#Carmen Sandiego x Fem reader
pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
The Red in Blue Star Cafe
Classic Carmen Sandiego x Fem Reader
[Author’s Note: You decided not to be specific and I’m using that to my advantage. Enjoy! 💗]
     “Alright gumshoes!” Both the siblings took a moment to steady themselves from the sudden teleportation to ACME headquarters from their comfortable homes. “We have a big problem!” Ivy sighed, shaking her head with a hand on her forehead. “Oh no…What did Carmen steal this time?” 
“That’s the problem!” Chief screamed causing Zack to lightly flinch. “She hasn’t stolen anything in weeks! She could be planning something big! There’s been a change in her routine for the last three weeks she’s stopped at a cafe in New York without fail every morning.” 
“It could be a Trojan Horse.” Ivy suggested. “Player, C-five us to that cafe!” A bluish glow filled the room as the Zack and Ivy ran through the portal. 
You peaked into the dining room from the kitchen, scan the area for someone specific.
There she was! 
The mysterious woman became the best part of your shifts. She enjoyed a black coffee with little sugar and preferred the booth near the table close to the top left corner. She usually read a love story along with her coffee yet not any love stories. Sapphic ones. You couldn’t help but admire her boldness, you rarely told others your sexuality in fear of how you would be treated. Maybe things would be better in the future, to see people like yourself on tv without being the butt of any jokes. 
Shaking off your thoughts you go up to the woman in red who patiently resided in the waiting area. Another reason why you enjoyed her company so much. You had to deal with crying babies, flirtatious old men, and that one woman who always wanted to speak to the manager. You got yelled at for the smallest mistakes yet this woman was a breath of fresh air. 
“Welcome back Carmen!” You don’t have to put on your customer service smile, this one is real. “The usual?” She nodded and followed you to the table. Yet before you could leave to get her coffee brewed she spoke up. “Actually…Could I get another coffee? Whatever you would recommend for a date please.”
Ouch…It hurt yet you weren’t surprised. Carmen was the perfect woman. You were just some waitress, you couldn’t sweep the girl in red off her feet. In fact you should be happy for her! It was selfish for you to be acting like this. “Right away!” You rushed to the kitchen where you could show your true expression. Even if it was for a moment. 
“I hope this one is okay, I chose my personal favorite.” A smile graced those red lips as she nodded. “It’s perfect,” Carmen said softly. “Now please, sit down.” You froze looking at her with a questioning glance. “But ah…your date?” God she was making this so hard on you! “You are my date, if you will kindly accept my feelings.” How could you say no to that? 
“I guess criminals need love to.” Ivy commented as she hid in a booth with her brother behind a comically large newspaper with an eyehole cut out of it. She pushed by her brother. “Let me see! Let me see!“ Ivy elbowed him. “She’ll hear us and you’ll ruin their date!” 
Zack had ended up tuning her out, being more distracted by the sniffling. “Umm…Chief?” Who knew a hologram could cry. “She grew up so fast!”
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wisteria-cherry · 8 months
if anyone of the Twelve carmen sandiego fandom members are out there
and if any of the Twelve take requests
please i beg you
i need sustenance
i need gray x reader preferably fem reader
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maxinexstars · 1 year
Scarlet Bug
Carmen sandiego x fem reader, Miraculous AU
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“What’s the plan?” Carmen agreed once again to steal for Vile in order to keep Zack and Ivy safe. Cleo wanted her to steal a few paintings from the louvre museum.
“Be careful Carmen Scarlet bug and Chat noir might see you.”
“Scarlet bug? You mean my old partner who left me for no reason.”
“Scarlet bug and Chat noir are paris’s superheroes,be careful they might capture you.”
“Capture me? Child’s play, I've got this under control," Carmen replied with a smirk. Cleo and Carmen planned out the heist, making sure that Zack and Ivy were kept safe from VILE's threats. As Carmen arrived at the Louvre museum, she was amazed by the security measures in place. as she made her way around the museum, admiring the artwork and looking for any weaknesses in the security, Chat Noir suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Stop right there, thief! I won't let you get away with stealing these precious artworks," Chat Noir said, as he drew out his staff. Carmen quickly evaluated her options, realizing that the superhero was determined to stop her. She knew that she needed to think fast.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Chat Noir. I've heard so much about you, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome in person," Carmen purred, hoping to distract Chat Noir with her charm. Chat Noir was taken back by her sudden change in attitude, but he still kept his guard up. "Don't try to sweet-talk your way out of this, I know your reputation," Chat Noir replied, trying to maintain his composure. Carmen kept up her act while Chat Noir was distracted, Carmen seized the opportunity to slip past him and made her way to the paintings.As she started to pull down the paintings, you suddenly appeared in front of her, ready to battle. "Stop right there, Carmen Sandiego. I won't let you get your hands on these priceless artwork,why are you still stealing stuff?"  Carmen knew that she had to keep her wits about you, so she came up with a plan. 
"Scarlet bug, wait! Please, hear me out. I'm not stealing these for my own sake. I'm doing this to save  lives of two innocent children," Carmen pleaded, hoping to gain your trust. But you on the other hand you had your doubts about her unlike Chat noir. You were trying to determine if she’s telling the truth. After a few tense moments, you decided to give Carmen a chance and hear her out. Carmen explained everything about VILE's threats and how she was forced to steal to protect Zack and Ivy.
You understood the gravity of the situation and offered to help Carmen catch the real culprit behind the threats. Together, you apprehended the VILE agents and ensured that Zack and Ivy were safe from harm.
“Promise me you’ll stop doing this now that Vile’s gone.”
“I promise.”
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Requested by:anon
Pairing: Carmen Sandiego x Female!Reader
Words: 400
Request: The smut request is for Carmen Sandiego where Carmen and fem!reader are going to a new coffee shop that opened up and they went and placed their order but while they are ordering the barista(female) was flirting with the reader(reader is oblivious) and Carmen got jealous but hide it. So after they got their order the barista handed reader a not that said “call me cutie” so Carmen took the note and ripped it up and grabbed reader hand taking her home after they got home Carmen showed reader who she belonged to.
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You woke up with your girlfriend's arms around you,even when she slept she didn’t want to let you go. You rolled over to face her,she was fast asleep. Her hair was a mess and she was snoring slightly,you knew if you ever brought that up she’d deny it. You brushed a piece of hair behind her ear,but even that caused her to wake up.
“Good morning” She sat up,brushing the rest of her hair back. 
“Good morning,do you wanna do anything today or should we just stay in bed?”
“Wasn’t that new coffee shop opening today?”
“Do you wanna go?”
“If you come with me” She laughed and got up,pulling you out of bed as well. 
As you stood in line she told you about her recent mission,you’d usually join her but you couldn’t for this one. You finally reached the front of the line and placed your order.
“What can I get you for you beautiful?” She winked at you,you felt Carmen’s grip get tighter on your hand. You turned to look at her,she was angry. Which scared you since you’ve never seen her upset,much less angry. You got your coffee,not noticing that something was written on it. You saw Carmen’s face change from anger to pure rage,but somehow she was calm. She grabbed your hand and didn’t let go until you got home.
“Carm?” Before you could get another word out,she had you pushed against the door. You had dropped the cup as she kissed your neck,stardeling you. Her lipstick already staining your neck.which was soon followed by her biting at your neck leaving hickeys all over. “Carmen” She bit down harder,making you throw your head back and moan. She picked you up,letting you wrap your legs around her waist. The next thing you knew,she had pushed you onto her bed. In seconds she had you both stripped down to nothing. It didn’t take long before she was pounding you,pulling your head back by your hair. She was still biting at your neck and you could hear her whisper something like ‘Mine’ over and over again. Who knew jealous Carmen would be so possessive,yet the second this was over she kept apologizing for the rest of the week. 
“I’m sorry”
“Carmen for the twelfth time,I’m fine”
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bxttxrflybxddie · 1 year
Hi there! If you still write for Carmen Sandiego, could I request Maelstorm X Fem!Reader headcanons? If you don't, you can ignore this.
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i still have a couple requests i need to finish along with updating all of my older works. (total plug, but commissions take priority 👀)
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amooo1023 · 1 year
Can u do a Carmen sandiego x fem!reader please and the reader fights crime with Carmen and does capers with team red. Thank you 😊!
Again, my blog is made for anyone regardless of gender or sex to read. I only write gender-neutral reader.
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corpsekitsune · 3 months
Hi! Could I request rise Donnie X fem!reader who's kinda like Carmen Sandiego? Like, she steals for a good cause and loves donating to charity
I no longer write for fem reader, sorry.
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cartoons-x-reader · 5 years
hii can i request a carmen sandiego x fem!reader where carmen is jealous bc the reader is spending a lot of time with ivy & zack (mostly ivy)??? please i love ur works!!
What is this feeling bubbling in Carmen’s gut as she observes you with Zack and Ivy from afar?
The feeling appeared roughly a month ago, and was easily shaken off. However, as time went on, and Carmen grew fonder of the newest addition to Team Carmen, the feeling exploded.
It was less prominent when you were with Zack. After all, Zack was too goofy to be taken seriously. But with Ivy, there was a tad too much flirting for Carmen’s liking, and the two of you have grown cozy these past few days.
Carmen didn’t like feeling this way of course. You’re your own person, and the two of you aren’t even a couple yet! Does she want the two of you to become a couple? Could Carmen be capable of romance after all the baggage she carried?
“Carmen!” You wave her down after finishing your chat with Ivy. “Hey, I was going to go check out some places nearby before we head off. Wanna come with me?”
Joy radiants you as you grasp her forearm, and the jealousy dissipates.
“I...” Carmen’s face softens into a smile. “Sure, that’d be great. Just let me change.”
“Awesome! It’s a date!”
Carmen glances over you to see Ivy watching with her arms folded. She winks when she notices Carmen’s stare.
So that’s why you two talked so much this week.
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
*rises from death*
HELLOO YALL 🤩🤩 miss me?? Man honestly YALL are cool asf
how are you doing?? Like how’s life?? In general ??
Make a Carmen x fem reader plss im dying out here
- anonysnuts <<3
My Knight in Red
Carmen Sandiego x Fem Reader
[Author’s Note: PEANUT ANON!!!!!!!! I hope you’re doing well! I’m doing pretty good and I had so much fun making this for you enjoy!]
     Moving was one of the best decisions you had ever made in your life. Your neighbors ended up being a mother daughter duo that ran a home orphanage together. The daughter was your age and it was pretty easy to get along with her. She was gorgeous, charismatic, kind, and funny. Totally out of your league or so you thought because she asked you on a date. 
Dinner at some really fancy Italian place. It was small yet had a beautiful rose garden on the porch where you two resided. Getting to know Carmen was quite interesting. Apparently she used to be a part of a charity organization that allowed her to travel the world. The stories were vague in some areas yet you were 100% invested. 
When she asked you about your life you couldn’t help but feel so…plain compared to her. Yet she seemed just as interested as you were in her stories. Laughing along and asking for elaborations, despite your life being mediocre it fascinated her. You were the breath of fresh air Carmen needed and vice versa. 
“I had a great time with you Y/n, you’ll have to invite me over sometime I’m interested in the…Switch?” She was the perfect mix of sly yet goofy that you just couldn’t get over. “One of my good friends loves video games, he’ll talk your ear off about it if you give him the chance.” This had been the perfect evening, both of you walking home with the streetlights and stars serving as guidance. “If he has a switch we can play online with him, also you can come over anytime.” Hopefully she didn’t notice how tinted your cheeks were. 
“Thanks for taking me out, Carmen, I had a lot of fun and I hope we can hang out again soon.” Carmen took you by surprise when she grabbed your hand, fingers intertwining with yours. “You really think this would be a one time thing?” She chuckled and shook her head, answering her own question. “When I said I liked you I meant it.” All you could do was freeze up. This had to be a dream or maybe you were in some sort of fanfiction. How does something as magical as this happen!? What deity did you appease!? You weren’t going to let this opportunity slip through your fingers. 
Your stroll came to a steady halt and you looked her in the eyes. On the inside your whole body was shaking yet this felt like something you had to do. You loved Carmen and that wasn’t something you were going to deny. “I love you a lot and this might sound really corny but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Both of you stood underneath the streetlight, getting lost in each other’s eyes. Slowly you two moved closer until there was little space in between you both. 
“Your money! Now!” You flinched out of alarm at the yelling directed at you and your girlfriend. The figure wore a hoodie with a hat and sunglasses. They had some sort of weapon in their hands yet most of them was obscured by the darkness. 
You thought you were prepared for such a situation but you froze up. “I’m not trying to hurt anyone I just want your money.” They took a step closer. You fished for your wallet in your coat’s pocket but Carmen put a gentle yet firm grip on your wrist. “No.” She stated quite harshly. “This is not your lucky day.” 
They charged at Carmen and all you could do was watch in frozen shock. Was this a cruel joke? It had to be! 
Carmen moved like water grabbing their arm and twisting it as she moved to the side and kicked at the back of their knee in one swift motion. Nothing that would cause serious damage but enough to stabilize the threat. “Life is hard, I get that. But crime hurts everyone.” She released her grip and lightly shoved the perpetrator, causing them to flee. 
She looked at you with a smile and an awkward chuckle. “Looks like I got some explaining to do. Are you alright though?”
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yanderebottom · 5 years
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The dragon prince
Janai x fem! Reader
Carmen sandiego
The umbrella academy
Attack on titan
Children of whales
K project
Hunter x hunter
Stray kids
The boys
Monsta x
Anything marvel
Anything dc
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Sorry I evaporated dude I haven’t been on tumblr as much recently
Carmen x fem reader (possibly for the last time 😭)
Keep up the good work and keep cool
This was pretty fun, and I’ll see you all next time
*epic outro music plays*
[Author’s Note: THE LAST ONE?? I’m so sorry I wish I’ve could have done more of your requests. I’m going to miss you. Thank you Peanut Anon. This is for you. You were a real one.]
     It was over. Vile had been taken down and its offenders would be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Finally after everything that had happened you and her could live a normal life, be a happy couple who could travel the world together. 
Until you woke up and saw the note along with Zach and Ivy. 
She was a sunset. You were so used to her and you didn’t realize how much she did for you until she was gone, leaving you to bask in her afterglow alone.
You were happy for her yet couldn’t help the tears that ran down your cheeks. Why couldn’t she take you with her? It was bittersweet. A moment of betrayal yet understanding. You couldn’t hate her even if she did leave you. She’d always have your heart. 
“Excuse me, ma’am?” You looked up at the waitress who placed a beverage and a sweet pastry on your table. You opened your mouth to speak but she beat you to it. “Free of charge. From the lady in red at the back…Table?” She pointed to the table near the window yet no one was there, only some money on the table. 
So it wasn’t the end. 
“Thank you.” The waitress was weirded out how you chuckled like it was an inside joke yet your eyes were glossy. 
You walked out of the cafe with the drink in hand and pastry in a bag. You walked down the sidewalk in a daze. You thought you were healing, that you were finally getting over her. 
You heard a car screech and felt someone yank you back. Your mouth was agape, eyes as wide as saucers. 
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
hi :DDD
Carmen x fem reader pls and thx
Holy Shit I’m Gay? Bi? I Dunno I Just Like Y/n 
[Author’s Note: Hello my friend!! Sorry it’s so short, school is being mean to me.]
Black Sheep/Carmen Sandiego x Female Reader
     “Player school is going so great!” Black Sheep held the phone close to her chest. “There’s this one girl in my class who’s super smart, funny, and pretty!” She squealed and did a few small jumps. 
“Wow Black Sheep, it sounds like you have your very first crush.” Crush? She heard that word before. Classmates would ask each other who they’re crush was. She even overheard Antonio admit to her Grey at Jean-Paul was his crush. But what exactly did that word mean? “A crush?” Player raised a brow and adjusted the headphones that were over his white hat. “Are you messing with me? You seriously don’t know what a crush is?” There was silence. She was dead serious. “A crush is when you like someone more than a friend, someone you wouldn’t mind dating or even spending your whole life with.” 
She was skeptical at first. I mean that did sound right but it sounded so extreme! Was having a crush really that extreme? “Oh come on man…I don’t really know if I’m crushing on her. She’s just….” Perfect in every way. “Riiiiggghhhhttt.” Player shot back with his sarcastic remark causing Black Sheep to roll her eyes. “Yeah, yeah whatever.” 
“Hey Sheepie!” Your familiar voice made her heart race, she stuffed the phone in her pocket. “I’m sorry I know it’s our break and all, but I was wondering if you could help me with my pickpocketing? The finals coming up soon are making me super nervous!” Black Sheep stood up, trying to pat the blush on her cheeks away. “O..Of course!” 
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
My Dream Girl…Literally
Carmen Sandiego x Fem Reader
[Author’s Note: To Peanut Anon 💗]
     You didn’t know when to it started although it felt like you have known her forever. Who? The girl in your dreams with soft brain hair and steel blue eyes. She decorated herself in red with the elegance and force of a ballet dancer. 
In these dreams there is no sound, no natural ambience and no voice even when you see her lips moving. You don’t think she can hear you either because when you speak she looks at her with a pitied smile and confused eyes. Both of you were stubborn though, finding ways to communicate without words. With hand gestures and charades. After so many years of seeing each other like this you two could talk to each other perfectly. 
If you were to guess, you would say you met her when you were fourteen. Now, both of you are in your early twenties. Is it sad that the closest bond you’ve ever felt with someone was a girl in your dreams? Something your brain made up? No. It wasn’t like that. There’s no way she is just a dream, she’s real and you know it. Even as the years go by you have hope that you will see her someday. You will wait no matter how long it takes. 
“Come with us they said. It’d be fun they said.” You grumbled, sitting on a large fountain with a warm Starbucks drink squeezed in between your cold hands. Your friends were going on a vacation and you were dragged with them. They weren’t bad people yet not exactly your type of people. They didn’t mean to leave you behind but they did anyways…Ouch. You knew that tomorrow they would apologize and buy you many things to appease their conscious. For now you just wanted to sulk in the cold before heading back to the hotel. 
The fountain was beautiful. A circular base below a statue of two women who held each other closely, foreheads pressed together, one even had their mouths open slightly as if they were giggling in pure joy. In between them was a basket filled with glowing balls as if they had been collecting stars. Water fell from the basket, illuminated by the light. 
You dug your hand into your pocket, moving your hand past the receipt, only taking your hand out once you had grabbed a penny. You held it close to your chest in your closed hand, closing your eyes. “I don’t want my life to go on like this. I wish I could find someone who truly gets me.” The coin was flicked into the water, making a small splash then sinking to the bottom. It was pathetic. You were wishing on coins like a little kid because of your loneliness. What were you expecting to happen? Someone to randomly show up in front of you? 
“The view is nice, isn’t it?” It took a moment to realize the owner of this mystery voice was talking to you. Not wanting to be rude, you looked up to reply yet you were frozen in your tracks. 
“It’s you…” You said dumbstruck, overwhelming joy making your throat and your eyes sting. 
The woman in red sat next to you, hands stuffed into her pockets. “It’s nice to meet you too. Outside of a dream.” Now you knew that she wasn’t just a dream. She was sitting right next to you, acknowledging your words. You set down your drink and hugged her. Usually you wouldn’t act like this to someone you had just met but it didn’t feel like that. You knew her before you were even in high school.
She returned your embrace, her arms around you as you leaned into the warmth of her coat. Like usual, both of you knew what the other was thinking without words. “I was hoping to see you too.” She admitted, her hand on your chin so you could look up at her. 
You scooted away from her, clearing your throat. “Sorry I didn’t mean to…be like that. I just- Was so happy to see you.” She chuckled, placing her hand on top of yours. “Trust me, I get how it feels.” She stood up yet her hand still engulfed yours. “I know a great French bistro that’s only a five minute walk away. I would like to get to know you better.” You nodded and stood up with her, unable to hide the smile on your face as you two walked hand in hand. “May I know your name?” 
“It’s Carmen.” 
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Please make the housewife fic! Please! I would love it so much!! Lesbians are real!!
-Anon 1
Seeing Red 
Classic Carmen Sandiego x Fem Reader
[Content warning: implications of child abuse, a forced/arranged wedding, toxic traditional mindsets. Keep yourselves mentally healthy 💗
Author’s Note: God works hard but my homosexuality works harder. Enjoy!]
     Y/n and Nathan together forever. What a sweet love story, when a rich family took in an orphan girl from the kindness of their hearts. The orphan girl went to high school along with the son and they became close, then wed. They were the perfect couple albeit traditional. Nathan went to work expecting a clean house, dinner, and a doting wife. 
What did Y/n get? 
Why did it matter? Y/n got to be with a rich, handsome, charming husband! It didn’t matter if she wanted to see the world, if she wanted wear something other than the collared dresses that had to go past her knees, or if she didn’t want to clean and cook. 
She was indebted to the Johnson family, they picked her up off the streets and gave her a life that others dreamt of. 
The might as well own her. 
Little Carmen Sandiego, found alone with a locket as her only possession. Taken in by a girl’s housing unit. 
Some of the girls she met were shy, covered in scars and burns as they squeaked at the quietest of sounds. The others were adorned with the same scars yet a different attitude: they created their own weapons and raised their voice as a warning sign. 
Then there was Y/n, a sweet girl who sat underneath the old oak tree with a crowd surrounding her as she read out loud from the book placed in her soft hands. Y/n’s stories were a union, enemies would sit next to each other, the shy and the rougher kids would share blankets, from young to old everyone tuned in. 
Including a younger Carmen. 
She didn’t know it then but she loved you. Your soft giggles, the exaggerated voices when you told stories, your kindness, you took care of everyone without expecting anything in return. 
After you were going to be adopted by some rather suspicious people you fled, leaving everyone with the memory of a girl with tear stained cheeks and fresh bruises. 
There is only one question on the super thief’s mind: Where on earth is Y/n?
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
More Carmen sandiego x (fem?) reader please god I’m so gay -anonysnuts
Can’t Sleep Love
Carmen Sandiego x Fem Reader
[Authors Note: Enjoy my little homosexual!
P.S. You will now be Peanut Anon]
     It took many hours to plan a caper, even with Player’s help. Carmen was used to staying up late and could function on very little sleep. You? You needed your sleep. Yet you didn’t want your girlfriend to be lonely or overworked. She had a bad habit of pushing herself to the point of unnecessary pain. You placed a mug down next to her on the coffee table. “Thought you could use some hot chocolate.” She smiled at you, tilting her head in your direction. “You spoil me too much.” Carmen leaned back into the sofa, stretching her arms out. “Head on to bed sweet girl, I’ll be there soon.” You rolled your eyes and took the seat right next to her, blanket still wrapped around your shoulders. “Knowing you soon could mean three hours.” 
Her arm wrapped around your shoulder as you leaned closer into her. “I’d rather stay here with you anyways. I can’t really sleep alone.” You sheepishly admitted, causing her to chuckle. “Aww you flatter me, doll.” Carmen planted a kiss on your forehead then on your cheeks, causing you to giggle. “Seriously? What did I do to deserve you?” She both arms wrapped around you in a tight squeeze. “My cool,” Smooch. “Kick ass,” Smooch. “Girlfriend.” Smooch.
She released her grip you still leaned next to her, giggles quieted down as you wrapped your arms around her waist. You may have clung to her like a koala but she didn’t seem to mind. You closed your eyes, being able to drift off in her presence. 
“Thanks Player, couldn’t have done this without your help.” Carmen logged off the call and shut off the laptop. She went to stand up, only to realize you were still clinging to her. She looked down at you sleeping blissfully, her phone was taken out as she snapped a picture. “Cute.” She spoke quietly to herself as she picked you up and took you to your shared room with her. 
You were wrapped securely under the blankets yet you still stirred when Carmen was no longer in your grasp. “Alright, alright,” She rolled her eyes and laid next to you. “Even in your sleep you’re needy, not that I’m complaining.” You lay in each other’s arms once more, able to drift off together. 
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Hihi! I just recently found your page and I just LOVE all the headcannons and x Reader headcannons and stuff and I just-
Could you maybe do Ivy x Fem Y/N headcannons (bc dumbass lesbian mechanic things 👀) if you haven’t done so already?
Ivy x Fem Reader Headcanons
[Author’s Note: Hello! It’s so nice to see new people interact and enjoy the blog and I hope you’ll be a regular around here!]
Silly girlfriends.
It’s hard not to smile when Ivy is around.
Lots of hugs.
Both of you are inseparable, always seen together at all times. 
Both of you separate are very smart, capable people but together all your brain cells fuse. 
Lot’s of loud off-key singing. 
Her love language is verbal, Ivy always has something positive to say about you whether it be to other people:
“Oh! My girlfriend mentioned this once! They are really into it.” 
Or to you: 
“See? I knew that nail polish would look great on you!” 
Ivy doesn’t keep any secrets and she’s very approachable. She’s very trusting and doesn’t just tell anyone the things you tell her. 
If you open up to her about any past trauma she’ll look at you sadly and hug you, she doesn’t force you to elaborate or blame you because things happen. 
Loves flustering you but when you flirt with her she just:
Ivy.exe has stopped working.
She’s very accepting even when it comes to small silly things:
You sleep with stuffed animals? Cool do they have names?
She’s definitely a keeper and she feels the same way about you. 
Ivy takes a lot of sentimental photos of you. You sleeping, making a silly face, wearing something wacky, you with a flower crown on your head.
You’re literally dating your best friend and it’s really, really cute.
I’m jealous.
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