whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Forged Messages, Insults and Obscenities: the Incredible Reaction of the "Friends of CESNUR" (1999)
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▲ Pictured: Massimo Introvigne rings "the Bell of World Peace and Love" at a Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) conference, founded by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, the founder and spiritual leader of the Taiwan-based Tai Ji Men
Forged Messages, Insults and Obscenities: the Incredible Reaction of the "Friends of CESNUR" (source) By Miguel Martínez
"Dear Martinez […] Not everybody can play with inflatable dolls. How many do you have? […] Why don't you spend your time in a more pleasant fashion? After all, I don't think it's fun to call other people imbeciles (unless they pay you, but in that case yours is truly a dirty job). There must be other outlets for frustrated anti-Semites and those who have been defeated by life, even in Imola." (the whole post)
This is only one of about one hundred similar messages, which came out in various Italian and foreign newsgroups under the name religiosus@my-dejanews. This writer, in a message dated April 9th, 1999, on alt.support.ex-cult, the same anonymous author stated that  
" We wrote before that Religiosus is a collective name and that messages under this name are posted by a number of different people, in different countries, all somewhat sympathetic to CESNUR views (but not necessarily members of CESNUR)."
"Not necessarily members…". The style also shows that nine times out of ten, the person who signs himself as "Religiosus" is the same person. Besides messages signed Religiosus, other messages have also been posted with different signatures, but the style again shows the same hand behind most (the full story, written by somebody who knows Internet a lot better than I do). On April 9th, Religiosus went well beyond inflatable dolls. He spammed Italy's newsgroups with false messages attributed to me, containing attacks on religion in general, Christianity and the Jews. Of course these false messages (see here), as we have seen, allowed Religiosus to call me a "frustrated anti-Semite."  
In reply to this forgery, I asked CESNUR to officially distance itself from its over-zealous supporter, something CESNUR has not yet done. I therefore hold CESNUR morally, if not legally, responsible for the insults and, above all, for the forgery. This forgery had a follow-up: on April 24th, an even more diffamatory forgery came out, where the following incredible expressions were attributed to me:  
"Who says it isn't the Jews who are manoeuvring Scientology, the Jehovah's Witnesses and CESNUR too? […] The problem today is not violence against Jews, it is violence BY Jews against their opponents." (the whole post)
I have no love for law courts, and I would never think of suing anybody who criticises me openly, however loudly. But of course only a judge can discover the name and surname of the person who created such a serious forgery.
Seven simple questions   The whole debate between me and CESNUR arose around seven simple questions I posed to CESNUR. Here they are, in the form of statements:
Massimo Introvigne wrote a misleading, biased and apologetic study on New Acropolis, which included a series of false statements about me and my legal situation.
Introvigne and nearly all the Italian CESNUR activists are also members, and often officers, of Alleanza Cattolica, a right-wing organisation on the fringe of the Catholic Church, with a most pronounced ideological and political agenda which makes any objective approach to reality virtually impossible for its militants.
Cristianità, the official paper of Alleanza Cattolica, claims that CESNUR's activities are part of its "good battle".
Introvigne never wrote about "cults" until 1985, or if he did (I could not of course have read everything he wrote before that date), he did so using a tone which is the opposite of the one he uses currently, as can be seen in an article he wrote in 1985.
Alleanza Cattolica bases itself on the "teaching magisterium" of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the father of "Tradition, Family and Property", a millennialist organisation which provides militant support for the political and financial interests of Brazilian landowners.
In 1985, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira started teaching, as part of his "magisterium", the existence of an "anti-cult movement" and the non-existence of "brainwashing" (ideas which of course he did not invent himself).
These very special teachings of Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira coincide with the ideological foundations of CESNUR.
CESNUR can reply to each of these statements, by saying they are either true or false, and in the latter case, by explaining why.
They are quite simple questions. It is only when one doesn't want to answer that they become difficult. And polemics start.   The Fine Art of Lively Discussion   Polemics are a lovely game. The ultimate goal is to come nearer to truth through an honest battle of wits. This is why those who claim to already possess the truth find it so difficult to argue. Many still remember Introvigne's famous phrase, "Once again, I am not interested in discussing with an 'interpreter' my academic credentials or my work."  
However, running away from discussion easily leads to childish - if not actually criminal activities, such as forging electronic messages, or at the very least to a nervous breakdown.
Since I don't want Dr Introvigne to suffer from a nervous breakdown, I take the liberty of teaching him a few rules of the fine art of polemics. Of course, if he learns them, he may well use them against me. However I am not at all certain he will learn.  
Admitting One's Mistakes
  When you make a mistake, you must admit it. Writing about CESNUR, I made several mistakes. I know them all, since they were immediately pointed out to the whole world by my adversary - who thus implicitly confirmed all my non mistakes.
I once called Introvigne "President" and not "Director" of CESNUR. This is an obvious mistake and I admitted it immediately.  
On the other hand, the controversy between me and CESNUR started when Introvigne claimed that a court of law in France had established that I had made false statements. To put it very politely, this was an enormous mistake on the part of the Turin lawyer. Who has not however yet admitted it.  
A good polemicist must also avoid making misleading statements.I had written that Introvigne was the President of the Transylvanian Society of Dracula. It was not false, but it was misleading. Quite rightly, he immediately let it be known that he was president only of the Italian branch of this society.  
Now let us take the example of a misleading statement made by Introvigne. Speaking on a Catholic TV station, during a programme on cults, he said that Rick Ross - cult critic and former deprogrammer - was a "convicted jewellery thief." This statement is true, but it is also misleading, since the onlooker will be left with the impression that Ross either stole jewels while deprogramming someone, or that he is a professional thief who in his free time kidnaps people.  
Actually, many years ago during a stormy adolescence, Ross  was convicted for a theft. This experience led him to commit himself to social issues, and hence to working with cult victims. The fact is important, but for quite different reasons from what those listening to Introvigne would be led to think. Friends and Hypotheses   Before engaging in polemics, we should first decide whether we just wants to sling mud against somebody, or else want to arrive at some truth through discussion. In the second case, we must use only those facts which are meaningful within the framework of a reasoned and plausible hypothesis. As an example - it is a fact that Italian politician Massimo D'Alema has a Stalin-like moustache, but this fact is also quite meaningless. On the other hand, when we say that D'Alema wants a certain law to pass because it suits the interests of his party, this may be true or false, but it does fit into a logical hypothesis and the statement deserves looking into.
According to the French Catholic magazine, Golias, Introvigne writes for the French Communist paper L'Humanité. Introvigne also writes for Cristianità, the organ of the Italian right-wing group Alleanza Cattolica. Now, I could make use of the first fact to damage Introvigne's reputation among anti-Communists throughout the world. However, I don't do so, because I am not interested at all in Introvigne's reputation. What I do want to do is understand what his aims are. And nothing shows that these aims have anything to do with the political Left. There is a relationship with the Communist Party, but this relationship is quite meaningless.
On the other hand, Introvigne has been a militant of Alleanza Cattolica for over a quarter of a century. Ever since his early youth, he has followed the line of this organisation without the slightest deviation, and this same organisation is deeply involved in virtually every activity of CESNUR in Italy. This appears to be a much more meaningful relationship. And this relationship can also be explained within the framework of a reasoned and plausible hypothesis.
Now, how do CESNUR and its friends engage in polemics? I first wish to say that I understand their problem. On the one hand, there is CESNUR, which claims to hold the scientific truth in the matter of cults. And hence claims to be able to tell governments, judges, media, tax officials and social workers of every kind what to do. This is why it is important for all of society to be able to thoroughly assess the reliability of CESNUR. On the other hand, there is an individual - Miguel Martinez - who has submitted some documents which cast doubt on this reliability. Martinez is simply an independent professional, who lays no claim to teaching any truth to the world. He is like a postman bringing a telegram saying we have been cheated. It hardly matters whether the postman is a good family man or an alcoholic. What does matter is whether the contents of the telegram are true or not.
So if CESNUR does not want to answer the seven simple questions I posed, it can only keep silent. Or else attack the postman. Now, it's exactly against the postman - that is, Miguel Martinez - that the friends of CESNUR have launched three accusations. First, Martinez is supposed to have written years ago one article in an "extremist" magazine. Second, Martinez is supposed to use pseudonyms. Third, Martinez is supposed to have been expelled from an Italian cult-critic organisation, ARIS. As we shall see, two of these accusations are false and the third is insignificant, but they were enough to start a daily campaign of attacks on the newsgroups.
Religiosus (writing in alt.support.ex-cult), in his usual scholarly style, sums up the accusations against me, speaking of  
"one Miguel Martinez, now exposed on Italian NGs as a clown hiding under a variety of Internet aliases and (under his own name) as a former writer for the anti-semitic magazine' Orion' together with Robert Faurisson, the father of all Holocaust negationists."
I shall deal with the "pseudonyms" later on. "Together with", plus the use of the plural, makes one think of a series of articles written jointly.
The reality is quite different. Orion is a small "alternative" magazine. Authors include Right wing extremists, but also Left wing extremists, science-fiction fans, neo-pagans, Muslims and even members and friends of Alleanza Cattolica, who engage in free and fierce polemics with each other. Orion has also published articles by such diverse authors as Sub-Commander Marcos and Noam Chomsky.  
Back in 1993 a single article signed Miguel Martinez was published; this article, picked up from a bullettin published by cult critics, was about the anti-Communist cult of the Korean, Sun Myung Moon. The only reference in this article to the Second World War was a mention of the fact that one of Moon's associates was a convicted war criminal. Now, according to the friends of CESNUR, at some indefinite date, Orion is also supposed to have published an article by the controversial Frenchman, Robert Faurisson. I have no idea whether this is true or not, and of course the whole matter would be of interest only if this article came out before 1993, or if there was the slightest affinity in content between the articles. Because, what does CESNUR's accusation mean: does mentioning the links between the Latin American death squads and "Reverend" Moon mean practising anti-Semitism? If this accusation cannot be fitted into a logical framework, it will be exactly like accusing Introvigne of having sent the tanks rolling into Prague simply because he writes about "new religions" in L'Humanité.  
I have nothing whatsoever against extremists, whether they be of the anti-US variety (like Orion) or of the pro-US variety (like Alleanza Cattolica). I have repeatedly said that I see nothing wrong in Introvigne being a right-wing extremist. What I do find dubious is when an extremist group - of any kind - sets up a "study centre" which claims to be scientifically objective. It is reminiscent of the Creation Science study centres set up by evangelicals keen on scientifically proving the world was created 6000 years ago.
A second accusation against me involves my disagreement with ARIS, a non denominational Italian cult critic association. Here is how Religiosus, in his usual scientific style, explains the event:
"Dear Miguel Martinez […] You are so ignorant that even the most ramshackle Italian anti-cult movement, ARIS, has expelled you with a big kick on your butt for having said who knows what idiocy about Islam. I have a friend in ARIS who told me that the kick was painful, with an official press release, and that you are still crying over the pain. Ai, Miguel, que dolor!" (the whole post)
Certain details immediately show that Religiosus did not learn the story from a "friend in ARIS", as he threateningly says, but from a messageIwrote on the discussion group on "new religions", NUREL, where Massimo Introvigne too writes. In any case, I was not expelled from ARIS at all; I did not even belong to the group. To be exact, I sent them a fax explaining that I no longer intended to work together with them. This fax actually took ARIS by surprise. My opinions are different from those of ARIS. But here we are speaking about facts, and concerning these facts, ARIS too agrees with me.  
How to Use Evidence
Another important rule for proper polemics is this: never make any accusation which does enjoy the support of a plausible theory, but is lacking in proof.
Let us take as an example an accusation I never made: "CESNUR is financed by Scientology." Such a statement might be supported by indirect evidence (CESNUR organises extremely expensive conferences) and a plausible theory could be set up to support it as well: CESNUR does legitimise Scientology as a religion and this does imply a vast number of privileges for this US transnational corporation. However I have no proof that Scientology pays CESNUR, so I shall never make a statement to that effect. In other words, one must never make accusations even when one does have evidence and a plausible theory, but no proof. On the other hand, the friends of CESNUR launch accusations even when all three are missing.
Let us take what, at least according to them, is an accusation. I am supposed to use several pseudonyms on Internet: Martini, Martinelli and Harry, three names which appear in a site called "Allarme Scientology" and sometimes on newsgroups (this accusation sounds a little strange, coming as it does from somebody who calls himself Religiosus). In this case, there is one piece of evidence: the names Martinez, Martini and Martinelli sound rather similar.  
However there is no supporting theory at all. Why should anybody write publicly under his own name about highly controversial issues, and then use a pseudonym to write about less controversial matters? I know I am neither Martini nor Martinelli nor Harry. However, I am not asking anyone to take my word for it. There is very clear proof of what I say: Martini, Martinelli and Harry are all three experts on Scientology, a subject they have been dealing with for years, on their website. Anybody who knows the cult and cult critic scene in Italy is perfectly aware that I am no expert on Scientology. Also, a quick look at the texts written by each clearly shows we are all different people. But here is how a CESNUR friend who signs himself "Lancillotto" ("Lancelot") reacts when asked to consider these arguments:
"Sorry, nobody believes you. You are triple, as long as the money keeps pouring in."
A phrase which - in Italian - contains what some people assure us is Introvigne's favourite pun.
Martini, Martinelli and Harry are excellent people, and I have no problem in being associated with them. In fact, this accusation works, not because it is offensive, but exactly because it is false. The mechanism is childish but effective: "You are Eskimo!" "No, I have nothing against Eskimos, but I don't happen to be one!" "Liar! You see he denies being an Eskimo?" Writing, as he himself claims, from the CESNUR conference on spiritualism in Turin, an imitator of Religiosus calls me "Miguel Bugiardez," something we can translate as "Miguel the Liar." The statement made by the Cesnurians becomes defamatory - from a legal point of view as well - since it means they call me a liar whenever I deny it. A Secret Between Me and Freud
The expression, "as long as the money keeps pouring in" is another kind of statement one should avoid when engaging in polemics between adults. The CESNUR friend is stating as a fact that somebody is paying me. Of course, everything is possible. We have seen how one can even play with the hypothesis that Scientology pays CESNUR. But "Lancillotto" makes his statement without any supporting theory at all: who is supposed to be paying for me? The Belgian parliament? The psychiatrists? International communism?
Without any supporting hypothesis, the friends of CESNUR have at least presented a small piece of evidence: the fact that the CESNUR Critical Page has an elegant lay-out. This is what Religiosus means when, in another message, he says the following about me:
"Struck by sudden richness, he set up an imposing anti-CESNUR website; an anti-Scientology site had blazed the trail for this site."
Similar statements have been made in the past by Introvigne (see here). Now it is obviously no sense to set up a site critical towards Scientology (something which notoriously involves some risk) only in order to open some pages, on that same site, which criticise CESNUR. It should also be remembered that the pages critical towards CESNUR were removed in March, and that the site has gone back to dealing with Scientology only. After a period of total suspension, I had to find a new home for this "critical page", a home which only now has become final. I agree that my "critical page" is pretty. The technical difference between this page, created by Harry, and the rest of the Kelebek site, created by me, is painfully obvious.  
Anyhow, scientific research - something CESNUR often speaks of - is based on the possibility of repeating experiments and changing one's mind on the basis of evidence. I therefore invite Dr Introvigne to call up a dozen or so different webmasters. He will notice that they will all say that the costs are quite low. Of course, this does not prove I don't receive money. Perhaps I pocket the sums I get from the Communist psychiatrists. But until Introvigne can discover where I hide the receipts, this will be a secret between me and Freud.
Why it's Important to Keep Calm
Another important piece of advice. Never get hysterical. One will end up by appearing ridiculous. In a post on NUREL (March 24th, 1999), Massimo Introvigne comments a message of mine in which I had only mentioned CESNUR en passant and in quite neutral terms. Here is how his reply starts:  
"While I normally do not respond to nonsense about CESNUR (serious researches should be able to recognize trash when they see it) a recent posting by a professional anti-cultist is more nonsensical than usual."
And now let's listen to Religiosus (see here):
"Martinez is a professional anti-cultist." (in the same last Religiosus post)
Actually, I am a professional interpreter, and in any case my vision of the "cult" issue is very far from that of, say Margaret Singer, the "cult enemy" par excellence.
But here is another outburst of the same author:
"Dear Miguel, as a case of multiple personality disorder (MPD) you are just second rate. So far, you have emanated Harry, Martini, Martinelli and Martinovsky plus the short-lived Andrea Vinci. Imagine, in America there are cases of MPD with fifty or sixty different personalities, each with its own different features, competences, names (and probably ways of posting on NGs). Admit it. You're a failure, you are tortured by envy when Zoccatelli [a prominent militant of both CESNUR and Alleanza Cattolica] is interviewed by the national media and nobody cares about you."
Another suggestion for CESNUR - mention personal matters only when these mean something. I hope Introvigne has a happy family life, but this is no business of mine and as a matter of fact I have never mentioned it. Now here is what the friends of CESNUR have to say in the same post about my private life:
"After all, cases of MPD are not so frequent in and around Imola and this summer on the beach even a mental dissociation case like you with only five personalities (but try to emanate some more in the meantime) can pick up some German girl (or a Muslim girl, if you prefer). Of course you run the risk of falling into an identity crisis at the crucial moment and forgetting your name. A beastly summer lies ahead of you. Send our greetings to Faurisson."
This is an example of a losing strategy. The author is obviously utterly unable to control his hatred. He goes on stating as a fact the usual hypothesis about pseudonyms. Finally, ever since the early days of the Palaeolithic, hurling insults based on sex or on mental health has always been a clear sign of when the offending party has lost its capacity for arguing. In other words, Religiosus ends up looking stupid and makes the whole institution he represents appear ridiculous. 
  A Forgery
I have no time to follow newsgroups. I found out about this whole story thanks to a friend of mine who forwarded me Religiosus' messages, together with a forged message signed "Demetrio Martinovskj" and attributed to me. I quote the full message, to show the incredibly low level touched by the "friends of CESNUR":
BTW, both our tireless travellers spent their Easter holidays teaching lessons on the New Age at a retreat for young Adventists (a Christian, pro-Jewish religion) in Tuscany. They never stop, do they? Were the corn flakes, at least, good?"
This forgery was written by somebody who knew where Introvigne and Zoccatelli had just spent their holidays. The reference (perfectly meaningless, of course) to a "Christian, pro-Jewish religion" of course was studied to offend religious people in general, Christians and Jews in a single blow. The forger shows such an intense affection for PierLuigi Zoccatelli that he is even unable to accuse him (as I supposedly should do) of being apologetic towards cults. "Martinovskj" merely says that Zoccatelli is famous and is a "tireless traveller": hardly a criticism.  
This is quite obviously a criminal offence, since the message was studied for the sole purpose of defaming me and promoting CESNUR. So I hope it will be possible to track down the real author of this message. In any case, this forgery was not a very intelligent move, since I had not written on CESNUR for several months, and indeed I was starting to work on quite different issues. Let sleeping dogs lie… perhaps they counted on my missing what was going on in the newsgroups, but inevitably, sooner or later, somebody would have started forwarding me their messages.   Who is Religiosus?
First of all, I would like to reassure Religiosus, and above all Lancillotto - who prudently hides behind the name of Arthur's bravest knight. CESNUR knows my name and address, and I am not one bit afraid of them; why should they be afraid of me?
As soon as I replied on the Newsgroups, the anonymous defamer changed his strategy. From a group of sympathisers, if not member, of CESNUR, "Religiosus" suddenly became a joke:
"This is how the Religiosus game is played: to post as 'Religiosus' from dejanews, from any computer, all that is needed is to know the password, and this password has been sent to dozens of people ('cult apologists', 'cult members', some more sporting anti-cultist and simple practical jokers), each being asked to continue the chain."
This prudent statement in view of legal liability comes a little too late. It fully contradicts a statement made just 4 days before - on March 5th- by Religiosus on it.cultura.newage:
"Religiosus is a collective nom de plume used by several different people with the same password, who employ different computers (hence the different IP addresses, if you want to amuse yourselves by looking for them) and who share certain ideas and who are in touch with CESNUR."
In other words, they share the same ideas and are directly in touch with Massimo Introvigne's organisation. In any case, the majority of Religiosus' messages has the same style, and is anything but playful. Here is a typical example:
"If you move around the Web, you will see that CESNUR is the constant target for insults from anti-cultists, and CESNUR never replies with the same tone."
True enough - as we have seen, the tone of the friends of CESNUR is very different indeed from mine, at least.  
As soon as they realised the risks they were making the reputation of CESNUR run, Religiosus disappeared, and insults began to dwindle, thus showing that the supposed "chain mail" was actually under some form of control. There is very clearly one main Religiosus, surrounded by a few colleagues whom, perhaps, he gave the password to (this does not free him of course from his liabilities).  
Some friends suggested that Religiosus is forced to hide his identity, because he is actually Massimo Introvigne himself. This is their reasoning. I shall also say why I do not accept their hypothesis. Religiosus is somebody directly involved, who has totally lost his self-control because of the criticism I have moved to CESNUR's methods. Just imagine - for over one month, this person has been writing two or three messages of insults every single day against one person, that is me. Also imagine - the over one hundred messages he has sent so far are simply based on nothing. I am sure that even the most generous reader will agree that the author of these messages is a seriously disturbed individual. Now, I do not believe that Introvigne is mentally disturbed, or that he is so stupid: not even the Legionaries of Christ would allow somebody like Religiosus to teach for three days a year in one of their institutions (this is why Introvigne can use the title of "professor").
My friends claim that Religiosus employs many of Introvigne's most typical expressions. However, it is also true that everybody in CESNUR tends to speak and write like the founder. These friends also point out that Religiosus usually mails from a TIN ISP in Turin, using Netscape 3.02 on a Macintosh computer. Just as Massimo Introvigne does in his public messages. I do not see this to be compelling proof.My friends also note that Religiosus posts both in Italian and in English; but the messages in English were clearly written by an Italian who (like Introvigne) knows English quite well. Not proof enough for my scientific mind. However, there is one decisive point, which proves that Introvigne cannot be Religiosus: Introvigne has repeatedly written that he does not engage in polemics on newsgroups. And of course I take his word for it. At least until the opposite is proven.
  Miguel Martinez Imola, 1.5.99
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wumingfoundation · 1 year
On Making "Good Use" of Esotericism, by Wu Ming 1 + A review of Wu Ming 1's La Q di Qomplotto, by Massimo Introvigne
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Religiographies is «an open-access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to the field of religious studies that aims to promote an interdisciplinary approach to religious phenomena, encouraging a dialogue between historians, sociologists, anthropologists, literary scholars, philosophers, and psychologists», published by Venice-based Fondazione Giorgio Cini.
A new issue – no.1, vol 2, 2023 – is now available online. 
It features an article written by Wu Ming 1, «On Making "Good Use" of Esotericism  – Notes 2022». Here's the index:
1. The Origin Myth of esotericism vs. its Actual History 2. “Freemasonry is what social movements look like after the witch hunts” 3. Esotericism is a modern phenomenon and was born “on the left” 4. Enter the esoteric right 5. Esotericism and conspiracy fantasies 6. The esoteric right and left between captures and “singularities” 7. The society dreamt of by the esoteric right is . . . the one we live in 8. Spiritual luxury 9. Kernels of truth against the reign of quantity 10. Totality, mystery, and being cum sidera
The issue also includes a review of Wu Ming 1's La Q di Qomplotto by sociologist Massimo Introvigne, founder and managing director of Turin-based Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR).
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htmillll · 2 months
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russianjw · 9 months
Сага О Генте заканчивается: Кассационный Суд Бельгии подтверждает, что Изгнание Законно
19 декабря 2023 года Кассационный суд Бельгии подтвердил решение по апелляции в пользу Свидетелей Иеговы.
автор: Массимо Интровинье
“Горькая зима” и ее головная организация CESNUR, Центр изучения новых религий, с большим интересом следили за судебным разбирательством в Бельгии, касающимся так называемого “избегания”, практикуемого Свидетелями Иеговы (а также, в различных формах, другими религиями). Свидетели Иеговы советуют своим членам с хорошей репутацией не общаться с бывшими членами, которые были исключены из сообщества за серьезные грехи и не раскаялись или публично отмежевались от организации. Сожительствующих родственников не избегают, равно как и тех “отпавших” членов, которые просто становятся неактивными, публично не отмежевываясь от Свидетелей Иеговы ни путем заявления, ни путем присоединения к другой религии или организации, членство в которой Свидетели считают несовместимым с библейским учением.
В то время как суды в разных странах мира (включая саму Бельгию) последовательно признавали, что избегание, которому учат и практикуют Свидетели Иеговы, защищено свободой вероисповедания и не является незаконным, 16 марта 2021 года суд Гента заявил, что предполагая, что нынешние члены религиозной организации не общение с бывшими членами, которые были лишены общения или публично покинули организацию, приравнивается к дискриминации и подстрекательству к ненависти и должно быть запрещено. “Горькая зима” опубликовала несколько статей, критикующих это решение как опасное для религиозной свободы. 9 апреля 2021 года CESNUR организовал вебинар, посвященный этому решению, с участием юристов, правозащитников и ведущих религиоведов, включая Джеймса Т. Ричардсона, Джорджа Криссидеса и Эйлин Баркер.
7 июня 2022 года Апелляционный суд Гента отменил решение первой степени, вынося решение в пользу Свидетелей Иеговы как против бывших членов, которые действовали против них, так и против федерального бельгийского антидискриминационного агентства UNIA, которое вступило в процесс в качестве гражданской стороны. Судьи апелляционной инстанции заявили, что преподавание и практика избегания в форме, пропагандируемой Свидетелями Иеговы, которую они охарактеризовали как “пассивное социальное избегание” тех, кого избегают, не является незаконной и фактически защищена принципами свободы вероисповедания. Это не следует путать со случаями (сообщаемыми о различных религиях, но не о Свидетелях Иеговы), когда бывшие члены церкви подвергаются “преследованию, травле, издевательствам или угрозам”.
И враждебно настроенные бывшие члены, и UNIA подали кассационную жалобу. 19 декабря 2023 года Кассационный суд вновь вынес решение в пользу Свидетелей Иеговы и, наконец, поставил точку в гентской саге. Помимо процедурных вопросов, бельгийская кассация рассмотрела два аргумента о том, что избегание, которому учат и практикуют Свидетели Иеговы, нарушает статью 8 (о правах семьи) и статью 9 (о свободе вероисповедания — в данном случае, бывших членов организации, которых избегают) Европейской конвенции по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) и соответствующие статьи Конституции Бельгии, и что это равносильно дискриминации и притеснениям тех, кого избегают.
Вслед за Апелляционным судом кассационная инстанция отметила, что статья 8 не применяется к делу Свидетелей Иеговы, поскольку их практика избегания не распространяется на совместно проживающих супругов и детей.
В кассации также указывалось, что избегание свидетелей Иеговы не нарушает свободу религии или убеждений тех, кого избегают, и не подразумевает дискриминации или притеснений. Суд написал, что в случае со Свидетелями Иеговы учение об избегании состоит из “руководящих принципов, касающихся обычного социального общения”, которые “решительно не поощряют контакты” с членами, которые были лишены общения или публично отмежевались от организации. Руководящие принципы “квалифицируют их [эти контакты] как греховные, однако без подстрекательства к явно незаконному поведению”, включая “преследование, угрозы или домогательства”.
Кассация признает, что было бы запрещено “преследовать, угрожать или запугивать бывших членов”, но утверждает, что это ни в коем случае не является частью политики избегания Свидетелей Иеговы. Это правда, что избегание может привести “к социальной изоляции по отношению к другим членам религиозной общины”, но это не следует путать с “общей социальной изоляцией”. Бельгийские свидетели Иеговы - это “небольшая религиозная община, насчитывающая около 26 000 членов по всей Бельгии”, и те, кого избегают, остаются свободными общаться со всеми другими людьми, живущими в стране.
Фактически, статья 9 Европейской конвенции по правам человека (ЕСПЧ) действительно должна быть применена к данному делу, отмечают судьи, но для защиты религиозной свободы Свидетелей Иеговы организовываться так, как они считают нужным. “Обстоятельства, при которых человек чувствует себя ущемленным, обиженным или социально изолированным от первоначального круга друзей в результате политики избегания, недостаточны для нейтрализации действия статьи 9 ЕКПЧ”, - пишет Кассация, - поскольку ”следует признать, что поведение, защищаемое статьей 9 ЕКПЧ, может, при необходимости, привести к отчуждение по отношению к своим близким и ранение их чувств”.
В любом случае, заключает кассация, “Статьи 8 и 9 ЕКПЧ и статьи 19 и 22 Конституции Бельгии также подразумевают, что каждый имеет право самостоятельно решать, с кем поддерживать социальные контакты, а с кем нет. Уголовные суды, в соответствии с прецедентным правом Европейского суда по правам человека, имеют лишь небольшую свободу усмотрения для вмешательства как в (а) выбор, который люди делают в своей частной жизни, так и (б) следование религиозным стандартам поведения в сфере их личной автономии”.
Таким образом, посредством окончательного решения Бельгия присоединяется к ряду других демократических стран, включая совсем недавно Нидерланды, в признании того, что преподавание и практика избегания Свидетелей Иеговы не являются незаконными и являются частью их обычного осуществления свободы религии или убеждений.
На фото: Брюссельский дворец правосудия, резиденция Бельгийского кассационного суда.
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dahliaduvide · 9 months
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Contemporary media coverage in the Washington Post.
"Rachel David, sole survivor from her family's suicide plunge from a downtown Salt Lake hotel balcony in 1978, says she still believes her father is God...she has continued to try to follow the suicide order..."
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we-r-digpu-blog · 5 years
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CESNUR to hold a 2 day conference on the Unification Movements in Antwerp, Belgium, May 29-30, 2017
This conference should be interesting because all three major factions in the Unification Church / Family Federation for World Peace schisms will be represented. Click on the link to the program below for details.
Some of the presenters: Andrew WILSON Michael MICKLER Dan FEFFERMAN Richard PANZER Kerry WILLIAMS Mark BRAMWELL Youngjun KIM Jongsuk KIM
What is CESNUR?
"Promote scholarly research in the field of new religious consciousness, and are dedicated to exposing the problems associated with some movements, while defending the principles of religious liberty"
CESNUR (English: Center for Studies on New Religions, Italian: Centro Studi sulle Nuove Religioni), is an organization based in Turin, Italy. It was established in 1988 by a group of religious scholars from universities in Europe and the Americas, working in the field of new religious movements. Its director is the Italian sociologist and attorney Massimo Introvigne. CESNUR defines itself as being independent of any religious group, church, denomination or association. It has evolved into a network of scholars and organizations who study the field.
CESNUR has been criticized by the Christian countercult movement and anti-cult organizations as well as by some former members of movements that they consider to be cults.
Scholars and anti-cultists Stephen A. Kent and Raffaella Di Marzio consider CESNUR's representation of the brainwashing controversy one-sided, polemical and sometimes without scholarly value.
One of the directors, J. Gordon Melton, is an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, and Massimo Introvigne is a member of Alleanza Cattolica, which he described as "a lay Catholic organization”.
The Conference
Organized by: The European Observatory of Religion and Secularism (Laïcité) in partnership with Faculty of Comparative Study of Religion and Humanism (FVG) CESNUR CLIMAS (Bordeaux)
Faculty of Comparative Study of Religion and Humanism (FVG) Bist 164. 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)
The Program
Older articles by others on the conference program:
“AS A PEACE-LOVING GLOBAL CITIZEN”: a review of the autobiography of Rev. Sun Myung Moon by George Chryssides http://www.cesnur.org/2011/dan-chryssides2.pdf
Preston Moon and the Family Peace Association by Massimo Introvigne http://www.cesnur.org/2016/mi_preston_moon.pdf
After Sun Myung Moon by James A. Beverley http://digital.faithtoday.ca/faithtoday/20121112?pg=56#pg56
Ageing in New Religions: The Varieties of Later Experiences by Eileen Barker http://www.inform.ac/node/1571
Three Moon factions at Antwerp conference in May 2017
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Simposium CenSAMM - Kerajaan Seribu Tahun: Bukan Misteri Lagi
Simposium CenSAMM - Kerajaan Seribu Tahun: Bukan Misteri Lagi
Dari 28-29 Juni 2018, di Panacea Museum Gardens di Bedford, Inggris, Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM) mengadakan simposium tentang literatur apokaliptik, malapetaka terakhir, dan Kerajaan Seribu Tahun. 
Acara ini dihadiri oleh para ahli dan cendekiawan agama terkemuka seperti Christopher Rowland, Profesor Emeritus Dekan Irlandia dari Penafsiran Kitab Suci, Universitas Oxford, Massimo Introvigne, Direktur Pelaksana CESNUR, Pusat Studi tentang Agama Baru di Italia, dan Matthew Askey, seorang pendeta yang melayani di Katedral Southwell Minster di Nottinghamshire. Selama simposium, Profesor Introvigne menyampaikan ceramah berjudul "Membuat Film Zaman Kerajaan." Sebagian didasarkan pada drama musikal Gereja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa Umat Manusia Mendapatkan Kembali Kekudusan yang Pernah Mereka Miliki, ceramah yang menggairahkan dan menyegarkan ini memberikan penafsiran yang jelas tentang kemunculan Kerajaan Seribu Tahun (Milenium).
Beberapa tahun terakhir telah terjadi bencana yang semakin parah di seluruh dunia. Dunia menjadi semakin kacau, tanda-tanda telah muncul di langit, dan semua nubuat Alkitab mulai menjadi kenyataan. Orang-orang merasakan adanya malapetaka yang akan terjadi, dan sebagian tidak dapat menahan diri untuk bertanya: Apakah bencana terakhir akan memusnahkan bumi? Di mana Kerajaan Seribu Tahun akan muncul? Dan siapa yang akan diperbolehkan masuk? Selama simposium, cendekiawan agama terkemuka internasional, Profesor Introvigne menyampaikan misteri yang diungkapkan oleh Kristus akhir zaman, Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa: Kerajaan Seribu Tahun (Kerajaan Kristus yang dinubuatkan dalam Kitab Wahyu di Alkitab) akan muncul di bumi setelah malapetaka besar. Bagi kita, seluruh umat manusia, ini adalah berita bagus! Itu karena malapetaka ini melibatkan nasib, kesudahan, dan tempat tujuan setiap kita!
Lagu Paduan Suara Rohani 2019 - Manusia Telah Memperoleh Kembali Kekudusan Yang Pernah Mereka Miliki
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Simposium CenSAMM - Kerajaan Seribu Tahun: Bukan Misteri Lagi
Simposium CenSAMM - Kerajaan Seribu Tahun: Bukan Misteri Lagi 
Dari 28-29 Juni 2018, di Panacea Museum Gardens di Bedford, Inggris, Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM) mengadakan simposium tentang literatur apokaliptik, malapetaka terakhir, dan Kerajaan Seribu Tahun. Acara ini dihadiri oleh para ahli dan cendekiawan agama terkemuka seperti Christopher Rowland, Profesor Emeritus Dekan Irlandia dari Penafsiran Kitab Suci, Universitas Oxford, Massimo Introvigne, Direktur Pelaksana CESNUR, Pusat Studi tentang Agama Baru di Italia, dan Matthew Askey, seorang pendeta yang melayani di Katedral Southwell Minster di Nottinghamshire. Selama simposium, Profesor Introvigne menyampaikan ceramah berjudul "Membuat Film Zaman Kerajaan." Sebagian didasarkan pada drama musikal Gereja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa Umat Manusia Mendapatkan Kembali Kekudusan yang Pernah Mereka Miliki, ceramah yang menggairahkan dan menyegarkan ini memberikan penafsiran yang jelas tentang kemunculan Kerajaan Seribu Tahun (Milenium). 
Beberapa tahun terakhir telah terjadi bencana yang semakin parah di seluruh dunia. Dunia menjadi semakin kacau, tanda-tanda telah muncul di langit, dan semua nubuat Alkitab mulai menjadi kenyataan. Orang-orang merasakan adanya malapetaka yang akan terjadi, dan sebagian tidak dapat menahan diri untuk bertanya: Apakah bencana terakhir akan memusnahkan bumi? Di mana Kerajaan Seribu Tahun akan muncul? Dan siapa yang akan diperbolehkan masuk? Selama simposium, cendekiawan agama terkemuka internasional, Profesor Introvigne menyampaikan misteri yang diungkapkan oleh Kristus akhir zaman, Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa: Kerajaan Seribu Tahun (Kerajaan Kristus yang dinubuatkan dalam Kitab Wahyu di Alkitab) akan muncul di bumi setelah malapetaka besar. Bagi kita, seluruh umat manusia, ini adalah berita bagus! Itu karena malapetaka ini melibatkan nasib, kesudahan, dan tempat tujuan setiap kita!
Lagu Pujian "Kidung Kerajaan: Kerajaan Turun ke Bumi" Paduan Suara Berskala Besar
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Introvigne's silence on the most important "religious freedom" case in Italy
By Miguel Martinez November 29, 1998 Article source http://www.kelebekler.com/cesnur/txt/jw2.htm
At the beginning of November 1998, the most important event in recent years involving "religious minorities" took place in Italy. Twenty senators belonging to six parties of both the ruling centre-left coalition and the opposition presented an urgent request to the government [1] not to sign an "understanding" with the Jehovah's Witnesses, accused of "not being a religious confession, indeed actually being a business enterprise which has already swindled dozens of people".
The document says that «they are a cult [setta] which brainwashes [plagia] its members with subliminal messages, demands behaviour contrary to the law, puts its followers who do not obey on trial and gathers confidential information for purposes of blackmail.»
(Amedeo Cortese, "Una lobby cattolica contro i Testimoni di Geova", Il Messaggero, 15.11.98, p. 7.)
The attitude of Massimo Introvigne, the director of CESNUR, is interesting. One must remember that he:
has repeatedly upheld that Scientology should be recognised as a religion;
devoted the September CESNUR conference to the rights of "religious minorities";
criticises the use of the word "cult";
denies "brainwashing" exists;
claims that "behaviour contrary to the law" may be justified for religious reasons.
It should also be remembered that the Jehovah's Witnesses are the most important "religious minority" in Introvigne's own country (Muslims are more numerous than JW's, but they are nearly all foreign nationals). And never before has there has been such a serious conflict in this country about the recognition of a "new religion."
So one would expect Introvigne to react with even more passion than he did when some young Germans "threatened" not to go and see a film with Scientologist John Travolta as an actor. [2] At the time, he wrote:
«We urge the heads of the government at federal and state levels in Germany and Belgium, as well as all genuine friends of religious liberty, to take immediate action to ensure that this campaign of hate is stopped without delay.»
In the far more important case of the Italian Jehovah's Witnesses, however, Introvigne has kept silent, at least so far - seventeen days after the senators submitted their document. Of course he may well post a note on the issue (especially after we publish this essay), but we suspect that the language will be less emotional than it was when he was defending Scientology.
The reason is quite simple. Although there has been strong grass roots opposition from former members and relatives to recognition of the Jehovah's Witnesses, it is a fact that nearly all the senators who are opposing recognition of the Jehovah's Witnesses are closely connected to the Catholic Church. Not only: many belong to the CCD, the right-wing Catholic party. Now, Introvigne is a member of the board of this party, which must have conferred with him before taking this momentous decision in his very field. And before using words which Introvigne has spent years fighting against, such as "cult" and "brainwashing".
We are left wondering whether Introvigne will decided to stay on the right side of the Vatican by keeping silent, or will resign from his position in the CCD and take on the full defence of the Jehovah's Witnesses, in keeping with the ideas he expressed in September at the CESNUR conference on "religious minorities."
In either case, the outcome will be amusing.
Notes and sources below
[1] Parliamentary Question of November 12, 1998, signed by twenty italian senators: Bosi, Callegaro, Minardo, Giaretta, Zilio, Preioni, Diana Lino, D'Ali, Veraldi, Andreolli, Nava, Ragno, Cusimano, Marri, Bornacin, Fumagalli Carulli, Cimmino, Napoli Bruno, Serena and Dentamaro.
[2] See this appeal sent to German authorities on August 15, 1996, signed by directors of CESNUR Massimo Introvigne (Italy) and Rev. James Gordon Melton (USA).
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 8 years
Study: Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World
Study: Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World
Here’s a study you won’t find in any of the major-media headlines. According to the Director of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (Cesnur), Massimo Introvigne, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world, with over 90,000 Christians killed in 2016 alone.
Introvigne told Vatican Radio that there are nearly half a billion Christians who are unable to express or practice…
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xf-2 · 6 years
マルコ・レスピンティ(Marco Respinti)
Bitter Winterは2018年5月にコンテンツの配信を開始しているが、8月までには 中国共産党 から「国外の敵対的なウェブサイト」として標的にされた。私たちが、特定の宗教を信仰している、または少数民族であるという理由だけで、中国政府が大勢の人々を投獄し、教化し、苦痛を与え、拷問し、殺害までしているという現実を公表しているためだ。また、中国共産党はBitter Winterを「敵」と見なし、毛沢東 主席の有名な思想戦略である「1人に罰を与え、100人に教える」の名の下に「誰も真実を話してはならない」と脅しをかけ、Bitter Winterに対する「再教育」運動に着手した(毛沢東が本当にこの言葉を口にしたかに関しては疑問もあるが、文化大革命 期に、これを何度も実行に移したことは確かだ)。習近平 現国家主席は、毛沢東の偉大さに対抗しようと、1人ではなく、45人に罰を与えた。
45人というのは、2018年8月から12月にかけて中国共産党が逮捕したBitter Winterの記者と協力者の人数だ(実際には7月の時点で、既に逮捕者がでていた)。
中国本土で、共産党による 信教の自由 の弾圧および 人権 の侵害に関する出来事を撮影した、または、情報を集めたことが逮捕の理由であった。通常、記者らは拘留され、「国家機密の漏洩」や「国外勢力の侵入への加担」の疑いで取り調べを受ける。一部の記者は「法律学習所」に送られ、強制的な教化を受ける。また、拷問と虐待を受ける記者もいる。
逮捕に関する衝撃的なニュースは海外のメディアで何度も取り上げられた。その後、10を超えるNGOや団体の代表者が公の場で中国政府を問題視し、信教の自由の欧州異宗教間フォーラム(European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom)が提示した、敬意を表しながらも毅然とした内容の嘆願書に署名した。この団体はパリを拠点に活動し、フランスのサイエントロジー教会の代表者であるエリック・ルー(Eric Roux)氏が運営委員会の会長を務める。この嘆願書は2019年1月21日に以下の名に送られた。国連の信教の自由に関する特別報告者を務めるアフメド・シャヒード(Ahmed Shaheed)博士、欧州連合(EU)外務・安全保障政策上級代表のフェデリカ・モゲリーニ(Federica Mogherini)氏、欧州評議会の人権弁務官のドゥー­ニャ・ミヤトビッチ(Dunja Mijatović)氏、欧州連合人権特使を務めるスタヴロス・ランブリニディス(Stavros Lambrinidis)氏、宗教または信仰の自由のEU特使のヤン・フィゲル(Jan Figel)氏、意見と表現の自由の権利の推進と保護に関する国連特別報告者を務めるデビッド・ケイ(David Kaye)氏、欧州議会副議長であり、欧州連合の機能に関する条約の第17条の実行責任者であるマイレッド・マックギネス(Mairead McGuiness)氏、欧州議会にて宗教または信仰の自由に関するインターグループ(EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief)で共同議長を務める欧州議会議員のデニス・デ・ヨング(Denis De Jong)氏とピーター・ファン・ダレン(Peter Van Dalen)氏に送られた。
この嘆願書は「私たちは様々な宗教の団体であり、高度な多様性を象徴しているといえます。教義や政治に関して互いに合意する点はほとんどありませんが、全ての信仰および無神論における信教の自由の重要性は全員が同じ意見を持っています。信教の自由は文化を強化し、安定した民主社会、そして、市民社会や経済の成長および社会の調和を含む民主社会の基盤となる要素を提供します。そのため、宗教の過激主義を先制攻撃し、弱体化させる事ができるという意味で、テロリズムに対する究極の武器でもあるのです」と記している。さらに「一党独裁政権が何よりも恐れるもの、それは報道の自由です。一党独裁政権は、あらゆる手段を駆使して、自由な報道により、悪事が国際的に知られないようにする必要を理解しています」と続けている。こういった理由により、署名者は「民主主義体制のもとにある各国の政権、国際機関およびメディアに、恣意的に拘留されているBitter Winterの記者を速やかに開放し、人権および報道の自由に関して、自ら署名した国際協定に従うよう中国に呼び掛けること」を要請した。
逮捕されたBitter Winterの記者に対する懸念は、中国共産党総書記であり、中国の国家主席でもある習近平氏宛ての書簡のなかでも表されていた。この書簡は、中華人民共和国における全ての宗教の尊重および信教の自由を求めるものだ。これは、イタリアのローマを拠点に活動する信教の自由の欧州連盟(European Federation for Freedom of Belief)が2018年10月9日に立ち上げた新しい取り組みであり、10のNGOが署名した。なお、この団体の理事長を務めるのは人権派弁護士のアレッサンドロ A. アミカレッリ氏(Alessandro A. Amicarelli)である。
この書簡には次のようなことが記されいる「このような恐ろしい現実を明らかにする新聞記者や文化の擁護者らは、深刻な脅威に晒されています。例えば、2018年7月中旬には雑誌『Bitter Winter』の数名の記者と情報提供者が脅威に晒されました。[…]これは、人権侵害を堂々と批判した罪で「有罪」とされたこのメディアを黙らせるため、警察が特別に計画した捜査によるものです。[…]結局のところ、歴史に刻まれているように、宗教への暴力的な弾圧は、新しい劇的な社会の混乱、不安および争いが生まれていることを反映しているにすぎません」。だからこそ、「私たちは公に、この不寛容な姿勢と弾圧を今すぐにやめること、法の支配と憲法の施行が中華人民共和国にて完全に回復させること、[そして]、全ての市民と個人が、禁止されたり義務を押し付けられたりせず、宗教の活動を自由に行えることを望み、願い、要請します。[…]署名者らは、中華人民共和国で差別と偏見を助長させた可能性がある誤解を是正するため、国際人権法の規定からヒントを得た、そして、この分野で成し遂げた成功事例を基にした助言と指導を提供する用意があります」
Bitter Winterが情報を取得し、検証する方法
ということで、現状を鑑み、まずはBitter Winterの読者の方々に対して中国からニュースが届く仕組みを説明し、その後、逮捕された45人の記者の最新の消息を伝えたい。
一点目に関して、Bitter Winterの運営の仕組みを再度、説明することが重要と思われる。Bitter Winterはイタリアのトリノを拠点に活動する 新興宗教研究センター(Center for Studies on New Religions、以下 CESNUR)により創刊されたオンラインの雑誌である。この雑誌の編集主幹は、創設者でもあるマッシモ・イントロヴィーニャ(Massimo Introvigne)教授が務めている。イントロヴィーニャ教授は、国際的に知られるイタリアの宗教社会学者である。CESNURは世界中の少数派の宗教、とりわけ新宗教運動の諸団体への対応において30年の経験を持ち、中国本土および国外の中国人社会の広範なコネクションのネットワークを頼りにすることができる。Bitter Winterはこのネットワークを活用し、中国のニュース、写真および動画を密かに中国から仕入れるための安全なシステムを作り出した(ただし完全無欠ではない)。ジャーナリズムの専門的な訓練を受けている記者はほんの一握りであり、大半の記者はアマチュアだ。大方、私たちは記者の本名を知らず、仮名しか把握していない。私たちはニュースや素材が信頼に値することを2つの方法で確認している。まず、ほとんどの記者は私たちが知る宗教団体から紹介されている。そして、ニュースの正確さかどうか疑念を持ったときは、中国国外の関連する団体の力を借り、確認するようにしている。例えば、新疆ウイグル自治区 に関するニュースは、世界ウイグル会議 やその他の欧米の ウイグル人 の団体に確認を行う。配信されないニュースもある。
新疆 ウイグル 自治区 では22人が逮捕され、そのうちの4人しか釈放されていない。その他の18人の具体的な状況は不明であり、居場所さえも分からない記者もいる。
中国東部の浙江 省 では3人の記者が逮捕された。1人は強制的な教化を経て、既に釈放されている。別の記者はホテルに連行され、教化を受けているが、その期間がどれほどになるかは不明だ。もう一人の記者は13日にわたって拘留された後、釈放された。
中国南東部の福建省では4人の記者が逮捕された。1人は33日間の拘留後に釈放された。別の記者は1ヵ月に渡り拘留された後に釈放された。残りの2人の記者はホテルで強制的な教化を受けた。この2人の記者は「第一レベル」の容疑者に分類され、家族との面会を禁じられている。現在も拘留中であり、うち1人は拷問を受けたという報告を得ている。2018年のバチカンと中国間の合意 に否定的なカトリックの司祭に関する資料を送っていたため、特に危険と判断されたのではないかと私たちは考えている。
中国中央部の河南省では、十字架が破壊される模様を写真および動画に撮ったとして12人の記者が逮捕され、その後、全員釈放された。警察は記者らがBitter Winterに資料を送った証拠を見つけることができなかった。
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russianjw · 1 year
Свобода вероисповедания, эксперт Ди Марцио: "Хорошо, Мелони, но в Италии есть второсортные религии"
В Италии есть некоторые религии, которые, по-видимому, считаются "второго сорта", потому что их не признали, даже если они просили об этом. А предложение Томмазо Фоти (Fdi) против мечетей направлено в сторону дискриминации
РИМ – “Очень позитивно и прекрасно, что Джорджия Мелони подтвердила важность свободы вероисповедания как неотъемлемого права и что она сказала, что даже молчание об отказе в этой свободе равносильно соучастию в ней, потому что все нарушения должны быть осуждены без страха. Он также подтвердил, что Италия стремится воплотить это в реальность, напомнив, что правительство выделило 10 миллионов евро преследуемым христианским меньшинствам, особенно в Сирии, Нигерии и Пакистане, но ситуация в Италии такова, что в стране действует закон времен Муссолини, в котором существуют религии серий A и D, и это неприемлемо для демократической страны“. Рафаэлла Ди Марцио, эксперт по религиозным вопросам и директор исследовательского центра Lirec, резко комментирует фразы, которые премьер-министр Джорджия Мелони, посвящается важности религиозных убеждений по случаю презентации XVI издания Доклада о свободе вероисповедания в мире.
Ученый, психолог религий, также высоко ценит фразы, посвященные идентичности веры и культуры, которые не препятствуют диалогу с другими, но "в Италии замалчивают не христиан-католиков, а меньшинства". и президент Совета является президентом всех, мы находимся в светском государстве, где права других религий также защищаются в рамках Конституции, даже если они не нравятся католикам”.
А недавний законопроект коллеги Мелони по партии Томмазо Фоти, также известный как "закон против мечетей", по мнению Ди Марцио, похоже, дезавуирует принципы, провозглашенные премьер-министром: "У нас все еще есть религии серии А с католической церковью". у которых есть Конкордат, затем есть группы серии B, у которых есть соглашение, затем группы серии C, которые не получают соглашения, несмотря на то, что просили об этом, и, наконец, группы Серии D, которые не намерены запрашивать соглашение. Группы серий C и D являются наиболее дискриминируемыми. Та пирамида важности и привилегий, - подчеркивает эксперт, - о которой непонятно почему, существовать не может. Среди них Свидетели Иеговы, также признанные религиозными организациями, у которых никогда не было соглашения, несмотря на то, что они просили об этом десятилетия назад, и мусульмане". Причина, подчеркивает Ди Марцио, не понятна. Он напоминает, что ЕСПЧ, в частности, в связи с преследованиями Свидетелей Иеговы в России, назначил компенсацию в размере 60 миллионов евро, и есть много итальянцев - 420 000, по данным Cesnur, - исповедующих эту веру, которые фактически невидимы. Мелони также является его президентом. И, в конце концов, даже для мусульман, всегда сталкивающихся с проблемой безопасности и плохим отношением к терроризму, не существует "рамочного закона о местах отправления культа, о котором мы всегда просили". - ссылается директор Лиречче, - который может регулировать эти места, также полезные для обеспечения безопасности". Не взаимопонимание и не конкордат предотвращают преступления: просто подумайте о трагедии педофилии в католических молельнях.
По словам Чеснура, в Италии насчитывается 528 000 граждан мусульманского вероисповедания и более миллиона, если принять во внимание неитальянских мусульман: куда они ходят молиться? Как мы можем приветствовать всех вас в Риме в большой мечети каждую пятницу?", - иронично спрашивает Ди Марцио, вспоминая протест 2016 года, когда муниципалитет Рима закрыл эти мечети, "родившиеся в частных помещениях", и люди вышли на улицы помолиться. Кроме того, “мир мусульманской веры разнообразен, внутри тех же шиитов и суннитов существует множество общин, это несопоставимо с католической”.
По всем этим причинам законопроект материнской компании IDF, Томмазо Фоти, который предлагает поправку к статье 71 Кодекса третьего сектора, устанавливающую исключение концессий в области городского планирования для ассоциаций, которые проводят религиозную деятельность в помещениях без соглашения, продолжает наносить удар по меньшинствам: мусульманам, но также Иегова, например. "Объединенная оппозиция, в том числе "Форца Италия", выступила против этого, предложив провести слушания общинам и мэрам, - указывает Ди Марцио, - но они предприняли еще одну попытку после принятия закона в Ломбардии, который затем был объявлен неконституционным".
“Именно эта ситуация вызывает отвращение у тех, кто не испытывает отвращения к учреждениям и просит только о праве иметь место для молитвы”, - предупреждает эксперт, который напоминает о важности наличия “национального закона, который в конечном счете дает префекту инструмент для объяснения причин закрытия места отправления культа, мечети сегодня не существует". Потому что эти места отправления культа официально не существуют. Но свобода вероисповедания - это не второсортное право, и на этот раз об этом заявил премьер-министр.
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tvdas · 2 years
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India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
ISKCON in Bangladesh: Violence Continues by Massimo Introvigne Attacks against temples and murders of devotees are the products not of local mobs only: Some political forces believe they can benefit from the violent attacks. from BITTER WINTER: A MAGAZINE ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY AND HUMAN RIGHTS
Massimo Introvigne is an Italian sociologist of religions. He is the founder and managing director of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), an international network of scholars who study new religious movements.
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Sun Myung Moon’s ‘Autobiography’ challenged for truthfulness and identity position
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This paper was presented at the CESNUR 2011 International Conference in Danshui, Taiwan.
An autobiography might be challenged on two different grounds: one might question the veracity of the material, or one might question whether the author’s identity position is a valid one, and whether there might be other more appropriate ways of viewing the narrator’s life.
What I want to show is how Sun Myung Moon’s As a Peace-loving Global Citizen (2010) can be challenged on both grounds.
Read the review:  http://www.cesnur.org/2011/dan-chryssides2.pdf
See the ‘Autobiography’ page 66: Sun Myung Moon went to a Technical High School in Tokyo. He never went to Waseda University or any other university. His name was nowhere to be found on the Waseda University student roll.
Michael Breen: “Classes at the technical high school [in Tokyo] were in the evenings between 6:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. which left him free during the daytime.” Sun Myung Moon, the early years (page 58)
Moon fraud: ‘Autobiography’ buying-up fund in Korea exceeded 2 billion won (about 200 million yen)
Here is how the FFWPU described the “Moon Autobiography” operation in Korea at the time.
Publisher of Moon’s Autobiography in Korea jailed for 4 years for corruption.
It seems the manufacture of Moon’s Autobiography was a last desperate attempt to promote Moon for the Nobel Peace Prize.
“책사재기에만 비자금 20억원 사용” 출판계, 부끄러운 민낯을 드러내다
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walkonbrightway · 6 years
Eastern Light | The Church of Almighty God Attracts Much Attention at Turin Interfaith Music Festival
Eastern Light | The Church of Almighty God Attracts Much Attention at Turin Interfaith Music Festival
On May 10, 2018, FAITHS IN TUNE Interfaith Music Festival got off to a great start at the Royal Club in Turin, Italy. The music festival lasted for five days and was co-sponsored by the German founding organization of FAITHS IN TUNE, COEXIST Music & Events e.Kfr, along with the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), the Osservatorio sul Pluralismo Religioso of Turin, the International…
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