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draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man she don't start shit but she can tell you how it ends don't get sad get even
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inukag · 1 year
@ka-go-me uploaded ch 19 translated https://www.tumblr.com/ka-go-me/712800638718918656/hny-19-google-drive?source=share
Thank you for the link!!
I read it yesterday and well there's not much to say except :
I still really don't care about the whole Riku, Rion, Kirinmaru and Zero plotline lmao
I didn't understand the whole Kagome and Rin having to be sealed (or frozen?) because of the pearls or whatever. It feels forced and unnecessary, just like in the anime
I loved this panel where Inuyasha says "Be a good girl Moroha!" 🥺
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Also this:
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Anyway the highlight was definitely Inuyasha and Kagome holding babies and being good parents <3
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jarpadandjensens · 2 years
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eat like Jensen  |  for @deanscarlett
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ka-go-me · 5 months
Hi dear! Happy new year!!
I think Tumblr ate my ask. It was me who asked about the translations the other day 😊
outoftomorrow: --Not to be rude or anything---but in all this time since the anon ask you sent--you could have downloaded the chapters page by page and already had them saved, rather than waiting on me. xD However, I am sorry that you waited too, because I can't give you the link to my drive. It wouldn't work. It will just send you to your own Google Drive if you have one, or to a Google sign-in page if you don't because the URL is generic. I'm sorry. :(
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nancylou444 · 1 year
Here's the pic I took when they got delivered 😁
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If only they did human Inuyasha *sigh*
Perfect pair of funkos.
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sleepy-edits · 2 years
I get so depressed and angry when I see that scene of her sitting in the well, she's so BEAUTIFUL and drawn so aesthetically pleasing and full of expressions, and then I see the ATROCITY that is her design in Yashahime.
It's enraging
i was basically emotionally sobbing when she realized she was in love with inuyasha so SHE CAME BACK and ASKED IF SHE COULD STAY????? and inu's eyes? he was bout to cry girl, he was. honestly she is drawn SO beautiful in that scene i felt like looking at a work of art. it really did make my heart soften like a bun,,,,, btw i havent watched yashahime thooo >_> i can't seem to enjoy most current animes at all and i only stick to manga bc i can read it at a speed i like meanwhile i can't watch anime faster than it is *rolls eyes*
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feudalconnection · 2 years
Nomination- Deanscarlett/InuScarlett (Ao3)
CONGRATULATIONS @deanscarlett/inuscarlett (Ao3)!!! Your Fanfiction “More than Blood” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2022 4th Quarterly Inuyasha Fandom Awards, run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best General Fanfiction
Voting will take place between October 29th and November 12th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! Thank you all for your nominations
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lastcallatrockysbar · 2 years
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Thank you, Scar!❤️🥰 (Runs to find her saloon girl outfit)
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nescavaneck · 5 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Awww thanks for asking bugsie 🐞💕
1. Lady bugs
2. Writing
3. Supernatural
4. Art
5. Music
Thank you💕🐞
@jackles010378 @deanwritings @impala-dreamer @zepskies @girls-alias @sammyhale @deanreaderreblog @deanscarlett
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Hello! First of all, I love your blog, I've found so many wonderful fics here! ❤❤ Secondly, I'd like to request fic recs where instead of Kagome ending in the Feudal Era, it's InuYasha who ends up in the modern Era (no pregnancy/baby fics please, lol). Thank you!!
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Rather than creating two small lists with a lot of overlap, the fic finders opted to make one “spends more than a canon amount of time in the modern era” list which includes fics where Inuyasha is on the other side of the well at canon’s close. As per your preference @deanscarlett, we’ve separated the list into [Includes Babies] and [Does Not Include Babies]. 
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Breaking the Habit by @kstewdeux (M)
After being separated for six years, Inuyasha and Kagome are reunited on her side of the well. TW: SI, Mental Illness. Notes: This is a rewrite of the original Breaking the Habit story I posted on here. It will be slightly expanded and edited. After much reflection, I have decided to complete the plot as I had originally envisioned and finish it out before going back to finish the original.
Darkness Fades to Dawn by kodiaqkitten (Y)
Upon Naraku's defeat the jewel becomes locked in the modern world creating havoc and destruction in Kagome's life. Inuyasha would pull her from darkness and heal her troubled soul. Recovered, the miko befriends a young nephilim plagued by a life of constant suffering. Can a miko of light help heal even the most broken of souls? A new evil threatens the world and together with friends from the past, she must rise to the occasion and once again destroy humanities enemy.
Strength by inufan625 (X)
COMPLETE:When InuYasha arrives in Kagome's room battered and broken, clutching the Shikon no Tama in one hand, and the world outside has gone mad, Kagome will find herself tested in ways she never imagined, & in the end will learn what true strength really is.
Hanyou of the Future by paynesgrey (M)
After the final battle, Inuyasha follows Kagome back to her time, only to be stuck there indefinitely. Inuyasha encounters a whole string of oddball jobs, rival suitors, modern society mishaps, and he has to deal with their awkward relationship. COMPLETE.
Dreamcatcher by 2ways2live (G)
Inuyasha joins the Higurashi family after leaving the feudal era. He adjusts to the modern world while being a hanyou. One night, he goes through his usual human transformation. He spends his sleepless night pondering his life so far and the loss of his mother.
Life Could Be A Dream by @that-one-nerdy-gal (T)
After browsing the pages of a photo album, Inuyasha finds himself imagining what it would have been like to grow up in Kagome's strange modern world, only to wake up the next morning to find that his musings have become reality! Is this really a dream come true? Or is something else going on?
The Importance of Ramen by @mamabearcat (M)
Kagome is struggling to cope with balancing two worlds - the physical safety of modern Tokyo and the pressures of high school, and the danger of the past. She has handled battles with demons and monsters in the Sengoku Jidai with the help of her friends. But how will she handle a confrontation in the modern era, with no weapon and friends to help her? And how can she cope with her growing emotional attachment to an oblivious dog hanyou?
The Accident by @splendentgoddess (X)
Complete rewrite! An oldie but a goodie. Kagome accidentally gets injured in her time, causing Inuyasha to face the truth about his feelings. But how does Kagome really feel? And what about Kikyou? What part does the new moon play in all this?
The Irony of Fate by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
After Kagome wishes for the Shikon Jewel to disappear, she and Inuyasha are transported back to 21st century Tokyo, where they are trapped after the well closes up. How will they cope with living with Kagome's family, and what happens when youkai from the past start showing up? What will they do when the unthinkable happens, and will they ever get back down the well?
Merry Christmas, Inuyasha by @splendentgoddess (M)
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shrine, the Higurashis were preparing a meal fine. Kagome went to retrieve the chicken with care, not knowing a certain hanyou had followed her there... Okay that's enough rhyming. Inu/Kag Fluff! Enjoy!
Forget Me Not by @splendentgoddess (E)
Kagome sacrifices her happiness for the man she loves, returning to her time forever, but not without sharing one night of passion to cherish always. Little does Inuyasha know that he left Kagome with more than memories. Off-canon post-manga.
Purity by Sueric (E)
Naraku is gone. Kagome has the jewel. After seeing InuYasha's torment, Kagome faces 'the truth' of his feelings. Kagome does the unthinkable, and in a final act of love, Kikyou offers InuYasha one chance to fix it. But is he too late? Originally archived on Mediaminer and FFnet.
The Aquarium Series by @superpixie42 (T)
An alt-ending/canon-divergent series where Inuyasha chooses to stay in the Modern Era with Kagome post-Naraku. All the works are inspired by @Kirrtash: her art and headcanons. Installments include stories before and after the Final Battle.
Chronicles by Sueric (E)
A new quest begins for InuYasha and Kagome. Answers come from the strangest of places, and sometimes the truth you seek really can change your life. Sometimes the greatest truths in life can be found by understanding the life of another. Complete. Originally archived on Mediaminer and FFnet.
All Hallow’s Eve (trilogy) by @splendentgoddess (X)
When Kagome's school friends invite her and her 'jealous boyfriend' to a Halloween party she decides she actually wants to go, and convinces Inuyasha to go with her. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. Complete! Followed by Hallowed Anniversary  & Hallow Be Thy Name 
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inukag · 1 year
Speaking of filler episodes/arcs making Inuyasha (mostly him) ooc, there's one arc that makes Kagome (not only wildly OOC, but also makes her kind of dense/dumb): the kenkon halberd arc with Akitoki Hojo. - I hope you don't mind I lay off this rant (been bottling that up for MONTHS now). I just HATE the disservice to Kagome's character
(I'm not listing them in order, btw)
First sign where she's made sort of dumb (which she is in reality NOT throughout the series): Hojo shows up with that scroll to show his ancestor KAgome Hojo (🙄🙄 dude, we see what you're trying, you are DENSE), and she has that INCREDIBLY OOC moment where she wonders, and almost with certainty --after they run into A. Hojo-- that she will stay in the past and marry him... Like WTAF? That's just SO OOC because at point in the story, she admitted to naraku's evil baby that she's in love with Inuyasha; it also portrays her as stupid as if she doesn't even consider that there may be other girls/women name Kagome.
Then there's guilt tripping Inu to help akitoki, telling him "don't you feel guilty?" which he rightly replies with "why? Naraku destroyed Mount Hakurei (?)".
When Inuyasha is saying that humans shouldn't mess with yokai weapons, that is not their business, her thoughts keep going into tangents (several times during the three episodes), and reading "humans should not mess with yokai weapons" somehow equals "yokai/hanyo shouldn't get involved romantically")
When she and dense ancestors are separated from the rest of the gang, she remains quiet when Akitoki makes a veiled racist remark regarding inuyasha when she mentions she doesn't have a boyfriend (WHICH ISN'T TRUE, SHE'S WITH INU AT THAT POINT) and he goes all "I understand you travel with half demon and a monk who aren't appropriate husband material" and on top of that he goes "i'm sure under this sky is a young man destined for you" (jesus, this guy is like koga, if not worse (stealing a kiss, hello?) and she again pretty much accepts those words.
In than same scene, she quickly dismisses the thought of Inuyasha potentially becoming her hubby with a shake off her head that would have been IC for the first 5 episodes of the series, NOT this far into the story.
Then when the dude falls asleep SHE PUTS HIS HEAD ON HER LAP - that shit is ooc af and a slap to the face to the first new moon with Inu.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some more OOC Kagome moments.
And ofc, Inuyasha is bit OOC in this arc because this akitoki asshole keep acting like he's Kagome's intended husband, keeps shouting his love for her (despite knowing her for one hot minute), and Inuyasha says NOTHING (I'm sure he would have ripped his arms if he knew this fucker tried to kiss her while she slept).
Sorry that was long. ❤
(Sorry for answering this a month later than I said I would, last time I watched these episodes was YEARS ago so I wanted to rewatch them before I answered this ask!) 
First of all, I have to disagree a bit about this idea that these episodes made Kagome look completely dumb. At least in terms of action/battle, they made her use her arrows numerous times (people always complain about her not doing anything) and she was smart enough to 1- Test the sword on her friends’ lookalikes to see if they are yokai 2- Question them when they used her and Akitoki’s names 3- Rightly guessing that the girls are actually puppets and that’s why they weren’t affected by the blade
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That was quick thinking of her and showed that she’s resourceful too, which is great! This is a lot like early-manga Kagome, like when she burned the toad demon or when she attached a yokai leg to her arrow. 
Now her assuming that a “Kagome Hojo” existing in the past must mean that she stayed behind and married Akitoki was pretty... weird. Unless Kagome is a rare name in Japan? I don’t know about that. 
But YES what bothered me the most in those episodes is how Kagome barely acknowledges her relationship with Inuyasha?? Like you said she completely shakes off the idea that Inuyasha is her boyfriend and that he could potentially end up with him??? 
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GIRL WHAT you literally screamed that you love Inuyasha and cuddled him like 10 episodes ago??? 😭 Although this was in response to Akitoki telling her that the person who will eat her cooking everyday is very lucky, so maybe this was Kagome saying “well Inuyasha wouldn’t enjoy my cooking” because this episode has another instance of Inuyasha saying he enjoys instant ramen more than home-made cooking....
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Sunrise PLEASE shut up..... Inuyasha isn’t Naruto! Loving ramen is not one of his core personality traits! There’s nothing in the manga that indicates it’s the only food he enjoys...
Anyway, Kagome not mentioning her relationship with Inuyasha is still wildly OOC when you consider how she reacted to Koga flirting with her and mocking Inuyasha... 
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The whole theme of this arc was the differences between yokai and human and whether or not they are compatible... so I think what Sunrise tried to do is to set back Inuyasha and Kagome’s relationship so they can then re-confirm their chemistry at the end to prove that yokai/human relationships are indeed possible... 
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It’s just very weird to do this that far in the series (this arc spans episodes 137-140). The plot with Hoshiyomi and Tsukiyomi was also just a repeat of Inuyasha and Kikyo, with the whole “they thought they betrayed each other but they actually didn’t” so it wasn’t particularly original. 
It really was such a weird tangent, Inuyasha saying “humans shouldn’t mess with yokai weapons” and Kagome ending up with “maybe my relationship with Inuyasha won’t work after all”... It would have been an interesting idea to explore if Kagome actually brought up significant differences between them that could lead to problems (like the anime-only idea that Inuyasha is 200 years old, or their children having yokai features, human villagers not accepting them, etc.) but none of that was addressed so it felt very shallow. 
I think it’s kind of funny that Akitoki declaring his feelings for Kagome was just ignored by pretty much everyone except Shippo essentially calling him cringy and Kagome questioning her future for a few minutes. I kinda hated that Kagome put his head on her lap when he was sleeping but it’s almost like she wanted to see if she would get butterflies in her stomach like the first time she did that with Inuyasha, but she clearly didn’t feel anything so she realized it wasn’t going to happen 😭
All in all I don’t think these fillers are bad. There’s some annoying set backs and OOCness but it ends with some wholesome Inukag moments too. It’s not like some of the filler episodes that makes Inukag look toxic (except maybe that line at the end of episode 140 where Inuyasha says Kagome is not kind...) or skews the love triangle. Also these episodes highlight a major problem I have with the anime, and that is the animation quality and style changing every episode. Episode 138 & 140 have amazing animation directors (Shouko Ikeda and Kumiko Takahashi) but the other 2 are mediocre imo and it’s very jarring. At least in the manga Rumiko Takahashi’s art is consistent. 
ALSO if you think Akitoki deserves to get beat up by Inuyasha for trying to kiss Kagome without her consent you should read A Rude Awakening by @born-for-eachother! Kat went HARD on Akitoki in her fanfic, Inuyasha was ready for murder LMAO. 
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jerk-bitch-67 · 2 years
Ten characters
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
I was tagged by @samisadeangirl.  thank you!  i’m doing it on this blog instead of destiel-doesnt-exist : )
1. Sam Winchester - Supernatural
2. Patrick Jane - The Mentalist
3. Kate Beckett - Castle
4. Ravi Shankar - iZombie
5. Aram Mojtabai  - Blacklist
6. OT3: Parker, Hardison, Eliot - Leverage (I can’t choose just one of them, they are a package deal)
7. Hughie - The Boys
8. Amy Santiago - Brooklyn Nine-Nine
9.  Daniel Jackson - Stargate SG-1
10. Chloe Decker - Lucifer
Tagging @ladyofthelake @deanscarlett @jarpadandjensens @jensensgotyoudean @nothingidputbeforeyou @out-in-the-open @quickreaver @roadtripwithmybrother @youmightbeanidiotif @nickisgirl and @zmediaoutlet if you wanna : )
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ka-go-me · 1 year
Hiya! First of all, ty for the translations. I was just going through them and noticed in vol 2 page 2 is missing. Thanks!
Outoftomorrow: Oh, yeah, there's a reason for that. Page 2 in that chapter is just advertisements. Nothing worth translating, or worth reading even. So I left it out and just didn't bother to re-number the pages-cause that would have been an arduous task consisting of me re-naming and then re-naming again Fifty Eight freakin' pages. lol. Don't worry-its not missing ANYTHING. :)
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【 @deanscarlettlett 】
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nancylou444 · 1 year
You wanna know the main reason why I wish I could win MegaMillions?
It has nothing to do with no longer having to work. I happen to like to work and would continue to do so IF I won.
No, it’s about being about to buy Funkos for YOU, my lovelies, and not having to worry about the high cost of SHIPPING them. 
I just ordered 
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and thought how cool it would be to get one for @deanscarlett​ but it would cost way too much to ship it to where she lives. 😞😞
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sleepy-edits · 2 years
SLEEPY! I have a question... for science... for you and any Inu fans that follow you.
How come every (or most of the) time Inuyasha loses himself to his youkai self, he ends up shirtless? I snicker every time I get to those parts on my rewatches.
Is he subconsciously trying to impress Kagome? 🤣😏😉
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i have a theory based on the teen wolf show....once you become a half doggy you go back to your natural feral instincts which is macho no shirt for the ladies....
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aborddelimpala · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @walechu 😘
 rules: answer the questions and tag fifteen mutuals.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. my name was just pretty popular in the year I was born.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Today, watching an episode of NCIS (the one just after Kate died)
3. Do you have kids?
2 teenage boys
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Honey, sarcasm is my middle name lol
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
The vibes they send. You can pick pretty quickly is someone is nice or not.
6. What‘s your eye colour?
7 Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings :)
8. Any special talents?
I can cook :)
9. Where were you born?
In north east of France in a town maned Reims.
10. What are you hobbies?
Watching tv shows, Tumblr-ing, baking, making gifs
11. Have you any pets?
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I'm not exactly the sport type.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
History, Economics
15. Dream job?
I wanted to be a journalist. But I quite satisfied with the job I have now.
If you’d like to play, copy all this and post it on your blog (and remember, no pressure 🙂)
Tagging : @jarpadandjensens @nancylou444 @deanscarlett @sammichgirl and anyone who wants to do it.
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