#Callisto daydreams
cal-lust-o · 1 year
I just want a switch i can trade control with in the same session, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ aelin. aeline. aibek. aku. alcmene. alta. amal. amalthea. amaris. amaya. apollo. arche. archer. ariel. arielune. arion. artemis. aruna. atla. atlas. ay. aydan. ayla. baku. bianca. cal. cali. calli. callisto. celestia. celina. celine. chandra. charon. chroma. crescent. damaris. dark. deimos. diarene. dione. dipper. dream. dusk. elaine. elara. erion. esme. esmere. europa. ganymede. hala. halo. hara. helen. helena. helene. hyperion. hypnos. io. jaci. jericho. june. kamari. khonshu. koko. koray. layla. luan. luna. lunar. lunatalia. lunavenly. lune. luno. mere. mia. midnight. miranda. mirande. mirando. miyako. monday. moon. moony. moonyx. morpheus. mya. myia. neoma. nocturne. nox. oberon. orion. phobos. phoebe. portia. puck. raka. rhea. runa. rune. runo. salina. saline. sandra. selena. selene. selephina. somnia. somnus. thea. titan. titana. titane. titania. titanio. titano. twilight. umbriel. vesper. volana.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ cloud/cloud. cloudy/cloudy. cosmi/cosmic. crater/crater. cre/crescent. crescent/crescent. dark/dark. day/dream/daydream. daydream/daydream. dream/dream. dusk/dusk. ecli/eclipse. evening/evening. galaxy/galaxy. lua/luna. luna/luna. luna/lunar. lunar/lunar. midnight/midnight. moon/moon. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. nox/nox. orb/orb. orbi/orbit. orbit/orbit. phase/phase. satellite/satellite. sha/shadow. shadow/shadow. sleep/sleep. sleepy/sleepy. star/star. umbra/umbra. 🌃 . 🌌 . 🌑 . 🌒 . 🌓 . 🌔 . 🌕 . 🌖 . 🌗 . 🌘 . 🌙 . 🌚 . 🌛 . 🌜 . 🌠 .
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liviavanrouge · 4 months
So what’s some of Livia’s siblings UM?
Golden's UM is called Truth Mirror, it allows the person he uses it for to find out the truth no matter how silly the question is or how complicated it must be. He has only used it in Ch 5 so far in order to make himself OB with Vil while the others escaped
Shadows is called Panthera Beast in which he shifts into a more furry version of himself, imagine that one panther from Zootopia that Judy and Nick talked to, thats how it looks. He stands up on two legs as a full panther and uses his enhanced abilities to fight
Maria's UM is called Timer, she can stop time, fast forward or reverse time to help out but she can only use it for twenty to thirty seconds and it's first revealed during the Riddle OB where she stopped time to save everyone
Kuro's is like a teleportation UM, he calls it Shadow Feathers, it allows him to travel to a place he imagines in his head. His feathers will come off his wings and swirl around him and he'll reappear in the place he wants to be at. He can take up to two people with him as well
Kiara's UM is called Hunters Sense, where she can track her "prey" after being familiar with their scent. It is hard though because her nose isn't a strong one so it makes it difficult at times
Elikai and Barin have a combined UM called Show and Tell. Elikai is Show and Barin is Tell. Their conbined UM allows them to reveal hidden things and have that hidden object or person tell what was going on and how it or they got there
Ralph doesn't have a UM since royalty Golden Wolves have Divine Magic rather than Mana Magic
Lavender also doesn't have a UM since she doesn't have magic
Cal's UM is called Spiritual, where he can leave his body at any time, but he only has till the sun rises to be out of his body in which his soul and consciousness will return after
Silk doesn't have a UM yet and doesn't really care for one finding it a waste of time to try and even earn
Callisto has a UM is called Daywalker, it allows him to walk through people's daydreams or naps they take during the afternoon (Leona is a frequent one). He can make changes to daydreams and afternoon nappers dreams. It also allows him to communicate with his siblings if needed. His UM also can make someone daydream so he can talk to them
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emmatriarchy · 4 months
what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
who would your muse consider their best friend?
[Cousin Sarah!]
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Callisto: survive no matter the means necessary Gambit: help people if you can - even if your guts are out of your body Storm: be fearless and always hide a couple of blades on you Mikhail: survival of the fittest
a LOT. They have a mind for stories and fairytales, though they don't really exploit it to its fullest. It is a way for them to deal with their traumas too.
Surprisingly, Piotr came close to that position at some point when Sarah was with the X-Men. since, they mostly get close to people they wanna get romantically/sexually involved with (Cannonball, Betsy, Kitty, Illyana, Feral...) but don't really have close friends :(
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covenunited · 2 years
Another dirty fantasy
For jett
Alaois and Callisto having their fun taking turns teasing Jett 👀
Send my muse a fantasy | @sickb0ysold1er
Jett wasn’t used to having people so close to him all the time. Not that he would complain; every moment he spent with Alaois and Callisto was like a little slice of his own personal heaven. He loved making them smile, laughing with them at corny jokes and harmless pranks, committing countless shenanigans around town and escaping from the authorities just in the nick of time. They were two of the best friends he could have asked for.
There was a selfish, perhaps deprived part of him that wanted more, though. Every time Alaois laid a hand on his knee, he wished that it might slip between his thighs. Every time Callisto leaned in for a hug, he daydreamed that a kiss or two might follow. And tonight, as they gazed up at the stars that peeked through the forest canopy, resting on old sleeping bags and makeshift pillows, Jett found himself fantasizing again.
His dream saw him lying between them, humming as they both took turns kissing him, Alaois capturing his lips while Callisto took to his neck. The two switched back and forth for a few long, delightful moments before Alaois decided to get a little more handsy. Jett could feel those strong hands starting to explore his body, fingers trailing up under his blouse to lightly tease his bare skin.
Callisto, meanwhile, had seen fit to take his attention to Jett’s neck a bit further. He began to suck and bite lightly at tender flesh, and the witch imagined that he was searching for just the perfect spot to leave a mark. He found it just a bit above Jett’s collarbone, eliciting a small moan from the witch when he latched onto it.
Alaois’s hands had split up to cover more ground, by this point. One had loosely tangled itself in the hair at the base of his skull, and was currently tugging on it to gently tilt his head back. He whimpered a little, not out of pain but in pleasure, at the sensation of it. The other hand had made its way down into his pants, groping lightly at his slowly but surely growing bulge. The goal was to overstimulate him, to tease him into submission, and he wanted it so badly…
But alas, it wasn’t real, was it? It couldn’t be. As much as he loved and lusted after his two best friends, he had no guarantee that they would ever feel the same way. All he could do was lie here with them, enjoy their company and proximity, and hope they didn’t notice his quiet desire in this moment.
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leavetaking · 3 years
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i. valkyrie's vigil ii. portrait of a child iii. the transformation of callisto iv. the nymph callisto v. midsummer eve vi. daydreams vii. making music xiii. night with her train of stars ix. heart of snow x. dream idyll (a valkyrie)
Edward Robert Hughes (British, 1851-1914)
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trashcankitty12 · 3 years
Helia Headcanons
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Helia Scofield, nephew of Saladin; Master Artist in the making.
Don’t let his soft demeanor and pacifistic leanings fool you; Helia’s up for the fight if he’s needed.
(All headcanons are mainly for my verses: Left and the New Company of Light. Fair warning.)
-Helia was born to Harley and Hannah Scofield.
-Hannah, Saladin’s twin (and the elder twin, thank you) is an illusion-based witch who works with her Great Uncle’s army. She’s a commander of the Pegasus Unit of the Callistan Army, and unlike her brother, tries to keep herself out of trouble.
-Harley’s more of a gentle soul who enjoys art and runs an art gallery in Callisto.
-As you can imagine, his parents, though loving to him and though they did love each other at one point, have had many disagreements about their lifestyles and what would be best for the family.
-Harley was more pacifistic while Hannah preferred to ‘face things head on’. (Both have great strategic minds though, and… Tended to use them against each other.)
-At a young age, Helia showed potential for magic. Hannah and Saladin tried to help hone his potential skills as a wizard, but the best he could do was simple spells to make himself faster and stronger than normal and to send magic notes. (And a few other minimalistic spells. He couldn’t do anything fancy like his mom and uncle though…)
-It didn’t really bum him out too much though. In fact, it was partially a relief that he wouldn’t have to worry about hurting someone with his magic if his feelings or concentration went out of control. And he had an easy way of keeping his utensils nearby while he was working.
-Helia was in a junior sword fighting league as a kid, something his Uncle Saladin and his mother were very proud of. (Though his father thought it reckless and dangerous and ugly… Even if there was a sort of elegance to sword fighting when done right.)
-He also participated in art clubs at his school and did his to earn high marks in elementary and middle school. (He tended to be a daydreamer and often spaced out in class, especially if the subject was boring to him. Which became another argument for his parents.)
-When he was about 12/13, his parents decided to divorce. Hannah relocated and deployed to serve in Magix at the Callistan Embassy (and to be closer to her brother). His father remained in Callisto.
-He was actually happy that they finally divorced, thrilled to never have to hear one of their ‘we’re not really arguing, just having a heated discussion’ sort of fights. Having to decide where to live and what his plans for the future, however, made him sick.
-His social anxiety was through the roof anyway, and on top of all of this… His art took a bit of a dark turn and so did his poetry.
-How dare his parents fight each other and then demand he choose? How dare they implode on him like this?
-(Faragonda and Griffin were honestly the best people during this time. And so were his childhood friends. They helped him keep his cool and realize what he wanted and how to go about talking to his parents about this stuff.)
-Helia left the sword fighting league, he never really enjoyed it anyway except for the moments he was benched and could sketch the matches. And he decided to stay with his father and enroll at the Callistan Art Academy. His mother was so proud that he wanted to follow his dreams, and agreed to weekends and holidays.
-(Honestly his parents were just happy that he was talking to them again instead of pushing them away. They were so worried, they even went to therapy so they could try and do better for Helia.)
-Helia stayed in touch with some of his sword fighting league friends and kept up with his childhood friends when he went to the Art Academy.
-He loved showing off his new works and talking his friends into being models for some of his works. (One of his favorite portraits is of his best guy friend posing with his new weapon after being accepted into Red Fountain.)
-His parents did move on from each other. On his dad’s side, he has a stepdad and a lovely younger stepsister who adores him. (And he has a half-brother on the way!!)
-His mom remarried a fellow soldier, Monroe. And Monroe has two children of their own; Seneca and Marie. (Older stepsisters… They’re loud and boisterous, but they mean well and Helia enjoys watching them pose and give him fashion shows to help out his own work.)
-Though he was only at the Academy for a short time, Helia discovered many things about himself. (And made friends with the Princess of Linphea who had gotten in despite her age. The fairy is truly gifted in making topiary art.)
-He loves his charcoal brushes and using colored pencils when doing sketches. Something about the way it moves on the paper just makes him so happy.
-And he does love to paint, though he’s not much for water colors. (And never ask him to do a digital piece. The last time he tried working with a tablet, he nearly got electrocuted. Granted, it was probably a one-time thing, but he took it as a sign.)
-Poetry is second love, aside from sketching and painting. He loves being able to verbalize his feelings and put the words down that he can feel inside. Its one of the few ways he feels he can truly connect to people, since it’s easier to write down the words instead of saying them. (Though he has done poetry readings from time to time.)
-Between portraits and landscapes, Helia prefers landscapes. And he’d really gotten into architecture drawings before he left the Academy.
-Because his parents were often busy when he was a kid, he found he had useful skills to ‘adult’ while at the Academy and on his own for the first time. (He can cook fairly well, at least, you know what you’re supposed to be eating and it tastes pretty good. But he’s no Chef Langdon.)
-He was great at keeping his room spotless and clean. His workspaces however? Not so much.
-Over half his wardrobe is stained with either paint or charcoal or clay.
-(Yes, he can do pottery. Just not very well. In fact, it usually looks pretty shit, but hey, he tried.)
-After seeing the news about what happened in Magix and how his uncle’s school was destroyed and the people he cared about nearly died, Helia decided to transfer. (Which took a lot of convincing with his dad and the Dean of the Academy and Saladin.)
-But once he was in, he was in. And when given the choice about his weapon, he went with one his mother loves to use, the laser-string gloves. Great for restraint and for quick weapon-recovery in battle without potentially causing further harm.
-Add in his ability to make himself stronger, and he can wield that glove with the confidence of a sword fighter.
-He quickly clicked with Timmy once he joined their squadron, despite the two having different views of technology.
-Helia was Riven’s roommate though, and while their personalities didn’t compete with each other, they didn’t completely get along either. (Riven reminded Helia of Hannah with his ‘let’s just face it’ ways and Riven felt Helia wasn’t much of a hero if all he did was restrain instead of fight.)
-Of course, as time went on, Helia and Riven do have respect for each other, and have many inside jokes that came from their time living together.
-Helia quickly found he was one of the ‘advisors’ of the group, with everyone coming to him for advice. He was flattered, sure, but dudes… Just because he managed to get what he got, doesn’t mean he knows how he did it.
-Aside from training with his gloves, he’s good using a whip and decent with a sword. Bows and arrows/anything needing aim isn’t his strong suit. He’s also not the best at giving reports on how things went on their missions, which is why that task gets delegated to Sky or Riven.
-He trained as a medic too, deciding that while he wouldn’t be the best in a fight, he can help with the aftermath. And his squad kind of needed a medic aside from Timmy and Brandon…
-Helia may not enjoy fighting, but he’s not above doing what’s necessary when the people he cares about are in danger. There have been plenty of times, not just when saving the Magical Dimension, that Helia has risked his life and limbs to protect his friends.
-One such incident was a survival trip to the Marshlands of Amanal. Brandon never would have made it home in one piece if Helia hadn’t thrown himself at the hippogriff. (And he somehow managed to befriend it afterward. No, he has no memory of how he did it.)
-Helia tends to be a stress-sketcher. Worried about a test? Doodles on his notes from class. Worried about an upcoming mission? Sketchbook in hand. Relationship issues? Sketchbook.
-Oh! He’s a great pilot too! Helia has a great sense of direction and has grown up around the ships, so he knows how to work them. (Now, if you want to know what makes them tick or how to put them together if they fall apart, ask someone else. Preferably Timmy or Riven.)
-Helia has a whole stash of teas. A collection, if you will. (Something that he blames Faragonda for, but hey, it’s not the worst habit ever.)
-After all the traveling he’s done thanks to Red Fountain, Helia sort of understands better why his mom and uncle loved their military days so much. Seeing new places, learning new things, enjoying new foods… It’s quite an existence. (If you can look passed all the fighting and wars and invasions…)
-Yes, Helia does yoga. He also enjoys dance. (And with friends like Layla, Musa, and Nabu, he never has to do it alone.)
-Some of his favorite people to sketch: Flora, for her grace and beauty and the way she seems to just breathe life into natural settings; Sky, for his posture and presence and ability to always appear in charge; Layla, for her strength and grace and how every body of water seems to be at her command; and finally, Timmy and Tecna, As a couple, those two just radiate this feeling of joy and it just… How can you not want to sketch it?!
-(Kiko is also a favorite sketch subject. The little rabbit just has so much personality!)
-This may come as a shock to people, but Helia enjoys horror movies. Preferably the psychological/thriller-based horror movies. It’s the way they capture human emotion and it’s just so poignant and interesting. He wants to learn how to convey such feelings in his work.
-Between his parents, you’d think Helia was closer to his father… In actuality, he’s closer to his mother.
-His mom enjoyed doing things and showing him things and just getting him to be more active and curious as a child.
-His father was more of a watcher. An observer-type. Always looking for something awe-inspiring for his next piece. (Something Helia and Harley bond over now. And laugh at, from time to time.)
-Helia enjoys swapping sketching ideas with Bloom and Stella, looking to see what they’re up to and how they can try and work off of each other.
-(And he has done some physical character sheets and layout ideas for Tecna’s video game idea to help her see her vision more clearly.)
-Helia doesn’t play a lot of video games. They’re just not his thing… But he does have a soft spot for the Sims series after Bloom introduced him to it, and he enjoys this maze creation game that a Solarian gaming company came up with for phones (level 200!!!).
-He swears more than people think he does. It’s almost comical how shocked people are when they meet this ‘sweet and soulful guy’ and then he drops a few ‘f’ bombs while working on his projects. (Not just ‘f’ bombs either… Dude gets creative with his curses. Even Riven’s impressed.)
-Helia didn’t go to Earth with the others, instead taking up a job offer on Callisto to help with remodeling his great uncle’s barracks. (And now, the castle itself… He’s so honored it’s his designs in the works.)
-However, he does visit from time to time. It makes him a little sad though, seeing Earth the way it is. All the pollution creating cars, the strange fashion, the way people seem to disregard each other. It’s so sad.
-When the ‘saving the Magical Dimension’ stuff stops, Helia’s hoping to join with his father’s art gallery and to build on his portfolio of projects. (He knows he already has a few jobs waiting for him, like Stella’s coronation portrait for when she becomes queen.)
-He just hopes his works inspire and touch people the way they do as he works on them.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Virg, give me strength. Another Saturday on my feet.
But! Had excellent plot addition idea for Callisto, so can ruminate and daydream about it all day.
And not have the energy to write it when I get home.
But! Idea!
(Clinging to the positive...positive has claw marks)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Ursa Major - Kiara Carrera
Request: date idea with Kiara or John B: camping in the backyard or on the dock, one sleeping bag and making up stories about the constellations
A/N: I did Kiara cause I don’t get enough Kiara requests
Outer Banks Masterlist
You had unzipped the sleeping bag from that Kiara had brought from home, laying it out on the dock behind your house along with the quilt from your bed. Lanterns lit the small area and you’d carried down some old throw pillows that your parents wouldn’t absolutely murder you for using. 
You both wanted to go camping but since Kiara parents nixed the idea and told her she wasn’t allowed to leave the OBX you’d decided that backyard camping would have to do. You’d set up a tent at the end of the dock in case it rained but both of you thought that just camping out under the stars would be better, especially since it was a surprisingly cool night. The last week had been nothing but humid weather and you were thrilled to finally have some breathable air back.  
“This looks amazing.” Kiara called as she stepped onto the dock. She was carrying a portable grill and her backpack.  
“Thank you, I’m a pretty skilled camp ground...preparer. I don’t know.” You shook your head, “what’d you bring?”
“S’mores.” Kiara held up the grill as evidence. “All the stuff for it’s in my bag.”
The grill was set up away from the blankets on the edge of the dock. You sat facing each other, mirroring positions with one leg tucked in and the other hanging off the end of the dock, feet brushing against the water as you roasted marshmallows. Kiara liked them just browned while you singed them all until the outside was a black shell.  
“I don’t know how you eat that.” She admonished as you pulled the marshmallow off the skewer with your graham crackers.  
“This is the only way to eat them.” You replied, taking a bit. Kiara laughed when part of the marshmallow escaped the sandwich, dripping onto your chin. Careful of the fire, she leaned over and kissed your chin, eating off the leftover. “Thank you.” You smiled, kissing her before she moved back to her own spot on the dock.  
“I’ve seen kids eat neater than you.” Kiara teased, taking a bite of her own smore.
“Maybe I did it on purpose, did you ever think of that?” You asked, watching a new smore catch on fire. You blew it out, inspecting the level of char. “I mean I got you to kiss me.”
“Yeah cause I don’t kiss you all the time.” She laughed.  
You stuck your tongue out at her before turning your focus back toward making yourself another smore. While you did Kiara turned her attention out toward the marsh, looking up at the sky in the distance. She had big plans to travel someday but there wasn’t anything like this view. The OBX had some of the best clear skies, especially, it felt like, in the summer. The stars were bright, clear, and visible in the distance.  
“What’s up?” You asked, poking her knee with the handle of your marshmallow skewer.  
She looked back at you and smiled, “the stars just look so beautiful.”  
“Well,” You said, laying down your skewer and standing up, “turn that thing off and come join me here in the stargazing area,” you did a sweep with your hand over the blankets and pillows before plopping down in the middle of them. Kiara laughed, finishing off her smore and turning off the grill so that she could join you on the blankets.
“Alright, I’m here,” she said, stepping onto the blankets and lowering herself down next to you. “Now what? Are you gonna wow me with John B facts about the constellations?”
“John B knows one fact about the constellations that he learned on a field trip to the planetarium and he’s never forgotten it.” You replied. “I know actual astronomy facts about the constellations because your girlfriend is a genius.”
“Alright genius girlfriend, wow me with your facts. I wanna know it all.” Kiara teased.  
“Well, since we’re technically in the northern hemisphere we’ll see constellations like Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, and Ursa Minor. I want to go to the southern hemisphere someday to see Centaurus, it’s my favorite constellation-”
“Oh my god...you’re like the astronomy version of Pope.”
“Shut up!” You laughed, “astronomy is way cooler than Pathology. And someday when they’re elevator to space is finally constructed, I’m not taking you.”
“No, please, I can’t possibly handle you leaving me here on earth Zenon.” Kiara teased, propping herself up enough to look at you.  
You looked over at her for a second before turning back to the sky. “That constellation is Ursa Major, the bear. Now, let me wow you with my mythology skills. The ancient Greeks saw the bear in the sky and believed that Zeus had been caught in an affair with Callisto. In a jealous rage Hera had cursed Callisto, turning her into a bear. It was then Zeus who put her and her son Arcas into the sky. Her son becoming Ursa Minor or the little bear.”  
“Damn, that would suck.” Kiara laid back beside you, looking up to the constellation that you pointed out.  
“JB could tell you that the big dipper is part of Ursa Major but that’s hardly her most exciting celestial object.”
“Celestial object.” Kiara laughed, “you sound like a teacher.”
“I’m literally gonna go in the tent and never come out.” You replied.  
“I’m sorry, I love you, you’re such a nerd. A beautiful, amazing, nerd.” Kiara pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. “tell me more, I promise, no interruption.”
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @ssprayberrythings @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days
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superveniio · 4 years
4 and 8, for the ask meme?
How did you figure out that you were not straight ™️?
-—❧ Callisto did something unusual. 
He’s just a scholar, an advisor. All he did was educate the Master and offer information to influence choices. He was so intelligent, Gold admired him, but kept his head down and watched from afar. It was so aggravating, seeing the Master just dismiss Callisto’s advice, and walk away like— like he was nothing!
Gold clutched the silver tray to his chest and glared holes into Viscount Coventry’s back. And then Callisto did something unusual.
He tucked calico brown locks behind his ear and he rolled his eyes. And suddenly Gold couldn’t breathe. When Callisto gazed at him and smiled, all Gold could think about was kissing those lips red, staring into those eyes full of rebellion as they embraced each other and talked into the night about this or that. He shoved his gaze to his shoes and apologised profusely, for even daring to make eye contact with someone clearly higher classed than he. Scholars. Butlers. They don’t mingle.
Callisto still tilted his chin up and said, “You have nothing to be sorry for. You have lovely eyes.”
Do you have romantic daydreams a lot? If so, could you describe some?
-—❧ I’d argue all Gold does is daydream. His favourite always tended to be one where he is worshipped. No one questions him, no one dares speak his name in disdain. They bow down to him, but one stands out from the rest.
They question him until he’s worn down, until he can only speak the truth. Because no matter what, beneath or above, his one true love is always the person who sees him as an equal. As a person. As human. He is held, because he is soft. He is teased, because he is playful. He shares literature and plays the violin, to impress, to show off, to preen.
Gold is flashy, Gold will write poetry, will write music, will learn new dances and new talents, and every time in his daydream, the apple of his eye claps and is delighted, and then he’s praised and kissed until he can’t think.
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andromedako · 4 years
木星のビート (Mokusei no Beat/Beats of Jupiter) - Translation
Video: HERE
[note: i translated the title as “Jupiter’s Beat”, but the official english title is  “Beats of Jupiter”, which fits the theme of this series of songs better (Waltz of Mercury, Lullaby of Mars, Dance of Venus), so keep that in mind!]
okay this surprised and hit me with how sad it actually is when you look at it apologies for any mistranslations + spelling mistakes ^^;
昨日と今日の隙間で ただ、漂う君の 眠れない夜に打ち上がった救難信号 僕ら何度ここですれ違っても 11.86 また逢える
In the gap of yeterday and today, a mayday was shot up from the you, simply floating in your sleepless nights We've passed by each other so many times here, but at 11.86[1] we meet again
わだかまる絡まりはいっそ棄てて トリップしよう いま君をのせて 映すのはオーロラとガリレオ衛星 観客は僕らふたりだけさ
Being rooted and entangled, we'd much rather throw it away Should we [take a] trip? Riding along with you, What's being reflecting is the aurora and Galilean moons[2] The audience is just the both of us
消えちゃいたいって 君も思っていたらいいな 決まり事の反対で 浮かんでいたい
It's okay to think that you want to disappear, I want to float around in the opposition to that rule
木星のビートに乗っかって 君と宇宙へ行こう わずかに煙ってる脳細胞 今は重力も忘れて
Riding along Jupiter's beat, With you, let's go to space My brain cells barely smoking up We'll forget about gravity for now
迷った日々のビート なにも言わなくてもいいから 君の世界は 君のものさ 変わらず 朝がきて夜になるだけ
The beat of these wandering days It's okay to just not say anything at all Your world, and what's yours never changes, from when it turns morning into night
(トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 曖昧な想いにはスウィンギンなフロウで (トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 無定形の愛にはスウィーティなメロウで
(tuttuturututtutu) These vague feelings are a swinging flow (tuttuturututtutu) And this shapeless love is a sweet mellow
いつか地上に落とした5番目の ストーリーの終わり 今も探している
One day we'll drop to the surface and that'll have been the 5th time our story has ended, even now I'm still searching-
空高く輝く星座を 辿れないのは気持ちのせいだろ いつになっても答えの出ない 憂いは忘れていーや
The shining constellations far above the sky, I wonder if they're because of these untraceable feelings? When it becomes the time, I won't get an answer I'll just forget this grief, whatever
木星のビートに乗っかって 君と宇宙へ行こう バラバラになってる感情も ひとつずつ拾って持ってきて 
Riding along Jupiter's beat, with you, let's go to space Even our feelings, falling apart, one-by-one, we'll throw them away, and bring them back over
くすんだ日々をちょっと 手放して夜を泳いだって 君の世界は まだ君のものさ どうせまた周っていく
The dark days are just a bit out of my reach, because the nights are just swimming around Your world, and still what you have- They'll still loop around anyways.
木星のビートに乗っかって 君と夢中で踊ろう いまだに煙ってる脳細胞 今は重力も忘れて
Riding along Jupiter's beat, with you, in a daydream, let's dance My brain cells still smoking up, We'll forget about gravity for right now
迷った君のビート 不格好になってもそれで良い 君の世界は 続いてくんだ 何度でも 朝は過ぎ夜がくるだけ
The lost you's beat, If it become awkward, that's okay Your world continues on, and so many times by now, it's just mornings passing and nights coming
(トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 曖昧な想いにはスウィンギンなフロウで (トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 無定形の愛にはスウィーティなメロウで (トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 曖昧な想いにはスウィンギンなフロウで (トゥットゥトゥ ルットゥットゥトゥ) 無定形の愛にはスウィーティなメロウで
(tuttuturututtutu) These vague feelings are a swinging flow (tuttuturututtutu) And this shapeless love is a sweet mellow (tuttuturututtutu) These vague feelings are a swinging flow (tuttuturututtutu) And this shapeless love is a sweet mellow
[1] - Refers to Jupiter's orbital period being 11.86 years [2] - Jupiter's 4 biggest moons- Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
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bijouxs · 4 years
1, 6, and 11 for the writer ask meme game! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or evening!
awww thank u ryn T_T you are too lovely i wish the same for you and more!!!
1. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
JACKDAW is a super-powered telling of a boy having to grow up, and fast. saddled with a bunch of powers he never wanted in the first place, a bond with a boy who hates his guts and finding himself on the hitlist of every D-grade (and UP!) supervillain on the west side of deerfoot academy, callisto collins’ world is off-kilter and it’s all thanks to one felix fairchild. 
TRIPLE STAR is a story about two boys. boy meets boy on abandoned ship. boy on ship is in cryogenic state. boy brings boy home to meet the family of commanders and wayfarers. the second boy is in out of his depth and holds a few too many secrets. very cute, though! 
THE GREYHOUND EXPRESS is [REDACTED AT THIS TIME]. think spies and heists and thrills and treasure and gay people and secret societies with long-beaked dogs and important meanings that nobody truly knows.
HEARTS, AND OTHER OPTIONAL MATTERS is a short story about a boy and his mother’s relationship, strained after the death of his brother. it deals with race issues, the domineering white fragility looming over modern britain and a filial son despite his trauma. also, fight scenes that give off scott pilgrim x grand army flair!
6. are your projects driven more by character or plot?
initially it’s ALWAYS character. i'll daydream the spine of plot but i loveeee to build a character up from the ground with all their little eccentricities. however I've been way better about outlining now!! so i have a vague idea about where things like jackdaw + triple star are going...? but things like TGE are way more like, character or even concept/motif driven.
11. give three songs/images that fit [WIP of choice]
fuck it lets go greyhound express.
PARFAIT TIRAGE - paradis  MASITNONSOUL - hyukoh  RICORDANDOTI - piero umiliani
ask game
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boogeymanbastard · 5 years
all the 40 oc questions
1. If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
A show about cryptids, myths & legends! though, the topics covered would be subtly weaved to elicit fear in the viewers.
2. Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
He learned how to play violin & cello over time, but can also take on a form that knows how to (or can mimic the skills needed) play an instrument if it pertains to that person’s fears/nightmares.
3. If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
I don’t think I could choose another name for Mephiles! (i’m also terrible with making up or finding names that suit a specific type of character once i’ve settled on a name hjgdshfgsd)
4. How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
Mephiles is at home in the dark. He can see perfectly in it, and know exactly what lurks in it.
5. How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
Terribly. He’d just intentionally frighten the students.
6. What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Didn’t have any parents, and never had a parent figure, either. He was alone for a long time.
7. Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
High-pitched noises can make him uncomfortable, but that’s about it.
8. Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Both work fine, but Mephiles does prefer smaller crowds in a social setting. Otherwise, he won’t complain. More people to feed from.
9. How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
He makes friends more easily with people aware of his true nature that don’t immediately scoff and/or run away, or non-humans. But he’s still fairly half-decent at making friends regardless!
10. How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
He’s always open to try new things. There’s a lot about the world that he’s yet to experience, and he loves to get to know his prey better, after all.
11. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
He doesn’t really get into embarrassing situations? Maybe being caught one night as he stood by someone’s bed as he gave them nightmares, relishing in their fear, but he has his ways of dealing with intruders…
12. Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
Alexander Russell happens to be a close friend of Mephiles’. It was Alexander who suggested to Mephiles to go out and actually experience humanity and Earth instead of just seeing it all as prey. He’s also in contact with Callisto and Morgaine.
13. How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
He’s the literal Boogeyman. He’s far from innocent, and feeds on fear. Some know of who he is, but most know his moniker; not his name or face.
14. What is your oc’s vision like? Do they require glasses, are they completely blind, or do they have 20/20 vision? Does this have an effect on their life?
His vision is perfect, though he can take on forms that could require glasses if it relates to a person’s fears.
15. What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Night-time. Not just due to it being the time when the majority of humans sleep, but it’s also more aesthetically pleasing and peaceful to him.
16. How often does your oc lie? Why is that? What was the biggest lie they’ve ever told?
Extremely rarely. He doesn’t feel the need to lie often - most people barely believe him when he tells them exactly what he is. 
17. How well can your oc keep secrets? Is there a difference between how they handle their own vs someone else’s? To what lengths would they go to keep something hidden?
Relatively well regarding his own secrets, amazingly well with other people’s secrets.
18. How does your oc fare in an emergency situation? Do they panic, do they freeze, do they take charge?
He takes charge, if he can.
19. If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
Murder, most likely. Sometimes he gets a little too excited when he’s hungry, and can kill someone. Most of the time it looks like natural causes (sudden heart attack, for example), but being caught would definitely make it seem like he caused it.
20. What is your oc’s personal hygiene like? Is it important to them? What is their daily routine for this like?
He looks eerily spotless. He doesn’t do much to look that way, just a simple shower or bath.
21. Are there any public events your oc would love to go to? Concerts, plays, movies, parties, etc? What about ones that they would hate? Why?
Halloween gatherings & parties. No guesses as to why.
22. How quiet or loud is your oc? Are they easily capable of sneaking around without being heard, or do they feel it’s impossible to stop talking?
Mephiles can be deathly silent if he needs or wants to be, and it’s oh-so-easy for him to sneak around without being heard or seen.
23. How difficult is it for your oc to get to sleep? Do they fall asleep the moment they hit the pillow, or do they have insomnia? Any reason why?
He doesn’t need sleep, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t slept. It doesn’t take him long, he’s often fairly relaxed.
24. How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
Mephiles responds appropriately to most things, though can act dramatically if it adds flavour to whatever he’s saying.
25. How does your oc handle being sick? Do they pretend not to be? Do they complain a lot? How susceptible to getting sick are they?
It’s seemingly impossible for Mephiles to get sick.
26. How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
His wardrobe is varied, but he does have many tailored suits from different eras.
27. What’s your oc’s preferred mode of transportation? Walking, vehicle, (or in a sci-fi/magic setting) teleportation?
Walking & teleportation. Beware him when he starts running, however.
28. Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
Either early or on time. He just likes to be at places when he should be.
29. How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Variable depending on hunger levels.
30. How much does your oc swear? Or do they keep completely clean? Why is this? Is there any situation where they would be the opposite?
He often uses “bloody” “bugger” and “arse” frequently to flavour his sentences, but harsher words are only ever used in a heated moment to emphasize a point.
31. What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Mephiles is actually extremely easily amused, and it doesn’t take much to make him laugh. His own jokes, however, are mostly just comedic timing.
32. Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
Mostly pacifistic, he just doesn’t see the need to pick fights.
33. How does your oc’s own perception of themselves compare to how other people see them? Is your oc aware that other people see them differently (if it’s different)?
He knows exactly how people see him, and he revels in it, even if he doesn’t quite like giving himself an ego boost. He just sees himself as an entity with a hunger that needs to be satisfied.
34. How easily does your oc throw something away? As soon as something is through with its usefulness, or are they more like a hoarder? Is there a reason?
Mephiles doesn’t own too much, and doesn’t throw away anything that he does have.
35. Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why?
He’s never not busy, but that’s because most of his time is spent entertaining himself or doing what he needs to.
36. What is your oc’s ideal night out like? Or would they rather spend it at home?
Hunting for fear. Or just getting a sadistic kick by making a large crowd of people run for their lives.
37. How picky is your oc? Will they not accept something because of the smallest details being off, or do they not care in the slightest? Why?
When it comes to his own home, he’s extremely picky. Otherwise, he respects other people’s particularities.
38. How energetic is your oc? Do they have trouble sitting still or do they feel low on juice all the time? Any reason why?
In the middle, but he can be very excitable.
39. Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
He’s extremely focused, but he likes to daydream.
40. How humble is your oc? Or are they closer to royal in their self-perception? Why? Is this obvious to others?
Humble-ish, in that (as said above) he relishes in being known as the boogeyman, but he acknowledges that he’s just a living thing like everyone else.
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moderncolors · 5 years
The Ultimate List of Alternative Baby Names { bohemian, hippie, offbeat, fantasy, goth baby names} So you've got a wee one on the way and you're looking for a name as unique as your new baby is going to be, am I right? Well, check out this great list of offbeat names for I've created just for creative moms and dads-to-be like you. A lot of these names are form lists I made when thinking of names for my two tots and some inspired by my favorite celebrity kid names and some are from the top of my head.  Yes, some of these names are "out there" and I've gotten a lot of hateful comments about this post (that's why comments are disabled) but what do you expect from a post called THE ULTIMATE LIST OF ALTERNATIVE BABY NAMES? If you like the names. Awesome! If you don't, that's cool too. To each his own! NOTE: I didn't separate the names by gender as many of these can work for both boys and girls! Last updated 9/28/18 ▲BOHEMIAN & ARTSY▲ Arlo, Allegra, Alto, Ariel, Art, August, Avery, Beau, Bell/Belle, Blue, Burgundy, Cass/ Cassy, Cobalt, Cosette, Cruz, Dali, Dancer, Delia, Delilah, Donatello, Early, Eartha, Flannery, Frida, Golden, Harper, Haven, Hawthorne, Hendrix, Henna, Holden, Holiday, Honor, Hugo, Indigo, Isa, Jazz, Kahlo, Kodak, Langston, Lazareth, Legend, Lennon, Leonardo, Limerick, Lyric, Magenta, Mandala, Mandolin, Marlowe, Merlot, Michelangelo, Monet, Muse, Orlando, Paloma, Pen, Picasso, Piper, Poem, Quinn, Raphael, Red, Rigby, Ringo, Royal, Rufus, Shakespeare, Sonata, Sonnet, Story, Symphony, Tango, Tempo, True/Tru, Truman, Tuesday, Uma, Vellum, Vin/Vino, Xuxa (Shusha),Yoko, Zora  amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "e98f453f5cf9b08a37caad8372b2923c"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07HR5SS5B,B079H2V79B,B07GZPGJYW,B072TY48WK,B00OVJJUFM"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲COSMIC▲ Aries, Callisto, Cassiopeia, Celeste, Celestial, Cloud, Comet, Constellation, Cosmic, Cosmo/Cosmos, Earth, Eclipse, Elara, Jupiter, Libra, Luna/Lunar, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Nebula, Nova, Orion, Pluto, Sirius, Solar, Star, Starbright, Stardust, Starlight, Starshine, Vega, Venus amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00XQKJGVA,B07FDXY48N,B01DU228AO,B07J1CF5JW"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; ▲DESTINATIONS & TRAVEL▲ Africa, America, Asia, Austin, Brooklyn, China, Cairo, Columbia, Dakota, Dallas, Denver, East, Egypt, England, Everest, Geneva, Georgia, Germany, Holland, India, Ireland, Israel, Jordan, Journey, Kenya, London, Morocco, Nazareth, Nevada, Niagara, North, Paris, Odessa, Orient, Peru, Rome/Roman, Russia, Scotland, South, Traveler, Venice, Vienna, Wander, West, Zion, Zanzibar amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01ASVCW6K,B00408AA9O,B07KK5DSYF,B07JH8LKPR"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲FANTASY, MYTHOLOGY & SCI-FI▲ Amidala, Anakin, Apollo, Aragorn, Aries, Arwen, Artemis, Aslan, Athena, Atlas, Avalon, Dalek, Data, Elron, Elvin, Eros, Fairy/Faery, Faramir, Freya,  Geordi, Gimli, Gulliver, Hera, Hermione, Isis, Jareth, Járnsaxa, Jean-Luc, Jedi, Lando, Leia, Merry, Odin, Oz, Padme, Pan, Persephone, Philomena, Phoenix, Pippen, Pixie, Samwise, Sisko, Sirius, Solo, Sprite, Sulu, Tardis, Thor, Titan, Trillian, Troy, Venus, Xavier, Zeus amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B075FC488Z,B071Y215TY,B075K5S2DR,B07CG4P4VJ"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲GOTHIC▲ Alabaster, Armand, Ash, Belladonna, Blade, Blaze, Chalice, Cinder, Crimson, Damien, Dante, Draegan, Draven, Echo, Eclipse, Edge, Ember, Enigma, Essence, Eternity, Flame, Gabriel, Garnet, Gossamer, Gotham, Granite, Grimm, Hamlet, Illusion, Jet, Labyrinth, Lace, Lazarus, Lenore, Lestat, Loki, Lore, Lucretia, Maleficent, Maze, Memory, Midnight, Mist, Moonlight, Morrow, Morticia, Mystery, Nightshade, Noir, Obsidian,Onyx, Ophelia, Pandora, Panther, Poe, Porcelain, Prism, Rain, Rapture, Raven, Razor, Requiem, Rogue, Rosary, Sabre, Salem, Satin, Scarlet, Seraphim, Shade, Shadow, Steel, Stone, Storm, Talon, Thorne, Twilight, Veil, Velvet, Winter, Wolf, Zane amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01MF8K902,B00I3Q5A4E,B00MMJR8KW,B00NYIADBG"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲HIPPIE▲ Breeze, Buzz, Chakra, Cheer, Cherish, Cosmic, Crystal, Dancer, Dawn, Daydream, Deja, Desert, Destiny, Dharma, Dream/Dreamer, Earth/Eartha, Echo, Feather, Flight, Flow, Flower, Free, Freedom, Grace, Gypsy, Harmony, Heart, Honesty, Hope, Janis, Joplin, Journey, Joy, June, Justice, Karma, Kind, Lennon, Liberty, Light, Lily, Love, Marley, Meadow, Melody, Mild, Misty, Morning, Om, Paisley, Patchouli, Peace, Peaceful, Promise, Rain, Rainbow, Serenity, Smile, Soulful, Spirit, Sunny, Sunshine, Windsong, Yogi, Zen, Zest, Ziggy amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B079LRGX9M,B079LNJFGS,B01FH6MRMU,B00IWTF4N4"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = ""; ▲NATURE▲ Almond, Apple, Aspen, Barley, Basil, Bay, Berry, Blossom, Canyon, Cayenne, Cedar (my daughter's name!),Cherry, Cinnamon, Clay, Clove, Clover, Coriander, Cove, Cypress, Daisy, Dayspring, Desert, Ebony, Fern, Fig, Flint, Flower, Forest, Ginger, Heather, Herb, Hill, Holly, Honey, Iris, Ivory, Ivy, Jasmine, Juniper, Kale, Land, Lavender, Leaf, Lilac, Lily, Linden, Lotus, Magnolia, Mango, Maple, Marigold, Meadow, Moss, Navy, Nest, Oak/Oakley, Olive, Parsley, Peach, Petal, Plum, Poppy, Posy, Rainbow, River (my son's name!), Rock, Root, Rose, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Slate, Snow, Spring, Spruce, Stone, Sunflower, Sweetpea,Thyme, Timber, Vine, Violet, Violet, Wheat, Willow, Wind, Woodland, Zinnia amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00EKRCCVO,B07MNWTX92,B00I2XNK4K,B07C432N49"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲NAUTICAL▲ Anchor, Aqua, Ariel, Bay, Captain, Coral, Crew, Cruise, Fleet, Harbor, Lake, Marina, Ocean, Oar, Pearl, Pike, Pirate, Reed, Reef, Sailor, Ship, Tide, Water, Wave amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "mocotw-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B00X236HEA,B01FMYE4TQ,B01M5DM815,B00MYWGTGQ"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "c59c0f86e61a2f79d07a89219045df92"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; amzn_assoc_title = " "; ▲OFFBEAT & QUIRKY▲ Ale, Alos, Argyle, Banjo, Bloom, Buzz, Cab, Cajun, Cale, Canon, Cash, Chapter, Channel, Chartreuse, Chili, Chip, Cobb, Coco, Clear, Close, Creed, Curry, Cutlass, Day, Daily, Dax, Django, Domino, Dot, Ever, Faire, Fin, Flash, Flip, Gesa,  Glass, Go, Happy, History, Hopper, Iggy, Isla, Jagger, Jax, Lemma, Lesson, Libra, Limmy, Link, Linny, Little, Lucky, Kafe, Kid/Kyd, Kin, Kit, Knox, Magic, Mardi, Match, Message, Mixon, More, Moxie, New/Nu, Nico, Nomi, Nori, Only, Pharr, Pilot, Plan, Rango, Rebel, Reign, Right, Rip, Rocket, Rocky, Rogue, Roller, Rush, Setter, Seven, Share, Silk, Skill, Skip/Skipper, Stak, Sugar, Sully, Tall, Teal, Temple, Tex, Time, Tin, Trip, Vella, Valda, Virtual, Watts, Welcome, Wilder, Wire, Xan/Xantha, Zale, Zana, Zara, Zeb, Zeen, Zip, Zory, Zuma amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; 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peachyzens · 6 years
love letters (one)
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love letters (one)
masterlist: previous | next
genre: fluff summary: “I’ve only seen you from afar, but I can see how great you are.” Crushes were unconventional, especially the one you had on Kim Mingyu. (2,557 words) a/n: eeks here is the first part of my series inspired by “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” !!! this is something i’m excited about, so stay tuned for the upcoming parts ❤️ this also ended up being longer than i thought but i’m happy with it so it doesn’t matter!!! masterlist can be found here! 
It all started back in seventh grade of middle school, when silly you took notice of a lanky boy still in his awkward phase. While most may think that the boy had cooties or something of the sorts, you found him adorable. Seeing how he would slightly trip over his feet when walking to throw his trash away, you had to stifle a giggle. That boy was Kim Mingyu.
Honestly, nobody ever talked about Kim Mingyu, he was just an ordinary student like the rest of you. People would rather talk about Xu Minghao, the adorable transfer student from China, or Lee Seokmin, the school’s talent show winner for the past two years. Mingyu was friends with them, but it seems like he always went unnoticed behind his friends, but he definitely did not go unnoticed by you.
You couldn’t tell anybody that you might’ve harbored a little crush on Kim Mingyu, while your friends Rachel and Jennie would constantly gush over Lee Seokmin or Xu Minghao. You just gushed along with them, though it wasn’t as genuine. However, you were lucky that the trio were constantly together; it gave you chances to admire Mingyu from afar while under the facade that you were just like any other girl—gushing over the two heartthrobs.
Returning to your sanctuary of a room, you sat yourself at your desk. Pulling out some nice stationary you got from the corner shop that cute grandma ran, you pulled out a sheet. With a nice pen in hand, you just let your feelings out on paper.
Is that too much?
Wow, this is too cheesy!
Gross, what am I thinking? This is NOT the Notebook or something!
You loudly groaned as crumpled sheets of paper littered your floor. Resting your head on your desk, you ran your fingers through your hair. Who would’ve known that writing out your feelings would be that hard? It’s not like you didn’t know how you felt, you knew yourself more than anyone! But why, why couldn’t you get these feelings on paper?
Sitting up once again, you gathered all the discarded papers and unfolded them, laying them out across your desk. Looking at each one, you narrowed the dozen of letters to a final three, three letters you felt had the most meaning. After minutes of lulling over the same letters and reading the same words, it all started to look wrong in front of you. With grumpy grumbles, you dug around your closet before you pulled out an empty Vans shoebox, grabbing all the letters and placing them in there before shoving the box back onto the highest shelf in your closet. You immediately crashed onto your bed and let out an exhausted sigh. Who would’ve known that feelings were that tiring?
The next day, you found yourself at your usual table, following the same routine of glancing over at Mingyu sitting a few tables away. “Who do you keep looking at?” Crap. You were caught.
“Nothing! I don’t know what you’re talking about?” You laughed nervously under the piercing stares of your best friends.
“Don’t lie to us! I saw you taking peeks over in that direction!” Rachel argued back, before blatantly turning her head back to stare over in Mingyu’s direction.
“Stop that Rachel!” You yelped, trying to get Rachel to turn back around before she draws any more attention than what she already drew. Jennie just watched the scene with a sly smirk on her face.
“Is there a little crush you have that we don’t know about?” She inquired to which you denied profusely.
“Of course not! You guys know that I tell you guys everything!”
“Then who were you staring at?” Rachel egged you on, finally turning back around much to your pleasure.
Your mind was racing a million miles per minute, there was no way you could tell them you were taking peeks at Kim Mingyu! Not to mention the two star boys weren’t there, so you couldn’t use them as your scapegoat.
“Uh, Jeon Wonwoo!” You let out, taking notice of the boy who was sitting a few feet away from Mingyu. He was definitely not the one you were checking out, but he was a more socially accepted choice. You watched your friends jaws drop, feeling a cold sweat wash over you as you continued to put up a facade.
“Wow, who would’ve thought you were into the older boys huh?” Rachel elbowed you with a knowing smirk. Jennie nodded in agreement.
“My brother is friends with him, should I ask him to introduce you?” Jennie asked, already pulling out her phone and getting a message typed.
“No Jen, you don’t have to do that. I doubt he even knows I exist!” You sighed exasperatedly.
“Mhm honey, I’m not too sure about that. You’re more popular around here more than you think!” Rachel smiled, patting you on the shoulder for reassurance. Yet, you didn’t feel reassured at all.
“Anyways honey, you know we always got your back, and my offer is still out on the table.” Jennie winked at you, causing you to roll your eyes. Great, you were able to cover up your crush on Mingyu, but now your friends think you are crushing on someone that definitely was not Mingyu.
“Excuse me,” a soft voice took your attention. It was Friday after school, and you were ready to race home. You turned to find the owner of the voice, only to find THE Jeon Wonwoo sheepishly standing there.
“Uh, may I help you?” You responded, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible despite the uneasy feelings arising in your chest.
“Um, yes, I mean no!” He started off, clearly nervous. He took a deep breath before continuing. “I just wanted to tell you that you are pretty, that is all!” Wonwoo let out in a quick breath before running off, leaving you in a daze. Did he really just call you pretty? You would be lying if you said your heart didn’t flutter, because it did just a little bit. But the thought of Mingyu saying that to you? It fluttered a LOT.
“Woah, he said what?” Rachel nearly exclaimed before you quickly shushed her. You guys were chatting in the quad before classes were starting, and people were still in a zombie-like trance.
“Wow, I didn’t know he had it in him,” Jennie chuckled.
“Yeah, me neither,” you sighed, slightly confused about where your heart lied. You were probably thinking about Wonwoo more than you should’ve over the weekend, and traces of his words constantly lingered in your mind. With Wonwoo constantly clouding your mind, you almost forgot about your true crush on Mingyu that was slowly being covered up by your fake crush on Wonwoo. It was complicated.
“Alright class! It is time for a new partner project! For this project, I will be assigning you a piece from our solar system unit, and you and your partner will make a folder following the guidelines posted. Now, onto announcing the partners!” Your enthusiastic teacher spoke too perkily for how early it was, based off the silent class. You inwardly groaned, you detesting group projects, you always ended up being paired with unhelpful people who would constantly rely on you, which ultimately leads to you doing all the work in the project. You were snapped out of your daydream upon hearing your name be called, and it was the moment of truth.
“…your partner is Kim Mingyu, and you guys have Callisto!”
You felt your heart nearly drop to your stomach, you almost forgot that he was in your class. Well, that was definitely going to make things a bit harder for you. Taking a glance at the boy, you noticed him staring at you with a boyish grin and sheepish wave. Yup, it was definitely going to be harder.
“So, y/n” Mingyu started as he shuffled into the seat next to you.
“You know my name?” You responded immediately, out of instinct. You inwardly smacked yourself, cursing your mouth that moved faster than your thoughts.
“Well, yeah, Ms. Jones said your name out loud and we have a few classes together.” He responded, almost staring at you in a strange way. Great. Way to make a good first impression! But hey, at least he noticed you before.
“Oh yeah, haha I don’t even know why I said that!” You laughed it off, hoping he wouldn’t see through your laughs that you were panicking on the inside and starting to sweat a bit.
“Anyways, so how about this for the folder,” he spoke, no longer about anything personal but solely about the project. You thanked the heavens that you were blessed with a partner that is actually willing to pull their weight and not push it all onto you. “…does that sound good?” Oh shoot, you were totally lost in your thought that you weren’t even paying attention! Great, now he’s going to think your incompetent! “Hello? Earth to y/n?” He waved a hand in front of your face, a cheeky smile pointing at the edge of his lips.
“Huh? Yeah, I think it’s a good idea. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” You cleared your throat, hoping your pounding heart wasn’t loud enough for him to hear.
“Great! So you will…” He spoke animatedly, as you just blankly stared at his face. You never knew that someone could be so enthusiastic when talking about one of Jupiter’s moons, but it seems like Mingyu never failed to surprise you. “So can I get your number?” His words snapped you out of your trance.
“M-My number?” You stuttered, inwardly cursing yourself for appearing so stupid and foolish in front of him.
“Yeah! So we can keep each other updated on the progress of our project!” Of course that was the reason, it couldn’t have been for anything else. Your heart tried to convince you it was for reasons other than the project, but your mind was quick to shoot that idea down. And before you could say anything else that could possibly embarrass yourself, the bell rang, dismissing the class. “I’ll text you! See you around!” He smiled at you with that boyish smile you found so endearing, and he was gone just like that.
You sighed out loud, you were in big trouble again.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Rachel eyed you for the nth time during lunch.
“Yes, I’m perfectly fine! Peachy keen!” You smiled as best as you could, the best being an awkward smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
“Honey, you are definitely not okay, want to talk about it?” Jennie placed her hand on your shoulder, giving you the reassurance you needed.
“Well, you see, in science we got this new project and she picked partners for us,” you started, the girls attention solely on you, “and I was partnered with Kim Mingyu.” You paused, just to look at their reactions. They didn’t really show anything different, so you continued. “And basically, I wasn’t in my right mindset and I kept zoning out so he probably thinks I’m stupid!” You finished, letting out an exasperated sigh. Rachel rolled her eyes at you as Jennie continued to pat your shoulder.
“It’s just Kim Mingyu, if it was Lee Seokmin or Xu MInghao it would be a totally different story.” They reassured you, but that was what they didn’t get. It was Kim Mingyu, the boy who was throwing your heart around between his hands. Great, you were practically on your own in this war of feelings.
Nervously pacing about in your room, you anxiously awaited Mingyu’s reply to your text. You added in a little emoji instead of ending it with a brief period, and his lack of response was making you pace around even more. With an exasperated yelp, you sat yourself at your desk and pulled out the same stationary you ran through pages of nights before. However, this time your pen was able to easily glide across the paper, your feelings all written in one sentence. With one final press of a sticker on the envelope, it was ready to be sent out.
You hoped your parents wouldn’t be suspicious of you asking to get dropped off thirty minutes earlier than normal. It was definitely something out of the blue, especially for someone who sleeps until the very last minute. When they asked no further question, that was one weight lifted off your chest upon the many that still weighed you down.
It was eerie, walking down the normally lively hallways that were abandoned at this time. Most people were probably eating breakfast or just waking up, you were nervously pacing in front of  a single locker. You might’ve spied on Mingyu after escaping your friends with the excuse that you had a question about your project. You stood in front of locker 117, the locker that held Mingyu’s books and other personal belongings, and will soon hold a short letter that has your feelings in them. With another quick scan of your surroundings, you slipped the note into the locker before running away, as if it would explode. Now, half the weight was lifted from your shoulders, now remained the last half.
You played the waiting game, sitting down on the staircase down the hallway, fiddling with your fingers as more people flooded the building. You sat on a few steps higher up, giving you and elevated view of the hallway, more importantly, Mingyu’s locker. The said boy has yet to show up, and you felt the weight on your shoulders with each passing second he would not appear. With a loud sigh, you prepared to just abandon your post as class would be starting in five minutes, and your class was in another building. Standing up and dusting your skirt, you took one last glance at the locker before freezing.
He was finally there! Oh no, he’s about to open his locker! Will he see the note? God, I hope he doesn’t know that it’s me. Was my handwriting too obvious? No way, I purposely wrote in script!
Your thoughts raced around in your mind, your pounding heart hitting your eardrums upon seeing him hold up the light blue envelope that was familiar to you. He looked around, eyes taking a scan of the students ushering to classes, not landing on you. Well, that lifted a bit of the weight off your shoulder. With a slight shrug, he continued to open the letter, pulling out the light pink paper that held a few words.
Kim Mingyu, I’ve only seen you from afar, but I can see how great you are.
Seeing how his confused expression morphed into one that was shy with rosy cheeks, you felt more of that weight slip off your shoulder. It was when you saw that blinding smile spread across his face when all the weight slipped off your shoulders, replacing the feeling of fear and dread with joy and warmth.
If there was one thing you were going to remember about seventh grade, it was definitely going to be the smile the spread across Kim Mingyu’s face after reading your little note, and your first ever tardy that you weren’t even upset about.
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frostyembers · 6 years
I prefer the middle style for the hair, does he have a name yet?
Yeah, I’m beginning to like the middle style more too. And his name will be Callisto. Complete overhaul of Operator Isaac. I always hated Isaac’s name because I was lazy enough to use my own middle name and it felt so narcissistic 
I’ll just go ahead and list out some headcannons below right now:
Callisto is an artisan. He spends most of his time daydreaming and working on personal projects of his like making/designing kinetic sculptures, clothing, and tending to the mini garden he has on his orbiter. 
Callisto is heavily inspired by the Orokin aesthetic and it is quite obviously shown in his work.
Back during the Orokin times, he was also forced to fight in the war. He was a lanky and fragile boy and was one of the weaker Tenno who were never really cut out for combat.
Callisto initially did not like the warframe he was assigned: Borealis. The Frost was too distant and cold to be likable and he initially could not connect with him through Transference. 
Both Callisto and Borealis developed PTSD after the killing and death during the Old War. They often comfort each other about it when one of them is having flashbacks.
He only has Borealis as his sole warframe. He finds no point in having other frames since he does not partake in any combat anymore.
Callisto went into cryosleep immediately once he heard rumors of the planned Orokin massacre.
He’d woken up to the Lotus’ call and refused to fight and “liberate” the System. However he does feel guilty for not doing anything about it.
He is dyspraxic. He tends to get frustrated at himself when he inevitably knocks or trips over something in his work space. 
Callisto is open with getting to know other fellow Tenno in the system, whether or not their views align. He has a hard time communicating and interacting with them though, so he does not actively look out for other Tenno.
Callisto is also an avid tea enthusiast. He often shares tea with Borealis, or any of his few companions.
He has a ship Cephalon called Cephalon Aster. 
Overall, Callisto’s just a pretty harmless guy with a pretty bored frame.
I might make an ask blog for them in the future when I’ve finalized his design. Guess it could be fun. Feel free to leave more asks in the inbox here too for the moment.
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