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I been saying this for the longest.
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Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva meeting Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley on the sidelines of the Caricom (Caribbean Community) summit in Georgetown, Guyana, 28 February 2024
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Caribbean countries consider cutting ties with British monarchy
This is  something that is no suprise. maybe the duchy will feel the pinch, when those funds stop flowing in.  its time to talk about REPARATIONS NOW !
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ringsbeforebabies · 1 year
Planning to Attend Bermuda Carnival 2023? Here's What You Need to Know
Carnival in Bermuda is an annual event held on the third weekend in June in Bermuda. One of the fastest carnivals around the world, it is what I consider the perfect balance of rejuvenation and bacchanal. The island is gorgeous and known for their pink sand beaches with undeniable vibes and the largest beach raft up. You can come party then relax on island immediately after.  Carnival in Bermuda…
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x-b-s · 2 years
Watch "The Role Of CARICOM In The Caribbean" on YouTube
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Jamaica, The Summit Of The Americas And Our Non-Independence
The Americas faces many situations — climate change, drug trafficking, violence, poverty, threats to workers’ rights, threats to indigenous rights, femicide, and the list goes on. Many of these issues were, in some form or another, set to be discussed or touched upon at the Summit of the Americas, which ends today in Los Angeles, USA. The US, under the guise of being the host nation has seen it…
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tropicsday · 5 days
Interactive Dialogue on Leveraging data and digital technologies and building effective institutions for a resilient future in small island developing States - SIDS4 (27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda).
In accordance with the General Assembly resolution 77/328, the interactive dialogue will be presided over by two Co-Chairs, one from a developing country and one from a developed country, to be appointed by the President of the Conference.  The interactive dialogue will start with a moderated fireside chat, followed by responses from two experts or resource persons. Subsequently, the floor will be opened for interventions from Member States, UN entities, and other stakeholders.
There will be a pre-established list of speakers for each interactive dialogue which will be collaborative and multi-stakeholder in nature, with due regard for gender and geographical balance. Each list will include approximately 15 representatives from States and the European Union; two (2) representatives of intergovernmental organizations, entities and bodies and associate members of regional commissions; three (3) representatives of the United Nations system entities, including specialized agencies and related organizations and United Nations organs; and three (3) representatives from non-governmental organizations, major groups and other relevant stakeholders.
- H.E. Ms. Dace Melbārde, Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia
- The Honourable Pennelope Beckles-Robinson, Minister of Planning and Development for Trinidad and Tobago
- Ms. Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director of International Trade Centre (ITC)
Panellists (Experts/Resource Persons):
- H.E. Dr. Carla Natalie Barnett, Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
- Mr. Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO) and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO
Fireside Chat Participants:
- H.E Ms. Minna-Liina Lind, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia
- Hon. Carlos James, Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Sustainable Development and Culture, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Related Sites and Documents
Official Programme
Organization of work, including the establishment of subsidiary bodies, and other organizational matters
Watch the Interactive Dialogue on Leveraging data and digital technologies and building effective institutions for a resilient future in small island developing States - SIDS4 (27-30 May 2024 - Antigua and Barbuda)!
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presslakay · 26 days
Crise en Haïti | Les membres du Conseil Présidentiel s’entendent sur une présidence tournante
Les Conseillers Présidentiels se sont finalement entendus sur la Coordination au sein de la structure politique qui dirige désormais le pays. En lieu et place d’un Coordonnateur pour la durée du mandat du CPT, les membres ont adopté une présidence tournante où 4 coordonnateurs auront à diriger l’organisme. Après le choix d’Edgard Leblanc Fils comme Président du Collège Présidentiel de…
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worldhealthday · 2 months
Guarantee that everyone can access quality healthcare services without experiencing financial hardship.
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On April 7th, the world celebrates World Health Day to raise awareness and encourage action on global health issues. The theme for this year’s commemoration, “My Health, My Right”, emphasises the importance of affordable, accessible, and high-quality healthcare services for all, including addressing inequalities and investing in resilient health systems for CARICOM Member States. By investing in these health systems, CARICOM Member States can guarantee that everyone can access quality healthcare services without experiencing financial hardship.
“My Health, My Right” is also a powerful reminder of the pivotal role of individual empowerment in achieving better healthcare outcomes. It asserts that every person has the fundamental right to make informed decisions, access quality care, and lead a healthy life. This call to action, urging individuals to advocate for themselves and demand meaningful change from their governments and healthcare systems, is potent. Let us seize this moment to reflect on the importance of our health and take decisive action to secure our fundamental right to good health. We can all make a difference. By prioritizing our health, we can contribute to a healthier, more resilient world.
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 2 months
I know theres a shit ton going on in the world but my fellow Caribbean people, Caribbean massive, ah beg unu attention deh please
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I admit when I scrolled past these images shared on the Jamaica Defence Force page I just thought oh, regular regional training exercise, we do that all the time. BUT THEN our local paper shared this earlier this morning
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and I had to double back. The JDF press release only mentions 'possible multi-national security operations' while the Observer says we are 'set to deploy'. In the full Observer article the operation has a name, Operation Helios, like we are set set and there's a lot of 'Canada supports a Haitian-led solution to the ongoing crisis' yada yada except where are the Haitian representatives here??
I'll keep saying it, I want us to help Haiti in meaningful ways and in ways the Haitian people want us to help, but I don't want us to be there as puppets for the west. Based on recent events and moves in the region, that's exactly what it looks like.
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nakeddeparture · 2 months
What Jemima Pierre (Haiti) said about CARICOM and Mia Mottley (you need to LISTEN) are spot on - Naked Departure.
There are countries that take charge of their destinies and are punished, and there are others that are opportunistic (salvage the spoils). History is understood from that level by some of us. Have your say. Naked!!
Like/share/comment/subscribe on YouTube (it costs you nothing). Press the notification bell 🔔. NEW WhatsApp #2527225512
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Shango's Playlist:
The Official music video for the Caricom Anthem. ❤️🖤💚
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lescientifique · 2 months
Pitit Dessalines désigne un expert en criminologie et anticorruption au Conseil présidentiel
Alors qu’Haïti fait face à crise sociopolitique émaillée de scènes de criminalités et de corruption, sous la médiation de la Communauté des Caraïbes (CARICOM), une entente est trouvée entre les principaux acteurs sociopolitiques du pays afin de gouverner le pays dans une approche intégrée et consensuelle. Pour ce faire, un conseil présidentiel (CP) de sept membres actifs assisté de deux membres…
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ausetkmt · 3 months
The embattled prime minister of Haiti, the Caribbean country whose capital has been overwhelmed by violent gangs, said Tuesday that he would resign.
In a short speech posted to Facebook, Ariel Henry said his government would dissolve once a transitional council had been set up, following a week of "systematic looting and destruction of public buildings and private buildings."
"It hurts us. And it has revolted us," Henry said.
The prime minister appealed for calm: "Haiti needs peace. Haiti needs stability. Haiti needs sustainable development. Haiti needs to rebuild democratic institutions." 
The timing of the interim government remains unclear.
The resignation announcement follows weeks of spiraling violence, including prison breaks and an attack on the country's main airport. It came the same day as leaders of Caribbean nations held an emergency meeting in Kingston, Jamaica, to discuss the worsening crisis. Notably, Henry did not attend.
A senior administration official said Monday night that the talks, involving Secretary of State Antony Blinken with 40 representatives from Haiti as well as regional heads of state, had lasted seven hours.
It was agreed that the transitional council will include seven members, with one representing the private sector, the official said.
Earlier, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, president of Guyana andchairman of the group known as Caricom, confirmed Henry's resignation at a Monday night news conference.
“We acknowledge the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, upon the establishment of a transitional presidential council and the naming of an interim prime minister," he said.
Ali said the move to a transitional government "paves the way for a peaceful transition of power.” He said the commitment includes “the road to free and fair elections,” as well as continuity of governance and near-term security.
Henry has been on U.S. soil since last week, forced to land in Puerto Rico after he was unable to land in Haiti due to threats at the airport. Protesters had been seen outside the hotel he’s believed to be staying in as calls for his resignation grew louder.
Last weekend, Haiti was sent into a state of emergency after gangs banded together and attacked government institutions, the airport and prisons, setting free thousands of prisoners.
The notorious “G9 and Family" gang leader, Jimmy Cherizier — known as “Barbecue”— threatened more violence if Henry, prime minister since 2021, did not step down.
Blinken, who flew to Jamaica for Monday's meeting, said earlier Monday that the U.S. and Caricom, a regional trade bloc, "support a clear political transition plan, led by trusted representatives of Haitian society.”
"Haitians cannot wait any longer for a path to security, stability, and democracy," Blinken said on social media Monday.
Philippe Branchat, the United Nations International Organization for Migration head in Haiti, has said that the capital of Port-au-Prince is "under siege" and surrounded by armed groups.
Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, has long been in crisis.
Gangs have taken over about 80% of the geography of Port-au-Prince, according to the nonprofit Assessment Capacities Project, which provides data to humanitarian groups.
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head-post · 3 months
Haiti’s PM Henry resigns amid escalating violence
Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigned on Monday over increasing violence by a notorious gang in the country that has already forced the cancellation of general elections several times.
Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Guyana’s president and current Caribbean Community (CARICOM) chair, said in a statement:
“We acknowledge his resignation upon the establishment of transitional presidential council and naming an interim prime minister.”
Heads of State from 25 CARICOM member countries gathered in Kingston, Jamaica, for an extraordinary meeting to discuss the security crisis in Haiti. After the meeting, 74-year-old Henry, who had been in Puerto Rico since 5 March for security reasons, informed CARICOM of his decision to resign.
Meanwhile, gang members attempted to raid two police stations and the Interior Ministry but were repelled by police, local media reported.
Read more HERE
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havatabanca · 3 months
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