#Canadian Lentil Supplier
lentinsupplier25 · 1 year
Discover the Best Canadian Lentil and Chickpea Suppliers for Sephina Foods
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If you're in the food manufacturing business, you know how important it is to source quality ingredients for your products. Lentils and chickpeas are among the most versatile and nutritious ingredients that can be used in a wide range of dishes, from salads and soups to snacks and baked goods. Canada is one of the world's leading producers of lentils and chickpeas, with a reputation for high-quality products that meet strict food safety standards.
At Sephina Foods, we are proud to work with the best Canadian lentil and chickpea suppliers to provide our clients with top-notch ingredients that are sustainably grown and harvested. Our suppliers use modern farming practices to produce lentils and chickpeas that are free from harmful chemicals and contaminants. This ensures that our clients receive ingredients that are safe, healthy, and of consistent quality.
One of the benefits of choosing Canadian suppliers is the country's favorable climate and soil conditions that are ideal for growing lentils and chickpeas. Canada's vast farmland provides ample space for crop rotation, which helps to prevent soil depletion and maintain soil fertility. This leads to healthier plants that yield larger, plumper, and more flavorful lentils and chickpeas. Canadian farmers are also committed to sustainable agriculture practices that reduce their environmental footprint and preserve natural resources for future generations.
Another advantage of working with Sephina Foods is our commitment to providing customized solutions to meet our clients' unique needs. Whether you're looking for organic or conventional lentils and chickpeas, whole or split, large or small quantities, we can help you find the perfect match. Our team has years of experience in the food industry and can offer expert advice on product selection, logistics, and pricing to ensure that you get the best value for your investment.
Moreover, our Canadian lentil and chickpea suppliers are certified by third-party organizations, such as CanadaGAP and Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), which verify that they comply with rigorous food safety and quality standards. This gives our clients peace of mind knowing that they are getting ingredients that have been thoroughly tested and approved.
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blogynews · 1 year
"The Untold Saga of Canada's Lentil Sales: A Mysterious Plunge Amidst a Brewing Diplomatic Storm in India"
Canadian lentil sales to India have experienced a decline in recent weeks following allegations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, suggesting Indian involvement in an assassination on Canadian soil. This has led to concerns about potential trade restrictions and a decrease in Indian purchases of Canadian lentils. Canada is the main supplier of lentils to India, which are an essential…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"The Untold Saga of Canada's Lentil Sales: A Mysterious Plunge Amidst a Brewing Diplomatic Storm in India"
Canadian lentil sales to India have experienced a decline in recent weeks following allegations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, suggesting Indian involvement in an assassination on Canadian soil. This has led to concerns about potential trade restrictions and a decrease in Indian purchases of Canadian lentils. Canada is the main supplier of lentils to India, which are an essential…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"The Untold Saga of Canada's Lentil Sales: A Mysterious Plunge Amidst a Brewing Diplomatic Storm in India"
Canadian lentil sales to India have experienced a decline in recent weeks following allegations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, suggesting Indian involvement in an assassination on Canadian soil. This has led to concerns about potential trade restrictions and a decrease in Indian purchases of Canadian lentils. Canada is the main supplier of lentils to India, which are an essential…
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tradologieglobal · 2 years
Top 5 Pulses Importing Countries in the World
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India, Turkey, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Egypt are five top pulse importing countries. Big chunk of India’s agri commodities imports comprises of lentils (pulses) and edible oil imports. India along with Pakistan and Turkey drive global pulses import business and 59% share of total global imports of pulses was shared by these three in 2020. 
India has lately tried to decrease its dependence on imported lentils but it has to cover some distance before it can decide to stop pulses imports. Leading exporters of lentils are Canada and Australia. In 2020 increase in lentils imports by Egypt was twofold.
India, largest importer of pulses
India still depends heavily on lentil imports. Despite all possible efforts by government, domestic production of pulses can’t match the pace of increase in lentils demand in India and india has to rely on Australia and Canada for its domestic lentils consumption. Production decline by 35% in Canada in 2021 compelled India to think about other suppliers like Russia and Kazakhstan. Shipments from Canada and Australia gets regularly delayed because of global container crisis, on the other hand 25-30 days transit time for Kazak and Russian consignments is far shorter compared to transit time for Canadian consignments. Apart from Kazakhstan and Russia, India has decided to import lentils (tur) from Myanmar and Malawi. Import of urad, tur and moong were moved from restricted to open category due to anticipated shortfall in domestic production. 10 to 12 percent of its pulses consumption is fulfilled by virtue of imports. Pulse importers can rely on online B2B procurement platform tradologie.com for online import of lentils.
·  Lentils import from Russia allowed
In 2021 government of India permitted masur imports from Russia in light of skyrocketing prices of masur in domestic market. This was done to reduce dependence of india on Canada and Australia for lentils imports and result was instant in the form of 2.5% decline in prices of imported masoor.
·  Import tariff on lentils reduced
As a boon to Australian farmers Indian government has reduced import duty of lentils to zero providing golden opportunity to them to get rid of their bumper harvest of lentils but tariff on chickpeas is still in place and is quite prohibitive. This tariff revision seems to be direct result of visit of Australian trade minister to India. This decision by India benefits Australia in another way, it reduces the need for prolonged storage of lentils and frees silos for other crops. This decision of Indian government has pleased Australian farmers but shocked Indian farmers as they were hoping to earn premium on their rabi lentils crop. Indian government is refuting allegations that reduction on tariff will affect Indian farmers adversely as India had to import lentils anyways because of domestic production shortfall compared to consumption.
·  India exports pulses too
India has been exporting pulses quite successfully and right now Indian pulses exporters are demanding cash subsidy to compensate farmers for loses on account of chickpea prices slipping below MSP and also giving fillip to pulses exports from India. Pulses traders can use tradologie.com next generation B2B procurement platform to export bulk pulses from India.              
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your-dietician · 3 years
The global soybean market has been upended. Can Canada come out on top?
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/markets/the-global-soybean-market-has-been-upended-can-canada-come-out-on-top/
The global soybean market has been upended. Can Canada come out on top?
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Jim Millington, CEO of Canada Protein Ingredients, in a soybean field near the Food Development Centre in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, June 17, 2021. The Ontario-based company’s foray into the soybean protein isolate market is a first for this country.
Shannon VanRaes/The Globe and Mail
When Jim Millington crossed the border from North Dakota to Manitoba in late May, the trunk of his Toyota Highlander hybrid SUV was full – but not just with luggage from his business trip to Fargo. It also contained an undisclosed number of 10-kilogram bags of soy flakes and five-litre jugs of crude soybean oil.
Mr. Millington didn’t want to reveal the quantities of these soybean products because his new company, Canada Protein Ingredients, is in the midst of scale-up trials for a proprietary process to produce non-GMO soybean protein isolate for human consumption. He doesn’t want to tip off any potential competitors to the volume CPI’s processing plant will manufacture when it comes online, likely at the end of 2022 or early 2023.
The Ontario-based company’s foray into the soybean protein isolate market is a first for this country. There is currently no Canadian processor making that type of isolate – the high-protein ingredient in tofu, tempeh and other plant-based alternatives to meat. “We’re adding value to a Canadian crop,” Mr. Millington said, “and we’re keeping a lot of that value here at home.”
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While Canada’s overall soybean production pales in comparison to the United States and South America, the country is a major supplier of high-quality, non-GMO soybeans for human consumption. But amid COVID-19 supply-chain bottlenecks, Canadian exporters are having trouble getting their soybeans to market. The way Mr. Millington sees it, why should the beans have to leave Canada to be transformed into a premium product? Why not process them here, creating value and jobs in the country where the crop was grown?
This is an especially apt question as Canada begins to emerge from the pandemic to snarled global supply chains. The pandemic has caused unpredictable dips and spikes in demand, exposing vulnerabilities in the way companies and countries move goods. Canada’s food supply chain bent, but it didn’t break. Now that parts of the world are beginning to return to normal, there are new problems – and opportunities – in the processing sector.
When it comes to the global plant-protein industry, soy is the leader, accounting for about 70 per cent of the market. “It’s the crop that produces protein,” Mr. Millington said. His company is betting on massive growth in the sector as the global population increases, Asia’s middle class grows, and more and more people want an environmentally sustainable alternative to meat.
Mr. Millington examines fresh protein powder at the Food Development Centre.
Shannon VanRaes/The Globe and Mail
Sales of processed food and beverages in Canada totalled nearly $118-billion in 2019, and 10 per cent of that came from grain and oilseed milling. Over the past five years or so, exports of processed food and beverages grew at an average annual rate of nearly 7 per cent, according to the federal agriculture department.
Ottawa is optimistic the trend can continue. The federal government has created innovation superclusters to boost growth in five industries, including plant-based protein, which is eligible for up to $153-million in funding.
The total value of CPI’s project is about $50-million, $7.3-million of which was provided by Regina-based Protein Industries Canada – the industry-led, government-funded non-profit organization representing the sector’s innovation supercluster. According to an Ernst and Young report commissioned by the non-profit, the global plant-based foods market is expected to reach $250-billion by 2035.
CPI’s plans come at a time when soybean prices have been trading at near-record highs, owing to several factors, including a resurgence in demand from China for GMO soybeans to make livestock feed; dry, warm weather in key U.S. states that caused early-season concern for this year’s crop; increased demand for vegetable oils as feedstock for renewable fuels; and global supply chain issues, including a worldwide shortage of shipping containers and disruptions at ports due to COVID-19 outbreaks and labour strikes.
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Global soybean prices rose from US$499.98 a tonne last November to US$643.92 in May – a 29-per-cent increase. Prices for the soybean oil complement rose by more than 50 per cent over the same period. “The market went bonkers in a short period of time,” said Jon Driedger, vice-president of LeftField Commodity Research in Winnipeg. “There’s a lot going on in soybeans right now.”
Mr. Millington holds defatted soy flakes. Soybeans are Canada’s third-largest field crop, behind wheat and canola, with more than 30,000 farms growing the legume.
Shannon VanRaes/The Globe and Mail
The world’s top three soybean producers are Brazil, the U.S. and Argentina. And the biggest customer is China, which takes about two-thirds of all global exports, the vast majority of which is GMO beans for livestock feed.
For years, China was Canada’s top export market for soybeans. In 2018, Canada’s shipments to China reached nearly 3.6 million tonnes. But the following year, that number plummeted to just 56,000 tonnes amid friction between Ottawa and Beijing over the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou.
As China rebuilds its hog population after an African swine fever epidemic nearly halved its herd, Canada’s soybean exports to the country increased to nearly 450,000 tonnes last year – still a fraction of what they used to be.
Soybeans are Canada’s third-largest field crop, behind wheat and canola, with more than 30,000 farms growing the legume. Production last year totalled more than 6.3 million tonnes, most of that in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. Roughly two-thirds of Canadian soybeans are exported, bound primarily for Iran, China, Japan, Italy and Bangladesh.
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The beans are either exported raw or crushed in Canada into their two main components: oil, which is used in cooking, renewable fuels and plastic resin; and meal, which is overwhelmingly used in livestock feed. Canada has three large processing plants – two in Ontario and one in Quebec – as well as some smaller facilities in those provinces and in Manitoba. The country processes about one-third of the soybeans it produces; the U.S., by comparison, processes roughly half of what it grows.
Mr. Millington is not alone in believing there is room to increase Canada’s processing capacity.
Minnesota-based Ceres Global Ag Corp. is in the midst of completing an expansion of its soybean processing plant in southern Manitoba in light of strong demand for livestock feed in the area and rising demand for renewable biofuels in the U.S. (soybean oil is the primary raw input for renewable diesel). “Already in southern Manitoba, the value of our soybean oil has more than doubled in the last six months,” said Ceres president and chief executive Robert Day. “We like the prospects of that business.”
Brian Innes, executive director of industry group Soy Canada, said there is momentum in the sector to increase processing capacity, which would boost the economy, create jobs and limit trade risk. “There are a lot of projects in process, but the CPI plant is the first to be announced,” he said. “It’s the goal of the soybean industry to process more here in Canada.”
One of four warehouses at the head office of Ceresco, one of Canada’s largest exporters of food-grade soybeans, in Saint-Urbain-Premier, Que.
While CPI is looking to keep its soybeans in Canada, Manuel Gendron is just trying to get his out. Mr. Gendron is the general manager of Ceresco, one of Canada’s largest exporters of food-grade soybeans.
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The Quebec-based company ships non-GMO soybeans to 45 countries, with about 35 per cent of its exports going to Japan. That product is shipped in containers from Prince Rupert or Vancouver. Shipments bound for Europe or China depart Canada in containers via Montreal or Halifax. (GMO soybeans sold for livestock feed, on the other hand, are typically shipped in far larger volumes by dry-bulk vessel.)
The challenge – for Ceresco and exporters of all kinds of goods, all around the world – is reserving containers. Even when companies secure containers at premium prices, steamship lines often delay their shipments with little warning. The situation is so grave Ceresco purchased a warehouse facility just to store the beans it can’t ship quickly enough. “I’ve never seen this before,” Mr. Gendron said. “What normally takes nine days to get to a customer in Europe is now taking 40.”
Before the pandemic, containers that arrived in Canada with imports from China got replenished with Canadian exports. Now, containers are going back to China empty: With containerized shipping rates far higher out of China than out of Canada, steamship lines want to get them back to Asia as quickly and fuel-efficiently as possible. “I don’t see anything getting better within a year,” Mr. Gendron said.
Neither does Murad Al-Katib, president and CEO of Saskatchewan-based AGT Food and Ingredients, which buys protein-rich crops such as lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas from farmers around the world, and ships to more than 120 countries. “Container freight rates are rising at a pace that I’ve never seen in my 20-year career,” he said. “Ultimately, it’s going to contribute to food inflation.”
If AGT can’t secure enough containers, the company may have to temporarily change the way it does business. AGT already does some dry-bulk freight, and it may have to rely more heavily on that option. Instead of shipping 20-tonne units in containers to multiple ports, it could ship 10,000-tonnes in a bulk vessel to a single port and then sell the product parcel-by-parcel upon arrival overseas.
While AGT does not sell soybean products, its focus is plant-based protein. And Mr. Al-Katib has high hopes for the sector. “Canada has the opportunity to be the first stop on the protein highway,” he said. “We have arable land and we have water. Those are two resources we have that are globally scarce today.”
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Mr. Millington climbs a spray dryer. Mr. Millington said CPI may be the first to go to market with a Canadian soy protein isolate, but he’s convinced more will follow.
Shannon VanRaes/The Globe and Mail
Despite the inconveniences of travelling to the U.S. during a pandemic, Mr. Millington’s trip to North Dakota was a must. Soybeans are roughly 20 per cent fat and 40 per cent protein; the rest is a combination of carbohydrates and fibre.
In order to create the protein isolate, the fat – in the form of oil – must first be extracted. But there is no pilot-sized test facility in Canada that does this, so CPI turned to North Dakota State University and a team of scientists and technicians to do it for the company.
Mr. Millington quarantined in Fargo for a week before supervising phase one of the trial at the university. With the oil and flakes successfully parsed, he packed up his Highlander and drove three hours to Winnipeg. He then self-isolated for two weeks before delivering the bags and jugs to the Food Development Centre in Portage la Prairie. There, the second and final phase of the trial is under way.
CPI is in the process of selecting a specific site for its new plant, but it will be in Quebec, Ontario or Manitoba. When the facility is up and running, it will employ about 40 people. The oil extracted there will be sold for cooking. But it’s the flakes that have Mr. Millington most excited.
There are three types of soy protein ingredients: textured soy protein, which is about 50 per cent protein; soy protein concentrate, which is 65 per cent to 70 per cent protein; and soy protein isolate, which is about 90 per cent protein. “Soy isolates trade at a premium to other soy protein sources,” Mr. Millington said.
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Unlike most high-yield processing facilities that use hexane to separate the oil from the raw bean to create isolates, CPI’s extraction process relies on an alternative solvent. The soy isolate will be sold as “clean label” – an ambiguous term that means different things to different companies.
In CPI’s case, it refers to the company’s extraction technology. “Compared to our competition, our process is much more environmentally friendly and sustainable,” Mr. Millington said. “Our process will also comply with organic certification standards, whereas a hexane process does not.”
Mr. Millington said CPI may be the first to go to market with a Canadian soy protein isolate, but he’s convinced more will follow. “The value-added component is very attractive,” he said. “It’s clear that the market is headed in that direction. Consumer diets are changing, and the demand is far exceeding supply.”
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maglobal · 3 years
Some agricultural smart apps you need as a modern farmer
Our climate has grown to a significant extent. In everything we do, there is a touch of news and automation. Technology, not excluding agriculture, has rubbed anything off. Today, in simplifying farming procedures, we have farmers installing top agricultural smart Apps to remove all ridiculous labor needs while increasing productivity. Smart applications for farmers are now easy. There are some smart farming applications you can use as a farmer in modern society.MA Global Corp is a Canadian-registered corporation that intends to provide high-quality goods and services in global markets for Canadian pulses export. Canadian pulses are one of our most important exports. We export Canadian pulses, split or milled peas (chickpeas, beans, and lentils) in various shipment sizes. With food imports worth US$453.1 billion last year, Canada is the region's largest economic leader. Food imports Canada have continued to rise, especially for fresh fruits, which increased by 3.9 percent. Our company promises that only the best quality products are delivered to our customers. According to Farm Journal Media research, 59 percent of farmers use smartphones, and 44 percent use tablets.
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Sirrus The Sirrus app keeps you up to date on cropping, record-keeping, current climate conditions, and much more. This helpful software for farmers is freely available on iOS devices.
FarmLogs APP FarmLogs is a farm management software intended to assist farmers in carrying out their grain marketing decisions. Through this extremely useful app, you can capture and log comprehensive information on a per-field basis. You can also keep track of lists, rainfall history, and schedule and budget seasonally.
Growers Edge App Growers Edge enables farmers to reach critical aspects of their business from an iPhone or Android phone. The app also includes market commentary, farming news, weather statistics, a local rain forecast, and product quotes designed to help farmers boost their operations and maximize profits.
Ross App Do you own and operate a small poultry farm? If this is the case, consult the Ross app for information on poultry flock success and quality.Pocket Spray Smart App Agrible's Pocket Spray Smart app is another extremely useful agricultural app for farmers. Download this software, and you'll be able to see field-specific irrigation conditions with a single tap.
Farm HedgeApp This real-time farming application lends users directly to feed suppliers, fertilizers, components, and more in an all-embracing application that liaises farmers with many agricultural industry sectors. It enables manufacturers to establish personal and safe working ties while saving money and time.
With these beneficial applications to livestock, farming is smarter, not harder. We look forward to these valuable instruments helping you handle your work so hard.
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sunimpexbiz-blog · 7 years
Did You Know This Brand That Offers The Best Quality HORECA Products? Sun Impex
There are many hotels, restaurants, and catering business owners that continuously look for the best HORECA food suppliers for their business. While there are some suppliers that charge a hefty amount for their offerings, there are others who provide HORECA food products at a low price but low quality. However, this is not the case with Sun Impex – one of the leading providers of quality HORECA grocery.  @ http://www.estartupstory.com/brand-that-offer-best-quality-horeca-products/
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Trumps tariffs are inflicting pain and uncertainty across the market. Comments from very different American companies show how.
Thomas Peter-Pool/Getty Images
The US-China trade war has taken a toll on multinational companies’ bottom lines and has injected an element of uncertainty into business planning.
An analysis of executives’ comments from quarterly conference calls, conversations with investors and analysts, and a recent open letter to President Trump highlight the sheer breadth of the trade war’s impact.
Visit Markets Insider’s homepage for more stories.
The impact of the trade war between the US and China can be summarized by a comment last week from Stanley Black & Decker CEO James Loree.
“So it’s been a great 20 years of shareholder value creation,” he said in a presentation with analysts at an industry conference. “But last year, not so great.”
The industrial-tools-and-hardware company took a $370 million hit from US-imposed tariffs, foreign-exchange headwinds, and cost inflation in 2018, Loree said. The stock dropped 29%.
Stanley Black & Decker’s CFO said during the company’s first-quarter conference call that its tools and storage segment was hit from a similar mix of currency headwinds, tariffs, and commodity inflation.
And in an interview with The Wall Street Journal earlier this month, Stanley Black & Decker said it planned to move production of its Craftsman wrenches back to the US from China as tariffs have raised the cost of imports.
“If we knew that the tariffs were going to be permanent, we would make sweeping changes to the supply chain,” Loree told the outlet.
The company’s experience in managing the US-China trade war is emblematic of a broader set of difficulties companies across sectors – from retail to technology – face as retaliatory rhetoric has ratcheted up this month.
Trade talks between Beijing and Washington have all but stalled. The US government’s Huawei ban exacerbated tensions and sparked worries of an all-out technology “cold war.”
Read more: It’s been more than a year since the US-China trade war started. Here’s a timeline of everything that’s happened so far.
Corporate management teams are increasingly assessing the financial impact of tariffs, with some changing the way they do business as a result of the newly imposed duties, according to an analysis from Yardeni Research.
Some are trimming their profit outlooks, or searching for new suppliers, the firm’s broad analysis found.
“Some companies are hoping their suppliers will absorb the cost of tariffs,” Ed Yardeni, the firm’s president, said in a May 23 note to clients. “And when all else fails, a few companies are reducing their full-year forecasts.”
And while the first-quarter earnings season proved strong by several measures, the threat of further tariffs “is a huge wild card,” John Lynch, the chief investment strategist at LPL Financial, said in a report out this week.
Below is a selection of commentary from companies in the retail, technology, and industrial sectors about how they are being impacted by the trade war – and the impact on their customers, too:
Kena Betancur/Getty Images
Macy’s is working closely with suppliers “on the potential impact to our shared customers,” CEO Jeff Gennette said during the company’s first-quarter earnings call.
“We feel like we’re going to be able to come up with solutions that work best for us and our brand partners,” he said.
But Yardeni Research isn’t convinced Macy’s can fully mitigate the impact of tariffs this year, particularly with its China exposure.
“Reading between the lines, it sounds like Macy’s is hoping some of its suppliers will eat at least part of the expected price increases due to tariffs, some of the price increase will be borne by Macy’s, and prices paid by consumers may rise on certain non-commodity items,” the firm said.
Business Insider/Jessica Tyler
Michelle Gass, the company’s CEO, said earlier this week on the company’s first-quarter earnings call that it is “planning the year more conservatively” due to the “soft” start.
The company cut its full-year earnings forecast, partly due to the recently hiked tariffs on its China-sourced home and accessories products, Yardeni Research pointed out.
“Our team is working hard to mitigate the impact of the tariffs while we seek to remain competitive by putting our customers first,” Gass said.
AP/Bennett Raglin
“A significant portion of the products that we purchase, including the portion purchased from domestic suppliers, as well as most of our private brand merchandise, is manufactured abroad,” Foot Locker said in its 2018 annual report released in April.
“We may be affected by potential changes in international trade agreements or tariffs, such as new tariffs imposed on certain Chinese-made goods imported into the US,” the company said, before suggesting China or other countries may then retaliate with their own measures.
Earlier this week, Foot Locker and other shoe companies like Crocs, Nike, and Adidas wrote a letter to President Donald Trump, urging him to consider the “catastrophic” impact that tariffs on Chinese goods would have on American customers.
Read more: Nike, Adidas, and more than 170 other shoe companies warned of the trade war’s ‘catastrophic’ impact on Americans in a scathing letter to Trump
AP Photo/Nati Harnik
Sales in the US and Canada are expected to be flat to up 5% for this year, Cory Reed, the president of Deere’s worldwide agriculture and turf division, said on the company’s second-quarter earnings call last week.
“However, as near-term fundamentals have weakened, we anticipate large ag industry sales ton be on the lower end of that range, with Canadian demand turning negative due to adverse weather and currency fluctuations and further complicated by tariffs on certain crops such as canola and lentils,” he added.
Nvidia is one of several chipmakers that has said its business has seen minimal impact from the US-China trade war.
“There is relatively little direct impact on us from the tariffs on China imports,” CEO Jensen Huang said during the company’s annual shareholder meeting earlier this week.
Still, he noted that “most” of the company’s partners have moved – or are moving – their impacted assembly work to regions like Taiwan and Mexico.
“But the tariff war is obviously not good for anybody, and we hope the US and Chinese governments look for solutions that is wise and leads to fair trades, which is important to all of us,” he said.
“I think my own view is that China and the US have this unavoidable mutuality where China only wins if the US wins and the US only wins if China wins, and the world only wins if China and the US win,” CEO Tim Cook said during the company’s second-quarter earnings call earlier this month.
Cook added: “I’m a big believer that the two countries together can both win and grow the pie, not just allocate it differently. And so that’s our focus, and I’m optimistic that – I don’t know every play by play that will happen, but over time, I think that view will prevail.”
Read more: Apple sounds the alarm on a slowdown in China
The post Trumps tariffs are inflicting pain and uncertainty across the market. Comments from very different American companies show how. appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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lentinsupplier25 · 2 years
Bulk Dry Food Commodities like lentils have plenty of medical benefits
Lentils, naturally known as Focal point, culminate esculenta, filling in units that possibly contain a couple of lentil seeds. Lentils are known as dal or dahl in India, as the Bulk, Dry Food Commodities are dried in the wake of collecting and might be sold entire or parted into equal parts, with the brown and green assortments are fantastic at keeping up with their shape after cooking.
They may be tiny; however, don't allow their size to trick you: Lentils are loaded with various supplements, from amicable stomach fiber to insusceptible supporting zinc. The little vegetables are likewise fundamental fixings in plant-based feasts because of their flexibility and surface. In addition, lentils are reasonable and cook rapidly, adding to their allure. Are they not persuaded? Peruse on to find out about the medical advantages of lentils alongside our number one recipes.
Medical advantages of Lentils
There are numerous Bulk Dry Food Commodities of lentils, including brown, green, red, and yellow. The specific wholesome substance shifts between each sort; however, all lentils, by and large, gloat comparable (and significant) medical advantages. Most eminently, lentils are a phenomenal wellspring of plant protein.
The most effective method to Appreciate Lentils at Home
If you're new to lentils, you'll love knowing they're not difficult to plan. They can be integrated into different dishes, says Ingraham, including soups, stews, curries, and plunges like hummus. Lentils are uncommon meat substitutes because of their rich protein content and the concrete surface. Attempt them in a vegan shepherd's pie or good lentil patties. Are you searching for a more straightforward methodology? Make a rosemary lentil side dish or warm lentil salad with poached eggs for a delightful and filling feast.
There's something else: Lentils contain polyphenols, a sort of cell reinforcement. As Ingraham indicates, polyphenols decrease aggravation and oxidative pressure by killing free revolutionaries (hurtful atoms). This shields cells from harm, possibly lessening the risk of ongoing circumstances like coronary illness or malignant growth. The consumable seeds are likewise loaded with micronutrients like vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, iron, and zinc, as indicated by the diary Supplements. Like protein, iron and zinc are many times ailing in plant-based consumes fewer calories, so [eating] lentils can be a valuable method for getting these supplements, makes sense, Ingraham. Besides, vitamin An and zinc are indispensable for sound-resistant capability, as indicated by the Places for Infectious prevention and Counteraction.
Lentils contain both dissolvable and insoluble fiber; solvent fiber retains water in the body, making a gel-like substance that might be useful to ease the runs. Insoluble fiber doesn't have water, which affects the stool. This can be useful if you're inclined to blockage, as the bulkier stool is simpler to pass. The fiber in lentils is staggering for processing.
Today, notwithstanding, the reputed Canadian Lentil Supplier produces lentils; these dry foods are nourishment for all and have assumed a prominent position among consumable vegetables for the two ranchers and café and home cooks. While different vegetables have tumbled off menus, the lentil has ascended in notoriety. Horticulturally, lentils are a strong yield when the dry spell is reasonable, and the dirt circumstances are not ideal. In the kitchen, lentils are valued for their capacity to cook rapidly, offer delightful flavor, and give a lot of supplements, like protein, iron, and Nutrients An and B.
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tripstations · 5 years
We Are In Love with Lyon: Aren’t You?
Lyon is not only famous for her heritage but also for her gastronomy, and with a duo of famous chef sons, Bocuse and Boulud, the city makes an excellent historical and tasty home base should you consider exploring further afield.  With its ancient center bisected by narrow streets of Medieval and Renaissance houses, Lyon has much to offer the curious and hungry visitor. Often referred to as the “world capital of gastronomy”, the city owes its tasty reputation to its original guinguette’s – those welcoming and familiar outside bistros bordering the banks of the Saône. And the casual, convivial feel of its famous Bouchon’s: traditional Inns, later restaurants, where arriving carriages with tired travelers were served reviving plates of tête de veau, andouillette lyonnaise, quenelles, and pistachio-studded sausages on red lentils by Lyon’s mothers, les mères, those healthy, robust women who defined its cuisine. La Mère Brazier, who in 1933, was the first female to receive a two-star rating. Her contemporary, La Mère Bourgeois, who opened her restaurant in Bresse, or La Mère Guy, whose eel stew was highly prized in the 18th century. And into the 21st Century, La Mère Richard offers perhaps some of the best local cheeses by the first Mère Richard’s daughter Renée, who shares her mother’s famous first name.
You can easily connect to Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes region of France as Air Canada has begun offering year-round service between Montreal’s Trudeau airport and Lyon–Saint-Exupéry Airport. Canadians now have a direct link to the second-largest metropolitan area in France. And with up to five flights a week with 37 international business class lie-flat suites and 228 economy-class seats, there isn’t any reason not to be in love with Lyon and enjoy this historic and tasty part of France. Let Skyscanner help you book your flight or hotel:
tripstations always travels with a handy copy of the Lonely Planet series: take along this handy copy on everything Lyon:
Here are nine things to do in this tripstations favourite city:
Les Halles de Lyon
Spend a Saturday early morning savouring  Paul Bocuse’s Les Halles de Lyon. Dried hams and salamis, sausages, salad Lyonnaise, pike dumplings and of course, terrines and pâtés from Maison Sibilia, “Lyon’s Charcuterie since 1925”. ‘Coco’ became one of the preferred suppliers of many Lyon restaurants including Paul Bocuse’s three-starred establishment. Wine from Fac&Spera by Michel CHAPOUTIER who have been producing great wine, with his family’s respect for nature and terroir since 1808. ANYTHING chocolate from Maison Sève who in 2010 and 2011, garnered the best Chocolatier in France award. Make sure you sample at least one of their incredible chocolate Macarons. You’re welcome. And finally, fantastic cheeses from La Mère Richard’s very daughter, the generous and warm Renée, who on our visit, graciously talked to us about history, family and of course, cheese, all the while offering great, gooey dollops of her specialty, Saint-Marcellin, spread on fresh, warm baguette. Heaven.
Dinner at Les Trois Dômes
Enjoy dinner at the Sofitel Lyon Bellecour’s romantic Les Trois Dômes with stunning views out over the rippling Rhône river.  Seven years ago we travelled to Lyon for my 50th birthday celebration where we sampled and savoured all things classic Lyonnais food. Les Lyonnais take their food very seriously with delicacies like andouillette, tête de veau and veal foot salad a must on their must-eat collective dining tables.  Not for the faint of heart and perhaps one of the odder food experiences we’ve had in our around the world travels. The saving grace of our food-focused trip was dinner at Les Trois Domes: let’s just say come for the Foie Gras Tasting, stay for the Foie Gras Tasting.
Wander le Jardin du Rosaire
Hire a Lyon City Greeter, organized with Lyon’s Tourism Board and lace up your walking shoes and wander Le Jardin du Rosaire, directly below the beautiful Basilique Notre-Dames de Fourvière. Still high above Vieux Lyon and in her Parc des Hauteurs, take in views of the valley and rushing rivers Saône and Rhône with the white-capped Alpes just beyond. The majestic and well-preserved Theatres Romains de Fourviere welcomes jazz enthusiasts and other festival friends to its ancient stone seats and is the oldest of its type in France: a must-see for history buffs.
Explore the Long Traboules
Push open an ancient, wooden door and (and shhh! quiet please!) explore the hidden, off the beaten track walkways of the Long Traboules, winding their way through and under the buildings, courtyards, and alleyways of residential Vieux Lyon. Open only during the day Les Traboules is a pleasant shortcut connecting you to the Old Town between Rue Saint-Jean and Rue de la Boeuf.
Enjoy a Bottle of Craft Beer
After your Traboule shortcut, you may have acquired a mighty thirst. Exit out onto the Rue de Boeuf and taste some of Lyon’s exceptional and largest selection of craft beers, available in bottles from La Chope de Lug.  Take away over 300 locally brewed, sourced and largely unfiltered, unpasteurized amber, white, blonde, imperial and even triple fermentation beers from the Rhone-Alpes region to slake your walking thirst.
Connect at Confluence
Wander the unusual and fantastic Confluence, Europe’s largest urban redevelopment project, a newly reclaimed common gathering point for local Lyonnaise, literally where the Rhône and Saône converge and the former site of the old Port and the historic center of Lyon.  Enjoy shopping, sit and enjoy it’s open canals, superb dining or simply prends une verre on one of its many patios and people watch. Make sure to view the water side of Jakob+MacFarlane’s Orange Cube Building. Stunning! And while there, check out Euronews TV Channel flagship headquarters, the Green Cube, another Jacob+MacFarlane stunner!
Lunch and a Museum: Confluence
The stunning Musée des Confluences is a must where we thoroughly enjoyed the spectacular Antartica exhibit; running until December 2016, a complete penguin overload for our senses! Indulge your curious collector in their popular Chambre des Merveilles, where you will view some collected curiosities from the curio cabinets of the ancient and modern world: stuffed exotic birds, shrunken heads, petrified body parts, all present a curious and scientific vision of the world, our own chamber of wonders. Lunch is a must at the Museums’ Brasserie des Confluences where you will enjoy typical Lyonnais food served in a spectacular light-filled cathedral overlooking the Rhône and Saône.
Wander the Cité Internationale
Make the six large statues of Xavier Veilhan your personal guides as you stroll the sculpture gardens and walkways of Renzo Piano and landscape architect Michel Corajoud’s beautifully imagined Cité Internationale . The Marriott Hotel Lyon Cité Internationale, is a convenient and excellent home base as you explore and stroll this urban oasis. While there, plan a visit to macLyon (currently closed for renovations but reopening September 2016). The museum showcases current national and international artists and focuses on all forms of modernity: ‘sound’:  La Monte Young, Laurie Anderson, John Cage, ‘choreography’: Anna Halprin, Trisha Brown,  ‘painting’: Marc Desgrandchamps, Keith Haring, BenRobert Combas and ‘video’: Bill Viola and ‘performance’ pieces by Jan Fabre.
Renzo Piano’s totally accessible Cité Internationale in Lyon
Enjoy the Light Show
Journey to Lyon in December and enjoy the Fetes des Lumières, Lyons annual love affair with light. Needless to say, I was excited to return to Lyon where my partner and I spent a glorious 50th birthday week enjoying the fantastic Fête des Lumières. Bundle up, bring your tripod to catch the amazing show and enjoy this early-Christmas gift of light!
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    The post We Are In Love with Lyon: Aren’t You? appeared first on Tripstations.
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amedkarim · 5 years
A Brief Summary On The Importance Of Organic Products
By Cynthia Walker
Numerous individuals need to lead a more beneficial way of life yet are not sure where to begin. In the domain of eating regimen, actually, most Americans or fifty percent trust it is simpler to ascertain their salary charges than make sense of what to consume to remain healthy. It should not feel this firm, which is the reason we need to give you an unmistakable advance you could take to redesign the eating regimen, and way of life, to improve things, try organic products. The utilization of hereditary designing, or hereditarily changed life forms, is restricted in natural items, another huge advantage. Significantly, not exclusively are seeds precluded yet creatures raised on natural homesteads may not be encouraged hay or corn. In a course of recent decades, most of the counter development was centered on those found in prepared nourishments and few entire products. However, that is just twenty percent of the organics in a human evolved way of life. Double to such an extent or forty percent goes in the creation of creature feed intended for CAFOs. The best way to alter that pattern is by not purchasing CAFO creature items, be it poultry, counting eggs, pork or meat. While leafy foods were the top selling classification of unsurprisingly developed food, it is essential to pick usual and grass bolstered meat and dairy items too. We need to quit discussing organics as though it is some dynamic innovation that represents this sort of extremely difficult to get risk, quality joining, and interruption of a genome or all that. There was no harvest that is not splashed with a lot of harmful synthetics. Or then again else it is impregnated with a toxic substance, similar to the Bacillus thuringiensis poison inside the plant that conveys what needs be in each phone of a plant. Up to twenty thousand farmworkers are harmed by pesticides every year, despite the fact which the real number was likely far higher, the same number of specialists may not look for medicinal consideration or might be misdiagnosed on the off chance that they do look for treatment. There is likewise no organized national episode detailing framework to track exposures. Regardless of this, pesticide exposures source farmworkers counteractive action and control, on nonorganic. What is more, the concoction was identified in excess of ninety percent of the moms in the investigation. Glyphosate, the dynamic fixing in Monsanto Gathering herbicide, has stood out as truly newsworthy on the grounds that it is the most utilized horticultural substance in history and furthermore in light of any fact that the Worldwide Organization for Exploration on Malignant growth decided it plausible cancer causing agent at any given moment. The Canadian Sustenance Investigation Office has uncovered that about thirty out of a hundred of in excess of three thousand nourishments they tried to contain glyphosate. This included almost thirty seven percent of grain items, forty seven shares of bean or pea or lentil items and in excess of thirty percent of baby sustenance and oat. Indeed, even seven percent of new foods grown from the ground contained the buildups taking a gander at the impact of one pesticide. An English report additionally discovered that naturally developed products contain essentially larger amounts of cell reinforcements and useful conjugated linoleic acid than the expectedly developed assortment, including useful mixes connected to a decreased danger of endless infections, including heart or neurodegenerative ailments and certain cancers. A Hungarian report achieved a comparative end when they looked at the concoction synthesis. This includes a dietary benefit of obviously and traditionally developed plant nourishment, with the normal assortment again turning out on top. Ordinary yields contain an essentially higher measure of specific cancer prevention agents like vitamin C, polyphenols or flavonoids and minerals, just as have developed dry issue content than customary ones. In addition, there was a lower dimension of pesticide buildups, nitrate and some overwhelming metal pollutions in ordinary yields contrasted.
About the Author:
Get excellent tips on how to pick a supplier of organic products and view our selection of organically produced herbal supplements at http://bit.ly/2Y8Ld8D right now.
A Brief Summary On The Importance Of Organic Products via bestfit34 http://bit.ly/2HfhRzT
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beautysupply101 · 5 years
A Little Layout On The Benefits Of Organic Products
By Cynthia Walker
Numerous individuals need to lead a more beneficial way of life yet are not sure where to begin. In the domain of eating regimen, actually, most Americans or fifty percent trust it is simpler to ascertain their salary charges than make sense of what to consume to remain healthy. It should not feel this firm, which is the reason we need to give you an unmistakable advance you could take to redesign the eating regimen, and way of life, to improve things, try organic products. A study by the Natural Exchange Affiliation uncovered that, inside 2017, Americans purchased natural organic product and family unit items than any other time in recent memory, with deals coming to forty seven billion the United States of every 2016, an eight percent expansion from 2015. We think you are taking a gander at a superior taught populace that is coming to an obvious conclusion regarding what they eat or their health. However, that is just twenty percent of the organics in a human evolved way of life. Double to such an extent or forty percent goes in the creation of creature feed intended for CAFOs. The best way to alter that pattern is by not purchasing CAFO creature items, be it poultry, counting eggs, pork or meat. While leafy foods were the top selling classification of unsurprisingly developed food, it is essential to pick usual and grass bolstered meat and dairy items too. However, regardless of all the additions in fame, normal deals represent just around four out of 100 all out United States organic invention sales. Surveying demonstrates the number one reason individuals go natural is to evade pesticides, synthetic concoctions and those things that were not permitted in organics, and this is an essential motivation behind why going natural is so significant for your wellbeing and the earth. Those breaking points depend on the creature considers this. Up to twenty thousand farmworkers are harmed by pesticides every year, despite the fact which the real number was likely far higher, the same number of specialists may not look for medicinal consideration or might be misdiagnosed on the off chance that they do look for treatment. There is likewise no organized national episode detailing framework to track exposures. Regardless of this, pesticide exposures source farmworkers counteractive action and control, on nonorganic. The market has begun dismissing and at present rates of development, we could anticipate that it should increment by around fifty percent throughout the following four years. Rather, we have to fourfold offers of ordinary and grass bolstered. As substantiated by Cummins, by accelerating the degree at which we achieve the tilting point where fifteen percent of our nourishment supply is natural or grass bolstered, the speeding up will duplicate exponentially from that point. The Canadian Sustenance Investigation Office has uncovered that about thirty out of a hundred of in excess of three thousand nourishments they tried to contain glyphosate. This included almost thirty seven percent of grain items, forty seven shares of bean or pea or lentil items and in excess of thirty percent of baby sustenance and oat. Indeed, even seven percent of new foods grown from the ground contained the buildups taking a gander at the impact of one pesticide. Eating nonorganic hereditarily built nourishments, the prime contender for Gathering showering is related with developed glyphosate levels inside your body. The European Parliament charged a report on human wellbeing ramifications of natural nourishment and normal agribusiness, which was composed by Harvard Chan School subordinate educator of ecological health. An essential memo of the report focused on pesticides or the potential advantages of diminishing their utilization by means of ordinary farming. This includes a dietary benefit of obviously and traditionally developed plant nourishment, with the normal assortment again turning out on top. Ordinary yields contain an essentially higher measure of specific cancer prevention agents like vitamin C, polyphenols or flavonoids and minerals, just as have developed dry issue content than customary ones. In addition, there was a lower dimension of pesticide buildups, nitrate and some overwhelming metal pollutions in ordinary yields contrasted.
About the Author:
Get excellent tips on how to pick a supplier of organic products and view our selection of organically produced herbal supplements at http://bit.ly/2Y8Ld8D right now.
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startupcanada · 5 years
Saskatchewan Forestry Development
Saskatchewan is world-renowned as a consistent supplier of high-quality, safe agricultural products, including ingredients for a variety of foods such as cereals, beverages, baked products, snacks and bars.
Major crops include cereals (spring and durum wheat, oats, barley and rye), oilseeds (canola and flax), pulses (peas, chickpeas and lentils), specialty crops (mustard seed, canary seed and wild rice) and fruit crops (saskatoon berries and sour cherries). Saskatchewan had another successful year in 2017, with agri-food exports valued at $13.6 billion, representing almost one-quarter of total Canadian agri-food exports. Saskatchewan’s largest trading partner for food exports is the United States, which reached $3.6 billion in 2017. Furthermore, Saskatchewan exports over $200 million worth of agricultural products to 12 individual countries. Saskatchewan often represents Canada to those markets.
Saskatchewan is home to almost 40% of Canada’s certified organic land, with more than 800 certified producers, over 85 organic processors and handlers.
Functional Food Ingredients
 Oat constituents
 Beta-glucans from oats and barley
 Camelina oil
 Essential fatty acids
 Fenugreek gum
 Hempseed products
 Pea and lentil fractions (starch, fibre, protein)
 Micronized pulses and grains
 Herbal products
 Mustard seed
 Specialty fruits (saskatoon berries, sour cherries,
haskap berries and seabuckthorn berries)
Pasta is big business for Saskatchewan farmers, who are global leaders in durum production. Saskatchewan “spaghetti farmers” produce 78% of Canada’s durum wheat, and the province is the number one Canadian exporter of durum wheat, exporting 3.4 million tonnes to over 30 different countries.
Saskatchewan accounts for almost half of Canada’s barley exports.
Saskatchewan is the world’s number one exporter of oats, accounting for 963,000 tonnes or 33% of world oat exports. Saskatchewan is also a leading exporter of rye. The top export market for both oats and rye is the United States.
Saskatchewan is the world’s number one exporter of canola seeds (6.4 million tonnes), canola meal (2.0 million tonnes) and canola oil (1.5 million tonnes).
Saskatchewan is also a world leader in the production and export of flaxseed. The province represents 76% and 22% of Canada’s and the world’s flaxseed exports, respectively.
Saskatchewan is Canada’s leading producer of mustard seed. Saskatchewan mustard production accounts for 78% of Canada’s annual production, and over half of it is exported to the United States and Belgium.
Saskatchewan is a global leader in the production of lentils, peas and chickpeas. Today, 90% of lentils (2.3 million tonnes), 48% of dry peas (2.0 million tonnes) and 99% of chickpeas (86,000 tonnes) produced in Canada are grown in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan exports 41% of the world’s lentils and 36% of the world’s peas.
Saskatoon berries are considered a super-fruit, containing high sources of antioxidants. Saskatchewan has 20% of Canada’s farms reporting saskatoon berries,
and 36% of Canada’s total acreage. Saskatchewan’s acreage for commercial saskatoon berries is about 1,000 acres.
Sour cherries in Saskatchewan have dark red skin and contain dark red juice. Saskatchewan has about 17% of farms (210 acres) reporting sour cherries, and 8% of Canada’s total acreage.
Saskatchewan also grows seabuckthorn, a fruit known for extremely high vitamin C content (as much as 15% more than an orange), carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, β-sitosterol and polyphenols. Seabuckthorn is currently grown on a small scale, with about 300 acres planted and 50 acres harvested annually.
Medicinal herbs, essential oils, spices, and both dried and fresh culinary herbs are also processed in the province. These are used to create leading-edge health products that are exported globally.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Chandra Mark
Deputy Director, Investment
Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development
1000, 2103 11th Avenue
Regina, SK  S4P 3Z8
Phone: (306) 787-9101
Fax: (306) 787-3989
The post Saskatchewan Forestry Development appeared first on Company Formations Canada.
from Company Formations Canada http://bit.ly/2VNp66P
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canadalavita-blog · 7 years
La-Vita: Pulses and Lentils
La-Vita Commodities is a Canadian exporters and traders based supplier and exporter of Canadian pulses and meat. It is based in Crowfoot West Business Centre, Calgary, Alberta. La-Vita Commodities is the name of trust and reliability in supplying and exporting of quality agricultural products like pulses, meat and lentils, from Canada and other countries.
Pulses are the edible seeds of plants in the legume family. Pulses grow in pods and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Pulses include peas, beans, Chickpeas and Green Lentils etc. Pulses provide about approximately 10% of the total dietary protein consumed in the world and have about twice the protein content of most cereal grains. Pulses are healthy, nutritious and easy to cook with. Growing pulses also promotes sustainable agriculture, as pulse crops help decrease greenhouse gases, increase soil health, and use less water than other crops.
Hundreds of varieties of pulses are grown in 173 countries around the world. Between 2010 and 2013, 173 different countries grew and exported pulses. Pulses in Canada started to play a significant commercial or economic role from 1970s. The climate makes Canada world's leading exporter and grower of Pulses and lentils. As the weather of Canada consists of cold winters and dry summers, this limits the disease and insect reproduction problems. This weather helps to keep production high and costs low. The nitrogen-fixing ability of pulses, improved control of disease and weeds through better rotations, a trend towards a favorable environmental profile of producers and processors have all contributed to the increase in acreage of pulses in the Canadian prairies.
La-Vita is a Canadian based Pulses and Lentils exporting company, based in Calgary, Alberta. La-Vita’s Pulses and Lentils export is predominantly sourced from Canada. It is specialized in trading Green Lentils, Red Lentils, Chickpeas, Yellow Peas and Green Peas. Pulses and Lentils export is predominantly sourced from Canada in bulk and bags according to customer specifications. For more information, visit http://la-vita.ca/pulses .
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startupcanada · 5 years
Saskatchewan Forestry Development
Saskatchewan is world-renowned as a consistent supplier of high-quality, safe agricultural products, including ingredients for a variety of foods such as cereals, beverages, baked products, snacks and bars.
Major crops include cereals (spring and durum wheat, oats, barley and rye), oilseeds (canola and flax), pulses (peas, chickpeas and lentils), specialty crops (mustard seed, canary seed and wild rice) and fruit crops (saskatoon berries and sour cherries). Saskatchewan had another successful year in 2017, with agri-food exports valued at $13.6 billion, representing almost one-quarter of total Canadian agri-food exports. Saskatchewan’s largest trading partner for food exports is the United States, which reached $3.6 billion in 2017. Furthermore, Saskatchewan exports over $200 million worth of agricultural products to 12 individual countries. Saskatchewan often represents Canada to those markets.
Saskatchewan is home to almost 40% of Canada’s certified organic land, with more than 800 certified producers, over 85 organic processors and handlers.
Functional Food Ingredients
 Oat constituents
 Beta-glucans from oats and barley
 Camelina oil
 Essential fatty acids
 Fenugreek gum
 Hempseed products
 Pea and lentil fractions (starch, fibre, protein)
 Micronized pulses and grains
 Herbal products
 Mustard seed
 Specialty fruits (saskatoon berries, sour cherries,
haskap berries and seabuckthorn berries)
Pasta is big business for Saskatchewan farmers, who are global leaders in durum production. Saskatchewan “spaghetti farmers” produce 78% of Canada’s durum wheat, and the province is the number one Canadian exporter of durum wheat, exporting 3.4 million tonnes to over 30 different countries.
Saskatchewan accounts for almost half of Canada’s barley exports.
Saskatchewan is the world’s number one exporter of oats, accounting for 963,000 tonnes or 33% of world oat exports. Saskatchewan is also a leading exporter of rye. The top export market for both oats and rye is the United States.
Saskatchewan is the world’s number one exporter of canola seeds (6.4 million tonnes), canola meal (2.0 million tonnes) and canola oil (1.5 million tonnes).
Saskatchewan is also a world leader in the production and export of flaxseed. The province represents 76% and 22% of Canada’s and the world’s flaxseed exports, respectively.
Saskatchewan is Canada’s leading producer of mustard seed. Saskatchewan mustard production accounts for 78% of Canada’s annual production, and over half of it is exported to the United States and Belgium.
Saskatchewan is a global leader in the production of lentils, peas and chickpeas. Today, 90% of lentils (2.3 million tonnes), 48% of dry peas (2.0 million tonnes) and 99% of chickpeas (86,000 tonnes) produced in Canada are grown in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan exports 41% of the world’s lentils and 36% of the world’s peas.
Saskatoon berries are considered a super-fruit, containing high sources of antioxidants. Saskatchewan has 20% of Canada’s farms reporting saskatoon berries,
and 36% of Canada’s total acreage. Saskatchewan’s acreage for commercial saskatoon berries is about 1,000 acres.
Sour cherries in Saskatchewan have dark red skin and contain dark red juice. Saskatchewan has about 17% of farms (210 acres) reporting sour cherries, and 8% of Canada’s total acreage.
Saskatchewan also grows seabuckthorn, a fruit known for extremely high vitamin C content (as much as 15% more than an orange), carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, dietary minerals, β-sitosterol and polyphenols. Seabuckthorn is currently grown on a small scale, with about 300 acres planted and 50 acres harvested annually.
Medicinal herbs, essential oils, spices, and both dried and fresh culinary herbs are also processed in the province. These are used to create leading-edge health products that are exported globally.
For more information, contact:
Ms. Chandra Mark
Deputy Director, Investment
Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development
1000, 2103 11th Avenue
Regina, SK  S4P 3Z8
Phone: (306) 787-9101
Fax: (306) 787-3989
The post Saskatchewan Forestry Development appeared first on Company Formations Canada.
from Company Formations Canada http://bit.ly/2VNp66P
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