spongyspingy-rising · 6 months
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we are pogging in the chat tonight folks!!!! happy april boops!!!
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mewvore · 2 years
Can you make yourself pregnant with the biggest foodbaby ever please🥰, I wanna see that being belly round outwards
I'm saving up for a trip, so I cant really go about eating frivolously for a few weeks 🤧 heres one from last year
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lilnasxvevo · 9 months
Last night I couldn’t fall asleep because I got hit with a ferocious wave of wanting to be a foster parent so bad
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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Welcome to the first Chill Valicer Save update of 2024! Where we discover that the gang is a few months ahead of us in the calendar and already celebrating Egg Day. :p However -- before we get into that, we first have to cover a mini-update I did before playing through Egg Day proper, where I took a crack at updating the house a little bit! I'd hoped to do a bit more with replacing furniture and such, but ended up deciding to hold off until after Christmas/my birthday (when I received the cashola to buy Horse Ranch and Home Chef Hustle) when I'd have more options. Here's what I did manage to update, though:
A) I took all the new plants out of Smiler’s inventory (black bean, soybean, coconut, pineapple, noxious elderberry, poison fireleaf – as it turns out, I didn't need them to buy a pomegranate as we already had a pomegranate tree), plus the spare planter that Victor made way back when from the household inventory, plopped all those in the greenhouse, and started rearranging! I now have all of Smiler’s herbalism stuff together, with the noxious elderberry and poison fireleaf next to their counterparts; all the veggies together; all the fruits together (with the pineapple next to the dragon fruit); all the flowers together; the soybean and black bean in the new planter; and the coconut in the empty patch in the orchard. So basically everything is now grouped a lot better. I may still rearrange the planters themselves in the future so certain types of plants are closer to the crafting stations that use them (like putting all flowers near the flower-arranging bench), but at least now all the similar plants are grouped together properly! Oh, and while I was in there, I tried replacing the "stuck" juice fizzer (that was permanently displaying a "ready to collect" screen with nothing in it) with a new one, just so the gang had one at home if they wished to use it. I later discovered that the new one ended up "stuck" too, but at least I tried?
B) I replaced both the upstairs and downstairs litter boxes with the fancy kind that shoots lasers to automatically vaporize cat poop. XD Hey, look, the family can afford it, and it saves them having to clean the litter boxes.
C) I recolored Moory’s shed to some cheerier colors after being like “why would THIS FAMILY, of all families, go with a beige cow shed” – now it’s bright yellow! Isn't that nicer?
D) I replaced the toilet and sink in the downstairs bathroom with more expensive versions – with decorative slots, so I could put a soap dispenser on the sink. :) I was going to do the same upstairs, but ran into a problem because the two bathrooms have very distinct color schemes, and I’m not sure the toilet and sink combo I used downstairs would fit with either...have to ponder that one a bit more!
E) I penned in Toothy – which involved MOVING Toothy to the other side of the front yard, by the tree in the left-hand corner and the wind farm, because as it turns out cowplants need surprisingly big pens. Possibly because Sims have to stand a certain distance away from them to feed and play with them. If I’d left Toothy in its usual spot, I wouldn’t have had any way to get to the pet obstacle course in the corner by the kitchen. I’m still not ENTIRELY happy with the placement, but it’ll do for the moment, and it means Toothy is now cut off from anyone who can’t get through the gate – which is anyone but household members. *nods*
F) And this one I didn't get a good shot of (though you'll see it in a future update) – I copied one of the grouped photo frames I got from that family reunion I did a little bit back and put some of Victor and Alice’s honeymoon photos from Selvadorada in there. It looks nice (even if I still have a couple of spare photos that have to be arranged around the grouped frames), but I still need to decide how to handle all the photos they’ve got hanging around. I’ve been thinking that I should maybe cull a few so they have more space on their walls and perhaps look a touch less narcissistic...but the problem there is, I personally love the photos, so I don’t know if I could bring myself to delete them. *sigh* We SO need “photo albums” in the this game. Give me a book object that you can put photos in, and that when you click on it, plays a little slideshow of the photos, and I will be CONTENT.
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honestly where does trump get his makeup? I've seen bad bronzer and orangish foundation but the man is orange orange.
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starlit-mansion · 1 year
Okay when i say that the fnaf movie will probably be kind of bad... i'm not saying i'm not excited about it. But i do think that the effects are going to be extremely sparingly doled out and the movie is going to struggle to fill time and probably a handful of things from the trailer are not going to make it to the screen
Still excited tho. Still going to show up opening weekend, large popcorn, big sippy, wearing several pieces of merch. Thankfully i am blessed with high credulity for movies in theatres even if they turn out to suck ass. I even decently enjoyed the illumination addams family movie. And aquaman. And mario movie. I am not immune to beautiful face, huge.
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cashloanapp · 1 year
Cashola Ai Partner Credit
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lil-so · 8 months
i’m so mad there’s not really such thing as a playplace for grownups. all little kids have to do is get somebody to take them to a mcdonald’s or a park like 15 minutes from their house and boom it’s playground paradise, meanwhile if you’re a 25 year old kid like me i’m expected to be happy with forking out the cashola to go to a whole theme park or pay for a rock climbing gym subscription like whee how fun. a workout routine and an empty wallet. and it’s NOT the same thing as going to the park when it’s nice and quiet out and swinging on the swings or playing hide and seek in the restaurant play area after a delicious cheap burger dinner with the caramel apple slices.
i know it’s probably not in the cards for me but if i ever get the money for it i want a big house with a playground in the backyard and an indoor playroom inside too and i’ll invite all my friends over to play with me :)
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Just so stories: Mommy and Daddy
In the (questionably) blessed White Picket Fenced America of 1955, things were deceptively simple:
Mommy stayed home, while Daddy was earning enough cash to buy that new Frigidaire.
Uhm. No, not really: see what happens to Mad Men's Betty Draper, the pearl-stringed suburbia matron. Not exactly a cheerful look, but perhaps a true, albeit neurotic, one.
For some unfathomable reason, one of the main dismissive arguments used against shippers reads along some very similar lines. I paraphrase, as this is a collective POV (probably stemmed from CO's laboratory and snowballed to great success across their dashboards):
'Oh, aren't they stupid! How can they expect C to follow him around the world, children in tow, at his beck and call? Or to wait for him, military wife style, as he traipses from Vegas to London to Paris to Belgium? What are these, The Fifties?'
To this Dorothy Dixon, along comes one of the Tumblrette Pundits, with a ready-made answer, always the same:
'Of course they are stupid! Of course she doesn't! Every time she is working somewhere, she brings McSideburns and The Blonde Bambino around! And McSideburns takes care of Blonde Bambino, as he should! Reality, not fantasy!'
Let alone they have absolutely no clue about the real state of play, given the almost complete, paranoid opacity reigning since at least a Certain Sad Event. Let alone that no other logical/common sense argument provided is accepted (cults seldom deal in both acceptance and common sense);
Nannies? Pah, so 1992! Family safety net? Pah, so suburban! Working parents? Pah, these people are stars, their life is a cornucopia of perks and freebies and glam!
So, in a nutshell, according to them:
Mommy is busy working and Daddy follows all along/ stays at home with Blonde Bambino, hoping that Mommy will bring enough cashola to finish that double glazing people usually install in December.
In other words, we immediately picture C as a 'starke, titanische Weib' / the strong, titanic woman German poets were so fond of back in the 1800's. Dragging along a diminutive, shy, understanding and private McSideburns, trousered Vestal extraordinaire. The rest is taboo (or should be, in my book), at any rate.
Something wrong with this vision? Yes. It's exactly the 1950's one they accuse us of espousing (we don't), but this time the male/female symbolic roles are reversed. As a result, a shrink would have many thoughts and probably a handful of questions about that need to completely castrate the Goddess's Consort to perfect oblivion. Obliterating his life, his story and even his name, for Christ's sake!
Not a good look for either C and The Prop and, to be honest, quite a weird, borderline insulting one, especially when coming from 'respectful, realistic' fans. The real utility seems to be concealing the emptiness of a Tale Forever Untold. It will be effectively replaced by the chorus with the perfect fantasy of a modern dad, a successful producer/manager and so on and so forth.
Reality is a bit different, if you just take a look on The Fratellis' Wikipedia page and follow the links:
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But, but, but... 'additional personnel' (😱😱😱) - how could that be?
And yes, remember (LOL) David Eustace and the FMN shooting photo of the Happy Dynamic Duo? Happy to oblige to a friend who provided a work project (that album was postponed two or three times, then released in 2021) during COVID, probably.
The mere thought of a young, urban, sophisticated, committed and trusting couple, living and loving their best life, traveling separately or together, allowing 'spaces in their togetherness' (wasn't that The Prophet quote she liked and shared?) is something that gives them the shingles. Anything but this. Anything - even that sad The Empress and Her Additional Personnel narrative.
You see, they don't like The Obvious. At all.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
I like how your lieutenants math headcanons post implies Yumichika does tax evasion. How else does squad 11 afford repairs for all the times it has presumably been trashed by enthusiastic brawling.
This is not the first time I have accused Yumichika of doing a little light embezzling, you know, as a hobby.
One of my favorite ironies of the Gotei-13 setup is that you become captain by merit of being good at beating people up, but then the job itself is like 49% paperwork and 49% management, with ass-kicking taking up the other 2%, if you're lucky. I think the actual most important function of a captain, and the one thing that cannot really be delegated to a lieutenant, is asking for money.
It's always very vague what all of the non-specialist squads do with their time and resources. I imagine though, that in addition to whatever Bullshit-of-the-Day Yamamoto makes his captains do, they have general standing duties. I imagine there's something similar to a bid process that goes into this. When there is new work that needs to be done, any captain that's interested in taking it on would have to provide a proposal for why their squad is suited for that task and what resources they would require to get it done. (Or sometimes Yamamoto might make everyone submit a proposal, whether anyone wants that job or not). At the end of the year, they have to provide accounting of their costs and summaries of their accomplishments. A savvy captain is good at figuring out which tasks are going to bring in cash and acclaim to their squad, which, in turn, is going to allow them to recruit better people, reward their high performers, and provide their officers with interesting and rewarding work. A proven track record is going to go a long way in winning future work, but so is knowing how to work the system. Here's where the system is pretty broken (I say, with utmost affection), because if you look at say, Squad 6, Byakuya a) knows all of the secrets of writing Proposals Central 46 Loves to Get because his grandfather was making him write these things for his allowance when he was 10 years old, b) people love to do favors for him because he's rich, and c) he can use his own money/money the clan approves as a discretionary fund for planting cherry trees and buying everyone dress uniforms, so that stuff never has to show up as a line item so his expenses always look super-clean. Other captains have their own techniques for getting cashola--no one understands what Mayuri does, so when he asks for 12 million kan to develop illuminated shadow-defeating inflatable armor (with color-changing LEDs), they're like "sure, sounds legit." Unohana just asks very politely and drops some vague hints about her very precise knowledge of anatomy. This is also the reason that Squad 10 is constantly doing all of the worst jobs-- Hitsugaya bids on everything and is extremely honest and ethical. Even Ukitake plays the game better than he does.
But you know who does not? Zaraki. Zaraki could not give two shits about this. He does not want to read the monthly RFP roundup newsletter. He does not want to write memos. He just wants to fight things. Give him something to fight. I think Squad 11 officers already get paid below standard rates because most of them did not graduate Shin'ou, which bumps them way down on the Gotei-equivalent of the GS scale. As you say, they break their own shit, constantly. And on top of that, I think Zaraki also has almost no concept of what money is worth. He's a simple guy with pretty simple desires. He lives on base, has, like, three outfits, and goes drinking sometimes. You can't even buy a really sweet truck in Soul Society. He comes from the literal worst part of the Rukon, which probably didn't even use money-- everything is luxurious to him.
I think a lot of the Squad 11 guys buy into the Zaraki lifestyle. They're also from the Rukon, they're just happy to have a sword and their weekly booze. But on the other hand, they are vastly under-compensated relative to their work. I think everyone has a roommate, whereas most seated officers in other squads get personal quarters. There are strong fighters elsewhere in the Gotei, people with experience and fighting knowledge, that would consider joining Squad 11, but they're not taking the pay cut. They can't keep seated officers. Every so often, they get an insane person (Renji, Iba) who joins for some limited period of time. It ups their vibe enormously, and then that person leaves after they've worked through whatever personal shit that led them to join Squad 11 in the first place.
So, Yumichika does what he has to do. He reads the the monthly RFP roundup newsletter, and if anything sounds like it involves a lot of violence, he uses his graphic design skills and his rock-bottom budget to put together a nice little proposal, and sends it off with Yachiru to Squad 1. Zaraki is not even really cognizant of this process, he just knows that sometimes they get good jobs that he likes. For as low as his budgets are, Yumichika still knows how to pad them out extensively, and how to file for project year extensions.
He's also the one who controls intra-squad expenditures. Yes, we would all to spend our entire budget on "swords", but unfortunately, we have to pay for the mess hall you buffoons exploded last week if you ever want to eat again. Yumichika may give off the appearance of extravagance, but he is very much the "pulls into the drivethru and orders (1) small black coffee" to the rest of Squad 11's "McDonalds! McDonalds! McDonalds!"
Also, for the record, he very much does do some straight-up embezzling. Eye feathers don't pay for themselves, you know.
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tgrailwar-zero · 1 month
So, we escaped imminent death by Vagabond and found out we've had one of the Lair Servants in our inventory plus everything Pretender told Constantine. That's good.
Speaking of what Pretender told us: we essentially halved our savings when paying for his intel, and his plus Musashi's entries into the Flaming Bout also made a dent in our wallet. I can't imagine the "Company Card" Nero has will work forever, and we might have to pay up someday. Our win at the bout isn't guaranteed either.
So I was thinking, maybe we should find some source of earnings?
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MISS CAT: "Mumumu? Death? Are we supposed to fight? You'll have to wait until the workday is over for that. I might be a cat, but I'm not an animal."
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CONSTANTINE: "Agh! For heaven's sake...!"
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NERO: "S-Stop doing that!"
You genuinely didn't even see her roll up to the table this time.
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MISS CAT: "Many apologies, but here are your mocktails, masters. I recalled hearing about these specifically, yes?"
She set a tray on the table with several drinks on it.
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MISS CAT: "I'm so happy to hear that! This Tamamo's ears are always perked up, and her memory for service is always 1000%! I learned from the best, after all, though even my knife-cuts don't cut it when cut against the cut of the tongue-cut sparrow's cuts."
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MISS CAT: "Anyways! If you want to make money, there's plenty of people who need jobs done for them. I'm sure the Jaguar has stuff, and the Priest might need an extra pair of hands. I could even use another set of paws around the cafe, my girls are good but extra help is always nice! That, and if your friend in the Bout plays nice, there will be a ton of ways to make some extra cashola there!"
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ekp0133f · 10 months
Forget writing books! Soul grinding is THE way to make fast money now. RS is just too damn good at this whole capitalism game. I sit on some stinking rooftop all day watching spirifers and get like 600 souls then sell them all for huge profits. Approaching 60 echoes. Red Sasha's sitting pretty on a pile of cashola. She's giving Scrooge McDuck right now. Bought some funky ring and now I'm Baroque!. So is the surface world just fine? I played Sunless Sea years and years ago and I figured the entire surface was fucked by some catastrophic bat-based event, but I am picking up that it was just localized to the London area. Curious. Making money.
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simmer-rhi · 10 months
✨Mortimer appreciation post✨
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Mortimer doesn't get many screenshots of his own because he's just Ken, however, I would like to acknowledge that he is a steady and loving father to the triplets, and is churning out some excellent quality books on the regular, contributing some extra cashola to our much needed extensions as the kiddos are aging up.
He is almost a 2 star celeb - I have fame opted out in my game, but Mortimer stepped into the limelight as a result of a work opportunity pop up.
Also, he cooks all the food, and the kids are most likely to come to him for advice, as their mother can be a bit dismissive of their childish concerns.
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odessa-2 · 1 year
She wasn't going to stay in Glasgow after OL ended, so no point of making huge changes to the place. Her off time was mostly spent in London and other area in England with Glasgow as base for OL filming. Not surprised you now go after her career and apartment which actually looks beautiful. Why do you want her with S when you constantly denigrate her? So far, she's done very well in too tough careers, including proving that she's talented to branch out of OL and take on projects for which she's received critical recognition, nominations and awards. But. your hate is so palpable, you're incapable of any fact and fair criticism. Can't wait to see her career blossom after OL and laugh at all of you who disparaged and trashed her, never once accepting her hard work, professionalism, talent and success. She's having the last laugh.
Balfe nation is that you? Mushka? 😂. Oh give me a break toots. If you take off your rose tinted Caitriona glasses for a minute you'd clearly understand that I'm a shipper that is growing tired of both Sam and Cait's attempts to defend their lies and the broader narrative. I don't want Sam and Cait together I simply know and accept that they are together. I'm sorry that you're caught in the fog and can't see past the mirage. Not everyone is a broad thinker. I stay in my lane but why can't you stay in yours? Why so threatened?
Cait and Sam both have recieved steady work in the industry and are doing well. Not A list status and broad recognition that they'd perhaps have hoped for given that they sacrificed recognition of their family and union for a career in Hollywood but they've made a heap of cashola nonetheless. Just because I don't brown nose doesn't mean that I'm attacking her career. I just state the situation as I see it but clearly that's triggering for you. Perhaps you need to look at the reasons why you get triggered by this.
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Not showing the original for privacy, but here's the outline and start of an embroidery portrait I'm making for my fiancée's parents for Christmas.
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I have made one (1) portrait before this. Will it turn out good??? We'll see. I'm hoping to do this sort of thing for cashola in future.
(And yes, I realize the way I sketched the man here makes him look like Shaggy Rodgers.)
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samevans-wmu · 8 months
I'd like to share a dance with you
Sam intently investigated this tart like thing on his plate. His hold gentle because the last thing he wants to do is crumble it. The little white sign with the fancy schmancy pants calligraphy tells him it's a Pear, Walnut, & Blue Cheese Tart. "Huh..." Blue cheese?" He's not picky by any stretch of the imagination but he never thought he'd see that in tart form. Sam braved a bite, probably much bigger than it needed to be as he ate the whole thing in one go, when someone appeared right at his elbow.
With a mouthful of tart, the tastes and textures confused the hell out of his taste buds, Sam tried his damndest to chew and swallow quickly. Y'know, there's nothing worse than accidentally shooting food out of his mouth and all over someone's pretty dress. A dress that probably cost a great deal of cashola. Nodding his head was all he's able to achieve and Sam took his friend's hand to lead her over to the dance floor. With is head turned Sam chewed as fast as possible and when he managed to swallow it all down a relieved sigh passed through him. Thank God it didn't result in Rach performing the Heimlich maneuver on him. Who is Heimlich anyway? Were people dropping like flies from choking before he came around? "Sorry. Didn't mean to go all mute and look like a crazy person there. You got me right when I took a bite." Sam apologized. He placed a hand on Rachel's waist and swayed to the music. "Glad we got to squeeze a dance in, Rach. Having a good time?"
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