#Buzz Baxter
pageofqueens · 7 days
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browsethestacks · 1 year
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Vintage Comic - Junior Miss #037
Pencils: Louise Altson
Inks: Louise Altson
Timely (Dec1949)
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cinder-no · 2 years
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Mad-Dog - Pony Town
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So Crossbones set up a bet with Batroc that he could best any fighters Bartoc throws at him, and Steve, now pretending to be Crossbones, walks into the fight unknowing and now has to throw down with all these people so his teammates can check the place out...
Though first up is Mad Dog... not exactly a huge threat.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
Swap AU Alert!
At last, a Step 4 for Baxter, your best friend since childhood. Hallelujah.
Here's the last fic in this delightful series, with links to the previous ones!
You were sitting by your gate in the airport, waiting on the plane that would take you back to your hometown, when you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. You took it out, looked at the screen and smiled.
Baxter had sent you a photo, and when you opened it, you saw it was specifically a selfie. He was at the country club with your moms, deep into planning their anniversary party. In the picture, they had him in one of their trademark mom hugs, and he was smiling wide with one of his arms out to capture the moment.
Before you could respond, he sent a follow-up text: "You should be here now."
"On my way," you told him.
When you made it to Prism Vista City, you'd texted Baxter like he'd asked, and you were outside for just a few minutes when you saw his sleek white car pull up towards you. You made your way towards him, anticipation at seeing your best friend making you move faster. He parked, got out, and threw himself at you.
You forgot your bags for a minute, letting them drop as you put your arms around him instead. He hugged you like he always did ever since you both left town and stopped being neighbors who saw each other every day -- hard, like he had to be sure to feel every single bit of you to remember in the weeks or months until you saw each other again.
"How have you been, darling?" he asked, pulling back to look at you. He brought a hand up to stroke your hair, then let it rest on the curve between your shoulder and neck. If anyone was watching, they'd think you were two lovers reunited, but you weren't. You were just you and Baxter.
"We talk everyday," you told him, pulling your own hand around to rest on his chest. "You know how I've been."
"I know, but it's different seeing you. Being like this."
You were about to reply, but a honking car stopped you. With a particularly dramatic sigh, Baxter let go of you and grabbed your bags, carefully placing them in his trunk as you got in the passenger side. As he drove away, he shot you a grin, then held his open palm out over the middle console. You laughed, grabbing it and putting it in your lap to hold for the drive to his apartment.
It was a little strange, you knew that. Best friends didn't normally behave as affectionately as you did. But you'd had a crush on Baxter for over a decade, one that had long since turned to love, and so you embraced his flirty, touchy tendencies. It might not mean anything to him, but it definitely meant something to you.
"Can I ask you the question now?" he said, giving your hand a squeeze as he pulled away from the airport and onto the main road.
"Already? Isn't it a little early?"
"I'm feeling particularly inspired," he told you, so you said, "Ok, go ahead."
He took a breath, gave you another squeeze, and launched into a question he'd asked you countless times in the past year since he'd moved back to the area after graduating from college.
"Will you move in with me?"
You chuckled, and he took it as an invitation to continue.
"I have a second bedroom. It's fully furnished, completely ready for you to move in at a moment's notice. You'd be closer to family."
"I like my job," you told him.
"You can do your job here, too," he argued. "And even if not, I already pay the rent and bills on my own, I could support you until you found something else."
"Baxter, I wouldn't let you support me."
"Then you can rely on your industrious spirit," he laughed. "I don't care. Just move in with me."
You told him what you always told him whenever the subject came up: "I'll think about it."
He hummed, not entirely pleased with the noncommittal answer, but he didn't have much of a choice besides accepting it.
Soon you arrived at his apartment building, and when he parked, he got out and swiftly made his way to your side. You waited for him, content to give him the opportunity to be a gentleman, and he opened the door, then offered you his hand so he could help you out of the car.
"I can do this kind of stuff on my own," you told him, watching him grab your bags from the back.
"I know, but why would you? You've got me."
You followed him into the building, then into the elevator that took you up to his floor. You'd been here a few times since he'd moved in last year, but you were always impressed with how nice it was. For all he went on about cutting his parents out of his life and making his own way in the world, he was still doing very well for himself.
He unlocked the door, held it open for you, then followed you inside. He quickly moved to the guest room to put your bags down, but he was back by your side in a flash.
You hung out for a bit to rest before heading out to Sunset Bird to visit your parents. From there, you and Baxter followed them back to the airport so you could give Liz a quick hug when she arrived. She went back to your hold house with your moms, then the two of you were free again.
He wanted to cook dinner for you.
Back at his apartment, you sat by the counter, watching him prepare a somewhat complicated dish, still wearing his crisp suit. It was a nice view.
Seemingly reading your mind, he said, "It could be like this every night, you know."
"Is that so?" you asked, knowing what he was doing but wanting to hear him tell you about it anyway.
"It is. I could cook for us both, you could sit there looking gorgeous. It would be quite the life, don't you agree?"
Even after years of those kinds of comments, they could still sometimes take your breath away. Your cheeks turned red, and he grinned.
"Just think," he said, taking his voice a bit lower, "all the ways I could make you blush if we shared a home."
The way he looked at you then, glancing over from the stove, was a little different than the way he usually did. There was a sort of heat in his gaze, and you felt your face get even hotter.
Before you could find any words, his phone rang. Still, he kept his eyes on you.
"Should you answer that?" you asked. "It could be about the party, or a client."
He paused, still watching you, but eventually reached for his phone. He told you that it was a client, then took the call.
The next day was the party, and most of the day was spent with Baxter at the country club, getting things ready. The prep wasn't nearly as intense as it was for a wedding, but he still wanted things to be perfect, so he put in the same amount of effort as he would for his actual clients.
When the guests started arriving, it took Baxter a moment to flip from planner mode to party mode, but your moms forced it. As their unofficial third child, they wouldn't accept him not sharing the table with them, and so when it was time, he took the seat by you.
Dinner passed quickly, and when you were done, he gave you a familiar smirk. It didn't take a lot of considering to figure out what he was getting it -- he'd hired a band, so he wanted to dance.
With a playful sigh, you held up your hand. He took it, and pulled you to the dance floor.
"Imagine if you lived here, how often we could do this," he told you once you got in the swing of things.
"I think that's more of a reason for you than me," you replied.
"Of course, but you can't say you wouldn't like it."
He was right. You couldn't.
Much of the rest of the night was spent dancing. Your moms took turns dancing with Baxter, and you had to share your own dance with Lee. You loved it like this, everyone being together.
You hadn't told Baxter, but it was getting harder and harder to refuse his requests for you to move in with him. It really would be so nice to be closer to your parents and to see him every day. The main reason you didn't wasn't because of your job -- he was right about that too, you could do it anywhere. It was because you thought living with Baxter, so close to him while not actually being with him, would just be too hard.
When things were winding down, he approached you for a final dance, and you agreed.
"I have a proposition," he told you. "Do you think after we leave here, you might indulge me just a little?"
"In what way?"
"It's a surprise," he said, his eyes twinkling.
You couldn't say no, and he knew it, so instead of waiting for a response, he just smiled.
And that's how, when the party was over, you went with him on the familiar road back to Sunset Bird.
Baxter drove all the way to your old street, refusing to answer any questions about what exactly he was doing. He parked on the street, but this time by your moms' house -- his own parents had left the house across the street while he was in college.
You got out too, too impatient to wait for whatever he was planning. He approached you, offered you his arm, then led you down the path to the beach.
"I still don't get what's happening," you told him, but all he would say is, "You'll see."
He took you down by the shore, and when he was in a spot he deemed acceptable, he let go of you and started taking his shoes off.
"Is the surprise that you want to wade in the water?" you asked. "Because that's kind of a weird surprise."
Instead of answering you, Baxter took his socks off too, then his jacket. He unbuttoned his shirt, added it to the pile of clothes that was forming by his feet, then took off his pants.
"This is still a weird surprise," you told him, but your voice was a bit constricted this time.
"I want to go swimming," he replied. "With you. Out there. That's the surprise."
Your eyes went wide. Baxter was scared of the ocean, he always had been. Despite ten solid years of living right beside it, he'd never once gone in deeper than his knees. He always said that someday he would, but you stopped believing it a while ago.
But it looked like someday was now.
Too excited to think about being self conscious, you took your clothes off too. Both in your underwear, you made your way down to the waves.
When they started hitting his legs, he instinctively grabbed your hand. You held it firmly and let him take the lead, which he did. Despite being tense and visibly nervous, he kept going until the water was up to his chest. Then he laughed.
"You're doing it!" you told him proudly.
"Almost," he said. He let go of you then went a bit further out, fully swimming. His biggest fear, or one of them, at least, was conquered.
These days, Baxter was generally happy, but this was different. He was elated. You could see his dimples standing out on his cheeks in the moonlight. He looked like a little kid splashing around, not the mature professional he usually presented himself as. It was adorable.
You swam with him for a bit, staying close in case he got nervous, but he didn't. When he'd had enough, he moved closer to the shore so he could stand solidly again, the water up around his ribs.
You followed him, ready to congratulate him on the massive accomplishment. But before you could, he gripped your hips, pulled you against him and kissed you.
After freezing for a split second, your body reacted for you. You wrapped one arm around his shoulders, the other coming up to rest on the back of his head. The kiss was long and deep, and although you were so close already, he kept trying to bring you closer. He'd pull away for just a moment to trail smaller kisses across your cheeks, down your jawline, on your neck and across your shoulders, but it never took him long to find his way back to your lips.
Finally he took a break, leaning in close and breathing heavily. You searched his face and saw that same expression of pure and utter happiness.
"What was that for?" you asked quietly.
"For being you," he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "For being my favorite person. For being patient with me even though I should have done that years ago."
Your heart was racing, but with Baxter so close, you could feel his heart beating steady. He was excited, you knew that, but he was sure. Solid. This was what he wanted. He wanted you, it seemed, just as badly as you had always wanted him.
"Baxter?" you said, spinning a lock of his hair around your finger.
"Ask me the question again."
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suggs444 · 11 months
Snitch: Mark Hoffman x gnReader.
Synopsis: You’re Mark Hoffman’s partner in work. He’s a closed book. Till you find out his darkest secret. You abide by the law, and seek to confront him. but the one problem? You and the detective have romantic tension. He’s your crush.
TW: swearing, degrading, sexual tension (???), manipulation, guns, kissing & hair pulling.
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Gif by evilvvithin
You and Peter Strahm had been good friends. Distant but, there was trust. So much trust that he mailed you something before he disappeared. Everyone said he was the accomplice. But the package he left you? Well, it implied otherwise.
It was full of old newspapers, articles and police records. And it all pointed to one man. The last man you expected. Your work partner,
“Hoffman.” You muttered to yourself, slamming the folders shut, only praying this was wrong. Hoping that strahm’s lead on the case was nothing more than a delusion. Your feelings for Mark didn’t help this. It only fed the dread as your stomach stirs.
You and Mark had been assigned as partners for many years. And in those years had you not once let your feelings get in the way. You were professional. So was he. Almost too professional. A very closed man. Sharp, and clever.
Too clever.
You gulp, reluctantly reopening the files Strahm sent you.
“Boyfriend kills Detectives sister.”
You read, finger tips brushing the old article. Your head buzzing, thinking - till your eyes snap upward. Everything clicked. It made sense. But how could you guarantee it? Maybe Strahm was chasing a delusional. Or maybe he wasn’t, and your feelings for Mark were automatically defending him.
Your head throbs. You wince, and slam the folders shut, huffing.
This was ridiculous.
You slide the folders into your draw, intent on forgetting them.
Tomorrow was another day.
You hadn’t forgot Strahm’s folders like you had hoped. In fact, it’s all you could think about. Even now, at your work desk as you stare at the wall. So focused that you completely drowned out the sound of the office. It was busy today. Phone lines ringing, typing, chatter and the terrible hum over the overhead lights blaring down on you.
You thought about Seth Baxter. What the odds were of John Kramer targeting him of all people. You decided it was slim. It didn’t make sense.
“Look alive, y/n.”
You’re pulled from your thoughts instantly, head whirling to Mark, who stood over your desk. A hot coffee in his hand.
“You looked like you needed this.” He says.
Your throat runs dry.
Mark raises his brow at you. You can only stare at him. A sense of worry raising the hairs on your neck.
You couldn’t deny Strahm’s theory.
Mark pulls a face at your silence,
“Okay.” He says to himself, putting your coffee on your desk. You look at it, forcing yourself to snap out of it and offer a weary smile.
“Sorry,” You begin, faking a breathy laugh.
“Long night.”
“I bet.” Mark replies, his tone dryer than ever as he looks at you questionably.
“You still up for lunch?” He says, nodding at the clock. Almost twelve. Almost lunch. which meant being alone with him. You swallow, hard.
“Sorry - I think I’ll stay behind. I was running late this morning so,” You pause, your brain stirring for a proper excuse. He’s not buying it. You can tell by his expression. It makes your breath hitch, and you look back to your computer. His eyes, far too piercing. Too intimidating. All knowing. He knew you well. Too well. Especially well to know when something wasn’t right. But he dropped it, side eyeing you as he turned to leave.
“Right.” Is all he says, his tone almost mocking you as he leaves.
A relief lifts, and you exhale, squeezing your eyes shut.
5 p.m rolls around. Then 6 p.m. It was getting late. But you were fully intent on staying behind. You wanted to go through police files. Just to find anything that would debunk Strahm’s theory.
You were desperate.
Mainly because despite your newfound anxiety toward Mark, your heart still leaped when you saw him. Your cheeks warmed. Your legs, unconsciously squeezing together in anticipation. It made you feel sick. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if Strahm was right.
You haven’t seen Mark since lunch. And the office was empty now. You took that as your opportunity.
Cautious, you stand. Your legs like jelly, you’d been sat for most of the day. Too head wrecked to move. Too worried to bump into Mark. Your coffee was un touched too. You had let it go cold.
Exhaustion hits you once you stand.
“Fuck,” You mutter, stretching. Your hand kneading your neck as you walk toward the office door.
You push through, looking left and right as you check the halls before stepping out. It was empty. You relaxed.
You reached the files room and entered, flicking the lights on. It was dimly lit. You walked through the isles looking for ‘B’. You decided to read more into the Seth Baxter case. Maybe you could find something. Anything. You reached the isle alphabetically listed ‘B’ and walked down it slowly, pointing your finger at the folders as you scanned for Seth’s name.
“Baxter, Baxter, Baxter …”
You whispered to yourself, reaching the folder finally.
“Gotcha.” You say triumphant, as you slip the file from the folder.
You lean against the shelving as you opened the file. Disappointed to find nothing but things you already knew. You huff, flicking through. The page lands on an image of Mark’s sister. You can’t help the guilt stirring in your stomach. You’d only met her once. But it was enough to know she was lovely.
“Working overtime?”
You gasp, spinning around in shock to see Mark standing there. You slam the file shut, pulling it close to your chest.
“God, Mark!” You exclaim, your heart battering.
“You scared the shit out of me!”
Marks smiling. Only slightly, but it’s not a smile of amusement. It’s proud. As if he’s figured you out. It makes you gulp.
You don’t like the growing silence. The tension. You calm your breathing and your mind. Forcing a smile,
“I thought you went home.” You say, trying to compose yourself despite your legs telling you to run.
“I did. I forgot my phone,” He shrugs his shoulders, pulling a face.
“Just didn’t expect to find you still here. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing.” You reply, quick.
His eyes shoot down to the folder in your grasp. You follow his gaze.
“Doesn’t look like nothing, l/n.” He takes a few steps close, towering over you. Your dry lips part over his height. His broad chest. The way it rises and falls. He goes to take the file, but you’re clutching it still. His eyes snap to yours.
Defeated, you let go.
He sighs through his nose, his expression warning you to back down as he opens the folder. You feel your heart pounding against your chest - thrumming in your ears. Heat rising to your cheeks due to the closeness of his chest despite being petrified. You can’t find your words. No defence, no explanation. You practically accept your fate as you watch his expression harden at the folder.
“Well,” He says, harshly closing the folder over as he lifts his gaze. His lips, pouting as ever. His eyes, sharp and investigating.
Your mouth parts to speak, he cuts you off,
“You avoid me all day. And now this?” He says, shaking the file in his grip. You can’t look at him. Your eyes downward at your feet.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on with you?” He says again.
You stare at the ground.
You hear him huff as he puts the file back. “Go home, y/n. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
You hear him turn and begin to walk away. The space from him allows you to breathe, as you watch him begin to leave. Something in you clicks. A confidence. You remember your job. A server of the law. You push away your feelings for him and take two steps after him.
“I know who you are, Mark.” You announce boldly. His shoes scuff as he halts, his back still to you.
You straighten your back in some attempt to feel in charge.
His head whips over his shoulder, “Huh?”
You point your chin at him. “You heard me, Mark.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth as he turns to you, “Really?” His voice is low and smooth, like honey. You found it hard to dislike.
“Enlighten me then.” He says, putting his hands out to express his words as if offering you the stage before putting them on his hips.
You glare at him.
“You’re a detective aren’t you? Do your job. Detect.” He pushes, his tone mocking you. You tried not to feel small or discouraged.
“You’re an accomplice to Jigsaw.” You state.
“Oh yeah? How’d you reach that conclusion? We’ve been partners for -”
“Stop, Mark. Strahm left me everything. All the evidence. You killed Seth, you blamed Jigsaw and now he’s got you wrapped around his finger.”
He’s quiet, his expression fierce as he watches you unravel.
“Hasn’t he?”
“You trust Peter Strahm over me?”
“I trust my instincts.”
“Well your instincts are wrong.”
“They’ve got me this far.” You snap.
He shakes his head, visibly clenching his jaw as his cheek flexes.
“You’ve crossed a line, y/n.” He bites, turning on his heel to leave, “I’m taking this up with Erikson.”
You pull your gun.
You don’t know what came over you. You didn’t want this. At all. It hurt to even point your gun at him. Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself. Your hand shakes.
You hear him sigh and turn back to you yet again, “You’re not gonna shoot me.”
You swallow hard. You’re shaking. He notices. His eyes racking over you. He takes it as an opportunity to step closer.
You adjust your grip on the gun.
Closer, he creeps before his chest is pressing against the gun.
You look at him with glossy eyes. You can’t do it.
“The safety’s on.” He says.
You unleash a breath. Shit.
His hand comes to the gun. You let him take it,
“There you go.” He hums, shoving the gun into his belt.
Your eyes close. You’re exhausted as you heave a heavy sigh.
“You’re very clever, detective.” You hear, opening your eyes upward to him.
He’s confessing?
But ..
“I’m right?” You softly say.
He takes another step, backing you up until your back hits the wall. You feel tiny. Helpless. So close you can smell his cologne. The coffee on his breath. One of his arms cages you as he splays his hand on the wall behind you.
“Mhm. And you’re not gonna say a word, are you?”
You gawk at him. He tilts his head, “Are you?”
You want to push him away. But you can’t help it. You can’t help how your legs waver - the rising heat in your face. You’re trembling.
“No what?”
“No, Mark.”
He hums, satisfied. He can see the lust in your eyes.
“You’re gonna have to prove it, sweetheart.”
You blink at him as his free hand comes to clutch your jaw - slowly tilting your head backward.
“Open up now, C’mon. Be good.”
You press your legs together, and you can’t help a whine as it slips out as you open your mouth. God.
You felt helpless in all the best ways.
He sneers, edging close till he’s inches from your open mouth. Softly, he dips his tongue into your mouth. You moan, melting into him as you both press into an open mouthed kiss.
Your hands find his broad chest - clutching his blazer and pulling him closer to you. He obliges, groaning as a hand tangles tight into your hair - curling then pulling you away from the kiss.
You gasp, keeping close to him. Wanting more as you push up against him. He chuckles.
“You were ready to shoot me a few minutes ago. Look at you now, huh.” He mutters against your lips, snarling. His tone harsh and degrading. He gives your hair another yank. You whimper sweetly against his lips.
“You’re mine.” He growls. “Say it,” He demands.
“I’m yours.”
AUTHORS NOTE: i LOVED writing this ?????? lmk if you want more mark fics or a part two ???? 🙈🙈
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
An incomplete list of shit TMNT 2003 got past the censors:
1. Stockman decomposing in real time while he runs around hallucinating at April.
2. Leo cutting off Shredder's head.
3. Shredder picking up his head and putting it back on.
4. Mikey blowing up alien soldiers with their own grenades on purpose by playing pretend.
5. Mikey blowing up his villainous alternate father on purpose with no noted processing.
6. Same As It Never Was. All of it.
7. The tentacle creature in Darkness Within. With its shaped tips and thick secretions.
8. Raph saying "YO MAMA."
9. Agent Bishop saying "Very well, Michelangelo, when you scream my name, pleading to make the pain stop, begging for mercy, you may call me Bishop." In the same tone as Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith.
10. Agent Bishop attempting to vivisect Mikey with a surgical buzz saw in front of his brothers.
11. Baxter Stockman winding up a brain and eye in a jar. And he still finds it funny.
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blueiscoool · 6 months
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Carrot Harvest Helped Metal Detectorist FindA Ancient Coins Hoard
When Alan Baxter found a medieval ring in a farmer's field he knew there could be more ancient artefacts nearby - but the stubble from the thick oat crop made it difficult for his metal detector to get anywhere near the ground. So he waited.
Four years later the farmer had planted and harvested carrots.
"It must have had a deep plough when the carrots got lifted and I could get my detector right to the soil," the 44-year-old said.
"Every 3ft I was getting a signal. I couldn't move, there was stuff everywhere.
"I didn't want to go home."
The highlight of his haul in 2022 was a hoard of farthings from the reign of 15th Century Scottish King James III.
"I got my first one and I knew it was really rare because I know my coins," he said.
"After that it was just like a tap, it just kept on going, and over the course of a few weeks I pulled 52 of them."
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The 500-year-old coins, which were made of copper and were worth a quarter of a penny, were in very good condition, Mr Baxter, from Falkirk, said.
The coins are irregular shapes. They have the Saltire - the cross of St Andrew - on one side and a crown on the other.
"To hold something that's hundreds of years old for the first time is extraordinary," he said.
"You get a real buzz going up and down your body which lasts all day and all night."
An expert at the National Museum of Scotland said it was the first hoard of James III farthings to be found since 1919.
Metal detectorists need to ask for permission from landowners to search on their land and anything they find must be handed into the Treasure Trove for analysis and recording.
Under Scottish law all finds of archaeological, historical or cultural significance must be reported and can be claimed by the Crown.
Neither detectorists nor landowners have ownership rights to any archaeological finds made in Scotland. Finds that are allocated to a museum through the Treasure Trove system are usually acknowledged by an award paid to the detectorist.
Detectorists generally split the money with the landowner.
Mr Baxter has detected at many sites, all of which he keeps a closely guarded secret. They include the 14-acre fields in Fife where he has now found more than 500 pieces ranging from the Bronze Age to the medieval period.
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"I go along to farmers' doors with my portfolio of previous finds and show them what I do and ask them for permission to detect on their land," he said.
"You try to make yourself presentable, you put gel in your hair and wash your car and turn up in nice clothes.
"I hate getting permission because it's quite awkward speaking to the landowner. Farmers are busy and the last thing they want to do is speak to a wee guy asking for metal detecting permission."
The James III hoard has been put into the British numismatics journal, which charts the best finds in the country.
It also includes two Balliol coins which Mr Baxter discovered at the site in Fife. These farthings are extremely rare and are the only two to have ever been found in Scotland.
John Balliol reigned as king of Scotland from 1292 to 1296.
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The find was allocated to the National Museums of Scotland and £5,000 was paid out.
Mr Baxter has also found 69 medieval coins from the reign of English King Edward I, whose armies invaded Scotland at the end of the 13th Century.
The medieval ring, which was his first find on the Fife site, dates between the 13th and 14th century.
"Initially I thought it was a bottle top because when it came out of the ground I could see the silver edges," Mr Baxter said.
"I saw the writing at the side and the big clasped hands at the front and I thought: 'That's a medieval ring'.
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"It was just a great feeling to see it because it was a sunny day and it was twinkling away and it was in really good condition because it's been coated in gold, which has protected it from the soil."
Mr Baxter, who works as a lab technician, said he believed it was a betrothal ring.
"It would have been a higher status individual who owned it," he said.
"It weighs 9.5g, it's a heavy piece. A medieval penny would weigh about 1.2g, so that's about seven medieval pennies, so it wouldn't have been a peasant who owned that at the time."
The ring is silver but it has been coated in gold. It was eight inches down in the ground when his detector picked it up.
Mr Baxter, who has written a book entitled Making history: My Life As a Scottish Metal Detectorist, said it was hard for people to understand how difficult it was to find ancient artefacts.
He said: "In a general field 90% of the time there will be nothing in it.
"You could go in all the fields on the right and left along the M9 from Falkirk to Edinburgh and there would be nothing in them apart from modern Victorian stuff or Georgian stuff.
"It's hard to get stuff that's beyond 500 and 600 years old because the population was a lot lower."
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Mr Baxter said a field could be full of medieval items, but detectors were not going to find them if the crops were too high.
"Then it comes down to knowledge and the best conditions," he said.
"You need to know that the crops need to be soft cut.
"Barley and wheat is softer than oats. When oats get cut the stubble is really hard.
"And obviously the carrot harvest was the best."
By Angie Brown.
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shantechni · 1 year
I don't think we talk enough about the boys' different reactions to Splinter's brief chance of becoming human again, as well as the possibility of him regaining bits of his past that were once thought to be gone for good.
Human once more?
When Donatello first presents Splinter with a beaker of retromutagen in The Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman, he's evidently excited and expectant of a similar reaction from Splinter. And Leo's expression is mild yet very telling of how he feels about what Donnie did; they're both willing to give Splinter his human form again.
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Raph and Mikey are almost on the opposite side of the spectrum though.
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One could easily pass their reactions for being surprise or shock at Donnie making enough for Splinter, but the fact that only Donnie and Leo are shown with favorable reactions kind of solidifies the possibility of them not being fond of the idea, at least not right away.
Of course, Splinter passes up his opportunity so Kirby could get his turn first, but Stockman buzzes in and ruins whatever chances Donnie had of fulfilling his promise. And by the end of the episode, everyone looks disappointed, including Mikey and Raph.
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Like many things in this show, it's not really explored further or touched upon again (there's probably no need for that), but the duo's initial reactions give away their thought processes: Splinter becoming human again? What does that mean for us?
After all the hullabaloo with Stockman though, they clearly align with Leo and Donnie on the matter and feel bad that the vial of retromutagen was lost. Splinter doesn't speak much about his human life outside of giving his sons cautionary tales, but he doesn't hide how much he misses it at times either, so it's only natural for the boys to want to give him what he misses. Ultimately though, Splinter tells them not to worry about the retromutagen situation since he's content with where and who he is now, and the boys no longer appear forlorn.
Shout out to that 1987 episode with a similar premise✌🏽
That would've been the end of the turtles trying to give Splinter any semblance of his old life if not for the S1 finale.
Karai's our sister!?
The boys only have a relationship with Karai because of her connection to Splinter and his life as a human, which goes hand in hand with why they went through so much trouble for her.
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As soon as Splinter tells them the truth of Karai's lineage, Leo suddenly has a bigger reason to bring Karai to the good side. Meanwhile, Mikey deploys his famous strategy of silently determining for himself from the sidelines if Karai is trustworthy. Though he admonished Leo for trusting her in The Alien Agenda, he doesn't expresses distaste and distrust for her to quite the same extent as the others (especially Raph), and he's also the first to openly acknowledge her as their sister. Raph and Donnie are constantly honest about how little they think they could grow to trust her, and they have a point; she was raised by the Shredder and is their sworn enemy under the Foot clan, how can they trust her?
Even when she briefly fights alongside them against Tiger Claw, Donnie and Raph still have their doubts. Leo tries to argue his point like usual, but Raph sounds so done with Karai when he reiterates that she was raised by the Shredder. No amount of blood ties will change that.
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But when Leo bears witness to how heavily Karai's absence weighs on Splinter, his determination forces Raph and Donnie to put aside whatever animosity they had left and decide to save her.
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And, after Karai gets mutated through a series of unfortunate events that will surely be blamed on the wrong party by a literal psychopath, the rest of the turtles bear witness to Splinter's pain as he closes himself off in the midst of another grieving process.
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They feel bad for what happened to Karai, but the way they go on to speak about the situation in A Chinatown Ghost Story tells us that they mostly feel bad because Splinter feels bad, a huge change from before when Leo was the only one feeling the guilt. They aren't so close to her to feel genuine grief, but their father lost his daughter for the second time, and it's up to them to find her.
The situation especially hurts in the beginning of The Fourfold Trap because, usually, helping Splinter would bring them together to aim for one mutual goal, but the stress gets to everyone and Raph even goes so far to call Karai a lost cause, a statement that instantly ticks Mikey off. Splinter does his best to mediate by telling them that he's thankful for the four of them, but the boys are too painfully aware of the problem to accept the sentiment.
She was what little Splinter had of his past life as a human, and the boys clung to her so much that they, without realizing it, began to see her as an integral part of their little family.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Hello! It's Secret Identity Alastor AU Anon again! <3
Probably an unpopular take but: if they were gonna give That scene to Alastor and Mimzy in 'Dad Beat Dad' where Alastor tells Mimzy to buzz off, then Alastor should've gotten the 'fair weather/toxic friend' plotline rather than Angel Dust (it would've spared Cherri the character assassination at least). Or at the very least a friend betrayal plotline, not even a 'I tried to kill you/other people you started to care about" way, just a, "I actively fed information about you to other interested hostile parties and didn't even give you a heads up when their goons came knocking."
Maybe build it up with Alastor actually being, pretty reliable with doing Hotel things. Have multiple sinners check in for various reasons than just Sir Pentious, like Baxter, Crymini and then Mimzy. Have Mimzy be the spy for the Vees but Alastor totally unwilling to consider it. Have there be an actual mystery of who the spy is, and have Alastor and Vaggie be the main investigators because Charlie is busy trying to get an audience with the branch of Heaven monitoring Hell & running the Purges. Have Husk and Alastor (I prefer AU where they're actually kinda buds but I'd imagine they hold each other at a distance, or are tsundere about it) have an argument about Mimzy possibly being the spy, and have Alastor lose his fucking temper because that's his Bestie that Husk is trash talking (Husk wasn't exactly, but that's the point) and double down because man is literally terrified of looking weak and attackable. Have Mimzy had started to get cold feet about dropping an attack where one of her friends (Alastor) is working closely with, but the siege happening before she can give her friend a heads up. Then the friend betrayal is staring Alastor in the face. Have the attack on the hotel happen because Charlie is out at the meeting with Heaven finally; and thus leaving the Hotel "vulnerable". Have the culmination of the trust exercises for the main cast be the battle to defend themselves and the Hotel.
Then instead of like, talking about what they're actually feeling or whatever, Mimzy doubles down too, tries to play it off like, "there was never anything to worry about, besides, you've always been good at landing on your hooves, Al."
And then Alastor tells her to leave, maybe the whole "[redemption's] not your style" thing could be a callback to her words upon her check in to the Hotel? (Mimzy and Alastor could make up and be friends again in the future after some character development for both, some plot and actual communication between them.)
Then Alastor disappears long enough for the rest of the cast to grow concerned (there would've been, some bonding there?) enough to go looking for him. He's out killing and eating his feelings, he also might be injured from the Hotel Siege but refused to let the other Hotel cast see him look weak.
Also, I feel that one of Alastor's main sins/flaws should be Wrath. People keep assigning him Pride or Gluttony, and while I get it, it doesn't feel all that special or personal. But a vigilante killer in Hell who despite being in Hell still follows a code that punishes those that prey on or victimize the weak (in his eyes)? That's Wrath babey! What if Alastor had his father's temper (if we go with the common fanon that he had an abusive father, who probably hurt his mother while he was helpless to solve the problem in a meaningful way)? And oh, Alastor would be decent at keeping a lid on his temper in everyday life, whether through manners, hobbies, keeping distant, venting on hunting down jerks in Hell, etc, but his main method of self-control is complete denial & refusal to examine his own negative feelings, just keep dancing smiling 'til the curtain call, everything Is Fine, he is perfectly fine. So basically, Alastor's smile is a pressure cooker containing his temper (or something idk metaphor lol), and even he doesn't know when it's going to go off.
Yeah I know my AU version of Alastor is drifting significantly from both "canon" Alastor and long established common fan interpretations of him, but I like the stark dichotomy between the image that Alastor wishes to project as both his identities (the Radio Demon and Alastor) compared to whatever's actually going on in his head and his character arc. I hope this all makes sense or seems coherent to other people who aren't me.
Idk that's all I have right now. Like idk if I'd keep it, but the conflict of interest among friends, even besties, in the survival situation that is Hell could be interesting. It's a fun thought, anyways if you have thoughts, about or to add or whatever, have at it if you want (or not, that's valid too). <3
Got nothing to add to this, but I did enjoy reading it!
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purrassicjet · 4 months
I choose to believe that Baxter was by himself because Sandra Lynn was in a life-threatening situation and sent him away, yes, but then found a freshly expired health potion in the back of the Mordred cabinets. The health potion didn't heal her wounds but FUCK did it give her a buzz (it's expired. Who knows what happens to potions when they expire), so she just, ran on basically adrenaline for the whole fight and then collapsed into bed once it was over for a handy dandy wound healing long rest
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sugar-omi · 10 months
requesting for hc for the boys as characters in Stardew? I srsly need someone to make an Our Life mod for SV. It would motivate me to play again.
no bc if I figure it out... I got you anon 💪💪 I've been thinking abt a olba stardew mod for agessss
Fluff, headcanons, stardew valley x olba crossover
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he pulls a Kent or like that one mod that adds June (I think that's his name. he's from the ridgeside village mod)
and you don't met him until summer, where he vacations in the valley
mmm... moves to the valley at some point. or maybe he stays after summer
lives in a quaint house. small but comfortable
super polite as always, even brings you a house warming gift and invites you for drinks
frequently sends letters. sometimes with small gifts or recipes or invites to dinner or for a dance
mmm cut scenes... well I'm not gonna talk abt all 2, 4, 6, 8, etc heart events...
omfg he's like Harvey who plans romantic dates after you get married
8 event, he wines and dines you n then kisses you
has a 1 or 2 heart event where you run into him on his run, and he helps you carry your seed and fertilizer back to the farm
like Sam, he has a heart event with his family. prbly 6 hearts
you have a nice dinner w his family, laughs n giggles but the real meat of the event is afterwards when he's walking you home
mmm maybe incorporating his dlc and you're walking through your farm n he's talking about how nice it is you found smth you wanna do
tells you he hopes he can find happiness n purpose like you found in the valley
then in his 8 or 12/14 heart, tells you he found that with you <333
Elliot 2.0
lives on the beach and you can find him at the beach every day from spring til summer
has a small farm, nothing big literally just 3 squares he grows something on each season
is awkward but welcomes you and is pretty shy for awhile, kinda like Sophia from SVE but not the same ofc
omfg basically lives in/by the boat watching that mermaid show. I forget what the name of it is, but the night market in stardew
I can already imagine the special dialogue during the moonlight jellies scene, very excited to see those
has a heart event too ofc, 8 or 12 hearts, and you're outside stargazing, maybe even taking a little dip in the ocean like in step 4 and tells you how he loves you, all that stuff
omg 14 hearts where you go on a boat n he tells you how happy he is w your little family... pls
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yeah im already planning dialogue lines for the boys each season and marriage/dating lines.... HELL IM EVEN THINKING ABT FRIEND GROUPS
lemme figure out how to code bc I am buzzing w ideas rn
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browsethestacks · 2 years
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Al Hartley - Patsy Walker #124 Buzz Baxter Paper Doll Splash Page "Buzz Baxter, All American" Original Art (Marvel, 1965).
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knickynoo · 1 year
I had gotten that Michael J. Fox "Rolling Stone" a while ago, and I recently acquired another magazine with an interview with him. It's the January 1988 edition of "Interview."
Here it is in its special plastic pouch. It also arrived carefully packed in three of those sturdy, flat cardboard boxes to ensure it arrived without damage. I was opening it and just kept finding more packaging with every layer of tape I cut through, lol.
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First of all, this magazine is huge. Here it is next to a regular-sized magazine (Also featuring MJF that I picked up at the checkout line at a grocery store a few months ago)
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Some highlights from the interview, along with several pictures I'd never seen before:
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The interviewer mentions being enthusiastically greeted by Michael's dog, Burnaby, before the two of them lead the way through the house. He writes, "I followed as the two pranced down the hall. One of them let out a bark."
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I'm telling you. Almost every interview with Michael from the 80s mentions that he would spontaneously get up and just start "bopping" around the room, pacing, sitting in different places, etc. There was an old interview with Meredith Baxter (Elyse on Family Ties) who was talking about Michael and said something along the lines of, "I love that boy, but he just doesn't slow down for a second. He's always in a whirlwind of motion." And she goes on to say that he's always buzzing around wildly on the set and mentions a moment when he excitedly presented her with Christmas gifts that were all unwrapped because he couldn't be bothered to sit still long enough to wrap them.
Makes me think of how, in his new documentary, Still, he mentions how he was never able to stay still. This is very much evident in all these interviews!
Michael, on his perception of himself: "I've always thought of myself as small. Geeky. Ferretlike." What a description.
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Can't help but wonder exactly what point of the show that was, where that happened to him.
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One of my favorite photos of him! I'd never known where it was from and had also never seen the full image.
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This was a very neat find and addition to my collection.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
More Our Life headcannons
-- Cove went through a pretty intense Pokemon obsession when he was a kid, like 10 or 11. Played the video games, collected cards, watched the show, everything. He always picks a water starter. Squirtle is his favorite of all time, and he gets a little bummed when he evolves it.
-- During this phase, he wanted to go as Ash for Halloween. He wanted you to do a matching costume and he was Very Excited about it. If you didn't get as into it, he at least made you watch the show with him some.
You: Ok, I'll be Brock/Misty.
Cove: What? No, you'll be Pikachu.
Cove: *smug grin* I choose you.
-- Even if you end up married with a bunch of kids, together for decades, he will still never believe he pulled off that line.
-- If this is too much Pokemon for you, that's ok, this one is for me.
-- By the time he decided he was done with the black and white hair, he'd been just bleaching the hell out of it for years (it is also my belief that he would literally rather drop dead than have his roots show at this time in his life). He went to his stylist and asked to go all black, but his hair was just fried and that's a whole process, so they convinced him to just buzz it off and start fresh since he doesn't wear his hair super long anyway.
-- He was hesitant, but hoped it might give him a fresh start (it did not). He never kept it that short, but he did feel like a bit of a bad boy while he had it.
-- Derek's parents eventually apologized to him for how much they put on him as a kid. Like a formal, sincere apology. It was intense, everybody cried. He tried to shrug it off at first, saying he didn't mind and it wasn't a big deal, but his parents wouldn't let it go. It was a very cathartic moment for the Suarez family.
-- Cove can't cook or bake, but he can make a mean milkshake.
-- Baxter has a dermatologist that he sees on a very regular basis because he gets nervous about his moles. He always carries sunscreen.
-- I've said before that Derek can fix anything, but seriously, anything. Not just cars or leaky faucets or whatever, like computers and stuff too. If you have something that isn't working, nine times out of ten he can fix it.
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ahedderick · 1 year
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With dogs limited color vision, Lady is probably not too impressed with the wildflower display. However, there are definitely things to sniff and listen to in there!
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Baxter learned the hard way that the wonderful buzz of the bees was not something he should interact with. He always comes along for the walks anyway.
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Swallowtails of various kinds and spotty, orange fritillaries stagger from blossom to blossom. The summer days are counting down.
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