zakirnaikpersonal · 1 year
"Jesus Christ (pbuh) Never Claimed that he is God" - Dr Zakir Naik Top-43 #Jesus #Christ #pbuh #Never #Caimed #God #Zakirnaik #Drzakirnaik
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tamamita · 1 year
It's interesting how Baphomet was a corruption of the name Muhammed/Mahomet (pbuh&hf), the Prophet of Islam. There was this idea that the Templars were secretly Muslims who worshipped some anti-God who fed upon children and animals. Due to the limited interaction between the French and the Muslims at that time, there was this preconceived notion of the Prophet being a demonic creature that was presumed to be dualistic, and often took the shape of a three-headed goat, which Muslims worshipped to further bring about the Anti-Christ. This tradition was prevalent and became popular in French literature and folklore, especially to moralize the Christians against the Saracen invasion of Europe.
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uma1ra · 5 months
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Qur'anic Chapter Khaf And Friday
"Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays. (al-Bayhaqi)
In another narration, the Prophet said, “Whoever reads Surat al-Kahf as it was revealed, there will be a light for him on the Day of Resurrection.(al-Sunan al-Kubra)
Surat Al-Kahf was revealed in Makkah. Many Ahadeeth confirm the virtues of this Surah. As we are recommended to read Surah khaf on Friday. It is said that it will protect and save us from the fitnah of dajjal (anti Christ), trials and afflictions. The first and the last ten Ayahs provide protection from Dajjal. It is pivotal to understand that Surat Al-Kahf is not just a magical spell that will serve as a shield against the Antichrist. Rather, the comprehension of its underlying meaning and application of the suggested measures will save us from Dajjal.
Prophet Muhammad pbuh stated: “Whoever memorizes ten Ayahs from the beginning of Surat Al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal.” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and At-Tirmidhi)
This Surah was revealed in answer to the questions which was posed by the pagans of Mecca to test prophet pbuh. As Makkan phase can be divided into four stages, that was the third period. It was the era of religious persecution of believers. Many times to the point of being ill- treated and oppressed due to their faith. Allah, however, not only gave them a complete answer to their questions but also drew their attention by those stories to take heed from it. There was a conflict going on at that time in Makkah between believers and disbelievers. As muslims were least in number. That's why they were intentionally practising patience in such distressing situations to achieve their goal. They very well knew that if they retaliate, they would be easily overpowered. So couldn't risk their lives, because they were the carriers of Islam—they had to take the religion forward.
In Surah khaf, there are four stories which we get the insught from these stories to face the trials and afflictions.
1. Trial of Faith – Young People of the Cave/ Ashabu Al-Kahf (Verses 9 – 26)
2. Trial of Wealth – The story of the Rich and the Poor (Verses 32 – 44)
3. Trial of Knowledge – Moses and Al-Khidr (Verses 60–82)
4. Trial of Power –Dhul-Qar-nayn with Yajuj Majuj (Verses 83–98)
Let's explore each along with lessons we get from each story.
1."The people of the cave" : It’s the story of young men who lived in a disbelieving town, so they decided to migrate to save their imaan and took refuge in the cave. Allah mentions the word “fityah” (plural of fata)- young boys to draw the attention that they were young people who had firm faith in Allah. But they did not follow the people blindly but thought rationally. In every society and culture there are trenda and precedents presents and people tend to follow them unknowingly. And people don't dare to follow against them. So here thses young men though powerless and weak still troed to preserved their faith.
▪︎ Lesson of this story is the 'Trial of Faith'
2. "The owner of two gardens" : A story of a man whom Allah blessed with two beautiful gardens, but the man forgot to thank the One who blessed him with everything and he even dared to doubt Allah regarding the afterlife. So his garden was destroyed – he regretted it, but was too late and his regret did not benefit him.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of wealth'
3. "Musa pbuh and Khidr pbuh" : When Musa pbuh was asked “Who is the most knowledgeable of the people of Earth?” Musa pbuh said that it was him as he assumed he was the only prophet on Earth at the time. But Allah revealed to him that there’s someone who knows more than him about certain things. Musa pbuh traveled looking for him and learned how divine wisdom can sometimes be hidden in matters which we perceive as bad.
▪︎ And Lesson of this story: 'Trial of knowledge'
And now to the FINAL one, "Global Phenomena"
4. "Dhul-Qarnayne" : Allah mentions the story of a great king who was given knowledge and power travelling the world helping people and spreading all that’s good. He was able to overcome the problem of Gog and Magog (Yajooj-Majooj) by building a massive dam with the help of people whom he could not even understand.
▪︎ Lesson of this story: 'Trial of power'
Allah says to us four/4 kind of stories relating 4 kind of trials that we face daily in our day to day lives.
But, What is the relation between 'Surah Kahf' and 'Dajjal' ?
Dajjal will appear before the day of judgement with 4 trials:
A▪︎He will ask people to worship him and not Allah: "Trial of faith"
B▪︎He will be given powers to start/stop rain and tempt people with his wealth: "Trial of wealth"
C▪︎He will tempt people with "knowledge” and news he gives them: "Trial of knowledge"
D▪︎He will control huge parts of the Earth: "Trial of power"
Those people who sticks strong to Allah in every single aspect of their life, those people who don't fall for the illusion, delusion, corruption and brainwashing of this world. The Dajjal has already set his foot, and entered through the midern and cultural engineering of the 20th century. It's almost ready to take its throne. People are infested in this world from many direction.
Moreover Almighty Allah has given the SOLUTION for these Trials and Test.
1.Good companionship to build a strong Faith : To protect our faith we need to be surrounded with good people. Besides this, the believers have been taught that even if they are persecuted by a cruel society, he should not bow down before falsehood but emigrate from the place all alone, if situations demand, with trust in God. Do not blindly follow trends or customs of the society.
2. To adopt Humility as we own nothing in this world. Pride and Arrogance will come back to bite. What we need to remember is that everything we have is a mercy and a gift from Allah. We may put in hard work, but if Allah doesn’t put blessing in anything, nothing succeeds. This is why we should be thankful for what Allah has given us. In fact the Surah itself begins by saying “Alhamdulillah”.
3. Be humble and sincere in learning, Knowing the truth of this world. You should have full faith in the wisdom of what is happening in the Divine Factory in accordance with the will of Allah. The Qadar of Allah works in ways that we do not understand. When Allah takes something away from us, we should trust inHis Divine Wisdom. As it was not clear to a Prophet, allow alone people like us. However, Allah clearly wants good for us, and it is important that we trust the One who has given us everything. Allah is sole Caretaker (الرقیب/Ar-Rakib).
4. In the story of Dhul-Qarnayne,
When the people asked Dhul-Qarnayn to help them, he did not just go and help them. Rather he taught them in building and helped them himself as well. We should benefit people. Regardless of the fact that he was being victorious and constantly winning new ground for his empire, he never forgot Allah, Kept going with good deeds. That is something we should remember. In our endeavor to earn sustenance, we should never forget Allah. During our successes, we should remember Allah.
May Allah guide us and protect us from this fitnah. Ameen
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ayesha-rose · 2 months
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Narrated by Hazrat Ali {A.S}
Jesus Christ (PBUH) always lived a simple life, He slept on a stone, His clothes were ragged, and His food was never luxurious. Hunger was a habit of Him, Moonlight was His light in the darkness of nights, and The earth was His only shelter...
📚 Nahj al-Balaghah, p.227 
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basicsofislam · 2 years
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH)’s BIOGRAPHY : The Prophet Invites Kings to Islam
The religion and call of our prophet, Hazrat Muhammad, is general; he addresses the whole mankind; it is not restricted to one tribe, clan, nation or region like other prophets.
God Almighty stated this issue in many verses:
“Say: “O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of God!”[ A’raf, 158. For the other verses regarding the issue, see an-Nisa, 79, 170, 174; at-Tawba, 33; Saba, 28; al-Hajj, 67; al-Ahzab, 40. ]
Therefore, the call of the Prophet could not have been limited to some Arab tribes, certain people and certain regions. The whole mankind had to be informed about the call to belief and Islam.  
The most appropriate time for this call was the time period after the Treaty of Hudaybiyah; there would be no wars for ten years according to the treaty.
It was the 7th year of the month of Muharram.
Once, the Prophet summoned the Companions and said to them, “God sent me as mercy to the whole mankind. Help me spread Islam. Do not oppose me like the apostles of Christ who opposed him.”
The Companions asked, “O Messenger of God! How did apostles oppose Jesus (pbuh)?”
The Messenger of God explained it as follows: “He asked his apostles to help him spread his religions just as I asked you. However, the ones that he sent to the places nearby went there; the ones that he sent to distant places avoided going there. Jesus (pbuh) explained the situation to God and complained about them. Those who avoided going to the places where they were sent turned out to be speaking the language of the nations they would go to overnight. Jesus (pbuh) said to them, ‘This is something that God has made it definite for you and gives great importance. Now go!’ Then, they went.”[ Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 254. ]
Thereupon, the Companions said, “O Messenger of God! We will help you in every issue; Send us wherever you want!”[ Ibn Hisham, Sirah, Vol. 3, p. 507. ]
Who was Sent Where and to Whom?
Thereupon, the Messenger of God sent
Dihyatu’l-Kalbi to Heraklius, the Byzantine Kaiser [ At that period, the king of Byzantine was called Kaiser, the shah of Iran Chosroes, the king of Egypt Pharaoh, the king of Yemen Tubba and the king of Abyssinia Negus. ],
Amr b. Umayya ad-Damri to Asha­ma, the Abyssinian Negus,
Abdullah b. Huzafa to Husraw Parviz, the Chosroes of Iran,
Hatib b. Abi Baltaa to Muqawqis, the Pharaoh of Egypt,
Salit b. Amr to Hawza b. Ali, the governor of Yamama,
Shuja b. Wahb to Mundhir b. Harith b. Abi Sha­mir, the King of Ghassan [ Ibn Hisham, ibid, Vol. 4, p. 254; Ibn Sa’d, Tabaqat, Vol. 1, p. 258; Balazuri, Ansab, Vol. 1, p. 531; Tabari, Tarikh, Vol. 3, p. 84; Ibn Kathir, ibid, Vol. 3, p. 343. ] with the intention of inviting them to Islam.
All of the envoys sent to those countries could speak the languages of the countries they were sent to. The Prophet gave the envoys letters to be given to those kings mentioned above.  
When the Prophet dictated the letters, the Companions told him that kings did not read the letters that did not contain seals. Thereupon, the Messenger of God had a silver ring containing the following words made:
“God Messenger Muhammad”[ Ibn Sa’d, ibid, Vol. 1, p. 258. ]
The Messenger of God wore that ring until he died. After his death, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman wore it respectively. It was lost when Hazrat Uthman dropped it into Arish Well by mistake. Although all of the water of the well was removed, the ring could not be found.[ Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 7, p. 54; Muslim, Sahih, Vol. 3, p. 1656. ]
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mureed-love · 2 years
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hasanzahedyart · 1 month
We are currently at "the end of time".
The world is in chaos!
"When you see that tyranny is all over the place,
And Evil actions are clearly done and nobody stops it nor stops the doers,
And Children do not respect the elders,
And boys do what women do,
And women marry women,
And people say but don't do
And huge wealth is spent in the way of god's rage and unsatisfaction
And hearing right is hard for people as hearing lies are easy for them
And destruction is more than progress
And massacare becomes easy
And chaos is all over the place
And people engage in sexual activity with animals
And people look at eachother and follow the evil doers
And every year gets worse
And people obey only the rich
And people engage sexual activity in front of people like animals
And the rich hoard the regular folks' food
And all that people care about is food and sex
And obvious signs of truth are devastated, at this time, protect yourself and pray for god to save you from dangers of sin"
These are words of Imam Sadiq (PBUH), who lived nearly 1300 years ago.
There is only one thing that can save us from this chaotic world of evil, and that is the return of the Savior, Imam Mahdi(PBUH), and Jesus Christ(PBUH) alongside him. Pray for their return, and do good and avoid evil. Tell people to do good and avoid evil, even if you think it wouldn't matter, at least you told them.
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omshant · 2 months
Real talk: do you guys think I am Shiva? He's the destroyer. Should I even ask that tho? That seems kind of strange to me especially as a prisoner/lover/and slave of Jesus Christ. But idk. I cannot get this idea out of my head. And Rudra is like calling out to me or something. I actually try to reject that stuff and not listen to it, it's too weird and esoteric and idk.. but it keeps coming up again. And who is NMUHAMODH NGU?
Was Muhammad (PBUH) a true prophet, a prophet sent only to and for the Djinn (earthbound souls of children and/or sprites), a covert apostle, a fraud, a victim of conspiracy and persecution, a charismatic, a conqueror, (just) another author, or someone or something else?..
Just another author: that's the funniest option to me. Covert apostle would be the most interesting. But I think my answer would have to be that he was a persecuted messenger sent only to and for the Djinn whose material got twisted up by the uncles and made into a religion. Idk. That seems really kind of random or specific I guess. But that's just how I feel. Dude actually I'm pretty confident on that, but I don't really have facts or support to back it. I don't know why I just really really feel it.
Islam is a cancer on the world still. But the fine points of beauty is Islam cannot be erased.
Also, do you guys believe the Apostle Paul is my Roshi? :) I love him so much. I love him more than words can tell. Dude his heart is so amazing. I just love him even though multiple times I've tried to reject him and consider the Bible without his books. Sometimes I don't even want to read his letters because I cannot grasp the contents and I get so confused. Other times I'm craving them more than anything else in the world. Ephesians. Philippians. Philemon.
I wonder if I embrace Shiva, if I then have to credit something to the other deities of Hinduism.. what would they be? Kali, Krishna and other avatars of Vishnu, Rama, Saraswati and Mahishasura Mardini (I'm very curious about those two).. Durga, Brahma, Ganesha, and others.. and what about Hanuman as Shiva.. what about Hanuman????? I thought maybe Shiva was an angel or just MAHA SAGAR or something. I guess Shiva is a time traveler kind of..
I just gotta quit this leaven, My Guys. I just don't know if I can.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 4 months
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To obey Jesus Christ (PBUH), one needs to support the truth and abhor the powers that are against truth.
It is hoped that Christians and Muslims across the world will incorporate this great teaching of Jesus Christ (PBUH) into their lives and action.
Imam Khamenei..
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zakirnaikpersonal · 4 months
Muslims are more Christian than the Christians themselves
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Muslims are more Christian than the Christians themselves
If Christian means a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ (pbuh), then the Muslims are more Christian than the Christians themselves.
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lifeofresulullah · 5 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): The Treaty of Hudaybiyah and Calling the Great States of the World to Islam
The Prophet Invites Kings to Islam
The religion and call of our prophet, Hazrat Muhammad, is general; he addresses the whole mankind; it is not restricted to one tribe, clan, nation or region like other prophets.
God Almighty stated this issue in many verses:
“Say: “O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of God!”
Therefore, the call of the Prophet could not have been limited to some Arab tribes, certain people and certain regions. The whole mankind had to be informed about the call to belief and Islam.  
The most appropriate time for this call was the time period after the Treaty of Hudaybiyah; there would be no wars for ten years according to the treaty.
It was the 7th year of the month of Muharram.
Once, the Prophet summoned the Companions and said to them, “God sent me as mercy to the whole mankind. Help me spread Islam. Do not oppose me like the apostles of Christ who opposed him.”
The Companions asked, “O Messenger of God! How did apostles oppose Jesus (pbuh)?”
The Messenger of God explained it as follows: “He asked his apostles to help him spread his religions just as I asked you. However, the ones that he sent to the places nearby went there; the ones that he sent to distant places avoided going there. Jesus (pbuh) explained the situation to God and complained about them. Those who avoided going to the places where they were sent turned out to be speaking the language of the nations they would go to overnight. Jesus (pbuh) said to them, ‘This is something that God has made it definite for you and gives great importance. Now go!’ Then, they went.”
Thereupon, the Companions said, “O Messenger of God! We will help you in every issue; Send us wherever you want!”
Who was Sent Where and to Whom?
Thereupon, the Messenger of God sent
1) Dihyatu’l-Kalbi to Heraklius, the Byzantine Kaiser 
2) Amr b. Umayya ad-Damri to Asha­ma, the Abyssinian Negus,
3) Abdullah b. Huzafa to Husraw Parviz, the Chosroes of Iran,
4) Hatib b. Abi Baltaa to Muqawqis, the Pharaoh of Egypt,
5) Salit b. Amr to Hawza b. Ali, the governor of Yamama,
6) Shuja b. Wahb to Mundhir b. Harith b. Abi Sha­mir, the King of Ghassan with the intention of inviting them to Islam.
All of the envoys sent to those countries could speak the languages of the countries they were sent to. The Prophet gave the envoys letters to be given to those kings mentioned above.  
When the Prophet dictated the letters, the Companions told him that kings did not read the letters that did not contain seals. Thereupon, the Messenger of God had a silver ring containing the following words made:
The Messenger of God wore that ring until he died. After his death, Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Uthman wore it respectively. It was lost when Hazrat Uthman dropped it into Arish Well by mistake. Although all of the water of the well was removed, the ring could not be found.
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Sura As- Saff chapter 61
In this sura Jesus Christ PBUH says about Prophet Muhammad SAW with His name Ahmad verse number 6
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uma1ra · 2 years
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The Prophet (pbuh) said,
“One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).” (Muslim)
Surah Al-Kahf is the found in Chapter 18 of the Quran. It includes four historical stories, which we can derive amazing lessons from.
This story is about a number of young men who were driven out of their homes because they believed in Allah. They ended up in a cave where Allah made them sleep for many years (309 lunar years which is 300 solar years).
When they woke up they felt they had slept for a day or half a day. One of them went to the town to get some food disguising himself thinking that the people would recognise and harm him. Only to find himself amongst a different people. The people of the town were amazed at his appearance of this man and the old coins he was using.
The story shows us how Allah protects the righteous who believe in Him no matter how hard their situation is.
The Biblical version of the story is called ‘The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus”, however, the Qur’an doesn’t mention the number of those who were in the cave.
(Some) say they were three, the dog being the fourth among them; (others) say they were five, the dog being the sixth,- doubtfully guessing at the unknown; (yet others) say they were seven, the dog being the eighth. Say thou: “My Lord knoweth best their number; It is but few that know their (real case).” Enter not, therefore, into controversies concerning them, except on a matter that is clear, nor consult any of them about (the affair of) the Sleepers. (Quran, 18:22)
This is a story about a man who owned two beautiful gardens, but he became arrogant and told his friend “I am greater than you in wealth and have more servants and attendants and children!!” (Quran 18:34)
The man forgot to be thankful for the bounties Allah has bestowed upon him, hence Allah destroyed his gardens.
This story is a lesson to those who take worldly matters for granted and forget that all that they have is from Allah and He is capable of taking it all away if he wills.
Prophet Muhammad said: “Once Moses stood up and addressed Bani Israel. He was asked who the most learned man amongst the people was. He said: “I.” Allah reprimanded him as he did not attribute absolute knowledge to Him (Allah). So, Allah said to him: “Yes, at the junction of the two seas there is a slave of Mine who is more learned than you.” Moses said: “O my Lord! How can I meet him?”
So Allah instructed Musa as to where to find the man who was known as “Al-Khidr”-The Green One.
Musa goes on a journey with Al-Khidr where he learns that Allah bestows his knowledge on whoever he wishes. Nobody should ever feel he/she is the most knowledgeable, as all knowledge belongs to Allah. Hence, Al-Khidr says, “…And I did it not of my own accord…” (Quran 18:82)
Dhul Qarnain was a righteous and just king, who traveled the lands from West to East. The Qur’an mentions three of his journeys.
On his last journey, he reaches a place between two mountains where he met a tribe of people. They asked him to build a wall between them and the people of Gog and Magog “Ya’juj and Ma’juj” who were causing mischief in the land. Dhul Qarnain agreed to do so.
Dhul Qarnayn was not proud of his achievements, in fact, the Quran mentions that after he built that great wall,
“He said: ‘This is mercy from my Lord. But when the promise of my Lord comes to pass, He will make it level (with the ground), and the promise of my Lord is ever true’.” (Quran 18: 98)
The Prophet taught us that
“Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will bestow upon him light between those two Fridays.”
(Narrated by al-Bayhaqi; classed as Saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami‘. )
May Allah help us make Al-Kahf a regular part of our Friday routine.
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mouslimvideos · 2 years
Muhammad PBUH In The Bible (Part 1) - Proof That Islam Is The Truth
https://youtu.be/3LInNlAySFo via @YouTube Muhammad In The Bible - Proof That Islam Is The Truth / Mohamed dans la Bible https://youtu.be/3LInNlAySFo via @YouTube #religion #spiritualité #Christ #catholique #Israel #Ukraine #Science #France #Suisse #Belgique #history #orthodox #atheist #jew #islam #faith #Dieu #God #Allah
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mercyguideheal · 2 years
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
19 books by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat  (downloadable in pdf) :
Al-Quran: A Miracle of Miracles      https://youtu.be/FMNTUov5U3k
Muhammad (PBUH) The Greatest - Lecture in New York
Christ (PBUH) In Islam - Durban City Hall
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