wowieeitsisa · 7 months
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Concepting (many MANY ideas)
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yippeeometer · 2 days
hey :D your blog is fun. if you're up for it, can you please give us some four corners hcs? because your thoughts about them are brilliant I think :3
utah interacts with arizona like your great aunt having the concept of 'rizz' explained to her.
'-and so the group leader' 'is he your friend?' 'no, its the tiktok rizz party, listen!'
contrary to popular belief, it is actually very possible to die from second hand embarrassment. it happens to nevada every time he sees this circus show up in their 'best' outfits (rado hasn't bought any new clothes since 1984, ari believes socks and sandals are completely acceptable, new mex wears meme shirts only, and utah dresses business casual by default)
oh the phone situation is such a nightmare. its suuuuccchhhh a nightmare. ari can't go five minutes w/o having to tell someone every detail of what he's currently doing. new mex is banned from most public forums for causing recipe related carnage and they have to communicate through the lost art of Wikipedia article editing. utah gets kicked from chats for his minion memes that he unironically loves. rado calls them at 3Am going 'EMERGENCY OMG EMERGENCY' and the emergency is that he's just seen a slightly larger than average carrot at the store
the unfortunate thing about knowing people for hundreds of years is that they probably remember all your worst fashion decisions. colorado has strict instructions that if he ever falls in a coma, someone must whisper in his ear 'new mex's goatee phase' bc he'll immediately wake up to laugh
they try and have cooking competitions, however, their two judges utah, (hates chili) and ari (tastebuds so screwed he could eat dirt and not notice) severely reduce their ability of determining a real winner.
the reason why their hangouts last days, weeks even, is because they're waiting for rado's thoughts to kick in so he can have his one actual idea of the year. its a momentous occasion.
wow sleepovers with them are so fun! (new mex is at permanent risk of frostbite he lives with BLANKET HOGS)
having loserocre cringefail friends has been incredibly bad for utah's personal smugness. he has a wife and children. arizona does 'science experiments' featuring the statehouse microwave and forks.
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gethomeschoolnow · 2 years
Which Is Better: Homeschooling Or A Face-To-Face Education?
There are pros and cons to both home schooling and face-to-face education. It really depends on the individual child and family as to which will work better. Some families prefer Nevada home schooling because it allows them to customise their child's education more, instilling their own values and beliefs. Other families find that a traditional school setting works better for their children, providing structure and social interaction that they might not get at home.
When it comes to education, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every child is different, and each family has unique needs and preferences. Some children thrive in a traditional school setting, while others do better when they are homeschooled. There is no right or wrong answer, but there are some important factors to consider when making the decision.
Accredited homeschool programs in Nevada allow children to learn at their own pace. If a child is struggling with a particular concept, they can receive extra help from their parents or take additional time to master the material. This can be beneficial for children who learn best through hands-on experience or who need more time to process information. Additionally, homeschooled children often have more flexible schedules, which can be helpful for families with challenging work schedules or extracurricular commitments.
On the other hand, some families prefer the structure and social interaction of a traditional school setting. In a school, children are exposed to a variety of subjects and opinions, which can help them develop critical thinking skills. They also have the opportunity to interact with their peers on a daily basis, which can be beneficial for social development. Additionally, schools provide opportunities for extracurricular activities, such as sports and clubs, which can help children explore their interests and connect with others who share their passions.
Some parents choose to homeschool their children because they feel they can provide a more customised education. They can pick and choose which subjects their children will study, and they can tailor the curriculum to their child's individual needs and interests. They also have the flexibility to take breaks whenever they want and go at their own pace. Homeschooling can be a great option for families who travel frequently or whose schedules are very unpredictable.
Traditional schools offer a more structured environment, with set class times and a curriculum that all students must follow. This can be beneficial for children who need more structure in their lives or who benefit from being around other kids their age. Traditional schools also offer extracurricular activities and social opportunities that homeschooled children may miss out on. However, traditional schools can also be very competitive and stressful, and some children may feel like they are not able to keep up.
There is no easy answer as to which type of education is best. It really depends on the individual child and family and what will work best for them. Some families find that homeschooling works well for their children, while others prefer a traditional school setting.
Accredited homeschool programs in Nevada can have their benefits, such as allowing parents more control over the curriculum. On the other hand, face-to-face education can be expensive and time-consuming, and it may not always offer the best learning environment for every child. Ultimately, the decision on which option is best depends on the individual child and family.
Source URL: https://gethomeschoolnow.com/blog/which-is-better-homeschooling-or-a-face-to-face-education/
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gethomeschoolnow · 2 years
What Is The Concept Of Home Schooling?
Home schooling is an educational option in which parents choose to educate their children at home, instead of sending them to a public or private school. Nevada Homeschooling Programs can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both parents and children, but it does require a significant amount of planning and organization. There are a few different approaches to home schooling, so parents should research different methods before deciding which one is right for their family. Home schooling can provide children with a customized education that meets their individual needs, but it is important to make sure that the child is receiving a well-rounded education. Parents should also be prepared to deal with socialization issues, as home-schooled children may not have the same opportunities to interact with their peers as children who attend traditional schools. Overall, home schooling can be a great option for families who are willing to put in the time and effort required to make it work.
One of the most beneficial aspects of homeschooling is one-on-one instruction. Smaller class sizes and more individualized attention from teachers are often cited as reasons why private schools outperform public schools. When you homeschool your child, they receive one-on-one instruction 100% of the time. This allows you to tailor the curriculum to their specific strengths and weaknesses and ensure that they are truly mastering the material.
In homeschool you have a more direct role on your child’s daily learning. You may be more hands-on with teaching methods, curriculum development, and even in the field of extracurricular activities. You can also better monitor your child’s progress and ensure that he or she is getting the most out of his or her education.
Is homeschooling better for mental health?
We know that homeschooling can have a lot of benefits, but what about the impact on mental health? Some people worry that homeschooling might be isolating for children and could lead to social anxiety or other mental health issues. However, there is no evidence to suggest that homeschooling has a negative impact on mental health. In fact, some research suggests that homeschooled children may be less likely to experience anxiety and depression than their peers who attend traditional schools. This could be due to the fact that homeschooled children often have a stronger sense of family connectedness and support from their parents. In Accredited Homeschool Programs in Nevada children typically have more control over their environment and daily schedule, which can help reduce stress levels. Overall, homeschooling appears to be a safe and healthy option for children, as long as parents take the time to create a supportive and nurturing environment.
If you are still on the fence about homeschooling, hopefully this article has helped to sway your opinion. Homeschooling can be a great choice for children who need more one-on-one attention or who struggle in a traditional school setting. Nevada is a great state to homeschool in, with plenty of resources and support available. Contact us if you have any questions about getting started with Homeschooling in Nevada!
Source URL : https://gethomeschoolnow.com/blog/what-is-the-concept-of-home-schooling/
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