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Minnie the Moocher!
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 2 months
Being their older sibling would include | HC's
Includes: Charlie, Angel Dust, Alastor
Warnings: super supportive sibling energy, Valentino, murder/accessory to murder, implied abuse in Alastor's part (mentions of his father)
Let me know if anyone would want a part two and what characters — I didn't know who else to do
Being the one who is more involved with Hell's politics and inner workings — especially after Lilith vanished without a word, essentially making you the public face of the Morningstar family.
Being the one to support Charlie's dream, regardless of what everyone else thought.
Being the protective, untrusting, and sometimes overbearing/overprotective one — but only because you love Charlie and don't want anyone to take advantage of her kindness and naivete more than they already have.
Being the one to put your foot down when your father waltzed in, talking about how sinners were all horrible and undeserving of redemption. Some were undeserving. . . But others were just human souls who needed a little guidance — a little motivation. Proof things could get better.
Being the one she went to for any problem that she knew Vaggie couldn't help with.
Being the one to make her laugh the most when she was feeling down.
Being the one she takes to Heaven with her (along with Vaggie).
Being the one that Heaven's didn't want to piss off — you were every bit your parents and more. That scared them.
Being the voice of reason when it came to fighting back.
Being the one to stand with your little sister, shoulder to shoulder as you fought alongside her to help preserve a dream that she worked so hard for.
Being the one to pick up all the pieces that your father, Vaggie, and the residents couldn't.
Being the one to play dress up with her and have tea parties when she was little.
Being the one to teach her how to dance.
Being the one to sing her back to sleep during a particularly bad storm when she was much younger.
Being the one that boyfriends and girlfriends sought to appease.
Angel Dust
Being the oldest out of all the children and the only one to survive long enough to see the age of forty.
Being the one who mourned him the most.
Being the one to take care of minor injuries when he was a careless kid.
Being the only one to give him a choice.
Being the one to kill your father twice, for all the horrible things he put you and your younger siblings through.
Being the only family member to keep in contact once you made it to Hell.
Being the one who hated Valentino the most. You saw him and just knew he was no good. You had no idea what your baby brother saw in him.
Being the one who urged him to take up the offer Charlie gave him. He deserved so much more than what his life and afterlife gave him.
Being the one to go with him, just to make the moving transition easier.
Being the fiercely protective one — you'd be double damned if anyone thought they'd hurt your brother and get away with it.
Being the one to comfort him after a long day. He claimed he didn't need it, but the way he always melted in your arms said otherwise. He was Anthony with you, not Angel Dust.
Being the one who sent untraceable, anonymous death threats to Valentino that exploded in his face with glitter bombs when he opened them.
Being the first one to notice the positive change in your baby brother and knowing it had something to do with that grumpy bartender that he drunkenly went on about one night.
Being the one to stand by his side. Always.
Being the most sane sibling (not by much), but least forgiving.
Being the one to protect him from your father the best you could.
Being the one to tell him stories that your maman told you as a child — ranging all the way from fantasy and myths, all the way to true tales that had been passed down from generation to generation.
Being the one to dispose of your father's body when Alastor finally snapped and killed him. You didn't know what you were doing, but you worked quickly in hopes that the mess would be gone before your maman woke up. It was. . . But it began a cycle.
Being the one to take over household chores after the mysterious disappearance of your father, which meant you were the one to clean the bloodstains out of Alastor's clothes.
Being the one to convince him to take it down a notch — you didn't mind him taking out his father's sleazy friends, but at the rate he was going, he was going to get caught, and you only had so much time on your hands to hide evidence and remove those hard stains.
Being the first to die of an unknown sickness, not even a decade after your maman died of old age.
Being the one to greet Alastor in Hell.
Being the one to rise to power beside him — just two siblings who thrived on the screams of those who had done far worse things than kill a dozen or so people and hide the bodies.
Being the only one aside from your mother that could keep him in check.
Being the only other one he'd hate to disappoint. He was insane, yes, but if you were mad at your brother for anything serious, his smiling facade cracked.
Being the one to look for him after the battle and find him in a state of disarray that reminded you all too much of the childhood you endured for eight years before his birth.
Being the one to bring him back from the edge. Some days you reminded him too much of your mother, but other days it was comforting to hear a voice similar to hers.
Being the one to know who has his soul, but being sworn to secrecy. . . Not that you'd tell anyone anyway. It wasn't your business to tell.
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lepoppeta · 6 months
For the song asks: Charlestor
charlastor/radiobelle has the benefit of relating to a lot of tropes and aesthetics in media that i already really enjoy and have a lot of content for. that being said, the songs ive chosen for them relate more to the pilot versions of these two characters, where it was speculated that alastor was going to be more of a mysterious, unflappable background mentor figure. ive heard their relationship being compared to that of clarice starling and hannibal lecter from silence of the lambs and hannibal, and i think some of that can vibe definitely be used here.
the first song that ever came to mind for these two (in recent memory) was a dangerous game from the jekyll and hyde musical (sung by anthony warlow and linda eder).
at the touch of your hand, and the sound of your voice, at the moment your eyes meet mine - i am out of my mind, i am out of control, full of feelings i cant define.
its a sin with no name, like a tiger to tame, (and though no-ones to blame) its a crime and a shame, and the angels proclaim its a dangerous game.
im a bit of a sucker for melodramatic gothic musicals, and the vision this song brings to mind is charlie wandering the empty halls of her dilapidated hotel and cautiously dancing with alastor and his army of half-sentient shadows. it relates to charlies pov more than alastors (as in this case he would be singing about her) and how they would have to tread carefully no matter what kind of close relationship they choose to partake in.
next up is me and mr wolf (the real tuesday weld).
you have the thing i love but the fear in me is way too much. if i open wide one of us may get lost inside. me or you, one of us is going to need to die.
my favourite version of this relationship is them being mutually fucked - alastor has never really given much thought to romantic love and hes shocked that hes willing to break so many of his own rules for this silly little slice of heaven in hell; charlie responds well to alastor setting clear boundaries against her sometimes-invasive behavior, and, like any good theatre kid, he "yes-and"s her (instead of vaggies pretty consistent "no"s). however, this song also touches on the fact that charlie is (or should be) at least alastors equal in power, if not far beyond him, and its a warning that neither of them should overstep in either love or anger.
the last one ill leave you with is actually one that was made canon by helluva - its look my way (paranoid DJ, but the alternate version sung by bryce pinkham) and its a bit of an ooc situation from alastors point of view.
unless its me, and no matter what in this world i could give - its not enough to get through the walls youve conjured up to live. is this what you feel? scorned by a world that cannot comprehend what you are, so ill grant you this mercy - this bind on our souls needs to end.
this is taking into account the deal that charlie makes with alastor in the penultimate episode of the first season of hazbin. the idea is that alastor (or at least, the speculative pilot version of alastor) strongly admires charlies perseverance against her own people - the very beings shes trying so hard to save. while charlie is a relatively open book he knows that she probably doesnt let anyone, not even her own girlfriend/best friend, see the emotional toll this project has taken on her (again, this tying in more to the pilot personalities of these characters), and hes upset that her deal with him has only made things worse in that regard. he makes the choice, to his own detriment, to sever the deal without her knowledge, so that if she doesnt keep her end of the bargain it will be of no consequence to her.
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bluebellwriting · 4 years
Love Me Tender Part 3
(Note: I know Molly hasn’t been confirmed as a demon nor is she in Hell, but for the sake of the story, I’m saying that she is a demon and she is in Hell. There’s not a lot of information on the spider fam so I’m going to be taking some liberties here)
Sunday dinners at your dad’s home have always a tradition, even when you all were alive. It wasn’t religious, Lord knows if it had been you probably wouldn’t have ended up here. But when your family spends every day of their lives and afterlives meeting with mob bosses, disposing of bodies, and doing drugs, it was nice to have a reason to come together and remind each other that you were all still here. It was because of those dinners and the evenings spent cooking with your Nonna that your love of cooking came to fruition.
Oh, your Nonna. You’ve tried looking for her down here, even though you know that there was no way she was deserving of a place like this. She was a saint, the mother you deserved instead of the mother you actually had. Your mother was cold, lazy, vain, couldn’t care for her children to save her life, judgmental -- she always insisted you try whatever insane weight loss trend was popular. Nonna was kind, understanding, taught you to be tough but also how to take care of those you loved, and never tried to pit you and your sister against each other. She’s honestly the only reason yours and Molly’s relationship survived.
But when she died, you took over as the family’s cook as the only person who could actually make something without burning it. Until you yourself died at the ripe age of 23, long before the rest of your family. Your family doesn’t talk about it much, but you can just imagine what the first dinner without you was like. How sad and empty, how burnt the food must have been if there even was any.
But you’re together again and your dinners were able to survive your family’s plunge into the afterlife. Apparently, so did your family home.
As soon as you entered the threshold of the home, you and Angel were smushed into a hug by Molly.
“My darlings!” She cries. Angel and you snuggle into the warm arms of your sister and wrap your arms around her.
“How are ya, Mol?” Angel asks.
“Oh, ya know, same old, same old.”
“Are those creeps giving you trouble at the store?” You take a step back and eye your sister up and down, looking for any physical manifestation that those creepy men crushing on your sister are up to no good.
“Not since you had a little chat with them, (N/N),” she teases.
Molly’s eyes brighten at the sight of your outfit.
“Ooh! You’re wearing the new skirt and blouse! It’s so pretty on you, (Y/N)! And I know I always say this but you have a great rack girl, ya gotta show it off like this more.”
You blush brightly and cross your arms over your torso.
“Gee thanks, Molly,” you mumble.
“I don’t know how you haven’t found a man yet with that bod!” She squeals and pinches your cheeks.
“Well, since ya mentioned it...” Angel smirks.
“Nope!” You shout and storm further into the house to avoid your baby siblings.
Molly looks back at Angel with an arched brow, the question looming in the air.
You make it to the kitchen, where your father and brother are heating up the food you left here last week. You turn your nose up.
“You know, I could have made something fresh. This is all a week old! And here I thought you were going to cook for once.”
“Very funny, (Y/N),” Niss grumbles, stirring the pasta sauce you had brought over last time.
“How are ya, sweetheart?” Henroin gives you a warm hug, one that is snug and warm and reserved for his unofficially favorite child.
“I’m good, dad. Doing just fine.”
“They’re running you ragged at that hotel.”
“Which means I’m left to pick up the slack,” Niss growls. You pull away from the hug and pull your brother into a forceful hug, just to make him uncomfortable. You were the same height as Niss and a year younger, and as grumpy and infuriating he can be, you always felt the closest to him. You’d like to think he felt the same, considering he scolds you the least. Or maybe that’s just because you’re way stronger than him and you have wrestled him to the ground.
“I know, but I’m doing this for Angel--”
“Anthony,” Niss hisses.
“If he tells me he wants to go by Angel, then I’m calling him Angel.” You narrow your eyes, your irises flashing a dangerous red and your teeth grow into vicious fangs in an instant. Niss rolls his eyes but backs down, trying to hide the shiver that went up his spine.
“I still don’t see how they’re supposed to help him.”
“Neither do I but I genuinely believe that that hotel is his only chance.”
“But why do you have to be there, too?” Your father asks.
“Because I’m the only one who knows how to handle him,” you beam.
“And because she’s dating the Radio Demon,” Molly squeals as she bursts in the kitchen, followed closely by a smirking Angel.
“What?!” Your brother and dad yell.
“I am not dating the Radio Demon, right, Angel?” You stalk over to him and stomp on his foot.
“Ah! Fine, fine. But she’s got him wrapped around her little finger, don’t ya, sis?”
“What the hell does that mean, (Y/N)?” Niss growls. Your father just stares at you, his eyes empty of all emotion but his shoulders are tensed.
“It means nothing. We work together and. That’s. It.” Everyone in the kitchen is staring at you. Angel is smirking, Molly is biting her lip as she holds in a squeal, Niss looks as though he’s about to punch a wall, and your dad is still staring at you. Their eyes are like deadly sunbeams and your body is a wilting flower. You wrap your arms around yourself, wishing the ground would just swallow you up and transport you to Second Hell, or whatever lies beyond this reality. A part of you finds yourself longing for arms to hold you, to wrap around you and shield you. Longing for grey arms in a red suit to protect you.
Oh jeez, maybe you do love him.
“The sauce is burning,” you break the silence and move towards the stove. “Is the pasta ready?”
“Yeah,” Henroin says and brings a bowl of noodles to the already set table. You turn the stove off and slip on two oven mitts to bring over the pot of sauce.
“Sit down,” you command. Your siblings scurry to their seats as your dad and you arrange everything on the table.
Once you’ve all sat and filled your plates (and taken away Angel’s phone), you turn to your dad.
“So what was the big announcement?” You ask.
Henroin swallows, “Not so much of an announcement, more of a request of you and Anth-- Angel. I know this hotel has been good for you,” he says to your brother. “And it sounds like it’s been... good for you too, (Y/N). But I need you to start pulling your weight around here, especially you, (Y/N).”
“Why me?” (Y/N) you ask, sending your father an incredulous look. “I thought I told you I wanted out of all of that nasty business.”
“Because some of our partners respond better to you. You have a way with people, in the way that is below my stature and beyond anything your brother can do.”
“Dad!” Niss yells, offended.
“Shut up. Now listen, (Y/N), you can still stay at the hotel, do whatever the hell it is you do there,” he gives you a pointed look, hinting that he hasn’t forgotten the Radio Demon business.
“But when I need you to attend a meeting or negotiation,” he continues. “I expect you to be there. You owe your family that.”
You look down at your barely-picked-at-plate, having suddenly lost your appetite.
“I’m guessing you have a meeting soon that you think I’d be well-suited for,” you mumble.
“There’s an Overlord we need to do some business with and I finally convinced her to have an audience. But word on the street is that she responds better to friends or women. And since we’re not friends and I’m definitely not sending Molly--”
“Daddy, you wound me!”
“--That leaves you, kid. We’re counting on you.”
You nod your head. The conversation continues, your siblings argue, Henroin gives you details for the meeting but you let it all wash over you like a wave. You actually thought you could finally start living for yourself for once, that you could stop taking care of others. You were wrong.
The city is alive with the sound of laughing and screaming, but all you can think about is the meeting tomorrow with Rosie, an Overlord and the owner of Rosie’s Emporium. Your eyes are heavy from the chaotic dinner, the three times you had to keep Niss from launching himself across the table at Angel, Molly talking your ear off about some cute man who would be perfect for you, and the new weight that has been added to your shoulders. It takes everything in you not to crash the car on your way home.
When you arrive back at the hotel it’s late at night and somehow Angel has boundless energy. He prances to the door, calling out about some party he’s been invited to by Cherri.
“Angel, it’s a Sunday night,” You scold.
“And? My work doesn’t exactly require me to be up and at em at 8, doll.” He bursts through the doors and immediately goes over to Husk and the bar, probably to pregame. You shuffle your way inside after him, rubbing your temples in an effort to tame the ache developing in your head.
“Oh, darling,” Alastor sings. He dances into the lobby from the kitchen, smile as wide as ever, holding two steaming mugs. Except instead of one of his pristine suits, he is dressed in slacks, suspenders, a shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a red apron. He looks completely and utterly adorable, and you’re just loving the view of his lithe forearms.
As soon as he heard Angel’s voice bothering Husk, Alastor came running to the lobby with the hot chocolate he had spent hours perfecting. His first batch was too bitter, the second far too sweet for anyone’s liking, and the third was accidentally consumed by Charlie (who is now hiding somewhere in the hotel to avoid his wrath). Plus, he had to endure Charlie’s relentless teasing. But he was certain this would be the perfect cup of liquid goodness to impress his sweetest darling. And judging by your tense shoulders and the stress in the lines of your face, you would definitely be needing something to lift your spirits.
“Goodness, did the dinner not go well?”
You released a deep, exhausted sigh, and lifted your head slowly to meet his eyes. For a moment, Alastor wonders if this might have been the wrong move. You were clearly worn out. You probably just wanted to shut yourself in your room and go to bed and not have anything to do with him and his boyish attempts to woo you. Hot chocolate, really? What was he thinking? Someone like you deserved something lavish, and you would probably scoff at something so simple as a hot drink.
His shoulders deflate at your lack of smile.
“It went about the same as it always did,” you sigh. “Siblings fighting, me saving dinner, my sister trying to set me up with some man.”
Alastor has to restrain the growl bubbling up in his chest.
Your eyes fall to the two mugs in his hands. You sniff the air and smile at the rich scent.
“Is that hot chocolate?”
“Oh... yes, it is.”
“Mm, is there any left?”
“Well of course! I made this cup especially for you, dearest!” He practically shoves the mug into your hands.
You quickly lift the mug to your lips and hope to all that is good and holy that he chalks your blushing cheeks to the heat of the drink.
“Oh, Alastor, this is wonderful. Thank you. I really needed this after the night I had.” You smile up at him, the lines in your face easing immediately. It’s enough to make the Radio Demon’s knees quake.
“You are absolutely welcome...” He pauses. The original plan was to woo you with the drink, whisk you off to a remote corner of the hotel, and attempt to confess his undying love to you. But the yawn you try to stifle almost causes him to deflate. Almost.
“Would like to talk about it, love? I’m all ears! U-Unless you’re too tired. You absolutely do not have to--”
Love. Love. You grip the mug tighter.
“Actually, Alastor, that would be lovely. If you don’t mind.”
Alastor grins.
“Not at all.”
He places a hand on the small of your back and transports you both to the library. He snaps his fingers and a fire lights up the room for you both. You flop onto the couch and Alastor takes a seat beside you, making a point to sidle up to you as you proceed to detail everything about your day.
At first you were rather restrained, convinced that the last thing this important, powerful, strong, kind, considerate, lovely man wanted was to listen to your problems. But as he asked more and more questions, he opened you up like an oyster, waiting patiently for the pearl inside.
“So now I’m meeting with this Rosie tomorrow. Something about transporting her goods across territories.”
“Rosie, you say?”
“Yes. Oh, do you know her?”
“Why yes! She’s an old and dear friend. But, um, quite ruthless towards strangers. You said you’re going alone?”
“Is that... normal? I mean, for you to go alone to meet such dangerous individuals.”
“Oh, yes. I’ve been doing so since I was 18 and alive.”
Alastor chokes on his drink.
“That young?”
“I grew up in the mafia, Al.” You send him a coy smile. “I’m not as defenseless as I look.”
“Oh, I never doubted that, dearest, but... to not have anyone there for support...”
“When you grow up the way I did, you learn not to trust anyone. Not fully at least, and definitely not until you know them well enough.”
“Is that right... Do... Do you trust me, then? Or have I not earned that honor?” Alastor smiles at you but within he is a mess. This is it. The moment you tell him that he’s far too dangerous, too vicious, too disgusting for you to ever let into your life in the way he craves.
“You’re on your way.” You smirk at him and the light floods back into his body. That’s a start.
“So, would you allow me to accompany you tomorrow then?”
“Oh, no, Alastor I could never impose on you like that--” He’s just being polite, you tell yourself. He doesn’t actually want to spend time with you outside of the hotel, isn’t actually concerned with whether you die at the hands of this Rosie.
“Nonsense, my darling.” He leans down, smelling the chocolate on your breath. His nose is so close to yours, your lips just as near to his. He could lean forward just a bit, feign a fall, just for one chance to kiss you like he’s dreamed.
“I would love nothing more than to be your knight in shining armor.”
You smile, “Just to be clear, if you are going to escort me, Alastor. I am no damsel in distress.” You boop his nose and giggle at the hot blush on his cheeks.
“But,” you continue, “I would love nothing more than to have your company tomorrow.”
“Well, then have it you shall, love.”
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Because last year or so, Angel Dust was that idea for, "What if a Hazbin Hotel character became a guest character in Mortal Kombat?" and I went with Alastor because he seemed more fitting. But Angel Dust is still fitting. And considering that I made Blitzo and Eda work. Time I finally make this post dedicated to my favorite spider demon porn star of Hell lol.
Angel Dust: Gonna admit, you're much better looking in person.
Johnny Cage: I feel...very weird about this.
Angel Dust: Ah come on, I'm just saying your hot!
Angel Dust: I actually enjoy your movies you know. I find them entertaining.
Johnny Cage: I guess I feel honored to have a fan like you.
Angel Dust: I mainly watch them for you though handsome.
Johnny Cage: You're...a porn star from Hell?
Angel Dust: Yup, not joking.
Johnny Cage:...am I on drugs right now?
Johnny Cage: Your name is based on a drug, you're a porn star, and you're from Hell?
Angel Dust: Yeah...I'm not shitting you.
Johnny Cage:...what the fuck is your Hell?
Angel Dust: Seriously, I like your movies.
Johnny Cage: I still don't know if I should be honored or feel weird.
Angel Dust: Come on! Your acting is so much better than some acting I've seen in porn films!
Kabal:...what in the literal fuck are you?
Angel Dust: Holy shit, everyone keeps saying that.
Kabal: You're a gay...spider demon...porn star...from Hell what?
Angel Dust: So, someone sent you to kill me fast boy?
Kabal: Yep, someone paid me to kill you freak.
Angel Dust: I want you to try crispy roadrunner. >:)
Baraka: What in the ten Hell's are you?
Angel Dust: I'm Angel Dust, porn star from Hell.
Baraka: That doesn't make sense!
Kano: Well, aren't you a freaky, but pretty looking spider lady.
Angel Dust: Sorry sweetheart. I'm actually a man. >:)
Kano:...and you just ruined my fantasies. >:(
Kano: Gonna say...I could keep you around...like a pet.
Angel Dust: You try to own me, I'm filling you with bullets.
Kano: Try me.
Angel Dust: So...you've been controlled and taken advantaged by someone you hate?
Scorpion: Yes...I have been.
Angel Dust: In some way, I can relate strangely.
Scorpion: This Valentino you speak of...sounds like a monster.
Angel Dust: Trust me...he is.
Scorpion: Would you like me to relive you of that burden?
Scorpion: Valentino must be punished.
Angel Dust: Scorpy...he's an Overlord. You don't wanna fuck with that.
Scorpion: He will burn for what he did to you and others.
Angel Dust: Gonna say Hanzo...you're not bad looking.
Scorpion: Your charm can not work on me.
Angel Dust: Awww, you're no fun.
Angel Dust: Woo! For such a chilly guy. You're quite the looker Kuai Liang.
Sub Zero: Wooing me will not win this fight Angel Dust.
Angel Dust: God damn it! Fucking would be better than fighting anyway!
Angel Dust: Okay, I love seeing all of you guys near or just straight up shirtless.
Jax: I am not doing anything nasty with you!
Angel Dust: Ah come on! You're killing me Jax! You're maybe not married anymore!
Angel Dust: Well aren't you adorable.
Cassie Cage: Call me that again, and I'm kicking your spider ass!
Angel Dust. ADORABLE. >:)
Cassie: You're...some kinky spider demon?
Angel Dust: You know it toots. Women get charged extra.
Cassie:...I feel so weird now.
Spawn: I know who you are Anthony?
Angel Dust: How the fuck do you know my real name!?
Spawn: I know who you and your entire family are, and why you're in Hell.
Spawn: You don't deserve what Valentino does to you.
Angel Dust: Spawn baby, he's an Overlord, you can't fight him.
Spawn: One, don't call me baby. Two, I can make Val scream like a bitch.
Spawn: You better not fuck up Charlie's dreams Angel.
Angel Dust:...how the fuck do you know Charlie?
Spawn: I've visited your Hell before...and it's the most batshit insane one I've seen ever.
Sonya Blade: Don't think I haven't looked up your history.
Angel Dust: How do you know that bitch?
Sonya: No one is forgetting your family's history Anthony.
Angel Dust: I've heard about you Miss Clawthorne.
Eda: I can say the same about you Mr. Dust.
Angel Dust: I always love me a lawbreaking and sassy lady.
Angel Dust: You, me, and Cherri. Imagine all the shit we can do.
Eda: It sounds enticing, I'll admit.
Angel Dust: Oh trust me baby, it is.
Eda: Valentino sounds even worse than some of my ex's.
Angel Dust: Trust me, he's worse.
Eda: Guess we'll pay him a visit and I'll make him regret going to Hell.
Blitzo: Holy shit, it's the porn star.
Angel Dust: Ah, you a fan?
Blitzo:...maybe...maybe. 😳
Angel Dust: Oh Blitzy! Stolas told me all about you!
Blitzo: He did what!?
Angel Dust: Yeah...let's just say me and him can relate on some levels.
Angel Dust: Can you suck my dick now?
Alastor: HA! No!
Angel Dust: Heh, still your loss.
Alastor: Angel! Stop putting bows on my tail!
Alastor: You are aware that Charlie isn't here to protect you? Do you Angel.
Alastor: Don't you dare say it again.
Angel Dust: Alastor, your mom gay!
Alastor: I will peel your skin off of your bones!
Angel Dust: Aww, you still traumatized by seeing me pole dancing naked?
Alastor: How dare you remind me of that horrible memory!
Angel Dust: Haha! You cried to Charlie like a little bitch!
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sillypandalover91 · 4 years
Bayou Date Ch.2
“And done!” Niffty snipped off the excess thread connecting her pink masterpiece from her old sewing machine and held it out to Angel, “Try it on! Try it on! Try it on!”
Angel laughed as he inspected the seams, “Alright alright, hold on to your tits.” He tugged off his sweater and leggings and carefully pulled the dress over his head after pulling in his second pair of arms. The dress fit like a glove.
“Wowee, Alastor sure is gonna love it,” said the little demon as she checked the dress for any stray threads and smoothed down the skirt.
Twirling once, Angel grinned down at Nifty, “I hope so, toots.” He slipped back out of it and put his clothes back on, “Thanks again for helping me make it. We have a date tonight and I wanna to dress up for it, ya know?”
“Yes. Like that one time you wore that really pretty red dress for the New Years fundraiser ball and Al wore the black and red pinstripe suit you made him and you two went up to the pool and danced.”
Freezing, Angel asked, “How do you know we went up to the pool?”
“I went up to take you guys some wine and food.”
“You didn’t see us, you know, foolin around, did ya?”
“No,” she said almost dejectedly, “I know boundaries. I left when I saw you two taking your clothes off. Alastor wouldn’t want me looking at you two like that.” Niffty perked up, “But I did get oodles of inspiration for my fanfiction and a dōjinshi or two.”
Angel shook his head fondly, “Well, so long as you give me first dibs of your work, and don’t bug Al for details, I don’t mind. Thanks again, baby girl.” He folded the dress over one arm and made his way to his room to hang it in a dress bag on his closet door, then walked back out with Fat Nuggets at his heels. There was still a picnic to pack and a desert to make.
Alastor was excited.
He’d risen early in the morning, leaving his beau to get a few more hours, and completed all of his hotel duties before lunch so that he could meet Mimzy for some light shopping for his date with Angel in the evening.
“I don’t see why I can’t just wear what I typically wear,” he said when he met her at the plaza, “Mon Ange always says that I’m quite fetching no matter what I’m wearing.”
Mimzy rolled her eyes before linking their arms and led him to a lingerie shop, “Anything good you have is because Rosie and I force you to get them.”
Alastor allowed it as he had been at the store several times on his own for personal purchases to numb his previous embarrassment. Several of the patrons inside made their purchases quickly before scurrying out. He smiled at his friend when she gently squeezed his arm in reassurance and parted ways to browse the new inventory of nightwear.
After their trip to the lingerie store, Mimzy dragged him to a tailor where she sweet talked the spider demon to push Alastor’s fitting ahead of the line. Not that had been necessary. Any friend of Anthony’s was a friend of his and the spider demon pulled out suit after suit for Alastor to try on, much to the latter’s annoyance and Mimzy’s delight.
They, she, settled on a silver grey suit and a crimson tie. Alastor drew the line when the tailor attempted pin the loose fabric of the suit while he still wore it. With a snap of his fingers, Alastor was wearing his usual outfit and the suit appeared in the spider’s hands along with a slip of paper with his measurements written, “I have an appointment with Angel Dust this evening. Do have it ready by then.”
After Alastor and Mimzy shared a light lunch, they parted ways. Alastor quickly walked back home to thoroughly bathe himself. His shadow skipped next to him betraying just how excited he was.
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"five times touched"
send me "five times touched" for a drabble about five times my muse touched yours!
((This shall be under
Charlie wiped her brow, a pleased smile on her face.
"This is everything, right, guys?"
"Yeah, justabout..." Angel responded in a mumbled, holding his and his twin's pet pig.
With that, the blonde bounded towards the spider demons before digging around in her dress pants pockets. The keys retrieved, she first reached for one of Angel's free hands, gently placing one in it before closing his fingers around it. Then, she reached for Devil's hand to do the same, shaking it slightly when his fingers were closed around his key.
"Welcome to the Happy Hotel, you two!"
Devil looked down at his hand for a moment.
"Uh... Yeah... Thanks, toots."
The princess released his hand then, bounding back over to Vaggie.
"We'll leave you two to get settled in. If you need anything, let us know!~"
"And don't cause trouble!" Vaggie added.
"Nooooo promises, babe," Angel hummed.
Vaggie could only huff before Charlie led her out of the room and towards the lobby.
"Are you positive about this, hun...?"
The Hellborn demoness beamed.
"Absolutely... They're perfect for our first guests!"
"'Ey Charlie. Ya doin' okay?"
Charlie looked up from her journal, hastily closing it as she was met with the sight of one of the Spider Brothers.
"Hey, Devil! Yeah, I'm fine!" she responded sweetly, "Why do you ask?"
She watched him hesitate for a moment before he came closer with the clack clacking of his boots against the hardwood of her office floor. He stopped in front of her desk, holding his phone out for her.
The princess visibly deflated at what she saw.
... This... was a clip of that disaster of an interview. Everyone was laughing. And the title hit her harder.
'Daddy must be So Proud'
"I din' realize things 'er that bad-"
"Devil. Stop... It's okay..." she said gently, "Bygones, yeah?"
She reached to grab one of his hands, a soft smile on her face.
"Devil, things are getting better now. Alastor and the others are helping now, so from there, things should be easier."
She gave a gentle squeeze.
"You don't have to worry about it... Okay...?"
He stared at their hands for a moment before closing his fingers around hers.
"Whadeva ya say, babe."
Knock knock.
No response.
Charlie swallowed before knocking again.
"Devil, may I come in...? I want to talk..."
She was worried...
"... Come in..." she heard from the other side of the door.
Carefully, she pushed the door open, met with the sight of a blaket burrito on the bed, facing away from the door and by extention her.
The demon princess carefully shut the door behind herself before approaching the bed. She stepped out of her shoes to crawl onto the bed next to him.
"... How are you holding up...?"
No reply.
... She needed to think of something...
Then an idea struck her.
"Hey Devil... Have you ever heard the story of the Velveteen Rabbit...?"
The spider demon glanced at her.
"Well... you know what made him real, right...?"
He slightly rose a brow at that.
"Love..." she said gently, reaching up to move the makeshift blanket hood off of his head.
Devil blinked.
"No matter what... you're still real to me... You're still real to us... Because... we love you..."
The spider demon then turned to face her, staring at her.
"... Chuck..."
Then she gently pulled him into a hug then, one hand gently stroking through his soft hair.
"And... the fact that you can love us back... shows just how human you really are..." she murmured against his scalp.
There was silence for a moment.
Then, he nuzzled to bury his face in her shoulder, and there came some muffled sobs...
Charlie simply cotinued to pet through his hair, rocking side to side with him in her arms.
The halo appeared over the moth demoness's head, and Charlie couldn't keep her wet smile from widening.
"Look at you, Vaggie... You did it...!"
Vaggie looked at her hands, her skin fading from gray to the brown that it was in life.
"Yeah... I... I guess I did..."
The infernal princess's smile faltered slightly.
"What's wrong...? You're going to reach your happy ending..."
The x on her face was fading away, her sclera turning white and her iris turning black.
"But... is it really a happy ending without you...?" the former demoness said quietly.
Charlie smiled as she came closer, gently holding her girlfriend's arms.
"Of course it is... Life goes on without me... You can find happiness with or without me..." she whispered, "Do me a favor... and tell Anthony that we said 'Hi' when you see him... Alright...?"
The Latina's hair was shortening, the grey fading into a brilliant brown tinted black. Tears started to spill out of her beautiful dark eyes.
"T-Te amo, Charlie...!" she choked.
Charlie smiled, tears forming in her own eyes as she leaned down and forward to rest her forehead on Vaggie's.
"Y yo también te amo, mi corazón... Más de lo que jamás sabrás... Adiós..." she said softly.
Familiar striped wings sprouted from the new angel's back. And a holy light shrouded her.
And consequently sent the princess back in screaming agony.
She barely registered hands catching her by her shoulders from behind, being crowded around by the others, nor Vaggie's voice fading into nothing.
"Chuck! Chuck you alright!?"
"Get her inside! Now!"
She was lifted up off the ground. She thought. She couldn't quite tell. Her arms, her forehead, they burned! She was certain she'd never felt this sort of pain before.
She was... lain on the couch in the lobby now... right...?
Her blazer's sleeves were torn off, and a hiss escaped from her clutched teeth.
"Starai bene! Tienimi la mano!"
Blindly, she grabbed around until she managed to get a hold of a gloved hand. Some sort of cream was applied to her burns, and she squeezed.
All the while, she heard gentle singing in Italian.
How long has it been at this point...?
She wasn't entirely sure anymore.
The queen stared out the window of her hotel room up at the haloed planetoid hanging in the dark red sky, idly picking at her long sleeves.
How many have come here...?
How many have ascended...?
And how was everyone doing up there...?
Charlie chuckled a bit.
God, she felt old thinking like this...
"Hey, Charlie?"
The demoness truned from the window, a fond smile stretching on her face.
"Yes, Devil...?" she asked softly.
"Coodja do me a favor real quick?"
The greying blonde stood up.
She watched as the spider demon stepped fully in the room holding up a rather familiar gown.
"Put dis on."
She tilted her head curiously for a moment before chuckling a bit.
"That old thing...?"
"I wanna see ya in it."
She moved over towards him, grabbing it from his hand before he pointed to her closet.
"Alright, alright, one moment..." she laughed slightly before moving to where he pointed.
She shut the closet door behind herself and looked at the gown for a moment. How long had it been since she wore this...? And yet it looked like new... The black never faded a bit since the last she wore it.
And actually, when did this leave her closet in the first place?
She shook her head in amusement before changing out of her suit. And carefully stepping into the gown.
She looked at the full body mirror once it was on.
Her hair was shorter than it used to be. Thinner and greyer too. Her face was worn with creases at the corners of her eyes and around her mouth. She looked at the sleeves of her black gown, the thorny leaf shaped patterns that made it up being the only things covering the unsightly scars on her forearms. Self conciously, she held her arms before looking at the door.
He's probably waiting for her out there...
Uneasily, she made her way to the door, peeking out of the closet.
She was met by the sight of Devil waiting idly by her music player, dressed more formally than she'd left him.
Huh... That was a little unexpected. And wow he got changed fast. Or did she take longer getting dressed than she realized?
She smiled, a brow cocked higher as she stepped out of the closet.
"It's been a while since I last saw you in that," she noted idly, closing the door behind her.
He only hummed in reply before pushing a button on her music player, instantly filling the room with music. Then, he exteded a hand towards her.
"Dance wit me, Chuck."
"Well aren't you in a bossy mood this evening," she laughed before approaching him, lifting the skirt of her gown to avoid stepping on it.
When she got close enough, she took his hand, immediately finding herself pulled closer to him. Two arms were draped over her shoulders, and his fourth hand was resting on her waist as he started leading the dance. She simply let out a giggle as she moved with him.
Turning, spinning, stepping, swaying...
"Inside of every demon is a rainbow...~" her own younger voice emitted from the speakers.
"I'm guessing you were feeling sentimental tonight...?'
"Maybe..." he hummed in response as he twirled her, "Dat a problem, majesty?"
"Not in the slightest..."
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your-eddie-richie · 4 years
𝑰 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 // 𝑫.𝑴
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It only took a few minutes before we were outside the front doors of the castle. Being the gentleman he is, Cedric helped Cho, Luna, and I out of the carriage, smiling at the way I blushed when his hand met mine.
"Cedric there you are mate!" Cedric and I turned to see a tall black haired boy in Hufflepuff robes make his way over to us. "Eric, this is Danielle Thomas, Cho Chang, and Luna Lovegood, ladies this is my best mate Eric Richardson." Cedric introduced us all and we all shook hands exchanging brief hellos. "So this is the girl you met on the train." Eric teased. "Well Danielle I'm sorry but I must steal your lover boy away from you." Eric clapped Cedric on the shoulders as a dark blush dusted Cedric's face. "I'll see you after the feast!" Cedric called as he was ushered away by Eric, throwing a smile my way. Turning I locked eyes with Cho, matching the wide smile she had.
Subsequently it took us about another ten minutes before we were seated at the Ravenclaw table in the great hall, talking with others about how our summer break was and if we visited any places. "Dani, how was your summer break?" Padma Patil smiled. Then we were off into a conversation about how I spent most of my summer with my mum doing muggle things.
Before long the sorting ceremony started. After about 50 different kids getting sorted between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw and a lot of clapping and cheering Dumbledore was ready to give his speech.
"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..."
Dumbledore was cut off as Filch ran well more like hobbled between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables, making his way to whisper into Dumbledore's ear, then hobbling off out of the Great Hall.
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."
We all watched in awe as some of the most beautiful girls made their way into the Great Hall dancing around, mostly charming the guys.
"Psst, Dani." I glanced at Cho as she motioned her head to the Hufflepuff table. Confused, I quickly glance over only to meet the gaze of Cedric. As soon as my eyes met his he smiled and sent me a wink causing me to go crimson turning back to the Ravenclaw table. "He hasn't even glanced at the Beauxbatons girls." Cho murmured as what had to be the tallest lady I've ever seen walked into the Great Hall following the Beauxbatons girls.
"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master Igor Karkaroff."
It was then that the Great Hall erupted into whispers as Victor Krum along with other Durmstrang boys entered the hall, spinning bo staffs and breathing fire. "Terry it's Victor Krum!" Anthony Goldstein almost had a heart attack as him and Terry Boot started to whisper excitedly about Quidditch. After embracing Igor Karkaroff, Dumbledore let the feast begin.
After piling my plate and eating enough to stuff me like a turkey, Dumbledore stood, clearing his throat while waving his hand, taking away everything on the tables, leaving them bare.
"Your attention please! I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the triwizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." He paused a moment as the Great Hall buzzed with excited whispers coming from every inch of the hall.
"For this reason the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the department of international magic cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch."
No sooner than the words left his mouth a great crack of thunder sounded over head, and rain began to pour from the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall, causing many screams of surprise. Then a man stepped out of the shadows, his wand drawn, casting a spell that caused the thunder and rain to cease, returning the ceiling back to the starry night. "Blimey! That's Alastor Moody! That's Mad-Eye Moody!" Terry Boot gasped as Mad-Eye limped up to where Dumbledore stood, saying something brief before taking a seat at the head table, taking a swig from a flask. I didn't bother to listen to Terry or Anthony gawk over the mysterious man.
"After much deliberation the ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the tri-wizard tournament. This decision is final."
The Great Hall erupted into a stream of boo's and yells about how unfair Barty's rules were, how they were rubbish. I rolled my eyes, not too interested in listening to everyone argue. I almost jumped out of my skin when Dumbledore roared over the crowd. "Silence!" The hall went dead silent  immediately, not a soul muttered a single word. I glanced back over to the Hufflepuff table, watching Cedric as he intently waited for more information. All eyes were on the headmaster as he waved his wand over a box all of us watching in awe as it melts away into a goblet.
"The goblet of fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves for the tournament merely write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night. Do not do so lightly, if chosen there's no turning back. As from this moment the tri-wizard tournament has begun."
Not too long after we were all dismissed to our common rooms, and it was then that the Great Hall got loud again with the murmurs of the twi-wizard tournament. "This is awesome! I told you this year was going to be great didn't I?" Cho giggled as we stood, ready to get to bed. It was then I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning I was met with Cedric's bright smile and his blue eyes."Danielle, I wanted to tell you goodnight, and I was wondering if I could possibly see you before classes start tomorrow?" "Goodnight to you too Cedric and that would be nice, I'll um... see you in the morning then." I spoke softly before parting ways with him, catching up to Luna, Padma and Cho while anticipating the lovely feeling of my dorm beds sky blue silk sheets and breakfast tomorrow. 
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Summary of the Future
If Hazbin Hotel had a happy ending and the series continued...here’s how I idealize it...
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Not too long ago, the blonde, white-faced Princess Charlie decided to propose an idea that was downright ridiculous and outlandish to everyone else. She created the Happy Hotel as a place where sinners could learn how to be better people and hopefully, complete their own unique journeys toward redemption. Though Charlie was mocked and ridiculed, she wasn’t going to give up. A gray moth-like demon named Vaggie was her girlfriend and tough with a deadly spear. Angel Dust, a white porn-loving spider demon had been involved with drugs, turf wars, and was Hell’s number one porn star. Despite his sins, he had volunteered to help Charlie with her hotel and became her first client.
 Alastor had arrived to the hotel as well, and offered to help Charlie run her hotel so he could be entertained for a while. He summoned other demons for assistance: a little hyperactive neat-freak cyclops named Niffty, and a grumpy gambling cat named Husk who always had a bottle of alcohol in his paws. Charlie was immediately enraptured with Alastor, even dancing and singing with him whenever the occasion arose. Vaggie, of course, was suspicious of him, even more so when he appeared to hinder Vaggie and Charlie’s relationship.
 Charlie’s hope was that demons would be redeemed enough to be eligible to go to Heaven. This way, there would be less demons lost to the annual slaughter by the Archangels. Soon, she had hoped, there would only be happiness and a second chance given to everyone. In her own words and in her song, “Inside of every demon is a rainbow.” Lilith was often too busy with modeling and concerts to pay much attention to Charlie, but supported her the best she could. For obvious reasons, her father had disapproved of her idea. Having been banished from Heaven for rebelling against God, Lucifer gained his position by implementing fear and using his destructive powers. The Archangels spared the royal family in return for Lucifer letting them kill off the “common scum folk.” If demons were to leave, it could lead to a war between Heaven and Hell if the circumstances did not go well.
 Indeed, things had gone from bad to worse. It started off with Alastor causing mischief barely noticed by anyone, save for Vaggie and Husk. He had changed the hotel name to the Hazbin Hotel. It was the little things he did: igniting a brawl here, encourage a bad rating there, all while keeping up appearances and encouraging the princess to work harder toward her goal.
 It was speculated by many that Alastor actually wanted Charlie to succeed. The pretty blonde demon/angel hybrid had caught his eye when he first saw her on TV. Although he wasn’t interested in sex or romance, he did enjoy fun affectionate friendships…provided they benefited him and his goals. In fact, he was friends with many individuals, particularly Charlie, Rosie, Mimzy, Husk, and Niffty.
 After many months of hard work, battles with evil overlords, parental brawls, and drama, many demons had been successfully rehabilitated, including Vaggie, Angel Dust and his twin sister, Molly. They had defeated/humiliated the maniac snake villain Sir Pentious, outsmarted the evil fish scientist Baxter, bested the evil Vs, (Valentino, Vox, and Velvet), along with saving themselves from more angels. Angel, Molly, Crymini, and Cherri Bomb had been active fighters when they weren’t hooked on meth or doing pole dancing for the lustful crowds. Husk slowly got out of his dark shell, made amends with his past and slowly started to warm up to everyone. Niffty got delusional in her fantasies of romance, men and power as she cooked, sewed, and cleaned. Whether she was redeemed and remained cute or turned psychotic…no one really knows. Charlie and the others were ready to reach the golden heavenly gates and change their afterlives…
 Unfortunately, the angels in Heaven weren’t so keen to let any sinners enter Heaven so easily. They told Molly that she could enter as she wasn’t a demon, and Vaggie could enter if she took on penance and renounced her sins. Elite and entitled, the angels shooed Charlie, Niffty, Husk, Alastor, Angel and several others away, even sending some Archangels after them. Charlie and Lucifer blasted the angels back with their powers, saving the demon group and escaping back to Hell. But her actions caused inner mental concerns for her parents, God and the angels. God suspected that Charlie and Lucifer were trying to upstage Heaven’s duties and traditions. No matter what, Hell’s population would continue to grow, and surely the angels would be outnumbered if a war were to begin.
 Charlie’s parents were not happy that Charlie had broken up with Seviathan Von Eldritch (like Leviathan the sea monster), Helsa’s brother and member of a wealthy rival family. She and Helsa were already fierce rivals, both families competing to be the most influential in Hell. In addition, they were getting tired of Charlie’s pursuit and wanted her to conform to Hell’s standards. Being a fearsome leader was, according to her father, Charlie’s destiny. After arguing with her parents and refusing to give up, Charlie had gone to Vaggie and Alastor for comfort. Vaggie comforted her and told her the harsh reality of the situation. Still, she refused to give up, despite feeling like a failure. Charlie decided to figure out a way to negotiate with her parents and the angels. Before she could proceed further however, Alastor comforted her with his velvety announcer voice and took her arm in arm for a walk.
 The two of them sang, and danced, and even shared a kiss. Charlie felt like Alastor was redeeming himself and that things would be alright in the end.
 It was at that optimal moment, that the predatory Radio Demon pounced upon his gullible prey.
 Taken by surprise by surrounding voodoo spirits and black tentacles, Charlie fought back as much as she could. But a Creole lullaby sung by Alastor soon rendered her helpless. Charlie was kidnapped and briefly held hostage in Alastor’s lair. No rape or beating was involved, just a bunch of creepy touching and mind manipulating. He didn’t possess her but did manage to get her on his side when they were face to face with the king and queen. Alastor’s evil shadow held an angel’s spear to Charlie’s throat, a weapon capable of killing any demon. Alastor knew that his powers would not be enough against Lucifer. So he did the one thing to catch him off-guard: go for his child.
 Alastor soon proposed a deal with Lucifer and Lilith: Charlie and her hotel would be spared…in exchange for the throne. Lucifer accepted…and soon found his dark powers depleted, traveling into Alastor’s microphone staff. He and the dark spirits were now free to take over Hell, cause chaos and feast on innocent demon bodies and souls.
 It was at this moment that Alastor had a choice to make…one that could determine the fate of Hell itself. His mother was currently in Heaven, and he hadn’t seen her for decades. For a brief moment, Alastor saw Charlie and her friends struggling against the Exterminators…even Lucifer and Lilith were having a hard time. He could either give into his evil carnal desires; claiming Hell and its denizens as his own. Or he could step in, save Charlie and the others (while giving back Lucifer’s power and everyone’s free will.) He could free Husk and Niffty from their servitude to him, deeply apologize and help save the day.
 If Alastor followed the good path, Charlie would be successful at last. A negotiation would be made: sinners could go to Heaven after proving themselves worthy in different ways. Some would go into rehabilitation at the hotel. Others would have to go through punishments in the other circles of Hell. Some would even be tested and “relive” their lives as humans in simulated scenarios of their former past. God also stated that all his subjects would have the choice to die a second time in the void…and that second death was still possible and unpredictable. Aside from God, and the long-living angels and deities, no one is truly immortal.
 If Charlie’s plan succeeded, then the rewards would all be worth it.
 Charlie and Vaggie would be happily married in Heaven, with their friends beside them in different forms as angels. Were they animal? Or human? Or a fusion of both? Vaggie transformed into a black-haired human women she had been before, save for her one eye and new black glistening moth wings from her back. Her human voice had returned to her and she discovered her human name: Vagatha. Husk remained a cat but with black angel wings instead of red wings with card suits on them. He found love in Heaven and discovered his human name: Hustle. If Niffty turned good, she, too would be happy and cheerful, resembling her human form more. If Baxter turned good, he would use his intelligence to make inventions and heal others with science. Alastor’s suit became light blue, white and brown, his human voice returned, and his head was now that of a red male deer. He and his dark-skinned mother embraced for a long time, bringing Charlie and the others to happy tears. Angel Dust discovered his true name; Anthony, and his face turned more human, though his hair was still white and he still had jumping/fighting abilities. He agreed to do porn/drugs outside of Heaven and only on occasion. Vaggie reunited with her family, while Angel, Molly and Aracknis spend time with their mother, Aranea (Latin for spider). (Their father Henroin was abusive).
Charlie served as a mediator between Heaven and Hell, she was half Angel and half Demon, after all. Her parents stayed and ruled Hell but the royal family could visit each other every other month. Vaggie advocated for women and Hispanic souls…and violent souls who had been wronged in life.
Angel Dust and his siblings were still very much troublemakers, but they started to mend old wounds from their times of being Italian mafia members and drug abusers. Both Husk and Angel were mentors for kids who came into Heaven, and also took care of pets and animals that died on Earth.
Alastor hosted new radio shows complete with dad jokes, New Orleans’ jazz and listings of Creole food recipes. (He still has to be reminded not to announce gruesome murders nor to perform any…he had to get used to not having dark powers anymore.) He ate pork and meat in replacement of demon/human flesh, for despite having the head and features of a deer, his new teeth were human and fairly sharp. In Heaven, his friendship with Charlie was finally genuine and they bonded deeper than ever before. Alastor not only became her close friend, but also her protector (along with Razzle and Dazzle) and even a loving father figure (Lucifer still doesn’t approve very much).
Yes, there were tons of bad people who still went to Hell, did bad things and lost their lives into the void. But for every bad action, there was a sliver of hope for good to prevail.
 For their final act, everyone would join hands together, singing in harmony, Charlie leading the chorus with a song about making it to the end of the rainbow of happiness. So one could say they lived happily ever after…but with more chaos and unpredictability thrown in.
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crimsondustofficial · 3 years
Helping Hands
The burgundy colored clouds drifted slowly over the city, the stale wind swooping behind the former child stars long, yet beautiful snow white hair up into the air a bit before the strands gracefully fell back down and brushed against her back. The dark vermilion scleras and small, white irises gleamed beautifully in the nearby lights of the building next door.
"Even though it has been a while, you're still as beautiful as ever, my dear."
That same award winning smile danced its way onto the Overlord's crimson painted lips as that familiar, radio voice sang from the shadows. Her soft, snowy white hair gently hit her turquoise colored face just when the Radio Demon himself appeared right beside her, still looking the same as he always had: Charming and dapper in his own special way.
"You never cease to amaze me, Alastor. But. . .What exactly is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"
Ah, yes. The real reason as to why Alastor called this meeting. If he could get some info on where Ruby is being held, then he can contact Angel and let him know. Unfortunately, Alastor doesn't know Valentino as well as Angel does, so, he wouldn't have any idea as to where Valentino usually spends his time. But how he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to stab a hole through that pompous bastard Vox's TV screen of a head and watch it short circuit.
"I need some information. On this little girl." A picture was handed to Lucy as she gently took it and examined it. But what she saw made her heart melt immediately. Ruby was sitting on a couch in what appeared to be the hotel library, smiling her innocent little smile and looking like the sweet little angel she was. Such purity. . .A child such as this one should not belong in a cesspool of violence that was this city.
"She's so precious! Oh, you must let me meet her, Alastor!"
A smooth, yet deep chuckle danced its way out of Alastor's throat as he held his hands together behind his back. However, he could only imagine Ruby, alone and terrified, strung together in a dark web. And what's worse, that bastard Valentino and his pompous piece of shit TV headed lover, Vox were pulling the strings. She was their little puppet slave at the moment, probably being tortured for their amusement.
"All in due time, Lucy darling. However, there is a bit of a. . . predicament we have. Unfortunately. . .she's been kidnapped. By Valentino. And we're trying to find her."
At the mention of Valentino, Lucy's teeth gritted together as the anger began to boil inside of her. She despised that moth son of a bitch with a fiery passion. And it was clear on his end, he saw her as nothing more than a Cinderella wannabe looking bitch. How Lucy wouldn't mind stabbing his eyes out with the ends of her beautiful, sequin studded, peacock high heels.
A quiet ping of her phone smacked her back into reality before she pulled out her phone. Alastor gave her a minute to talk to whoever it was on the other end of the line.
"What is it? If you can't already tell, I'm in the middle of a conference."
"Sorry Ms. Lucille but-"
Oh, how she hated it when people called her by that name. Countless interns were killed, their blood splattering her office as she stood there, panting angrily from the many tantrums she's thrown from how that word never should be uttered. Then, she'll have calmed down and call for a new intern. But that name ties to the dark past that has plagued the poor star to the bitter end. "Let me make this perfectly clear: You are to never, and I mean NEVER, call me Lucille. If you dare call me by that name again, I will prove all those doubters wrong that you can die twice! Understand?!"
An audible gulp as well as a shaky 'Yes, Ms. Lucy' was shuddered off of the poor soul on the other end. A quiet huff as well as a deep breath of air exhaled from her shimmering, ruby red lips, Lucy turned back to the patiently waiting Radio Demon.
"I'm sorry for that, Alastor. Please, continue."
A quiet yet audible clearing of his throat, Alastor had to think for a moment as to where he stopped at.
"Yes, well. . . She was taken with the daughter of an old friend of Husk's this afternoon. However, the last time she saw Ruby alive was when they were separated. I just came to ask if any of your workers have heard or seen anything regarding what happened."
Pondering this a little bit, no recollection of anything mentioned about Ruby stood out to Lucy. But. . .Knowing Valentino, he'd make sure that this little girl knew fear, like she's never known it before.
"I'm sorry, Alastor. . .But I have no recollection of any of my workers mentioning her. But I'll ask when I head back. How does that sound?"
It pained Lucy when she thought she wasn't being much of a help. Alastor didn't blame her though, up until this moment, she's probably never even heard of Ruby. But it was worth a shot. However, knowing Angel, he'd probably go off on his own and get her back, even if it killed him.
"Of course. It was wonderful seeing you again, my dear. I'll make sure to bring the little one with me next time. I won't take up too much of your time. Until we meet again."
A gentle wave was exchanged between the two before Alastor disappeared, nothing left of him but a cloud of smoke. The wind picked up a little bit as a turquoise hand gently rested on the soft tufts of pure, snow white hair as alluring eyes glared over at the sign to Valentino's studio. As if she was trying to turn the building into stone from her Medusa like glare. Seeing Vox and Valentino exit the club, no sign of Ruby with either of them, Arackniss glared at them from the shadows. The limousine sped off, the tires screeching before the vehicle disappeared, the sound fading away. The Spider Demon noticed that those two were in there for quite some time. Probably doing horrible things to the poor kid.
"Time to call the cavalry."
Pulling out his phone, Arackniss wasted no time in dialing up Angel's number. Seeing as how his brother was extremely close to this kid, or from what he's heard, he'd be antsy to get the little girl home safe. Tapping his foot against the sidewalk in slight impatience, Angel's voice on the other end rang loud and clear.
"Anthony! God, it's about time you picked up. Listen, you gotta get down here now."
Confusion dripped from his brother's voice as Arackniss looked through the window, seeing it completely empty. Like a ghost town. But no sign of Ruby anywhere. And that gave him a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Your boss and his little bitch of a co-worker were here. They had the kid with them. But when they left, she wasn't there. Chances are she's still inside. I'm outside that nightclub he owns." Immediately, Angel agreed and said he'd be there shortly before hanging up. A gruff sigh escaped the shorter Spider Demon as he waited for his brother to hurry down here in those high heels of his. Almost fifteen minutes had passed and Arackniss was about to get angry. Where in the fuck was he? Before he could reach into his pocket and pull out his phone, about to call him, he could see a blur of pink and white stripes.
"Sorry I'm late. . .Had to call someone real quick."
A confused expression crossed over onto Arackniss' face before Angel looked up and waved at something. Or rather. . . someone. Jumping down from the rooftop she was, Cherri Bomb made her way over to them. Well, the more hands they had in case there were any security guards or whatnot, the better.
"Well, if we run into any trouble, at least we'll have enough hands to get us out of any situations."
"How long were they in there for?"
If Arackniss remembered correctly, they were inside the club for probably a good twenty minutes before finally coming out. He couldn't really hear anything of what was going on but that burning feeling of something bad happening to the poor girl crawled over his back. Another silent yet gruff sigh escaped the black as night, shorter spider before he replied to Cherri's question.
"Twenty minutes. Couldn't tell what was happening or if they were saying anything. But she's still in there somewhere."
Seeing Angel clench his fist, Cherri gently hugged the poor Spider Demon, who's fears were almost eating him alive. This was exactly what he was trying to avoid. Holding back the burning hot tears from falling down his cheeks, Angel's face hardened with a bit of determination. If Valentino did hurt Ruby, he was coming for him. No more acting like a scared little bitch. If Angel remembered anything of his previous life, it was to not back down anymore.
The sound of a gun clicking caught his attention, seeing Arackniss pulling out his pistol and Cherri held one of her bombs, planning to use it if any trouble came their way, she could easily blind them with the smoke and it'd be much easier for them to be taken down. Pulling out his Tommy Gun and clocking it, Angel gripped the weapon tightly in his hands before looking at the doors, about to welcome them inside.
"Let's go." (Lucy belongs to another member on the team, another dear friend of mine. All rights goes to them.)
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