krytus · 2 years
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chozen toguchi & his collection of Shirts
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abushelandablog · 2 months
The way he looks at her here after Daniel came out all covered in the gender reveal paint.. yea when they’re of the appropriate/ financially and emotionally mature and stable age she’s so having his kiddo 😂❤️
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daniel-with-an-l · 1 year
Okay so I just caught up on season 5 of Cobra Kai, and you what? You know what I demand next season? I want Johnny and Daniel's friendship to be just as intense and weird as their rivalry! None of this "oh Chozen and Mike Barnes are Daniel's friends now too, just like Johnny, haha"-- NO! I want it explicitly stated that Johnny and Daniel have a weird thing. Don't let them be normal. EVER.
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zappedbyzabka · 1 year
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“He doesn’t look so bad to me.”
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“I like the way this guy thinks…”
“The bad boy is right.”
“I did most of this.” “You did.”
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desolateice · 1 year
For the ask game: Next :)
NEXT — the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
Making me write right now huh? 🤣
Chozen held his wrist up so it got more sunlight coming through the ceiling of the Euglena Mall, looking extraordinary pleased, before taking Johnny’s hand. I'll put what the item is under a readmore (also in case you want to see it too @yallwildinrn )
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kathrahender · 2 months
Me, before watching Cobra Kai: I swear, I hate this show so much. Why everytime I want to see a video in Youtube I have to see in the Ads the trailer of a new season of Cobra Kai? They're too annoying. I refuse to watch this show.
Me, after watching Cobra Kai: Lawrusso is now my favorite thing ever. I love you Sam, even if some people hate you. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the best. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the best. Johnny Chozen and Mike are the- Fellas is it normal if the rivals in this show look like lovers instead of rivals(cofcofLawrussocofcof) or have sexual tension (cofcofSamtorycofcof)??? WHY THERE IS SO MUCH CHEMISTRY BETWEEN CHARACTERS OF THE SAME SEX???? Kreese and Terry should kiss. There is so much angst in this show. But I kinda like it heeeelp
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terrence-silver · 3 months
You know the night in CK in S5 where Terry gets his home invaded, could you rewrite the night but with a heavily pregnant beloved?
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The Honorable Thing To Do.
Mike Barnes, Johnny Lawrence, Chozen Toguchi (POV) and the non-shippy presence of Reader!Beloved x Terry Silver (Only Mentioned).
Inspired by this post.
-"Man, this asshole has more statues than a Vegas casino."-
Johnny Lawrence remarks stumbling through the main pathway of a vast estate comprised of an immaculate trimmed green lawn that resembled a carpet fenced in from all sides by tall, palatial walls and an unusual amount of marble figures dotting the grassy spaciousness of the garden that followed them along the eternity of the grounds, casting long, dark shadows in the cover of night — pillars of carved, pale stone illuminated by a faint moonlight, vines coiling around ankles and wrists, growing in the crevices and curves of sharp, stony edges, seeming like they were deliberately allowed to grow there by a skilled, devoted gardener instead of being old, mossy and unkempt. It was sleek.
A clearly new addition to the fortress of the dragon.
It was quiet, too quiet, as they snuck in, or at least tried to, somehow, in their inebriated state, the sound of their footsteps along the tiled pavement echoed back as uncharacteristically loud in his ears. What struck Chozen the most, he supposed, that they were all chiseled images of women made out of white granite and that the enemy’s domain, well, it was undeniably beautiful, all palm trees, perfectly kept magnolia bushes, decorative rocks, vines and a sleek, colossal front door in front of them, made from what seemed like polished, pitch black Oak. This was it. End of the line. Mike Barnes wordlessly lifts his leg on instinct, intending to crash through with a kick only to be stopped by a slurring Johnny. One too many drinks tonight. No good. The feeling here wasn’t good either. Not what Chozen expected it to be going in. Too serene. Too lulling. Like the quiet before the storm. Like an ambush. A trap on the enemy's own turf and territory. Chozen carefully leans against the surface of the mansion’s entrance, intent on listening. Trying to catch a sound from the great indoors. Complete and utter quietude. He’d almost prefer it if he’d catch the sound of something. Anything. -"No, no, no. That looks heavy as shit. You’ll break your foot."- Johnny chastises, shoving Mike out of the way, getting into a stance of his own instead. -"I’ll do it."- He offers blatantly, and no, not smart, Chozen concludes. They weren't smart right now. They were drunk. Not drunk enough to not be aware they were drunk. Last thing they needed was to trigger whatever hidden alarm system this manor had in place by breaking down the front door and causing enough noise to wake up half of the city. For a man of this much abundance to leave his home unattended, it just wasn’t feasible, but to his surprise, the palm of his hand resting on the dark wood moves and the door slides ajar along with it.
And no one at home?
If it the questions didn’t compound skyhigh by then, they’d certainly tumble over right there and then, like a tower made out of cards.
He leads the way, figuring someone had to, and he gestures, ushering the two men behind him into the darkness, minding his steps trying to keep their balance along the surface of the floor that blurred and narrowed through the haziness of his eyesight, causing him to stumbling into what seemed like an open, marble floor lobby descending into small winding corridors, somewhat labyrinthian in nature, if memory served from his last visit here. Many rooms. Many cameras. Many hidden places. Many weapons, Chozen reminds himself, nearly jumping if only due to a momentary distraction, fingers squeezed into fists on the ready, long shadows cast by the reflection of the lobby’s mirrors concealing the silhouette of a person, standing in the doorway quietly. Not large enough to be Silver himself, but nonetheless, a somebody. His intuition told him it was too silent on premises; that something about that was innately suspicious, and as if on cue, Lawrence’s reaction is the loudest, breaking through the noiselessness of the hall, cutting like a knife, putting all three of them on immediate alert and the shadow shaped like a person stirs and moves, head and shoulders perfectly sharp in outlines against the light  coming in from the garden, the body shapeless, a black blur in the murky dimness of the entrance foyer. The face? Concealed and pitch black. Seemingly almost entirely featureless, save for the tip of tip of a nose. The outline of a mouth. Someone who deliberately avoided moving to, in equal measure, avoid detection. -"Holy shit!"- Johnny yelps, staggering forward, eyes squinty, like he was trying to make out the details in front of him and failing to do so with precision, only for his nostrils to widen with surprise, leaving Chozen to stare back and forth between him and the blackness at the edge of the immense atrium. -"What’s this? Molly Ringwald in ‘For Keeps’ meets the Poltergeist or some shit?"- Johnny stutters and the confusion deepens, swirling, the reference an unknown, and quickly rendered irrelevant once Chozen catches the outline of a hand on a torso traveling lower, landing on what he recognized as a belly. The airflow of breath hitches in his throat. There was nobody here but a woman in a wide nightgown, halfway embracing herself for comfort, in an obvious bout of anxiety judging by her body language.
Someone terrified of them and trying not to show it.
-"I’ll call the police."-
She says, trying for an obvious air of firmness in an attempt to intimidate them, but her voice coming through shaky. Scared. Her demand unintentionally relayed more as a plea, less like a threat. The needle of instant regret is there, looming, pinching something inside of Chozen, digging beneath layers of skin.
No, no. Something else. A hostage would immediately run over, pleading for help.
Begging to be rescued.
-"He keeping you here by force or something!? Okay, where’s the cameras?"- 
Johnny bombastically voices his exact concerns, spewing fire, staring daggers at the corners of the walls looking for blinking red lights watching them from some hidden security room, practically spitting his words and Mike brushes past him, ever the irritant, nearly crashing into him, unfettered, voice gruff and unimpressed, his footsteps loud, wide and booming. Impatient. Determined. Like he intended to demolish the place just for the sake of doing so, irregardless if the owner was present to see it or not, perhaps precisely because he wasn't present to see it or even stop it, giving him no fighting chance, intending to strike from the back, unexpected, kicking below the belt. Aggrieved former student. Lots of anger. He leads the way, practically charging as he ranted in stride, marching deeper into the foyer.
-"I know this guy’s tricks and he’s full of them! A subversion. To distract us. Don’t fall for it! He did worse crap for far less! But, this one’s really bottom of the barrel! Lets go!"-
The needle presses on invisibly and Chozen reaches forward, running after Barnes before he could do something bad, grabbing his forearm, stopping him. Dragging him back. The garden light illuminated by solar pipes and flares casts a ray of distant, pale brightness on the human shaped silhouette in front of them, and all Chozen sees is dignity veiled by fear, frozen in place. This was the shadow’s home and it didn’t intend to flinch, but was nonetheless too frightened and too alone to fight back. This was someone important. To Silver. The hand on the end of its torso guarding someone even more special. -"No."- His demand is final. Simple.
-"His woman."-
He explains hastily, watching Barnes’ face grow from a mask of fury to complete and utter bafflement, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, mouth sliding agape, his wrath caught in a stalemate, having nowhere to go or to be channeled, Barnes expresses it by yanking his hand free and pacing vigorously, not unlike someone trying to walk off the side effects of their intoxication. Clear their head. This was Terry Silver’s woman and his unborn child they just stumbled upon. Johnny approaches him in the midst of Barnes doing exasperated circles around the room, head thrown back and he looks at Chozen, really looks at him, extending his arm forward, pointing at the person who’s acquaintance they accidentally made. Chozen imagines a baby’s crib, standing in a bedroom. A curtain. Terry Silver looming above it. Watching out into the night. He lied. He lied when they talked about their true ambitions. When Silver said his one regret was not having any children to continue his legacy. It was obvious now. He lied, because he didn't want anyone to know. Not the genuine facts of the matter. Didn't want anyone to jeopardize any of it. When a man starts lying about things in order to hide them, a man's keeping a weakness hidden, willing to do anything and everything to avoid having it be exploited by outside forces. Chozen closes his eyes, contemplating things. Big mistake. Coming here. Huge. -"The guy’s like eighty!"- Johnny shouts, outraged. Sato was eighty too at one point in time and he had entertainers come over at the end of every work week to pour his Sake too. Being old meant nothing. The puzzle pieces, though. They fall into place. Creating a cohesive picture. An understanding. An understanding only confirmed once the face of the person in front of them is partially illuminated from a nearby window and the recognition is near instant. It hits him like a flash of lightning. -"All over the garden."- Chozen attempts to explain, certain he wouldn’t be outright understood anyway that he was trying to tell them that they bypassed this silhouette at least half a dozen times, only in the form of carved marble. Silver had filled the premises of his estate with her likeness. Unbidden, Kumiko comes to mind and all the ways their village used to be plastered with the home made variation of posters whenever she’d perform during celebrations. She too, was loved. By everyone.
-"His woman."-
He carefully points to her and then lower, to the protective shield of her hand and what it was hiding.
At this point, Chozen’s whispering, as if though him speaking could actually disrupt the nap of the unborn in the womb, catching himself doing it, feeling the tipsiness engulf him like a swift tide and finding the gesture silly.
 -"His baby."-  
Johnny scoffs in a mixture of disbelief, drunkenness, snark and the obvious feeling of being entirely at a loss for words, joining an exasperated Mike in their nervous, anger-fueled, partially embarrassed pacing. Sensitive topic? Due to his and Carmen-san’s blessing on the way? They should go. They should go now. You lift up a nearby object from a nearby commode, placing it over your head, defensively; a warning to anyone, that if they step closer, or if they refuse to listen to the given demands, there was a blunt object at hand on the ready, even though, by the looks of you, the rounded, swollen shape of your belly outlining and rounding the edges of your night gown, Chozen was certain you’d attack no one and certainly not three men, calling your bluff. That you couldn’t even if you wanted to, and that grabbing what seemed like a metal, decorative candle holder was simply meant to highlight your horror and desperation and how badly you wanted to be left alone, like a cornered animal bearing its teeth. Your voice squeaks and instinctively, Chozen  lifts his hands up, trying to pacify you. Assure you that he wouldn’t. He wouldn't hurt you and he wouldn't let anyone else hurt you either. He left the path of dishonor behind a long time ago, taking a step back, wanting to disappear as uneventfully as possible, fingers hooking themselves into the seams of Johnny’s sleeve and dragging him back with himself too, once you plead, eyes shimmery in the darkness, brightened by the presence of suppressed tears. Daniel and Amanda-san never told him about the existence woman and they lived here for decades. Did they know at all? -"Please, leave. Please."- You beg, out of breath, standing your ground frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, looking like it hurt to stand as long as you were standing in only your house slippers burdened under the weight of your own belly propped up with one arm. Barnes explodes, lounging forward, impatience and impulsiveness culminating in a roar fire that was harder and harder to put out by the minute, his legs floundering mid-movement. Like mud and water, it wasn't good putting together a drunk, pissed off man who's own family was under fire and the family of the man who did it all. Barnes was out for blood. Smelled it like a clumsy, starved shark.
-"I had enough of this crap! Had a couple of drinks, yeah, okay, but I’m not getting conned like this! Where is he!? What hole did he crawl into!? She could be literally anyone and we’re falling for the oldest trick in the book! You think paying an actor stand-in is beneath him!? Nothing’s beneath him! He’s the father of lies!"-
Chozen’s legs move on their own accord and without him even having the chance to think, and before he knows it, he’s cut off Mike’s way, placing his body in front of him like a barrier and his hand to the man’s chest, letting him go no further. There would be days for revenge. But, it would be not this day. This night. Decades of striving to make things right with one’s soul wouldn’t be lost tonight. Chozen invested too much in his soul to drag it through the gutter all over again. -"No! We’re leaving. Honorable thing to do."- He whispers, head bent, the open palm of his hand never flinching from the surface of Barnes’ chest heaving with irritation and then ultimately, cooling down in the cloud of surrender, brows furrowed like he loathed to be told what to do They came here to deal with Silver, fueled by the euphoria of liquid courage, not antagonize a sobbing, pregnant woman. Barnes' features dropped like he was willing to begrudgingly accept that.
Chozen turns to you, speaking softly. Slowly.
-"Our business not with you."-
He couldn’t tell what you looked like. Not entirely. Not in this lack of light.
But, he swears he spots the wave of relief wash over you through a blur.
He bows with his full body facing forward, bent towards you, feeling it’s the correct gesture, throwing in a tiny smile for good measure, wondering if it'll alleviate the tension in the air. Not come off as mockery. As disingenious. The battle is always between the combatants.  Involving the innocent — makes the battle dirty. Low. Cheapens the victory. Cheapens even the act of participation itself.
Chozen reminded himself that mantra every day for thirty years.
 -"Apologies for intrusion."-
He excuses himself in a clipped manner, lifting his lower body up just as quickly as he paid his respects and Chozen’s out the door, dragging the two fools along with him, giving one last quick bow once his foot stepped over the precipice, his hand closing the door behind him, watching you lower the candelabra, your shoulders suddenly dropping. -"Have a pleasant evening. Gomenasai."- He throws in a final line, speaking Japanese with the conviction that it sounded more sincere and profound than a mere 'Sorry' in English, closing the entrance to the mansion with a loud thud and exhaling, suddenly realizing he’s been keeping his breath for far too long and that Barnes and Lawrence were standing by his side, humbled, eying the door with incredulity, appearing defeated, halfway on the verge of barging back inside, halfway on the verge of questioning what drove them to come here in the first place, the answer being drinks. Mostly the drinks. Terry Silver would come for them for this, Chozen knew, if for any reason, then simply for daring to frighten someone his --- and he paces, walking away from the marble front porch, realizing he needed to be ready. They all needed to be ready. There would be war. For every single tear you cried here tonight. For every bit of stress you suffered. Possibly even the very fact that they saw you and discovered your existence in the first place when it was so obvious now the enemy wanted you hidden. Terry Silver wanted you hidden. -"That’s some bullshit!"- Johnny huffs, protesting catching up with him, Barnes right on his tail, appearing gloomy, eyes dark and distant. The estate grounds open up around them and there they are, marble women with marble eyes, staring into nothing. Lawrence stares at them with suspicion, gaze oscillating between watching the premises lest something came alive and jumped them from the darkness and being in Chozen’s ear, ranting feverishly in a quick stride. Your image surrounds the whole manor. Loved. You must've been very loved. -"I didn’t even know the ponytailed prick had a chick and a bun in the oven!"- Hai. Exactly. Precisely. Treasure’s no longer a treasure if everyone has a key to its keep. If everyone knows where it's buried. Chozen shakes his head, feeling his lips press into a firm line; something inside of him told him there would be consequences for this. A payback. A settling of the scores. And this time around, a lot more than just Barnes’ livelihood would burn and he couldn’t decide if Silver was more dangerous while he seemingly didn’t have who to lose or now that they discovered that he has.
 -"That’s whole point. Not to know."- 
He reaffirms humorlessly, slipping into the night.
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purpleheartskies · 7 months
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"The next time an unwanted pest lands on our arm, we will swat them."
Silver loves to toy with Daniel, and Silver doesn't take Johnny that seriously, but Silver took Chozen seriously. He saw a real opponent in him. What really sticks out though is just how much Silver was seething at Robby's open defiance. That Robby had walked into his dojo and pointed right at him and told his students the truth: Silver is their enemy. Something that LaRusso, Lawrence, or Toguchi didn't even do. While Daniel and Chozen, and eventually Johnny too, kept taking more indirect approaches to undermine Silver, Robby took the most direct approach to undermine him right in front of his students.
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Silver immediately took action to respond to this threat and swat him down. "They heard you. But they listen to me." It's interesting to see that Silver actually viewed Robby's move as a threat in this moment. Instead of laughing Robby off after doing his evil villain clap, Silver stood his ground and took his own stand against Robby, as if Robby were an equal. Maybe Silver didn't want to leave anything to chance, but still... the fact that he did view Robby as an unwanted pest equivalent to LaRusso, Lawrence, and Toguchi shows how insecure Robby made Silver feel in the moment.
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Might be a hot take, but I’ve always thought that Johnny is Kreese’s weakness, and Daniel is Terry’s. Like, I know some people think Terry’s weakness is Kreese (and to some extent, yes), but Daniel seems to be his absolute obsession, his total undoing. Kreese at least had the best friends/comrades in arms thing, but the Daniel thing is just plain weird from any side. This once 17 year old brat has such a hold on Silver that the man threw away 30+ years of peace at the mere mention of his name. It was never about Cobra Kai. It was always about Daniel.
YES. I completely agree. And as more time has gone by since Season 4 came out, I've noticed even the more casual fans have noticed. Someone took this screenshot from YouTube, but I've seen similar comments on reddit too.
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And Kreese, being another master manipulator, knew exactly what he was doing when he brought up Daniel to Terry again in 4x01...
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There was literally no reason for Kreese to bring up Daniel LaRusso unless he knew that Terry would care. Why would Terry care. 👀
Kreese knows how to get people to come to him. How to dangle something that they want in front of them that only he can seemingly give.
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When no other tactic worked on bringing Terry back into the fold, Kreese brought out the big guns and dropped Daniel's name.
Not to take away at all from the love and friendship that Terry felt towards John. But it became nostalgia and obligation, ultimately ruining their bond.
Little side note-- the fact that we watched Kreese make others do what he says in order to get what they want for three seasons made the prison scene in 5x07 even more satisfying:
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AND the first person to play the uno reverse card and use this tactic against Kreese was Daniel. Terry's student. You gotta love it.
There's always been a little Cobra Kai in you...
I mean, we could speak at length about the parallels between Kreese and Terry and their star students Johnny and Daniel. The narrative mirrors and foils. But it's precisely their respective relationships with their students that is more compelling.
Anyway. I'm going to quickly list examples of Daniel's hold on Terry and then focus on the meat of the issue.
Terry falls apart and goes ALL IN on everything Cobra Kai only AFTER Daniel rejects his apology.
Terry gives Daniel multiple warnings to not interfere but never tries to gets rid of him like Johnny or Kreese after no warnings at all.
Terry dated a woman who looked a lot like Daniel with similar values.
Terry treats Kenny near identically to Daniel as a student but in the sincere way he wishes he had with Daniel.
Terry loses his cool when Daniel wants to surrender and walk out of his life.
Terry tells Chozen he considers Daniel his only rival. As in Equal.
I'm sure there's plenty I'm forgetting but you can find posts in the silverusso tag about all these topics and more. x.x
Now, let's get to one of the most important and defining scenes for Terry's arc. And again, it's a direct result of Kreese's manipulation:
Kreese, knowing what makes Terry tick and how to get him further on his side, comments that Daniel really knows how to hold onto a grudge. As if he doesn't. Anyway, it's twisting the knife into Terry again when he's clearly already low.
You don't think Kreese noticed how hurt Terry was at the rejection?
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He notices everything. He learned in Vietnam from his Captain how to use love against someone as a perceived weakness. Many thoughts on that.
The way in which Kreese says, "So... what now?" Tells me that he told Terry this was going to happen. You also have to remember their conversation leading up to the garden scene:
Terry was damn near close to defending Mr. Miyagi and Daniel over Kreese's own personal grudge. To the point where Terry was rolling his eyes and sighing over his friend being overdramatic about what happened in the past.
He was tired of hearing about it.
I'm sure Daniel told Terry the truth about that Halloween night. And look who Terry seems to side with...
Kreese wanted violent retribution and Terry was the one that talked him down. It was Terry's idea to apologize to Daniel and we'll just allll get along. Easy peasy. Surely, Daniel would forgive him.
But, Daniel proved Kreese right in Terry's eyes. As I'm sure Kreese hoped would happen. Couldn't have worked out better. I bet on the car ride over to Miyagi-Do, Kreese was complaining how this was a waste of time and LaRusso isn't the sweet kid you remember etc.
From that day forward, Terry is determined to prove Daniel wrong. About him, about Cobra Kai, about everything. Terry is going to make Cobra Kai work and help kids and he'll be the best sensei ever and Daniel will be sorry!
You'll be sorry you weren't a part of it!
I firmly believe that Daniel is Terry's true weakness and he didn't even realize it. But Kreese did.
And if Daniel had seen it, then he could've had Terry eating out of the palm of his hand.
The one movie quote they haven't used in the show yet is, "For person with no forgiveness in heart, living even worse punishment than death."
I'm hoping they'll use this with Daniel realizing he can help heal himself, and Terry, by forgiving him. Of course, Terry will have to do something more to redeem himself. I'm just saying.
And then maybe Terry can see that Daniel was his weakness all along, but there's still time to make him a strength.
One could argue that he already felt that way while he was being arrested. The way he was looking at Daniel... That awe. Daniel LaRusso got the best of him, again, all because he couldn't let him go.
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Here's to hoping that Season 6 ends our suffering lmao.
I mean, who else has ever given Terry Silver goosebumps?
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krytus · 2 years
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johnny lawrence doing what he does best: [16/∞]
we’re not here to take a lesson. we’re here to teach you one.
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For reference (since i mentioned it in my latest poll)~
Completed October Requests:
Meeting and Courting Dracula
Meeting and Dating Jerry Dandridge (2011)
Meeting and Dating Kevin Wendell Crumb
Poly Earl and Valentine (Tremors)
Meeting David Allen Griffin (too long for one post/working on dating headcanons too)
Lestat wooing you
The second version of "Meeting Jerry Dandridge" (though I might release that outside of October)
Meeting and dating Bert (Cabin Fever)
Meeting and Dating Roman Bridger
Meeting and Dating Edward Dalton
Spending Halloween with Chad Corey Dylan
Poly Sydney and Tatum
October requests I'm working on/close to completing:
Completed September Requests/normal requests:
Meeting and Dating Chozen Toguchi
Meeting and Dating Alex Law
Meeting and Dating Zorg
Being friends with Martha and Veronica
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Can I make a request about the last night of season 5, when Johnny and co. break into Terry's house to confront him? Maybe he sees them coming and puts reader in a panic room or hides her away somewhere where she's watching everything through security cameras, and he gives up the opportunity to kick ass or go check on the dojo to come find you, knowing that you're panicking and worried sick about him? Maybe ending in some spicy along the lines of "I'm so glad you're alive please take me now"? Thanks! :)
Thank you so much for the request! I will certainly try my best 🤗💚
You and Terry are sat on his black sofa infront of the fire place, cuddled up together and sharing some wine. "Hows your wine sweetheart?" "Very nice thank you babe, is this the one you bought on our trip to Italy?" "Is very much is, from the man who owned the best vineyard in the whole country. I only get the best for my girl" "I know you can afford the best Terry, but you know very well that it could easily be a cheep bottle of wine from the corner shop and I'd be happy with it" "I know that sweetheart, I know that money isn't something you need, but just think of it as a way for me to show you how much you mean to me" "Oh...I can think of many other ways you do that babe..." "(chuckles) I certainly do..." His hand reaches to your chin as he leans down and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. It almost turns more passionate before Kim walks back in from the kitchen. "So are we going to go back to discussing business Terry? What more was there to do for the upcoming dojo's?" Kim asked as she sat on the other black sofa opposite us. "Well Kim, it seems that-"
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"Babe? Did you hear that?" "No? What's wrong sweetheart?" "I thought I head a crashing noise from outside" Suddenly the sound of car tyres was heard outside and Kim picked up the I pad from the table showing the security cameras. "It seems we have company. Kim, I need you to go to the dojo, the camera in there is showing something too. You go and sort it out" "Yes Terry" Kim leaves through the back of the house and Terry turns to you, still holding the I pad. "Babe who is that? Whoever it is, they can't drive very well. And is that a limo? Who drives a limo into someone's home?" "I have a feeling I know who this is, come with me sweetheart" He puts the I pad down and takes your hand, guiding you up the stairs and down the hallway "Terry, what's going on?" "Sweetheart, I have this feeling that it will get dangerous down there, and I need to make sure your somewhere safe. Come in hear" He opens his office door and leads you inside. "Please stay in hear until I come and get you ok? The door can only be opened from the inside and out with the code on the door, the code is your birthday. Whatever happens, promise me you'll stay in hear, nothing is going to stop me from getting back to you but you must stay in hear"
"Is this because I don't know how to fight?" "Partially, but I also wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to you. I love you" He gives you a quick but romantic kiss before looking into you eyes with a serious look. "Please sweetheart, promise me" "I promise Terry" He looks just a little calmer before giving you another kiss, and leaves the door closing the door behind him. It locks automatically and you hear his footsteps going back down stairs. You were experiencing a mixture of feelings, safety for being in hear away from danger, but also worry because you had never seen Terry get like this, when he got this serious about your safety, something bad was about to go down. If Terry was this worried, was HE in danger this time? Not knowing what else to do, you sit at Terry's computer desk and open up the camera page, where there are several cameras around the house. You look at the front door camera and see...is that?...Mike? Johnny and Chozen? They are barely a threat? And what are they doing? Are they deciding to break the door dow-oh! oh no it seems Chozen had just pushed it.
Are they drunk? They certainly look like it. They enter the front door and you can see Terry is sat on his chair, but the camera isnt playing audio, so you can't hear what they are saying.
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Mike looks confrontational, is he about to go for Terry? Oh wait? Is that one of the new sensei's from cobra kai? Oh my God! Mike has gone for the sensai! And Terry has left heading towards his weapons room! More sensei's enter the room and go for Johnny...but where's Chozen gone? You cant see him on the camera. You keep looking everywhere until you see that Terry has frozen in his weapons room, Chozen is in there with him. There was barely any time before you could see Terry removing his jewellery and start fighting Chozen, you wished this wasn't happening, you didn't want anyone to get hurt! You could see on the other camera that Mike was knocked out, Johnny was still fighting more of the sensei's and....oh no....Terry no, no don't pick up the sword!
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Chozen has sai swords too?! This cant be happening, you promised Terry you wouldn't leave, but this was getting dangerous! You could hear your heartbeat in your ear and feel it in every muscle of your body, you were so tense and all you could do was watch.
You knew if you left you'd have to go through Johnny and the sensei's, there was no way you could leave if you wanted to. You see Terry and Chozen move towards the pool, oh god Terry don't taunt him! But it was too late, Chozen struck and they were both fighting with their weapons, Chozen even managed to punch Terry in the stomach at one point, just before they edged into the shallow water next to the pool.
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Terry had this wild look in his eye, you had never seen that before, and neither have you ever seen anyone manage to fight Terry so successfully, Terry looked like he was in trouble.
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They struck at eachother again, it all moved so fast, and just as quickly as it started, Chozen hit Terry and bent down to sweep his legs! Making Terry fall onto his back into the water, dropping his sword with Chozen stood above him pointing his sai.
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"No! Chozen please stop! Both of you stop!" But no matter how loud you shouted, neither of them heard you. You were in tears and clutching your chest as you looked down on what you thought were your soulmate final moments, when a loud noise make Chozen turn.
And that's when Terry struck! When Chozen was distracted, Terry reached for his sword and sliced right up the left hand side of Chozen's back, making him fall into the water below.
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"Oh my god!" You shouted once more, so worried for both Chozen and Terry, Terry looked weak as he limped back into the house, where he sees Johnny being held down by the sensei's. Again, you can't hear what they're saying, but Terry looks angry. He grabs Johnny by the hair and let's his sensei's deal with him as Terry himself looks like he's heading your way. As he did that, Mike woke up from consciousness and helped Johnny, and they both ran outside and helped Chozen out of the house before anything else could happen. You felt a whole mixture of emotions, worry, fear, confusion, sadness, concern. Terry pressed in the code and entered the room, where you ran straight over to him and hold eachother in your arms. "You didn't leave...thank you sweetheart" "Terry! My god your bleeding! What the hell happened down there?! All three of them broke in and-Johhny was fighting the sensei's-You and Chozen! Terry you two could have killed eachother! Why did you pick up that sword you idiot?! What did you do to Chozen?! You could have-"
"Sweetheart just try to breath for me ok, calm...Chozen will live, he'll just remember it for the rest of his life" "Terry I could see everything through the security camera! You scared me, I thought I was going to loose you, you stupid idiot! Why didn't you just call the police instead?!" "They broke into our home Y/N, and I'm going to defend it" "Not with your life Terry!" "Sweetheart it's ok-" He tries to put his hands in your shoulders but you push them away in a tearful state and walk towards the window away from him. "No it's not ok!.....You frightened me Terry....I thought I was going to loose you, I thought Chozen was going to kill you, and your seriously expecting me to just calm down?! F#ck!" Your uncontrollably crying and hyperventilating as you run your hands through your hair, desperate to feel something as it all pours out of you. Terry has never seen you so heartbroken, so frightened, he didn't know what to do. "Y/N I promise it was never my intention to frighten you, I never want to make you feel that way. I was just trying to defend my home, myself, you" "There are other ways you could do that Terry! Ones that don't involve you starting a fight with a f#cking sword! I can't....I..."
You press your back against the window and slump down to the floor as the tears keep coming, this was possibly the worst night of your life. Terry was heartbroken seeing you like this, he instinctively sat beside you and pulled you into his arms as he held your crying and shaking body. "I love you so much Y/N, and I am so so sorry for everything that's happened. I never wanted this to happen, please believe me. Oh god I'm so sorry" You look up at him and he wipes away some of your tears. "Does it hurt?" "Does what hurt?" "Your cut Terry, on your face" His hand moved to his cheek, its only then that he realises that he's hurt from that fight. "It's nothing sweetheart, it's ok"
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"Terry it's not ok, I need to help you with that" You stand up out of his arms and walk over to the desk, still upset and a little shaky, and Terry can see that. He stands up and walks towards you "Y/N its alright, your shaking. You just need a minute to calm down" "I can't Terry-I can't-you've hurt yourself and I need to-" He gently takes your hand from where it was trying to find a first aid box in his desk drawers, and brings it to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat.
"Shhhh Y/N, it's ok....I promise....just stop...." You know he's right, you just feel so deflated, your head just falls onto his chest as he gives you a comforting hug with his big strong arms. "Terry, what's going to happen? What's going to happen with the dojo? The break in, you?" "Shhhh, let's not worry about that now, whatever happens will happen. I don't know what's going down at the dojo with Kim, but whatever it is, I'll sort it out. I have more lawyers in my back pocket than I can count" "Terry, don't ask me why, but I just have this feeling that something worse is going to happen tonight. I feel like this it my last time in this house with you" "I'm sure it won't be-" "But you don't know that Terry, I don't know I just, I have this feeling in my gut that something else is going to go wrong tonight, something to do with the dojo. Terry please don't go to the dojo tonight, please don't go" "I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, I'm not going to leave you. Your my only priority" He delicately holds your face in his hands, but after all these emotions that have poured out of you, you were in desperate need of physical touch.
You love him so much, and right now, you just need him. You lean up and almost crash your lips into his with that much desire, your hand holds onto the back of his neck pulling him in closer, needing to feel him. Your other hand pulls at his collar as he kisses you back just as needy, lifting you up and placing you on his desk as he stood inbetween your legs. Neither of you stopped the kiss, there was a deep hunger from within each of you, it needed to be fulfilled. You ripped his shirt and pulled it away from his chest, revealing his beautiful body, he pulls your shirt off and uses his hand to press against your chest, pushing you down so your flat on the desk. He pulled his belt away as you removed your underwear, seeing Terry's rock hard cock bounce out of his trousers once they fall to the floor. It all happened so quickly, he grabbed your legs and pulled your hips right onto his groin, he grabbed his girthy cock and started sliding the tip up and down your sensitive area, making you feel a shiver through your body. It was only for a moment though, you both were desperately in need to f#ck.
He pounded right inside of you making you gasp at the feel of him, he grabs your legs and holds them against his chest as he mercilessly f#cks you against this desk, so hard it's making white lines on the floor from the desk legs scratching the surface. There was no talking, just the sound of skin slapping on skin, Terry's grunts and moans, your whimpering and crying out in pleasure, the room was filled with it. You begged him not to stop, and he didn't. He kept f#cking you more and more, until you were literally screaming and your body felt like it was vibrating with this orgasm. You were trying so hard to catch your breath, but Terry wasn't finished with you. He put his hands under your hips and pulled you up so you were now holding onto his shoulders, and he started going faster, thrusting harder and deeper, you honestly thought the desk would break with how hard he was going, but you loved every single f#cking moment of this. His moans were so delicious to listen too as he buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking at your soft tender skin. All you could do was dig your nails into his back and hold on for dear life as another orgasm was building, with Terry holding onto your hips in a tight grip and f#cking you relentlessly.
"Oh f#ck Terry- Oh yes-yes-!" "F#ck! F#ck!" You both shouted at the top of your lungs as you reach your ultimate climax at the same time, your body was uncontrollably shaking and even though he stoped thrusting into you, the feel of him agaisnt your tender swollen clit was still making you shudder. It appears it was so strong that Terry was shaking a little too, still holding you and having a bead of sweat in his brow. You both look breathlessly into eachothers eyes before sharing a smile and a little chuckle. "I uhh...think we destroyed your desk babe" "It was...so worth it... I can always get another desk" He makes you giggle, he also plants a sweet kiss in your lips as he still holds you. "Listen sweetheart, I don't know what's going to happen tonight, or tomorow or anytime after this night ends. But I promise I will always love you and I will always be there for you, no matter what" "I love you too Terry, and I'll always be there for you too...so? Shall we try to tidy this mess up at all?" "Why bother? I don't see any reason in cleaning up when we haven't even got started on round 2 yet" "Round 2?" "Or 3? Maybe 4?" "This is one of the reasons I love you Terry Silver"
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deviousdevilx · 1 month
So I was thinking about what if Daniel had been with the guys when they attacked Silver in his home
Well my mind went extremely dark with this.
So Daniel is pleading and begging Johnny, Chozen and Mike to reconsider mostly just Chozen though but they don’t listen. They arrived and Daniel continue to plea with the guys to leave, but follows them inside.
I’d have to rewatch the scene again but Terry locks eyes with Daniel and is enraged. Daniel tries to mediate and explain he’s not here to fight and for everyone to just pause and think this over but Terry interrupts saying it’s too late. The fight breaks out
Chozen goes after Silver while Johnny, Mike and a reluctant Daniel fight his Cobra Kai senseis.
Daniel believing Terry is the only one who can stop this madness goes after him as Johnny tells him he’s got everything under control here he does not lol
He finds a gravely wounded Chozen and in his shock and concern Terry catches him unaware, using the katana to force Daniel to come with him. Taking Daniel hostage he uses that against Johnny who is still fighting to get him to stop. They lost.
Daniel is desperately trying to reason with Terry, but Terry tells him it’s far too late and how this is all his fault, he brought Chozen here, they together tried to sabotage Cobra Kai, he involved Mike.
With the sword still against Daniel’s throat Terry whispers in Daniel’s ear that if he wants Johnny to be around to raise his new baby or Chozen to live he must do exactly as Terry says.
Daniel agrees feeling he has no choice, and is slowly being convinced this is actually all his fault.
Terry then drags Daniel away ordering his men to make sure Johnny, Mike and Chozen don’t become a problem while he deals with his Danny boy.
Thinking he’s gonna get another beating, Daniel is confused when Terry takes him into the master bed room.
When it finally dawns on him what Terry wants, Daniel panics but Terry reminds him he said he’ll do whatever he wants in order to save his friends.
“Terry please don’t…” Daniel begs
He begs very prettily Terry thinks but it’s useless his mind is made up. He’ll have Daniel one way or another.
“Take off your clothes and get in the bed Danny boy.”
Daniel is visibility trembling so hard if Terry had not been so furious, so absolutely over all their bullshit he might have had some sympathy. He did imagine after all their first time being one of passion not this.
Finally after a long minute, Daniel starts to strip.
“That’s a good boy Danny, now I want you to know I thought about our first time being romantic but you just had to ruin that too didn’t you?”
Daniel just watched him approach the bed with dread in his brown eyes.
“But don’t worry I will be gentle.” Terry promises
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desolateice · 2 years
17 for the ao3 wrapped? :]
17. Your favorite character to write this year? This is hard. They're so many that are so fun. 💖 I love writing Daniel's rants and monologues. Whether it's because the fish stick that is mer!Johnny is stretching out his sweaters in Newark, or won't stop cuddling him as a snake!Johnny or ranting about pizza in Root Beer Floats and Green Tea, or being confused about language in Konpeito or all his terribly wonderful ideas it's just fun to write essentially a long internal monologue for him. His spirals while being pretty gutting are also fun to write. And his grief that he carries is also somewhat cathartic to write. I also like making him just a horny mess all the time. My other fav monologuer is Dutch. 😂 In my head no matter where I put him in a story it means chaos and fun is about to happen even if it won't always be fun for Johnny or Daniel. And I love writing him and Bobby because I like to write them as opposites. Bobby trying to keep everyone safe and out of trouble and Dutch ready to burn the world to the ground for fun. Chaos and mischief ready to get into a brawl or murder for his friends and Bobby just trying to reign him in. Though all of the cobras mean fun are on the way. Sometimes a character surprises me pending the fic. As I explored the characters in Okinawa in Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I ended up really enjoying writing Chozen and Kumiko. Which is why Buku Buku Cha exists. Because I looked at Tomi Village and wondered why, why would Chozen snap like and once Buku Buku Cha is over I may write at length about the head cannon reason I have for that. But I also love giving Chozen and Kumiko sibling arguing energy where they love each other but will tease each other to death. The other one that surprised me and I am having a lot of fun writing Sid in Cherry Cordial. I've written further than what's been posted, but I may have accidentally given him some Gomez Addams energy. 😅 Generally I paint him as a black and white villain but he's totally gray in Cherry Cordial and it's kind of fun. I do enjoy writing the adults and extra side characters a lot too, Laura and Lucille and Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi sensei in Buku Buku Cha has been fun too. But despite how much I love them all, really it's probably Johnny whose my favorite to write which is spawned by a curiosity of if he got kindness and love and support that wasn't ripped from him then what would happen intrigues me. If he's given a chance to apologize and actually improve, to grow and to heal that's so fascinating to me to explore. I like I guess poking at his wounds and then healing them. It gives me hope that he can avoid all the awful stuff that happens later so I enjoy writing him and what the relationships with other characters becomes and how it can improve his life. If only he got the support he needs, the care and love. Thank you for asking 💖 It's a lot of fun to answer these.
If anyone else wants to ask, I've answered 2, 5, 10, 16 and 19 the prompt is here.
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blusandbirds · 7 months
kk2 and kk3 really make you appreciate the simplicity of kk1. like johnny lawrence was literally just some guy meanwhile chozen is ziplining down a string of lanterns to murder daniel and his crush and terry silver is out here psychologically torturing the poor dude. johnny's goal was to beat the shit out of him because daniel was annoying and johnny was a mean kid who liked karate a little too much and i can almost respect that.
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terrence-silver · 4 months
I have a prompt for CK Terry (Season 5) with a younger woman (say her 30s?):
Daniel & co. manage to execute another infiltration plan, but unlike with Chozen (as "Joe"), this plan actually works, and now they've got a woman on the inside, working as a spy. Her main goal is to find something - anything - incriminating about Terry Silver, and to get out. After a few months, she finds some dirt on him, but he catches her alone in the dojo before she can make her escape with the evidence. I'm imagining him as having trusted her and been attracted to her, but feel free to change his feelings to suit your desires (I'm hoping they will be suitably diabolical, as mine are!).
Thank you as always for your wonderful words!
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(Terry Silver x Reader)
-"Find what you were looking for?"-
Your heart leaps into your throat when you hear that voice and a flash of everything you diligently strived to achieve so far goes collapsing in front of your eyes like a waking fever dream; Terry Silver was right behind you, standing on the threshold and he’s caught you rummaging through a study desk drawer and of course he made no sound, not even the most meager announcement of his presence or any of his movements, footsteps, as always, catching you unaware while somewhere deep down you desperately hoped that he too was human, and that he too, as such, would make the simple mistake of being at least barely audible when sneaking up on you so that you could avoid him. Intercept him. Cease whatever you were doing and make yourself scarce. Rely on the faint hope the coast would be clear while you were incriminating yourself like this. Stop before you were spotted, outright, bending over the work surface, hand gripping a manilla file in a heated rush. Once he moves forward, with a smile, leisurely, like he wasn’t in a hurry, you forget to breathe.
-"It amazes me that you’re really here thinking someone’s gonna throw a fit over a copy of a document on depleted Uranium from 1979. Most people don’t even know what that is."-
He was laughing. He was laughing at you.
Your panicking eyes dart back and forth between him and the folder you were squeezing for dear life, a sudden flash of shame washing over you like a searing hot shower, causing the top of your scalp to sweat and your guts to start coiling deep inside of you belly; point was, you spent six months alone just building up the territory and the trust to even dream of recovering as much as you recovered, feeling, no, being convinced you were on the verge of something important only for him to show up and snicker in your face like you were an idiot. An idiot going through a flash of so much dread you swore you were frozen stiff and unable to move. Terry Silver was a tough nut to crack. There was always insinuation of some sort of maliciousness and malpractice behind the corner, somewhere, out of reach, but never any concrete evidence and like a string pulled away before you could grab onto its end, you were always further and further away from discovering any actual dirt on the man. Not even continuous and meticulous Google searches yielded anything on him. It's like everything was scrubbed and his name was perfectly pristine. He was someone who was frighteningly clean where his reputation was concerned. Larusso’s firm sent you in to scoop out the place, but you couldn’t even find something as stereotypical as mistreatment of staff which was the go-to scandal with these big, rich guys. Making inappropriate passes at the maid. Being prejudiced towards the racial background of his chauffeur, for example. Not even that much. Terry Silver treated his employees surprisingly well and even amicably. Better than anyone you’ve ever seen so far. You gulp hard once you catch him stepping even closer; the grace of a panther.
You needed a defense for yourself. A way out. A lie. Anything.
Somehow to rationalize why you were going through his stuff like this.
But, it was all blank. Blank. Blank.
You felt faint. Sick.
-"Not to mention, I singled that one out for you and I caught you red handed like I knew I would. Fingers deep in the jam. You really think someone’s stupid enough to keep damning things where anyone can just waltz in and take them and waltz back out like it’s an episode of Looney Tunes?"-
He shakes his head, snapping his fingers jokingly, chuckling into his own chin, but you could tell the smile never reached his eyes; something sharp and dangerous behind them, sticking out like needles. He was angry. Validly, he had every right to be. Except, you never planned on getting caught or having to face his ire. You hoped you’d be far away by now. Far from him. He wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place. His dojo office should’ve been closed. The whole gym compound should’ve been. Classes dismissed until two days from now. The whole weekend ahead. The very fact he was here was unpredictable. Unexpected. You could’ve swore you came to understand his schedules by now. His comings and his goings. You could’ve swore there wasn’t any mistake in your observations. You could’ve! -"Terry, I —"- You stutter, unsure how to finish your own sentence, standing there in limbo, trying to catch his bluff around the fact that you recovered evidence he planted for you to find, feeling your knees shake with indignity. If you had a secret you wanted to hide real badly, you supposed…well, you supposed you’d hide it as well as possible too. Never somewhere where someone else could see it. Take it. But, you were desperate. So desperate. For anything. Any clue. Any bit of anything. Any straw to grasp at. That you were willing to take anything at this point and run with it, even risk being seen by the cameras riddled all over the dojo, because, to hell with it — you didn’t plan on returning to this place, this city or this side of the country ever again. You needed anything, if it meant it could make the slightest bit of difference. You never did this before. That’s why Daniel Larusso picked you. The less you had to hide, the more innocent and seemingly inexperienced of any wrongdoing, bad intentions or foul play you were, the more convincing your act would be. But, it was an act. All an act. And at this point, Terry’s face to face with you, only the desk’s surface separating you like a wall, his finger eagerly tapping its polished finish like a tickling time bomb. -"Make an excuse. Go ahead. I really wanna hear it."- His shark-like teeth on display, you decide to tell the truth. At least a fragment of it, certain he already knew what he knew.
-"I was sent here."-
-"I know you were."-
Terry chides with an almost impossible ease that nonetheless sends shivers down your spine.
-"How does it feel that your supposed friends pushed you into the lion’s den alone with no backup, huh?"-
He shrugs, visibly taunting and the pit in your stomach only deepens, hollow, entirely empty.
-"Some friends."-
He adds, tilting his head to the side once he caught your eyes scrutinizing the nearby windows.
Assessing whether you should jump out through them or not.
Life wasn’t a movie. You knew you’d end up scared, broken bones, bruised and all.
And he knew that much too, something knowing twinkling deep inside of his eyes, almost daring you.
You feel the hand grasping at the folder growing limp, suddenly hopeless.
-"Larusso’s shacked up with his family and his guest from Okinawa is enjoying his Californian vacation while you’re here risking your life for them, without anything to gain from it and everything to lose."-
Terry purses his lips, self-content and positively dripping venom and you look away from him.
The embarrassment weighing down on you like an anvil.
Suddenly, you felt a burning, overwhelming sensation you didn’t feel a moment ago.
You felt dirty. Somehow used. Disposable. A useful fool.
-"Did they at least pay you?"-
-"It’s not about money."-
You rush back in with a hasty retort, stumbling over your own words, vigorously shaking your head.
You needed to maintain at least the illusion of dignity.
Fact was, you never paid a dime and you never wanted to be paid a dime.
Terry snorts crudely. Like he's just about heard the funniest joke in the World.
-"What is it about then?"-
His thighs move slowly, doing a smooth turn, finger still maintained firmly planted on the center of the desk, like the needle of a compass, the bejeweled ring on it in the limelight of your vision. What was it about? Did you have a clear cut answer? Except peer pressure? Feeling talked into it? Both directly and indirectly guilted into doing all of this? Thinking you were doing a good deed? That this was as easy as getting in and getting out?
-"Playing vigilante?"-
He drawls with a voice challengingly laced and no — that wasn’t it.
-"Truth, justice and the American way?"-
-"The honor of rummaging inside of someone’s desk drawers?"-
No, no. You wanted to sob out. Inching further into the side of the wall.
Hoping to disappear.
Hoping he’d stop advancing forward and cornering you in.
Your body reacting violently, overtaking by a sudden shiver of sheer terror.
-"The possibility of Danny-boy and his pretty wife inviting you to a country club cookout and giving you a car discount one day if you ingratiate yourself to them hard enough?"-
His tone was oozing venom and sarcasm and you understood what he was trying to do; he was trying to humiliate your efforts and cheapen their worth, and worst of all, it was working like a charm, an unexpected flash of jealousy jabbing at your heart at the notion Terry would call any other woman pretty, no matter how pretty she actually was. Were you envious? This wasn’t the time to be envious. This was the time to be scared shitless. Your fingers stiffen and the folder you thought would make such a vast difference slips out of your hand and onto the floor beside your quivering feet, landing somewhere underneath the desk. At that point, you felt your vision blur and tears unwittingly flood your eyesight, flowing down the edge of your cheeks. The look Terry gives you seems oddly tender then, through the haze. Somehow fatherly. Like he was genuinely trying to understand how you scraped your knee due to your own negligence. You felt like a lost child. Vulnerable. Jittery. Wordlessly pleading forgiveness. -"What?"- He asks again, words barely above a whisper and you shrug through shivering sobs, ineptly, having no response for him as his eyes searched your face even as you tried to look at everything but directly at him regardless of the fact he was inches away, bending forward, towards you, to catch your gaze by force. Ultimately, his finger props itself underneath your chin, hoisting your stare towards him. -"Betraying someone who wined you, dined you, let you inside of his home, fucked you in his own bed — is that it?"- A seductive sheen flashes over his face and his wrinkles and you try to scoot away, as far as the wall and the desk allowed you to go from the way he beamed at you, the statement making you feel lower than ever before. This was a relationship and you trampled over it. You shattered his trust. That was the point right from the get go. Didn’t make it feel any less difficult, though. Suddenly, what the dread in your gut has been anticipating all along happens and he reaches forward, grabbing your hair, fingers tangling in the strands and dragging you forward towards him with all the violence contained in his eyes.
You yelp.
You knew everything so far was merely the calm before the storm and you were partially paralyzed, too afraid to move lest you trigger it into motion prematurely.
-"You broke the basic rules of hospitality! The two F’s! Fidelity towards your host’s privacy and enough formality not to crap all over their belongings!"-
Terry’s jaw tightens dangerously and he practically spits his words as you squint your eyes shut, desperately — as more of a feeble, last-resort self-defense mechanism rather than anything else — not daring to look at his expression up close in that moment, your own arm reaching forward and digging its nails into his skin by instinct, trying to alleviate whatever pressure he was placing there, hopefully avoiding your scalp getting ripped out of its roots, your lids only bolting open by accident, once you felt the rough, course texture of a wet, hot something dragged along the surface of your cheek followed by a gush of searing breath and the scent of saliva only to realize Terry was licking away your tears, angry chuckles lining the rhythm of what he was saying. -"What you get is the third, decisive F; the fatality of thinking I should be screwed around with."- He hisses and you spot the edge of uncharacteristic desperation in him, eyes appearing bloodshot, cold, wild, enraged and there and then — you’re dragged by the hair, stumbling behind him in wide strides on the corridor outside of his study, groaning at the sudden onslaught of pain. You knew then, the only reason he was telling you all of this was so you’d understand how profoundly you fucked up. So he’d relish your fear. Your pain. Your terror. Your stare bolts up. The cameras were off. The red blinking dot on the side of the device nowhere to be seen anymore. That could’ve easily meant that the exists have long since been shut off. The entrances. The gates. The whole dojo estate under lockdown. Security undoubtedly on the gates. There was no way in. No way out. You were effectively trapped, hauled forward towards your own doom, hyperventilating, digging in your feet against the sleek black tiles, hoping it’ll slow him down, only for Terry to yank your hair forward even harder, until you cried out and your voice echoed across the empty hallway, going entirely unheard. Deep down, you knew what he said was correct; you were risking your life out here while everyone else was safe and sound. The Larusso’s were probably having a meal by now, judging by the hour, Chozen Toguchi in tow, gathered together in the family dinning room over some homemade Lasagna. You could see them all so clearly it made you ache. How none of them were here now to save you, but even if they were, could they really?
Would they?
-"You know what happened to John Kreese!?"-
Terry simmers, looking ahead, sauntering down the foyer, pulling you along.
You knew, of course you knew. You didn’t walk into this situation entirely ignorant.
The fact that topic was brought up now only served to push the fear of God into your very bones.
-"And I knew that man for half a century!"-
Terry yells, so suddenly, it practically makes you jump even while restrained like this.
-"Loved that man for half a century!"-
He continues, wrathful, burning eyes fixated straight ahead in determination as he marched.
-"Owed my life to him for half a century! Longer than you've been alive!"-
There’s a growl of finality when he finally reaches a large, dark door, enraged as he pulled the metal knob, practically shoving you inside and all you’re met with is darkness. Somehow, momentarily, it’s more welcoming than the artificial sharp halogen lights of the dojo or his twisted sneer; it’s a short lived mercy as the neon pipes overhead flicker up and you hear the thud of a door closing somewhere in the pitch blackness, all sound losing its echo. Once the sound padded abyss clears, Terry stands in front of a sealed entrance of an otherwise empty chamber, sauntering forward like an Eldritch horror, all long limbs clad in black and an an icy sneer. His index finger pointing at you. Accusing vigorously. A single strand of hair falling loose from his ponytail, settling disheveled on his forehead. -"If I did what I did to him, what do you think I’ll do to some six month long two-bit trick!?"- He growls, appearing genuinely disgusted and you fold your hands over your chest. That hurt. That really hurt. So much so you could feel it vibrating inside of you, even though you felt you shouldn’t have been surprised. Those words. You did this because…well…because you were judged, in actuality. The pressure of you being with someone so much older. The criticism. The looks. The fact you knew you were talked about and that you couldn’t help but be bothered everyone viewed your association with Silver as a negative; something to be commented upon. Amanda Larusso asking what you had to gain out of the arrangement like you were someone who’s company was paid for. Like you were no better than a rich man's whore. The guilt you felt over it. The anger at yourself that you were viewed this way even though your connection wasn’t monetary. That you weren’t seen as an equal and probably never would be. You rushed to prove yourself. To prove your substance to people who had no right to demand you prove a thing, only to end up being encouraged to do something you shouldn’t have done and make an enemy out of someone you knew very well was powerful enough to destroy you. You sink to your knees in desperation. You had no way to take any of it back and fuck knows what he was going to do to you now because of it. You cry out, utterly crestfallen. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid, self-sabotaging, overly complicated, insecure idiot. That’s what you were. -"Please! No!" - Was there ever going to be any mercy given, though? He had no mercy. Not towards enemies. He had no mercy towards friends either according to his own story. Not when he was crossed. And you did more than just cross him, you knew. You shat over months spent together so you could get the approval of individuals you were certain didn’t even like you all that much.
Least of all, Terry himself.
-"Now, here’s the agenda; you’re never leaving this place."-
He approaches, towering over you and you scoot back, hugging your knees to your chest defensively.
The one feeble wall between you and him.
His eyes pink and red. Why did it look like he was on the verge of tears himself?
You’re too stunned to speak.
Did...did this whole thing hurt him too? Emotionally, that is?
The heartbreak type of hurt?
You wanted to cry out for him. Instead of him.
-"Of course they’ll come looking for you, your supposed friends, but not because they give a crap about you. They’ll try to use your disappearance as a proof against me, but it’ll only end up biting them in the ass."-
He chuckles coldly, his jaw shaking as he spoke, looking down at you, practically shivering with wrath. He somehow seemed just as upset as you were, if not more, yet simultaneously sharp and unyielding enough to split atoms. -"If they say it’s suspicious that you entered my property and never left, I’ll simply ask how they know the whereabouts of my estate and social circle in the first place."- He makes yet another step towards you, until his legs loom above you, like an archway, causing you scoot even further into the vast emptiness of what seemed like the entrance of a pristine, minimalist cellar. Clean. Antiseptic. Windowless. No way out but in front of you, barred by his body, undoubtedly automatically locked. Terry Silver, always a proponent of the state of the art high tech. -"If they keep pushing it, they’ll just give themselves away and eventually open their mouths about the fact they’ve sent you here deliberately to endanger my privacy, that’ll only serve as proof of illegal entry and the conspiracy to spy."- He gives you a sudden grin, self-content, smug, but still reeling with rage. You were certain that however this situation was twisted and turned, he’d come out on top and that you screwed up, royally, ironically, risking the most and paying the steepest price for it. You were lucky if he didn’t kill you here and now, and God, all things considered, it would’ve been piety in the vastly creative line-up all the things you knew he was capable of and yet had no direct proof of. He cocks his head to the side, his mouth appearing fleshier than ever, hungry, oddly snake like, curved upwards. -"And you know what we used to do to spies during the war?"- He inquires, practically purring and you want to beg. You want to beg so badly. Just kill me, you desired to plead. Just kill me and collect your moral payback and revenge that way, but please, please, please, don’t martyr me.
-"They were making fun of me, Terry, please, understand."-
The truth suddenly slips out, unbidden, ugly, raw, uncomfortable and vulnerable.
And those words are gone, set loose, escaping across the threshold of your mouth before you can push them back inside and swallow them whole.
You liked Terry, but didn’t feel comfortable being viewed as merely someone’s arm candy. As someone’s attractive sidepiece. As someone sponsored by a man decades your senior. Correction being; it never crossed your mind to be genuinely bothered by anything until someone else pointed it out and the seed they planted germinated until you found yourself revolting, ready to do something truly suicidal purely so you’d be seen as more than what you were assigned from the point of view of others. It was revolting, really; agreeing to spy on the man you were seeing just on the off chance you’d be considered more than an expensive kept woman. A sugar baby. Now, here you were, thrown down on the basement floor, hugging your own torso for comfort and digging your teeth into your lower lip, looking up at him with the most apologetic look you could muster. Forgive me, it was meant to say. The stare you get back from him is harrowing. His fingers reach forward, grasping at both sides of your cheeks, pressing down on the tender flesh there, mushing your face beneath his thumbs until your lips pop, forcibly puckered. -"And you wimped out and collapsed under the slightest bit of peer pressure from people who aren’t even your peers."- He squeezes your face, gloating, hindering your ability to speak properly without muttering, humiliation burning through you like a searing haze. He was right. He was so right about everything, albeit, a little too content compared to his ire from a moment ago. Like he actually rather relished the development of this situation now that impressions finally settled in. You weren’t certain if you preferred him angry in this context, or seemingly happy. You weren’t certain what daunted you more, even more so when his index and middle finger pushed past your lips, grabbing the tip of your tongue, pulling at it with a pillar of saliva trickling down your chin as you groaned in pain, your neck moving forward, following the route he was dragging you towards. This was pure sadism for sadism’ sake. Nothing more. You eyes dart down, catching his other free hand tinkering with the buckle of his belt, the metallic clamor of the sound ringing out like the bells of doom.
Somewhere in the back of your head, fear and desire clash.
-"Well, down here, nobody’s gonna see. Nobody’s gonna know. Nobody makes the rules of convention but me. And I can have you all to myself."-
Terry’s brow shoots up, seeming self content. Triumphant.
His fingers digging into the tent in his trousers and his fist squeezing around the hard cock he pulled out his pants, facing you, thighs spread and zipper down. What was he going to do? Was he just going to keep you down here? For how long!? Was it so he could just abuse your flesh in retaliation for what he caught you doing? Make you disappear that way? Ensure you’re never seen, never heard from again? Panic settles in slowly, way too slowly, torturously so, washing over you like an arctic breeze from afar. Your first instinct was to call for help, but you knew then, help wouldn’t come. There was nobody to help you. He beams down on you, gleefully, almost like he could read the train of your thoughts once your fingers hooked themselves into the antiseptic, minimalistic black wall-to-wall carpet beneath you, hooking your nails into the threads, bracing yourself.
-"You were afraid of being seen as a mindless whore, but if the shoe fits —"-
He coos, cocking his head, bringing his tip to the precipice of your mouth.
Not asking whether you wanted to receive it.
-"Then it’s best to wear it."-
He adds, almost purring, eyes burning into you as your lips part, causing you to groan, embarrassed.
Saliva, right there, on your tongue, hot, anguished, ready to trickle down your chin.
He was going to fuck you, and fuck you and fuck you, but you knew, even know —
Beforehand, there would be degradation. There would be humiliation.
-"Only lubrication you’ll get, so make it count. There will be pain."-
He warns, once he catches your hesitation in making his cock wet, kneeling on the rug, paralyzed.
And yes, the pain. How could you forget the pain.
Perhaps, if you bit down on his dick now it would make him so infuriated he’d just finish you off on the spot.
You consider it.
You’re not sure what stops you. Perhaps it’s what he uttered then.
-"But, you’re a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?"-
He taunts, tilting his face to the side and the deep abiding shame burns its way into your skull, settling down there, like a plague. -"Yes."- You muster. You felt you deserved this. Deserved it for getting caught so stupidly. Deserved it for not being confident enough. Faltering under other's people judgement. For being bothered with they thought and said about you. For betraying someone in the hopes you'd impress someone else. For thinking that if you backstab Terry Silver, you'd be respected more by some vague margin, when truthfully, could a traitor ever really be respected even if it's an objectively bad person they're doing it to? Did you really think Amanda and Daniel would pat you on the back and be your friends and sleep soundly with you around and never think that if you could do this to the man you were dating, you'd never do it to them in some other shape, way or form? A tear slides down your cheeks. You did this all for nothing. Terry grabs your jaw to get your attention. -"I can’t hear you! Louder! With conviction!"- He seethes, holding his length in his hand, practically slapping you with it, the precum leaking from his tip leaving a wet patch on your cheeks intermingled with your tears. -"Yes, I am!"- You huff, squeezing your eyes shut. It was too embarrassing. Too embarrassing. Too embarrassing. -"You’re a what!? Extended sentences!"- He demands, the subjective impression given that his nails were digging holes into the sides of your face with the ferocity of his grip on you. You were certain the bruises would show, in so many patterns. You shriek. -"I’m a glutton for punishment!"- The words come out, peddled forward by pain. -"And are you anything more than my robot!? Mind, body and soul!?"- He asks, verbally tenderizing the most hidden, sensitive part of you. The part of you that led you to do all of this in the first place. The want to be independent. Strong. Someone with agency. More than just eye candy. Someone's lover. Someone's company. You cared for him, you did, but you needed to be a little more than that. If you wanted to stay sane, it was a requirement. -"It’s too much. That’s too much. Don’t."- You plead, desperately shaking your head as far as his fingers holding you allowed you and then he gives you that stare. That unblinking, cold stare. Devoid of all light. All warmth. All understanding. You falter, like you always did.
-"I’m no more than your robot."-
You capitulate, wantonly, willingly and it was disgusting.
Disgusting how liberatingly it instantly felt.
To acknowledge you were his.
His lover, his whore, his hole, his heart, his everything.
You weren't cut out to be a spy. One for subterfuge. Double crossing. Relaying secrets to a third party. You were cut out to be the warm, soft someone he returns to and that was it. A boudoir kitten. Soft satin beds. His embrace. Made for his lips and his lips alone. You gulp as the realization settles in as hard and as heavy as a rock, both punishing with shame and freeing you of all bonds. You were fighting against the certainty of the incoming tide when there was no point so fiercely combating your own nature. -"Mind, body and soul, Terry."- You asses, gulping hard, practically hiccupping with an onslaught of raggedy breathing. Whore, whore, whore, your subconsciousness struggles. You're a whore, it calls out. -"The correct title’s sir."- Terry reminds casually, letting your jaw go, causing you to goddamn nearly tumble back, sprawled across the carpet. Your hand instantly takes to massaging the sore his grip left behind. He advances, cock in hand. Fear and desire clash. -"Sir. Please."- You drawl once he's close enough to smell; all salt and heavy musk. -"Say 'Aah'"- He teases and you do something on instinct, because every atom of willpower in you spasms at once from conflicting sides, hot and cold meeting, bidding you to obey; you open your mouth and your tongue unfurls, receiving his cock, your gut saying yes and every bit of logic and sense still present in your brain telling you no, tears streaming and dripping down your face unbidden, almost like they were mourning you and the fact how much you ached right now. How dubious and messed up this all was, yet how much you were here, on the floor, kneeling and sucking dick like everything you so fiercely avoided being seen as. Terry didn't seem to mind your reaction one bit, though. In fact, he encouraged it. God, if Amanda could see you now. If Daniel could. If Chozen could. How disappointed they'd be? They'd all nod in unison and probably think to themselves they were fools to ever believe you could amount to anything more. But, did you want to, though? That was the question? Did you want to be anything more than Terry's? Did you really? -"Go ahead. Cry."- He coos, patting your head with a sense of encouragement that has you longing, his voice emanating a deep rumble once he's inside of you and you moan on instinct, letting him settle around your lips. Funny that. How you were fighting this so hard just a moment ago.
Well, at least one part of you still was, soldiering on.
Holding unto sanity by a thin, loose thread.
Eyes still hazy with crying.
-"It’s all junk anyway. Weakness purged. The type of bullshit that led you to crap over me the way you did! Playing at independence like a kid plays with a toy castle."-
His voice hits your ears like velvet.
With a filled, muffled mouth, you nod, opening your eyes.
Looking up at him.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sweetie.
His hand caresses your wet cheek as your head bobbed back and forth.
You groan into the gentleness of the contact.
-"We’ll have all the time in the world to train those tear ducts down here. Get rid of excess junk."-
Terry firmly believed weakness manifests itself through emotional reactions sometimes; crying, screaming, bleeding, sweating, pain, even cumming after sex. That this was the body's way of getting rid of things, by effectively self-cleaning --- a process that very well should've been embraced, if not encouraged. He told you this once and explained it elaborately over a candle-lit dinner and it remained embedded in your memory ever since --- and told you again now, smiling at you, like he was pleased by something unfathomable; you shiver, your imagination momentarily not being developed enough to even conceive of what'll happen to you down here. What are all the ways he'll seek to purge you, as he so delightfully put it. But, you supposed you were both far past being coy, and that you were in deep enough shit as it was, so when he pulls back, his length plopping out of your mouth with a moist popping sound, leaving a trickling droplet of spit to leak down your chin, almost like he predicting you'd ask, catching your breath, in a rare flash of bravado, you do just that.
-"What are you going to do to me!?"-
-"Turn you into meat."-
He explains with a blissed out chuckle. You freeze up in primordial dread.
Your cunt itching for him.
His hands lift you then, almost in a loving gesture. Loving. Yes, loving.
Causing you to slump against him once he grabs hold of your face.
Forcing you to look at him. Really look at him.
-"And then? I'm going to perfect you because you're mine to do with as I like."-
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