daddydindjarin · 1 year
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I had to of course make this meme because YOU are the sweetest darling Bee and I am already so grateful our little blogs crossed paths thank you for bringing so much light into this weird little blue site 💕
I was literally just telling my roommate about your comment and I was debating on if I should message you or if that would be weird or not, and YOU MESSAGED ME AND IM SO SOFT
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lollythelazyperson · 3 months
so I’ve finally finished watching all of lmk season 5, and…
LIKE- (starting w/ ep. 7 here since ep. 6 doesn’t have much happen in it iirc) we FINALLY get to learn what MK is/how he was created, LBD sorta shows up and the eye demon guy reveals to mk what all those visions meant(yk, mk literally sacrificing himself for the world n all), the show references wukong and macaque’s fight thingymajigy in jttw, then in ep. 8 mk can control the jade emperor’s power(or was that ep. 7? idrk man), the fuckin uh snake demon guy reveals the first two things i said to everybody else, but he also reveals/mk figures out that [snake guy] actually FREED MK FROM THE STONE WAAAAY EARLIER THAN NEEDED(snake guy also has some lore which kinda makes him interesting but that isn’t the point here)…
and in ep. 9, well- there’s no big lore drop except at the end, but so i’ll kinda summarize it instead. macaque first tries to stop mk from doin the whole sacrifice but fails, and eventually the others have to stop/stall snake guy while wukong tries to stop mk instead. he fails and mk encounters nuwa, who reveals the whole… “pillars in peril? pillars saved by mk? oh, well, that means the whole world has to start over cuz there are no more beings strong enough to handle the stones now, so the world’s gotta make new ones.” thing to him(which is the lore drop basically).
finally, in ep. 10, well(i shall also summarize this one)…
everyone thinks mk died(but macaque mutters “wukong”… 👀👀), meanwhile mk goes “NAH, IMMA DO MY OWN THING, ANS YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!!!” to nuwa basically, and comes out of the pillar alive. wukong catches mk when the latter starts to fall, so (mostly) everybody goes in for a group hug- but considering the world’s basically ending… they hold hands for the last time- and wukong is LEGIT ABOUT TO GET MACAQUE TO HOLD HIS HAND, WHEN FUCKIN SNAKE GUY INTERRUPTS THE MOMENT SJ2JZIWISIAOLAKAKAJQJSI LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT SMH- …….oh right anyways. they(the others, not snake guy) decide to share the power of the stones with everyone due to mk convincing them of it, but then snake guy drags mk into the pillar- and they have a weird conversation that’s basically snake guy goin “…this has only just begun. good luck, kid. you’ll need it.” to mk and then literally pushing him off and back outta the pillar.
the last few minutes of the episode is basically the aftermath of that. people now have cool magic powers(nobody is gonna use em for bad, definitelyyyyy /hj /lh), flyingbark reference through a flying dog, and some of the monkie kids(everybody but the monkeys themselves basically) are just chillin n talkin. meanwhile, mk n wukong talk bout what’s gonna happen next or sum(can’t exactly remember what specifically, I just remember mk startin the convo like that) but when mk starts to cry wukong hugs him.
then, we get an outro-monologue thingy from tang- and what we see durin it is basically this;
1; macaque is in court with the ten kings(?)- his powers have been affected by snake guy.
2; pigsy n mk are just havin a nice time addin a new photo to the photo album.
3; nezha and his dad are helpin handlin stuff in the celestial realm,
4; finally, the monkie kids/mk’s crew + redson + the two monkeys are havin a lil celebration somewhere… but in the very end, macaque sees how mk’s staff is also affected by snake guy’s powers(?).
but it’s preeeeetty late for me rn and I cannot stay up(gotta wake up early tmr) today, so if I have anything else I wanna say I’ll probs just will do that in another post.
so gn! drink water, eat food, and have a great day/night! :D
cya’ll in the next post!
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Don't Do it Again
First Lady of Private Garden Fic
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AN: Jackman better stop being out in this streets acting as if he isn't a whole married man 🤭🤭
Synopsis: You find Jack's wedding ring on the bathroom counter and you make it your mission to get it back on his finger and tell him to not forget it again
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a cutie pie anon of mine!
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You woke up to the sunlight peeking through the windows and the place beside you empty. 
You remembered that Jack had mentioned wanting to get to the studio early and that he would probably be gone by the time you woke up.
You absolutely hated waking up early and was thankful that he had let you sleep.
You glanced down at your phone to see that he had sent you a text and you instantly smiled.
Smush- I know you’ll see this when you wake up so I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I’ll see you later
You- I love you more stink 🥰😘
The plan was to spend the day with your big sister Danielle since she would be here for a few days and her flight would be landing around 2 so you still had plenty of time.
The comforter was thrown to the side as you climbed out of bed and made your way to the bathroom wanting to get ready for the day.
You were grabbing your toothbrush until you saw that the ring dish which would hold your wedding rings was occupied.
Which usually never happened.
You did a double take to make sure you were seeing this right and sure enough Jack’s wedding ring was staring you right back in your face and clearly not on his finger.
“He got me fucked all the way up. Imma kick his ass.” You muttered to yourself as you continued to get ready.
Once you were satisfied with the way your hair turned out, you slipped Jack’s ring on your right hand even though it was a little too big for you and hopped into your car speeding towards the studio.
It only took you about twenty minutes even with traffic. You parked near the entrance so that you wouldn’t have to walk far and began to make your way inside.
The receptionist alerted you to where your husband was and you said a quick thank you before making your way down the hallway.
Once you reached your destination, you swung the door open and all eyes immediately went to you.
Jack was currently in the booth and stopped mid-sentence when he saw you.
“Oh shit, Jack I don’t know what you did but….. Your wife does not look happy.” Drake said before coming over to greet you.
“Hey, long time no see.” You gave him a quick hug before giving your husband the evil eye.
“Just don’t hurt him too bad.”
“No promises. I’m about to kick his ass. JACKMAN COME HERE NEOW!”
“Damn. Full government.”
“Babe, what is going on?!” Jack asked, clearly confused, coming out of the booth and coming over to you.
“I’ll tell you what’s going on! Square up right now!” You replied, balling up your tiny fist.
“Here she go being violent as usual.”
“Urban Henry, not now!”
“Why you have to say my full name too? I didn’t even do anything!”
“You’re the best friend and left with him this morning so you are guilty by association.”
“What in the world are we squaring up for?! Are you even going to tell me what I did?” Jack asked, still confused and not understanding what was happening. 
“It’s what you aren’t wearing!” You exclaimed before crossing your arms. 
“Wait, what? What am I not wearing?”
You simply held up his wedding ring and he did a double take to look down at his bare ring finger.
“Oh shit.” You heard Urban say as he grabbed his bag of chips, opening them and watching the scene unfold in front of him.
“You mean to tell me you over here acting outta pocket because I forgot to put my ring back on?”
“Yes! You’re married aren’t you?! So act like it!”
“Well, are you going to give it to me?! You came over here to give it to me I’m assuming.”
“Nah, fight me first for acting as if you’re available to all the ladies in Atlanta! Stop getting smart with me! The blogs would eat that shit up and I will put someone six feet under if they think they can get my man. You are very much taken or did you forget?”
“Baby! You are barely 5’4 on a good day, sit your ass down somewhere. I didn’t forget anything!”
“See now that was disrespectful and you didn’t have to bring my height into it.”
“Calling it like I see it baby.”
“And you’re about to see my fist knock you upside your head!”
“But we’ve seen her in action, she will show no mercy to the first girl who says something.”
“Thank you Shloob.” You said while looking over at him.
“Shloob, you scared of Y/N we all know.” Quiiso said while laughing. 
“And yall are fucking stupid if you aren’t.”
“Now, I’m really going to have to kick your ass.” You stepped closer to Jack but not before he simply picked you up and was holding you in the air.
“Hey! Put me down!” You exclaimed while attempting to get a hold of him but failing miserably.
“Not a chance.”
“You aren’t being fair! How am I supposed to teach you a lesson if I’m in the air?!”
“And you need to calm your tiny ass down and give me my ring.”
“Jack, are you seriously holding her up in the air like that?” Drake asked before busting out laughing at him holding you as you were kicking your feet.
“Her little ass needs to calm down and take her ass on.”
“How when your phone is in your purse because your outfit doesn’t have any pockets?”
“Nah, I’m guilty by association, remember? You’ll be okay. Jack, hold her up longer.”
“I see imma have to kick Urby’s ass too. BABYYYYY COME ON!”
“If I put you down, you promise to act like you got some sense?”
“Yes! I’m getting lightheaded damn it!”
Jack was slowly putting you back down and kissed your forehead while you had your arms crossed.
“My ring, please.”
You slowly slid it onto his ring finger and all he was doing was smirking down at you.
“Love you baby girl.”
“Hmph, I guess I love you too. Don’t do it again.” You said while crossing your arms and pouting.
“Hold up, you guess?”
“Isn’t that what I said?!”
“You better think long and hard about the next thing you’re about to say to me because I have no problem taking you in the bathroom and tearing your ass up right now.”
“You know they never can. I’ve just learned to accept it at this point.”
“Well, Mrs. Harlow?”
“I said I guess I love you too. I didn’t stutter.”
All Jack did was let out a light laugh before smirking down at you.
“Go out the door and go to the left, now.”
“Are yall serious?!”
“We’re almost done and I definitely won’t be long.  Isn’t that right, baby girl?”
“You won’t be long because you can’t….”
“Can’t what?! Say it with your chest since you wanna be out here choosing violence.”
“She was about to say you won’t be long because you can’t last long!”
“I thought I was helping you out?! You chose violence today so you might as well go all the way!”
Jack then wrapped his left hand around your neck and you immediately whimpered.
“Alright, who wants to go get food so they can fuck each other’s brains out and we can finish what we have to do?” Drake asked and everyone immediately got up and followed behind him.
Once everyone was out of earshot Jack turned his attention back to you.
“Oh, you mighty quiet now, huh?”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s what I plan on doing. Your ass will not to be able to walk when I’m done with you. Since you wanna get smart with me, I need those clothes off now. Maybe I should forget to put my wedding ring back on more often.”
“If you do, I am definitely kicking your ass and telling Maggie.”
“And how’d that work out for you today?”
“Jackman Thomas, do not test me.”
“Nah, I’ll just test how many rounds you can go before tapping out.”
Jack suddenly looked down at you and then paused.
“What?” You asked him and he immediately rolled his eyes.
“You made such a big deal out of me not wearing my ring and look at your fucking finger.”
You looked down to see that yours was bare and had a look of confusion on your face.
You had taken it off to take a shower and never put it back on before leaving the house.
“Wait, babe….”
“I ain’t waiting for shit! I’m really about to tear your ass up now!”
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yamahex · 2 years
Not The Right Time Finale
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Summary: Tori comes clean
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the love and support on this series, I had so much fun writing it!
“Tell me what?”
“Well it’s seems that “Riah’s new mommy” forgot she was pregnant when she was taking shots at the club.” You pulled out your phone and showed Jack the picture. His eyes widened and he looked up at Tori.
“Jack it’s not what it looks like! That was just water!” Tears welled in her eyes.
“Cut the bullshit Tori.” You crossed you arms.
“Jack I’m sorry, I just love you so much and I don’t want to lose you!” He walked up to her.
“So you thought faking a pregnancy was the best way to show that??”
“I’m sorry-“
“Get the hell out of my sight. Don’t ever come near me or my family again or I’ll get a restraining order on your crazy ass.” You laughed making her attention turn to you.
“You think this shit is so funny don’t you?” She started walking towards you.
“Yeah actually I do, your desperateness is quite hilarious.” She was inches away from your face.
“You know what I think is funny?” You tilted your head up.
“Your ugly ass daughter.” Your fist tightened and the vein in your head looked as if it could pop. Tori tried to walk away but was yanked to the ground by her hair.
“Oh shit.”
Jack ran over to you trying to pull you off of her. Of course you managed to get some good hits in before getting yanked off by Jack.
His hands strongly held onto your waist.
“Let me go!” Tori got up off the ground catching a couple drips of blood from her mouth.
“Jack let me go, she’s not gonna talk about our daughter like that!!” You fought against Jack making his grip tighten.
“Stop Y/N, it’s not worth it.” The hotel security came up to assess the issue.
“Get her the hell outta here.” The security nodded and grabbed Tori by the arm.
“You crazy bitch!”
“I’ll show you crazy if you ever speak of my daughter again!!” You yelled back at her as she left the building. Jack’s grip loosened but still held you to prevent any last minute attempts at violence.
“Hey it’s okay.” Your attention was still focused on the entrance of the building, fuming at the confrontation.
“You got her mama bear.” He snickered and turned your head towards him with his hands.
“Any marks?” He examined your face.
“Nah ma she didn’t lay a hand on you.”
You let out a deep breath.
“I’m sorry, I should have listened to you.”
“Yeah you should have. Keep that in mind the next time I get a feeling about something.”
He snickered and took in your features.
“Not gon lie, that was hot.” You scoffed and he leaned down to place a kiss on your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too. No more bullshit right?” You looked at him with a serious expression.
“Actually I got a son with this other chick.” Your face was unamused.
“Don’t fucking play with me.” His arm wrapped around your shoulder and kissed your head. “Nah I’m just kidding.”
You pushed him away and walked towards the elevator.
“You play too damn much.” He chuckled then ran to catch up to you.
Unfortunately Jack couldn’t prolong his tour any longer, meaning he wouldn’t see you and Riah for a while.
“Do you have to go?” Tears rolled down Riah’s cheeks.
“I do princess, I’m sorry. But I’ll call you and mommy everyday. And soon we’ll see about bringing you and mommy to live with me.” Her face perked up making you smile.
“Don’t you have something to give daddy Ri?” She gasped and reached in her pocket for the gift.
“I made this for you!” She handed Jack a beaded bracelet that had a letter R and your initial on it. “So we’ll always be with you!”
His lip lightly quivered and his eyes saddened. “Thank you princess.”
Neelam peaked her head off the bus. “Boys we gotta go.” He nodded.
“Alright give me a hug!” Riah ran in his arms and hugged him tight.
“What about my hug?!” Urban threw his hands up making Riah run to him after being set down. Jack walked up to you.
“I’m gonna miss you.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Imma miss you too ma. I’ll see you soon tho.” You leaned in and whispered in his ear.
“When you get back we can make baby number two.” His eyes widened and you smirked.
“Shit I’ll cancel the whole damn tour right now.” You giggled and kissed his lips. You tried to pull away but he pulled you in for another kiss.
“Yuck…” Urban fake gagged making you and jack laugh. Riah ran up to you and you picked her up.
“Love you girls.”
“We love you too!” The boys got on the bus and pulled off as you and Riah waved.
Riah’s expression saddened. “We’ll see him soon babe.” She nodded.
“Now let’s go, grandma made dinner!”
1 1/2 Years Later
You and Riah were now in living with Jack and you couldn’t have been happier. He called you two everyday while he was away and every once in awhile flew you out to whatever extravagant place he was at. He kept his promise and didn’t let his career come in between you guys. Eventually the media found out about you and Riah, due to Jack coming clean about hints that were in the air. They had a mostly positive outlook, not that you cared.
“Mommy look!” Riah ran into the kitchen to show you her drawing. You looked down from your cooking and smiled.
“Wow that’s really good babe! You should show daddy.” Her eyes lit up and Jack walked into the kitchen. “Daddy, daddy look!”
She ran up to him and he crouched to her level.
“This is amazing Ri! I might have to use it for my album cover.” She smiled brightly then went back to coloring.
Jack walked up behind you and placed his hands on your baby bump. “Smells good ma.”
“Thank you, it’ll be ready soon.” He spun you around and looked at you.
“Nothing, just taking you in. I didn’t get to see you like this the first time. You’re so beautiful.”
Your cheeks flushed and you gave him a kiss. The two of you giggled after pulling away.
“I can’t wait to see how you handle a newborn.”
Tags: @nye18 @rottenforharlow @moody4world @slut4jackman @kalaharlow @skybridgerton @yonduismarrypoppins @divalicious-jessa-blog @primadxna-girl @letmebeyoureuphoria @jackharlows-world
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
Hello mom!! ❤️❤️ i missed you smmm i hope you’re doing alright and are healthy and happy! (●’◡’●)ノ♥︎
Lately i’ve been in such an angsty moood, you know me, angst>> 😂😂 but angst with happy ending is my go to always so could i possibly request Nozel x reader where reader goes through a pretty bad break up and like for weeks she just stays in her room so Nozel (who has a crush on her👀) checks on her and while comforting her he confesses? You can decide on how reader reacts!
Again I hope you’re doing well, love u sm, hugs & kisses <3333
Hello my Child Rinnie <3 Thank you for the love, hugs and kisses <3
I'm giving you all them hugs and kithes too! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
Why have you been angsty! who made you mad? Momma about to bring up her baseball bat and good ol taser and beat the shit outta people now. HAHAHA! I'm just kidding, no violence, but okay Imma write you some fluff and hope you feel better <3
Also... our 2nd Nozel in a row!! I love writing this royal (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)
Nozel Silva x F! reader
TW: Fluff, not proof read.
Nozel came out of his office and realised you were not at your desk.
"Where's y/n? Is it her off day today?" Nozel questioned one of his men.
"No sir, but she took an urgent leave for a week."
"Did something happen to her or her family?" Nozel tried to hide the worry in his heart, he pretended to be just a concerned boss.
"We're not sure..."
The entire day, Nozel sat in his office and tried to concentrate on his work. He tried to. But all his mind could think of was you. What could have happened for you to take a week off work? You were always strong and optimistic.
Should he try to send you a pigeon letter? Would it be overstepping the boss and employee line? Afterall, you had a boyfriend that should be the one caring for you. He didn't want to look like he was coming between other's relationship.
He decided to wait it out for a day or two to see if there was any news of you.
On the fourth day of your absence, he found himself standing at your door.
You stood there wide eyed when you saw Nozel standing at your door. "Captain Nozel, what brings you here?"
"J-just wanted to ask you about an urgent matter at work," he lied, "is that fine?"
"Y-yeah, sure," you stepped aside, "please, come in."
In your tiny apartment, he could see that the dishes and trash in the kitchen were piled up. A pile of laundry was in the basket. The table was a mess of snacks and empty cups. Were you like this in private? It just didn't seemed to be you.
"I-I'm sorry about the mess," you tried to bring everything on the table to the already full sink, "please have a seat."
"Y/n," Nozel took a good look at you now that you were both seated across each other, there were heavy and dark circles below your usually cheery eyes. Your luxurious hair was in a mess. Your lips were pale and your entire face looked haggard. His worry intensified and he couldn't help but ask, "are you alright? Did something happened?"
"I'm..." you took a deep breath, "I'm fine."
Your forced smile was what broke Nozel's heart. You couldn't even tell him of your problems. Did you not trust him at all? He pursed his lips, not wanting to force you to tell him if you weren't comfortable to.
After asking the insignificant "work question" he found himself standing at your door again. He looked into your eyes, they were sad and void of life. What had happened to you?
"y/n, please take good care." he said and with all the might he had, he turned around to leave. If he stayed any longer, he might just pull you into his embrace.
3 days later, you called in to ask for another 2 weeks of unpaid leave. Nozel almost went insane from the perturbation. He had to think long an hard for another excuse to go over to your place again, but he could not think of any idea.
For the next week, Nozel was hella grumpy. Whoever treaded in his path did not have a smooth experience. He could barely concentrate on anything and instead he found himself standing close to his office doors or around walls to eavesdrop on your colleagues gossiping about you, hoping to know about what had happened to you.
Sadly, it seemed that it was all wild guesses and no one really knew about your predicament.
A week later, while working late in his office, wild thoughts clouded his mind. Maybe it was the lack of sleep from nights of dwelling over you, he suddenly had this thought of what if you did something silly to yourself. He mind flashed back to the state of your apartment and you the other day. What if..?
He flew straight to your house.
He almost couldn't recognise you when you opened the door. Your eyes were swollen and red, you had lost tremendous amount of weight from the last time he saw you.
He held onto the sides of your shoulders, "what happened y/n?"
"C-captain Nozel.." you tried to wipe away the tear stains on your face while trying to keep your voice steady, "why are you here at this hour?"
"Tell me y/n," he nudged you easily into your house and closed the door behind him, "what happened?"
He took one look at your apartment. It now looked like a dumpster compared to last week. "Why isn't your boyfriend taking care of you and leaving you in this state? Is that how a man should take care of his girl?"
Upon hearing about your now ex boyfriend, you broke down, "he.. left.." you said between sobs.
This time, Nozel couldn't help himself any longer. Seeing you in this state, all he wanted was to protect you from all the wrongs in the world. He pulled you into his embrace and wrapped his arms around your shaking frame.
Having someone hold you at your lowest moment made you break all your walls down, your body suddenly went weak from the lack of food and water you have consumed over the last 2 weeks and you collapsed into Nozel's arms.
He held onto you strongly as he slowly lowered himself onto your floor. He continued holding you close to his chest as you sat in his lap, his arms gently caressing the back of your head.
When your sobs finally turned to sniffles, he gently said, "let's get you something to drink."
He carried you to your sofa. "wait here."
He went into your kitchen and to your surprise, you heard the head of the Silva family actually washing a cup and getting you water.
"Here, drink." the water was even warm. It was just water, but it tasted so good, it made your body feel rejuvenated a little.
"Shall I bring you to get something to eat?"
"No.. I'm not hungry.." you said weakly, still not wanting to leave the house.
"Accompany me then, you need some fresh air and I need my dinner." he insisted.
You looked at the time. It was 10pm and your boss flew over to your place after work without dinner to comfort you in his arms for the past hour. You suddenly felt a rush of heat at your cheeks while thinking of the earlier scene.
"Let me have a quick shower then.." you tried to avoid eye contact with him.
A shower really made you feel much better. When you came out from your room, you saw Nozel when his sleeves rolled up and your house was already mostly cleaned.
Nozel Silva the Captain of the Silver Eagles, a head of a Royal family, someone that doesn't need to lift even his finger to do his own braids.. Cleaning your house?
"Captain Nozel!" you quickly took the trash bags in his hands. You turned over and saw that he washed all the dishes in the sink. "You didn't have to.."
"Please, call me Nozel when we're not at work." he said shyly. He brought the trash out.
"Are you ready to leave?" he came back a few seconds later.
"Mhmm," you nodded as Nozel summoned his Silver Eagle.
After a nice meal, (your stomach was growling when you reached the restaurant, so Nozel ordered you some food too) Nozel sent you back home.
The cool night breeze really refreshened you up and the fresh air lifted up your mood.
"Nozel.." you still found it difficult to call him just by his name, "why did you come?"
He was caught off guard since his mind was still stirred by the ordeal just now. He could not think of an answer offhand.
You both just stood on the Silver Eagle in silence.
"I was worried." He suddenly said. It was now or never, he thought, "I was worried about you since the first day i came to your house 2 weeks ago."
"Oh.." the sudden confession caught you off guard a little. Your mind was still in a mess after your break up, so you didn't know what to think.
Nozel was rendered helpless at your silence; he didn't want to push it, since you just went through a break up and your mood was still down.
"Come back to work, y/n." he said eventually, "it would help you keep your mind off things.."
Your heart felt bitter at the thought of your predicament, but having a nice night out with Nozel really lifted your spirits and your thoughts were slightly more organised now.
"I will," you nodded, "thank you for today. You made me realise that I deserve better than that scumbag."
He chuckled upon hearing you calling your ex names. It was the first time you saw your Captain even laugh. You were surprised.
"You should laugh more," you smiled at him.
A hint of pink brushed across his cheeks as he cleared his throat, "only when I'm with you."
You blinked at him, confused to what he was trying to say. He glanced at him, probing him to say more.
He took a deep breath and decided to just spit it out.
"I like you y/n. Way earlier than this, but back then you seemed happily attached, so I didn't want to come between your relationship. But since that scumbag couldn't give you the happiness you deserve, then I hope I get a chance to."
He looked at your now rosy cheeks and tucked the stray hair behind your ears, "you don't have to give me any answers now, I just want you to walk out of this sad phase. I promise to protect you come whatever may."
He said it so seriously like he was giving you some instructions for work. But the blush of his cheeks reminded you that he was showing his vulnerable side to you too.
You smiled as you pursed your lips, "I-I have no idea what to say except thank you."
A gust of wind blew by and it swept his braid away from his face. At that moment, you saw his full handsome features smiling back at you, "that's good enough, for now."
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um-talia · 4 years
Rating The Moon Signs
omg I’ve seen many people do this and I love talking shit so imma piggy back off of em. (This is based off of my personal experiences ofc 🕺🏽)
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🐑 Aries Moon : So the people I’ve met with this placement were giving very much attention whores. Like I don’t understand as to why y’all feel the need to be so impulsive but it’s kinda hot ngl. My Aries Mars rocks with y’all heavy but can we chill with the 5 second tantrums ?? 👩🏽‍🦯 but I love y’all passion don’t get me wrong. These natives who I met online were usually the hot headed trollers or the ones who would repeat the same jokes to roast people 💀💀 My Rating: 6.5, do better ❤️
🐑 Taurus Moon : All the Taurus Moons I know do drugs heavily and just involve themselves in deadpan humor. Y’all so pretty with a hint of funny looking tho. Just stroke their egos for a good 2 days and show some sort of consistency and then they’ll wanna fuck fasho. omg and please tell me why y’all get so bland outta nowhere, the type to stay on the phone and just enjoy your presence. My Rating : 8, imma give u neck kisses
🐑 Gemini Moon : Another well known druggy in my life. Imma just need y’all to get it together and FIGURE IT OUT. Too much is going on in y’all minds and it’s such a beautiful yet annoying thing. I noticed people with this placement depend on others to just make the decision for them but then they disregard the decision that they asked for. The true definition of scatterbrained but y’all cute as shit and I understand why y’all depend on weed now. They’re the type to ask questions about “Determinism Vs. Free Will” outta nowhere 🤦🏽‍♀️ My Rating : 5.2, im usually the erratic one stop stealing my role 😔
🐑 Cancer Moon : I don’t know many cancer moons but the ones that I have came in contact with were kinda cringey. Their humor was really ruthless to the point where they could get scrutinized for any joke, like they mainly joked for the shock factor. They weren’t into drugs ): but they were very loving when they needed to be. My advice is try and read the room love ! My Rating : 6.4, semi good foreplay
🐑 Leo Moon : Omg this isnt a cute placement because usually I get in arguments with people with this placement. y’all are cute ig? I sense a lot of fake appraisal from this sign just to be accepted but if you rub them the wrong way or call them out on something, it’s done for you. like at this point should i intentionally bruise y’all egos?? My Rating: 3.6, gg
🐑 Virgo Moon : I’ve fell in love with every man that had this placement 🧎🏽‍♀️. And the women? Y’all remind me of my mom like 🥺. I love how y’all pay attention to detail and y’all minds remind me of like office cabinets !! Y’all keep files and receipts which is beautiful for talking shit and exposing enemies !!! I knew one virgo moon and he genuinely enjoyed watching history videos in his free time like that’s so hot ??? Very well rounded individuals and can literally talk about anything 🏄🏽‍♀️ My Rating: 9.2, y’all break my heart tho :(
🐑 Libra Moon : See this is a tricky placement because it’s such a neutral placement for me and all the other placements effects it so here’s how imma break it down. If you have water/air in the big 3 with this placement its giving very much pushover. Like the people I’ve met with that combo are really good at like seeing different perspectives but they’re kinda bad at setting boundaries with people so they’re viewed as fake. But the earth/fire with libra moon is kinda 🥴, great conversationalist and really down with anything. But y’all are pretty :D My Rating: 7.5/10, inconsistent passive aggression
🐑 Scorpio Moon: First off, I want to say that I love us :) . But let’s not act like we’re some uncommunicative bitches. Like I get it, you need an outlet to express your feelings and it can be from drugs, art, to pyromania, who tf knows? Most of the Scorpio moons I know cry about being sad and wanting dick. I do too !! Sorry about your mom being emotionally unavailable or judgmental. Get a therapist or a boyfriend who just listens that can serve you some above average dick. Oh and y’all pretty on some intimidation shit 🙈 My Rating: 9.9/10, P.S. ur still in your emo phase
🐑 Sagittarius Moon: ummmm, this is kinda awkward because my sister had this placement and she’s so sensitive 🧎🏽‍♀️. Like from the men I’ve seen with this placement they’re always hopping onto the next thing to entertain them, similar traits with Aries Moon but like a slight more pretentious. All the sag moons ik are like really into underground “designer” brands (ik it’s a contradiction but iykyk). All I have to say is, you’re okay? and stop being so selfish like ): My Rating: 4/10, ur not the next socrates
🐑 Capricorn Moon: Beautiful Bodies. But y’all are kinda mean 😔. I appreciate the bluntness and how y’all say what comes to y’all mind. Y’all love bidding (dc slang for roasting) and can really fry somebody up. y’all tend to be really emotionally independent and i admire that but at the same time do you need a hug??? really good friends but broke majority of the time because they spent their money on drugs or off brand shoes. My Rating: 8/10, u make my heart giggle
🐑 Aquarius Moon: I’ve mainly met these people online fr and they’re the ones who keep dishing out memes without missing. Whenever I come in contact with one they flirt like there’s no tomorrow but then lose interest because their standards are 📈. They usually use humor/memes to showcase their emotions which is cute until the memes become gorey or wild as hell. Have problems with communicating but they’re good people to talk to on the surface level for me. My Rating: 6/10, get off tiktok and develop a personality (im kiddinggg)
Pisces Moon: y’all remind me of symphonies, who keeps playing y’all? haven’t met many but the ones I’ve met are the type to cry in History because they lost track ): . I wanna nurture y’all just gimme the chance . The aesthetics y’all have fluctuates from grunge to fairy core and I love the fluidity. btw stop stealing my music taste and let’s hotbox🧎🏽‍♀️ My Rating: 8/10, make a song about fairy tales idk girl
Thanks for reading this shit post 🤍🪴
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angelthebedsheet · 3 years
If you’re ok with it, could you do Hawks, Todoroki, Shinsou, Bakugo and Kaminari with a black support engineer s/o with big curly hair and stretched ears? Maybe she wears gauges with their hero theme? Just some cute fluff!
a/n: oooooh bitch okayyyyy!! i like that! hawks my lil bird bitch ✋🏽🥺
your quirk! super brain.
what is it? you have the ability to memorize things easily, piece complex puzzles together, make great strategies. you essentially are a megamind. you are incredibly smart invention-wise. you are skilled in support hero work so you are one of the go to’s for hero modifications, suits and basic designs.
hero name? hakim: the tinker hero
why the name hakim? from what i searched up it has arabic and african significance and it’s one of the 99 names based on the attributes of Allah. the two famous bearers of this name were hakim ajmal khan, the india physician and hakim muhammad saeed, a pakistani medical researcher. if i got any of this wrong please message me so i can fix this! i want to stay as respectful as possible as i love to include names that hold a message!
i might have to split this into two parts bc this gets long!! i just assumed reader is fem presenting bc you can use feminine pronouns and not be a girl like me. also disclaimer i only take 4 characters at a time per request but i dont think at the time of this request i had finalized my requirements in my masterlist so IMMA LET IT SLIDE. sorry this is late as SHIT. lets get it!
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okay we all know he’s a lil shit
and we all know how he be
you are working on your next commission piece in your studio when your window opens
you can only sigh
“what happened kei.”
“now birdie dont get mad now okay”
“what did you do.”
“i may have.... broke my visor and destroyed my jacket?”
how the fuck do you do that.
boot to the face
when you two were first dating
which was back in hs
you helped him figure out how his hero costume would be along with how they would sit comfortably on his wings
i mean i love the idea of you roasting him while measuring him
“where’s your fuckin DRIP kei.”
“y/n PLEASE. i came here to get a new costume not get slandered”
“well you jus gon have to deal with it sugar, especially when you look like a mess.”
he had definitely bought you so many gauges that have little red feathers hanging from it
or simply his initials hanging from it to the point where you just wear one of his feathers around your neck
marking his territory and making sure you are safe
protective and trendy!
i hc that he has alot of bird like tendencies so you probably have to stop him from stealing the lil shiny things you have
your nuts and bolts allat
“keigo put my bolt down”
“but its so SHINY”
cue keigo’s WHINING
sometimes he just sits on his stool you put for him and play with your ears
like he’ll stare at them and ask you questions
“do they hurt?”
“kei im trying to focus”
“like they’re all stretched how long did they take?”
or he’ll bounce your curls
you’re just polishing a piece of hero gear
here comes kei silently sitting on his stool and gently grabbing a strand of your hair
pulling it down then you hear a quiet
i hc that kei has adhd, has lil tic and has to fidget
(can you tell i self project onto majority of them)
(i mean hawks’ quirk must be IMMACULATE for fidgeting 😫👌🏽👌🏽)
(its dead his fault why i have a pretty bird tic)
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and one day
“kei baby, here.” you said as you handed him a box. he cocked his head slightly as he looked at it. “what is this, dove?” he asked as he took the box. “well, i made you something to help with your fidgets.” you said as you rubbed the back of your neck. his wings puffed out as he smiled. he opened the box and gasped. you watched as his eyes brightened while he took out the keychain fidget toy. it has multiple sides to it. metal rings connected by two hoops, red, white and beige plastic bangs that were at the ends with two small red feathers at the chains. you watched as he bit his lips and tried not to cause a big reaction. “do you like it, pretty bird?” you asked. he nodded and pulled you into a hug. “thank you so much, baby.” he said into your shoulder. “and you can hook it onto your pants. cute, right?” you said as you gently rubbed his back. “yep, i’m cuddling the fuck outta you. lets go.” he said as he let you go and sweeped you up into his arms. you squealed with a giggle and wrapped your arms around his neck as he ran to the bedroom.
Todoroki Shouto
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yall are in hs okay no time skips lmao
i mean he has so many sneaky pics of you working on your projects
oil on the cheek, gloves, goggles
straight up working in your zone
he will post on his story sometimes like
“look at my s/o”
“they’re working hard”
dry ass cute shit yk?
he carries scrunchies and glass cleaners 24/7
you take your projects on the go so he’ll just take out a scrunchie and neatly pull them curls back into a pineapple
my mans lowkey was struggling at first bc DAMN
love the idea of todoroki watching youtube tutorials bc he’s TIRED of getting his ass BEAT by them
he kinda gets a lil grossed out when you take out your gauges and your earlobe kinda just dangles
like earrings in? cool asf
them out? my mans fold like a lawn chair. he looks away or makes a stink face
“are they in?”
“yes they’re in you lil baby. you can try attempted murder but you can’t look at stretched earlobes?”
“shut UP”
he does internally swoon when you put in gauges that match his hair colour
like you love him that much? okay i see
he’s amazed by how you work
sometimes he’ll just stand behind you like a lil sibling in the door way
“mom said it’s my turn on the xbox.”
(not at how me and todoroki are both the youngest siblings)
when you saw his first hero costume you busted out LAUGHING
that day you roasted todoroki to the point where he left
“janitor looking ass. my nigga where you goin? a space adventure? scary ass.”
“😐 are you done.”
“space jam headass, lookin like a g.i joe action figure. terminator lookin ass.”
“alright im leaving”
“no wait come back andjajdjsba”
i hc that todoroki has panic and anxiety attacks and things like that
so you made him a little sumn sumn for his anxiety
“candy, look here for a second?” you called out, making todoroki hum and look up from his notebook. “what happened?” he asked as he cocked his head slightly. “made you something.” you said as you handed him a small box. his eyes light up as he gently took the box. “really? are you sure?” he questioned. you only nodded with a smile as you placed your pencil behind your ear. you watched as he carefully opened the box. he pulled out a tan clicker toy and smiled confused. “what’s this, bub?” he questioned as he placed the box down. “a fidget toy i made for you that can help with your anxiety. it can help ground you when you feel overwhelmed? hopefully? oh! it also has a music box feature.” you said as you pointed at the back of the toy. he silently turned the toy around and you leaned over and pressed a button that played a music box version of a pearl by mitski. you watched as his shoulders loosened up at the sound of his favorite song. he placed the toy down while he tried to hold his smile back. he sighed and smiled widely. “thank you, i love it, bubba.” he said sweetly. “i’m glad you like it.” you whispered. “may i kiss you?” he asked. you simply nodded before he gently cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss to your lips. you pulled him into a hug.
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
dude, what in the actual fuck is this?
mir, i hope you know we love you so much and anons like this most likely just go around tumblr trying to get a reaction outta people. i’m sorry you have to log on and see shit like this and i wish i could stop it from happening; it’s so fucking rude and upsetting.
you’re so important in this hellsite and to everyone that follows you!!! the amount of comfort and warmth and beauty you bring to life for us is truly priceless and we appreciate you so. damn. much!
i don’t know who this anon is but if you figure it out you just LET ME KNOW AND IMMA FIGHT THEM 😡😡👊🏻
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i’m sending ya lots of love and light and positivity and so many hugs and cheek smooches- hope these pics make you smile ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ hope you’re doing ok
thanks baby💜
i don't know, this place has just been bringing me down so much lately. i don't feel like myself and then I come on here to try and cheer myself up to see what you're all up to and i get messages telling me to delete my blog or to stop writing
i don't know. i might stop coming on for a while. i thought i curated this space to be drama free and a loving blog but I guess i missed or messed up something along the way
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supersizemeplz · 4 years
The Cure
Erik Stevens x Black PlusSized Reader
Another #supersizedfic mini short. This is an oldie that I had to repost because Tumblr took it down. The first part to this post. Heavy SMUT. Enjoy! (This is just a random photo. I can’t remember the one from before)
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The cotton comforter fell from the edge of the bed, silent as it hit the hardwood floor. Giving up on sleep, you stopped your tossing and turning. Fuck it. You stared at the ceiling before sitting up, adjusting your bonnet. Your body was hot and you couldn’t help your heavy breathing.
“Another one? Damnn.” Feeling your panties ruined for the third night in the week, you cursed yourself for having yet another wet dream. Your hormones were all over the place. You needed a man. You didn’t know why you craved your roommate, but you did. Maybe you just needed some dick.
Erik was literally down the hall, probably asleep. Though it seemed like he barely took time to sleep. He’d finally came home from yet another mission, a duffel on his arm and his dreads in need of cleaning up. That was usually your job, ending up with him resting between your thighs as he watched television. You’d smile when his fingers brushed against your skin as he talked to you, venting about his trip. Though you felt he only gave you the positive side of it, not that you didn’t appreciate that, you didn’t pursue any deeper questions.
The thought of going to check if he was asleep crossed your mind. Maybe he wouldn’t be. Before your mind could come up with doubt, you were headed down the quiet hall. You seen the light from the television spill from beneath the door. Instead of characters voices, he was playing music.
You stopped at door, tugging on the bottom of the large college sweatshirt you were. Cool air found your legs, but you focused on the task at hand. Two soft knocks were all you gave before cracking the door open, grunts meeting you. And there he was was.
Arms flexing as he finished his set of pushups, he didn’t look away from the floor. Maybe he didn’t hear you. You stepped into the room, leaving the door cracked. Walking as lightly as you could, you made your way to stand in front of the focused male. “Erik?..”
You’d spoken quietly, but he heard you. He’d heard you the first time. His name sounded good coming from you. Erik looked at your toes, taking in the bright paint you’d chosen that popped against your skin. Getting up from his position on the floor, he chuckled as you quickly stepped away from him. “What’s wrong, princess?”
You kept adjusting your shirt, mentally scolding yourself for not putting on shorts. Erik liked seeing your thighs, though he’d never directly said it. It was all in the way he watched you, admiring them jiggle gently with each step.
“I can’t sleep..” You sounded like a small child, fidgeting with your nails. That made you mentally roll your eyes. “I came in here because…well, I don’t really know..” That was partially a lie.
Erik smirked, taking a step to you. You held your breath as he stood before you with that same intimidating face. “How about we chill and I help you figure it out, baby girl?” Agreeing, you followed him to the king sized bed. He climbed on with ease as you stood at the side, not wanting to climb on and flash him with your ass in boy shorts.
“Why you so nervous?” He wore an amused smirk, patting the space beside him. “Its not like I bite.. without permission.” You could feel your cheeks heat up. Climbing onto the bed, Erik admired the curve of your backside before you plopped down.
“Is it that obvious?” You spoke up, leaning back against the headboard. A pillow was cradled by your soft thighs as you hugged it.
“Yeah, it is..” He found a comfortable position close to you, his head resting on your stomach. He’d done this before, claiming it helped him sleep. It did, but he also like feeling you against him. “But just say the word and I’ll get you outta that shy shit, princess.
You playfully nudged him, getting comfortable beneath him. Why were you nervous? He hugged your waist tighter as you played with his dreads. When he was ready to speak again, he asked "You had a bad dream?”
Your fingers stopped their stroking his hair as you licked your lip. It wasn’t bad at all, it’d been amazing. “Not really..”
He kept his hold on you, snuggling against you like a puppy. “Sad?” You shook your head before mumbling a soft no. He loosened his hold, lifting his head to look at you. “Then what’s so bad that it’s keeping you up? Or you just miss me?”
You rolled your eyes at him. Fine ass irked your nerves. “No, I actually need you to stay out of them..” The words were hushed, but by his smirk he heard them. Oh Lord. You covered your face with a groan.
“Don’t be embarrassed, princess..” Erik chuckled as he moved your hands. He licked his lips before he showed his nearly perfect teeth. “I’ve had wet dreams about you too.. if that helps.”
It didn’t. That only made your apex tingle with wonder. Here he was with this raspy ass sleepy voice as he confessed he’d dreamt about you. You stared at his lips as he talked on, describing a recent dream. Something about you cooking for him and he’d bent you over the sink after dinner was finished.
You stopped your daydream when his shoulders shook. Why was he laughing?
“Your fine ass is daydreaming instead of listening, princess..” He now hovered over you, arms holding him up. You’d sunken down to lay flat on your back without noticing. His fingertips trailed up your outer thigh, sending chills through you. “Isn’t that how you got in this situation in the first place?”
You exhaled a shaky breath as you shivered. His touch was electric. “Maybe I should go?” Your nerves started to speak for you. You didn’t really want to leave. His scent was sending your senses to new heights. The faint feeling of his lips grazing your neck had your thighs clenched in anticipation.
“Is that what you really want, baby?” Erik glanced at your thighs that held him in place, locking onto either side of his body. “Cause I’ll stop if you want..” He moved to let you up, but you stopped him. Your hands held his large biceps, holding him. Shaking your head, you finally met his intense gaze.
You finally found your voice. “I’ll tell you my dream since you told me yours.." Moment of truth.
You went on to describe the scenes. Every kiss, touch, and moan. Your thighs tightened as you stared at his plump lips while you spoke. The way your voice softened had Erik in a trance. He visualized everything you were saying, every detail. You finished and he was sure that you could feel what you did to him. It rested against your thigh in its fullness.
"So you dream about me like that?” He chuckled, letting the tip of his nose finally brush against your nose. Your body relaxed beneath him. You were his.
“Yess..” He licked his lips at your voice, letting his fingers trail down your sides. You gasped as he gave your thighs a smack before massaging them soothingly. He held you by your hips as he pulled you flush against his erection. His dark eyes roamed your body, satisfied with the shirt you wore riding up.
“Did I touch you like this?” His thumb pressed against your covered pearl, deciding not to mention the obvious dampness of your panties. You sucked in a sharp breath. A smile grew on his handsome face as he enjoyed your faces. Your hips moved as he gently massaged you.
“Ughh shitt..” Your words struggled in their escape. He’d succeeded in fulfilling your fantasy. Though he hasn’t really started. You were a moaning mess underneath him and you weren’t even naked.
“Close your eyes and imagine me making love to you.. Teasing you..” You closed your eyes, envisioning both your bodies rumbling in the sheets. His hands all over you. You moaning his name. Him teasing you. Your body taking the sweet torture. You gave him your attention as he spoke his erotic scene.
“Imagine this dick rubbing up and down that wet pussy. You dripping all over me and the sheets... I lift your legs and use your sweet juices to make my dick shine. Damn, I can’t get enough of you… I lift your legs up and put myself in position, keeping my eyes locked on yours. And just when I push my tip in, you gas-“ You hummed, pressing a hand to his chest. Your body trembled underneath him. You could feel him. His erection was held back by his boxers, but the imagery was spot on. His thumb continued to massage your clit gently. He groaned as his bottom lip tucked into his mouth. He really did want you.
“I grind my dick in and out of you, leaving kisses all over you... A trail of hickeys from your neck to your breasts. I’m marking my territory, baby.. You moan my name and I speed up. Our skins slapping and we’re breathing heavy… Fuck” He managed to remove your underwear and placed his bare length on your mound. His breathing was low and labored as he left a hickey under your ear. It would be hell if he pushed in your warm waters. You whimpered as he continued teasing you with his tip as it was covered in your slickness.
He was on edge. Temptation had taken over as he’d managed to slip in. Half of him was stroking you slowly, your nails grazing his bare chest. That made his strokes falter for a moment, but he never stopped.
“Imma fuck around and paint your walls. Keep playin..” The warning came out in an arousing growl. He fucked into you quicker, moaning your name softly in your ear.
“Erik!!” You creamed over him, barely shaking. Your nails dug into his chest, making him his in pleasure. He kept going, whispering his wants to you. Searching blindly for something to grab, you found the covers. You pulled the sheet to your mouth and squealed into it. Euphoric shock waves surged through your body as you came, soaking over his lower half. “Please k-keep fucking me, baby. Just like that..” Your eyes rolled back as you came again.
He kept his stroking up after, chasing his own release. You propped yourself on your shaky elbows, staring him down with lust. No woman has had him this turned on before. You spoke to him how he liked, making sure to moan. No needing to fake a thing. “Cum for me baby..” Your nails massaged the back of his head, making him louder.
“Ohh shit..” He cursed as he spewed onto your half visible stomach. A smile stretched on your lips as he looked towards the ceiling fan to calm himself. His chest moved up and down as he caught his breath. He could barely feel his legs but they held him up as he climbed from between your thighs.
His shaky hand cleaned your off stomach with a t-shirt from his dresser. After he finished, he hovered over you again and gave your lips another taste. It got deeper until he groaned. If he didn’t stop now, he’d make sure you’d be wobbling around in a few months. As you both pulled apart, you rubbed his jaw gently. He chuckled.
“I think I’m the cure for your wet dreams.”
(I can’t remember exactly who was looking for this first part but... yeah. Lol)
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vestsfriends · 4 years
Live reaction/thoughts to She-Ra Season 5:
thought these were p funny so here ya go
-entrapta does have feelings mkay @ mermista
-catra apologized to entrapta even after she bluntly stated all the horrible shit she did to her,, bless
-Scorpia has electricity POWERS WTF YO
-so?? Does Glimmer?? Like?? Not have her teleportation powers anymore?? Or??
-catra + short hair = a strange feeling
-‘wrong hordedak’ is a precioUS bABy
-frosta is so tiny she is supposed to be 13 now but like,, she still smol af
-Micah being apart of the team,, he’s everyone’s dad now
-she-ra’s upgrade?? God is a woman after all
-does Micah know that Shadow Weaver is Light Spinner or—
-Kyle and Rogelio is canon LETS FUCKIN GO
-if they don’t conclude/answer the biggest question I’ve had the entire series aka “what IS Madam Razz?” then imma riot
-SPINERELLA NOOOOO how fucking long has she had the horde chip on her neck??
-THERES no DOUBT in my mind that the chip in Spinerella is the reason why Netossa was crying in the trailer,,,
-catra’s redemption is awesome- it’s very well written- it’s slow but making good progress
-perfuma and seahawk have had almost zero screen time so far so I hope that changes soon
-even tho there’s clearly gonna be endgame ships— the glitra, slight scorptra, entrapdak, catrapta, glimmadora, glimbow, and scortrapta has been good in new content
-also bow saying catras sneeze was adorable >>>>
-horde prime is very,, i dunno,, weird? Like he has his polite charade/act goin on and then turns into a strict dictator two seconds later lmao
-Scorpia singing?? My SHIT! SHES SO TALENTED
-I never knew I needed lipstick! Mermista and Peruma until now
-Scorpia stayed behind wtf
-entrapta teaching wrong! Hordak to wink is too pure for this world
-the netossa crying scene showed up :(
-okay but what’s shadow weavers deal?? Why she do dis shit??
-I love aunt casta’s and shadow weavers banter tho lmfao
-catra now has a loyal cat companion
-and now she & her gone
-damN Perfuma rlly has faith in people huh
-horde primes gonna fuck shit up oh no here he comes
-hordak is remembering Entrapta lemme just,,,, :’) “your imperfections are beautiful”
-glimbow rlly out here being more touchy than usual huh
-“take care of her, horde scum” “that’s the plan, sparkles” glitra has been popping bottles this season
-is hordak gonna be the one to tackle horde prime or,, no? Bc him hurting Entrapta is gonna affect hordak for sure
-“you’re worth more than what you give to other people” limme just weep for a sec
-“couldn’t wait to sweep me off my feet?” Jesus seahawk dhdkdjdj also why is this show so good at writing good chemistry for hetero ships like damn
-bows message to Atheria? fuckin stan him taking charge
-“I’m so proud of you, Catra.” I legit started crying at this
-oml even the staff from drill showed up dhdjdhdhd I missed them since season 1
-hordak really just,, said this whole ass speech about defying his rules and just,, fuckin,, drops horde prime off a cliff LMAOO DAMN
-DID ADORA JUST JUMP INTO THE FUTURE OR SOME SHIT?! catra has a ponytail, Adora looks like a Greek god, and glimmer has even shorter hair oml I’m dead
-bow has a goatee IM
-catra saying “I love you” hit different
-like my main ship is scorptra just bc Scorpia was able to make catra soft/blush a few times lol but canon catradora is p cute- the way they handled the build up was well-written
-“stay” is a reoccurring line in this season
-hey bro- what if,, we were both main characters,, of the same sex,, and we used to beat each other up,, and we kissed,, hey wait bro- don’t stop bro-
-the angle of the kiss reminded me of the Starco one ngl (but that show ended badly so,, eh)
-who knew kissing catra was so powerful that it made your barrette fly right outta yo hair
-scorptra hug? That’s all I needed thank you noelle I can die happily
-so ig we’ll never truly know what madam razz is,, oh well. At least she made an appearance
-the last shot with the best friend squad? Fantastic. Great show, great ending.
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Hi ao idk if your matchups are still open but I would just like to send mine just in case and if you they are closed, could you do mine when you open them?🥺 ANYWAYS. Imma introduce myself :)
My name is Cecilia, and my pronouns are she/they! I am a Aries, im Bi and im a ENFP. When it comes to the physical aspects, I am 5'8, I have brown hair, brown eyes and I have freckles on my face. Also I'm kinda blind lol I use glasses bc I can't see shit without them 😃. I'm chubby and I have the fear of accidentally squishing people if I sit on their laps or if they carry me 😀. When someone meets me for the first time you will either get the first impression that im a rude and sarcastic person that doesn't care about anyone and I will kill you OR I am one of the nicest human beings that you will ever meet on the planet earth. There isn't really a in-between. BUT, usually when I warm up to people I can be really chaotic and fun, tho I am really sarcastic so people really won't be able to save themselves from my snarky remarks :) . I really like to listen to music, read, ride my bike,, write poetry, play video games and watch movies (preferably romantic movies or horror movies). I also enjoy learning new languages and for now I speak 3 (Spanish (which is my native one), English and Russian. I'm trying to learn Japanese). I hate strawberries and thunderstorms. UwU idk if you take preferences for what characters people want for matchups, but my preferences are yaku, suna, yamaguchi, or akaashi.
Ok thanks ily and take care! 🥺💓
Romantic Matchup
Suna Rintarou
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A/N Ok so he was actually a candidate for your matchups so when you said he was one of your preferences I was like why not 👀
How Y’all Met
So you we’re actually Atsumus gaming buddy
You guys were a very chaotic duo 😊
but you guys would often just play video games together
So when Suna ACTUALLY agreed to come play video games at his house with him
He thought he would invite you too
Yk for shits and giggles
Things started off pretty smoothly
Y’all just played Mario kart together
Then the smack talk started...
You started throwing little jabs about Sunas playing
Which started to rile him up
Causing the game to get a little...intense
Honestly Atsumu didn’t even know what was happening anymore
One minute y’all were laughing together
But now you could cut the tension with a knife
Eventually it was just you and suna going head to head in the game
Unfortunately a text from your parents distracted you for a split second and he won 😔
You had to go home anyways so you started to pack your stuff
But before leaving the house you pointed at suna and said
“Nice playing, but you just got lucky. I’ll beat you next time”
And left
If you had stayed a little longer you would’ve seen the pink that dusted Sunas cheeks 👀
Before he took his leave he asked suna for your number
Which earned him a couple of teases from the blonde twin
But in the end he got it
And the first thing he sent you was a challenge to 8 ball
And the text
“You said you’d beat me next time, so let’s see about that”
Which began the start of your glorious friendship
Eventuality poor Atsumu got replaced as your gamer buddy
And suna took his place 👀
Suna had feelings for you since he first met you
But never said anything
But a certain blabber mouth twin did...
Atsumu had noticed how much you two we’re hanging out
So being the little snitch he is ratted his friend out
He literally just flat out told you that suna liked you
This info was obviously a little shocking
But you wouldn’t deny that you were a little pleased 👀
You’ve also developed feelings for suna
So YOU confessed to HIM
And of course he agreed 🙄
What They Love About You
He loves how sassy you are
This mans can be a sassy little shit too
So it’s cool that he found someone who can match his energy
And take a couple of teases every now and then
He loves your freckles
He legit thinks their the cutest thing ever
Oh and he LOVES your height
It’s just perfect in comparison to his
Hugs are never awkward yk
Favorite Things To Do Together
He loves to watch horror movies with you
Like full on horror movie marathons
Oof and god forbid you actually get scared
Because first of all he’ll tease the shit out of you
But then he’ll go on about how he’ll “protect you”
He still likes to play video games with you!
But be warned...
These moments get VERY competitive
He also just likes to chill with you and listen to music
Every time you do that you get to pick a song then he gets to pick a song
Fun timessss
Random Hc
His favorite horror movie is The Shining
For ONE reason only
Because you always get a little jittery after watching it
So he loves to just pop out from behind a corner and yell
He honestly thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
He was this 🤏 close to beating the s h i t out of Atsumu for telling you how he felt
But he didn’t
Cause he ended up with you ❤️
He will literally pick you up outta NOWHERE
just to get a reaction out of you 🥲
When Aries and Aquarius come together in a love match, the combination of Aquarius vision and Aries action makes them a highly creative pair.
Their relationship is anything but static; they can be competitive, but life with these two is never dull!
Zodiac Signs that are two apart tend to have a special connection, and these are no exception.
They are great friends as they communicate really well.
They have a special understanding of one another’s idealistic, enthusiastic outlook on life.
They both crave excitement and new experiences — the wilder and stranger, the better.
They’re both into thrills and showing off.
Many Aries-Aquarius relationships are based on mutual admiration.
Aries loves how unique Aquarius is, their inventive vision of the world; Aquarius loves Aries for their energy and initiative — Aquarius gets new ideas all the time but sometimes finds it hard to carry them out.
Since both Signs prize independence, Aries’s tendency toward possessiveness can push Aquarius to become aloof or detached as a self-preservation tactic.
Though they have that special connection, they do see the world in very different lights, which they both need to understand.
Aries can be too involved for Aquarius’s taste, and Aquarius in turn may be too unpredictable for Aries.
As it turns out, Aquarius is the one Sign that has Aries beat when it comes to spontaneity!
As long as both partners reassure each other that the relationship is important and secure, things will be just fine.
Overall Aesthetic
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
Verbatim - Mother Mother
DVD - Robbie Jet
IFHY - Tyler The Creater
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 4 years
Is She the Reason? - Part 2
Part 1 Part 3
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader
Summary: When a heart breaks, no it don’t break even.
Warning(s): Aaaaangst, cussing, mentions of cheating, threats of violence :)
Word count: 1,824
Author’s Note: It’s finally here! I promise Imma give y’all some fun sexy Angel in my next fic. I had a couple people ask about a taglist so I guess I have one now. Lol. If anyone wants to be added, please let me know! As always questions, comments, and concerns are welcome. My inbox is open. Enjoy!
TAGLIST: @holland23567 @trulysuccubus
It had been almost a month since you’d seen Angel or even been to the clubhouse. Bishop stopped by to check on you and you steadfastly refused to give him any details about the breakup. He told you he’d fuck Angel up if you asked, but you didn’t want that. Plus Chucky had already told you about the punch and you didn’t want to bring anymore drama into the club. One of the many reasons you didn’t want to date anyone in the MC in the first place.
It had been a rough couple of weeks. For so long you alternated between being angry and sad and finally you were just beginning to feel tired of it all. Heartbreak was exhausting. You stayed mostly cooped up in your home. You blocked Angel from being able to call or text you and the one time he showed up at your doorstep you threatened to call your shotgun toting father if he didn’t leave.
Currently, you were at the diner enjoying a lunch date with your best friend who was on her lunch break from work. You were dressed in your usual casual cute wear, with your hair up in afro puffs. It was weirdly comforting to have that hairstyle in. It reminded you of your childhood and it made you feel good. You knew the risk of seeing Angel would be great and you’d be damned if you let him see you looking a mess. Your pride couldn’t handle that on top of everything else.
You probably shouldn’t have thought about him because there he was walking through the doors and heading straight towards you. All you could do was sigh loudly.
“Hey y/n, can I talk to you?” He asked, quietly. The usual swagger he had was muted and he seemed nervous. Never thought you’d see the day.
“You must be outta your mind. There are knives on this table. Tell me right now why I shouldn’t stab you where you stand.” Your best friend asked, though the question was rhetorical. You knew she felt betrayed and angry on your behalf, but also on hers. She felt bad that she had pushed you to talk to him all those years ago. He looked like he didn’t think she would do it but you spotted her hand inching towards a steak knife so you placed your hand over it first and slid it towards yourself.
“Your lunch break is practically over. You better head back to work before you’re late.” You told her, trying to stop a bloodbath from happening. Plus, deep down you knew you two needed to talk. You couldn’t avoid him forever.
It was her turn to sigh as she looked at the time. “You’re so lucky, fuckboi. Move.” She demanded, glaring at Angel and he took a step back as she slid out of the booth. “I’ll call you after my shift. Don’t give this pendejo too much of your time.” She kissed you on the cheek and gave him one more death glare before walking out. 
Angel just quietly slid in the booth across from you and took her place. No one said anything as you both stared at each other before you couldn’t look at him any longer and averted your eyes. “What do you want?”
“I miss you.” He stated and you couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped you. 
“You gotta be kidding me. Bye Angel.” You did not wanna hear that shit so you started to move out of the booth.
“Wait.” He grabbed your wrist. “Don’t leave...please.”
“When I said don’t touch me again,” You began, snatching your arm away. “I meant that. What could we possibly have to talk about? How you’re a liar and a cheater? A fucking coward that let me confront him on his bullshit because he couldn’t fess up to it. Is that what you wanna talk about?” The anger came back in full force as you remembered everything he did. All the lies he had to tell to keep the affair going. He let you feel like you were being paranoid when you knew something was off. He made you doubt yourself and that more than anything, pissed you all the way off. “You were fucking her right under my nose. I bet you couldn’t wait to get in her pants.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Oh it wasn’t? Please tell me what it was like then. On top of all of that, you have the audacity to tell me you love me?”
“I do love you.” He stubbornly repeated and before you could stop yourself your temper hit the roof.
You slammed your hand on the table hard enough that the dishes shook and loudly proclaimed, “You don’t love me! You don’t even love yourself, Reyes! Because if you did, you wouldn’t have ruined the best thing in your life.”
Your outburst garnered attention from other patrons and workers in the diner and you felt only slightly embarrassed. You talked yourself down in your mind and took several slow breaths. You really didn’t want to cause a scene but he just pressed your buttons. Your hand vaguely throbbed, but you ignored it wanting to hang on to your anger for longer.
Angel was silent for a moment. He wanted to actually think before he spoke. A rarity for him. “It really was just work at first. The Rebels needed so much help and I was out there for so long that we just got close. She was so passionate about the cause and selfless with the kids. I got caught up in a moment...in a feeling. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
“And where does that leave me? Four years, Angel. I gave you four years of my life. I gave you all of me. I dealt with all the shit that came with being with you because I loved you and I wanted you. You get caught up in a moment and my life is changed forever, but I’m just supposed to forgive you?” You scoffed and shook your head at him. “And you weren’t just caught up in a moment. I saw you two. It’s not just a sexual thing. You can lie to me but don’t lie to yourself. I tried for so long to reach you and you gave me nothing back. I knew something was going on. I much would have preferred you just tell me.”
The truth of your words hit him and his chastised face said it all. “I’m sorry, querida-“ He began, but you sharply corrected him.
“Don’t call me that. Not anymore.”
“I’m sorry, y/n. So sorry. I was too ashamed to admit what was happening. And I thought I could keep it all separated, but...things didn’t work out that way.” The thing with Adelita spun out of control faster than he could control it. 
A feeling of resignation was slowly coming over you. A part of you was still upset, but you’d already played this through your head a million times. Nothing he said could change anything. This conversation merely confirmed that you needed to move on. “You know what’s the worst part of all this? I told you in the beginning that this would happen. And I asked you not to let it. You promised me you wouldn’t and yet here we are. I knew you weren’t ready and I let you sweet talk me and I fell for you. Now you’re just another man to disappoint me.”
Angel’s eyes briefly closed as the weight of your words hit him hard again. He never wanted to be a disappointment in your life. He wanted to be responsible for your smiles and your joy. He just wanted to love you, but he didn’t do it the right way and he fucked it all up. He was so conflicted inside. He wished he had never agreed to help the rebels.
It felt good to tell him how much he hurt you, but there was nothing left for you to say. You weren’t completely healed and being around him for this long still stung. You’d never admit it, but there was still a side of you that wanted to be back in his arms. Only your stubbornness kept you in check. “Look, we're gonna eventually have to be around each other. I’m not giving up on my relationship with Bishop because of you. He’ll always be family. But let me tell you right now that we are not friends. I will tolerate you at best. Maybe one day we’ll be acquaintances but there is no guarantee. More than the heartbreak, it’s the disrespect and disloyalty that I can’t easily forgive. Or forget.”
He racked his mind for something to say back. The perfect thing that would bring you back to him or just make things better, but he didn’t know what to say. “I understand,” was all he could manage.
You dropped enough cash on the table to pay for lunch and generously tip your server before getting up. You had nothing else to say to him. You didn’t even bother with a goodbye. You just walked out of the diner and into the parking lot. As you walked to your car, an SUV pulled up next to you and you smiled at the person you saw step out.
Angel stayed seated and stared at the table. He was still hoping the right words would come to him. Maybe he just needed to give you more space. He still didn’t know what to do about Adelita, but deep inside he wasn’t ready to let you go either. He knew it wasn’t fair, but he couldn’t help his feelings. He lifted his head to watch you speed away in your car but when he did his stomach dropped at what he saw.
You were standing there talking with Nestor. He didn’t realize you two knew each other. Where did that fucker even come from? Whatever Nestor was saying brought out the first smile from you that Angel had seen in a long time. You reached out to pull his braid over his shoulder and Angel didn’t know that asshole well, but he didn’t seem like the type to just let anyone touch his hair. Nestor had the softest look on his face as he looked at you. 
He pulled you into a hug and Angel watched as your body practically collapsed in his arms. Angel remembered when you’d do the same to him. When you trusted him enough to be vulnerable and show that tired side of you. Nestor’s hand settled on the back of your neck as he pulled you close. His hand massaged your neck and you just stood there with your face buried in his chest. It was enough to make Angel’s fists clench.
It hurt to watch you with someone else. Was this how you felt when you saw him with Adelita? Nestor’s interest was clear and even if you weren’t ready now, it was obvious one day you would be. He doubted Nestor would be a fool like him. Karma sure has a sense of humor.
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dabiboy · 3 years
Just some adult Kaji drabble. Yes.
If you wanna know more about Kiyoko, you can find info in @ariesborn. We've been talking a loooot about these two and now they're deep in my system, so I hope you guys like it 😭
[Warnings: drinks, drugs, attempt of touching]
Loud music, people jumping all over the place, sweat, drinks, happiness. Except for one. Kiyoko started not feeling good, too much alcohol? Impossible, she had only drank one small cocktail. She was trying to find some fresh air when she felt a hot breath on her neck.
"Where do you think you're going, hot stuff? This is supposed to be our night"
"I... I'm not feeling okay, can you take me home?" She said, to her so called boyfriend.
"Ah don't be a party killer, you know you want to" His nasty lips were on Kio's neck, gripping her hips with an annoying strength.
"Told you I don't-" she gasped and felt dizzy, not even her combat skills working at that point. But her still working brain figured it out, the bastard bought her a drink. And he had poured something in it. "Let me go" She fought.
"Nah uh, you're gonna stay still and gonna be my good little shit. Hear me?" The man said turning around as he tried to kiss her. A hand of his went up to grab her by the neck, but then? An agonizing, burning sensation made him hiss in pain.
"Found you, you disgusting bastard" Kaji said. He used his own body temperature to heat up the blood of the man, plus using part of his fire quirk to burn his skin.
"You fucking crazy!? What the hell are you-"
Hissed in pain again.
"What am I talking about? I saw you, like a mile away pouring something onto her drink. Not to manly huh?" Kaji squeezed the man's arm stronger, burning him with no fear "touch her one more time, and I'll fucking burn you to ashes, got it?" He whispered on his ear before letting him go.
His friends looked scared, getting away from the scene and from Kaji.
"Kio?" He said, worried and turning down his body temperature. "Hey, look at me. Is Kaji, hey, imma need you to react k'?" He gently slapped her cheek, trying to get her back.
"Kaji? What are you-?"
"I was here with a friend, but saw you at the distance and wanted to say hi, but then I saw the bas- nevermind, come on, let's get your ass outta here, come"
Kaji wrapped an arm around her waist and get the two out of the loud place.
He secured her in his car, and once finally at his place he let her down on his bed. She was unconscious. The only thing he wanted was to find that bastard and... No. He had to take care of her first. So he did. Back in the old days, his dad had arrived home in a terrible state, and he saw what his mom did with him. Clean clothes, tuck in bed, tea for later.
He removed her dress, carefully and more gentle than ever, to the point that he didn't even look at her exposed skin. Kaji grabbed a clean shirt of his, and tried his best to put it on her without waking her up or put her head on the place where the arm goes. He sighed, and turned off every light but the one in the nightstand. After changing in the bathroom, he sat next to her sleepy body, grabbing a random book to skim meanwhile.
After an hour, she woke up. Dizzy, confused, and scared.
"It's alright, you're safe now" Kaji whispered, setting the book aside. "Do you need anything?"
"I'm good, I think" She closed her eyes again due to the headache "How did you know?"
"Oh, that. Tsumu and I were there, well, he dragged me to that hell hole. Saw you walking by and of course I wanted to say hi, but then I saw him puting something on a glass and you grabbed them. But I'm happy I get to you on time" He gave her a smile, resting his elbow on the bed, and supporting his head on his hand.
"Thank you, really" Kio said with a very weak smile. Kaji noticed her eyes glistening, and of course, it wasn't for anything. "I was scared"
"It's ok, you can let it out" He furrowed his lips "In this house we don't judge" He tried to make her laugh when she moved and hugged onto him.
Kaji opened his eyes in surprise, he wasn't someone that was fan of physical affection, but she was his best friend, all life friend. And thinking about what could have happened made his heart ache. He hugged her back, comfortably tight against his chest and under his chin.
"I've got you. You safe here, Kio" He whispered, not even caring about the tears on his shirt.
He wanted to kiss her forehead but controled himself. Why was his heart beating faster? Why were his hands starting to sweat? Why did he have the urge to hold her even tighter, play with his hair and spend the rest of the night like that? Why the fuck was he feeling like falling for his best friend? Thanks to any entity, the sound of a notification on his phone distracted him. He saw the message, and a smile formed on his face.
"We got him! What should we do with him?" Tsumu texted, the same bastard that wanted to hurt her was bleeding, at the back of the antro, looking pathetic and almost begging for mercy. Or at least that was on the picture Tsumu sent, together with the pig's ID.
"Do you want to take care of it? Or should I?" Kaji asked, making her smile against his chest.
Minutes moved forward, and Kiyoko was feeling a bit better. Suddenly, both of them were looking at each other right in the eye. She was no longer the little girl Kaji met at kinder, nor the teenager that dragged him to the mall. She was now a woman, a beautiful woman, he thought. Without even realizing, and almost like magnets, both were getting closer and closer, but then Kaji came back to eart and put a hand on her shoulder to make distance. In a very subtle way. And she thanked that too.
"I'll... I'll make you some tea. Wait here" Kaji stood up quickly and went to the kitchen, taking a deep breath. What the hell was he thinking about?
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hey-got-any-grapes · 4 years
Ok so I just had a panic attack at the literal SIGHT of a confederate flag and it was a lot so we gonna write some headcanons about that YAY! 🥰
My comfort character: Bokuto
⚠️ warnings: panic attack, anxiousness, racism, talk about slavery, fear, crying, hyperventilating, uncomfortable themes
Bokuto with a black s/o who sees a confederate flag
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Owl Man 🦉:
I want to see my little boy (here he comes) I want to see my little boy
N e ways, you and Bokuto are in America because he’s playing there later in the week.
You feel really good being back in America again because you were feeling kinda homesick in Japan.
There are so many things you want to show him in your home state
As you are walking around and enjoying your day, all of a sudden you see it.
“That” flag is sitting on top of someone’s Ford truck parked on the street.
You suddenly pull him back hard. He almost trips on his feet because of it.
Your breathing gets really hard and your eyes become teary really quickly.
You dashed back the way you came while ordering an Uber to take you back to your mom’s house immediately.
Bokuto immediately runs after you but you are just flying outta that situation.
When you get into the Uber, you realize you forgot about him in your panicked state.
So you decide to have the car wait until he’s caught up with you.
When he finally makes it into the back seat he is so confused.
He’s really dense so he won’t be able to read that you don’t wanna talk about it.
“Why did you run away all of a sudden y/n?”
“What happened?”
No response
He nor you says anything the rest of the ride.
As soon as you walk in the door you start BAWLING
He has no idea what to do or why exactly you are so upset and full of fear.
Mans is dummy so I doubt he payed attention in history a lot. Much less ANOTHER country’s history.
He just holds you and and starts tearing up himself because he doesn’t like to see his lil owl cry 😢
He goes to you room to cuddle you until you fall asleep.
When you wake up you finally feel a lot better.
You go to the kitchen because you can smell Taco Bell 🌮and you RUN 🏃🏾💨
Bokuto is near the counter unpacking the food for you two.
You don’t say anything until you are both seated on the couch together
You finally tell him why you got so scared earlier and it looks like his heart shattered into a million pieces.😢😞
He knows people were mean to you just because of who you were, but he had no idea that it went back that far into history
You tell him what that flag means and he doesn’t know how to process it
He felt so BAD that he had no clue what was going on before. 😥
Bokuto is a sensitive guy so then HE starts to cry and think about all that you’ve gone through just to survive.
He cannot take that his baby was fearing for their LIFE in a place they grew up.
It makes him sick that people really think in this way about people who look like you, even though you are not a bad person
Bokuto promises to be more aware of things like this in the future and mans REALLY means it
He doesn’t want anyone to feel this way while he’s around.
Kuroo also knows jack-shit about black history so he tells Bo to talk to someone WHO IS BLACK!
“Broo I gotta question?” “This better be good that you are calling at 3am bro” “ what can I do to make y/n feel safe because of r@cists?” “Idk hug her, buy food? Bo, talk to someone with her experiences like her parents or Aran.” “ THAT MAKES SENSE BRO THX☺️” “imma sleep now” BEEP
So he talks to your parents the next day about the situation yesterday and they seem really sad but not surprised.
He listens as they explain things that they went through and the severity of the problem in America.
You better BELIEVE he advocates for Black Lives Matter more than ever now. ✊🏾
He wants to educate people back home in Japan, and all his fans across the globe about this topic.
You are really proud that you could get a man as great as this one. ❤️❤️❤️
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Shut up you did not just put a fucking db Cooper joger au in the tags
you bet your ass i did!! okay okay so hear me out:
john is down on his luck and needs cash fast
get a job? get outta here!!
john chooses the life of crime
he has this brilliant get rich scheme:
a) hijack a plane
b) get hijacked plane to call the police and give him money
c) jump out of said plane with money
d) profit
so he does the thing and learns to skydive and discovers that he’s not scared of heights so this shit is PERFECT
he buys himself a ticket and prepares for some kick ass legendary action
roger loves to travel and he’s hot so he gets a job on fake panam
he loves it but every day he gets hit on by tired businessmen and businesswomen 
its tiring okay the man’s here to do his job not JUST look like a rocking babe with legs okay??
so when the hella cute passenger in seat 8A gives him a cocktail napkin, roger was like fuck it imma keep this one bc he’s purdy
(YES he has a clipon tie but hey roger wears those little sock suspenders so who is he to judge??)
meanwhile john is fucking sweating bullets okay bc he’s got his “bomb” and he’s written his note but when he gave it to the stewardess the dude just....took it?? 
didn’t say anything??
did....did he just wink??
oh my god does the stewardess have a bomb too?????
john waits a bit okay bc he’s so stressed right now he’s pitted out the shirt he borrowed from freddie and if everything goes to plan YES he can buy him a new one BUT WHAT IF HE HAS PIT STAINS IN HIS MUG SHOT
ronnie would never let him live it down
so john womans up and grabs life by the ovaries and flags the beautiful stewardess over
“so,” says the beautiful stewardess. “you go to seattle often?”
john says nothing, just gapes up at the incredibly beautiful stewardess who might also be a total fucking idiot
“i get off work an hour after we land, if you wanted to get a drink. maybe see some of the sights?” 
john’s pit stains have now become bigger pit stains
“i have a bomb,” says john.
the stewardess (is that the right term?? shit john doesn’t know is he being sexist?? crime = good but sexism = bad) raises an eyebrow, looks down at john’s crotch, and smirks
“in your pants?”
john now has two giant pit stains and also a stiffy
“no,” he says as he grabs his briefcase. “in my briefcase.” 
thirty minutes later roger is frantically ushering passengers off the plane while armed police officers throw bags on unmarked bills onto the plane
cute passenger awkward hijacker is just casually sitting in his new first case seat sipping a g&t
roger hates how hot it looks
“sorry about all this,” says the hijacker. “you’re, um...a really good stewardess--” 
“flight attendant,” roger corrects with a scowl. “don’t be sexist.” 
the hijacker has the decency to look ashamed
“again, sorry about all this. my goal is for no one to be injured.” 
“just my pride,” says roger, dejected. 
the last bag gets thrown on the plane and the pilot warms up the engine
(“you know you’re going to go to jail,” roger warns
he’s almost sad about it
do prisoners get letters while in jail?
“only if they catch me,” says the hijacker with a shrug. “should i wear my seatbelt?” )
it’s not until they’re flying does roger realize that the hijacker (”call me deaky!”) has a plan to escape
it involves a parachute and a hell of a lot of duct tape
“you’re going to die!!” screams roger over the roar of the engine and the open door
“not if i can help it!” screams back deaky. “listen, i hope i didn’t read into anything and i hope that you might feel the same and that i’m not harassing you-- i undertand that this is a high stress job and people often misconstrue friendliness for flirty but you’re really pretty and i’m about to parachute out of a moving plane and i know i kidnapped you but--”
“shut the fuck up and kiss me!” screams roger
john yanks him in by the lapels of his panam issued shirt and plants one on him like he’d never been kissed before
roger closes his eyes and leans into him, letting himself get washed away by the kiss
deaky pulls him in closer--
right before he shoves roger into the bathroom and bars the door
roger hears what sounds like a curse and the bang of a heavy object along the side of the plane and then-- 
one of the other flight attendants lets him out of the bathroom, kindly ignoring his tears
together they close the door, knowing that whoever just jumped won’t be coming back
when its all said and done and they’re circling seattle airport, roger lets himself sink into one of the seats and covers his face with his hands
“it’s been a really scary day, huh, rog,” says dom as she pulls him into a hug. “i won’t tell anyone that you were scared.” 
roger looks out the port window at the dark forest in the background and admits to himself that he’s more scared for what might have happened to deaky
the moment’s over when the police search the plane, finding no evidence that deaky ever was there except for a clip on tie and a the napkin roger had thrown to the side once he realized it wasn’t a phone number
after an extensive interview with the police, roger is released to his hotel
instead of going to bed, he sits down at the bar and ignores the news cycling through the facts in favor of his own g&t
“is this seat taken?” 
roger shakes his head, not looking at the man sliding in next to him.
“can i buy you a drink?” 
roger laughs. “whatever you want, mate. s’your money.” 
the stranger laughs, though roger doesn’t get the joke. 
“it’s funny,” says the stranger with enough mirth that roger can’t help but finally look at him. 
he promptly chokes on his g&t, sputtering tonic all over the bar.
john hands him a napkin with a grin. 
“no one ever checks the closets to make sure everyone has left the plane.” 
(and they lived happily ever after in infamy the end)
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peachyybunni · 3 years
Han was a fanboy, I mean anyone would be! His idol crush was hot and cold literally his personality, as soon as Han awoke from his nap- a loud ding was heard- a vlive notification- he reached over quickly and let out a small excited squeak! “FINALLY!!” and without a doubt the idol, lee know, smiled as Han was the first in the room saying hi like normal complimenting the idol, who in return smiled and got on his phone “thank you..” he said which threw Han off, and in the chat he said
“Me did you just- yk answer me..”
Minho laughed and smiled “yes I did” AND HAN LOST IT! Screaming into his pillow and sobbing with joy, finally being noticed happy he wasn’t talking to the other stays- what Han didn’t know was that Minho loved reading his comments, yeah sure he had stays who serenade him with the borderline same compliments but this user ‘quokka_.Han’ made his day for some unknown reason
“HANNIE GET UP go shopping for me!!” “Okay eomma!!!” And he placed a quick chat to Minho in the chat box
“Goodbye Minho good luck!!FIGHTING I’ll watch the live after I’m done shopping”
Minho had waved bye with a frown and watched the clock; after about a hour of doing this he ended the live ‘I need to shop too..get the cats their food..’ and soon he got dressed heading to the downtown shopping center and entered the quiet grocery store
Han steered the cart stopping occasionally and picking things up and lightly he felt a bump on his back and he turned seeing a guy bent down “e-excuse me your cart bumped into me…” the man looked up eyebrow raised as he fixed his mask “sorry..” Han took note of the guys attire and gave a compliment “do you like the idol lee know too, that’s one of his jacket he has did you recreate it, it looks super good??..” the man looked at the smaller and shook his head “no…this is mine..” and Hans eyes widened “y-y-“ and a loud buzzing is heard and he picked his phone up, “hell-“ “HAN JISUNG HURRY HOME IM WORRIED SICK!! It doesn’t take you a hour or more to pick up some groceries!!” “S-sorry eomma I’m coming home now” and Han nodded leaving
Minho was stuck that night in his thoughts..the kid knew his jacket..it’s weird right and he sighed, Lowkey bored outta his mind “imma text that quokka guy” he said aloud Dori looking at him and sighing, “I wonder- A HA!” he tapped the guys Instagram and sent a message
Omg! Hi um wow hi!😳
Hey! So I have a question
Yeah? What is it?🥺
We’re you the one
Who asked about my
Jacket today at
That grocery store?
*seen* 11:23
Minho knew the answer it was Han who said something but he wasn’t gonna let that slip.
Han ignored his texts that blew up his phone. he laid down shocked, scared, and embarrassed and he frowned, he couldn’t sleep though…so he got up grabbed his coat and left for a walk silently, his mind wondered as he bumped into someone falling on his butt and he looked up huffing “he-…Minho?” The man looked down helping the smaller up “yes are you a fan?” Han simply nodded “how are you” his cheeks burned from the crazy blush on his face “a little mad that you ignored me, then decided to bump into me.” Looking up his brain went to tv static and his words lost in his throat,,”I-I..how-“ “you have your pics on your Instagram.” he blushed more and pouted biting his lip “I’m…uh…why are you out on a walk?” he looked anywhere that wasn’t Minho, who stared at him smirking “so I wouldn’t scream at you over text for ignoring me, I had no idea you’d be out walking too though…would you like some tea..” Minho offered and Han nodded looking down “cmon.” And Minho grabbed ahold of Hans thin waist as they walked to his house “I- I can’t be here..” he turned to leave. the stronger of the two held him there and he smiled “it’s just tea then you can leave this is a one and only chance” Han nodded giving up “just don’t drug or murder me..” he said laughing some and Minho rolled his eyes “I can’t even if I wanted to” Han sat on the sofa shaking and Minho smiles and pats his shoulder “calm down” and he does slowly sipping the delicious tea that Minho prepared for the two of them. he doesn’t realize how late he stayed till the morning sun Rose and he was cuddled into Minho who was laying with him, cuddling him, and playing with his hair and without looking Minho mumble a low “your so cute” as he smiled down at the ‘sleeping’ han. And from then on the relationship between them grew…from just a fan and his crush on a idol but to. boyfriend and his idol boyfriend they now shared the apartment together and Han was in bliss seeing Minho everyday and being able to kiss him and hug him made his heart whole
‘I really live the y/n life huh’
He thought to his self chuckling as he sat up in bed seeing the bruises on Minho’s neck and the slight scratches on his shoulder blades. Blushing hard and looking away no doubt he looked worse than Minho- speaking of the devil he crawled on the bed over to Han and grabbed his head kissing him roughly and Han sighs into it. dragging Minho down “stay home” he mumbles pecking Minho over and over “I can’t baby you know this I gotta practice” Han unconsciously traced the hickeys on Minho’s neck and smiled Minho smirking and kissing Han “I guess I can stay for a few more minutes.” “Ohhh baby~” Han said his signature line and smiled.
﹤⳾ ⳾ ⳾﹡⊹﹡⳾ ⳾ ⳾ ⳾﹥
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~note- I pulled this outta my ass 😭🤚🏻 I had no idea what I was doing with this but I guess enjoy sorry if it’s shit LMFAO!!
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