#++ he’s not friendly like Chainsaw he just smiles a lot
wowieeitsisa · 10 months
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Concepting (many MANY ideas)
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 7 months
What do we think about a enimies to lovers / academic rivals with Jeongin?? But It ends good.. Ive been thinking about and It cant get out of my mind
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𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫
Pairing: college student!Jeongin x fem!reader Word count: 2.8k Genre: Fluff 🥰💖 >.> in a sense & Smut 🔥❤️ Warning: enemies to lovers >.>, they in college don't be stupid use protection, use of y/n with you/your, baby bread is jealous, i think i got it all??
A/N: IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG, theres a lot to go through in my requests and my computer wasn't working yesterday so I'll try my best to get all the requests out soon. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! - Khxndle
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"I can do better." were the words you had grown to dread over the years you'd known Yang Jeongin. It went all the way back to the third grade when you were top of your class, and then Jeongin appeared, and just like that, he was the "smart kid." It wasn't bad necessarily, you had someone to talk to about school, someone who understood, until it was bad, and Yang Jeongin drifted away from you in middle school. That wasn't when you started hating him though, it was that spelling bee of 8th grade year, you were so close, he swore to you it was an "I", it was a "Y" and you blew the competition.
"Bradykinesia." The teacher at the table asked you.
"Definition?" You asked.
"Slower or difficulty moving the limbs."
"Bradykinesia... B-R-A-D-I-K-I-N-E-S-I-A. Bradykinesia."
"Incorrect. Yang Jeongin?"
He smiled, his thin eyes crinkling. "Bradykinesia. B-R-A-D-Y-K-I-N-E-S-I-A. Bradykinesia."
Your eyes widened as you turned to look at Jeongin.
"Correct. Yang Jeongin will continue to the district competition."
You never really spoke to Jeongin after that.
You sighed deeply as you walked into you literature class, second year of college, it had been about four years since you had last seen Jeongin and even longer since you had a friendly interaction. As you sat down and the seats began to fill in the classroom you scanned the room for a bit. The sound of a notebook slamming down to your right made you jump, you turned to see a very cute boy with light brown hair and chubby cheeks.
"Oh, did I startle you?" He laughed lightly. "Sorry." He sat beside you, "I'm Jisung."
You nodded with a small smile, "y/n."
Jisung smiled brightly past you, "Jeongi-"
Your jaw dropped, Yang Jeongin stood at the door, he fixed his glasses and looked at you. "l/n y/n..." He smiled at you with all the care a chainsaw had to wood.
Jisung looked between you and Jeongin. "You know each other?"
Jeongin smiled as he sat on the other side of Jisung, "I know her very well."
It had been several weeks since the start of your literature class with Jeongin, and he was relentless. If you answered incorrectly, he was the first to correct you before the teacher could even say you were wrong, during learning games, it was always him a few points behind you, only to answer the final question faster just to watch your face fall as you placed 2nd. Jisung noticed after a while and asked what the problem was only for Jeongin to reply with a "She's the problem." and you to reply with a "The idiot to your right."
As if your life couldn't get any worse, Jeongin had a wondrous looking 98% on his 6th week report while you had a 97%.
"I can do better, I gave you ample room to pass me." he teased as he waved the paper in your face.
Jisung smiled sheepishly, showing his 74%.
You collected your things and checked your watch.
"Where are you going?" Jisung asked.
"Study date." You said.
"With who?" Jeongin raised a brow.
"Christopher from the theatre department." You picked up your bag.
"Does he even-" Jeongin started.
"He did literature last semester." you smiled. "Plus he's cute."
Jisung bounced his eyebrows comically.
Jeongin bit his lip. "Hm. Okay."
"Anyways, bye bye."
Jeongin looked at the desk for a minute, he could do better than Chris to help you study, who was Christopher anyway?
"Jeongin..." Jisung leaned in and smirked. "I smell the bitter scent of jealousy..."
"You're mad she's going to ask Christopher for help studying,"
"What? No." Jeongin replied quickly,
"Why not just offer to help her?" Jisung tilted his head.
"Who in their right mind helps their rival?" Jeongin grabbed his things and started leaving.
"You know I'm right!" Jisung shouted after him.
"Nuh uh!" Jeongin shouted back.
Come the 12th week check, you and Jeongin were tied. He bristled as you proudly announced your 98% during lunch break, his grade hadn't changed.
"It's thanks to Chan." You smiled to yourself.
"Who is Chan?" Jeongin's brows furrowed.
"Christopher." Jisung said sipping his coffee.
"When did you start calling him Chan?" Jeongin stared at you.
"When did it become your business?" You shot back.
He sucked in a breath and huffed out hopelessly. It wasn't his business, but it bothered him that you were relying on some theatre major.
"Y'know, frat boys are having a party next weekend." Jisung looked at you, "Of course, being the such good friends, Chris and Felix are, I'm sure he's going."
You shrugged. "Don't have time for fra-" Your phone buzzed and you looked at it.
Channie😵‍💫 01:37pm My friend is gonna have a party, be my plus one?
You looked at Jisung. "I might just have time."
Jeongin glanced at your phone and his fist clenched. "I'm going." he said and looked at Jisung.
"Oh my!" Jisung smirked.
"Shut it." You rolled your eyes and smiled at your phone.
"You ready for the test tomorrow?" Jeongin nudged Jisung.
"What test?!" He practically shrieked.
"It's a miracle you have a C." You sighed.
"OH HELP ME STUDY!" He started pulling out books and vocabulary sheets.
"I'll he-" You started.
"Jisung, let me help you, I know the material better." Jeongin smiled at you.
You narrowed your eyes and looked at your phone, quickly replying to Chan:
You 01:43pm Sure :)
The test the following day was difficult, you even saw Jeongin looking confused, but you somehow finished with a 86%. As the students filed out of the class with the lunch bell you sighed.
Jeongin looked over your shoulder, "There isn't ever going to be a day you pass me is there?" He smirked.
You wanted to smack him. "I didn't study as much as I should've."
Jeongin's brows furrowed. "What were you doing with Chri-"
"As I said before, he's cute." You shoved the test into your bag and stood, Jeongin looked at you and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.
You looked at him waiting for him to say anything and when he didn't you made a face and left him alone in the classroom. It was when he saw you joining the well built man with dark hair and that stupidly charming accent in the hallway, he knew he was screwed.
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It was the night before the party and you were knee deep in clothes from your closet, searching for an outfit, any outfit.
"You could just go in jeans and tee." Jisung said from where he lie on his stomach on your bed in your apartment, looking up from his phone and kicking his legs.
"You could just look more masculine." You teased, intentionally throwing a hoodie over your shoulder to hit his face.
"Hey!" His eyes narrowed and you chuckled softly. He looked at his phone again and sat up, "I have to go."
"Already? You just got here." You glared at your friend. "Who's gonna help me pick an outfit!?"
"Ask Hyunjin," he sighed, "I have to go see Minho anyway."
"Why?" You raised a brow.
"Who's gonna help me pick an outfit!?" he retorted.
You threw another hoodie at him as he left. You sat on your bed and picked up your phone about to text, Hyunjin to come over when you heard a knock at your door.
You groaned thinking Jisung must've forgotten something, another knock. Who was at your door at 11pm on a Friday without texting you first? "I'm coming!" You shouted as you walked to the door.
You opened it and made a face at the man at the door, his eyes met yours and you started to close the door.
He put his foot between the door and the doorframe. "Can I talk to you?" Jeongin sighed.
"Sure let's talk." You opened the door and pulled out your phone scrolling for Jisung's contact.
He grabbed your phone. "Can you not talk to me without Jisung keeping the peace?"
"I'm being peaceful." You huffed grabbing for your phone.
"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked, holding the phone out of your reach.
"Is that even a question?" You jumped for your phone and he somehow managed to push you back into your apartment, closing the door behind him and keeping you from stumbling.
He stared down at you. "Is it that I have a better grade than you now?"
You pulled away and tried to get your phone again. "No."
"Is it that I annoy you too often?" He held the phone between two fingers as far away from you as he could.
"No." You jumped for it and he grabbed your hand.
"Is it that I'm always in your business?"
"Ooh!" You mocked shock, "You're getting warmer." You said rolling your eyes.
He made a face. "You can't seriously still be on about what happened in middle schoo-"
"So what if I am?!" You snapped.
"It was years ago, what are you five?!" He shouted.
"You know wha-" You started. "Wait! How the hell did you get my addre-" You remembered how quickly Jisung had insisted on leaving. "JISUNG IS IN ON THIS!"
"Listen." Jeongin sighed. "Let me explain."
"What is there to explain?" You stared at him condescendingly, "That you love comparing yourself to me because I'm not as smart as you? That you were so desperate to be "the smartest" that you just had to lie to me and make me look like an idiot? That you just hate the fact that I'm so close to passing you after trying so hard?! No! I know, you really hate the fact that I'm not acting like everyone else and asking you to help me in litera-"
"Yes!" Jeongin yelled. "Why are you going to Christopher as if I can't help you?!"
"Why am I OBLIGATED to ask you for help!?"
"Because-" He hesitated and closed his mouth, breathing deeply for a moment. "Forget it."
"What?" You stared at him.
"I said 'forget it'." He handed you your phone.
You stared at the defeated look on his face and opened your mouth to say something.
He moved for the door before you could get the words out and you grabbed his arm. "Tell me."
He turned to look at you.
You felt your face getting hot as he spoke.
"Don't go with Chris."
"Why?" You muttered, taking a step back.
"If I tell you, will you still go?" He took a step toward you.
"Why?" You asked more persistent than before.
"Because I don't want you too." He whispered, walking closer.
You took another step back and you felt the wall against you back and tensed. "Why?"
"I don't want you to get involved with frats at all." Jeongin rested his hand on the wall beside your head. "I would prefer you sit and read "Things Fall Apart" with me. I would prefer you tell me about your day like you did in elementary school. I would prefer you talk to me, let me explain myself." He looked into your eyes. "I don't want you to get involved with those frats because I want you for myself."
You stared at him with wide eyes.
"I hate it that you would trust Christopher over me. I hate it that you would consider asking someone for help before me." He bit his lip. "Because I like you, I don't want you to be with anyone else."
You opened your mouth to speak.
"No, I'm not finished." He shushed you. "I was stupid in middle school, I was dumber in high school. But I want to try for you, because I know I can do better. I want you to be with me. I want to prove to you I can do better than Chri-"
His eyes widened as you kissed him gently. "You talk too much."
His cheeks went red. "I-"
You raised a brow. "What? I thought you were going to prove you were better than Chan."
Jeongin smiled and kissed you again. "I'm going to prove it. Let me enjoy myself for a minute."
You giggled as he peppered kisses all over you cheeks.
"I'm sorry for how much of an ass I've been."
"Prove it." You said looking up into his eyes.
Your heart skipped a beat at the sly grin on his face, "Come here." He swept you off your feet, "Where's your room?"
"First door on the left.." You whispered.
He carried you in and threw you gently onto the bed before climbing over you. "You're really pretty, you know that?"
You blushed as he leaned down and kissed you deeply, his tongue wrestling with yours before he finally gained entrance to your mouth, groaning softly at the taste of you. His lips moved from yours to your jaw where he bit gently.
You gasped softly.
He smiled against your skin and sat up, tugging at your shirt. "Can I take this off?"
You nodded and looked away as he removed the shirt. "Take off yours?" You gave him the most innocent doll eyes, he rolled his eyes and removed his shirt, before kissing your collar and chest, you squeezed your thighs together at the feeling.
His hands moved behind you. "Up please."
You lifted up a little and he quickly removed your bra, lowering you back down slowly, he took a moment to admire your chest before kissing your breast and working his way to your nipple before taking it into his mouth. You whimpered as he sucked at it, rolling the other between his fingers before switching. He smiled as he saw the way you rubbed your thighs together.
"Up." He grabbed the waistband of your pants as you lifted your hips and pulled them off your legs. He smirked down at you, "Chan ever see you like this?"
"N-no..." You stuttered, covering your mouth.
"Good." He sat got on his knees to admire your pantie clad sex for a moment, looking at the wet spot. "He doesn't ever get to see this, okay?" Jeongin looked at you.
"Okay." You nodded.
He smiled. "Take this off." He tugged at your underwear and you moved to help him remove it. He didn't give you a moment to prepare yourself before his mouth was on you, licking wide stripes of your cunt. You moaned and grabbed his hair. He hummed contentedly into you, the vibrations send sparks through you. He grabbed your thighs and kept them open as he started sucking at you clit, his eyes flicking up to see your face every few moments. He pushed a finger into you.
"Jeongin! Innie!" You squealed tugging at his hair. He moved his finger slowly and tentatively added a second
You moaned and squirmed. His mouth on your clit and his fingers was too much. "I'm going to-"
He pulled away. "No."
You whined. "Why would you do that?!"
"Wanted you to come on me, not in my mouth." He stood again and removed his pants.
Your already red face went redder as he moved over you.
He kissed your cheek gently. "I wanted you for so long..."
"You have me, what are you waiting for?" you muttered, looking down at him, he was decently thick, but he looked so long you felt your stomach turn.
"Oh, nothing." He leaned down to breathe in your ear. "Stop looking at my dick like you want to eat it or I might just make you."
You blushed furiously, "Yang Je-" You moaned, eyes fluttering shut as he pushed into you.
He groaned softly into your neck, "So tight. I'm going to cum if I move..."
"Move." You hissed, opening your eyes to glare at him.
He sucked in a breathe before propping himself up on his elbows. He gave an experimental thrust and smiled as you moaned and wrapped your arms around him. He pulled out again and thrust into you a few more times, before he began moving into you confidently, kissing your throat and muttering sweet nothings into your ear.
"Chan can't do this can he?" He muttered against your lips before kissing you.
You moaned and nodded.
"Only I can make you look like this." He pulled back and gripped your hips, fucking into you harder. "You're not going to the party anymore?"
You shake your head, "N-no, I w-won't go."
He hummed happily and slammed into you faster.
"Innie! Innie! I'm coming!" You gasped out.
"Shit!" He moaned as his hips stuttered. "Can I come inside?"
You nodded mindlessly. "Come inside!"
"I love you." He whispered in your ear, he rubbed your clit and forced you over the edge, you moaned loudly as your walls pulsed around him, nails digging into his back. Jeongin followed close behind, he bit your shoulder to muffle his cry as he came inside you, his hips canting slowly before he fell onto you.
You held him for a moment and whispered. "I love you too."
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capybonara · 2 months
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I come with more Sardon doodles because I wanna talk more about him and I'm having so much fun drawing these guys (you gotta be the cheerleader for your OCs!)
As stated in a previous post, hes the largest and oldest sibling out of six (Cironus, Kaska and three unnamed siblings). He's based off the wild orca who goes by Chainsaw due to the unique scarring on the dorsal fin!
Unlike Cironus and Kaska who are bards, Sardon is an orca pugilist! Orca's hunt by causing blunt force trauma on their prey so basically Sardon just solves most things with his fists! As I write this I missed the opportunity to make a Shoryuken joke with him hunting the lizalfos OH WELL
I also mentioned that I'd like to pair him up AND give him friends in general! This may or may not be an excuse to draw people's ocs and be part of a community again. People asked what his type is so allow me to info dump BELOW A CUT
Sardon was a runt when he was a child but his mother, aunts, and grandmother protected him and kept him well fed. As he grew he became very rowdy, as a way to fight back from being picked on and to establish a position among his peers. When he was big enough, he found he enjoyed fighting/hunting monsters and then it kind of became a job for him. In a similar way that Kaska visits kingdoms and areas to see if they're welcome to stick around, Sardon goes around areas where his family plan to rest at and clears out any monsters.
Bloon Moon events are something he looks forward too because it means he can go hunting all over again!
But despite his job and rough childhood, Sardon is usually very quiet and reserved. His size and scars tend to have people make assumptions about his personality and so they steer clear. He's a bit jealous of the way Cironus and Kaska can make friends so easily, and it's why he likes hanging out with them so much. Their presence makes him look slightly less intimidating and he may be picking up pointers on how to socialize.
He's very supportive of their endeavors, and he's an excellent listener. When he's not picking fights, he'll be babysitting the young orca children and letting them talk his ear off. He's playing wingman to Cironus, getting lost in discussions with Kaska regarding kingdom politics. Sometimes they need an extra voice for their music and while Sardon doesn't play an instrument, he has a beautiful baritone!
When it comes to courtship, he's been extremely awkward so he gave up for a while and focused on his monster hunting work. He's been pressured by his mother and grandmother about courting since Sardon was a prime candidate for siring more healthy orca children. There isn't much prejudice against seeing those from other races among the zorca, but he knew it had to do with being a first born son.
Still, the idea of companionship is appealing. He has an appreciation for all races in Hyrule, and the same goes for his romantic preferences. He's more familiar with zora because of his family travels but he's run into others on land enough to have a respect for them.
When he's accompanying Cironus or Kaska, they help lower his defenses; he smiles more, he's making jokes with them, and he's able to read the cues from his siblings on who is friendly or not. But he knows he can't always tag along with his siblings and use them as a buffer.
When he's on his own, he tends to freeze when he encounters others, either in water or on land, and he's at a loss for words. To anyone else, he looks like a monster himself. And it eats him up inside because deep down he still sees himself as a trembling orca child. And he questions himself a lot. Did anything about him really change for the better? First being seen as a sardine to something considerably worse 😭
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violetarks · 2 years
hey! could I please request fem relationship headcanons with angel devil with a half devil half human s/o? <3
"you are more beautiful by far..."
anime: chainsaw man
character: angel devil
summary: how he would be in a relationship with a hybrid devil.
warnings: afab! reader, she/her pronouns, second person pov, headcanons
there are two ways you are meeting
one: you work with the public safety division, and you met him when your work first got him under their control
two: you were captured by the public safety division and met him through your first day under makima's watch
but either way, you're getting close to angel and he isn't really complaining
okay maybe he did
the first time
you were working together to capture another devil, and you just didn't seem as enthusiastic to be doing such a thing
he was annoyed that you were taking about him rather than actually working to finish the job
but you were strong, and he could give it to you, you were also pretty funny at times
maybe that's why he decided to give you a chance
he'll never know why he started liking you so much
you were just so sweet and oh so charming and he had to try pretty hard not to show any interest in whatever you were saying
him hiding a smile behind his hand as he listens to you compliment his wings, offering to help get the twigs out after the job was done
angel turning his head so you didn't see the faint blush on his cheeks after you had given him the bed for the night, just out of the goodness of your heart
once, you told him he looked pretty and he asked why you thought so and you shrugged
he made sure to stay five feet away from you so you didn't see the dumb smile on his lips
there's a chance that you two met before you became a hybrid
he would have to get used to this change
maybe your personality shifts, or you start to view things differently, he would notice
asks every few days if you're feeling okay during the change
if you say you're feeling fine, then angel is glad that you don't feel pressured
he enjoys your attitude most days
you can be carefree, or cautious to the point where angel is glad you're able to spot every single detail
if you admit that you don't feel okay, then he's sitting next to you and listening
he's not able to say much, but you enjoy his company, as you've stated plenty of times
so he knows that just sitting here beside you is enough to make you feel even just a bit better
missions would be rather hard to focus during
you like talking to angel any chance you get, just to have a conversation or a reason to be so close to him
but depending on the person, that could change
if you're both partnered with someone like makima, then you're keeping your words to a minimum
angel thinks its strange how little you talk around her
but as soon as she's let the two of you go for the day, you're chatting away
he'll admit, it was a good refresher, hearing your voice
thinks your voice calms him down, even if he isn't a very violent person because of his power
being partnered with people who talk as much as you, like himeno or power, leads to angel mostly listening to you two speak or simply standing in between you both so he can 'feel' a part of the conversation
include him when you notice he's staring at the ground, or his wings begin to furl
having being monitored by aki, kobeni and/or denji is either a hit or miss
they might dial down the conversation or make it even longer
either way, angel gets a little annoyed with how they interact with you
could be too friendly for his liking, or they dismiss you so many times that you just decide not to speak
he recognises your strength, so he can't help but get a little distracted when you're fighting alongside each other
tho he gets jealous a lot through work
you're helping kobeni and carrying her to safety, and angel is behind you grumbling curses
sidenote: only jealous with how many times you've had to save her, both in and out of your devil form, and she's just a shy damsel in distress, it would be rude not to save her, right? angel sometimes wishes kobeni had stayed home for the day
you pushed aki or denji out of the way of danger, angel stepping to the side and saying it was easy to avoid
aki or denji will regard you with a thank you and angel seethes
he generally feels this way because he can't touch you
really wants to, you look so warm and you say your hands are cold, and all he can do is offer some gloves
that's the main thing he struggles with
wants nothing more than to hold your hand
you had tackled denji out of the way of falling debris when he was low on blood, and angel heard from him that you were very warm
angel: "really?"
denji: "yeah, 's like fire"
angel: "oh"
denji: "she's kinda' always warm, you can feel it when she's standing right next to you"
angel: "okay"
denji: "'s a shame, ain't it?"
angel: "shut up"
he longs to hold you, wants to know what its like to touch you skin to skin
the most that has happened is you bought some gloves to hold hands with him
always wearing a large sweater to hug him
you kiss over his clothes
shoulder, wrist, anywhere covered
he thinks you do it bc you know he hates not being able to touch you
but he isn't complaining
if your power requires you to be very careful around him as well, then he is fine with taking extra precautions
admires your work, even more so if you need to wear a different uniform to contribute to your power
if you're a well-known hybrid, he'd be open to hearing stories from other people
aki and himeno talk about things they've heard, power rants about how she's superior to you no matter how many people you are feared by, and denji is clueless
kobeni stated that where she's from, you are a nightmare, so it's strange to see you be so nice and witty when you were in your human form
violence and beam might know a few things to share
angel doesn't like talking to makima, but when she introduced the two of you, she mentioned a history of events in your folder
if your devil form is far different to your human form, he doesn't really care
tho, he enjoys seeing you smile, so he favours your human form
watches you change if you're comfortable with that
will sit on your bed and stare while you gather your clothes for bedtime
it's like a reward
seeing you finally rest and wash yourself up after a days of hard work
you could say the same thing about him, but angel knows that you do more action than him since your powers work different
your bed is covered in thin blankets so you can use them while cuddling angel
he's wrapped in a few like a burrito, and you curl into him and hold him from behind
a kiss to his covered shoulder will send him to sleep
wants to be the one to hold you from time to time
has once, layered himself so many times that he felt like a plushie and you fell asleep so fast
if you face him while you sleep, he's watching you for at least an hour, memorising every detail
not to get morbid and sad already
but deep down, he knows that there's a chance you could die
in your human form, if anybody were to end you then amd there with no start-up to your devil form, it would truly be over
you would die and he would be there left to grieve
he hates that the most, that because you are only half-devil, you are more vulnerable
so he shields you from what he can
deliberately allows your opponents to touch him, or he jumps in front to accept the punch, so you get the upperhand
they're startled, and you are quick to turn to offense
you thank him, even kiss the top of his gloved hand, for all he's done for you
and he feels a pinch of sadness
he doesn't know how to explain it to you
you're everything to him, and every now and again he becomes more afraid than ever to lose you
a sinking feeling in his chest, unknown to him
you were strong, why would he worry?
he will never know nor understand why he feels the way he does
it's strange enough, but angel indulges
he feels so strongly about you, that even questioning it made his head turn
it wasn't like the way aki had talked about makima, no nothing like that
you were just so dangerously infatuating
you made him feel welcome, the possibility of him rejecting you meant that he felt unwelcome
you were the sweetest thing in the world
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kobeniliker · 1 year
Chapter 133 of CSM has a lot going on and I love that but here’s a longpost about Yoshida Hirofumi because he’s a really interesting and important character in part 2 so far, but we know very little about him! 
Chapter 133 makes Yoshida’s affiliation clearer, it seems that he is working with Public Safety. And based on his coworker’s response to his distress, it seems he isn’t being taken seriously.
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I dunno, that guy doesn’t seem like he’s (Guy in the suit walking the dogs) trying to kill Nayuta. He seems pretty chill, wheras Yoshida is freaking out. I think Yoshida was lying to Denji about the threat to kill Nayuta. Which would make sense! It would be stupid to kill Nayuta, public saftey probably knows this as they know firsthand how powerful both Makima/The Control Devil and Denji/Chainsaw man are.
I think that Yoshida is genuinely trying to protect Denji in his own way, but I don’t think that public safety knows/cares about what he’s trying to do. He’s basically just making himself more important and inserting himself into Denji’s life because he wants to be friends with Denji and does not know how to make friends.
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This is pretty telling, especially given Yoshida’s attitude towards other characters. He’s polite even if a bit blunt, but never friendly. Nor does he make any effort to be, except with maybe Kishibe. And Denji, obviously. He shows up, does his job, and leaves. 
Yoshida doesn’t have an official backstory, but based on what we know about him there’s a few things that stick out. 
He’s a prodigy devil hunter, was well-known enough for Makima to hire him, and he held his own in a fight against Quanxi.
He’s around the same age as Denji (Being able to transfer into Denji’s High School, mentioning having to study for finals)
He cares greatly about Denji, even if it’s just because of his job.
None of the other characters know much about him either (except maybe Kishibe, he seems to be a mentor figure)
I think his situation is probably similar to Aki’s, in that he lost his family and felt Devil Hunting was the only thing he could do. While some people choose to become devil hunters, it isn’t a great job and most people would choose something else if they could. There has been no mention of Yoshida’s family. He has enough money to treat Denji at the cafe, but (reasonably) complains when Fami orders the whole menu. People at school only seem to know him as “that guy who’s a devil hunter”.
He probably started devil hunting at an early age based on how skilled he is, and while he goes to school he doesn’t seem to have any friends. If he was constantly training and fighting in between going to school, he probably never made friends. And from his job, he probably saw a lot of people die in front of him and had to kill a lot. Similar to Denji, but Yoshida’s family is a mystery and he seemingly was taken in by Kishibe or another Public Safety member and was able to go to school.
I think he’s similar to Makima in that he wants to have connections and relationships with people but goes about it in a horrible way. I also think he’s an interesting parallel to Denji, who is always up-front about what he wants. Yoshida has never given any obvious indication to his motives outside of “protect Denji” (And even that’s unclear what that means to him!). He hides all of his emotions under an unchanging smile that I was genuinely surprised when he got visibly angry this chapter.
Killing a man in an alleyway:  :)
Being trapped in an infinite aquarium:  :)
Talking to one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse:  :)
Denji being stubborn asking a group of protesters to kill Yoshida:  >:(
The panel after Denji yells that he wants the protestors to kill Yoshida. I think that’s the first time Yoshida looks genuinely hurt. Bro looks like he got stabbed and hes dying. Even though Yoshida knows he is in no danger from the protestors, they don’t know Denji is chainsaw man and they probably didn’t hear him either. He just gets irritated when Denji says he wants to be Chainsaw man and have Nayuta alive or when he thinks Denji is being dumb. 
What really stuck out to me was his reaction. He’s irritated before, but after that he really gets visibly upset. Sure Denji has insulted him and threatened him before, but he never made any move to actually do anything. But Yoshida knows that Denji probably thought that he could kill Yoshida by yelling at the protestors, Denji expressed that he genuinely wanted Yoshida gone, and there is nothing Yoshida can do to make him stay. 
Which is pretty understandable, Yoshida has kidnapped and stalked Denji, and even if he has good intentions that’s just creepy and he shouldn’t do that! 
I think that by trying to prevent Denji from ever transforming into chainsaw man, he is, in his own way, trying to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled. Fami wants to prevent it by killing chainsaw man, because she thinks that the prophecy can’t be fulfilled if there is no chainsaw man. Which is probably what Yoshida is thinking, but he doesn’t want to kill Denji and he doesn’t want an age of devils to arrive, and Yoshida doesn’t want to choose between the two.
So he’s trying to prevent chainsaw man from existing by trying to convince Denji to have a normal life, and Denji doesn’t want to choose between the two.
But if Denji chooses both options, to be chainsaw man and have Nayuta in a normal life, Yoshida thinks he will have to choose to kill chainsaw man or live in an age of devils, which he doesn’t want either of.
I think it’s just interesting about all the choices!!! I also think Yoshida and Denji have a lot of similarities. I’m also biased towards Yoshida since I think he’s super neat so I also could just be making up excuses for him to not turn out to be evil bc I don’t want him to be evil :(
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hallo! First time doing this ask thing am sorry if this is wrong though- if is okay could i have 🧡 Bestie "Can i have a piggyback ride?" with chainsaw man Galgali x shy reader? Also i noticed lots of ask put lee "insert name" what does the lee mean? Hope you have a nice day!
Heyo! Ahh, Galgali! :D I love him so much! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D To answer your question: A lee is someone getting tickled while a ler is someone doing the tickling! In this fic, the lee would be the reader, hence lee!reader and Ler!Galgali. Hope that makes sense!
Bestie: "Can I have a piggyback ride?"
“(Y/N)? You okay?” Galgali turned his beak-like mask towards you, slowing his pace when he realized you were struggling to keep up. “Did you get hurt?”
“No…no, not really.” You wheezed, loosely grabbing his arm as you caught your breath. It was a bit embarrassing- being so winded when you were a devil hunter. Still- this was Galgali; the fiend moved too fast for his own good. “Just…need a few minutes…”
“Hehe, okay, slowpoke.” He nodded, a laugh in his voice as you straightened with a glare. “What? You’re slow as heck, (Y/N)!”
“Call me slow one more time.” You hissed, voice dangerous. “See what happens.”
“Oo, scary!” Galgali giggled in his mask, reaching out to gently poke you in the forehead. “You’re cute when you’re trying to act scary, (Y/N). Like a grumpy Corgi!”
“C-Corgi? Oh it’s ON!” You lunged, grabbing him around the waist. “Come here you little-Ehehehehahhahey!” Any attempts to get him were stumped immediately when he attacked your sides, tickling relentlessly. “Nohohohoho fahhahahir!”
“Yes, fair! I know your tricks! You wanna start a tickle fight, huh? Bring it on!” Galgali laughed gleefully with you as he worked your ribs, pressing between the bones. “Come on, Devil Hunter- fight back! Show me your moves!”
“Kihihihihihihiss mhihihihihihihiy ahahahhahaahhaha-GEhahahahahahha Gahhahahaliahgiihiihihihihi!” You shrieked, legs giving out as he went for your worst spots. Before long you were on the ground, twisting about and kicking your feet as the fiend danced his fingers over your stomach and sides. “Pleahhahhahahahhahhse!”
“Hehe, you’re adorable.” Galgali laughed, retracting his hands as you gasped for air. “I could listen to you laugh for days.”
“Doohoohn’t press yoohohohour luck…” You groaned, laying your head back as you blinked away mirthful tears. “Ugh…I’m tired now.” Peeking at him, you poked his side, making him jump. “Can I have a piggyback ride? I’m too tired to move.”
“You just went from Slowpoke to sloth mode.” He teased, turning his back to you and getting into position. “Hop on, then! I’ll take us home.”
“Thanks.” You smiled as you climbed on, hugging his shoulders as he stood. Soon the two of you were on your way, laughing about the day and carrying on your friendly banter.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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demona-andariel · 1 year
A Simple Act of Kindness - 11 / ??
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface) x OFC
Summary: Elizabeth wakes up in a stranger's home. Her fate to become another victim of the Hewitt family is all but sealed till a simple act of kindness changes her life forever.
Warning: (Encompassing the whole story in no particular order) dead dove, rape/Noncon, violence, forced marriage, kidnapping, cannibalism, explicit sexual content, loss of virginity, angst
Author Note: Minors DNI!
Word Count: 3,263
Chapter 11 - The Gas Station
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Elizabeth stared at her reflection in the mirror as she brushed her hair. She needed a haircut. It was getting far to long for her liking. She needed a lot of things, actually. She was starting to go a little stir crazy, being cooped up in the house for an amount of time she was unsure of. A month, perhaps? Was this her life now? Stuck in the same house without even being able to go outside?
The family didn’t always stay inside, in fact, usually one of them stayed around to keep an eye on her, generally either Luda Mae or Thomas. Sometimes Uncle Monty “kept an eye” on her. She wanted to go out. She wanted to do something else. Sleeping, eating, cleaning, fucking, there was more to life than that. But they couldn’t trust her and she knew that.
Elizabeth cocked her head to one side and took a step back. Butterflies filled her stomach as she flattened her clothes on her body, staring back at herself. She turned to look at her side profile. She poked her still flat belly then sighed. She wasn’t pregnant. At least, she had to believe she wasn’t pregnant. She had no noticeable symptoms. She felt safe with her IUD, yet there was still that chance, however small it was. Maybe if she got pregnant she’d have more freedom. Maybe she wouldn’t be watched as carefully. Maybe she’d be able to escape.
Elizabeth shook her head to clear her thoughts and get rid of the “maybes”. She didn’t want to get pregnant. She didn’t want kids. She especially didn’t want kids for the Hewitts. Despite her acceptance of Thomas, denying him what he most wanted seemed like a proper punishment for what he did to her. 
“One day at a time, Liz,” she whispered to herself. It was really the only thing she could do. The Hewitt family controlled her life now. And it was better to make the most out of her situation. She was doing what she could, which really was as simple as keeping Thomas happy. Sex and the possibility of having a child kept him happy. 
“Lizzy dear,” Luda Mae called from the main floor.
Elizabeth cringed slightly. Although a common nickname for Elizabeth, she always associated being called “Lizzy” by her brother and close family and friends. It was Liz to everyone else who knew her and Elizabeth to strangers or people she didn’t like. Yet, she had a feeling if she mentioned she’d prefer to be called Elizabeth by the Hewitts they’d ignore her.
Without another glance at the mirror she walked out and into the hall, stopping in front of the stairs. 
“Lizzy!” Luda Mae shouted with more emphasis behind the word. “Oh, dear,” she said, putting on her most friendly smile, noticing that Elizabeth was looking down at her. “Well come on, dear,” she said, beckoning for Elizabeth to walk down the stairs.
She did but with hesitance. “Is everything alright?” Elizabeth asked. Her heart picked up its beat when she spotted Thomas. He wore one of his better looking suits and tie. On his face was a mask. Although similar in style and look, she couldn’t help but notice that there was still something different about it.
“Of course, Lizzy,” Luda Mae said sweetly. “Everything is just fine. Come.”
Elizabeth flashed an alarmed look at Thomas who seemed to smile and nod his head. That gesture felt oddly unsettling. 
“Where are we going?” she asked, as she followed the two to the front door.
“Thomas, make sure you put those boxes in the back of the truck,” Luda Mae said. She gave Elizabeth a clear once over then nodded. “Let’s go.”
A brief moment of panic hit Elizabeth. They’re going out? She stared at her arms. She wore a T-Shirt and jeans. The burn scars along her arms were plain to see. Not that she was ashamed of them. She just wasn’t a fan of people staring and asking questions. The weather and her relative comfort with the Hewitts seeing her scars, made it unnecessary for her to try and cover them up. Thomas was especially fond of looking at them.
“We ain’t got all day, Lizzy. Don’t doddle,” Luda Mae called.
Elizabeth looked up at Thomas who only smiled and nodded again.
Elizabeth followed Thomas out of the house, pausing for a moment on the front porch. It was hot and dry and not the least bit welcoming to stand there and breath the air, yet she did. She closed her eyes for a moment, relishing the thought of actually leaving the house. She walked down the small set of stairs and headed towards the truck. Thomas opened the door for her and helped her in before closing it behind her. She looked over at him in alarm as Luda Mae got in the driver’s side. 
“Don’t worry, Lizzy. He’s just gonna load up the truck with the supplies we need,” Luda Mae said as she started the vehicle up. 
Elizabeth buckled herself in and shrank back. Supplies? She cringed at the thought of what that could mean. She used the review mirror to watch as Thomas loaded up the back of the truck with boxes. Once he finished, he hoped in the back and closed the tailgate, giving it loud bang so Luda Mae knew she could go.
Elizabeth wasn’t sure if it was the truck or road, or both working together, but the ride was rather bumpy. The truck itself was loud due to age and most likely maintenance. 
“Helping to keep the house nice and tidy is all well and good,” Luda Mae said with a chuckle, interrupting the blessed silence. “But, I think it’s time for you to actually earn your keep ‘round here.”
“Earn my keep?” Elizabeth absentmindedly asked. She was barely paying attention as her eyes wandered and examined her surroundings. She was right. There was a whole lot of nothing except for long open plains with overgrown vegetation and a forest. She could get lost in the forest, easily caught running through the plains. Fuck, there were animals around too. What if she stepped on a rattlesnake? Escape was impossible.
“We own a local gas station,” Luda Mae said. “Well, more of a general store ‘round here. My niece has been taking care of the shop while we helped you get adjusted to your new life. But she ain’t cut out for that type of work. Math was never her strong suit, nor talking to strangers. ”
Elizabeth frowned. “You want me to be a cashier in your store?” she asked.
Luda Mae flashed her a grin. “Don’t worry, Lizzy dear,” she said. “You won’t be alone. I’ll be ‘round to keep you company. If not me then Thomas. That way if something comes up we can help ya. But today it’ll be a short trip. Get you familiar with the place.”
Elizabeth looked out the window again. Escape. It had been a long while since she’d given that thought any serious consideration. Her heart fluttered a little bit. But, at least now she’d be allowed outside of the house and enjoy a new surroundings. Was this even real? She’d been cooped up for so long she figured she’d never be allowed outside. Naturally, under supervision, but that didn’t matter. They rightfully couldn’t trust her not to leave with the first stranger who would offer her a ride out of town.
Her heart skipped a beat at the thought and she stole a glance at Thomas through the rear view mirror. A twinge of regret and pain hit her momentarily. She swallowed back some saliva and returned to attention to the outside. If she left he’d be devastated and for some reason that thought hurt.
Luda Mae drove the truck round what Elizabeth could only assume was the store she’d been talking about, parking the truck in the back. 
Elizabeth opened her door, making Thomas whine at her as he jumped over the side of the truck. 
“Sorry,” she said softly. He clearly wanted to act the part of a gentleman. “I’ll remember next time.” She reached up and touched his mask. She’d felt the human one, this one didn’t feel the same. It still gave her the creeps. He cupped her hand then placed his own on his mask. For a moment, it looked like he was going to take it off, before he shook his head. 
She examined him for a moment, before nodding her head. “I understand why you’re wearing your mask out here,” she said softly. People can be cruel. She had little doubt that he’d been made fun of for the majority of his life by strangers. “Do what you need to do to be comfortable.” She wanted to kiss him to assure him, but she wasn’t quite sure what that mask was made of. It didn’t look entirely human, luckily, but that didn’t mean much. 
Not giving him the chance to try and kiss her, she turned her attention towards the building. It wasn’t what she expected. She wasn’t sure what she expected, but the building looked almost abandoned. She would have thought it was abandoned driving by it.
“Thomas, you know where to take them boxes. I’ll show Lizzy around,” Luda Mae said as she slammed the driver’s side door. 
Elizabeth followed Thomas to the truck’s tailgate and reached for a box the moment Thomas lowered it. He grabbed her hand and shook his head. 
“Is it that heavy?” she asked. “You’d be surprised by how much I can carry.”
Thomas gave her a look then shook his head again, letting her hand go.
“Come, Lizzy,” Luda Mae said as she grabbed Elizabeth’s arm. “That type of work is for the menfolk.”
Elizabeth allowed Luda Mae to take her into the store. For how bright and sunny the outside was, the moment they stepped into the building the world went grey. There were hardly any windows, and the ones that were around were covered with dirty off-white lace curtains, while the glass itself was almost a light shade of brown. 
Luda Mae let her go. “Henrietta?” she called out as she walked towards the front. 
Elizabeth examined her surroundings. The outside of the building certainly reflected the inside. The place was old, filthy and run down. The floorboards creaked with nearly each step. The Hewitt’s house was in a somewhat similar position, although Elizabeth had managed to make the parts of the house that she most frequented more presentable. This place seemed like a nightmare to try and clean. It was dark, dreary, dusty, and smelled. The backroom she was in seemed more of a storage area. She walked along the shelves, staring at the cans of food that had collected dust and cobwebs. 
Shaking her head, she made her way toward the large main room that Luda Mae had gone in. Entering the bigger room, she swallowed back her urge to scrunch up her face in disgust as the smell intensified. Rotting meat.
“Lizzy, this is my niece Henrietta,” Luda Mae said as she motioned towards the woman behind the bar counter. 
“Hello,” Elizabeth answered absentmindedly. It was rather rude of her not to look at Henrietta, but she couldn’t help herself. How did people live that the Hewitts? Hell, was it the whole town?
Elizabeth cleared her throat and shook her head. “Sorry. Very rude of me. Hi, Henrietta,” she said, walking towards the woman who hadn’t moved. She held out her hand. 
Henrietta hesitated before shaking Elizabeth’s hand, giving her a shy smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Elizabeth said.
“Nice to meet you too,” Henrietta softly replied. She was older than Elizabeth, most likely closer to Thomas’s age. She was thin, sporting a pixie cut for her brown hair. Elizabeth couldn’t help but study her for a moment. Shy, yes, but there was something about her that made Elizabeth slightly wary. 
“Henrietta, why don’t you show Lizzy around, get her acquainted with the store. I’m going to make sure Thomas is putting things where they belong,” Luda Mae stated. Without waiting for an answer, she walked off. 
Elizabeth looked around again, easily spotting where the rotting meat smell was coming from. There was a meat display freezer that held the offending smell. She walked over to it, and swallowed back her bile. Flies swarmed the area. The freezer wasn’t working. Who knew how long it’d been since it last worked.
A hand touched her hair, making her jump.
“Beautiful,” Henrietta said softly as she lightly touched Elizabeth’s hair.
“Oh, thank you,” Elizabeth replied, gently pulling her hair away and putting it up into a ponytail. 
Henrietta smiled at her. 
“I’ve been meaning to get my haircut,” Elizabeth said, opting for some small talk.
Henrietta’s eyes widened. “Oh no, Lizzy,” she said. She paused for a moment. “I’m sorry. I do hope it’s alright to call you Lizzy.”
Elizabeth raised her eyebrows in surprise. That was a first. No one had asked her for permission. She pressed back the urge to say no. “That’s fine,” she replied, forcing a smile.
“You have such long beautiful hair. It would be a shame to lose it all,” Henrietta said as she touched Elizabeth’s hair again. “So soft.”
“Luda Mae’s been nice to me. Got me some supplies I asked for,” Elizabeth said. Henrietta clearly wasn’t listening as she grasped Elizabeth’s arm with the more prominent burn.
“So beautiful and yet with this ugly scar,” she commented.
Elizabeth gently pulled her arm away. “Everyone has scars, Henrietta,” she said. “Just some you can see and others you can’t. Umm… so, what is it that I’m supposed to do?”
“We don’t get many visitors around these parts,” Henrietta said. “It’s relatively peaceful. More come for the gas.”
Elizabeth nodded. She couldn’t blame them. Who would want to buy rotted meat? “Must get pretty busy at night,” she said, nodding towards the bar. 
“Perhaps,” Henrietta said. “But, you won’t have to worry ‘bout that.”
Elizabeth shifted her stance uncomfortably as Henrietta examined her. 
“I’m sorry, how rude of me,” Henrietta said, quickly focusing on Elizabeth’s face. “Just, we don’t get many people looking like you ‘round here. And for you to be with my cousin. Your kind of folk don’t generally look at him with kind eyes. It was his sweet nature that caught your attention wasn’t it?”
Elizabeth opened her mouth to reply but then thought better of what she was going to say. Yes, he had a sweet nature. To those he cared about. Closing her mouth, she smiled. “Are you married, Henrietta?” Elizabeth asked.
Henrietta’s face turned a deep red as she looked away, both from embarrassment and being shy. “I have not been so lucky as to find someone so sweet and caring like my cousin,” she said. Raising her eyes to look at Elizabeth, her eyes brightened. “You must come visit and have some tea with me and me ma. Do you have family?” Henrietta quickly put her hand to her mouth, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. I-”
“Don’t worry, Henrietta,” Elizabeth cut in. “I do have family, but they’re estranged. My brother was the only person very close to me, but he’s gone now.”
Henrietta let out a shy smile. “Well, perhaps we could become close friends, like sisters.”
“Perhaps,” Elizabeth automatically said. It was clear that Henrietta wasn’t going to show her around, so she did so herself as she took mental notes. There was quite a bit she could do to fix up the place. Henrietta followed her. 
“Are there bathrooms?” Elizabeth asked. 
“Of course,” Henrietta said. She went behind the bar counter, grabbing a large wooden block that had a single key on it. “Only customers are allowed to use the bathroom.”
Elizabeth followed her outside. They walked towards another rickety shed. The smell was enough for Elizabeth’s imagination to conjure up an image of what the inside would look like. Opening the door, Elizabeth gulped. Exactly what she expected. Filthy, shit covered walls and port-o-potty. A perfect match to the rest of area. 
“Thank you,” Elizabeth said with a nod of her head, doing her best not to breath in the awful smell to much. 
Henrietta closed the door and the two headed back into the main building. “Only give the key to those who paid for something,” Henrietta said. 
Elizabeth nodded. She looked around the main room again. Her wish to leave the Hewitt’s home had been granted. And here she was. In a building that was worst the one she’d left. From one pot into another. She snorted then started to laugh. 
“Are you alright?” Henrietta asked in surprise. She looked at Elizabeth with worry.
Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said, but she couldn’t control her laughter. What had she expected? That any place in this godforsaken hellhole would be decent and look more modern and civilized? How silly of her. 
She rubbed her face with her hands, letting out a loud sigh. Her eyes noticed a figure in the corner of the main room. “I’m alright, Thomas,” she said, flashing him her best smile. He gave her a nod, raising his hands to his face. He paused then sighed before lowering them, keeping his mask on. 
Suddenly, it hit her. She strode over to him, raising to her tiptoes as she grabbed his arms for support. “You did this for me?” she asked him, cocking her head to one side. “I told you I wanted to go out and you made this possible?” She gazed into his eyes, looking for the answer. She couldn’t quite read them, but he did look happy that she seemed content.
He leaned down and kissed her, and although she didn’t like the feel of his mask on her face, she didn’t pull back or away. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she let him pull her up for a moment in a tight hug, before he set her back down.
Settling back down onto her feet, she placed her hands on her hips, turned and sighed. “Well, not a bad looking little store,” she lied. How would the family feel if she cleaned up the place? Really cleaned it up? It would take her some time and a lot of energy. A project. Something to occupy her mind. It got her away from the house, away from the basement, away from the constant reminder of what was expected from her, of what had happened to her.
She was safe. A small weight lifted off her shoulders. She glanced over at Thomas who was inspecting the room. She’d done it. She never really thought about it, until that moment. Thomas had been doing little things to make her life better. Hell, he helped nurse her back to health. He left her gifts and was being more considerate during sex. The Hewitts even got  most of the items on her list that she wanted. But, this was a huge step. They were taking her out of the house, out into the world where she could scream for help if she saw the opportunity. 
Thomas looked down at her, feeling her stare. She smiled and leaned into him, bumping her hip against his thigh.
“Thank you, Thomas,” she said softly, wanting her words to reach him more than anyone else. “I’m really grateful.” 
He beamed at her words, making her heart fluttered. She rather liked it when she made him happy.
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Chapter 12 - To Be Wanted
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hi!! i saw your matchup guidelines today and i was hoping they’re open — if they are, could i request a matchup for chainsaw man and/or jujutsu kaisen?
my nickname is sylve, i use he/it/she pronouns, and i have no gender preference! i am also a minor. my mbti is entp (i THINK) and my enneagram is 2w3 :). oh and my zodiac is pisces! i show my love through quality time and physical affection, and i prefer to receive quality time over everything else.
for a physical description, i’ve got short reddish-brown hair that i put in a half-up half-down style. i’m pretty short (5’1” ish ;;), i wear glasses, and i’ve got brown eyes. i’m also fair-skinned with noticeable dark circles under my eyes dkshdj. i’ll try to send a picrew as well if it works — if not i’ll just send it separately ^^
as for my hobbies & likes, i’m super into video games, writing, drawing, listening to music, making characters, and collecting stuff! i love collecting plushies and cute things, and i won’t hesitate to tell you all about my interests if i’m given permission to. i love zoology and biology - they’re so fascinating to me and honestly i love animals in general. i also love sweet things and any good iced tea/coffee or boba! and i really like places where i can just let loose and have fun with some close friends, so think like an arcade, carnival/fair, amusement park, bowling alley, etc.
on the other hand, i’d have to say my dislikes are really any stressful situation. meeting new people or being in an unfamiliar environment is so awful, especially when there’s a lot of focus on you. another dislike i have is when people generally lack empathy/understanding :(
personality-wise, i’m very passionate about what i love!!! i’m also easily excited. i try to be friendly and easygoing since i want to be approachable! and i love to make people smile and laugh, so there’s that. i tend to be really talkative with people i’m close/comfortable with. i also have the habit of being a perfectionist and being pretty sensitive. ;;
sorry if this is so long — but thank you for your time and i hope you have a great day!
i match you with...
Itadori Yuji and Power!
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Song: Shower - Becky G
Itadori is definitely an outgoing person in my opinion so I think he would be perfect for you.
Whenever after begging Gojo to do so, you go to an amusement park, he goes on every ride with you and protests whenever he can't sit next to you on the rides.
He wins all the prizes he can at shooting games to give them all to you and also treats you with boba after.
Your relationship is made of plushies, boba and coffee.
Sometimes you stay awake all night to play videogames drinking just a few cups of coffee so you can focus on your games.
Nobara complains about your eyebags the next day and gives you a cucumber under-eye cream to treat them.
He always holds you, you guys are never too far away from each other.
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Song: Sexy Naughty Bitchy Me - Tata Young
If you guys are going at the arcade, I'm joining- sorry, personal notes hahah.
Anyways Power is surprisily good at winning arcade games and gets a lot of tickets for the best prizes.
She's the type of person to do a lot of crazy things, so you'll never get bored.
You make fun of Denji because he can't get a strike at the bowling alley.
Has a sweet tooth, in fact her teeth look like shit.
You should get her and take her to a dentist, but she's like too scared to go though she fights with a chainsaw demon by her side which she compares with the dentist's tools
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ao3feed-pynch · 11 months
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dearemilia · 3 years
I'm lowkey curious
what if the Toman gang meet makima!reader who is a gang leader and the boys are TERRIFIED of the reader?
NOTE: I might do a part 2 with Rokuhara of this!! <33 Thank you for requesting anon, have a nice day/night! <3
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TAGS/NOTES: FEM! Reader, mentions of manipulation [from reader], violence, weapons, profanity, no devil things <3, y/n is toxic, suggestive, yandere-ish [?], Slight Chainsaw Man manga spoilers and Black Dragon and Tenjiku arc spoilers!! I apologize if the characters are OOC. Stay safe and healthy everyone! <3
➩ Everyone has heard of you, rumors say people who challenged you either die or became dogs under your control.
➩ Its the fact that you manage to capture a lot of gang’s attention, the Haitani brothers, Black Dragons, and even Toman.
➩ Though, people have heard that you are someone who is hard to impress.
➩ As for Toman, they’ve fought some of your dogs and its already obvious that your dogs lost which disappointed you but also excited you.
➩ Finally, you get to meet the Invincible Mikey.
➩ Since Mikey has a thing for not hitting girls, you thought to yourself of how easy its going to be making them fall for you.
➩ Except for Mucho and Sanzu who are going to take a little while.
➩ But you don’t mind! That’s what makes it fun <3
➩ You ended up knocking out Mikey which shocked everyone but then you acted so friendly and kind around them.
➩ Stating how even if you won the fight, you’ll still take care of Mikey.
➩ Draken was skeptical, everyone was but they way you touched them, telling them its okay and with the way you patted their heads is so enchanting.
➩ Mikey woke up and was shock to see you. 
➩ He blushed after realizing he lost to a fight with you but more over, he’s shock that he’s laying on your lap while you caresses his cheek, running your hands through his locks.
➩ You offered him a warm smile and some dorayaki.
➩ Mikey looks around to see the Toman members playing around. They all took turns on playing with your dogs “What the fuck just happened...?” Mikey turned to you.
➩ You chuckled and handed him dorayaki which he took and ate.
➩ “Feel better, Mikey?” You whispered in his ears, causing him to turn bright red from the close contact as he nods.
➩ After all of that, you and Mikey agreed to be allies. However, due to your bad reputation. You had to gain their trust.
➩ You’ve already gotten Emma and Mikey’s trust just by being there for them and within a short time.
➩ They were already so obedient to you <3
➩ Next is Draken.
➩ Since he doesn’t have parents, you acted as a mother to him. You let him cry on your shoulder and you even teach him things.
➩ Which he is really grateful for.
➩ If he needs anything, he can just go to you! <3
➩ Mitsuya was a bit hard because he’s wary around you but he soon he warmed up to you after he saw how much you cared for his friends and sisters.
➩ Baji may be dumb academically, though he is smart when it comes to reading people.
➩ But of course! You’re the [Name], the control devil, is what people call you.
➩ Baji and Chifuyu are so attracted to your words and affection that they crave for more.
➩ Hakkai was easy for you. 
➩ You didn’t care about his lies and his brother. You don’t mind him ranting to you. In fact, it just shows how much he trusts you.
➩ Pah-Chin and Peh-Yan used to hate you for criticizing their gang but after everything you’ve done.
➩Like, helping them win and even buying them things. They soon trusted you.
➩ The Kawata twins are so adorable in your eyes.
➩ “Fucking Finally! Someone other than Mucho gets it!” Nahoya loves you! He’s so glad that someone thinks as he thinks “People are so soft nowadays” You chuckled while playing with his hair.
➩ Souya is shy with you, not because you’re a women but because he’s terrified of you.
➩ “Souya, sweetie, I’m not going to bite you, okay?” Souya slowly nods his head, looking away so you won’t see his blushing face.
➩ As for Mucho and Sanzu...Oh dear, you put so much work into gaining their trust and respect.
➩ At first, yeah, Mucho didn’t like you even going as far to ignoring you.
➩ The boys are really loyal and devoted to you so it makes them mad that someone dares to betray you.
➩ Takemichi didn’t want to fall for your trap but when you helped him with everything.
➩ He couldn’t help but fall for you [not in a romantic way!!]
➩ That one scene of Makima placing Denji’s hand on her boob is you and Takemichi.
➩ The boys go as far to beating people up if they ever disobey you.
➩ If you are ever disappointed at any of them, they get really upset. They would do anything to make you not upset at them.
➩ Sanzu seems to be interested in you after seeing so many people fall for you. So after getting your phone number, he called you for a secret meeting to which you agreed.
➩ “Alright darling! Come in one hour, okay?” With that you met him at your apartment.
➩ He told you about how he’s skeptical of Mucho and needs your help “Oh my, I never knew of this” You acted surprised.
➩ You told Sanzu that you have always been suspicious of Mucho and you knew about Sanzu’s scars, so you took this opportunity to take him under your control.
➩ You asked Sanzu why he wore a mask and he said that he’s not comfortable telling you that.
➩ “Sanzu, you know that your scars are beautiful, right? You don’t have to hide them” Sanzu trusts you, so he slowly opens his mask. You smiled in delight “See, your scars show who you are” You embraced him in your arms as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
➩ He feels...Comfortable with you.
➩ Meanwhile, you smiled because you know that you have Sanzu under your control.
➩ You send Sanzu weapons, like guns and chains if he needs to get his hands dirty.
➩ Sanzu will do anything for you so you sometimes send him to mission that requires killing people.
➩ The boys are terrified of you whenever they try disagreeing with your plans.
➩ They really don’t want to disappoint you so even if it means getting their hands bloody.
➩ They’ll do what ever it takes for you to reach your goal.
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 5 “Drunken Fart Contest” [Episode List] After one of their usual nights out with their friends, Dave and another bud, Adam, end up being really drunk. Luckily, it was Tim’s turn to be the designated driver, so he’s perfectly able to drive. The two drunk friends, however, are really, really gassy…
Drunken Fart Contest
2:00 a.m. The party was getting out of control, as predicted. Almost everyone was completely drunk or confused. I heard some plates breaking in the kitchen: good thing this is not my house. Whose birthday was again? The music is still loud, playing through some speakers carefully placed in strategic locations of the room as some dizzy guests danced –or, more precisely, staggered to the rhythm of it.
Whatever was going to happen next, I didn’t really care: it was my turn to drive, so I was literally the only sane guy at the party. My pals asked me to take them out of there around 1:30 a.m., but since we were having fun, we lost the track of time. I eventually found both Dave -you know him, and Adam, another friend of mine, around my age as well. They probably had alcohol instead of blood in their veins by far.
“You’re such a cock-blocker!” Adam hissed at me, since I –according to him- ruined every chance with a girl he was hitting on. Too bad this girl passed out 15 minutes ago and my tipsy friend didn’t seem to notice at all. Oh well, it’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
Dave was definitely more collaborative: he had this silly smile drawn on his face, probably because he made out with some hot girl in the other room. His sweat-soaked shirt was partly unbuttoned too, so maybe he was heading second base without even noticing.
“Ok guys, here we go…”
We eventually reached my car, parked just outside the loud house. Some fellow guests were lying on the grass in the front-yard, either laughing or smoking: they were fine, some of them even said ‘hi’ to me as I walked past them. I opened the rear door of the car on and forced Adam to go inside, who muttered something about how I ruined everything with the woman of his dreams. He then tripped and fell in the car, lying on his stomach, looking more like a corpse.
“He’s dead…” Dave simply commented. Not very helpful.
Adam’s place was our first stop. Our houses weren’t really far away from each other, but I tend to drive slowly, especially during weekend nights, for obvious reasons. Adam, still lying on his belly, probably passed out. I checked on him via the rear-view mirror, unwillingly triggering my gay senses: all I could see was his grey skinny jeans sagging, exposing his black underwear, the latter hugging his surprisingly bubbly butt.
I ignored that vision and turned to Dave, my co-pilot and the guy in charge for the music. He was fine, better than my other friend, that’s for sure. We chatted a bit, as he noticed that I was tired, keeping me focused on the street. After a while, however, he chuckled and lowered the volume of the radio, almost setting it to mute.
“I think you’ll like this song more, listen…” he said, with his well-known smirk.
I knew what was going to happen. I was actually surprised that it was only happening now, considering that alcohol always made Dave really gassy. He spread his legs a bit, visibly pushing one out and glanced at me one last time before the “thunder” almost made me swerve.
The sound was loud, even though it was partially muffled by the (lucky) car seat. It was very dry-sounding and manly, almost like a long, enormous morning fart.
“Aw… come on…” Adam muttered, as Dave’s flatulence literally woke him up.
My gassy friend laughed as he leaned a bit. He was basically indirectly farting in my face, not even caring about the presence of our friend. I had to keep my eyes on the road, trying not to admire my friend’s denim-covered ass. The fart lasted around 14 seconds, one of his longest blasts I believe. It was followed by his friendly laughter as he gently patted my shoulder, as if he every time wanted to make sure that he was ok with me, my weird fetish and that I had nothing to worry about; and I always appreciate his gentle mannerisms, despite the rudeness of his manly rips.
The smell hit us all soon, especially because the windows were locked. Bad choice. It was already too disgusting even for me, a nose-killing stench mixed with the already awful aroma from our sweat-soaked shirts.
“You’re disgusting, Dave!” my other friend said from the back seat, trying not to laugh.
“Thanks, Ady! Glad you appreciated!”
Dave leaned a bit again and ripped another loud toot, lasting only a couple of seconds this time. Truly a proud farter, indeed. Adam clapped his hands sarcastically, laughing a bit.
“Sure… really impressive…” he said, still lying on his stomach.
A moment silence, then another fart begun, but it was not from Dave. Maybe it was the dizziness, the alcohol, but Adam started to rip one too. I checked again on him via the rear-mirror and I could see his bubbly butt erupting this extremely loud, high-pitched fart. It started kinda weak, only to become louder and manlier as seconds passed. Dave laughed, knowing that I was living both in a nightmare and in a beautiful dream at the same time, visibly amused by my weird situation. As the blast continued, Adam slowly wiggled his butt left and right, the tone of the fart changing a bit; he laughed as his 12-seconds rip started to fade into silence.
Now it was Dave the one clapping his hands. “Bravo!” he commented, as we all bursted into laughter. I didn’t know if it was because of my boner or the farts, but the car’s temperature seemed to raise a lot so I had no choice but to lower the car windows, also because the smell was getting too unbearable (yes, even for me). I felt the colder wind from outside brushing through my hair, my nostrils still sensing Dave and Adam’s farts.
Seconds passed, but the smell was, strangely enough, still there, all around my face. As I heard my friends’ laughing almost to tears, I understood why; I couldn’t hear it at first because of the sounds of the traffic, but they both started ripping one big fart at the same time the moment I rolled down the window; once I noticed it, I heard the sound too: it was insane, out of this world; two giant farts being ripped at unison. Dave pointed his index finger up as the farts continued, as if he was some kind of orchestra leader, and looked at me with a smirk, knowing that I was enjoying every moment of that gassy jam session.
I didn’t even know how much time passed this time, maybe 20 seconds. They laughed again, finally ending their unusual fart concert and complimented each other. I wish the trip lasted longer. I was ridiculously aroused. Was this a fart-contest? Because I’m pretty sure they’re both won.
Eventually, we arrived to Adam’s place; he was feeling better as he got up on his own, adjusted his hair a bit and patted his hands on our shoulders. “Thanks for the lift, cock-blocker!” he said, punching my shoulder in a friendly manner.
We made sure he got into his house safely and then headed to Dave’s. Only a couple of minutes later, I parked in front of his garage, both listening to some more music from the radio before ending the night-out. We kept chatting about the party, the host’s poor taste in music, but it was getting really late and the we didn’t want to wake up the entire neighbourhood.
“Alright, Tim. See ya tomorrow I guess…”
We bro-fisted, more than aware of how cheesy that was, and he opened the door.
“Oh, by the way…” again that smirk. “I am the fart master…”
He got out of the vehicle and closed the door behind him. Dave then squeezed his butt in loose jeans, almost sagging, through the car window a bit, and proceeded to rip yet another loud fart, this time just for me. I didn’t even time to react as I felt the warm gas engulfing the entire car, the smell becoming once again unbearable; it sounded like a loud chainsaw and lasted about 8 seconds.
My friend was just as surprised as me by the blast’s loudness and quickly got his butt out of my car, as some of the neighbours’ dogs started barking, hilariously annoyed by Dave’s fart.
“Oh my…” we both muttered, laughing.
I immediately started the car as my gassy friend rushed inside the house (this time he didn’t forget his house-keys). As I drove back to my house, I couldn’t help but smile the whole time: my best friends are gassy idiots; and that’s perfect. But Dave… well, he’s the best of all, farts or not. Whether the case, I really should plan a road-trip with him some day. And just thinking about that made my dick aroused again…
End of Episode 5
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Subtitles: Episode 3, Now in Color
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Subtitles Masterlist
Summary: Things are going well between [Y/N] and their new partners but what shenanigans will ensue as the Maximoff baby’s arrival quickly approaches and they’re pulled into the throughs of building a nursery and… child delivery?
Word count: 10,640
Warnings: Cotton candy fluff, chaos, baby. So the usual, plus babies.
Tag list: @madamevirgo​ @ravennight41​ @multifandomgirl16 (It won’t tage you for some reason, I’m sorry ;-; ) @cyanide-mustard​ @badasspolygenderfriend​
    You huffed and sat back on your heels, slipping a sore finger into your mouth. “Stupid bird.”
    The bird in question, a pink flamingo made of plastic and wire, seemed to sneer at you from its position sticking a few inches farther out of the grass than it should be. Because of this, you could still see the main stake sticking out of the bottom of the bird’s standing foot, which, much to your distaste, made the pink plastic-feathered creature look like it was trapped on a piece of wood impaled in its foot rather than lounging on one foot in the lush green grass of your yard. 
    You had spent a good portion of today working on your yard and garden and waiting for a member of the household across the street to step outside and beckon you over. Dressed in overalls stained by grass and dirt, a brightly colored T-shirt, a sun hat, and working shoes, you forced yourself to keep busy by planting new flora and putting down new garden fences and decor while Vision and Wanda were tucked away indoors, preparing for a baby. You were the only one so far to know about the Maximoff bun in the oven outside of the parents and although it seemed like just last week that Wanda had gotten pregnant, the baby had finally big enough that the couple had to involve a doctor to make sure all was going well.
    It also felt like not long ago that the couple had asked you out for the first time. Both of them. At the same time. It was news to you that they had felt even remotely felt the same way about you as you had about them but the rest of that conversation had gone swimmingly with you being too nervous and dumbstruck to do much more than blubber questions. The first date and then the second went a similar way, with you not being completely sure that you were on a three-person date or even awake. Luckily, your new partners were just as unnerved as you were and the three of you agreed to simply play it by ear and communicate a lot. 
Some time and a few sporadic dates later and things were going smoothly. Almost every bit of free time was spent at either their place or yours; if it wasn’t free time, you were giving Vision rides to work and leaving cute messages in the files you left at his desk—you always hoped they were cute, anyway, and not annoying, only to be reassured when you got a smiley back or your favorite treat from the breakroom left with the file when it was returned—or trying to help Wanda clean or cook or take a break despite her stubborn fussing against it. Vision was the first to give you a pet name, Wanda was the first to hold you in place when you attempted to pull away from a normally quick handhold or hug, and you were the first to press kisses to both their cheeks after walking them home from dinner. Wanda fell asleep on your couch first, you on theirs second, and Vision went ahead and turned cheek pecks into lip kisses. You weren’t quite ready to initiate them yourself yet but you hadn’t been complaining when Vision caught you on your porch steps and kissed you on the mouth; the rain that had just started had either been just a bonus or his initial inspiration.
    As nice as everything has been, though, you were still worried about overstepping boundaries with the married couple so when Vision invited you over to be a part of the doctor visit, you politely declined. Instead, after the doctor left, you were to head over and bring your tools to help set up the nursery; it was also your joint job with Vision, who was now a baby book reading master but also increasingly bugged out about Wanda and the baby’s health, to try and convince said woman to relax for once in her life—a task difficult enough to be on the list of Hercules’ Twelve Labors, you were convinced at this point.
    For now, though, you were sitting with your feet beginning to cramp and your knees getting damp and most likely more grass-stained, glaring at the devil in pink whose foot-stake had left your finger with a prick from a splinter and whose one visible dark eye stared at you with sadistic mirth.
    “Oh, you wanna go, Bernard?” you scoffed at the bird-shaped plastic, dropping your hand from your mouth and pushing yourself up into a squat. “I’ll call you out. Let’s go!” You raised your hands in a fighting stance and bounced on the balls of your feet as you prepared to strike.
    The sound of a chainsaw starting up caught you off guard mid-bounce and you lost your balance but what caught your eye when you twisted around while rubbing your now-bruised tailbone was Vision walking outside his front door with an older gentleman, presumably the doctor. However, you paid very little attention to said other man as you laid in the middle of your yard, twisted into what was probably a partial yoga pose, resting your chin on your arm and making lovey-dovey eyes at the former.
    Not that it was surprising at all, Vision looked very nice today. He was wearing dark blue pants and a similarly colored sweater over a collared shirt and tie, with a honey-brown jacket topping everything off; you couldn’t imagine wearing a shirt plus two outerwear items in the heat of the day but you certainly didn’t mind seeing him all dressed up. His hair was somewhere between jaw and shoulder length and wavy as ever and while you weren’t a fan of the popular 70s cut, he not only pulled it off but made it look incredibly attractive. He greeted his next-door neighbor Herb, who started up the chainsaw, then spoke animatedly, as he always did, to the doctor. Talking about keeping the baby news to themselves, no doubt.
    Vision watched as the doctor walked off down the sidewalk and as he happened to pass in your direction, Vision’s gaze refocused to settle on you instead. The expression on his face changed from purely friendly to something deeper and you felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in your stomach as he waved over to you.
    “Hello, perfectly platonic neighbor!” he hollered, to which you responded in kind after snorting and then disentangling yourself from your strange position.
    No response from Herb about the odd greeting. The cul-de-sac, and in Westview in general, people didn’t seem concerned with your trio’s out-of-place shenanigans as long as it didn’t directly affect them, you had noticed over time. You could have probably walked over and planted a brazen smooch on Vision’s perfect mouth while out in the open, with other neighbors milling about, and no one would bat an eye.
    But that’s exactly what we’re not going to do, you thought stubbornly as you stood and brushed yourself off. Not yet, anyway. I want to make sure they’re both comfortable with it first. 
    Vision seemed to grasp what your plan was because he waited for you as you gave Bernard the flamingo a fight postpone notice and then a light kick before walking across your yard and heading across the street. If you had been more rational, you would have grabbed your tools so you could have just come inside when you reached the Maximoff house but your brain, muddled with the pink mist of freshly requited affections, could only think of getting closer to the man, maybe even holding hands or nuzzling noses. 
    A sound that was equal parts loud and awful caught both your and Vision’s attention as you reached the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Looking over, you both saw Herb cutting away with his chainsaw, only now he wasn’t cutting through bushes but the stone wall separating his and Wanda and Vision’s homes. The stone blocks of the wall weren’t super heavy-duty, you supposed, but the sound made you cringe, and the sight was a little jarring. Herb didn’t seem to realize was he was doing despite the lack of hedges in his path.
    “Hey Herb,” Vision yelled over the noise, “think you might’ve taken the hedge trimming a little too far there, old chum!” As he spoke, he glanced over at you and, seeing you nearby, instinctively shifted in your direction; you moved to meet him halfway and you each gave the other’s hand a quick affectionate squeeze, though both pairs of eyes were trained on Herb.
    Herb, who looked up, smiled, and responded, “So I have! Thanks, buddy.” Despite saying this, he continued to cut through the bordering wall and stare glassily ahead as if none the wiser. 
    The expression gave you an unnerving sense of familiarity but you couldn’t quite put a name to the vague memory of a person you’d seen wearing it. Acquiring a migraine medication and forcing yourself to not look too hard into every strange thing that happened in this town helped but your headaches appeared to never quite go away. This was proven by the muted throb across one side of your head that came with looking at the bizarre scene.
    “Yeah,” Vision said a little quieter, “don’t mention it.”
    The action only happened briefly but when you caught him chewing his lower lip, you felt your innards tie themselves in knots and had a particularly hard time tearing your gaze away. Now that you were closer, you also noticed that the blue and brown ensemble he wore perfectly matched his hair and eyes. That hair that you always desperately wanted to brush your fingers through.
Fingers carefully slipping around your hand, like if they held you any tighter your own would break, managed to catch your attention as Vision turned to lead you inside.
    “Oh,” you chirped, tugging your hand back to point a thumb over your shoulder, “I forgot my tools. Meet you in a minute?”
    Vision seemed persistent to bring you inside, even going so far as to catch both your arms and doing a playful series of shimmies and sways to dance the two of you closer to the front door. Now that you were out of Herb’s frozen line of sight, the two of your found yourselves standing so close together that there wasn’t a single pocket of space between your bodies. When you inhaled, you smell cologne that wasn’t too light or too heavy and a scent that you could only describe as the heat of a warm, sunny day. Thinking as he would only smell sweat and dirt and grass if he did the same, you blushed and made a note to change before you came back over.
    Whatever Vision thought about how you smelled or the clothes you wore, he didn’t seem to care enough, if at all. He took advantage of being out of sight to move his hands from your hours to your waist—a much more convincing position indeed—and nuzzled his nose to your hairline, now exposed as your hat rested farther back on your head.
    “You know very well that you can use ours,” he said.
    You felt his warm breath on your forehead. If you weren’t standing up and didn’t have the nagging feeling that you were getting dirt on his nice sweater, you would have been perfectly comfortable simply hugging him and dozing off in the cozy embrace right there.
    Vision continued in a lilting voice and with an added shimmy that brought the two of you directly to the front door. “They’d love to see you, you know.”
    They? Your brows furrowed a bit, then rolled your eyes. Oh, Wanda plus baby.
    Still, you steeled your resolve and leaned away from him. He looked at you like he was a puppy that had been kicked, to which you responded with a faux scowl. “Mr. Vision Maximoff, I said I was going bring my tools, and [Y/N] is no flake. Besides,” you paused as your scowl melted into a smile, “I don’t want to get dirt and grime all over the new room. It’ll only take a minute; you act like we can’t see each other through our living room windows if we wanted to.”
    Making his last attempt, Vision leaned into your arms, which were now around his own, and pressed his cheek against your temple. Still pouting, he muttered, “It only took Wanda and I going around a few times before we moved in together.”
    The idea of you living under the same roof as your couple and their new baby made you giddy as much as it made you feel like you wanted to throw yourself into a lit fire pit to save yourself from embarrassment. 
    “Ah, yes, a spectacle to behold,” you said as you leaned away again, “A new baby and a new roommate!” You saw Vision open his mouth to speak, no doubt to respond with a quip, and quickly continued, disentangling yourself from him as you did, “Gotta skitty, I’ll be back momentarily!”
    “Well,” Vision replied, dragging out the last consonant as if you were going to change your mind if he did so long enough; when you didn’t, he huffed a bit. “Alright then. Hurry back!”
    You gave him a smile and two-fingered salute then bounded down the steps and back across the street. You only stopped once on the quick trip back home and that was to give Bernard another swift kick, which somehow lodged the bird the rest of the way into the ground, and a “Fuck you, Bernard!” You heard sputtering laughter from across the street that made you grin as you marched inside to change and grab your toolkit. 
    The tools were the easy part; they had been sitting out on the table in your dining area since last night when you’d originally suggested the idea so you were sure to not forget them. It took a bit longer to struggle your way out of your clothes, especially while simultaneously trotting to the bathroom to wash your hands and splash water on your face. It took longer still to jog back to your bedroom without slamming yourself into an end table or plant along the way and then also go through every piece of clothes you owned; when bright colors and eccentric outfits came into style, you were, for once, ahead of the fashion game with your regular closet, and your wardrobe only continued to grow as the rest of the country’s interest in the style did. You were particularly interested in peacock fashion and it showed in your array of ruffled, brightly colored, and loudly patterned shirts and blouses. 
Of these blouses, you threw on one in a burnt orange and yellow paisley pattern, choosing one without ruffles in fear of ripping them while working. You paired the shirt with matching yellow walk-shorts that ended just above your knees and a pair of honey-brown clog sandals whose color made you think of Vision’s outfit. Thinking about this further, you decided to accent your ensemble with a touch of blue, wrapping your hair that was still damp with sweat back with a satin scarf that was a vibrant blue and some handmade jewelry pieces in the same color to match. Finally, you added a woven belt and, after looking in the mirror for a moment, decided to tie your blouse off an inch above the waist of your shorts instead of tucking it in before booking it back across the street.
    Standing at the door of your couple’s house, you took a final glance at yourself in the reflection of one of their windows before knocking. You let yourself in after Wanda invited you with a holler through the door and you were greeted with the interesting sight of Wanda, in all her stunning, colorful, mother-to-be glory standing by the long dark-wood dining table; Vision, half-hidden behind her belly that seemed significantly larger than the last time you saw her, was taking an awkward knee while holding up a variety of fruits.
    “I’m never not uniquely surprised when I walk into this house,” you said mostly to yourself and you made your way over. Reaching Wanda, you sat your bag of tools on the floor by her feet and gave her a gentle hug. “Hey, sunshine, you’re looking foxy.”
    You certainly had gotten a lot more comfortable with them recently. 
    Wanda visibly blushed, giving you one of her signature fake irritated looks—a tilted head with tight-knit brows and tight lips that broke into a smile less than a second later—and lightly swatted your arm before carefully returning the hug. “Hey sunshine yourself. Look at you, you’re glowing! And those threads, you’re a regular Casanova.”
    She made a point of eyeing your partially exposed midriff and you almost blushed—but not quite.
    “Glowing,” you repeated, playfully patting your face, “I’m not even the pregnant one! Thank you, though. Some of the colors were inspired.” You took your turn eyeing her, particularly the bright red of her striped dress that was a common color in her palette, then you caught Vision’s bright blue gaze as he stood and placed a couple of fruits back in their rightful place in the basket on the table. You moved to Wanda’s other side to help him. “Why the fruit?”
    “Oh, well, the doctor said it helps the mothers keep track of the baby’s progress.” Vision explained. He added another fruit to the basket’s tower, although he was giving the last one in his hand an odd look.
    “What he actually said was,” Wanda added, grasping your shoulder and tugging you over two put an arm around your waist and give you mildly strained look, “it helps make things ‘simple’ for us ‘little ladies.’”
    You recognized the glint in her eye and nodded understandingly. “Well that’s mildly condescending, must’ve been just groovy.”
    “Out of sight,” Wanda agreed in the same tone. She then looked in Vision’s direction with raised brows; you followed her gaze and saw the man toying with the large green fruit in his hand. “Hey, honey? What’cha doin’?”
    Vision met both of your equally puzzled gazes with barely contained glee. Voice tight from holding back a giggle, he raised the fruit and pointed at it. “I can’t wait… to be… a proud… papa-ya.”
    Wanda looked amused at the future father’s pun and Vision grinned, clearly happy with the reaction. You actually laughed before quickly throwing up a hand to cover the titter.
    “Well, that just proves it,” you said after composing yourself even though your company seemed perfectly pleased with your reaction to the joke, “you’re going to be a wonderful one. Look at you, turning into a proper one already.”
    Vision went from smiling to flusteredly chewing at his lip quite quickly; he would always get easily flustered but never enough to blush. Instead, he’d twist his head a certain way and rub his neck and shoulder, maybe even avoid eye contact if he was embarrassed enough. He’d always tug his bottom lip between his teeth too, something you couldn’t help finding just a touch more endearing than the other mannerisms; at least it gave you a much more rational reason to stare at his lips for longer than generally accepted.
    “You really think so?” he asked.
    You scoffed as you moved to pick up your tools again. “Of course, you and Wanda will make absolutely stellar parents. The two of you are more prepared now than I’ve seen some people after they’ve already had the kids. Now,” you paused as you stood up straight and looked at your couple with a cheerful smile, “shall we head to the nursery?”
    You were partially convinced that you had been invited solely to help Vision wrangle his wife. You certainly hadn’t been invited to help decorate; even pregnant, Wanda made faster work of your tools than you did. You were huffing while maneuvering a rocking chair in the room and by the time you got it settled in the corner, Wanda had already pieced together the changing stand that was to sit next to it. You turned to grab a tool to open the cans of paint only to turn back around and see all of them opened and Wanda with a brush in hand, painting away. You managed to get the crib up before she could get her hands on it but when you looked around for the yellow mattress and bumper cushions, you looked up to find Wanda already putting on the finishing touches.
    Now, you were kneeling on the ground by the crib and painting a delicately rendered stork while Vision was getting to his feet after reading all the reasons Wanda should be resting instead of doing what she was doing, which was pulling a mobile of colorful plastic butterflies out of a box and shifting ever so closer to a stool so she could hang it.
    “Darling,” Vision tried, shifting ever so closer to her, “you should probably sit down.”
    “You really should,” you offered your help, almost half-heartedly because you already knew the outcome before she said it.
    “Don’t be silly,” Wanda assured him, “all I feel is excitement, happiness, and— huhnf! Oh!”
    You were on your feet and spun around to give her a wide-eyed stare before her gasp even finished, but instead of pain or worry, Wanda’s face was lit up with wonder as the hand not grasping a plate fluttered around her stomach. Vision also moved quickly, to step forward and pressed his hand on her stomach.
    He breathed, “Kicking already?” and they shared an excited stare.
    You stared awkwardly from the side with a paintbrush in hand, feeling more out of place you’ve ever had in your life.
    Until Wanda, without missing a single beat, turned her head in your direction and grinned. “[Y/N], you have to feel this!” Then she spoke to Vision, “Oh, it’s such a strange sensation, it’s kinda fluttery!”
    She was breathtaking. Then her nose scrunched up and she giggled in a way that could also be described as fluttery, and you were wondering in which states polygamy was legal and where was the best jeweler to get a ring.
    Still, you were trying to refrain from overstepping boundaries.
    “Oh, I don’t know…” you mumbled, shifting your weight from foot to foot and glancing around the room. You noticed the mobile she had been retrieving the last time you’d looked at her was already hung up above the crib; of course, it was.
    Wanda scoffed and made a gesture at Vision, then he was walking over and coaxing you to her side with an encouraging nuzzle to your temple.
    “I just don’t want—” you started.
    “To overstep, we know,” Wanda finished, the giddy look on her face replaced with a scowl. “Trust me, this is probably the one and only time I’ll ask for someone to feel my stomach while everyone else in the town just does it willy-nilly and besides, you are a part of— Oh!” 
    Her gasp and glance over your shoulder, combined with the sound of movement behind you was enough to make you turn your head, only for Vision to catch your attention in the opposite direction.
    “Another kick!” he exclaimed, just a little too loud. You thought you caught his gaze flitting over in the same direction as Wanda’s but then he was grasping your wrist and placing your hand against Wanda’s stomach. At the same time, his arm that was hovering politely around your back pressed against the naked small of your back as he pulled you closer into the little triangle of space you, Wanda, and he made; the sudden heat there made your blood boil in the best way and when his hand accidentally caught on the hem of your shorts and dipped a little lower over the fabric, you choked while sucking in a breath.
    Vision’s hands flew up to the sky and he scrambled away, apologizing profusely. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see his hands fluttering around, could imagine his eyes doing the same, and you were vaguely aware of Wanda moving at your other side, the fabric of her sleeve brushing against yours as she waved her arm. You also heard a sound that you chalked up to being a breeze coming from the open window and rustling the drawn curtains. You, usually the final piece of the chaotic puzzle, were instead staring down and softly gasping as the sudden tap against your palm. 
    “I felt it,” you whispered and the chaos that was happening around you seemed to still in the same moment as Wanda and Vision settled back around you to feel themselves. You repeated the phrase, brushing your thumb across the patch of clothed skin, and the baby responded with another kick a moment later. You couldn’t help looking up at Wanda a face frozen in almost childish wonder, and state the obvious, “You’re gonna have a baby.”
    Wanda nodded at you with shining eyes and a wet smile. She wrapped her free arm around her midsection and looked back down on her belly. The expression on her face radiated an intense, loving tenderness and you felt a billion non-plastic butterflies make a comfortable home in your chest.
    You followed her gaze and felt your face break into a grin so wide that your cheeks started to hurt almost immediately. Your hand, along with Wanda’s own and Vision’s, created a loose but ever so protective triangular shield over the place where you had felt your first baby kick, promising to move the universe for them should it ever be required. Despite the overlapping mess of fingers, you noticed how Vision’s hand was the perfect size to envelop your own and that even with a ring on one of them, Wanda’s fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between yours.
    The nervousness and insecurities that seemed to bounce around your head whenever you observed your couple, in their perfect world with their perfect dynamics, melted away in the comfortable warmth that came from your trio’s cozy huddle. This wasn’t a story about you or them separately but the three of you together and it was a wonderful one in the making.
    Then, “Oh.”
    Wanda looked up at her husband and echoed, “Oh.”
    You looked up second, adding your own questioning “Oh?” before your gaze settled on the butterfly lightly perched on the tip of Vision’s nose. “Oh!” Watching the monarch’s delicate wings fluttering, you were surprised he hadn’t already sneezed. 
    “Hello, little fella,” Vision softly said. He was the first to separate your group, stepping away and leaning down a bit for your and Wanda’s better viewing. His smile was blinding for the brief moment you caught it, before tilting your head away to snicker at the way his eyes were crossing to view his insect passenger.
    Wanda gently coaxed the butterfly onto her fingertip and walked over to the window to release it. That’s when you noticed a group of the bug type coalesced around the same area; the sudden visit from Mother Nature must have been what she had seen earlier.
    “Oh, my,” you said, “that’s something you don’t see every day.”
    The smile on Wanda’s face tightened for just a moment as her gaze jumped around the baby room, then relaxed as she maneuvered the various colorful butterflies outside. “Bringing good vibes, hopefully. They must have been enticed by the mobile; why, they even tried to free their plastic friends!”
    You looked towards the crib curiously and saw that the mobile hanging above it was only a series of transparent hanging strings. Walking over, you found the butterflies that had once been attached to it scattered around the mattress. You picked a couple of them up and carefully pinched the thin material between your fingers. “Hm, strong butterflies.”
    “Clearly,” Vision agreed. He walked over to the rocking chair he had been sitting and reading baby books earlier and picked up his most recent read.
    Meanwhile, you began gathering up the scattered butterflies, then climbed up the nearby stool to retrieve the rest of the mobile. “You wouldn’t happen to have a good adhesive laying around, would you? I can have this fixed up and rehung lickity-split.”
    “Not laying around but I’m sure there’s one in the cabinet under the sink.” Vision seemed to find the page he was looking for. He glanced over the words, tensed up immediately after, and paced over to Wanda’s side as she shut the window. “If that was first kick, that puts you at about six months! Why I can’t keep up!”
    Has it been that long already? You silently wondered as you made your way over to the exit, careful not to crush any of the delicate pieces you were holding. While Vision was thinking in terms of babies, you were surprised that you had already been dating him and his wife for almost half of a year.
    In a signature dad-to-be fashion, Vision waggled his head down to give Wanda and the baby a kiss. Then he said in an equally identifiable dad’s voice, “Please don’t misinterpret. I can’t wait you meet you, little Billy!”
    You leaned against the doorframe as you offered Wanda an amused look; you had been previously graced with the conversation of baby names and Billy wasn’t exactly on her roster.
    “Billy?” she questioned, to which Vision gave a smile and an affirming noise. Wanda continued, “Well I was thinking Tommy. Just a nice, classic American name.”
    Vision gave an exaggerated, head tilting nod that suggested a mild disagreement. Then the higher-pitched tone he took when he replied confirmed it. “Hm, Tommy! Hm, mm… then there’s Billy, isn’t there? Named after William Shakespeare, all the world’s a stage, all the men and women many players!”
    Wanda went to speak but you beat her to it. “You’re sure it’s a boy, then?”
    Your partner seemed mildly embarrassed as she turned her attention to you. “Strong intuition?”
    You offered casually, not thinking about your lack of say in the matter, “What about Victor? Vin? Little Vinny’s certainly a cute nickname.” Almost immediately after you finished, it was your turn to be the embarrassed one. You stumbled over your words a bit as you started to apologize, only to falter when you saw both Vision and Wanda’s gleeful stares.
    “Well, those are wonderful names too,” Wanda assured you, clearly pleased you had chimed in, “but I’m not hoping for quadruplets. I guess we’ll need the next best thing— A girl.”
    Your shoulders relaxed from their hunched places that you hadn’t noticed they took. You chuckled and strolled out the door, throwing a couple more ideas over your shoulder, “Vivian! Virginia! Nadia!”
    Vision’s voice floated after you as you walked to the kitchen. “Ooh, Vivian’s quite good…”
    When you returned to the bedroom with good-as-new mobile in hand, only final touches needed to be added to the nursery, and Wanda and Vision’s excitement over the baby’s coming was suddenly amped up to eleven. The two were pacing around and frantically listing off the all things that they had left to do or buy. It was a very drastic change from the casual playfulness that you had experienced between them earlier, as the new parents were keeping themselves—and you—busy with a thousand new tasks. Eventually, Vision had a list about as long as he was tall of every bottle, diaper, blanky, binky, children’s book, and stuffed animal that they had yet to get.
    Deciding you were now the more sane member of the group, you decided to take the list and go shopping for them; if you didn’t, Vision may have been swept up in the baby section of a clothing store and never return. That’s how you ended up where you were now, at the front of an ever-growing line of department store customers, waiting anxiously as the workers tried to get the lights back on and the cash register back in working order.
    You rapped your fingernails on the countertop—not intentionally, just out of worry about how your parents-to-be were managing at home—and glanced from your bloated shopping cart to the cashier, who was talking quietly with a manager then back several times. You were antsy about being stuck in a store when you were much useful elsewhere and being concerned about whether you were making the cashier uncomfortable with your mannerisms, for they were probably three times as unsettled as you were, wasn’t doing anything but adding on to the stress.
    Finally, the cashier turned back to you and the rest of the shoppers and announced, “Good news, everybody! The register is still down but it’s a quick switch to manual; we’ll have each and every one of you checked out and on your ways home soon!”
    A cheer erupted around you but you were too frazzled to join in.
    “Unfortunately,” the cashier continued as the noise died down, “we’re not the only store experiencing this. It’s the whole town.”
    While the crowd’s disappointed “Aww” only appeared mildly disgruntled, you went rigid and your mind began racing, all thoughts revolving around a particular household.
    One random thought of wondering What if Wanda went into labor right now? had the hair on your arms sticking straight up.
    You slammed your hand down on the counter, spooking both the cashier and yourself.
    “Ma’am,” you started, then paused to quickly apologize for your rudeness before continuing, “I need you to check me out as fast as humanly possible; I think my—” Wife seemed way out of line but girlfriend felt too out of place. “—pah-art-ner’s having a baby.”
    You were struggling to your car with a small mountain of baby items in the arms in a matter of minutes, mentally kicking yourself for being bad at talking the entire way there. You threw your bags in the back, scrambled into the driver’s seat, and were getting ready to pull away from the curb when a ringing from your mobile phone sounded.
    “Goddammit,” you huffed. One hand was pulling up an antenna and pressing the technological brick to your ear while the other gripped your steering wheel so hard that your knuckles turned three skin tones lighter. “Yeah, hello?”
    “[Y/N]?” Agnes’s voice was a welcome surprise but her worried tone wasn’t.
    “No, it’s your husband, I’m on my way home now, dear,” you snarked, then mentally kicked yourself again. “Sorry, that was rude, I’m in a rush. What’s crackin’? Besides the town going into blackout, that is.”
    “The neighborhood’s flooded,” Agnes said simply.
    You blanched. “I’m sorry?”
    “The cul-de-sac? Something’s happened and all the pipes have burst. Mine, Herb’s, Dotty’s, everyone’s!”
    How on earth the day’s mood has changed so quickly, you had no idea. What you did know is that you desperately had to get back to Wanda’s side, your house be damned.
    “Thanks, ‘Nes, good to know,” you hissed through clenched teeth. You rested your phone between your ear and shoulder as you put both hands on the wheel and started driving.
    “Do you want me to do anything?” Agnes asked; her voice sounded as frazzled as you and the rest of Westview looked. “Go over to your place, grab anything important?”
    You huffed out a sigh as your car flew around a corner. “Agnes, you know I adore you, but I really, really have to go.” 
    You hung up and tossed the shoe-sized device in the passenger’s seat.
    Vision met you on the curb as you were parking your car and he had the doctor from earlier that day in tow, now dressed in vacationing attire and very seeming very underprepared. Within a few words and as if you had accidentally wished it into existence back at the department store, you were informed that Wanda was in fact about to have little Billy or Tommy or who-have-you. Of course, this messy day would come to a peak in such a way.
    The taller man was half-escorting, half-hauling both you and the doctor to the door, and the bags in the backseat of your car were completely forgotten as concern chewed away at your insides. Loud, strained sounds coming from inside only added onto it.
    As the three of you reached the front door, Vision flung it open and pressed the doctor inside. Then he grabbed your wrist and began tugging you in after himself.
    You couldn’t help your feet freezing to the concrete. “Vis, are you sure?”
    The distress on his face softened just slightly and he pressed the back of your hand to his lips. “Of course we are.” Then he wrapped an arm around you and properly, albeit quickly, brought you into his and Wanda’s home—
    —where Wanda was laying on the floor, panting and shimmering with sweat and holding a baby wrapped in a blue and white dishtowel while Geraldine perched awkwardly over her.
    You and Vision shared a bug-eyed look before Vision’s turned into one of sadness. You wanted so badly to hug him and tell him it was alright but he was already releasing you and slowly walking over; you trailed a couple of steps after him.
    “Oh no,” he murmured, “I missed it?” However, when he took a look at Wanda’s softly smiling face and their happily cooing baby, whatever brief grief he was experiencing was replaced by a proud smile and new fatherly glow.
    “Hey, doc,” Geraldine spoke suddenly, “why don’t you help me out in the kitchen there?” She nodded in your direction as well.
    You wondered why she was there, in Wanda’s home or Westview, at all. The idea made your stomach flip but you just couldn’t place why.
    The only response the doctor gave was blubbering about speeding as she took his arm and led him away. You began to follow when Vision stopped you with a gentle tug on your arm.
    “No, [Y/N],” he said, “it’s alright. Stay and come see.”
    You didn’t even think as you smiled and took his hand. You took a glance towards the kitchen to make sure the other company was occupied, then kissed the back of his hand as he had done only a moment earlier. Squeezing it and letting it drop, you responded, “Go say hello to your baby. I’ll always be here.”
    Given the current situation, Vision wasn’t up for arguing much. He gave you a quick peck on the temple before gingerly making his way over to where Wanda rested happily on the living room floor.
    You made your way to the kitchen, where you slumped against the kitchen counter as exhaustion overtook you. You were close enough to both parties to hear Geraldine’s blatant attempts at distracting the doctor to your left and Vision and Wanda’s cozy rumblings to your right, but too out of sorts to make out anything tangible. You didn’t realize until now how badly your feet ached from the combination of gardening, decorating, and running around and how your outfit had lost its cute playfulness in place of wrinkles and feeling slightly damp from sweat. You were sure you were looking more worse for wear than Wanda, despite Wanda having had a baby, but when you thought about it for more than a second or two, you felt like you wouldn’t trade the day for any other in the world. 
    Especially when thinking about that cutie patootie, you thought with a tired smile. He’s gonna have such good parents. Such a good life.
    Suddenly, your train of thought was stopped by the sound of Wanda yelling and your whole body jerked in her direction, energetic as ever.
    Wanda was going into labor a second time, you could see easily see. Something somehow more surprising was going on in the living area, though, and that something was Vision’s skin. While he still wore his regular clothes, that was the only normal thing about him. Instead of light skin, his flesh was a deep red and you weren’t even sure it could be called skin; it looked more… mechanical than that, with symmetrical lines etched into some places and silver plating covering others. Instead of a full head of wavy hair, he had none, and his ears and parts of his bald skull were also covered in silver. Silver came to a peak at the top of his forehead and at the end of it was a golden gem.
    Vision was holding his baby and yelling along with Wanda as she began pushing a second time. He happened to glance up and catch your bewildered eye and then he started yelling because of you.
    You stood frozen in place, not sure what to do until you heard a commotion behind you.
    “Well, what’s going on now?” Geraldine started.
    Your brain kicked back into full gear and thinking quickly and somewhat stupidly, you yelled and pointed in the opposite direction, “Jeepers creepers, is that a stork?” You couldn’t imagine why your poor attempt at a distraction worked but you considered it a success as Geraldine and the still-disoriented doctor’s attention settled elsewhere. Not missing a beat, you grabbed another cloth from the kitchen and raced to Wanda and Vision’s aid, skidding to a halt on your knees.
    “[Y/N],” Vision said, though nothing else followed. He stared at you in pure shock, mouth flapping and the bright blue irises of his eyes twisting and shifting like a camera lens as he looked at you. Still, his body worked despite his befuddled mind as he took the cloth you handed him and offered you a newborn baby to hold instead. 
    “[Y/N],” Wanda gasped through her current endeavor. When you dragged your head to look at her, she was staring at you with a clenched jaw and equally wide eyes, which were filled with a mixture of surprise, horror, and… relief? Then she was screaming and pushing again, eyes squeezed shut, and her hand flew to your own.
    You grabbed it and held on tight, even when her fingernails dug in enough to leave marks for days. While a red and silver-skinned Vision handled the delivery like a champ—a bugged out, stammering, robotic champ who couldn’t figure out whether he should be looking at you, his wife, or the baby he was helping into the world but a champ nonetheless—you switched between offering encouraging words to the tiring new mother and cooing calmly at the newborn swaddled and resting cozily in the crook of your arm. Soon enough, Wanda was slumping back into the pillow behind her head and Vision was sitting back on his haunches with another quiet baby snuggled against his chest; your taut muscles sagged and the exhaustion you hit in the kitchen came rushing back. 
    You made sure Wanda was lucid enough to take her baby back and carefully transferred from your arms to hers. It was only after he was safely in his mother’s grasp that you were able to fully relax, tossing an arm around Vision’s shoulders and leaning heavily against him while you shook out your other hand, which was red and covered in deep, crescent moon-shaped marks.
    “So,” you puffed, “Billy and Tommy?”
    Wanda’s tired face lit up as she nodded her head towards her baby. “Tommy.”
    Vision, who was leaning on you as much as you were on him—something in the back of your head noted that the two of you held each other very well and that something sent a little pang of affection straight to your pounding heart—used his turn to nuzzle the forehead of the baby he held and grumble in a half British, half baby-talk accent, “Billy.”
    You hummed while stretching a hand down to give Billy a very ginger boop on the nose; he didn’t seem to mind. Then you said, “Vinny and Vivian will just have to be next time.”
    Your group shuddered with a mess of tired, soft laughter. Then you began to relax further but as the excitement of childbirth began to wear off, you a new variation of tension settling into your couple. The new parents were sharing increasingly worried looks and if they were communicating telepathically, and it was then that you remembered that the man sitting next to you was for less human than you’d previously made him out to be.
    The realization seemed to hit him at almost the same time because his head swung to look at you just as you had turned to observe his new appearance. On his robotic face—was robotic even the word; was he a robot?—was an expression of outright fear but also something that looked like he was mentally being torn in two different directions. He went to speak several times—his mouth and teeth looked the same, perfect and familiar—only to verbally scramble and backtrack, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders since his hands were too occupied to scratch his neck. Finally, he appeared to get himself in order and he started, “[Y/N], I can— we can explain—”
    You ran your hand over his scalp and down to rest at the base of his neck; the silver plating felt like metal, while the thick red epidermis was warm and softer to the touch. Not only warm but damp from exertion, and pulsing softly to some form of a heartbeat where you ran a finger over a common pulse point. 
    While your mental energy was rapidly declining, you still managed to quip at the man, “As much as loved the idea of running my fingers through your hair, I think I prefer this over that awful cut that’s in style right now.”
    That left Vision dumbfounded and silent, his mouth flopping open and closed like a fish out of water. On your other side, who had been otherwise quiet and already snoozing as far as you were concerned, broke into a burst of loud laughter that was music to your ears.
    You grinned in response but your muscles were too tired to make it reach your eyes. You shifted over slightly to be closer to Wanda now and brushed your thumb over little Tommy’s cheek before resting doing a similar action to his mother’s. Wanda relaxed her head against your palm and the way she looked up at you from under her lashes made you do mental gymnastics about the ethics of blurting out the L-word then and there.
    Unfortunately, the moment didn’t last much longer because then Geraldine’s voice floated over from the kitchen, getting louder as she and the doctor made their way back from the wild stork chase you sent them on. You quickly looked to Vision, only to see him looking as human as the day you first met him, and noted the sad little string you got from seeing simple blue irises instead of the intricately shifting blue ones that swirled mechanically as he focused on something. It only lasted a moment, though, before you and your trio were busy readjusting yourselves into what you considered normal poses but in reality, probably made the three of you look much more awkward than you previously had.
    You’d just finished settling as Geraldine and her companion walked into the living room and, thinking tiredly and definitely stupidly, you blurted, “Jeepers creepers, another baby!”
    “Twenty fingers and twenty toes, you’ve got two healthy baby boys on your hands.”
    “Thank you, doctor,” Wanda responded as the man handed Billy back to her. Vision stood watchfully next to her, holding Tommy.
    You poked your head up from behind the second crib you were finishing assembling and as the doctor turned to thank Geraldine for her delivery help, you said to the Maximoff couple, “And a second crib all ready to go. If they’re not fans of sleeping separately, let me know and we can exchange the ones you have for one big one.”
    Wanda held out her hand to you as you stood and you walked over to hold it only briefly as she thanked you before leaning over and crooning at Billy and Tommy in turn. You were in the company of others, after all, and there had been enough excitement for one day without revealing your polyamorous relationship to a neighbor and a random doctor.
    It was weird how different the energy felt standing with them now than it had earlier just that day alone. Things still felt new and strange but you no longer felt like a separate unit from the household you were standing in or the people standing and smiling oh so sweetly at you. Then again, maybe that’s just what being involved in the arrival of an unexpected set of twins and making a superhuman discovery about one of your partners did to all blossoming romantic triads in the seventies. 
    Speaking of the doctor, as he began to finish up chatting with Geraldine, Vision beckoned you closer, and after getting an okay to do so, he carefully laid the baby he held in your arms. He gave Tommy a nuzzle and a light tap on the nose, then straightened up and headed towards the door.
    He said to the other man, “Allow me to walk you out, doctor.”
    “Oh, alright,” the doctor responded with an odd quiver in his voice. Said quiver was confirmed to be restlessness, which you had no doubt was attached to some sort of superhuman business Vision had involved him in when picking him up, when he continued, “As long as we actually walk this time?”
    You would definitely have to delve into the mystery of Vision’s sometimes inhuman appearance at a later date but at that moment you were remembering how the entire neighborhood’s pipes had burst. The neighborhood of which your house was a part of and an event you were sure you hadn’t been lucky enough to avoid.
    “Oh, shi—oot,” you stammered, “I should probably get back to my own pad and save what I can from getting water damage. I haven’t even been home to see how bad everything is.” You provided Tommy with a very important explanation in very serious baby babble terms before placing him in his crib. “I’ll just leave my car on this side of the street and bring the other stuff in sometime later this evening if that’s alright with you, Wanda?”
    When you looked at her, she was giving you a confused head tilt. She blinked, then her eyes shot wide open. “Oh, the pipes!” She paused and turned her gaze to the far wall of the living room as if she could see your house through it, then looked back at you with a smile. “Your house should be fine. In fact, I think the entire neighborhood is back intact!”
    Something about the way she looked at you assured you that she was right. You wondered whether Vision wasn’t the only one with a unique secret under this roof and if all the strange happenings that had gone on today couldn’t be traced back to Wanda herself.
    Not that any of that really mattered in the grand scheme of things.
    “I should still go,” you insisted, “You should really rest for a while, and I am a mess for the second time today. Maybe I can pop back over in a little bit?”
    Wanda pursed her lips in a subtle doubt before giving in. She nodded and after taking a glance around to make sure the company was occupied, she grasped your hand and leaned in closer. “Come over for dinner tonight. Stay and help us get the babies settled in? We can talk about today.”
    “Wanda, you need rest—”
    The woman interrupted, a teasing look making her eyes glitter. “Which is why either you or Vision will be doing the cooking! And you know how much I love the man but there’s a reason the only thing he handles in the kitchen is water from the faucet.”
    You had to nod in somber agreement at that statement, then sighed and gave Wanda a pout of your own. “Fine. Now, is anyone looking?”
    Wanda was smiling triumphantly. She took another quick look around, then shook her head; her silky hair fanned out slightly from its position perfectly framing her head as she did.
    You shuffled a little closer and slipped an arm around her waist in an intimate hug. Leaning in, you gave her one quick smooch on the cheek and another on the forehead then mumbled against her skin, “You did amazing.” Another kiss. “And you’re going to be a wonderful mother. Please, though, promise me that you’ll rest, at least for a little bit. The world will not crumble around you if you take one break.”
    Wanda, who had immediately leaned into your embrace and giggled as you kissed her, scoffed slightly. She gave you a tight squeeze and murmured back, “I suppose you’re right. Fine, but only because you promised to cook.”
    “Well, technically,” you said as you broke away from her, “I only said I’d come over. I can’t wait for Vision to make us burnt water and boiled bacon!”
    Wanda stared after you, frozen in a mock gasp. “[Y/N]!”
    You grinned and waved before spinning on your heels and trotting over to where Vision was perched, holding the door. “Bye!”
    When you got to the door, Vision’s hand played lightly down your back as he followed you outside after the doctor. 
    “Well, Dr. Nielson,” Vision said, “I hope you’re still able to make your trip.”
    The doctor, apparently Dr. Nielson, slowed as he stepped off the porch and onto the sidewalk. He turned towards Vision with a glassy look in his eye that he hadn’t had before but you’ve been seeing more and more often in Westview residents these days. When he talked, his speech became slower as well. 
    “Ah, yes, about my trip,” he drawled, “I don’t think we’ll get away after all. Small towns, you know. So hard to… escape.” 
    You frowned, suddenly uneasy. Glancing at Vision, the man just looked confused.
    Dr. Nielson’s glassy gaze shifted from Vision to you. He spoke deliberately to you, “Don’t you think, [Y/N]?” Then he blinked, turned, and walked off down the sidewalk.
    You weren’t sure exactly why, but you flinched and reeled back. You would have tripped and fallen up the porch if it weren’t for Vision catching you. Then the two of you stood gripping each other and staring as the doctor disappeared around the corner. 
    You didn’t even realize that your ears had started ringing until the sound began to fade. You started, “Well, that was…”
    “Yeah,” Vision said with a slow nod. “Very. Are you alright?”
    “Fine, I think.”
    “No migraines?”
    “No migraines.”
    The two of you stood holding each other for a moment longer before you forced your fingers to loosen their death grip on Vision’s jacket. As the two of you relaxed slightly and readjusted yourselves, several questions rushed through your head, like why was that so unnerving and why did the doctor speak directly to you.
    How had he known your name?
    A particularly sharp pain made your vision swim temporarily but it was gone as soon as it came. Before you think any further on the subject, other voices floated into your range of hearing.
    “What is she doing in there?”
    “I don’t know.”
    You followed the voices with your eyes and found Agnes and Herb talking quietly by the wall Herb had been cutting into earlier; actually, Herb looked like he’d barely moved an inch, still standing in the gap between his wall of shrubs. At least he appeared more lucid, but now he and Agnes were huddled together like they were having a secret meeting. Neither of them noticed you yet.
    Vision decided to change that by throwing up a hand and hollering, “Howdy neighbors!”
    Agnes spun around so quickly you were wonder if she’d given herself whiplash, but the strained greetings and even more strained expressions that both she and Herb gave were what really piqued your interest.
    Well, not so much piqued your interest than their actions gave you a second dose of uneasiness that made your head spin and filled you with a sense of somewhat morbid curiosity.
    Then they stuck their heads back together and continued muttering.
    “Did you see her go inside?” Agnes questioned.
    Herb responded, “She went right in.”
    Vision leaned his head closer to yours; he didn’t seem to catch what they were saying. “Do they seem… a little off to you?”
    “Just a tad.”
    You silently deliberated with each other before casually strolling over.
    “Remarkable day we’re having, no?” Vision tried again.
    Agnes and Herb looked up again, also trying to look casual but there was something definitely worrisome about their equally strained smiles.
    Vision continued, “Did you lose power too?”
    You snapped your fingers, joining in. “That’s right! Agnes, you called me about the pipes bursting. I hope nothing got too damaged?”
    “Oh, sure did,” Agnes said to Vision, “but Ralph looks better in the dark, so I’m not complaining. And you’re right, I did, [Y/N]! Luckily, everything’s just fine.”
    There was an awkward pause and even though you were out in open air, you felt like you were struggling to breathe in a sauna.
    Vision said, “Hi, Herb.”
    Herb responded, “Heya, buddy.”
    More awkward silence. 
    “Well,” Vision said slowly, lightly clapping his hands together, “I’ll get back to Wanda. [Y/N], you’re heading home?”
    “Right,” you affirmed, a little too quickly.
    What is going on?
    Vision placing his hand on your back brought back some sense of normalcy as he began escorting you to the curb.
    “Vision,” Agnes abruptly said halting your exit. You and your partner turned back to her and Herb and she continued after a long-winded pause and adjusting her awkward stance leaning against the low wall, “Is Geraldine inside with Wanda?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    Herb piped up, “She’s new to town. Brand new.”
    Wait, that’s not right. Your brows furrowed and you felt the sting of your own bite as you chewed your bottom lip. You felt pressure in your skull as you tried to recall where you’d previously met the woman, because you knew you had, but trying to do so had a similar feeling to trying to grip water as it rushed through your fingers.
    Agnes went on, “There’s no family. No husband.”
    You would have scowled, said something in defense of your circumstances of moving to Westview without a family or marriage, but you were too busy trying to clear away the fog that quickly encroaching your headspace. Vision, on the other hand, was able to say something, “Well there’s nothing wrong with that.”
    Agnes hummed, gave a half-hearted nod, then steadily met his gaze. “No home.”
    Come to think of it, you knew very little about Geraldine. While you were positive that you’d met her before today, you couldn’t for the life of you place what she did for work, when she first appeared in Westview, what house in the cul-de-sac she lived in—
    You could list off the names of everyone who lived in your neighborhood. Geraldine wasn’t one of them.
    Your brain felt like it could expand and explode from the intense pressure at any moment but the dread pooling in the pit of your stomach from the idea of not being able to retrieve memories bothered you far more. You couldn’t bring yourself to push the thoughts away and instead mentally leaned into the pain. The harder you pushed, the more pressure pushed back, as if you were fighting against an invisible barrier that was barring you from your own memories. 
    At the same time, you attempted to keep yourself grounded by staying tuned into the conversation at hand. Vision asked Agnes what she meant by Geraldine having no home and Herb kept stumbling over the same beginning of a sentence—She came here because… She came here because… She came here because we’re all…—like he was a record on a broken player that just wouldn’t let him get out what he wanted to say. 
    Vision tried to urge him on. “She came here because what? What are trying to tell me?”
    With Agnes and Herb bickering briefly about whether or not to tell Vision whatever it was they had been speaking about, Vision completely tuned into them, and you fighting to remember things without succumbing to your migraines, you had an underlying feeling of being out of place. You’ve felt out of place before, of course, but this was something different and weird and wrong. Your entire perfect—but not so much, you were gradually learning—little town suddenly seemed like it was out of place in its state, its country, its world, its reality. Out of nowhere, Westview felt like it was trapped in a claustrophobic little bubble that wouldn’t let anyone escape and the longer anyone was here, the warped things would become—
    A memory came rushing back of a black and white talent show and a smashed mirror and an arm oozing blood and color and Geraldine was there but she was an eerie Geraldine, out of place and time and reality and asking if you knew who she was or who you were and you didn’t know the answer and then Wanda and Vision appeared and everything was okay again, and now the name Monica throbbed against the base of your neck and the air around you radiated electricity and it was itchy and no one around you was noticing anything and instead of darkness, a weird bright light was tinging the edges of your vision white and—
    There was a crash coming from the house and none of the people standing next to you were any the wiser but even though you felt like you were swimming through honey while doing it, you turned just in time to see a portion of a nearby wall explode as something shot out from inside and continued flying until it disappeared into the distance. Then there was a sound similar to a sonic boom that followed and a wave of nausea crashed over you as the electric air rippled and distorted right before your eyes, and then you could see the dome of TV static-looking energy that encapsulated your town and the dome seemed to peak directly above the Maximoff house.
    Your ears rang. Your mouth flapped open closed but you couldn’t force a single word out. You looked around and everyone else in your group seemed trapped in a strained conversation that they couldn’t escape from if they wanted to.
    You didn’t so much walk as you floated over to the gaping hole in the side of your couple’s house, or at least, that’s what it felt like as the ground grew soft and wobbly under your feet and you swayed as you moved. You reached the hole and peered through it, then waved aimlessly when you saw Wanda staring wide-eyed at you from a couple of demolished rooms away. She said or mouthed something—she’s sorry? Why?—but you couldn’t tell which it was over the thrumming of your own pulse in your ears. You cocked your head, more out of curiosity than confusion, then blinked and stared glassy-eyed as the hole in the house reversed itself.
    “Huh,” you said dumbly as the last brick fell back into place. “Cool.”
    Then your body felt as if it were slammed back onto very hard, solid ground and that’s because it was. You weren’t sure if you whined or groaned or screamed as you collapsed to the ground, succumbing to your worst migraine yet. 
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
Types of Nctzens - WayV edition
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Disclaimer: Please, don't take this post too seriously, please! It's all a joke, and we are all clowns hehehe 🤡
The Kun biased
Is a five star michelin chef
Doesn't know how to fry an egg
Tries hard to look normal, but is a clown like everyone else
Suddenly likes pilots, but says they were always into pilots
Takes care of everybody
Gives socks as gifts, but like, really weird socks, seriously. You wonder where they got them, but it's better to never know.
Also gives self-help books to people, because they feel they need
Hard worker, always trying their best
Usually down to earth, but they make an exception for Kun
The Ten biased
Super artistic people
Really kind and sweet
Will laugh and cry with you
Can be sassy sassy
Gets away with everything because they are cute af
Fashion icon
Says things with double meaning frequently, and you'll never know if it was their intention or not
Has people's embarrasing moments saved on their cellphone for future use
Sensitive and creative souls - you can see galaxies in their eyes
The one who enters a store to buy one shirt and leaves it with two pants, a pillow, a dog, a chainsaw and some cottom pads
The Winwin biased
You can read it here
The Lucas biased
Likes tall people
And big things in general
Big babies, they like to be spoiled
But also kinda maternal - Will protect you at all costs
Laughs at everything
Caring and considerate
The one who sleeps in movie nights, snores, wakes up and says the movie was crappy
Has warm hands and warm hearts
They were 12 and looked 20. They worry a lot about when they get to their 50's
The Xiaojun biased
Hard stans
Staning Xiaojun is almost like a cult
You need to spread the word, he is a God after all
Has a shrine dedicated to Xiaojun at their room
Supportive and caring
Will cook for you your favorite things
Quiet, but have a strong presence
Hidden dork. Shines when they get drunk
It's 4 am and they wake up because they suddenly remembered an embarassing moment of their past life
The Hendery biased
But really soft
You don't know their next move
Chaotic goo(ffy)d
"Smile and wave"
Opens the internet browser to search how to make chamomile tea, ends up in the deep web and doesn't know what's going on
Kind hearted and always willing to help
Names everything they have in their bedroom
Likes the prince and the frog equally
Sleep with their eyes open, just in case
The Yangyang biased
Crazy pt.2
Still soft but not that soft
Friendly and accepting people
Includes you in everything
Wants to watch the world burn
But would shelter the only three people they like before setting fire to everything
Likes cuteness but also like chaos. They say they search for balance in life, but ignores when people say they are getting the concept wrongly.
Life of the party
Wants friendship tattoos, but no one wants to do it with them, because it involves weird ideas
°• taglist - @starrdustville @cupidluvstarrz @mairah-shaikh @kpopsnowball @kaepopsicle
°• masterlist
226 notes · View notes
theladybarnes · 2 years
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“Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?”
▸ summary: it’s the weekend which means it’s the perfect time for a nice little prank ▸ pairings: peter x reader, bucky x reader ▸ word count: 4,410 ▸ warnings: cursing, mild gaslighting, & murder ▸ series masterlist
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“Blue, pick up your phone!”
The sound of Peter’s tired voice was what woke you up first. Sitting up from the couch, you wearily checked your surroundings. The two of you had fallen asleep on the living room couch some time after eating. Peter having convinced you to get some rest and you having convinced him to stay instead of driving so late at night.
Being the kind person he was, Peter insisted that you two relax on the couch rather than on the bed. Hoping that you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable around him. It was so considerate that you couldn’t help but lean over and kiss him. It was a gentle, friendly kiss that he made sure end quickly. Murmuring for you to lie back and rest.
“Blue!” You had forgotten about his request before you climbed out of the couch to grab the hand held that had submerged between the cushions of the couch at some point. “Sorry sorry.” you muttered, before you were able to pull it out. Pressing the call button, you press the device in your ear.
The call doesn’t last long. It’s only your father calling to apologize for having stayed the night out without a phone call to tell you where he had been. It made you feel only slightly guilty that you didn’t even think about him really, but reminded you as well he didn’t call you either. After reassuring him that you were fine, he told you that he’d be home later on today after he wrapped some things up.
When you finally hung up, you looked over at a still sleepy looking Peter. His brown curls were splayed all over his face as he curled against the couch cushion. It made him appear soft. Nudging lightly against his leg, you smile over at him. “I guess that was our wake up call today.” You chuckle, moving sit down beside him.
“I guess I should be heading out. I know my dad will freak out soon if we don’t call in for a check in soon enough.”
It was at the mention of ‘we’ that you were reminded of the other person he was talking about. Instantly, you recoil away from Peter, reminded of the events that had happened the night before. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring him up.” Peter sighed, reaching out to cup the side of your face. 
“It’s okay, I just don’t know what will happen come Monday.” Looking over at Peter you give a sad smile. “I might have my life ruined because of this guy.” The sting of tears pinch at your eyes and you quickly blink to get them to go away. What you don’t notice was the glare that had returned to Peter’s face. It was similar to the one from the night before when Steve had stepped out to invite you to the party.
“I won’t let him do anything.” he reassured. Pulling you in for a hug. A part of you wants to break down again, let yourself fall into pieces about all this. But the bigger part of you wants to remind yourself that you’re a lot more stronger than this. You had to be. 
“It’s okay, Peter. I’ll find a way to deal with it.”
Shaking his head, Peter pulled back to you to look at you with a small smile. “I think I have a better idea on how we deal with it.” Your brow arched, glancing up at him again. 
It was funny to think that you and Peter could get close so far. But moments like this were a gentle reminder of what it could be like to let people in once in a while. At least people who didn’t judge you. Unlike the last boy you got close to.
You and Peter stare over at the front door, confused. Wondering who could be there considering your Father wasn’t coming home till later on. Peter was about to make his way over when you held up your hand to him. “I got it.” you smiled, figuring it might be one of your annoying neighbors.
Unfortunately, you were right.
The first thing you were met with was the familiar unruly brown hair of the boy next door. It figured that someone as handsome as Bucky would not look even remotely hungover after partying the night before. In fact, he looked painfully gorgeous. 
“What do you want, Barnes?”
A contemplative look spread across Bucky’s face as you spoke. Something that made you more annoyed since he was one of the reasons why you were so mad at him in the first place. After all the shit he added on top of your night, having him come over with this innocent demeanor made you upset.
“Look,” he started, rubbing his hand against his face. “I just wanted to check in with you. I know a lot happened last night-”
“You mean when your friends all decided to call me a slut and you joined in on their shit parade?”
Bucky winced at your words, holding onto the door frame to keep himself from stepping back. “Yes, I wanted to talk to you about that..” 
“What is there to talk about? You come into your friends room and see me on the floor crying, and your first thought was that it was something I wanted to do?”
“That’s the thing! You left before I could ask what really happened.” He volleyed as his face turned from pleasant to frustrated. “I get that what I said was harsh but you still ran off before I could even wrap my head around it.”
“You led me there, you know.” You glared, hating that there was even some inclination in his tone that this was your fault. “I wouldn’t have had to ever deal with any of that if you didn’t tell what’s his name to tell me to go there!” 
Your hands shook at the side of your body, something that Bucky noticed right away as he took a minute to calm himself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about..in fact, I was told that you wanted-”
“You know, Buck, you really have a shitty way of apologizing.”
Peter had apparently decided he heard enough of the conversation and wanted to join in. Pushing the rest of the door open as he stood beside you. The expression that cut onto Bucky’s face when he saw Peter again looked a lot like how Peter was moments ago. That alone would have intrigued you more if you weren’t already so distracted by the stressing conversation.
“Peter. You spent the night here?”
The shorter brunette scoffed at Bucky’s comment, obviously just as astonished at his audacity as you were. “Yeah, and before you try and make her feel bad again, we didn’t do anything.” He lifted his hand to point over at Bucky’s chest. “Because when I see a girl who is very vulnerable and obviously just having went through something traumatic, I actually stay with her and make sure she’s alright. Something a nice guy would do.”
That last word seem to throw Bucky off, causing him to look at Peter peculiarly. Like he knew something the other guy didn’t. “You know all about being a nice guy, huh?” He remarked with a defeated sigh. Something was definitely off about their interactions with each other. You just couldn’t place how. 
Not wanting to be around the man any longer, Bucky turned back his focus on you. The change in his expression was more solemn now that he realized how you felt towards him. “I’m sorry. I don’t know everything that happened. But I’m next door if you wanna talk.” He glanced at Peter again briefly. “Alone.”
Shaking your head, you reached over for the door, preparing to close it finally. “Right now, the only one I want to talk to is Peter. So if you don’t mind, I’ll see you around, Barnes.” Again, you leave Bucky unable to reply back as you close the door on him this time. But unlike last night, choosing to ignore Bucky left a feeling of uneasiness within you.
Something that Peter picked up right away before he reached out to cup your face in his hands. “You did good, Blue.” A small satisfied smile at grown on his face before he leaned in to press a chaste kiss to your forehead. “You’re already  proving you don’t let dumb jock heads like him run your life. I’m so proud of you.”
His affirmations to you didn’t exactly undo the tight feeling in your chest. For some reason, Peter being proud of your reaction towards Bucky made you feel kind of worse. 
“I don’t wanna talk about him anymore. I’m not too sure I can face Bucky again any time soon.”
“Don’t worry,” he grinned, moving his hand to shoulders. “We can talk about something even better.”
“Like what?”
“How to get back at Steve Rogers.”
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It was an hour after Peter told you about his idea that you were showered up and driving back over to the Parker/Rogers estate. The winding road up the hill reminded you of everything bad that happened. But before you could dwell too deep in your thoughts, Peter’s warm hand closed around yours. “Hey, you okay?”
You glanced down to your hands, focusing on them instead of the house approaching. “I’m okay, I’m just not sure if this is the kind of revenge I want to get.”you replied honestly. The idea sounded funny at first. But after a longer thought, you couldn’t help but think that interacting at all with Steve at all was just something you didn’t want to do. 
Pulling up to the top of the hill, Peter sets the car in park, locking the break before he cuts the engine. Giving him the better chance to look at you now that he wasn’t driving. “I think that if you aren’t going to go and tell everyone the truth, that in private, you at least get your own kind of revenge. What better than to make Steve throw up in his own room?”
“I get that, I’m just not sure that I can face the guy again. You didn’t hear some of the shit he said to me, Peter.” 
“No I didn’t. If I did, I’d have done everything to tear him to pieces.”
There was so much secret anger he had towards the blonde, something that you weren’t sure if you wanted to dive into or not. Mostly because you were worried about what else he could have done to make Peter hate him so much. 
Leaning forward, you pressed a chaste kiss against his frowning lips. The action caused his face to drop, looking at you incredulously before he leaned forward to you to press your lips against his again.
The kiss was different from the one you shared with Bucky. It was sweet, needy, and very much wanted on Peter’s end. It kind of left you breathless. “We can just go eat breakfast and hope that Monday isn’t a complete shit show.” you suggested, letting your hand cup the side of his face. He had such a deep want to fight for you, it felt nice, but it wasn’t necessary. 
His hand reached up to yours, pressing against it as he melted to your touch. His eyes slipped close as your touch gave him a sort of comfort. It made you wonder just how long it’s been for someone to be affectionate with Peter. 
“Pete?” you whispered, wondering when he’ll come out of this daze he fell into. When he opened his eyes again, a calmness had spread over, causing him to smile brightly at you. He climbed out of the car and walked over to your door to help get you out.
“Everything will be okay when we do this. I promise.” His arm wrapped around your shoulder, bringing you in close as he led you to the front doors. “Don’t you trust me?” he asked once his hand was on the door. After last night, you knew Peter might be the only person left you could trust.
“Of course I do. It’s just-“
“Then trust me when I say this is gonna be the best way to get back at him.”
Looking into his brown eyes, you contemplated what could go wrong with the idea. It could honestly just end with Steve chasing after you and Peter after making him sick. No, it wouldn’t stop what happens on Monday. It wouldn’t make up entirely for what could have happened. But at least you would be able to make him feel as shitty as you feel. At least for a little bit.
“Okay,” you sighed, pulling the door open. “Let’s do this.”
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The two of you look at all the contents you pulled out on the counter. Arms crossed as you thought over what combination would be the best one to make Steve throw up. 
“I think the orange juice and milk might be seen coming. No one would take a random mug of juice from someone they fought with anyway.” You reached for the milk and juice containers and put them back in the fridge before getting back to Peter. He poured the contents of the cup down the drain. He glanced at the mug that had the egg and juice mixed and scrunched his nose. 
“I doubt the taste of the egg will be that strong enough in the juice.” Down it went.
“Salt in the water bottle could work. Especially since he was pretty plastered last night?” Peter suggests reaching for the bottle. The seal cracking open caused him to pause. It was like a spark had come into mind as he dashed back to the fridge, opening it up to pull out a bright red Gatorade bottle. 
“I think if we mix this with the oil, it might just make him sick enough to throw up and have the runs.” He grinned, setting the bright red bottle down. The picture on the side showed some basketball player mid-dunk. The neon color of the liquid was almost like a red flag. 
“You think this is something he’d drink first thing in the morning? Not water?” 
“Yeah, it’s one of Steve’s go tos after he’s been drinking all night. Something about the electrolytes helping him throughout the day.” He moved past you to the cabinet by the sink, reaching deep for the container of oil. The liquid was a light yellow color with a picture of corn on the front. “If we bring it as a peace offering, he might ignore the fact that the seal has been opened.”
Opening the drink, he poured a little bit into the sink before replacing the remainder with the oil. Shaking it quickly, he held up the bottle in the light analyzing how bad it might look before he nodded approvingly. 
He placed it down on the counter before smiling proudly at you. “Well? Sounds good, right?” You chuckled a bit, looking over at the contents slightly approved. “I guess this could work. He’ll hopefully be a bit out of it as we hand it to him.” Peter turns to grab the bottle before accidentally knocking it, and some of the salt he had out down the drain. 
“Ah, shit.”
You helped pick up the items, making sure to seal everything as Peter wiped down everything. He reached under the sink and pulled out a bottle of degreaser to pour down the sink, hoping it’ll keep things from clogging up. He placed down the bottle and ran the water through waiting for it to clear through. You took a moment to look at the bottle and laughed a little bit. 
“What’s so funny?”
You placed the gatorade bottle beside it and pointed at the two. “They match in color. It looks like he’s drinking degreaser.” Peter chuckled with you, staring at the two items before he became serious. Rounding back to the fridge, he pulled out a second bottle, repeating his actions before he poured some of the cleaning liquid inside it. 
“Pete, what the hell are you doing?”
“Let’s give him this instead.” 
Shaking your head, you watch as he puts away the rest of the items before turning back to you. “Don’t mess around, Peter. That stuff will kill him.” You said seriously. He reached out to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you in close.
“It’ll taste so bad I’m sure he’d spit it out before he actually swallowed it.” He joked back, looking at you with a fake pout. “It’ll be funny.” Shaking your head, you playfully slap at Peter’s chest.
“How about we don’t do anything illegal, okay?”
Before he has the chance to answer, you pull Peter close and press your lips against his. His chest rises against you as he reacts the same way he did before. Like every kiss or touch you offered was giving him life. Being wanted by someone in that kind of way was definitely a little bit of a confidence boost. 
Not wanting to pull apart from you, you felt Peter’s hands reach behind you on the counter to grab the bottle. Moving his lips gently against yours before he got bold enough to graze his tongue on your bottom lip. The action causes you to gasp a little bit and allow him to fully explore inside your mouth.
When your air supply felt short, you gently pushed at Peter’s chest. Allowing the two of you to catch your breath. His breath fanned against your face and you’re a little bit shy at how intensely he’s looking at you. “Come on.” He said after a few moments. “Let’s go give this asshole a hell of a wake up call.”
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One thing you failed to notice when entering inside the house was the state of the place. There were no more lingering guests from the night before, but tons of evidence that there had been a party were still there. You wanted to ask Peter if he wanted to clean up instead of pranking, but he reassured you there was a hired cleaning service to come that afternoon.
So, the two of you made your way up the stairs and down the hall towards Steve’s red door. Seeing it again almost made you want to turn around and go home, remembering too much pain it caused you. But Peter gently held your hand tighter and gave you a reassuring smile.
The door let out a loud croak as it was gently pushed open. Inside of the blonde’s room was still just the same last night. The only indicator that he had cleaned up a bit was the fact that your throw up had been wiped clean off the floor.
In the bed was a very loud, and very naked Steve Rogers. Gasping at the sight of his ass in the air, the two of you let out horrified groans before Peter reached over to drape the blanket over his lower half. “Wake up, Captain.” he said loudly. The blonde didn’t even flinch at the loud voice beside him.
Using your foot, you push a couple of times into the mattress hoping it would stir Steve again. “Get up, Rogers.” Peter tried again. It was as if you two were trying to wake up the dead. 
Walking over towards the window closest to the bed, Peter pulled back the shades and allowed the warm sunlight to hit at Steve’s face. It only took a couple of minutes of more shaking to the bed, and the light exposure before the blonde was groaning awake. 
“Will you two please shut the fuck up?”
“We will when you finally get up.” 
Letting out a deep sigh, Steve moved around in his bed so that he could lie down on his back. His eyes were bloodshot, five o’clock shadow groan in, and reeking of alcohol. Blue eyes looked between the two of you before he focused on your figure.
“Didn’t think I’d see your face around here. Having second thoughts?” He smirked, moving his hands to rest at the back of his head. The smugness in his face and voice made you want to throw a couple of punches his way. 
“Don’t talk to her that way, Steve.” Peter’s tone was icy, but he managed to keep his composure pretty calm. You on the other hand were turning red. “What you did was fucked up and you know it.” 
“So what? It’s not like I went through with it.” Steve scoffed, moving over to reach for some pants on the floor. You turned your gaze away, not needing to see any more of the man than you already have. “Buck’s girl just needs to get a sense of humor. Not like I’m into you or anything.”
“I’m not Buck’s girl.” You hissed, failing to keep your cool.
“That so?” He turned to look over at Peter. “Guess you’re into Peter then? Or are Brock and John right about you getting around.”
Peter stepped forward this time to wrap his hand around your forearm. He noticed the way you had began to shake and pulled you to stand closer to him. Shielding you a bit from his step brother’s eyes. “I’m not Peter’s girl. I’m the girl that you practically ruined her life for no reason.” You argued anyway, finding all this unfair.
“What would Wanda think about this, Steve?” The blonde froze at Peter’s question, obviously not ready to face that just yet. “I mean, sure you have the excuse that she might not believe what Blue says. But what about me? Or Bucky? Pretty sure he saw all that too.” 
It’s your turn to freeze. Wanda had been such a nice girl to you, being the kind of person that would try and click with everyone she just met. Steve was supposedly someone she really liked.  A fact that everyone seemed to know. The way he had been speaking about her when he entered the room came back to you. He never deserved her.
“Do you really think she’ll be mad?..” 
“What if we all can make it so she never finds out.”
The two boys stop talking to look at you. Reaching for the bottle in Peter’s hands, you put on a brave face and walk over to Steve. Holding the drink out to him. “Come Monday, Brock and John will blabber about me to the school. Obviously wanting to get back at me for my prank the other day.” 
Steve listened a little bit, curious as to where this was going to go. But from the way he licked his lips and rubbed at the corner of his eyes, you knew the drink was enticing him more than your words. “Let’s agree to move on from the incident. You either convince Brock and John to back off and leave me alone, or deal with having Wanda see you for the piece of shit you really are.”
The blonde scoffed at you, shaking his head at your ultimatum. “Do you really think I’d give a shit about all that?” Peter stepped forward to stand by you again. His height was much shorter than Steve, but with the focus on his eyes, and the confidence he felt from your statement, it nearly had him matching in height.
“I bet only one of us isn’t willing to find that out.”
It’s a painful minute of Steve mulling things over before he held up his hands in surrender. His Colgate smile spread over his face before he chuckled a bit. “Alright! You two beat me. I guess I’m in.” 
Though you felt a lot like making a deal with the devil, you’re happy to know that most of the school would be blissfully unaware of the incident that occurred in this very room. Logically, a few party guests who were around the two men most likely already heard about what happened, but the less spreading that went around, the faster the kind of rumor would die down. 
“Great, now as a peace offering, take the drink. I know you’ve been eyeing it since we woke you up.” You muttered, throwing the bottle over to Steve. He caught it with ease of course, staring down at the inviting cool liquid before he stepped back towards the center of his room.
“You know, I really do admire your guts, Blue. A lot of girls wouldn’t bounce back from a night like that. I think we should all go out and get like breakfast or something to celebrate.” 
The fact that he was completely oblivious to how bad of an idea that was made you realize just how much you guys needed to humble this man down. “Cheers to making amends, right?” Steve laughed, twisting the cap open. For a second you thought he might reject the drink after noticing the seal, but no, he simply held the drink out before him with a nod to the two of you. 
“Cheers to the Captain.” Peter smirked, ready to see the show begin.
Steve rolled his eyes at the comment before he began to guzzle down the drink. Your stomach filled with anticipation at the sight of Steve taking all of it down in one go. Surely, the oil would give him the biggest shit show he’s ever had. 
Peter glanced over at you expectantly before the sound of gargling drew both your attention. 
The blonde had become a ghastly pale color, paler than you’ve ever seen on a person. He dropped the remnants of the Gatorade onto the floor, before his hands clutched at his throat. The sounds coming out of him were scratchy and wet. Like whatever liquid that had been inside him wanted to crawl out. 
He only managed to take one single step before he croaked out his final words.
“What the shit?”
Without another sound, Steve fell over to the ground. Landing face first onto his wooden floors. 
It felt like you and Peter were frozen for so long before the brunette squatted down beside Steve. His hands barely touched at the base of the man’s neck before he shuddered and recoiled away.  
“Peter…is he?”
Nodding his head, Peter’s brown eyes stared up at you with horror.
“I think we just killed Steve Rogers.”
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a/n: nothing says you’re having a fun Saturday like “accidentally” murdering your enemy~ Also I’m really glad Bucky decided to come over and try and talk it out. But he needs to work on apologizing…why am I saying this like I didn’t write it? Anyway, hope y’all enjoyed it!
tag requests: @edgycatx​
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sadlysober · 4 years
like to watch you suffer
Dream Team roomates x gn!reader Summary: Youre playing a scary game and your roommates come in to laugh at you support you. Warnings: swearing, shitty description of bloody/creepy things. lmk when you find any! A/N: just watched Tommy’s fnaf stream and i died. If you have any tips, requests or ideas, feel free to send them in :)
Starting up Twitch with hesitation as you check your subscriber count one last time to be sure. You reached your subgoal on your last stream and promised the chat to play a spooky game. Playing mostly family friendly games and usually with a group of friends, you weren’t exactly excited to be playing 2017′s Resident Evil 7. Clips from Jack and Felix only made you dread this moment even more. Appearantly your chat loves seeing you scared shitless.
You start your stream as you normally would: greating the chat, answering some dono’s. “I actually hate you guys for making me do this. But we’re gonna try it anyways. I have a slight idea what’s coming and am mentally not prepared, so let’s see how long I will last before crapping my pants.” You force a smile at your camera and start the game.
The first hour was doable, a couple of jumpscares and some bloody stuff. A few of the jumpscares made you squeal, while the disgusting cutscenes made you want to throw up. Losing your focus on the game as you read some of the dono’s. A lot of them were about the game and people wishing you a good stream. A couple of questions about the Dream Team popped up. “What is George up to? I think he might be streaming as well I’m not -” The loud noise in your headphones, accompanied by a bloody faces canabal with a chainsaw made you shriek, followed by a ton of swear words and you taking of your headphones, rolling your chair away from your desk.
As you sit a couple of feet away from your desk you hear a door closing and footsteps in the hallway. You open your door and call out. “Gogy?” Your chat can’t hear the boy answering you. “You busy? No? Want to join my suffering? Yeah ofcourse you do, bring a chair!” The dark haired boy walks into your room rolling his chair in, a tad too excited. Your chat went insane, seeing him come through the door.
“You already died? Damn, N/N.” He teased, sitting down next to you. His legs propped up on his chair, face popping in and out of the frame.
“Would you like to try, Gogy?” You mimicked his accent, causing George to lean back into his chair. “Alright, goodluck not dying.” He said in the saltiest voice he could. You put your headphones back on, plugging in a second pair for George and handing him the headphones. You continue playing the game, almost getting used to the disgustingness of the house.
“N/N, I have to agree with chat, seeing you being a scaredy cat is hilarious.” In the meantime you’re turning into Y/N “I am going to shit myself” Y/L/N. George just laughs at you while hanging out with the chat. Yet he too flinches at the jumpscares. “Guys, the reason you can’t see George right now is because he is a big pussy.” You laugh, recieving a soft punch to your arm in return.
Another half hour of you and George sitting on the edges of your chairs until Nick decides to have some fun. After hearing you yell a couple of times he’d tune into your stream. He waited for the right moment; you had just finished a cut scene and was wandering though the dark house that felt like a maze. The squeaky sound of the door opening made you lean back in your chair a bit more, as if something or someone would jump out of the room behind it.
The door behind you flew open with a loud bang, causing you and George to yielp. Followed by another jumpscare in the game. “Fuck you Sapnap, you little shit cunt fuck you-” You utter under your breath as you try your best not to die in game.
“Sapnap!” George whined. “What? I heard there was a party.” The boy stood in your doorframe, a cheeky grin covering his face. “Can I join?” He somewhat asked, already pulling out a chair to sit down besides you.
“Fine, but no more messing around or I’ll end the fucking stream guys.” Your chat excitedly greated him. Spamming you there will be a savepoint in a bit. “Alright guys I’m just gonna go for one more savepoint, if i don’t die from adrenaline overdose by then.”
The boys on your sides bickered while you were trying to find the way out. “Go left.” Nick hinted. “Don’t listen to him, N/N.” George told you. They were like some twisted kind of devil/angel pair on your shoulders. “Have you played this before Gogy?” Nick spat, looking over to the boy on the other side of you. “No, but they came from-” He tried to defend himself, before getting cut off. “That’s what I thought, leave it to the pro then.” 
Trusting Nick’s gut you followed his instruction and went left. The sound of your footsteps are accompanied by heavy breathing, you look around with the little light you have. When you don’t immediatly die and thank Nick for the advice. A loud noice makes you turn around as you watch some creepy dolls fall down. “The sounds are honestly the creepiest thing about this game.” You say, continuing to walk around the room, looking for clues. Nick watches you, unbothered by the scary sounds as he doesn’t have any headphones on. “Chat why do you keep spamming ‘DEATH’? I’m not dying, I am clearly a pro.” You say proudly, not being as scared and jumpy as you had been. Yet the grin appearing on Nick’s face is telling you you should be. Moments later it became clear why. A loud screech, followed by one of the residents running towards you holding an axe and piercing the weapon through your chest.
The boy next to you dies of laughter, panting as he tries to catch his breath. “Your face- oh my god you face.” You shake your head at the boy. “Why did I even trust you in the first place. I thought you knew where the exit was.” You say, a tiny bit dissapointed in yourself for falling for it, but also laughing as George almost falls out of his chair from laughter. “Oh, but I do know where the exit is.” Nick teases. You look the boy dead in the eye and start debating whether or not to continue the game.
“100 subs and they’ll continue.” George tells your chat. “Guys, no-” It only took a couple of seconds until the counter was halfway there.
dreamwastaken has gifted 50 subs: go until the next savepoint
"Let’s go, N/N, you heard the big man.” You look straight into your camera and sigh. Alt-tabbing to swearword at Clay on Discord before going back to the game. “I hate every single one of those 50 subs and Dream. One more savepoint and that’s it!” 
George nudges your arm, asking if Clay can join your little scary party. “Do I really need more critisism? What do we think chat? Spam 1 if you want Dream here, 2 if you don’t.” The chats start pouring in. “No, you’re supposed to spam 2 guys! Why aren’t you on my side. Argh, fine.” You shut your camera off and wait for Clay to come in. “No face reveal today guys.” George comments on your chat going crazy.
“You can sit on my lap Dream.” Nick said jokingly, tapping his lap. “I’d rather sit on George’s.” “No way.” The boys bicker back and forth. 
“Dream, get out of the frame I’m turning my camera back on.” The tall guy settles on your bed, being able to see your monitor and the two guys next to you.
“Why do you keep dying, N/N?” He teases as you respawn in game.
“Think you can do better?” You ask, taking a right this time.
“I know I can.” You hear him mutter from the bed behind you.
You press pause, taking your hand of the controller. “Alright guys, you're all talk, why don’t you give it a try huh.”
“Cause we like watching you suffer.” Clay answers. You look over to your roommates, each and every one of them grinning at you.
With a loud sigh you continue playing the game, causing a lot of giggles and teasing as you almost have a heart attack. Nick and Clay keep their commentary coming as George mainly focusses on your chat. You get to the savepoint and finally end the stream.
Turning around in your chair so you face Clay. “I really hate you guys, that was the scariest shit I’ve ever played.”
George rests his arm on your shoulder. “No you don’t.”
“You love us.” Nick adds.
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
Movie Night with the Akatsuki
This was another of his ideas, to promote a sense of bonding within his lil group of killers. The Pein-body accompanies Konan to the grocery to buy the snacks and drinks they need (but only non-alcoholic beverages, because alcohol tends to make a lot of the others angry and erratic and Himself-knows that these people are ALREADY plenty of angry and erratic). Everything is paid for out of his own pocket, not so much from a sense of generosity as a means to keep Kakuzu from going ballistic over what he’d call “frivolous expenses”. Pein(Nagato) personally has no solid preferences when it comes to films, although he tends to favor flicks with fast-paced plots and a bit of intrigue.
Konan is more into the idea of a group movie night than the others had anticipated. She takes the time to set up the chips, popcorn, dips, drinks, and candy neatly on the table (which is really a bit of a waste, as all the boys just shovel food into their mouths like animals anyway), and she makes the schedule for movie times diplomatically; everyone gets to pick one movie for everyone to watch ((should be noted that “movie night” technically is movie night(s) as it takes several evenings to get through everyone’s picks)), and who goes first is decided by games of rock-paper-scissors. Her personal movie preference is 80’s teen romance movies; she adores Molly Ringwald and the others have heard her recite lines, verbatim, from Sixteen Candles more times than they can count. She also likes to turn movie night into a half-spa day, sitting in her chair and combing her hair, putting special mud-masks on her face, buffing and re-painting her finger and toe-nails. Several of the Akatsuki members join in her rituals, allowing her to style their hair ((Deidara)) or moisturize their skin ((Kisame)).
The old guy is, perhaps unsurprisingly, a fan of old movies. He’s seen (and can give detailed lectures on) every Hitchcock film known to man. His favorite of these (and the one he picks to watch most frequently) is Rear Window; it tickles him to no end how the antagonist of the film “almost gets away with such a sloppy murder; if he had done it like THIS —“. The others think these movies are too slow-paced and reeeaaaally boring, but Kakuzu doesn’t care. Hidan likes to tease him with “of course the ancient fuck likes these movies; he was probably a kid when they were made!” His preferred movie-watching spot is in an easy chair, with the footrest up and a can of mixed nuts on his lap. 9/10 will fall asleep before the movie ends and the others will hurry and change it to one of theirs before he wakes up and notices.
Always says he’s not the biggest fan of movies, but will watch whatever the others are watching. Although he says this it’s clear that he enjoys comedy movies the most; the others can’t help but smile when hearing his deep guffaws over anything with Adam Sandler in it. The Waterboy in particular made him laugh so hard that he cried. Likes to sit on the couch in-between Itachi and Konan. Doesnt really care for the snacks that the others have, so will make maybe 5-6 boxes of fish sticks and munch on those the whole evening.
Should be no surprise that the guy really, really likes action movies. His favorite series is Die Hard, and every time it’s his turn to pick a film, he’ll pick one of the movies from this franchise. Does the absolute worst John McClane impression, but nobody can point this out without getting a little exploding birdie tossed at their head. He and Tobi are the biggest snack-eaters of the bunch, and he has to have his own bowl of popcorn as he’s banned from the community bowl ((his habit of swallowing popcorn with his hand-mouths weirds out the others to no end)). His favorite sitting position is cross-legged on the floor, usually in front of Konan so she can style/play with with his hair (which he finds really relaxing, the way a child might be soothed by his mother brushing his hair). However he’ll jump up frequently to act out his favorite scenes from the movie, which the others get annoyed by (but are so used to that that don’t really put up too much of a fuss).
Hidan is a freak for horror movies. The gorier, the more depraved, the better. If it was anyone other than the Akatsuki watching these movies with him, they would likely be horrified at how the white-haired immortal laughs hysterically at brutal murders. As it is, even this group has a hard time stomaching some of the stuff Hidan likes to watch; Tobi had to lift his mask and vomit on the floor the first time Hidan brought Cannibal Holocaust out to play. Can sometimes be convinced to pick an action movie instead, although it’s very rare. Likes to manspread on the second couch and will munch on a jumbo-sized bag of sour cream and onion chips the whole night.
Really into documentaries, and if that wasn’t bad ((boring)) enough, it’s almost always foreign documentaries, so everyone is forced to squint at subtitles for two-three hours. His absolute favorite is a film called Grey Gardens, a 1970’s documentary about two eccentric, aging socialites, and the groans from the other members when he puts this on can be heard clear across the country. Hidan wants to know why he’s “obsessed with two old cunts and their hundred cats” but all Sasori will do is shush him and stare, rapt, at the screen, silently mouthing the words to the picture he knows so well. Of course he doesn’t eat or drink, so he doesn’t take part in the snacks; however will occasionally bring a puppet out with him and slowly work on it during the movies ((but only the others’ movies, as he lays completely and undivided attention to his own)). Like Deidara he prefers to sit on the floor, and will literally growl at anyone who gets too close to his personal space.
As Obito, he would prefer to watch romantic movies. This guy could live off of the flicks they show on the Hallmark channel, and is an absolute sucker for 80’s rom-coms. However, as Tobi, he must do what everyone expects of him, and pick an animated, cartoon, or family-friendly live action movie. In one year the Akatsuki as been made to sit through what must be the entire catalog of Disney and Pixar films. He does the best possible rendition of The Little Mermaid’s “Poor Unfortunate Souls” song, so good and so evilly realistic that it actually gives the others goosebumps; especially at the end when he starts laughing maniacally — it’s like his voice changes completely. They’re also witness to Tobi’s massive breakdowns over anything that depicts a sad or hurt animal. One time Hidan brought home Old Yeller for him, told him it was about a dog “who was a good boy” ... and let the chaos ensue. Likes to sit on the floor next to Deidara (until he gets on the blonde’s nerves and is made to move) and dig into whatever candy is available. Will go to bed with a horrible sugary stomach ache if not properly monitored.
Itachi really likes crime-based movies, especially ones depicting an intelligent main character carrying out equally intelligent crimes. He’s tried to get the others to watch The Godfather series with him, but they can only make it through the first hour or so before complaining about how slow-paced it is. His next favorite thing to watch is Taxi Driver, which the others find more tolerable; he mentions all the time how much he “gets” Travis Bickle and his deteriorating mindset. Itachi likes to sit curled up in a blanket at the very end of the couch, sipping sweet tea or hot chocolate and eating dango (if they have it; ice cream if not).
It depends on which Zetsu you’re talking to. White Zetsu likes science fiction movies. He’s made the others watch Alien more times than they can count, and always declares Sigourney Weaver to be his “dream girl”. Black Zetsu, however, is similar to Hidan in that he prefers monstrously gory horror movies, particularly ones from the 70’s and 80’s. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is his go-to, and he likes to say that in anther life, he and Leatherface would have made good Akatsuki partners. If they were watching movies by themselves, their snack of choice would be fresh human entrails. However, as this (understandably) sickens the others, they will stick to a lot of leafy greens/salads.
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