#Buy brand new & best refurbished phones
roobotechau · 2 years
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Apple IPhone 13 (256GB) [Brand New - Open Box] With Original Accessories
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mothykins · 8 months
So you Saw that Computer Spec Post that's been floating around
And realized that the cheapest Laptop they recommend is still out of your price range but you need one for work or School.
I'm here to tell you that if you're on a serious budget, buy the older, Higher end computer. Go look for that 8th generation i7 laptop. Where I am (Canada) the models that they're suggesting as "Budget" (Current Generation i5 systems) Cost between $800-1200.
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For a lot of people, they don't have $800 of budget, especially if they're a student. And If you need a computer now for work or school, and your budget is $400-ish, you have to buy what you can get
For new laptops in Canada, a New $400 laptop looks like this:
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This is e-waste. This barely counts as a computer. This is so slow that your average phone has more power then it. It is so slow ten year old i5 computers will run laps around it. If you See Pentium or Celeron, the laptop is not worth your money. What you should do is go onto someplace fairly reputable, like BestBuys website, go to their laptop section, and click on the Refurbished option. Why not get something of FB marketplace? Because anything sold as Refurbished in a store has a 1 year warranty. When you're looking for older refurbished laptops, you want to buy something that's listed as an i7 with 16GB or ram and an SSD, which is similar to the other guide, but I'm here to tell you that anything that goes back even as far as the 8th generation (i7 8xxx) is going to do just fine. The other upside is that often the laptops that are in this range are of higher construction quality - better hinges, better keyboards, better screens - so you're getting a nicer laptop by purchasing something a bit older.
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This Thinkpad is an absolutely stunning deal - and it's also only slightly slower then the $800 laptop that started this. If you're running excel, working with large PDFs or even running statistical models on this, you're not going to appreciably notice the loss in power over that $800 model. What you will notice though, is that it's more then twice as fast as the $400 Acer laptop above. And unlike the Acer listed earlier, you could actually play some games on this too! While not an absolute beast, it will play games like StarRail or Genshin, or even Fortnite well enough to give you some entertainment. Buy the old laptop if you need the laptop now.
Buy the Best Quality at your Price Point, even if its older or used. A used, older i7 laptop is still an i7 laptop, and it will be better then any Celeron or Pentium laptop, even if the Pentium is brand new.
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Extended rant about being poor and disabled under the cut, not really worth reading I just needed to get it out.
Hope everyone’s having a decent day
Listen I’m disabled unemployable massively in debt and have exactly $0 in liquid funds and no sizable assets. Unless you count physical assets. Like I could sell my body I guess. Ugh. Anyway throwback to that one time like an hour ago when I at least had a iPad to use. It was from 2013 so I knew this day would come. Can’t believe it lasted this long. And I know I should be extremely grateful to even have a smartphone, but I cannot use my phone as a computer the way most people do. I cannot hold onto my phone that long. I can’t look at such a tiny screen that long. I can’t crane my neck down for that long. I can hold it up level to my eyes but I can’t hold my arm up that long either. It’s not practical or sustainable. Plus my smart phone won’t last forever. Then what will I do? Without access to the internet? Yeah yeah touch grass nobody had internet for millennia blah blah blah okay but now we do. Now it’s a basic necessity. You need internet to do pretty much anything adults need to do nowadays in order to be an active part of society. I agree it’s fucked up but it’s real. I cannot get to a library. I don’t have friends in walking distance (or any distance for that matter) I have no access to using the internet for more than a couple minutes at a time. Im writing this post in segments over the course of a whole day. I keep coming back to it because I can’t think about anything else. I legitimately don’t know how to remedy this situation.
Not that this is a remedy but I want to inflict suffering onto anyone that’s ever said money only causes problems or doesn’t buy happiness or the best things in life are free or any of that classist bullshit. Two hundred dollars is pocket change to so many people but a little refurbished tablet would change my life right now. I hope every billionaire lives long but suffers endlessly and unfathomably until they die.
Also I hope my dad and his wife are really enjoying their fully refurbished three story three bedroom two bathroom home complete with a sunroom a heated deck/screen porch (yes different from the sunroom) heated floors in every room a garage big enough for their two brand new cars a little Vespa & a whole workshop plus a cute little stone patio with a fucking water feature pond fountain thing that they don’t even see that much what with their practically monthly elaborate getaways and international vacations every year. Fuck I hope they are really fucking enjoying themselves. Meanwhile I have to decide if I want to cut back on food and medicine for a while to save up for a device I can access the internet on.
Anyway. Ignore this I’m just really fucking tired, sooooooo unbelievably fucking tired, of being poor and disabled. Big fucking deal I know I’m so far from the only one. I know I still have so much that some people don’t have. And I’m grateful. But…fucking hell. Poor and healthy would be fine. Poor and disabled but still employable would be fine. Disabled but financially stable would be fine. Disabled with adequate support systems would be fine. My piece of shit grandfather finally fucking off and dying and leaving me something to live on would be cool. I’d kill for any of these. But poor and disabled just feels like someone is beating the fuck out of me and every few minutes they stop for just long enough to help me up and let ms pull myself together and there’s a momentary glimmer of hope until they go right back to beating the fuck out of me. I feel like eventually I won’t be able to get up or pull myself together anymore. I don’t fucking know.
Anyway at least I have a place to stay!! At least I have something to eat!! I can make tea if I want!! My eyesight is going slowly enough that my glasses are still usable!! The fact that I even have glasses in the first place!! The fact that I have any clean water at all, even if it only stays hot for three minutes. I can still take a shower. I have books to read. There a lot of ways in which my body and mind have not yet let me down. Honestly how dare I complain about anything I guess??? I don’t fucking know how I’m supposed to feel
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lebrickster · 11 months
Emulating an old Phone System is Hard
For a moment in time there, I really wanted to get into emulating an old Phone system. Why? Because I wanted to, and I thought it was cool. Being able to use a vintage phone, and use dial up over a serial modem? Sounds awesome! But it's sadly not so simple. My god is it not...
So, I started off with what phone did I want? It was pretty quick to decide for me, as I wanted a phone with ringing bells, that classic look, and a touch tone pad. I went with a Black Model 2500, refurbished, from OldPhoneWorks. This ended up being expensive, but I wanted to sure it was in good shape. I don't regret this purchase, and think it looks great on my desk!
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Well, with the phone situation settled, it was time for the modem. I decided to go for a new in the box U.S. Robotics, to ensure I had working drivers and the correct Power Adapter. It does it's job, and is the sort of look I know Modems for. Though the construction isn't great, since I can lift the top back part of it easily, since it doesn't seem to be held down by snaps, or screws.
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I then wanted to get something else to go alongside all of this! If you know anything about the history of Club Penguin, you'll know some of it's earliest music came from an Indie band, known as TAS 1000, named after an answering machine they sampled messages from, and made music around. I got a lucky break and managed to find a unit on eBay, which I was so excited about. Keyword being was, but I'll go into that, later. (Too lazy to get it out of the closet for a fresh pic. Cry about it)
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To make this all work I needed a way to connect all of it. No service in my area offers standard POTS Copper lines anymore, so I had to look into a VoIP ATA. After talking with someone in a Preservation Discord, they said they had good experience with a Cisco SPA112 VoIP ATA, saying it worked good for faxing, which is similar to internet via a modem. I bought one brand new, to ensure it was unlocked
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With the hardware in-place, it was time to select a VoIP service provider. The best one hands down, price and feature wise, is VoIP_MS. They even have a super helpful Wiki with specific instructions on how to setup the SPA112 I chose, which I found super useful!
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It was time to assemble it all, and in theory, all was good! But wait! No it wasn't my first snag with with the damn Modem. It would just not install for some reason, and that was down to me being stupid. I had bought this Serial cable because it was cheap. But I failed to notice the part that says Null Modem. This allows computers to talk to each other, but cannot be used to have a computer talk to a serial modem. D'oh.
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OK, no problem, buy a new cable, and all is well! And, it was! ...Until it wasn't. I quickly learned that the SPA112 was not at all good for Dial Up, being super unstable. I was kinda warned of this before I had it in, too, but I bought the SPA112 AFTER that was all sent. So, that was one part of the package I wasted my time on, which bummed me out greatly. Sadly, the problems don't end here. The next problem was that the phone would not ring. It can receive calls and make calls fine, but it just won't ring. It turns out those bells demand a ton of power to work right, and the SPA112 just doesn't send enough juice. To fix this problem, I need a Ring Voltage Booster II, which sadly costs 125$, which is super expensive. I will get one eventually, but the cost of this component, and failures outlined so far has driven me to put this on hold for a long time.
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And finally, there was the Answering Machine, the part I was most excited about. It was listed as used but working on the listing, which is partially right, but not entirely. You're supposed to be able to record an outgoing message, but do you see how this button is caved in? Sure, I can press it, but it doesn't do anything, strongly indicating it's broken. I can playback tapes, but what use is that if it can't record the outgoing message?
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All of these failures broke me, and just made me depressed, tbh. As a result, this setup has gone more or less unused, with the TAS 1000 going into the closest, and me sometimes only calling my mobile phone with the Model 2500 phone, out of boredom. The modem has gone unused, since I don't trust the flaky connection the SPA112 has with it. What am I going to do from here? Well, down the line, I want to replace the SPA112 with a Obihai OBI302. I've been told this unit is a lot more stable for Fax, so it might be what I need to get for a stable modem experience.
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I already mentioned the Ring Voltage booster of course, but in terms of the TAS 1000, if I can find another one, I'll jump on it, but chances are, I'll probably jump on a TAS 3000, since those units seem to be a bit more common, and not as much of a pain to find.
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Well, that's about all I have to say here. I will revisit this one day, since I don't want it all to entirely go to waste, but the whole situation did frankly break my heart with how it headed, for now.
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digitalshrutijain · 10 months
How to Choose the Best Refurbished Smartphones: A Comprehensive Guide
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Refurbished smartphones are pre-owned devices that have been professionally restored to a like-new condition. They undergo a rigorous refurbishment process, which includes thorough inspection, repair, and replacement of faulty components. These devices are then tested to ensure optimal functionality and performance. By choosing a refurbished smartphone, you can save money while still enjoying the latest features and technologies.
What Are Refurbished Smartphones?
Refurbished smartphones are not the same as used or second-hand devices. Unlike used phones, refurbished phones go through a comprehensive refurbishment process to bring them back to a high-quality condition. The refurbishment process typically
involves cleaning, repair, replacement of faulty parts, and software updates. This ensures that the refurbished smartphones are in excellent working condition, free from defects, and ready for use.
Benefits of Buying Refurbished Smartphones
Opting for a refurbished smartphone comes with several advantages:
Refurbished smartphones are significantly cheaper than their brand new counterparts, making them an affordable option for budget-conscious individuals.
Quality Assurance
Reputable sellers of refurbished smartphones ensure that devices undergo extensive testing and refurbishment processes, guaranteeing their quality and performance.
Environmental Friendliness
By choosing a refurbished smartphone, you contribute to reducing electronic waste and promoting sustainability.
Warranty and Support
Many refurbished smartphones come with warranties and after-sales support, providing peace of mind and protection against potential issues.
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Repair Hello™ USA Golden Beach
Repair Hello™ USA Golden Beach
3566 NE 168th St, North Miami Beach, FL 33160, United States
(786) 926-5391
iPhone repair services have been developed to help you repair your iPhone when it breaks or malfunctions. Not having to pay the cost of a brand new unit is a life saver for some and allows you to keep your existing unit in pristine condition. If you compare the price of repairing your existing unit against the cost of buying a new one, you'll find that you can save nearly 100 dollars even if the damage to the unit is substantial.
iPhones are very expensive pieces of equipment but even the best electronic technologies can't stand up to continued abuse. If something should go wrong with your iPhone, you need to understand that you have options available. The many repair shops available on the Internet today can help you to get your unit back to 100% functionality. Repairing your iPhone will save you a great deal of money and help you get your iPhone back to its original condition. Many repair centers even offer a warranty with their work. The repair technicians are usually always friendly, helpful, and available to repair your iPhone no matter when it breaks. You can count on repair shops that have been in business for a long time to know how to fix your item right the first time and give you the advice and information you need to make the best decision.
Look for 30-day or longer warranty when shopping for iPhone repairs, as it may end up saving you the emotional burden of wondering if you have made the right decision. If the same part malfunctions again within the warranty period, you simply ship the item back in to be repaired again without having to worry about the repair costs.
Customer service is usually top of the line with iPhone repair companies and they will explain to you the maintenance that is going to be performed on your iPhone. Any questions you have can generally be answered right over the phone. Your item is shipped using your choice of shipping methods or the shipping carrier of preference for the repair center.
In most cases, if your iPhone has a problem, it can be fixed through a repair shop. Water damage, glass replacement, diagnostic service, housing and chrome bezel replacement, battery replacement, full refurbishment, home button replacement, headphone repair, camera removal and replacement, power button repair, volume button repair, vibrate/toggle switch replacement, ear speaker repair, dock connector repair and more! Most parts can be fixed or replaced on your iPhone.
Don't take chances with your hard earned dollars. You will end up saving hundreds by keeping the original equipment that works and replacing or repairing what doesn't. Don't throw your iPhone away just because it has been damaged or is malfunctioning. Send it in, they'll fix it right!
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refurbzoo23 · 11 days
Renewed Phones in Dubai: A Smart Choice for Budget-Conscious Shoppers
Are you living in Dubai and looking to buy a new phone without breaking the bank? Well, you're not alone! With the cost of new smartphones skyrocketing, a renewed phone is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many budget-conscious shoppers. But what exactly is a renewed phone, and is it worth considering? Let's delve into the world of renewed phones in Dubai and find out why they might be the savvy shopper's best friend.
What Are Renewed Phones?
In simple terms, renewed phones are pre-owned devices that have been restored to their original working condition. Unlike second-hand phones, renewed phones undergo a thorough inspection and refurbishment process to ensure they function like new. This can include replacing faulty components, updating software, and even cosmetic touch-ups.
Key Characteristics
Quality Assurance: Renewed phones come with a certification that guarantees their condition and performance.
Warranty and Return Policy: Most renewed phones come with a limited warranty, offering peace of mind similar to buying a new device.
Lower Price: Significant discounts compared to brand-new models, making them wallet-friendly.
Why Opt for Renewed Phones in Dubai?
Dubai is known for its high cost of living, and saving money wherever possible is a bonus. Renewed phones offer a great way to enjoy the latest technology without the premium price tag. You can get high-end features and reliable performance at a fraction of the cost of a new phone.
Environmentally Friendly Choice
Another compelling reason to opt for renewed phones is the environmental benefit. By choosing a renewed phone, you're reducing electronic waste and contributing to a more sustainable planet. It's a small step that can make a big difference.
"Every renewed phone is one less device in a landfill."
Reliable Sellers and Services in Dubai
Dubai has a robust market for renewed phones, with several trusted sellers offering quality devices. Popular retailers like Souq.com, Jumbo Electronics, and specialized shops in Deira and Bur Dubai provide a wide range of options. Always look for sellers with good reviews and warranties to ensure a hassle-free experience.
Personal Experience and Insights
A few months ago, I was on the hunt for a new phone but didn't want to spend a fortune. After some research, I decided to try a renewed phone. I can confidently say it was one of the best decisions. The phone looked and worked just like new, plus I saved a significant amount of money. It's been six months, and I haven't faced any issues. It's a practical and economical choice that I highly recommend.
How to Choose the Right Renewed Phone
Identify Your Needs
Before you start shopping, think about what you need in a phone. Do you want a high-quality camera, long battery life, or a larger display? Knowing your priorities will help narrow down your options.
Check for Certification and Warranty
Always choose a renewed phone with certification and a warranty. This ensures that the phone has been tested and meets certain standards. A warranty provides a safety net if something goes wrong.
Compare Prices and Models
Take the time to compare prices across different sellers and websites. You might find a better deal or a different model that fits your needs better. Don't rush; patience can pay off with a great deal.
In a city like Dubai, where new gadgets are constantly hitting the market, it's easy to feel the need to always have the latest device. However, renewed phones offer an excellent alternative for those wanting to enjoy advanced technology without emptying their wallets. They’re cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and come with the assurance of quality. So, next time you're in the market for a new phone, consider going renewed instead—you might just be pleasantly surprised.
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medhey · 15 days
Perth on a Budget: Your Guide to Affordable Online Shopping
Living in Perth doesn't mean breaking the bank on your online shopping sprees! Perth offers a treasure trove of online stores catering to the budget-conscious shopper. Here's your guide to finding fantastic deals on everything from fashion to furniture:
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Secret Weapon: Local Boutiques: Perth's online scene thrives with independent businesses offering unique styles and competitive prices. Explore websites of local boutiques to discover hidden gems and support the Perth community.
National Chains with Online Savings: Major Australian retailers like Kmart, Target, Big W, and Cotton On all have online stores with frequent sales and special offers. Look out for clearance sections and flash sales to snag amazing deals.
Discount Powerhouses: Websites like [invalid URL removed].au and OzBargain aggregate deals from various retailers, allowing you to compare prices and find the best bargains on everything you need.
Fashion Fiesta on a Budget:
Pre-loved Treasures: Op shops are a goldmine for stylish finds at unbelievable prices. Websites like Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace also offer a platform to buy and sell pre-loved clothing.
Fast Fashion with Savings: While fast fashion can be budget-friendly, be mindful of quality. Stores like ASOS, Boohoo, and Showpo offer trendy styles at affordable prices. Keep an eye on discount codes and student offers.
Tech on a Tight Budget:
Wait for the Upgrade: Instead of the latest gadgets, consider slightly older phone models or refurbished laptops. You can often find significant savings without sacrificing much performance.
Grey Market Magic (with caution): Some online stores offer "grey market" electronics at lower prices. However, research carefully and understand the warranty implications before making a purchase.
Beauty on a Budget:
Drugstore Delights: Explore brands like Maybelline, L'Oreal, and Revlon for high-quality makeup without the luxury price tag. Priceline Pharmacy and Chemist Warehouse often have great deals on cosmetics.
Look for Dupes: Many affordable brands offer makeup that replicates the look and feel of high-end products. Do some research online to find the perfect dupe at a fraction of the cost.
Home on a Budget:
Second-hand Steals: Websites like Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree offer fantastic deals on used furniture and appliances in good condition.
Flatpack Frenzy: Ikea is a haven for affordable and stylish furniture that's easy to assemble. Keep an eye out for their special offers and clearance sections.
Bonus Tip: Download the Medhey Ecommerce App!
The Medhey Ecommerce App goes beyond just shopping! It serves as your one-stop platform for all things Perth, allowing you to:
Search for local jobs
Stay updated with Perth news
Book travel and experiences
Connect with friends and family on social media
Discover new businesses in Perth
Download the Medhey Ecommerce App today and unlock the convenience of having Perth at your fingertips!
Please note: This content focuses on budget-friendly online shopping options in Perth and excludes car brands.
See more:-
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Buying Guide: Affordable Refurbished and Second Hand Mobiles
In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected is more important than ever. However, not everyone can afford the latest smartphone. Fortunately, there is a solution that offers both quality and affordability: refurbished phones and second hand mobiles. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of buying refurbished phones, how to choose the best second hand mobile, and tips for selling your old phone.
What Are Refurbished Phones?
Refurbished phones are pre-owned devices that have been returned to the manufacturer or seller due to defects, trade-ins, or simply because the previous owner wanted an upgrade. These phones are repaired, tested, and restored to their original working condition before being sold again. This process ensures that the phone works like new, even though it is not a brand-new device.
Why Choose Refurbished Phones?
Cost-Effective: One of the biggest advantages of refurbished phones is the cost. These phones are significantly cheaper than brand-new models, making them a great option for those on a budget.
Quality Assurance: Refurbished phones undergo rigorous testing and repairs, ensuring they meet high-quality standards. This makes them a reliable option compared to second hand mobiles bought directly from previous owners.
Environmentally Friendly: By choosing a refurbished phone, you are helping reduce electronic waste. Recycling and reusing phones is an eco-friendly choice that contributes to a sustainable future.
Warranty and Support: Many refurbished phones come with a warranty and customer support, providing peace of mind. This is an added benefit over buying a second hand mobile from an individual seller.
Understanding Second Hand Mobiles
Second hand mobiles, also known as used phones, are devices that have been previously owned and are sold directly by the previous owner. Unlike refurbished phones, second hand mobiles do not undergo any repairs or testing before being sold. Here are some tips for buying second hand phones:
Check the Condition: Always inspect the phone for any physical damage, such as scratches, dents, or cracks. Make sure all buttons and features work properly.
Verify the IMEI Number: The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is unique to each phone. Check the IMEI number to ensure the phone is not stolen or blacklisted.
Ask for the Original Box and Accessories: If possible, get the original box, charger, and other accessories that came with the phone. This can add to the phone's value and ensure you have the necessary components.
Meet in a Safe Place: When buying a second hand mobile from an individual, meet in a public place or at a police station to ensure safety during the transaction.
Refurbished vs. Second Hand Mobiles: Which Is Better?
Choosing between refurbished phones and second hand mobiles depends on your needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:
Price: Second hand mobiles are often cheaper than refurbished phones. However, the lower price might come with higher risks, such as potential hidden defects or lack of warranty.
Quality: Refurbished phones are tested and repaired, making them a more reliable option. Second hand mobiles, on the other hand, are sold as-is and may have issues that are not immediately apparent.
Warranty: Refurbished phones usually come with a warranty, offering protection in case of defects. Second hand mobiles typically do not come with any warranty, so any repairs or issues will be your responsibility.
Support: Purchasing a refurbished phone often includes customer support, which can be helpful if you encounter any problems. Second hand mobiles do not come with this benefit.
Tips for Buying Refurbished Phones
If you decide to buy a refurbished phone, here are some tips to ensure you get the best deal:
Buy from Reputable Sellers: Purchase your refurbished phone from trusted retailers or manufacturers. Look for sellers with positive reviews and a good reputation.
Check the Warranty: Make sure the refurbished phone comes with a warranty. This provides protection in case the phone has any issues after purchase.
Read the Return Policy: Understand the seller’s return policy in case you are not satisfied with the phone. A good return policy allows you to return the phone within a certain period for a refund or exchange.
Inspect the Phone: When you receive the refurbished phone, inspect it thoroughly. Check for any signs of wear and tear, and test all functions to ensure everything works correctly.
Compare Prices: Shop around and compare prices from different sellers to ensure you are getting the best deal on your refurbished phone.
Selling Your Old Phone
If you are upgrading to a new phone, you might want to sell your old phone. Here are some tips to get the best price for your used phone:
Clean and Restore: Clean your phone thoroughly and restore it to factory settings. This not only makes the phone look more presentable but also protects your personal data.
Take Good Photos: When listing your phone for sale, take clear, high-quality photos. Highlight any features and be honest about any defects.
Write a Detailed Description: Provide a detailed description of your phone, including its condition, features, and any accessories included. Be honest about any issues to avoid disputes later.
Choose the Right Platform: Sell your old phone on reputable platforms such as eBay, Swappa, or local marketplaces like Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.
Set a Fair Price: Research similar listings to set a competitive price for your phone. Consider the phone’s age, condition, and market demand.
Refurbished phones and second hand mobiles are excellent options for those looking to save money while still getting a quality device. Refurbished phones offer the added benefits of warranty and quality assurance, while second hand mobiles can be a more affordable choice. By following the tips in this guide, you can make an informed decision and find the best phone for your needs.
Whether you choose a refurbished mobile or a second hand phone, you’ll enjoy the benefits of staying connected without breaking the bank. And if you decide to sell your old phone, you can make some extra cash to put towards your new device. Embrace the smart, economical, and environmentally friendly choice of buying refurbished phones and second hand mobiles.
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mobilegooshopp2 · 24 days
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At Mobilegoo, we understand the importance of having a reliable smartphone without breaking the bank. That's why we specialize in offering the best renewed phones on the market. Our selection includes all major brands, ensuring you find the perfect device to fit your needs. Renewed phones are pre-owned devices that have been expertly refurbished to function like new, providing an affordable alternative to buying brand-new models. At Mobilegoo, we guarantee the quality of our renewed phones through rigorous testing and certification processes. Plus, with our competitive pricing and excellent customer service, you can shop with confidence knowing you're getting the best deal in India. Visit mobilegoo.shop today and discover the smart way to upgrade your phone. Raed More:-https://mobilegoo.shop/
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roobotechau · 2 years
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Apple IPhone 13 Pro (512GB) [Brand New - Open Box] With Original Accessories
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instawireless · 1 month
A54 5G (Renewed) Budget Champion with Unlocked Freedom (Samsung Galaxy)
Unlocked Samsung Galaxy A54 5G Renewed: $269.99
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The Samsung Galaxy A54 5G (renewed) might be your sweet spot. This mid-ranger packs a powerful punch for everyday users while keeping your wallet happy. But before you hit buy, let's dive into the good, the not-so-good, and everything in between.
Unleash the Speed Demon Within
The A54 5G isn't messing around when it comes to connectivity.  It boasts next-gen 5G speeds, letting you download movies in a flash, stream shows without buffering interruptions, and experience smoother online gaming (coverage dependent on carrier).  Say goodbye to those agonizing wait times!
A Display That Dazzles
Binging your favorite shows or diving into graphic-heavy games is a joy on the A54 5G's immersive 6.4-inch AMOLED display.  Vibrant colors, deep blacks, and a buttery smooth 120Hz refresh rate make everything look sharp and responsive.  Whether you're a casual scroller or a hardcore gamer, this display will impress.
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Unlocked Freedom Bend the Rules
Unlike some phones that lock you into a specific carrier, the A54 5G is gloriously unlocked.  This gives you the freedom to choose the SIM card and service plan that best suits your needs.  Want the best data allowance?  Hunting for the most competitive pricing?  The A54 5G empowers you to shop around and find the perfect fit.
Battery Built to Last
The A54 5G boasts a long-lasting 5000mAh battery that can easily keep up with your daily grind.  Stream music, browse social media, or chat with friends - all without worrying about running out of juice before the day is done.  Heavy users might need a top-up towards the end of the day, but for moderate users, a single charge should suffice.
Camera Hits and Misses
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The A54 5G's triple-camera system is decent in good lighting conditions, capturing photos with good detail and color reproduction. However, low-light performance suffers, with images becoming noisy and lacking sharpness. The front-facing camera is adequate for selfies and video calls, but again, low-light situations expose its limitations. If you're a shutterbug who prioritizes exceptional camera quality, you might want to look elsewhere.
Renewed Phone Considerations
The Samsung Galaxy A54 5G (renewed) is a pre-owned device that's been refurbished.  While reputable sellers like Instawireless ensure these phones function properly, there's a chance you might encounter minor cosmetic imperfections or slightly reduced battery capacity compared to a brand-new phone.  It's important to weigh the potential downsides against the significant cost savings.
The Verdict A Budget Warrior with Perks
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The Samsung Galaxy A54 5G (renewed) is a compelling option for budget-conscious users who prioritize everyday performance, a stunning display, and carrier flexibility.  The unlocked nature and long battery life are major perks.  However, if you crave top-of-the-line processing power or exceptional low-light camera performance, you might need to look elsewhere.  For those who can live with a renewed phone and prioritize value, the A54 5G (renewed) offers a winning combination of features at a fantastic price.
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automaticllamacycle · 1 month
ok airpod max anon here. i need details on the sony headphones because i can’t like make sense of the best buy reviews. im literally just looking for good noise cancellation headphones that i can play music through because #autism
Big explanation under the cut so that everyone doesn’t have to hear me yap about how much better Ithink the Sony ones are than the AirPod max
Both models of the Sony XM4 and the XM5 are rated wayyyy better than AirPods Max! The first difference is that the Sony ones are literally 100 dollars cheaper for the XM5s and 200 dollars cheaper for the XM4s. Now hear me out. eBay certified refurbished you can get the XM5s for 220 dollars. They are refurbished and certified BY Sony to be like new. And they have a two year warranty. I got my XM4s from eBay certified refurbished for 170 dollars. I’ve had them for over a year and have had no problems at all! I love them so much and it’s truly an amazing deal because the headphones are basically brand new. This is how they are classified on eBay!
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ANYWAY other than the price difference let’s get into the specs.
The XM4s and the XM5s are more portable than the pro max. Also while they’re both Bluetooth, the Sony ones do come with a cord to make them corded headphones. So if you’re ever without a charger you can still have good noice canceling headphones.
Another thing they can do that their pro max’s can’t, is connect to more than one device at one time. I usually have them connected to my iPhone and my computer!
One thing to make a note of is that AirPod pro max are quite a bit heavier than the sony ones because they have a metal frame. I have some sensory issues and use my headphones for noise canceling as well, and I just wanted you to be aware! Especially since you’re wanting to use them to help with autism. Some people find the extra weight to be headache inducing.
The Sony XM5s last an extra 10 hours longer than the air pod pro max do with noice canceling on! And finally to end this very big product pitch the XM5s have better sound canceling then the air pod pro max does. Like quite a few decibels of difference.
Sony doesn’t specialize in phones, they specialize in technology, and that shows in the design of their headphones. They are so excellently made!
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gadgetsproworld · 2 months
Is It Safe To Charge Your iPhone With a Power Bank
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What you should know before plugging in a Power Bank into your new iPhone
In today’s digital world, the quest for continuous connectivity has made power banks indispensable for iPhone users. Concerns often arise about the safety of charging iPhones with power banks. It’s important to know that iPhones are built with an internal charging circuit that regulates the power intake, ensuring the device only draws the power it requires. This mechanism safeguards the iPhone against potential damage during charging, irrespective of the power source. Our discussion unfolds around the safety, efficiency, and compatibility considerations of using power banks with iPhones, providing peace of mind to users.
Understanding iPhone’s Built-in Safety Measures
The sophisticated charging circuitry of iPhones plays a pivotal role in their ability to manage power intake efficiently. This ensures that whether an iPhone is charged using a wall adapter or a power bank, the device’s internal mechanisms regulate the charging process. This is critical for preventing issues such as overcharging and overheating, which could otherwise compromise the longevity and health of the battery.
Power Banks vs. Wall Adapters: Demystifying the Charging Process
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The debate between power banks and wall adapters centers on convenience versus efficiency. Power banks provide the flexibility of mobile charging, a convenience that wall adapters can’t match. However, both charging methods utilize similar technologies to deliver power to your device. The crux of the matter lies in selecting a power bank that aligns with the iPhone’s charging specifications, thereby ensuring an optimal charging experience.
Choosing the Right Power Bank for Your iPhone
The marketplace is awash with power banks, but not all are suited for your iPhone. Selecting the best power bank for iPhone, including options like a MagSafe power bank for iPhone or a PD power bank for iPhone, can significantly enhance your charging experience. Opt for a power bank that supports the iPhone’s native charging protocol for quick and efficient power-ups.
Don’t Be Fooled by Knock-Offs: Prioritize Reputable Brands
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The proliferation of counterfeit power banks poses a risk to your iPhone. It’s imperative to opt for reputable brands that adhere to safety standards, ensuring a secure and efficient charge every time. Low priced power banks are most often use refurbished components & batteries which will only last a few months and also tend to malfunction.
Decoding Power Bank Specs: What You Need to Know (mAh, Output)
A power bank’s specifications, such as milliampere-hours (mAh) and output, are crucial to its compatibility with your iPhone. A higher mAh rating signifies a larger capacity, offering multiple charges for your device, while the output determines the charging speed. Matching these specs with your iPhone’s requirements is key to a satisfactory charging experience. For larger battery iPhones like the 15Pro & 15Pro Max we would advise buying a larger capacity battery.
High Capacity on Your Mind? Here’s Why It’s Safe (for iPhones)
The concern that a high-capacity power bank might damage an iPhone is unfounded. Thanks to the iPhone’s intelligent charging management, using a high-capacity power bank is safe, as the phone will only utilize the necessary amount of power.
Preserving Battery Life
Beyond selecting the right charging accessories, maintaining your iPhone’s battery life is crucial. Strategies such as adjusting screen brightness, preferring Wi-Fi connections, engaging Low Power Mode, and monitoring battery usage help in extending the life of your iPhone’s battery. Remember, the longevity of lithium-ion batteries, like those in iPhones, is maximized by avoiding complete discharges and exposure to extreme temperatures.
In conclusion, using a power bank to charge your iPhone is a safe and practical solution for keeping your device powered throughout the day. By making informed choices about power banks, focusing on reputable brands, and understanding the needs of your iPhone, you can ensure a worry-free charging experience. With the right care, your iPhone’s battery will continue to support your connected lifestyle efficiently.
Original Source: Is It Safe To Charge Your iPhone With a Power Bank
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itshop7 · 3 months
Looking to Sell Your Phone? Get a Great Price Here!
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In today’s fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest smartphone models has become the norm. With new features and advancements hitting the market regularly, it’s no wonder that many people are constantly upgrading their phones. But what about the old ones? Instead of letting your old phone collect dust, why not turn it into cash? If you’re in Dubai, you’re in luck! Sell Phone Dubai offers a hassle-free solution to sell any phone and get a great price for it.
The Importance of Selling Your Old Phone
Before diving into the details of how Sell Phone Dubai can help you sell your phone, let’s first understand why it’s important to sell your old device rather than letting it sit unused.
Environmental Impact
Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing concern globally. Discarded phones contribute significantly to this problem. By selling your old phone, you’re not only putting some extra cash in your pocket but also doing your part in reducing e-waste.
Financial Benefit
With the rapid advancements in technology, the value of smartphones depreciates quickly. Holding onto an old phone may mean losing out on potential resale value. Selling it allows you to recover some of the initial investment, which can be put towards purchasing a new device.
Decluttering and Space Management
Old phones lying around the house can contribute to clutter and take up valuable space. Selling them not only helps declutter your living space but also ensures that someone else can put the device to good use.
Introducing Sell Phone Dubai
He is a trusted platform that specializes in buying used phones at competitive prices. Whether you’re looking to upgrade to the latest model or simply want to get rid of your old device, Sell Phone Dubai offers a convenient solution.
Why Choose Sell Phone Dubai?
Competitive Prices: Sell Phone Dubai ensures that sellers receive a fair price for their old phones. With a transparent pricing model, you can trust that you’re getting the best deal possible.
Convenience: Selling your phone through Sell Phone Dubai is hassle-free. Simply visit their website Sell any phone Dubai, fill out the necessary details about your device, and receive an instant quote. No need to deal with negotiations or meetups with potential buyers.
Fast and Secure Payment: Once you accept the offer, Sell Phone Dubai ensures prompt payment. Whether you prefer cash or online transfer, they’ve got you covered. Plus, all transactions are conducted securely, giving you peace of mind.
Wide Range of Accepted Devices: They accept phones from various brands and models, ensuring that no device goes to waste. Whether you have an iPhone, Samsung, Huawei, or any other brand, they’ll buy it from you.
Environmental Responsibility: By selling your phone to Sell Phone Dubai, you’re contributing to environmental sustainability. They follow eco-friendly practices in the refurbishment and recycling of old devices, minimizing their impact on the environment.
How to Sell Your Phone with Sell Phone Dubai
Selling your phone through Sell Phone Dubai is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Visit the Website: Head over to Sell Phone to access Sell Phone Dubai’s online platform.
Provide Details: Fill out the online form with details about your phone, including its brand, model, condition, and any accessories it comes with.
Receive Instant Quote: Based on the information provided, you’ll receive an instant quote for your device.
Accept the Offer: If you’re satisfied with the offer, accept it to proceed with the sale.
Arrange Pickup or Drop-off: They offers flexible options for pickup or drop-off of your device. Choose the method that’s most convenient for you.
Receive Payment: Once Sell Phone Dubai receives and verifies your device, you’ll receive payment promptly.
Don’t let your old phone gather dust when you can turn it into cash with Sell Phone Dubai. With competitive prices, convenience, and a commitment to environmental responsibility, They offer a win-win solution for sellers. Visit their website today to sell any phone and get a great price for it.
Whether you’re upgrading to the latest model or simply looking to declutter, Sell Phone UAE has you covered. Say goodbye to your old phone and hello to extra cash in your pocket!
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grest1 · 4 months
Unlocking Savings: The Smart Choice to Buy Refurbished Mobile Phones on Grest
In the ever-evolving world of technology, staying up-to-date with the latest mobile devices can be an expensive endeavor. However, savvy consumers are discovering a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative — purchasing refurbished mobile phones. Grest, your go-to destination for quality electronics, offers an extensive range of refurbished smartphones that not only save you money but also contribute to reducing electronic waste. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of buying refurbished mobile phones and why Grest is the perfect choice for your next smartphone purchase.
Cost Savings: One of the most significant advantages of buying a refurbished mobile phone is the cost savings. Refurbished devices are typically much more affordable than their brand-new counterparts, allowing consumers to enjoy the latest technology without breaking the bank. Grest’s commitment to providing quality refurbished smartphones ensures that you get excellent value for your money, making high-end devices accessible to a broader audience.
Quality Assurance: Contrary to common misconceptions, refurbished does not mean inferior quality. Grest thoroughly tests and certifies each refurbished mobile phone to ensure it meets industry standards. With Grest, you can trust that your purchase will function like new, thanks to rigorous quality control processes. Each device undergoes comprehensive testing, repairs, and software updates, guaranteeing a reliable and efficient user experience.
Environmentally Conscious Choice: By choosing to buy a refurbished mobile phone from Grest, you are making an environmentally conscious decision. Extending the life of electronic devices through refurbishment reduces electronic waste and the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new devices. By opting for a refurbished smartphone, you contribute to sustainability efforts and promote a more eco-friendly approach to technology consumption.
Warranty and Customer Support: Grest stands behind the quality of its refurbished mobile phones by offering warranties and reliable customer support. This commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that you have peace of mind with your purchase. Should any issues arise, Grest’s dedicated support team is ready to assist, providing a hassle-free and positive buying experience.
Variety and Up-to-Date Models: Grest continually updates its inventory to offer a wide selection of the latest and most popular smartphone models. Whether you’re looking for the latest iPhone, Samsung Galaxy, or Google Pixel, Grest is your one-stop shop for refurbished devices. This variety allows you to choose a device that suits your preferences and needs without compromising on quality.
Conclusion: In the era of smart spending and environmental responsibility, buying a refurbished mobile phone from Grest emerges as the smart choice. Unlock unparalleled savings, embrace quality assurance, and contribute to a sustainable future by opting for a refurbished smartphone. Experience the best of both worlds — cutting-edge technology and budget-friendly prices — when you choose Grest as your trusted source for refurbished mobile phones. Elevate your mobile experience without emptying your wallet — explore Grest today!
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