#Cal Bolder
schlock-luster-video · 3 months
Remembering Jess James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter star Cal Bolder on the anniversary of his date of birth.
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter (1966)
My rating: 4/10
Yup. Sure does.
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ronnymerchant · 10 months
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Tsundere Rolan (Part 1)
Part 1 of a (one-sided) enemies-to-lovers fic about Rolan x himbo bard/ marital class Tav.
● Link to part 2 will be here when it's posted.
Part 1 takes place during the interim after Rolan becomes the master of the tower/ before the final battle.
I color-coded the dialogue for Rolan, Lia, and Cal.
Rolan hates Tav, and is currently ranting to Cal and Lia about it.
"He’s always meddling— sticking his nose where it doesn't belong, telling other people what to do. Tav is an insouciant, sanctimonious, do-gooder! He's a smarmy, flirtatious, cocksure, himbo! He's all brawn with no brains!"
Cal and Lia shoot eachother a knowing look as Rolan's tail slowly rises and begins to form an 'S' shape while he rants— before it abruptly slams down and curls close Rolan's body, it's spade angrily twitching.
"He’s insufferable."
Lia's been needing new material to tease Rolan with, so she decides to prod him on his "hatred" for Tav.
"He isn't that bad Rolan, why do you insist on hating him?"
Rolan instantly takes the bait.
"Because he thinks that he can smile and charm his way out of anything with his ruggedly handsome face and sultry eyes!"
Cal chimes in to help Lia rile Rolan up.
"He does have beautiful eyes."
Rolan's tail starts lashing side-to-side in ire as he becomes possessive over Tav protective over Cal.
"Ugh, say it in a more dreamy, whistful, voice why don't you!? I am not impressed by how he manages to convince people to acquiesce to his requests by merely smiling at them! I heard someone refer to him as a 'beefcake'. I can't comprehend why people swoon for that fool. Are they really so vain that they're falling over themselves simply because Tav looks strong enough to snap a tree trunk in half with his bare hands!?"
Rolan is so incensed that he doesn't notice the mischievous twinkle in Lia's eyes as she thirsts over Tav.
"He is a rather large man Rolan. Can you honestly say that you've never wondered if he's portionally large down there?"
Agast, Rolan stutters over his words while furiously blushing.
"WHAT!? Z-ZRUGAN, LIA! NO! I h-haven't pondered over t-that. And if you have wondered if that annoyingly attractive, inane, bolder of a man is... if he has a, a l-lar— I'd rather not know about it!"
"Pfft, I don't believe you."
"Well I'm not a degenerate with terrible taste in men like you are, Lia."
"Terrible taste!? He's hot, anyone with functional eyes can see that he's hot!"
Cal quickly interjects before his siblings can start squabbling.
"Rolan! Tav being physically attractive isn't the only reason why everyone has the hots for him. He's also a really cool guy. He saved us tieflings at the Grove and in the Shadowlands. AND he helped you defeat Lorroakan. He helps others without expecting anything in return. Tav is genuinely kind— it's hard to find people like that."
Lia smugly chimes in.
"And he's hot."
Cal agrees, nodding sagely.
"And he's hot."
Rolan throws his hands up, deciding that he's heard enough, stormimg away while muttering to himself.
"I don't know why I bother... 'beefcake'— ugh, how crass... stupid sexy Tav..."
Cal and Lia both know that Rolan is lashing out because he's down bad for Tav, but that he's too emotionally constipated to realize it.
"Oh, he's down bad."
"The worst part is he doesn't even know that he's down bad."
So Cal and Lia hatch a plot to hook their brother up with Tav.
"We need to help that stubborn idiot get with Tav."
"Ugh, I hope that finally getting laid helps Rolan relax and not be so pissy all the time."
"As much as I don't want to think about Rolan having sex, I wholeheartedly agree. So what's the plan?
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faerunsbest · 6 months
Every time @drizztdohurtin posts cute ass headcanons I get so fricken AMPED!
So have a rolan thought.
After laroakan is punted ungraciosly from the towers premise and Rolan has rushed out to gather his siblings, the three find themselves standing in the middle of the towers ground floor grinning wildly. Out of nowhere, Lia just starts laughing, Cal follows suit and three of them look around grinning and laughing unable to believe it's theirs.
This is home.
After all that strife, chaos, and terror, they have finally got somewhere to call home. Walls to keep them safe, a roof to keep them dry. He held his siblings close, dropping kisses to the top of their heads.
Cal laughed and punched his shoulder lightly
"So how are we gonna say thanks? This is because of dwyllas help, right?"
Rolan nodded before looking up the seemingly expanse of spiraling stairs. Lia looped her arm through his and leaned against his shoulder.
" Let's have a big dinner for them!"
He didn't see the quick cheeky smile cal and Lia exchanged before cal said almost thoughtfully.
"Yea and it'd be as good a time as any to tell her that you like her."
Rolan feels his face flush with warmth as he sputters at them. Now the pair of them stand to look at him knowingly. He huffs and tries to wave them off before hurriedly heading out towards the kitchens.
"Dinner is a good idea. I don't think they've eaten anything not on a stick in a long while."
The invitation goes out, and for one day, instead of everyone heaving themselves exhausted into bed, they find themselves welcomed to the tower with a small potion of rejuvenation.
Cal and Lia run a muck trying to listen to everything everyone has to say. There's so many stories!
Laezel finds herself staring at a train of mage hands that seem to keep bringing out more food. Gale blinks at her, wondering how there's so many and for Rolan to seem so unfazed by it.
She leans over to ask.
" shouldn't that require some focus?"
" I would think so, but I don't know what training he was undergoing, so maybe he learned a trick or something."
Some time after dessert, jaheira can be heard laughing with karlach. Gale stands with a glass of wine, admiring the contents of a particularly tall bookshelf mumbling to himself. Astarion and some others regale the siblings with story after story.. some details conflicting and erupting into laughter filled arguments.
Without notice to most of them, a small cat had perched on the nearby window sill to look down the them. Rolan found himself watching a pleasantly buzzed Dwylla saunter over to feed it a bit of chicken off her plate. He watched her fingertips disappear into its tall tufts of fur as she gave it a few little scratches before sitting back down.
Rolan watched her from a lounge chaise off the side near the fireplace. He took another drink before voicing a thought.
"For some reason I didn’t think you liked cats."
Dwylla smiled and decided to share his spot on the other side of the lounger.
"I don't mind them but I suppose I get jealous of them."
" You're jealous of cats?"
" they live the best life, don't you think? A housecat gets everything it wants, just strolls up because it wants attention and no one bats an eye. Just give the attention it wants."
The pair hadn't noticed two pairs of eyes suddenly focused on them. Astarion huffed against cals hand over his mouth while Lia kept his hands from prying it away. Laezel snickered at him while they stared at the pair on the lounger a short distance away.
"...mmm. Do you want attention?"
Rolan shifted in place, letting himself relax more than he normally would. The vintage in his near empty glass helped. Dwylla seemed to pause quietly deep in thought before turning her glass upside down against her lips.
Now with a belly full of courage, she crawled over the cushions to settle herself in his lap.
" I might."
Now, with a much bolder smirk, Rolan reaches up with his free hand to run his fingers through her hair. He feels her shift just enough to let her head sit on his shoulder.
The wine is moved to his other hand so he can pet her hair while she relaxes against him, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
" I could give you all the attention you like..."
He feels her look up at him, her smile peeking up at him.
" oh"
" if you do one thing for me"
" What's that?"
" when this is over, when it's done... come back here and marry me."
Her hand found its way to his cheek, trailing the back of her nail over his ear as she hummed in thought.
"You can have better life than any little housecat that ever made you jealous."
He says it leaning down, letting the words fall against her skin, enjoying the little goosebumps that rise up I response.
" promise?"
" I do"
Astarion grunted as he found himself on the receiving end of one of cals tights hugs, lias arms up in the air while she mimed a cheer.
While their kiss deepened, a clatter could be heard from the kitchen could be heard as the mage hands suddenly vanished.
Laezel just snorted.
" so he can lose focus"
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Daily Cal Headcanon
Biker!Cal and you find an attraction towards one another during your shared commutes. Rating: 18+ Themes: Unprotected
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Biker!Cal shares a similar commute every week day. It took you a few weeks before you realized it was always the same guy. You, like many others, ignore the large amounts of people in proximity while out on the road. Instead, choosing to blast your music and sing along without caring if others see.
Biker!Cal notices you first, sitting at a red light, entirely in your own world. He didn’t mean to look at you, but your little dance while singing along caught the corner of his eye. He was polite, pretending like he hadn’t seen, and turning back to wait for the light to change.
Biker!Cal noticing you more and more and you notice him as well. You pretend like you hadn’t caught his visor turned towards you. Dancing and singing as though nothing had happened. Because nothing had happened, he’s just a stranger out on the road. A really fit and mysterious stranger.
Biker!Cal who begins to look forward to his daily commute, keeping an eye out for your particular vehicle, and speeding up or slowing just to end up next to you at the light. You in the right lane, and him in the left.
Biker!Cal who ogles you behind his helmet, but is polite enough to look away when you turn towards him, allowing you the opportunity to look him over as well. You take in his appearance, faded work boots, black jeans, and a formfitting black jean jacket with a gray hood. His displayed thin waist making you wonder if the rest of his body is equally toned.
Biker!Cal growing braver with each intentional encounter, pulling up to the red light beside you and fully turning his head to look right into your window. His black helmet disguising his features, making you lust after this masked man. Wondering if you would enjoy looking at the man under the helmet while he rails you. He watches you for the entire light, making your heart race, then speeding off as the light turns green, leaving you breathless.
Biker!Cal who now nods to you each time you meet at the usual spot, growing bolder with each day. Going so far as to gesture to his left ring finger in question. You shake your head, and he nods, smirking under the helmet. Speeding off again, making you wonder what he intends to do with that information.
Biker!Cal not pulling up to you at the usual light on your way home, leaving you disappointed, until you see him in your rear view, not in his typical lane. Your heart races at this new development, and you drive, eyes mostly glued to the rear-view mirror to enjoy his appearance without staring so directly.
Biker!Cal who follows you home, you park and glance at him once in curiosity, then enter your home, leaving the front door fully open, letting him know the offer is on the table.
Biker!Cal strides through your front door, closes it, and removes his helmet, allowing you to see the man under behind the visor. Your breath catches in your throat as you see his full beauty. Prayers answered that the man you have masturbated to the thought of is far more handsome than you could have imagined.
Biker!Cal who watches your mouth drop open and wastes no time closing the distance between your bodies. He doesn’t say a word as he pushes you up against the nearest empty wall. Clasping the backs of your thighs to wrap them around his thin waist, your skirt rising to make space for his body.
Biker!Cal who kisses you with more need and passion that you have felt from any man prior. Pining your wrists together and then above your head, causing you to whine. His other hand moving to free his cock from the black jeans he always wears.
Biker!Cal shoving your panties aside to split you on his thick length, his thumb moving to rub at your clit. Slamming you repeatedly into the wall with his rough thrusts, making you cry out and gasp.
Biker!Cal capturing your bottom lip between his teeth and sucking hard on the reddened flesh as he brings you to the edge of orgasm. You ability to kiss him lacking as you clamp down around his cock, his thumb egging you on, slows as he feels you pulsating.
Biker!Cal grunting and releasing your lips while cumming inside your needy hole. His hand releasing your wrists and moving to grasp your hips firmly while pumping his seed into your body, eyes closed to enjoy the additional stimulation.
Biker!Cal who sets you down gently, kisses you softly, then grabs his helmet to leave. Making you wonder who he is and what just happened. You hope this isn’t the last time you see him, but you understand this was likely a onetime deal. Biker!Cal who acknowledges you at the light on the way to work, in his typical left lane, but in behind you on the way home again.
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ronmerchant · 7 months
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lunarxdaydream · 1 year
📁 Cal
( send 📁 for a small random hc about my muse )
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While Cal is not a daily coffee drinker, he is surprisingly fussy when it comes to its quality. For example, of an espresso is being brewed on a moka pot, he will know right away by the scent and taste if the person preparing it burned the grounds. He is meticulous on his method, including the proper temperate and using only purified water to ensure the highest quality. In his home, he does have an entire little machine that grinds coffee beans in preparation for an espresso, a whole espresso maker thing with the milk frothier attached, a moka pot, and a single serve coffee. He prefers bolder tastes than sweet. In fact if he does have the odd lingering for a sweet coffee, he will just order it (funny that he considers making it too much work).
|| @arcxnumvitae ||
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ask-thsc-blog · 2 months
Calvin’s leg got caught at the bolder of rocks, and he can’t get out, he tells them to go
CAL: "Go!! Keep going! It's okay! At least I'll be with the others-"
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spoilertv · 1 year
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📺Bonanza The Ape (1960) | Hoss hellps a Super Strong Man but fails | 
Hoss befriends a lonely, mentally challenged man.  That man, Arnie 'The Ape' Guthrie is played by Cal Bolder.  He has nearly superhuman size and strength and becomes extremely dangerous when angered. Hoss's efforts are undermined by a saloon girl, Sheribelle, played by Karen Sharpe.  She only wants this giant man-child in order to manipulate him and laugh at him.  Leonard Nimoy plays Freddy, Sheribelle's boyfriend.   Never Miss An Upload, Join the channel: https://cutt.ly/MrPsClassicTV
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schlock-luster-video · 6 months
On April 4, 1968, Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter debuted in Mexico.
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Here's some new Cal Bolder art!
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“Gait, making before me”
The sun and thilke mischiefe false fires.     Promise twisted surface. But yet if he moor, and bolder     my your spirit robe of the more desert sky? Gait, making     before me like in suc
securitie: that thee, this hair and     Time’s own bait: tho gan newly cut you quite shepherds sored     out, as chin, my piteous powers, old what long sonne, whole armèd     Knight her Eyes. The bring ray
can many a Lambe has wrong emprise;     strangement, ne in that sith thought there, Stella, though very     line after ten black on Simo’s more, to loue deeds that     Thomalin came he clapt
better lanely in her still,     crowing the reflex act the from minerals, love affair, shall     I recompellant, in her got so; I lose thou this shining     to my tongue in somede,
let’s men out the bodies corned     too wel the Cellar never my smart. Now deadly forbear,     how she apple to see the darker House view, all a-     blaze upon my faint, nor
he has ware, how can die! Yes, that     will be better, and looking rock, as thy head, and let me     by trains and in the worldly health or cool as young, breast, then     she goblet: the Fair one
his filled, and I sit animate     ass so must rest loveds have knot into one’s freckled, wept     and balm, the rods as I came long prince? My schooled the ass of     it, It is cruell scorn that
may shepheards around rought him. Their     own deathmonger, Rosamonds of me: who guiding that works     or to set her in mine, that sober lip he ditty, my     inside, wheretos
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Such deceiu’d the sea has two willing     of proof an hours, old inn-door. Yellow and his gone: what     I have hoisted We are love to fetch in the thanck.     When I you entering.
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ronnymerchant · 1 year
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
The Shock Return Of Manifest S4 Has Been Defined
Netflix has lastly landed Manifest S4 with the primary half of the final season of this collection hitting the streaming platform. The thriller thriller is meant to be bolder and larger than ever earlier than. This does verify a number of the theories regardless that it asks much more questions. The season may even discover the drama behind the sudden getting old of Cal (performed by Ty Doran) and the demise of Grace (Athena Karkanis). Then again, the season can be shedding some mild on Ben (Josh Dallas) who had been specializing in on the lookout for his daughter Eden, who had been kidnapped by Angelina Meyer, Olive, performed by Luna Blaise, is totally left behind to take care of the archaeological digging and reasoning behind the callings.  Manifest S4 Might Be Tying A Lot Of Free Ends For these questioning about TJ, he was the principle character in Manifest S2, the place he was launched as a passenger and faculty scholar who was on flight 828. He had been coping with life with out his mom, who had killed herself after she heard concerning the disappearance of the flight. He then grew to become a buddy to the Stones– who helped him analysis these callings after they discovered Ben throughout one such calling. This additionally led to his arrest whereby it regarded like he had dedicated murder- resulting in Ben serving to him out after which taking care of him. In Manifest S4, he returns within the eighth episode- the place his research do lead him again to New York looking for the omega sapphire. Evidently, Manifest S4 has to take care of the return of TJ now that it’s approaching the ultimate run of the episodes. TJ’s presence positively helps in bettering the storyline of Olive, by letting her carry out all of the household trauma that she has been going by means of with out a correct launch. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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fitsofgloom · 4 years
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"Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter," the '60s genre-blender with one of the all-time great Exploitation titles.
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