#Cangel sucks
vampandvisiongirl · 8 months
One of the many things that bugs me about Angel season 4 (besides the fucking obvious) is the fact that Angel didn’t immediately clock that something was wrong with Cordelia the second that he saw that….moment…between *Evil Cordelia* and Connor.
Joss being Joss…David Greenwalt leaving after season 3…new writers being brought in…it all fucked it up.
The Angel from the relationship that developed between Angel & Cordelia for three years would never have taken that long to realize what was wrong. Because he knew Cordelia Chase & he knew that she would never.
Another example of fuckery behind the scenes destroying a beautiful relationship. New writers have to bond with the ship! They shouldn’t be able to just come in and write shit OOC.
Angel not realizing it sooner was out of character!
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Thinking about how we got robbed of the potential of Angel/Cordelia/Connor and Buffy/Spike/Dawn as families. Like, there were moments here and there, yes, but the potential never really got capitalised upon...and in the case of the former, it got perverted because simple, nice things weren't allowed.
Would've been interesting to see them navigate the drama in later seasons and forge ahead as family.
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initiumseries · 2 months
If you had to pick between spuffy and cangel, which one do you find more interesting? And why?
I'm gonna preface this with, I don't think either of them are particularly interesting. That's a large part of why I don't like these ships lol. My dislike of these ships has less to do with personal taste, and more to do with the obliteration of their characters and the overarching story integrity to make them happen. An example of this is, when I saw TVD was moving toward delena, I hated the idea of breaking Elena and Stefan up, especially when it felt like they'd barely been together and I gad serious problems with how damon consistently and without repercussions, violated obvious boundaries of everyone around him but especially Stefan and Elena. That was a personal issue for me, but I was also curious to see how they'd handle the story. I'd said this to Zal at the time, but I was prepared to be on board a delena ship if it meant the show taking an interesting character/story turn. If we actually got to see that darker turn in Elena, the fallout of her choices, and how being with damon messed with her morality, perceptions, isolated her from her friends etc, I would've liked to see that story progression and character arc, even if it meant the (temporary) end of a ship I liked. When that didn't happen, and the story rapidly deteriorated, I resented the ship because it essentially ruined the show (among other issues) to keep it working.
So to the point of the ask, I don't think that either were particularly interesting, but I will say that Spuffy, for a time, had better execution. I had tired of Spike whining about Buffy, dreaming about Buffy, becoming a pathetic shadow of what made him interesting as a character for Buffy. It sucked. So to see the return of his vigor as a character in this dysfunctional, abusive and hypersexual relationship with Buffy was refreshing. It was also uncomfortable, which its meant to be. Buffy is the white knight. But she died, and was finally at peace and her friends traumatized her by bringing her back, then traumatized her again by abandoning her to dig herself out of her own grave. She was angry, depressed, isolated and she had no one to work her issues out with, and here was Spike, allowing her to revel in the worst parts of herself. Something she never allowed herself before she died. That was interesting. It was moreso, because it was so obvious this wasn't about actual affection. It was clear at the time, Spike didn't love Buffy, he was obsessed with her, and Buffy didn't even like Spike, he was a site for her to work out her pain. That was more interesting to me than anything else, because, again, Buffy's relationships up until then had been about mutual affection, partnership and love, and now she's slumming it and hiding it from all her friends because she's embarrassed. That's good story stuff. Where I jumped off and immediately lost interest is when both Buffy and Spike became OOC-ish just to bring them back together in some weird, pointless amicable companionship thing. Spike assaulted Buffy and then got a soul to punish her for her rejection. Forcing her to not only accept him, but defend him and protect him against her loved ones, then alienate her AGAIN, to bring them back together is cruel, and a betrayal of Buffy as the titular strong female character she was always meant to be. Buffy in any previous season would never have forgiven her attempted rapist, much less stopped GILES from killing him when he was a KNOWN liability and danger to her work. She killed Angel - the love of her life - to save the world, but defends Spike? Makes 0 narrative sense. Spike becomes a sad little bitch because of the soul no one wanted or asked him to get, then just sort of...returns to himself, and shows no remorse, no repentance for what he put Buffy through, and how that affected the group. And suddenly we're all supposed to believe this is...what, love? How? We've SEEN what Spike looks like when he's in love, and this isn't it. So, that's where it becomes uninteresting to me, because in order to make this ship work this way, they have to betray the characters, insult the viewers, and compromise the story. Those are bad narrative choices.
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kpchrs · 4 months
Since Life is Strange referenced Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Victoria is a reference) and I'm a big fan of BTVS, I think if LiS characters watch it, their favourite characters would be:
(The characters are Max, Chloe, Kate, Warren, Vic, and Nathan.)
Max: I think Max wouldn't really like the vampires and dark theme. Maybe it's too fantastical horror for her cuppa. But I think she'd relate to Willow the most. (A nerd who has no self-esteem then gets a magic power and gets too powerful she's drunk in it? Hell yeah.) And she'd love Tara a lot, the kindest character of all. I think Max would be very interested in Giles too. No, it's not because he's a teacher, she swore. He was very intellectual, it was very attractive! She watched when Chloe watched. It's more fun for her that way.
Chloe: Chloe would be that girl who is like "Yum, sista" when she met Faith and "I can't believe Faith is not gay. SHE'S DEF FRUITY AT LEAST." She would really empathise with Faith too (esp. her parental issues) and she would love her darkness. (Buffy had daddy issues too, but I think Faith resonated in Chloe more.) She'd think Spike was so fricking cool, at least in S2 when he was still a hardcore evil punk rock vampire, but not really after he got chipped. She'd be a little bit disappointed, but she'd still think he was hilarious. I think Chloe would be kinda annoyed at Angel's character, at least in BTVS. I don't think she'd continue watching after S5...? Maybe she didn't really care about the main romance plot lol (Hey, my mom's name is Joyce too! They are very different tho.) When Chloe stopped watching, Max stopped too.
Kate: I appreciate the soul and demons explanation, Warren. But, um, it's too dark for me. I don't really like vampires anyway...
Warren: Warren would LOVE this TV show. He'd be the type of person who SOBBED at Bangel. Bangel is so tragic, Max, I can't believe the universe doesn't want them together, WHY. He'd think Buffy was so hot, Spike was so cool, Giles was rad, etc. He loved almost every cool character. He'd be offended because a guy with his name was a pathetic, gross villain in S6. He'd really enjoy Spuffy too, he'd think it was so spicy ohohohohoho. Delicious, delicious. Then was kinda shocked at SR (iykyk) (but more like, "Oh, shit, they went there!"), cheered at the end of the S6, and then SOBBED again in the end of S7. I think he'd just enjoy whatever it was on the show and he'd think it's one of the best shows of all time. But my favourite is always Doctor Who, Max, always. He then would be off yapping about his analysis of each season and episode, or what he read on Reddit that he claimed as his own, and go blah blah blah bla--
Victoria: Same as Warren, Vic would be the biggest fan of the show. I think Vic would have Buffy as her favourite character. She'd be a Bangel shipper and a diehard Angel and DB fan. She'd be on Tumblr fighting the Spuffy fans. She agreed that Spike was hot, but the ship rivalry was just...yeah. But she'd secretly see herself in Cordelia. Victoria would ask, "I'm not as bitchy as Cordelia, right, Nate? Right??" and Nathan would just laugh his ass off, annoying her. Later in ATS, she came for Angel but had Cangel as a guilty pleasure. Cordelia's character development would kinda trouble her. Not because it wasn't good but because...well, she saw herself in her and could I be like that? Then she watched S4 and was so mad at them fucking up Cordy's arc.
Nathan: Nathan watched this show on and off because Victoria was watching it near him but he didn't like it. He wasn't too interested in a female main character and would be one of the people who was like: "She's hot but there's no way a girl that small can beat up people. (Stupid name, btw.)"
"She's the vampire slayer!" Vic protested.
"So fucking what?!"
He'd remember Riley and ask, "Where is that soldier guy?"
"He fucked off to Brazil a season ago, Nathan! Shut up about Riley already, he sucked!"
"Brazil again." (Iykyk.)
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yourstreetserenade · 1 year
Hii :) 7 and 41 for the game
7. Top 5 ships of all time.
Number one is of course Brittany and Santana. I don't care how many books I read or shows I watch, I don't think I'll ever fall in love with another ship like I fell in love with Brittana. Their dynamic, their personalities, the longing, the devotion, everything. These two little idiot cheerleaders and their love will always have a place in my heart.
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Number two. I almost feel like Brian and Justin are Santana and Brittany's sister ship. I've always said Santana and Brian and Justin and Brittany share this thing called character DNA. They're constructed in a similar way. And I guess what pulled me into brittana is also what made me love britin as a ship.
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Number three. Probably my first ship ever. Mulder and Scully of The X Files. As a little weirdo that show spoke to me. It was fun and spooky but it also posed questions about faith and science. Also I just really wanted Mulder and Scully to kiss lol this show had 11 seasons and two theatrical movies and I still feel like I can count all of their kisses on one hand. Fucking Chris Carter man.
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But I will contend that they were the ship that started it all. I mean yes people shipped characters before them but it's often said that the term 'ship' came from them. You were either a Mulder and Scully shipper or a noromo. The X Files aired during the early days of the internet when it was just becoming common for households to have access. It was that early internet fan base that helped popularize the show and the terms 'ship' and 'shipping'. This easter egg after the end credits of IWTB even shows Mulder and Scully on a tiny rowboat riding off into the sunset is often said to be a nod to being their own ship.
They are my constant.
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Number four. Cangel man. This is my one ship that breaks my heart. All of my other ships have a relatively happy resolution and I'm counting Brian and Justin in that too because my interpretation is that they found their way to each other again. But Cordelia Chase and Angel, they're the ship that sort of never was. They constantly missed their moment but ugh.
What I love about them is they were so unexpected.
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Especially if you go back to early Buffy episodes. They have several little scenes together. You would never expect Cordy to become what she became and what she would go on to mean to Angel and his journey. She set him on the path.
I can't recall any other ships I was ever truly passionate about other than these but since I have one last slot open I'll say Lazlo and Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows.
They are horny blood sucking fiends who are utterly in love. Heartwarming.
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41. Strangest thing I've done to honor my fandom, ship or character?
I don't think I've done anything that strange to be honest. Maybe spend a ridiculous amount on custom Santana and Brittany Funko Pops, but I don't think that's too crazy or anything and honestly they came out great so they were worth it.
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dreamcaught · 1 year
I've got this stack of early 2000 magazines on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (because I existed back when magazines were a thing and have had my fixation for as long as the show existed). They're really fun because they've got all those little ads for cheap trinket stuff that now exist only on etsy, exclusive interviews with cast members and staff, promotions for things like Stargate Atlantis and those stupid posters that have a crease right through the middle because the only way to get them out was to cut the magazine in half.
It's weird though because they read almost like the writers didn't really understand the show at all, or were told to only convey a certain take on characters and dynamics. These magazines push the Buffy/Angel agenda like nobody's business and really do not care for any Spuffy or Cangel stuff even a little bit - like they don't even exist as canon, even after Chosen or Not Fade Away. So that sucks.
It's really no wonder so many people were divided on what was happening on screen when all of these amateur non-viewers were shoving ideas down their reader's throats. I think I skipped over most of the flavour text in these magazines (because... they're magazines. You read them for the pictures and interviews), but they are still cool nuggets of the golden years.
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someonefantastic · 2 years
Wanted to add too, that I'm surprised I don't see a lot of Cangel fans talk about Awakening...
hi anon! uh if you sent in another ask with this one, I think tumblr ate it :(
but YEAH honestly same! I think it's because of the ending and the fact that nothing that happened in Awakening was actually canon (which SUCKS) and that s4 itself is just so bad that it takes away from the good moments in Awakening. But man does that episode absolutely get me. It's the only time we get to see what established cangel might've been like and what them getting together and confessing could've looked like and it makes me very emotional. It's so well done and so soft and I will never be over Cordy breaking down and apologizing to Angel or both of them saying that they won't hold their pasts against each other or Angel telling her he's gonna make it back, for her, or their little nose touches. Not to mention that entire end scene. I know it was a dream sequence and Angel's ideal world but was also so indicative of how established cangel legitimately would've worked and it was so sweet and mature and healthy and I'm still upset it wasn't real. We really could've had it allllllllllll
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charismascarpenter · 2 years
hello! just wondering, could you rank bangel, cangel, fuffy, spangel and spuffy from fav to least fav? and a brief reason as to why you ship/or don't ship them? you just seem like a multishipper and i'm curious lol
it’s true i ship them all. it’s weird though with bangel and spuffy i don’t necessarily ship one more than the other or like one more over the other it just depends if i’m having feels whether or not I’ll be in full on bangel mode or a full on spuffy mode. it also depends if i’m watching the earlier seasons or later seasons. with that being said
bangel because their chemistry is off the charts. he is her first love and nothing will ever change that. i just feel like we get to see a different side of him when he’s with buffy compared to him being with someone else or alone if that makes sense?
spuffy because tbh i love their back and forth banter. they also work really well together, fighting evil wise. side by side, I’m here for it. I know they have their flaws and they are very toxic but i love my trash couples I can’t help it haha.
fuffy because THE SEXUAL TENSION. do i have to say more? is it needed?
spangel because like spuffy i enjoy their back and forth banter. it’s truly entertaining. there’s so much sexual tension between the two but i also love the bromance with angelus and spike. their flashbacks are what i live for.
cangel because he accepts her for who she is. the good, the bad all of it.
i’m sure i could have explained this better but i suck so this where i’m at haha
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logandeservedbetter · 8 months
So I think I’ve made it clear by now that I’m a certified Cangel hater, but when I’m reading fanfiction there’s nothing I hate more than Angel/Willow because they all seem to have either a subtle undertone or glaringly obvious theme of “people other than Buffy have problems so she needs to suck it up since she should be used to it by now and we’re tired of hearing about it.” I guess it’s to make them feel better about completely betraying her but like be so for real? I once read a fic where Willow had a terminal illness and ran into Angel on his way to find and tell Buffy about his Shanshu and somehow guilt tripped/blackmailed him into marrying her so she wouldn’t have to die alone and then when they ran into Buffy three-ish years later and she found and and was visibly upset Willow lit into her for not being happy for them or understanding what it’s like to know you’re going to die young and it was so weird and everyone in the comments/reviews were acting like all of this was normal and okay and in character??? What am I missing here? (Also Angel was NOT happy and Willow did not care.)
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womanaction · 7 years
Cordelia and Angel go to the Star Wars movie premiere together. She had to drag him, she mostly just wanted to go for celebrity mingling, but Angel ends up loving the movie and binge watching all the SW movies and he won't be quiet about it. Cordelia regrets her choices.
oh my GOD yes
maybe i’m projecting but you KNOW Angel absolutely loves the prequels....they’re so dramatic (just like him) and also cheesy (just like him). 
also he TOTALLY gets a bunch of EU novels and reads them instead of his normal Pretentious Lit (tm) and he makes very obscure SW references that nobody around him gets and he ends up joining a “chatty room” to discuss theories
he emails Spike for help on his terrible angsty fanfic and also to tell him he finally gets the reference to him being Yoda. Spike doesn’t reply but a month later there’s an anonymous review on the fic that’s full of swearing and a little bit of constructive criticism
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chasingfictions · 3 years
i am always and forever obsessed w ur buffy takes,,, please bless us with ur cangel thoughts if u are so inclined. if not just know that im obsessed w ur writing for darla especially "it's his culture angelus" i lost it at that
omg thank you so much this is so sweet????? also dkfjdksfs writing coparents dangel is :))))) my greatest joy :))) (LITERALLY murder and bloodshed is connor's culture and they have to pass it onto him!!!! )
my cangel thoughts aren't as developed as any of my btvs thoughts tbh bc i havent done a comprehensive angel rewatch in forever ! though i am rewatching scattered episodes for my rewrite series.
that SAID. i feel like for me cangel works whenever ats works? which is to say i really LOVE s1-s3 cangel :))) @willowrosenboob and i have been talking about this literally nonstop lately (and also she is THEE leading cangelism scholar so jot that down) also so this is really on my mind but just the way that!!! ats as a show has such a Woman Problem and hates to write women as full people especially when those women are love interests and especially when those women are romantically significant to angel :))) premiere misogyny show of the early 2000s :))) but bc romantic cangel doesn't develop in a fully realized way until season 3, cordelia and angel are able to develop this whole dynamic that's just so!!!!!! it's the way they're kind of perfect for each other actually it's the way that angel just has this brick wall of dourness and bullshit around him at all times but cordy is so persistent and doesn't give a shit and being around her forces him to be an actual person in a way none of his other relationships do. and as for angel being well suited to cordy. i mean listen. he's not good enough for her. get that man away from all women until he works his shit out or until someone stakes him.
THAT SAID. cordelia loves angel and considers him her best friend and believes in him and if that's who she wants then i support her !!!! and there's the way that like,, for all that cordelia is beautiful and effervescent and social and yada yada yada, she's also a freak??? she's also a fucking weirdo???? i saw this take on twitter today that was reposting a take from instagram that i think sums it up well:
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and i just!!!! im a sucker for them as life partners and best friends and business partners and them as both sucked into this fight against evil with primordial forces bigger than them !!!! and also the way they both are able to blossom into full people with each other!!! i love how theyre obsessed with each other!!!!!!! angel is like if you so much as lay a finger on cordelia i will stomp you to death with my hooves. cordelia is like oh??? you dont think angel is the goodest and most special bestest guy???? okay how does it feel to be WRONG??? i mean okay. SHE'S wrong. but she's also in love with him!!!! i just think theyre adorable!!! theyre fucking dorks!!!!! remember when cordelia in a universe where she hasnt seen angel since 1999 kisses him to save him from insanity and takes that insanity on herself and how it's such a beautiful representation of how they're well suited because it's cordelia rising to the call of heroism when no one would expect that of her but at the end of the day she is fundamentally kind and giving and brave and the way angel, for all that ats forgets this at times, isnt a natural hero, like at his core he is Just Some Guy who stuff keeps happening to and just!!! cangel as a ship about mundanity and domesticity and growing up and also about the tenderness and love and selflessness contained within mundanity and how that is the most beautiful thing of all and im gonna SCREAM
... . that said. ats s4 exists.
like the way ats s3 finale without context is SO GOOD but then is SQUANDERED and the show decides it doesnt mean anything or if it does, the thing that it means is about nihilism and the inevitability of loss and the impossibility of happiness i FUCKING GUESS???? because cordy and angel are separated against their wills and instead of that being about a piece of their story that's LITERALLY the END, that's the LAST TIME they EVER see each other when they're fully Them and cordy isn't amnesiac or possessed or a ghost like think about that for a second and tell me you dont also want to be sunk to the bottom of the ocean by your vengeful mystically-aged part-vampire antichrist son (... once again i havent done a full watch of ats in ages so if there's any time in s4 when cordelia is Really Cordelia i might have that wrong??? so lmk)
and then the way that once cordelia is being officially written as angel's love interest, she starts to get infected with ats' Woman Problem and becomes this kind of Beatrice to Angel's Dante (i mean she's LITERALLY in heaven i could write a whole thing about this). she becomes this larger than life figure who represents the paragon of all goodness and angel's will to keep striving for better and ultimately feeds into angel's (the show and the character) deep and abiding madonna-whore complex....
ANYWAY manifesting an alternate ats s4-s5 where cordy comes back from heaven and she's not possessed and her and angel have to learn to have a real adult relationship and angel has to unlearn all of his woman baggage bullshit and also they develop a lot of complex methods to be able to have sex. by manifesting i mean i AM including that into my rewrite. current methods include snapping a rubber band on angel's wrist if he looks too happy like when someone's trying to quit smoking / spraying him with water like a cat / playing recordings of spike insulting him while they fuck.
everyone pls write in with additional ideas on how cangel can fuck thank u pls consider this an open call. a contest. first prize goes to whoever gives me the most brain damage <3
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re: Cordelia. It's like she was a completely different person on Angel. She was supposed to be 21 in s3, and yet, she was written like a woman in her late 20s / early 30s.
In Season 3 she was like a 30 year old, but by and on Season 4, it seemed like she was in her early 40s. It was as if her “change” wasn’t organic, nor was it pleasant for me to watch. Whenever I do re-watches my thoughts on that become even more permanent. And those visions that the writers and Doyle gave her didn’t do her justice because it seemed like it enhanced her own arrogance and entitlement of her “duties” to the world. She also started to become like Season 6 of BtVS Willow Rosenberg to me in Season 2&3 of AtS by believing she would be nothing without her superpowers with a sense of arrogance and entitlement over that role which ended up being the downfall for both characters. Willow’s downfall was loosing the trust of those close to her and her being the ultimate evil. Cordelia’s downfall caused her to die of young age due to agreeing to be infused by some random species DNA by Skip(who was obviously coaxing into doing something that won’t serve her anymore purpose, just basically manipulating) which caused her body to be a part of a love triangle between father/son. 
Plus throwing the Cangel storyline in didn’t do any favors for her (and Angel.) She knew of what happened between Buffy and Angel, and Angel’s reason for exiting that relationship, so why try get into something which would have the exact same result? It makes no sense. I also don’t understand why she would want to get with Angel knowing full well that he’ll never get over Buffy and the sacrifices he made in order for Buffy’s safety. She’s also been around his evil counterpart, and helped trying to prevent him from having the world being sucked into Hell. Also.....I know that I’m a Xander&Cordelia shipper, but I think Cordy entered into that relationship knowing full well that Xander would get over Buffy, which he does later on. Another thing is that Cordy had to adopt some of Buffy’s personality in order for Angel to think about getting with her. As for Angel, it seemed like he had to adopt some of Xander’s personality in order to appease Cordy in their almost relationship. 
I have my own fantasy of what happens to Cordelia’s character if she stayed on top of the Hellmouth.
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loisfreakinglane · 4 years
tscc, dark angel, angel
G A S P! SHOCK! A DEEP DIVE! lol thank you
Favorite Male Character- DUDE THATS SUCH A HARD QUESTION suffice it to say this is either john or derek depending on when you ask, buuuuuuut terminator in my face i say john
Favorite Female Character- JESSEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Least Favorite Character- i. struggle to think of anybody i found bad or boring or anything???? oh okay you know what i have eternal mixed feelings about the character we know as eileen/alan/abraham and the weird choices around them. yeah thats all i got
Favorite Ship- derek/jesse my heart breaks and i am just a mess forevermore
Favorite Friendship- lmao there is no way to call it a friendship it is not a friendship but riley/jesse is so very fucked up in so many trillions of ways but god i’m obsessed with them......... also riley/john i would have fucking loved to see them have a real relationship, platonic or otherwise, their dynamic is SO GOOD and the possibility of their dynamic when they were both open about themselves.... fUCK
Favorite Quote- there are so many off the top of my head but like the biggest gutpunch to me personally was when jesse called derek out for his suicide attempt, asking what was he doing there when she found him and he just says ~i was waiting for you~ THO THO THO ALTERNATIVELY when they’re trying to get ellison to help program john henry and he says- you wanna teach it commands? start with the first ten.
Worst Character Death (if any)- uhhhhhh i think i like all of the character deaths on this show- i mean rileys death K I L L S me but i’m not angry about it and it was incredibly well done. dereks? maybe? i’m not actually mad about it but it was very abrupt. like i get it tho? OH WAIT I HAVE A REAL ONE friendgirl of johns who killed herself in the plotline that was never resolved bc of the writers strike. that was horrifying and ultimately we never even got a reason (beyond the obvious one they hinted at)
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment- what on this show makes anybody happy????? ever?????????????????????? uhhhhh. fuck. i mean the reveal about who riley is is SO GOOD i’m just always happy when the pieces slot together and we see new depth?
Saddest Moment- so many things on this show make me sob but like peak among them bc like you can feel your soul screaming bc you have no idea what could be done differently, when riley and john both ask the other if they’ve got anything they want to tell them, and they both say no they don’t EVEN THO THEY BOTH KNOW WHAT THE OTHER ONE WANTS TO SAY BUT THE ACTUALLY SAYING IT PART WOULD CHANGE LITERALLY EVERYTHING UGH FUCK KFUCK FUCKCCCKCK
Favorite Location- the stupid future tunnels where i want to see what happens next in the series finale FUCK
dark angel:
Favorite Male Character- uhhhhhhhhh even tho him being 95% of the tags every time i check have grated all of my nerves, yeah i still love alec the most when it comes to dudes
Favorite Female Character- max is a forever and ever and ever girl
Least Favorite Character- ames white. i don’t remember much about that plotline but i remember a lot of UGHS and groaning
Favorite Ship- cindy/diamond i’m mad forever I KNOW THEY WERE ONLY ONE EPISODE BUT ME/THEM FOREVER
Favorite Friendship- max/cindy eternally, the best ride or dies ever
Favorite Quote- fight the power, protect the downtrodden. blah blah, woof woof. ALSO max’s whole little once upon a time story about tinga...... :(
Worst Character Death (if any)- diamonds death was painful and i hated it and it was a dumb thing anyway. like at least she got revenge but MEH TAKE IT BACK I DON’T WANT THESE. worse character resurrection is zack they should have just let him stay dead instead of turning him into a robot (i like zack this isn’t a slam against him but it was an epic death for him) OH OH ALSO ANNIE FISHER she never should have died that was dumb and a waste of kandyse mcclure
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment- when cindy and max cheated the money off of those assholes and then beat them up, still in their itty bitty sparkly outfits and left with such flair :) but just also max forever........ cindy/max forever.......... mine own heart. 
Saddest Moment- when the show decided to make clones a thing breaking the whole internal logic of the entire first season aka them not knowing what the kids looked like :( I SAD
Favorite Location- i always thought the jam pony set was really fun. i love that the whole last episode was set there.
Favorite Male Character- angel, with a side called gunn or connor YAH I LIKE CONNOR I SAID IT YOU CAN ALL SUCK IT
Favorite Female Character- cordelia chase forever and EVER nobody else on planet earth holds a candle to her
Least Favorite Character- look i love christian kane i do, hes amazing in leverage- but man lindsey......... hes fine when hes snarking at lilah tho i’m with lilah in that groaning and screaming at wr&h being so blatantly misogynistic in preferring weak ass flip flopper lindsey over LILAH. also lindsey in s5 blew they should have spent the money they wasted on him and eve and adam wahtever and just paid for stephanie to be a main
Favorite Ship- cangel OTP ETERNAL
Favorite Friendship- angel/gunn is such a good dynamic that you can feeeeeel the show dropping (along with so much of their gunn-centric content bc they didn’t know how to write for him and never thought hm maybe we should hire some black writers)
Favorite Quote- it’s a cliche at this point and theres many great quotes on this show but it really does hit home- if nothing we do matters, all that matters is what we do. cause thats all there is.
Worst Character Death (if any)- freds death is vile trash garbage and they should feel like vile trash garbage for doing her like that
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment- cordelia and angel falling asleep with baby connor between them talking about how to spend a big payday........ such marrieds content..........
Saddest Moment- ‘is that it? am i done?’ idk if this would have been a SADDEST MOMENT before glenn quinn passed away but it sure hits hard now. it also hits hard when they replay it in you’re welcome right before cordelia dies
Favorite Location- the hyperion hotel is one of my favorite sets in all of television. i just wish we’d explored more of it, and that they hadn’t ditched it in favor of that new wolfram&hart set, which was honestly very very boring to me
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kyliafanfiction · 5 years
Hi, more ship grading if you're still up for it! You're my favorite person to send asks to. I'm sending a separate one about Skyeward and how I still don't think of her as Daisy. And YES to Cangel being a lot better than Bangel or Spuffy despite the fact that it could have been written a lot better. For the grading: Fitzsimmons, Skyeward, Phoebe/Cole, Piper/Leo, Prue/Andy, Tara/Willow, Oz/Willow, Steroline, Bamon
Still not a fan of the Daisychange, even years later. *high fives*
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Fitzsimmons: I’m gonna say… E?
Like, objectively, I see nothing wrong with the ship, much, though it never really animated me, and it had it’s moments, but I’ve become increasingly embittered towards everything on AoS that isn’t Kara, Skye, Skyeward and Ward, and all the Fitzsimmons shippers getting to enjoy their OTP getting married last season just pissed me off.
Unreasonable and unfair? Yep. Do I care? Not really.
Skyeward:  A+ Premium Grade Shipping Material Right here.
As for the why… I mean, do I really need to explain? Just check out the Skyeward tags on this blog or my old one ( @kyliafanfiction-archive ftr) :P
Phoebe/Cole: B++ 
Really interesting, love it in Season 3 and the start of Season 4, but then they had Cole become the Source. But I loved how it all started as a plot to destroy Phoebe and then he’s in love with her. Totally my jam. Excellent development until the left turn mid Season 4
All that said, I’m not animated enough about Charmed to really ship it.
Piper/Leo: B.
It’s cute. Not much to write home about, one way or the other. I like it well enough.
Prue/Andy: B
See Above
Already did Tillow and Woz
Steroline: A+ 
*fangirl flailing* Seriously, the journey of these two, every season the slow progress to friends and Stefan being her Vampire mentor and their time as best friends judging everyone else and then them realizing they love eachother and their amazing happiness together and their wedding and how perfectly their suited and holyfuckomg I love them.
Bamon: A
I love these two, as friends or lovers, their dynamic is perfect and amazing, the way they snark and care about eachother, even before the Prison Dimension, they have such a fun back and forth dynamic of judgey and having to work together and getting under eachother’s skins, and then eventually they start to care about eachother but they frame it as ‘you don’t suck… much’ and stuff like that and *chef kiss* perfect.
Send Me Ships and I’ll Rate Them!
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someonefantastic · 2 years
Thoughts on bangel? I’m a cangel shipper myself and I don’t hate bangel by any means, I just don’t care for them.
Wanted to see someone else’s opinion on them!
Have a lovely day/evening/night ☺️
Hello! So I tend to have mixed feelings about bangel. The first time I watched the show I was very into their relationship to the point where I would be dm'ing my friend lamenting about how emotional s2 was and how much this sucks for Buffy etc etc. I also fully lost it at the Prom scene but that's partially because Wild Horses is the song that plays for my other favorite show's (Psych) pairing during an emotional scene. I don't think I was ever like fully shipping them in a fandom capacity (I also didn't really get hyperfixated on the buffyverse until I watched Angel) but I enjoyed their relationship at the time and I'm a huge fan of angst and Buffy so it seemed to pair well. (I think I shed a tear during I Will Remember You.)
But as these things happen and honestly very in line with the show, the more I watched ATS (and BTVS) the more I moved away from bangel and into the cangel territory. First as friendship and then as romantic partners. (I honestly I didn't start shipping cangel until Angel realized that he liked Cordy in Offspring and I was like "OH okay then") Now as I have finished the show and am currently halfway through btvs s3 in a rewatch I've come to realize that bangel works as a first love but not a forever love. There's a lot of moments on both sides that are pretty unhealthy and while their angsty scenes make me :((( as a whole, imo the relationship doesn't really work in any other capacity besides being emotional turmoil and that's unfair to both Buffy and Angel to endure forever. Plus seeing the way both Buffy and Angel grow after they split and are on their respective shows, it's really apparent that they are better apart than together.
So in summary, I can appreciate bangel for what it was and I'll always have a soft spot for them on the basis of me having gravitated to their relationship upon my first watch but imo they really don't work together long term, both in general and also compared to the relationships that come later
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I loved your meta post on Cangel. It’s so well written and just grasps their whole relationship. I’ll never forgive Joss for what he did to not only that relationship, but to Cordy (Charisma) as well. I hate the last two seasons, and like you said it was crazy OOC for everyone to ignore Cordy’s coma, and not acknowledge her death. The episode after “You’re Welcome” makes me physically cringe. Forgive my rant, I just become the bitter Cordy/Cangel stan that I am when this subject is discussed.
Thank you so much, lovely! I put a lot of time and effort into writing it so it means so much to me that you liked reading it and thanks for stopping by to share that with me :) 
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Don’t apologise for ranting - I love to hear your opinions. I try not to be too bitter over what happened with Cordelia (and Charisma, since I’ve had bad experiences in fandom before from holding onto the negatives rather than focusing on the positives, but it does suck that they were done such a big injustice. I love ATS, but it does have continuity issues, but in part they can’t be helped because they were due to behind the scenes issues which no one could’ve foreseen. For example, I still have a huge issue with the fact that Cordy was absent for 3 episodes in season 3 (from ‘Loyalty’ to ‘Double or Nothing’) when most of the most significant arcs (particularly for Angel) was playing out - Wesley’s betrayal and Connor’s kidnapping. However, according to information I’ve read Charisma took that time off because she was recovering following a miscarriage, which is heartbreaking and her having that time to heal was obviously a priority over the show. Those kind of off-screen/personal issues unfortunately bleed into fictional universes sometimes, and that’s exactly what happened with Cordelia in seasons 4 and 5 - her arc was affected by the circumstances between the cast off-screen. There’s nothing that can be done about that, so I try to focus on the positives (because there are a lot of them!) and keep the love for Cordy and Cangel in my heart. In a weird way what happened is a good thing because it gives us as fans the opportunity to discuss it, theorise what might’ve happened or we would’ve liked to have happened and generally explore those possibilities of what could’ve been if Cordelia had remained on the show until the end.
Thanks again for your ask :)
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