#Cairo Lazaro
happy-xy · 2 years
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GAMEBOYS 2 Episode 2 “Work in Progress”
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try-again-bissh · 2 months
I really wish I was one of those ppl who write super long beautiful detailed ass essays on here, cause I wanna SCREAM about how fucking good Gameboys2 is !
I got tickets to see the online stream of the movie when it came out and it was fucking amazing I stayed up so late to watch it.
The second season has been impossible to find online but it's on fucking Tubi for some reason (shout fucking out to Tubi). I watched it all in one sitting Screamed, Cried and then played the whole fucking thing back again.
I LOVED the movie and somehow the second season still gave me so much more. All the little in between moments that I didn't know I missed but still hit me so fucking hard. There were some lines that fucking ripped me to shreds that I still hear ringing in my ears ( for example when Gav says "am I wrong to choose you?" the fucking noise that came outta me had only been heard by woodland animals nearing death)
A fucking masterpiece in acting as always from these two, I cannot talk about it enough I love this series so much and will always love it. By the end of the second season I was laying flat on my back with tears streaming down my face, I just love them all so much.
The first was really Elijah's show, acting his fucking ass off and killing it and we honestly all fell in love with Gav as Cairo did, watching him grow and open up was beautiful and I watched it during lockdown so it hit even harder. It gave me so much hope and peace Now season 2?! Kokoy De Santos the man you fucking are ! Give him the Oscar!!!!!!!
I was swimming in an ocean of pain and tears I need more ppl to watch this fucking series ASAP
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r1ch1e-the-killer · 1 year
Hey pookie's heres all the doodles i have not posted here at all my bad
from new to old
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absolutely unhinged kingohger doodles + drama art
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fadedsaturated · 6 months
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Got my friend to watch Gameboys with me and we just finished season 2 and I am once again breathless from how beautiful this series is. My heart is aching I still can't believe how important this series ended up being to me during the pandemic.
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savethelastdan · 1 year
i don’t know who decided to put iyong iyo as the backing track to that scene in gameboys 2 but whoever it was, you deserve an award
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negrowhat · 1 year
Happy Belated 23rd Birthday to Cairo Lazaro! His birthday is June 26th! And he was born in 2000! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO GAV'S BABY!
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unblogparaloschicos · 3 months
Web: Gameboys (2020)
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La epidemia de covid-19 que nos tomó por sorpresa en 2020, obligándonos a una cuarentena que se extendió por todo el globo terráqueo, causó una conmoción inolvidable en el mundo del trabajo, los afectos, la escuela y los gobiernos. Mientras las vacunas estuvieron en etapa de estudio, tuvimos que modificar nuestra rutina de un modo dramático. "Quédate en casa" era la recomendación universal, seguida de "usa barbijo" y "lava tus manos con alcohol en gel". Tiempos duros para todos, pero para los productores de contenidos audiovisuales fue una oportunidad de agudizar el ingenio a la hora de no quedarse quietos.
En Luzon, la isla más grande de Filipinas, la cuarentena afectó a sus más de sesenta y cuatro millones de habitantes, pero eso no impidió al director Ivan Andrew Payawal, a su guionista Ash M. Malanum, al equipo técnico y a los actores presentar una historia de amor e influencers, en el marco de un género artístico conocido como "Boy´s Love". Así, lograron una historia que, tras dos temporadas y una película ("Gameboys, The Movie", 2021), se ha convertido en un pequeño fenómeno del género.
Cairo "Cai" Lazaro (Elijah Canlas) es una estrella de internet dedicada a los gameplays. Entre su público, se topa con un tal Angel2000, nombre de usuario de Gavreel Alarcon (Kokoy de Santos). El invitado no tarda en manifestar su costado juguetón, instándole a tener una cita, lo cual despierta el instantáneo rechazo de Cai. No obstante, los tira y afloja de ambos van formando una relación en la que la fuerza de la realidad (el padre de Cai está internado por covid y los de Gavreel ya han fallecido) se impone con su amarga contundencia. A la historia se le añaden dos personajes importantes, ambos ex novios de Gavreel: la chispeante Pearl Gatdula (Adrianna So) y el posesivo Terrence (Kyle Velino), quienes le agregan más diversión y conflictos a los que los protagonistas ya deben afrontar por la pandemia.
"Gameboys" es una serie agridulce, testigo de una época por demás compleja. Sucede en Filipinas, pero lo que cuenta, más allá de la historia de amor adolescente y de sus personajes adorables, es reflejo fiel del modo en que la humanidad se ha enfrentado a una circunstancia médica extrema. Una sorpresa más que grata.
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iltorosiamonoi · 2 years
Skysport,Cairo:"Non è solo colpa dell'attacco,di mercato non parlo ora"
Skysport,Cairo:”Non è solo colpa dell’attacco,di mercato non parlo ora”
Dopo il derby perso contro la Juventus Urbano Cairo ha parlato in esclusiva a Skysport. “E’ stato un derby da 0 a 0. Non mi pare che la Juve abbia creato così tanto più di noi. Abbiamo avuto delle occasioni importanti con Vlasic, Lazaro e Miranchuk. Su Lazaro è stato bravo Szczesny. Come su Vlahocic era stato bravo Milinkovic in un paio di situazioni, ma il portiere fa parte della squadra e…
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liyazaki · 2 years
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Gameboys: Favorite Funny Scene | Gameboys Rewatch
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nickpakin · 3 years
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Idiot! I'm talking about your pizza!
Gameboys (1x02) / Gameboys The Movie
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Ya'll ever watch a movie and just feel completely drained after it's done. like you're not even doing anything but sitting there and watching it but feel like you've literally ran a marathon. Now you just wanna take a nap.
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happy-xy · 3 years
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GAMEBOYS THE MOVIE (2021) Directed by Ivan Andrew Payawal
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rainehartt · 3 years
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Gameboys The Movie [Trailer] | 07.30.21
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harryfado · 3 years
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From the IdeaFirst Company twitter account.
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sotus-n-2moons · 4 years
Elikoy speech on winning BL LoveTeam of the Year is the cutest thing ever 🥺. Also congratulations to winning BL Series of the Year at VP Choice Awards!!
And Happy international women’s day 💕
- admin @hangosmangos
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negrowhat · 2 years
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