#Cadaver Carnivore
onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
cadaver carnivore-dai dark
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dotwpod · 8 months
Disciples!!It’s here – Gene’s Picks Volume 2 for your listening pleasure! Check out 30 MORE tracks from the first half of 2023 hand-picked by yours truly. For you fans of the heavier stuff, this ones for you. So don’t delay – smash that play button and tell all your cool friends!\,,/ d(> _ <)b \,,/ BLOCK ONE: Trailight (Canada) https://trailight.bandcamp.com/ Traveller Hexicon (USA)…
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errorx429 · 5 months
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Did one of those art of the year thingies I don't know
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cosmica-galaxy · 26 days
Hi, hello! This is a strange question but would you mind summarising or at least, link some posts about diets of all the Mimic species you've done so far? It's so to reference ^^;
(PART 1) Most mimics are carnivorous and hunt skibidis for food. Most mimics don't hunt the alliance because the alliance doesn't have edible parts for them to eat (plus they mimic them for a reason so they can lure in unsuspecting skibidis) due to their primarily inorganic nature. So attacks on alliance units are more over territory then a desire to consume. Camera Mimics eat pretty much anything they can fit in their mouths. Be it a rat, bird, fish, or even an entire skibidi parasite in one bite. They hunt in packs within human-abandoned cities and towns, and primarily have carnivorous diets, so they rarely eat vegetables. They can, but it doesn't make up the bulk of their diets. They can also eat whatever has been left behind by the humans in large supermarkets and grocery stores that have primarily already been picked clean by the wondering Camera Mimic packs. They are also very hardy eaters and can eat old, expired, or (only if a mimic is desperate enough) carcasses and cadavers. Speaker Mimics are also primarily carnivores, but have a varied diet depending on where the species is located. In sanctuary (aka primarily underground), they have crops that they grow to help balance out their diets. Usually roots, tubers, bulbs, and rhubarb that can be grown in the dark and damp conditions underground. Seaside variants (like Clif) eat fish, seaweed, and invertebrates they catch in the body of water they live near. Snowy variants eat meat mostly, usually jerky and fish because it keeps really well in colder climates. Desert variants eat a much wider plant variety then meat, with cactus, avocados, chilies, and any lizards they can catch. TV Mimics aren't that picky either. Their mouths are usually large enough to consume anything in one large chomp, though they will still have to chew their food. They also frequent urban areas like Camera Mimics and reflect their diets in a similar manner. They eat rats, birds, lizards, stray animals...pretty much anything that isn't an alliance member is fit to be consumed by these mimics. They are also the most successful hunters in the mimic world, able to take down larger skibidis through their psychological manipulation that can feed themselves for days. TV mimics are also sadistic and will also eat their prey alive if they can. Some are merciful and kill their prey before consuming them, and some are not. They will rip a limb off while the prey is helpless and incapacitated, then give them medical care to make sure the prey doesn't bleed to death. In their words, it keeps their prey "fresh". Primarily meat eaters and very few will have a varied diet, one exception to this is Hypnos who lives on Elisa's farm and has a varied diet.
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lurkerwithcomputer · 26 days
Yet more TG thoughts: Y'know, the corpses that surgeons-in-training use for that training have to go somewhere, and ghoul communities having back-door deals with hospitals just makes sense, especially post-canon.
But I have to wonder how much of the surgical-practice-dummy stuff makes for more complicated food prep for ghouls. Incisions in places that ghouls wouldn't/don't cut the body, because it runs counter to good food prep. Organs removed would suck, because ghouls are obligate carnivores (albeit with caffeine tolerance that's not common in carnivores), and organ meats are where carnivores get their vitamins and minerals from. Surgical cadavers would have the blood drained out, and we know from stuff like bloodwine and the blood "sugar cubes" that Anteiku provided that ghouls use blood to make food and drink.
And none of that gets into screening the meat for surgical debris left behind, like the pins used to secure multiple breaks in a bone.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 9 months
hii omg hiii here's an ask: are there any sea monsters or sea creatures in general that you've made for promethea? and if not (or if theyre not the focus at all) can I know more about pegasi then? They've got some rly cool shapes and I'm interested if youve got more on them :3
HIII hi hello :33 i do actually have a few sea creatures! i answered another ask about it a little while ago:
BUT i have some more and i'll take any excuse to talk about my beasts. first off a bit of backstory tho:
cassandra had a fairly recent worldwide extinction event (around 12-15 kya) that was pretty devastating to the various biospheres and almost caused the extinction of the human race as a whole. there used to be a LOT more megafauna and a lot more ancient species that simply couldn't hold on through everything that happened. hence why the only hexapodal sea life are whales and probably a few small things digging around somewhere. ANYWAY.
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whales! a few species of carnivorous whale that live around promethea, the most widespread being the striped whale and the dwarf whale. the striped whale lives in the northern ocean (off the coast of cadaver's domain) and hunts almost anything, including the coastal cliff dweller pegasi. dwarf whales are much smaller and hunt in pods, eating mostly fish. speaking of fish
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most of them look about like this! these are just two examples, and i used to have more art of them but i can't for the life of me find it, so this is all i have for now LOL. they're technically more closely related to cassandra's arthropod equivalents, but theyre kind of all their own weird thing. i love them.
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skepticreadstoa · 2 months
The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 8
Instead, my regrets passed before my eyes. Despite being a gloriously perfect being, I do have a few regrets. I remembered that day at Abbey Road Studios, when my envy led me to set rancour in the hearts of John and Paul and break up the Beatles. Good luck running from the beatlemaniacs after that one, mate.
We gods are a little in awe of you mortals. You spend your whole lives knowing you will die. No matter how many friends and relatives you have, your puny existence will quickly be forgotten. How do you cope with it? Why are you not running around constantly screaming and pulling your hair out? Your bravery, I must admit, is quite admirable. Now where was I? Right. I was dying. Way to make me fell existential, Lester, Be right back, need to let that sit... Alright anyway;
Normally I do not like being doused. Every time I go camping with Artemis, she likes to wake me up with a bucket of ice-cold water. Please imagine Artemis having one of her hunters record a video of her doing this. I would pay to see that footage.
The third spirit bared his rotten teeth. “Your guardian would be sooooo disappointed.” Meg looked as if she’d been punched in the gut. Her face paled. Her arms trembled. She stamped her foot and yelled, “NO!” As I said before, no spoilers, but I do look forward to meeting this "Guardian" person. Just to have a civil conversation.
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The peach baby launched himself at the nosos and bit his head off. That is not a figure of speech. The karpos’s fanged mouth unhinged, expanding to an unbelievable circumference, then closed around the cadaver’s head, and chomped it off in one bite. Cartoonish effing chomp bruv-
I was certain Meg had summoned him, intentionally or unintentionally. I also had some ideas now about her godly parentage, and some questions about this “guardian” that the spirits had mentioned, but I decided it would be better to interrogate her when she did not have a snarling carnivorous toddler wrapped around her leg. Me too, mainly just the guardian, but I've made my point about that already.
I turned my face to the sky. “Are you sure, Zeus? It’s not too late to tell me this was an elaborate prank and recall me to Olympus. I’ve learned my lesson. I promise.” The gray winter clouds did not respond. With a sigh, I jogged after Meg and her homicidal new minion. Off to CHB we head then.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image by Thomas Baxa, © TSR, Inc.
[Dragon 150 has two articles about the illithids. One was a piece of fiction/ecology titled "The Sunset World", and the second was an installment of "The Dragon's Bestiary" focusing on natives of that planet, the illithidae. Three of the original monsters, the kigrid, embrac and saltor, were converted to D&D 3.5 in Lords of Madness. The fourth, the cessirid, was not.]
Cessirid CR 7 LE Aberration This creature looks something like a hyena, with a hunched back studded with two rows of short spines. Its head ends in a hooked beak, and four ribbon-like tentacles dance around its maw.
A cessirid is a pack-hunting carnivore found on planets terraformed by the mind flayers. They are sometimes called “illithid hounds” by adventurers, because illithids use the creatures as guard animals and trackers. Cessirids are rigid minded and very hierarchical. Every cessirid in a pack knows its place and how to challenge for leadership through contests of athletic prowess, and a lone cessirid is usually one that has been ejected from its pack, or is the sole survivor of a hunt gone wrong. Cessirid packs are very territorial, and clashes between packs, unless mediated by a more intelligent mind flayer, usually result in fatal violence.
Cessirids are well-versed in teamwork. They communicate with each other silently through telepathy while surrounding prey and setting up ambushes, and then strike in unison. They are as comfortable in the water as on land, and their ambushes may be from underground rivers or pools. A cessirid’s tentacles aren’t powerful enough to attack on their own, but secrete chemicals that cause incredible pain when smeared on an open wound (such as those inflicted by their shearing bites). Their magical abilities are used to position themselves, or to flee from a losing battle.
Cessirids lay their eggs inside of fresh corpses. They believe that the more intelligent a victim, the more cunning and skilled the young who grow up inside its carcass will be; this appears to just be a superstition. Cessirid larvae do not take over the tissues of the cadaver the way that illithid tadpoles do. Instead, they feed within the tissue until emerging as Tiny sized "puppies". Once emerged, the young are trained in the art of combat by the rest of their pack. Those that are hesitant towards violence are usually killed and eaten by their siblings.
Cessirid  CR 7 XP 3,200 LE Medium aberration Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +13, scent Defense AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +7 natural) hp 76 (8d8+40) Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +8 SR 17 Weakness light blindness, sun sickness Offense Speed 60 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d8+6 plus pain) Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6 Spell-like Abilities CL 7th, concentration +9 3/day—detect thoughts (DC 14), feather step, levitate 1/day—dimension door, mind thrust III (DC 15) Statistics Str 20, Dex 17, Con 20, Int 8, Wis15, Cha 15 Base Atk +6; CMB +11; CMD 24 (28 vs. trip) Feats Lightning Reflexes, Stealthy, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (bite) Skills Climb +12, Escape Artist +12, Perception +13, Stealth +12, Survival +13, Swim +20; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Survival Languages telepathy 100 ft. SQ hold breath Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary, pair or pack (3-20) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Pain (Ex) A creature bitten by a cessirid must succeed a DC 18 Fortitude save or suffer from tremendous pain, suffering a -4 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks for 1d4+1 rounds. The save DC is Constitution based. Sun Sickness (Ex) A cessirid is sickened whenever it is exposed to natural sunlight.
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cypriathus · 5 months
Here is the main god of the Lorvaztekiphus and the lover of Äylcephinozur!
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Lorvazhektindus is the creator of the Lorvaztekiphus and he’s extremely unkind and unpleasant to all life, willfully causing immense suffering to others. He has an overarching motivation to gain power through self-assurance and taking charge, possessing a bloated sense of pride. He can be quite untrue to his fidelity and allegiance to other individuals, and he has unrivalled interpersonal manipulative skills. He’s very indifferent to morality, he lacks sincere empathy, and he has a strategic focus on self-interest. He often unjustifiably claims that he’s fully capable of possessing good qualities. Lorvazhektindus usually never shows pity and compassion, and will do absolutely anything that’s necessary to achieve his selfish desires. He has a habit of feeling resentment towards those who possess a heart of gold and seeking to harm people in return for a perceived injury. He experiences sexual arousal in response to extreme pain and humiliation of others. He usually doesn’t take responsibility for the negative consequences of his actions. He engages in excessive, pathological lying and desperately tries to gaslight people when caught doing so. He takes immense joy in fun by causing harmful pranks and telling crude jokes, and he doesn’t take things too seriously. His sexual behaviour and remarks are highly inappropriate, and he possesses a strong lustful desire. Lorvazhektindus has a selfish desire for material gain and social value, and he’s prone to becoming violent and angry when provoked. He possesses an insatiable appetite, behavioural recklessness, constant impulsivity, and overt anti-social mannerisms. The only individuals that he legitimately treats with utmost respect, kindness, and protectiveness are his beloved wife and creation.
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His darkening spirit often resides in a 40 ft (1219.2 cm) diamond rhombus made from antique and oxidised brass, which is hidden deep within the basement of worship of the Nifjazroghetus palace. It has labyrinthine lines that adorn all brass panels and there is a pupiless eye of red-and-yellow jasper with greenish sclera in the middle of each one. The eyes are capable of emitting both gleaming beams of light in three different shades: white can erase memories; grey can increase an individual’s sensitivity to all types of pain; and black causes sensory overload and instant rotting. The brass panel that has three, upwards-facing horns in the curvature of an eyelid opens to reveal writhing, skinless corpses with faces of endless agony and they possess a collective consciousness. These cadavers encircle around a 17 ft (518.16 cm) crystal sphere that imitates a solar eclipse and it has a tranquil heartbeat that makes it pulsate every ten seconds.
Both of his demon and deity forms possess the same face, which has no skin, revealing crimson muscles, a lack of a nose and lips, a skeletal mouth, and deep eye sockets. When in his demon form, his name is Mephaktoszilu and he’s about 10’ 6” (320.04 cm) with ashen skin, a grotesquely muscular build, three shimmering tsavorite eyes, and black claws and talons. He has long, pointed ears and his mouth is armed with prominent, yet crooked carnivorous teeth and two tongues. Besides his head, his body is adorned with beautiful plumage and he possesses four wings, which both mimic the hues of a male black-headed Gouldian finch. His arms are like that of an African lion with six clawed, poseable fingers and his legs end in the sturdy feet of a keel-billed toucan. His tail is made up of three coconut octopus tentacles and he has thick, fluffy platinum blonde hair that reaches slightly below mid-back. He has a left gilt-brass pauldron that depicts a horned water serpent trying to devour the beaming sun. He’s wearing a long, flowy kaleidoscope jasper loincloth made from velvet and it’s tied around his hips with a flexible black cord. He also wears a pair of bronze gladiatorial sandals as well as gilt-brass armlets and bracelets that have an oval-shaped piece of agate onyx in the middle of each one.
When in his deity form, Lorvazhektindus is approximately 31 ft (944.88 cm) with the upper body of a pallid human and lower half of a sea dragon. He possesses sparkling, deathly-looking eyes of aquamarine, carnivorous teeth, and forked tongues. His human body is abnormally lanky and he has six arms as well as a back that has its skin nailed on each shoulder blade, which reveals his muscles and spinal cord. Lorvazhektindus’ sea dragon half has six heads and they have bristly scales on their eyelids and upwards-facing horns. It’s covered in waterproof plumage with a red belly, forest green heads, orange body, and yellow and brown leopard spots. It also has a pair of avian wings, eight legs, and a split between the tail that reaches 4 ft (121.92 cm).
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He possesses omnipresence and omniscience, and he transcends all concepts surrounding life, death, gender, and the laws, rules, and regulations of existence. It’s completely impossible to overpower and defeat him, and he’s capable of destroying everything on an absolute level. He’s absolutely evil and surpassess all forms of benevolence, being able to perceive and adapt perfectly to all evil concepts. Lorvazhektindus can manipulate primordial darkness and nothingness, apocalyptic, malefic, and negative forces, all types of phobias, and individual trauma. He’s able to shapeshift into every living creature and object, and he can grow and shrink to any size he desires. He can decide what ends and continues on endlessly, and his fearsome, awe-inspiring voice can sway anyone and force them to follow his commands. His consciousness and mental power are fundamentally primordial and transcendent, allowing him to be in ultimate unison with all of existence. He has unmatched control over the infernal forces that make up the multiverse and destruction itself. Lorvazhektindus can afflict any curse onto his desired sentient targets and empower his absolute condition through evil, corruption, and sin. He can also induce corruption, necrosis, pain, suicide, torment, and vice, and he’s an incredible master of psychology.
He’s able to repulse and nullify attacks that have been imbued with benevolence, and his heart is devoid of goodness. He possesses absolute invulnerability, ugliness, strength, and stamina, and he has complete control on Nifjazroghetus and everything that resides there. He’s an undisputed master of all forms of combat, including natural and supernatural fighting skills. He can create a field of darkness that permanently dulls the natural senses of living creatures and morphs them into hideous monstrosities. He has a truly all-encompassing, yet demonic presence and he’s powerful enough to slay all angels and good deities. Lorvazhektindus can manipulate matter by utilising demonic energy and teleport across the multiverse through shadows, moonlight, and mist.
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Äylcephinozur (lover)
Rhomboid of Amalgamation
Caged Vein of Establishment
Accuser of Entangled Tongues
Tempter Beneath Her Airy Kingdom
Old Serpent Who Feasts Upon Heinousness
Ruler of the Bloated World and Unforgivable Era
Lorvazhekt (by most of his friends)
Nasty little sugar plum (by Äylcephinozur)
Äylcephinozur thinks that he tastes like sugar plum
He greatly enjoys the company of his wife and the attention he receives from her whenever she’s around.
As an Æylphitus, his name means “wreath that encircles loathing, inward oracle and his pure evil or below the earth of spoiled hate”. In regards to his demon form, Mephaktoszilu means “scattering liar or not a friend of light”.
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dateinmarsh · 1 year
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All day
All day
Like a cadaver in water
I was floating towards the most horrid cliff,
Towards the most abysmal sea caverns,
And the most carnivorous fish.
And my fragile vertebrae
Were pulsating with a foreboding of
Forough Farrokhzad, Vahm-e-sabz
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dotwpod · 11 months
(275) Independent Music Special Vol.12 - June Part 2
Disciples!! It’s time for Part 2 of the Independent Music releases from June! As you may recall, Part 1 was all releases from USA-based bands/artists. Now we get to catch up with the rest of the world (and a band that was missed in Part 1…) So, you know what to do. Crank it.\,,/ d(> _ <)b \,,/ Submit your music – [email protected] BLOCK ONE: Speed Limit (Austria)…
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if empathy defines your humanity, what doth thou make of me?
a cadaver, a chunk of meat to be consumed by the lover,
or the carnivorous beast that consumes all it can out of a false sense of self-preservation?
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bumfool · 1 year
hello this is my total list of band names which i started keeping track of in uhh
silly brain thing
puddle of dust
new phobia
dog smell
hello monkey
monkey defense league
gnome child
sex men
look at this cool bug
a little blood
water hog
chilado moledo
moon monkey
me you storm drain
when the water isn’t clear
dog child
spider tree
the hole thing
hadio red
yucky yuck yuck
we came flying from heavenly worlds
long bob
penis patrol
bucket brigade
stick on fire
tumor tits
earth defense group
bad dream brigade
cat haus
frick sniffer
silly boy
nothing castle
the pareidolics
the miceketeers
bonobo brigade
weird arpeggi fish
billy pilgrim
item nine
el harvey
feline groovy
honey mustard
better than water
gulliver’s girdle
moon bloom
actual flower
the most gigantic
lying mouth
wall of ice
worm buffet
bluku oktan
bull sperm
western pleasures
twiggy barlow
letters to abigail
the hat men
punji pit
cockroach prom
cadaver synod
musa velutina
father gunstore
hobo house
slan shack
phantom hand
wisconsin wolfman
the globster
hunger stone
grazguul thrakka
shudder head
judas hole
repo men
human bean
the julia chord
cosmic sausage
beyond sausage
survivor worm
god sent the palatine back
ghostly schooner
night clear, sea calm
drive until doomsday
mary and the celestes
suicide tuesdays
along the coast road
apportioned for foxes
another long walk
nice pen. it’s not a pen anymore
the LD50s
the earth dies screaming
the inseminoids
soft option
donna perola
the gumptions
primordial fungus
thick cut bacon band
shaman fraud
fradulent shamans
the chlorindas
the fresnos
as chiapas
mop water
the big machine
government job
yarn chickn
stiff breeze
we should talk
subproject 3
no. 56 dipper / number 56 dipper
compass moon
no such luck
slop taco
cindy the skull
purgatory creek
pig irons
milkweed monster
tulpa florida
denim crown
anna i miss you
the flakes
sugar urine disease
the true story of your death
broken stairway
divine disorder
the crimson hexagon
the senseless perditions
axaxaxas mlö
the plaster cramp
ireneo funes
bliss st.
we’re probably okay
under contract
black oats
disgusting decrepit rat
saint fungus
hog chariot
enuma elish
dog in water
pain free prozac experience
no wild dog or fear
old goat skull
great land, house of shades
beneath earth
gordon through the door
monoxide blue
tiger mask
texas mack
vast poodle
ob dixilis
very velvet
fallen glass
chronic wasting disease
dozens of ships
moribund understanding
branching of road
safer smoking
pearl sugar
citrus psyllids
napalm stars
carnivorous deep-sea sponge
rat regrets
dumpster cat
moon monkey
asrar nama
zahir (shadow of the rose)
lulu breaks your heart
fungal disease
waxman hides honey sticks on the fridgetop
trash and food
the inca doves
seeds from dead tomatoes
seeds from dead fruit
dreaming bad dreams
camel caboose
sixteen thousand
holding toads
droopy moon
moth brother
souvenir society
cages for mutants
pakistani tekken
the film rips
the parallax view
robot subplot
red super bomb
tracing stains
saint pearl
something sinister
bone bag
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lasplaga · 19 days
" you don't scare me. "
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𓆙      —      𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 --- Accepting!
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Lord Saddler had no preference of taste, for a rotting corpse would prove delectable carrion. Most were harvested fresh, HIS CURRENT VICTIM, others scavenged from the grave to grind meal from bone. Helena was fortunate to evade his clawed grasp for now, Osmund making quick work of rending hide with carnivorous teeth, sharpened into fangs upon sheer mental instruction.
It was only a matter of time Valdelobos would be investigated for international tourists disappearing in the mountainous region weeks prior...
𝐓𝐖: 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 / 𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐦 [𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓].
Upon inhaling what seemed to be the mangled, mutilated remains of an ungulates skull ( the animal that rested upon the forest altar in essence unrecognizable ), the feast was brought to a halt with the intrusion of the outsider. Bloodied & splattered, the scene was painted before the service agent ; A hooved mammal hunted & claimed by zealous savages. Not only was 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕥 present for the banquet, but fellow brothers & sisters who were drowned by the maddening influence of the black water. Warped beyond human resemblance, paler than a cadaver & stricken with the devoid staring of INSECTS. Whatever they were, their humanity was abandoned or stolen long ago, temperament the gluttony of flies.
There was a momentary flicker of awareness upon the disturbance, a fear in his eyes as if he pleaded for her to ESCAPE, before a sinister being inwardly rose to the surface. A visible struggle took hold in the form of bodily spasms, his features twisted as he was pulled by the inescapable thrall of barbarity. There wasn't the chance to scream caution as he was overcome by the nature to KILL.
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" !! --- " Bits of viscera dribbled carelessly from his open, astonished maw, the '''offering''' disemboweled prior her arrival. The forelimbs & outer layers were left to be flayed upon the stone slab. But --- the lure of WARM HUMAN FLESH overwhelmed any conscious reasoning. Osmund did not question the intrusion, introduce himself, nor offer an explanation, he COULDN'T care. Despite having a red deer half-devoured & strewn among them, the bellies of Los Ganados were never full. They naturally preyed upon the species the woman belonged, & being starved from such for centuries, they would ruthlessly kill EACH OTHER for the opportunity. Despite harsh discipline to remain in control, The Lord had sadly succumbed to FRENZY : " ¡𝔏𝔞 𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔢 𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔢, 𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔢, 𝔰𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔢 ! "
The disposition of a gracious cult leader was abandoned for ferocious, animalistic behavior. Osmund's brethren were flung unceremoniously to be battered against the tree-line, his frail stature an illusion to the immense power he harnessed. Down to his stride, which hunched as if a predatory creature prepared to give chase. An unfortunate inclination he was but a mindless puppet for RAVENOUS bugs.
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ladamedemartel · 7 months
@lordofthestrix I've been meaning to make this a starter and now Aurora's back on her Catholic bullshit
He arrived as silent as a whisper. Disappointment always followed that first step through the threshold. Eternally displeased not one temple so far had the common decency to try to reduce him to ashes the moment he visited. But in the end you could not blame an empty household for a poor greeting. Vampires were not capable of entering anyone's home without direct invitation. There were some obvious truths to be surmised out of how effortlessly they could move in an out of churches. Be it by non-existence. Be it by abandonment. In the end the specifics on why these places were empty cadavers paying tribute to uncaring listeners was of little importance. He advanced. Passing pews of an absent congregation and stained glass windows of alluring colors that emulated the tactics of some carnivore plants when enticing their prey. Each step in muted and vanquishing opposition to this altar to the depraved virtues of the most corrupted understanding of purity and the veneration of guilt. He found her at the front row seat of this calamity. Observing her praying figure while trying to glimpse at her inner location without a word. Determining if it was immediate intervention or calm indulgence that the situation demanded. Cursing whatever set of circumstances guided her to this corner of the abyss tonight and strategizing to the best of his ability in order to steer this instance into a one-time incident before it could escalate into the dangers her more fanatic periods were to her own well-being. Cursing himself as well, perhaps. And whatever failure of the world he helped to forge outside these vile walls made her fell she needed this. It was a wicked irony. For churches to be the only place in existence that could make Tristan de Martel experience a pervasive sense of hopelessness. In the end he waited for her to finish. Although an innate instinct regarding the temperature when the two shared a room drove him to place his black coat over her shoulders. Greeting her with a touch of his lips on her hair was a vastly more selfish gesture. He should be able to acquire this place and demolish it until not even dust remains before the end of the week. And that small solace while silently waiting for her was like the flicker of a candle in this haven of darkness.
Much like Aurora's own face, the visage of a church rarely changed throughout the centuries. Sure, their were slight modifications: a change in the style of earrings, cameras on the walls, a new mascara, a microphone wire. All changes that required scrutiny. Aurora knew something of scrutiny in that moment. She could feel Tristan's entrance. Everything about it was restrained. Aurora tried not to focus on it much. She tried not to listen to see if Tristan would reach for the holy water at the door to bless himself or if he would pass by it entirely; it was useful that holy water could not actually harm them so if any mortal every questioned their humanity, such rumors were quickly dispelled with a visit to Mass.
Despite her best efforts to ignore her brother's presence to finish her conversation, she could not focus when Tristan's presence was so much more demanding than that of the deity that she was not yet convinced that she actually believed in. "If God could make others feel his presence the way that I felt yours when you walked in, none of us would have such a hard time believing in him." Aurora greeted as she rose to her feet.
She crossed the space between them, the heels of her boots echoing with each step until she reached him, kissed his forehead in return for the kiss to her hair, and then sat beside him. Aurora took his hand then, lacing her fingers with his and brought his hand to her lips to kiss. "It's pretty in here, don't you think?" she took their joined hands and pointed up to a series of paintings on the ceiling, each depicting Mary in various incarnations as she had appeared to the faithful throughout the world. "These certainly weren't done by Michaelangelo, but they're pretty, all the same. Surely you can at least admit that much."
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lordofthestrix · 9 months
4) Churches at night
He arrived as silent as a whisper. Disappointment always followed that first step through the threshold. Eternally displeased not one temple so far had the common decency to try to reduce him to ashes the moment he visited. But in the end you could not blame an empty household for a poor greeting. Vampires were not capable of entering anyone's home without direct invitation. There were some obvious truths to be surmised out of how effortlessly they could move in an out of churches. Be it by non-existence. Be it by abandonment. In the end the specifics on why these places were empty cadavers paying tribute to uncaring listeners was of little importance. He advanced. Passing pews of an absent congregation and stained glass windows of alluring colors that emulated the tactics of some carnivore plants when enticing their prey. Each step in muted and vanquishing opposition to this altar to the depraved virtues of the most corrupted understanding of purity and the veneration of guilt. He found her at the front row seat of this calamity. Observing her praying figure while trying to glimpse at her inner location without a word. Determining if it was immediate intervention or calm indulgence that the situation demanded. Cursing whatever set of circumstances guided her to this corner of the abyss tonight and strategizing to the best of his ability in order to steer this instance into a one-time incident before it could escalate into the dangers her more fanatic periods were to her own well-being. Cursing himself as well, perhaps. And whatever failure of the world he helped to forge outside these vile walls made her fell she needed this. It was a wicked irony. For churches to be the only place in existence that could make Tristan de Martel experience a pervasive sense of hopelessness. In the end he waited for her to finish. Although an innate instinct regarding the temperature when the two shared a room drove him to place his black coat over her shoulders. Greeting her with a touch of his lips on her hair was a vastly more selfish gesture. He should be able to acquire this place and demolish it until not even dust remains before the end of the week. And that small solace while silently waiting for her was like the flicker of a candle in this haven of darkness.
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