#Probably Bobby and Pamela
purrassicjet · 4 months
I choose to believe that Baxter was by himself because Sandra Lynn was in a life-threatening situation and sent him away, yes, but then found a freshly expired health potion in the back of the Mordred cabinets. The health potion didn't heal her wounds but FUCK did it give her a buzz (it's expired. Who knows what happens to potions when they expire), so she just, ran on basically adrenaline for the whole fight and then collapsed into bed once it was over for a handy dandy wound healing long rest
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e10 road trip (w. andrew dabb)
didn't realize we were on a 'road so far' episode already. oh did we really need a funeral pyre? buh. okay what irritates me about that is it can lean on the emotions i associate going back to john's pyre. as much as i warmed up to kevin, his death did not really make me feel anything. and now they can borrow against my fucked up dead parents feelings that got shaken up via john. don't like it.
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also borrowing against my thoughts on dean's feelings via john's death, having this long zoom out from dean at the fire, licensed music playing. oh, it gets worse! the cleaning up kevin's footprint in the bunker. no more extra little brother at home.
was thinking today actually about mrs. tran, how crowley said she was dead but i couldn't remember if we ever confirmed if she was actually dead?
thought of it because of the phone. the logistics of the aftermath of someone has died. i was too young to deal with anything from when my dad died, but i was 32 when my mom died (fun fact i guess that would make it a year before this season aired) so my brother and i dealt with the house and belongings. damnit. now i'm upset about that, buncha cheap shots, show. sigh. too much thinking, more watching.
dean guilt++ and no sam because he's off being ridden around by a fucked up murdering angel
all right the picture with kevin and his mom got me. don't throw the fucking phone, asshole. break everything else, but not the phone, come on. this is like bobby burning the family picture with jo and ellen in s5e10 (brain, stop it)
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so we go from this scene to.... this one.
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okay tonal whiplash. they could have had a rockstar character and not making it into a cheesy joke. weird choices.
DEAN Sammy was dying. What was I supposed to do?
can't blame a shark for being a shark. can't blame a dean for doing anything to save his sam.
CASTIEL You kill an angel, its vessel dies, too. DEAN Think I don't know that? If I don't end Sam and that halo burns him out and I... God, I was so damn stupid. CASTIEL You were stupid for the right reasons. DEAN Yeah, like that matters. CASTIEL It does. Sometimes that's all that matters.
castiel is banking on it being the something that matters for personal reasons too :p
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CROWLEY I told him this was gonna happen. I was the only person who tried to warn him. I told him to run. DEAN From what? CROWLEY You. How many times am I gonna have to say this? People in your general vicinity don't have much in the way of a life-span.
don't let him make you feel worse, dean (even though it's true)
will admit i wonder what crowley does chained up for days, weeks?? at a time between visits from someone.
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definitely. good levels of quippy crowley
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CROWLEY Looks like we need a tiebreaker. Go get Moose, squirrel. Unless... Unless, of course, you can't. That's why you're here, isn't it? The poor giant baby's in trouble again, isn't he?
i will admit he made me laugh at that. poor giant baby samoose
dean is Very Sad and Very Guilty but i would like to take a moment to say i like the plaid he has on today. it's pretty. not covered up by a jacket so i can actually appreciate it
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okay that made me laugh too
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CROWLEY Shotgun. DEAN Uh, wrong. You're in the back. DEAN Hey – you, too. Keep an eye on him.
so dumb but i cackled. more cas and crowley bickering please
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dad!dean yelling at the kids fighting in the back. here for it
all right. mega confusion. so i was like this dude, why do i know this dude, is that ezekial/gadreel, was he in an older episode of spn? anyway i apparently didn't look him up when we first met him but he was one of the dimi's in s1 of altered carbon... and dimi 2 was in an spn episode (s4e5 the black and white one). i had forgotten that while dimi is the same dude, it was different meatsuits (sleeves, in the show).
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s9e10 / altered carbon s1e1 tahmoh penikett as dimitri kadmin
wonder how padalecki felt about playing an even more different character now. recall reading something recently about jackles talking about how it was harder when he was playing soulless!sam etc because it wasn't that same dynamic
I've shared this before, it did make it a little bit more difficult when Jared was playing soulless Sam or Dean was playing demon Dean or Michael. It made it a little bit, well, it was different because that person that you rely on who brings their character to life in a way that supports what you're doing and that is relatable and that is almost, is somebody that you rely on to fulfill—he completes me. Great, that's the headline tomorrow... "Jensen Ackles finally admits... ...that he really does love Tom Cruise movies." So yeah, to get back the question, it it did make it a little bit more difficult to do what we were so used to doing when you take that element away and but again that's I think that that was one of the great things about Supernatural is that we took chances like that, we swung for the fences on a lot of different things.
-from 2022 JIB 12 Jensen Sunday Morning Panel
LOL i just realized i had the wrong era license plate in the painting i just did. cue me flushing and sweating. i did something wrong on the internet where people can see, the HORROR
CROWLEY Your phallus on wheels just ran a red light in Somerset, Pennsylvania, 10 minutes ago.
lol. classy
this whole gadreel/abner thing. i dunno, man. there's just too much shit going on to care about everything
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no judgement, i pet my car too
great, jabbing holes in sam's brain and wiggling a big needle around in there. like trying to find a recessed reset button with a paperclip
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DEAN Pretty much, yeah. How are you doing? CASTIEL You want to talk about me now? DEAN I want to talk about anything that's not a demon sticking needles into my brother's brain.
oh dean. i'm feeling the feelings, jackles
CASTIEL You thought his life was at stake. DEAN Yeah, I got played. CASTIEL I thought I was saving Heaven. I got played, too. DEAN So you're sayin' we're both a couple of dumbasses?
me three
CASTIEL I prefer the word "trusting." Less dumb. Less ass.
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sorry but i laughed. that was a weird watery delivery
now crowley gets to tromp through sam's brain too, greeeeaat. this is just great.
DEAN If you mess with Sam, if you try anything– CROWLEY I keep my bargains. Besides, I don't want to be inside your brother any longer than I have to. I'm not one for sloppy seconds.
classy as ever
DEAN This don't make us square. I see you again– CROWLEY I'm dead. Yes, I know. I love you, too.
kisses, byeee
SAM What you do want me to say – that I'm pissed? Okay. I am. I'm pissed. You lied to me. Again. DEAN I didn't have a choice. SAM I was ready to die, Dean! DEAN I know. But I wouldn't let you, because that's not in me.
it doesn't excuse what dean did, but sam knows this. neither dean nor i can tolerate sam being okay with dying. just like sam and i can't tolerate dean being self destructive and ready to die at the drop of a hat
at least i can tolerate it a little better when they have these little mini breakups, now that it's happened so many times. and i don't think they're committing to a long separation onscreen? but i don't know honestly
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quality time for sam and cas?
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blue-ink-pearls · 5 months
So, I know people are really desperate for Sandra Lynn to have hooked up with Pamela Dawn instead of Bobby Dawn, and I completely understand that!* Bobby Dawn is slimy and awful and we don't know much about Pamela, so maybe she's better? But it is 100% Bobby Dawn for two very clear reasons:
Sklonda literally said it was him
Bobby Dawn has always been a predator
The first thing we learn about Sandra Lynn's affair during Spring Break Sophomore Year was that she had just left Aguefort (she dropped out her senior year and got a diploma later on) and she was very young. She was asked to join an established adventuring party of people who were older than her and that had lost one of its members. She fell in love with another member of the party that was already in a relationship, they had an affair, and then when the affair was discovered, Sandra Lynn was blamed, kicked out of the party, and her name was smeared as far and wide as possible by the person who had taken advantage of her so that person could absolve themselves, likely in the eyes of their partner and the party.
So what we can immediately deduce from this is that Sandra Lynn was an outsider to her new adventuring party, likely looked down on as "just a kid", maybe disdained for being a dropout, and most definitely resented for taking the place of the (presumably) dead party member. She was in actively dangerous and stressful situations while questing with the party and she probably had little support from the group during that time.
Sandra Lynn was very very vulnerable.
When he met Sandra Lynn, Bobby Dawn would have been about 20 years younger than he is now, likely in his late 30s/early 40s.** Probably still handsome, still a "dashing" active adventurer. He was married to Pamela already (not just in an established relationship), since he had a child by then that was close to grown and I don't think the Church of Sol would be very happy about a child out of wedlock. He would have been a cleric of Sol and probably still preaching "the good word of Sol" but it likely wouldn't have been constant. You can't give sermons while fighting monsters. I'm sure he even saved Sandra Lynn's life a few times!
The thing about Bobby Dawn being a televangelist now, but not then, is that when he was young, he was probably just as good at persuasion, at finding vulnerable people and exploiting their weaknesses to get what he wanted, and yet he hadn't made a name for himself as a televangelist, so people wouldn't know to be wary of him trying to convert or manipulate them.
The scene between Bobby and Kristen, when Kristen is pretending that Cassandra died shows exactly what kind of terrible person Bobby really is. He is happy to find Kristen devastated, that she is having "a real dark night of the soul" and needs guidance. He refuses to help Kristen stay at Aguefort (something that's within his power), despite knowing how beneficial that would be to her well-being, because that goes against his own goals. He is smug and condescending and cruel. He is preying on Kristen's devastation and vulnerability (not knowing it's an act), to draw her back into the fold of the Church of Helio/Sol.
The person who did that to Kristen, is the exact same person who took advantage of Sandra Lynn when she was still basically a kid, just out of high school. He took advantage of her feelings for him, her inexperience and isolation. And then, when they were discovered, he threw her away and made her the villain so he could get away with it.
He ruined Sandra Lynn's life. Yes, she's happy now with her daughter, her partner, and the beautiful home they've made at Mordred Manor with Adaine, Kristen, Lydia, Ragh, Tracker, Zayn, Aelwyn, Boggy, and 15 cats. But Sandra Lynn ended up with self-esteem and relationship issues that she is still dealing with to this day. Those issues ruined her marriage, could have ruined her relationship with Jawbone, and likely played a hand in the difficulties between her and Fig in Freshman Year, as Sandra Lynn saw her daughter take her first steps into the world of adventuring.
Because Sandra Lynn first wanted to be an adventurer and Bobby Dawn took that away from her, just like he tried to do to Kristen.
Bobby Dawn has shaped his career as a high priest of Sol and as a televangelist by portraying himself as the epitome of righteousness. He is rotten to the core, a predator in a job where he is meant to help people, and I CANNOT WAIT to see the Bad Kids take him down.
*I don't really understand it. Pamela Dawn is likely just as bad as Bobby. She's the chief paladin of the church of Sol, her husband is a televangelist and a High Priest of Sol, and she would have been around the same age as Bobby and having an affair with a vulnerable young girl who she then kicked out of the group and slandered. It being Pamela would still be awful!
**Even with the assumption that both Bobby Dawn and his child had their kids at a young age, the math still has to take into account that Sandra Lynn's daughter is the same age as Bobby Dawn's GRANDSON.
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yetanothergreyjedi · 3 months
Left and Returned: Definitely Nothing Wrong
Danny Phantom x Supernatural Crossover
Chapter 2
Dean orders the largest burger on the menu, Bobby orders something with potatoes that will absolutely have him commenting that he could make a better one himself. Sam orders a salad. Danny orders chocolate chip pancakes off the breakfast menu and Dean looses any reservations he had about refering to the young man as 'kid'. Realistically he's probably not much younger than Sam, but if he has a problem with it he can start acting like an adult.
No. Dean isn't huffy about the handstand thing. Why do you ask?
"So it's following you, but you haven't seen it. Like haven't seen it like, invisible or like being watched from afar or what?" Then again, the kid was asking good questions.
"Like its invisible, but can't hide its presence, realizes its making a mess then pisses off."
"Because its afraid of being noticed or because it doesn't want to do harm?"
"How am I supposed to know?"
"Gut instinct," Sam adds, which makes more sense than 'vibes'.
"It shattered every window in the place. I don't think its scared."
"I know a psychic, a couple hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking." Bobby suggested.
"Hell, yeah. Its worth a shot."
"A psychic..." Danny tapped the table, "Okay, sure. Why not?"
"What the hell is this?"
"An ipod jack... It's been my car for a year, Dean."
And what could he say to that? Instead Dean points sout the part that is far worse than douching up his car with modern niceties. "Its pink."
"Yeah... well, it's not mine, it's Jazz's. She left it in here and if I move it I'll forget to bring it back to her."
"Huh," Dean had no idea what he expected. Maybe some comment about how pink wasn't that bad? He turned the key and some girly romance song filled the compartment. "Really?"
Sam smiled a little at the song, and Dean hit pause on the device instead of throwing it into the back seat.
"Soo, she your girlfriend or what"
"That's complicated."
"Of course it is, the hunting making things weird?"
"No, actually. Her family hunts."
"But not her?"
"Only when necessary, she's in medical school."
"I'm, uh, noticing some parallels, Sammy."
Sam laughs. "Thats part of why its complicated."
"Just part, huh?"
"What about Ruby? She still around?"
"Probably. She shows up when she thinks she can make a case for wanting the greater good or whatever... there was a whole thing. When I was still convinced I could bring you back..." Sam trails off, clearly deciding how much to say. Sam had tried to bring him back?And failed? Did Bobby know about any of this? "That's done now.”
"Huh...You been using your freaky E.S.P. stuff?"
"Every time I think its behind me something weird happens."
"It shows up at weird times, stressful situations. Afterwards its hard to tell if it was real or not."
"I know, look, one thing at a time okay? We worry about this for now."
"I am curious... why aren't you doing this yourself?" Pamela asks Danny.
"You're a psychic?" Bobby asks.
"...I guess I could count? I tend to only talk to the dead when they're right in front of me."
This, of course, meant Pamela forgot she had been flirting in favor of talking shop with Danny. Which meant he didn't get a chance to chat with the lovely lady, instead got to listen to her quiz him on ‘'energies'' and 'conduits' and other psychic mumbo-jumbo. Like really, he just got outta jail, why can’t he enjoy it? It's probably for the best though, the kid, in his own words, "knew enough to do some incredibly stupid things." So, Dean figured letting Pamela explain the basics of a safe seance was probably saving someone a whole mess.
Not that he thought Danny would intentionally be stupid about it. They'd have done this four hours ago in the back of the kid's van, if he'd thought he could, and who knows how that would've ended.
He's less willing to accept it when Pam decides Danny should be the one touching Dean's shoulder.
"Jesus, kid! You been holding ice cubes?!"
"Don't judge my hobbies." Kid quips, settling his hand back over the handprint. "Just poor circulation, chillax."
Dean immediately regrets glancing at his brother. At least Sammy has the decency to stifle his smirk, but really, taking your not-actually-brother-in-law-because-its-complicated's side over your own flesh and blood: Rude! Just rude.
"Okay." Pam begins, her tone both sharp and comforting. The unspoken command is heard and they somber, close their eyes.
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." She begins, her voice clear and authoritative.
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." She repeats, energy runs between their circle linked hands. Dean couldn't let go even if he tried. What was this?
"I invoke, conjure, and command you, appear unto me before this circle." Something turns on, a television or a radio, Dean doesn't know. He's a link in a chain meant to bind, every sense is dull except the feeling of clasping hands and the brand on his shoulders. Accept the single sound that rings in perfect clarity.
"I invoke, conjure, and command... Castiel? No. Sorry, Castiel, I don't scare easy."
"Castiel?" Dean repeats, how he says it, he isn't quite sure, chainlinks don't have mouths.
"Its name. It's whispering to me, warning me to turn back."
"Warning, not threatening." Gasps the link that connects Pamela to this link. The static grows, the space beneath them shakes. The world itself wants to tear the links free from the chain, but they hold. Power runs freely between them, they are as much a conduit as they are a chain. They will not break, they cannot break, keeping hands linked is effortless.
"I conjure and command you, show me your face." Pamela chants. The cacophony around them grows louder and more hazy, her voice is clear through each repetition.
Another link says something. This link does not hear it.
"I almost got it. I command you, show me your face! Show me your face n—"
"No," The link between them breathes.
The link in the chain is a body. The body is Dean. The burn on Dean's shoulder ache's with the absence of a relieving cold removed.
Dean crashes backwards. The impact of his back on the floor knocks the wind from his lungs. Sound returns. Breaking glass and splintering furniture, someone is screaming. He gasps. Three, four, five breaths before he's aware of the broken chair beneath him. He grabs a leg of it, and holds it like a weapon as he scrambles to his feet.
Bobby has already gotten to Pamela, she's covering her face and muttering about sight. Dean catches a glimpse and turns to Danny as Bobby shouts to call 9-1-1.
He can hear Sam stumble over scattered items in the direction of the phone. He kneels in front of his brother's friend.
Danny's eyes are closed, but he has eyelids, so Dean thinks that's a good sign for now. Blood is gushing from the kid's nose.
"He's beautiful." The kid whispers, clearly dazed.
"You okay, kid?"
" 'm not'a kid, 'm 24, plus all that time that didn't happen, so I'm even older than I am."
"Right, Sammy's calling the 9-1-1, you're gonna be—"
Danny jerked away like someone had soaked their hands in ice water before grabbing his shoulder. "No hospitals."
Dean remembered that the kid was also a hunter, but a lot more vivid than that, was the image of Pam's eyes seared out. "Okay, okay, let me see your eyes, then we'll decide what to do."
Danny obeyed. He blinked his eyes open, and while bright green irises' surrounded with angry red lines, they were like, normal levels of bloodshot and not 'stared into eye gouging power' bloodshot. So that was good, better than Dean had hoped. "Okay, you come with us while Bobby handles the EMT's."
"Yeah, promise."
Danny nods. "He's beautiful, Dean. Like something past hoping, like the things that live in the silver."
"Um." Dean regretted his choices.
"Neverborn and Neverdead for sure. But not the embodiment of a concept I dont think. Maybe something like a wisp? If wisps liked to burn your corneas off."
"I don't think it was a wisp, buddy."
"No, Castiel isn't a wisp name. Wisps have names like:" Danny whistled a few notes.
"Are you sure you don't need a hospital?"
He wiped his nose with his sleeve. This succeeded only in smearing the blood around his face and getting his sleeve dirty. . "Yeah'm sure. Don't ask me to do anything with depth perception though."
"Danny, I don't think—"
"You promised." And Dean had promised.
"What'd Bobby say?"
"Pam's stable. And out of I.C.U." Sam returned to their table.
"And blind, because of us."
"No, it looked a lot worse than it is, she should retain some eyesight, but we still have no clue who we're dealing with."
"We're dealing with Castiel." Danny muttered from where he was hiding his face from the "oppressive concept of LED lights". Dean was pretty sure the lights in here were normal, but he wasn't gonna argue with the kid who might be concussed about if the diner lights were a reasonable brightness.
"That doesn't exactly help us, though."
"Sure it does, With the right mumbo-jumbo we could summon him, bring him right to us."
"You're crazy. Absolutely not."
"We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did?"
"Pam took a peek at him and her eyes burned out of her skull, Danny's..." Sam looks at Danny, who may as well be a sweatshirt artfully arranged on the table. "You want to have a face to face?"
"You got a better idea?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do. I looked, there are signs of Demons in town."
"Okay." Dean doesn't like where this is going, but he's aware of how strongly he doesn't want this to be a demonic plot, so he keeps his mouth shut.
"So, we go find them. Someone's gotta know something about something."
Dean opens his mouth, then shuts it again as the waitress approaches. Ah the awkward silence of 'don't freak out the locals.' They didn't have that in Hell, he doesn't miss it.
Three plates, each with a perfect slice of pie, makes their way to the table. They didn't have this in Hell either, this, Dean missed a lot. The sweatshirt on the table must agree, because it revives into a human person and pulls his plate to himself. It's the first thing the kid did since the seance that doesn't make Dean regret letting him skip the hospital.
Then, before Dean can dig into his own slice with the same intense focus, their waitress joins them at the table.
"You angling for a tip?"
"I'm sorry. Thought you were looking for us." She smiles as her eyes go absent of light. Then the man behind her does the same, then the cook in the kitchen. The front door locks with a resounding click.
"Oh, you will not." Danny hisses. And Dean tenses, for a moment, just a silly, ridiculous moment, he thought the kid was going to throw himself across the table, attack the demon with tooth and claw. Dean tenses, ready to drag the kid off the demon, because not even it deserves his full wrath. But Danny doesn't move, because that would be insane. The kid is not that insane, Dean has seen 0 behavior that would make him expect such a ridiculous action.
The demon locks eyes with the kid, several seconds pass, then moment is gone, and only Danny's half-given threat hangs in the air. The kid goes back to his pie. The demon turns to Dean as if nothing had happened.
"Dean. To hell and back. Aren't you a lucky duck." She tries to play it cool, to pretend that she wasn't just as rattled by... whatever Danny had done— and rest assured Dean will find out what that was— but she was rattled, and the threat of her backup did nothing to help her regain control.
She tells him nothing they didn't already know. Dean tells her nothing she didn't already know. Dean doesn't bluff, because for some reason they don't need to bluff. They finish their pie, pay and leave.
A block down the road, when the feeling of being watched by a predator fades, he turns to the kid.
"What. Was. That?"
"Uh... the demons? I thought you guys dealt with those semi-regularly?"
"No. What you did."
"Ate pie?" Dean pushes the kid against the wall.
"Dean, what's going on?"
"You're telling me you didn't feel that, Sammy?!"
"Feel what?"
Dean searched his brother's face, it was pure worry not a trace that he was hiding something. Danny however, held not a trace of concern, not even the slightest fear that Dean might hit him. Cold blue eyes watch him with morbid detachment.
"Dean, what is it?"
"Nothing." Dean lies. Releasing the kid as his brother tried to pry answers out of him.
There is something wrong with Danny, and Dean is going to figure out what.
Dean's plans for investigation are stalled slightly. Because Danny's plan, apparently, was to sleep in the back of his van. As the kid still looked like a walking corpse, and his nose had started bleeding again, Sam had taken pity and insisted he stay in the motel with them.
Dean, now half convinced Danny was in league with the demons from earlier, (yeah the theory didn't make sense but Dean didn't have a better idea at the moment. It had been a long day.) was not thrilled with this plan. Did he have an argument that would stop Sam from being protective of his girlfriend's little brother? No. No, he did not. And to be fair, the kid did pass out the instant his head hit the pillow, so he probably wasn't an immediate threat.
Dean took the other bed so Sam would have to live with the consequences of his actions. He falls asleep thinking of jokes to make for either sleeping arrangement his brother chooses.
Dean is shaken awake. He swings the moment he realizes the dark figure is too short to be Sam.
Danny blocks him easily. He grabs Dean's arm to pin him for exactly the time it takes to look him in the eyes and say. "He's here. Castiel's here."
Then he lets him go, but Dean is still frozen, still pinned by the younger man's gaze. Green eyes almost glow in the beam of an outside streetlamp. It is not the same as a shapeshifter's ‘lazer-eyes'
but it is something.
But there's no time to think about it, the television flicks on with familiar static and the radio follows. There is too much glass in here. Between windows and mirrors and why on earth did they choose a motel with a mirror on the ceiling when the thing chasing them shattered glass? He shouts a warning and barely has enough time to throw the comforter over them both before the world explodes.
They huddle between the beds in a haphazard blanket fort that does nothing to stop the whistling scream. It feels too thin to be real protection against the glass either, but it holds, and the kid's eyes are definitely glowing but it's the least of his concerns.
It's not so different from hell. The noise, the danger, the cramping in his muscles as he tries in vain to protect himself. He can't tell the difference between a few seconds and a few centuries. But he's breathing, so he counts his breaths and loses count twice.
Neither of them move the blanket when things seem to calm. Another century that is actually six breaths, and Bobby is rushing through the door, shouting for them.
The glass heavy blanket is pulled away and then they're both being checked over.
"Where's Sam?" Dean demands.
"I don't know, he wasn't here when I woke." Its probably stupid, but Dean believes him.
They have no new cuts or bruises, though Danny's ears are bleeding a little.
They have the hospital argument again, Danny is feeling better(or worse) than before, because he threatens to spit on all of their socks. When that doesn't work, he threatens to not tell them what Castiel said. That does work.
"He says to meet him at the church on south street. He didn't give a time, but he promised he'd be in a form we can handle."
Bobby and Dean share a look, yeah, they're not doing that.
But the idea that it could be a trap seems foreign to the younger hunter. Danny argues that the spirit might be offended and that "A summoning might cause him to lose concrete form, then we'll just repeat the glass nightmare."
Well that was a good point: building with no windows it was then.
Needless to say Danny loses this argument.
So Sam is lying to him, they're in some old building marking it up with every religion known to man and Danny's claimed a whole section of wall for the doodles not known to man. Bobby gets sidetracked by it every fifteen minutes, but Danny must have credible sources for the marks because Bobby tells the kid to copy them down for later study.
Dean really needs to decide what to do about the kid. He's been helpful so far... but that was how things started with Ruby.
"This is still a bad idea." Bobby tells him. They're ready.
"I second!" Danny shouts from where he's copying his symbols into Bobby's notebook.
"Yeah, Bobby, I heard you the first ten times. What do you say we ring the dinner bell?"
Bobby sighs, but begins.
Castiel tries to knock the kid out, just like he already did to Bobby. It takes everything in Dean to not panic.
"Yeah, no. Not doing that." Danny deadpans to the man-shaped thing.
"I need to talk to Dean. Alone."
"Well, you could've just asked. Going all sleepy magic on a guy is kinda rude. Dean? Want me to sit in the car?"
"Are you nuts?!" He checked Bobby's pulse.
"Your friend's alive." Bobby's pulse is even and strong.
"Who are you?"
"Castiel." "He's Castiel." Both human shaped things say. This conversation was going to be painful.
"Obviously, I mean what are you?"
"I'm an Angel of the Lord."
"Which Lord?" Danny asks before Dean can say something dumb like 'nun-uh.' Danny's question definitely offends Castiel more than any denial Dean could've come up with. The guy actually staggers a bit.
"The One True God."
"You realize like 40% of the gods I've met say that, right?" What? And with that the kid has rendered the angel speechless with indignation, Dean's not gonna lie, he's kinda impressed.
"Quit pulling our legs, angel's aren't real."
"Dean, this is your problem, you have no faith."
Dean's not sure how to describe the fact that he was suddenly aware of Castiel's wings. Not that he saw them exactly, or felt, or heard them, he just suddenly knew where they were, how they unfurled from Castiel's body and were held out in proud display. Then the moment passed and they were gone.
Danny clapped politely. It ruined the rising feel of awe inspired dread and Dean hated how much he was starting to like this kid.
"You burned out that poor woman's eyes." Dean started. He wasn't letting this guy off the hook so easy.
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missedditart · 10 months
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Along with my Lackadaisy hyperfixation I've also become obsessed with under the devils moon by @libras-interactives. I absolutely love their ocs and can't wait to see more of them in the story. I made some fan designs of them and thought it couldn't hurt to share them. I had a lot of thoughts about their designs so anyone who is interested can read about that below. Also, English isn't my first language so please ignore any spelling mistakes and such.
Malwina's design was really fun, also the first one I did. She is described as having black fur and hair and orange eyes. I knew if  I wasn't careful she could end up looking like Ivy, so I made her hair color brighter than her fur color and also made her hair curly/wavy. I also emphasized the eyes as they're often pointed out in the text as big and pumpkin-like. I wanted her to look curious but maybe a little unsettling if she stares at you too long. I also gave her soft shapes and rounded years since she is very friendly albeit a bit pushy.
for Máire just mostly followed the description we get of her, calico, auburn hair and green eyes. The thing I had to think about for this drawing is what kind of clothing she would wear. I went between thinking she would prefer something stylish or something comfy. I'm not an expert on 1920s fashion so I mostly looked at old clothing catalogs to get a feel for the clothes she could wear. I settled on something more in between a comfy shirt with a stylish skirt. I based the tarot cards in her hand on Pamela Colman Smith’s designs. Also since she is wearing a shirt I couldn't show off the heart fur pattern on her chest but it's definitely there.
Sylvester doesn't have a very striking design but that's the point. For his facial structure i took some inspiration from Asa Sweet and Bobby Bastion from the comic but I also tried to make him stand out on his own. Other than that I kept close to the text, gray suit and graying fur. I was tempted to give him a colorful gaudy tie, maybe something his wife insisted he should wear. To make him more interesting but again he was supposed to be drab and unassuming. So I decided against it. (I still headcanon that his wife gives him gaudy ties and insists he wear them and he cant say no to her.)
Flynn was the one I had the most ideas for but also the one I'm the least happy with the result of but might as well share it. We haven't gotten many physical descriptions of him and what we get is somewhat vague. I also haven't played all the backstories so there might be something there that I've missed. But from what we do get he is often described as odd eyed and two faced, this gives me the impression he has a chimera pattern. We haven't been given any specific color so I chose what I thought fit best. black and bluish gray to make him cold and dark looking, i gave him green as an accent color. I probably went a bit heavy on the devil shape language but it's fun so… I also wanted to color the tip of his shoes white or gray to make them look like goat hooves but they ended up looking too much like bowling shoes so I decided against it. He still has a hoof-like pattern on his shoes which probably isn't very historically accurate for 1920s men's shoes haha. And lastly his cane is only described as black and ivory but nothing specific on the shape. I figured giving it some interesting motif would be fun so I went with a snake. specifically a black mamba witch don't look dangerous until you get too close or they open their mouth. I'm sure a fitting metaphor could be made from that. My design for him will probably change if we get new info about him later in the story but so far this is how i imagine him.
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Why were obsessed with these toxic
Twin flames 🔥,,,,,,water sign love ❤️🥀🌚🍄🪷💦💧☔️⭐️🌟✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨two of these women are cancers for a start ,and all of the men here have a water mars(Kurt Scorpio mars ,Bobby Scorpio mars,TOMMY AND Sid both mars in Cancer ♋️ ,,,very interesting the intensity of love it’
Gemini is coming up too with the ladies, we’re Pam is Gemini rising , Nancy is Gemini moon , Courtney is mars and Venus in the sign of Gemini ♊️, this with the water signs energy cancers Courtney and Pamela,Pisces ♓️ Nancy and Kurt , and Whitney’s rising sign ,,,,,,,this gives the dreamy love , and ultra feminine beauty,, the Gemini gives it the press or side which all these women were good at , especially Nancy and Courtney..
 Now getting to the part of this, which is inevitable to talk about with the fact of most of these relationships bar one, the man is considered the more dominant and more celebrity in these relationships and “ how dare these men love these kind of women “not not. This man could ever love one of these women. “Oh no, the men they’re all innocent in this rollercoaster.”, so what I was trying to say is that Whitney Houston, who is the woman in the relationship? Obviously is obviously the more successful one of the two, not that I think Sid Vicious is that successful. If I’m being honest, I mean I barely like this sex pistols, but Whitney Houston constantly had troubles with Bobby because of her higher elevation above him, not that I like to compare people success in measures like this, but if we’re talking career then yes he was constantly jealous. But after everything I’ve watched about these people after everything I’ve seen and by these people I don’t just mean Bobby and whitney but in this part I do, is the fact that I don’t believe Bobby introduced Whitney to cocaine, I do believe it in fact got worse when these kind of couples, including her and Courtney and Sid and Nancy I feel like maybe Whitney did give it to her Bobby. Maybe she was using a little bit and he knew the access she could get and he was like. Yeah that’s all the time let’s get this all the time and he had more of a bug, for wherever she could more control, maybe that kind of story will never know like I said with Pam and Tommy I don’t really know I feel like he was probably more of the drug addict in that relationship and this is why drugs come into it I’m not doing it is one of those stories because I have experience of one of these kind of relationships I became a heroin addict and I got with someone so I’m not using it for clout trust me. Sid and Nancy, that’s an interesting one because Sid’s mother was a heroin addict, but he would only do speed, when he gets with Nancy, he goes off the rails on heroin. I don’t know what the mum thought of Nancy I don’t really care cause, I don’t believe she was a very nice woman, and then when it comes to Kurt and Courtney , I believe the older one of the two seems to be the in the stories the one who influences more and you know that’s Courtney. I do believe Kurt did heroin, but these two energies coming together. Courtney is contacts because of how she is, that’s what I truly believe, but the same time Kurt Cobain is a Pisces and let’s not get it twisted people, I love the man 2 death.
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maxdurden · 4 months
share your buddy dawn hcs pretty please..
OKAY, buddy hcs (or at least some of them, i am trying to be so normal you can’t imagine. this guy lives in my head rent free)
a lot of my hcs about buddy also involve his family, just because the family stratification that happens in southern evangelical families is SO fascinating to me.
SO: buddy is a southern grandma’s boy. if you’ve lived in the south you know this guy. his grandma helped raise him, he calls his grandma ‘mimi’ and, to his grandma, he’s essentially the second coming of christ, he can do NO wrong in her eyes. buddy and pamela dawn have the kind of enmeshed relationship that would simply blow your mind
as an addendum to this: buddy dawn calls his grandma ‘mimi’ and his grandpa ‘pawpaw.’ if you are his friend, the whole family will invite you to participate in this naming tradition. this will make you uncomfortable but there’s no way out of it without seeming rude (this is a struggle i know well as a yank living in the south)
on the topic of pamela dawn, i think she’s like such a Matriarch, at least as much as one can be in that kind of misogynistic social system. i think she clings to what power she can grab and is incredibly vindictive (but never direct) about it. i think she was probably just as enmeshed and close with buddy’s dad (think #boymom) and probably HATED buddy’s mom, regardless of how good of a mom/person she was
we don’t know a lot about buddy’s parents, but my vibe is that they’re dead. if they weren’t, it doesn’t make sense to me that they would let bobby and pamela move away with their son (there are other hcs i’ve heard on this topic that are equally interesting, such as buddy’s mom and dad having a different idea of sol/helio worship and being pushed out of the family). my vibe is that they died on a mission trip. this explains why bobby didn’t just revivify them, but it also adds to the themes of legacy and family name that buddy has to contend with. like imagine if your grandpa is The Sol Televangelist Of All Time and your parents were martyred on a mission to the mountains of chaos?? oh the crushing pressure of familial expectations (and helio didn’t even choose you as his chosen one)
buddy’s legal name is robert. this one has no real evidence (in fact i feel like it’s likely that there’s no more to his name, at least canonically, than just buddy), but it makes sense to me that a man like bobby dawn would be obsessed with passing down his name and legacy. so i think it’s likely that his dad was also named robert (maybe called robbie or rob)
buddy’s name is specifically NOT robert, and that’s exactly why he got the nickname buddy. this hc is a bit more convoluted, but here’s the gist: imagine buddy’s mom didn’t name him robert despite all the familial pressure to do so. of course there’s nothing bobby or pamela can really do, but they can give this kid a nickname that’ll stick for the rest of his life. plus, buddy has always seemed like a kind of condescending nickname to me and i think that would piss off his mom even more (which tbf is what i think pamela’s goal would be). but, if buddy’s legal name isn’t robert, i don’t have any super strong contenders for what his legal name would be
(i could get into a whole thing about hcs i have about his parents good god)
i think buddy grew up listening to his grandparents' old records! this means he was raised on old gospel and old country and that’s still the majority of his music taste (it doesn’t help that he’s not allowed access to most tech, especially tech from solace, so the influences he’s pulling from are relatively limited)
this is already. so. long. so i’m going to stop myself now lmao. but thank you for asking!!!!! i ALWAYS have thoughts about this fucking guy so thank you for the ask!!!!!!
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
I love you, I love you, I'll scream it till I'm black and blue, so why won't you love me too?
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Requested prompt: "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need." for @winnifredburkleismyhero, enjoy!
Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Word count: 2K
Everyone that got close to the Winchesters died. The supporting evidence for this fact only seemed to grow as the years passed. John, Ash, Jo, Ellen, Pamela, Kevin, Charlie and even Bobby, all casualties of Winchester-related circumstances. Everyone that is, except for you. There had been no trips to hell or heaven, no deals made and no ghostly presences.
You had known the boys for years now, having met them about four months after john went AWOL and then you never really left. Dean liked to joke that you were the family cat that had been too pitiful to leave in the garbage. You had been there for Dean's deal, his death, the apocalypse and everything the universe had decided to throw at your boys, and apart from a few scratches you always seemed to come out nearly unscathed.
Yet that still didn't seem to be enough for Sam. Every attempt you made to close the gap from friends to something more was rebuffed. You knew he felt the same. From the lingering touches, the way his eyes would trail your form whenever you entered or exited a room, the book recommendations, gifts and late night conversations that kept the two of you up well into the morning hours.
He had always been so sweet towards you, face lighting up in that dopey puppy dog smile whenever the two of you spoke. He was the shoulder you cried on and the best friend you laughed at cringy shows with. You had never made any attempts to hide your affections, and your interest never strayed from the lanky hunter that had captured your heart. Despite all this, however, Sam never seemed to want to take things further, and had even prevented multiple confessions over the years through clumsy attempts at a diversion.
As the years passed you had almost given up on what seemed like a fruitless pursuit. If it weren't for Dean assuring you his little brother was just being a jackass you probably would have. But after years of dodged kisses and ending conversations that strayed too far into 'non-friendly' territory you were almost at your wits end.
You had thought that last night had finally been it, you gained a nasty, yet completely non fatal scratch that trailed down the left side of your jaw and over your shoulder. Sam like always had overreacted epically, and had all but dragged you off to treat the wound. His fingers had traced your face so softly and with such care that you had almost cried. The absolute reverence in his touches and gaze too much for your impossibly loud and pounding heart to take. There had been tears in the corners of his eyes as his hand gently cupped your cheek. A gesture you leant into with a contended sigh only for your breath to hitch as you noticed the way his eyes had trailed down to your lips, how close his face had gotten to yours as his shoulders hunched to accommodate the great height disparity between you.
You had leant up in response, so close that you could feel the warmth of his breath fan across your face. Just as your lips had been about to meet Sam had reared back like you'd slapped him, scurrying out of the room like his life depended on it. Tears had stained your pillow that night as you had eventually cried yourself to sleep. Were you really that unlovable? Had the scratches that would no doubt later mar your skin made you so unattractive? Whatever the reason it had been your last straw.
You had slept in, so an early escape was unfortunately completely out of the question. Luckily you didn't own too many material belongings, so you were able to pack everything you needed into a duffle. In what seemed a miraculous stroke of luck you made it through the bunker unencumbered by either of the brothers and were about to make what seemed like a clean break until the current bane of your existence materialised out of what seemed like thin air.
"What are you doing? You should be resting!" Where his concern would usually be endearing at the moment all you found it was incredibly grating. His overprotective nature only contributing to the fiery ball of rage that had built in your gut after a night of overthinking.
"I'm fine Sam, it's just a small flesh wound" you rolled your eyes, turning to walk towards the door once more only to be stopped by a tug at your arm. "Let go of me Sam," you were starting to get incredibly irritated now, jaw clenching as you struggled to keep your temper under wraps. "I said let go!" this time you had managed to yank your arm away when Sam's grip slackened in surprise at the vitriol in your tone. Your narrowed glare, crossed arms, and unyielding posture had Sam backing up slightly, hands up in a placating gesture.
"Alright. Just give me a few seconds and then we can go out together" he suggested, offering a small if somewhat strained smile. You weren't a very naturally angry person, having to deal with the Winchester's particular angst and drama had left you with a very thick skin. You had taken the insults and the monologues and the self sacrificing lectures all in your stride, but for some reason Sam's assumption had made you see red. For the first time since you had met either of the boys you truly lost your temper.
"Who said I want you coming with me?" you sneered, a small sick sense of satisfaction curling in your chest at the look of hurt that briefly crossed Sam's face.
"What? But we always go out together..." he trailed off, the kicked puppy look on his face almost enough to make you relent once more, Just like you always did.
"Not anymore we don't. I'm done Sam. I'm leaving for good." Your words cause his eyes to widen in distress, as he takes a few steps forward and back into your personal space.
"Why? Did Dean do something, I'm sure he didn't mean anything, we can work things out-" You cut him off with a borderline hysterical laugh.
"Did Dean do something? Sam you've gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm leaving because of you, because I can't stand being around you anymore." His face flickers between hurt and anger as he tries to register what you had just said.
"What? Last night we were fine. I find it hard to believe you're all of a sudden choosing to cut and run" he scoffed, trying to keep his own anger at bay from your dagger-like words.
"Fine!" you yelled shrilly. "What part of making me fall in love with you and then getting rejected at every possible turn is fine Sam! How dare you break my heart over and over again and then try and still be friends with me." There is a stiff silence as your words register in the minds of both of you, only broken by the heaving of your chest as you fight to catch your lost breath.
"You love me?" Sam seemed a mix of stunned and giddy at your words, unable to decide if he should be smiling or not.
"Wha- are you fucking stupid. I'm in love with you! I've loved you for years Sam. You're the one that keeps pushing me away and I've finally had enough. I'm ready to move on." Your eyes study his face intently, waiting to see if he'll give away any indication as to how your words had truly made him feel. Because despite your bold proclamation, you still so desperately just wanted to hear him say the words back, you wanted him to love you.
"I-I can't think of anything better than being with you" he finally admitted softly, causing heat to flush across your skin as your throat ran dry at the admission. The smallest embers of hope once again burning away in your chest. "Of loving you, waking up with you in my arms every morning, to know that you're mine and only mine." His hands had reached out to take yours, squeezing them as his shoulders shook slightly But I can't. Your stomach dropped, hands harshly pulling away from his own as you tried to contain your tears.
"And why would that be?" you hissed, arms crossing your chest as if trying to protect yourself. He takes a while to answer, stewing under you fierce glare as he tries and fails not to piss you off further.
"It's just... If i let myself love you and then I lost you... I'd never forgive myself."
"What the hell, that's so stupid-" your vitriol is cut off by his own this time, anguish clear as he yelled at you.
"Is it? Everyone I love or even get close to dies!" you scoff slightly at that, only to be cowed as he continued to yell in your face. "Yellow eyes killed Jess to get to me." Just like that, your vitriol evaporates, shoulders slumping as you try to comfort him.
"Sam-" this time it is him who shrugs off your hand, continuing on his rant
"Madison, Ruby, Sarah! I won't have that happen to you!" Silence reigns between the two of you once more, the air charged with the heavy confessions from both of you. At some point, tears had started to stream quietly down your cheeks and Sam's eyes had been watery for the past few minutes. Taking a few deep breaths you unclench your jaw and arm muscles, stepping closer so you were within arm's length of Sam once more.
"So what? You're just going to live the rest of your life alone, in fear?" There is no anger in your tone, just curiosity and some quiet judgement. Stepping forward once more, the duffle from your shoulders slips to the ground as you take Sam's shaking hands in your own. "You need someone, let me be that person, let me be what you need. Please Sam." You can tell he is still hesitant but is beginning to break under the combination of your tears, grip and the unadulterated love that shines in your eyes from him. "I'm terrified of losing you to you know" you whisper the admission softly, a hand reaching up to cup his cheek in a reversed mimicry of last night. "Every time you and Dean leave without me, or you pull some of that typical Winchester self-sacrificing bullshit feels like it ages me ten years. I don't sleep, don't eat. All I do is worry about you..." your words trail off in a hoarse whisper as you try to keep back the heaving sobs that were starting to escape your chest.
Sam doesn't reply, but in that moment he finally breaks. Pulling you fiercely into his protective embrace, face nuzzling into the top of your head as the two of you cried. "I love you" you whisper against his chest over and over like a broken record in an attempt to push through his stubbornness. You aren't sure how long you stand there, locked in his warm embrace as you wait for your tears to subside. Until finally, you hear it,
"I love you too" at first you think you imagine it, holding your breath as if breathing will shatter the wonderful dream you're having, but then you hear it again. "I love you. I love you. I love you." Sam chants, volume rising with each declaration as he lifts you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses and bringing forth a shriek of delight from your throat. Wrapping your own arms around his neck, and legs around his waist you lean in to finally claim his lips with your own, the two of you grinning like idiots the entire time. He tastes like salt, from the tears that leaked down his cheeks and you imagine you probably do too, but it is perfect nonetheless. So lost in each other and your newfound happiness neither of you notices the arrival of Dean until he speaks up.
"Great. Now if you two losers are done with the soap opera can I get to the door?" his sudden voice has the two of you springing apart, except Sam is still holding you up and the two of you go down like a sack of bricks, lungs forcefully expunged of all air as the behemoth of a man squishes you into the floor.
Your spine is aching and you're having trouble breathing as Sam frantically hovers over you, but in that moment all you can do is smile, because Sam has just made you the happiest person on Earth. A fact that you would regularly remind the hunter of for the rest of your days.
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stusbunker · 8 months
Spotless: Lontano
Chapter Seven
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Crowley(mentioned), Sam, Annie, Madison, Lee, Gibson (child OMC), Pamela, Kevin, Bobby, Claire and Krissy
Word Count: 2250
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, Reader is left in the dark (for now), Reader's lack of self esteem, Pamela being kind of blunt, hinted past Sam/Annie, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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You laid in bed staring at the burst of sunlight sprouting out of your valances. You did not want to get up, or check your phone. It was a rare, quiet Sunday morning and you had no plans besides laundry. Bela had a big event the night before, so you weren’t meeting for brunch, for which you were kind of grateful. It felt like you had been staring at her face all week anyway, as much as you had been scrolling for chatter about her and Dean. You groaned and buried yourself beneath your comforter.
 The outside world could wait for another few minutes, not to mention the constant nagging worry of work could fuck right off. 
Because that’s all this anxiety was, work stress. The pressure from the label felt like it weighed solely on your shoulders, despite the band’s extended recording schedule for the new album and everyone’s thinning patience with Dean’s perfectionism. There was nothing else even going on in your life that could even compare. You were probably dehydrated. You shifted to peek out of your covers to find your water bottle empty on your nightstand, oh well.
Eventually, you got up, went about your business, and started a pot of coffee. Resigned to checking your phone while the coffee brewed, you shuffled back to your bedroom to pull it off the charger. Before you could even begin to sort through your text notifications, a headline alert glared at you from your lock screen. Panic flooded your uncaffeinated mind and you clicked on the link.
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Gaping, you scrolled through the short article about the benefit filled with speculation about Dean’s presence at Bela’s side. You backed out of that article and dove into the rest of your updates. The pictures were fantastic, filled with easy smiles and casual touches. Dean in a tux was a rare thing, but he kept up his end of the bargain and dressed to match Bela’s standards. Your brain still stuttered over seeing them together, two parts of your life that hadn’t really overlapped until now. A silent ‘how was I not there?’ popping up as you continued to scroll.
The shrill beeping of the coffee pot pulled your eyes off your phone and back into the kitchen around you. It was just after ten, and you had to stop yourself from texting Dean or Bela an interrogation length message each. For the most part, the publicity seemed positive and more than curious about these two from such different worlds. 
Was it actually working?!
You inhaled and finally poured yourself a mug, letting the hope fizzle in your chest as you sat down at your desk and really began to dig. Sometime after one, you were pulled out of your email inbox by the doorbell. Who in the hell? Dumbfounded, you threw on a hoodie as you rushed to answer the door. You had to kick the rug because it always folded on itself underneath the lip of the door. Grunting, you gave up, sticking your head out to answer a disinterested floral delivery driver.
“Uh, I’ve got flowers for Ms. Y/L/N?” They checked their tablet. 
“That’s me,” you said, straightening up to look at the bundled bouquet as they handed you the stylus to sign confirmation of the delivery. You had no idea who would be sending you flowers, and it definitely wasn’t your birthday.
“Alright, that’s all I need. Here ya go,” they said, presenting the vase to you with the practiced ease of a single balanced hand. “Have a good one.”
You took the flowers, which you could smell through the paper barrier and watched them get back into their truck and back out of the narrow driveway that no one ever used. Confused, you set the package down on your kitchen table and started to tear out the perfectly spaced staples. They were gorgeous, lilies in whites and oranges. Tucked into the ribbon tied around the vase was a handwritten card.
Keep up the good work. Regards, Crowley
“You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me!” you balked. You checked the back of the card, there was no ‘gotcha’, it really was from the label exec. You set the card down face up, resting beside the vase and snapped a picture. No one was going to believe you, you needed the proof, right?
You told yourself it wasn’t bragging, no matter how smug it made you feel.
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 The adoption event was something the band did every year, helping Annie (and now Madison, too) with a pre-holiday push to clear out the animal shelter and also spend time with adorable animals. Sam was in heaven, taking dogs through the yard, parading the dogs along the side of the building in the makeshift track, and running around with the excitable pups. Madison mained the welcome table while Annie oversaw a lot of the paperwork inside, helping people get approved and matched with pets that would fit each prospective adopter’s lifestyles and hopes.
The staff knew everyone by reputation, though Sam had been a regular volunteer since before Madison had even been hired on as a receptionist. So, they helped you all get eased into your rolls for the day, however informal they were. Lee brought Gibson along and they were making small talk with a family as the mother filled out forms. Kevin, new to the event, stood back and waited to be told what to do. Bobby kept the breakroom and the waiting room stocked with coffee and pastries. Though Dean’s allergies and his unwillingness to budge on his no pets rule with Sam meant he always bowed out, you knew he was a regular not-so-anonymous donor. 
Which left you and Pamela in the cat room, playing with a litter of kittens that were too young to be adopted out this round, but were all the more frisky with all the excitement buzzing around the shelter. 
“Oh my god, hello, tough stuff! Aren’t you the biter?!” Pamela cooed at a gray tiger who was overly fond of her jewelry.
“No fiercer a predator was there ever,” you agreed, dangling a stick with feathers on the end in front of its sleeker, paler littermate.
After a few minutes Pamela leaned back and let the kitten attempt to scale her lap. “God, I needed this. This album— fuck, it’s been brutal,” she sighed.
Worry clouded your thoughts, but you knew better than to ever say the first thing that came to your mind around Pamela, she always read between the lines. 
“Everything going okay?” you asked, hearing about the sessions from Dean was one thing. He may be the lead singer, but he really was only one dude in a band of five differing personalities.
Pamela huffed and tilted her head, you felt like she was measuring your capacity for the truth. “The sound is good. We’re meshing. It’s just— since Cas leaving for that ephemeral crap or whatever that pipsqueak is calling it— Dean’s been on edge about every fucking thing. And Lee’s offered to help, hell he’s got a half dozen songs ready to go, but—”
“Dean feels like he has to do it all himself,” you finished for her.
“And he’s being a complete martyr about it.”
You nestled a kitten against your chest and hummed, ruffling its ears as you thought. You hadn’t really talked to Dean all week, after all the publicity you had to sift through after Bela’s event and trying to line things up with Meg at Rolling Stone, finally. You couldn’t have known any of this, since you were so separate from that part of the process.
“And no offense, but this friend of yours? Was it really the best timing? He’s just getting his groove back— he doesn’t need more distractions,” Pamela tacked on in her no-nonsense way.
You couldn’t stop your eyebrows from raising in surprise, because this was coming from the woman who had married and divorced her bandmate multiple times. But Lee wasn’t Dean, and you knew they still played their parts despite whatever was going on at home. The band came first, well, after Gibson.
You told yourself it was Sam that agreed it was best to keep it from the band, the extra pressure you had inadvertently put on Dean. You knew you had to toe that line. 
“Dean’s a big boy, Pamela. If you think he needs to loosen up, you gotta tell him. He listens to you more than anybody, probably even Sam. Especially when it comes to music stuff. Bela and him— that’s his business. I’m not even sure how serious it is, as much as I love them both—.”
Pamela chuckled, breaking your momentum, but you pushed on.
“I’m staying a neutral party. I can’t really play matchmaker and then question if it’s a good idea. They can make their own choices.”
Another kitten crawled into your lap and you set the one you had been holding down next to it, so they could play. You felt Pamela watching you with her knowing eyes and from experience you knew she was going to continue to throw you for a loop with whatever she said next.
“Now who’s playing the martyr?”
You sighed and looked back at her, and luckily it seemed like she was at least teasing and not being snide. One of the kitten’s claws dug through your jeans and you yelped, pulling it off of your thigh. You stood to put it back in the crate with the rest of the litter.
“Just talk to him, he’ll let Lee get a song down, I can almost guarantee it.”
You gazed down at the innocent fur balls and wished your life held more silly little pleasures than it did. But you knew you didn’t deserve it, deep down.
You dragged out your phone and snapped some pictures of the kittens, then held it up to Pamela in question. She nodded and snuggled her kitten against her cheek, scrunching up her face for the shelter website. You’d send all of your shots to Annie later, let her pick and choose how to celebrate the event and advertise for next year.
Throughout the day, you got plenty of shots of the band with animals and the workers sending happy families off with new fur members. The day was winding down, but you stuck around to help anyway you could. You wiped down the breakroom table as Sam hauled the last of the pastries out to Bobby’s truck to bring home for Dean and to the studio if they lasted until Monday.
You tried not to pay attention when two of the younger staff members came in muttering, the blonde girl making the brunette openly gape. 
“No way! Grossssssssss.” 
“Shut up, she’s still got it, for her age.”
The brunette sighed and shook her head. “Sure, I guess, but didn’t she like set them up?”
The blonde shook her head. “I don’t think so, he was just here a lot when his brother was being a dick, and then Madison and him like bonded over shit.”
After that you couldn’t help but listen, because they were obviously talking about Sam. 
“Besides the thing with Annie was like forever ago, she’s been married for like three years or something and Madison just started here over the summer,” the blonde seemed unfazed by the amount of gossip she was conveying.
“I guess I just didn’t think about how well everyone knows each other.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” the blonde smirked.
Lee chose that moment to come into the breakroom with Gibson thrown over his shoulder, but the crook in his eyebrow told you he knew the college kids were being snarky. “Hey, Trouble, you ready to go? Little man here said his Uncle Dean told him everybody could come over for grub.”
The girls seemed to freeze in place, having not noticed your presence. You looked around the room, checking to see if it was cleaned up enough to call it a day. “Uh–”
You had no reason to bail on the band, but you had been looking forward to a night alone at your place. As lame as that seemed for a Saturday night, something was telling you that you’d make an idiot of yourself if you were left alone in Dean’s presence, or even Sam’s after the juicy details you’d just heard.
“I’ve actually got to get home and start sorting through the photos, but thanks for the offer.”
Lee’s face changed, bright eyes squinting in suspicion, but Gibson started to struggle. “You sure?” he asked, flipping his son over in front of him so he was back on his feet facing you, a giggling, miniature version of himself standing guard.
You looked down at the six-year-old and couldn’t help but grin. “Buddy, will you tell your Uncle Dean that I’m busy working and I’ll see him later?”
Gibson nodded excitedly, showing off the gap where he’d lost a tooth, and gave you the thumbs up, happy to play messenger for his favorite uncle.
 Lee spun towards the door, guiding Gibson at his side, “I guess that means it’s just us in the car cuz Mom’s already headed out. Later, Trouble!”
You shook your head at the adorableness and pulled out your phone to order a ride. Sometimes it was a real pain not driving by yourself, but you made your peace with never getting behind a wheel again long ago.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican@leigh70@globetrotter28
Chapter Seven: Lilt
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maddiehu7 · 8 months
My angel | Castiel |
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Chapter 2
*knock knock*
"So, where is it?" A girl with black hair and a tank top opens the door
"Where's what?" I question
"the pizza that takes two guys to deliver" she says sarcastically
"I think we got the wrong room" Dean sighs out
"Hey is-" Sam says coming out from around the corner
"Hey, ya, Sammy" Dean says smiling, Sam breathing heavily looking at him in shock, Dean goes towards him for a hug but Sam jumps into action taking out a knife and pinning Dean against the wall, bobby jumping in pulling Sam off him
"Who are you!" Sam shouts trying to get out of Bobby's hold
"Like you didn't do this" Dean says angrily
"Do what?!" Sam continues shouting
"It's him Sam, it's him, I've been through this already it's really him" Bobby says still holding Sam back
"But..." Sam starts to calm down
"I know, I look fantastic" Dean says smiling walking towards him Sam just looks at him for a second before hugging him tightly
"So, are you to like....together?" We all look to the girl in the corner
"What? No, he's my brother" Sam smiles
"O-oh got it...I guess, look I should probably go" she says awkwardly
"Yeah-yeah probably a good idea..sorry" Sam sighs out, she collects her clothes Sam also getting dressed while we stand there awkwardly
"So call me?" she says heading out the door
"Yeah, yeah sure thing Kathy" Sam says
"Christie" she corrects
"Right" they stand there awkwardly for a second before she leaves, Sam closes the door coming over to sit down as we all look at him suspiciously
"So tell us what'd it cost?" I question angrily pissed at the fact he hasn't even acknowledged me
"The girl? I don't pay Mia" he looks at me laughing my face screwing up in disgust
"Not funny Sam, to bring me back what'd it cost? Was it just your soul of was it something worse?" Dean takes over
"You think I made a deal?"
"That's exactly what we think" I say
"Well I didn't" he sounds honest but if he didn't bring dean back, who did?
"Don't lie to us" Dean says seriously
"I'm not lying" Sam looks up at him
"So, what now? I'm off the hook and your on is that it? Your some demons bitch boy, I didn't wanna be saved like this"
"Look, Dean I wish I had done it, all right?" Sam stands up but when he does Dean grabs him by the shirt harshly
"There's no other way that this could have gone down now tell the truth!" Dean yells, Sam pushing him off
"I tried everything that's the truth, I tried opening the devils gate, hell I tried to bargain Dean but no demon would deal all right....you were rotting in hell for months-for months and I couldn't stop it so I'm sorry it wasn't me...Dean I'm sorry" Sam finish's sadly
"It's okay Sammy...you don't have to apologize I believe you" Dean sighs out
"Don't get wrong I'm gladden that Sam's soul remains intact, but that does raise a sticky question" Bobby speaks up
"If he didn't pull Dean out, then what did?" I say confused.
We all sit down, Sam handing Dean and Bobby a beer
"So what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave?" Dean asks taking a swig of his drink
"Well once I figured out I couldn't save you....i started hunting Lilith down, trying to get some payback" Sam says
"All by yourself?" I question still angry he didn't call once
"Yeah I'm-I'm sorry Mia and Bobby I should have called, I was pretty messed up" Sam sighs out not even sounding sorry
"Oh like I wasn't you fucking asshole" I spit back
"Mia..." Sam trails off not knowing what to say
"Whatever Sam" is say tearing up a bit, Bobby rubbing my shoulder
"I know a girl her names Pamela she could probably help with something like this" Bobby says to us
"Well what are we waiting for" I say swallowing my feelings, walking out the door them following me
We get in baby for the first time in a year and it's like coming home I sit in the back smiling
"What the hell is that?" Dean says looking at technology in his old car
"That's an iPod jack" Sam says smiling
"You were supposed to take care of her not douche her up" Dean says annoyed
"Dean I thought the car was mine" Sam scoffs, Dean just looks away rolling his eyes starting the car driving off
"There's still one thing that's bothering me" Dean speaks up after a couple minutes on the road
"Yeah?" I say
"Yeah the night that I got bit, how'd you two make it out? I thought Lilith was gonna kill you guys to" He says looking at Sam i just sit back in my seat knowing Dean will not react well to what happened
"We'll, she tried to kill Mia but I jumped in front of her but when I did nothing happened, she couldn't kill me"
"what do you mean she couldn't?" Dean says confused
"She fired this like burning light at me and...it didn't leave a scratch like I was immune or something" Sam says looking at Dean
"Immune?" He questions
"Yeah I don't know who was more surprised her or us, she left pretty fast after that"
"Huh" Dean sighs out
"What about queen of bitches ruby were is she?" I ask Sam
"Dead or in hell"
"So you've been using your freaky e.s.p stuff?" Dean questions and even though I'm not on the best terms with Sam I kick Deans seat for calling him freaky
"No" Sam says but I can tell there’s something more to it
"Sure about that? I mean now that you've got immunity, whatever the hell that is" i say sighing
"What other wierdo crap you got going on" Dean says bluntly
"Dean!" I scold him
"It's ok Mia" Sam smiles at me thankfully I just roll my eyes still mad at him
~~~time skip~~~
"Bobby!" A pretty woman comes out smiling hugging him
"Your a sight for sore eyes" Bobby smiles
"So, are you the kids he always talks about?" She says looking us up and down
"Sam, dean, Mia-Pamela Barnes best damn psychic in the state" Bobby says, we all say hi
"Mm,mm,mm" she says looking at us hungrily
"Dean Winchester out of the fire and back in the frying pain, huh? Makes you a rare individual" Pamela says
"if you say so" Dean replies
"Come on in" she says leading us into her house
"So you hear anything?" Bobby asks
"Well I quija-ed my way through a dozen spirits no one seems to know who broke your boy out or why" she sighs out
"So what's next" I say
"a seance I think, see if we can see who did the deed" she says
"Your not gonna summon the damn thing here?" Bobby questions
"No I just wanna get a sneak peak at it, like a crystal ball without the crystal"
"I'm game" I say she smiles at me leading us to a table and laying a cloth down on it, setting up some candles, and turning the lights off having us all sit down
“Take each others hands, and I need to touch something our mystery monster touched” Pamela says, we all look at Dean as he pulls up his shirt sleeve reviling the handprint
“Ok” she says as she places her hand on it closing her eyes
“I invoke, conjure, and command you to appear unto me before this circle” she says repeating it a couple times before the tv turns on and the table starts to shake
“Castiel?” She says I look at her questioningly
“No sorry castiel I don’t scare easy” she says challenging it
“Castiel?” I ask
“Its name, it’s whispering to me to turn back, I conjure and command you show me your face” she repeats
“Maybe we should stop” Bobby says worriedly
“I almost got it” she says quickly going back to repeating
“Show me your face now!” She yells but all of a sudden the candles light up and she’s screaming her eyes burning white as she passes out
“Call 911!” Bobby yells to us who look in shock, Sam goes and grabs the phone as we huddle around Pamela
“I can’t see” she sobs me and Bobby looking at each other confused, what the hell just happened and who’s castiel?
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confusedkittensposts · 10 months
Lazarus Rising
Watching Road so far: I don't know anything happening, except Dean got killed by a hellhound (was it more than one?)
Jensen's eyes are soo pretty.
*practically vibrates with excitement as windows and glass shatter knowing that's technically Cas, even if I haven't seen him yet*
I love how offended he looks when Bobby throws holy water at him.
I hate that white shirt Sam is wearing.
I fell like Sam and Dean are constantly lying to each other. Aren't they
What happened to Pamela was her fault, I have zero sympathy for her.
I would really like to know what exactly Cas was trying to say to Dean.
And who encouraged him to try and talk to Dean in his true voice again.
Was Cas like, I just rebuild him, he probably isn't completely functional RN, I'll come back later.
I didn't know about Cas going to that diner and burning the eyes of the demons.
Misha was so small, he's like a kitten, I wanna warp him in a blanket, squish him.
"That was my mistake."
He's sooo cute, and sweet, I can't believe they lumped him with those horrors for next fifteen years.
I may have started this post say Jensen's eyes are pretty but I see Misha's and I stop thinking about anything else.
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I never had a stronger urge to draw something.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 years
Creepypasta HC Voices
Mostly music probably
Excluding tim and brian because
We already know what they sound like
To make up for it I'll add creepypastas I don't really write for!!
Me thinks this fits him
Also listen to the Bass Gangs cover of hide n seek, Bobbys part in it is what sold me
Eyeless Jack;
V soft and quiet, almost spoken like a whisper
EJ always felt like a soft speaker to me
Laughing Jack;
Without the glitching of course
Jeff The Killer;
Look!! I love the general hc voices you can find on YouTube with all these talented VA but give this man a cough drop
Laughing Jill;
Jane The Killer;
Maybe im a F13 fan and a Pamela enjoyer
It fits me thinks
No comment on this one as im still developing my hcs of my personal take on Pupp
Bloody Painter;
Same as pupp, little to no comment
Ticci Toby;
Also comment; mostly due to the fact in trying to
Approach and lessen the discomfort I have around Tobias
Imagine it more rough n gutteral, but.. hollow..? Idk! This one might be subject to change!!
Unfortunately I've hit the video limit to this post but if you guys are curious I'm more than happy to make a part 2!!
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dean-mikaelson · 2 years
do you ever think about bobby and cas? because when they met cas was this powerful holy creature who could kill him and everyone he loves with a snap of his finger. but he didn’t. he did blind pamela and knock him out though. but when cas branded dean's ribs so no angel could find him, including cas, bobby told cas where he can find him. he trusted him. and then cas betrayed them and he decided to play god and, again, he could kill everyone bobby loves with a snap of his finger. but he didn’t, he died instead and bobby had to watch dean being eaten by grief for this,, monster. dean's best friend. and then bobby died before cas could redeem himself. actually, bobby was the one who helped dean find cas again. he ignored that cas brought a literal destruction to their world and. he directed dean to him. so I guess they met when bobby was a ghost, but does he remember any of it, really? would he still trust him if he was alive? and then they met again when sam and cas ask him for help in heaven. the last thing he probably remembers is godstiel. and how broken dean was because of him, because of losing him. but he helps him, no questions asked. no need to prove himself to be trusted. and then when bobby and dean meet in heaven, bobby knows exactly what to say. cas helped. your best friend is here. your... cas is here. and he smiles softly. in bobby's eyes, cas probably did more bad than good, but bobby knows. he's family.
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afterglow-tommylee · 2 years
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Chapter 26. I’ve Been Around For A Long, Long Year
Holy fuck dudes can you believe this? 
Oh wait, hi, it’s Tommy again… well I guess you probably could tell that anyways. Nevermind. Ok where was I? Oh right, 
We’re fucking married!!!
Alright, I know I’m a little late to the fuckin’ party on that one but there was so much Andi had to get to before she would let me come in here again. She’s a perfectionist that way let me tell ya.
Dude, it feels so fucking amazing to be married to that girl. She’s like, everything I’ve ever wanted in a wife I promise. Now I know you’re all thinking, ‘what the fuck, you’ve been married 3 fuckin’ times Tommy, how’d you just figure this out now?’
Ok to explain this I’m gonna have to go back a few years here, so sorry babe I’m taking over for a little bit. You’re all cool with that right? Awesome, I thought you’d be.
Ok, so my first wife I married when I was just a 19 year old kid and I mean that in every sense of the word. I mean I know most people think I’m still just a kid and most days I still feel that way but in this sense, now looking back, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and I’m definitely not the first one to think that years later. I was in love though and I thought it would last forever. Let’s be honest here, we made it a whole 30 days. I should’ve figured it was a mistake when I introduced her to my parents and, well my mom was shocked to say the least and my dad, well he just looked the other way. 
We were just insane. She was over the top crazy jealous and when we fought, shit you better look out. But that’s what made it all the more hotter I swear, or so I thought at the time. She’d throw anything she could at me when we were in the midst of our fights and there was even a time where she fuckin’ stabbed me in the hand with a butter knife then turned around to finish making her peanut butter sandwhich with it. Like, What. The. Actual. Fuck.
The last straw was when she called my mother a cunt. I don’t remember what started it, but once again we were fighting and she all out called my mother that, and she wouldn’t let it go no matter how many times I told her to stop. No one calls my mother a cunt and I fuckin’ kicked her out like yesterdays trash. After that I swore I was never gonna get married again.
Yea I know
But I did get married again, and I know you know all about Heather so I won't bore you with all that. I’ll only say this, I loved her with everything I had. We had been through a lot together and after a while, we just weren’t on the same path anymore. She wanted to focus on her career and I wanted to start a family and since we wanted different things, it just went all bad from there. 
So I was single guy again, and it was fuckin’ crazy. But I wasn’t single for long, I know I can’t help myself. I started dating Bobbie Brown - you know the chick from the Cherry Pie video? Yea her - and holy fuck that was crazy. She was super sweet and so hilarious and we were crazy about each other. But once again, jealousy is one angry motherfucker when it comes out. Like one minute we couldn’t fucking keep our hands off each other and the next minute we were fighting like animals. We were engaged but I never ended up pulling the trigger. There were just so many odd things that made me second guess her. Her strange mood swings and her paranoia, and then especially since she had me arrested for domestic violence after a big blow up we had. I know, sounds familiar right? 
Cue Pamela 
Now I’m not going to go into all of that here with you, since I did mention some of it earlier and again you guys are probably over the whole thing, I know I am. I feel like you all are screaming at me like “Shit Tommy didn’t you learn anything?” - I know, I know. Fuckin’ trust me dudes I know. You want drama in your life? Marry an actress. I’ve had enough to last me 5 lifetimes over, maybe even more.
After that I was done. Truly done. There was no fuckin way I was gonna do that all over again. After Pamela and I had finally called it quits - after months of us going back and forth missing each other, then fighting, then missing each other and hooking up, and I knew we had to stop but I just wanted us to be a family for our boys - we finally ended all the bullshit. I signed those divorce papers and never looked back. I came to realize that we really just needed to stay friends cause everything else just wasn’t working anymore. 
I stayed single for a long fuckin’ time - I mean I’m not gonna lie, there were a few late night booty calls in there somewhere - but I was free and clear and just didn’t want anything to do with relationships, dating, or like… y’know any of that shit. 
Then Andrea walked into that boardroom and I was done. That’s it, I found her. I found the one and even though I know I said that so many times before, this time I truly meant it. I still have no idea how she is my wife. She absolutely changed everything. It’s like, where the fuck has she been all my life? There is no fuckin’ way this is real. I keep thinkin’ I’m gonna wake up, like it’s all some sort of dream that isn’t really happening. 
Everything she does just blows me away. When I pulled out the titty cam - you guys remember the titty cam don’t ya? I mean how can you forget him? - I wasn’t sure what she was gonna do but I thought I would just play it up, y’know? If she got mad, or embarrassed I knew I was gonna hear about it later, but she totally just jumped right in. In later shows, it was like this competition between us, who could get more girls to flash us? She always won and I mean c’mon who could resist that sweetness she has.
She has opened up so much since we’ve been together and I’m so incredibly proud of her. That photo shoot we did together for that article, fuck dude, she was so fuckin’ gorgeous and those shots came out incredibly beautiful. When she showed me the final photos, I had to frame them right away and I hung them up right in the foyer so that everyone could see just how beautiful she is. 
She takes on so much and being a woman in this business is tough, and that’s comin from a guy who has seen it all. She has definitely seen it all and then some, but she never lets any of that shit get to her.
I mean we’re not all perfect, rainbows and fluffy clouds all the time. We fuckin’ fight just like any couple would. You’ve only seen just a glimpse, but trust me, you do not want to fight with an Irish girl. You will fuckin’ lose bro. 
No, but seriously it’s not to the extent of my previous relationships, she is definitely way more level headed even when she’s angry. I could never see her do anything like what I’ve experienced with my ex’s. She may want to though, cause I know I can be a dick when I want to be haha, but she would like, never carry it out. 
She never lets the business get in the way of us. Even when we’re butting heads about where I’m playing next or, the interviews and press she has set up, and I’m being a little brat about it, not wanting to fuckin’ do any of that shit - only some days though, most days I love it - We’ll definitley argue. But once I’m about to go on that stage, we make up, and she is like, in my corner ready to battle the world with me.
She is an amazing step mother to my boys, and they get so excited to see her everytime I pick those little monkeys up to see them. I swear they love her more than me. I just never thought I would ever find someone like her in a million years.
So, all of this to say, she is everything that I ever wanted in a wife and then some. I honestly didn’t think girls like her existed. Every time I was with a chick they’d be all cool with what I do until after a while they’d try and change me. Andi isn’t like that. She loves me for who I am and I love her for who she is. Music is always going to be my number one no matter what, but Andi is my number one too - er as well - y’know what I mean. She is the first woman to ever understand that. She’s never fighting against it or trying to change me in any way. She’s right up there with me and for that, there aren’t any words to explain my love for her.
Now that I’ve rambled on for the better part of… fuck what time is it? Shit! Ok, gotta go dudes, but I promise I’ll be back. I always am.
See ya!
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azurecanary · 5 months
Let's be real, if we're calling Bobby Dawn a televangelist, then Pamela Dawn is probably Anita Bryant
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Tommy Lee is such a douche Libra man I'm sorry but I can't help her the way he treats women and gets away with it it's just unbelievable to me he has that Libra thing where he just like it's friendly with everybody but you know underneath that exterior there's a monster, they started out together being Tommy Lee how do you first wife who's in the first picture I believe I'm sure that's his first wife but they were only married for something like a week typically broman making you think you're the world and then letting you down. But they are completely intoxicated with love is among many other things the way you treated Bobby Brown Pamela Anderson he's been with Naomi Campbell's,mayte Garcia and Pink the singer he's dating history is like a who's who and it needs to be known that Libra men are like this and maybe keep away unless they have over replacements I know his Venus is in Scorpio and I think that's where the anger issues may come from along with his Mars in cancer comma men with Mars in cancer a very close to like being very womanly and being comfortable in their feminine side which is probably why this man has cut become so attractive to every other type of woman and that is my view to Tommy Lee
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