w-armansky-blog · 3 months
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source: https://boldmagazine.lu/sophie-mousel-briseuse-de-planches-et-decrans/
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Eight shows to get to know you :) I was tagged by @thetideseternaltune
I’ve taken the ‘getting to know me’ part to heart - I don’t even follow tags for all these shows on tumblr. They are not necessarily my favourite right now, nor are they the shows I write/read fanfic for.
In no particular order:
Numb3rs - I grew up without a tv, so numb3rs was the first show I really picked out for myself, and I started watching it when I was ~15. It’s the only show I’ve ever gone out and bought every season of for myself. It’s just a really solid monster of the week detective show, with subtle and charming characters who are not too closely involved in the plots they investigate. Which is exactly my jam. One of my friends watched Numb3rs and chatted with me briefly about it, but I’ve otherwise never fangirled over it with anyone. Even though I still count it as one of my favourite shows of all time 15 years down the track. I’ve actually never read fanfic for Numb3rs, and I know next to nothing about the making of. I wouldn’t recognise the names of the actors or any of the showrunners, which is actually my ideal media consumption experience xD 
Buffy - First show I ever watched while surrounded by people who are obsessed with the show, and I had an excellent time with it. It was interesting because all my friends were teenagers when they watched it for the first time, but I was in my early twenties, and it was really interesting to see where my experiences of the show diverged from theirs. I don’t usually read Buffy fanfic, and some of my Buffy opinions are pretty controversial :P I think seasons 4-6 are the best, and I love Riley which seems to really bother some of my friends xD
Fallet - This show is a fucking fever dream. It took me a whole episode to work out that it was a comedy, it had some real ‘Douglas Adams’ vibes at the end, which was fun. It’s a murder mystery set in sweden that uses a mix of swedish and english, and it is best described as ‘kooky.’ My only IRL friend who watched it (after much nagging) did so while slightly feverish with covid. They seemed to have a good time, but I would not recommend doing this xD It’s wild enough without the delirium.
Vera - the quintessential ‘slow moving, episodic, british murder mystery.’ Vera is awesome (especially in the early seasons) for just being really fucking good. My favourite thing about this show is the leading lady - Vera is a grumpy, frumpy, middle aged woman without a maternal bone in her body. I am so sick of women needing to be kind and selfless to be a protagonist.
VGHS - now for something completely different! It’s a show made by a youtube special effects guy about a high school where you learn to play videogames. And it made me cry. A death notification set to an in-universe laugh track? Sign me up! It’s mostly super goofy, and the main character is way less interesting than all his friends, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Probably the closest thing to a pure comedy I will watch, but it makes it oddly poignant moments all the sweeter. Also, 10/10 ending. I don’t read fanfic of it either, and these days I’m waaay too old for the characters personally. I definitely had a bit of a thing for the main character’s gf tho. Ngl.
Shetland - I do this thing where I avoid looking at fan content for a show if I’m enjoying it on its own merits, because I want to experience it without the brain rot. Kinda weird, but it works for me. Shetland is funny because I could immediately see a pairing I wanted to explore, but I waited years for the show to go downhill before I let myself open ao3. Luckily, I think they caught up with the books, and changed hands around season 4ish, because the quality nosedived and I have read and written so many things for Jimmy/Duncan, and do not intend to stop xD I actually haven’t had the heart to watch the latest season, because I don’t think I’ll enjoy it all that much. Cool theme song though! And everyone should watch the early short seasons.
Capitani - I hate the hays code. And not just because of the moralising and the homophobia - it makes storytelling predictable. The impact it continues to have on all english speaking media is never more obvious than when you watch something from another part of the world and are completely blindsided by the emotional arc. Capitani fucking killed me. I’ve read that Capitani is Luxembourg’s only globally successful media product. I don’t know if that’s true, but I wasn’t sure if Luxembourg was a country or a city before I watched it, so it’s probably not far from the truth. I now have a fun little rap song in Luxembourgish on my spotify playlist! It won my heart forever when they set up a joke and completed it four episodes later without any call backs. Imagine having that much faith in your audience! I would read the shit out of fanfiction of the fucked up love story between Capitani and Karla, but unfortunately, there is none :(
MASH - My ex step father owned every season of MASH on DVD, and when I was 14 my friend and I would rush to my house to watch them while having sit-up competitions. I don’t know why this was a fun activity for two 14 year old girls, but I have so many fond memories of this time. It was the first tv show I ever watched sequentially, and the first show I ever watched start to finish. It was also the reason I beat all the boys in my class when we had to do those fitness tests in PE! xD I’m personally a bigger fan of the show post-season 3 when they had the big tone shift. While there are definitely funny scenes, the image in my head when someone mentions MASH is always Charles smashing up his record player. So while it’s famous as a comedy, that’s not really how I remember it. I keep meaning to go look up the show on ao3, because I am sooo curious about what the common pairings are, and what kind of tone the fics take.
I had a lot of fun with this :) Thanks for tagging me! I’m way too shy to tag eight people, but would love to hear about the viewing past of: @republicofgaypirates @galadriel1010 @leliesblou @scullyverse @justplainsalty
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nightsidewrestling · 6 months
Di Napoli Family (2020)
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Novella Di Napoli (Born Capitani). 46
Kevin Di Napoli. 45
Honey Di Napoli. 25
Enrico Di Napoli. 22
Barbara Di Napoli. 19
Walter Di Napoli. 16
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disappointingsalad · 2 years
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Ein bisschen Lëtzebuergesch am späten Abend für @karin-in-action und für @fallingforfandoms falls ich dich damit in diese Welt locken kann ;)
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
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Sofia Santos Carla Pereira in Capitani 1x10
"Ich hab mir ein neues Leben aufgebaut."
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crystallllines · 3 months
a tv show? in luxembourgish? i need to make Jack watch capitani with me!!
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spazioliberoblog · 8 months
di MICHELE CAPITANI ♦ Ogni volta che in classe si parla di quella tecnologia miracolosa che è la scrittura (per esempio, la nascita della scrittura come inizio della Storia), io vado coi ricordi a uno dei più incredibili alunni che ho incontrato: Andrea Rossi. Se un giorno gli passerà mai sotto gli occhi questo racconto, gli invio un caro saluto per interposto blog. Egli di memorabile aveva due…
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revivemyreverie · 5 months
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twitter doodel dump again wheeee
oc dev pages for @/prometheanglory's cars fandorm (hai oomf if u see this)
aldrich of enbizaka doodle
unfinished twins for @/vallerianella's tangled dorm (hai oomf pt 2)
evil artstyle ft saga
that 1 time i shat out a madoka magica dorm out of boredom and to see what i could do
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anglerflsh · 3 months
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Last pictures from the trip! First two are San Marino and last is Lugo. Earned my "I survived a family vacation once more" shirt
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Still absolutely feral for Capitani.
Love love love not being able to tell whose side anyone is on at any given moment while also being charmed by all the characters.
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teenagedirtstache · 6 months
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disappointingsalad · 2 years
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Do we need this again, you may ask? Yes, i say, because it’s the middle of the night and i realised we needed this in slomo.
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
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Sofia Santos Carla Pereira in Capitani 1x10
"Du hast auch das Recht auf eine zweite Chance."
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soupy-sez · 8 months
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MY NEW PARTNER [Les Ripoux] (1984) dir. Claude Zidi
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spazioliberoblog · 9 months
di MICHELE CAPITANI ♦ Ore dodici d’una magnifica mattina di fine maggio; scendo di casa col borsone della piscina, oltrepasso la siepe, sto per salire in macchina, quando intravedo una figura oltre le macchine parcheggiate, tra le altre siepi già rinsecchite. Mi avvicino. È un’anziana signora, magra, zozza e con un fazzolettone in testa come le vecchie dei paesi di una volta. Strano che sia da…
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