chernobog13 · 4 months
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AMAZING STORIES (vol. 1) #11 (February, 1927). Cover by Frank R. Paul.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year
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The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Ace, 1963) cover by Roy Krenkel
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
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This Escaflowne fanfic is going to be one wild ride y’all... 
A preview of the fanfic I am planning out, with the original characters and some world building thrown in. Those 3 new Fanels are Van and Celena’s kids, with some names you might remember from the Katsu Aki manga and the production notes. As you can see, there is a cross over with Edgar Rice Burroughs The Land that Time Forgot and Robert E Howard’s Conan the Barbarian novels. Not to mention that’s there a whole section about Dilandau’s life in Zaibach that’s basically a “fix it fic” for Kaze to Ki no Uta. 
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juliehowlin · 23 days
Edgar Rice Burroughs
In 1875 Edgar Rice Burroughs, US writer, creator of Tarzan was born on this date. He is also known for the hollow Earth-themed Pellucidar series, beginning with At the Earth's Core, and the lost world-themed Caspak trilogy, beginning with The Land that Time Forgot.
10 facts about him:
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List of My Original Novel Series that released as Public Domain via CC0
Isekai Delivery Universe 2020s
Ifs of History:Expanded Universe
Eternity Ring Project
Fictionvese Project:Original
Fiction World Apocalypse:Original
World of Fiction 2020s
Beyond Earth Trilogy
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chrisdeanfuller · 9 months
Caspak Series by Edgar Rice Burroughs Review
I read the books The Land That Time Forgot, The People That Time Forgot and Out of Time's Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and they were an escape from reality. The first book begins when an American in a captured German U-boat ends up on a King Kong type island in the south Pacific. Dinosaurs, predators and primitives are everywhere. A beautiful young lady becomes his love interest. It's fun and old school but nothing new.
In the second book the protagonist is in search of the protagonist from the first book in the series. There are dangerous creatures to be killed, dangerous heights to be climbed, and savage peoples encountered. There's also a love-interest keeping things stimulating. The author often equates hirsute, broad-nosed, and dark-skinned humanoids as inferior, sentiments which are considered politically incorrect/insensitive today.
The last book was a decent conclusion to the series. The final book follows another adventurer as he is captured by a winged-race of humanoids and eventually escapes. The winged-race are intelligent, organized, and savage. Throughout the series a mystery is presented as each protagonist finds no children among any of the tribes. What is revealed is a slow progress of evolution through individual metamorphosis from tadpole, to fish, to ape, and then various stages of human development until the winged-race is highest and most intelligent. As usual, the protagonist finds a beautiful captive among the winged-people, and he rescues her and falls in love. The plotline from all three books are neatly wrapped up in the end. While not nearly as good as Burrough's Mars series, they're still a recommend read. It's a short escape from the mundane.
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Kryptozoologia w fantasy - tekst z mitoslavia.blog
,,Nie było też sensu wykazywać im zdumiewającego podobieństwa do wierzeń górskich plemion w Nepalu, które lękają się Mi – Go, czyli strasznych yeti, żyjących na pokrytych lodem skalistych szczytach Himalajów'' – H. P. Lovecraft ,,Szepczący w ciemności''
,, […] - Parokrotnie obserwowano w Puszczy Kampinoskiej węża, który nie przypominał żadnego z istniejących gatunków, ale nie udało się go złapać ani pozyskać żadnych namacalnych śladów jego istnienia – powiedziałem. - Choć jest teoria, że mógł to być nietypowo ubarwiony wąż Eskulapa. - A ja słyszałem o obserwacjach Tatzelwurm przed wojną na Śląsku...'' - Andrzej Pilipiuk ,,Yeti ciągną na zachód'' [w]: ,,Szewc z Lichtenrade''
Kryptozoologia, czyli dziedzina wiedzy z pogranicza zoologii i mitologii zajmująca się zwierzętami, których istnienie nie zostało udowodnione1, jest bardzo wdzięcznym i co paradoksalne – mało wyeksploatowanym tematem dla fantastów. Już na początku XX wieku niektórzy autorzy tacy jak Arthur Conan Doyle, czy Edgar Rice Burroughs pisali o cudem przetrwałych do naszych czasów populacjach dinozaurów, żyjących gdzieś na tropikalnym płaskowyżu w Ameryce Południowej (,,Świat zaginiony''), na fikcyjnej wyspie Caspak (,,Ląd zapomniany przez czas''), albo w podziemnej krainie Pellucidar, do której trafił sam Tarzan. Współcześnie niektórzy wierzą, że dinozaury przeżyły w dorzeczu Konga. Z kolei pierwowzorem hyboryjskich bestii – podobnych nieco do goryli szarych małp gustujących w ludzkim mięsie (z jedną z nich Conan walczył w lochu), jak również górskich, białych małp, na które Thongor z Lemurii polował dla futer, mogły być yeti. W ,,Podróży 'Wędrowca do Świtu''' C. S. Lewisa pojawia się wzmianka o morskich kryptydach, będących bohaterami mitów i legend, takich jak: gigantyczny wąż morski, który zaatakował tytułowy okręt, a także gigantyczne głowonogi: Kraken i słabo poznana przez naukę kałamarnica olbrzymia. Zdaniem Lewisa, ludzie pragnący z bliska zobaczyć te groźne dla nich stworzenia nie byli zbyt mądrzy. W powieści ,,Harry Potter i Komnata Tajemnic'' J. K. Rowling, pyszałkowaty i nieudolny nauczyciel obrony przed czarną magią, Gilderoy Lockhart (idol Hermiony Granger) napisał książkę ,,Rok z yeti'', w której przywłaszczył sobie zasługi innego czarodzieja, na którego rzucił zaklęcie niepamięci. Z książki tej można się było min. dowiedzieć, że ulubionym kolorem Lockharta był liliowy. W ,,Sadze Zmierzch'' Stephenie Meyer kryptydami były olbrzymie wilki, w które zamieniał się wilkołak Jacob Black i jego koledzy z indiańskiego rezerwatu La Push. Stworom tym przypisywano niesłusznie zagryzanie ludzie, czemu w rzeczywistości były winne złe wampiry o czerwonych oczach. Innym nawiązaniem do kryptozoologii jest imię córeczki Edwarda i Belli Cullenów, Renesme (imię to nadała jej Bella z połączenia imion swojej matki Rene i teściowej – Esme). Wampiryczna dziewczynka była przezywana ,,Nessie'', co nasuwa skojarzenia z potworem z Loch Ness i co nie podobało się Belli. Całkiem sporo nawiązań do kryptozoologii, a nawet do kryptobotaniki można odnaleźć w prozie Andrzeja Pilipiuka. Można by tu wymienić zarówno ,,kudłacza'' – niszczącego uprawy mamuta, którego neandertalczycy z Dębinki sprowadzili czarami z przeszłości, a na którego polował Jakub Wędrowycz (niektórzy wierzą, że mamuty przetrwały do dzisiaj na Syberii), żyjący w czasie II wojny światowej w warszawskich Łazienkach, wielki, jadowity pyton Satha, którego prof. Apfelbaum przywiózł z Tanganiki (ów wąż został zapożyczony z prozy R. E. Howarda), niewidzialna gęś Filaretowa, której kolonia żyła jeszcze u progu XX wieku na polarnej wyspie u wybrzeży Rosji, a nawet sprowadzony do Polski przez prof. Apfelbauma silnie narkotyczny, czarny lotos, znany z opowiadań o Conanie. Antykwariusz Robert Storm w swoich poszukiwaniach natrafił na pozostałości międzywojennego, polskiego filmu fantastycznego ,,Yeti ciągną na zachód'', który jako pasjonat historii zamierzał zrekonstruować.
Do kryptozoologii odwołuje się również piękny film familijny ,,Koń wodny. Legenda głębin'', którego akcja toczy się w czasie II wojny światowej o przyjaźni chłopca z młodym potworem z Loch Ness, zwanym Crusoe. 1 Zwierzęta, którymi zajmuje się kryptozoologia to tzw. ,,kryptydy''. Ich najlepiej znani przedstawiciele to: yeti – himalajski ,,człowiek śniegu'', nessie – potwór z Loch Ness, a także nieco mniej znane Wielka Stopa (bigfoot, sasquatch) i chupacabra.   
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ericvanderburg · 2 years
I'll never forget my first impressions of Caspak
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The Land That Time Forgot - The Caspak Trilogy by Edgar Rice Burroughs After a cruise liner is torpedoed, several of the survivors are taken aboard the German submarine and they all wind up at a hitherto undiscovered lost continent. There they find dinosaurs, cave men, and a society based on Murder and assassination. www.pulpfictionbook.store https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIVJ2GrV9P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hauspiner · 2 years
Drifting lands thepiratebay
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#Drifting lands thepiratebay movie
But what she and her research team will uncover is something far deadlier and more shocking than they could ever have imagined, as the modern day explorers find themselves thrust into The Land That Time Forgot! This graphic novel includes The Land That Time Forgot #1-#3 and The Land That Time Forgot Annual Savage See-ta. Today, an expedition has been launched by Tyler's great-great-great-granddaughter Abby, a quest to find concrete evidence of Bowen Tyler's adventure. Somehow, the island was never again found, and the stories of the survivors of Caspak were considered fantasy. Bens pursuit of a passengers calling lands him in the crosshairs of an enemy. U.S.GUNBOATS SEE TYLER LEXINGTON PITTSBURG LANDS R UPPER LANDINGT I V E R. What they discovered was something that defied time, and all of known science: the island of Caspak! Hidden inside impregnable rock walls lay a prehistoric world, filled with terrifying creatures, man-eaters from every era of time, and races of savage, murderous primitives from each rung of the evolutionary ladder. Whether youre looking for the best roses like Knock Out and Drift. ROAD 7MO PM CREEK SHILOH CHURCH TPB Jo LUB dollinelelo Toa frlitli. With the choice of your class, you’ll have the opportunity to take control of different ships, best suited to your favorite gameplay style. One hundred years ago, ship-builder Bowen Tyler, a handful of British allies, and the crew of the German U-33 submarine were lost at sea, drifting near the Antarctic Circle. Drifting Lands is designed to meet both shmup and hack & slash enthusiasts’ expectations. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.īook Description Paperback. The film is presented by Columbia Pictures and Rovio Animation, CGI-animated at Sony Pictures Imageworks.
#Drifting lands thepiratebay movie
What they discovered was something that defied time, and all of known science: the island of Caspak! Hidden inside impregnable rock walls lay a prehistoric world, filled with terrifying creatures, man-eaters from every era of time, and races of savage, murderous primitives from each rung of the evolutionary ladder. The Angry Birds Movie 3: A Pirate Drift is a FAN-MADE 2021 American 3D CGI-animated action-adventure comedy movie adaptation on the Angry Birds series of video games and will be released in theaters in 3D & REAL D 3D, & 2D May 2nd, 2021. One hundred years ago, ship-builder Bowen Tyler, a handful of British allies, and the crew of the German U-33 submarine were lost at sea, drifting near the Antarctic Circle.
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freedommains · 2 years
Drifting lands thepiratebay
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But what she and her research team will uncover is something far deadlier and more shocking than they could ever have imagined, as the modern day explorers find themselves thrust into The Land That Time Forgot! This graphic novel includes The Land That Time Forgot #1-#3 and The Land That Time Forgot Annual Savage See-ta. 11 is over the contact area between Pliocene basalt ( Tpb ), and. German U-33 submarine were lost at sea, drifting near the Antarctic Circle. Today, an expedition has been launched by Tyler's great-great-great-granddaughter Abby, a quest to find concrete evidence of Bowen Tyler's adventure. The Tawas City and Flint quadrangles of Michigan cover a land area of 6500 square. Then and only then a different kind of shootemup, accessible to a wider audience than usual. Edgar Rice Burroughs The Land That Time Forgot GN TPB: Prisoners of Caspak. Somehow, the island was never again found, and the stories of the survivors of Caspak were considered fantasy. What they discovered was something that defied time, and all of known science: the island of Caspak! Hidden inside impregnable rock walls lay a prehistoric world, filled with terrifying creatures, man-eaters from every era of time, and races of savage, murderous primitives from each rung of the evolutionary ladder. One hundred years ago, ship-builder Bowen Tyler, a handful of British allies, and the crew of the German U-33 submarine were lost at sea, drifting near the Antarctic Circle. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.īook Description Paperback. Today, an expedition has been launched by Tyler's great-great-great-granddaughter Abby, a quest to find concrete evidence of Bowen Tyler's adventure. Somehow, the island was never again found, and the stories of the survivors of Caspak were considered fantasy. The satellite data types include three-layer and vertically integrated precipitable water, temperature data down to cloud top, infrared cloud-drift winds. One hundred years ago, ship-builder Bowen Tyler, a handful of British allies, and the crew of the German U-33 submarine were lost at sea, drifting near the Antarctic Circle. WDTS physic type carpack this pack is a pack focused on cars actually driving in France, its goal is to discover the different styles of car that may have been seen during training while making simracing accessible to real drifter new to AC I hope you like this pack CAR LIST: -BMW E36 Coupe 325i starfobar.
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chernobog13 · 4 months
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Tarzan visits another of Edgar Rice Burroughs' fantastic locales courtesy of Russ Manning.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year
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'Out of Time's Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Ace, 1963)
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geekynerfherder · 3 years
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'Captive Princess' by Frank Frazetta.
Cover art for the 1973 edition of 'The People That Time Forgot', book 2 of the 'Caspak' series written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, published by Ace Books.
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dirtyriver · 4 years
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Swords against a savage, prehistoric world! This October, American Mythology Productions brings you an adventure like no other in Zorro in the Land That Time Forgot! This full-color, three-issue, monthly mini-series is written by Mike Wolfer and illustrated by Alessandro Ranaldi, and tells a swashbuckling tale of terrifying, prehistoric thrills that has been anticipated for decades! Officially licensed by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. and Zorro Productions. Inc. Cover art by Roy Allan Martinez, Miriana Puglia, and Alessandro Ranandi.
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manyworldspress · 3 years
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Frank Frazetta, Captive Princess, ca. 1973. Oil on Masonite, 16 x 20 inches. Cover illustration for The People That Time Forgot, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Ace Books, 1973).
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