#Cat Urine Laundry
weratebeanz · 18 days
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[ #WeRate ] Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover: A Game-Changer for Pet Accidents
As pet owners, we’ve all had those moments of panic when our furry friends have an unexpected accident. Whether at home or traveling, dealing with pet stains and odors can be stressful and maybe a bit embarrassing.
Who wants to be known for pet odor?
That's why we're so glad we discovered Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover—a true lifesaver for keeping things clean and fresh.
This post contains affiliate links, and we only recommend products we have either used, are using, or would use and share with our family and friends. Click here to read our Affiliate Disclaimer.
What It Is
Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover is specifically formulated to tackle tough pet stains and odors. This one targets those left by cat urine, but there is also a formula for dogs.
With its powerful odor control formula, it not only removes stains but also neutralizes odors, leaving your space smelling fresh and clean.
Why We Love It
We first tried this product when one of our cats had an accident in a hotel. He peed on the mattress, and the urine pooled in a quilted indentation, leaving a yellow stain and a strong odor even though he's neutered.
After a quick Google search, we picked up Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover, and it worked wonders! The mattress was restored to its original color, and the odor was completely gone. The pleasant scent lingered for about an hour, then started disappearing as more time passed.
Now, we keep this product in stock at all times, both in the convenient 32-ounce sprayer and the larger laundry detergent-sized bottle.
We use it to spray the accidents ASAP and add it to our laundry loads when we things like blankets and clothing get the "oh no!" of doom. The faster we can get things washed, the better the outcome.
This product has become a staple in our pet care routine, and we wouldn’t be without it!
Things to Keep in Mind
We’ve noticed that the scent can get a bit more intense if you use a lot of it in one area, so a little goes a long way. Also, Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover can sometimes be hard to find in stores, so we always make sure to have the sprayer and the larger, gallon-sized bottle on hand.
When washing your pet’s gear or anything affected by pet smells, we recommend washing them separately from your regular laundry and adding an amount equal to your laundry detergent to prevent any lingering odors from spreading.
For example, if you use 1/3 laundry detergent, use 1/3 of this product to ensure everything stays fresh and clean.
Would We Buy It Again?
Rating: ★★★★★
Absolutely! Nature’s Miracle Stain and Odor Remover is a must-have for any pet owner. Its ability to effectively remove stains and odors, along with its pleasant scent, makes it a valuable addition to our pet care arsenal. We highly recommend it for dealing with unexpected pet accidents, whether at home or on the go.
Disclaimer: We’re not medical professionals—just passionate pet owners sharing what works for us. Always consult your veterinarian for pet-specific issues, and if your pet experiences any adverse reactions, contact them immediately. Every pet is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Your vet is the best source of advice tailored to your pet’s health needs.
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mousedetective · 1 year
Please Help A Mostly Queer Homeless Family Out This Pride Month?
So we have gotten our overdrafts covered! All without overdraft fees (double yay)! So that's one less thing to worry about. I have a loan repayment coming out again tomorrow, now that I have money in my account, and I'm waiting on the other loan to go through since the website says there's a payment pending.
But we need help with three things still:
1 - Gas & laundry money. We have to go to Fallbrook again this week (probably on the 8th, since my mom and I will have mail to pick up that day) to pull all the laundry out of our upstairs storage unit, wash it, and put it back in, along with spraying the front of it with Lysol air freshener and butting in a charcoal deodorizer, because it smells like cat urine and we'll get kicked out if we don't take care of it soon. We don't have the money of strength to move two units out, so we're going to do what we can to minimize the odor. But I need $40 for gas (it's cheapest at the 7-11 in Bonsall, since I can save 11 cents a gallon) and $20 for laundry to cover an extra wash and a dry that will get it all dry.
2 - A hotel room for my mom's 50th high school reunion/a manicure for my mother. I know it seems frivolous, but my mom graduated from a high school in the area and this is the first reunion after one of the big celebratory people in her class has died, plus it's the 50th, which is a pretty big milestone. We need a hotel for three days to keep the cats out of the car and to have a place to shower/get ready/leave the kidlet for the actual reunion (there's also an all-class picnic which is during the day that the kidlet is invited to, but we don't want the cats in the sun all day). We need it for the 24th through the 26th. We want to try and stay at the Motel 6 on Pio Pico Drive, as the room is all tile and the TV accommodates my son's X-Box, which will keep him entertained while we're gone. I'd also like to get my mom a manicure because her nails keep breaking from still being brittle after chemo, and she deserves a treat. We're looking at $400 for all of this.
3 - Anything off our Amazon wish list. We just ordered new medicine storage bags for me and my mom, as ours have been ruined by the cats/time, and we're going to add food to the list as we have storage space in the car for it, but I'm getting signs I'm going to start my menstrual cycle soon, and I could really use the portable heating pad. And anything else already on the list would be a huge help. The list is here.
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part sixteen
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: netural
el's thoughts: the next part!! yayyy please let me know your favorite parts or what you are hoping to see next!!
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The sick feeling in Y/N’s stomach had nothing to do with the rocking of the rowboat. She tried to breathe deeply, to focus on the lights of the Ketterdam harbor disappearing behind them and the steady splash of the oars in the water. Beside her, Kaz adjusted his mask and cloak, while Muzzen, one of the Dregs, rowed with a relentless and aggressive speed. Hellgate rested on one of Kerch’s tiny outlying islands, Terrenjel. 
Fog lay low over the water, damp, and curling. It carried the smell of tar and machinery from the shipyards on Imperjum, and something else – the sweet stink of burning bodies from the Reaper’s Barge. The place where Ketterdam disposed of the dead who couldn’t afford to be buried in the cemeteries outside the city. ‘Disgusting.’ Y/N thought, drawing her cloak tighter around her. How could these people live with themselves? Not giving the dead the respect they deserved. Then again, it was Ketterdam… How many of these people truly deserved an honoring of their name? 
Y/N shuffled away from the edge of the rowboat, accidentally brushing her arm against Kaz’s side. If her being this close to him bothered him, he didn’t show it. Instead, he spoke in a quiet whisper, “We’re almost there.”
The tightness in her chest dwindled at his words. She nodded just enough for him to notice her thanks. 
When the boat’s hull scraped sand, two men rushed forward to haul them farther onto land. The other boats she’d seen were making ground in the same cove, being pulled ashore by more grunting men. Their features were vague through the gauze of her veil, but Y/N caught a glimpse of the tattoos that inked their forearms. A feral cat curled into a crown– the symbol of the Dime Lions. 
“Money?” One of them had asked as the crows clambered out of the boat. 
Kaz handed over a stack of kruge and once it was counted, the Dime Lion waved them on.
They all followed a row of torches up an uneven path to the leeward side of the prison. Y/N had seen the prison from afar before but looking up at it now… She understood why the mention of the jail instilled such a strong fear in people. She tilted her head back to gaze at the high black towers of the fortress named Hellgate.
A door had been propped open, and another member of the opposing gang led Y/N and the others inside. They entered a dark, surprisingly clean kitchen, its walls lined with huge vats that looked better suited to laundry than cooking. A strong aroma of vinegar and sage filled her nose. ‘Like a mercher’s kitchen.’ She’d thought to herself. The Kerch believed that work was akin to prayer. Maybe the merchant wives came here to scrub the floors, walls, and windows to honor Ghezen, the god of industry and commerce. Y/N resisted the urge to gag. They could scrub all they liked. Beneath the wholesome scent was the indelible stench of mildew, urine, and unwashed bodies. It might take a miracle from the Saints to dislodge it.
They all continued down a dark hallway, and she thought they would head up into the cells, but instead, they passed through another door and onto a high stone walkway that connected the main prison to what looked like another tower. 
“Where are we going?” Y/N whispered. Kaz didn’t answer. The wind picked up and lifted her veil and lashed at her cheeks with salt spray.
Nina let out a breathless gasp as she looked around the familiar surroundings. “I thought we were breaking him out. Brekker, you lying bastard.”
Kaz didn’t turn around to look at her, “We are breaking him out. But he was already scheduled. He survives tonight then he gets out.”
Y/N looked between the two, confused as to what was happening.
Nina gritted her teeth, “Hellshow.”
The slow cranking of metal against metal echoed in the arena over all the shouts and loud conversations from the crowds. The two grisha women walked closer to the metal cage, Nina grasped the thick bars between her hands tightly, as if willing the metal to bend at her will. They both watched as a tall man walked out from under the gate. 
“Matthias.” Nina’s voice was barely heard over the cheering around them. 
The two men in the ring stood there for a moment before the one with ‘cannibal’ written on his back lunged first. A strong punch to the Fjerdan’s jaw caused his head to snap to the side, and with no time to recover another blow was aimed at his stomach. 
After taking a few more hits, resulting in the Heartrender flinching at every grunt, the Fjerdan finally snapped. He threw a jaw-snapping punch at the smaller man, spun around, and threw his elbow back landing on the man’s collarbone. The latter fell to the floor giving Matthias an opening to continue his attack. He picked up a leg and dragged the man on his back before crushing his leg in his grasp. 
Y/N’s eyes widened at the memory and felt a sickening feeling creep up on her. Such a dishonorable way to keep your life. But then again, what choice did these people have?
The Dime Lion led them around the tunnel to the third archway, where a prison guard dressed in a blue-gray uniform was posted with a rifle slung across his back. “Four more for you.” The Dime Lion shouted over the roar of the crowd. Then he turned to Kaz. “If you need to leave, the guard will call for an escort. No one goes wandering off without a guide, understood?”
“Of course, of course. Wouldn’t dream of it.” Kaz said from behind his ridiculous mask.
“Enjoy.” The Dime Lion said with an ugly grin. The prison guard waved them through.
Y/N stepped under the arch and felt as if she’d fallen into another nightmare. They were on a jutting stone ledge, looking down into a shallow, crudely made amphitheater. The tower had been gutted to create an arena. Only the black walls of the old prison remained the roof long since fallen in or destroyed so that the night sky was visible high above, with dense clouds and free of stars.
It was a different view from when she came with Nina before. Now higher in the stands, the crowd’s shouting echoed and made her ears ring. Around her, masked and veiled men and women crowded onto the terraced ledges, stamping their feet as the action proceeded below. The blazing light from the torches on the walls was hardly bright enough to make out anyone’s face even with a strained effort, but it was bright enough below them to see the red and damp sand of the floor.
Y/N swayed on her feet when she saw a man standing in the caged arena while a desert lizard crawled out from under the heavy metal trap door. Her sight blurred the moment she noticed the man pick up his knife and quicker than she could whisper a prayer the crowd’s volume got louder only this time they were booing. Y/N turned to the man standing next to her. “Why are they complaining? Isn’t this what they came here for?”
“They wanted a fight,” said Kaz. “They were expecting him to last longer.”
“This is disgusting.”
Kaz shrugged, “The only disgusting thing about it is that I didn’t think of it first.”
“These men aren’t slaves, Kaz!” Y/N spoke harshly but kept her volume down. “They’re prisoners.”
“They’re murderers and rapists.”
“And thieves and con artists. Your people.” Nina spoke up from Kaz’s other side.
“Nina, sweet, they aren’t forced to fight. They line up for the chance. They earn better food, private cells, liquor, jurda, conjugals with girls from the West Stave.”
Muzzen, the man who accompanied the crows on the heist, cracked his knuckles. “Sounds better than we got at the Slat.”
The two grisha looked around the stands at all the men and women who came here to support such a violent show, all of them exchanging bets while walking up and down the aisles. The prisoners of Hellgate might line up to fight, but Pekka Rollins made the real money. At least he used to. News got out shortly after Pekka was thrown into the high-security prison where he was brutally beaten to death by a few of the other prisoners.
“Helvar doesn’t…” Y/N couldn’t get her eyes to focus on anything as she spoke and pulled herself out of her own thoughts. “Helvar doesn’t fight in the arena, does he? You bought his name off the list, didn’t you?”
A grim look passed over Kaz’s eyes as he looked down at the inferni. “We aren’t here for the ambience.”
“Are you aware that I could waggle my fingers and make you wet your trousers?” Nina was beyond furious at this point. Her hands clenched at her sides.
“Easy, heartrender. I like these trousers. And if you start messing with my vital organs, Matthias Helvar will never see sunshine again.”
Once the stomach-churning sound of the heavy metal gate being cranked open was heard the crowds went wild. Y/N looked over to see Nina staring down into the arena with a pale face. She had turned to look down and felt her heart drop to her stomach at the sight before her.
Matthias emerged from the mouth of the cave while the unmistakable growls of wolves could be heard from the other side. 
The Fjerdan had to fight his most sacred animal.
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fagboysub · 2 years
77 Ways to Humiliate a faggot slave
Humiliation is an important part of every faggot’s training. When a Man humiliates a faggot, He’s teaching him:
• humility – a faggot must remain humble and not allow his ego to get in the way of his ability to serve and obey Men, who are naturally superior
• respect – a faggot must learn to show appreciation and esteem for Men
• obedience – a faggot must learn to cede all control to Men
Plus, it’s just plain fun to embarrass or shame a faggot sometimes — and faggots exist to amuse as much as they do to serve.
Unfortunately, faggots actually enjoy being humiliated. Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine new ways to humiliate them. With that in mind, I’ve created the following list of 77 ways for Men to humiliate Their faggots. Go forth, Men, and have fun playing with your faggot slaves!
1. Forbid Your faggot slave from entering Your Home on two legs – he must always drop to all fours and crawl in.
2. Make him kiss Your feet as soon as he sees You and just before he leaves You.
3. Forbid him from wearing clothes in Your home – Your faggot slave should always be naked in Your presence.
4. Make him wear chained nipple clamps like a woman.
5. Make him wear a leash and collar in Your presence. Or, even better, out in public.
6. Forbid him from making eye contact with You.
7. Forbid him from using furniture at Your house.
8. Put him on a timeout, standing naked in the corner facing the wall for a period of time.
9. Place him on his knees in front of a mirror in his faggot gear: collar, nipple clamps, chastity device, wrist & ankle cuffs – force him to stare at himself while he recites a faggot mantra like “i am a faggot slave. i crave humiliation and degradation. i serve Men because They are superior to me. i exist to lick Their Feet and drink Their Piss.”
10. Spit in his face especially if it’s a loogie and make him keep it there to dry. Forbid him from wiping it off. Bonus to do it in public and he is forced to wear it all day.
11. Give him an enema and then take him on a walk around the neighborhood with it still in.
12. Clip a clothes pin to his tongue and make him say “i am a faggot” 10 times until he’s drooling all over himself.
13. Have him make animal noises for You on command: “Bark like a dog!” Or, “Meow like a cat!” Or, “Show me what sound a pig makes!”
14. Forbid him from using toilet paper. Instead, pre-mix a cleaning solution for him to use — Your piss, perhaps, mixed with dish soap — and store it in a spray bottle labeled “fag bath” or “cunt cleaner.” Make him display it next to the toilet in his home, where any guests are sure to see it. Bonus points for filming him spray his hole and clean it with his hand.
15. Discipline Your faggot regularly – for example, spank his ass before he leaves after a training visit. Remind him that he deserves it.
16. Make him clean Your Home and do Your laundry – to further humiliate him, make him wear heels, a bra and panties.
17. Make him wash You, shower You, towel You dry, etc. his shower will consist of Your Piss.
18. Make him service & clean Your feet with his mouth – especially if Your feet are dirty.
19. Make Your faggot slave pay You – charge that faggot for the opportunity to serve You and to receive the humiliation he deserves.
20. Require him to send You tribute gifts from Your amazon Wish List.
21. Strap a dildo to his face and have him fuck You until You cum.
22. Require that he massage Your body until You are properly relaxed; punish him if does not make You fully relaxed.
23. Make him eat Your ass.
24. And when he’s eating Your ass, rip a fart in his faggot face.
25. Instruct your faggot to buy You a rim seat – then make him rim You for hours while You play video games, watch movies, etc.
26. While lounging on Your couch, push Your underwear down around Your ankles and make him lay on the floor with his face in there.
27. After you fuck him, hose him off with Your Piss.
28. Train him to be Your urinal.
29. Make him sleep on the floor next to your bed.
30. Train him to sleep in restraints and/or locked in a cage.
31. If You wake up before Your faggot, wake him up by farting directly into his face/mouth.
32. If Your faggot wakes up before You, instruct him to wake You nicely by licking Your feet seductively, then service Your cock to completion.
33. Photo and film the faggot slave when he serves You and post the files on a site dedicated to his humiliation.
34. Lock his cock in a chastity device.
35. Make him sign up for Keyholder service: You lock up his little dicklet in chastity, You specify the time he’s locked up, he mails away the key and he has to pay for it.
36. Send him out with his chastity device locked on, then make him change at the gym, the swimming pool, the beach, etc. so others see it.
37. After months in a chastity device, switch it out to a smaller one so his dicklet shrinks even more.
38. Make fun of his tiny dicklet, and that it’s locked up.
39. Make him sit on dildos while You watch and laugh at him.
40. Make him wear a butt plug and send him to the gym to workout — ensuring that he changes and showers in the locker room with the butt plug still in.
41. Cum on his face or in his hair, then send him out to run errands for You; make it clear that he’ll be severely punished if he returns and You discover that he’s wiped the cum off.
42. Call or text him at will and order him to piss his pants and send You a picture of it. If You do it when You know he’s out in public — at a bar, perhaps, or on the train during their evening commute home from work — even better.
43. Make him use the urinal in a public mensroom with his pants around his ankles; or, if he has to shit, make him do so in a stall with the door wide open.
44. Stand next to him at the urinal when You’re out and about; turn and face him so that You piss on him instead of in the urinal. Laugh, and make him walk around with Your piss all over him.
45. Forbid him from using the restroom for the day and make him wear a diaper, instead. Let him know you’ll be inspecting the diaper later, so he’d better make use of it.
46. Make him beg permission to use the bathroom; if approved, forbid him from standing or using the seat – he must always sit directly on the porcelain bowl.
47. Make him piss outside like a dog – or shit in a cat box; use a garden hose with cold water to wash his dirty cunt.
48. Require that he always keep the door wide open when he’s using the bathroom at home.
49. Whenever You need to use the toilet — at home or in public — escort him in with You and make him lick it clean for You so you have a pristine place to relieve Yourself.
50. Make him wipe Your ass. Either with toilet paper or with his hand.
51. If You choose to feed him, always serve his “food” in a dog bowl and make him eat it kneeling like an animal on the floor next to You while You sit and eat Your dinner at the table like the Man You are.
52. Piss or cum into his food; make him eat it while You watch.
53. Make him serve as a piece of furniture — a footrest, perhaps, or a coffee table on which people can set their drinks — during Your next party.
54. Outfit him with an ashtray mouth gag and station him on Your patio for smokers to use during Your next get-together.
55. Lock him in a cage naked during Your next party and let Your guests ogle at him like a zoo animal.
56. When out in public, forbid him to walk in front of You.
57. Make him address You as “Sir” in public. He should already be doing it in private, but addressing You that way in public will take Your power dynamic to a whole new level. To kick it up yet another notch, make him call You “Master, Sir.”
58. Perform an unannounced strip search and/or cavity check in an unexpected time or place — out at a bar, for instance, or in the parking lot when You’re out running errands.
59. Reprimand him in public when he does something bad.
60. Spank him in public.
61. Make him kneel in a public restroom with the word “toilet” written on his forehead.
62. Handcuff him in places like bars.
63. Make him wear a T-shirt out to a gay bar or sex club that says “i’m a faggot,” or “slave,” or “pussyboy,” or “cumdump.”
64. Take him to the bathhouse with messages like “breed me” or “i drink piss” or “cocksucker” written on his body in permanent marker.
65. When out in restaurants together, order his meal for him – make sure it’s low calorie and small portioned while You order a full meal. Make him pay. For added fun, make it very clear to the hostess, server, and all staff that the faggot doesn’t even need a menu, You’ll be ordering for him and that he’ll be paying.
66. Make him give himself an enema while You watch.
67. Spontaneously order him to jerk off to completion in front of You or others while locked in chastity; punish him if he doesn’t complete in a specified period of time.
68. Make him service a set of number of Your Friends with video proof that is submitted to You before a specified time period – add more Friends to his to do list if he doesn’t finish in time.
69. When You introduce him to Your friends, make sure he’s naked, collared, chastised, plugged and on his knees so Your Friends can see what a faggot he is. For bonus points, make him “confess” something like, “Hello, i’m a faggot, and my cunt is filled with cum right now.” Or, “Hello, i’m a faggot slave, and i drink piss.”
70. Take him into a photobooth and make him pose for pictures with Your cock in his mouth, then walk away and make him leave the pictures for the next patron to find — not knowing who will find them or what they’ll do with them.
71. Make him approach a stranger at a bar, in a bathroom or at a sex club and beg for their cock, piss or cum.
72. Loan him out to Your Friends – to clean Their homes, drink Their piss, receive Their spit, service Them – or just to have them verbally humiliate him.
73. Force him to cook dinner for You and Your Friends, and then be Your waiter. Make sure that he’s on his knees at Your side, ready to serve when needed. To add to the humiliation factor, make him buy the food, take orders and clean the dishes/kitchen.
74. Force him to service Your friends when They visit Your home – Your feet, Your cocks, Your holes while You all watch movies, talk, enjoy Yourselves. To amp it up, keep telling him he’s a faggot slave and take pictures of him servicing all of You.
75. Make him drink Your piss, kneeling at the trough at gay bars or similar; let Your friends know that he’s available for urinal service.
76. Place an ad for free blowjobs on craigslist – force him to suck off any of the ad respondents and film it.
77. Take him to festivals such as Dore, Folsom, Wet n Hot as a slave – naked, hooded, collared, plugged and chastised. Amp up the humiliation by removing the hood.
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crossbordernarratives · 2 months
Instagram Model Forced Followers Into Sex Work, Kept Them As Slaves
Former Brazilian model and US-based wellness influencer Kat Torres has been sentenced to eight years in prison for the human trafficking and slavery of women, after an FBI investigation found that two women living with her had gone missing in 2022.
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Women who claim that they were also trafficked and enslaved by Torres have spoken out about their harrowing experience living with her. Talking to BBC, the women claimed they were attracted to her rags to riches story as she went from living in an impoverished Brazilian neighbourhood to partying with Hollywood stars.
Torres, who was once rumoured to be dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, also claimed she could make predictions using her spiritual powers and was a common face on reputed Brazilian TV shows.
“She was on the cover of magazines. She was seen with famous people such as Leonardo DiCaprio. Everything I saw seemed credible,” the woman named Ana told BBC.
Torres' former flatmate, who shared a home with her in New York, told BBC that her Hollywood friends had introduced her to a hallucinogenic drug called ayahuasca. It was through the use of this drug that she reinvented herself as a life coach and hypnotist.
Soon, Torres developed a wellness website and subscription service that promised customers “Love, money and self-esteem that you always dreamed of.”
She also created self-help videos offering advice on relationships, wellness, business success including hypnosis, meditation and exercise programmes. She offered one-on-one video consultations for $150 that would solve "any of their problems."
In 2019, Ana moved to New York to work as her Torres' live-in assistant. Escaping a violent childhood and an abusive relationship, she moved alone to the US from Brazil and was studying nutrition at university in Boston.
The work required her to look after Torres' animals, cook for her, do her laundry and clean for $2000 a month. But when she arrived, the situation in Torres' house shocked her. The house was filthy and she was forced to sleep on a sofa covered in cat urine. She was expected to constantly be available for Torres, only being allowed to sleep for a few hours. She would sneak away to the building's gym to sleep for a few hours. She was never paid.
After Ana escaped, Torres hired two more women -- Desirre and Leticia-- who moved with her to a house in Texas. What started out as a life coaching and healing retreat quickly turned into a nightmare for the women.
Within weeks, Desirre was pressured her into working at a local strip club while Torres performed “witchcraft” on her. The two women were forbidden from speaking to each other and had to ask her permission to leave their rooms, even to use the bathroom.
Soon, Torres convinced Desiree to turn to prostitution. If she didn't meet the earning quotas that Torres set, she was not allowed to return to the house that night. “I ended up sleeping on the street several times because I couldn't reach that,” Desirre told BBC.
In September, the two women's friends and family launched social media campaigns to find them. To escape media attention, Torres and the women travelled from Texas to Maine. From there, the two were made to post Instagram videos denying being held captive and demanded people stop searching for them.
Over 20 women have come forward with stories of being scammed or exploited by Torres. They are still undergoing psychiatric therapy to recover from what they say they experienced.
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muzaktomyears · 1 year
Bruno treated us to what for him was a smile. “You boys will make the Indra into another Kaiserkeller,” he said. “No one comes to this place,” he admitted, stating the obvious. “But you’ll make it go when you make show.”
‘Make show’… that was the phrase we were going to have to learn to live with for a long time. Bruno, in his halting English, pronounced it ‘mack show’, which didn’t strike us as being all that amusing as we stood there like sacks of potatoes with our suitcases in hand.
“Where are we staying?” someone asked, trying to change the subject. By this time, we were all anxious to seek some escape in a comfortable night’s sleep in a cosy hotel bed. Misconception number two. Bruno led the way farther along to the wrong end of the street – to a dismal cinema called the Bambi Kino which showed third-rate Westerns and the occasional sex movie. We followed him round a corner to the rear of this drab flea-pit where he opened a door which gave on to nothing but pitch darkness. We trooped through and peering through the blackness made out a light some yards along what turned out to be a gloomy corridor. It came from a solitary light which attracted us towards it like moths; we began to run, leaving Bruno behind.
The light was coming from a room. Lennon got there first, heading the stampede, closely followed by Stu Sutcliffe, who was always somehow near John. George was just behind them and Paul and I were the last in the queue. It wasn’t a pretty sight that greeted us; a scruffy, barren room containing two single beds and an ancient couch.
“What the fucking hell?” Lennon exploded.
“Fuck me!” the rest of us said, almost in unison.
John and Stu commandeered a bed each. George staked his claim on the couch. It was the old story of first come, first served. Paul and I looked at each other, wondering what the floor felt like.
Bruno had caught up with us and tried to charm us with his smile. “But there are two more bedrooms,” he boasted; Paul and I immediately thought that possibly we were the lucky ones after all at the back of the line. A room each, we thought.
We saw them in the flickering glow of matches because these two rooms couldn’t muster a solitary bulb between them. They were two dungeons, which is how we referred to them from that moment. They measured about 5ft by 6ft and most of that was taken up by a single bed on which we dumped our cases.
“You could just about swing a cat in here,” Paul observed drily – “providing it’s got no tail!” We mouthed enough obscenities to paper a wall, but Bruno either didn’t understand or pretended not to. “Only temporary,” he kept saying, “only temporary.”
Paul sat down on his bed in the darkness and I heard the well-worn springs groan pitifully. I knew how they felt. So to bed on our first night in Hamburg, filled with disgust. The big stars from Liverpool… The Beatles!
Even in the daytime, we found, there was no light. Our billet was an extension built onto the rear of the cinema – right next to the toilets! We had to wash and shave in cold water in the cinema urinals – where sometimes the patrons of the Bambi Kino would surprise us and stand and stare at the haggard, black and white apparitions. Lennon, George and Stu were living in comparative luxury in their drab three-bed room some 25 yards along a corridor. Bruno’s ‘only temporary’ promise never did come true. We were doomed to the dungeons, which became home, stacked with guitar and drum cases and a collection of old laundry.
Paul and I never knew if it was night or day. We wrote letters home sitting on our beds with pocket torches strapped around our heads like miners’ lamps. Day after day we all complained to Bruno about the dingy squalor in which we were living. We pointed out that we were, after all, lads from decent middle-class backgrounds whose parents had scrimped and worked to try to give us a good education. What had we done to end up in Germany being treated like a bunch of dossers or winos ready to kip down anywhere for a night? Daily we were given the same smarmy smile and promises, promises. Bruno had once been a clown, we were told, but he certainly didn’t make us laugh.
Beatle! The Pete Best Story, Pete Best and Patrick Doncaster (1985)
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pettyrevenge-base · 1 year
Had the roommate from hell and couldn't get rid of her so I made living with me as miserable as possible.
This happened in 2008-2009, but I thought this community would appreciate the story.  
In 2008 I had just left my husband.  I caught him cheating multiple times, and I was just over it.  A new girl (we will call her Amy) started at my job and we made a fast friendship.  I was in the middle of packing up and moving out of my house.  I needed a roommate for a new apartment I was looking at because my wages weren't going to pay the bills.  So we move in together and live peacefully together for a while.  
I was moving on with my life.  I had gotten better paying job, was spending time with my friends, and I felt ok with life at the time.  At the time I was 25, single, and NOT looking for anything serious so I had a fwb who would stop over a few times a week.  Amy was cool with it on the surface.  It did not affect her in any way.  My friend didn't hang out at our place.  He didn't eat at our place.  He didn't use our household supplies.  My relationship with him affected her exactly ZERO percent, but I guess she was a little green about the fact that I was getting some attention and she was not. She would flirt with him, go visit him where he worked, etc, but he absolutely not interested in her.  This is where things started to go downhill.
For context: She had been married a few times (she was 13 yrs older than me) and the dads had full custody of their respective kids.  She was dating someone but he was already in a relationship so he wasn't about to commit to anything besides stopping by for 30 mins after he worked the night shift every day.  I tried to point out all the red flags, but she was convinced it was love. This dude used to hit on me constantly in front her.  He was very open about being in a committed relationship with his girlfriend so I have no idea why Amy thought this was going anywhere.  
After a few months I met someone I wanted to be serious with so we started dating.  We will call the guy Tom. Tom and I got serious pretty fast. He was living in a horrible situation so he moved in with Amy and I pretty quickly.  I think it was after about a month of dating.  So we have our room and she has her own room.  The bills went from 50/50 to 33/33/34 to make sure things were still even.  We had a shared kitchen, LR, and bathroom.  
After Tom moved in,  she started openly hitting on him in front of me.  Every guy I had at my house (even just friends) she had to hit on. None of them ever took her up on it.  Every single one turned her down and I think this added greatly to her oncoming behavior.  Over the next couple of weeks Amy did a complete 180.  She stopped paying rent, refused to buy any food and would just eat whatever Tom and I bought, would not wash her dishes.  We had two cats - one hers and one mine, and she would never clean the litter in her room so her cat would use our hallway floor as a bathroom every. single. day. Every day when I got home from work there was a big steaming pile of cat shit right inside my front door sitting in the middle of a giant puddle of urine. My cat was locked in my room at night with her own supplies so there was zero chance it was her.  It was the same thing every morning by the front door.  
Whenever she was done eating the food she stole from me, she would set her plate with the leftovers ON THE KITCHEN FLOOR for her cat to pick at. She would leave the plate there for days.  To the point that if I didn't pick them up, there would be multiple plates on the floor with food in various stages of decay.  All of my dishes started going missing, except for the cat's plates, of course.  And what dishes were left, she refused to wash EVER.  She used my toilet paper, my laundry soap, EVEN MY TAMPONS.  
This went on for about 2 months and it just kept getting progressively worse. She would use panty liners every day and would change them multiple times a day and stuff them in the garbage can in the bathroom.  She would leave it there completely over flowing and spilling onto the floor for days until I caved and put on gloves and threw them out.  The can would be full in about a week so this happened a few times.  that's not even the worst of it.   My expensive DSLR went missing.  
I was a photography hobbyist at the time, but it was my dream to be a professional photographer and own my own photography business.  I would shoot stuff for friends and family as practice, and one day I grabbed my camera bag from the SHARED living room and as soon as I picked it up, I felt my heart sink into my stomach.  You know that instant dread that grips you the second you realize something truly gut wrenching has happened...  I open the bag and of course the camera is gone.  That was an expensive camera for that time of my life and it was a gift from my parents so I was truly devastated.  I couldn't prove a thing and I wasn't even sure how long it had been missing.  It could have been her bf that took it, but either way it was gone.  
So now this is it.  This is the last straw. I need this bitch out.  I went from nice girl to fucking psycho in about 30 seconds.  I'm not the violent type and I hate confrontation. I'm NOT waiting for a fucking eviction to go through and I really didn't have the money for that anyway so here's where I start my petty revenge. Amy wants to live here with me rent free, stealing my shit, hitting on my boyfriend, and neglecting her cat... so be it.  But its going to be on my fucking terms.  
One vital piece of information: in my divorce, the dickhead moved back in with mommy and I took everything from the house to my new apartment so I owned everything and the lease was in my name.  
I started by changing the wifi password and the computer password.   The following week I had my cable company come and remove the cable lines to her room.  I bought a small fridge for my room and a cabinet and put all my food and personal supplies in my bedroom and put a secure lock on my door.  I hid my pots and pans.  I locked up the soap and toilet paper.  The cabinets were EMPTY. I paid for it all, and I would be the only one using it. When her cat shit on the floor, I would pick it up and smear it on her bedroom door knob. Overflowing bathroom trash cans filled to the brim with her panty liners were dumped on her bed.  I removed the knobs to the washer and the dryer.  
I did everything possible to make her life uncomfortable. I did other small stuff. Anything that came to mind. A few months prior Amy and I had been working at the same store and she borrowed another coworkers laptop.  She ended up getting fired, but she never gave the laptop back and the coworker was really trying to get it back from her. Amy ghosted her, of course, so while she was out one day, I went in and took the laptop and gave it back to its rightful owner. Amy called the cops on me and said I stole her computer, but I explained what happened.  she admitted to the cops that the computer wasn't hers and the cops said it wasn't their problem anymore. That one really made her hate me. she wasn't working at the time so its not like she had money to do anything or buy anything.  She was literally just existing in room in my apartment.  She would disappear during the day but I have no idea where she was going.  She moved out after about 6 weeks.  
When she moved out of my apartment, I didn't even know she had left.  I just noticed she wasn't coming or going for about a week.  so Tom and I cleaned out her room.  She left clothes, broken furniture, a cardboard dresser, and FIVE 39 gallon garbage bags of trash we collected from the mass piles of panty liners, rotting food, and ordinary trash we found in the room.  It's a miracle we didn't have roaches.  I found all my missing dishes, silver ware, and cups all covered in food and grossness.  I just threw it all away.  I wish I still had the photos though.  Oddly enough, about 6 months later, I opened my back door to take out the trash and my camera was in a bag hanging from my doorknob. I know Amy definitely didn't return it.  
For about 2 years after, every time I would find out that Amy was living with someone new, I would message them and send them the photos of her room. Papers in the trash that had HER NAME on them. And I would tell them the whole story.  One time it caused the people she was living with to throw her shit out on the porch.  She had just moved in and they had small kids and they didn't want to risk it with her.  I stopped after that.   She knew it was me telling them too so I figured I had sufficiently made my point. 
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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cleolinda · 2 years
(It might truly not be a perfume)
Not A Perfume Superdose, Juliette Has A Gun (2019)
(newly-arrived “discovery set” sample)
Point the first: I wrote about Not A Perfume (2010) the other day, so this is a comparative follow-up.
Point the second: I think this time it really is just one aromachemical, probably. Maybe two, tops. Three?
The whole premise here is that Not A Perfume was “just” cetalox, and so Not A Perfume Superdose is “just” “more” cetalox. Going back to that Fragrantica article, the one talking about how Not A Perfume is in no way One Single Elegant Base Note and is, in fact, three white musks in a hedione trenchcoat:
Let’s say, if in Not A Perfume, the focus was on the smell of the ambergris block, then the Superdose version pushes it aside and instead of the flying and rather invasive white-flowered hedione, it offers us an even more invasive ambrocenide — a cold, even burning ambergris material. Our bed linen is hung out on the street not in summer, but on a winter morning.
Over to the Perfumer’s Apprentice, ambrocenide: what it do?
Powerful and long-lasting top to base booster; lends power to woody and ambery accords; gives radiance and enhances citrus and aldehydic notes at low use levels; propels musk notes to be perceived in the top notes; gives volume and strength to floral heart notes.
(istg someday I’m just gonna order a vial of Cetalox [or Ambroxan, or WHATEVER] and some perfumer’s alcohol and find out what the Single Elegant Base Note would actually smell like)
So, in practice, what Juliette Had A Gun did was remove the secret additional notes and call it super. Reading the reviews for Superdose, however, you start to understand why the original Not A Perfume was sweetened up with some user-friendly laundry musks in the first place. Over at the Fragrantica user reviews, gone are the pears and the fairies and the ghosts and the blood. Now we get (deep breath)
ambergris, a woodshop, sea salt, animal musk, iso e super, lemon, laundry, spice, pencil shavings, Le Labo’s Another 13, paperbacks, rubbing alcohol, plastic bags, a heater turning on, damp fur, cat urine, vodka, whipped cream, body odor, burning plastic; it’s “peppery and harsh”; it’s “mouthwateringly juicy”; it’s “so disturbingly evil”; “this perfume smells like what doing whippets feels like.”
On me, Superdose smells like dryer sheets. Again. But this time, a used dryer sheet, gossamer thin and clinging to a fluffy towel, so it’s not as overwhelming to me as the original was. Yes: I am possibly the only person on earth who feels less whelmed by Superdose. (This is why I don’t try to officially “review” a fragrance and say it’s definitely good or bad, this or that, because it’s clearly so dependent on skin chemistry, before you even get to personal taste. I can’t judge my dryer sheet against your garbage fire.)
Ironically, it wasn’t the cetalox that bothered me the first time around, but the hedione; Superdose doesn’t have any, so it took a whole hour for the headache to set in this time. Honestly, I would be more likely to wear Superdose again than the original Not A Perfume, I think. I don’t know what it says about me that I got the blandest, goodiest-two-shoes results possible, but… no, actually, that checks out. I almost wish my skin chemistry had produced something edgier, but that’s a monkey’s paw wish if I ever heard one.
(Actually, what I have heard is that Superdose really earns its keep as a base for other perfumes you actually like, especially if they’re weak or wear off quickly. Time to get out the Demeter Fragrance samples, sounds like.)
Also in the Juliette Has A Gun set I got: Vanilla Vibes, Magnolia Bliss, Lipstick Fever, MMMM, Pear Inc., and Lili Fantasy. I’ll intersperse writeups of those, long covid willing, with other fragrances as we go. (I’ve already given Lipstick Fever a quick test, and it was unexpectedly fruit forward.) It’s a total toss-up as to what I’ll post about next, but maybe I’ll switch it up with something I actually wear regularly.
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is-not-a-unicorn · 8 months
I'm having a bad mental health day
I'm really struggling to do anything. I'm not even going to the house today because I need a break. I'm trying to take it easy so I can calm down. I did some Journaling when I woke up. I stopped by my partner's work to visit with him and bring him lunch and I did some shopping. I thought getting out and doing stuff would help me feel less depressed but it didn't. I took a shower and I'm gonna nap after I post this. Maybe that will help.
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CW: angry rant after the cut
I was up all last night and couldn't sleep because I was thinking about how angry I am with my roommates.
This entire floor was covered in piss & shit with paper towels cemented to the tile. My roommate kept saying he would clean it up. Did he? No!! My partner and I did. I spent like $200 on cleaning supplies, he had everything he needed to clean. He said he was going to but days went by and nothing. He said he would clean on Tuesday and we came back Sunday and nothing was done. My partner couldn't be in the house because of the smell so we cleaned it ourselves. It still smells like urine but not as overpowering as it was 😢
I'm just tired of being the one doing 95% of the cleaning. I did ALL of the cleaning the first two years we lived together. After I stopped cleaning up after them everything went to shit. I haven't used the kitchen in 5 years because it smells like urine. And they never cleaned it.
The basement was flooding last year and the plumber refused to come in the house. I wasn't even living there, I was with my partner in his apartment. And I'm still the one that cleaned the kitchen and the laundry room.
The other roommate always says thank you and tells me how great it looks and I HATE that. I don't care that you're grateful. I don't want to always be the one doing the cleaning. I work more hours and have a harder job. I haven't lived in the house for the past two years. Clean up your own fucking mess. I don't want praise. I want them to clean up their own shit.
Talking to them does nothing. They say they'll clean up but they DON'T. I swear I'm gonna start charging them $75/hr to clean up after them and just take the money from the household account idc.
I'm scared to live in the house again. I was so depressed living there before, things got REALLY bad. It'll probably be better this time because my partner will be there to support me. My partner keeps telling me it will be okay. But I'm still scared. I keep having break downs and crying if I think about it too much.
And my partner's mad too. He thinks my roommates shouldn't have a dog if they can't take care of it. But the dog is extremely reactive and wouldn't be able to be rehomedso he's not going to say anything to my roommates about that. My partner is going to try to work with training the dog since my roommates haven't. He feels absolutely terrible that this dog has been forced to live in her own urine and feces. It's unsanitary and cruel. My partner is also worried that the urine soaked through the grout and damaged the foundation of the house.
I don't even know how my roommates' cats are because they stay in their room. But my roommates always smell like cat pee and it's a little bit embarrassing for me to be around them in public.
I don't even know what to do except keep cleaning. Next week. Not today.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Product label for Acqua Lina Washing Liquid, 10/19/1937. 
(It’s bleach.) 
Series: Case Files for Registered Product Labels , 1874 - 1940
Record Group 241: Records of the Patent and Trademark Office, 1836 - 1978
[sample label]  
[vertical text on sideS of label] KEEP IN COOL PLACE TIGHTLY CAPPED | NO LIME OR ACID IN THIS SOLUTION  [/vertical text]
[capitalized] Do Not Use on Silk, Wook, Leather, or Sponge |  Use Acqua Lina on White and Fast Colors Only | Follow DIRECTIONS Carefully | To Break Gold Seal Use Penknife | Bleaches -- Removes Dirt -- Softens Water -- Whitens Clothes | As a Bleach in LAUNDERING -- ACQUA LINA[ [/capitilzation]  bleaches white cottons and linens and removes ordinary stains -- boiling unnecessary.  Remember always mix well ACQUA LINA with water before using. In First Rinse -- Add 1 tablespoonful ACQUA LINA for each gallon cold or lukewarm water; mix well; then immerse white cottons and linens 15 min.; rinse in clear water. In Soaking Suds -- Add 1 tablespoonful ACQUA LINA for each gallon cold or lukewarm water; mix thoroughly; add soap or washing powder; then immerse white cottons and linens half hour or overnight; wash; rinse in clear water. Good for babies' white cotton and linens, diapers, rubber garments, rubber sheets.  FLOORS, Softwood and Hardwood -- Wash with hot suds.  Apply solution half pint ACQUA LINA to gallon warm water; let stand until desired results obtained; rinse; dry; wax and polish. WOOD -- Breadboards, Shelves, Drainboards, Utensils, etc. -- Wash with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart cold or lukewarm water; let stand 5 to 15 minutes; rinse. Repeat if necessary. REED, WICKER, Natural Colored Straw Hats -- Follow directions for WOOD, using 4 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart cold or lukewarm water. AS A STAIN, SCORCH OR MILDEW REMOVER To remove STAINS -- Coffee, Tea, Wine, Ink, Berry, Fruit, Chocolate, Flower, Vegetable, Grass, Blood, many Dye and Medicine Stains, also SCORCH and MILDEW, from white and color-fast cottons and linens (do not use on silk or wool) -- Soak in cold water to remove starch or dressing.  Make solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA for each quart cold water; mix thoroughly; then immerse fabric 5 to 15 minutes; rinse well in clear water. Repeat if necessary.  Any trace of mildew remaining usually disappears when fabric is dried in sunlight.  Brown spots left after removing certain inks can generally be removed with lemon juice or vinegar. PETS, POULTRY, LIVESTOCK To disinfect cuts, wounds, insect bites, and help combat infections and ailments of germ origin, use solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 10 parts water.  POULTRY and LIVESTOCK -- Disinfect drinking water by thoroughly mixing 1 oz. ACQUA LINA to each 5 gallons water.  Use in glass, porcelain or stoneware vessels.  Clean drinking water containers daily. DOGS, CATS -- Wash with solution half cupful ACQUA LINA to each gallon lukewarm suds; rinse with clear water; dry.  BEWARE OF IMITATIONS
ACQUA LINA REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. WASHING LIQUID [image of mother and daughter hanging up laundry] For your own protection DO NOT ACCEPT IF GOLD SEAL IS BROKEN ON THE NECK OF THIS BOTTLE  
AS A CLEANSER, STAIN REMOVER, DISINFECTANT OR DEODORANT To prepare a disinfecting solution containing 100 parts per million Available Chlorine -- Add 1 oz. ACQUA LINA for each 4 gallons cold water; mix well.  For the following -- Wash thoroughly; rinse with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; rinse; dry;
Basins, Bathtubs      Cuspidors     Enamel Ware     Sinks, Tile
Bottles                          Cut Glass       Fruit Jars             Vases
Chopping Blocks      Decanters     Linoleum             Windows
Coffee, Tea Pots       Dishes             Marble                  Wood Utensils
Crockery                     Drainboards  Porcelain             Woodwork
SICKROOM -- Bedpans, Urinals, Sputum Cups, etc. -- Wash thoroughly; rinse well with solution 3 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse; dry.  ODORS - ACQUA LINA destroys Fish, Onion, Cabbage, Garlic, also Skunk and other obnoxious odors. GARBAGE CANS -- Wash with hot suds; then wash thoroughly with solution 3 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart lukewarm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse; dry. REFRIGERATORS -- Thoroughly wash inside surfaces and shelves; rinse with solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart warm water; let stand 5 minutes; rinse with clear water; dry; air. TOILET BOWLS -- Pour half cupful ACQUA LINA into bowl; swish solution over all inside surfaces; then add 2 tablespoonfuls vinegar; let stand hour or overnight. DRAINPIPES of Basins, Sinks, Showers, Tubs -- To cleanse and aid in deodorizing, flush with boiling water followed with cupful ACQUA LINA. Ice Box Drains -- Use quarter cupful.  AS A DISINFECTANT FOR PERSONAL USE One part ACQUA LINA thoroughly  mixed with 10 parts cold water makes a sodium hypochlorite solution equivalent in disinfection properties to Dakin's solution.  CUTS, SCRATCHES, INSECT BITES, MINOR BURNS -- Apply solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 10 parts cold water; cover loosely with gauze; keep moist with same strength solution.  "ATHLETE'S FOOT" (Foot Ringworm) -- Soak feet daily for 5 minutes in solution 2 tablespoonfuls ACQUA LINA to each quart warm water; remove loose skin; continue soaking 15 minutes; dry. POISON IVY, OAK, SUMAC -- Wash with alcohol; bandage; keep moist with solution teaspoonful ACQUA LINA to glass water.  RINGWORM--Apply solution 1 part ACQUA LINA to 5 parts cold water several times daily. DENTAL PLATES -- To sweeten, disinfect and remove stains -- Cleanse thoroughly, let stand 15 minutes or overnight in solution 10 drops ACQUA LINA to half glass (4 oz.) water; rinse. DOUCHE -- For an antiseptic douche, thoroughly mix 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls ACQUA LINA to quart tepid water.  Will not harm delicate membrane or tissue.  Helps destroy unpleasant odors, leaves no lasting odor of its own. ACTIVE INGREDIENT WHEN PACKED SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE 5.25% Y WT. | INERT INGREDIENTS 94.75% BY WT.
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squishmelo · 2 years
That time (yesterday) that I got shit on.
Once I got my license I decided that I had to increase my will to live, and part of doing that was going to visit the shelter (masked) and just pet some cats. Wild that you can just like literally, be a body in a room with an animal and you’re helping it. Amazing.
The last time I went I met this old guy named Juno who has a giant fat head and a loud purr and I loved him, and I’m like great, I’ll go back and meet Juno. Well, someone else was paying attention to him (YES!!! GET THAT HOME BAYBEEE) - so I pet another cat, and while I’m there there’s just the most horrendous racket of barks - much worse than normal. It’s. So. Loud.
I go up to the front and say “hey, so..I hear a lot of dogs. How can I help?” I have seen on facebook, and she also tells me - they’ve got not one, but TWO batches of dogs taken from a hoarding situation just two days ago, and there’s so many animals that some are 2 or 3 to a cage. (They’re all small to medium dogs capping at about 20lbs each, so they fit fine dw) - and they have no idea how to interact with humans. They don’t have toys or know what a leash is let alone how to walk on one, some are horrified of humans and some are just unsure, etc etc. So she says, volunteer wise, if I could just like spend some time and maybe take a dog outside, it would be super helpful. BUT be aware that they can’t walk on a leash so I might have to pick them up and carry them out - and they’re very stinky. Okay cool, fine, I can do this. I fill a pocket up with treats small enough for little dogs and a denta stick they can chew, and head out with the instructions to find any small dog that’s black or brown.
I find two of them, and one is absolutely terrified of me. Poor thing is fear barking, lunging, etc, absolutely protecting itself+its space. The other is excitedly dancing on the cage to see me so I say ok, cool, let’s take you out. At this point I realize that there’s no collars on them, so I have to create a slip lead - only the dog isn’t excited about me approaching its head with an odd object and unfamiliar hands - so there’s a whole jumble and I end up picking up the (smelly) pup to take outside, and swinging the cage door shut behind me.
This is where I fucked up.
The cage door did not properly latch.
So as I’m walking out, the fear puppy follows me. Out into a hallway that connects to the cleaning room, the laundry room, and the outside. Meaning it is a flurry of activity and full of people for once, bc of the hoarding situation. The dog…poor baby. Ends up next to a laundry basket, sees the people, corners, and begins to urinate and deficate right there. ToT
I feel so bad, I manage the loop situation with my dog, a girl offers to hold it, and once the animal is, I assumed, done using the restroom, I offer it a treat (obviously denied) - and hoist it up to go back into its kennel where it feels safe. I leave it with a treat or two, apologize, make sure that the cage is locked, and begin to return to my dog.
At which point I hear a voice say “Oh, that is unfortunate…” I look down and my shoe - brand new, worn because of that good good arch support - has been shat on. I’m talking at least half a cup plus of primo shit, loose enough that there is no picking it off, but thick enough that luckily, it doesn’t escape over the shoelace area. Cool. Someone tells me there’s paper towels (What are they going to help???) so I grab them and then notice the hose. Perfect, I’ll just spray these off outside at the mouth of the doorway, onto the gravel parking lot. I take off my shoe, set down the paper towel roll, and begin spraying. There is very quickly a puddle forming of shit, mud, dirt, and soapy water - as a man next to me uses it to wash his hands. As he’s washing them - the paper towel roll makes its move. It falls over and then begins to bounce, popping and rolling out across the shit mud, before I can catch it. I try hopping after it on one foot, since my left is only in a sock - but I can’t make it fast enough, and it’s wasting precious paper towels by the millisecond. So I give up and hustle out, stepping in le shit water in my sock, to grab it.  *Facepalm*. Finally, my shoe is clean, the paper towel roll has been saved, I put my sock back into my soaking wet shoe and feel an inch of water squelch up around my foot. Amazing.
I don’t know where to throw out the paper towels I used to try to soak up some of the water in the shoe, and I’m awkward ass fuck so I ask someone “Do you have a rubbish bin?”
Which, we’re in AMERICA, so they look at me like I’m a fucking dumbass, before finally finding one for me, so I can throw them out. There’s another embarrassing moment with the hose when I thought soap guy had turned it off, but of course he hadn’t, so as I’m rolling it back up, its still gushing water into the hallway and I have to apologize profusely as someone gets out the squeegee mop and tells me they’ll deal with it. ToT
Finally- FINALLY - I manage to get my dog back from very nice girl who watched this all unfold, and try to get the dog out of the hallway, except OF COURSE it doesn’t know how to walk on a leash, which I’ve forgotten about, so there’s a lot of bribery and cooing and getting my fingers nibbled. We finally make it out about 20ft into the yard and the dog is pawing and clamoring around me, putting poo mud pawprints all over my ass and thighs - amazing - and trying to mouth me. At one point it gets so excited as I try to pet it that it actually jumps up and grabs my mask, yanking it down with their momentum and off of my face. We spend some time together and I get absolutely slobbered on by this stinky pup who definitely has never had dental care in its life and also has some sort of upper respiritory infection and is leaking discharge from its left nostril.
Eventually She seems like she wants to go back  so I carry her ass in, get her back in her kennel/cage/home with one very empty scared friend, and start to head out. Only of course I have to walk very slowly because the floors are concrete and my left foot is sliding widely with every step and I can be a fall risk, to put it mildly.
I get up to the front and go to tell them about our snot nosed pal, and have to stand and wait, covered in dirty paw prints, water squelching in my shoe, for the person at the front desk to finish a call so I can explain that they need medical attention.
And then I get in my car with my shit shoes and dirt legs and snot hands, and drive home to throw everything in the washer and scrub myself in the shower. And thats the story of how I felt like a jackass at an animal shelter !
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(A couple pics of Juno, another shelter cat named Cardamom, and our possible pooper pup)
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petnews2day · 3 months
10 Best Laundry Detergents for Cat Urine in 2024 - Reviews & Top Picks - Catster
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/wqCCB
10 Best Laundry Detergents for Cat Urine in 2024 - Reviews & Top Picks - Catster
If you have a cat that tends to pee on your bedding or clothes, you’re not alone. Some cats pee on things other than inside their litter boxes for various reasons. They can be marking their territory, there might be a health problem, or perhaps your cat is not entirely happy with you. Whatever the […]
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mousedetective · 1 year
I need $40 via my PayPal to do laundry at the Motel 6 we're currently at. The machines are operated via the PayRange app, and my prepaid debit card is attached to my account with them. The cats peed all over the blankets and pillows that my mom and son use, and I need to wash them tonight or tomorrow before we leave the hotel.
(If I can get $60, I'll buy a small bag of Tide pods, which neutralize cat urine better, and some fabric softener as well).
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meowmatics · 8 months
Why Is My Cat Peeing On My Clothes: Decoding Feline Behavior
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Discovering cat urine on your clothes can be a perplexing and frustrating experience for cat owners. The distinctive odor and the added hassle of cleanup and laundry make this behavior particularly challenging. In this article, we'll delve into the common question, Why is my cat peeing on my Clothes? and explore the three main categories of causes: medical, behavioral, and litter box-related. Understanding the root cause is crucial for implementing an effective solution and maintaining a harmonious relationship with your feline companion.
Understanding the Problem
The unmistakable smell of cat urine is not only unpleasant but also poses a significant challenge in terms of cleanup and laundry. Dealing with this issue requires a deeper understanding of the underlying causes. While it may be tempting to solely focus on the immediate problem, a comprehensive solution necessitates identifying the root cause. This article aims to provide insights into the various reasons why cats exhibit this behavior, offering a roadmap for cat owners to address the issue systematically.
Exploring Possible Causes
To effectively tackle the issue of a cat peeing on clothes, it's crucial to categorize potential causes into three main groups: medical, behavioral, and litter box-related. Each category represents a distinct aspect of a cat's well-being and can contribute to this undesirable behavior. By systematically exploring these causes, cat owners can gain valuable insights into their feline companion's health and emotional state, enabling them to tailor an appropriate solution.
Medical Causes
When a cat starts exhibiting unusual urination habits, it may be indicative of an underlying medical issue. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is a common culprit, characterized by bladder inflammation and frequent, painful urination. Chronic kidney diseases, thyroid issues, diabetes, senile dementia, and osteoarthritis are additional medical conditions that can impact a cat's urinary behavior. Timely veterinary attention is crucial to diagnose and treat these conditions, ensuring the overall health and well-being of the feline friend. FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease) FLUTD is a multifaceted condition in cats, often caused by infectious cystitis or non-infectious factors like struvite stones. Without proper treatment, FLUTD can lead to severe complications, including bladder stones and blockages. Recognizing symptoms such as frequent urination and seeking prompt veterinary care is essential for managing and mitigating the risks associated with this condition. Chronic Kidney Diseases Impaired kidney function can result in toxins building up in a cat's body, leading to recurrent, diluted urination. Early detection of chronic kidney diseases is crucial for preventing severe health complications. Cat owners should be vigilant for symptoms like loss of appetite, weakness, and pale gums, signaling the need for immediate veterinary attention. Thyroid Issues The thyroid gland, situated in a cat's neck, plays a pivotal role in regulating metabolism and hormone production. When underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism), it can lead to a range of health issues, including urinary problems. Blood tests at the vet can determine thyroid hormone levels, guiding subsequent treatment options. Diabetes Regulating blood sugar levels is vital for diabetic cats, influencing their urination frequency. Increased thirst, weight loss, and lethargy are common symptoms accompanying this condition. A simple blood test can diagnose diabetes, allowing the veterinarian to prescribe an appropriate treatment plan. Senile Dementia Similar to humans, cats can suffer from dementia as they age. Cognitive decline can result in behavioral changes, including urinating outside the litter box. Managing senile dementia involves understanding and accommodating the cat's limitations, providing support as needed. Osteoarthritis This painful joint condition is prevalent in older cats and can affect their ability to use the litter box comfortably. Discomfort and inflammation make it challenging for cats with osteoarthritis to navigate high litter boxes, prompting them to seek alternative spots for urination.
Behavioral Causes
Understanding the emotional well-being of a cat is crucial to unraveling the mystery of why they might be urinating on clothes. Behavioral causes such as marking territory, stress, anxiety, and seeking attention can contribute to this behavior. By addressing these emotional factors, cat owners can create a more stable and supportive environment for their feline companions. Marking Their Territory Territorial marking is a natural behavior in cats, where they leave pheromones in their urine to communicate ownership. Distinguishing between marking and regular urination is essential, as marking is usually done in small amounts on vertical surfaces. Creating a stable environment and providing vertical spaces can help alleviate territorial insecurity. Stress and Anxiety Cats, like humans, can experience stress and anxiety, leading to behavioral changes such as urinating on clothes. Identifying stressors, whether it's a change in environment, diet, or the presence of a new family member, is crucial. Observing signs of stress, such as excessive urination, grooming, or hiding, allows cat owners to intervene and create a more relaxed atmosphere. Seeking Attention Some cats may resort to urinating on clothes as a way of seeking attention. Indoor cats, in particular, may feel they are not receiving enough love and affection from their human companions. While it doesn't imply negligence on the owner's part, providing additional quality time, interaction, and love can often resolve attention-seeking behaviors.
Litter Box Causes
A clean and suitable litter box is paramount for maintaining a cat's proper toileting behavior. Litter box-related issues, including cleanliness, the type of litter used, and accessibility, can contribute to a cat's decision to urinate elsewhere. Positive reinforcement and avoiding punishment are essential strategies for encouraging desirable litter box habits. Emphasize the Significance of a Clean Litter Box Maintaining a clean litter box is not only essential for a cat's hygiene but also crucial for preventing urination problems. Cats are generally fastidious creatures, and a dirty litter box can be a significant deterrent to regular use. Regular scooping and thorough cleaning are key practices for ensuring a cat's comfort and hygiene. Assessing the Litter Box Itself The type of litter and the design of the litter box can significantly impact a cat's preference and comfort. Some cats may be particular about the texture or scent of the litter, while others may have difficulty accessing high-sided boxes. Observing a cat's behavior and preferences can guide cat owners in selecting the most suitable litter and litter box design. Positive Reinforcement and Avoiding Punishment Encouraging positive behaviors around the litter box is crucial to fostering good habits. Punishing a cat for urinating outside the box can exacerbate the problem and create stress, leading to further behavioral issues. Instead, positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise when the cat uses the litter box correctly, helps build positive associations with the designated toileting area.
How to Stop Cat from Peeing on Clothes
Addressing the issue of a cat urinating on clothes requires a systematic approach that encompasses all potential causes. The following steps provide a comprehensive guide for cat owners to identify the specific cause and implement effective solutions. Stress the Importance of a Systematic Approach A systematic approach involves considering all potential causes, starting with a veterinary visit to rule out underlying medical issues. By systematically addressing each aspect, cat owners can tailor their approach to the specific needs of their feline companion, increasing the likelihood of a successful resolution.
The Necessity of a Veterinary Visit for a Thorough Health Check
A comprehensive health check by a veterinarian is the initial step in understanding why a cat might be urinating on clothes. Medical causes, such as FLUTD, chronic kidney diseases, thyroid issues, diabetes, senile dementia, or osteoarthritis, must be ruled out or addressed promptly. Blood tests, imaging, and other diagnostic tools can provide valuable insights into the cat's health status, guiding the subsequent course of action.
Creating a Stress-Free Environment
Once medical concerns are addressed, it's essential to evaluate the cat's environment for stressors. Changes in the household, new pets, or disruptions to routine can contribute to behavioral issues. Creating a stress-free environment involves minimizing disruptions, providing safe spaces, and offering activities that promote mental and physical well-being. Cats thrive on routine, so maintaining a consistent schedule can also help alleviate stress.
Addressing Emotional Needs
Understanding and addressing a cat's emotional needs are paramount in preventing unwanted behaviors like urinating on clothes. For cats experiencing anxiety or seeking attention, incorporating interactive play, designated cuddle time, and enrichment activities can offer emotional fulfillment. Providing vertical spaces, cozy hideaways, and comforting scents, such as familiar bedding, can create a secure environment that promotes positive behavior.
Maintaining a Clean and Suitable Litter Box
A clean and suitable litter box is crucial to encouraging proper toileting behavior. Cat owners should focus on the following aspects: Regular Cleaning:  Ensure the litter box is scooped daily, and a thorough cleaning is performed regularly. Cats prefer a clean space, and maintaining hygiene reduces the likelihood of aversion to the litter box. Appropriate Litter:  Experiment with different litter types to determine the cat's preference. Some cats prefer clumping, non-clumping, scented, or unscented litter. Offering choices can help identify the cat's preferred substrate. Litter Box Accessibility:  Consider the litter box's size and design. Cats may avoid high-sided boxes or those in cramped spaces. Opting for open, low-sided boxes can enhance accessibility and reduce potential obstacles.
Key Takeaways
Recapping the main points discussed in this article: Identify the Root Cause:  Systematically address medical, behavioral, and litter box-related causes to pinpoint the reason behind a cat urinating on clothes. Medical Attention:  Seek veterinary care for a thorough health check and diagnosis of potential medical issues. Emotional Well-being:  Understand and address emotional needs by creating a stress-free environment and fulfilling a cat's need for attention and play. Litter Box Maintenance:  Maintain a clean and suitable litter box, considering cleanliness, appropriate litter type, and box accessibility. Individualized Solutions:  Each cat is unique, and solutions should be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the feline companion. Persistence and Love:  Resolving behavioral issues takes time and patience. Approach the situation with love, understanding, and a commitment to your cat's well-being.
In conclusion, unwinding the mystery of why is my cat peeing on my clothes includes an extensive methodology that considers clinical, conduct, and environmental elements. Assuming that you're wondering, why is my cat peeing on my clothes, it's significant to comprehend the main driver. By consulting with a veterinarian to preclude any clinical issues, assessing the litter box conditions, and tending to possible stressors, proprietors can pursue a resolution that encourages a positive relationship with their catlike companion. Persistence, persistence, and a guarantee to the cat's prosperity are fundamental components in effectively defeating this difficult way of behaving. Don't surrender; with the right methodology, a harmonious living environment can be reestablished. Read More: Why Do Cats Stick Their Tongue Out: Decoding Feline Behavior
How do I stop my cat from peeing on my clothes? Distinguish the explanation for the way of behaving. Guarantee the litter confine is perfect and set a peaceful, open location. Preclude clinical issues by talking with a veterinarian. Utilize enzymatic cleaners to eliminate any fragrance markings from your garments. Give encouraging feedback when your cat utilizes the litter box accurately. Why did my cat pee on my clothes in front of me? Cats might pee outside the litter box because of stress, clinical issues, or disappointment with the litter box conditions. On the off chance that your cat does this in your presence, it very well may be an approach to communicating pain or uneasiness. Explore likely causes and talk with a vet if necessary. How do you discipline a cat for peeing outside the litter box? Keep away from actual discipline, as it can prompt apprehension and tension in cats. All things being equal, center around uplifting feedback. Guarantee the litter box is engaging, clean, and properly located. Use treats and commendation when your cat utilizes the litter box accurately. Talk with a vet for direction on the off chance that the issue continues. Should I punish my cat for peeing on my clothes? Discipline isn't suggested. Cats don't answer well to discipline and may end up being more worried or restless. All things being equal, address the main driver of the way of behaving. Talk with a veterinarian to preclude clinical issues, make the litter box seriously engaging, and give uplifting feedback to utilizing the litter box accurately. Read the full article
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honemi · 10 months
i'm so tired of cleaning up piss
kaiju keeps peeing on boxes. poe keeps trying to find a new spot to piss in the laundry room and because of that he triggered an flood detection thing that's HOOKED UP to our hvac system and now i have to remove it. why the fuck can't my fiancé do that. why ME for EVERYTHING????
the flood detection keeps making this clicking noise and if i wasnt worried about electric shock or starting a fire by hitting it to pieces with a hammer, i'd have already smashed it.
my dad dropped his portable urinal and the ONLY REASON i found out is because i walked into his room to ask if he wanted dinner. found him just standing there looking confused (because he was) and he thought it was 1 am so that means he wasn't going to tell me, and was planning to clean it up himself, he can't even bend over enough to reach things at hip level so how the fuck he thought he was going to clean up piss is beyond me. then again he's pulled this before and then surprises me with it days later. further hurting himself.
i'm TIRED of taking care of my parents. i'm TIRED of being the default. i take care of everybody else and barely myself and i'm broke because i can't work more because i have to take care of my remaining parent!!!
oh and my cat has cancer on top of his diabetes and FIV+ status
every noise is excruciating and i hate it here and i'm tired and depressed and stressed and nobody cares about my wedding and not many people have rsvp'd yet so watch we're gonna have spent $20k+ on a party with no guests. this is supposed to be exciting and fun for me but instead this year has been a literal dogshit nightmare of stress anxiety and depression and learning that actually, a lot of people you thought liked you maybe probably don't!
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timespentonline · 1 year
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