ddejavvu · 11 months
I finished watched Top Gun yesterday, and I promised myself I wouldn’t fall in love with a certain cocky dirty blond guy with beautiful eyes but I did 😔
So can I ask for ceo au with Jake Seresin who hits on secretary!reader each single day since she started working for him? Please 💕
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
we all say we won't fall for hangman but we all do <333
"What can I do for you, sir?"
Every day you ask Mr. Seresin the same question, and every day, he gives you the same answer.
"Sit there and look pretty, darlin'." He grins, the expression welcoming despite the teasing glint in his eyes, "Was wonderin' when you'd show up today."
"I'm here on time, sir." Your palms sweat as you rub them against your pressed pants, glancing nervously at the clock on his wall. 7:30 AM, not a second late.
"Yesterday you came early," He muses, and you set your bag down on the floor beside your desk, "You were here before me, and I saw you yawning even after two cups of coffee. I'm glad you slept in today."
"I'm sorry, sir." You cringe at the mention of your less-than-stellar presence the day before, "It won't happen again. I'll be more alert from now on."
He groans lightly, "Can't you see I'm not berating you? You think everything that comes out of my mouth is a criticism."
You're only made more nervous by his harsh tone, and you peer nervously at him, "And that's... not?"
He seems to recognize the hypocrisy he'd spoken with, chiding you for feeling chided; "That was the one and only time I've ever criticized you, Y/N."
"You said I was too tired yesterday."
"I said I'm glad you got enough sleep today."
"You told me my shoes weren't office-appropriate."
"I asked you how you could manage walking on heels all day without breaking your ankle on the stairs."
"You told me not to wear a skirt."
"I told you it was casual Friday, and you could swap it for a pair of sweatpants if that would make you more comfortable."
"You told me I park too close to the building."
"I said it would be nice to have more time to talk with you when I walk you to your car."
"Sir," Your shoulders slump in defeat, "I can't do anything right."
"You can't do anything wrong," He insists, leaning forwards across his desk, "Y/N, you really think I was insulting you all those times? Getting on your back? Bossing you around?"
"That's your job," You supply meekly, shuffling papers around so as not to have to look him in the eyes, "You're the boss."
"Then I order you to look at me." He decides, and your chest seizes up at the command. You do so, throat running dry as you try swallowing with it.
"I've never meant any insult towards you," His eyes pierce you where you sit, stuck tight on your face, "I meant them all as compliments. I meant for you to understand that I cared about you. That I wanted you to like it here. That we were friends, Y/N, are we not friends?"
"You're the boss," You repeat, "Bosses aren't supposed to be friends with the people beneath them."
"Says who?" He raises a brow, "The boss? That's me, Y/N, and I decide who I'm friends with."
"And you say you're mine?"
Jake nods, holding your curious stare with an intense one of his own. The apprehension on your face is equal parts heartbreaking and flattering to him; he doesn't want you to be scared of him but he's almost proud that you are. Heartbreak wins out, and he adds; "I'm not gonna bite your head off, darlin'. You can relax a bit."
You let out a sigh as you follow his instructions, shoulder tension leaking out of your muscles as you settle into your seat. You drop your eyes to shuffle more through files you're supposed to attend to, but this time it doesn't feel evasive on your end, it feels comfortable. He's not sure whether you feel his prolonged stare even after you've glanced away, but you don't re-engage your own, if you do.
Jake takes it as a personal win when you check your phone in front of him an hour later. It's only for a fleeting moment, but before you'd have the device stashed away like he was going to rip if from your hands, and now you'd had the confidence to glance at the screen in plain sight.
However, Jake takes it as a loss that you grin at the screen, the smile lingering even as you turn back to the computer. His fingers itch to look at the device himself - maybe he really would rip it from your hands - just to see who'd made you smile like that. He makes it his personal mission to produce the same expression on your face twice before the end of the day, just to prove himself better than whatever bore had your attention for that split second.
He won't ever find out that you'd been grinning at a picture of your newborn niece, but you'll enjoy laughing at his cheesy jokes three times before noon.
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desert-fern · 4 months
Hi 🙈 I saw the 700 followers post a few days ago via roosterforme and mulled the idea over in my head&then today decided to 1)follow you and 2)bite the bullet and just try my luck. You see, I would like to request a moodboard (or mby two if you like it) for a fic that's still entirely in my head&has been running circles in there for a while now (bc I've had writer's block for almost six years at this point but sometimes get ideas that won't leave me alone)...
It's an AU with Jake as a new CEO of his dad's company and reader as his private chef and over time and food they fall for each other 🙈
Oki thank you! And massive congrats on the 700 followers!!!!!!!! I hope you will always find joy in creating 🥳🫰🏻
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“When I said ‘grab the wine’, I meant the cheap cooking wine on the counter, not a $400 bottle from the- never mind.”
Hello! I’m so happy that you joined in the celebration! I absolutely adore this AU idea, especially with the private chef twist, and I only hope I did your idea justice. Thank you oh so much for the kind words and for celebrating with me, they mean so much!
And I am always kicking around if you ever want to bounce ideas off of someone!
Find the other completed moodboards here!
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hangmanbrainrot · 2 years
For the au ask, ceo!Jake with reader? :D
“Can you please at least take some time to think this through? You’re being so brash and unreasonable right now.”
“No, I’m not,” you spat back. “I am quitting and there is nothing you can do, Jacob. I have thought about it and thought about it and this is what I want. Give me what I want.”
You chose your words deliberately, with how many times he’d always told you he’d give you whatever you wanted.
I'd already been working on a ceo!Jake fic because I have a wip problem so enjoy this snippet from the middle since it doesn't yet have a beginning.
This ask was from this post. Feel free to send more if you'd like!
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heecyon · 9 months
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pairing: ceo!park sunghoon x coffee shop owner!fem!reader
genre: one night stand, fake relationship, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, and accidental pregnancy.
summary: Park Sunghoon was done with his grandfather begging for an heir. Being the CEO of the Northern Branch, Sunghoon wasn't ready for a relationship just yet and neither was he ready to have a baby. So, after being arranged a blind date, he meets you, and soon convinces you to run away with him far away from your dates, as you were arranged a blind date as well with a different guy. And after a night of talking, flirting and alcohol, you both ended up in an hotel bed. Being attracted to an stranger wasn't in your plans, but soon everything goes to hell when you discover that you are pregnant with sunghoon's child.
release date: between late november and mid-december
2nd installment for CEOs & ARRANGEMENTS with enha 02z
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“So, you’re a CEO?”
Sunghoon’s cheeks blushed from the amount of alcohol that he had chugged down. And you were not innocent, either, your hair was kind of messy from how much time you had combed it back with your fingers, and your mind was racing in a million places because of the two bottles of Henri Bourgeois that you had shared with the flushed boy in front of you.
“Yep, Park Sunghoon, Northern Branch.” His voice came out like a tumble, his mind not processing what his sentences meant. He was not a person to drink, he usually did not do it, especially with a person he just met, and especially not in his hotel room, but tonight he felt in a place of trust, and you felt the same, except that the only difference was that you were somebody to drink with friends, but not with people who you had just met.
You pressed your elbows against the table, your teeth clutching against the tip of your nail. “Who would’ve thought that I’d be sitting in front of the famed Park Sunghoon? I guess it’s a one-in-a-million-type of situation.” “Especially, if I’m getting drunk on glasses of wine while having him sat across from me.”
“Who would’ve thought? I just came to New York to finish some unsolved company partnerships, and now I’m ending my trip with a forced blind date that I just escaped from, with a pretty, tipsy girl who I took with me in the process.” He answered sluggishly, his brows lifting up with sarcasm as he spoke.
Your brain suddenly stopped tracing around, by just emphasizing one word he said.
“You think I’m pretty?” Your voice came out like a wave, a small smile setting on your mouth.
“Why wouldn’t I? You are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.”
“It makes me happy that you think I’m pretty, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think that I’m pretty. I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty.” You suddenly rambled, the words came out fast as a train, all because your nerves and the alcohol took complete control over you. But, Sunghoon just found it funny in his drunken state, he found it adorable, to say the least.
He was almost slushed on the table, his arm being completely settled on the wooden board.
For you, he looked so handsome, his arms were toned, and it was visible against his dress shirt, his fingers slender and delicate, you were convinced that his hands were soft as silk pillows.
But his face was absolutely gorgeous, with features that could've been chosen by the Greek Gods themselves.
"You are so handsome, like really handsome, the type of handsome that was kissed and blessed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana." The words vomited out of your mouth like a splutter. You weren't expecting your drunken state to reveal such a thought, but when you looked at Sunghoon it didn't seem to bother him.
"Kissed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana? Never heard of such compliment." His voice came out slurred and dazed, but it sounded as if he was in a dream-like state.
His lips were red and glossy, his eyes shone from the reflection of the New York lights. The more you looked at his lips, the more you wanted him to touch every part of your body.
"Well, now you've heard it…"
He tapped his chin for a moment before unexpected words came out of his mouth.
"What if I told you that it would be a real compliment if you told me that I was kissed by you?" Your heart skipped a beat as your stomach fell and came back up from the impression. Your heartbeat quickened and did everything it could to go back to normal.
You got up from your chair, walking towards him with tremendous mischief. I'm pretty sure it was the immense amounts of alcohol acting up for you.
His figure sat in front of you, his gaze analyzing every single part of your body, especially your lips, and the shimmer on your eyes.
"Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Oh, Cindy! I want you to do that and more."
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Never in your life did you think that you would be taking a pregnancy test inside a pharmacy bathroom.
But you were going through desperate times. It needed to be done as quickly as possible. It was mostly because you needed to calm your frantic nerves and also get out of any doubts that you had. The worst part was the fact that you wouldn't be worrying about this if you just didn't run away from your blind date with a complete stranger.
Complete stranger that could possibly be the father of this possible baby.
You just needed to confirm if you were actually pregnant.
Two lines.
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months
Imagine this:
accountant!reader x IT tech!Jensen x manager!Andy x CEO!Lloyd
The intent was to write something short and sweet but smutty. The result is approximately 2200 words with a ton of smut! I blame Lloyd.
Warnings: Power dynamics; Creepy boss; Smut, smut, SMUT! Minors DNI!!!!
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“Thank you, Jake,” you half whisper, half moan into his ear. “I really needed this.” You’re not normally one for hookups in the supply closets but you’d had such a stressful day you really needed to let off some steam. Thankfully Jake was always happy to help you out. And he was very good at helping you feel good. 
The two of you had a friends-with-benefits situation that had been carefully negotiated and navigated. Sometimes you got the sense that Jake wanted more and that’s why he was so eager to please. But you were both quick to talk if either of you felt things were getting too serious. It definitely made office parties a lot more fun. Everyone else was enjoying the cheap food and you and Jake got to go to a private office and actually take your time together.
You both do try to be careful at the office but your manager, Andy, has been really ramping up the sad sack shtick with all the women in your department, desperate for a date or some feminine attention and pity. You could only take so much, especially when your coworkers pointed out to him that you’re single. Traitors. 
Every day he would ask you about your plans. You tried being polite and got nowhere. You finally told him, directly, that you weren’t interested in him last Friday. Today you were called into a meeting with HR about “appropriate workplace behavior”. They told you they’d received complaints from your manager about flirting with him despite him telling you “no”. You smiled tightly and nodded, staying quiet and signing the documents saying you’d been talked to. 
You texted Jake on your phone to meet you in the hall closet. One of the things you appreciated? He didn’t ask questions, he just showed up and gave you what you needed. He really seemed to like it when you would repeatedly whisper “thank you’s” into his ear. It’s only a quickie but it definitely helps. You kiss Jake’s cheek and thank him as he blushes. You leave at different times and head back to your respective desks.
 You check your email and find yourself looking at an appointment with Lloyd Hansen, the company’s CEO. Thinking it must’ve been in error you hit the “Decline” button and add the most polite note that you can think of. Just a few minutes after you get yet another appointment notice with Mr. Hansen. No explanatory note. You’re extra grateful to Jake because your brain immediately jumps to Andy complaining about you to Mr. Hansen because your HR visit wasn’t enough of a punishment. 
The appointment is for tomorrow so you silently stew for the rest of the workday. At home you treat yourself to your favorite meal and shows. Your sleep is full of stressful dreams and you wake up more exhausted than when you went to bed. Not wanting to look like a mess in front of Mr. Hansen, you make sure to take extra care of your makeup and clothing choices. Working as hard as your caffeine deprived can to balance “I’m okay” with “I’m not trying to flirt with anyone”. It’s never an easy task.
As you log on to your computer you smell Andy’s cologne and internally wince. You turn to face him, “yes, Mr. Barber?”
“Easy there, tiger,” he chastised. “I just want to make sure that you’re doing okay after that HR meeting.”
Gritting your teeth you reply, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well I know a lot of people can have a kind of whiplash when they realize their behavior isn’t acceptable,” he explains in an obviously condescending tone. “I’ll understand if you want to take some vacation time.”
“Mr. Barber,” you seethe, “I think what would help me the most is keeping some distance between us at all times in the office.”
“Okay,” he scoffs. “Just remember who it is that HR listens to.” He walks away and you find yourself trying to not throw or break something. 
As soon as you can you head straight to Mr. Hansen’s office. His secretary lets you in, though he is not yet in. You should probably be upset that he’s late for the meeting he insisted on having with you but it’s better than sitting in your cubicle waiting for Andy to strike. 
The quiet is broken by Mr. Hansen storming into the office, yelling at someone on the phone. You recognize him immediately if only because of the mustache. “And I told you to handle it, Six! Get your head out of your ass and fix it!” He lets out a small huff as he listens to the person on the phone. “I don’t give a shit. It should’ve been handled weeks ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting.” He hangs up without waiting for a response and turns to you with a smile that makes you feel like prey caught in a trap.
“So you’re the girl Barber was complaining out,” he starts. You’re unable to hold back your grimace and he laughs. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I don’t give a shit about that cuck.” You tilt your head in confusion. “See, he tried to play up the whole “women don’t know how to take a compliment” thing but I was able to see through him. He’s pathetic and you weren’t having it. Even flat out told him, “no”. That’s something I respect. Not everyone would do that to their boss.”
He sits down in his chair and continues, “so I started looking into you and imagine my surprise when I find out you and Jensen are hooking up!” Your eyes widen in shock and you start stammering before he holds out a hand, gesturing for you to stop. “You’re not in trouble for that. Hell if I could get laid instead of attending those lame work parties I absolutely would. Which is why I brought you here.” 
He leans his elbows on the desk, “I want in on whatever fuck-buddy deal you and Jensen got going on.”
“S..sir, I,” you’re at a loss for words. 
“Tell you what,” he slaps the desk and stands up, “I’ll make it easy for you. Either you agree to be my own fuck-buddy, occasionally still get some good stuff from Jensen, or I’ll make you Barber’s personal secretary.”
“What if I quit instead?”
“Then I’ll go ahead and fire Jensen,” he quips. “It would be a damn shame, though. Jakey is one of the best IT guys we got. Likely up for a promotion that would get him a private office.”
“Can I talk to Jake first,” you plead. “It is part of our arrangement that we communicate changes before they’re implemented.”
“You know what, sure. I can respect that a deal is a deal.” He goes to the phone on his desk and tells his secretary to send Jake up.
When Jake does arrive he’s shocked to see you. At Lloyd’s gesture he closes the door behind him. Lloyd doesn’t let you speak and lays everything out for him like he did you. 
Jake looks at you, “it’s…umm…I appreciate you looking out for me and my job,” he starts. “But it’s also your body and I would never want you to accept something like this just for me.”
“You know, Jakey here has a point,” Lloyd interjects. “You really don’t know what you’re in for with me. How about a demonstration? I’ll even let Jake join in to help keep you comfortable.”
Knowing that you were being watched shouldn’t excite you so much. The fact that both of these men wanted you was making you wet. You straddle Jake in his chair and start making out with him while taking off your clothes and grinding your hips against his crotch. 
Jake moans as he takes off your bra with practiced ease, “you’re sure about this?” 
“Feel how wet I am, Jake.” He obliges and sticks his fingers inside your panties. He rubs your clit and you arch your breasts into his face as his eyes widen at the wetness he finds there. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes. He gets a dark glint in his eye that you don’t entirely recognize. He removes his hand and starts to unbutton your pants. “You gotta taste her, Mr. Hansen. Sweetest pussy and it’s already drenched.”
You hadn’t realized Lloyd was standing behind you until he grabbed your breasts, lifting you a little as he nibbled your neck. He pulls you off of Jake and the two of them finish undressing you before setting you on Lloyd’s desk. You’re on your back, your head hanging over one side, your legs spread wide for the both of them. 
Lloyd doesn’t hesitate and dives tongue first into your pussy. Your reaction is immediate as he uses his mustache to tickle your clit. You throw your head back and moan before you’re able to stifle it. 
He pulls away from you, “don’t worry about noise, sweetheart. My secretary is gone for the afternoon and no one else would dare be on this floor.” He turns to Jake, “you were right! This is a damn tasty snack.” He gets back to it and you don’t hold back your sounds. It was such a relief to get to be as loud as you wanted. 
“Fuck, I love those sounds,” Jake groans.
You reach out to him, “your cock, Jake? Please, can I stroke your cock?”
“Love those sounds, too,” he grins as he undoes his belt. You look to Lloyd to see if he has any objections but he’s too focused on licking up all of your juices. Jake is already half hard and your hands know just how to get him fully erect. His hands start playing with your tits, gently pinching, pulling and fondling. 
The two of them quickly bring you to the brink of orgasm, then Lloyd sticks two of his fingers inside you and it pushes you over the edge. You cum loudly and Lloyd keeps scissoring his fingers while sucking on your clit, enjoying the show. When the aftershocks fade, he removes his hand and backs away just a little.
“Jensen, you take her mouth,” he orders. “I’m gonna make a mess of this pussy and I want to hear her choking on your cock while I do.”
You let go of Jake’s erection and he starts pushing himself into your mouth, grunting and moaning as he does so. He’s careful with you, like always, and places your hand on his thigh so you can signal if it gets too much.
Lloyd, however, lines himself up with your opening and quickly thrusts himself fully inside. If your mouth wasn’t so full of Jake’s cock, you’d likely have screamed. They fucked both of your holes with abandon and you were loving every second of it. Occasionally Jake would ask for a status and you’d tap his thigh twice for “all good”. 
“Not gonna last much longer,” Lloyd admitted. “This pussy is so fucking tight. I see why you risked your job for her.” He started rubbing your clit and you careened towards another orgasm. As soon as Jake came in your mouth you were done for. You tightened your legs around Lloyd as you came hard and swallowed all of Jake’s spend. You heard Lloyd mumbling, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” before he came with a yell. 
You’re still in a daze as both men pull out of you. Lloyd whistles, “now that’s a pretty picture. What say we get you cleaned up?”
“What the fuck?!” A voice from the office door crashes your post-orgasm euphoria. You look up and see Andy, standing in the doorway.
“Ah, Barber,” Lloyd says as he zips his pants back up. “Right on time.”
“What?!” Jake exclaims as you look, wide-eyed, at Lloyd. 
“You see, Andy,” he walks over to your manager and claps him on the shoulder. “You’re a complete cuck and we both know it.” Andy tries to protest but Lloyd cuts him off. “This is the closest you’re ever going to get to some pussy. Now be a good boy and clean up the mess I made.” He throws Andy to his knees in front of your spread pussy. 
Andy groans at the sight and you feel a stir of courage. “Well,” you scold. “Are you going to be a good boy and do as you're told or am I going to have to clean myself up?” His eyes darken but you don’t back down. He dives into your cum filled pussy and starts cleaning you up.
“Good boy,” Lloyd smirks. “Probably the only way you can actually please a woman.” He looks at Jake, “whenever you’re done with her, call her cuck over to clean up. Sound good?”
Jake looks to you and sees you writhing with pleasure, “I think so.”
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Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
Push the button
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summary: jake has a thing for his new assistant.
pairing: ceo!jake seresin x assistant!reader
word count: 3.2k
warnings: smutt,, maybe power play?? he’s ur boss,, daddy kink lol, swearing and some creepy work guys. MDNI 18+
Jake should have never hired you. He was pretty sure you were the least efficient assistant he’d ever had. But every time he brought you into his office to fire you, you looked up at him with your big eyes and simpered,
“Yes, Mr Seresin?”
He crumbled. You made Jake Seresin a weak, weak man. You were fresh out of college and definitely too young for him, but your tight pencil skirts and blouses that always had at least one button more that needed to be done up always had him slightly dizzy.
He was currently watching you through the glass door to the copy room, bent over the photocopier on the 10th floor trying to unjam whatever document you had probably stuck in the wrong port. Mike, the creepy tech support was stood behind you offering increasingly unhelpful advice. You stood back up with a huff and turned to Mike,
“Are you sure there’s a reset button all the way down there?”
“Oh yeah, definitely,”
Jake watches as you shrug and bend back over trying to look for the “reset button”. He also watches as Mike’s hand slides low on your back, that’s when he decides to make himself known.
“Everything alright?”
Mike immediately backs off from you and prays that you don’t open your mouth. To his dismay, you snap back up immediately, a ditsy smile on your face.
“Totally Mr Seresin! Mike was helping me with the copier, I didn’t realise there was a reset button all the way at the bottom!”
Jake isn’t sure what’s worse, your complete trust in anyone that talks to you or the fact that he’s probably going to have to file to HR about Mike once again. Mike looks up at him somewhat apologetically and Jake sighs,
“Get out.”
Mike scurries off and Jake can’t help but laugh at his uncanny resemblance to a rodent. You’re looking up at him with that pout that makes his dress pants feel too tight,
“That was kind of mean.”
Jake scoffs, “Darlin’ there’s no reset button down there.”
You look up at him, confused for a second, “Oh. Someone should probably tell Mike then, don’t want him doing his job wrong.”
Jake reaches a hand up to rub at his forehead, he worries one day that your unwavering kindness is going to get you killed.
“Walk with me.” Jake orders, remembering he came to fetch you for a reason.
He’s striding out the door much faster than you with his long legs, you walk as fast as you can in your shiny heels to catch up with him. Jake can hear your hurried clip clopping behind him and smiles to himself. Once you catch up, Jake offers his arm to you, figuring it’s the best way for you to stay in pace with him (also because you have a tendency to wander off).
“I have a meeting with a bunch of guys from the board in 20ish minutes, I need you in there with me.”
You’re nodding along to everything he says,
“Certainly sir.” You giggle, saluting him.
Jake wills a groan not to slip out of his mouth at the formality. He also hopes you don’t figure out that you don’t need to be in the meeting at all, he just knows it’s going to be a drag and wants your pretty face to stare at when Rich the head of the board starts droning on.
“Great, 12th floor, meeting room 3 in..” Jake checks his watch, “15 minutes.”
You nod your head along diligently before spinning on your heel,
“Where are you going?” Jake calls after you.
“I left those papers in the copy room!” You exclaim, stumbling slightly now you weren’t looking where you were going.
Jake just sighs and hopes you’re in the meeting room on time.
What Jake doesn’t expect is for you to already be in the meeting room when he gets there, in fact you’re already talking to Rich, and he’s… laughing? In the 5 years that Jake has been head of his company he’s pretty sure he’s never seen Rich even smile. Jake clears his throat to make his presence known and you jump out of the seat next to Rich to stand by Jake’s side.
The smile that was on Rich’s face immediately drops and Jake has to hold back the urge to roll his eyes.
Jake was right, the meeting was long and boring and Rich droned on about efficiency and stats and things that Jake didn’t care about, so he was shocked you weren’t dozing off. When Jake finally managed to escape he turned to you,
“Thank you for that.”
Your bright smile makes up for every boring moment of the past two hours,
“It’s no problem Mr Seresin.”
In the elevator up to the top floor where Jake’s office is he comes to realise how late it is, it’s pushing 9 o clock and most of his employees have left. Jake still has mountains of things to sign and documents to work through, he lets a groan slip out of his mouth.
“All okay Mr Seresin?”
Jake jumps slightly, he had forgotten about your presence next to him and he grimaces down at you,
“You should go home sweetheart, get some rest.”
You beam up at him in your usual demeanour, “And leave your all on your own?”
Jake laughs, “I’ll be fine sweetheart.”
You cross your arms and muster up what you think is a pointed look, Jake tries not to laugh again at your pout.
“I’m not leaving you here, you’ll end up staying all night then I’ll be the one dealing with you tomorrow when you’re cranky and tired.”
The elevator dings and you step out in front of Jake. He sighs realising he won’t be getting rid of you any time soon. He follows the sway of your hips all the way to his office. It’s all sleek large glass doors and the top to bottom window gives him an incredible view of the city below. You flick the lights on and sit in the comfy seat opposite Jake’s leather chair. Jake watches as you kick your heels off and wiggle your toes in your black sheer stockings.
“They hurt like a bitch after a long day.”
Jake chuckles, he’s never heard you swear before. Your eyes widen like a shocked baby deer,
“Shit, am I allowed to swear in front of you?”
You cover your mouth and mumble, “Sorry!”
As Jake sits, he wonders if you truly understand the effect you have on him. Trying to do work whilst you’re perched opposite him is proving a near impossible task. Not to mention the fact that his neck has been killing him all day.
Whilst tapping something into your phone, you look up to see Jake rubbing his neck with a pained look on his face for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.
“Do you want me to rub your neck?” You question politely.
Jake would love nothing more than having your soft manicured hands rubbing his neck, but he worries what having your hands on him will do to his slowly weakening facade. He decides to throw caution to the winds and speaks up,
He realised that sounded kind of pathetic, but you seem ecstatic, jumping up from your position and making you way to the spot directly in front of him. Jake strains to keep his eyes on your face as you lean down to push his chair back, making more room for yourself.
Your hands on his neck feels like heaven, but he can’t help but feel bad about the way you are now hunkered down trying to help him. So Jake figured the best way to alleviate this is to pull you down into his lap. He does it with both hands on your hips, you land a little ungracefully with a surprised squeal leaving your mouth. You shuffle around until you’re sat comfortably, then look up at Jake,
“Is this okay, Mr Seresin?”
Jake is trying so hard not to spontaneously combust.
Your magic hands return back to his neck with vigour, working at the tense knots there. Jake can’t help but groan in pleasure every time you work over a particularly sensitive spot. Something Jake also notices is the way you’re now subtly grinding yourself down on his semi. Your pathetic whimpers going straight down to his cock as you dare to grind down harder onto him. Jake can’t help but tease you,
“What are you doing sweetheart?”
Both your ministrations holt, and your doe eyes meet his again.
“Nothing!” You all but squeak out.
“You and I both know that’s not true.”
Jake’s heart pangs as you push your face into his neck and sniffle,
“You just sound so good sir. Feels so good.”
Jake guides your face away from the crook of his neck and coos at your tearful eyes, “It’s okay baby, I liked it.”
You seem elated by his praise and quickly forget your previous embarrassment. Jake slowly guides your lips to his, he’s worried about frightening you away. Your lips are tentative against Jake’s at first, unsure whether you should be doing this. But Jakes strong hands drift down to squeeze against the curve of your ass, eliciting a moan from you. Enough so that Jake can slip his tongue into your mouth, just as Jake goes to deepen the kiss again you pull back shyly and pull on his loosened tie. Jake gets the hint and takes the tie off, placing the expensive silk on his desk behind you.
You get the honour of undoing his buttons, Jake watches with a lazy smirk as you stick your tongue out in concentration. Your manicured nails making it hard to undo the buttons too quickly, but Jake enjoys the build up. When you’re finally finished with your job, you move your hands up to push at the shirt and Jake gets the hint to pull it the rest of the way off of his arms.
Jake smirks as you sigh softly in appreciation, and rake you nails lightly over his abs up to the sprinkling of hair on his chest.
“I’m feeling a little singled out sweets.” Jake teases.
You tilt your head to the side confusedly, until you realise what he’s talking about. Jake loves watching the cogs turn in your mind. You let out a little “oh!” with a giggle and begin to unbutton your blouse. This time Jake doesn’t care for the build up, instead ripping your blouse the rest of the way off, buttons flying.
You pout, “Hey! I liked that top!”
Jake’s eyes run over your chest, as he mumbles something along the lines of, “I’ll buy you a new one.” His heated gaze makes you somewhat self conscious and you bring your hands up to cover your chest.
“Please don’t hide from me baby.”
You slowly bring your hands down and watch as Jake reaches for the clasp at the back of your bra. You gasp as you feel it come undone and reach to hold the cups in place. You make sure to hold eye contact with him as you let your lacy bra drop. Jake’s pulling at his lower lip with his teeth,
He pulls you close for a kiss again, revelling in the feeling of your breasts pushed up against his chest. This time you’re confident in the kiss, allowing his tongue to slip past your lips with ease as it continues. Your hips grind down into his crotch subconsciously, swirling in delicious circles that have Jake dizzy. When you pull back for a breath Jake is signalling for you to stand up.
Stood up, there’s not much height difference between you whilst he still sits and your stomach clenches in excitement. Jake watches, pupils dilated and you slide your tight pencil skirt down your legs and kick it to the side. Your sheer stockings do little to hide the tiny lace underwear you’ve got on and you startle slightly as Jake groans loudly at the sight.
“Jesus, sweets, is this all for me?”
A smile spreads across Jake’s face as you nod coyly.
Jake spins you around so that you’re bent somewhat over his desk, you wiggle your ass at him as he pulls your stockings down for you. Once you’re fully stepped out of them Jake stands to his full height, you can feel his tall presence behind you and it sends a shiver of excitement up your spine. Jake experimentally taps your ass, it’s not too hard but your flesh jiggles, pleasing Jake to no end. He does it again, this time harder. You arch back into his touch with a moan.
“Would you look at that?” You can hear the smirk on Jake’s face.
He smacks your ass again, a pink mark forms from the pressure of it.
“Beautiful.” He murmurs, hand stroking gently against the mark.
“Please touch me.” You whimper, leaning back into his touch.
Jake’s hand ghosts against your pussy, a finger sliding up the lace that covers your folds, he can feel how wet you are through the fabric. His middle finger finds your clit and experimentally circles it. You mewl, head thrown back.
“Daddy, please.”
Jake chuckles at the name that slips out of your mouth. You were driving him insane and you didn’t even know it.
Jake drops to his knees behind you, licking a fat stripe up your clothed pussy. You squirm back against his face and gasp. Jake likes your reaction so much that he takes mercy on you, pulling your underwear to the side and licking another stripe up your pussy, dipping his tongue experimentally into your hole. You’re so wet that Jake can already feel your juices coating his chin, you can’t seem to care as you moan incoherently, wiggling back into Jake’s face. Jake stills you by holding your hips, dipping his tongue back down to circle your clit. Just as your moans begin to pick up he pulls away,
“Sugar, I need to feel you on me is that okay?”
You whine at the loss of contact, but his question sounds promising, “Yes.”
Jake quirks an eyebrow as he stands back up, whispering into your ear with a smirk, “Yes what?”
Your cheeks flush, “Yes, Daddy.”
You can hear Jake unbuckling his belt behind you, prompting you to arch your back, shaking your ass invitingly. Jake is pretty sure you’re going to kill him, but he’s going to die a happy man. Jake’s hand feels strong gripping onto the side of your hip, you look back at him and still have the audacity to smile shyly even as he guides the tip of his cock through your dripping folds. He’s groaning freely at the feel of it all, especially as you wiggle back onto him. He finally takes mercy on you and pushes into you slowly, the whimper you let out is music to his ears.
Once he’s fully settled into you, he allows you a minute to get used to the feeling of his considerable size. He takes a tentative thrust into you and you moan once again and turn back to look at him,
“Please, Daddy.”
Jake had never been one to deny you before. He begins his thrusts with reckless abandon, one hand still had a bruising grip on your hip, the other pushing slightly into the arch of your lower back. The high pitched whine that comes out of you scratches against your throat sending vibrations down your chest, the feeling of your breasts pushed against the cold glass top of Jake’s desk making for a delicious contrast in temperature.
Jake’s thrusts are calculated and hit deep within you, he’s groaning behind you, the feeling of your warm walls pulling him is in intoxicating. A smirk makes his way onto his face as he realises how you’re pushing back to meet his thrusts, ass hitting his pelvis rhythmically.
“Desperate, baby?”
Jake pulls you by your hair to look back at him, he’s greeted with your glassy eyes and open mouth moaning freely. You’ve lost any shame you may have felt to the feeling of Jake so deep inside of you. The last straw is when he reaches a strong hand down to circle your clit, just enough pressure to make your knees weak, relying more than ever on his grip on your waist.
“Fuckkkkkk.” You whine and Jake tuts, kissing against the hot skin of your back.
You’re pretty sure you’re drooling as Jake quickens his ministrations against your clit, pace of his thrusts still quick and deep. You clench around him, nearing your peak and he groans.
“Sweetheart, please cum for me.”
His words add fuel to the growing fire in your core, grinding back into his fast thrusts. One final toy to your clit sends you head first over the edge. You can’t even imagine how loud your moans are as you become consumed by pleasure. Jake is enjoying every last second, wishing he could commit the sweet sounds you make to his memory forever. Your throbbing walls bring Jake dangerously close to his own peak, and his thrusts become erratic as your heartbeat finally returns back to normal. Jake pulls out of you swiftly and watches in awe as you sink to your knees in front of him, tongue lolling out of your mouth and wide eyes staring up at him.
Jake strokes his cock quickly, keeping eye contact with you as he finishes. His cum spatters over your tongue and chin though mostly landing over your chest. His eyes roll to the back of his head at the sight of you on your knees covered in his seed, fighting off another erection. You swipe your tongue around your lips, collecting as much of his seed as you can. It’s salty but not unpleasant.
Jake helps you up to your wobbly feet. You’re suddenly slightly self conscious as you take in your position; stood fully naked in front of your boss who just fucked you within an inch of your life. Your anxieties are squashed as he kisses your forehead sweetly and flattens some of your mussed hair. He reaches for the draw behind him and pulls out a few tissues from a box, wiping the drying cum from your chest. When he meets your look you quirk up an eyebrow, smirking.
He chuckles, “Shut up.”
Jake reaches for his discarded shirt and drapes it over your frame,
“Let me take you home?”
“That would be nice, sir.”
Jake huffs, “Just Jake is okay sweetheart.”
“Okay Just Jake.” You tease, as he rolls his eyes.
The next morning you step into the elevator to find Jake. There’s no one else in there and he presses the button to the top floor; his office.
He looks down at your tight blouse, straightening the sleeves of his suit jacket and smirks,
“So, daddy huh?”
a/n: HERE SHE ISSS i am obsessed sorry everyone
feel free to send me any thoughts!! i’m thinking maybe i do some drabbles about them?? send me some prompts :)
hope u all enjoy my filth once again
pls reblog, comment or send me and ask and tell me what you think !!
thank u for readinggg
- honey <333
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
BRO: All right. This is gonna decide your fate. [Sets down physical copies of Half Life, Portal, and Team Fortress 2]
BRO: Choose.
BRO: Half Life, huh? You're gonna be the chosen one. Let's go.
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nixies-creations · 2 days
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For @topgunalternateuniverse bingo. Bingo Square - Secretary/Boss: Hangster - CEO Jake x Secretary Bradley.
Bradley eyed the coffee sitting on the corner of his desk for a long moment before narrowing his gaze as he looked up into the amused green eyes of his boss. Furrowing his brow, he jutted his chin towards the steaming cup but didn't let the question fall from his lips. He watched as Jake let a small, quiet, amused huff of laughter as he carefully nudged the paper cup towards him. "Figured I should start putting in the work, darlin'," he starts quietly, as he leans forward enough to ensure Bradley would be able to hear him clearly but with enough space it wouldn't feel like he was crowding him. "Butterin' you up, since I'll be out of the office next week." Eyeing him for a long moment, Bradley reached out to carefully snag his cup up. "You'll be needing to do a lot more than coffees, if you wanna butter me up, sweetheart," he shoots back with a quick, hard look before turning back towards his computer screen, carefully cradling the cup to his chest. Letting out louder, soft laugh, Jake grinned brightly at him. Knocking his knuckles against Bradley's desk, he pushed himself up with a nod. He lets his voice drop, lets his natural twang be more pronounced as he carries on, "Don't you worry none, honey, I'm gonna go all out for you. Make sure whatever shit these kids pull won't damper the good mood I'll put you in." As much as tries not too, Bradley feels his cheeks going red, knows they'll be a blotchy pink as he ducks his head down as if to hide his reaction to Jake flirting with him. After a moment, he lifts his eyes and shoots the other man a hard look. By the way Jake responds with an even bigger, brighter, grin, he knows his husband has caught on to the fact Bradley will be making him pay for what just happened.
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my twinnies 🤍🖤
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throesti · 1 year
A lot of people are saying that Jake English is incredibly emotionally intelligent but not enough people are actually using it. By "not enough people" I mean everybody should use it always. He's so good at getting what he wants that every time he's refused something the person who dared to do so is wrecked with guilt for 4-5 business days. His actions are always justified and one time Jane reprimanded him he was so visibly upset and guilty she felt horrible for weeks. Everybody is on his side in every argument even if he's not doing anything. He knows things about people that are impossible to know and when Rose confronted him he said he just kinda stumbled upon said things accidentally. It's physically impossible to not do things he wants you to do and not be in place he wants you to be. Only person to match him is Karkat but after the single most explosive movie night they are cautionary allies and don't use their powers on each other. Let Jake weaponize his intelligence to a ridiculous extent.
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gulliesforever · 6 months
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thedroneranger · 1 year
hello my love! i’m so sorry for the delay in sending this over for your moodboard celebration, but i just wanted to say, a huge congratulations again! i’m so, so happy for you 🥹💗🫶🏼
i wondered if i could be terribly self indulgent and kindly request a moodboard for ceo!hangman, based off my hc here! thank you so much my love! 💗
S E B ! This request is indulgent for both of us—ahh! Your CEO Hangman headcanon is just... p e r f e c t , so thank you for entrusting me to make a moodboard for him 🖤 💐
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Wealth Whispers | Jake "Hangman" Seresin | requested by @sebsxphia | CEO Hangman headcanon
The Drone Ranger’s Moodboard Mania
The Bradshaw Baddie™ Bunch: @cherrycola27, @roosterforme, @galaxy-of-stories, @taytaylala12, @malindacath, @violyn20, @awildewit, @potato-girl99981, @shanimallina87, @i-simp-much, @blue-aconite, @djs8891, @linkpk888, @furiousladyking, @daggerspare-standingby, @princess76179, @jstarr86, @hecate-steps-on-me, @darkheartcherry, @soulmates8, @roosters-girl, @dempy, @roostette, @mayhemmanaged, @blueoorchid, @desert-fern, @munsonswhore86, @hangmanscoming, @s-u-t, @mavrellover91, @chicomonks, @averyhotchner, @bradshawseresinbabe, @penguin876, @genius2050, @xoxabs88xox
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johnstrider · 1 year
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Deleting all of homestuck^2 except for the parts I like slowly but surely (Rox/Rory in the first image and the dirkrox meme are by @davesprited rest is me <3)
He/him for Rox/Rory please!
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adventuretimeontwitter · 10 months
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POV: you are Jake the dog
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heecyon · 1 year
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pairing: ceo!park jongseong x brother's best friend!fem!reader
genre: arranged/forced marriage, accidental pregnancy, brother's best friend, slight age gap (reader's 22 and jay's 24), angst, fluff and second chance love.
warning(s): grammar mistakes, curse words, nicknames, arranged marriage, suggestive scenes, mentions/allusions to sex, toxic/abusive mother, verbal abuse, vomiting, mentions of hospitals, fainting, blood, mentions of food, accidental pregnancy, cheesy ending, and bunch of fluff towards the ending, sort of toxic relationship between jay and reader.
word count: 25k+ words
summary: Just a year ago, you were forced to marry Park Jongseong, CEO of the Southern Branch, part of the vary famous Park Enterprises. It was all for the sake of your family, a marriage for the benefit of gaining more traction as a company. Jongseong was attentive, caring, sometimes even sweet, but your relationship was more about sex than it was about the marriage itself. At some point, everything got bad, and it was just mere sexual intimacy that anything else, and just when you were close to ending things...you found out you were pregnant.
disclaimer: i finally finished backburner, and it might have some grammar mistakes, it’s been a while since i wrote from a pc, but i’m so happy to have finished it, but i think that the ending is really corny and cheesy.
playlist • backburner by niki • common by zayn • dos mil 16 by bad bunny • used to this by camila cabello • astronomy by conan gray • lovers by anna of the north • lover of mine by 5sos • this love by taylor swift • julia by lauv •
volume one
taglist (open): @iloveoceaneyesss @abdiitcryy @chimajeyn @sjakewrld @loves0ft @duolingofanaccount @ufoundme @sunghoons-mole @tobiosbbyghorl @dasa3040 @monkeybabyzz @snowysung @wonyofanclub @prdxinvade @dearhee @zhrtics @woinswoo @rerequire @in2jhae @darkreymbow @ahnneyong @uuwonniee @en-chantedtomeetyou @m3g00mi @sunshine-skz @sunsunst @hueningluvbotsworld @iwuvjay @zen003xx  @sunnyjayjays @pshchives @sd211
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ACT FOUR: Maybe life's less romantic when I don't wanna die!
The first thing that you did when you arrived at the office was going to the bathroom to throw up. You were tired of the horrible feeling of vile going up your throat and how your stomach was more than empty and fell away from hunger.
You groaned from ache and tiredness, and you felt your body tense up when you heard somebody going inside the bathroom.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Haewon asked in worry.
"Yeah, just a little bit nauseous." Your friend frowned upon your words, knowing pretty well that you were lying. "You haven't been well for a while now, you should get that check."
You tried to shrug it off, but the more time passed, the more concerned you grew. You knew your body pretty well, but you were basically blinded by everything going on that you just dismissed what was happening inside of you.
You let go a small nod before finally unlocking the cubicle door. "See what I tell you? You look pale, like a corpse." She took out her phone, unlocking the screen and typing a phone number. "I'll phone an appointment for you, this afternoon. You can't continue being like this."
The next few minutes, Haewon continued a small conversation with a receptionist in a well-known clinic in the city. "They have a space for you at twelve 'o' clock."
At twelve 'o' clock you were more than busy, the meeting you had been waiting for would start around that time, and your sister needed you there.
This was going to be a problem for you… At least that's what you thought.
"I'll be there in your name for the reunion, I'll talk with Juni and I'll tell her that you have an emergency, but please…just get checked up." You couldn't protest anymore, and in the end you nodded in defeat.
Throughout the day, you tried to convince yourself that you were probably okay, that it was probably just a stomach bug, or stress.
You tried to remain calm when your appointment was near, a little bit of worry setting in your body.
What if I'm mortally ill? What if this isn't a stomach bug or just stress?
Heeseung drove your car in a calming matter, he tried to make conversation with you, small talk, but even with his easing composure you still felt your heart give quick jobs the closer you got to the clinic.
Heeseung opened the door for you, guiding towards the medical building in front of you, you gulped with fear and anxiety.
Soon, you found yourself in front of the reception desk that was adorned with pink decor and bullet journals.
A woman in her mid-twenties, with chestnut hair and pale skin attended the desk, a small smile on her face when she saw you. Specifically, Heeseung.
"Welcome to Seonchang Clinic! What can I help you with?" She asked with a cheery voice.
"We have an appointment at twelve 'o' clock, for Bae Y/N." She checked on the computer, setting her eyes apart from your secretary with a reddish tone on her cheeks. "Dr. Hwang Mina will see you in a minute, please take a seat in the waiting room."
You set your bag on top of your legs, a shiver running down your spine from anxiousness. A small part of you trying to convince yourself that you'd be okay.
Your phone rang a few times, and your heart skipped a beat when you saw Jay's ID on the screen, his calls were almost nonexistent for a while now. You let the phone ring for a moment, Heeseung eyes you with curiosity, expecting you to answer the call, but you didn't… Actually, you denied his call a second after.
"I thought that you would tell him you were here." Heeseung asked, he knew he shouldn't be interested in your private life, but he was starting to worry about you. He knew Jay, he'd met him a few times and he swore that Jay was a really good guy, so he didn't understand why you would reject his calls.
"Don't really want him to worry." You lied, a fake smile adorning your face. "Bae Y/N?"
The sound of your name rang through your ears, a rush of nerves going through your body.
Heeseung stayed put on his seat, knowing very well that he wasn't to move until you came out of the room.
You walked into the office, closing the door behind you. The doctor had pitch black hair, her lips were glossy and she wore a prominent eyeliner, almost in her mid-thirties, at least that's what you guessed.
The office was decorated with white marble everywhere, her titles were hanging on a side of the wall.
"Please take a seat, Ms. Bae." You muttered a Thank You, propping yourself on the seat, trying to find a way to be comfortable. "What seems to be the problem?"
You cleared your throat, just to gulp right after. The thoughts in your mind recalled every single symptom that you felt during the last few weeks.
Throwing up,
Or was it exhaustion?
Poor appetite,
"Mrs. Bae?"
The doctor's voice got you back to reality, you felt so exhausted at the moment, and your symptoms just kept on repeating inside your mind.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm here because I've felt really badly the last few weeks."
Dr. Hwang nodded at your words.
"I've been throwing up a lot, my appetite is really poor… I'm always exhausted or maybe fatigued?"
"A-And I've been really dizzy."
You stuttered out of nervousness, waiting for the doctor to finish typing your symptoms on her document.
She hummed at your symptoms, she knew that this could be symptoms of anything else than what she was thinking, but she still had to examine you and still had to ask you some things.
"Ms. Bae if you don't mind me asking?" You hummed in approval, trying to tell her to go on. "Are you sexually active?"
"When was your last menstrual cycle?"
You frowned at her words, being completely confused, your heart accelerated in rhythm, from the anxiety, from the nerves.
To be honest, you hadn't noticed that your period was late, like really late, you assumed it was from stress, but you tried to keep a count of how long it had been since you last had it.
"I-I don't know, may-maybe two… two or three months ago."
"My husband and I…" Then, it hit you.
My husband... Your husband.
Jay, Park Jongseong.
What if you were…
The doctor noticed how quiet you stayed, she smiled at you with sympathy. She understood that maybe you were embarrassed, or that you just didn't want to talk about it.
"I will need to send some blood samples to the lab to have more accurate results. The results will come back in a few hours and if you want you can come back for me to explain the diagnosis."
"If not, you can come back tomorrow."
Dr. Hwang took out a blood drawing needle, and then told you to place your arm on the desk, she placed her fingers trying to look for a vein, your nerves wouldn't cooperate, so your veins hid away from fear. The doctor looked for a while, before she finally found it.
She placed a tourniquet in your arm, close to your vein, and then she softly rubbed some alcohol-filled cotton on the placed where she would insert the needle.
You didn't notice the moment that she inserted on your vein, but it stung for a minute or two after you finally analyzed what was going on.
"All done, I'll take this to the lab and your results will be back in a few hours." She passed right by you, quickly giving you a rub on the shoulder.
"We'll give you a call to tell you that your results are back so you can know the diagnosis."
She opened the door, the bright lights from the waiting room making you squint your eyes. You grabbed your bag and thanked her on the way out.
Your body was met with just a little bit lighter temperature than before you went in. Heeseung saw you standing in front of him, and he stood up, expectant.
"Is everything ok, Y/N?" He talked to you informally, he sometimes did it without realizing, maybe because he still wasn't used to you being three years younger than him. "Y-Yeah, I'll receive my results later in the afternoon. Do you think you can come back here with me to receive them?" You didn't want to drive alone here, knowing that nobody would be there to receive you when you got out of the room.
"Of course, why not?" You nearly sighed in relief, Heeseung grabbed your bag and guided you towards the car. You asked him to take you towards that Boba store that had opened a few days back.
While you sat at the place, you bounced your leg in an anxious way. You had ordered a biscuit milkshake, with chocolate syrup and gummy toppings.
"Sorry if I make you uncomfortable, but are things good… between you and Jay?" Heeseung asked with curiosity, but also with a little bit of hesitation. You grabbed the straw of your drink, mixing the shake and letting the gummies go into the bottom of the plastic cup.
"I-I don't know, things have been really weird. So, I don't know if we are ok anymore." You had your phone in your lap, a new notification entered causing it to light up. Your lockscreen was a picture that you had taken of Jay a few months ago.
You'd decided that night that you could really use a midnight snack, and the sleepiness wasn't completely out of your eyes.
The sound of your footsteps became present in the house, and Jay was woken up by them. When he noticed that you were not in bed, he got up and walked towards the kitchen, where he noticed the dim light of your flashlight pointing towards one of the kitchen counters.
"What are you doing?" Jay said, rubbing his eyes.
You got startled, but when you saw him with his messy hair and sleepy eyes, you softened. "I thought we had cheetos here, somewhere." Your hands trailed through the most profound part of the counter, just finding unopened packs of ramen and cookies.
"We ate them yesterday." You got off from the stool that you used to reach the counters. "We? I'm pretty sure it was you." You walked towards him, and then touched his chest with your finger.
"Ok, I did, but we don't have to fight about that… How hungry are you?" He asked, turning the kitchen lights on. "From a scale of one to ten? An eight."
He grabbed a pan from the kitchen hanger that was above the isle.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Jay did his work, and it was a great one, with the smell coming from the pan was more than magnificent. He told you to take a seat and to wait just a few minutes.
When you reached the counter, you grabbed your phone and took a quick picture of him. You noticed how that sage green t-shirt that he wore was showing a little bit of his back, how the little moles on the back of his arm were almost hidden by the fabric, how his hair was messy from how much turning he was doing on bed.
…How he cooked your food with a small smile on his lips.
"There you go, I hope you like it." He ruffled your hair, causing you to smile back at him. Jay took a seat beside you, as he slowly caressed your forearm, and tickled the sensitive of your skin.
The plate was gorgeous, considering that it was done in the middle of the night. He had made a crepe for you, with strawberry jam, and philadelphia cream cheese.
"Thank you, Jay." You said, soon giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, seeing how a small blush formed on his ears.
You smirked from how blushed he looked, and you remembered the picture that you had just taken a few minutes ago.
That small memory of yours was really special, you don't know why, but you always got a small flutter in your heart when you remembered that night.
"I wish really badly that things would go back to what they were, but we would just continue living in a lie." A heavy lump started to form in your throat, your eyes turned crystalline, tears threatened to spill down your cheeks, so you rubbed your eyes to prevent them from going any further.
"If you need to talk to anyone, you know you can tell me anything." Heeseung said, grabbing your hand. That moment, you knew why Heeseung found it so easy to find his girlfriend. He was supportive, and he was mature. "Thank you, Heeseung. I mean it."
"No problem, Y/N." He nodded.
You decided to go back home, at least just to rest while you waited for the clinic to call back. You laid on the sofa, after changing out of your work attire, went back to the office, making sure that things were working perfectly throughout the meeting that you missed.
And you remained calm when you received a call from your sister.
You could hear a little bit of shuffling until it all quieted down. "Y/N? How are you? How was your appointment?"
Juni asked with a tired voice, as if she had just run a marathon, she was more than exhausted, and with the news of you missing that meeting, she had to do a few arrangements.
"Don't worry, it's just a stomach bug. The doctor sent me some pills and told me to rest this afternoon because I'm exhausted." You never lied, on a few occasions you did, but only when you felt that it was necessary. You weren't ready to tell her that you might be pregnant or maybe have a different illness.
"Really? It's good to know that it's nothing serious, take as much rest as you can-" "You don't have to tell me that, I'll be back to the office the upcoming Monday, and I'll be at tomorrow's family reunion."
You tried to assure her in a way that she wouldn't worry. For sure you wouldn't be missing work this Monday, you physically couldn't. And with the way that things were going with Jay, you needed some sort of distraction.
With that, she told you that she'd give you more details about the next meeting when you went back to work, and she then asked you to take care of yourself as you heard a tone of worry in her voice.
After the call, you fell asleep. You didn't notice how fast time passed until your phone rang. At first, you thought it was Jay, but you noticed that this was a company number, so you decided to answer.
"Good Afternoon, am I talking to Ms. Bae? It's Seonchang clinic, we called to tell you that the results of your blood analysis are back."
With that, your heart did a quick leap, not of joy, neither of sadness, just nerves.
"Would you like to schedule another appointment for the reading of your results, or would you like to receive the-"
"I'll be there in thirty minutes, thank you for calling me." You said in an agitated voice.
You proceeded to call Heeseung, so he could pick you up. He was fast to arrive to you house, and you got into the car with your fingers obsessively picking the fabric of your navy blue sweater.
It felt like your jean shorts were itchy, but it wasn't that, it was your skin sweating from anxiousness.
By the time you arrived at the clinic, the receptionist that had greeted you earlier told you the same thing when you arrived two hours before.
"Please take a seat, the doctor will attend you in a minute."
Your thoughts were running around every single possibility of what your results could be.
Some sort of gastric disease,
Or the last option.
"There seems to be an elevated count of chorionic gonadotropin hormones in your blood."
A frown settled on your face.
You didn't understand.
"What does that mean?"
Dr. Hwang looked at your results one more time, reading it carefully, getting ready to tell you something that was definitely going to change your life. "Mrs. Bae, this type of hormones are only seen during pregnancy."
"If my calculations are not wrong,"
"You are nine weeks pregnant, Mrs. Bae."
Your mind went blank, all your mind could see was pure white, like somebody had just poured bleach inside your head.
I can't be…
It couldn't be the last option, it just couldn't be.
"I have a small concern about your blood level count, it's really low. Having anemia during pregnancy it's pretty common, but yours is just a little below what we usually see. I will prescribe some vitamins for you, and a diet rich in iron."
After those words, it was like your world went numb.
You wanted to have children, but not like this, not when you and Jay were on really bad terms, not when you didn't have a stable and normal marriage.
There was one thing for sure…
You couldn't tell Jay about this, you were not ready to tell him yet.
That was when you realized that maybe your relationship wasn't the best, but your baby would be well taken care of by yourself and your family.
You were just afraid of how the circumstances were.
I'm in the last option.
ACT FIVE: Hey, are you still there? Good.
You swore that now you could feel the baby move. Maybe, it was your imagination trying to ease up your crazy thoughts, but your imagination was crazy enough itself to help no more.
Sometimes, you even rubbed your abdomen in a way to feel connected to the child that was growing inside you. Even if you still weren't showing that much, you could feel that something was actually inhabiting inside of you.
A tiny human that would soon be held in your arms, a tiny human that could look just like you or maybe just like Jay.
You also wondered if it would be a boy or a girl, whichever gender that your baby had, you would love them no matter what. Your mind came back to what the doctor told you at the clinic.
She sent you down to an OB/GYN, Dr. Choi, who had her own clinic based on her specialization.
"From what I'm seeing, you are three months along in your pregnancy. The baby is pretty small, like an olive. They've developed tiny arms and legs, but I can't quite hear their heartbeat, yet. Your baby's heartbeat is pretty hidden." The doctor moved the doppler on your lower abdomen, she pointed out that the baby moved their leg, and that even though it was a slight movement, the baby would start to become very active throughout the next few weeks.
"In a few weeks, they'll grow as they should. They seem a bit tiny for how far along you are, but they are developing perfectly." She took away the doppler, and cleaned the gel that was set on your abdomen.
"As for your condition, your hemoglobin levels are really low, Dr. Hwang already prescribed you some vitamins and a rich-iron diet. I would like to monitor your blood pressure, which seems a little bit low as well."
Some people started to show at three months, some of them don't. For you, there was a small bump that was starting to grow from your lower abdomen.
When you got home after your appointments, you dropped your bag and laid on the sofa, your mind going through every single thing that it could find.
How would Jay react?
You knew he wanted children, but with everything that you guys were going through, his reaction could be pretty different from what you would expect from him.
Petty hands laid on your belly, as you caressed the skin that covered the creature growing in your womb.
And that was enough to soothe you to sleep.
The warmth that you felt right after was just perfect, the feeling covered right behind your legs and arms, you felt a warm body touching your cheek, another fabric of clothing against yours.
A few seconds later, your body laid on top of the comfy cushions and blankets of your bed… The bed you share with Jay.
When Jay saw you fast asleep, he carried you back to the main dormitory. Your warmth and soothing smell, that smell of cinnamon and vanilla that you always carried.
The second he got you on the bed, Jay put a cozy blanket on top of your body, the night was chilly and he didn't want you to be freezing cold.
He checked your sleepy features with caring eyes, your curly eyelashes, your parted lips and your blushed cheeks, they also seemed a little but fuller than usual, he wanted to touch them really bad.
But he didn't, Jay didn't want to invade your personal space. Neither did he want to cross your boundaries.
The poor man didn't know that you were half awake, and still you appreciated what he had just done for you. He didn't want you to sleep another night on the sofa, he knew it wasn't comfortable, and he was willing to sleep on the uncomfortable couch just for your well-being.
By the time that the morning came around, you heard the shower drops fall from the guest bathroom, you noticed how you were still wearing your jean shorts, which made sense as to why you felt very uncomfortable from your lower body.
This was the day that your families decided to have a monthly reunion, these reunions would take place at The Parks main residence, the house where Jay and his brothers grew up.
One of the only reasons why you wanted to go, was because you would see Mr. Park once again, that man that had grown to be almost like your own grandfather.
You felt a little bit nauseous that morning, a small vile threatened to rise up your throat, but it soon went down when you took a few deep breaths. You sat up at the edge of the bed, feeling a slight pressure from your shorts making contact with your skin.
The next thing you did was going to the bathroom to splash some water on your face, through the mirror you looked at your jet black locks. The color started to look boring, uninteresting, you thought that you could use a change.
You knew that when you get back home, you should look up if dyeing your hair wasn't a bad thing to do while pregnant.
The sound of the guest bathroom shower going off was enough to catch your attention, you knew that Jay wasn't taking a shower in your own bathroom because he wasn't willing to make you uncomfortable in any way.
You rubbed your abdomen in the hopes of feeling anything that day, you wanted to know what it felt like when a baby kicked, but you remembered that your child was way too small for you to feel anything, you wished to feel something, and maybe you wished that Jay was able to feel the same excitement that you had.
It didn't surprise you that when you went downstairs, towards the kitchen, Jay was already putting a plate on the aisle.
"Good morning." He said, putting a glass of watermelon juice beside your plate. Jay found his ways to avoid looking at you, he was ashamed, not only of himself, but also of not being able to look into your eyes and tell you what he truly felt.
"I made some kimchi toast for you, there's more on the stove if you want to grab some more." With those words, Jay started to walk away, making you frown. "Aren't you going to eat?"
"I'll eat when we arrive at my parents house, don't worry about me."
He left you all alone on the kitchen counter, the taste of his food was always magnificent, Jay always cooked his food with love and care, which was what you loved about his meals.
The time passed real quick, the ride to his childhood home was quiet and uncomfortable, he wasn't rubbing your thigh like he always did, and you weren't tickling his knuckles as you did when he caressed your leg.
The only thing making contact with your skin was the soft green fabric of your off-shoulder dress. The melodies of the radio were the only things that accompanied the heavy atmosphere, and the way Jay grabbed the steering wheel indicated that he was tense, it was more than noticeable with his white knuckles and red palms.
You didn't notice when you arrived to his parents' house, the ride was so tense that you escaped to your own world in a way to get away from the heavy ambience.
"Jay, Y/N, dear! Hope the ride didn't have any inconvenience." Other than an uncomfortable tension, no, everything was good. "Please come in, the food is about to be served."
Jongseong's mother guided you towards one of the outside paths that took you to the backyard. The grass was full of pink and purple flowers that Mrs. Park had obviously planted, those were her favorite colors, she had always expressed that since you were little.
Sometimes, when you were six, she asked you if you wanted to plant some flowers with her, and you never denied. You had grown to make that a habit of yours, to grow your favorite flowers in your house backyard, but you hadn't in the house that you shared with Jay.
The backyard was divided by a white wooden door, a door that you used to pretend that it was a magic portal towards an unknown land, the large pool was a lake where fairies danced, and mermaids sang, it was the place where tiny soldiers used to fight for the defense of their sacred queen.
It was the place where eight-year old Jay used to place a crown on top of your head, swearing that you would always be protected by him and that he would always consider you his queen.
"Come over, take a seat." 
Your parents were there, including your sister. She went over to give you a quick hug, brushing your hair away from your face in an attempt to have a clearer view of your face.
"You look a little bit pale, Y/N. Are you feeling ok?" She asked with a frown forming on her brows. "Maybe you should go home and rest some more."
You shook your head, looking to the side, noticing a small expression of worry in Jay's face as he listened to your sister's words, his hand came into view, knowing that he was about to put his hand on your shoulder.
"Jay, can you help me season the meat, please?" Jongseong gave a quick glance towards you, making eye contact for a second, his gaze expressing concern and disquiet.
You watched as he went away, his hand apart from your body, a warm feeling that maybe you wouldn't feel again.
"I feel just fine." You faked a smile the best you could, it wasn't that you were feeling bad, emotionally, you were destroyed, your nausea wasn't that bad, and you took your first vitamin pill that morning.
Juni inspected your face, she knew very well that there was something wrong, you just seemed down that day, a little but tense and Jay wasn't all over you as he used to.
"Yeah, sur-"
"My dear Bellie! It's so good to see you again!" Mr. Park got close to you, soon embracing you into a soft hug.
"Hi papa! How have you been?"
"I should be asking that to you. You look really frail today, come with me. You need some fresh air." Mr. Park always had his ways to enchant you, he always reminded you of your grandfather, he was sweet and caring. Sometimes, even stubborn.
Just as you walked through the large garden, Jay watched from afar, making sure that you were fine. He knew you were in good hands with his grandfather, but he couldn't help but worry.
"How have things been with Jay? He's not causing you that much trouble, isn't he? I tried to raise that boy with good manners." He muttered those last words with a grumble. You obviously were not going to tell him about what was going on with Jay, nor about your pregnancy. For now, it was your secret. And you'll reveal it when you are ready.
"You've raised him with good manners, papa. Jay is not causing me any trouble." You lied, you knew that the last sentence was a lie, but what else could you say.
"And what about… kids?" Your heart started beating fast, out of nervousness.
"Papa… You know that Jay and I need some time for that." You saw his gaze go gloomy, he looked saddened. You never understood what was the big deal of having an heir in the family, and you were more than sure that the boys were pressured to have a kid soon. "I know, dear… I really do, but having the branches secure is my biggest deal. I worked so hard for that business to prosper and I truly don't want it all to go to the drain."
You nodded your head, you knew what he meant, but it wasn't the right thing to do at all, putting pressure on your family just for a business wasn't going to help anybody.
"I know, Papa." 
A smile appeared once again on his face. "If you both truly aren't ready for a child, yet, I'll wait just a while now. You know that I'm very impatient." He chuckled.
You faked a smile. "Yes, papa. Don't worry about it."
If Sunghoon was present, you could've had somebody to talk to, but he was back in the U.S for some business trip.
Meanwhile, Jay spoke with his parents about some client that seemed to be interested in his branch. You stayed close to Juni and her husband, your parents talked about how they were so excited about some modifications in the company.
"We shouldn't be talking about work in a family reunion. We should talk about you guys, when are you giving us grandchildren." Those words made you want to smack your face against the table. Why was everybody interested in that topic?
"Juni and I are trying for a child, Mrs. Bae. I'm pretty sure that soon, we will have a small kid running around the house." Jinhae, your sister's husband was blunt, indiscreet, so much that it made you uncomfortable.
Sometimes, you wanted to scream at him for revealing every single detail of his life. It wasn't necessary to say that much.
Trying to avoid the question, you cut the meat on your plate, quickly eating it to make your mouth full.
"What about you, Y/N?" 
Well, shit!
You swallowed the food in your mouth, knowing that you were not able to escape the situation. "With my husband, we need some time for that, I hope you understand."
Your mother chuckled. She was not surprised, to say the least.
"Yeah, I do. I just hope one day, you will finally keep up to your sister's footsteps." She murmured with a sarcastic tone.
You tried your best not to slam the utensils against the table, you knew that if you caused a scandal, you would be screwed. "I will follow my own footsteps, mother. Thank you very much."
Juni stayed quiet beside you, she could see through your expressions that you were more than maddened. 
During your childhood, your mother had compared you to your older sister as if it was her favorite hobby. When you went to The Parks, Sunghoon always reassured you that you were your own person and that you would take your own steps at your own pace.
And you always trusted his caring words.
Jay sometimes eavesdropped on your conversations with Sunghoon, so he wasn't very fond of your mother because of your complaints. Mrs. Bae even felt Jongseong's cold attitude towards her, she was told he was a good kid, but she didn't understand why he wasn't fond of her.
Your father was quite different though.
He didn't compare you or pressed you to be somebody you were not. Instead, he always raised you up, he was your comfort and your safe place.
Whatever you wanted to do, he always had your back and your mother bit back at you, he would be the one defending you.
"She's different from her sister and she'll follow whatever she wants to do."
He was the one who made you like the family business, he took you to the office all the time to meet the staff, he showed you what he did and what he wished for the company.
And he didn't pressure you into the business, it was your decision and it was what you wanted to do.
"You could learn a lot from your sister, dear. I feel like you've been behind a lot in the family." You gulped in fury, trying to keep your emotions in a safe place.
"She is not staying behind, Mrs. Gwan. It's quite the opposite, though. She has not only improved, but she clearly has proven that she's good at everything she does." 
Jay's voice stayed at a cool tone, showing dominance from his seat. Chills ran down your spine as you were surprised that he was defending you.
That was when your mother felt intimidated, and she fell quiet, you looked at your husband… If you could still call him that, you felt a wave of nerves, no one had ever put your mother in her place, other than your father.
Jay's actions only made you more heartbroken, knowing that these were the last things that he would do for you.
"I'll go to the living room, it's getting quite chilly." You rubbed your arms in an attempt to make them believe that you were cold.
Juni looked at you as you walked towards the house.
Your steps were a little bit quick, and you felt your tennis shoes start to bother you, making your toes hurt from the extreme pressure being infringe on them.
Instead of staying at the living, you went upstairs towards the bathroom.
You pushed the white wooden door, feeling a wave of nausea hit you. Your body begged you to sit down for a while, at least just to reduce the feeling of sudden sickness.
The tip of your fingers brushed your arm, trying to tickle them as a way to distract you from gagging all the food that you just ate. You took a breath in and another one out, just to relax.
Your hands naughtly sneaked on your covered abdomen, giving it a small rub in a way for your baby to feel your tender care.
Mind suddenly flew towards how it would be when your baby would be in your arms, the softness of their skin, their chubby cheeks, and the smile that they would spontaneously give you at some point.
With all your heart and soul, you wished that they loved you with all their might, maybe that was impossible because they would be a small infant, but at some point they would grow up and learn about you and how much you loved them, maybe they would love you too as much as you did.
I wish your dad knew about you, he would love you with all his heart.
You would have to tell Jay at some point, but a wave of fear would consume you when you thought about it.
A knock was left on the door, you forgot that you left it open. You saw Jay's head sneak through the opening, his brown eyes shimmering in concern.
"Are you okay?" 
His soft voice was hypnotic, it was caring.
You blinked a few times, those were the first words that he had told you since that morning, a small sigh escaped your lips. 
You rarely talked ever since you found out that he was thinking of divorcing you. He slept on the couch most of the time, a few sleeping in the guest room, you knew that he didn't like how quiet that room was.
"Just… nerves." You let those words slip from your mouth as a whisper. "You know that you are enough as you are, right? Don't mind her, there's people that believe that you are amazing already." He walked closer, kneeling to your height because of you sitting on top of the closed toilet.
"I know, it's just… it can be annoying sometimes, and I wished dad was here to put her in her place." "I was quite surprised that you defended me." You finally looked at his eyes, letting your fingers continue fidgeting over and over.
"I'm still your husband, I'll defend you till the end." Your heart broke in a second, your lips threatened to quiver as a lump was felt in your throat. "A-and when this ends… will you still defend me?"
He took your hands into his, he squeezed them with care, with what you thought was love, his breath shrieked, his eyes looked gloomy, like you had just broken his soul.
"Even after this ends, I will always defend you." 
"I will always defend you too." You said trying to contain your tears.
He softly kissed you, making you spill a few tears from your eyes, he kissed you as if he was trying to remember every single detail of your lips.
Jay, then kissed the tip of your nose. Just to kiss the mole that you had at the side of your cheek.
"I'm sorry." He whispered as he then kissed your forehead. "It's ok."
Jongseong got up, rising up with you, as you felt him kiss you once again, this time roughly, making you grab his arm. With his eyes he trailed your body, paying attention to your neck, suddenly kissing that place with passion and love, his lips then laying on top of your clavicle.
Why did you always end up in a situation like that with him?
Why did lust always overpowered you both?
You just knew that you wished for him, badly.
So, then the bathroom door was closed…
I'll love your body, like I just hurt you.
The days passed and with that came the day where you left your shared home with Jay.
You finished placing your bags on the back seat of your car. Haewon was helping you grab the rest of your stuff, as Jay watched from inside the house how you placed your most important things into the car, things that he had absolutely grown attached to.
Your things, your smell, the cute skirts that he would see every time he opened his closet, and now… your side of the closet was almost empty, leaving behind a few shoes and jeans.
He could still feel your scent throughout the room, a scent that with time will fade away and that would be the last memory that he would have of you.
Jongseong wasn't brave enough to go outside and watch you put away your stuff, before you left.
He couldn't do that, he knew that it would hurt.
The man was doing all of this for you, he was letting you go because he couldn't let your break more and more from how much it was hurting.
He didn't want you to be in a relationship where you both weren't brave enough to say those three words that everybody loved to hear.
Where the fear of 'what if' would keep you away from saying what you truly felt for him and what he truly felt for you.
He wasn't going to break you, break you for love.
"That's everything." Haewon said with a sympathetic smile on her face. You looked up towards the second floor window, you noticed that Jay was watching you pack your stuff.
His face just expressed that he was heartbroken, you were the home where you made him fall more and each time for you.
"Aren't you going to say goodbye?" Your friend said, without noticing how a tear fell down your face. You weren't ready to leave, you were not ready to leave him.
"Can't. It just… it hurts too much."
Jay couldn't see you cry, he couldn't see how your eyes watered, he couldn't see how your soul broke into pieces.
"Let's go, please." Your voice broke.
You had given Haewon your car keys earlier, you were not in the right mindset to drive. You let your body sink in the passenger seat, as Haewon starts your car, driving towards her condo building.
"What do you want to do when we get there?" She asked as she drove away from the parking, you watched as Jay stayed near the window, looking as you went away from his arms.
"We can have something to eat, Hanni will arrive and bring some fried chicken with her." Haewon was trying to distract you from your sadness, from your sorrow and your nerves. "We can paint our nails after and-" "I want to dye my hair." You said, it had been a few days since you got an interest on it. "Really? Which color?" There was a moment where you felt a vile rising up your throat, so you swallowed as  you felt the saliva threatening to spill.
"Brown- maybe mocha." You almost choke, which caused Haewon to worry, she noticed that you were getting pale, and your nausea was being threatened by the car movement.
"I'm going to stop the car, what's going on? You went to your doctor's appointment, you said you were fine." She interrogated you, she was your friend after all, she had the right to be concerned about you.
"Yeah, it's just-" "If you still feel bad, we have to get you another appointment-"
"I'm pregnant!" You nearly shouted, as you interrupted her with your words. The car was silent for a few seconds, her mouth was slightly agape, but you understood why.
"You are?" You felt obligated to nod, you couldn't lie this time, everything was spilled over.
She fell silent, processing your confirmation. 
And she felt the sudden urge to ask you. "Does Jay know?" You looked at her, not being able to respond in shame and timidity. She immediately understood your shameful expression. "Y/N…" 
"I'm scared to tell him, I don't want him to get back together with me just for the baby, and also I don't know how he'll react now." You felt some tears going down your cheeks once again.
"It's ok, dear. You'll figure it out in the long run, for now just take care of yourself." "We'll be here for you."
With those pretty words, a bittersweet feeling settled on your tummy. As much as you wanted Jay to know, his reaction wouldn't be the best after he figured that you hid from him, you just needed time.
The ride was quiet and calm, with just the sound of your sniffles on the car. You missed him already, and it was quite difficult to believe that you wouldn't sleep in the same bed anymore, you wouldn't cook for each other anymore, that you wouldn't be able to touch his skin again, to feel his soft lips and his scent. He wouldn't be there with you when you worked from home, he and he wouldn't rub your thigh anymore, as he used to do.
His sweet words, his voice, his smile… It was as if all of that had faded away in an instant.
You would never be able to say "I love you" to him and whisper it against his pretty lips.
You had always imagined that you would have to convince him that you did, after so many years of attraction, you knew that he would find it hard to believe already.
You settled perfectly in Haewon's condo. It wasn't your cozy home with Jay, but she made you feel comfortable and safe. When you got there, Hanni was waiting for you with a bag of lunch.
Hunger was taking over your body, and you really craved fried chicken.
Hanni and Haewon shared a condo together, at least until Hanni's home was remodeled. She smiled at you, knowing pretty well that your mood was not at its finest.
"We should devour some food, I'm pretty sure that you are hungry." Hanni took you to the living room where she settled the food bag on the coffee table, taking out the packages from the paperbag.
Haewon sat right beside you after she settled her stuff on the kitchen isle. "Y/N said that she wants to dye her hair after this. Maybe we can give her a hand, don't you think?" She asked Hanni with a small smile.
"I like that idea, what color do you want to dye it?" She asked, placing her hands on your hair, playing with it. "Mocha, like a brown color."
"You'll look really pretty, like always." Hanni giggled, her free hand passing you a bag of french fries.
"We can go to the grocery store for some hair coloring and will dye it today." Haewon signaled her roommate, making sure that you understood that only the two of them would go for your hair dye, while you rested at home.
"You just stay here and make yourself comfy."
After you finished eating, the girls went to the supermarket while you stayed in the living room. You decided to make a call, turning on your phone, just to be greeted with your wallpaper of Jay, that one that you liked so much.
You sighed with shame, knowing that you'll miss him a lot.
You got into your contacts and dialed Heeseung's number.
He answered quickly.
"Hello, Y/N?"
"Hi Heeseung, am I not bothering you?"
Heeseung responded that it was OK, and that you weren't interrupting anything. You explained to him that you were at Haewon's condo and that you needed him to pick you there from now on, at least until you found a new place.
He wondered what was wrong, but he knew that would be a very personal question to ask. Before cutting the call, you asked him for a favor.
A weird one, to say the least.
By the time the evening came, Haewon and Hanni were back.
You sent the rest of the afternoon  in the bathroom trying to figure out what you wanted to do with your hair. They took out a few laughs out of you, and they were happy that they at least raised your mood up a little.
"Guys… I really like it." 
Your hair was now a brown mocha color, living behind the natural jet black hair that you used to have. You touched the roots and then the ends of your hair, Hanni cut a few hair strands near your forehead, they weren't bangs, and it seemed like small, stylish strands. 
"Thank you, so much." You give them a warm hug, you were really grateful for all that they were doing for you. "You look beautiful, Y/N."
You couldn't ask for better friends than them.
The living room was full of fuzzy blankets and pillows, where you three slept the remainder of the night, as you tightly hugged a hoodie that you had sneaked a few months ago into your side of the closet. A hoodie whose previous owner was Jay.
When the week came, Jay was surprised by the fact that he received a call from his secretary, saying that a 'Lee Heeseung' was there to deliver him something.
He didn't remember ordering anything.
But the name was what made his heart quicker… Lee Heeseung, from your Baezen Corp.
"Mr. Park, I come on behalf of your wife. She asked me to give you this." Jay's heart was in pieces… a thermal lunch bag.
 It was his lunch, the one that you always made for him. You still made food for him, even though of the circumstances.
"Please have a good evening, sir."
With that, Heeseung left. And Jay was flattered he was hanging from a thread because of your actions.
He looked at the lunch bag and its containers, the same white containers where you placed his food.
"You're gonna be the end of me, Belle." 
You were working soundly in your office, when the receptionist came by. "Mrs. Bae, it's from The Northern Branch, they say that your husband is sending it for you." You frowned in amusement, you weren't expecting Jay to send you something back.
She gave you a paper bag, knowing pretty well what it was.
It was from the place that Jay used to take out food for the both of you. A small note was attached to the bag.
'You always find your ways to surprise me… Every single day. Please enjoy, it's your favorite.'
When you opened the bag, you saw a package of chicken burgers and fries, and they were accompanied by cheese balls… Your favorite.
Your heart paced in a different beat, and for some reason you knew that this was going to hurt even more, but you would enjoy it anyway.
This kept up, back and forth, for the next two weeks it became a routine, the receptionist would leave a package from Jay and Heeseung would leave a package of yours in Jay's office.
And one day, you found yourself in front of the place that you used to call home, you rang the bell, hearing a voice coming from inside the house.
You were going to be greeted by Jay, but you hadn't seen him in a few weeks.
So, your heart took a leap when you saw him. He was wearing a sage green hoodie and a pair of sweat shorts.
"Hi." You timidly responded, you didn't know how you were standing in front of him, not only was he making your heart quicken, but you were also feeling badly, a little strange.
It wasn't a nauseous feeling, it was something else, you felt like everything was spinning at some point, but you tried to focus, you had to get the remainder of your stuff out of the house.
"Please, come inside." He made space for you to go in, the living room looked spacious, and empty, as if something was missing, but the decorations that you placed there were still intact. They reminded him of you.
"You want some water?" Jay asked, getting rid of the silence. "No thanks, I'm not thirsty." You denied with a small voice.
Jay looked towards the bedroom, right upstairs. He noticed your uncomfortable state, and he wanted to take it out of the window, he wanted to hug you and kiss you, but he couldn't do that anymore.
"I-I'll go upstairs for a second, I can help you grab some of your stuff." You were surprised by how rushed he looked… Did he want you out of the house already?
Obviously he did, because then he wouldn't be in a rush.
You placed your hands in the kitchen isle, the only thing that was giving security, it felt like your feet were floating for a second, as if you were out of touch, out of reality.
You knew that pregnancy could make you feel light-headed, but this felt different. It just felt as if you were swaying around and your fingertips tingled with a sensation you couldn't describe.
You felt numb, and you tightly shut your eyes to get rid of the feeling, but when you opened them once again it just felt worse.
The sensation of your tennis shoes were gone, with just the feeling of a tight pressure on your feet being the only things that counted.
And that was when your legs felt wobbly and your arms were sore all of the sudden, and your mind was blank.
It was pure white, as if nothing was going on, no thoughts, no feelings, nothing.
Just a blurry vision setting in, your breath going quicker as your heart went slower, you felt that your heart was going to stop from how slow it was going, so you touched your chest with the little force that you had, and you let out a few heavy breath before your body finally gave in and your eyes went to the back of your head.
When your body fell to the ground, a thump was heard throughout the house, Jay heard it, a weird feeling kicking in his system.
Something's wrong
That was the first thing that came to his mind, so he called out for you. "Belle?"
He received no response, just the white noise of silence. That was when panic settled in, something was very wrong. 
"Y/N?" He called out your name once again, as you rushed out of the room, pacing down the stairs.
And his heart dropped to the stomach, when he saw nobody there, nothing. Except for a small hand sticking from behind the kitchen isle. "Shit!"
That was the only word that came out of his mouth when he saw that, and the complete image was way more terrifying than what he had just seen.
He rushed towards you, quickly kneeling beside you, inspecting you completely.
Your body laid on the floor, a small bruise on your cheek and a nasty bloody cut on your forehead. It was obvious from the way that you laid that you had hit your head with the floor, leaving you with those nasty marks on your face.
"Y/N?" Jay took you into his arms, trying to lay your bottom on his lap in a way to make you comfortable.
The ambulance?! What was the emergency number?
Fuck! How could he not remember?"
He was in a state of shock, stress, even. Jay could only call out your name in a way to wake you up, but that wasn't working, you were not responding.
"Belle! Y/N! Wake up." He couldn't shake you awake, you most likely had a concussion and he was just going to make it worse if he shook you awake.
He finally reacted and reached for his phone, the emergency number had finally come back to his mind.
Jay waited for them to answer, as he looked down at you, a drop of blood oozing out of your wound and dripping down your forehead.
"119, what's your emergency?" A female voice was heard from the other side of the line. Jay felt his voice tremble, he was nervous and he was scared, he didn't know what he was doing.
"M-My wife- she just passed out, There's a wound in her head, I think she has a concussion." The woman noticed the fear in Jay's voice, she knew he was freaking out.
"I tried calling out for her, but she's not waking up." She asked for his location, but Jay wasn't thinking clearly, he couldn't remember those important details. So, the woman on the phone had to track his location. "I got your direction, an ambulance will be sent there in a minute. Please remain calm." Jay cut the call, and he then placed his hand on your cheek, he wanted you to be ok, he couldn't lose you, not yet.
"Hey… Help is coming, you are going to be ok." Jay expected you to hear him, but those words were also for himself, he needed to convince himself that you would be just fine.
"You are going to be just fine."
He caressed your cheek, being careful with your wound and being careful not to move you as much.
That was when he heard the ambulance closer, relief started to flow through him as he saw the paramedics enter the house. 
They started to round you, and Jay let them do their work as they looked over you. "She has a concussion, we don't know to what degree, so we'll take her to the hospital." 
Jay nodded at his words, feeling a lump form on his throat out of fear, but also of relief.
They put you on a stretcher and took you out of the house, with Jay right behind them. He was not going to leave alone, so he drove in the ambulance with you.
He kept his hand on top of yours in case you woke up not knowing what had happened. 
Soon, they arrived at the hospital and they took you to the emergency room as a nurse stopped Jay from going any further. "She's my wife, I need to know that she's ok." 
"I know, sir, but we need the doctors to do their work so we can help her."
With those words, Jay cursed under his breath, and anxiety took over him as he felt his chest heavy. He dialed your sister and she came at the speed of light, he didn't know how she got there so quickly.
"I don't know what happened, I went upstairs, then I heard a loud sound and that's when I went back to see her passed out." He sounded out of air, as if he couldn't breathe, like he just ran a marathon.
"She probably passed out and hit her head, we need to know why she passed out, though."
Juni murmured as she caressed Jay's arm to calm him down.
"Family of Bae Y/N?" One of the doctors came out of your room, a room Jay had requested to move you in, just for you to be comfortable.
"It's us, I'm her sister, he's her husband." The doctor nodded in understanding.
She looked at your chart once more, confirming why you passed out and how they needed to treat you.
"It seems like Y/N has a concussion from the fall, it's not that bad, but with her condition, we need to keep on the guard for a few days." 
Jay frowned, a feeling of anxiety taking over and his heart started racing in expectation.
"What condition?" He steadied his voice.
That was when the doctor knew that your husband wasn't aware of anything, and maybe neither did you, but we all know that you fully knew.
"Y/N is twelve weeks pregnant." 
His world stopped, he couldn't process the information.
Y/N is twelve weeks pregnant
He just felt numb, as if he was falling down a cliff of confusion.
Jay then figured… 
She's been hiding it from me.
Y/N knows that she's pregnant.
"She has a severe case of anemia and low blood pressure, which explains why she fainted. Anemia is common during pregnancy, but such low blood levels is not a good thing."
Jay listened carefully to the doctor's words… he felt disappointed. Why would you hide this from him?
"Can we see her now?" He asked, he wanted to make sure that you were fine, he wanted to see you face to face and reassure himself that you would be just fine.
"You can." The doctor then guided them towards your room.
Jay saw how pale you looked, he noticed recently that you looked sick and fatigued… So that was why…
He got really close to your bed, sitting beside you on a plastic chair. You looked better than when you arrived, there was a small patch in your forehead and you were being fed IV meds, your lips were dry… He would remind you to take some water after you woke up, he noticed small eye bags under your eyes from exhaustion.
He then caressed your free hand, giving it warmth and love.
Jay was going to talk to you when you got better, but he didn't want to disturb you either.
"It's good to know that you are ok, we'll figure out how we are going to make this work, but I'm pretty sure it will." He then gave you a tender kiss on your forehead, on top of your bandage.
No matter what, he always adored you.
He will always love you.
"I'll call my parents and tell them that we-" 
"Don't." Juni was confused.
"Y/N and I need to keep it private for a while, at least until she's comfortable telling the rest of the family." 
Juni understood what he meant, and she nodded in agreement, putting her phone inside her pocket once again.
A few hours passed, and Jay's family arrived, Juni had told about your stay to Sunghoon and he had called the rest of the family in worry, but their eldest son told them a different story. You were anemic and that caused you to faint, so that way he could talk with you first and know that you were comfortable talking about your pregnancy.
Meanwhile, you were dreaming.
It was more like a nightmare, maybe.
You were in a hospital bed, the air was tense, the aura was tense.
It wasn't that the hospital bed was uncomfortable. It's the ambience, the situation that you just got into that made you uncomfortable.
Jongseong wasn't showing any type of expression, he was just standing, staring at the floor, maybe at his feet. You swore that his soul was wandering somewhere around the room.
You should've ended things sooner.
Maybe it was your fault, somehow.
That was when Jay got closer and looked at you with disappointment.
You couldn't tolerate it.
You needed to wake up!
And your eyes fluttered open, a small headache setting in. You could hear the sound of a heart monitor, the heartbeat was slow, nice and you knew that it was yours.
A small presence was causing chills in your body, but you were too weak to move, and only a whimper escaped your lips.
"Hey." It was Jay.
You noticed that he was holding your hand, giving it a slight squeeze. You loved his warmth.
"I was going to tell you before I became a nervous wreck, but I like your hair." He said with a smile, his other hand laying on top of your head, giving it a light massage.
His smile was what got him away.
"You know already, right?" A tired smile settled on your lips, you were trying to light the ambience with it. 
Jay had to admit that it was working.
"There was no need to hide it from me, but I understand why you did it… You were scared, weren't you?" You squeezed back his hand, he knew you pretty well. "Maybe… a little bit."
"Yeah, I kinda noticed."
He caressed your cheek with care. He always found ways to make you fall for him once again. "Will figure it out, ok. For now, I'll make sure that you are in a completely good condition."
"Yeah, ok."
Your voice was small and weak, and that was cue for Jay. He knew you were tired, not only from the big blow you got on your head, but also from your pregnancy.
"You should get some sleep, you look really tired." He passed his hands through your hair, his touch being soft and delicate.
He is gorgeous.
You felt a sudden urge to ask him a really personal question, you didn't know how he'll respond, but you still asked.
"Will you be here when I wake up?"
His heart fluttered, a small smirk adorning his lips. "Why would I leave?" He had a lot of reasons to leave, why wouldn't he? He was divorcing you, but there was a small thought wandering around your mind.
You build up the courage to ask, not knowing if it was a good idea to ask, and if he would leave after that.
"You never gave me any divorce papers." You felt a little bit of anxiety, maybe because Jay just stared at you with surprise. He wasn't expecting you to ask that.
He cleared his throat, trying to proceed with what he wanted to say.
"Are you asking me… to give them to you?" His expression was dull, like sadness had consumed his face. "No, it's not that… we are separating, but you never asked me to sign any documents." You pursed your lips, looking down at your covered legs.
His face said it all.
He wasn't looking at you either, he just looked at the floor, just to brush his hair with his hand.
"You are not ready to fill the papers, are you?"
This time you grabbed his hand, holding it lightly with the strength that you had. He finally looked at you, he was kinda embarrassed and he didn't know how he had reached that situation.
So when you shook his head, you giggled.
"Don't laugh at me."
You covered your mouth with your hand, trying to contain the slight laughter that came from your mouth. "I'm not."
He squeezed your hand once again, his warmth irradiated through your body, you could feel his nerves go up.
Jay inhaled before proceeding to tell you what he wanted to say. "It was difficult enough when you left, you didn't even say goodbye and I didn't either, but I wasn't brave enough to watch you go from up-close." 
"I don't even know how I tolerated not being with you at home, it felt really empty… because you were missing. Your oversized sweatshirts laying around the house were gone, the smell of your food was gone, your scent stayed for a few days, before it finally faded away. And your energy was gone, your cute smile in the mornings, brushing your teeth while I took a shower, there was nobody waiting for me when I got back home." 
"You left a few shampoo bottles around, I left them intact because they reminded me of you, I bought your perfume bottle just to spray it around, because I missed you. Your warmth was missing and that sweet aura that was around the house was completely gone."
He paused for a moment, you weren't expecting Jay to miss you that much, to the point of describing every single thing that he missed from you. 
"That house was a place that I couldn't call home anymore, because you were missing. My advisor told me to send the papers after you were gone, but then Heeseung came around with your food packages and… if I found it impossible to get those papers ready, I knew at that moment that I couldn't let you go. And when you came back home today, I felt the need to tell you to stay, so I went upstairs to calm down." That was when he chuckled, he knew what happened after, you both knew.
"Well, I think I know the rest." You murmured. "Yeah, you definitely do."
You stayed quiet for a while, the silence was comfortable and with you both holding hands, everything was better, it was nice and it was cozy.
"I don't want to leave you, Belle." His eyes glimmered with hope, gaze looking directly into your softened eyes. "I don't want to leave you, either."
"I thought I was doing you a favor if we got a divorce. At one point we weren't talking that much and we just had sex, we both knew that our relationship wasn't in the best place, but I just knew that you were hurting, so I did what I thought was the right thing."
You looked at him with a caring gaze and you rubbed his hand trying to comfort him.
"And what happened after that?"
He passed his hand through your locks, he looked at you like he was watching the stars from the clouds.
"I realized that I can't live without you."
Your heart leaped to your throat, but you kept your cool, you smirked at him, you tried to do that weird facial expression when he tried to be cocky. 
Jay coughed from seeing your face, he knew what you were doing. You were imitating him.
"Don't do that face." He pinched your cheek, just for you to try to get his hand away with a giggle.
"I can't live without you either." You said between giggles. His eyes lit up when he saw your smile, when he heard your laughter.
Jay rubbed your cheeks, he liked how chubby they were and how your eyes glistened, as you looked at him with love, with a cutesy smile.
When he looked at your face, he knew that he wanted to be with you forever, and whatever this fear was, you could get over it, he would find a way too.
Because he wasn't ready to let you go.
So, when he asked you the next thing… You were taken back to a year ago.
"Do you love me, Mrs. Bae?" His eyes were hopeful, you remembered how he looked that night near the swimming pool, looking at you lovingly as you sat on one of the beds.
His face was exactly the same as from that day, eyes pretty and shiny.
"I do, Mr. Park." Jay let out a small laugh, as his chest felt the hard heartbeats thumping on its cage. 
"I do love you, Jay." Your eyes watered, as your voice waved, you quickly nodded your head with happiness.
It felt like being free, because you could finally say it, the fear was there, the fear of what if… But you would figure it out in the long run, for now you just wanted to think about the present and how you wanted to feel Jay's warmth once again.
"Good… because I love you, Mrs. Bae." As your heartbeat quickened and the heart monitor showed it, Jay quickly placed a kiss on your lips.
You closed your eyes in relief, and you felt the butterflies rummaging on your tummy, he cut the kiss just to place his lips on top of your forehead, where your bandage was.
You placed your hand on his jawline, and when he got away, he placed his hand on top of yours to feel your warmth on his face.
You were surprised that you didn't start crying a long time ago, looking at him just made you want to smile and laugh all the way, but your tears made your smile glowy. "Do you think I can go back home?" When you asked, sniffles could be heard, making him giggle, and then he gave you a quick peck on the lips. "Why would you even ask? I want you home already."
The moment was wholesome, and for once and for all, you could finally feel his love radiating from his body.
And that night when you fell asleep, he looked at you as if he could protect your sleep, your dreams and everything that you wished for. 
Jay fell asleep a few hours later, with his head on top of your lap.
When the morning came by, Jay asked your sister to look after you, so he could take your stuff back home, and also bring what you would need in your hospital stay.
"Can I get back to work as soon as possible? Mom is going to be pissed." You asked your sister, as she rubbed the pale skin of your knuckles.
Her jaw almost fell ajar when she heard your words.
"Why would you even think about that right now?! Focus on resting! Your health won't improve if you don't and your baby will be affected." She played with your hair, just like when you were a child, her way to comfort you from how harsh your mother treated you.
"Just imagine this, I'm pretty sure that your baby will be the cutest thing, they will have your chubby cheeks for sure and Jay's pretty lips. Just imagine, they'll be the prettiest." Juni kept on saying, as she rubbed your abdomen, which was a little bit bigger now, the bump was growing as it should, but you hoped that the baby would be slightly bigger than before.
A knock was heard from outside the room, and you saw Jay waving his hand with that weird smile that he made sometimes.
"I'm back, Belle." He walked towards you, just to give you a peck in your forehead. "You took your time."
"Sorry about that, I wanted to make sure that I brought what you needed." Jay put a bag on one of the plastic seats, it was a travel bag, from where he took out a green 'Atlanta Georgia' sweatshirt that you had packed in one of your bags.
"Thank you, Jay."
You grabbed the piece of clothing and put it on top of your hospital gown, he accommodated the sleeves of your sweatshirts, caressing your arms right after.
"One of the nurses said that the doctor wants to do an ultrasound to see how the baby's doing." Juni said with a light excitement in her voice.
Jay was excited as well, this was the first ultrasound that he would presence, this would be your second. 
As if it was her cue, the doctor came in to attend you. She brought an ultrasound machine with her, which surprised your husband. It wasn't a big piece of equipment, but it just made him more nervous than he already was. It just felt way too real for him.
"Good morning, Y/N. Are you feeling better?"
You grabbed Jay's hand between yours, sensing that some sort of anxiety was taking over him, he just wriggled his legs a little and the hand you held was moving its fingers way too much.
"Kinda tired, but other than that I feel fine." You looked at your husband, as a way to reassure him that you were feeling ok, and that everything was fine.
"I want to do a routine ultrasound, just to make sure that your pregnancy is developing correctly, as well as the baby." She took out a doppler and a gel bottle to put over your stomach. 
You raised your gown and sweatshirts up, uncovering your abdomen, the only thing covering your bottoms were the hospital blankets. Your hands rested on top of the fabric of your risen clothes, but Jay grabbed one of them in an attempt to calm himself down.
His eyes laid on your bump, it was small, but it was noticeable if you used tight clothing, you were a person who used loose clothing at home, so it didn't surprise him that he didn't notice it at first.
"You'll feel a sensation of coldness." The doctor said before putting a patch of gel on top of your lower stomach, on top of your little bump. A chilling sensation went through your body, and you shut your eyes as you purse your lips. "It's really chilly." You said squeezing Jay's hand. "Is it really?" He almost laughed, as he saw your expression. Jay was trying to be playful with you for a second.
Your doctor pressed the doppler on your stomach, moving it around as you felt a strong urge to pee because of the water that you had drank after the nurse told you about the ultrasound. She moved it near your pelvis, finally locating your baby on the screen.
"There they are." Jay looked up towards the screen, seeing a black and white image that showed a tiny human in the middle of the darkness, their legs kicked as much as they could and their tiny arms fidget around. 
"They seem to be moving a little, and it looks like they are developing just fine." You let out a sigh of relief, somehow you hadn't noticed that you were holding your breath for a moment until Jay's amused face got into your view.
"Why are they so tiny?" Your husband's eyes shimmered with adoration, he had never seen something so small, especially if they were growing inside your body.
He was enchanted, like he had just fallen in love once again, and you had just noticed. Jay was hypnotized, he saw the little baby move as much as they could and he couldn't help but feel like he was magnified.
"The baby is in its twelfth week, they still have a lot of time to grow." Your doctor chuckled at how Jay looked. He truly had just fallen in love, once again.
"Can we know the gender?" You asked with curiosity, causing Jay to come out of his trance. That caught his attention, he wanted to know what the baby would be.
Jongseong looked at the doctor, hopeful for her to say that you could.
"It wouldn't be a hundred percent accurate, but there's no problem trying." With that, Jay had a childlike smile sticking to his face, like a kid that was given a big chocolate bar.
The doctor moved the doppler once again, finding a focus point and looking carefully at the screen, the anticipation was eating you alive and you bounced your leg as you waited for the doctor to tell you what you were waiting for.
Jay played with your fingers, his feet moving side to side while he waited.
The doctor hummed in curiosity, finally seeing what she was looking for. "If this is completely accurate, I can tell you that you are having a girl." 
"A girl?" Your heart leaped as you heard your husband's voice.
His baby was a girl…
That tiny, little thing was his daughter.
A pretty, little girl.
"Jay?" You called out his name, again, taking him out of his trance. 
He rubbed your hand with care and with admiration, but his eyes were focused on the screen,  it was like he was lost in a completely different galaxy, like it was just that small black and white picture and him.
He just looked dazed.
Because for him, it just felt too real.
"I think he is in shock." Your sister giggled, but you turned your head to look at him carefully. He truly was in a trance, he was lost.
The doctor couldn't help, but giggle as well. This was a common sight for her, parents amused by the child that they would soon hold in their arms.
"It's something pretty common for first-time parents, I wouldn't worry about it if I was you." She grabbed her equipment and tapped the metal while she looked at you. "Your baby is doing completely fine, she seems healthy. She looks a little bit small for how far along the pregnancy is, but as I was saying, there's still a lot of time for her to grow."
The female wished you a good day, walking away from your room and attending other patients.
Your gaze was back to Jay, while you pulled down the gown and your sage sweatshirt. Your fingers tickled his skin, trying to bring Jay out of his universal traveling. Maybe it worked, because your husband looked down at his feet, wetting his lips with his tongue.
"Earth to Jay, are you back already?" Juni snapped her fingers in front of him. You chuckled, noticing how he lifted his gaze and how his eyes got glossy.
"We lost you there for a second, Mr. Park." Jongseong shook his head, he broke away from his fantasy.
"Sorry, I was fazed."
You lovingly faced him, placing your hand on his cheek. "We definitely didn't notice."
"It's just… She's so small, it feels surreal." 
"She seems so tiny to hold." He whispered with a tone of nerves in his voice. "Jay, she still has time to grow."
"I know, but she'll still be small by the time we get to hold her." He liked his lips again, biting the bottom flesh right after, but still a smirk got to settle in.
"What?" You asked, not knowing what his face meant.
"There's going to be a small version of you running around the house. She'll probably have your pretty doe eyes, and your chubby rosey cheeks. Her eyes will glimmer like the ocean just smiled at the moon." Your husband's smile just grew bigger as he continued talking, his mind was navigating every single scenario.
"A Mini Belle."
Jay's gaze turned deep, pretty specs on his eyes that showed his enchantment, his enthusiasm.
"You are so cheesy!" Your smile grew as well, your mind also navigated towards the description that Jay had just given you. Something inside of you screamed that your child would look just like your husband.
"I'm not being cheesy, I'm being real."
"It doesn't matter, however she looks like she'll be more than loved. Especially with the infatuated father that she is about to have."
A word that he wasn't expecting to be called so soon.
But still…
Jay was loving it already.
ACT SIX: Maybe I blame my mother bleeding into my stride, maybe it was my father and his wandering eyes.
The happy cheer could be heard around the house, the neighbors might even say that it was heard to the other side of the street.
You raised your hands up in victory. Jongseong still having three cards in hand.
It wasn't that long ago that you were talking about going back to work just for the fact that you didn't want to disappoint your mother, but with the passing of days your energy was completely different.
"This is the third time that you've won." Jay said with defeat, you had played a few board games that evening and he didn't know how you had the energy and also the spirit to keep on playing, as well as winning.
"And I'll keep doing it, you sore loser." You stick out your tongue like a five-year old playing a game of dolls. "Well, well, this sore loser will go somewhere else." Jay got up from the floor, the edges of the coffee table leaving marks on both of his arms.
While you pouted at him leaving you by yourself. "Jay, I'm just joking around!" You followed after him, right towards the kitchen.
"I know, I'm joking with you as well. What do you want for dinner?" He quickly changed the topic, trying to keep a cheerful expression on you. He hadn't seen you this happy since you were a teen, preteen to say the least.
You already had an idea of what you wanted to eat, you had been craving it the whole afternoon. 
At your 14 week of pregnancy, you noticed that you were having cravings for the first time. It was simple things, like chocolate ice cream, or pineapple slices.
"Can we order pizza margarita?"
"That sounds-"
"With french fries… and pickles." You said taping the marble of the kitchen isle, expectant of a response. Knowing Jay, he would say yes to you.
But this was the first time that you asked for something so specific.
"We don't have pickles anymore?" He scratched the back of his neck, he opened the fridge door looking for the refrigerated snack, just to find none.
You picked yourself up, sitting on the edge of the marble, waiting for your husband to find what you wanted.
"I don't think so."
Jay turned around, closing the fridge behind him. Looking at your small form sitting on top of the isle, that moment he leaned in closer to your body, hands on each side of you, noses almost rubbing each other.
"How hungry are you?" 
You giggled at how close he was.
"From one to ten… a fifty-eight." He kissed your lips with a small peck. "I'll go buy some, then." He got away with intentions to go for his shoes, but you quickly got off the isle, with tiny, but speedy steps you took towards him.
"Wait, I'm coming with you."
Jay drove to the grocery store, having called the pizza place for pick up in thirty minutes. As he drove towards the store, he kept his hand on your thigh and you did what you usually did, rub his hand, his knuckles.
You both usually did the groceries your separate ways, but this was one of the few times that you did it together.
You got to the parking lot, with Jay all over you because of how cold it was. At a certain point, you understood, but it got exaggerated within seconds.
"You should wear a beanie, it's really cold inside. I don't want you to get sick." He took a gray beanie from inside the car, living you stunted with how he was acting. 
There was a pink knitted sweater warming your skin, as well as some cozy sweatpants and socks. You were more than fine.
He got the beanie on your head, causing you to whimper from how weird his hands felt on your head.
"Jay, love, I'm fine." You chuckled, pushing his hands away from your body. "I'm just making sure you are ok." He grabbed your face, cupping your cheeks, as he looked at every detail of your face.
It hurt him to see the purple-ish bruise on your left cheek, and the butterfly band aid that was at the corner of your forehead. So, for the past two weeks he had been kissing the spots where your skin had been affected, even the marks of the IV on the back of your hand, he kissed them while you were asleep.
And that's what he did, he placed a soft kiss on your bruised cheek, and then he planted a longer kiss on your forehead.
He had been so soft recently.
Ever since you got out of the hospital, even at the hospital… He got clingy and his gaze always shone when he looked at you.
"You look adorable, Belle." 
He turned you around towards the store, keeping his hands on your shoulders.
Jay was more than sure that he wasn't coming out of that grocery store with just a jar of pickles. He had a feeling that there would be so much more.
Your husband swore that he saw little sparks on your eyes when you looked for pickles, it wasn't just because of that, but because of the various food items that you saw around.
Pretty eyes glowing as you saw a huge packet of strawberries, kiwis and even those big bags of sweetened bread that you never wanted to try, but now you were hypnotized by it.
"Look Jay, it's rice krispies!" The fact that you acted like your ten-year old self, was warming his soul with happiness.
You looked happy, you were happy.
You were pointing at the big box of cereal treats that was at the top of a counter. You jumped in place with a cute grin on your lips.
"I think I can fetch them if you put me on top of your shoulders." For some reason, Jay saw all the things that could go wrong, he saw your cute smile and he felt tempted, but he wasn't sure if that would be a good idea.
"Don't be silly, we can just call someone and ask them to take it down for us. No need to complicate things." He patted your head, that was covered by the beanie that he put on you.
"I'll be right back, I'll look for somebody to take it down." Jay rubbed your arm, walking away towards one of the store owners.
He had a feeling that when he got back, you would be gone and that you would be in a different section looking for something else.
"Excuse me," Jay asked one of the workers. He wore a white shirt with an orange vest that represented the colors of the store.
"Can you please help me bring down a box in the cookie section?" The man agreed following him towards the section. When they arrived, the wheeled basket was there… but you weren't.
He knew it!
He just had a feeling that you would wander off, he looked around for a second, quickly pointing at the rice krispies box, so the worker could bring it down.
Jay walked towards the end of that section, but soon he got relieved, because he saw you sprinting towards him with a big pint of ice cream in hand.
"Love, look, they had chocolate milk and cookies ice cream." You got in front of him, with that cutesy smile of before.
The worker got the box down just in time. "Oh! You got the rice krispies!" You put down the pint of ice cream in the cart, then thanked the worker for the box.
You tried to grab it, but Jay was quicker than you. "I'll take it for you. Thank you!" Jay thanked the worker, putting the box down on the cart.
"I think we can go for that pizza now." You tapped the edge of the basket, getting pretty giddy and excited for dinner.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Jay asked teasingly. You had forgotten why you came into the store in the first place. So, you frowned at him, not knowing what you were forgetting, until…
"What am i- The pickles! I completely forgot!" You ran towards that section, causing Jay to look at you with worry. "Y/N don't run too fast, be careful!"
He still didn't understand where you got so much energy recently.
You finally went back home after leaving the store and picking up your pizza order. Jay had asked them to add french fries to your order, like you wanted.
Jay had sliced pieces of pickles, so they would be at the side of your plate… but you still grabbed the whole jar to eat the rest.
"It's really tasty!" You pointed out. Maybe Jay looked at you weird, maybe because you had placed the pickles on top of your food. "You wanna try?" You asked.
Your husband thought about it for a second, before letting you feed him the strange combination.
He swallowed, analyzing the taste and the texture of what he had just eaten.
"Well?" A part of you wondered what he was thinking. He still had some pieces of food that he chewed, so you were expectant to know his opinion.
"It's actually… really tasty." With that you clapped your hands with enthusiasm. "You like it?" 
"Yeah, I do." He grabbed the slice of pizza that you had in hand, taking away your food. "Yah!" You hit his arm, feeling betrayed.
"That's mine!"
Jay covered his mouth with his hand as he chewed. "Not anymore."
Let's say that you might have hit him with the pillows that laid on the sofa. It didn't take time until he responded with the same actions, which ended with an attack of pillows and tickles in the living room.
The laughs and the screams of plea could be heard throughout the house, and the people that heard outside the house, felt that there would be a lot of happiness rummaging around the house, for a long, long time.
Later that night, you laid on top of the soft navy blue mattress and its covers, a comfy blanket keeping you warm.
Not only that, but your husband's arms around your body were giving you the protection and the warmth that you craved and needed. He kept behind yours, his lips touching your hair, smelling the scent of your shampoo, feeling that vanilla scent that he always liked.
"Maybe Chip will have your energy when she grows up." His low voice tickled on your scalp, running chills down your spine, even though that still kept you wondering:
"Who is Chip?" You giggled from his breath hitting your hair. 
"Our baby, Y/N. She's Chip." He rubbed your covered belly, which in the past weeks had grown a little bit more than before. You wondered why your bump wasn't bigger than the rest, so you got a little bit insecure.
"But why Chip? How did you come up with that nickname?" 
"Well, if you are my Belle, then our tiny human is our Chip." You were surprised by that, it was cute. You wondered how Jay could come up with those types of things, but whatever he came up with, it was always with his heart.
"You still remember that?"
"You made me and my brothers watch that movie every time you visited, those characters are engraved in my mind at this point." He ranted, making you laugh once again. Your hands on top of his, which caressed your abdomen.
"I guess you were really in love with me, because not even Sunghoon remembers that stuff." You teased him.
He stayed quiet for a second, taking in your warmth, every single mole of your arms and the smell of your hair.
"I've been in love with you ever since I entered my pre-teens. When you visited, you were the only person I paid attention to, and Sunghoon always bothered me about that, he said that I was going crazy for you. He wasn't wrong." Jay kissed the back of your head, his fingers lingering on top of your arms.
"Everytime I waited for Hoon, I took advantage of being there, so I could see you. I always wondered why you didn't wear your uniform correctly?" This time, he let a chuckle escape from his lips, the vibration running down your spine a second time.
"I was trying to impress you. I guess it didn't work." 
"It kinda did work, don't worry." 
Jay got you closer to his body, you could feel the fabric of his shirt touching the parts where your skin was uncovered. He snuggled you with care, and he then placed his chin on your shoulder, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you, Jay. Good night."
He smiled to himself, feeling his stomach get warm. "I love you too, Belle."
You never truly had that much insecurities growing up. 
Yeah, sometimes you wondered if your body fitted the standards of the time, but you never neglected your body and didn't reach the point of changing it.
But now that you were pregnant, a new insecurity came in. 
Being small.
Your belly wasn't as big as the rest of other pregnant women. You saw that their bumps were bigger and that meant that their baby was healthy, developing as they should.
Even if your doctor had told you that babies and bumps could be smaller than normal, and that it was nothing to worry about, you still felt that you were doing something wrong.
And watching your reflection in the mirror, you noticed today that nothing had really changed, your bump was still small, and you worried that your baby wasn't developing correctly.
You were going out that day, to your appointment with Dr. Choi. She asked you to come in when you entered your second trimester.
That was more stressful for you, maybe the doctor would say that something was not right because you were way too small to be in your second trimester, in your fourteenth week.
Your hands rubbed your belly, noticing how your jeans still fitted and your bump was sticking out through the fabric, but it still didn't look like you were pregnant.
"Belle! Why are you taking so long?"
Jay's voice was close, he had entered the room and soon he saw the bathroom door ajar. He wondered what you were doing.
He opened the door, finding the sight where you just felt dissatisfied, also disappointed.
"My jeans still fit." Your voice sounded defeated, and your husband didn't fail to notice. "Is that supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?" He walked towards you, getting right behind you, his hands placed on your shoulders.
"I don- I don't know… Maybe a bad thing?" Jay frowned at your words, he was about to ask why, but you took the words out of his mouth. "It's just… I don't look pregnant." You whispered, feeling a sense of sadness within you.
"And what's the bad thing about that? If you look pregnant, if you don't look pregnant it doesn't matter, what matters is that you are healthy and that Chip is healthy. Isn't that what matters?" 
"Are you still calling her Chip? I have a feeling that she will hate that nickname." You looked at him with a tiny grin.
"She will not, and don't change the topic. Every one it's different, you don't have to feel bad just because you are smaller than others or bigger than others, what matters is that you are healthy, that you have people who love you just the way you are, why shouldn't you love yourself that way?" He kissed the back of your head, just to turn you around and give you a kiss on the lips.
"Don't worry, everything is fine."
After that he guided you to the car, with the intention to take you to your appointment with the OB/GYN.
Currently you are at Dr. Choi's office, she put a blood pressure monitor on your arm, feeling the hold of the sleeve press your arm, causing it to hurt a little bit as well.
When she took the sleeve off your arm, she told you to get on the bed, as Jay helped you to lift up your satin shirt, staying right by your side while you waited for the doctor to put the doppler on top of your lower stomach.
You had just drank a few bottles of water before arriving at your appointment, it was funny, because you could feel how you were holding in your pee.
It was worse when she put the doppler on your abdomen, near your pelvis, moving it around made it way far worse. 
"I need to go to the bathroom after this." Jay just laughed at you, he noticed how you stirred your legs, because you could not hold it in anymore. "There's a bathroom near, right?" 
"Yeah, right beside the room. Don't worry, we'll be done in a few minutes."
Make it quick…
Or I will pee my pants!
"I hope so, if not I'll need to buy a new pair of jeans on the way out." You were really making
Jay laugh, he knew you were serious, but he still found it funny. "You are laughing now, but if you had an object pressing against your full bladder, you wouldn't be feeling at your best."
Dr. Choi just looked at the both of you with a smirk, she found you both adorable, funny to say the least.
"It's not a big deal, you'll feel the urge to pee throughout the rest of your pregnancy."
That was a deal breaker.
"If I think about peeing, I'm going to pee sooner." You focused on the ceiling, the thoughts of things different to what you were talking about had to keep you distracted.
"We won't talk about pee then." Jay teased with a raised eyebrow. You hit his arm with annoyance. "Ok. Ok, I'll stop bothering you."
The doctor finally found the baby, keeping her focus on your daughter. "I can confirm you that you are having a girl, and…"
There was a weird sound dancing around the room, like wild horses that ran free towards a new home. It was strong, it was beautifully weird.
"She has a really strong heartbeat." 
With those words, you were in awe. Such a small thing could make such a powerful sound? How could a small thing make such a powerful work?
"That's how her heart sounds like?" Your husband asked, he was hypnotized again, you could hear it from his delicate voice. Dr. Choi could only nod with a smile.
"I never got to hear it… It's beautiful." In the two appointments that you had, you never got the chance to listen to her heartbeat, but it was worth the wait.
"It's really fast." Jay thought loudly.
"The heartbeat of a baby inside the womb it's really fast. Your daughter is developing completely fine, especially with that loud heart of hers, she's really healthy." She kept the doppler in place to give you a moment to look at your daughter.
She moves a lot.
She kicks her tiny feet so much.
She's fine.
"As for the other stuff, I want you to take better care of yourself, Y/N. Your blood pressure is low, but it has improved from before. You need to keep taking your iron capsules."
"I'll make sure that she follows that." Jay kept a hand on top of your head. "How can I not, if you are all over me?" You commented, your eyebrows raised with intentions of imitating his face a few minutes ago.
"Shush, woman." He placed his finger on his mouth.
"I'll see you in four weeks." 
"Thank you, Doctor." 
It wasn't an exaggeration when I say that you ran towards the bathroom after that appointment.
Jay waited for you right outside, and when you came out, he kept his hand around your waist. "I told you. What matters is that you and our baby are healthy, yeah?" 
You shook your head, not able to give him an excuse. "Yeah, you are right." You leaned keeping your head near his shoulder, soon noticing a small envelope on his hand.
That was not there before.
"What is that?" You pointed at his hand.
Jay looked down at the envelope, a smile making itself comfortable on his face.
"The doctor called me when you were in the bathroom. These are pictures from the ultrasound." Your eyes lit, a feeling of excitement taking over your small form.
"Really? Can I see them?" Jay didn't hesitate to give you the envelope, your hands sneaking around the piece of paper, opening it, just to be stunted with the glossy-textured pictures of the baby that was growing inside you.
You took the pictures out, your fingers lingered at the small fourteen week old on the black and white picture.
She was all yours.
Jay's and yours. 
You were going to keep her safe forever.
"She's ours, Jay. Can you believe that?"
When he saw your enchanted face, he knew that you had fallen down the same cycle that he had fallen into.
"It's difficult to believe, but I know she's ours." He kept his hand on your waist, as he placed a kiss on your head.
Your baby was more than loved.
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When you reached your seventeenth week of pregnancy, you went back to work. Jay wasn't that convinced, but he knew that you had a position to get to.
Your mother didn't know that you were pregnant, in fact nobody in your family did, except for Juni.
It was your sister who insisted on you taking a few weeks off of work, take a rest from your fainting accident a few weeks back. You still had the marks of your injuries, but they were not that visible.
You received weird looks from your coworkers when they saw Jay come inside the building with you.
His hand protectively laying on your shoulder.
He needed to make sure that you would arrive safely, and he also needed to make sure that you didn't have any trouble with your mother or the people from the foundation that worked with her.
"I need to grab a few documents from reception, won't take too long."
You pulled away from your husband, for some reason he felt weird, like something was about to come up.
And he always had a good sense of intuition.
Jay said that maybe you could take advantage that your bump was small, nobody would notice until you reached further weeks of pregnancy.
But, he hadn't just talked that out with you.
"You know, sometimes I wonder if I truly love my job or if I'm just staying there because I want to prove my mother wrong." You laid on top of him on the sofa, you were being lazy that day. You didn't have any intentions to move.
"And which one gives you a stronger sense of agreement?" He asked, pulling a hair away from your face, tracing your features.
"I love my career, but I hate the reason why I'm working on this… I should be vice-president because I love it, not because I want my mother to be proud." You raised your head up, looking at him with a serious face. You truly hoped he understood what you felt.
"And why don't you leave?" A question that you always thought about. Why haven't I left already?
"Because, my mother will hate me more than she already does." 
"That's not a good thing and you know that." He paused, sitting up on the sofa, keeping you on his lap. "Try to be in a place where you will be comfortable.You can take a break from working, or you can get a different job. I know it sounds hard, but sooner or later, you will not be in a good place mentally if you stay just because of that."
"There's also a vacant place for vice-president in the Southern Branch if you are interested." Your heart warmed up quickly.
"Thanks Love, just… give me time to think about it, ok?" He gave you a peck on the lips, before making contact with you, once again.
"Y/N!" Your stomach felt a sharp sensation of anxiety, before it went away, but your heart was beating really fast, maybe even faster than your daughter's own heartbeat.
"I don't know how you always come up with stupid excuses, but still you always disappoint me. Sometimes I truly wonder if you deserve this position, and I can tell you that I was wrong in making you part of this business in the first place." 
"We needed you in the past few weeks, and you are lucky that your sister tried to justify you, but you know very well that doesn't work with me. We know you were lazing around while you were gone." She grabbed your arm, casing it to go red with her fingers, but it didn't hurt, what hurt was how she treated you with her words.
"You truly are a failure. You don't deserve to be called 'Mrs. Bae', our family name does not suit you." What else could you say? You were used to her harsh and cutting words that gave you a slap on the face when you were little, you had grown up to tolerate it and to prove her that she was wrong about you, but in that moment you were paralyzed, your heart had shattered in a million pieces and you had nobody to pick up the pieces from the floor.
Except you did.
Not only was it yourself, but your husband was going to have your back when your heart was broken into pieces, that was his promise ever since you sorted your relationship.
You felt somebody pull you away from your mother's tight grasp, his hand taking in yours with love and care.
"She's been 'Mrs. Park' to you ever since she married me and joined my family, because with a mother like you, who would like to carry your surname?" Your husband's voice was raised, loud enough for the rest of the staff to listen to him trying to defend you.
"Y/N has worked really hard to make you proud and nothing ever seems to convince you. Ever since she was a kid nothing was enough to you, when she actually gave her all. A mother is supposed to bring her children up with happiness, not break them into pieces."
 Jay was mad, mad at how you had been suffering from her abuse for so long, mad at how she still didn't understand that she would soon destroy you if this didn't come to a stop.
"Y/N hasn't been well these past few weeks and her sister insisted on her to rest, because even though she was hospitalized, she still thought about what you would think if she wasn't present at work, she has tolerated your harsh words and your abuse, but it's coming to a stop, now!" Your mother just smirked, a chuckle leaving her lips.
She came closer to you, Jay still by your side, but you tried to stand tall towards her. "This is your last warning, Y/N. If I see one of these little acts again, if you disappoint me one more time…"
"You are fired."
That was your chance. You needed to end this cycle, because you knew that you would soon break, break one more time.
You breathed in, processing the words that you were about to say, and keeping the tears of rage and fury in their place.
She was not gonna see you cry.
"There's no need for that, mother." You finally looked at her right in the eyes and you said those words that desperately wanted to come out of your throat. "I quit. There's no need to fire me."
You looked away from your mother, and took your gaze towards Jay's, he wasn't expecting you to do that, he was more than surprised.
And with your eyes it was more than clear that you wanted to leave.
"Let's go." You squeezed his hand, finally making your way into the parking lot.
You didn't know that you were holding your breath for so long, but when you loosened up, it felt like breathing fresh air.
Freedom for a second time.
Freedom for once and for all.
"I can't believe I just did that." You finally spoke up. "Me neither. At least you have a big weight off your shoulders."
You didn't notice that tears spilled down your cheeks. Jay placed his hands on both sides of your face, getting the tears away from your pink cheeks.
"Hey, Everything is fine, you are ok." He caressed your face in a way to comfort, but you looked down at your feet, feeling embarrassed about how you were crying over leaving your job, away from your abusive mother.
"I know, but I just realized that I lost my job." A sob got stuck in your throat, it was because you wanted it that way, you wanted to stop your cries.
Jay felt like his heart would break just by seeing you cry. "I understand, Belle. I truly do, but what matters now is that everything will be fine starting from now on." You couldn't hold your sobs anymore and a few rolled out your lips while more tears streamed down the skin of your face.
"You want me to take you home?" He waited for your sobs to calm down, so you could answer him.
You gulped down, a slight pain setting on your sinuses.
"Yes, please." 
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Did Jay personally ask Hanni and Heeseung to stay with you while he was gone at work?
Did Jay call you every hour to check on your emotional and mental state?
Yes, he did.
You told him that he shouldn't bother at all, but he wouldn't budge. He insisted on keeping an eye on you, because he knew that you were in a vulnerable state.
"It's good that you quit. She shouldn't keep on abusing you, and if she continued she could've damaged your mental state." Hanni rubbed your back, while Heeseung made another cup of chocolate for you.
"I'm used to it, already. It doesn't really hurt me anymore."
"That is not a really healthy thing to say, Y/N." Heeseung placed the cup of chocolate on the coffee table. "I know, I know, but it's the truth. Maybe today… it did hurt a bit, she said that I wasn't up for the family name."
"Then, why am I still working on a family business where I'm not seen enough for it?"
Heeseung looked at his feet for a few seconds, before he licked his lips and spoke up.
"If you are not there anymore, I will quit as well. I'm your secretary, and if you are not working anymore, what's the point of staying there?" You shook your head in disbelief, your eyes widened at his words.
He was going to be jobless if he did that, and that's what you least wanted for him. He had worked hard for that job, he couldn't let it go.
"Don't be stupid, you can't do that! I'm not letting you lose your job because of me, that's ridiculous." 
"There isn't any work to be done, Y/N. You are the reason why I have my position, and if you leave, I don't have any job to work on."
Heeseung was kind of right, you were his boss, he was your secretary, he was basically jobless from now on, because he had just lost the reason why he was working, he was supposed to be your right hand and now he didn't have any work to do for you.
You didn't think about that.
"You are not changing my decision. I'm telling them tomorrow." He placed his hand on your arm, trying to comfort you.
A small part of you feeling guilt, because now Heeseung had lost his job because of you. It was eating you alive on the inside. 
The night was traveling around, and with that you had asked them both to leave, and that you would be fine by yourself, while you waited for Jay to arrive.
You had found a way to convince Hanni, she was reluctant, but she gave in after some convincing, she made you promise that you would answer her calls at any time.
But with Heeseung, that was a different story. Even after Hanni left, he insisted on staying, that he wouldn't leave you alone until Jay got home.
"You should go home and rest, Heeseung." You tried guiding him towards the door, but it was no use. He stood in his place, pretty sure of what he was doing.
"I'm staying here, you had a rough day. Also, Jay would kill me if he found out that I left you all by yourself."
Oh! So that was why.
Your husband had called a few minutes before, saying that he would be home soon. It didn't take long for him to actually arrive, by the time that you gave up on convincing Heeseung to go back home, you heard the entrance door opening.
"I think you can go rest, Heeseung." You said when Jay entered the living room.
When Heeseung left, Jay took good care of you. He always did, but this time, he tried to take away every single bad emotion that you felt.
"How does that feel?" He rubbed your scalp, his slender fingers comforting your head with a sweet massage.
You felt sleepy, the way he went through your soaking wet hair made you want to go to sleep. You thought about it for a while.
The water was bubbly and comforting, your skin was feeling warm and embraced, even though Jay wasn't holding onto you. The sensation of the shampoo and your husband's fingers on your scalp was what made the experience more than perfect.
"It feels nice, I'm feeling sleepy as well." Your voice trailed around, which Jay took as a cue to hurry up, so he could take you to bed.
"I'll be done in a bit, I'll take you to bed when we finish. Ok?"
You hummed in agreement, enjoying how good he was making you feel, how your body was finally feeling relaxed and content.
When he was done, he helped you out of the bathtub, as he took the towel from the hanger, and dried you with it, the soft fabric raking away every droplet of water.
Jay did it all with absolute care, he wrapped in the towel and took you to your room, where he sat you down on one of the comfy chairs and let you get dressed, as he helped you dry your hair.
You weren't in the mood to do your hair care routine, but he still bothered to do so, he was taking so much care of you, that you didn't understand what you had done to deserve this treatment.
Just when you were getting comfortable on your seat, you felt his arms around you, which surprised you, causing you to let out a yelp. You placed your arms around his neck, letting him carry you to bed.
He placed you on the soft mattress, covering your body with a fluffy blanket.
When he laid beside you, everything inside your mind told you to thank him for what he was doing for you.
He looked at you the moment you called out his name.
"Thank you… For everything" You let those words come out as a whisper. His eyes staring back at yours. "You don't have to thank me, love. I'm just giving you what you deserve." You never had a romantic partner before Jay, you had various crushes throughout your childhood, but Jay was the person you were fixed on ever since you were a teen.
You wondered what would've happened if you never got together, if you never got arranged.
Maybe you would be laying with somebody else beside you, but you knew for sure that something would be missing.
Jay was everything you needed, and now you could not imagine a life without him.
"I would give you that and the whole world, the universe even." His voice just made your heart flutter with happiness, with joy… with love.
He got closer to you, both of you facing each other. You didn't hesitate to start a kiss, you didn't hesitate to trail your lips across his neck.
And when you came to a stop, a few words came out of your lips.
"You don't need to do that, you already are my whole world." You heard a chuckle from his part, and then his lips were on top of yours, and you felt him smile through the kiss.
The pace quickened, sliding his tongue with you enjoying the softness of his lips, but also the roughness of his kiss. Your husband's hands snaked on top of your waist, caressing the skin that was slightly exposed.
With the way that you were going, he turned around making you lay on your back, and he was careful to not crush you with his body.
By the time that things accelerated, your clothes were off, laying somewhere on the wooden floor, but you didn't care. Because, the warmth of your bodies and the passion that was blowing up from the inside was the only thing that you could focus on.
And when the chilly morning bliss came around, you could only focus on his pretty lips, and his hair that was nearly covering his eyes.
His arms were around you, the only thing apart from the blanket that kept you warm. Jay had you on his chest, feeling the way he breathed up and down, his right hand caressing the top of your back, while the other caressed your waist.
You kept your arm on top of his waist, as well. Feeling his warm, naked skin on your fingertips and trailing them up to his back.
This was the first time that you had sex with him since you got back together, you felt that you needed time for you to go back to your intimacy.
But it wasn't like before, this time you could feel him expressing every single emotion on your body, his kisses were now able to express his whole love towards you.
It was all that you wished for.
You inhaled the remnants of his cologne, the scent of fresh spice, the citrus and the wood. It was nice, and it always reminded you of him.
The moment was only about you laying in his arms, receiving each other's warmth, getting rid of the freezing air.
And then, you felt it. Like a small flutter from inside your stomach.
At first you thought you were getting nauseous, but then you felt it again, like a tap coming from your insides. For a moment, it quickened, being several taps, one after another.
Was the baby kicking?
It was uncomfortable at first, but then they felt like tickles inside your tummy.
You pulled away your arm from Jay's waist just so you could feel it with your hand, it rested against your abdomen, but you could barely feel it.
From the inside, it was there, but from the outside, it was not something that outer contact could feel.
Jay felt the skin of your arm getting away from his, so he looked down at you, noticing your hand on your growing tummy.
"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" His tired voice sounded concerned
You raised your head, looking up at him with glossy eyes. The feeling was making you emotional, your baby was really active all of the sudden and you just didn't know how to feel about it.
"Your daughter's kicking." 
Your voice almost waved around, feeling a lump on your throat from the tears of joy that wanted to spill down your cheeks.
Jay frowned, not capturing it until he replayed your words in his head.
Your daughter's kicking.
A gasp nearly came out from his throat, finally realizing what you said.
"Is she really?" He looked at you with surprise, his heart racing with expectation. And you could only nod with overjoy.
"Can I feel? Is she kicking a lot?" His hand went directly to your tummy, laying on top of your hand.
He rubbed it for a while, trying to find his daughter's kicks, but you could only giggle at how excited he was and how much tickles your daughter was provoking in you.
"I tried feeling it with my hand, but I can't feel anything, only from the inside." Jay slightly pouted, his expectations going down a little, but never going to zero.
"And how does it feel? Does it hurt?" He continued asking.
You found him adorable, how he got so curious and excited all of the sudden with a single sentence. How his eyes glimmered with curiosity and anticipation.
"No, it doesn't hurt." You grabbed his hand, which laid on top of your tummy, and raised it to your mouth, leaving a kiss on top of his knuckles.
You kept your hold on his hand, giving rubs to his limb as you smiled with closed lips.
"But it feels like I'm getting tickles inside my tummy, it's just small, but quick taps."
"She's kicking a lot, she has a lot of energy."
You looked at him again, with cute eyes that glowed with joy and with love. Jay's heart fluttered when he saw your eyes glowing, and he smiled, just to leave a kiss on top of your forehead.
He placed his hand on top of your cheek, looking straight into your eyes, his contact making your chest warm and fuzzy on the inside.
"I wonder where she got that from?" He asked with a tone of sarcasm, rubbing the tip of his nose with yours.
"I hope she grows up soon, so I can feel her kicking." Jay spoke up, his words making your smile wider. "Me too."
You both stayed like that for a while, until the sun finally appeared and the sky was clear blue, but the room was dark because of the blackout curtains.
He continued to caress you, and you did the same, his arms swearing to protect your body.
Your voice caught your attention, slowly opening his eyes once again. "Yes?"
"I think I need a break from working." When you came back from the office yesterday, you knew that you weren't up to looking for a new job, not because you didn't want to have a job, but because you just felt mentally drained.
Ever since you took a few weeks off because of your hospital stay, you felt way more happier than usual. Actually, it was the first time that you had felt truly happy in a long time.
Yeah, the stress was consuming you, your mother's pressure and her constant abuse, having to take care of Juni's whereabouts, and also taking care of the things that your sister was not dealing to take care of. You just knew that you had your happy moments, but happiness was not always present.
"Yeah, I think so too." He agreed, knowing from what he had seen that maybe a workplace wouldn't be the ideal space for you in a while.
"Maybe I could stay away from offices for a while. I've been thinking that I could stay at home after the baby's born, but I don't know what you think…"
Jay embraced you closer, to the point that you could hear his calm heart beating rhythmically close to his chest.
"Whatever you want, baby. As long as you are comfortable and happy, I will agree with any idea that you consider." 
You snuggled closer into his chest, making yourself comfortable, letting the sensation of the blanket keep your lower body warm.
"Thank you, Jay."
He caressed your hair with his hands, his pretty fingers playing with your strands.
"You don't need to thank me, love. I'm your husband, and you are the love of my life, I will support you in every single thing you want."
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"I told you to be careful." 
Your grumble didn't make Jay feel any better, usually it was him taking care of you, not the opposite way.
Even though this was something small.
"It's just a cut, I'm not dying." He then hissed from the pain, scrunching his nose. "You are bleeding too much, it's a really large cut." The crimson liquid slid through his hand, he could feel how warm it was, and how it tickled his skin.
You passed a towel through the cut, the wet fabric covering the blood that came from the palm of your husband's hand.
You press the towel on his hand, seeing it soon be filled by the warm and red liquid that once gushed from his limb. Jay continued to groan from the pain that ached from his injured hand.
The blood then stopped flowing from the cut, taking away the towel and looking for a bandage that would cover his palm.
When you finished wrapping his palm on the soft bandages, you raised his hand towards your lips and left a tender kiss on his hand.
"My kiss will make it better." You slightly rubbed his fingers. He blushed when he saw you plant another kiss on his palm, his heart beating like crazy when your lips tickled his skin.
"Thank you, Belle." Jay used his good hand to cup your cheek and then land a kiss on your upper lip.
You kept your hold on his injured hand, letting the kiss deepen, until you felt out of breath. "I told you to be careful while washing cutlery. You should've let me do it."
"But then, you could've gotten injured instead. I don't want you getting hurt."
"I think you've made that very clear. I'm fine, love." You caressed his cheek, which made him soften. He got closer to the palm of your hand, enjoying how soft and warm it was.
"Jay, maybe we should tell our families about my pregnancy." Your voice came out quieter, it wasn't something that you wanted to do, especially because of your mother's reaction, but you knew that it was something you could not hide anymore. "Are you sure?" He asked for reassurance, not only Jay knew that you wanted time to reveal that you were expecting, but also that his family would be all over you because your daughter would be the first grandchild of the new generation.
You giggled.
"I'm pretty sure that it's something that I can't keep on as a secret. I'm almost 20 weeks, my bump is getting bigger." You smiled to yourself, you still felt a little bit insecure, but some reassurance set in when you noticed that your bump was growing more than before.
"I know but, you know how my family is, they'll be all over you, I don't want you to be overwhelmed."
"Well, I don't want to be given dirty looks by my mother, but I'll receive them anyways. I'm pretty sure that I'll survive." Your hands snaked around his neck, going on your tiptoes to be closer to his height. "I don't know, Belle…" His voice trailed, making you know that he was somehow fearful, insecure even.
"We'll be fine, Jay. In the end, it doesn't matter what they think or what they say. What matters is what we think, because it's our child, our marriage, our family…"
You leaned closer, Jay's face heating up as he felt your breath closer to his face, he could feel your body temperature irradiating close to his body. You left a kiss on his lips, feeling his lips letting you take the lead.
He felt the taste of your chapstick, the taste of vanilla being left on his tongue.
The taste of sweetness, still on his lips after you cut the kiss.
"It's our love, not theirs." For once, you had been overpowered by confidence, your husband never heard you so sure of yourself, but he was happy that you had that mindset.
"Understood, Mr. Park?" A cocky smile settled on his face, he loved it when you called him that.
"Understood, Mrs. Park." He agreed, placing a kiss on your lips, letting yourself settle in the moment. And you got comfortable with the idea of the both of you staying like that for the rest of the day.
Later, you settled in the office room watching your husband from across the room, while he worked on some contracts that he needed to sign for a collaboration.
You stayed in silence as you watched him work, admiring his features as he focused. His sharp jawline, his penetrative eyes that watched through glasses and the way his dominant hand tapped the pen he was using.
As if he could feel you staring, he suddenly spoke up, his voice trailing chills down your spine.
"Chip is going to need a name, I love that nickname, but she needs a real name." He looked at you, noticing your small frame admiring him from the small couch that laid in his office.
You had a few ideas for your daughter's name, but you thought that it was too early for you to talk about names.
"Which names have you thought about?" He fully turned his chair around, his fingers letting the pen lay down on the desk.
"Maybe a name that is not korean, I've always thought that the name Ellie was nice."
Ellie was a pretty name, but there was something about it that didn't resonate with you. "You want me to be honest with you?" He hummed in agreement.
"It feels like something's missing."
"What about Harriet?" You suggested
Jay scoffed, he tried keeping his laugh for himself, but his slight chuckle did not help at all.
"I don't really like Harriet, it sounds way too classy." "It's a really cute name!" You whined playfully. You got up walking up to him just to sit on his lap, your legs on each side.
Jay laid his hands on top of your waist, trailing them to your hips and repeating a pattern between your waist and hips. On the other hand, your hands laid on top of his shoulders, a pout on your lips.
"It's not, sounds like a name from the 1800s." That was when you just gave up, your face finally relaxing, leaving the exaggerated features behind and tracing a cute smile on your face.
Your thoughts suddenly took you back to a few years ago, when you were just a four year old left out by the rest of the kids in a foreign country.
"My name… is Noa."
"It means, from love." Those words of your father were still engraved in your mind like it happened yesterday.
You had always liked the name, especially because of the toddler that did not leave you alone that cold afternoon. You wondered how she was doing, but you also kept going around about how the name was gorgeous.
"I love the name Noa." 
Jay looked at you with curiosity.
When you looked at him, you could tell that his face resembled the same face that your playmates had every time you mentioned the name.
"I've always liked the name, it's-" You paused sensing that Jay wouldn't get it and maybe would shrug it off. "Forget it, maybe it's too early to pick out any names." Jay wanted to tell you to keep on speaking, but he noticed the insecurity that was building up on your shoulders.
"Maybe you are right, will know what to name her when the time comes." He didn't want to take the contrary with you, so he decided to go with what you said. He was curious about the name, but maybe you were just a little bit insecure about it.
You were pretty sure that anxiety was consuming you alive, Jay looked chill, to be honest like he was completely calm, but on the inside, he was burning up.
He was a nervous wreck, but he knew that if you were nervous, he couldn't be either, because he was going to provoke more stress on you.
"Remember what you told me, it doesn't matter what they think and say, it only matters what we think." He whispered in your ear, as you saw the crowd of people in front of you, all of them family members of yours and Jay's.
You could only nod, feeling slight relief when Jay pressed a kiss on top of your forehead. He was trying to calm himself down as well, you didn't know how to tell them.
Your father was looking at you with a pity, not because he pity you, but because he was frustrated at your mother, you tried to avoid him when you arrived at the Parks residence, but his gaze was always upon you.
Your lips got dry and your throat felt static, cold and itchy. "I'll be back, I'm going to get a drink." Jay just gazed at you with worry, he knew that you wanted to do it, but he could see the anxiousness consuming your body.
The steps you took towards the entrance of the house were really heavy, your heart was beating as if you had just ran a ten-minute marathon.
You wanted to crawl out of your skin, but it got worst when your mother walked up to you, her steps were confident and overbearing, and Juni was a trying to calm her down, trying to stop her. It was more than clear that she couldn't do anything to stop her.
The grass felt deep and tangled on your feet, you were frozen in fear, and your senses were telling you to walk away, but your body was paralyzed.
"I taught you to greet others, but you can't even greet your own mother." She pulled the short sleeve of your dress, her eyes always dull and cold. "So disrespectful."
"Mom, please calm down." Your sister kept a hand on your mother's shoulder, but she pushed it away. "I'm calm, Jun. Stop being so dramatic."
"Ever since you left, you've done a lot of horrible decisions in your life. Your hair looks like the one of a maid and you've gotten fat, your abdomen makes you look like a whale. That just proves that your life has fallen apart ever since you left my watch, because I was the only thing keeping it from falling off." Her voice raised up, and the fact that she tried to make you feel bad with her damaging words was somehow working.
You tried to convince yourself that it wasn't true, that she didn't believe it herself, that she wanted you to actually fall apart and give her the right to the word.
Her voice was heard all around the garden, every family member looking your way, some of them with disgust, others with pity, others with rage.
"Maybe I'll finally make you proud, mom, because the reason I "look like a whale" to you, is because I'm pregnant." You felt a weight off your shoulders, you had said it loud enough for the people in the garden to listen to you clearly.
Maybe your voice stuttered, maybe because of the wave of tears that threatened to spill down your cheeks.
"19 weeks to be exact, and if that doesn't make you proud, then I don't know what else it will because I've tried so hard for you to finally be happy with something that I did, but I will always be a disappointment." Your cheeks and nose reddened, and soon, salty tears continuously rolled down your cheeks.
"Or am I wrong?" The sentence came out as a whisper down your lips.
Someday, your heart would finally heal from your mother's actions and harsh words, but for now, you could only pick up the missing pieces by yourself.
"If I'm a disappointment to you, you are a disappointment to me." 
How were you able to walk away while evading everybody's questions? You don't know…
But for a while you were gone, you were down a void that it was hard to get out off. You didn't know that you were held in somebody's arms, the hold was familiar, but the warmth was distant.
Jay held you in his arms all the time, his mother had asked the guests to leave the house, and surprisingly, your mother was the last one to leave the residence, and she had the audacity to ask your mother-in-law about how you were doing.
Jay was patient, but he was anxious at the same time, it was like you were in some state of shock. Tears continued to run down your cheeks, just for Jay to wipe them away with his thumb.
You were breathing, your lips were parted, but your gaze was unfocused, you just stared at the wall for thirty minutes. And your husband could only hold you in his arms caressing your skin and leaving pecks in your forehead.
He sometimes called your name, but it was to no avail, you would just blink away the tears and breathe through your mouth.
"How is she holding up?" His mother asked.
Jay only rubbed your shoulders, as he shock his head with worry. It had been a while now since you stopped responding to any calls.
"Y/N?" He tried once again.
They both felt like they could finally breathe again. "Thank God!" His mother exclaimed. "I thought we would have to take you to a hospital."
You looked around, your pupils finally moving around taking in your surroundings. You blinked a few times, your eyes focusing on Jay, who just smiled.
"Did I pass out?" Your voice sounded trippy, like you had just woken up from a deep slumber. 
"No, dear. I think you entered in a state of shock, but it looks like you are back to your usual self." Jay's mother gave you a glass of water, which you quickly took a few sips of.
Jay helped you put the glass back down on the coffee table. Your hand was shaking, some sort of adrenaline was recurring in your body.
He massaged your scalp, his way to get rid of any prolonging effect in your body.
"I feel sleepy." 
Jay took that as a cue to leave home, you were tired, not physically, but mentally.
"You guys could stay the night here, we can prepare Jay's room and you could use some of his old clothes." Your husband wasn't really fond of the idea, he wanted you to rest at the comfort of your own home, but when he noticed your dazed and tired state he knew that it would be better if you guys stayed at his parents' house.
In the end, he gave in and soon his old room was prepared a few minutes later, you grabbed an old t-shirt of his, one of those band t-shirts that he used to wear underneath his school uniform.
When Jay changed his clothes, he noticed that you were not in his room. He checked the hallway just to find you laid down on the study room, your legs covered by a soft linen blanket.
He went inside, knocking on the open door to catch your attention, he knew he succeeded when your gaze went directly to him.
Your husband sat right beside you, his thumb tracing small circles on your calves. 
There was a sense of guilt that build up on your chest, you fidget the shirt that you wore, trying to keep your feelings from trailing every inch of your skin.
"I'm sorry for today, I ruined everything." You sat up. 
Jay's brows just furrowed, he didn't want you to apologize, you shouldn't be doing that, there was no need to.
"You don't need to apologize, Belle. You did not ruin anything." He got closer to your curled up body. Your defenses were on, there was something that was telling you that it was your fault, that you ruined everything.
Your mother's voice…
It was similar to the one inside your head.
"Sometimes, I think my mom's right. I am a failure."
Jay's heart broke in an instant, you had been so happy recently, just for you to fall back into a hole that it took a while for you to get out of. For him, you were the most amazing woman that he had ever met, you were sweet, hard-working, you were a ray of sunshine that had lighten up his life recently, you had always lightened it up, but your genuine smile and your childish attitude that had came back a few weeks ago, took him back to his childhood.
He softly grabbed you by the arms and got you closer to him, he was firm and stern, his eyes had turned dark in less than a millisecond. You couldn't face him, you were ashamed of yourself.
"Look at me, Y/N." You tried to hide your gaze from him, leaning your head down, keeping your eyes on the fabric of your blanket.
His fingers grabbed your chin with the intention of making you look at him in that instant. 
"You are not… and you will never be a failure. Your mother does not know the daughter that she has. You are not perfect and nobody's perfect, but you are the most amazing, hardworking and intelligent woman I've ever met, and I'm not saying it only because I love you, I'm saying it because I've known you since we were kids and I know the way you are from head to toe." He moved his hand from your chin towards your hair, his words were making you spill some tears that you were holding in for a while now.
"You are not a failure, and the standards that your mother has set up for you are fucking stupid!" He had said that with such seriousness that it made you laugh all of the sudden, it was his face that was building up with rage.
The laugh that had rolled down your tongue made him laugh as well, his chuckle was the most enchanting thing that you had ever heard.
"I'm not joking, Y/N. I'm being serious, nobody can fit those standards, because they are unrealistic." He chuckled, leaning towards you to leave a kiss on top of your forehead.
Jay looked at you right in the eyes, his gaze softened the moment your eyes glowed from the smiles that he was provoking on you.
"You will never be a failure, because you are my biggest pride and my greatest joy." 
He embraced you into his arms, pretty fingers tracing around your back, and your head laid close to his chest, being able to hear his heartbeat, it beat hard because of you.
You were the reason why his heart fluttered every time he saw you, everytime he woke up beside you and every time you laughed.
"I love you, Jay." You closed your eyes focusing on the rhythm of his heart. It gave a strong beat the moment you said those words. "I love you, too."
You both held each other in your arms the entire night, not being able to pull away from the warm embrace and the cozy blanket.
The sky was full of gray clouds when Jay woke up, the curtains in the studio were close shut, and he noticed the warm body that had her arms hugging his waist, but whose head was on his chest just to listen to the rhythm of his heart and how calm it could get.
He found it adorable, how your eyes were barely visible by the curtain of hair, how he could smell the scent of your shampoo, how your lashes moved every time you saw something magnificent in your dreams.
Jay did not want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful and comfortable, his heart would break if he disturbed your sleep.
He kissed the tip of your nose with delight, and found a way to detach your arms away from his body. He nearly froze when he saw you stir, just for you to continue with your sound sleep.
The nearly two years that Jay had been a CEO he became a hater of waking up early, he wasn't a morning person, but today, he couldn't go back to sleep again, he had recovered the same energies that he had gotten the day before.
Your husband made sure that you were resting peacefully and that the door was closed shut.
He walked through the hallways finally reaching the living room, he was able to listen to the voices when he left the studio, but he didn't know where they came from, when he reached the living room he could finally listen to them clearly.
His mother was talking to your father, Mr. Bae.
Jay wasn't expecting him to be back at his family's home, so he was quite surprised.
"I'll leave you two alone." His mother quickly got up, walking towards Jay, and giving him a pat on the shoulder.
He finally put his eyes on your father, he noticed how he fidgeted his fingers, and how his legs bounced in a way to calm himself down.
"Y/N's asleep, if you are here to talk with her.”
Mr. Bae moved aside, pating the space beside him which was a signal for Jay to sit where he was.
"I know, I wanted to make sure she was ok, but I was hoping that I could have a word with you."
Jay found it strange, he had never had a word with your father. Greeted him? When he was little he did, but a conversation with him was foreign.
"Y/N is doing fine, was out of it for a few minutes, but she is fine now. Back to her smiley self once again." He finally sat beside him, his heart racing up from not knowing what he was going to tell him.
Mr. Bae took a deep breath in, trying to process the words that he wanted to say. He should've defended you better,  he should've talked with his wife more and make her get out of her four wall head.
"I remember that Y/N was a really happy kid when she was in this house, but when she was back home, she would turn dull and quiet. She would try to be right beside her mom and ask her if what she was doing was right, it was never enough."
"So I would always drop her off here, with Sunghoon, she had the biggest smile and the cutest laugh, she would light up the room just by taking a step into the hall." "I knew that she would be happier with your family."
Jay didn't know that, he didn't know that your father would take you here because it was your safe place, it was the place where you were happy the most.
"I always noticed the way that you looked at Y/N. It was your protective stare when she played in the garden, the way you kept your hand on her back because you were afraid that she would fall off her bike. And don't get me started on how you hold her hand in every family meeting, the way you look at her with admiration." Your father smirked, noticing how Jay was trying to hide away his growing smile.
"You truly do love her, don't you?" 
That question had the most obvious answer to him, a picture of you as engraved in his mind, he was not going to deny it.
"I do love her, you have no idea how much I love her." He said with big confirmation, and with big pride.
He was trying to find another topic to talk about, he could feel the ambience becoming a little bit heavy.
"What are you going to name the baby? Noa?" The change of topic took Jay out of his trance. He found it curious, because that was the name that you had mentioned a few days ago.
"We haven't decided yet. Y/N suggested that name, actually." He furrowed his eyebrows.
Your father chuckled, the memories of your childhood drawing themselves in his mind, the memories of you playing with baby dolls, dressing them up, the memories of the times that he left at the kindergarten door.
"It would surprise me if she hadn't suggested it. She's in love with that name, it's special to her."
"Really?" Jay asked in curiosity, turning his view towards his father-in-law. 
"When she was little, we went to Japan for a business trip. She stayed in the building with the kids of other coworkers. Y/N said that she was left aside by the other kids, only one of them played with her. Her name was Noa."
Jay's mind had been illuminated, the thought of you falling in love with that name just because the person was the only one who played with you, was actually a thing that he found adorable.
If that was the name that you liked, then he would go with it, not only because you liked it, but because it had a special meaning to you.
And that's what Jay liked about it.
The name made you happy, it reminded you of moments that were important to you.
Park Noa.
It's beautiful.
"I love that name, as well."
After that, his father-in-law was gone. Making him promise that he would take care of you no matter what. It was more than confirmed that was not going to be a problem, it was part of Jay's nature by that point.
He could've stayed more time in the living room, but he went back with you. He smiled to himself when he saw that you were still asleep. Messy hair and curly eyelashes.
Jay laid back right beside your relaxed body, where he wrapped his arms behind you, snaking them through your waist.
"Where were you?" Your voice sounded groggy. Your husband placed a kiss on the back of your head.
"In the living room. Did you miss me?" You could feel his tiny smile behind you.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?" 
He proceeded to rub your arms, trying to take the sleepiness away from your body.
"Maybe we should keep the names until the day of the birth." He blurted out. 
You were dazed all that time, you were not able to comprehend what he was telling you at the moment.
"Hm? Why?" You rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, surprised by what he was telling you. "Don't ask why, but I'm pretty sure that we both know what name we want to give to our daughter."
He almost laughed by the confused look on your face when you turned your head to look at him. 
"Go back to sleep, Belle. I'm pretty sure that you're still tired." 
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"Well? How do I look?" You peeked your head, the rest of your body covered by the wall. You felt a small knot on your throat for how your husband was going to react.
You finally revealed the rest of your body. And the small glimmer in Jay's eyes said it all.
You wore a mermaid style, mocha-colored dress that hugged your figure, it was a spaghetti strap that reached below your ankles, it hugged your torso, hips and thighs before it was loose on your knees and the rest of your bottom.
It was really pretty, Jay thought the same. It made you look gorgeous and even resalted the pregnancy glow that you had gained on your second trimester.
"You want me to be honest with you?" He got closer to you, his hand making his way to your cheek, caressing the softness of your skin. His eyes were full of temptation, his other hand placing itself on top of your hip.
It was incredible how fast your eyes looked towards his lips. But they soon went straight towards his dark brown orbs.
"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." His whisper was able to flare up your skin, his words sounding like a praise that you needed for a long time.
His lips kissed the flesh of yours, as he felt the sensation of your lip gloss, leaving it smudged after he finished.
Jay cleared the stain of gloss on top of your lip by passing his thumb through your face, making sure that it was clean.
You placed both of your arms around his neck, letting out a sigh that the slight height of your heels gave you more chance to not get on your tiptoes.
"And you are the most handsome man I have ever seen."
You loved the way that he wore his outfit. The black dress shirt that had been unbuttoned, the black blazer and pants that were more attractive with the pearl choker around his neck.
His CEO image looked classy, but also dangerous.
The scent of spice and citrus that he carried everywhere he went.
There was a celebration in honor of the anniversary of Park Enterprises. Jay had told you that if you didn't want to go that it was fine, but you still accepted going with him as his wife.
There were tables full of white wine glasses, waiters serving meat-based plates and tiramisu desserts.
Your bump was secured by the fabric of your dress, but the hand that surrounded your waist and its fingers laid on your belly, made you feel a warmth and care that you couldn't explain.
"Mr. Park, it's good to see you. You've been absent for a few weeks." A man of short contexture, wearing a fully black tux and a white shirt.
He looked funny, you had to admit.
With his mustache that tickled his lips, and the hand that laid on his hip.
"Mr. Choi, it's a pleasure to meet you again."
Mr. Choi was the owner of a technological security company, a very recognized one in South Korea. 
A collaboration was the thing that Park Enterprises was looking for. They saw all the benefits that could come from it if they joined forces with his company.
And obviously, Jay had been talking about it for a long time. It was one of his goals.
"Needed some break from work, relax a bit. We both needed it." He looked down at you, a small smile on his lips as he looked at you with tender love. His hands wrapped around you while he caressed your abdomen.
"Taking a break it's good from time to time, I'm glad that you enjoyed your small vacation."
'Small Vacation' was not the right use of words. A trip to Italy was NOT a small vacation.
"I'm guessing this is your wife. It's a pleasure to meet you." He gave you a smile as he extended his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, too. Jay has told me so much about you."
Jongseong turned to look at you, he was surprised and he wasn't expecting you to remember everything about the businessman that was right in front of you.
"Oh really?" Mr. Choi seemed to sound more interested.
"Yes, he has taken some interest in your business, has done some research on your recent jobs and has found your company as something ideal for the Southern Branch." You fidget your fingers, anxious for the answer that you might receive. Your plan was to provoke interest in Mr. Choi, so Jay and him could come to some sort of conversation and bring up an agreement.
"Is this true, Mr. Park." 
Jay looked at you, making eye contact for a moment. His eyes screamed 'Thank You', and he felt more than grateful for your slight conversation.
"This only proves that my wife is a great listener, and I could not be more grateful about that." His hand tickled your arm, moving it back and forth, with his eyes looking at you, as you looked up at him with your hand on his chest. "I saw your recent projects and have taken some sort of curiosity on them. I would love to hear more about them, but I think that would be better if we talked face to face."
You were surprised by how fast they started talking about Mr. Choi's business. Jay looked more than entertained, but his hand was still paying full attention to your skin.
A few minutes passed before your attention was drawn to the rest of the people in the room. You noticed a few people looking at you, it didn't surprise you though.
The Southern Branch employees knew that their CEO had a wife by arrangement, some of them recognized you, others were surprised that the rumors were true. But they were mostly surprised because of your state, they were surprised because you were expecting. 
Some of them gossiped as they looked your way, others looked at you in awe because of your adorable beauty.
"Excuse me, I'll go look for something to eat." You spoke up, Jay giving you a quick glance, before giving your arm a quick rub and letting it go.
He looked your way a few seconds after you walked away, just to make sure that you were completely fine.
The more you walked towards a buffet table, the more chattering you felt ringing around your body. You could feel the whispers and the gossip that was spreading around as you made your way to feed your stomach.
You grabbed a toast of bruschetta, full of tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. The moment that you started to enjoy your food was the moment that you heard female voices throbbing under your skin.
“I thought they were married for convenience.” 
Curiosity got full power over you, the fabric of your dress tickling your ankles the moment that you turned around. There were two young woman, they looked slightly older than you, maybe on their mid-twenties. “It kinda makes sense though, rich families tend to have that habit or tradition, it shouldn’t surprise anyone at all.”
You smirked to yourself, they were not wrong at all, the problem was that your marriage with Jay was based out of love than anything else… and maybe a spice of lust.
A feeling of pettiness consumed you, after finishing your meal you noticed that your husband had already finished his conversation with Mr. Choi, and he was making his way towards you. 
You looked at the ladies with a side-eye, walking towards Jay with a cutesy smile and when you reached him, you gave him a tight hug with your arms around his waist, but your cheeks heatened when he caressed your head with his hand, giving it a loving kiss on the top.
“I guess we are both feeling really loving tonight.” You raised your head to look at him, and he took advantage of that to give you a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Maybe we can get more loving when we get home.” His whisper almost made your legs quiver. The power that he had on you with just using his words was unimaginable. “You look so pretty when I make you nervous, especially with the huge tint on your cheeks.” Jay’s comment just made you cover your face with his chest, and your action just made him chuckle.
“So pretty.”
“My pretty Belle.”
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“I just got the other pair of shoes that you ordered.” 
Pair? More like pairs!
The silence at the other side of the room was more than loud for your liking. You knew Jay was going to spoil your daughter like his life depended on it, but you had received more than dozens of new shoes and clothing that you thought was not necessary.
“It’s just that I saw them only and I thought that they were adorable. I basically envisioned her with them.” A smile creeped through your lips, you completely understood that Jay was more than excited for the arrival of your daughter in a few weeks, but it was becoming too much.
“I don’t think our daughter’s room its going to tolerate another pair of shoes inside… You are adorable, love.”
You walk towards him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Maybe you should go to work already, before my madness truly settles in.” 
He gave you a peck on the lips before walking towards the door. Jay was not a fan of leaving you home alone, currently he was making his work at home just so he could stay with you, but today was different, he had an important meeting to attend, plus meeting up with a potential client and sponsor for a developing project.
“I’ll see you later, and please answer my calls.” He grabbed cupped your cheeks, finally placing a kiss on your top lip. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
It wasn’t difficult to keep yourself entertained. You watched a few chapters of Bridgerton, before cooking something for lunch. At some point, you noticed that your daughter was kicking a lot more than usual, she was uneasy and it was making you uncomfortable.
You rubbed your lower abdomen, trespassing the fabric of your loungewear shorts, usually she would calm down with just a few rubs, but this time it was different, she would not stop kicking.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please calm down a little, Chip.” You continued rubbing the spot, until you felt a sudden pain on your lower back, creeping up towards your belly making you let out a groan.
The pain lasted a few second before it passed quickly.
You wanted to convince yourself that those were Braxton Hicks, but something inside you was screaming that you were having real contractions, so you decided to count how long it would take for the next one to come around.
And it didn’t surprise you when the same pain arrived fifteen minutes later.
You felt the anxious urge to bite your nails, because your mind was going to evry single outcome that could happen.
“Shit!” You gritted your teeth together when the pain came back, the problem was that it was five times worse than the first time.
Why the fuck those kind of things happen when Jay was gone?!
It was more than obvious that he was going to nag you for the rest of your existence, but that didn’t matter at the moment… You needed to call him.
But you were not capable of calling his phone, you didn’t want to interrupt his meeting, so you called his secretary… His new secretary, Heeseung.
Heeseung could’ve swear that he had never ran so fast in his life. And while the rest of his co-workers looked at him as if he was a maniac, but he was way to nervous to even notice.
And Jay was in his own world, he tried to pay attention to the presentation from one of his employees, talking about how their new technological addition should also have a few updates based not only on its software, but also have a few updates that could be friendly for a different public.
He was interested, he really was, but he could not stop thinking about you, and how maybe he shouldn’t have left home, and his thoughts were proved right when Heeseung entered the meeting room, his face almost frantic and sweaty.
That was the moment that Jay knew that something had happened.
If Heeseung’s co-workers thought that he was maciac, then now they were thinking that their boss was a psychopath.
“Y/N said that she called Juni and she would meet you at the hospital.”
At the moment, Jay was feeling numb, his brain going into autopilot, but also going to different directions. He does not even know how drove to the hospital by himself, even though Heeseung offered to take him to the clinic. 
He arrived to the hospital, his blazer on his hand, messy shirt and lose tie that went near his chest. The nurses looked at him with worry, but felt some kind of relief when he got close to the receptionist.
“I’m looking for my wife, Park Y/N. She’s 37 weeks pregnant, came in because she was having contractions.” The receptionist scripted your name in the computer, but Jay felt so anxious that for him, the woman was being extremely slow, as if she didn’t understand that this was a total emergency for him.
“She’s in the maternity ward, Room 026.”
That was his cue to hurry towards your room, the thought of you going through the pain without him there to help you or give you support was consuming him alive. It was eating him from the inside. The guilt.
His body nearly crumbled when he reached your room, just thinking about what state you were in, or how nervous you most felt. But those feelings were soon thrown away when he saw you from the door.
You were smiling, talking and even though you had a lot of equipment monitoring your vitals and oxygen, you still looked like your happy, usual self.
Juni was there with you and giving you the support that you needed at the moment, and as she was finding a way to make you laugh once more, your laughing fit was interrupted by the new presence in the room. 
That was his call to get out of his trance and approach you, his reaction being to get you into his embrace, trying to get in touch with your warmth and the smell of your vanilla scent, he then placed his hands on your cheeks, inspecting you with a quick glance.
“How are you doing? Are you ok? Why do you have these on?” He pointed out on your nasal cannula. You should’ve seen it coming. “I’m ok, just low oxygen levels. I’ll be fine.” Your hand made its way to caress his cheek, trying to keep him calm.
The fact that Jay gave in to the soft sensation of your hand, his eyes going tender at the sight of you. Big orbs admiring the gorgeous beauty that he had in front of.
“My Pretty.”
"Can I have some?"
"Well… Let me think about it." For Jay, the little hum that you made while you pretended to take a moment, it was the cutest thing that he had never seen. "Ok, you can have it."
He looked at you with a happy expression, at that moment he just knew that he felt really strong feelings for you, ever since he was a little boy, he just felt the need to protect you at all cost, to protect that little girl that would watch ‘The Beauty & The Beast’ every single time she would visit, that little girl that would dress up as an elegant disney princess.
The girl who would plant flowers with his mom, the girl who had the ability to make his brother smile at all time, the girl who was able to make him blush and soften.
"Also, do you even have an idea of who you want to marry? What exactly do you look for in a girl?" He never thought that a simple pair of questions could make his heart quiver and almost stop in less than a second, because the answer that he come to his mind was ‘you’. 
So, he said every single thing that he could use to describe you."I'm looking for a girl that is sweet, a girl that looks like an exact representation of the moon, but that her personality is just like the very rays of the sun falling into the ocean waves." 
"I want a girl who is intelligent and has a passion for learning. A girl that smells like cinnamon spice and vanilla. I'm looking for a girl whose lips will taste just like an exquisite dessert. And lastly, her eyes have to shine like  the moon reflects itself on the water when she looks at what she loves and desires… Just like you, right now." 
He let that come out of his chest, out of his soul, as if he had been waiting his entire life to say it.His last words made you blink in shock, you hadn't noticed how hard you were staring at him. But it seemed that at some point you might have been under the spell that he had been just a few seconds before. 
"Sorry, it's just that your description sounded so poetic, I didn't know you could be so romantic."  "There are some things that you don't know about me." He smiled. 
You cleared your throat before proceeding. "Where have you seen a girl like that, anyway?" You saw the boy get closer to you, moving his seat right beside you. Then, he moved his hand close to your locks, moving them away from your face. "It might surprise you, but I'm staring at her right now." 
And the way that you went completely speechless, was the way that he knew that he had made you fall more for him than ever before.And the moment that he fell more for you, was when you begged him to kiss you for the first time, because he finally had the chance to feel the lips of the girl that he was in love with.
Seeing you the day of your wedding, Jay realized how bad he wanted things to work out, how bad he wanted you to be his wife. But he was afraid, he was afraid to grow attached to you, because he was afraid that after this you would both end up heartbroken.
"I, Jay, take you, Y/N, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life." He meant that last part, with his whole heart he meant it, how could he not love you. 
But how can you love someone and also be afraid of loving them?
"I, Y/N, take you, Jay, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."
He swore that looking at you at that moment, he knew that he wanted you to be his wife for the rest of his life… he wanted to love you for the rest of his life.
"Do you love me, Mrs. Bae?" His eyes were hopeful, you remembered how he looked that night near the swimming pool, looking at you lovingly as you sat on one of the beds.
"I do, Mr. Park." 
"I do love you, Jay." 
That was the moment, where he felt that the pieces where coming up together… because he knew that you loved him, and he loved you as well.
"Good… because I love you, Mrs. Bae."
All those memories came to his mind, every single one of those moments were crucial to the moment that was happening in front of his eyes… the moment that his daughter came into this world.
Because when he heard the first cry, that was when he knew that everything that you both had been through was worth it all.
“It’s a healthy baby girl.” 
When the doctor said those words, it felt like the world nearly stopped.
Jay looked at you, and he was more than speechless. You were panting not only from the big work that you’d just done but also because of how the tears where building up in your eyes, how you felt the eager to hold her in your arms.
The nurse gave you the small newborn, and that was when the tears came rolling down your eyes.
She was more than perfect.
A sob came out of your throat, it came out from pain, from exhaustion… but also from happiness.
You and Jay had just created a human being that for you, was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
“Love, look at her, she’s beautiful.” You looked up at him, with glossy eyes and rosy cheeks. To your surprise, Jay was holding his tears, he was trying really hard to do so.
He lowered to your level, his hands hesitant to touch the little girl’s skin. He feared to hurt her, to ruin her soft and delicate skin. You noticed at the moment, grabbing his hand making his touch her tiny arm.
And the moment that the tears finally fell down his cheeks was when his daughter looked at him. 
Pretty doe eyes, starring at him as if he was a piece of art. She coo’ed at him with curiosity, and Jay couldn’t help but admire her.
She had a glimmer in her orbs that he wanted to stare at all times.
“She’s beautiful, Y/N. She’s all ours.”
You caressed his cheek, noticing the details that he had in common with the child in his arms. The small nose that looked just like his, the tan of his skin that she had obviously inherited, the pretty shape of her eyebrows, and the mark that Jay had in the middle of his lower lip, that mark that you were a huge fan of.
For him, his daughter had the huge doe eyes that you always stared at him with, his daughter had the curly eyelashes that he always loved, she had those heart shaped lips of yours that he could stared at at any time, and she had those chubby cheeks that he loved to touch.
Jay, then rubbed her soft cheek with his thumb, liking the sensation of her skin.
She was his, and she was yours. 
And she would forever be perfect in your eyes.
“I love her, Y/N. She’s our Noa.”
You looked at him with surprise, not expecting that name to come out of his mouth.
“You want to call her Noa?” He looked at you with teary, glossy eyes, his cheeks getting some sort of color. “Yeah, that’s her name from now on.”
More tears came out of your eyes. That memory from your childhood coming to your mind more than vividly.
“I love it.”
You gave him a kiss on the lips, taking in the moment with happiness.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
EPILOGUE: Guess I won't ever mind crisping up on your backburner
Two Years Later…
“Thank you so much, Mr. Choi.”
Jay tapped his fingers on the desk after he cut the call, he couldn’t help but think about getting home already. Every single day that he would go to work, he would miss you and his daughter.
A knock got him out of his trance, a voice coming from behind the door.
“Come in!” He shouted.
Heeseung slightly opened the door, peeking his head through the door. “Mr. Park, there’s a special food delivery for you.” He smirked while looking down at his feet, or what Jay believed were his feet.
He fully opened the door, to reveal that tiny little girl that he was infatuated with.
Jay’s eyes brightened to the sight of his adorable daughter, and he stood up from his seat just to kneel down beside his desk to hold her in his arms as if he hadn’t seen her in a hundred years.
Jay’s eyes brightened to the sight of his adorable daughter, and he stood up from his seat, just to kneel down beside his desk to hold her in his arms, as if he hadn’t seen her in a hundred years.
The girl crashed on his arms, her small limbs around his neck trying to hold him tight. “My beautiful Chip.” He brushed his nose against her chubby cheek.
Noa raised her head, cupping Jay’s face with her soft hands. Her father could only look at her chubby cheeks, her huge doe eyes and her rosy lips. She reminded him so much about you.
“I missed you, daddy.” Her voice almost made him melt into place, and her warm touch made him get rid of the stress that was building up from the start of his day.
“I missed you too, Chip.”
He was so into the embrace from his daughter that he got surprised when he felt a touch on his shoulder. “Belle.”
Jay got up from his position carrying Noa on his hip. “I hope I’m not interrupting something.”
With his free arm he pulled you by the waist, feeling the fabric of your dress between his fingers. He hadn’t noticed the dress that his daughter was wearing, she had a pink tule dress that covered her knees, the fabric making her look like a princess.
And you…
Were his Queen.
The love of his life.
“We were waiting for you, mommy.”
Jay looked down at her, then he looked at you, getting the courage to place a kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah, we were waiting for you.”
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bussyslayer333 · 2 years
yesssssssss!!! His assistant, that everyone (except for Jake) underestimates and therefore talks shit in front of, thinking that she's too dumb to understand and repeat what she's heard. Jokes on them; she is extremely intelligent and loyal. All the misogynists think she's not paying attention and just wasting time on her phone - the acrylics of her french manicure flying over the screen, the clacking noise filling the waiting area, while she blows giant obnoxious bubbles with her gum - when she's actually taking highly detailed notes on her phone to send to him before his meeting with these assholes. Jake always outmaneuvers them in meetings (thanks to her notes), but they never figure out how because no one expects the secretary.
When she first started, Jake also underestimated her but quickly realized that she was smart and could be an asset (turned ally, turned friend, turned more as the years go on) to him. As it turns out, she is highly trained with several years of experience in his field, but due to circumstances (what exactly? idk TBD) beyond her control was only able to find a lowly administrative position. Secretary and personal assistant to the CEO. They came to an agreement: for three years (enough time to fully cement his position as CEO), she'll act as his secretary/personal assistant and continue to spy/feed him info like they've been doing. In return, he'll bump her salary/benefits to what she would be making if she had been hired at her actual experience level and work with her to ensure that she'll be able to land any job she wants after the three years are up. Their plan works perfectly.
Over the course of their agreement, they get very close and add friends-slash-boss-and-employee with benefits to the arrangement. It works well due to their lack of free time (his job is demanding, and as his assistant, so is hers) and their shared kinks in the bedroom. He's on the dominant side (making her kneel under his desk once everyone else has gone home). She wants to please him (making sure he knows that she's not wearing panties during important meetings, then bending over and flashing him while picking up papers she "accidentally" dropped while leaving his office). Of course, they don't just have sex at the office. When she stops at his penthouse, they always usually hook up. She's usually wearing something casual and comfy, looking so damn sweet, and he can't help himself. He lets them get through whatever she came for (running through his schedule, finalizing travel plans, giving him his dry cleaning, etc.), and then he's pulling her toward his bedroom.
His favorite, though, is when he's sitting in his comfy chair, legs propped up on the matching ottoman. He'll sign whatever papers she puts in front of him and then slowly pulls her onto his lap. The sex they have in that chair is the softest, most intimate sex he's ever had. All slow movements and gentle caresses. It starts with them just making out for a long time, hands all over each other, unable to get enough of the other person. She rides him slowly; the only time he gives up control, lets her take what she needs from him. After he makes sure she's cum so many times she can't think straight, he allows himself to finish. They stay there, tangled together - exchanging soft kisses, trying to express how they feel for the other without words - until one of them has to move.
They never go beyond hooking up, and she takes that to mean that he will never care about her in the same way she cares for him. (He's been kind and affectionate outside the bedroom in their three years together, but in the way that a close friend would be - not a lover.) So as their agreement is coming to an end, she is preparing herself to move on and restart her career. And he is mourning the fact that he's losing not only a brilliant employee and great friend but the only woman he's ever truly cared for. In the end, they work it out, confess their feelings, and he promotes her to a position where he won't be her superior ("I didn't wait for three years to tell you that I loved you, only for us to not be able to be together because you still work for me."). And then they lived happily ever after.
babe this is the most incredible thing i’ve ever read and now i’m like 😦 bc i’ve just been writing her as a loveable airhead BUTTT this storyline you’ve created is so 😫😫😫
can totally imagine her riding jake and he’s all like “Look at you, my smart girl taking what she needs.” and when she gets all floppy from how good it feels he’s holding her up and coaxing her through it all !!!!
and he’s so attentive!! like maybe she was up all night working on something for him and she comes in the next day to see her fave coffee and a pastry with a little post it note stuck on her desk that everyone is whispering about:
thanks for everything gorgeous
- J xo
basically he’s a meanie to everyone but he loves his smart girl 🫶
AND WHEN SHES ALL HIGH UP THEYRE LIKE SUCH A POWER COUPLE (he defo lets her take the lead the night she gets her big job and he’d never tell anyone but he came so hard that night)
ty for these incredible thoughts babe!! i hope my ceo!jake still lives up to expectations 😭😭
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