hypertechnica · 9 months
for the electric dreams remake, all i care about is that edgar has the most obnoxious early 2000s internet aesthetic possible. i repeat, THE MOST OBNOXIOUS. 2 billion blinkies, terrible gradients, bad contrast, absolutely unreadable bullshit. if modern tech minimalism comes anywhere near that entire movie i’m going to throw up
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killmygoldenn · 4 years
I want him to do my policeman so bad. I read it and I have a good feeling he'd be great in something like that. But jesus....people being angry make so much sense because if you don't follow him from 2013 or even from 2017 you can totally think he's just that rich guy who dated Taylor and Kendall and now hooks up with his hot boss that likes to wear women fashion for fun for money or headlines but nothing more. And he's way more than that....his team really let him down on that regard and while I do think he shouldn't be forced to talk about anything, it reached a point that he can damage his own career and not doing things he wants to do only because of not being more open and approachable to fans which is a shame. Maybe he has issues with it because he preferer to let people see one side of him, maybe he got used to the world knowing him as a ladies man and has a fear of change, maybe he worries this will cause massive drama for Louis..who knows. But for his sake, they need to adress some things. He deserves to do projects and wear things he likes without getting attacked
Honestly speaking I don't know if I want him to do the role, even tho like we have no choice and there is the confirmation for the role. I liked the story personally, but I get why other people don't like the story. I understand the sentiments of the lgbtq community of being tired of the bury your gays trope and sad endings because it's justified. People being tired of not seeing themselves being represented in queer stories, having to see every queer story being white because it's justified. I do think he could play this role well *cough* due to multiple reasons *cough* but I understand why people don't want it.
Ah yeah I agree with the first part, to people who haven't followed him or aren't in the fandom, it would seem like a straight guy who playing around with his sexuality and gender (read: queerbating). And I can't blame them because that is what it comes off as to them. I read few comments of screenshots I found under the gaytimes post and I swear to god they made me feel so horrible but knowing that that is how people see Harry breaks my heart.
But I get what they mean. There are so many out queer artists, struggling to get roles because of their sexuality. The gay roles which they are things that they should have also go to straight people in terms of their qualifications. So, queer community being angry about this is absolutely right on their part. As for Harry, I don't think he would have accepted this without knowing about the backlash he is going to get and without being ready for it. Maybe he has a plan about what he's going to do and how to handle this. I have no idea how his team is going to handle this, but I really hope they do not brush this off because it's really important. I'm curious to see what they do.
And also, about Harry's image. Probably against popular belief, I don't think he's forced to do things by his management. I do think he makes conscious decisions in his career. I just feel that at this point Harry is at a comfortable position up till now when it comes to expressing himself. He is able to connect with us and his queer side through this performances and imagery and fashion and at the same time is able to market himself to the hets and GP. I don't believe someone has to come out in order for them to stop people from telling that they are queerbating, that if someone comes out, it should be on their own terms. Since Harry is in a pretty decent position rn, I understand why he wouldn't want to explicitly state his sexuality and only keeps alluding to it. I get that he cares about his career and in the industry he is a part of, this is the only best way he can go forth with things and that is not wrong. But now since he did choose to play this role he needs to understand that he can't like, be in his safe bubble. They would have to make some statement about his relationship with the queer community which already because all of this it's very strained. And it they are planning on making a statement on his sexuality I really hope they take this up as a chance.
(And note that I haven't gotten into the whole cop thing which is also problematic, I feel like this post puts that clearly since I do not think I have can explain it right)
So about the whole movie do I think it's a good idea? No. But do I think they could probably handle the situation by talking about it and clearing up things and being a bit more transparent? Maybe, but I don't have lot of hopes.
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