assowebtv · 8 months
Da quando è nata la nuova ProSormano l’evento atteso del Carnevale prende forma. Dal 10 Febbraio e per tutto il periodo della festa in maschera sarà davvero “strepitosa”.L’impegno da parte dei volontari è massima e allora ecco un ricco programma di eventi ed iniziative.Musica, chiacchiere per i bambini, costumi e divertimento assicurato garantiscono dalla ProsormanoLa sfilata partirà dal Comune…
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mymusicbias · 2 years
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auguxtomachado · 7 months
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Ensaios da Anitta, 2024.
— A primeira fan arte do ano tinha que ser do melhor evento pré-carnaval do mundo! ✨
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alertachiapas · 2 years
Una joya, el penacho del Carnaval Zoque de Tuxtla
Este elemento de arte plumario es utilizado para la celebración y es único en su tipo; en el año se arma solo un par de meses. Un elemento que es utilizado para la celebración del carnaval zoque de Tuxtla, es el penacho que usa el danzante del Napapok Etzé, el cuál es único en su tipo. Victor Manuel Velázquez – Danzante y artesano “En el caso de este penacho representa a el sol… … a lo que es el…
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youkaimaiden · 1 month
Creatives Liberties
Carnval AU by @sm-baby
Word Cont: feeling not real. on Ao3
"I got go fast"
"all most there" Ragatha was brewing the perfect tea. she was very focus on this little project that she didn't notice Pomni knocking or the fact both Caine and Pomni pop there heads in her room. "what is she doing?", "it look to be something about tea" The love birds were confuse what Ragatha was doing and walk over closer to get a better look. "oh Pomni I didn't hear you come in" Ragatha say finally noticing Pomni and not really acknowledging Caine as pouring out the tea she was brewing. "what brings you here today, wanting to do another cooking lesson, eat some treats" Ragatha says now placing some snacks around the table she have in her room, "um actually I wanted talk about something", "oh well I'll lean a ear", "well I was reading this book, and there some innocently" Pomni say pulling out the book, "why didn't you go to Gangle with this, you know she the main one that reads a lot", "well....I'm still kind of on edge with her and stuff, anyway I needed to ask you about Seabreeze" Ragatha look over to Pomni with a face of just disgust when hearing her name. "what do you need to know about that weird one", "well do remember how long she was mean to me" Pomni ask Ragatha which makes her ponder for awhile. "if I remember correctly, it was until the play Gangle had made us do, the one when you and Seabreeze was playing sisters in it, and the hour long joke section me and Avery have, oh all of us were getting off script that day" Ragatha chuckles a bit about those soft memories, "huh, even your memories she wasn't still mean why would Cir-","no, don't say that name here" Ragatha cut off Pomni before she could finish her sentence. "huh, why not?", "....because", "because why?", "BECAUSE I say so" Ragatha sternly say to Pomni, which makes her flinch a bit. Caine got between Ragatha and Pomni physically still eating a cookie. "ugh, I'm sorry, but just reframe from saying her name" Ragatha say walking away from the two of them, going to sit in a chair. "did something happen between you two?", "....I bit.....but I don't quite want to talk about it, anyway how far are you in that book?", "at chapter 3" Caine chimes in with his enthusiasm, which make Ragatha glare at him, but she shrug it off afterwards. "hand the book here, I'll read the next chapter", "really?!", "yup, I mean if I get a good look at the writing I would be better pin pointing the innocently" Ragatha says softy taking the book from Pomni, then both Pomni and Caine sit down at the table, as Ragatha began to read. "Hehehe I'm not going in there" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cirtri was walking backwards not wanting to go into the next level, "what's wrong baby sis, the Rabbit got you all fluster after the play" Seabreeze tease Cirtri which makes her face blush. "look unlike you and Avery I don't do flirting and stuff well, oh and have you notices after we finish the level, one of us get a kiss!", "just means it your turn, so pucker up" Avery says joining in the teasing which makes Cirtri blush harder. meanwhile Mio was in the background thinking for a moment, "um well what if you didn't engage in it" The other three look at Mio, "think about it, there still bots. so if you don't engage in the flirting maybe you won't get kissed" Mio say with a smile, this eases Cirtri mind a bit, "but the tread", "I want see this man kiss my sister sloppy style" Both Avery and Seabreeze contesting the idea Cirtri not engaging in the flirting, "Mio help me! these to people are crazy" Cirtri cry, running over to Mio and clinging to her. "agree, I'll protect you from these two degenerate" Both Seabreeze and Avery feel the hurt from Mio words. the party after having a questionable conversation go into The Rabbit level.
The room was dark but there was a path that was leading them down somewhere. The party walked down the path to see chairs and table around in front a screen, “huh strange, well Cirtri do yo-”,” nope” Cirtri says pulling Mio to sit next to her so she didn’t have deal with her sister trying to convince her flirt with the Ai, “well then, this seem to be some type of karma” Seabreeze says sitting down, between Mio and Avery. As everyone was seated the front screen started to play. “Welcome to the Animation studio, here we animate characters for silly stories” the screen shows an animation of a mouse closely looking like Minne mouse walking and running as saying these words. “Now I have break you in, now show your attention to your very handsome animation teacher Jax” as the screen says that Jax walks out with the screen showing hands clapping…Mio, Seabreeze, and Avery join in the clapping, meanwhile Cirtri just give Jax a look, [man is clearly stroking his ego] Cirtri thought in her head. “Why thank you, you guys didn’t need to clap for me” Jax says with a grin knowing he likes it when they join along the clapping, “anyway welcome to my animation studio students! Today I’ll teach each one of you how to sketch, draw, and animate, like me”, “so that way a whole ego stroke” Citri blurted the process to blush because she realized that was said out loud and not in her head, Jax just chuckle for he find it amusing. Mio was softly rubbing Cirtri back to try comforting her. “I may stroke my ego a bit but who wouldn’t if you can do what I do, now let's start on the sketching phase” Jax was softly teasing Cirtri on her words which made her blush more.
The group was sketching out what they wanted to do as Jax was watching over them and giving each one of them tips on how to do things. “THAT IT I'M GOING COMMIT WAR CRIMES AGAINST HANDS” Seabreeze yells, angry about the hands she can’t sketch on the paper. “Have you tried drawing circles” Mio says calmly, she clearly was also having a hard time and instead of threatening hands she opted for drawing hand circles. “no…I haven’t…I’ll try but doesn't mean I’m not going to commit war crimes”, “don’t do that” Cirtri chime in trying to keep her sister doing something dumb. Jax was busy helping Avery to even defuse the situation, not like he would do that anyways. “So if I sketch the movement then draw the frame in twos, then just make the in between frames after it would look better”, “yup I’m glad you're getting it” Jax says to Avery who was smiling. Jax finishes checking up with Avery and turns around, and sees a bit of Seabreeze sketches, “I thought you were making an animation about love?”, “I was until hands had personally slitted me” Seabreeze said with a smile, Jax gave a small worried expression, Mio looked up from her sketching, “trust me she likes this all the time”, “ I am not!” Seabreeze contested Mio's statement, and it seemed they were busy having a small argument. Jax finally check up on Cirtri, who the whole time was quiet and kept to herself being in this room, seem Cirtri…was actually good at this, almost it was something she did quite frequency. “Well seem I don’t have guild you to much in this process”, Cirtri jumps a bit for being spooked by Jax, “J-jax how long were you behind me” Cirtri stutter that make Jax smirk, “what little lady didn’t notices little old me behind her~” Jax tease knowing full well he just walked up behind her, “how would I, your so busy helping the other, plus someone need to stop trying to commit war crimes against hand” Cirtri says looking dead straight at her sister, who soft look away for being call out. “Well don’t think to much about her, like look how the frame work you did” Jax says point out the frames Cirtri drew, “eh I mean I could of done better”, “I think you did great” Jax give Cirtri a smile and thumbs up, it make her blush a bit, “um thank you” Cirtri says before going back to her drawings,
After hours pass, everyone finish their animation, and had to show each one to the class, everyone was in a different mood after doing this, Seabreeze was so tired that she couldn’t keep her eyes open, Avery hand hurted so much from holding the pen, Mio didn’t even want to even look at paper, Cirtri was fine tho, if anything she was only one beside Jax who was high on energy. “Alright Class after the long vigorous session of drawing, and then putting the frames together, here what each of you did” Jax says clicking a button on a remote, and turns down the light and turns on the screen. The screen plays each player's animations one by one, at first the other three weren't really into this but seeing the motion of their drawings seem to make each one of them light up a bit. As the last animation comes to the end, all the players clap in that room. “Ok I can see why you animate a lot Cirtri” Seabreeze says with a smile, which make Cirtri give back a sheepish smile, “I think I’m going to do more of this, might be a lot of work but seeing the end product is fun” Avery says getting up and walking to the door, “I don’t think I’ll do this again but I would love to have a team animators” Mio says following Avery. Cirtri and Seabreeze follow as well, but before Cirtri could get far Jax taps her shoulder. “Hey I want to give you something” Jax says giving Cirtri a mantis. “Oh I almost forgot about this part” Cirtri says, happy Jax stops her before all of them left, “that isn't the only thing I wanted to give to you” Jax says softly grabbing Cirtri’s left hand, then giving it a small kiss, “thank your sister for that one” Jax says walking away from the fluster Cirtri as giving fingers guns.
The others were already outside waiting for Cirtri, she finally walked out of the room. “Oh did you remember to g-”, “why, why did you tell him” Cirtri cut off her sister, she was extremely fluster, “oopsie” Seabreeze says knowing full well that wasn’t an accident, this make Cirtri disconnect from the game, and not even a moment Seabreeze clench her stomach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Celia had punched Celica in real life, “fuck!” Celica exclaimed in sorta pain, “don’t act like that you know I can’t hit you that hard” Celia says walking into her room leaving her sister in the small pain she causes. “You're so petty Celie” Celica says before Celia disappears into her room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ragatha finishes reading up the last words in the chapter. “Wow…that was something”, “they kept up with the trend”, “Caine really” Pomni says, giving Caine a ‘really’ look at him. “What, seems that was something important if she wrote it down” Caine points out, “The human has a point, getting to know this one she may seem shy and closed off but she always has reason what she writes down” Ragatha chimes in agreeing with Caine. “But why, that the question, the parts about people being kisses, writing about Seabreeze general anger, oh and only seem talk to Avery when others are in the conversation” Pomni points out all the weird things to her, “Look we’ll never know for she d-” Ragatha stop herself for a moment, “gone” Caine pick up Ragatha changes of words, but couldn’t be the fact she care about Caine feelings so what was up?. “Anyway, I wouldn’t be able to verify if any of this is true” Ragatha says looking more in the book, “oh the part about Cirtri placing the spoon wrong isn’t true, it was a knife she misplace” Ragatha says pointing out that part of the story, “but everything else is right, even…that kiss” Ragatha shiver in disgust saying that. “Well this adds more answers than questions…maybe we should go try talking to Gangle” Caine suggests, this makes Pomni hesitate but then she nods, “yah, she might have a better idea of some things” Pomni says, not really wanting to go to Gangle’s room. “If it would make you guys feel better I could call her up and monitor everything” Ragatha says offering her help to their quest, “really thank you so much Ragatha”, Pomni says giving Ragatha a hug, this makes Ragatha smile a bit, then it fades away, “well let me go call Gangle now” Ragatha says pulling away from Pomni and going to her phone.
“With Ragatha help this mission will be much more easier right Caine” Pomni says to Caine, but he was blanking out, seem focusing on Ragatha actions, “hey Pomni do you think Cirtri and Ragatha had a thing?”, “um no, I mean could of been very good friends, Cirtri did have a easy time making a friends with us”, “hmm, the way Ragatha treat the idea of her is like a ex” Caine says crossing his arms, Ragatha didn’t hear any of this conversation for she was on the phone with Gangles, this does make Pomni think about the way she acted a bit. “I think you have a point” Pomni says looking at Caine, who looks back, but they didn’t really have enough information about it to press Ragatha on it, so they drop it for now.
V'z fbeel V pna'g gnyx evtug abj
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
I could fall in love! Final part! (Neteyam x reader)
Neteyam and I talked all night, holding each other tight, talking about a future we dreamed of…until it was time to go home.
I decided I’d walk into my family’s Mauri first while he would talk his family before parting ways to come back to me.
I approached my father that was sitting down by himself in our Mauri.
“Dad…I know you’re angry.”
He shook his head and told me to sit down beside him.
“…when I found out that you left with Neteyam and realized what you might have done…I lost control, again and I went crazy. I didn’t know what to do anymore….I sat there for hours and I cried with your mother.”
“dad…I didn’t mean to…”
“Listen, I know you may be confused when you hear this but I’m glad you did what you did…I know I forced you into it.”
I shake my head listening to his last sentences
“…no you didn’t dad-“
“No. I can be extremely stubborn and you did what needed to be done. However I just wanted what was best for you.”
I pulled him in closer to reassure him I knew his true intentions and why he lashed out.
“I know that…that’s why at the end I knew it was going to all be ok.”
“…you know the day when I found out about you two and Neteyam said that he loved you…I knew he meant it.”
I begin tearing up discussing with my father
“He did mean it dad, we both love each other very much. We have a strong bond.”
“It scared me and I’ve come to realize that…I don’t know how to let you go.”
He begins crying and I hug him immediately.
“Oh dad, I love you.”
“I just want you to be happy Y/n. I’m so sorry! It hurt me not talking to you, I missed you my child.”
My mother and siblings walked into the room joining in on our hug as we all laughed.
“…sooo! Where is Neteyam?”
I giggle at them finally asking for him and I say he should be coming soon and as soon as I do there he was.
My siblings and mother give Neteyam a small hug and congratulations. While my father patiently waits for Neteyam to greet him.
“Come here son. You’re a good man. Welcome to our family.”
Neteyam joined me in training, and traveling. We became the leaders of the clan. It had been about two years and we had finally settled in our Mauri…enjoying our life. I was sitting by our sleeping area, staring at the ceiling. I was excited for Festival Carnval tomorrow but my mind was running a million miles per hour thinking about a more committed future.
“…What are you thinking?”
“I want a…farm.”
”A farm? We’re surrounded by sand my love how could you-“
“Nooo not that like I mean creatures! Not a big part of our land just a little area!”
“What do you want, want me getting up early and flying around with my ikran?”
“Yea! And I want to see you feeding the ilu’s!”
We shared a laugh before he said
“Feed the ilu’s with my ikran, I don’t think so! You plan on having a lot of creatures, then we should keep them apart because if we don’t they might just eat each other!” I shake my head to this nonsense
“Not my creatures! They are going to get along great!”Neteyam smiled at me before he looked at the ceiling I had decorated with beautiful plants and bioluminescent lights.
“….you know I’ve been thinking…about maybe having some little creatures of our own.”
He looks at me with disbelief before saying
“Why not?”
“Yea but what about your travels? Do you want to give it up?”
“No of course not! We can take our kids along with us!”
“…so you’re talking kids, leadership and a farm with lots of creatures?!”
I giggle at his surprised voice
“Yeah! Why not? Anything is possible for us!”
“Kids huh? Ok, I love that idea! How many.?”
“Five! I want five kids!”
Neteyam’s eyes go wide before saying
“Five?! I don’t know if I can handle that, at the most maybe three?”
“Mmh…I don’t know! Five is a better number for me!”
“You always get what you want from me so I don’t know either”
We both share a laugh before we head to bed, he was completely clueless on who else was listening in on our conversation…
I woke up extra early with energy flowing through my body, ready to force Neteyam to get up.
“Good morning to you!” I began singing stupid words I made up while he brushes my hand off his leg saying
“Ah! Y/n leave me alone my love it’s too early!” We giggled before I said
“You’re too quiet sometimes I just have to…” I begin shaking his leg again before giggling at him.
“Ok! I’m up!”
“Let’s do what we need around the island before we dance for carnaval!”
Soon the time came after we did what was needed we heard Tsireya, Lo’ak and Ao’nung call out that our brothers and sister have arrived. I instantly rushed to pull Neteyam’s hand to dance with him.
“With the way you’re so excited for carnaval, if we have a baby it’s going to come out dancing!”
He made me melt with how wide his smile was and how excited his voice sounded!
“So be it! Carnaval is about celebrating life!” He laughed what I had just said before we begin singing and dancing.
(Begin playing ‘what is love’)
“What is love? If it's not with you, I know when you're alone you feel it too! In your arms is where I long to be, Cause being with you gives me sanity”
The people dance around us as I gently rush Neteyam onto my spirit sister, who my mother and Neytiri talked to before carnaval began…urging my spirit sister to go slower when we danced alongside her.
“Welcome to Rio!”
I giggle and dance around Neteyam as the crowd watched the waves I made behind us while people danced in the waters and shores.
“What good is love? If it's not your love!”
We listen to Ao’nung, Lo’ak and Roxto rap until Lo’ak says
“break it, break it down Neteyam!”
Neteyam turns to the crowd while I gently squeeze his hands.
“What's a song? If you can't hear it too?”
The crowd begins to let out a scream of excitement, Neteyam finally spoke in a carnaval! I twirled myself around with Neteyam’s arm, ready for us to sing back and forth.
“Can't imagine dancing without you
A shooting star, ain't really nothing to see!
If you ain't right here dancing next to me”
He lets out a ‘oh’ and laugh before I gave him a quick kiss to calm his nerves.
“Oh, listen to me darling, I wake up every morning, Thinking bout the way you feel”
I swayed my hips as I watch Neteyam dance by himself, admiring how he finally let loose, that was until I made a wave wrap around us and I kissed him! It surprised him so much that he started slipping towards me but played it off as him catching me.
“You know! For a navi from the forest, You sure got some moves!”
“Oh that wasn’t a move! That was an accident! But i accept and appreciate the compliment my love!”
I laugh at his shyness and obliviousness at my flirting towards him.
“You’re my one and only Neteyam!”
The crowd went crazy as I made a big water design beside us saying ‘Baby Sully! Coming soon!’
I held onto my stomach while Neteyam looked at the crowd confused before they began pointing behind us. The last thing Neteyam heard was his siblings and in laws calling his a “skxawng” for being completely lost.
When he turned he was shocked and immediately picked me up to holding onto me.
“Baby sully! Oh my Eywa our dreams are coming true!”
He cheered to the crowd while I smiled looking at the man I fell in love with. The man of my dreams. The one who kept me safe and who I am now building more dreams with.
These two deserved a happy ending trust me the sadder ending was…tearful, I considered it tho! 💔
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
@zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll @lv9su
@useryourbut @nikotokitaswife @eatassskatefast12
@simp-erformarvelwomen @luciddasher @dakotali
@snowywhiterose @manohari @httpjiikook @destinylb @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @neteyamforlife @inutheangel @tainted-artist4161 @elegantkidfansoul @fanboyluvr
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autisticlibrary · 5 months
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Various BORDER: CARNVAL BTS Photos #3
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neverlookatthisblog · 2 years
My masterlist <3
welcome to my master list most of the writing is Smut but i am interested in writing in other genre’s you could always request it’s open another note i am open to writing for other celebrities that aren’t jack!!! :) 
i’m not asking you i’m telling you 
look up at the ceilin
gulty pleasure
Birthday girl 
Birthday boy
Strawberries and Chocolate 
the boy is mine
All white party
love island
One of the girls
Underestimated love
Bad for business
Face Masks
Barbie (concept)
Out of focus
coming soon :))
Carnvals and Bunny Ears
Is it new year yet
Dad jack:
OC: Intro The Harlow kids
Uh oh
First words
Harlow Christmas
Emotional support
Harlow’s easter
Soccer games
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i-ran-over-a-deer · 1 month
if anyone even cares ^_^ I didn't post my Kirari head canons yesterday cause idk :I but im on break still and have nothing to do so here !! (i tried rlly hard )
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★yk this girl owns that Ikea shark Blahaj, don't deny it. ★one time she went fishing when she was little and jabbed herself with the fishing hook thing to understand the fish ★Best at her swimming class (she does swimming ofc) ★Fluent in Latin & French
★She's bisexual ★won a fish when she was 10 at a carnval and its still alive to this day(it was a gold fish and they live for 10-15 years okay?) ★refuses to admit but likes having her hair done by Sayka (she's so gentle!!) ★her favorite subject is biology she isn't very fond of math though ★Npd she has Npd (Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a complex psychological condition that presents with a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy. NPD can cause significant social and occupational impairment and often has complications of comorbid psychiatric and substance use disorders) ★she owns 3 geckos leo,lia and lilo ★has a couple fish tanks in her room ★she's insane so yk she has gone to a beach with sharks in the water ★her room walls are pale blue ★for Halloween she work a rlly cute shark hoodie with her hair down (the images are from here you can buy it from this link ->https://www.amazon.com/Hoodie-Sleeve-Jacket-Pullover-Sweatshirts/dp/B09P5516MB?th=1)
like this**
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★threw that council a Christmas party cause why not (mostly so she could push sayka under the mistletoe and make out with her..) ★she listens to Gorey true crime ★her pronouns ? = she/they ★wants a normal relationship with her sister 😔✊ ★she doesn't have one normal thought going through her brain :) ★SHE LOVESSS SHARKS specifically leopard sharks and megalodons ★she despises dress codes!! so she didn't implement any like she dose not care if you aren't in uniform ★she doesn't only have blahaj she has soo many sea themed plushies who cares if its childish? she sure DOSENT (example⬇️)
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★she has tea with yuriko ! ★Whaa she loves gummy shark so much (runa got her sum for he birthday) End I <3 kirari so much :D
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astrono · 8 months
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thespiritofradiogaga · 8 months
MBTI's no Carnaval
ESTP e ESFP: vão em todos os blocos, enchem o cu de cachaça e na quarta de cinzas já tão 100%
ENTP e ENFP: brincam um dia ou dois, mas também passam um tempo em casa vendo netflix
ENFJ e ENTJ: tem todo o carnval planejado desde dezembro, vão de carro e levam água, comida e kit de primeiros socorros
ESFJ e ESTJ: encontram mil conhecidos no bloco e começam a falar mal deles no instante em que eles vão embora
ISTP e ISFP: capricham na fantasia, bebem com moderação e não tem ressaca
INTP e INFP: fantasias extremamente específicas no único dia em que saem, preferem ficar em casa
ISTJ e INTJ: se saírem é porque foram arrastados por alguém
ISFJ e INFJ: saem no máximo dois dias pra agradar alguém, mas gostam de ficar em casa curtindo a chuva e lendo
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mero-youssef · 2 years
#tarragona #carnval#spsin🥰🤍
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ocombatenterondonia · 7 months
Débora Nascimento aposta em look ousado para curtir carnval: ‘Espetáculo de mulher!’
Débora Nascimento elegeu uma fantasia com transparência nos seios para curtir a folia carioca. A atriz compartilhou um álbum carnavalesco nesta terça-feira (13). “CARNAVAL na exaltação da liberdade”, legendou a atriz. Ela dividiu momentos em várias festas e bloquinhos. Em outro clique, ela aparece com um body rosa transparente. Débora também apostou em franjas e hot pants para mais…
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gauntghoul · 1 year
does anyone know if its gotten any easier to pirate the nu carnval scenes or r they still rly strict on that. asking for a friend
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codexanathema · 1 year
Creando un entorno
Abril ya está aquí y trae consigo el Carnval de Blogs Roleros y el Reto de la A la Z. ¡Únetenos!
Marzo ha sido un mes frenético: el estreno de “Calabozos & Dragones: Honor Entre Ladrones” y los preparativos para ello me han exigido tiempo que no tenía, y trabajar junto a la distribuidora de Paramount en Perú me dio la oportunidad de verla en varias funciones especiales. Si estás aquí y aun no la has visto, no entiendo que esperas: pero si quieres una crítica sin spoilers, la puedes encontrar…
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youkaimaiden · 1 month
Four Party Crowd
Carnval AU by @sm-baby
where the fuck is my shrubbery (warning some suggestive things)
Word count: IDK also on Ao3
Cirtri was messing with the spider in the game waiting for Seabreeze. "jeez she late, at this point I could of continue by myself" Cirtri says still messing with the spider, which seem to not care at all. A bit of time pass by and Seabreeze finally log in...but not just her, another player appears and second one as well. "sorry about that, work was getting to be a lot, oh and I invited two people to play with us, I happen to learn about the next game by one my co-workers and I thought four people would be better then two" Seabreeze says with a smile warmly hugging her sister, on the other hand Cirtri wasn't happy about this decision.
"I mean one person would been fine but two", "trust me they won't be a problem", "b-but, what if they are me-", "I wouldn't invite people who are going to be mean, so trust me on this alright". Cirtri nod meekly on Seabreeze words as she back away gesturing her hand to the two strangers. "why don't you two introduce yourself first, she going need a bit to warm up to new people", Seabreeze say with a smile. The cat like player over her chest with there hand, "call me Mio, and I hope we can get along" Mio softly tilt her head kindly, the other stranger wrap there arm around Mio, they look more clock kind of head, "and I'm Avery, nice to meet you" Avery reached out his hand to Cirtri who just hide behind Seabreeze meekly. ".....Cirtri" The meekness in Cirtri voice makes Seabreeze chuckle a bit, "don't worry she won't act like this all the time, now give that" Seabreeze take the spider and toss it on the ground, like the lady bug the spider crawl to the next level where the players stop at. Mio read out the level name "Storyteller", "Ooh! What's so worth nothing" Seabreeze bonk Avery on the head for his reference as Mio laugh at the responds. after the small laugh sessions the party enter the Storyteller room.
"welcome one, welcome all to my play theater" Gangle says stretching her arms out greeting the players who had enter. "wow this place is amazing" Seabreeze says walking down, follow by Mio, Avery and Cirtri, as the party get to the stage Gangle come up and holding a script, "It's nice to see new actors come to my theater, and because your guess stars, I'll give each one of you a staring role of my play" Gangle says giving jazz hands at the end to emphasis her words. "She kind of cute", "oh I forgot you have a type for the theater girls" Mio says joking about Avery taste in woman. Gangle on the other hand was handing out scripts to her play with a smile, "oh and don't worry I have some other coming in soon to fill up the other roles I need so don't worry, just make sure read up the script and practices and practices" Gangle says before slithering back up to the riser and waving good bye. "creepy...still hot though~", "lets just get into the script" Cirtri peep up, pining the nonexistent bridge of her nose, she was already over stimulated.
The party started practices on the script Gangle gave them. "so says here your are suppose to do a back flip, into Pomni arms", "of course it would be her", "....I'm not going to question that but she not hear so want to try it with me", "well better then Ms. toxicity positive" Seabreeze says, she clear still didn't like Pomni, but want at least try get down doing this stunt so she was trying backflip into Avery arms. meanwhile Cirtri and Mio was talking to each other. "so on this page your suppose to look at this mirror and sing a song to it", ".....", "...well and there suppose to be scarlet flower petals", "....", "....a-are you going to say something?" Mio say, it was kind of talking to a wall for her, but Cirtri didn't really say anything just sorta look to the side being not really interested in talking to Mio. "look you can't just ignore me all day, and Seabreeze is busy" Mio look over to Seabreeze backflipping and failing to get into Avery arms, "doing.... other things in the script, if talking the problem I can do sign language" Mio says trying to come up to a middle ground to get Cirtri to at least work with her. "um....I don't want work on my part" Cirtri finally spoke, Mio tilted her head a bit but nodded. "alright, guess we work on mine first them", "....thank you" Cirtri say with a soft smile.
Time pass a bit, seem the group mange to get in what was important to remember from the script. "I don't get it what god making me have deal with that annoying thing" Seabreeze says point to Pomni who was dress up in a maiden dress, "I mean she isn't bad, maybe you two just got up in a wrong foot, who know maybe some point you would need her for something", "the day that happen is the day I die" Seabreeze says wearing a very similar clothes to Pomni. Cirtri was in the corner of the backstage, moving a table that need to be place for the first scene, "hey need any help" Ragatha says walking over. "oh no, I'm good, if anything Pomni might need help from my sister" Cirtri giggles a bit, in the distance there was soft sound of Seabreeze just snaping a bit at Pomni. "well I could take the vase so you don't have drag it on top of the table" Ragatha says picking up the vase, which makes Cirtri smile in appreciation.
The stage was set then one light turn on, shining over Gangle. "welcome all audiences who could make it, and our VIPs King and Queen, this play took some time to make but with our hard work and out special guest stars we all mange to pull this off under 4 hours, which it great. Now I would ask the audiences please be silence all silly tools that could make noise" Gangle says that making Kaufmo toss his clown horn for comedic effect. "thank you, now lets this play begin" Gangle disappear again as saying those last words. ================================================ The red curtain rises, Pomni and Cirtri are sitting on the couch, Pomni was messing with a puzzle and Cirtri was reading. Seabreeze walks in from stage left holding a letter. "Sisters we have a letter", "a letter from where?!?" Pomni says, getting from the couch running over. "calm down, it a letter from our father, we all are of age now and they had some things they want us to fulfill", "that sounds nice" Cirtri sarcastically says making Seabreeze scoff, "now now don't act like that sister who know might be interesting" Seabreeze say opening the letter. "Dear my beautiful daughters, I know today all three of your girls would be of age, there are somethings I would love to be fulfil, even if I am over seas as your father you must listen to me. For my first born, I want you continue the family heritage of black smithing, my second born, I want you to become a great weapon wielder, and finally my last born, you be marry off to the man who name I attach to other paper with this letter, I already made agreement with his Mother and this would be best for both of you. love you my daughters -Father" Seabreeze read the letter out loud. Father had a lot to ask for his daughters especially for the youngest one. "wow so I get to wield weapons!" Pomni eyes glow up thinking about it, Cirtri on the other hang wasn't happy about her part of the letter. "no way, I'm not going to do that" Cirtri scoff walking and leaving off stage right, "wait but Father had agreement you don't want father to be a liar right!?!" Seabreeze yell out and follow after Cirtri leaving on stage right as well. Lights turn off then on, new scene, Mio was fixing Jax tie on his suit. "Mother you know I can do this on my own you don't have to help", "are you sure sweetie, last time I check you were trying wear a batman suit for your wedding", "that because Batman is cool" Jax protest, Mio just roll her eyes. "just don't ruin this, I made a good deal with this girl's father, you get a lovely bride and we promote his business, it a win win scenario", "I didn't ask to be marry, I just wanted to play my lute and swoop the ladies no string attach" Jax say popping his collar, then Mio fix it, "your going get marry unless you don't want to inherit the family money" Mio scold Jax, "ok what if I was gay" Jax say, this wasn't on the script, "well then I'll get you a husband", "but what if I wanted get marry to the chair" Jax still being off script walking over to the fancy chair, Gangle back stage was getting a little upset Jax was going off script, but Mio didn't falter at Jax off scripting. "then you'll marry the chair, no son of mine going get inherit money and not be married" Mio say walking over to Jax getting on top of the chair and pulling his ear. "now stop messing around, your bride to be is on her way with her sister" Mio scolded Jax, as scolding Jax, Cirtri and Seabreeze come in from stage right, Cirtri eyes was cover by Seabreeze and Mio did the same to Jax. "afternoon Madam", "afternoon to you too", "so, why are you on the chair", "you know having a very interesting conversation with my idiot son" Mio say, this make Cirtri giggle a bit. "anyway lets not get into much detail why I'm up here now I see you have brought your sister, and my son is well dress lets the wedding ceremony begin" Mio look at Jax "and you better behave got it" Jax nod in Mio words.
================================================ The first intermission come, Gangle started yelling at Jax. "why would you go off script!", "what I'm not going be this lover boy, I got add my own thing" Jax say very chill about what he did. while the other changes to different clothes, "dose this mustache make me look like a old man", "more of a child trying to be adult if you as me" Ragatha says to Avery adjusting his mustache~. "Oh Player don't forget put this on" Pomni say passing Cirtri the ring, "thank you, but do you have call me Player you could just call me Cirtri you know", "alright updating.........done" Pomni say after having a small updating screen. "10 minute until next scene, and Jax stop hitting the gritty" Jax did not stop hitting the gritty, if any he gritty his ass onto the dark stage as Cirtri follow him. "I can't with him today" Gangle says frustrated Avery give her a pat on her back...well what would be her back. "so, how much your betting Jax going derail the whole play", "20 bucks" Seabreeze says, with Mio nodding in agreement. ================================================ Scene 3, Cirtri was sitting across the table from Jax not to happy being marry to him. "so how was your day honey", "it was fine, how about you", "it was alright managing the family business is a lot of work" Jax says, then goes silent again as eating the food. "have you pick up any hobbies", "no", "did you go outside today", "yes", "did you see your sisters", "yes", "are going say anything that isn't yes or no", "maybe" Cirtri says, Jax show visible frustration, placing his forehead in his hand. "are you going to be stubborn about this, we been marry for 4 years now", "I know", "do you even like me?", "sometimes", "those sometime must be me in the bedroom~" Cirtri look at Jax a shock he would say that. "don't act like that you know the really reason you stay because I can give you a good time~", In the back Seabreeze was asking Mio did she want her $20 physically or digitally. "w-wait we nev-", "what don't be shy, I know you like, scream my name in bed~" Cirtri face was getting red, even though they never did it, the implication made her fluster. "and the way you call me da-", "STOP! this to much" Cirtri flustery say, she cover her face with her hands. Jax gets up from his chair and walk over to Cirtri praying her hands away from her face. "aw don't hide the pretty face of yours~" Jax say leading closer seeming about give Cirtri a kiss but pulls away last minute making Cirtri even more fluster. "by the way my brother is coming over so make sure you look presentable" Jax says walking away from Cirtri and going back to the script, Cirtri could only nod after all of that.
Scene 4, Ragatha and Avery was sitting on one couch and Jax and Cirtri was on the other. "My, my brother I might say, I'm shock you mange to fine a pretty women to marry you" Avery say with a bit of mocking in his voice. "well you know mother try her best to fine me one", "well I'm sure two to have very good relationship like me and my wifey" Avery says gentle grabbing Ragatha hand. "I think it quite lovely see you with someone" Ragatha say with a smile. Cirtri lays her head in Jax lap, Jax didn't quite know how to react at but he just pat Cirtri head. "well seem you to are getting along" Avery say with a smile as Gangle softly curse backstage, seem she was piss off the off scripting that had happen the whole play. "so how about you brother how your marriage been", "popping out children left and right, think be done but no next thing you know there another one, like woman we have 68 children", "oh 68 we need one more for the funny number" Ragatha says, the audiences chuckle on that. "well damn I didn't know you were like that" Jax joke making everyone on that stage laugh. "well look at the time seem it time for us to go" Avery say getting off the couch and helping Ragatha off the couch as well, and exiting on stage left. "woman got high drive you think sweetie" Cirtri nod in agreement. light turn off. ================================================ There was a scene being play out before Cirtri had go back on stage. "Happy the audiences love this but the hours I work on this script to it be not one to one upset me" Gangle say softly crying, "hey don't be to sad about it, if anything it was a great script you wrote, just happen to be Jax wanted to mess around" Cirtri says trying to comfort Gangle, it dose help then the scene on the stage end. "oh they are done" Cirtri say nervous what she have to do, Pomni was walking and toss the fake arm to Seabreeze, that was bad decision for she just gave her a weapon...and she processed to hit Jax with it. "....hey is there a way so I don't have go out there"," what no way your singing voice is so beautiful, and you got let the crowd hear it" Gangle say not picking up Cirtri nervousness. "I mean you have my sister" Seabreeze processed to bonk the shit out of Pomni as Cirtri says that "...Never mind seem she to busy", "trust me what ever your nervous about isn't going to as bad then a crows not seeing a full show" Gangle say patting Cirtri head and softy nudging her to the stage. Despite Cirtri dismay she went on stage. ================================================
Scene 5, Cirtri was siting on her knees in front of a mirror, she softy touches the mirror glass. then music start to play. "♪Pray for me while my mind is flickering, burning. Thirteen, fourteen, rotting and eating spices as we please, see♪, ♪Watch me sleep with a dagger up my sleeve, hurting Thirty, forty, stabbing like crazy, smiling as I bleed, see♪" Cirtri gets up off the floor. "♪Lindo, lindo, love will gather in time, Lindo, lindo, on my ear, it shines, Lindo, lindo, keep it down as you hide, Lindo, we go lie and lie and lie and lie and♪" As still singing Cirtri looks out to the audience "♪L L LIFE, you and me, E E EYE, and so we. Play bad and hold on tight and lie and lie and lie and lie, K K KNIFE, you and me, E E EYE, already There’s evil deep inside, a lie and lie and lie and lie, L L LIFE E E EYE♪" As Cirtri was singing on the stage, in the back seem the human players were kind of messing around a bit. "so I didn't know your sister could sing", "yah she just doesn't do it for a crowd you know, really only for me and her", "well I think I would like hear it again after this", "I doubt you will but I can try get her sing again" Seabreeze say not really making much a promise on that one. "♪L L LIFE, you and me, E E EYE, and so we, Play bad in grey tonight and lie and lie and lie and lie, K K KNIFE, you and me, E E EYE, already, There’s evil once you find the lies won’t fill your life I’m all alone and find, This sweet is poison, right, Oh why, Someone will wait tonight, ah♪" the light fade to black after Cirtri sing that last line. then the light come back on and every one who was apart of the play where one stage taking a bow for the audiences, as they cheer for them.
As the audiences start to leave the King say a bit to congratulate Gangle on her play and to talk to the guess stars. "well that was quite a show and you four were so great" Kinger praise the party, they all smile in there own way. "Dragonfly the way you would never faulter, Firefly the spunk you bring to every scene, Grasshopper the way you help people get on stage, and you Moth your singing voice was lovely" Kinger says praising the party more, after he was done he left them with Gangle, who was holding a centipede. "this should you guys into the next room, oh and tell Jax stop going of script or I'll actually slap him" Gangle say wanting the party to relay the message, the party was starting to leave until Gangle stop Avery. "oh and thank you so much helping with stuff back stage, and here your personal reward" Gangle give Avery a kiss then allows the party to leave her room. Avery was blushing hard. "you two" Cirtri says, this make Seabreeze giggle a bit in embarrassment knowing she talking about her. "I didn't ask for it I was joking about it and seem she thought it would be nice anyway lets go to the next level" Avery says placing the centipede on the ground and the bug guided the party to the next level. --------------------------------------------------------------------
"That beep was just a hater" Pomni yell being angry on the fact Seabreeze was just hating her for no reason, "I thought you remember this stuff?", "here and there baby here and there" Pomni says patting Caine head as he hum in enjoyment then she thought about it "wait I don't think Seabreeze was mean to me during the play. wait I think that was the day she said I was tolerable", "huh, seem the story have inconstancy from your memories " Caine says rubbing the bottom of his chin, this also made Pomni ponder a bit as well, then she look back at the book. "if that true then what real and what not real" Pomni says not realizing there was a possibly the story could be wrong, "well, maybe the others could help out, if you have bits of your memories from not being sentient maybe they have that as well" Caine say cheerfully, Pomni on the other hand wasn't cheerful, "well that going be a problem" Pomni says with a stress out expression, "don't worry I can deal with Kinger and Gangle", "no not them its a...rabbit problem" Pomni says, Caine pick up what she talking about. "we don't need him or his memories we can use the others to see how real this story is" Caine say scoffing on the idea of talking to Jax, but Pomni look to the side "I would like to say that...but guess her favorite character is", "...no", "yup", "why him!?!", "do I look like I know why!" Pomni says to Caine, so if they try to avoid talking to Jax, he would be their best bet for confirming these stories being true which really suck for Jax was a problem for both of them. "..well lest go over to Ragatha first alright" Pomni says getting off of Caine lap holding her hand out to him, Caine take it and follow Pomni out of her level. In the Hall the love birds were heading over to Ragatha level
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Mio - Dragonfly, Avery - Grasshopper, Seabreeze - Firefly, Cirtri- Moth
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