. It would be an auspicious present for him. A bracelet with a personal touch is a bundle of happiness for him. He will love to wear it always.
Tea and Coffee Hamper
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If your brother is addicted to tea and coffee, delight him by offering him a tea and coffee hamper with a pretty Rakhi. This hamper can be paired with a Designer Rakhi, making it an alluring gesture for your dearest brother.
Stainless Steel Water Bottle
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A stainless steel water bottle is also the most demanding gift on Rakhi occasions. You can buy it for your brother and pair it with a Rakhi. It is a very useful gift that you give to your brother on Rakhi.
So, these are some heartwarming gifts you can send to your brother with any Rakhi type. Pair them smartly and make the Rakhi gesture pleasant for your brother, especially for those who live far away from you.
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Current Karmic Connection ❤️‍🩹 March 2024 - Libra
Character Card: The Warrior
Who are they: Judgement
Your relationship with them: The Fool rev
What you’re learning from them: Temperance
What they’re learning from you: Page of Wands
Future potential: 4 Pentacles
Overall Energy: 9 Cups
First thing I heard was “do dat do dat” and I was like wtf? And died a little 😆 Someone likes Iggy Azalea - I had to look that up. Or they’re fancy - 9 Cups comes out to describe this connection, and fancy would make sense. 9 Cups is fulfilling your whims, whatever makes you happy, making your dreams come true. You could see them as your dream come true, for someone this is your spouse, lover, someone you want to marry if you haven’t. Negatively, these desires may be seen as selfish, with 9 Cups being an individual “self” energy. There may also be some level of overindulgence, whatever it is can be excessive, like makeup is a whole personality trait rather than a hobby, we be spending $500 a month at Sephora kind of energy. Definitely spending a lot. This is clarified by The Star and King of Cups rev, you could feel manipulated by someone’s hopes and wishes, they may give you puppy dog eyes and sweeten you up to get their way. Are they manipulative, probably, is that a negative thing…probably. Do *you* see it that way? Ahhhh dunno. Maybe. I heard “finally”. I don’t get this person is a bad person, I’m getting more of a cutesy UwU 🥹 sort of “baby” behavior. I’m cute, look at me, buy me stuff. And you probably want to! Or do. If you’re married, more power to you. If they’re not manipulative (most are) then they’re extremely emotional…maybe from some indulgent thing you’ve done. Either side. Scamming you for money because they’re cute or healing from something stupid and impulsive, those are the stories I’m getting. 6 Wands at the bottom show victory is the goal, I was getting a lot of ego before I laid the cards out too, one of you is extremely proud. They feed your ego, or switch it. Or…if it’s not you, then it’s their friends 💯 Pluto is controlling, 11th House is social groups, this person picks “yes men” or women as friends, people that do not criticize or disagree, so they ultimately always get their way. *That’s* the manipulative part for many of them. This could also be someone that has an issue with your friends for the same reason. If not friends, maybe an online presence, whatever you do.
Who they are - Judgement and The Warrior is being highlighted with that, clarified by money. This person spends money like it grows on trees. Whatever their whims, whatever the day, Knight of Wands shows impulsive decision making and The Fool rev shows reckless actions. This may be lustful as well. Flirting, posting pictures online, I’m seeing makeup tutorials in some not much clothing, that kind of thing. Sexual indulgence, this person could really like attention, or just get a lot of it, they’re good looking. But should you not like it, they turn into The Warrior. How dare you tell them anything except what they want to hear! I mean. Hmm. Within reason. They don’t seem to be very earthy or practical at all.
This is also someone that strives to have *everything right* before they do anything. Purchases, I heard lighting - someone definitely TikToks or something, looks, clothes, particular foods, workouts, whatever. All of it. They’re very nitpicky and controlling, which isn’t always a bad thing but can be kinda stressful and annoying, they’re not a go with the flow type - that’s what *you’re* learning how to be for them. The relationship between you shows either fear surrounding work/effort, or reckless decisions/actions regarding this. This person defends their truth, it’s what they want, they may have made a massive purchase of some kind or did something at work that really pissed you off. Flirting? Could be. I see friends and flirty energy so…I mean Libra is kind of known for that, this could be switched. Or it’s that this person doesn’t take anything seriously, and you do. They’re spoiled, but they have the argument it’s THEIR money right? Can’t tell them what to do. We’re a union but me me me me me and me, don’t you dare tell me otherwise.
What you’re learning…that it doesn’t matter, you’re in love with this person. 2 Cups clarifies, victory again at the bottom. You’re fine being the more chill person, you’re fine with their standards and nitpicky ways, you don’t really care one way or another if you have beige curtains or eggshell and if they’re stressed about it then by all means. Pick a curtain 😆 You would rather go with the flow and *enable* this person’s whims & desires, than sit around arguing with them. Which is wonderful, but future potential shows holding grudges and keeping things in, creating issues between you. You are valid, and in some cases you’re right too, something this person has done or is doing is reckless and too much, probably spending.
Their side isn’t so much learning - as a perception. You’re over here chill and in love with them. But not overly expressive. They see that as - they get excited about something, chat away all day about it, feel this passion and fire to do anything, and you don’t care. You don’t want them to succeed, you don’t like what they like and don’t support them. Because you don’t match their enthusiasm. Or you don’t want what extravagant thing they want today, so you must be against them. Again, not the most practical, money conscious sort of person here. Future potential is a stubborn stand off, you both think you’re right, you’re both not budging an inch, and you stop speaking to each other for some amount of time. The Devil at the bottom, I was waiting for that to make an appearance. Materialism, greed, selfishness, 5 Pentacles underneath that. Someone is putting you into debt and defending themselves like that’s fine, that’s what they want, they get what they want and fk anyone that says otherwise. And then what, stonewalling as punishment? Whew 😅 You’re gonna have to do something, I’m not even going to suggest what, that’s on you. You two could separate bank accounts if your spending habits are this different from each other. If you act like you don’t care, nothing will change. If you act like you care and this needs to stop…good luck.
Zodiac Messages:
Pluto - Cancer - 11th House
- The need for control of intuition to protect freedom.
- An obsession with attitudes from the past about associations.
- A power struggle resulting from the history of your circle of friends.
Apology 😔
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Marriage 💍
Sweet Love - Couple - Dependency
Gemini ♊️ on 11th House could be a Gemini close to them that influences their personality or decisions, they could have a placement in that sign, or with Pluto & Cancer, you could feel like this person is manipulated by those around them and seek to control that. Or switch it. Or that’s what their friends are telling them and they just repeat it back to you, they say it’s fine so it’s fine, they do this, this person could be a big gossip and/or their friends are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo & Cancer
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commiekinkshamer · 7 months
All of the chain coffee places in Atlantic Canada are on BDS lists and my autism struggled massively bc Tim Hortons coffee was my comfort item and has been since I was 12. Obviously I mainly make coffee at home, but the promise of the occasional Tim Hortons coffee soothed my anxiety, made me feel good, and gave me a warm, radiating, soothing feeling my chest that no other comfort item has. Mainly due to the reliability and consistency of the taste.
That said, I’ve been actively trying to find some kind of replication of this experience since I found out about it being on the BDS list and haven’t. Which is fine, I make coffee at home or deal with buying local, but if I see one more person proclaim local coffee shops are the solution I’m going to scream.
Anyway, some of the things I liked about Tim Hortons and chain coffee places are:
One: chain coffee is always consistent. It will generally taste the same every time.
Two: they dispensed pre measured the cream and sugar from machines - there was never was any “unknowns” when it came to what “two creams” or “two sugars” met. This meant no matter where you went, the Tim Hortons coffees mostly tasted reliable and the same. Your coffee wouldn’t be over or under sweetened depending on what the barista interpreted. The coffee blend was always the same - there were no “brews of the day” or other variable bullshit.
Three: chain coffee shops are not generally as crowded and hectic as small local ones (in my experience). The menu, cup sizes etc are accessible online and don’t vary that much. They are also have consistently reliable mobile ordering, meaning you could comfortably mobile order at any tim Hortons and not worry about needing to interact with a cashier, etc.
Four: the size!!!! A large is actually a large. These local coffee shops charge like $5 for 12 oz of coffee.
I have to buy two coffees at any of these places to replace the extra large I used to get at Tims.
I’ve been going to local places for a month now, trying desperately to replicate the consistency of chain coffees and have done nothing but drain my bank account on overpriced coffee that doesn’t taste consistent at all and is generally gross. The cafes themselves are always overcrowded, hectic and full of hipster types, loud noises bc all the chairs are crammed together and all kinds of unpredictable menus they seldom even update online. Sensory nightmare all around.
Obviously it feels wildly selfish to even feel any type of way about this, and obviously the importance and meaning of the boycotts will always supersede these relatively minor concerns, but I just need to rant.
Local coffee shops are shit and I’m finally ready to admit it.
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drinkacefahz · 2 years
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“This drink sure is heavy.”
“That’s because it’s so full of mercy.” 
NOMAN’S EUCHARIST | ABV: 35.7% | Yield: 2.56 fl oz | Improved Cocktail, Alternative/Regional Spirits, Old Fashioned, Smoked 
Rinse glass with absinthe (I used an atomizer/mister)
2 fl oz or 60ml Sotol
.25 fl oz or 8ml Yellow Chartreuse
.33 fl oz or 10ml Prickly Pear Elixir or syrup (some are less sweet, like the one I use from Floral Elixir Co. You might want to start with no more than a quarter ounce or even less and adjust to taste)
2 dashes Angostura Bitters 
1/2 dropperful Bittermens Burlesque Bitters 
Some (untreated) Oak wood chips 
Kitchen Torch
ON SMOKING YOUR DRINK:  If you have a cocktail-smoker set like I show, which are cheap to find online, [and usually come with some chips of orchard woods, oak, hickory, etc that are safe to smoke -- remember, do not smoke wood treated with chemicals like you’d buy to build with] I’d stir the drink together over the ice in the glass you’re serving it in, then follow your smoker tool’s directions 
ALTERNATIVELY, if you have a a fireproof surface [like a baking sheet] you can set the material you want to smoke with on it[this works with herbs as well as woods!], set it alight, and place the serving glass over it while you mix the other ingredients briefly with ice in your mixing glass. It’ll be served on a rock, so it doesn’t need too much pre-dilution. Invert the smoking glass, place a large rock in it, and strain the drink into and serve. 
I wanted to really stretch and challenge myself on Wolfwood’s drink in terms of the ingredients used. The fact is, most staple crops we use to make alcohol are incredibly water thirsty. Sotol is a spirit that has been made for ages, but until recently wasn’t broadly available -- in the US, the Texas-made ‘Desert Door’ Sotol will be easiest to find, but explore and look around. Unlike Tequila and Mezcal, it’s made with a desert shrub, referred to also as sotol or desert spoon. It’s not related to agave at all, and unlike agave-based spirits harvest doesn’t require digging up the entire plant -- allowing it to regrow, regenerate even, much like Wolfwood. Yellow Chartreuse is to match the religious order theming, add some more herbal nuances to the grassier notes in Sotol, and is commonly believed to be sweetened with honey, which keeps it compliant with my admittedly arbitrarily imposed restrictions. 
The smoke, herbal alpine liqueur and restrained, southern desert flavors makes this a more complex sip than Vash’s Life and Love. But definitely sweeter than today’s second drink, to post in a few hours, and the third TRIGUN Old-Fashioned/Improved Cocktail drink in this mini blog series, which will be a little... sharper, let’s say. 
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Part 2 of The Gods have found us (Megatron help us all.)
Repost, because I didn't know how Tumblr worked the first time I posted this.
Cody woke up and dug himself out of the towel, looking around at his new surroundings. He shrugged off his coat and pants, taking off the t-shirt and undershirt. He put the t-shirt back on, and found that his other clothes, along with some rags and the bag that he had been offered earlier, had been used to stuff the old datapad cover that made up the makeshift sleeping pad underneath him.
The tank was about the size of the tray, maybe a bit smaller. The toilet was in one corner, and there was a shade that reminded him of the little hides you can buy for some reptiles above his head, pushed flat against the wall with a little rounded knob that lowered it down, casting the area in shadow and making it dark enough that he could sleep even with the lights on. Cody heard Tarn chuckle, the sound making him giddy. He reached into the tank and pulled a little ring on the top of the shade, and Cody watched the knob rotate as the shade was pulled up.
"Oh, don't say you are sleepy yet? The last time you were out for twelve hours. That's no fun. How about you eat something? You haven't had much more than water and a swallow or two of the cleanser."
Cody heard a bell ring, and a packaged bar of… something came out of a dispenser. It was in a language he didn't understand. He opened the orange package, and the bell rang again. A packet with one clear side, showing that it was filled with a white paste with a symbol Cody recognized as a cybertronian medical emblem, was stamped on the corner. The bar looked like a blocky granola bar, with what looked like bits of cured meat and grain embedded into it. He opened the packet too, the sweet artificial medicine smell making him wrinkle his nose.
He looked up at Tarn, who was watching him intently. He knew that one way or another, he would end up eating both packages. Whether it was by force or not was up to him.
He popped the corner of the clear packet and stuck it in his mouth, expecting it to taste horrible. Surprisingly, it tasted a bit like cheap, too sugary frosting. He set the packet aside to finish with some water and bit into the bar. It tasted like beef jerky and cheap trail mix without the candy. Willing to try something, Cody spread a little bit of the paste on the bar. Yep, that was good. He knew it would get old quickly, but at least he wouldn't bechoking down the alien equivalent of dog kibble. He moved away from the dispensers and to the water spout, washing down the rest of the food with it.
Tarn directed him to throw the garbage into the waste disposal as if he had used it normally. Feeling tired, he turned the shade back over his bed and fell asleep to the sounds of Nickel and Tarn talking in a language he didn't understand.
Tarn had to hide his amusement as Cody discovered that Nickel had sweetened the mix of dietary supplements and growth blockers she had added to a flavorless edible paste. The individually wrapped treats, meant for much bigger omnivorous pets, were the perfect size and calorie content to be the base of Cody's diet. Just enough for his minimal activity level and daily needs while also keeping him pleasantly full.
"When did Swindle say he would be stopping by to make the deal?" Nickel said, rummaging through her storage closet. "We are getting low on some things, and if you are serious about keeping the little monkey in its organic state, we will need more than a couple weeks' worth of supplies. I am talking about buying multiple years' worth in advance if we are serious about it. Cyber formation of an organic organism is not an exact science, and I am not entirely sure about how reliant on energon he will be after it's complete.
"A few weeks, in earth rotations, of course. Worst case scenario, I make a vehicon use an online grocery shopping service, and you have to defrost a few meals in the heat scanner."
He left, and Nickel shut down the medbay for the night and curled up on one of the medical beds.
The next morning, Tarn woke up to a call from Megatron. He answered it, willing himself to act a lot more awake than he actually was.
"Tarn, I have wonderful news. We captured the helicopter and the female human alive, and the fire truck is on borrowed time, seen ranting and raving while shooting at anything that moves. Knockout tells me that the kid likely caused his parental coding to go haywire and caused him to lash out when he was suddenly taken away. The same could be said about the other human pets and their guardians. The helicopter is timid and very submissive, and the female is rowdy but is easily reasoned with. The plans have changed, and I don't intend on reuniting the two humans. Do with the kid as you will, but procure four vials of liquid cyber metal for me. The human's short lifespan is a weakness I can't afford, not until the helicopter has been fully indoctrinated. As soon as supplies are secured, I want your ship out of range of earth for as long as the human stays alive."
"Understood. Are their plans to capture and cyber form the human that learned cybex? I know Soundwave had an interest in him."
"Unfortunately, yes. My third in command is quite insistent on taking it with us."
"So four vials of cyber metal, along with space stable supplies for all of them? I assume you will be partially covering the cost?"
"Yes, but any materials sourced for the human in your possession is out of your funds. The drugs you use to arrest the human's natural aging process are expensive."
"Affirmative. I will amend the order with Swindle at the soonest convenience." Megatron ended the call, and Tarn called Swindle and increased the order, informing him that the Decepticons will be footing the bill for the cyber metal, so be generous with his pricing. Swindle agreed, hearing the threat in his voice. No price gouging or convenience fees would be tolerated this time.
As directed, Tarn had the ship duck behind Saturn to make the deal.
Swindle's ship docked with Tarn's, and he had his workers load up the decepticon purchased supplies while he haggled the price of the goods bought with Tesarus's funds. As much as he owed Tarn way more than the contents of his savings account, Tarn still didn't want to set a precedent.
"Yeah, you got a deal." Swindle said, barely tamping down the irritation in his voice as he was forced to sell four vials of cyber matter, two water tanks with filtering attachments, and two decades worth of organic pet treats for much lower margins than he would have liked. Well, time to see if he can upsell a little bit. "I also have a few options for if the organic you're buying these supplies for gets a bit too rowdy. Non addictive, fairly mild, and doesn't have the rather … smelly drawbacks of some of the more conventional products. Just keeps them nice and cuddly, with an entertaining high that wears off quickly and transitions to nice, drowsy, affectionate organic that will stay still for medical exams, stay calm around loud noises, and makes them all around easier to handle."
"Appreciate the offer, but he has warmed up beautifully to the ship. I have seen what high humans do, and I do not find it entertaining to see its intelligence drop to nothing but its bare instincts. Besides, it's too young. Mind altering substances can curb its remarkable brain function."
"Oh? Do tell? Do you think it might be an outlier of its own species?"
"Perhaps. It caught Lord Megatron's attention by effortlessly charming and commanding bots many times its size without a single threat or controlling device." Tarn said, just a hit of his Voice leaking into his speech, threatening death if Swindle got any ideas on who owned Cody. Cody was Tarn's, in every way he wanted to own him, until he decided that he wasn't. He doubted he would get bored of such an interesting creature, especially once the cyber-forming process starts and he gets to watch Cody change.
He heard rumors about how cuddly and malleable the cyber forming process makes the affected organic. How pure and strong the spark bond is, how vulnerable it makes it as it dampens the victim's memories but keeps its personality and core traits whole and untouched.
Tarn had already made the arrangements with Nickel to open up the hold that was installed to secure Cody against the outer walls of his spark chamber during his retrieval. As it stood, the space was too small to be useful while out on the hunt, with no way for Cody to see outside. He would have to acclimatize Cody to the glory of the List and to worship Megatron slowly, in order to make sure he became a true believer, not just a scared pet.
The first step was to get a strong spark bond established after the cyber formation, in order for Tarn to use it to sooth and prime Cody to associate the noises of the hunts with good things, like attention and the gentle, warm embrace of a parent bond.
Swindle's men finished unloading the supplies and loaded themselves back onto the merchant ship, Swindle following behind them.
Tarn closed the cargo bay's inner door before Swindle's ship detached from the dock and flew off.
Tarn looked through the supplies that were dropped off, splitting up what was for Cody and what was going to the Nemesis. The two orders had been separated by the intended location as usual, but Tarn still liked to snoop sometimes. He set aside two boxes of a different flavor of the treats he had been feeding Cody, this one in a light pink box instead of an orange one, certain that he could introduce them to him as a reward for cooperating with Tarn.
He put an emergency bottle of oxygen in his subspace, knowing that even if Cody never needed it before he was cyber-formed, it would make a good makeshift grenade. He picked up the boxes and opened the door to leave, ordering Vos and Helex to put away the stuff meant for the Peaceful Tyranny as he walked to the medbay.
He set down the boxes of food and went over to the tank. Cody was laying under the sun lamp, enjoying the warmth on his skin, pretending that he was still on Griffin Rock. Nickel thought he looked pale, and Cody was curious about what the skinny light bulb mounted on a swivel join on one side of the tank was. She turned it on when he asked about it, setting a twenty minute timer so he didn't burn.
Those delusions were shattered when Tarn turned off the lamp, swore in cybex when he melted his paint off one finger on the hot bulb, then yelled at Nickel when she made him treat and cool his hand down before picking up Cody.
Cody scrambled to stand up, getting a drink of water before standing out in the open for when Tarn eventually picked him up. He heard a hiss and a grunt as Nickel cooled off Tarn's hand and a grinder as she removed the melted paint. He swore again when Nickel activated the berth restraints, pulling him flat against the table, and, by the sounds of it, started to do something painful to his chest.
Finally, after Nickel finished up and cooled his hand again, Tarn scooped up Cody and held him against his chest. Cody squirmed a bit but got into a more comfortable position on his back and stayed still, not knowing what Tarn intended to do.
Tarn opened the middle section of his chest plate, and the pocket expanded to be a rather cozy size. Cody guessed that was what Nickel was doing when she forced him onto the table.
He showed it to the human, pointing out the little vid screen he had installed on the inside of the space, wirelessly connected to multiple cameras and microphones he could stick in the gaps of his plating, along with access to some simple children's programming to decompress after a successful hunt.
After showing him how to turn the screen off and on and what each button did, he closed his chest back up and decided to get some cuddles in. What's the point of kidnapping an adorably soft organic if you aren't going to pet it?
Remembering the few times he had seen an organic with its young, he put Cody against his chest, making sure that his arms and legs weren't being squished by his body. He hummed happily as the youngling's instincts took over and curled up its body, his knees covering up his vulnerable organs while his hands reached up to be by his face. His delicate spine was just barely visible through his skin, and the big, oversized garment he had worn without fail for days sagged off his back. Tarn took a breath, increased the temperature of his hands a little above human room temperature, and tried something. He rubbed circles into Cody's upper back, encouraged by the way his muscles relaxed farther than he had ever before.
Tarn's treatment of Cody reminded himself of the rare times when his siblings and dad were out of the house or upstairs and Heatwave had gently plucked him from the couch or wherever he had sat down with a few toys or a game and held him in one of his hands, sometimes gently rubbing or tapping his back, as if he was a stubborn infant refusing a nap.
The first couple times, he had struggled, but it was one of those rare times that none of his family was in the house but him. Heatwave just did something to warm up his hands and held him until Cody hit that temperature where he felt sleepy and content, even despite the fact he hadn't taken regular afternoon naps since he was six and was very uncomfortable pressed against the hard glass of Heatwave's chest. He then set Cody back on the red couch, his parental coding satisfied.As time wore on and Chief got a bit more comfortable with having the bots babysit and touch Cody, Heatwave picked him up more often, sometimes shifting around a few panels in the back of his cab and letting Cody nap to the sound of his spark beat, careful to never let the light of his spark peak through. That wasn't his place, and he wasn't sure that humans could bond platonically anyway, being organic.
He was almost found out a few times, when Cody fell asleep in his cab after a mission, or relaxed a little too fast reflexively into his hands the few times he had picked him up to get him out of harm's way. The other bots covered for him that time, trusting that he would never do anything inappropriate to the little human.
Cody didn't say anything either, not knowing if his family would even believe him. He knew Heatwave had left a child behind on Cybertron, and Heatwave didn't hurt him or touch him anywhere he wasn't supposed to, so he just let the bot pick him up to get it over with.
Tarn was different, a little more detached with him, but seemed to care a little more about him each time Cody saw him. And boy, was he fighting the urge to stretch out and take a nap. Oh, what the heck, he would probably just put him down if he didn't like Cody moving.
Tarn reflexively tilted his arm to support the human, who had stretched his arms backwards, his joints and spine releasing a chorus of soft pops before it yawned and curled back up.
Nickel had a disgusted look on her face. "I could have gone my entire life without hearing the sound of that fleshy popping its spine." She said in cybex, examining the chrome cyber metal in its glass vial before locking it in storage. "You sure you want to wait on cyber forming it? It will throw off the order of the List."
"Hmm." Tarn replied, also in cybex. "The List does outweigh my own priorities, but I would like to have a bit more time to introduce Cody to the rest of the crew, and lay down some ground rules. He hasn't even been to the shrine yet, but I would rather he be introduced to that when his mind is fresh and open to suggestion. By the way, I, of course, will be acting as his Sire. It's only fair, he is most comfortable with me." Tarn removed a bulky plate from the door of his chest compartment, a purple tinted window showing the inside of his chest pocket.
He opened the door and slid Cody inside it, turning on the screen for him and putting the plate into his subspace. He smirked as he got a popup notification that Cody had picked a cutesy animated movie to watch as Tarn made sure he wouldn't go squish.
"All crew to the bridge." He barked into his comm link, sitting in his captain's chair. He could feel Cody's head pressed against the back wall of the pocket and felt glee at the idea that he was so close to his spark.
Soon, he will have an apprentice, a backup vocalist to his kills to make the hunt that much sweeter.
All he needed to do was give him the tools to sing.
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tubetrading · 1 year
Innovations in Sauce Manufacturing: Meeting Consumer Demands for Variety
When compared to the old recipes that were handed down from one generation to the next, sauce manufacturing has come a long way.  Consumers have an insatiable desire for a wide variety of flavours and options to choose from in order to spice up their meals in today's fast-paced and diverse culinary world.  As a direct consequence of this, manufacturers of sauces have been in the vanguard of innovation, employing cutting-edge technologies and novel approaches in order to satisfy consumers' insatiable appetite for variety.
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In today's post, we will discuss some of the fascinating developments in sauce production that have made it possible for manufacturers to meet the ever-changing preferences of contemporary customers.  Satisfy your cravings with the best condiments and sauces in Vadodara.  Shop mouthwatering food products from Modern Food Products – an excellent food product industry in Vadodara!
Flavour Fusion:  The Art of Blending
The fusion of flavours is one of the most important developments in the sauce production industry.  Using this method, you will create one-of-a-kind and mouthwatering combinations by combining a number of different flavours and components.  In order to obtain the ideal harmony of flavour and scent, manufacturers do trials using a wide variety of herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables, combining them in carefully calculated quantities.  The combination of flavours enables manufacturers to create sauces that are tailored to specific gastronomic preferences, such as smoky and savoury barbecue sauces or zesty and acidic marinades, for example.
Natural and Organic Ingredients:
As customers become more health concerned and ecologically aware, there has been an increasing demand for natural and organic items, including sauces.  This desire has led to the production of natural and organic sauces.  Innovative makers of sauces have reacted to this trend by eliminating artificial additives and preservatives and replacing them with natural, organic ingredients of the highest quality.  This method not only improves the taste of the sauces and the nutritional content of the ingredients, but it is also in line with the tastes of environmentally concerned customers who look for products that are sustainably and ethically sourced.
Customization and Personalization:
Personalization has emerged as a preeminent trend throughout many different businesses in this day and age, and the production of sauces is not an exception to this rule.  Innovative producers are increasingly offering customisation options that give customers the ability to modify the taste, level of heat, and components of their sauces to their own preferences.  Customers are able to build their own sauces through the use of online platforms and interactive apps, which makes the overall purchasing experience more interesting and gratifying.
Low-Sodium and Health – Focused Sauces:
As consumers' awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle continues to grow, a growing number of them are searching for low-sodium and health-oriented sauce alternatives.  In response to this demand, manufacturers of sauces have been developing new low-sodium formulations that preserve the flavour profile while encouraging healthier consumption.  These formulations have been a source of innovation.  In addition, in order to make sauces that cater to the dietary requirements of those who are concerned about their health, they are investigating several natural alternatives to sweeteners as well as components that are low in calories.  Indulge in the goodness of the best quality sauces in India.  Buy high-quality food products from Modern Food Products – a renowned food product company in India for a gastronomic journey!
Global Flavour Exploration:
Consumers' preferences in terms of food have moved much beyond the cuisines of their home countries as the world has become more linked.  Innovative sauce makers are jumping on board with the trend of experimenting with flavours from all over the world by releasing sauces that are based on a variety of different national cuisines.  Consumers are now able to embark on a gastronomic journey without leaving the convenience of their own kitchens thanks to the wide variety of sauces and salsas available to them.  These sauces range from smoky and pungent Mexican salsas to tangy and spicy Thai chilli sauces and rich and aromatic Indian curry sauces.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions:
When it comes to making sauce, innovation is not limited to the product itself; rather, it extends to the packaging as well.  Innovative companies that make sauces are switching to more environmentally friendly packing methods to lessen the damage they bring to the environment.  These environmentally friendly options, which range from biodegradable pouches to recyclable glass bottles, are resonating with environmentally concerned consumers who are eager to reduce their use of plastic and support sustainable practices.
Incorporating Superfoods and Functional Ingredients:
The desire for consumers to have access to more nutritious food options has prompted manufacturers of sauces to include superfoods and other functional ingredients in their products.  Ingredients like turmeric, ginger, and goji berries, which are well-known for their many beneficial effects on health, are increasingly being included in sauces to improve both the flavour and the nutritional content of the dish.  Consumers who are health conscious and looking for functional meals that help to their general well-being are likely to be interested in these sauces that contain superfoods.
Final Thoughts:
The improvement of taste and flavour is only one aspect of innovation in the production of sauce; other aspects include satisfying customer expectations for diversity, options that are mindful of health, and goods that are environmentally responsible.  As the culinary scene continues to evolve, inventive sauce makers play a critical role in meeting the ever-changing preferences of modern customers.  This position is especially important given the rapid pace at which consumer preferences are shifting.  These firms are propelling the market forward and ensuring that sauce lovers all around the world have an abundance of delightful options to enhance their dining experiences by adopting new technology, experimenting with flavours, and focusing on sustainability and health.  Get the quality you can trust and taste you'll love from Modern Food Products – a trusted food product company in Gujarat!
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findheronline · 2 years
Affiliate Marketing Program for Women In Business In Australia 
Member-get-member programs are discussed at length in marketing textbooks and academic literature because empirically, member-get-member programs increase brand loyalty with the flow-on effect of customer/client/member retention. On the flip side, by utilising the member-get-member retention strategy your business increases its chances of acquisition (ie. getting more consumers to buy into your brand) at an exponential rate.
In summary, member-get-member programs help retain current customers and at the same time, you get more customers. More customers equate to even more customers because of the compound effect of member-get-member programs.
When we take a moment to think about member-get-member programs and how effective they are in increasing brand loyalty and acquisition, it takes us to a place of critical thinking about how we can implement this marketing strategy in our own business.
So this is what I thought up so both you and I win .....We're going to take the member-get-member program a step further and merge it with an affiliate marketing program.
What is affiliate marketing and why should you care?
Affiliate marketing, by definition, is when Person A asks Person B to buy something. When Person B buys the something, Person A gets rewarded in cold hard cash. You could all implement an affiliate marketing program in your business, spesh if you have a service business. Just know that affiliate marketing software starts from USD149 / month or you can buy lifetime deals for around eleven hundred, in Aussie dollars. On top of this, you generally have to pay around 20% commission to the software company on every affiliate sale ... so affiliate marketing works a treat if your cost-of-goods (COGs) is low or if you have zero COGS because you sell digital downloadable products, software, online courses or membership subscriptions.
Here at  FindHer we are using ...
Pabbly Affiliate Marketing Program (affiliate link) and integrating it with
Pabby Connect (this is similar to Zapier and is also an affiliate link). I also need to update the directory software which is costing a USD200, plus our super smart FindHer Member, Kelly Watson at MarkIT Space, is setting it up for me so this is an extra cost investment.  
I'm sidestepping here to thank all FindHer Founding Members who opted in to pay for their membership because your funds are spent on things that ultimately lead back to you making more money in your small business.
I'm looking at having the Findher affiliate marketing program set to 'go' by Saturday the 12th of November ... so if you're thinking about spreading positive word-of-mouth about FindHer and asking other small business owners to join up, can you hold off please until the program is set up .... so you get money in your bank account when she does.
Do you want to know the sweetener? Or is it still called the cherry on top or the icing on the cake? Whatever it's called, you will love how sweet this is but I want to explain this simply, in step form, so you clearly understand the potential of the delicious passive income you can make while you sleep.
1. You sign up to be a FindHer affiliate.
2. You are given a unique URL to send to other women business owners.
3. You are given a promo code to give to the business owners to encourage them to sign up through your affiliate link (unique URL).
4. You get a commission when they sign up and wait for it .... you will continue to get a commission month on month for the life of their membership (told you it was sweet).
Click here to join ... https://www.findherdirectory.com.au/earn-passive-income
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aaartemisia · 1 year
Josie Rizal and her likes and dislikes (if she was been confirmed and has a huge role and major comeback in Tekken 8):
- she likes to eat healthy food and having a very lethargic diet (even she has an hourglass figure and being physically fit and sexy due to her being a eskrima practitioner)
- she was a fan of Aaliyah and Selena Quintallina and she would sometimes wore like them while attending Halloween parties.
- she was into math, science, essay and history but she’s being a straight-a student herself.
- Josie was also a Zendaya fan.
- Josie has a crybaby personality but Josie was been described by some people she met with as a “her smile, her kindness and her beauty was a ray of sunshine”.
- Josie loves to help with other people and being hospitable.
- Josie would decline the offer if she didn’t want to sing at a karaoke but she sang good.
- HBO’s Euphoria was her favorite tv show.. it is because of Zendaya, duh
- Josie tended to be shy, mysterious, wholesome, sweet but she was sometimes sarcastic.
- josie was a big fan of red lipstick but she prefers wearing orange lipstick.
- she speaks Tagalog; but she knew how to speak bicolano, ilocano, kapampangan hiligayon and cebuano (Josie was bisdak) but she spoke English, Japanese and Spanish too.
- a collector of canvas tote bags, clothes, shoes and keychains (especially books, magazines, makeups and also nail polishes).
- also a switftie herself.
- “in love with his red…”
- josie has a crush on Miguel Rojo and she was into hot Spanish bad boy (but a wholesome from the inside).
- josie loves eating sweet’s especially some Filipino sweet delicacies like halo-halo, mais con yelo, egg pie, buko pie, pastillas, espasol, ginataang mais/ginataang bilu-bilo and also haribo gummy bears, kit-kat, Goya, Hershey’s and some other international sweetened foods.
- Josie would get mad if someone’s trying to get her favorite Haribo Gummy Bears.
- Josie also listens to Utada Hikaru, R&B rap and hip-hop music and metal rock and soft rock music.
- an avid traveler and wanted to learn different kinds of languages and cultures (since she works as a supermodel outside of her country).
- Josie plans to get married at 25 and having two daughters of her own at 34.
- Josie’s Highschool course would be humanities.
- a fan of haikus and poetry.
- she was into gold made jewelries and white Pearls.
- Was born under a Virgo sign.
- She would get insecure and jealous sometimes.
- was good friends with Xiaoyu, Alisa, Asuka, Lili, Kuma and Panda.
- Josie would yell, saying a roasting reply at someone else who’s being racist towards Filipinos (since she hates racist people.)
A white racist karen : “that is why I don’t hire Filipinos.”
Josie Rizal herself : “Oh okay Karen, lemme ruin your entire life perspectives about the Filipinos and why they left their own motherland and worked abroad!”
- was a victim of school bullying since childhood (due to her tall and shy nature she was until her parents convinced her to learn kickboxing so she could defend herself from bullies).
- if she saw a good stuff (ex. a new iphone or a new pair of silettos), she would earn some money and buy it.
- Josie works mutiple jobs wc includes a seamstress, a substitute tutor, a cashier, call center agent and also a domestic helper.
- she would rather come home from work for not being drunk and having a daily dose of happy-happy time with friends but instead; she would go home, having a nice bath, eat some snacks and watch some tv shows from an online streaming app than going for a midnight drinking sess.
- she didn’t like Filipino parents using their kids as their own “retirement fund” but Josie was lucky to have parents who weren’t like that and they supported her.
- Josie would send some money via online bank remittance to her parents that she would rather surprise them with gifts.
- both a cat and dog person herself.
- a weeb herself.
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