#Carmilla spoilers
brotherdusk · 2 years
the people who got violently angry at everyone in dracula for not realising they were in a horror story until it was too late would die if they read carmilla I think
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starlitartworks · 10 months
Designing Carmilla is so fun for a very specific reason
When she died (1698), fashion looked like this:
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and when she meets Laura (1872) , the fashion looks like this:
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I'm gonna have a lot of fun subtly mixing these styles >:D
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see-arcane · 1 year
Is Carmilla dead in this AU?
Yup. Keeping with this canon means also keeping with her story's canon, ala that tale's irate vampire hunters ending her in her coffin well before Dracula got the ol' stab and slice.
The undead quarry of "The Vampyres" is going to focus on those rascally revenants who 1) Keep themselves running on actively hunting and terrorizing living victims and 2) Done got away with it in their own stories. But those stories are over and done with.
And Mr. 'Quinn Morse' is writing a new one. 🔪
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the-irreverend · 8 months
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You had one job...
...AND YOU FRICKIN' NAILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xxjustshakeitupxx · 8 months
Y'all, we all basically know Alastor is gonna betray the Hotel Crew and the ANGST that comes with that will be awful, BUT IT'LL BE SO MUCH WORSE WHEN HUSK AND NIFFTY WILL BE FORCED TO BETRAY THE OTHERS TOO
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skyeateyourdonuts · 1 year
hi im gonna barf this out to get it out of me and ill be done (long rant ahead)
the similarities i see between carmilla and good omens are as thus:
(SPOILERS FOR THE END OF GOOD OMENS S2 and also carmilla but thats been out for ages so whatevs)
season one: ended with Big Problem solved and then together
season two: started with them together (tho undefined for aziracrow) and then their relationship got more tragic as the season progressed either bc of Not communicating (aziracrow) or different ideals (hollistein) and thus they Broke up (even tho the former arent even official) and even tho "grumpy and unaffected" is mad at "loyal and good-to-a-fault", they try to warn them of what the consequences of their decisions will be bc they know Bad like their good counterpart has never seen and dont want them to get hurt in the same way they did. HOWEVER "good" ends up choosing to make the mistake themselves and witness the consequences themselves
unfortunately that means "grumpy and brokenhearted" is now hurt by "loyal to a fault" and that means reconciliation but the person that actually did The Wrong and caused Hurt isnt entirely either one (tho in carmilla id argue laura Did do big wrongs in s2 i mean i know she thought she was doing the right thing but girl. u turned off the CAMERA u knew it was bad like? u Knew u just hadnt. said it to urself yet i think) but it does mean that "good"'s choice will lead to more than just hurting of their once-partner/almost-once-a-partner but huge universe changing consequences that could lead to more than just regular heartbreak but real death and destruction
anyways ill talk Just about good omens from now on i NEEDED to verablize the similarities and also just as got incredibly dedicated to carmilla for this exact tragicness u can all expect me to be just as devoted to this other tragedy what can i say i love watching tragic romances where its one who knows better and the other who will learn the hard way its so!!!!! PEAK ROMANCE!!!
LIKE just to have someone still be devoted to u and incredibly star-crossed for u EVEN AFTER u make one of the most life changing mistakes a person could ever make and then (in carmillas case) help u clean it up like!!!!! they tried to warn u, u wanted to learn, now uve learned, so thyre gonna help u!!! I JUST!!! THATS REAL ROMANCE AND LOVE TO ME!!! AAAAAAAAAA
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twotangledsisters · 8 months
I just realised...
Vaggie's final battle outfit is totally inspired by Carmilla.
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She took the black and white, with the x... At first I thought it was a nod to her exterminator outfit but it felt odd for her to want to nod to that. This makes more sense.
And I think it's so sweet that Carmilla has such an influence as a mentor in such a small amount of time! Love all of their final battle outfits tbh.
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fizzierolli · 8 months
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But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love
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maxiemumdamage · 8 months
I’m sorry, but the idea Carmilla was able to kill an angel because she did it in defense of her loved ones means Charlie’s hotel and the plan to get everyone to care about bonds with others is so important. It means it will be the reason her uprising against Heaven might work. And it’s a great way to show that even without Charlie being involved, there’s always been a little good in Hell.
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godzillamaster1 · 8 months
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From what I've seen, it looks like Alastor is very thin-skinned when someone hits his pride and ego the way Carmilla and Lucifer did
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lilacthebooklover · 8 months
i just noticed that when vaggie meets lucifer, she covers up the x on her eye that carmilla later references as pointing her out as an ex-exterminator. seems like those nerves were from a little more than just meeting the parents, huh?
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petitprincess1 · 8 months
Velvette is Carmilla's rebellious daughter
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First of all, the sheer fact that Zestial and Carmilla did not harm or even fully snap at Velvette is interesting. You'd think these, most likely, more powerful Overlords would have no issue with silencing her. However, they just let her keep talking. Also, Vel really noticed Carmilla's idiosyncrasies vs everyone else in the room. Not even Zestial picked up on them.
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Second of all is the hair color and eyes. The only ppl to have similar eyes are Carmilla's daughters. Not to mention the white hair. There's a chance that Velvette's hair is dyed and the white streaks are her hair's true color. Heck, Clara (the girl on the right in the first pic) looks practically identical to Vel.
Of course, this is all just a theory (RIP Mattpat...he's not dead)
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mirconreadzztuff22 · 7 months
I literally pissing why does she look at poor Zestial like that after he said ‘we can’t act without more intelligence’ 😭
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Oh and the sheer audacity of Velvette to be like ‘I could eat you lot for breakfast’ in front of TWO CANNIBALS 💀😭
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Alastor looking at her like “oh you wanna try that?”
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calimiedades · 2 years
Loved this new installement of Carmilla!
I do wish I had joined "Carmilla chapter by chapter every Sunday" but ok. Halfway through, I believe.
I love how ruthless Carmilla is about her "condition". Just like lions kill and just like humans kill animals to eat, so does she, particularly those she deems inferior to her and her friends.
And now she's attacked her love to be with her forever. This book is the best.
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xxjustshakeitupxx · 8 months
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Also Alastor:
And I barely escaped being killed by a hair
"Great Alastor, altruist, died for his friends"
Sorry to disappoint, that is not where this ends
I'm hungry for freedom like never before
The constraints of my deal surely have a back door
Once I figure out how to unclip my wings
Guess who will be pulling all the strings!
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geekgirles · 7 months
I know this has got to be the dumbest, most obvious take yet, but I just can't help it. I am positively obsessed with the fact that Vaggie's turned out to be Hazbin Hotel's, and more specifically Charlie's, literal guardian angel.
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