#Cas Wormwood
Suptober 26 Oct.: Hum
"I hate to say it, but I think Rowena's right that wormwood is not going to be useful–" Cas began.
"Bunker's haunted," Dean interrupted.
deancas, post-s12 au (alive cas + real baby jack), fluff
"Cas, do you hear that?"
"What, Dean?"
"That's what I'm asking: there's a noise."
Cas turned on the bedside lamp. "I can hear a lot more than you can basically every waking second, so you're going to have to narrow it down."
Dean flopped back onto the mattress. "It's already stopped."
"What did it sound like?" Cas rearranged the top sheet and a blanket that had managed to get all wadded up at the foot of the bed. 
Dean didn't answer since he was out like a narcoleptic. Cas snapped off the lamp and refrained from hitting Dean in the face with a pillow; it would've disturbed the baby.
Halfway across the kitchen floor, Dean halted, plates in hand.
Cas looked up from his (Sam's) laptop. "Muscle cramp?" he guessed. Dean had occasionally bolted upright in bed from spasms that had something to do with Charlie's horses.
"What is that," Dean whispered harshly, eyes darting around like he was watching flies fight.
Cas started to say, "I don't–" 
"Nevermind, it's stopped." Dean unfroze and kept moving towards the table with their dinner.
"Taco Tuesday?" Sam asked as he came down the steps into the kitchen. 
"Help yourself," Dean said around a mouth full of beans.
Sam's plate ensured there would not be leftovers. "Where's Jack?"
"Down for a nap." Cas nodded at the audio monitor on the counter. "We had fun at the pumpkin patch earlier."
"Oh, I bet." Sam grinned. "Jody texted me a couple of photos."
Dean groaned. "First of all, corn mazes are configured by sadists. Secondly, sometimes babies puke, Sam. Grow up."
Sam grinned more broadly, and chomped down on a stack of tortilla chips with salsa.
A final decision on if they'd all be staying in the bunker was still being debated, possibly to the death the way Sam and Dean argued about it after a few beers. In the meantime, since Jack was only four months old, it was easy enough to just wheel him in his bassinet into any room they wanted. Or plunk him into his cozy car carrier, which he loved. Or stick him on his baby yoga mat – Dean's term for it – and let him attempt to roll around with a few squishy toys and a teether shaped, for no apparent reason, like an octopus.
Cas was in one of the file rooms, with Jack doing some wee calisthenics on his back in the little bed, when he noticed Dean backtrack to the door after initially strolling past.
"I hate to say it, but I think Rowena's right that wormwood is not going to be useful–" Cas began.
"Bunker's haunted," Dean interrupted.
Cas waited. 
Dean stepped into the room, looking spooked. "I heard the noise. I've been hearing the noise. Someone or something is trying to tell us something." 
"Dean, I assure you, I have hearing far superior to yours, and I have not heard anything out of the ordinary." Cas walked over and took his hand. "The bunker has all sorts of instruments that emit a variety of noises at a variety of frequencies, some of which are surely lower than a human's ears could detect." He squeezed Dean's hand. "You also don't sleep particularly well, which isn't new but also, I know, hasn't been helped by Jack and I staying in your room."
Cas took a breath. "Would it help if we slept in my room for a few nights? Let you catch up on some real rest."
"No," Dean said, sounding cross and crestfallen. "This isn't– You said it, I don't sleep well most of the time, so not sleeping like the experts would recommend isn't causing a problem. Not this problem anyway." He squeezed Cas's hand back. "Besides, I, uh. Like you being in there."
"All right." Cas placed a kiss beside Dean's eye. "I'm going to go back to researching the hupia."
Dean spent four days waving every EMF meter they owned over every square inch of the bunker and looking increasingly peeved that not a single meter so much as blipped in response. Cas almost felt jealous of Sam being out on a case with Rowena.
They'd brought the rocking chair from Kelly's house, and at night Cas rocked Jack to sleep with a story. It had been tricky at first – scarier, somehow, than expected – figuring out how to balance a swaddled infant and a book with only two human-type arms and one human-type lap, but once Cas got the hang of it, it became his favorite way to end the day.
Well, that involved the baby.
Jack's minuscule eyelids were drooping by the time Cas finished the board book about berserk hippos a half hour ago. Cas kept rocking, rocking. He'd sung Jack a few mangled verses from "Landslide" and was just humming the rest, soft and low, as Dean tiptoed in, closing the door behind him.
Dean petted his hand down Cas's arm as he crept around the rocker to the bed. "Want me to put him down for you?" he whispered.
Cas nodded and passed Jack over like a loaf of fresh-baked bread. Dean cradled Jack's head and neck in his hand as he slid him into the bassinet like the expert he was. The baby put up no complaint. Dean smiled softly down at him and rolled the bassinet to the side of the bed at a slow, steady pace. 
He turned and held out his hand to Cas. Cas took it and rose into his arms. They held each other for a while, Cas's head tucked under Dean's chin. Cas sighed into the comfort and the warmth. 
"There it is," Dean hissed suddenly, pulling away and head whipping around wildly. Cas grabbed Dean's arms to keep him from going any further. Dean went stock still, pupils blown, complexion ghostly. "What is that?" Dean whispered in a desperate plea.
Cas listened. Oh. Finally, he understood what Dean was hearing. He maneuvered Dean back over to the bassinet.
Dean looked down at Jack and made a series of comedically outsized eye blinks. He leaned further down, staring and staring, like he could not make sense of what was being witnessed.
"He's humming." Dean's voice rasped with awe. In quick succession he looked up at Cas and back at the baby and then back to Cas. "He knows how to hum?"
He sounded both so lost and so elated that Cas could barely keep from covering his own face with his hands out of some difficult to describe emotion. 
Instead, Cas nodded. "He does it all the time. Has been for weeks. I didn't know you didn't know."
"How does he know how to hum?" Dean demanded, his tone still caught between outraged and delighted.
"There's music playing all the time around him. And you sing a lot more than you may realize. The other day you were singing 'Mustang Sally' to him at bath time. Incessantly," Cas added. He did not love that particular song.
Dean stood up straight. Jack was completely asleep, making no sound save his tiny baby breaths. Dean watched him for a second and Cas watched Dean. Cas's chest seemed too full for whatever he was feeling as Dean touched a fingertip to Jack's curled fist.
"Apparently babies humming is very common," Cas said, in case it helped. "On one message board I read, a parent said their little girl also sometimes made creaky door noises."
Dean huffed a small laugh. "Thank goodness Jack doesn't do that too; I'd have gone completely mad by now." He returned to Cas and put his arms around him again. "He's a very smart baby."
"I already knew that," Cas said, but kissed Dean anyway.
note: i'm not saying Jack's humming on purpose to freak Dean out, but I'm not not saying it either 😇
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tganalostarosciak · 7 months
Other artists with unusual style. Part 2
Kei Zama:
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Kei Zama (座間 慧 Zama Kei) is a Japanese comic artist and metalhead. After discovering Last Stand of the Wreckers, they fell hard for Transformers and started hunting down every Western comic they could, with Geoff Senior and Derek Yaniger being faves and influences for their "powerful and aggressive" styles.
Starting as a regular cover artist for IDW Publishing, they became the regular artist on Optimus Prime in late 2016.
As well as Transformers, they've drawn for their fan-fave 2000 AD: starting with those other war robots, ABC Warriors, for a 2017 Free Comic Book Day special. They were unsure about doing it at the same time as starting their ongoing Optimus Prime gig but John Barber, their co-creator, talked them into it.
Kei Zama is a Japanese comic book artist who has worked on several Star Wars projects for Marvel Comics as an illustrator and cover artist, including War of the Bounty Hunters – 4-LOM & Zuckuss 1, Life Day 1, and Doctor Aphra (2020) 21. They enjoy the prequel trilogy films and appreciated the experience of drawing characters from the 1999 prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace for the Pride Month variant cover of Darth Vader (2020) 24.
My opinions for this artist, they have made lot of details when they are making transformers comics as which they've drawn for their fan-fave 2000 AD which is starting with those other war robots aka Cybertrons and Decepticons.
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Ben Templesmith:
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Ben Templesmith is an Australian comic book artist best known for his work in the American comic book industry, most notably the Image Comics series Fell, with writer Warren Ellis, and IDW's 30 Days of Night with writer Steve Niles, which was adapted into a motion picture of the same name.
Templesmith produced his first commercial American comics work in 2001, providing the art for Todd McFarlane Productions' Hellspawn, which was published by Image Comics. He has gone on to create his own original works as well as contribute to many licensed properties at various publishers, most notably IDW Publishing, with which he had an exclusive agreement through most of 2008 and part of 2009 before returning to being a freelancer.
Original works Templesmith has produced include the miniseries Welcome to Hoxford, the New York Times best-selling Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse Tommyrot: The Art of Ben Templesmith, Conluvio and Choker at Image Comics with writer Ben McCool. He also provided a number of covers for the Oni Press series Wasteland.
In April 2012, DC Entertainment announced that Templesmith would be one of the artists illustrating a new digital Batman series with stories set outside regular DC continuity.
My opinions for this artist, that his art works have like different emotions but he want it to be in the dark theme scene on the comic as it very unusual for it in the comic itself as it is like explaining the emotions with colours but in dark theme style.
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Joëlle Jones:
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Joëlle Jones is an American comic book artist and writer, best known for her work on Lady Killer, a series published in 2015–2017 by Dark Horse Comics, for her cover work on various Marvel Comics series, and for her work writing and illustrating DC Comics series including Batman and Catwoman.
Joëlle Jones is an Eisner nominated artist currently living and working in Los Angeles, CA. Since attending PNCA in Portland, OR, she has contributed to a wide range of projects and has most recently has worked on Batman for DC comics. She also wrote and drew the series, Lady Killer, published by Dark Horse comics. Jones has also provided the art for fashion designer Prada, and various projects for Marvel, Boom, Vertigo, Oni Press and The New York Times.  Joëlle currently has projects with DC comics as well as continuing her Series Lady Killer.
My opinions for this artist, that her art works has very complexing colours on her work as she works on the details little by little as she had made positive spaces and aswell negative spaces to show what specific parts that our attention should be.
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cruger2984 · 2 years
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"God will either give us what we ask, or what He knows to be better for us."
The abbot of Clairvaux, confessor, the Last of the Fathers, the Doctor Mellifluus, and a Doctor of the Church, was born of a noble family at Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Burgundy, Kingdom of France in 1090. Bernard was the third of seven children, and his parents were Tescelin de Fontaine, lord of Fontaine-lès-Dijon, and Alèthe de Montbard, both members of the highest nobility of Burgundy. At the age of 9, he was sent to a school at Châtillon-sur-Seine run by the secular canons of Saint-Vorles, and had an interest in literature and rhetoric. He had a special devotion to the Virgin Mary, and he later wrote several works about the Queen of Heaven. At 19, he lost his mother, and during his youth, he did not escape trying temptations and around this time he thought of living a life of solitude and prayer. At the age of 22, while he was at prayer in a church, he felt the calling of God to enter the Cistercian Monks of Cîteaux.
His testimony was so irresistible that 30 of his friends, brothers and relative followed him into monastic life. Three years later, Bernard was sent with 12 monks to found a new monastery at Clairvaux, a forested place in the Valley of Wormwood. The reputation of his holiness soon attracted 130 new monks, including his own father. During the absence of the Bishop of Langres, Bernard was blessed as abbot by William of Champeaux, Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne. From then on a strong friendship grew between the abbot and the bishop, who was professor of theology at Notre Dame of Paris and the founder of St. Victor Abbey in Paris.
One day in order to cool down his lustful temptation, he threw himself into ice-cold water. Another time, while sleeping in an inn, a prostitute was introduced naked beside him, and he saved his chastity by running. Many miracles were attributed to his intercession. One time, he restored the power of speech to an old man that he might confess his sins before he died. Another time, an immense number of flies, that infested the Church of Foigny, died instantly after the excommunication he made on them. So great was his reputation that Princes and Popes sought his advice, and even the enemies of the Church admired his holiness of his life and the greatness of his writings. Bernard then passed into Germany, and the reported miracles which multiplied almost at his every step undoubtedly contributed to the success of his mission. Conrad III of Germany and his nephew, the future Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa, received the cross from the hand of Bernard.
In 1128, Bernard participated in the Council of Troyes, which had been convoked by Pope Honorius II, and was presided over by Cardinal Matthew of Albano. The purpose of this council was to settle certain disputes of the bishops of Paris, and regulate other matters of the Church of France. The bishops made Bernard secretary of the council, and charged him with drawing up the synodal statutes. After the council, the bishop of Verdun was deposed. It was at this council that Bernard composed a rule for the Knights Templar; it soon became an ideal of Christian nobility. Around this time, he praised them in his 'Liber ad milites templi de laude novae militiae (Book to the Knights of the Temple, in praise of the new knighthood)'.
In 1144, Bernard was commissioned by Pope Eugene III to preach the Second Crusade. Moved by his burning words, many Christians embarked for the Holy Land, but the Crusade ended in total miserable failure. That proved that even saints sometimes can commit mistakes. He died on August 20, 1153 at the age of 62 or 63, in Clairvaux Abbey in the province of Champagne (modern day part of Ville-sous-la-Ferté).
Canonized a saint by Pope Alexander III on January 18, 1174 and declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius VIII in 1830, his major shrine can be found at the famed Troyes Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul), where his 12th century reliquary is held. Bernard is the patron saint of candlemakers, beekeepers, and the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon aka the Knights Templar.
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occupyhades · 7 months
Destination: The Forest of Lies
We know that anyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning. 1 John 5:18 (ESV)
Wealth is treacherous, and the arrogant are never at rest. They open their mouths as wide as the grave, and like death, they are never satisfied. In their greed they have gathered up many nations and swallowed many peoples. Habakkuk 2:5 (NLT)
“Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin." Isaiah 30:1 (NKJV)
If someone claims, “I know God,” but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. 1 John 2:4 (NLT)
Their mouths are full of cursing, lies, and threats. Trouble and evil are on the tips of their tongues. Psalm 10:7 (NLT)
With deceit in his heart he devises evil; he continually sows discord. Therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in an instant he will be shattered beyond recovery. Proverbs 6:14-15 (BSB)
The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. Apocalypse 8:11 (ESV)
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They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer). Apocalypse 9:11 (NIV)
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wormwoodandgallshop · 7 years
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I am a tarot reader currently based in Salem, MA. However, as vibrant as the community is here, I am a strictly solitary practitioner with no desire to open a storefront in town. I prefer to keep my client bast intimate and selective. While I am always happy to host clients in my parlor at home, if they are local or visiting, I am inclined to indulge in the old-world charm of offering a letter detailing my interpretation of a remote reading. While I am happy to work with you via email, I have an affinity for snail mail. I welcome those new to the tarot, as well as seasoned devotees, so don’t be shy about reaching out if this is your first encounter with the cards. If you have any questions about me or my practice, don’t hesitate to reach out. With the winter approaching, I have new openings in my schedule that I would like to devote to card-reading. No inquiry is too general or too specific. If you are interested, reach out, and we’ll begin our dialogue. At your service, C
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queerebrum · 4 years
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dear wormwood. // the oh hellos, for @luulapants
I have always known you      You have always been there in my mind           But now I understand you                And I will not be part of your designs
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altarofdecay · 3 years
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i refuse to make actual good art for my story so take these shitty summaries and im aware my handwriting is terrible so the titles are in order fear monger, cunis ad sepulcrum, void fantasy, and namiko and the seventh sun
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hunterwire340 · 3 years
Sims 4 Mm Default Skin
Sims 4 Maxis Match Skin Overlay
Sims 4 Maxis Match Default Skin
Sims 4 Mm Skin Overlay
Sims 4 Default Skin Tone Replacement Alpha
PYXIS SIMS: ARE WE ELECTRIC - A DEFAULT SKIN. Article by jillian. Sims 4 Cc Eyes Sims 4 Mm Cc Maxis Sims 4 Cas My Sims The Sims 4 Skin Sims 4 Cc Makeup Sims 4 Toddler Look Girl. More information. People also love these ideas. Oct 20, 2018 - “ MARIANA SKINBLEND ” hi guys! I’m excited to share with you my second skinblend! Like my first, this is a default skin for all ages, but i’ve also made a non default version this time =) i received a.
Other people have reported the same problem I'm having on other forums. The general consensus is that something in the latest update has effected the ability to use our own default skins. I for one don't like it. One of the things I've always liked about the Sims (all versions) was my ability to customize it to my personal liking. Sims 4 Cas My Sims Sims Cc Sims 4 Body Mods Sims 4 Game Mods The Sims 4 Skin Sims 4 Cc Eyes Sims 4 Mods Clothes Sims 4 Cc Makeup. Sims 4 Default Skin Cc Our pores and skin is the body’s premier and most stretchable organ, comprised belonging to the outer epidermis and also internal dermis. Being the body’s outer masking, it affords safety in opposition to sunlight, warmth, cold, an infection and trauma. It also stores h2o and regulates the body’s temperature.
Sims 4 Maxis Match Skin Overlay
penguin skinblend
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because it was 5 am and in this household we name things after batman villains apparently
i dipped into the skinblend world for once because i have so many skin details at this point that i keep forgetting which ones i usually put on my sims and i’m tired of having to go to my own resources to see. this includes:
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johnnyzest’s frankie skin
madmono’s knight skin
pxis’ summer skeletons v2
all ages + genders
face only and non-default only
located in the forehead section of skin details
custom thumbnail
download under the cut because i don’t trust myself
Sims 4 Maxis Match Default Skin
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Sims 4 Mm Skin Overlay
(but u should totally)
Sims 4 Default Skin Tone Replacement Alpha
Posted 2 years ago with 10,165 notes Via: zombietrait, Source: zombietrait Tagged: #ts4mm #s4mm #maxis match #ts4cc #sims 4 cc #sims 4 skin detail #sims 4 skin details
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theblondesimmer · 3 years
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Breaking up all my CAS content with a build! I made this build for the #covencollab housed by the talented @tragicplumbob!
The Wormwood Cottage. Two spellcasters with green thumbs decided to settle in the countryside after completing their magical training. They built a small shop next to their home to see their goods for potion production. This home is 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. 
This home is available to download on the gallery! 
EA ID - aBlondeSimmer
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thumbgarden · 3 years
How to Care for Grape Vines in Winter
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The grape has accompanied mankind since ancient times, quenching thirst, invigorating the soul, and healing the body. The grape has been grown in the United States since the end of the 16th century, with brief success. This success was short-lived as it succeeded in protecting the root system (under snow) from high loading temperatures of 32°F (0°C) during some snowy winters, while in the spring, it formed the ground for mass and harvest. Over time, it was recognized that the conditions in the United States required grape varieties with specific properties: increased resistance of the root system to high loading temperatures of 32°F (0°C) and increased resistance of the vines to winter frosts. To avoid losses, it is necessary to winter cover the vineyards, especially for table varieties, and you should do it correctly, as described in our article today on how to care for the grape vines in winter.
A. Preparing grapevines for the cold of winter The varieties bred for California (undoubtedly the wine capital of the United States) and many eastern state regions have contributed to their development to the north, and today grapevines are forming good harvests in all of California. But the grapes' genetic memory of the past still requires growing conditions close to where viticulture originated: the necessary amount of heat and temperature, sufficient light and shelter from late fall and winter cold. Temperature fluctuations are more likely to cause the death of immature vines and young plants. The old-time winegrowers had a whole range of winter shelters in their farm arsenal: spindles, burlap, mats, straw, nets, wooden frames, boards, etc. Different types of coverings are used in the vineyards of Dacca and family plots, depending on the growing region, the duration of cold weather, snow cover, and the weather patterns of spring and fall. The vine bushes must be prepared for covering. Otherwise, roots and vines may be gnawed by rodents, mildew and other fungal diseases may appear on improperly mulched vines, eyeballs may die, etc. To properly prepare shrubs for winter, the following preparations should be made. Water the vine bushes heavily during the dry autumn months. 1. in September, fertilize the vine bushes with potash or phosphorus-potash fertilizer. 2. Prune immature vines after the leaves have fallen. Immature vines are green or light green. Immature vines always freeze to death in winter. 3. In addition to sanitary pruning of immature vine shoots, create a load by leaving 2-3 extra buds for control in the spring. 4. Treat the vine bushes with a 3% solution of copper or iron sulfate, and other solutions of pest and disease control preparations. 5. Prepare the above-ground part of the grape bush for mulching. Remove from the wire mesh and tie the shoots into loose bundles. 6. Prepare the trench (if technology is provided) under the laid vines for mulching. 7. Prepare the mulching material.
B. Disinfection of the mulching material 1. Immediately after removing the mulch in spring, the spunbond, linen, and mats used for the vine mulch should be dried, cleaned, and treated with a working solution of antifungal preparations. Carefully stack them in a dry place until autumn to avoid the entry of precipitation. 2. Wooden decorative panels, roofing felt, straw, and reed mats should also be carefully treated with a 5-7% solution of copper sulfate or other ingredients to prevent disease and insect infestation. Place them in neat piles under the canopy. 3. In the fall, modify all prepared materials before mulching the grapes. Discard and destroy anything that has rotted. 4. In autumn, prepare missing mulching mats such as reeds or straw, straw, fallen leaves, or sashes of coniferous trees. Dry the fallen leaves and treat them for fungal and pest problems. 5. Prepare and dry bales of herbs and insecticides to protect against pests, including rodents (cinnamon, wormwood, marigold, marigold, and others). Insecticides from grass stems can be used to cover leaves, straw, and mats. You can also cover stems with sprays or rodent baits, or other insecticides.
C. Types of vine covers Vine coverings can be divided into several types: 1. Near-bolted vine cover. 2. Semi-covered vines. 3. Full vine cover in the cold season. Regardless of the region, 1-2-year-old seedlings, European varieties that do not tolerate temperature fluctuations, and hybrids need to be covered.
1. Grape roots buried close to the stem In the South, cover the grapes around mid-November. After preparing and implementing all the necessary measures to prepare the above-ground parts for winter, the grapes' roots are covered. As the grape roots start to freeze at 19-23°F (-7 to -5°C), a mound of soil forms around the stump at the first frost of 24-28°F (-4 to -2°C) below 32°F (0°C). The soil between the rows is used to cover the grapes around the kernels. The soil is covered so that the lower part of the vine heads and clusters are completely covered. The mound should be at least 12inch (30 cm) in diameter and 4-10inch (10-25 cm) in height, depending on the age and root system of the bush. Vines of mature, frost-resistant grape varieties can withstand frosts down to 5°F (-15°C). Once the root system is covered, simply remove the vine from the stand and place it on the bottom wire or through a mat on the ground (wooden boards, plywood). If the frost does not exceed 5°F (-15°C), no further covering is necessary. However, if the temperature drops further, you will be covered urgently.
2. Semi-covered grapes In some U.S. states like California & many eastern states, semi-covering of bushes is used for frost protection. The difference is that only the part of the bush closest to the ground is protected from frost. Given that the cold accumulates in the ground layer, the head, lower arms, and base of the buds of the bush are covered. The higher parts of the plant should be protected with a protective cover of straw, spindle, or old blankets. The protection should be at least 2inch (5cm). The wraps should be secured with twine to prevent them from being torn off by the wind. Be careful not to break the buds. The above-ground part of the vine can be covered in another way. Make shallow trenches on the sides of the bush. Bend the cuttings to the ground and pin them up while covering them with soil. The curved shoots can be kept above the ground. Leave them open or cover them with various materials. You can use mats, old blankets, plaids, spunbond or agricultural fibers. Cover carefully so as not to break the buds. Place a layer of cling film over the cover, secure it with a willow bow or twine, and cover the edges with soil. Leave vents at the bottom to prevent the bush from becoming moldy during the autumn heatwave. The mature vines of young vine bushes can simply be placed in a shallow trench dug and covered with 4-6inch (10-15 cm) of soil. To ensure that water does not accumulate in the open space between the rows where the soil was taken back, be sure to dig through this area. You can carefully bundle the short bush into a loose bundle and wrap it with insulation. This will create a winter cloak for the bush. Cover grape seedlings with bottles for the winter. It is easiest to use clear bottles of 0.8-1.3 Gal (3-5 liters). Cut off the bottom and drive the bottom of the bottle into the ground. The cork is unscrewed. Cover all sides of the bottle with soil.
3. Full coverage of vines Complete the mulching of the vine bushes in areas with winter temperatures below -4°F (-20°C). After all, preparations have been made, cover the bush with soil. Remove the vines from the trellis, carefully bundle them into a loose bundle and place them on a prepared bed of slabs, planks, or plywood. These serve to insulate the vines from the ground. It was imperative that the vines be isolated from the ground. The vines were nailed to the ground with arches so that the tied vines would not arch up high. Cover the above-ground part of the plant with pre-prepared mulching materials: sacks, lattices, reeds, straw mats. The mulching material should always be natural; artificial materials do not retain heat. The vines may die. Carefully tuck the shelter in. The insulation is stretched to the top and secured with arch support or a U-shaped structure. Cover the ends of the foil with soil, making sure the foil does not touch the buds. Make sure to leave a gap to prevent the vines from steaming up. Some grape growers nail prepared vines to the soil in arcs and cover them with 6-12inch (15-30 cm) of soil or, if it snows, with snow. If it is not possible to remove the vine from a trellis or other high support, wrap and secure it to the support. Protect the roots alone, but be careful. Cover the head, lower sleeve, and trunk with a mound of soil, cover it with twine and cover it again with twine. Cover it with snow and make sure it serves as a cap to cover the Lapnikom. do not let it become bare. Otherwise, the vine may freeze. In cold areas with prolonged frost, make a house or box out of Lapnikom or planks covered with dry leaves or straw. It is covered with straw mats or mats and covered with slabs of thick boards. In spring, the structure can be removed and cleared of bushes. It is best to cover young or small vine bushes with this type of construction. It is also possible to cover vines that have been removed from the trellis and tied into loose bundles. When mulching with leaves or straw and with any other type of mulch, be sure to place rodent-proof bait at the base of the trunk and cover it with insecticidal plant stems. Rodents will not come to such a house.
D. Vines opening in spring Open the vines in the third decade of April or in early May. As the steady warming begins, the mulch should be removed to prevent the formation of condensation that kills the swollen shoots. When the first shoots appear, all vine cover should be removed. It is best to remove the mulch in the evening or on a cloudy day so that the seedlings and shoots do not get sunburned. All mulch should be collected and burned or moved to the area between the rows and covered with soil. The mulch will decompose and act as an organic fertilizer. As a stable positive temperature emerges, rake away the soil, loosen the base of the vine poles, the lower sleeves, and lift the vines onto stands. During the same period, the condition of the vines is monitored. Loosen the soil with a rake to bring oxygen to the roots. If the bushes are simply covered with roofing felt or aluminum foil and then covered with snow, the snow cover will be raked off, leaving only a permanent mulch. On warmer days, the film or felt can be taken off, dried, and the vines covered again at night until a stable positive temperature is established. When growing grapes in colder areas, preserving them requires a great deal of work and effort. Therefore, it is best to grow winter-hardy varieties in greenhouses that do not require complex protective structures, either uncovered or under root protection only.
E. Undiscovered vine varieties suitable for growing in the countryside For the home gardener, three main types of grapes need to be considered: American ( Vitis labrusca ), European ( V. vinifera ), and French-American hybrids. American grapes are the most hardy, while European grapes - -often better suited for wine than for the table-perform well in warm, dry, Mediterranean-type regions. Hybrid varieties tend to be both cold-hardy and disease-resistant, but not as tasty as European grapes. That is, another American grape in cultivation is Muscadine (V. rotundifolia), which is native to the southern U.S. Muscadine's thick skin makes it best suited for jam, wine, or other processed grape products. The following for the list of varieties used for making wine. Albariño, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Gewurztraminer, Grenache, Grüner Veltliner, Malbec, Merlot, Pinot Gris/Pinot Grigio, Pinot Noir. Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Syrah/ Shiraz, Tempranillo, Viognier
#ThumbGarden #Gardening Tips #How to grow Fruits #How to grow Grape #Grape #Fruits #Perennials #Shrubs #Trees #Orchard #Urban garden #Largegarden #Mediumgarden #Smallgarden #Outdoor garden #Watering #Mulching #Plant care #Care #Inspired #Winter
Author: Ms.Geneva Link: https://www.thumbgarden.com/grape-vines-in-winter/ Source: ThumbGarden The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization, and for non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
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dramauricaversan · 3 years
Naturopath Doctor In Toronto Dr. Amauri Caversan ND Discusses His Natural Solutions For Helping Those With Parasite Infections
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Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND is a naturopathic medicine practitioner in Toronto. He has published a new article on his website that discusses methods for diagnostic testing and the integrative care solutions that are used for helping those with parasite infections.
If a patient complains of food poisoning, flu, or lingering fatigue like symptoms, and their health keeps deteriorating, they might be suffering from a parasitic infection. Endoparasitic infections such as protozoa or helminth infections can be diagnosed by several types of diagnostic tests. A naturopath is most likely to recommend comprehensive diagnostic testing followed by a naturopathic integrative and functional medicine approach to help diagnose and alleviate the patient’s symptoms.
Toronto naturopathic medicine practitioner Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND uses a variety of tests such as the GI 360, GI Effects, and stool ova/parasite tests to arrive at a diagnosis. The GI360 Profile is a wide-ranging clinical stool profile that uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, MALDI-TOF culture, and ID, and microscopy to identify pathogens, viruses, parasites, and bacteria that may be causing gastrointestinal indicators and disease. The GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Profile uses progressive technologies and biomarkers (PCR Culture, MALDI-TOF MS + ID, and microscopic ova and parasite (O&P) detection) to provide health practitioners with awareness into a patient’s digestive function, parasites, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome. The Ova and parasite tests involve examining stool samples to microscopically check for single-celled parasites, along with helminths (worms), such as hookworms, tapeworms, and flukes.
The natural solutions they might utilize at, the Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre, for helping with parasite infections may include the consumption of oregano oil. Oregano is a herb closely related to mint and thyme that is used as a spice and a preservative. It may also be used as a nutraceutical for some symptoms. According to a small study of 14 people with intestinal parasites demonstrated that taking oregano oil for six weeks reduced or eliminated Blastocystis Hominis infections in all 11 volunteers who tested positive and the parasites’ symptoms were reduced in seven of those 11 people.
Another natural remedy that the article mentions is berberine. It is found in herbs including the European barberry and goldenseal. It has been shown in preliminary studies to ward off intestinal parasites. The website references a report in the Iranian Journal of Parasitology that showed that extracted berberine displayed activity that may contribute to protecting against tapeworm infections.
The third compound discussed is wormwood. Wormwood has been shown to act as a replacement for synthetics when dealing with parasite-related diseases. The journal, Antibiotics, states that the bioactive ingredients obtained from wormwood have been shown to display actions against helminths.
When asked about the clinic’s approach to helping those who might be suffering from parasitic infections, Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND says, "If you think your health concern has been triggered by parasites, and you are seeking a natural solution to diagnose and treat parasite infections. We’re here to help you reach your health goals and attain a positive lifestyle.
Our integrative care solutions may help those whose lives have been upended by the pain and discomfort caused by parasites. Contact our clinic today to find out what we can do for you."
Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND applies a combination of Acupuncture, Integrative Functional Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Detoxification, and Bio-Identical Hormone Treatments to help manage his patients’ health. The naturopathic integrative and functional medicine approach programs offered at the Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre may also help those dealing with other health concerns such as digestive issues, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and hair thinning, pain management/chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, chronic disease prevention, and other underlying health conditions..
Special Considerations
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: herbs are likely unsafe when taken by mouth during pregnancy/ breast-feeding. Certain plants may cause allergic reactions. Be sure to check with one's healthcare provider before taking any herbal treatment.
Readers looking for a Naturopath in Toronto can reach Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND’s clinic at the phone number (416) 922-4114 or via email using their website contact page.
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from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/44332-naturopath-doctor-in-toronto-dr-amauri-caversan-nd-discusses-his-natural-solutions-for-helping-those Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre Dr. Amauri Caversan ND 1200 Bay Street #1102 Toronto, ON M5R 2A5 (416) 922-4114 https://dramaurinaturopath.com https://dramauricaversan.business.site/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=3038336745616118047
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color-me-malfoy · 4 years
After the rumor spreads that The Dark Lord has returned, a tyrant woman called Dolores Umbridge takes over Headmaster Dumbledore’s position to run the school in a way where no one can speak against the Ministry. In the middle of all the chaos, Harry Potter approaches you saying that he wants you to help him in a secret mission to teach the students how to defend themselves in case The Dark Lord infiltrates the school. However, a certain platinum-haired boy from the Inquisitorial Squad is seeking every way to win you over to his side. So you’re stranded between what you believe in and what you think is right. And sometimes, you can’t just wait for it.
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Hogwarts isn’t just what it used to be.
After Dolores Umbridge was hired to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Hogwarts seemed to lose a big part of its magical charm, now replaced with protocols, prohibitions, and restrictions which took the form of increasing numbers of announcements nailed to the wall every week.
And when there was not much competition between the Hogwarts houses before, now it seemed life was hell if you were anything besides Slytherin. 
To top it all off, no Quidditch, no clubs, no spells.
How ironic would it be to be studying at a magic school without magic?
Hogwarts used to be a place of adventure, of suspense, of wonder.
You'd fight to get that home of yours back.
But for now, in the moment where you didn't have that liberty, you felt absolutely… helpless.
You sighed as you opened your Potions book. If anything stayed the same, it was Potions. Everybody hated Professor Snape before but now all of you began to realize that although he took house points from everybody at all possible moments, Snape was literally a saint, a great teacher compared to Umbridge.
You were measuring a half-cup of wormwood when you heard someone calling your name, but as you looked around no one seemed to be paying any mind to you.
Until a folded note landed on your desk.
You picked it up and slid it into your pocket quickly enough for Professor Snape not to notice and went back to gathering the ingredients.
You turned around and caught the eyes of a student just a few seats behind you. It was Draco Malfoy. He was charming, girls flocked around him often, but then he was Umbridge's teacher's pet. Everyone knew better than to mess with him, because that would result in a tea party with Umbridge in her office- except everyone knew it wasn't actually a tea party, and she'd torture whoever it was to the ends of the earth and back for "tormenting a little boy".
The said "little boy's" gaze on you didn't falter as, it seemed, he was trying to copy your process of brewing Wound Cleaning Potion. Normally you'd tell the cheaters off or report them to the teacher, but you decided it was better not to because; 1.) Professor Snape would never believe you, and 2.) you would rather let him copy off you than have a visit to Professor Umbridge's petrifyingly pink little chamber.
You and Draco seemed to finish at the same time, but he put his hand up first.
"Very good work, Mister Malfoy," everyone turned as Professor Snape loomed over Draco's desk, "fifteen points to Slytherin."
He smirked as his fellow Slytherins congratulated him. You raised your hand and Professor Snape went over to you.
"Fairly done work, L/N, but you should have worked harder to finish in quicker time," he said bluntly. "Do better."
You let out a small huff and nodded, and Snape went to the other tables to check on the others' work.
You suddenly remembered the note you had received and fished through your pocket to read it.
Y/N, it read, Let's meet after dinner at the courtyard. If you could come alone we'd appreciate that. Signed, H Dot Potter.
Signed Harry Potter?
You looked at where Harry sat with his friends and although they were busy brewing their potion, they consistently snuck glances at you as they saw you reading their note.
What in the world could they possibly need you for? As far as you knew, Harry was enough of a legend on his own, what more with people like Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley? But you were flattered that he'd approach you for help, so you decided it wouldn’t hurt to go.
You folded the note and put it back in your pocket just as Professor Snape dismissed all of you. You sighed in relief and rushed to get outside to get away from the smell of all the failed potion brews.
But just as you got out, you ran smack into somebody and tumbled backwards.
It was Draco with some of his friends: Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise Zabini, and the worst girl in history, Livina Andersen, who would intentionally go out of her way to make a fool out of you in every situation possible.
“Watch where you’re going, L/N, some people have somewhere to go,” Liv sneered as she and the boys walked past you.
You rolled your eyes and stood up, not noticing that the silver-haired boy was still there until you heard him speak and jumped a little in surprise.
“Don’t take it personally, Y/N,” he whispered when they were out of earshot. “They’re just pissed at Snape.”
You looked up to meet his gaze and your breath stuttered a little.
He looked even better up close, with intelligent eyes that seemed to hold a harmony of emerald-green within them.
But you realized he was talking to you, so you sucked in a breath and dragged your eyes to the floor.
“Ho-How do you know my name?”
“How could I not? You're my schoolmate.” He shrugged, then the two of you moved out of the way when students began to file out of the room.
"Can I walk you to the hall for dinner?" He asked.
"It's alright, I don't want to put you through the trouble, Malfoy, you must be busy," you shook your head, still staring at the floor, and went to walk around him.
His hand shot out and lightly grabbed your wrist, and you looked back again in surprise.
"Thanks for letting me copy," he winked, then let go of your arm. You looked back at him one last time before timidly scurrying away.
"So I heard you succeeded in brewing Wound-Cleaning Potion?" Ruth, your best friend, asked as she swirled her tea around before sipping.
"Yes, but Professor Snape checked Malfoy's potion first. He told me to do better," you mocked Snape with a stern face and a forced monotone squeak.
"Snape doesn't have the right! And someone saw Draco Malfoy copying off your potion!"
You looked up, your spoon of mashed potatoes halfway to your mouth.
"Who?" you asked.
"Lester Law," Ruth said as she nodded her head to a Ravenclaw boy on the other side of the hall. He was your age, with blonde ruffled curls, sitting by himself with his nose buried in a book.
"Isn't that the boy who fell asleep in the library last year and woke up at 2 in the morning?" you laughed.
"Yes," Ruth gave you a playful glare, then laughed. "He's the smartest boy I've ever known, but he doesn't do anything besides reading and writing like he's running out of time, that's why he's the favorite doormat of students of the I.S. like Livina Andersen."
You drank a glass of water to clear your throat as you remembered something. "Oh, and then Draco Malfoy talked to me after class."
Ruth gasped and leaned in closer. "He did not!"
"He did! He said he wanted to walk me here, and I said no thank you-."
She gasped again. "You said no thank you?"
"...Yes, what's with that?"
"Do you know how many girls in the entire school want to talk to him?"
"No," you shrugged.
"He's literally the one approaching you! I'll bet my pockets everyone will try to ask you about Malfoy tomorrow," she flailed her arms in exaggeration.
"Yeah? Well, don't count on it." You tapped on the table, then turned to look at the door.
"Oh, Ruth, I have to go," you stood up and grabbed your bag. "Harry Potter wants to talk to me."
"Ha-Harry Potter?!" She cried in excitement, then stood up, knocking over some plates, garnering the attention of most of the other students. "The most wanted boy from Gryffindor wants to talk to you! How are you not nervous-"
You grabbed her shoulders. "I am nervous, Ruth! So I better get there on time," you whispered.
Ruth nodded, then the two of you squealed with joy.
"Remember, just stay calm, try not to get nervous, but that’s almost impossible because he's so cute,” she giggled. “But I’m just saying if you really love me, you would share him."
You looked around at the courtyard, then sat down at one of the benches waiting for Harry to arrive.
Turns out he was already there.
You felt a cloth being put over you and tried to wrestle away, but you turned to look at whoever it was and-
"Harry? What are you doing?"
"Ssh," he said, then pointed to some Inquisitorial Squad members patrolling the grounds. At first, they seemed to look in your direction but shrugged and turned away, walking back towards their dormitories.
"They can't see us," he whispered. "This is an Invisibility Cloak. It previously belonged to my father, but Professor Dumbledore gave it to me and told me to use it for good."
"Oh, wow," you sighed. "Why-Why'd you ask me to meet you, and why does it have to be so secret?"
He laughed as he realized that the two of you were sitting at a bench and huddling under an Invisibility Cloak.
"Do you still have that vial of Wound-Cleansing you brewed?"
“Yes, I do, I don’t even know what I’m going to use it for.”
“Well, ca-can I buy it? How much do you want?”
“Buy it? Well, how much is this thing worth?” You asked.
“Well, I’d say two galleons,” He fished in his pocket and gave you a coin. As you took the money, you took a second to glance at his wrist, and, true to what you expected, the words "I must not disrespect my superiors" was scrawled on his skin, leaving red marks of blood.
“Got detention from Umbridge again?” You asked, and he laughed.
“Oh, yes I did.”
“Is that why you need this?” you said as you handed him the vial. He nodded.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, Y/N,” he looked around to check if anyone was watching, and he guided you to stand up as he took the cloak off you, then proceeded to wrap it around himself. "I have a lot of things to do and this might ease the pain."
"Don't mention it,"
“See you around,” he whispered, then you heard the light shuffling of foot steps, signifying he was walking away.
You whirled around and proceeded back to your common room, with the coin in your hand and-
“Ow!” You cried, then shook your wrist to calm the searing pain. You bent down to pick up the money you dropped. Something had just burned your hand.
Was it the coin?
You pressed the ice harder on your palm as you walked to the library, with the coin in your pocket. After you fell asleep that night holding it, you were jolted awake by another burning sensation on your palm. You thought it was something else, but then it happened again at lunch, and you blew a gasket and wondered what kind of bloody hex was placed on the coin.
You stormed into the library and headed for the section about hexes and joke items, but the book you were looking for seemed to be taken by someone else.
Just at that moment, the bloody coin scalded your hand and you yelped, then let out a small whine of frustration. 
But you were shushed by some people in the library, and you sighed and mumbled an apology.
"Looking for a book?" Someone chirped from behind you. "It can get really disappointing when ya' can't find it."
You turned around and saw the boy Ruth was talking about at dinner yesterday.
"A-are you Lester Law?" you asked.
"Lester Lawrence, actually, but you can call me Lester," he gave a toothy grin.
You held your hand out. "I'm Y/N L/N, do you know the book Hex-Spotting for Beginners? I need it for… research purposes?" you unsurely laughed.
He grinned even wider and held up the copy of the book you were looking for.
"Oh," you frowned, "I'm sorry, I'll use it another time-" 
"No, no worries, you can use it now."
You took the book from him, but thought about it.
"What can you tell me about this coin?" You handed the coin to him.
"Oh, well, it's a galleon, made in the year 1923 on November 16 -oh, that was yesterday!- and… that's pretty much all I can see-"
He suddenly hissed in pain and dropped the coin, shaking his hand in the air.
"What was that?" He cried. "Oh, golly, that hurt! Bad coin!"
"That's what I was wondering, it kept scalding my palm," you scurried to pick up the coin, but took another good look at it and stopped.
"Lester, what did you say the year was?"
"Uhh… 1923," he blew on his hand.
"The… The date's changed."
"What?" He moved beside you to look at the coin.
"Look, it says 1250 now," he observed, "And the date changed to November 17! That's today! Is-Is that a code for something?"
"It must be a time and date," you wondered. "12:50 pm."
"But what about 1923?" he asked. "There's only twe-"
"No, this must be 24-hour time," you realized. "Five, six, seven- this must be seven twenty-three in the evening!"
"You are a genius, L/N," he gaped.
"No, whoever made this is a ge- Wait."
Lester took the coin. "Something wrong?"
"Harry Potter gave me this coin," you mumbled.
"You actually met Harry Potter? Wow, you must have a real nice lucky star-"
"Lester, do you think Harry's up to something?"
He pondered on it for a moment, then shrugged.
You looked back at the book, then at the coin, and sighed. "This might get me in trouble, but it would be great if I found out what Harry's been up to. Would you mind if you could find out what kind of hex he placed on that coin?"
"For research purposes?" He winked and you both broke out in laughter. You stood up and grabbed your bag.
"I’ll find that hex. Go get the Potter, Y/N," he cheered loudly, though he clamped his mouth shut after three or four students shushed him.
Then you waved and started for the door.
“Meanwhile, I am going to find out who Harry’s little date is.”
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
5x02: Good God, Y'All
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The long reign of Lucifer has begun
Bobby’s in the hospital --and in a wheelchair. Sam and Dean hover outside his door, and Dean shows Sam x-rays of the Enochian warding they have carved on their ribs.
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(I briefly wondered if the carvings would show up on an x-ray, and then thought they’re Enochian symbols placed there by an angel, and stopped sweating the details.) 
Sam gets a call from Cas, who apparently is wondering where they are. Lol, poor boy can’t see Sam and Dean now that he’s warded them from angels. It’s okay, Cas. Dean’s yearning for you becomes so strong over the years, you’ll always know how to find him. Anyway, they start to bicker before Bobby puts the kibosh on it, demanding that Cas heal him. 
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Cas is cut off from Heaven. He can’t heal Bobby. Convenient plot development, but really sad. He then turns to Sam and Dean (because he’s more angel than human still, and very much on a mission) and tells Dean that there’s someone who can beat Lucifer other than Michael: God. 
For Sweet Summer Child Science:
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Classic Dialog Alert:
Dean: Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla.
Cas :No, he's not on any flatbread.
More Classic Dialog Alert:
Cas: I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you.
Every time I watch this scene, I need a moment.
Bobby tries to break the tension by asking what Cas wants. Cas continues to stare at Dean from two inches away but eventually breaks the eye contact and tells Bobby he’s looking for an amulet. “It burns hot in God’s presence.” (Only if he didn’t turn it off!) It’s the Samulet that he wants, and he’s going to stare at Dean and talk in a gravelly voice until he gives it up. 
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Dean gets naked in front of Cas. 
Cas flaps out on his hunt for God. 
Rufus, who appears to be on a hunt gone bad, calls Bobby. He’s in River Pass, Colorado and the town’s full of demons. Sam and Dean head out to investigate. 
They get to the town’s bridge-- and it’s blown to bits. No cell signal either. They walk the rest of the way and enter a seemingly empty town, abandoned cars notwithstanding. 
They’re eventually greeted by Ellen --and a facefull of holy water and a gun. 
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She takes them to the basement of a church, where there’s a group of people gathered. She tells them that Rufus was in town, so her and Jo came. They couldn’t find Rufus and her and Jo got separated. Sam looks at the people in the room and says they need to get them out of here. Ellen says they’ve tried --but people keep getting killed off. 
Sam and Dean head out to get more guns and find Jo and Rufus. Once alone, Dean hesitates having Sam go with him, but Sam insists. They split up once outside to gather what they need. 
While Sam is in the store stocking up on salt, two demons wander in. A fight ensues. Sam guts both of them (AND OOF. They’re not demons.) Sam realizes it almost right away. Dean walks in then and sees what went down. 
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Judgement clouds his face. 
Back at the church, Gun 101 begins. Sam reflects on killing the people and how he wishes they could go back to saving people. Ellen interrupts and tells them she’s heading back out to find Jo. Sam wants to go as well. Dean doesn’t trust his brother around demons but Sam wins that fight and heads out with Ellen. 
Sam and Ellen start walking, and discuss the rift between Sam and Dean. Then Sam notices smoke from a chimney. 
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Sam and Ellen lurk around the newly discovered stronghold. Sam’s suspicious - demons don’t get cold so why do they have a fire lit in the fireplace? Suddenly they’re attacked...by Jo! She calls her mother an “evil skank” which is certainly a LOT to unpack. Ellen watches black eyes flash in the eyes of her daughter. Meanwhile, Jo demands that the “black eyed bitch” possessing her mom vacate the premises. HMMMMM. Ellen escapes while poor Head Trauma Sam gets knocked out by Rufus and captured. 
Sam wakes up to Jo and Rufus preparing to interrogate the heck out of him. Their exorcism...does not go well.
Ellen returns to the compound without Sam. She lays out the recap for Dean, and focuses on Jo’s accusation that Ellen is a demon. They try to figure out why Rufus pegged this town for a hunt.
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Rufus was drawn to town by the sudden pollution of the river. No, it wasn’t a tour bus dumping human waste into a river! It was something far more insidious. A bright shooting star shot through the sky the same night the river turned foul. Dean heads for the bible and finds the proper passage in Revelations: the star was Wormwood, and it’ll bring ruin. The priest is appalled. Is Dean FOR REAL talking about the apocalypse???? War rides a red horse, and “red horse” reminds Dean of the cherry red mustang parked downtown. Folks, we’ve met our first Horseman of the Apocalypse! (This is so Good Omens it hurts...but I guess there’s only so much to be done with the biblical source material.)
Dean puts it all together: War is pitting them against each other, making all the humans in the town think the other group are demons. 
War confronts Sam. 
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War’s wearing the visage of a local, so he can watch the show up close. He confirms that there are no demons. He’s just having a little fun. 
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War gets into Sam’s head and tells him that he knows Sam is jonesing for a blood fix. Urgh. Before he leaves, War spins his ring around and blood begins to trickle down his forehead. While Sam’s still looking on gormlessly, War hurls himself to the ground like he just got attacked. When Jo and Rufus burst in, War tells them the others are coming for them and Sam gets knocked across the skull AGAIN. 
Dean isn’t faring much better. The other people are more interested in fighting than accepting what Dean’s trying to sell: that the demons aren’t real and War is just some dude bopping around town. 
Roger, aka War, bursts in. He tells them the other contingent is ready to attack. It’s time to fight! When Dean tries to contradict War, he spins his ring. Suddenly, all the other people in the room are angling to kill Dean and Ellen, who they now see as demon spawn.
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Dean and Ellen scamper the hell out of there, while War smiles after them. 
Everybody in the compound loads up on live ammo, while across town Rufus sets up pipe bombs along the perimeter. Jo has second thoughts about blowing her mother into pieces, but Rufus is resolute.
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As our two murder teams converge, one of the bombs at the window blows. It’s Dean and Ellen breaking in! They try to talk down Jo and Rufus. Dean tells Rufus that War is responsible and slowly, Rufus watches the black drain away from Dean’s eyes. 
Just as the four of them enjoy a happy reunion, the other townspeople arrive. Dean frees Sam, and they confer on the nature of War. Most significantly, they agree that the ring appears to be War’s ticket to power. 
People on both sides begin to shoot at each other. Fortunately, they’re all terrible shots and miss each other. Until the priest goes down, that is. Rufus grouchily personally disarms the people of the house after they fail to follow orders to lay down weapons - and honestly is it too much to ask that Rufus have some OBEDIENT soldiers under his command??? 
Dean and Sam corner War at his car. 
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They pin War down and slice the fingers off his hand - including the one with the ring. Suddenly, everyone stops fighting and hallucinating demons and there are many RAGRETS. War disappears, but his ring remains. 
Dean suggests tossing the ring into Mount Doom and I high five him.
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Sam’s not into the levity. He knows Dean doesn’t trust him and this hunt made him realize that he doesn’t trust himself either. Sam decides to leave hunting. Dean offers Sam THE IMPALA because he will literally give anything and everything for Sam, oh my god. Sam practices safe choices, and hitches a ride with a stranger, instead.
The One Quote to Rule Them All:
Went to radiology. Got some glamour shots
Enough foreplay
I killed two angels this week - my brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world and I lost everything. For nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.
Great. Now I feel naked
This isn't X-Files, pal
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devil-speak-true · 4 years
Fictional Perfume for Hecate
Each of us resonate with McKittrick in different ways. Some draw, some write, and right now, most importantly :
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Except that, one of my personal hobbies is to pick perfumes for SNM characters, real or fictional.
The following perfumes have never been made (but should be made). They’re figment coming out of my McKittrick memories.
Goddess in Red
Bloody Rose, Weird Wormwood, Ancient Ambrarome
She is antediluvian: born when old gods still walk the earth, playing mortals’ fate like a game of chess.
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He-ca-te, the goddess of witchcraft, this name alone sounds like an ancient curse. In my personal opinion, wormwood is the best companion for witches. It has a weird, bitter, herbal odor, you won’t find it anywhere else. 
One push to the sweeter side, wormwood will become a hallucinogenic absinth; switch to the bitter end, it mixed well with charred immortelle; when done light, a green aromatic juice; turn to the dark side, it smells like straight of scorched hell.
Just like the goddess herself: intrinsically ambivalent and polymorphous, her image is everchanging, no mortals has ever see her true face —— but we’re all too familiar with her  avatar in Mckittrick:
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The floor sweeping red dress swirls with her steps, like mandala painted with blood, like a thousands scarlet tongues of tigers, like —— a huge rose opens in the midnight.
So first we need a big red bouquet of Turkish rose, using its deep fragrance to cover the trace of wormwood; when you are completely intoxicated by the red flower, the poisonous herbal odor of wormwood will snares you with its long green fingers.
After everything else is stripped away, even the mirthless laughter of wormwood has died down, you’ll get a glimpse of the goddess’ primodial origin —— ambrarome, a labdanum-ambergris, smells old, dusty with a lingering animalic hint, like the fossilized skeleton of an ancient beast.
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wormwoodandgallshop · 7 years
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Renowned curiositeers. Connoisseurs of all things lovely and accursed. Purveyors of old-world wizarding attire - for a new era.
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Podcast Recommendations?
Currently listening to:
A) The Adventure Zone (only up to ‘Petal to the Metal’), Adventures in New America, Aftershocks , Alice Isn’t Dead, Arca-45672, The Angel of Vine, Archive 81, The Archivist, The Atomic Library , Attention Hellmart Shoppers!, Audio Diary of a Superhero
B) Bad Gladiator, Beasts of Bardon College, The Behemoth, The Black Tapes, Blackout, Blackwood, The Blood Crow Stories, The Box Podcast, The Bridge, The Bright Sessions
C) The Call of the Flame, Camp Monsters, The City Within the Walls, Civilized, Copperheart, Counterbalance, Critical Role, Crypta, Cryptids, Cybernautica
D) Derelict, Dreamboy
E) The Earth Collective, The Elysium Project, End of All Hope, The Enoch Saga
F) -
G) God Complex, Gone, GREAT & TERRIBLE
H) Heretic, The Haunted Hour, The Hidden People, Hosts of Eden, How I Died
I) Immunities, Inhale, I AM IN ESKEW
J) Janus Descending, Jisko Archival REcords
K) KAKOS Industries, King Falls AM, Knight Falls CA
L) Lake Clarity, Larkspur Underground, Lesser Gods, Limetown, Liminal Apocalypse, The London Necropolis Railway, LUCYD
M) Marscorp, Marsfall, Meteor City, Mina’s Story, Mirrors, Modern Fae, Moonbase Theta OUT, Mount Olympus University, Mythos the Series
N) The Narrow Caves
O) Once It’s Begun, The Orbiting Human Circus, Organism, The Orphans, Oz 9
P) Paralyzed, The Penumbra Podcast, The Phenomenon, The Pilgramage Saga, Pod to Pluto
Q) -
R) Radioland, Raising The Dead Again, RedWing, ReMade, The Rose Hill Diaries
S) SAYER, The Second Oil Age, Station to Station, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, Still Lives, SunDown UNDEAD, Super Ordinary, Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke, Supervillain Corner
T) Tale - A Knight Adrift, TENDRIL: The Banshee Chronicles, The Theatre of Tomorrow, The Volgun, The Thrilling Adventure Hour, TUNNELS
U) UNCANNY COUNTY, Under the Electric Stars
V) The Van, Vast Horizon, VEGA, The Veiled Monarch, The Veiled West, The Vessel, Video Place, Violet Beach, A Voice from the Darkness
W) We Fix Space Junk, Welcome to Nightvale, We’re Alive, The White Vault, Witches of the City, Wolf 359, Wooden Overcoats, Wormwood: A serialized mystery
X) - 
Y) Yowie Podcast
Z) The Zetas, Zoo, 
0) 2298
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