#Carlos Polit Ecuador
carlospolit · 2 years
Carlos Polit is a famous politicians and celebrity around. Carlos Polit Ecuador is the former comptroller general of the Republic of Ecuador. He is one of the most renowned politician and former comptroller general of the Republic of Ecuado, Besides serving up to the role of the comptroller general of the Republic of Ecuador
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iishmael · 1 year
Global Reading Challenge: 126/200
A personal reading project, where I endeavour to read a book from each of the 193 United Nations member states plus 7 extra* ones. My main goal is to have fun and to learn, but I do have rules for myself:
The book should be fiction, and preferably a novel. I allow plays and poetry, but non-fiction only as the very last resort
The author should have the nationality of their country. If they have lived a good portion of their life there and genuinely represent the local culture, then it's ok if they've been born somewhere else
I want to read books that represent the local literary tradition. Preferably a "classic", a book that illustrates the local culture, or a book that is famous within the country. I avoid popular and contemporary fiction, and books that play outside of the country.
*Extra states have been determined based on UNESCO membership and personal interest where I want to read more books from. This is not a political statement.
The List
Afghanistan: Atiq Rahimi - Earth and Ashes
Algeria: Albert Camus - The Stranger (FR)
Andorra: Teresa Colom - Mlle Keaton et autres creatures (FR)
Angola: José Eduardo Agualusa - The Book of Chameleons
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina: JL Borges - Fictions
Armenia: Raffi - The Fool
Australia: Doris Pilkington/Nugi Garimara - Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence
Austria: Elfriede Jelinek - Die Klavierspielerin
Bahamas: Telcine Turner - Woman Take Two
Belarus: Uladzimir Karatkievich - King Stakh's Wild Hunt
Belize: Zee Edgell - Beka Lamb
Bhutan: Karma Ura - The Hero with a Thousand Eyes
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana: Bessie Head - Maru
Brazil: Paulo Coehlo - The Alchimist
Brunei Darussalam: K.H. Lim - Written in Black
Bulgaria: Elias Canetti - Komödie der Eitelkeit (GER)
Burkina Faso: Norbert Zongo - Le parachutage (FR)
Burundi: Samoya Kirura - La femme au regard triste (FR)
Cabo Verde: Germano Almeida - The Last Will & Testament of Senhor da Silva Araújo
Cameroon: Francis Bebey - King Albert
Canada: S. Alice Callahan - Wynema: A Child of the Forest
Central African Republic: Étienne Goyémidé - Le dernier Survivant de la caravane
Chad: Told by Starlight in Chad - Joseph Brahmin Seid
Comoros: Ali Zamir - A Girl Called Eel
Cook Islands*: Kauraka Kauraka- Oral tradition in Manihiki
Costa Rica: Carlos Luis Fallas - Mamita Yunai (Die Grüne Hölle, GER)
Côte D’Ivoire
Cyprus: Kyriakos Charalambides - Selected Poems
Czech Republic: Jan Neruda - Prague Tales
DPRK (North Korea): Bandi - The Accusation
Dominica: Jean Rhys - Wide Sargasso Sea
Dominican Republic
El Salvador: Horacio Castellanos Moyà - Le bal des vipères (FR)
Equatorial Guinea: Trifonia Melibea Obono - La Bâtarde (FR)
Eritrea: Helen Berhane - Song of the Nightingale
Estonia: Jaan Kross - The Czar's Madman
Eswatini: Malla Nunn - A Beautiful Place to Die
Fiji: Rajni Mala Khelawan - Kalyana
France: Pierre Louys - Aphrodite: Ancient Manners
Gabon: Daniel M Mengara - Mema
Germany: Thomas Mann - Buddenbrooks
Ghana: Ayi Kwei Armah - The beautiful ones are not yet born
Greenland*: Knud Rasmussen - Eskimo Folktales
Grenada: Merle Collins - The Colour of Forgetting
Guatemala: Miguel Angel Asturias - Strong Wind
Guinea: Camara Laye - The Radiance of the King
Guinea Bissau: Abdulai Sila - The ultimate tragedy
Haiti: Jacques Roumain - Gouverneurs de La Rosée
Honduras: Froylan Turcios - El Vampiro (SPA)
Hungary: Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon
India: Rabindranath Tangore - The Home and the World
Indonesia: Eka Kurniawan - Man Tiger
Iran: Sadegh Hedayat - The Blind Owl
Iraq: Andrew George - The epic of Gilgamesh
Ireland: James Joyce - Dubliners
Italy: Italo Calvino - If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
Jamaica: Andrew Salkey - Hurricane
Jordan: Amjad Nasser - L'ascension de l'amant (FR)
Kiribati: Teresia Teaiwa & Vilsoni Hereniko - Last Virgin in paradise
Kosovo*: Flora Brovina - Call me by my name
Kyrgyzstan: Chingiz Aitmatov - Jamila
Laos: Outhine Bounyavong - Mother's Beloved
Liberia: Bai T. Moore - Murder in the Cassava Patch
Lithuania: Vingas Kreve - The Herdsman and the Linden Tree
Luxembourg: Norbert Jacques - Dr Mabuse der Spieler (GER)
Madagascar: Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo - Traduit de La nuit (FR)
Malawi: William Kamkwamba - The Boy who harnessed the Wind
Maldives: Abdullah Sadiq - Dhon Hiyala and Ali Fulhu
Malta: Oliver Friggieri - Koranta and other short stories
Marshall Islands: Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner - Iep Jaltok: Poems from a Marshallese Daughter
Mauritania: Moussa Ould Ebnou - L'Amour Impossible (FR)
Mexico: Mario Bellatín - Beauty Salon
Micronesia: Emelihter Klieng - My Urohs
Monaco: Louis Notari - La légende de Sainte Dévote (FR)
Mongolia: Galsan Tschinag - Die Karawane (GER)
Montenegro: Petar II Petrovic Njegos - The Mountain Wreath
Morocco: Abdellatif Laâbi - Le bâpteme chacaliste (FR)
Nauru: Nancy Viviani - Nauru, phosphate and political progress
Nepal: Prajwal Parajuly - Land where I flee
New Zealand: Witi Ihimaera - The Whale Rider
Nicaragua: Rubén Dario - Azul… (SPA/ENG)
Niger: Abdoulaye Mamani - Sarraounia: Le drame de la reine magicienne (FR)
Nigeria: Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart
Niue*: John Puhiatau Pule - The Bond of Time: An Epic Love Poem
North Macedonia
Norway: Henrik Ibsen - A Doll's House
Pakistan: Jamil Ahmad - The Wandering Falcon
Palau: Hermana Ramarui - The Palauan Perspective: a poetry book
Panama: Ricardo Miró - Las Noches de Babel (SPA)
Palestine*: Ibrahim Nasrallah - Prairies of Fever
Papua New Guinea: Vincent Eri - The Crocodile
Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa - In Praise of the Stepmother
Poland: Isaac Singer - The Magician of Lublin
Republic of Korea
Republic of Moldova
Romania: Ioan Slavici - The lucky mill
Russian Federation: Leo Tolstoi - The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Saint Kitts and Nevis: Caryl Philips - Cambridge
Saint Lucia: Derek Walcott - Omeros
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa: Albert Wendt - Leaves of the Banyan Tree
San Marino: J. Theodore Bent - A freak of Freedom: or, the Republic of San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe:
Saudi Arabia
Seychelles: Antoine Abel - Coco Sec (FR)
Sierra Leone
Singapore: Cyril Wong - Tilting our Plates to catch the Light
Slovakia: Milan Rúfus - Strenges Brot
Slovenia: France Prešeren - Poems
Solomon Islands: John Saunana - Cruising Through the Reverie
Somalia: Hadraawi - The Poet and the Man
South Africa: JM Coetzee - Disgrace
South Sudan: Nyuol Lueth Tong - There is a country
Spain: Miguel de Unamuno - Abel Sanchez and Other Stories
Sri Lanka
Sweden: August Strindberg - The Red Room
Switzerland: Gottfried Keller - Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe
Syrian Arab Republic: Ibn al-Nafis - Theologus Autodidactus
Tajikistan: Shavkat Niyazi - At the Foot of Blue Mountains: Stories by Tajik Authors
Timor-Leste: Xanana Gusmão - Mar Meu
Tonga: Epeli Hau'ofa - Tales of the Tikongs
Trinidad and Tobago: VS Naipaul - A House for Mr Biswas
Tunisia: Albert Memmi - The Pillar of Salt
Turkmenistan: Magtymguly - Poems from Turkmenistan
Tuvalu: Neil Lifuka - Logs in the current of the sea
Uganda: Okot p'Bitek - Song of Lawino & Song of Ocol
Ukraine: Andrey Kurkov - Death and the Penguin
United Arab Emirates
UK: Virginia Woolf - Mrs Dalloway
United Republic of Tanzania
USA: John Steinbeck - Grapes of Wrath
Uzbekistan: Abdullah Qoqiriy - Bygone Days
Vanuatu: Grace Molisa - Black Stone
Vatican City*: Andrew Graham-Dixon - Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel
Viet Nam
Yemen: Abdul-wali - They die strangers
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planta-alta · 10 months
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During the NOTAR II residency period, Dagmary and Paola have investigated the diverse ways of naming, understanding it as a linguistic, political and epistemic gesture. The researchers have focused on organizations and cultural practices of migrant and racialized groups in Madrid in dialogue with ancestral legacies, popular and urban cultures or foreign languages that delocalize, resituate and complexify the relations of these groups at different levels. Políticas del nombrar, the name given to the project, asks whether this practice responds to an epistemic dispute or is defined as a mode of agency for inclusion and recognition in the political-cultural structures of the Spanish State. It also explores how these concepts may or may not mediate and crack the links of these groups with cultural institutions.
Paola de la Vega Velastegui. Teacher, cultural manager and researcher. Professor of Visual Arts at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) and co-founder and director of Gescultura (Ecuador), platform where she worked from 2007-17. She created and coordinated the Master in Cultural Management and Cultural Policies of the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Sede Ecuador (2018-2022) and collaborated as a teacher of several graduate programs of this university between 2018-22, in cultural management and cultural policies, museums and historical heritage, human rights and cultural studies. Her research interests are: genealogies of cultural management, critical cultural management, cultural policies in Ecuador and Latin America, community and collective cultural management, community mediation.
Dagmary Olívar Graterol. Founding partner and director of “YoSoyElOtro” Asociación Cultural. Venezuelan researcher, professor and cultural manager based in Spain since 2002. PhD in Humanities and Master in Cultural Management from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Bachelor of Arts from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. She researches the changes in the migrant population, especially those of Caribbean and Latin American origin, and their participation in culture in Spain. Coordinator of the books El Otrx: arte, cultura y migración en la ciudad de Madrid (La Parcería Edita- YoSoyElOtro, 2021), La comunidad dominicana en España: de una aproximación histórica a perspectivas de futuro, (INDEX- Madrid, 2019) and co-editor of El mito de la mujer caribeña (Ediciones de La Discreta, 2011), among other publications. She is a collaborator of the Center for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations (CEMyRI) of the University of Almeria since 2020.
Durante el periodo de residencias de NOTAR II, Dagmary y Paola han investigado en torno a las diversas maneras de nombrar, entendiendo éste como un gesto lingüístico, político y epistémico. Las investigadoras se han centrado en organizaciones y prácticas culturales de colectivos migrantes y racializados de Madrid en diálogo con legados ancestrales, culturas populares, urbanas o lenguas foráneas que deslocalizan, resitúan y complejizan las relaciones de estos colectivos en distintos niveles. Políticas del nombrar, nombre que toma el proyecto, se pregunta si esta práctica responde a una disputa epistémica o se define como un modo de agenciamiento para la inclusión y reconocimiento en las estructuras político-culturales del Estado español. Así también, indaga cómo estos conceptos pueden o no mediar y agrietar los vínculos de estos colectivos con las instituciones culturales.
Paola de la Vega Velastegui. Docente, gestora cultural e investigadora. Profesora de la Carrera de Artes Visuales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica el Ecuador (PUCE) y cofundadora y directora de Gescultura (Ecuador), plataforma donde trabajó entre 2007-17. Creó y coordinó la Maestría en Gestión Cultural y Políticas Culturales de la Universidad Andina Simón Bol��var Sede Ecuador (2018-2022) y colaboró como docente de varios programas de postgrado de esta universidad entre 20218-22, en gestión cultural y políticas culturales, museos y patrimonio histórico, derechos humanos y estudios de la cultura. Sus líneas de investigación son: genealogías de la gestión cultural, gestión cultural crítica, políticas culturales en Ecuador y América Latina, gestión cultural comunitaria y colectiva, mediación comunitaria.
Dagmary Olívar Graterol. Socia fundadora y directora de YoSoyElOtro Asociación Cultural. Investigadora, profesora y gestora cultural venezolana radicada en España desde 2002. Doctora en Humanidades y Máster en Gestión Cultural por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Investiga los cambios de la población migrante, especialmente las de origen caribeño y latinoamericano, y su participación en la cultura en el Estado español. Coordinadora de los libros El Otrx: arte, cultura y migración en la ciudad de Madrid (La Parcería Edita- YoSoyElOtro, 2021), La comunidad dominicana en España: de una aproximación histórica a perspectivas de futuro, (INDEX- Madrid, 2019) y co-editora de El mito de la mujer caribeña (Ediciones de La Discreta, 2011), entre otras publicaciones. Es colaboradora del Centro de Estudio de las Migraciones y las Relaciones Interculturales (CEMyRI) de la Universidad de Almería desde el año 2020. 
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newsakd · 1 year
[ad_1] A presidential candidate in Ecuador who had been outspoken about the link between organized crime and government officials was assassinated Wednesday evening at a political rally in the capital, just days before voting begins in an election that has been dominated by concerns over drug-related violence.The candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, a former journalist, was gunned down outside a high school in Quito after speaking to young supporters. A suspect was killed in the melee that followed, and nine other people were shot, officials said.“When he stepped outside the door, he was met with gunfire,” Carlos Figueroa, who worked for Mr. Villavicencio’s campaign and was at the rally, said of the candidate. “There was nothing to be done, because they were shots to the head.”Mr. Villavicencio, 59, was polling near the middle of an eight-person race. He was among the most vocal candidates on the issue of crime and state corruption.It was the first assassination of a presidential candidate in Ecuador and came less than a month after the mayor of Manta, a port city, was fatally shot during a public appearance. Ecuador, once a relatively safe nation, has been consumed by violence related to narco-trafficking in the last five years.“Outraged and shocked by the assassination,” President Guillermo Lasso wrote on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, late Wednesday, blaming the death on “organized crime.” The national prosecutor’s office said on the same platform that a suspect had been shot and apprehended amid crossfire with security forces, and had died shortly afterward. The office later said the authorities had carried out raids and detained six people in connection with the assassination.The nine other people shot included two police officers and a candidate for a National Assembly seat, according to the prosecutor’s office. There was no immediate information about the condition of the nine people; it was unclear late Wednesday night whether any of them had died.The killing is a major blow to a nation that was already suffering deep economic, social and political upheaval.“Electorally speaking, this year is the most violent in our history,” said Arianna Tanca, an Ecuadorean political scientist. “I think that what is going to change is the way we conceive of politics. I think that from now on it becomes a high-risk profession.”Ecuador, on South America’s western edge, witnessed an extraordinary transformation between 2005 and 2015 as millions of people rose out of poverty, riding the wave of an oil boom whose profits were poured into education, health care and other social programs.But more recently, the country has been dominated by an increasingly powerful narco-trafficking industry. Foreign drug mafias have joined forces with local prison and street gangs, unleashing a wave of violence unlike anything in the country’s recent history. Homicide rates are at record levels.Today, the violence is often horrific and public, meant to induce fear and exert control: There are regular reports of car bombings, beheadings and children being gunned down outside their schools.Complicating the situation, Mr. Lasso disbanded the country’s opposition-led National Assembly in May, a drastic move he made as he faced impeachment proceedings over accusations of embezzlement.The move, which is allowed under the Constitution, meant that new elections for president and legislative representatives would be held. The vote in which Mr. Villavicencio was supposed to compete is set for Aug. 20; a second round of voting will be held in October if no single candidate wins a clear victory.In a televised statement early Thursday, Mr. Lasso declared a 60-day, nationwide state of emergency, a measure that involves the restriction of some civil liberties, and he said security forces would be deployed across the country. Such emergency declarations, meant for extraordinary circumstances, have become more common in recent years, but have done little to curtail Ecuador’s soaring violence.Mr. Lasso stressed, however, that the elections would proceed as scheduled. “This was a political crime, terrorism,” he said. “And there is no doubt that this assassination is an attempt to sabotage the electoral process. It is no coincidence this happened days before the first round of voting.”Mr. Villavicencio, who had worked as a journalist, activist and legislator, gained prominence as an opponent of correísmo, the leftist movement of former President Rafael Correa, who served from 2007 to 2017 and still holds major political sway in Ecuador. A presidential candidate who has Mr. Correa’s backing, Luisa González, is leading in the polls.Mr. Villavicencio wrote often about alleged corruption in the Correa government, which made him the subject of legal persecution and death threats. He briefly sought political asylum in Peru.In 2017, Mr. Villavicencio successfully ran for a seat in the National Assembly, where he served until the legislature was dissolved by Mr. Lasso.Mr. Correa, writing on the X platform late Wednesday, lamented Mr. Villavicencio’s death. “Ecuador has become a failed state,” he wrote. “My solidarity with his family and with all the families of the victims of violence.”Grace Jaramillo, an Ecuadorean professor of political science at the University of British Columbia who went to university with Mr. Villavicencio, remembered running against him in an election for student body president. He ran as a Trotskyist, and she represented a party called Democracy in Our House; both lost, to a student representing the Chinese Communist Party.“He was really a fighter all the time and very good at arguments,” Ms. Jaramillo said. “An arguer, a challenger. He used to love lively discussions.”After university, she said, Mr. Villavicencio became a union leader at Petroecuador, the country’s national oil company. Soon after Mr. Correa came to power, he started writing about government corruption as a political journalist.Ms. Jaramillo said she met with him at the time to give him advice. His house had been raided, and he had no money to fight the charges that had been brought against him, she said.“He was downtrodden. He felt bullied and diminished,” she added.But a few weeks ago, when she saw him on a trip to Quito, he was “really hopeful and enthusiastic,” Ms. Jaramillo said. “He was convinced that he could make it to the second round” of the presidential election.His death, she said, will be “a long-lasting memory of how difficult it is to fight corruption and to be safe at the same time.”Andrés R. Martínez contributed reporting from Seoul. [ad_2] Source link
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carlos-polit · 3 years
Carlos Polit Miami can certainly be considered as one of the most celebrated chefs across the globe and within a matter of just a few years, he has secured his place in the elite club of world-renowned chefs. Well, we can only say that he has earned all the big names and fame whilst putting some great effort into the process. It was quite recently when Carlos Polit Ecuador was been honored with the ‘Best chef award’ in a global ceremony held in London.
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politcarlos · 3 years
Dr. Carlos polit is one of the best and most famed urologists in the country with special expertise in Kidney stone, Urodynamics, and Lithotripsy. He serves as the Head of the Department of Urology and Lithotripsy there and his immense expertise and experience have not only cured plenty of patients and cured their critical illness, but also have brought smile and happiness in their lives.
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carlospolitmiami · 4 years
Carlos polit Ecuador stands as the only young player in the current NBA junior’s seasons who holds the record for maintaining top 4 scoring averages within a single season. His records states a points tally of 50.36 per season that is exceptionally amazing given to his age.
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
in latin american election news:
Ecuador's Lasso wins presidential runoff as Arauz concedes 
Former banker Guillermo Lasso won Ecuador's presidential election on Sunday after his socialist opponent Andres Arauz conceded.
Conservative Lasso declared himself president-elect and accepted the "challenge" of changing Ecuador's "destiny."
With 98 percent of the votes counted, Lasso secured 52.49 percent of the vote while Arauz finished with 47.51 percent, according to results published by the National Electoral Council.
arauz, the successor of former pink tide president rafael correa, was the frontrunner with 33% of the vote in the first round, with a close race ending up with neoliberal banker and opus dei member guillermo lasso in second with 19.74% and indigenist-populist yaku perez in third with 19.39% of the vote.
people involved in the commodity export economy based in the west typically voted for arauz, who favours redirecting profits from extractivist sectors into infrastructure and living standards development. the ownership class as well as those in industries who cater to this group or to tourists tended to vote for lasso. those involved in traditional andean agriculture, especially temperate crop cultivation around the antiplano, as well as tribes in the eastern region (oriente) whose land are increasingly affected by oil extraction, went perez in the first round, then expressed their dissatisfaction by voting for lasso in the second round. perez and those around him have received funding from american intelligence groups like USAID and the NED, and typically support right wing neoliberals over pink tide extractivists despite neither’s prioritization of the environmental claims that supposedly compel them. lasso will pioneer a privatization model that will shift investment away from high wage high growth industries and the patronage network that forms around these, and towards a more inequitable, financially extractive rentierist model that will primarily benefit investors and their servants, as well as a more vocally pro-american foreign policy.
Peru: Leftist Pedro Castillo leads presidential race 
Leftist candidate Pedro Castillo will face conservative Keiko Fujimori in a June run-off to become president of Peru, a fast count by pollster Ipsos indicated on Monday, with more than two thirds of the votes cast in the election.
According to the poll, Castillo, a 51-year-old union leader and primary school teacher, had secured 18.6% of the votes, while 14.5% went to Fujimori, the daughter of imprisoned former president Alberto Fujimori.
Hernando de Soto, the liberal economist whom an exit poll had earlier suggested was tied in second place with Fujimori, dropped to fourth position in the fast count, with 10.8% of the ballot. Far-right candidate Rafael Lopez Aliaga rose to third place with 11.9%, according to the latest tally.
peru’s politics has been in crisis for the past few years. no party has been able to gain enough of parliament to prevent their presidential candidate from being impeached. minor surges in support have typically only served to make the resulting winner a target for all the other parties. often, these surges in support are in regions or among people who are underpolled. in castillo’s case, there was only minor recognition of his surge because his support came primarily from rural indigenous peruvians.
castillo himself was the candidate of a more hardline marxist-leninist party, one which cites jose carlos mariategui as a primary influence, with ties to other pink tide presidents. he was a leader of a teacher’s strike in 2017. his party platform called for nationalization and development economics, especially focused around education. he is an opponent of gay marriage and abortion, and often attacks what he calls “gender ideology”.
his likely opponent, keiko fujimori, is the daughter of former dictator alberto fujimori. inasmuch as she has an ideology, it’s “say whatever to stay in power” and opposition to anything viewed as helping the majority of peruvians economically, since that’s too similar to the shining path guerillas her father beat and then based his entire political career on. most of her support is from the patronage network her father cultivated, but tons of peruvians hate her because of the insane level of corruption her father created.
de soto is the father of latin american neoliberalism. after meeting with friedrich hayek and antony fisher in madrid at a mont pelerin society in 1979, de soto decided to found a neoliberal think tank, the institute for liberty and democracy. dedicated to promoting neoliberalism after the chilean experiment collapsed, the ILD would eventually advise the governments of most latin american nations in the 90s, including the peruvian governments of alan garcia and alberto fujimori.
alliaga became very rich through the fujimori patronage network, and quickly turned his attention to spreading the tentacles of his opus dei faith through the political system. he’s also obsessed with trains because he got rich from train privatizations.
the left in this election was split between castillo and two other candidates. yohny lescano’s party is essentially the left wing of neoliberalism, with vague calls to social responsibility for corporations and promotion of the catholic faith. veronika mendoza, previously seen as the frontrunner for the left before castillo’s surge, brought together a broad front of social democrats, environmentalists, pro-lgbt activists, and the urban poor. after criticizing a member of her coalition, yehude simon, for corruption, simon shifted his backing, as well as that of his humanist party (a broad front party formed by the old peruvian communist party) behind castillo. mendoza has also condemned pink tide leaders like maduro, in order to separate herself from the charges of ties to the shining path that have dogged castillo.
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shoplifting · 3 years
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[Image description: Around 30 headlines from various news sites ranging from October 20, 2020, to July 20, 2021, with a majority of headlines being from July. They are in approximate chronological order and read as follows:
Women’s 400 meter world champ Salwa Eid Naser avoids doping ban on technicality
Protests and demonstrations banned at 2020 Tokyo Olympics as Rule 50 upheld
Olympics bans ‘Black Lives Matter’ apparel, could punish athletes for social protests
Japanese Doctors Warn Of Possible ‘Olympic Strain’ Of Coronavirus If Tokyo Games Go Forward
Japanese scientists warn that Tokyo Olympics could help spread COVID-19
Transgender runner Cece Telfer is ruled ineligible to compete in US Olympic trials
Ahead of Tokyo Olympics, Japan vaccination rate far from the mark
Salwa Eid Naser, world 400m champion, to miss Olympics with ban. Opening line reads “Salwa Eid Naser, the world 400m champion from Bahrain, is banned through the Tokyo Olympics and for two years total over a case of missed drug tests in 2019.”
World 200m medalist provisionally suspended as Olympics near. Opening line reads “Alex Quinonez, the world 200m bronze medalist from Ecuador, was provisionally suspended for whereabouts failures less than a month before the Tokyo Olympics.”
Top 400m sprinters ruled ineligible due to testosterone rule, officials say
Swimming caps for natural black hair ruled out of Olympic Games: International Swimming Federation rejects use of Soul Cap, saying it does not 'fit the natural form of the head'
IOC gives athletes more scope for protest at Tokyo Olympics. An Excerpt of the article reads “The latest guidance appears to let athletes copy the iconic Black Power raised fist gestures of American sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. However, they should be allowed in Tokyo only "prior to the start of the competition" and not on the podium at medal ceremonies as Smith and Carlos did. The American 200-meter medalists were expelled from the Olympics. Gestures will now be allowed in Tokyo by athletes "after leaving the 'call room' (or similar area) or during the introduction of the individual athlete or team," the IOC said. This should include at the starting blocks or starting line. Athletes still face disciplinary action if their gesture is "targeted, directly or indirectly, against people, countries, organizations," or is disruptive, the IOC said. Disruption could include disturbing an opponent's concentration or preparation, by unfurling a banner or a gesture during a national anthem.” End excerpt.
2021 Olympics: Brianna McNeal, U.S. hurdles champion, will not compete in Games after five-year ban is upheld
The Olympics Don’t Want Black Women To Win: Sha’Carri Richardson, Christine Mboma, Beatrice Masilingi and others have been disqualified in the 2021 Olympics because of policies that are racist and unjust.
Tokyo Olympics 2020: Keep politics out of the Games, says Thomas Bach. Opening line reads “The Olympic movement needs to be kept neutral and cannot be expected to solve civil liberties issues that politics had failed to fix, Bach said in a video message to the UN Human Rights Council.”
IOC’s Bach slips up and refers to Japanese as ‘Chinese’
Anti-Asian Racism and the 2020 Olympic Games. Opening two lines read “How can IOC President Thomas Bach force through these games against the will of 80 percent of the population? It helps if you don’t even know who they are.”
Why some athletes at the Tokyo Olympics won’t be vaccinated
Olympic Games: Germany walk off pitch after Jordan Torunarigha allegedly racially abused
Handball team forced to wear bikini bottoms instead of boy shorts
Athletes to sleep on ‘anti-sex’ cardboard beds at Olympic Games amid COVID
Tennis star Coco Gauff pulls out of Tokyo Olympics after testing positive for COVID-19
Deaf-blind Paralympian quits Team USA when told she can’t bring assistant to Tokyo
Paralympian says officials at England track championships said her shorts were too short, ‘innapropriate’
Czech athlete becomes third in Olympic village to test positive for Covid-19
Olympic Village COVID-19 infection bubble already 'broken' - health expert
US gymnast Kara Eaker and basketball player Katie Lou Samuelson test positive for Covid-19 ahead of Olympics
Tokyo Olympics: U.S. women’s gymnastics alternate tests positive for COVID-19 in Japan
Just Cancel the Damn Olympics Already. Opening line reads “Add “extreme heat” to the growing list of plagues facing this year’s Summer Olympics, an event I’m starting to suspect I would very much not enjoy participating in, even if they asked nicely.”
6 Polish swimmers sent back home from Tokyo following admin error
67 COVID-19 cases now tied to Tokyo Olympics as experts warn of ‘worrying’ situation on the ground: Infections rising while roughly 15 per cent of those staying on site are likely unvaccinated. End description.]
Stellar fucking job guys
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continuo-docs · 3 years
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Mesías Maiguashca – Música para cinta magnética (+) instrumentos (1967​-​1989) 2xLP, Buh Records, April 2021 https://buhrecords.bandcamp.com/album/m-sica-para-cinta-magn-tica-instrumentos-1967-1989
Another carefully curated, landmark release from Peruvian label Buh Records, after their reissue of the legendary Walter Smetak LPs. This time it's an anthology of Ecuadorian electroacoustic music composer Mesías Maiguashca, born in Quito in 1938. After classical music studies in Ecuador and abroad (USA, Argentina, Germany), Maiguashca relocated to Germany in the mid-1960s where he worked in famous studios like Cologne's WDR, Karlsruhe's ZKM as well as Paris' IRCAM, and has since led an international career as educator, composer and performer. Titled 'Music for magnetic tape and instruments', this 2xLP is an overview of Maiguashca's work circa 1967–89 encompassing musique concrète, electroacoustic composition, as well as electronic music combined with live instruments like percussion, string quartet or organ.
The album starts with the musique concrète piece Ayayayayay, from 1971, a brilliant tape recorder collage from a variety of outdoor sound recordings done in Ecuador, including environmental and street recordings, animals, conversations, radio broadcasts, political speech or folk music. Cleverly assembled, sometimes transformed through ring modulator or other sound effect, these sounds are in a constant dialogue between each other and contrasted with synthesizer –the latter used as counterpoint, transition device or simply texture– to form a lively and colorful soundscape, at times nostalgic or ironic.The earliest and shortest piece here is El Mundo En Que Vivimos [The World We Live In], from 1967, a great musique concrète collage of found sounds and electronic music. We hear folk music instruments like koto or shô, as well as Western string instruments and bells, all interknitted with pure electronic tonalities from some voltage controller or what sounds like radio waves and static noise. Tape-manipulated parts are a real joy to listen and I only wish the piece would be a little longer.
The other works on the disc combine live instruments with electronic music. Intensidad y Altura, from 1979, is a piece for percussion instruments and synthesizer. The percussion –drum, cymbal, marimba, gong– favors non rhythmic, semi-aleatoric sounds while the synthesizer itself alternates between church organ-like, long-held notes and sequences of very nuanced and subtle, tape-manipulated synth sounds. Various modes of dialogue between percussion and synthesizer are explored throughout with an extreme attention to pitch and tone – the title means Intensity and Pitch. Whether in contrast or in homophony, these sounds at times combine into some purely magical sound epiphanies.
Composed in 1989, The Wings of Perception I is part of a cycle of 6 compositions inspired by books of Carlos Castañeda. The string quartet part uses advanced playing techniques of contemporary music (glissando, pizzicato, sforzando, noises, etc), à la Ligeti or Lachenman. The tape section was recorded using a specially-build cubic structure with various hanging metal objects used to create specific, unpitched sounds. For my own taste, though, this percussion section is a bit subdued in the final mix and the string section a tad too polished and conventional, so that nothing really stands out in the end.
Nemos Orgel (1989) pairs church organ played by Zsigmond Szathmáry with prerecorded organ and synthesizer sounds from an earlier 1971 Maiguashca piece titled Übungen. Inspired by Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, this is a wonderful exploration of organ textures and abstract, long-held synthesizer notes, creating a truly mystic and otherworldly music. The analog synthesizer takes the lead in the second half and the music becomes rather weird at times. The entire piece succeeds in offering a beautiful, organic amalgamation of acoustic and electronic sounds, an apt equivalent of Captain Nemo's fantastic underwater organ.
As you can see, the Música Para Cinta Magnética anthology is a fine selection of tracks and comes with superb sound quality, a perfect introduction to Mesías Maiguashca's work.
[review by Laurent Fairon]
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blog-analisis · 3 years
Establecer el criterio sobre las elecciones y la democracia en nuestro país y con el nuevo gobierno como se está desarrollado.
Propuestas de Candidatos para Presidente del Ecuador 2021.
Analizar y conocer las propuestas de los candidatos a la presidencia del Ecuador.
Resultados obtenidos:
Andrés Arauz. -Candidato de la Alianza UNES
Edad: 35 años
Vicepresidente: Carlos Rabascall
Partido: Alianza UNES
Títulos Senescyt: Licenciado en ciencias con mención en economía por The University of Michigan, año 2010. Maestro en economía con mención en economía del desarrollo por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, año 2010.
Visión económico-política: Izquierda socialista
Y hoy, cuando hemos visto que se perdonaron impuestos a los grupos económicos más grandes del Ecuador, gritan cuando nosotros planteamos una propuesta de dar un salvataje a la familia ecuatoriana. USD 1000 a un millón de familias la primera semana de nuestro Gobierno. Y justamente la financiaremos repatriando esos recursos que tiene ahora el Estado Ecuatoriano guardados en un banco en Suiza para atenderte a ti, familia ecuatoriana, que ha estado sufriendo tremendamente en el contexto de esta pandemia. Mientras otros perdonaron impuestos, nosotros vamos a dar un salvataje a la familia ecuatoriana. Las madres de familia podrán cubrir sus deudas, las más inmediatas, las que están ahí, presionándoles todos los días. Vamos a aliviar las deudas de las
familias ecuatorianas especialmente de la clase media. Y vamos a generar trabajo. Mi trabajo será generar trabajo para ustedes”
Xavier Hervas, candidato de Izquierda Democrática
Edad: 47 años
Vicepresidente: María Sara Jijón
Partido: Izquierda Democrática
Títulos Senescyt: Ingeniero de Producción Angro-Industrial por la Universidad Sabana Colombia (no registrado en Senescyt)
Visión económico-política: centro-izquierda
Por eso nosotros hemos dicho categóricamente, no vamos a subir ningún impuesto, no vamos a retirar ningún subsidio, porque la situación de la economía ecuatoriana justamente necesitamos una reactivación. Aquí también hablamos del acceso a los mercados, nuestra propuesta es abrir el Ecuador al mundo. Y esto se lo dice un exportador, alguien que pasó del emprendimiento, de ser un artesano panificador, en este país bendecido, que es el Ecuador, que me ha permitido ahora ser un industrial, exportador, agricultor y que doy trabajo directo a cientos de familias ecuatorianas. Nuestro país tiene una oportunidad única, porque somos el único país en el mundo que puede sembrar y cosechar todas las semanas del año.
Muchos hablan de la agricultura, pero lamentablemente no la conocen y por eso esa oportunidad ha sido postergada en nuestra historia, tenemos que convertirnos en una potencia productiva, pero necesitamos un liderazgo honesto, de gente buena, que no venga a hacer lo mismo, que podamos tener una política pública que nos lleve a un país desarrollado
Gerson Almeida. - Candidato de Ecuatoriano Unido
Edad: 46 años
Vicepresidente: Martha Villafuerte
Partido: Ecuatoriano Unido
Títulos Senescyt: Doctor en jurisprudencia, con especialización en derecho económico internacional; Licenciado en ciencias jurídicas y sociales; abogado de los tribunales.
Visión económico-política: centro-derecha
Hemos venido para plantear un modelo nuevo. Es decir, un diseño. El ecuador por implantar modelos y modelos esta como esta. Casi todos los países latinoamericanos nos han importado modelos de desarrollo. Hoy, si nosotros atendemos tradicionalmente a lo que nos ha traído postración vamos a obtener los mismos resultados. Estos resultados son los que le tienen a Ecuador así. Si nosotros pensamos en incrementar el desarrollo de la economía a base de mayor explotación
petrolera atendiendo al concepto extractivista, vamos a entender que estamos obteniendo un recurso que se va a agotar. Entendemos que la economía se genera a través del trabajo. Soy pastor y sé que a una persona no se le puede dar una dadiva, no se le puede dar una cantidad de dinero. A esa persona hay que enseñarle a conseguir ese dinero. La riqueza en el Ecuador se la va a obtener a través del trabajo, el tren intermodal, la activación económica, no reactivación.
Giovanny Andrade. -Candidato del movimiento Unión Ecuatoriana
Edad: 49 años
Vicepresidente: Katherine Mata
Partido: Unión Ecuatoriana
Títulos Senescyt: No hubo
María Urbina vende banano, necesitamos saber que esta comercialización sea sin intermediarios. Ella paga un precio por la caja muy bajo, pero el intermediario se lleva todo, debemos cortar los intermediarios. También dar créditos a bajo interés, pero créditos reales. Si nos dicen al 1% eso no es verdad ecuatorianos, el 1% no cubre ni siquiera la parte administrativa de un banco. Necesitamos traer nuevos bancos que den valor. Por eso la bolsa de futuros en Chicago nos va a dar el valor necesario para que ese agricultor siembre durante 10 años. dar el valor necesario para que ese agricultor siembre durante 10 años"
César Montúfar. -Candidato de Concertación
Edad: 55 años
Vicepresidente: Julio César Villacreses
Partido: Concertación
Títulos Senescyt: Licenciado en sociología y ciencias políticas, con especialización en sociología del desarrollo. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, ingresado 2003-01-13. Doctor of philosophy in politics, The New School, NY, EE.UU., ingresado 2013-10-31.
Visión económico-política: Centro
Por mi parte, en nuestro Gobierno, vamos a mantener y respetar ese acuerdo con el Fondo Monetario Internacional sin lesiones a nuestra soberanía y vamos además a renegociar algunas condiciones desacuerdo con el que no estamos totalmente conformes. Ampliar César Montúfar, candidato de la alianza entre Concertación y Partido Socialista, en el Ecuador Debate 2021. Foto: Flickr CNE En primer lugar, no vamos a subir ni a bajar el IVA vamos a entender cómo está. Quizá vamos a analizar algunas desde sanciones, la lista de sanciones. Vamos a revisar una reforma tributaria que, sin subir impuestos, incentivando la producción y incentivando las empresas generando un mecanismo de incentivos para que se desarrollen energías limpias permitan de
manejar de mejor manera la recaudación tributaria. Vamos a generar una plataforma que nos va a permitir evaluar y controlar la evasión tributaria
Carlos Sagñay, candidato de Fuerza Ecuador
Edad: 64 años
Vicepresidente: Narda Ortiz
Partido: FE
Títulos Senescyt: Título: Máster en Ciencias de Ingeniería, ingeniero químico tecnólogo especializado en Tecnología de Síntesis de la Base Orgánica y Petroquímica. Registrado el 2005-07-28, por el Instituto Superior Politécnico de Lviv.
"Nuestro problema de no tener inversión extranjera directa a los niveles que tienen nuestros vecinos es porque tenemos mucha incertidumbre en nuestro país; no es un país competitivo. Es demasiado cara, sobre todo, es demasiado caro. Por eso hablo constantemente de reducir costos, costos de capital que es la tasa de interés, reducir la tasa de interés a niveles internacionales, porque tenemos la moneda dura que es el dólar y tenemos tasas de interés del 20 y 25% y pueden estar al 2 y 3% y los costos que están incorporados en un presupuesto de la corrupción que tiene 30% de coima por ese presupuesto, por eso hablo de un presupuesto con base cero, es decir, presupuestando nuevamente, no tomando en consideración los presupuestos anteriores. Ampliar Carlos Sagñay, candidato de Fuerza Ecuador, en el Ecuador Debate 2021. Foto: Flickr CNE De tal manera que nosotros reduzcamos el déficit, vamos en nuestra deuda y eliminar el déficit de 9 000, usted dijo 7 000 millones y pico de dólares de acuerdo a las cifras del gobierno. De esta manera eliminamos el déficit y bajamos el precio de la deuda. Ahora tenemos debemos generar confianza y esa confianza la genera el gobierno que no atraiga incertidumbre, que baje el riesgo del país. Estas medidas, aparte de la inseguridad jurídica que tenemos que cambiarla, van a atraer
Paúl Carrasco. - Candidato por el Movimiento Nacional Podemos
Edad: 49 años
Vicepresidente: Frank Vargas Anda
Partido: Juntos Podemos
Títulos Senescyt: INGENIERO AGROPECUARIO UNIVERSIDAD DEL AZUAY, registrado 2006 - 10 – 24
Visión económico-política: Centro
Es necesario entrar en un nuevo modelo de motivación de la producción en el país, de una nueva forma de administrar el Estado. Primero: hay que armar un plan de ordenamiento productivo del país, un producto una provincia, un producto un cantón o un producto varias provincias. Por ejemplo, el banano entre provincias. Guayas, Los Ríos y El Oro naranja y turismo. en Manabí, etcétera. Es decir, necesitamos que esto se promueva con fuerza, pero que tiene que ir acompañado
con algo con una reforma profunda de la administración del Estado que implica autonomía en los territorios donde se produce se paga donde se paga se queda la plata y se invierte en esa zona y esto empezaremos con Guayas y Manabí. Ampliar Paúl Carrasco, candidato por el Movimiento Nacional Podemos, en el Ecuador Debate 2021. Foto: Flickr CNE Pero además tiene que ir acompañado de una suerte de Independencia política, no vamos a nombrar gobernadores no vamos a nombrar subsecretarios regionales y no vamos a nombrar directores provinciales de diferentes ministerios porque lo que necesitan las provincias es un Presidente un Prefecto un Alcalde y un Presidente de la Junta Parroquial. Está autonomía tiene que ir acompañada de impulso y motivación económica, para esto entonces para la gente, amnistía bancaria, es decir, le vamos a quitar el ahogó de las deudas a 10 años restructurando sus deudas y sobre todo y sobre todo ciudadanos un tema fundamental de trabajo, trabajo para los jóvenes trabajo subsidiado 750.000 empleos en 4 años para los jóvenes el Estado les va a subsidiar el trabajo y a las microempresas y micro emprendimientos también el trabajo y finalmente bajar los impuestos bajar los impuestos sobre todo en la producción agrícola y apoyo en la comercialización agrícola"
Isidro Romero. - Candidato del partido Avanza
Edad: 78 años
Vicepresidente: Sofía Merino
Partido: Avanza
Títulos Senescyt: Ingeniero comercial por la Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil Perito Mercantil por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Visión económico-política: Centro-derecha.
Tenemos la pesca, somos el segundo país atunero del mundo, y tenemos hoy día la mayor tecnología que lo están aplicando otros países del mundo que es la maricultura, que es la siembra en el mar, que representa que el Ecuador en su mar territorial podría tener 1 300 000 hectáreas para llevar adelante el tema. Tenemos la construcción, tenemos la industria, tenemos la minería, tenemos el petróleo, tenemos, también, el turismo y quiero formar el mayor centro financiero del Pacífico sur para poder traer la mayor inversión en la región y a la vez debemos potencializar y valorar realmente las compañías del Estado ecuatoriano, nadie debe vender las compañías del Estado debemos valorizarla y no solamente en el Ecuador hacerlo en la Bolsa de Nueva York a través de IPO. Eso es lo que debe ser el Ecuador y lógicamente la refinería será parte de la historia que marque un nuevo mundo petrolero"
Juan Fernando Velasco. - Candidato del movimiento Construye
Edad: 48 años
Vicepresidente: Ana María Pesantes
Partido: Construye (Ruptura)
Títulos Senescyt: No presenta títulos académicos
Visión económico-política: Centro
Siguiendo con mi respuesta creo que es fundamental cumplir con los compromisos que hemos adquirido como ecuatorianos. Hay que entender que el Estado, uno de los principales problemas que tienen la inversión extranjera en nuestro país es la falta de confianza que hay en nuestro país. Es esta sensación de que se cambian las reglas del juego, de que adquirimos compromisos que después no cumplimos. La deuda hay que pagarla, la tendremos que pagar todos los ecuatorianos. Lo que hay que hacer es revisar esos compromisos para lograr que el impacto sea el menor posible en los más pobres. Que el impacto sea el menor para la gente que más necesitada está. Creemos que hay que lograr esos acuerdos, esas condiciones, pero siempre buscando que los que más tienen sean los que más paguen. Los que menos tienen sean los que menos paguen poco o nada"
Guillermo Celi. - Candidato de SUMA
Edad: 44 años
Vicepresidente: Verónica Sevilla
Partido: Suma
Títulos Senescyt: Doctor en Jurisprudencia/ Abogado de los Tribunales de Justicia/ Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE).
Visión económico-política: Centro
Lo vamos hacer. Vamos a bajar el IVA del 12 al 8 por ciento del 12 al 8 por ciento al menos por un año, eso va a permitir que los cotos de lo que son los productos bajen, que la familia ecuatoriana pueda consumir, eso permite vivir mejor. Que el señor de la tienda, que el señor del comercio o la señora que da ventas en artesanía pueda vender más, eso va a generar empleo. Eso necesitamos hoy día en el Ecuador. Pero también, vamos a general un fondo de reactivación económica en el momento actual, pero también para la post pandemia, pero también vamos a vender bonos del estado a la banca privada, a las cooperativas a las mutualistas y en general ahí vamos a generar cerca de 4000 a 5000 millones de dólares para prestarles en capital semilla a los emprendedores a cerca 36000 nuevos emprendedores que generaran por 10 empleos cada emprendimiento no menos de 360 000 nuevos empleos. Ampliar Guillermo Celi, candidato del partido SUMA, en el Ecuador Debate 2021. Foto: Flickr CNE Eso es decirles la verdad a los ecuatorianos, pero también para ustedes las micro, medianas y pequeñas empresas vamos apoyar con capital de operación para que tengan a sus colaboradores e inclusive aumenten el número de empleos. Eso requiere hoy en día el Ecuador. Y a quienes han caído hoy día en central de riesgos vamos a reactivarlos, esa es la muerte financiera de un ciudadano y de una familia y eso no lo vamos a permitir. Con apoyo a través de Ban Ecuador al 4% de tasa interés también para los agricultores y también con capital semilla. El tema de lo que es hoy día la emergencia climática la afrontaremos inmediatamente con capacidad con acción y cuenten conmigo, manabitas, ustedes, nosotros los manabitas que pagamos la tarifa eléctrica más cara vamos a bajarla al igual que a todo el país, para eso tenemos las hidroeléctricas.
Guillermo Lasso. - Candidato de Creo
Edad: 64 años
Vicepresidente: Alfredo Borrero
Partido: CREO
Títulos Senescyt: No hay títulos registrados.
Visión económico-política: Derecha
Una buena economía es como un avión que tiene dos motores para volar muy alto, para poder crecer, para generar inversión, para crear empleo, para facilitar el emprendimiento y generar ingresos para la familia ecuatoriana. El un motor simboliza la economía privada, de la cual hablaré más adelante, el otro motor simboliza la economía pública, la economía del Estado, ese motor está averiado. ¿Por qué? Primero, porque no tiene liquidez, está atrasado en el pago de sueldos y salarios, sus obligaciones con la seguridad social y los GADs. En segundo lugar, está sobre endeudado, la deuda es un peso muy grande en su economía; en tercer lugar, es ineficiente; y en cuarto lugar, está cooptado por la corrupción y esto es consecuencia de la mala administración de los últimos 14 años en el Ecuador. Por lo tanto, ese Estado tiene que cambiar, en primer lugar, no hay que subir impuestos, todo lo contrario, hay que bajar determinados impuestos, como el impuesto a la salida de divisas. Ampliar Guillermo Lasso, candidato del movimiento Creo, en el Ecuador Debate 2021. Foto: Flickr CNE Hay que aumentar la producción petrolera, hay que ser más eficiente en el uso de la energía eléctrica, hay que aprovechar los minerales que tiene el Ecuador, respetando el medio ambiente. Y además, ese Estado tiene más de 400 empresa públicas, todas deficitarias y mal administradas en su gran mayoría.
Pedro José Freile. - Candidato del Movimiento Amigo
Edad: 48 años
Vicepresidente: Byron Solís Figueroa
Partido: Amigo
Títulos Senescyt: Abogado Universidad SEK, registrado 2004-11-08 Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales Universidad SEK, registrado 2005-03-09
Visión económico-política: Centro
Es necesario que la competencia, una virtuosa cualidad del mercado libre, pueda ayudarnos a regular de otra manera los costos que hoy pagamos, pero además es indispensable que el Banco Central del Ecuador recupere absoluta independencia, como en las democracias más organizadas, sin la injerencia de los políticos, para que podamos saber que esas virtudes del mercado y la certeza de que un estado que regula -pero que no influencia políticamente- nos va a permitir a todos tener fuentes nuevas de financiamientos y costos financieros razonables para poder salir adelante con nuestras familias, para poder contratar lo que sí necesitamos y no lo que no podemos con los costos que tenemos hoy día, para poder crear nuevamente fuentes de empleo, para poder tener emprendimiento real, no de la mano ni del regalo del Gobierno, porque los candidatos que les ofrezcan que esto viene de préstamos les miente"
Lucio Gutiérrez, candidato de Partido Sociedad Patriótica
Edad: 63 años
Vicepresidente: David Norero.
Partido: Partido Sociedad Patriótica
Títulos Senescyt: Licenciado en Administración y Ciencias Militares, de la Escuela Politécnica del Ejército. Registro: 2002-09-19 2. Ingeniero Civil Escuela Politécnica Del Ejército. Registro 2002-09-19 3. Licenciado en Educación Física Escuela Politécnica Del Ejército. Registro 2003-04-30
Visión económico-política: centro-populismo
Conmigo ecuatorianos, la inversión extranjera era superior a varios países de América latina, y ¿de qué sirvió? Hoy estamos en el último lugar. Yo deje dinero ahorrado ecuatorianos y se robaron la plata. Entonces aquí tenemos que tomar medidas radicales. Si yo soy presidente del Ecuador, ecuatorianos, no voy a ser un presidente florero. Yo voy a tomar decisiones radicales, voy a recuperar como ya recuperé en mi primer gobierno, la plata que se robaron los banqueros corruptos con el feriado bancario, como dice esta nota de prensa: el presidente Lucio Gutiérrez recuperó dinero de la cartera E, incobrable. Y a los que no querían pagar, les incautamos bienes, a 190 deudores morosos, entre ellos, intocables como el hermano del ingeniero León Febres Cordero. Justamente por eso vino el golpe de Estado.
Ximena Peña. - Candidata de Alianza País
Edad: 44 años
Vicepresidente: Patricio Barriga
Partido: Alianza País Títulos Senescyt: Ingeniera Comercial por el Bernard Baruch College de Nueva York – Estados Unidos. Licenciada en administración de empresas por el Fiorello H. La Guardia Community College de Nueva York – Estados Unidos
Visión económico-política: Izquierda
Existe un consenso nacional en mantener la dolarización, pero vemos con preocupación como ciertos candidatos insisten en eliminar el impuesto a la salida de divisas. Los migrantes ecuatorianos mandamos con mucho trabajo nuestras remesas a nuestras familias, manteniendo la dolarización mientras vemos que algunos quieren ir sacando dólares de la economía sin importarles que esa
medida lo que hace es debilitar la dolarización y el circulante dentro de nuestro país. Por eso vamos a mantener el impuesto a la salida de divisas porque necesitamos fortalecer y proteger la dolarización. Pero también es importante hablar del empleo, una de las grandes preocupaciones de los ecuatorianos es porque no tienen trabajo, tenemos más de un millón de ecuatorianos que han perdido el empleo. Siete de cada diez ecuatorianos no saben cómo van a llevar el pan a su mesa porque están sin trabajo. Las mujeres tenemos un 45% de menos de probabilidades de acceder a un trabajo adecuado y si lo hacemos, ganamos un 16% menos que los hombres haciendo el mismo trabajo.
Gustavo Larrea. -Candidato por Democracia Sí
Edad: 64 años
Vicepresidente: Alexandra Peralta
Partido: Democracia Sí Títulos Senescyt: No registra
Visión económico-política: centro-izquierda
Por eso nuestra propuesta de construir una autopista de desarrollo económico y justicia social y desarrollo económico desde nuestras raíces, desde las fortalezas que tiene nuestro país. Y esas fortalezas están en la agricultura, en la pesca, en la acuacultura, que han demostrado incluso en la pandemia que pueden subir sus índices de exportación y de generación de empleo. El futuro desde nuestras raíces, dando un salto histórico hacia las industrias para generar empleo, para generar bienestar y en medio de esta crisis actual de la pandemia, sin duda la reactivación productiva con crédito barato y a largo plazo. Esa es la única salida que tenemos".
Yaku Pérez. - Candidato por Pachakutik
Edad: 51 años
Vicepresidente: Virna Cedeño
Partido: Pachakutik
Títulos Senescyt: Doctor en Jurisprudencia y abogado de los tribunales; especialista en derecho ambiental; especialista en derecho penal y justicia indígena; diploma superior en gestión de cuencas hidrográficas y población; magíster en derecho penal y criminología.
Visión económico-política: Izquierda
Todos juntos vamos a traer los capitales que se encuentran fuera del país, no con amenazas, sino con incentivos, creando la seguridad jurídica y la confianza que se requiere en el país. Vamos a eliminar el Impuesto de Salida de Divisas y aquellos que vienen a invertir sus dineros, del extranjero a acá, vamos a exonerar del pago de impuesto a la renta durante cinco años con la opción de que
inviertan en el país. Claro que podemos salir de esta crisis, lo podemos hacer combatiendo la corrupción y con una administración eficiente.
Mi punto de vista en la democracia del ECUADOR.

Primero, nosotros como jóvenes debemos estar al tanto de nuestro país, nosotros elegimos a nuestro representante, hasta hoy en ninguna propuesta electoral me dicen “Eliminare los vitalicios” o “Reduciremos los asambleístas a máximo 2 por provincia” no lo hay, para que un país prospere tenemos que tener en cuenta que nosotros somos los que ponemos a tal persona en el poder. Quitarnos esa idea de la cabeza de que “Robo, pero hizo”, No (HACER) es su obligación por que el pueblo lo elige, (ROBAR) es un delito.
Mi voto fue por Havier Hervas, por lo menos podremos reducir un poco la delincuencia, y más que todo podrá hacer algo con la “Corrupción” que es lo más triste que vive el país.
En este nuevo Gobierno del presidente Lasso en la república del Ecuador, ha empezado con empuje realizando su meta del mayor numero de vacunados, llevándolo de manera eficaz, sus nuevos decretos y propuestas son de análisis profundos vamos a ver si se los lleva todo a cabo y ve por el pueblo, no solo en intereses personales.
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carlospolit · 2 years
Carlos Polit Ecuador can be categorized into the celebrated list of most famous politicians and celebrities around. He is one of the most renowned politician and former comptroller general of the Republic of Ecuado, Besides serving up to the role of the comptroller general of the Republic of Ecuador, Mr. Carlos Polit has ensured active in the Republic of Ecuador.
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latinochristiannews · 5 years
Brazil and Uruguay Are Favorites for 2019 Copa America
Brazil and Uruguay Are Favorites for 2019 Copa America
South America flips the switch very quickly from international football back to the club game. In some places, domestic football even continued as normal during the FIFA dates — Brazil’s regional championships, for example, which are starting to reach the business end. In others the focus swiftly alters. The Argentine title could be decided in the weekend’s penultimate round, and the Copa…
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The Network in Defense of Humanity celebrates the growing electoral strength of progressivism in Ecuador, led by Andrés Arauz and Carlos Rabascall, a force that puts on stage its victory in the contest of February 7. We hope that this victory will be celebrated by all the peoples of Our America on the road to cementing a regional project.
Precisely because of this, in the context of the dispute that neoliberalism imposes on a proposal for sovereignty raised by progressivism, there have been troubling maneuvers contrary to the rules and institutions of the rule of law, established by the Constitution of Ecuador. We have witnessed violations of inalienable rights, such as the cessation of the political rights of progressive actors and movements; there have even been violations of the rights of citizens by attempting to truncate the electoral process itself.
With this background, while celebrating the democratic spirit of the Ecuadorian people, the Network demands that the government and the electoral authorities of Ecuador fully respect the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box and ask for guarantees that the elections will be transparent and flawless before, during and after the casting of the ballots.
The Network in Defense of Humanity makes an urgent appeal to progressive and democratic forces around the world to be vigilant and watch very carefully the Election Day of 7 February, and with their watchful eye, avoid the misappropriation of the electorate’s preferences.
We ask international bodies to certify the non-interference of Lenín Moreno’s government, nor of foreign actors, such as the president of the OAS, Luis Almagro, or others, in the electoral process.
We call on the electoral observation delegations to take note of: 1) the impediments to the holding of elections in different places that concentrate the migrant vote; 2) the validity of the legislative elections for the Andean Parliament; 3) the clean counting of the vote in all scenarios.
For democracy to be reborn in Ecuador, it will be necessary to adopt an attitude of permanent participation and vigilance and to be absolutely intolerant of any attempt to pervert the purity of the vote or to ignore the will of the people.
Guaranteeing democracy for the peoples of our America is a task for all of us!
Our America, February 4, 2021  
Executive Secretariat of the Network in Defense of Humanity
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crimehathnofury · 3 years
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Hey there crime lovers, I have an interesting case for today. My personal favorite guy to study. His crimes were many and were really horrible. One of the world’s deadliest killers. How deadly you ask? Well let’s get to it and you'll find out.
Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos was born January 25th, 1957 during a tum. He was the eldest of 7 children. From what I gather he had a very troublesome childhood. His mother was a prostitute and his father was an alcoholic and said to be very abusive. To my knowledge Luis’ father forced him to watch as his mother was with her clients. Those clients also ended up sexually abusing Luis. As the children grew up their father turned his abuse on them. Whenever his father would come home, the children would hide in fear. Luis’ father prohibited him from making friends at a school where he was already unpopular. This made him a target for bullying as well as his glasses and timid personality. This sparked a violent rage from within causing him to lash out aggressively. At 11 years old Luis was forced to quit school and get a job to support the large family selling many different things. From 12  to 15 he was tortured and raped by a lot of his fathers friends. He did not tell out of fear that his father wouldn’t believe him. It was also around this time Luis started to molest his siblings. As well as kill and mutilate small animals. If you don’t know, which I suppose you guys might, killing and the torture of animals is a part of the homocidal triad. At 16 Luis was arrested after getting caught  molesting a boy at a train station in Bogota. When he was released he was no longer welcome at home so he then became one of the countless homeless youths and wandered the streets of colombia after the war. In 1984 he had lost a job at a bakery due to his increasing alcoholism. He had claimed that he was hearing malicious voices in his head. So he sought psychiatric help. He however didn’t tell them about his pedophillic attraction to boys or his sexual sadism. When he was discharged he took a job at a supermarket and began a relationship with a woman named Claudia. During his 2 hours lunches breaks he would go to remote areas lure little boys with candy and rape and torture them with razors. Never trust strangers giving candy. Later he would go to Pereira and would go on to date a woman with a teenage son. I would like to note that Luis never harmed the kids of the women he dated. Interesting right? 
To avoid his female partners, he would go from town to town looking for work and sending money to them. In all reality, he was really going around in search of homeless little boys to prey on. The locals would always see how friendly he was with the children and so they nicknamed him Tribilin which means goofy. They didn’t see the beast that he really was. In all retrospect when they saw him walk off with kids while he was drunk that should’ve raised suspicions and even if they did no one cared to intervene. On October 2nd 1992, Luis killed his first victim. Teenage Juan Carlos walking passed a bar and no second guessing Luis Garavito followed. He blamed it on the moonlight. He said it awoke something evil in him, and it drove him to murder. The boy’s body was found 3 days later, clear signs of torture like missing teeth torture, and mutilated genitals. It only took a week until he killed again. And his kills grew more violent. He would prolong the torture by stabbing the boys with knives or screwdrivers in non-lethal places of their bodies. By the time he got back to Bogota he had 10 kills under his belt.  It was easy for him to get away with his crimes. You see, the violence in Colombia produced all kinds of victims so people were less likely to notice the deaths of impoverished boys always on the fringe of society. Some thought that the mutilated bodies pointed to satanic cults, or that the missing children were taken by human traffickers, or that the murders of homeless drug users and alcoholics were due to political reactionaries. 
Luis had started to keep trophies of his kills, but in 1994 he had been killing so much that he started to leave his trophies with his sister Ester. Now in 1995 Luis took a very bad fall that left him with a broken leg. That led him to be begging on the streets. Now the leg didn’t heal properly which of course led to a limp. Still even with all that, his urge to kill was still as strong. He had taken to disemboweling his victims, even decapitating them. Such as four boys he had killed in Valle in 1996. Their bodies were left in the open only partially hidden by tall plants. In 1996 he had also arrived in Tunja northeast of Bogota. There he found a boy named Ronald Delgado. The boy’s body was found decapitated and showed signs of rape and torture. People had told the investigators that they saw the boy in the company of Luis. So they took him in for questioning and Luis managed to convince them it wasn’t him. So he got away. In 1997 a few children, in Pereira, found a horrifying discovery. A mass grave containing 30 corpses of little boys. All of them showed signs of rape and torture. They had been stabbed, some at least 46 times. Some of the bodies were so mutilated that they could not be identified. Again some people thought it was the work of satanic cults or trafficking. Then a few months later in 1998, another discovery was made in Buga. A boy bearing the same mark of all of Luis’ other victims had been found. There was ashes surrounding the scene meaning there was a fire the night of the murder. Also they found red glasses scorched on the left side. There were empty bottles of cheap brandy, a screwdriver, and some documents. Including some money and a note with an address as well as a pair of mens shoes. The glasses gave them an idea. The glasses meant that the person was suffering an eye condition that only affected men around 40-45 years old. The shoes were heavily worn, more so on one side. Now this means they were looking for someone with a limp. 
Around this time Luis was on the suspect list. Leading him to flee Colombia and go to Ecuador. Though that didn’t stop him from killing. Still they suspected him more seeing as he was a foreigner. So with that in mind Luis returned to his native land. Meanwhile a task force was arranged to track down La Bestia, known to have killed in over 70 different places in both Colombia and Ecuador. One investigator used the note they had found in Buga to track down Luis’ sister. Finally they had him. On April 22nd 1999, Luis Garavito lured 12 year old John Ivan Sabogal away from a park in Villavicencio. He tied the boy up and tried to rape him. However, a homeless teenager walking passed saw what was going on. He started to throw rocks at Luis so that he and John Ivan could run to a nearby junkyard. Police arrested Luis, and once in custody he tried to use a different name. Though DNA evidence proved it was him. After the investigators revealed all their evidence against him. He fessed up and told them everything. So with him helping the investigators find other locations of his victims he only got a 30 year sentence. From what I’ve recently read Luis Garavito is getting out some time this year and he wants to be an advocate for children's welfare. I don’t know if him being out is good. It’s said he was a model prisoner. He did however have to be kept away from other prisoners for fear he would be killed immediately. He said he wouldn’t kill anymore but how are we to believe that? In any case hime wanted to work with children kind of creeps me out. Although with the way his childhood was I kind of understand why. Maybe if he is telling the truth he wants to help others to not be like him. So they would have a chance at a normal life. They wouldn’t be abused and possibly have a safe place to stay. I don’t know, only time will tell. I know it took me a while to post and thank you guys for being patient. Anyways let me know what you guys think? Is Garavito being released a good idea? Or not? Let me know. Bye for now. I’ll see you guys next week.
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carlos-polit · 3 years
Carlos Polit Ecuador is one of the eminent names in the world of culinary where he began his journey to be a chef as a kid. Carlos Polit is the best chef around Miami area. He works hard enough throughout his life to attain success. Carlos Polit is known to be the best chef of the time who can add his flavours and ingredients to any dish to make it one of a kind and unforgettable. His customized ingredients and flavours are one reason that makes his dishes extraordinary.
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