#I have so many headcannons I want to explore 😅
desolateice · 2 years
17 for the ao3 wrapped? :]
17. Your favorite character to write this year? This is hard. They're so many that are so fun. 💖 I love writing Daniel's rants and monologues. Whether it's because the fish stick that is mer!Johnny is stretching out his sweaters in Newark, or won't stop cuddling him as a snake!Johnny or ranting about pizza in Root Beer Floats and Green Tea, or being confused about language in Konpeito or all his terribly wonderful ideas it's just fun to write essentially a long internal monologue for him. His spirals while being pretty gutting are also fun to write. And his grief that he carries is also somewhat cathartic to write. I also like making him just a horny mess all the time. My other fav monologuer is Dutch. 😂 In my head no matter where I put him in a story it means chaos and fun is about to happen even if it won't always be fun for Johnny or Daniel. And I love writing him and Bobby because I like to write them as opposites. Bobby trying to keep everyone safe and out of trouble and Dutch ready to burn the world to the ground for fun. Chaos and mischief ready to get into a brawl or murder for his friends and Bobby just trying to reign him in. Though all of the cobras mean fun are on the way. Sometimes a character surprises me pending the fic. As I explored the characters in Okinawa in Root Beer Floats and Green Tea I ended up really enjoying writing Chozen and Kumiko. Which is why Buku Buku Cha exists. Because I looked at Tomi Village and wondered why, why would Chozen snap like and once Buku Buku Cha is over I may write at length about the head cannon reason I have for that. But I also love giving Chozen and Kumiko sibling arguing energy where they love each other but will tease each other to death. The other one that surprised me and I am having a lot of fun writing Sid in Cherry Cordial. I've written further than what's been posted, but I may have accidentally given him some Gomez Addams energy. 😅 Generally I paint him as a black and white villain but he's totally gray in Cherry Cordial and it's kind of fun. I do enjoy writing the adults and extra side characters a lot too, Laura and Lucille and Mr. Miyagi. Miyagi sensei in Buku Buku Cha has been fun too. But despite how much I love them all, really it's probably Johnny whose my favorite to write which is spawned by a curiosity of if he got kindness and love and support that wasn't ripped from him then what would happen intrigues me. If he's given a chance to apologize and actually improve, to grow and to heal that's so fascinating to me to explore. I like I guess poking at his wounds and then healing them. It gives me hope that he can avoid all the awful stuff that happens later so I enjoy writing him and what the relationships with other characters becomes and how it can improve his life. If only he got the support he needs, the care and love. Thank you for asking 💖 It's a lot of fun to answer these.
If anyone else wants to ask, I've answered 2, 5, 10, 16 and 19 the prompt is here.
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residentflamingo · 3 months
Samurai Momo Headcannons
Hirai Momo x fem! chubby reader
AU: Ancient Japan/ Samurai 👺⛩️
Genre: fluff, a pinch of angst, & smut
Warnings: mentions of violence, war, sexual themes, & cursing
A/N: Surprise you guys! I decided to post this first instead of the Jihyo fic ;) Man this was so much fun to write! I thought it would be cool to write something like this since I haven't seen anyone write about the main love interest set in the Samurai era. It was a little tricky at first since I had to do a little research, but it's nothing I can't handle. Let me know if i did okay! This is my first time writing anything smut related so I’m very nervous about it 😅 It also kind of turned into a yapping session... Fun but also not fun fact, I've had this sitting in my drafts FOR A YEAR 💀 Ik, absolute insanity. Anyways, let me know if I should write more stuff like this! Enjoy reading, and check out my other works if you would like :) It's always greatly appreciated ❤️
Word count ———> 4,932
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Who is this girl?
Hirai Momo is a well-respected and feared samurai in the Paand Xico Nation
Known for defeating many powerful armies and killing the best swordsmen
She is fierce on the battlefield and cocky as hell too
She doesn’t show any mercy
Merciful only towards townspeople who are in danger 
She is a samurai alongside her other 8 comrades called the “Osoroshī Defenders”
They rose to power after defeating an almighty empire, and saving their hometown, the Paand Xico Nation
They are known for being a fierce samurai squad with kind-hearted personalities
Momo has been best friends with her 8 samurai comrades ever since childhood when she first started samurai training
She grew very close with them over the years, and eventually told them that she was gay
The funny thing is, they knew already
When she told them Jihyo was like “Yeah we know. It's pretty obvious by the way you look at Y/N. You are definitely in love with her, and you get like a gay panic attack every time you see her.”
Momo was so glad that they were supportive of her
But she was also a little shocked since there was still the possibility of them being weirded out by her after her confession
She even cried that night while going to bed because she was so happy
The members like to tease her every now and then when she talks to you, or when she gushes to them over how cute you are 🥹
How you guys met
You and Momo were childhood friends
Met each other at a very young age
Both of your guys’ parents were close friends of each other’s so you crossed paths pretty often
The both of you spent time with each other a lot
You and Momo would go explore the woods, and play around in the creeks
Racing to the creek was essential for the both of you
Momo would let you win on some days just so she could see you smile
Sometimes you would dare her to do weird stuff, and she would always do it just to see your reaction
She even ate a worm once just because you told her too…
Momo likes to tease you a lot too
It’s one of her favorite things to do when she’s in a good mood
When you guys would be walking down the creek, sometimes she would splash water at you and you would get mud on your shoes/clothes
And she would just be dying laughing hearing your surprised scream after getting water splashed on you
"Hey why are you laughing at me?!"
"Y/N you should've seen the look on your face whenever you got splashed! Oh my gosh, it was so funny."
You two became inseparable over time
Momo’s mom would have to drag her home some days because she would be at your house for to long
“Honey you’re barely even home anymore since you spend so much time with that Y/N girl !”
As Momo got a little older, she became interested in wanting to be a samurai
She mostly wanted to be one so she could protect you one day, and to show off her cool skills
She loved how cool they looked, and the way they would fight with their swords
So she enthrall y begged her mom to take her to lessons
When she told you she was taking lessons to become a samurai, you were shook
“Y/n, did you hear? I’m gonna become a samurai!”
“Wait what?! When did you decide that?”
“I had my mom start taking me to lessons the other day! Someone’s gotta be able to protect you from the bad guys someday ;)”
You were very happy for her, but also very worried since she can be aloof at times
Momo loves to show off her cutting skills with her katana
After cutting down a small tree she would smirk at you and say, “Wanna give it a try, Y/N?”
How you became her crush
She developed a huuuge crush on you around the time when she started samurai training (10 yrs old)
(A/N: yeah I did some research, they really did have the kids start samurai training when they were 10 yrs old…)
Momo noticed how beautiful you were one summer night, when you both were stargazing while laying in a field of grass
She was mesmerized by your beauty, and how cute you sounded when you would giggle at her ranting about the stars
From then on, she had a habit of always admiring your looks 💕
“Momo what are you looking at?”
“Oh nothing. I just now noticed you have this little freckle on your nose that looks like a heart. It’s cute.”
You developed a crush on her some years later, after realizing how sweet she was with you
(both 16yrs old)
And you thought she was pretty cute too, with her long black hair, and her beautiful features
It was almost impossible not to fall in love with her
Momo would love to hand feed you snacks, and fix your hair when it would get messy
She also loved giving you makeovers during slumber parties
She’s really clingy and affectionate in general
we know what you are Momo
When you would catch her training, she always wanted to teach you a technique she learned that day
Would end up failing to do so because it was always some advanced shit
“Momo I don’t have any idea how to cut things with a katana, let alone do a flying kick afterwards !”
“Oh cmon on pleaaseee Y/N-chan, I promise it’s super easy. It won’t take very long to learn when you got me teaching you ;)”
She would purposely be hands-on while teaching you, and you would be a blushing mess while she helped you adjust your grip on the katana
Momo got protective of you as she got older, stronger, and more experience with training
(now both 18 yrs old)
And damn did she have some killer muscles
Especially her abs good lord-
When she would get a scratch on her, or a cut, you would always be there to bandage her up
And of course, Momo would be a blushing mess as you would put a patch on her cheek
Afterwards, you would always get onto her about how she needs to be more careful and whatnot
She would just laugh a little bit while looking at you with admiration
Momo found it so cute how protective you were of her, even though she was becoming a tough samurai
At school, she would always glare at the boys that would try to hit on you
And she would protect you from bullies too
“Y/N what happened to your arm? Why is it all bruised?”
“A boy wouldn’t leave me alone after I told him I didn’t want to date him, so he fought me because he was so mad.”
“Momo did you hear? Someone beat up the same boy that punched me the other day… I wonder who it was.”
(clearly has bruises on her knuckles) “I don’t know, maybe it was a tougher girl or something. Who knows, he had it comin to him anyways.”
You thought it was cute how protective she was over you
Whenever you would cry, she would always be there to hold you and tell you sweet nothings
She hated seeing you cry :(
Your happiness is her happiness
Momo made a vow to herself that in the future, she would still be the one holding you like this but in a different setting
The confession
When Momo was finally finished with samurai training (20-21 yrs old), she was super excited
But her excitement didn’t last for long
She got the news that she would have to be sent out to war for a couple months, or even a year, along with the other troops and her 8 best friends
You were both devastated
What if I never see her again? What if I never get to tell her I love her?
On the day of Momo’s departure, your face was stained with a waterfall of tears
She was standing outside nearby the army of soldiers with you in her arms , waiting until they were ready to depart
You and Momo had been hugging for a really long time, making sure you both took each other in before it was time for her to leave
After some time, the main advisor of the squadron spoke up…
“Alright everyone, say your last goodbye’s to your loved ones. We will be heading out in no less than 5 minutes!”
Momo tried to let go of your grip, but you held onto her and moved your position so you could look her in the eyes
“Do you really have to go? Maybe you could fake an injury, and say you’re too crippled to fight or something.”
“I can’t do that Y/N, you know that. It’s my duty as a samurai to defend this nation with my life, and to make sure I can be the strongest warrior.”
“Yeah your right, I know you can’t just bail out. But, I’m just scared you won’t come back. How long do you think you’ll be gone? And what if you get really hurt?”
“Our advisor said we’d be gone for months, or even a year. It depends on how long the war goes. Me and the girls are scared too, but we’re also confident in our abilities. Don’t worry Y/N, you know I’m a tough cookie and I’ll be able to handle myself out there.”
She tried smiling at you after she said that, so it would somehow to calm you down a little
But she knew deep down, that you could read her like a book
You already knew how nervous she was just by looking in her eyes
“Alright everyone, get ready. We are leaving as of now! Momo, go get your horse and be ready to leave, or else you’ll get left behind!”
“Okay okay I’m coming! I have to go now Y/N, make sure you take care of yourself okay? I’ll be back before you know it. You won’t even realize I’m gone.”
“Okay Momo stay safe. I lo-.” You quickly stopped yourself. At that moment, you weren’t really sure if you wanted to confess your love to her yet
“What was that last part Y/N?”
“Oh nothing, just go Momorin. Your advisor looks pretty pissed.”
“Haha okay then. Goodbye Y/N. Stay safe for me okay?.”
“I will, I promise.”
Momo walked away with a smile on her face, but on the inside, she was heartbroken
She knew it would be a while before she could ever see you again
Momo jumped onto the horses saddle, and exhaled a long breath making sure it would prevent her from crying
But when she turned around and saw you waving, she made sure to engrave that image in her head until she saw you again in the months to come
You both waved back at each other until Momo seemed to be getting further away from the eye, as her horse trotted away. Soon becoming unrecognizable in the thick fog enveloping the forest
Memories came flooding back, as Momo’s horse trotted through the very same winding creeks and little caves you guys used to play in
Oh god how she missed you already, and it hadn’t even been 5 minutes yet
As Momo started thinking about you, she started getting worried about whether if she was making the right choice or not. So, she decided to asked her best friends for help
“Guys, do you think I’m doing the right thing by leaving Y/N? I mean I feel like I should’ve told her something else before we parted ways, but I can’t figure out what I should’ve said.”
Jeongyeon whispered under her breathe, “you damn idiot…”
“What did you say Jeongyeon? Why don’t you come over here and tell me what you just said, instead of just whispering it under your breath huh?!”
Jeongyeon exhaled a deep breath she had been holding in, and finally let out what she’s been wanting to say for a while
“I said, you’re a damn idiot! Haven’t you loved Y/N for what, I don’t know, 10 years? And you still haven’t told her that you love her? What if you don’t come back from this damn war, and she has to wonder all her life if you ever loved her or not? Don’t you want to marry her someday, and be able to call her your wife?"
Momo sat there for a moment just stunned. As she thought about it for a while, she finally realized she was making a mistake
“God, what the fuck am I doing?” Momo said
“Go get your girl Momoring!” Nayeon retaliated
Jihyo also had a few words of wisdom for her too, “Don’t hesitate to tell her how you feel either! You may not get another chance.”
“You’re right, I need to go see her right now! I’m gonna go, but I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops. Tell the advisor I’ll be right back, or else I’ll get my ass kicked.”
Momo made a sharp turn with her horse and made it gallop at speeds faster than it had ever gone
As she got closer and closer to where you and her last saw each other, she could see your faint figure in the distance
You were finally walking away from the send off area, and accepting the fact that she was really gone
Unitl you heard a familiar voice loud shout from the forest, "Y/N, wait!"
Is that... Momo? you thought
You stopped in your tracks with your face contorted with all sorts of confusion, and then you turned around
And there she was
The horse hooves slid on the dirt, making the dirt kick up and the horse come to a smooth stop
"Y/N!" Momo yelled out
"Momo? What are you doing here why are you-"
She jumped off her horse and jogged over to you
"I can explain!" She stops in front of you panting and out of breath
Your face is still ridden with confusion, wondering why this goofball was standing n front of you, and not with her squadron
"What is it Momo I don't understand..."
Momo's breathing slows down a little bit, and her heart pumps with adrenaline
She speaks a little bit faster than usual, hinting at her obvious urgency, and nerves of confessing to you
She grabs both of your hands and hold them
"I-I have something to tell you Y/N... Something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a long time."
Your eyes widen
Is it what you think it is?
Momo sees the shock on her face, and she does something that even she surprised herself with
"Oh screw it."
She quickly let go of your hands and brought hers up to both sides of you face, bringing you in for a sudden but loving kiss
"Wha-" You're cut off as she kisses you
It takes a couple seconds for you to process it, but once you do, you melt into it
You smile into the kiss, and wrap your arms around her, bringing her even closer your body
The kiss was oh so romantic, listening to the rainfall in the background, and feeling your clothes get from how long you two were standing there
It was all worth it
When Momo pulled away, she looked at you starstruck, still trying to process the fact that she just kissed you
Her lifelong crush!
You smiled back at her, feeling the same amount of shock as Momo
"Wow... I didn't know you had that in you."
She giggled and then hit pinched your cheeks playfully
"Well, I have many surprises Y/N."
"I can see that... How long have you been wanting to do that for?"
"Years... Most definitely." She caressed your face with her thumb, looking at you with pure love and adoration
You smiled, pulling her in to whisper in her ear, "Me too."
(had to switch to a different writing block since there was a word limit 🙄)
She chuckles, moving lips back down yours and kissing you again
Before she knew it, she heard someone whistle behind her, along with shouts from other people
"Oooo look at Momo and Y/N" Jeongyeon said, quickly receiving a slug on the shoulder from Jihyo
Momo pulled away embarrassed, hiding her blushing face into your neck
You giggled, wrapping your arms around her waist and rubbing her back
"I take it those are your friends?" You said teasingly
Momo mumbled, "Yes... Unfortunately."
You kissed the top of her head and moved her in front of her so could look at her better
"Oh I'm sure they aren't that bad..."
"Hey lovebirds, I don't want to ruin the moment, but we have a war we need to go fight in. Momo, get your ass over here!" Jihyo said loudly
Momo rolls her eyes, and groans in annoyance, yelling back "Coming!"
She turns her head back towards you and smiles, bringing you in for a bone-crushing hug
"Momo... I can't breathe."
She quickly lets go, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry...I can't help it."
"I know."
You smile, pulling her in for one last kiss, then having to pull away since she was in a hurry
"I'll write to you every day Y/N. I love you... so very much."
"I love you too Momo."
Her heart melts as she hears that, feeling her life long dream come true
She smiles, heading back on the horse and waving goodbye to you once again
She couldn't wait to come back and smother you with kisses
Domestic Life
When she leaves for months at a time, she writes you a letter every single day
So when the messenger comes by to deliver mail, he'll have multiple letters waiting for you
She is so good at writing too it kind of surprises you a little bit
Even though she's not there with you during those months, those letters make you feel like she's standing right next to you, telling you about her day and how she's feeling throughout each and every day
When she gets home from the war she will be super clingy 24/7
Which is kind of how she is anyways, so you're pretty used to it lol
Will tell you an endless amount of funny and intense stories that will just make you stare at her in awe, wondering how she's so amazing
During her normal home life away from samurai duties, she loves to spend as time with you as possible
She loves to cook for you, help you do chores around the house, and even do laundry
Whatever you need help with, she will always lend a hand so you don't have to do it all on your own
You guys will go on dates at least once a week to try to get out of the house once in a while lol
She always lets you be the one to pick the restaurant
(she's such a gentlewoman)
If it’s a place that she dislikes, she would never say anything about it
Your happiness is her happiness
Will train at home every now and then
Not all time though since she prefers a perfect balance between her love life and her Samurai duties
After coming back from war, you two decided to get married right away
You knew dating was only a waste of time since you knew each other well, and how good of a partner you guys would be to each other
People in the town WERE NOT shocked when you two got married
Like had been predicting it since you two first started being friends with each other 💀
Momo is super duper sweet when she's with you <3
(but isn't she supposed to be the most feared samurai across many nations?)
Yes, but that doesn't matter!
With people she's not particularly friends with, she will act stoic and reserved, making her look very intimidating and serious 24/7
With friends she's her usual playful self and cracks some funny jokes here and there to make the whole group laugh
But when she's with you, her true self comes out
She is the textbook definition of a cuddle bug
Loves cuddling and being able to hold you in her strong arms
Kisses your tummy and draws shapes on it with her fingers
Gives you back and foot massages
Has to hug you and say “I love you” before bed or else she won’t sleep very good that night
Super clingy and doesn't hold back when showing affection
Compliments you alll the time without fail
"That dress looks so pretty on you my love...
Remembers small details about you, and buys you gifts 24/7
Knows you so well that she knows exactly how many freckles you have on your face
Loves listening to the sound of your voice and finds it cute when you rant about some of your favorite things
She is also an absolute goofball
“Y/N, what’s 3+5 ?”
“It’s 8 honey…”
“Oh. I thought it was 7.”
Doesn’t show that side of her very often, but when she does it never fails to make you laugh
You both have matching tattoos
Hers is hidden since tattoos are prohibited for samurai's
The design is a yin & yang symbol, with yours being a yang, and Momo's a yin
You being the yang, the purity and balance you bring to the relationship
Momo's being the yin side, showing that she brings the fire in the relationship, and the darker side to her that trains in killing people
It also represents how you two were originally best friends, and the soulmate connection you both have
Arguments don't really happen that much between you two
When they do you both always talk through them together, and have good sit-down talks about what you can do better
She hates seeing you cry :(
Absolutely breaks her heart
Especially when she's leaving for war and you're sobbing on her shoulder
Momo usually cries with you and holds you, making you feel very comforted in her grasp
When it comes to jealousy, she's not really the type to get mad at you
Only gets mad at the person flirting with you
Will come up behind you and wrap her arms around you waist, peppering kisses on your neck
"Hi Y/N... who's this fellow you're talking to?"
Loves letting everyone know that you're hers
Mostly in a subtle but not so subtle way since that's the way of the samurai
This girl's loyalty is IMMENSE
When another woman tries to talk to her, she will not hesitate to give them the cold shoulder and ignore them
“No. I have a wife.”
Will not hesitate to fight someone for you
Or possibly will kill them if it comes to that point
No one is talking bad about her you on her watch
Always has a sharp eye on you when in public, making sure you're safe from any of her enemies
Her duties come with a couple cons
In the middle of the night, she will sometimes wake up in cold sweats and start sobbing
Has PTSD flashbacks of the people she has killed in war, and remembers the innocent civilians she couldn't save in time 🙁
You hold her in her arms, telling her that it's not her fault and that she is still a good person
Will train so hard on her own that you have to drag her away from whatever activity she's doing
Is so so hard on herself :(
But when she's cuddled up in her embrace, her mind shuts off, forgetting everything that was stressing her out in the first place
She loves you so so much
Would die for you, no hesitation
You're one of the only things in her life that she finds enjoyment in
Being with her is the luckiest thing you could ever imagine
In The Bedroom
(mentions of strap-ons, praise kink, body worship, pussy eating, dom! Momo, and ab riding. minors & men pls do not interact!!)
Let's get one thing gay straight, when Momo comes home from war after not seeing you for a long time, you better be prepared to not be able to walk the next day
Ends up fucking you for hours, and having to carry you to the bathtub afterwards
After she gets settled in for a couple weeks, she will go back to being her soft and gentle self during sex
She's not really the type to degrade you unless you're being very bratty
Being bratty will result in her teasing until you're a crying and needy mess
Definitely smacks your ass a few times too
"Hm what did you say? You're gonna have to speak up honey. Mommy can't hear you when you're whining so much."
Has you get on your knees and eat her out, running her hands through your hair and pushing you closer to her
Is bigggg on body worship and praising
Momo knows how insecure you get of your body at times, so she'll do everything she can to make you feel good about yourself
Has you strip down naked in the middle of the bedroom so she can admire your curves and your bare body
Then has you lay down, kissing every inch of your body, whispering sweet nothings to you
"You're so beautiful... I love you... I love your stretchmarks... I love your curves..."
Sometimes will have you on the verge of tears from how sweet she gets
Holds you like you're the most precious thing in the world to her
Momo is more of the type to give
But, she doesn’t mind being on receiving side every now and then
When she does give…
She eats your pussy out like it's her last meal every. time.
"Fuck honey... You taste so good."
Loves it when you wrap your legs around her head, and somewhat suffocate her with your thighs
Makes her eyes roll back slightly and digs her nails deeper into your skin
Sometimes she gets so drunk in your taste that you have to pull her away by her hair
She would whine and be begging to taste you again
“Please Y/N, just for five more minutes.”
She absolutely adores your plump figure
You cannot walk anywhere without her smacking your ass or grabbing onto your love handles
Almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Has reoccurring fantasies of bending you over and fucking you with her strap, imagining your ass and thighs jiggling with each thrust
Be careful wearing a swimsuit or dress around her…
She will most likely rip it off of you behind closed doors, and leave plenty of hickeys on your skin to show everyone that you're hers
The sight of seeing the clothing hug onto your curves, and knowing that she’s the only one that gets to kiss it really turns her on
Has also fucked you multiple times in the pool at home because she couldn’t help herself when she saw you in a bikini
Also has an obsession with your boobs
Loves groping them, and being able to nuzzle her face in them after she's done licking and sucking them
Remember her habit of writing letters to you while she's away? Sometimes she will incorporate her neediness for you in them as well
Has to secretly send them in so no one reads them
You never knew how horny she could really get until she left for war
You would secretly stash the letters in a drawer, reading them sometimes while she was away (real)
Momo makes sure she never leaves you unmarked
You always end up having tons of hickeys or will have plenty of bite marks on your neck
Knows how much you love her abs, so she would let you grind on them until you make a mess all over her
"Oh look at you... You love making a mess on mommy's abs don't you baby?"
Works out a little harder when she's training so she can be strong enough to manhandle you
Her cockiness when she’s training is on another level
Especially that damn smirk…
She has a few scars on her body from war and training that she knows turns you on as well
On hot days she would wear revealing clothing on purpose; like crop tops, tank tops, or any muscle shirts she could find
All of those things mixed in with sweat running down her body… damn
Her favorite position is most definitely missionary
Loves being able to look you in the eyes when making love to you, and making sure that you feel loved
But also really enjoys doggy style so she can feel your ass up against her
Always checks up on you to make sure you're doing okay
"Tell me if it gets too much, okay honey?"
Momo takes aftercare very seriously
Carries you to the shower/bathtub and helps wash you off
Then carries you back to bed and snuggles up with you, showering you with sweet kisses
"You did so well Y/N... I love you so much."
Also apologizes and kisses any small bruises if she was rougher with you than usual
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newnap · 11 months
I was always curious - why would Gaster create Sans (and Papyrus)? Did he just wanted to create sentient life for fame? Or was it related to soul research or the barrier?
And why create Papyrus after creating Sans? Was one skeleton lab rat/assistent/boyfriend not enough? 🤔
The answer would be different regarding what I feel that day because I have sooo many headcannons that conflic each other. But the most canon fitting one I think is Gaster created them to test if he could harness human's soul power if he make something similar to it, which leads to Gaster creating sans+pap with human's body and monster's magic to trick the system.
And Sans and Pap initially have been created at the same because Gaster couldn't rely on one single subject to be successful, but it's just that Sans woke up (gained conscious) earlier which makes him older than Pap.
BUT I also have whole another headcannon that I've been trying to draw it out but couldn't with lack of energy.
>>Gaster gets drunk and accidently creates sans because he made a stupid bet with his science co-workers. AND he doesn't even remember what he done to create another life form the next day so he tries and tries again to re-create something like sans. Thru experimenting and researching (basically reverse engineering) sans, he finally succeed in creating Papyrus when he's actually sober.
I could talk about other head cannons forever really, but I'll spare you now😅 this got so long, so sorry for rambling it's just so fun exploring and you asked me something really really interesting I couldn't resist!! Thank you for the ask <3
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scullyverse · 2 years
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That's 4,628 more posts than 2021!
64 posts created (1%)
8,532 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,686 of my posts in 2022
#😂 - 47 posts
#msr - 36 posts
#😌 - 36 posts
#🥺 - 30 posts
#omg - 23 posts
#this - 23 posts
#❤️ - 23 posts
#😭 - 21 posts
#👀 - 20 posts
#dana scully - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#about her contemplations about her life and how she’s tired of being forced by society and ‘fathers’ to be maintained in this certain way
My Top Posts in 2022:
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omg it’s happening 👀
24 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
my fave headcannon is scully knowing how to play baseball (having grown up playing with her brothers) and can actually play quite well, but doesn’t tell mulder on their date in ‘the unnatural’ because she just wanted him to hold her and and flirt with her 😌
43 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
Kinktober 2022 Prompt List
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Hey lovelies! I’m going to participate in Kinktober this year for the first time (which is both exciting and a little nerve wracking 😅) I made a prompt list and thought I would share it for anyone who wants to use it!
Personally, my kinktober will be fics focused on The X Files & The Fall (Mulder/Scully, Scully/Reyes & Stella/Scully) but please feel free to use the prompt list for whatever fandom you wish and whatever medium you want.
I tried to keep all the prompts ambiguous for different genders and sexuality pairings as well as a few extra than the 31 days just in case there’s a prompt you aren’t so comfortable exploring, so hopefully it works for you 💕
See you all with some kinky stories in October 😈
45 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
Get to know you better
I got tagged by @freckleslikestars thank you so much! 💕
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Favourite time of year: I would have to say autumn as it’s a nice break from the usual hot summer here but not cold enough yet for lots of blankets. And it doesn’t have the pollen of spring to worry about 😂
Comfort food: It would have to be Tonkostu ramen with extra pork belly. But it has to from a proper ramen booth/restaurant as it’s always the best from there.
Do you collect something?: I used to collect Lion King stuff but now it’s just books. I collect (hoard) books.
Favourite drink: A large green peach iced tea with lychee jelly from a bubble tea/boba shop. And my favourite alcoholic drink (though I rarely drink) is a Fruit Tingle.
Favourite Song: I Need My Girl by The National
Current Favourite Song: You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
Favourite Fic: Oh, this is just too hard!! 😭 Ummm I just have way too many. I would have to say;
My current fave fic and one that I’m obsessed with right now is — Partnership: The Fall & Rise of Dana & Stella by ee_ombra_ombra
But some all time faves are;
When The Ink Dries by somekindofseizure (this one will always stay with me)
Laws of Motion by suilven
Stella’s Rules by DanaScully77
Novel Explorations by useless_bian
Those are for my Stella/Scully shipper heart.
When it comes to Mulder/Scully my favourite fics are pretty much everything written by wtfmulder and Phillip_Padgett as well as;
Scully’s Submissive Awakening by DanaScully77
Waldron Island by SisterSpooky1013
Tagging: @scullysexual @anders-hawke @ellivia @barbarashershey @danakathrine @pawsteps @enigmaticxbee @agent-troi
46 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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omg she looks so beautiful! I can’t—
48 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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marinerainbow · 5 months
Hey! ^^ I hope you're well ^^
I have a Happily N'ever After though to share with you- but of course you don't have to answer ^^
So, I rewatched it last night (and, just- it gives so much joy XD ) and I think I heard Monk refer to Freida as 'a' evil stepmother.
... a.
Not 'the'.
And up until this point I'd been thinking of all the fairytale characters as immortal creatures going through the same story over and over and over again.
But now I'm thinking... maybe reincarnation? Maybe after their Happy Endings (or not so happy endings, for villains) and the last page is flipped closed- the entire board resets. The characters turn to dust or something and new ones (the same characters, just looking a little different. This could explain why fairytale characters are rarely described with more specific features. Just 'beautiful', 'blonde', 'dashing', 'ugly', etc.) start over again at 'Once Upon a Time'. This would explain why no one ever remembers what's already happened (Or *cough* the uprising).
Another interesting thought- imagine if fairytale characters new looks are entirely based on whoever in Our World is telling the story. It's how They imagine them, just with the basic set guidelines I mentioned before.
I dunno if this is anything, if you already realised this or not, but I wanted to share 😅😅😅
I didn't realize this!! This actually helps out a plothole in my own headcannons; if the king and queen passed the throne on to their son, the prince, (which, according to the fan-wiki, a deleted scene reveals that the prince's name was Humperdink. Can you imagine??), then where are they? Were they the original Cinderella and Prince Charming?
With that, I raise you; What if the Fairytale characters' lives depend on either how long they can live, which is why they can still age. Once they are old enough, like the king and queen, they pass on the mantel of their story role befire turning into dust?
Or, leaning more towards what you said, their lives last as long as whoever is telling the story holds their book. For example, a parent telling their child Fairytales for years and years, or a teacher sharing a Fairytale one day for class. And, as you said, each storyteller winds up creating the storybook characters as they envision them? So the Prince could be a dashing, blonde hunk for years and years. Then the next storyteller may make him into a twiggy, redheaded prince for a week or so, etc.
But in that case, what about nobodies like Ricky? Or my OC Lizzie? Do THEY turn to dust?? Are they just figmants of the storytellers imagination to spice up the story (like maybe whoever was telling the Cinderella story in the movie wondered someone else Ella could fall in love with?). Or are they truly immortal?? Does Rick know what's going on because he's served sooo many princes?? What do you think? If you'd like to add to this ^^
I really really REALLY love this observation!!! We have to explore it more!!!
On a more self indulgent note; Imagine that, once it's the wolves' time, their S/O is right there watching them turn to dust? Whether they were trying to prepare for it or not, their S/O clings onto them; begging whoever will listen (the wizard, some God that's higher than him, anybody) to give them just a little more time. They're not ready! Don't take their love away!! But the S/O can only watch as their wolf/wolves crumble to dust, right after they exchange one final kiss or reassurance that everything will be ok in the end.
Sure, their wolf will come back. But what if it's different?? What if he/they don't fall in love with them?? Will he/they even remember them?? Who knows, really?
0 notes
viviennevermillion · 3 years
Hi, this is my first time making a request ever on tumblr so I hope I’m doing this correctly 😅 Could I possibly request some fluffy headcannons for Jack x gn! reader with how the two might spend their time together?
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Spending time with Jack
notes: sure, hope you like this anon! I admit Jack is not one of the characters I have that many ideas for but I'm trying my best snfjsjd
warnings: none
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Jack loves to be around his partner, as typical for wolf beastmen, so you'll definitely spend a lot of time together.
He's someone who really thinks about bringing some variety into the time you spend together. He'll often reach out to you, asking you if you have any things you'd like to do, he's open to almost all freetime activities.
He'll definitely show you his hometown! And introduce you to his family. He's super proud when he does this too.
Loves to see you react to the different sights and nice places of his hometown. He'll walk through nature with you, showing you some hidden gems when it comes to locations. If going there requires you to cross a small creek or go down a steep hill, he holds your hand and helps you to give you more security
Plucks a flower that reminds him of you and gives it to you, acting a little flustered about it
Buys you local food and souvenirs when he sees you like them. His family and him would give you like, a whole box full of local foods and spices, telling you to enjoy them. They'd literally give you so much stuff you might feel awkward about not being able to give just as much back.
Jack is also the type who I could see using the money he has to afford a nice little vacation for the two of you. Just spending a weekend in a cozy hotel or a rented cabin, exploring a place neither of you has been to yet. He'd make you breakfast every morning and lets you plan your daily trips and in the evening you two sit down somewhere, where you have a good view of the surrounding area, and watch the moon and the night sky. Jack sits down behind you, wraps his arms around your waist and caresses your hand with his fingertips, telling you about soulmates and how he's pretty sure you're his.
Loves to learn new things with you. Whether it's cooking by recipe or trying out one of your hobbies, Jack loves that he gets to collect entirely new memories with you, things he did for the first time with you by his side.
I headcanon Jack can definitely drive a magic wheel. He gives me the vibes of your friendly neighborhood biker who rescues cats and protects little kids from their bullies. So I feel like he'd take you for a ride on a magic wheel. Has you sitting behind him, telling you to hold on tight. You wrap your arms around him and he loves the feeling of having your body pressed against his when you do this. He's extra careful with you though. Makes sure not to drive too fast or do anything that might scare you.
He'd try to teach you a bit of snowboarding. Makes sure the hill you try it out on isn't very steep or has any obstacles or dangers on the way.
At NRC, Jack often invites you to join him when he goes jogging or wants to practice for Magift. If that's not your thing you can always meet up with him later or watch him and cheer him on
Likes to study with you as well. Or just spend an afternoon in the library, being snuggled together while reading books. If he's taller than you and you can't reach a book on the highest bookshelf, he'd lift you up so you can get it, placing a kiss onto your lips when your feet are on the ground again. When you're both there for doing your homework, he always has a hand placed on yours while concentrating on the task.
Jack actually has quite a lot of fun playing video games with you as well. Whatever the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of Mario Kart or Super Mario Bros is. He likes to tease you a little bit when he wins but lets you win on purpose often enough.
Jack is definitely a very active partner but also is able to adapt if you need some more time relaxing with him and just doing nothing for a while
After all he loves cuddling with you and having his arms wrapped around you protectively just as much. He presses kisses to your forehead and runs his fingers along your back. Sometimes he gives you massages too because he thinks you deserve to relax after a stressful day. He's open to talk about whatever you want to while you lay in his arms.
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Fallout 4 companions react to a F!Sole who was a elite sniper before the war
FO4 Companions React to F!Sole being a Pre-War Elite Sniper
You know, this one just works for me, it really does. My main Sole Survivor OC is headcannoned as exactly this, so it's just mwah 👌, perfection for me to consider the companions finding this out and having some thoughts on it. Thank you for the ask! (And your patience, I know you asked this ages ago 😅). I hope you enjoy!
She's only a little impressed. She thinks sniping is a smart way to deal with enemies, but also sees it as a bit cowardly. Cait really believes in facing your enemies head-on, not hiding in the shadows and taking them out without ever letting them see your face.
However, she does somewhat admire the fact that Sole was respected in her profession before the war, especially one that seems to be primarily male-dominated. Cait knows what it's like to be underestimated in that regard, and is glad that Sole was able to overcome the obstacles that might've kept her from doing whatever the hell she wanted, no matter what anyone thought. It's something she'd like to think they have in common. The redhead was under the impression that there were stricter gender roles before the bombs fell, roles that Sole would have had to adhere to, but Cait is pleased to know that this isn't the case for her stubborn companion.
Curie's eyes widen as Sole tells her to stand back, taking aim at a plethora of enemies on the skeletal high rise above them. There is simply no way she could see zhem clear enough to make zhe shot, correct?
When Sole does, Curie is speechless. She's not big on violence, but she agrees that being a sniper is much safer than many alternatives when it does come to combat. She also must admit that those that do perish by Sole's hand usually do so rather quickly, and more painlessly than most other cases. After considering all of this, and witnessing Sole's masterful abilities, Curie would think it prudent to perform an eye exam on her companion, for research purposes, of course... As well as to satisfy her own curiosity. Lastly, the synth would express to Sole verbally how impressed she is by her distinguished abilities, and her ambition to become one of the most prominent names in this particular field of skill. Curie knows it must have taken lots of ambition and ingéniosité to become so proficient with weaponry such as this before the bombs fell.
He… loves it. Danse noticed it straight away when he met Sole for the first time, and her efficiency and accuracy with her weapon of choice was one of the many reasons he deemed it absolutely necessary to offer her a position in the Brotherhood's ranks.
As a sniper, Sole and Danse tend to work remarkably well as a team, given his ability to get in close and have strong defense with his armor, and her skills from afar, where she can provide the best cover for him. Plus, it gives Danse the opportunity to explore a new fighting style and weapon set that he isn't as familiar with, which is thrilling for the Paladin, to say the least. He actually needs to stop and remind himself not to be so enthusiastic about it every once in awhile so he doesn't talk Sole's ear off with questions or stand too close when they are making repairs or modifications.
"Hey hey, ditto, pal." Weird how this works out, Deacon was also an elite sniper before the war, how do you like that? It's actually crazy they never bumped into each other.
No, but he thinks the two of them make a pretty damn good team, all things considered. The same weapons, ammunition and skill set mean they're on the same page combat-wise like 97% of the time. Occasionally, they do have to end up playing "rock, paper, scissors" though, if it makes more sense for the mission to only have one sniper. However, it provides a good opportunity to expand horizons for the pair, you know, branch out. Try some grenades once in awhile, or test out laser weaponry, or something like knives. Who knows?
Anyway, on a more serious note, this commonality does make it easier for the elusive spy to bond with Sole on something that's not so personal, at the start of their partnership. Deacon's familiarity with this aspect of Sole's life isn't one-sided, it's mutual, which already puts the pair on more of an even playing field than he usually is with anyone he's just met (given the vast amount of intel he collects before ever letting anyone see his face). Plus, it's good that they can both give each other pointers and act as spotters for the other. All in all, it's not a bad gig for Deacon (but don't expect him to admit that out loud, at least not for awhile, anyway. He still just wants to give Sole a hard time about it, keep up appearances, you know).
"Sweet. I think this outfit is gonna turn out just fine." the ghoul grinned when Sole told him about her fighting style, his dark eyes lighting up at the good news. What can he say? This shit just works for him.
Sole can sneak up and fuck 'em by surprise while he gets in close and makes sure they stay down. Plus, then he doesn't have to worry about Sole's safety as much. Not that he's worried about her capability; far from it, but it gives the ghoul some peace of mind as he and Sole become closer to have her out of the line of fire.
Oftentimes too, this skill of hers means the pair can sit back and wait for enemies to appear, giving him time to take a load off for a short while before they get back to it. In times like that (or any other, really) Hancock likes to hear about Sole's stories from before the war, what everything was like back then, how they're coping now, but only if they're willing to share. He just can't seem to get it out of his head that someone as sweet as Sole has been through some of the worst shit imaginable, even before the world went to hell. Maybe talking to him about it'll help, he doesn't know. But damn it, what else are friends for, right?
"You serious? But that's my thing!" He'd roll his eyes and ask if Sole was kidding when she first told him about her preferred combat method. And sure, he'd have seen her scoped rifle slapped over her shoulder the minute she walked into the Third Rail's VIP room, but he assumed he'd be the one teaching her how to use it properly. The rifle was pretty, he'll admit it, and he'd hoped she'd give it to him when she saw how proficient he was with his own. But whatever. This claim of hers, it means one thing to the mercenary.
It. Is. On. Sole thinks she's good? He'll see about that.
"Alright, let's see it then." He'd say with a smug little grin. Friendly competition galore, for the pair. All the time. They don't waste ammo, both of them know better than that, but as soon as enemies show their faces, the pair is at it again, counting their kills out loud, along with the location they managed to hit (headshots are worth more than body shots, and between the eyes is pretty damn impressive).
But once Mac realizes his companion wasn't bluffing, and begrudgingly admits that she's a damn good shot, they end up helping each other, more than anything. When it comes to weapons maintenance, spotting for one another, taking shifts for who is on sniper duty while the other rests, he can't help but admit it's pretty nice having Sole around. It just, it works for them, even when it shouldn't. MacCready's gotta say, he's pretty relieved to have someone in his line of sight that can look out for themselves too, it's not something he's really used to with his profession, and he's grateful. Plus, it made taking out all those gunners a walk in the park. They never even saw the pair. MacCready could actually really get used to this.
It's not that the synth underestimated Sole, necessarily, he always thought she was capable. Anyone with her kind of drive had to be, in order to survive the Commonwealth after only knowing the world before the bombs; however, he is surprised when she tells him about her old profession, and definitely is impressed as all get out. But the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.
Sole's story really did add up. Snipers are smart, calculated, subtle, they're good to have on your side in a fight, and Sole is all of those things, and more. Nick definitely isn't complaining about having someone like her at his side. Her keen eye is effective for more than just spotting enemies, and her hesitant nature has kept the pair out of trouble on numerous occasions. Nick's relief in regards to her competency cannot be measured, he's got enough deaths on his conscience, and Sole being safely in the shadows, able to wreak all kinds of havoc without so much as showing her face, that gives the detective some peace of mind.
Besides the combat-related advantages of his partner, Nick also simply likes to talk to Sole about life before the war in general, since it's something they have in common, but the sniping stories really are what he finds particularly interesting.
Man, she wants to learn how Sole does it. Her companion's skill with a sniper rifle is incredible, and it's really the ideal way to fight in the Commonwealth if you don't want to get hit back. She'd ask Sole for lessons when they had the time, trying to better be able to defend herself from a safer distance. Piper hates thinking about what would happen to Nat if she were to get downed by a couple stray bullets and never made it back to Diamond City. It's not something she likes to consider.
Besides that though, Piper just likes to hear all about Sole's story. Her history with sniping, about how she got interested in it, what kind of training she received, how fast she picked it up, how long she's been learning, how she applied it during the war, all that nosey personal stuff. Piper's all ears.
Preston thanks whatever God there is that an elite sniper somehow happened upon his little group in its most desperate time of need. If Sole was anything less than what she was when the two met, Preston might've died that day. Him, and everyone else he was meant to be protecting. So, here's to say, this skill of hers is one of his favorite things about Sole (at first, anyway).
He's in awe of her prowess with her weapon of choice, and suggests she does a demonstration of sorts to teach him and the other minutemen a few of the basics of working with and using the scoped rifles. He loves and appreciates fully how well her fighting style works well with almost anyone else's, and how it keeps her out of danger for the most part. Sole's important to him after all, not only as his General, but as his friend. Anything that helps keep her in his life is a win for Preston.
The courser is pleasantly surprised by Sole's skill. X6 didn't peg Father's parent to be as proficient with specialized weaponry as Sole happens to be. She even manages to impress him on a few select occasions; though, he wouldn't tell her that at first. X6 finds that he actually likes helping spot for his companion, and he greatly appreciates the cover she provides him in combat (given that very few of his past charges ever even thought of mutually protecting their courser), and, on that note, he's also very glad that she isn't one to storm into danger without any reservations, considering his current job description.
Overall though… damn. There's a lot more to this woman than meets the eye, and, as they grow closer, he finds that he has quite a few tricks he could learn from her. Which is... unexpected, to say the least. Odds are, he'll be more pressed than ever to try and convince the Institute to look into constructing their own laser sniper rifles to better match the calibrations Sole has set on hers, in order to maximize the weapons' effectiveness.
Hell, Sole being the future director of the Institute doesn't sound so bad to him all of the sudden.
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karahalloway · 3 years
We haven't interacted a lot but as a fellow Drake stan I'm very curious! 😜
1 2 4 5 6 7 10 20 :-)
Aww! Thank you so much for the ask @axwalker!
Sorry for the late reply... I got shadowbanned (long story... don’t ask...) and my account only just got reinstated, so I’ve been having to make do with lurking in the background for the past 2 weeks... 😅
But, better late than never!
1. If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?
Lol! This is literally the subject of Sleepless in New York (a short story AU written from Drake's POV that explores what could've happened if Drake met Harper in New York by himself (without the other guys)).
That said, I am sure that I will come up with other alternative first meetings for other AU fics in the future (but at the moment my focus is on finishing up Sleepless and (Less Than) Noble Intentions, which is my TRR Book 2 rewrite so I don’t have details to share atm).
2. What song fits your pairing the most?
OMG SO MANY! About half of all the songs on my main playlist are Harper and Drake songs in some shape or form 😅
But if I really, really had to choose just one, then I guess it would be Hell of a View by Eric Church, especially these two stanzas:
I'm good at rollin' dice No good at standing still You liked the thought of chasin' Life instead of dollar bills We're livin' wreckless Nothin' to catch us, baby But the ground
This ain't for everybody Toes hanging off the ledge Like we got nothin' to lose Ain't always heaven, baby This livin' on the edge You holdin' me holdin' you It's a hell of a view
4. Do you prefer canon ideas or do you have your own headcanons for them?
My own HC 😅 
Don't get me wrong - there are many aspects of canon that I loved (as otherwise I wouldn't be writing TRR fanfic!) but especially with Drake, I think PB missed some great opportunities, which I decided to explore in my rewrites (e.g. I significantly upped Drake's half-Texan-ness, I made him multilingual, I gave him a job, he can dance, etc.). All these elements are present in canon in some way, shape or form, but I wanted to give them more prominence.
Also, I was a bit miffed that especially in TRR1, pretty much all the diamond scenes were with Liam, and one of things I really wanted to explore in my rewrite was how these scenes could have played out with Drake instead. So that is what I did 👍
5. Favourite canon moment of them?
This scene from the start of TRH1 - the banter and the thirst is SO Drake and Harper and it totally cracks me up every time!
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6. Least favourite canon moment of them?
As my readers are well-aware, it is the start of TRR2 when Drake doesn't go after MC when she is dragged out of the Coronation Ball 😒
This actually bothered me so much that I ended up completely ditching canon and doing a full rewrite of what I think should've happened / what I would've loved to have happened instead in this situation 😅 (especially considering how Drake feels about MC - I cannot see him just saying 'Oh... Okay. I'll just not talk to her for weeks on end because Liam said so.')
7. Favourite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)
The fact that Drake is a Guard... and has a motorbike. Both @angelasscribbles and I seem to have fully and unashamedly jumped onto this bandwagon and are never getting off 😅
Because let's face it - Drake in a biker jacket is straight up🔥and him being a Guard makes total sense given that (i) he is very secretive about what he actual does at court, (ii) he is randomly involved in all this security stuff anyway, (iii) his Dad and pseduo-uncle Bastien are both Guards, and (iv) I think it's seriously sexy 😇
I mean… need I say more…? 😏
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@aussiegurl1234 @petiteboheme for your drooling pleasure 😉
10. Least favourite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)
Hmm... Probably the fact that both H&D are quite stubborn and (especially in Harper’s case, Drake a bit less so) have a tendency to act on impulse,with the effect that they invariably end up hurting each other, even though that’s not their intention.
20. What made you decide to ship them?
When I started playing TRR I originally just followed the Liam route that PB kept pushing you towards (though I did the - admittedly very limited - diamond scenes with Drake as well). But during the Coronation Ball chapters I had a realisation that 'No. Actually, I don't want to be Queen - I'm not gonna sleep with Liam in the hedge maze' (because I totally do not want to marry a prince in real life - just look at what Meghan Markle had to go through). So, as a result of that, in TRR2 (and thereafter) I started seriously going after Drake and I haven't looked back since!
If anyone has any additional questions they’d like to fling my way, the full list of asks can be found here.
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @drakewalkerisreal @nestledonthaveone @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @lunaseasblog @indiana-jr @knaussal @differenttyphoonwerewolf @texaskitten30 @pinklipsandmasonjars @sillydg @spookycolorpeanut @peonierose @mrsnazariowrites @shellybee85 @3pawandme @honey358luv @anahoreva @minicraftywitch @ficloverevie
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I have this idea- what is y/n takes George to the muggle world
This is cute! I've been thinking about this but I was too lazy to write it 😅
George going to the Muggle world
A/N: I'm so glad someone suggested this because I don't think this would've been written at all.... this is gonna be more of a headcannon, because this gives me the vibes
Warnings: Nothing except fluff galore
Requests are OPEN!!
Ok so you've been planning this for awhile now, because you kept having some second thoughts.
Obviously, you'd know he'd be excited to learn more about the muggle world, but you wondered how you should act
I mean like you can't keep introducing things to him and expecting him to not know y'know? Seeing that Arthur already has a tendency to collect and hoard Muggle items
But, when you introduced the idea to him, he was literally all for it the second you mentioned it
So, the day came when both of you would explore Muggle London together and this man boy was SO excited
He woke up so early in the morning and you weren't very keen on getting up
"Mmph, what?"
"Let's get ready! We're supposed to go out today, right?"
"What the fuck, George, it's 4:00 in the morning,"
"So we have more time to explore more things! Genius, right?"
"George, go back to sleep."
Once y'all get out of the house and reach London, the first thing you do is take him on one of the double-decker buses
This dude was so excited and begged you to sit on top with him
Wouldn't stop standing up and sticking his head out the side
You had to pull him back a few times to make sure he didn't fall out
He keeps falling over when the bus stops and lands with a loud thump, causing a few odd looks from other people
And because this idiot is so tall, if he stood up, any trees with outstretched branches that the bus passed by the side of the road would whack him on the head
"George! Sit down!"
"But Y/N! Look at the view! And when the bus stops, I can touch the trees!"
"Yea! And they can hit you too!"
"But look!"
"George, sit down or I swear to Merlin you're going to get a concussion from being hit by too many tree branches!!"
Then, you take him to a shopping mall
He is so AMAZED
"Wait, so there's a HUNDRED of shops in this building?!"
"Yep. You can find many different things here that you maybe can't find elsewhere in lone shops."
He LOVES the elevator
And don't get me started on escalators
He can spend all day going up and down those things without getting tired
"It's like an amusement park!!"
And while you're walking around, obviously he gets distracted
And then you get seperated
You don't even notice because you knew he would lag behind and look at all the stuff there
Then when you find out, it's already 10 minutes after he disappeared
"So Georgie, where do you wanna go next?"
You run around pretty much the whole mall looking for him
You end up going to the information counter to ask
The people working there thought he was your kid
"Don't worry, we'll help you find your child, he can't be too far off."
"Oh, a teenager?"
"What no, he's my boyfriend!"
You find him in a toy shop
He's happily playing with the toys you can try out in boxes
You were quite annoyed that he didn't tell you where he went
But he looked so adorable playing with the toys, his eyes lighting up everytime he grabbed a new one
"Oh, hey Y/N! Look at all the cool stuff they have!"
"But, these are kids' toys George."
"Can we get some?"
You end up giving in to him because he was pouting and he looked like he was gonna cry
So you decide to buy a small knick-knack for him to take back
If I may be more specific, a toy gun
Well, you wanted him to get something smaller, but he really wanted that
Oh well
It was a day out after all
Then both of you go to a shoe store
For some reason, George wanted to go
And then he sees all these shoe brands
Some are so expensive he's actually shocked
"So let me get this straight. This shoe brand is HOW MUCH?! I don't even understand the name! How in Merlin's name do you pronounce this?!"
"It's called Nike. Like, nai-kee."
"Oh, I thought it was pronounced Nick."
"How do you-oh, nevermind."
Then, y'all go to get lunch
Guess where you bring him
When he sees the food there, he goes beserk
"A.........Happy Meal??"
"Yeah, you get a free toy with it, actually."
"Ooohhhh can I have that?"
"George, that's for kids."
"Aw man......."
In the end, you get one for him with a triple cheeseburger (it's my fav)
He wanted an ice-cream
He gives me Chocolate Sundae vibes
You had to drag him away because he kept staring at the kids playing and he got kinda interested
He finishes it in an instant
He finds the kids' playground and can't stop staring at it because he's just like wait wow a restaurant that has a slide
"But it looks so cool!"
"Again, George, this is for kids!"
Dude ends up making friends with the kids there
And again, you let him have a go on the slide ONE time, because the parents were already staring and he just wanted to try it out
He didn't slide down properly because he was too big for it
Carries all of them and swings them around
Soon they're all lining up to get swung around by this ginger guy who suddenly appeared in a McDonald's kids' playground
Once y'all finally leave (George was kinda reluctant) you bring him to a convenience store
He buys all sorts of snacks and chocolate
He eats some when you guys leave and ends up with a sugar rush
He gets excited when he sees ATMs
You had to stop him from pushing the buttons when you said that those things give money
You had to tell him security would come if he did that
That stopped him
You guys decided to go to a park and sit in a bench and relax a bit before heading home
"Hmm?" you ask.
"Thanks for taking me out today, it was really fun!" he says.
"No problem Georgie. It was fun to spend time with you." you smile.
George pulls you in for a chaste kiss but pulled away quickly to save the show you guys would've put on in front of a group of kids. Who were right in front of you.
When you two get back to The Burrow, Arthur is bombarding you with so many questions-
"So, did you see those APMs? Did you get any money?"
"Dad, they're called ATMs. And you can't get money from those contraptions unless it's yours, or else you'll get arrested by security guards."
"Really? Oh....maybe we can try next time!"
"I'm joking, Molly!"
And then when George shows the Weasleys the toy gun, everyone is so curious
Except Harry and Hermione ofc
George didn't know how to operate it
So you, Harry and Hermione read the instructions and helped to make it work
When George finally makes it work
He shoots the entire family
You're not an exception
But he doesn't do it all the time
But he keeps sniping Ron the most and possibly Fred who was a close number two because he sometimes likes to get a rise out of him
But all in all, you guys had a really fun day
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