#Cause Of Clinical Hypnosis
misscammiedawn · 6 months
Derealization in Night in the Woods and Metal Gear Solid 2
This post contains discussions and descriptions of severe dissociation that may be triggering to those who experience those symptoms and details themes of abuse, war and alcoholism please be kind to yourself when reading. Full game spoilers for NitW and MGS2.
In my Media, Myself and I series of posts I've been talking about depictions of Dissociative Identity Disorder in media. Highlighting good representation because I think it's easy to tear down what doesn't work, but showing what does is a very teachable moment. Best way to increase understanding and tear down stigma is to show understandable and relatable examples. Even if they're imperfect.
To that end, I wish to take a mild distraction from talking about identity focused symptoms of dissociative disorders and do some posts on elements of dissociation which aren't highlighted as often, particularly not well.
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder is on the dissociative spectrum and the symptoms are experienced within forms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Identity DIsorder.
To borrow an info-graphic I utilized in my Hypnosis and Dissociative Disorders essay a while back
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Source: Mayo Clinic
The brain processes the world and our association within that connects the concepts of "Me" and the concept of "Reality" and integrates them so we are able to process external reality and express our internal reality.
When we look at our hand we can look at it and understand "this is my hand", the shape of it, the sensation of proprioception, the knowledge that we are able to move it and it will move based on our innate intention. There is no process of "I want to move my hand, I am going to move my hand, my hand is moving" it all happens as part of one seamless process.
A practice within hypnosis for creating a sense of dissociation required for trance states is to have a person look at their hand and turn the phrasing from "my hand" to "that hand". Gradually having a person look at a thing until our brains stop processing it in relation to our surroundings until it "detaches" as a way of temporarily removing critical filters in an effort to lead a person to an altered and suggestible state.
A good example of this one can experience without assistance is to stare into a mirror for an elongated period of time. Our brains are always attempting to process a large amount of information and presents context to you that changes "those images on the mirror's surface" into "my reflection", it's why we are able to feel familiarity as a sense. When we perceive something that activates those associations the relevant information automatically filters in our mind and presents the concepts associated with the stimulus.
If we stare at the same reflection for too long those associations begin to disintegrate and we begin to view them divorced of the contexts we hold for them.
For those who suffer dissociative disorders, this is the root of why someone with DID will not "recognize" their reflection or why a person may not feel familiarity with something/someone they are aware of.
Dissociative amnesia is a topic I wish to cover in a future essay but it is also included in this process. Essentially when we dissociate our minds lose the ability to effectively filter what we are perceiving and relate it to our selves, our memories and our experiences.
Derealization is what happens when that critical filter between the external world and our internal perception breaks down. It's when we are not processing the world as being something we are engaging with. This may present as a disconnection between our perception and our understanding, for example "my hand feels like it's larger than it looks" or it can be a complete disconnect from what is happening in your present reality causing you to feel like you are in a dream. In extreme cases you lose your ability to relate your actions from consequences.
Let me tell you, having this happen while you're behind the wheel of a moving vehicle is terrifying and I hope no one reading this ever has to experience that.
I should also note that these symptoms tend to get dramatically worse the more you focus on them. In my own life, if I have a sensation that parts of my body feel incompatible with my inner perception of them then the vague dysphoria can blossom into full dissociation if I try to examine the feeling in any depth.
For an everyday version of it, think about the sensation of Deja Vu and how it feels like you have already experienced something which is happening in the present. During that state you are dissociated enough from processing your present reality that it "feels" like you've already experienced it, despite the knowledge that you are currently in the moment.
All of this is to give a vague view of what Derealization is and what it feels like.
Today I want to share two pieces of media that include a character overtly experiencing these symptoms and how the fiction displays the character experiencing this internal experience so that an external audience may understand.
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Night in the Woods is a 2017 narrative driven adventure game by Infinite Fall. It follows two weeks in the life of Mae Borowski, a 20 year old cat suffering from severe anxiety who has dropped out of college and returned to her childhood home, an impoverished Western Pennsylvania mining town named Possum Springs.
There she moves back in with her parents and reintegrates with the rural community of Possum Springs. She spends time with her childhood friends, talks to the locals and tries to solve the mystery of a severed arm found in town. All while having vivid dreams on a nightly basis and dealing with the an ambient level of judgment from her parents, friends and community over her perceived irresponsibility.
Where Mae is trying to solve the mystery of the severed arm and the secret cult that hides within Possum Springs, the audience has some other mysteries to solve attached to the attitudes of some of the residents. Mae's parents and friends constantly pressure her to explain why she felt it necessary to drop out of college when so much was sacrificed to get her there. There is also "The Incident", a mysterious event in Mae's past, ominously hinted at when Mae's next door neighbor warns...
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"No one's forgotten who you are and what you did, you know. Small town polite's all you got, kid."
The player is left in the dark as to the circumstances that paint Mae's reputation in town and throughout the course of the two weeks we begin understanding more about Mae's past, the circumstances behind her return to Possum Springs and the reasons those around her harbor a mild resentment towards her.
There are some potential supernatural elements relating to Mae's dreams and the nature of the cult but I feel it is best to stick to the grounded elements of the plot for the sake of this essay.
The Incident, it is revealed, is that 6 years before the game Mae beat another kid with a softball bat. Seemingly unprovoked. It earned her the nickname "Killer" and shaped much of the way people in the town, including Mae's own parents, view her.
"Why did you beat Andy Cullen?" and "Why did you drop out of school?" are questions people constantly demand of Mae and it forces her to become defensive and prickly to those around her. There's even a sequence involving a heated argument between Mae and her mother when the latter drops her kindness and patience over the matter and demands answers that Mae refuses to give.
To give the game away without fanfare, Mae suffers from extreme dissociation.
She's ashamed of it, afraid of it and the local town doctor, who I will discuss shortly, has no meaningful way of helping her deal with it. Mae is left to journal about her feelings with no meaningful way of understanding her symptoms or preventing them from crippling her. It is not even referred to as dissociation within the plot of the game, though those who are familiar with derealization will recognize it easily.
If you wish to see the conversation where Mae confesses her condition, it is about 4 minutes long and will provide some context, though I will brush over the description if you do not have time/ability to watch and listen.
Mae describes a time when she was playing videogames and felt an intense empathy towards the characters on screen. She felt like she knew them intimately and at a certain point something "broke", she came to understand that the characters she had been so connected with were not real. She was not actually connected with the events happening on screen, it was all a game.
And in understanding that she felt alone and abandoned on her side of the screen and the sensation spread out to the view outside of her window. The trees blowing by in the wind were as fake and distant as the characters in the video game. She had memories and attachments and associations with that tree, but looking at it from her window she could see that it was just a tree. Just an object.
"Just shapes"
This disconnect spread into every aspect of Mae's life and all of the associations she had built between herself and the world around her had vanished and she found herself in a world that she no longer felt attached to in any meaningful way.
"Just like this meaningless bulk of... stuff."
She felt alone. Abandoned. Overwhelmed by the simultaneous enormity and emptiness of everything.
The next day during the softball match she cannot even remember how it happened but she ended up ontop of the mass of shapes that was Andy Cullen and... that was The Incident.
Mae's family lost a lot of money paying off the medical debt for Cullen's family and everyone's attitudes towards her turned cold. She was sent to Dr. Hank for therapy... and this is where I take a break to discuss the causes of dissociative disorders and how badly Mae was let down.
The root causes of DPDR are the same as other dissociative disorders in that extreme abuse, neglect and continued stressful situations cause the mind to put up barriers and break associations to protect the self from harm. To boil a complex idea down to a few words consider the mind saying "This is not happening to me." as a way to prevent pain from an experience.
Where identity based dissociation focuses on the words "to me" and removes the self from the harmful events, derealization focuses on the words "this is not happening" and rejects the events outright, refusing to process the context behind what is happening.
Much of the game's story is told through implication and one must peel back layers in order to get a full story. At first glance Mae may seem like a normal young woman from a rural community in the rust-belt and question what could have been enough for her to develop a dissociative disorder.
First off, don't do that. No one owes anyone a justification for their condition and there is no such thing as "traumatic enough" to be valid for a diagnosis. What a person experiences is what they experience. But Mae is fictional and the core of her character is having an under-treated dissociative disorder. Half the reason I wanted to write this entry was because her depiction of it is deeply relatable and can be used well for teaching what goes into a person developing PTSD and dissociative disorders; most depictions seem content with sexual abuse or violent deaths.
For Mae, it's a lot more subtle and all too human. At least, for a cat in a world of anthropomorphic animals.
Mae's mother, Candy, never went to college and always regretted it. She feels like her life hit a dead end and she has remained in the mining town of Possum Springs decades after its mining industry faded out. She works as a receptionist at the local church, spends all day reading True Crime novels and had a number of miscarriages before finally giving birth to Mae, her "miracle baby".
Mae's father, Stan, was working with the mine when it closed down and has since been bouncing between job to job trying to keep his family afloat, especially after the medical expenses from The Incident, the subsequent remortgaging of the house and Candy's dreams of sending Mae to college. Stan tries to be a good father but hates his job, is always working and it is revealed he used to be an alcoholic.
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Lastly you have Mae's Grandfather. He is dead before the game starts. Mae loved her granddad very much and his influence can be felt throughout the whole game. He would read to her, pay attention to her and teach her things. One of the game's DLC chapters even involves him reading Mae a bedtime story.
Also grandpa Borowski was a union man and collected the teeth of an employer who tried to abuse the workers. That doesn't really play in to my essay as Mae does not discover this fact until the events of the game but I am not going to go without hyping up a man for taking teeth.
Mae misses him so much that even 6 years after she was asked to keep a journal by Dr. Hank the first page reads "RIP Granddad" and as the game goes on the following can be found inside:
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This information is drip fed to us through organic and relatable moments. For instance, Mae reveals her father's alcoholism while she is drinking too much (sidenote, she is underage for the location she lives) at a party.
The idea is to give a full and rich view of Mae's life and show that she may not even recognize the trauma for what it is and was.
For instance, we know from the start that Mae has crippling anxiety. This could easily be linked to the expectations of Candy putting her hopes and dreams of college on her "miracle baby". Before Mae was even born she had expectations placed upon her for being the long wanted child of a mother who wanted her baby to do all the things that she never could.
For neglect you have the fact that both parents are forced to work in abundance to maintain their lifestyle and pay for Mae's college in an economically depressed community. Mae spent a lot of her home life alone, feeling pressured by her mother and literally scared of her alcoholic father.
Both parents are good and loving and kind parents. But they failed in some regards. Sometimes you can want the best for someone you love and do everything you can to provide the best life and a failure to listen, adapt and accommodate can do more harm than anything.
Her grandfather eventually passed away, taking her positive links away in her home life and after The Incident she was ostracized from the community and forced into further isolation. Socially anxious, outcast and without her supportive grandfather, she eventually is given an opportunity to go to college. Something her childhood friend would have literally killed for an opportunity to do in her stead.
---and she drops out.
---and upon returning no one will get off of her case about it.
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This damned statue did it.
A statue so loathesome to Mae that it appears in her nightmares and she relives the fantasy of smashing it to bits with a baseball bat.
If you watched the above video (or have played the game) you will know that the statue was made up of several shapes and was installed at Mae's college.
The sight of this statue terrified Mae to the point of which she would spend entire days holed up in her dorm room either not eating or gorging pizza and sleeping for days at a time.
Being away from the familiar sights and people of her home town made her dissociative symptoms go into overdrive. At home she knew that The Tree that had lost all meaning and association to her was still the tree that she played with when she was young. She knew that her parents are the people who raised her. Even when she saw them as "dead shapes" the memories persisted and she could endure.
At college it was nothing but strangers in a strange land and a statue comprised of shapes reminding her that everything was shapes.
But they sent her to therapy, did they not? Why wasn't she being treated?
Dr. Hank is a small-town doctor he is the physiologist, he is the dentist, he is the psychologist. He is the doctor. The only doctor and he has no idea how to treat someone with severe symptoms like Mae.
In town Mae can talk to a character named Selmers every day. Selmers is a self-styled poet with depression and also being seen by Dr. Hank. In discussing both mental healthcare treatment and depression with Selmers the player can learn that Dr. Hank treats all forms of mental illness the same. Essentially "journal until you feel better". The town lacks the structure and framework to provide help to someone like Mae.
In other words she has been untreated this entire time and removed from her support network and sent off to college, she could not handle things. Of course she was going to fail under those circumstances.
The game does a remarkably good job of displaying how DPDR can impact a person, especially as it is linked to anxiety and depression, and creates an empathetic narrative about what it must be like to live with that condition.
Sadly it offers little in the way of answers for treatment. In reality treatment involves psychotherapy and creating a structure of coping mechanisms for how to handle episodes and ground oneself. This can come in the shape of breathing exercises, kinesthetic sensation fixation, identification exercises ("name all of the blue items you can see" "name all of the items that begin in A") but above all else, getting a grip on what emotional triggers one has and learning to resolve them will help.
For Mae, being away from home is a trigger for her. Home isn't going to be the same place and people forever. She needs to be able to get on top of her symptoms in order to cope. Dr. Hank was not helping her with that.
The game ends on a bittersweet note that Mae may end up spending her whole life in Possum Springs purely from fear of leaving her zone of familiarity.
Unfortunately the narrative is about clinging to a dying town and how unsustainable it is.
We do not know what will happen next. The structure that failed Mae has only gotten worse in the 2 years since she left for college. Her parents may end up selling the house because they cannot keep up on the payments and on a long enough timeline Gregg and Angus will move away (should their relationship survive the effort to escape) leaving Bea and Mae to watch Possum Springs continue to decay.
Part of Mae's journey is accepting this inevitability and not fighting it, but choosing not to abandon the town regardless. After all, she can't stray from it without a risk to her mental health.
The game offers no answers. It simply shows a slice of hard reality for those who live caught in the trap of decaying towns, economic collapse and mental illness without support structures and treatment. but it does a very good job of providing an empathetic case that an audience can relate to and sympathize with the symptoms of.
But what about a game that tries to make the audience feel the same way that the character does...?
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Metal Gear Solid 2 is a 2001 self-proclaimed tactical espionage action game developed by Konami.
It tells the story of a secret military operations agent code named Raiden who is attempting to save the US President from a terrorist group called Dead Cell. There is much more to it. But I am attempting to be brief.
Metal Gear is absolutely frustrating for me to write about in this essay series because their research tends to be fairly good but their sensitivity often comes off as actively malicious at best.
In terms of conditions, symptoms and sensitivity to emotional triggers, Raiden is on paper a fairly decent representation of dissociative disorders developing in those who grew up in war. In practice he has a murder alter named Jack The Ripper who breakdances with 3 katanas.
I promised I would stick to positive depictions only and so I will stick only to the final 2 hours of Raiden's first appearance.
At this point in the game the president is dead, we have learned that the terrorists were really after a giant battleship that houses a powerful AI which is going to be used to censor the internet to control the flow of information and control the populace. Raiden has met up with protagonist of the first Metal Gear games, Solid Snake, and has managed to install a virus into the AI system that will corrupt the data and prevent it from controlling the internet.
In order to get on the battleship, Snake betrays Raiden and hands him over to the terrorists.
Thus begins the final act of MGS2.
It is imperative to understand that these events happen in rapid succession right after the AI is infected with a virus.
Neither the audience nor Raiden are given an opportunity to truly process all of the rapid fire information that we are hit with.
MGS2 has a metatextual narrative about the nature of sequels and audience expectations. Many of the events happening within the story are intimately playing upon our familiarity with the series, recreating circumstances from both Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid. Part of the critique is that players are looking to simply recreate the experience of the first game and the narrative goes out of its way to punish Raiden (and thusly the player) for trying to "be" Solid Snake. Much of the game has been mired in failure and any wins we have received are either negated in a cutscene following our gameplay victory or are displayed as being ineffective next to Solid Snake who is forever being displayed as the better protagonist.
So when Raiden wakes up in a torture chamber directly designed to look just like the Shadow Moses Island torture chamber from Metal Gear Solid 1 (and both dialogue and graphics of that cutscene are displayed briefly) we, the player instantly assume familiarity with the concept. To drive that point home the player is forced to survive a button tapping mini-game which is sprung upon us out of nowhere (there is no tutorial. The game expects your familiarity with the concept and thusly does not need to explain it - as a side note it is impossible to die in this minigame, so a lack of familiarity does not impact gameplay, only narrative experience)
All while the only surviving villain from the first game directly says in dialogue "We're also inside the memory of Shadow Moses"
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The cutscene also has Raiden face to face with the main villain who recognizes Raiden as a child soldier he helped raise to fight in an African conflict. For the first time we are able to view Raiden, view Jack as his own man outside of his similarities to Solid Snake. We find out he is a child soldier with an impressive kill record who was raised with other child soldiers, drugged and forced to kill in a conflict that he had no personal connections to. He claims "I was given a gun and told to shoot, if I refused then I was the one who would be shot."
Throughout the game, Raiden has been getting phone calls from his girlfriend, Rose, who serves as the mission analyst. When the villain, Solidus, reveals Jack's history she calls him to ask more about this and Jack at first pushes away the memories, claiming that "they" wiped his memories and that he experiences nightmares only to give a vivid and emotionally description of his experiences as young as 6 years old killing for no reason other than he was told to.
Rose attempts to comfort him, to say that she wants to share the burden of his past, Raiden refuses, blocking everything out and pushing Rose away, claiming that he cannot afford to start a family.
Children are a huge emotional trigger for Raiden. This is displayed heavily in the future games of the series.
Overall this is an extreme example of a backstory that would give an adult severe PTSD and forced to confront his past, Raiden is emotionally primed to have a complete dissociative break from reality.
But presently I am not writing about how Raiden experiences derealization. I'm writing about how the player experiences it.
We know that Raiden has been trained in virtual reality to prepare him for this mission. When we see cutscenes describing this we are shown footage of the previous Metal Gear games, particularly the virtual reality training missions from the PS1 game.
The implication is very much that Raiden has played the same games that we ourselves have. The Metal Gear Franchise has an interesting meta-narrative going on that displays games are released in order of declassification with an early conversation in MGS4 mentioning that the events of MGS3 (which takes place in 1964) were declassified recently in the game's present of 2014.
Raiden has played the Metal Gear games. We have played the Metal Gear games.
And the game itself is overtly recycling moments from earlier entries of the series and trying to highlight this fact.
Right after we put a virus into the AI.
Things got really weird from the moment we insert the disc to infect the system.
Escaping from the torture chamber our character is completely naked and runs to the next area. We are given a loading screen.
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Ominous music plays and we receive a phone call from Campbell, the mission control from both this game and the previous Metal Gear games. He speaks with a distorted voice. He stutters, telling you that you must proceed with your m-mission. He notes that in your current condition you will not be able to attack or "enter the hanging mode"
He continuously spouts the mission objective and says your role is to take out the terrorists. Raiden demands to know why he keeps saying "role" and Campbell replies
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Raiden then notes that he has never met Campbell in person. He has only spoken to him over long distance communication.
Should you return to the torture room the title card will be switched with the name of Japanese rail stations. If you pause the game you are treated to a "map" of Arsenal Gear:
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The image is from Glauben, Wissen und Kunst der alten Hindus
All while Campbell calls you every few steps to order you to turn the game console off, recycle further lines from previous Metal Gear games (as well as show footage from them) and your radar is replaced with voyeuristic footage of a young woman sunbathing.
The enemies are now wearing thick armor with no humanizing characteristics and they fly about with inhuman power while wielding katana that can block machine-gun fire.
The floor has scrolling text floating across the surfaces something that the series uses for the VR stages to signify you are in a training stage.
The game is pulling out all of the stops to make sure you are confronted with the reality that you are playing a video game while the character within the video game is experiencing the same information.
He meets up with Snake who reveals he has the unlimited ammo bandana from completing MGS1, all but confirming this is a video game. Much of the information in this segment can be justified in-game. I literally cannot sidestep the fact that a flesh and blood man pointed at a piece of headgear and said "Unlimited ammo". I almost wanted to skip over it as it's devastating to my point about how the game tries to pull you and Raiden out of reality.
See to Raiden, he can no longer be certain if any of this is happening or not because of his experiences with VR. With everything collapsing around him, it feels reasonable to assume that the AI Virus is breaking down the universe around him. With full knowledge of the plot, we the audience can know that everything is happening and the virus has infected his augmented reality elements that make up the in-game HUD. But Raiden doesn't know that and the player on first playthrough cannot fully know it either.
It's almost reasonable to assume that the entire game is taking place within a VR Simulation.
Virtual Reality has long been studied as having links to DPDR with a number of scientific studies examining the link.
The connection is very much there though typically VR only influences a mild sensation of derealization when playing, though to those prone to dissociation they may experience more rapid and powerful effects with prolonged exposure.
Raiden tells Snake what is happening and how his grip on reality is falling apart, going as far to doubt whether his girlfriend, Rose, was ever real either. Snake has no idea how to verify for Raiden that the things that are happening are real and tells him to just keep moving forward and figure it out. He also provides Raiden with a sword.
In the metatext, this is a symbol for Raiden gaining his own unique playstyle. As long as he is emulating Solid Snake he cannot succeed but when he accepts himself as his own person and embraces his unique gameplay mechanic he is able to break free from the narrative and actualize as his own person.
In the sense of the derealization episode, it gives Raiden an opportunity to mow down the wave after wave of "Tengu Soldiers" who come after him and Snake.
Metal Gear is a franchise that doesn't like it when you kill people. Here it has handed you a sword and told you to go to town with an unlimited supply of anime ninjas. The game lightly insisting "it's a video game, it makes no difference how many people you kill" and to flaw the game's philosophy for a moment, the only penalty is a ranking when you beat the game. MGS3 is the one that actually hits you with consequences for in-game murder.
As Raiden stands on a platform with Snake the game continues to devolve and a custom Mission Failed screen appears, mimicking the standard game over.
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Gameplay continues inside the small box that typically displays where you died, you can die on this screen.
You then fight 25 copies of the giant mech in a recreation of the photo area from the Metal Gear VR Missions and the world's most convoluted plot reaches its crescendo point with every character betraying everyone else before Raiden has to kill a cybernetic US politician with a sword for the first but not last time.
The sequence takes about forty-five minutes to an hour thirty depending on your play style. The plot is too much and has a layer of metatext on top of it regarding the nature of audience expectations and sequels along with a haunting premonition of what the internet would become.
There are a lot of reasons to praise and a lot of reasons to hate the ending of MGS2. Personally I adore it. But one thing that truly cannot be stated enough, especially back in 2001, is how the game intended to make the player feel during that final section.
It's not enough that Raiden was having a complete dissociative episode, losing grip on his reality, it's that the game was designed to make the player go through those emotions at the same time as the character.
I was going through a really rough patch at the time. It was a few months before I was kicked out, my ties with my mother had been cut off, my dad was in a ward and suffice to say where my head was at the time? The immersive dissociative experience this game offered worked like a charm. Though external factors had a lot of influence.
DPDR is weird in the sense that everyone dissociates. It's a natural and normal thing, but disorders that are born from an excessive amount of disconnect between the self and reality tend not to be relatable experiences. Displaying a character losing their grip on reality is not an easy thing to do.
When we see someone say "I don't know what's real any more" in a piece of media we have empathy for their situation but it's not easy to have the audience in the same mindset as them.
Another hauntingly good example is Perfect Blue which I will likely not discuss in detail in this essay series because the content is a little too dark and the depiction of Dissociative Identity Disorder is not flattering in the slightest.
But the movie does depict an actress whose reality is blurring in with fiction by having a series of interactions happen one after another and revealing that the entire scene was part of a television shoot, with every subsequent scene piling on the confusion between what is happening on camera and off camera.
I can think of other examples of characters experiencing derealization episodes. Some even have fairly good depictions of how someone can be driven to that point, such as the slowburn of Bojack Horseman Season 5 where a number of circumstances pile on until the title character has an episode. The problem is... every single depiction that is coming to mind right now ends in either stigmatizing depictions or violent outcomes.
Heck, even Mae and Raiden up there had violence attached to their dissociation.
If there's one thing I want to make clear as I go through these essays, it's that those who have mental illnesses featuring dissociation are usually trauma survivors and are far more likely to be the victim of violence than the perpetrators of it.
I'm happy with the two examples of derealization I've written about today, NitW for the realistic depiction of the origins and impact and MGS2 for taking the player along for the ride; but I'd still love to see an example where a break from reality did not end with blood.
Please send me an Ask if you can recommend any.
So... that about brings it to a close for my little ramble on DPDR. I've a few other entries in the essay series on the back-burner. Next will likely be a breakdown on how Umineko handles recontextualizing memories. I've gotten a few paragraphs of that drafted out already.
These essays are really a bit of self-indulgence for me, though so they happen when they happen.
Thank you for reading.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
SW Masterlist: In the Big Leagues
Navigation Post
Fun fact, tumblr allows 250 links on the old editor and 100 in the new. So. Network of masterlists
This post is for tumblr posts I've made that are specifically about one fic or another that made it onto AO3, including those that were previously on the Wider AUs masterlist.
Sandstorm Verse (Flip the Hourglass)
Anakin and the Jedi Babies
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse (Bare Your Teeth, Soldier)
Commander Buir (This is Where the Story Starts)
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (Journey to the Center of the Galaxy)
Fake Sith TCW
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
TCW Leverage AU
ObiSabe AU (When the Bodyguards Hook Up)
Sticky Fingers AU
The Sexbot AU (Human Pleasure Droid)
Tread Upon the Wind
King, Soldier, Spy
Weapon Women
Parole Officer Fulcrum
System’s Scourge
Legally Horny
Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
A Candle in the Night - Anakin/Luminara (original)
Crossover between my Lumakin and Windwalker fics - Pt 2
The Way to a Boy's Heart is Through Violent Defensive Measures - Rex has difficulty with whiny AotC-flavor Anakin, a terrible flirt
Not Quite as Clever as a Fox - "I would kill for you.” “Great, here’s a list.”
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank - How this fic even happened, original post
In Which Anakin's Soulmate is a Lot Like Him, But More, and Worse - Adding some Pantress
Alert! Hot Young Single Dads in YOUR Area! - Street names are puns
Anakin Gets Pregnant and Causes a Scandal in Defense of the Jedi - Obi-Wan is just barely alien enough to have mating cycles (original)
Well, That's Not According to Plan - Rexanidala ft. pregnant transmasc Anakin (original)
General Kenobi and the Twins - General Kenobi and the Twins (original)
[redacted] - Hypnosis vs meditation
Amicable Anidala Divorce - Anidala Amicable Divorce (ft. whiny gay Anakin and “I can fix her” Padme/Ventress)
Sandstorm Verse: (chrono) (AO3) Anakin, Ahsoka, and Rex time-travel to pre-TPM Tatooine, Anakin and Rex have to be fake married for Ahsoka's safety
Base Post
Fake Marriage Shenanigans
Wouldn't It Be Easier
Various Thoughts on Anakin Needing Therapy
Interaction exploration: - Dooku - Maul - Maul&Soka - Shmi - Anakin&Anakin - Mace
Anakin and the Jedi Babies: (chrono) (AO3)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies
AatJB Addendum - whatever the fuck this was
* Jango Meets Soka (1.5k words)
* Names and Faces (6.5k words)
* Anakin, Shmi, and the Jedi Babies (3k words)
* Anakin and the Jedi Babies: Knightmares (1.6k words) - Ben just really loves banthas
* Anakin Introduces his Jedi Babies (and Himself) (5.8k words)
Winds of Change
The Conspiracy (of Anakin and his Jedi Babies)
JangoShmi and Jedi-Mando relations - Shmi finds out
Cultural comparison of Jedi/Mando/Tatooine
How doth yonder baby brain work
Ylliben Skywalker (hair and tattoos) - various related thoughts - * A Child’s Ink - Hi there’s art now! It’s by the amazing @shukruut - This is the outline btw
And this is the outline of the whole ‘verse (so far)
Pronunciation of names
The Kidnapping of Pre Vizsla
* Where There’s a Whill, There’s a Windu (2k words)
From when I was writing Child’s Ink - The same - Ibid. - New subplot
Why is Anakin not aging?
A specific fanart I plan to commission
I forgot Depa has a sister orz
Dimension Hopping to an Omegaverse: (nsfw) (Chrono) (AO3)
Base Post
Surrogacy, Worldbuilding, Obi-Mom
How to Build an Army - The Clone Risk
Soap Operas
Tatooine (2.2k words)
Meet the Generals
Interior Design
Country Dyke
“Assigning” Dynamics
Rexwalker Nonsenses
No Way Home
Warfare 101
Quinlan and the Interdimensional Ingenues (except not really)
Random thought about Omegaverse pregnancies
The Spikes Thing (nsfw, noncon mention, body horror)
Gland Guards
“Weren’t you dead?”
Padme’s marriage to someone who is not Anakin
Churning his brain like butter
Chandrila, Mon Mothma’s pronouns
Commander Buir: (chrono) (AO3) An excuse to let Cody be dad-shaped
Initial Brainstorming
Worldbuilding for the AU
Cody & Shmi Talk About General Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn enables Skybaby crimes
The Jango Incident - Just some age stuff
Rexsoka and the Quinlan thing
New Mandalore
Cody deserves to be petty
Rex and Anakin Raise a Family: (Chrono) (AO3)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Fake Spontaneous Training Bond: (chrono) (AO3)
Original post
overbearing dad
various musings
Discussion of Fulcrum’s skills (see notes)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke: (chrono) (AO3)
Uncle Ben and Little Luke (3k words, basically a fic)
Auntie ‘Soka and Little Leia (and Rex) (25k words)
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” (jokingly, a director’s cut)
Rex, Pint-Sized Battlemaster
Twins, meet TCW plots
Planned continuations
Why not Han+Vader
The process of writing Auntie Soka - Addendum
“Luke rolls his eyes”
Headcanon meme
Ben pins the dilf radar
Fake Sith TCW Trio: (chrono)
Fake Sith TCW Trio (7.5k words)
Thoughts, and perhaps feelings
Padawan Kenobi puts up with a lot
Writing this was a JOURNEY
Why did I set this in Space!1930s NYC
Plotting the route from Rattatak to Tatooine
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped: (chrono) (AO3)
Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped
More of “Obi-Wan Declares Himself Dad-Shaped”
“Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
Requested Headcanons
TCW Leverage AU: (chrono) (AO3)
TCW Leverage AU
The bit with Korkie
The Family Tree is… a Disaster (ficlet)
Family Tree charted out (with excerpts)
1970s Dooku/Sifo-Dyas by @uraaniuum
ObiSabe AU (AO3)
Face Blindness among clones
Sticky Fingers AU (AO3)
Hondo Saves the Galaxy
Anakin the Distraction
Manipulating Anakain
The Sexbot AU: (chrono) (AO3)
The Sexbot AU
Rex and Boytoy Anakin
Writing process jokes
Not a slowburn, but a raging inferno someone’s aiming a fire extinguisher at
Poor Quinlan
Wanna Smash
Tread Upon the Wind (and Chase the Sky)
Mace and Fives
Jaster’s opinion on swearing
Adventures in AO3 Tagging
Does this count as a Freedom Trail
Qui-Gon and Feemor
The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Original version: The King, the Soldier, and the Spy
Writing the Intro
Time-travel or a break with reality?
Alas, poor Satine
Not Very Nice to Ahsoka 
Weapon Women in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
WandaVision/SW Prequels (original brainstorm)
Widows on Kamino (original brainstorm)
Reader response to Anakin getting a civics lesson in Witch’s Favor
Parole Officer Fulcrum Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka Steals Three Million Babies
Ahsoka with baby clone Glitch (art by @amikoroyaiart, commissioned work)
Ahsoka is Anakin’s Parole Officer
Systems' Scourge
Systems’ Scourge (original)
Ahsoka’s helmet in time-travel AUs
Legally Horny
Legally Horny AU (original)
Fox and Padme need to talk about the politics before you guys can Bang
Reactions to Jango Breaks Into Satine’s House (And Criticizes Her Security)
the weird S*ltcoats thing
Using the fic as shorthand with discourse
Fake Affair (To Hide the Real Affair
Fake Affair to Cover Up the Real Affair (original)
Sexy Addendum, feat. baby twins folllowup
Shiny Rainbow Knife
Transfemme Anakin (original)
Shipping Musings
Fett vs. Kamino Fertility Clinic and Sperm Bank
Kamino Sperm Bank (original)
An additional Fertility Clinic joke, now with lawsuits
Modern AU Hardcase’s deadname
67 notes · View notes
matthewcahill · 10 months
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Practical Techniques Learned During Hypnotherapy Training
Instructor Backgrounds and Expertise Areas
The team of trainers at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire includes former world champion Glenn Catley, who brings his extensive knowledge of mind-body into the classroom. Additionally, ex-serving soldiers specialising in anxiety-related issues caused by trauma or military service stressors contribute their expertise to help students understand how hypnosis can be used effectively for these specific concerns.
Matthew Cahill: A renowned expert in clinical hypnosis with decades of experience as both a practitioner and instructor.
Jo Perry: A full-time practising therapist who now teaches fellow aspiring hypnotists her craft while supervising them post-graduation too.
Practical Techniques Learned During Training
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire emphasises not only theoretical knowledge but also practical techniques that students can apply directly when working with clients. Some key areas covered during the course include:
Certified Hypnotherapist skills development: To become a successful certified hypnotherapist, it's crucial to master essential skills such as conducting effective hypnosis sessions, creating customised hypnotic treatments, and understanding how hypnosis works.
Addressing specific issues: Students learn how to tackle various concerns like weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and stress reduction using clinical hypnosis techniques. This knowledge is invaluable when working with clients who require tailored solutions for their unique challenges.
Integrating complementary therapies: In addition to traditional hypnotic methods, students are taught how to incorporate other therapeutic modalities into their practice. By learning from experienced trainers in diverse fields at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, aspiring practitioners can acquire a comprehensive understanding of the profession and gain the skills to excel in the highly competitive field of mind-body medicine.
By learning from experienced trainers in diverse fields at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, aspiring practitioners can gain valuable insights into different aspects of the profession while honing practical skills that will set them apart in the competitive world of mind-body medicine.
The experienced trainers in diverse fields provide a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire program, ensuring that participants receive an education tailored to their individual needs. With post-training supervision and mentorship opportunities available after graduation, this training offers continued support for its graduates.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers a comprehensive and well-rounded training program with experienced trainers from diverse backgrounds. Students learn practical techniques for addressing specific issues like weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and stress reduction using clinical hypnosis techniques while also integrating complementary therapies to offer a wider range of services to their clients.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers post-graduation supervision and support to new graduates entering practice. The benefits of this ongoing mentorship include continued learning, error correction, patient outcomes, clinical case reviews, continuing education courses, networking events and access to an extensive network of alumni who are willing to offer advice and support throughout their careers.
Addressing Various Issues Through Tailored Therapy Sessions
Upon completion of their studies at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, qualified Clinical Hypnotist graduates provide tailored therapy sessions designed specifically around individual client needs. Tailored therapy sessions are available to help with a variety of concerns, such as slimming down and sustaining a desirable physique, dealing with aches or enhancing sleep quality.
Customised Hypnotherapy for Clients
The key to effective hypnosis treatment lies in the customisation of each session according to the specific requirements and goals of the client. A hypnotherapist certified by the relevant authorities will initiate a comprehensive evaluation, collecting data on the client's background, existing issues and desired results. This allows them to develop a personalised plan that incorporates various techniques such as clinical hypnosis, mind-body medicine practices, and experimental hypnosis approaches.
Clients who have undergone customised hypnotic treatments often report significant improvements in their mental well-being as well as noticeable changes in their behaviour patterns - demonstrating just how powerful this form of therapy can be when applied correctly by skilled practitioners.
By tailoring therapy sessions to the individual, hypnotherapy can effectively address a range of issues. Moving on, let's explore how solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques work and their benefits over traditional therapeutic approaches.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire offers tailored therapy sessions to address various issues, including weight loss, pain management, anxiety relief, and sleep improvement. Certified hypnotherapists customise each session according to the specific requirements and goals of the client by incorporating techniques such as clinical hypnosis and mind-body medicine practices resulting in significant improvements in mental well-being and behaviour patterns.
Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy Techniques
Practitioners at Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire are well-versed in using solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques to help clients overcome various emotional challenges such as anxiety, depression, OCD/intrusive thoughts, and postnatal mental health issues. This approach is highly effective because it complements conventional therapies and medical care by offering alternative methods for addressing emotional difficulties faced during life's journey.
How Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy Works
Solution-focused hypnotherapy differs from traditional therapeutic approaches by focusing on the client's desired outcomes rather than dwelling on their problems or past experiences. During a hypnosis session, the certified hypnotherapist guides the client into a relaxed state of mind where they can access their subconscious resources more easily. The therapist then helps them visualise positive changes and develop practical strategies to achieve these goals.
Mind-body medicine: By tapping into the power of the subconscious mind, solution-focused hypnotherapists enable clients to harness their innate healing abilities and enhance overall well-being.
Clinical hypnosis: As part of this technique, therapists use clinical hypnosis to address specific issues like phobias or addiction through targeted suggestions that encourage new behaviours or thought patterns.
Experimental hypnosis: Some practitioners also incorporate experimental elements like guided imagery or metaphor work in order to facilitate deeper self-discovery and personal growth within clients.
Benefits Of Traditional Therapeutic Approaches
The advantages of incorporating solution-focused techniques into one's practice are numerous. This technique generally takes less time than conventional therapies since it centres around the client's abilities and assets rather than their issues. Additionally, clients often report feeling more empowered and motivated to make lasting changes in their lives after engaging in solution-focused hypnotic treatments.
Furthermore, hypnotherapy training at Lincolnshire equips graduates with a versatile skill set that can be applied across various settings - from private practice to group workshops or even corporate wellness programs. This flexibility allows practitioners to cater to diverse clientele seeking help for issues like weight loss, stress reduction, pain management, and much more.
In essence, solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques offer an innovative approach to mental health care that complements conventional therapies while empowering clients with practical tools for achieving positive change. By incorporating these methods into your practice as a certified hypnotherapist from Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire, you'll be well-equipped to provide effective support tailored specifically around individual needs.
Solution-focused hypnotherapy can be an effective means of aiding individuals in overcoming difficulties and effectuating lasting alterations in their lives. With group workshops and programs, you can help even more individuals reach their goals with the power of hypnosis.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire provides practitioners with a versatile skill set in solution-focused hypnotherapy techniques that complement conventional therapies. This approach focuses on the client's desired outcomes and empowers them to make lasting changes, resulting in more time-efficient treatment and greater motivation for positive change. Practitioners can apply these skills across various settings, catering to a diverse clientele seeking help for issues like weight loss, stress reduction, pain management, and much more.
Group Workshops & Programs
Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire recognises the power of group workshops in helping individuals make lasting changes in their lives. By offering a variety of tailored programs, hypnotherapists can address different issues and provide support to multiple clients simultaneously. These workshops combine various therapeutic approaches based on each person's unique circumstances, ensuring an effective and personalised experience.
Types of Group Workshops Offered
Weight Loss: Clients seeking assistance with weight management can benefit from group sessions that focus on healthy eating habits, exercise routines, and positive reinforcement through hypnosis for weight loss.
Anxiety Relief: Participants struggling with anxiety or stress can learn relaxation techniques, coping strategies, and other methods to reduce symptoms during these supportive group sessions.
Addiction Recovery: Hypnotherapists offer specialised workshops designed to help individuals overcome addiction by addressing underlying emotional triggers using a combination of clinical hypnosis and cognitive-behavioural therapy techniques.
Fears & Phobias: Through experimental hypnosis treatments like systematic desensitisation or exposure therapy, participants are guided towards overcoming irrational fears in a safe environment supported by fellow attendees facing similar challenges.
Success Stories from Workshop Participants
The effectiveness of these group workshops is evident in the numerous success stories shared by past participants. For example, one client who struggled with anxiety shared, "I was sceptical at first, but after attending the anxiety relief workshop, I felt a sense of calm that I hadn't experienced in years. The techniques I learned have been invaluable in managing my symptoms."
Another participant shared their experience with a weight loss workshop: "I had tried every diet out there, but nothing seemed to work. The hypnosis sessions helped me change my mindset and develop healthier habits. I've lost 20 pounds and feel more confident than ever."
These success stories demonstrate how hypnosis works effectively within group settings, providing participants with valuable tools for personal growth while fostering connections among those facing similar challenges.
FAQs in Relation to Hypnotherapy Training Lincolnshire
What is the best accreditation for hypnotherapy?
The best accreditation for hypnotherapy comes from reputable organisations such as the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), American Hypnosis Association (AHA), and the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). These organisations provide professional standards, ethical guidelines, and ongoing education to ensure high-quality training and practice in the field of hypnosis.
There are four main types of hypnosis: traditional or authoritative, Ericksonian, cognitive-behavioural, and solution-focused. Traditional hypnosis uses direct suggestions; Ericksonian focuses on indirect suggestions through storytelling; cognitive-behavioural combines hypnotic techniques with CBT principles, while solution-focused utilises clients' resources to create positive change.
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High-quality Education with Full Accreditation
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
Psychopathology, ch 1 pt. 2
Could you describe the medical model of abnormal behavior?
- German physician Wilhelm Griesinger (1817-1868) argued that abnormal behavior was rooted in diseases of the brain.
- His views influenced another German physician named Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), who wrote an influential textbook on psychiatry in 1883.
- According to the medical model, people behaving abnormally suffer from mental illnesses or disorders that can be classified (like physical illnesses) according to their distinctive causes and symptoms.
- Proponents of the medical model don’t necessarily believe that every mental disorder is a product of “defective” biology, but they do maintain that it’s useful to classify patterns of abnormal behavior as disorders that can be identified on the basis of their distinctive features or symptoms.
- Kraepelin specified two main groups of mental disorders:
dementia praecox (from roots meaning “precocious [premature] insanity”) which we now call schizophrenia. Kraepelin believed this was caused by a biochemical imbalance.
manic-depressive insanity, which we now call bipolar disorder. Kraepelin believed this was caused by an abnormality in the body’s metabolism.
- The medical model gained support in the late 19th century with the discovery that advanced syphilis (in which the bacterium that causes the disease directly invades the brain) led to a form of disturbed behavior called general paresis.
- General paresis is associated with physical symptoms and psychological impairment, including personality and mood changes, and with progressive deterioration of memory and judgment. Now that we have antibiotics to treat syphilis, this disorder has become extremely uncommon.
- The discovery of this connection between general paresis and syphilis inspired optimism in the scientific community, who believed that other biological causes would soon be discovered for many types of disturbed behavior. When Alzheimer’s was discovered, that lent further support to the medical model. However, an overwhelming majority of psychological disorders are more complex than scientists once thought, and we are still struggling to understand what factors are relevant, how influential they are, etc.
syndromes: clusters of symptoms that may be indicative of a particular disease or condition.
What is the major psychological model of abnormal behavior?
- Even as the medical model was gaining influence in the 19th century, some scientists argued that abnormal behavior could not have completely biological origins.
- In Paris, respected neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) experimented with hypnosis as a treatment for hysteria, a condition characterized by paralysis or numbness that cannot be explained by any underlying physical cause. Hysteria was a common diagnosis in the Victorian era, but it’s quite rare today.
- Charcot’s teaching clinic was attended by a young Austrian physician named Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Freud reasoned that if hysterical symptoms could be made to disappear or appear through hypnosis - the mere “suggestion of ideas” - then they must be psychological, not biological, in origin.
- Freud was also influenced by Viennese physician Joseph Breuer (1842-19125). He had used hypnosis to treat a 21 yr. old woman (Anna O.) for hysterical complaints which had no apparent medical basis. He encouraged her to talk about her symptoms, sometimes under hypnosis. The hysterical symptoms were taken to represent the transformation of these blocked-up emotions - forgotten but not lost - into physical complaints.
- In Anna’s case, the symptoms disappeared once the emotions were brought to the surface. Breuer labeled the therapeutic effect catharsis, or emotional discharge of feelings.
psychodynamic model: the theoretical model of Freud and his followers, in which abnormal behavior is viewed as the product of clashing forces within the personality.
What is the sociocultural perspective on abnormal behavior?
- Sociocultural theorists believe the causes of abnormal behavior may be found in the failures of society, rather than in the person. Psychological problems may be rooted in poverty, unemployment, ignorance, injustice, and lack of opportunity.
- Sociocultural theorists also focus on relationships between mental health and social factors such as gender, social class, ethnicity, and lifestyle. The social consequences of being labeled as a “mental patient” are emphasized.
- Sociocultural theorists argue that people with long-term mental health problems should have access to meaningful societal roles, rather than being stigmatized and marginalized.
What is the biopsychosocial perspective on abnormal behavior?
- Many mental health professionals take the view that abnormal behavior patterns are too complex to be understand from any single perspective, so they take into account biological, psychological, AND sociocultural causes. This is known as the biopsychosocial model or interactionist model.
What are the four major objectives of science?
theory: a formulation of the relationships underlying observed events.
What are the four major steps in the scientific method?
Formulating a research question
Framing the research question in the form of a hypothesis
Testing the hypothesis
Drawing conclusions about the hypothesis
What are the ethical principles that guide psychology research?
informed consent: research participants should receive enough information about an experiment beforehand to decide freely whether or not to participate.
confidentiality: protection of research participants by keeping records secure and not disclosing their identities.
What is the role of naturalistic research and what are its key features?
naturalistic observation method: researcher observes behavior in the field, where it happens.
- Scientists try to minimize interference with the behavior they observe, but the mere presence of an observer can cause distortion, and this must be taken into consideration.
- Naturalistic observation tells us *how* people behave, but doesn’t explain *why* people behave a certain way. Cause-and-effect is better determined through controlled experiments.
What is the role of correlational research and what are its key features?
correlational method: the use of statistical methods to examine relationships between two or more variables.
correlational coefficient: a statistical measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables expressed along a continuum that ranges between -1.00 and +1.00.
longitudinal study: a type of correlational study in which individuals are periodically tested or evaluated over lengthy periods of time.
What is the role of experimental research and what are its key features?
experimental method: allows scientists to demonstrate causal relationships by manipulating the (suspected) causal variable and measuring its effects under controlled conditions that minimize the risk of other variables explaining the results.
independent variables: factors hypothesized to play a causal role; manipulated or controlled by the investigator.
dependent variables: factors observed in order to determine the effects of manipulating the independent variable; measured but not manipulated by the experimenter.
experimental group: in an experiment, the group that receives the experimental treatment.
control group: in an experiment, a group that does not receive the experimental treatment.
random assignment: a method of assigning research subjects at random to experimental or control groups to balance the characteristics of people who comprise them.
selection factor: differences in the types of people who would select to be in one group or the other.
blind: research participants are uninformed about the treatments they are receiving in order to control for their expectations.
placebo: an inert drug that physically resembles the active drug.
- In a single-blind placebo-control study, research participants are randomly assigned to treatment conditions in which they receive either an active drug or an inert placebo, but are not told which drug they receive.
- In a double-blind placebo control design, neither the researcher nor the subject knows who is receiving the active drug or the placebo.
internal validity: the degree to which manipulation of the independent variables can be causally related to changes in the dependent variables.
external validity: the degree to which experimental results can be generalized to other settings and conditions.
construct validity: (1) in experimentation, the degree to which treatment effects can be accounted for by the theoretical mechanisms (constructs) represented in the independent variables; (2) in measurement, the degree to which a test measures the hypothetical construct that it purports to measure.
What is the role of epidemiological research and what are its key features?
epidemiological method: examines rates of occurrence of abnormal behavior in various settings or population groups.
survey method: a research method in which samples of people are questioned by means of a survey instrument such as a questionnaire or interview protocol.
incidence: the number of new cases occurring during a specific period of time.
prevalence: the overall number of cases of a disorder existing in the population during a given period of time.
random sample: a sample that is drawn in such a way that every member of a population has an equal chance of being included.
- Random sampling refers to the process of randomly choosing individuals within a target population to participate in a survey or research study.
- Random assignment refers to the process by which members of a research sample are assigned at random to different experimental conditions or treatments.
What is the role of kinship studies? What are their key features?
- Kinship studies attempt to disentangle the roles of heredity and environment in determining behavior.
genotype: set of traits specified by our genetic code.
People who possess genotypes for particular psychological disorders have a genetic predisposition that makes them more likely to develop the disorders in response to stressful life events, physical or psychological trauma, or other environmental factors.
phenotype: constellation of observable or expressed traits.
represents the interaction of genetic and environmental influences
proband, AKA index case: the case first diagnosed with a given disorder.
concordance rate: percentage of cases in which both twins have the same trait or disorder.
Researchers prefer to use monozygotic twins, but they also study dizygotic twins.
adoptee studies: studies that compare the traits and behavior patterns of adopted children to those of their biological parents and their adoptive parents.
What is the role of case studies? What are their limitations?
case studies: intensive studies of individuals.
can be based on historical material and involve subjects who passed long ago
More commonly, case studies reflect an in-depth analysis of an individual’s course of treatment. They typically include detailed histories of the subject’s background and response to treatment.
Unfortunately, they can’t be generalized, and the accuracy of the material varies.
single-case experimental design: a type of case study in which the subject is used as their own control.
reversal design: an experimental design that consists of repeated measurement of a subject’s behavior through a sequence of alternating baseline and treatment phases.
critical thinking: adoption of a questioning attitude and careful scrutiny of claims and arguments in light of evidence.
Maintain a skeptical attitude.
Consider the definitions of terms.
Weigh the assumptions or premises on which arguments are based.
Bear in mind that correlation is not causation.
Consider the kinds of evidence on which conclusions are based.
Do not oversimplify.
Do not overgeneralize.
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halfkoreanpride · 2 years
Conversational Hypnosis Info
Hypnosis has been experimentally shown to be viable in individual various applications. This is a tool that can help with getting in shape and battle terrible addictions, everything being equal. Hypnosis is once in a while used to help ease torment click here caused by disease. Generally, hypnosis can be used to help you relax!
Feeling anxious?
Hypnosis can truly help with feelings of anxiety! Now and then hypnotherapists will take advantage of moment enlistments (two to ten secs.) to help individuals beat uneasiness/fits of anxiety and stress. These kinds of moment acceptances are not as tedious as the conventional hypnosis "warm-ups".
It has been archived on many times the quantity of logical demonstrated events hypnosis has helped out with individuals' clinical details.
It's stupendous for pregnant ladies that pine for help defeating uneasiness without taking the counter tension drug. A characteristic cure is marvelous!
Conversational (secretive) hypnosis
Envision inciting somebody into a hypnotic state without them knowing. That is the power of conversational hypnosis can have. Conversational hypnosis is tied in with controlling them totally verbally with full control over helping through the subjects "basic component" of the mind. Remember, notwithstanding: to Actually take advantage of conversational hypnosis you MUST come to know great guidelines.
This sort of hypnosis is very powerful in the possession of the chosen handful that perceive the mysteries. You will track down that it's a heavenly method for getting hold of hypnosis. The goal of conversational hypnosis as well as of clandestine hypnosis is to make a change in an individual in an exceptionally unconscious manner.
I'm so happy pretty much every one of the singular courses and projects available to people from everywhere the globe from various books, sound Albums, and DVDs that keep on utilizing the material in their lives...priceless! A few courses you might find are by entirely trustworthy creators. The impacts of substantial conversational hypnosis won't be at all recognizable by your subjects or by spectators. This type is generally known as "secretive" or "conversational hypnosis".
Subsequent to learning these methods, you will find the reason why a couple of individuals seem to make companions quite a lot more normally than others. There are some Conversational Hypnosis Courses available web-based that case to be quite possibly of the best move one can make to move his/her prosperity forward with this kind of influence and power. Regardless, make a point to go with a regarded figure in the industry prior to moving forward with a course.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
In 2014, I distinctly remember being somewhere in space, finding myself on a ship, with a Being I can’t remember, being shown the protective arc around Earth, and many many many aircrafts literally surrounding us, that we could never see. I received so much information in Light Language within what seemed like hours, but lasted only a few minutes in 3D time.
In 2016, I remember being surrounded by Beings that healed my body systems and DNA — a blue sphere of light was passed through my crown and into my heart — This led to 5 years of deeper awakening of my ancient heritage, the history of the Universe and humanity, and access to the Akasha in the Quantum Realm.
In 2021 I was led to take up Hypnosis, as a means of healing the deep buried memories within the collective psyche and my own subconscious mind. Spirit led a session that ended up deleting the imprints of the 3D memory from my genetic and ethereal DNA.
I spent almost a whole year in a trance state, using Hypnosis as a tool — and one night, it happened. My ego melted away, everything shifted, I felt like I was on psychedelics, but completely sober. I remember laying there, burning, writhing and I heard — The ego must die. Exactly like we’ve all been told, but ignore. Cause who wants to experience death right? Aren’t we meant to be immortal? As the burning passed, I lay there as scroll after scroll of Light Language unraveled through my DNA. I felt as if I was the living library, and all of galactic history had been buried deep within my genetic code.
In 2022, I was led to learn this work myself, enrolled in a clinical hypnotherapy program.. which ended up being with some of the most spiritually advanced beings, still learning their own truths. The classes ended up being so intense because we were healing so much trauma within ourselves from deep in the collective memory.
I had a past life regression session done that took me back to the Essenes timeline in Egypt, in which I was shown the life of Apostle John, and reminded that the purpose of my life was to protect and share the true Ancient Wisdom of the Holy Grail, the true teachings of our Ancestors, in the midst of all the corruption
When I did sessions, the clients turned into Channels for their Higher Self to communicate through.. I was shown that when you work with someone who has activated their own DNA and increased their Light Quota.. this would effect those that you work with and increase their Light as well.
I have worked lifetimes to become an anchor for this Source Light, and have never attempted to share any of this until now, because I have become clear of all the programming, manipulations and corruption we all are working to heal.
I am a clear channel of the Divine. And I’m being told that it is time to come out of hiding .. now.
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hypno-therapy-page · 1 month
Unlocking Transformation: The Growing Popularity of Hypnotherapy in Toronto
In recent years, Toronto has witnessed a surge in interest surrounding alternative therapies, with hypnotherapy emerging as a particularly compelling option for many seeking personal transformation and healing. As this ancient practice gains modern recognition, it is important to understand what hypnotherapy involves, how it can benefit individuals, and why Toronto is becoming a hub for this transformative therapy.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis, a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, to facilitate change and healing. Contrary to common misconceptions, hypnosis is not about mind control or manipulation. Instead, it is a cooperative process between the therapist and the client, aimed at tapping into the subconscious mind to address various issues, from anxiety and stress to addiction and phobias.
During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist guides the client into a deeply relaxed state, often referred to as trance. This state is not one of sleep, but rather a heightened awareness where the mind becomes more open to suggestions and new ways of thinking. Once in this state, the therapist can help the client explore underlying causes of their issues and offer suggestions that promote positive changes in thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.
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Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy offers a range of benefits, addressing both psychological and physical issues. Some of the most commonly sought-after benefits include:
Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Many Torontonians turn to hypnotherapy to manage stress and anxiety. By accessing the subconscious mind, clients can uncover and address the root causes of their anxiety, leading to more effective and long-lasting relief.
Overcoming Phobias and Fears: Hypnotherapy is often used to help individuals overcome phobias and fears. By reframing the way the mind perceives these fears, clients can gradually diminish their impact on daily life.
Pain Management: Hypnotherapy has been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain conditions. By altering the perception of pain and enhancing relaxation, individuals can experience significant improvements in their pain levels.
Improving Sleep: For those struggling with insomnia or other sleep disorders, hypnotherapy can provide a natural and effective solution by addressing underlying psychological factors and promoting relaxation.
Behavioral Changes: Whether it's quitting smoking, managing weight, or changing other habits, hypnotherapy can support individuals in making lasting behavioral changes by addressing the subconscious triggers that drive these behaviors.
The Rise of Hypnotherapy in Toronto
Toronto, with its diverse population and openness to innovative therapies, has become a thriving center for hypnotherapy. Several factors contribute to this growing popularity:
Increased Awareness: As awareness of hypnotherapy grows, more people are exploring it as a viable alternative to traditional therapies. The success stories and positive outcomes shared by individuals who have undergone hypnotherapy contribute to its increasing acceptance.
Qualified Practitioners: Toronto boasts a number of highly trained and certified hypnotherapists who adhere to professional standards. These practitioners bring a wealth of expertise and experience to their practice, ensuring clients receive high-quality care.
Integration with Conventional Medicine: Hypnotherapy is increasingly being integrated with conventional medical treatments. Many healthcare professionals in Toronto recognize the benefits of hypnotherapy and refer patients for complementary care.
Accessibility and Variety: Toronto's large and diverse population means that hypnotherapy services are accessible to a wide range of individuals. From private practices to specialized clinics, clients have the option to choose a practitioner who best fits their needs. Check here to learn more. 
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Finding the Right Hypnotherapist
For those considering hypnotherapy in Toronto, it's important to find a qualified and reputable practitioner. Look for certified hypnotherapists who have received training from recognized institutions and have a proven track record of success. Initial consultations can help determine if the therapist’s approach aligns with your goals and if you feel comfortable working with them.
In conclusion, experts at Hypnosis Toronto explain how hypnotherapy is becoming a prominent therapy option in Toronto, offering a holistic approach to personal growth and healing. With its ability to address a variety of issues and its increasing acceptance in the broader healthcare landscape, hypnotherapy presents a promising avenue for those looking to make meaningful changes in their lives. As interest in this practice continues to grow, Toronto remains at the forefront of this transformative field, providing valuable resources and support for those seeking positive change through hypnotherapy.
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What is Remote Neural Monitoring? (RMN)
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When referencing V2K and D2K, here is one explanation of how the signal is sent and received that may be helpful in understanding how it might operate
This is simply covert hypnosis. Meaning that the Target is hypnotized without her consent. It is easy to understand if say someone has consented to being hypnotized, is sitting a therapist's office and is relaxing on a couch or chair.
A series of relaxing commands are communicated to the client, she then dissolves into a semi-conscious state. The Anchor or suggestion is communicated by the hypnotist.
Other senses may be involved say for example the sense of smell or auditory sounds.
If hypnosis is to be done remotely, without consent a signal must be sent directly to the intended victim to make that connection.
Just as the hypnotist in a consensual setting has briefly prepared her client to accept the desired suggestion.
The Anchor can then be triggered by those in the outside environment. When followed and stalked those in the environment will often say the same phrase, for example "I love your hair" or "I like your shoes". The trigger brings forth the Anchoring suggestion.
It can be a physical behavior, a verbal word or phrase, or an unpleasant thought. A false memory or a real one that the work has been done to overcome.
This is re-traumatization, placing the Target in a premeditated state of distress, possibly in a trance-like state, even causing an almost "blackout" effect for a short period of say "missing time".
This form of hypnosis can also be used to physically batter the victim. To for example to illicit a loss of balance causing falls, and for the victim to run into objects in her environment.
It is considered a form of no-touch torture. It's far more sinister than simple verbal harassment that others might not understand why it just can't be ignored.
Desensitization can actually occur over time, if the suggestion is not reintroduced.
It may depend on how the Anchor was laid. Some research indicates that the brain may over time, actually work to over-ride this Invasive action. One reason it appears to simply "go away".
If this same process is being performed on the victim during sleep again to traumatize (D2K) theoretically as the subject is already in a state of unconsciousness, the Anchor can be placed deeper and therefore cause more mental pain and disruption during the waking hours. If for example the victim is under anesthesia, even deeper.
Another Explanation : (non-consenting)
"Remote Neural Monitoring is a form of functional neuro-imaging, claimed to have been developed by the National Security Agency(NSA), that is capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no contacts or electrodes required."
Clinical Definition: (Consenting)
"Typically during IONM, a certified technologist connects the patients to machine by the use of electrodes. Once connected to the machine in the operating room, data can be interpreted by the neurophysiologist in-house or remotely where the data is transmitted using a secure HIPAA compliant internet connection."
In theory, these illegal experimentations (as explained above) are only to occur over a short period of time. After all, there is laughingly supposed to be some sort of humane protocol. (medical and scientific data and research professionals are allegedly monitoring).
If these experiments continue on some for years, even over an individual's lifetime, and are then allegedly contracted (for pay) and conducted by members of these Organized Criminal Perpetrator groups to avoid a professional ethics issue, there then becomes an even more prominent total and complete disregard for human life.
Human experimentation is legal with full and transparent consent, without it, it is of the highest level criminal infraction.
While most would agree, testing and scientific research is vital to the discovery of new technologies and to combat their misuse, experimenting on unsuspecting individuals is more that unacceptable, it's criminal.
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ayurintegrative · 2 months
How Integrative Medicine Doctors Approach Preventive Healthcare and Wellness?
In an era where health consciousness is at an all-time high, the role of integrative medicine doctors has become increasingly vital. These professionals blend conventional medicine with alternative therapies to provide a holistic approach to health and wellness.
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Here's how integrative doctors lead the charge in preventive healthcare:
Comprehensive Health Assessments
Integrative medicine doctors start with thorough evaluations, looking beyond symptoms to understand the root causes of health issues. This assessment includes a deep dive into medical history, lifestyle, and environmental factors. They develop personalized health plans for prevention and wellness by considering the whole person.
Personalized Preventive Strategies
One of the standout features of integrative medicine is its customized approach. Integrative doctors craft preventive strategies tailored to each individual. This approach might include dietary modifications, exercise regimens, stress management techniques, and supplements and herbal remedies.
Emphasis on Lifestyle Medicine
Integrative medicine doctors emphasize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They guide nutrition, physical activity, sleep, and stress reduction—key components contributing to overall wellbeing. Addressing lifestyle factors helps patients mitigate the risk of chronic diseases.
Holistic Therapies
Integrative medicine incorporates a variety of holistic therapies, such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and mindfulness practices. These therapies work alongside conventional treatments to enhance the body's natural healing processes and promote overall wellness.
Collaboration and Coordination
Integrative medicine doctors often collaborate with other healthcare providers to ensure a cohesive approach to patient care. This multidisciplinary coordination ensures that all aspects of a patient's health are addressed, creating a comprehensive preventive health plan.
Access to Care
For those searching for "integrative medicine near me" or "integrative medicine California," the availability of integrative doctors is expanding. With more clinics and practices offering integrative services, accessing holistic healthcare has always been challenging.
Holistic perspective for overall wellbeing
A holistic medical doctor treats the body as an interconnected system. They understand that physical, emotional, and spiritual health are intertwined. This perspective allows them to address imbalances and promote harmony within the body.
Take control of your health with Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine doctors are revolutionizing preventive healthcare with their holistic, personalized approach. By focusing on the whole person and incorporating a variety of therapies, they help patients achieve optimal health and wellness. Whether you're looking for an integrative medicine doctor or a holistic medical doctor, their comprehensive care can lead to a healthier, more balanced life.
Finding an integrative medicine specialist is a step towards proactive, preventive healthcare for those in California or elsewhere. Take charge of your health today and explore the benefits of integrative medicine.
Ready to transform your health?
Let's connect and tackle your health goals together. Please book your free 15-minute call with us now and start your journey to wellness.
About The Author: Ayur offers holistic medical services, which are your partner in holistic health, specifically for those diagnosed with cancer and their family members. Supporting your journey through Integrative Oncology and Person-Centered Care, we combine treatments from the Allopathic system along with research-informed treatments from alternate systems like Ayurveda, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), Naturopathy, Homeopathy etc., as well as treatments from complementary systems of medicine (Clinical Hypnosis, Acupuncture). At Ayur, we understand Western, Eastern and Spiritual medicine.
Stay tuned for more informative articles on integrative medicine, where we delve deeper into the principles, practices, and benefits of this holistic approach to healthcare. Our upcoming articles will provide valuable insights to empower you on your journey to better health.
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mihhypnotherapy · 3 months
Hypnotherapy in Brisbane: Transform Your Life with Make It Happen Hypnotherapy
Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, or unwanted habits? Hypnotherapy might be the solution you’ve been seeking. At Make It Happen Hypnotherapy in Brisbane, we specialize in helping individuals overcome a variety of challenges using the power of hypnosis. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to guiding you on a journey toward improved mental and physical well-being. Let’s explore what hypnotherapy is, how it works, and the benefits you can experience by choosing our services in Brisbane.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this state, a person can turn their attention completely inward to find and utilize the natural resources deep within themselves that can help make desired changes.
How Hypnotherapy Works
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During a hypnotherapy session, our certified hypnotherapists will guide you into a state of deep relaxation. In this state, your mind becomes more open to suggestions, allowing you to address and resolve specific issues. The process typically involves:
1. Induction: The therapist helps you relax and enter a hypnotic state.
2. Deepening: Techniques are used to deepen the trance state.
3. Therapeutic Suggestions: The therapist makes suggestions aimed at changing behaviors or thought patterns.
4. Awakening: You are gradually brought out of the hypnotic state, feeling refreshed and alert.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for personal transformation. Some of the key benefits include:
1. Stress and Anxiety Reduction
Hypnotherapy can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and altering negative thought patterns. Many clients report feeling more calm and centered after just a few sessions.
2. Overcoming Phobias
If you have a fear of flying, heights, or other common phobias, hypnotherapy can help desensitize these fears and build confidence.
3. Breaking Unwanted Habits
Whether it's smoking, overeating, or nail-biting, hypnotherapy can help you break free from these habits by addressing the underlying causes and reinforcing positive behaviors.
4. Improving Sleep
Hypnotherapy can be highly effective in treating insomnia and other sleep disorders by promoting relaxation and establishing healthy sleep patterns.
5. Enhancing Performance
From athletes to performers, many individuals use hypnotherapy to enhance their focus, confidence, and performance in their respective fields.
Why Choose Make It Happen Hypnotherapy in Brisbane?
At Make It Happen Hypnotherapy, we are committed to providing a supportive and professional environment for our clients. Here’s why you should consider our services:
Experienced and Certified Therapists
Our team consists of highly trained and certified hypnotherapists with years of experience in helping clients achieve their goals.
Personalized Approach
We understand that every individual is unique. That’s why we tailor our hypnotherapy sessions to meet your specific needs and goals.
Comfortable and Relaxing Environment
Our Brisbane clinic is designed to be a serene and welcoming space where you can feel at ease during your sessions.
Proven Track Record
We have a proven track record of success, with numerous clients experiencing significant improvements in their lives after working with us.
Start Your Journey Today
If you’re ready to make positive changes in your life, hypnotherapy at Make It Happen Hypnotherapy in Brisbane could be the answer. Our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
Make It Happen Hypnotherapy – where transformation begins.
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edwisefoundation · 3 months
Using Self Hypnosis to Silence Tinnitus
Understanding Tinnitus:
Tinnitus is often caused by ear or nerve problems and can manifest as various noises like ringing, humming, buzzing, hissing, roaring, clicking, or squealing. These sounds can range from barely noticeable to disruptive. Risk factors include age (over 55), use of portable music devices, regular exposure to loud noise, and earwax accumulation. While not usually serious, tinnitus can be distressing.
Self Hypnosis for Relief:
Hypnosis, a therapeutic technique used in clinical settings, can help manage tinnitus and the stress it causes. It works at a subconscious level to change perceptions and responses, reducing symptoms and promoting relaxation. Studies show significant improvement in tinnitus symptoms with self hypnosis.
Benefits of Self Hypnosis:
Using self hypnosis downloads for tinnitus, you can:
Learn to relax
Change your focus
Reduce tinnitus symptoms
Hypnosis can help you control your reactions to tinnitus, decrease stress and anxiety, and improve your quality of life.
For more information, visit UpNow, Using Self Hypnosis to Silence Tinnitus blog post.
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upnowapp · 3 months
Hypnosis for Hot Flashes: Uncovering A Unique Answer for Menopausal Relief
As women transition into menopause and postmenopause, hot flashes can become frequent and disruptive. Traditional treatments may not always provide the desired relief, prompting many to seek alternative solutions. This guide explores hypnosis for hot flashes and menopausal relief, presenting hypnosis as a natural, non-pharmacological method to manage these episodes. Discover how this unique approach can alleviate hot flashes, enhance sleep quality, and improve overall well-being during this significant phase of a woman’s life.
Hot flashes, or hot flushes, are sudden feelings of warmth, especially over the face, neck, and chest, often leading to sweating and blushing. These symptoms can cause night sweats, disturbing sleep and reducing quality of life. As menopause begins, typically around age 51, hormone levels, including estrogen, drop. This triggers the hypothalamus, the brain's temperature regulator, leading to hot flashes and night sweats, which can further disrupt sleep and contribute to medical and psychological disorders.
Clinical hypnosis offers a non-invasive, effective method to manage these symptoms. During hypnotherapy, guided relaxation and focused attention help manage stress and promote positive thoughts. This approach, backed by studies, has shown significant reductions in hot flashes and improved sleep quality. Hypnosis can also address other menopausal symptoms, providing a comprehensive tool for improving life quality during menopause.
For more details on how hypnosis can help manage menopausal symptoms, visit this blog post.
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online-course-vip · 3 months
Scott Lea – Anxiety Relief
Scott Lea – Anxiety Relief Description Of Anxiety Relief When your subconscious mind can understand the causes of anxiety, it can also understand how to relieve it. This hypnosis audio “Anxiety Relief” can help you achieve that goal quickly. Anxiety Relief is very soothing and lulls you into a beautiful state of relaxation. About Anxiety Relief Scott Lea is an Internationally Certified Clinical…
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matthewcahill · 3 months
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The hypnotherapy training landscape is vast, with many programs designed to equip aspiring hypnotists. We've distilled the top four schools offering comprehensive hypnotherapy certifications that stand out in this field.
ASCH Approved Courses
The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), renowned for its high-quality education and rigorous curriculum, has set benchmarks for clinical hypnosis. Let's start things off on our list with ASCH-approved courses. The General Hypnotist Examiners Applicants recognise these courses as they adhere to stringent standards and practices.
Hypnosis Motivation Institute's On-Campus Internship Program
If you prefer hands-on experience over theory-based learning, consider Inspiraology® Hypnotherapy Training (IHT)'s unique on-campus internship program. Bridge the gap between academic knowledge and professional expertise with IHT's on-campus internship program.
This modern approach combines elements from conventional clinical hypnotherapy training alongside other therapies, resulting in Inspiraology's® Hypnotherapy Training. It combines both traditional and modern techniques, leading to faster results.
A Modern Approach: Inspiraology's® Hypnotherapy Training.
Hypnotherapy, as it's often termed, takes advantage of suggestions when someone is in a trance-like state known as the hypnotic condition. This therapeutic technique has been proven effective in addressing various issues when implemented by trained professionals.
The core principle behind clinical hypnosis lies in its ability to access the subconscious mind - an area that houses our beliefs and feelings, which usually evade conscious awareness.
Inducing The Hypnotic State
A certified hypnotherapist employs techniques such as progressive relaxation or guided imagery to lead their client into this deeply relaxed state. It's important to note that this doesn't result in unconsciousness; rather, it resembles being absorbed so thoroughly into an activity like reading a captivating book that you lose track of time while external noises fade away.
In this heightened yet focused mental condition, your attention turns inward, granting greater accessibility for suggestions made by therapists directly towards your subconscious repository, bypassing normal critical thinking barriers leading them.
Harnessing The Subconscious Mind For Healing And Behaviour Modification
This unique approach allows positive affirmations better chances at replacing existing negative thought patterns, hence enabling desired behavioural changes like quitting smoking or overcoming fear, etc. Moreover, since these methods address the root cause behind symptoms instead of just managing outward manifestations, they provide a holistic solution compared to conventional treatment procedures generally adopted within the medical community, making the overall process more efficient and comprehensive in terms of achieving long-lasting results for patients suffering from a variety of conditions including pain management, anxiety relief, addiction recovery, among others.
The Role Of A Certified Hypnotherapist In Clinical Hypnosis
Becoming certified requires undergoing rigorous training programs offered by reputable institutions wherein students are taught both the theoretical and practical aspects involved in mastering the art and science of modern-day therapy, along with passing relevant exams and gaining necessary certifications acknowledged by industry-wide bodies such as the General Standards Council UK and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) USA, amongst others. These qualified professionals play a crucial role in the successful implementation of clinical therapy sessions, creating a safe and comfortable environment conducive to deep relaxation, guiding clients effectively throughout
Key Takeaway:
Unlock the power of your subconscious with clinical hypnosis, a therapeutic technique that facilitates deep relaxation and behavioural change. Certified hypnotherapists use this to address root causes rather than symptoms, offering holistic solutions for various conditions. Rigorous training is essential for mastery in this field.
The Importance of Selecting the Right Hypnotherapy Training Program
As the demand for professionally trained hypnotherapists continues to rise, it's imperative that prospective students select a suitable training program. This decision is crucial in shaping your future career and ensuring you are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge.
In essence, choosing wisely can set you apart as a certified hypnotist capable of utilising clinical hypnosis effectively within therapeutic contexts.
Evaluating Course Content and Teaching Methods
A comprehensive understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical techniques related to clinical hypnotism forms the backbone of any quality certification program. Courses should cover induction methods, deepening procedures, suggestion formulation, and dealing with resistance, amongst other key topics.
1. Courses combining traditional practices, such as conventional clinical hypnosis with modern therapies, offer innovative learning experiences.
2. Practical experience plays an integral role in honing one's skillset; therefore, opt for courses providing ample opportunities for supervised practice sessions.
3. Different teaching styles cater to different learners - whether lectures, seminars, workshops, case studies, etc. and ensure these align well with your personal preferences.
Taking Into Account Your Career Goals and Learning Style
Your ultimate goal after completing the training will likely be practising as a professionally certified therapist; hence, it is essential to select a course that not only teaches the basics but also prepares you for real-world scenarios you might encounter in the future. For those with a preference for experiential learning, there are schools that provide on-campus clinical internship programs in the Southern California area, which may be beneficial.
On the other hand, if flexibility is a major concern due to work and family commitments, then opting for distance learning options could prove beneficial.
Ultimately, the selection is largely based on individual preferences and conditions; however, it is always worth investing effort and funds into education in the long run.
Key Takeaway:
Picking the right hypnotherapy training program is key to your future career. Ensure it covers both theoretical and practical aspects, aligns with your learning style and career goals, offers hands-on experience, and provides flexibility if needed. Remember, investing in education pays off long-term.
Future Scope of Hypnotherapy
The realm of hypnotherapy is on a rapid evolutionary path, with more and more individuals acknowledging its potential to tackle an array of mental and physical health issues. The future prospects for this therapeutic modality are indeed bright.
A significant shift in the industry has been the escalating acceptance of hypnotherapy among both medical professionals and laypeople alike. As research findings continue to endorse its effectiveness, we can anticipate an upsurge in demand for trained practitioners who have undergone rigorous hypnosis training.
Trends Shaping the Future of Hypnotherapy
One major factor shaping the future trajectory of hypnotherapy is increased scientific validation. Studies consistently illustrate that techniques learned during certified hypnotist training programs effectively treat conditions such as anxiety, chronic pain, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), insomnia, etc., enhancing credibility within mainstream healthcare circles and leading to wider adoption.
Beyond clinical applications, there's also growth observed using modern hypnosis courses traditionally applied for performance enhancement - from sports psychology to business coaching. By harnessing subconscious mind power through these methods, individuals unlock their full potential.
Rise in Demand for Trained Professionals
The global wellness market continues expanding rapidly, which bodes well for those pursuing careers in alternative therapies like general standards council-approved conventional clinical hypnotic state-inducing practices. Awareness grows about holistic treatments' benefits over traditional medicine alone - especially when dealing with stress-related disorders or behavioural change - so does interest towards qualified therapists offering top-quality interactive online video training program options available worldwide regardless of geographical constraints. Such developments will continue revolutionising how modern-day practitioners train and operate moving forward.
FAQs in Relation to Hypnotherapy Training Near Me
Where is the best place to learn hypnosis?
The Hypnotherapy Training Institute, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and Inspiraologyy® offer top-notch courses both online and in-person.
What is the best accreditation for hypnotherapy?
The General Hypnotist Examiners Applicants (GHEA) and The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) are highly regarded accrediting bodies in this field.
Is hypnotherapy regulated in Maryland?
In Maryland, there's no specific regulation for practising hypnotherapists. However, therapists often need a license or certification from recognised professional boards.
How do you get trained in hypnosis?
You can train through certified programs offered by reputable institutions like Inspiraology®, which include coursework, supervised practice, and potentially licensing exams.
Exploring the power of hypnotherapy opens up a world of therapeutic possibilities.
With its proven effectiveness in treating various disorders and conditions, it's an intriguing field to delve into.
Pursuing a career in hypnotherapy not only offers personal growth but also provides the opportunity to help others heal.
The journey towards becoming a certified hypnotherapist is filled with learning and discovery, from understanding traditional clinical hypnosis to modern courses like Inspiraology® Hypnotherapy Training.
Choosing between in-person or online training can be challenging, yet each has its unique benefits that cater to different learning styles and preferences.
A deep dive into top schools offering comprehensive certification programs reveals excellent opportunities for quality education in this field.
Your Future Starts Here
If you're searching for 'Hypnotherapy Training near me', look no further than Inspiraology. Our pledge is to give top-notch instruction that arms you with the expertise necessary for accomplishment as a qualified hypnotist. You'll learn how to utilise powerful techniques designed to bring about transformational change within your clients' lives - all while building a rewarding career yourself! Ready? Your future starts here at Inspiraology.
Read more
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advantagehcs · 4 months
Pain Management Metairie - Advance Healthcare Systems
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Comprehensive Treatment for Chronic Pain Injury in Metairie, Louisiana
Chronic Pain Solutions from Advance Healthcare Systems
Living with chronic pain may virtually stop your life and make it impossible to enjoy the little things in life. Unfortunately, there is rarely a single treatment for persistent pain. You should consult with experts who can provide a variety of methods to lessen the effects if you're experiencing chronic pain management Metairie and discomfort. Advantage Healthcare Systems is able to assist.
People in Metairie, Louisiana, and the surrounding areas who have chronic or severe pain for whatever reason—from an accident, a degenerative disease, or an illness—can turn to Advantage Healthcare Systems for our almost 40 years of experience. We are dedicated to helping our patients regain optimal health with the least amount of pain possible since we have witnessed the crippling impact of chronic pain.
We have seen the debilitating effects of chronic pain and are committed to returning our patients to maximum health with minimal pain. We work with every patient to identify ways to promote overall fitness and well-being, so that we can minimize the risk and consequences of chronic pain.
Our comprehensive team of experts has been assembled to assist our patients in locating ways to manage their chronic pain. Medical physicians massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and mental health specialists are all committed to treating chronic pain, and they may all be found at our clinics.
To schedule an appointment, send us an email or give us a call at 1-866-586-1755, toll-free.
Effective Chronic Pain Treatment in Metairie, Louisiana
Patients at Advantage Healthcare Systems can choose from a variety of treatment options, including: • Biofeedback: This method reduces chronic pain by utilizing information about your blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate to give you mental control over your body.
• Relaxation training: Chronic pain is frequently caused by or exacerbated by stress, tension, and worry. These methods will assist in controlling those physiological reactions.
• Gentle massage: To assist ease stress, stiffness, and other conditions that may lead to chronic pain, we have a certified massage therapist on staff.
• Self-hypnosis and visual imagery—we can teach you techniques to use your mind and cognitive abilities to take your focus away from the pain;
• At-home treatments—we will show you physical and mental exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home to help you more effectively manage your pain;
 • Self-monitoring—we will assist you in keeping track of the chronic pain you experience so that you can identify triggers and take appropriate action to minimize the severity of an attack.
• Emotional control: Experience has shown us that controlling your emotional reaction to pain may help you control the pain itself.
Contact Advantage Healthcare Systems in Metairie, Louisiana for Comprehensive Chronic Pain Care
Make an appointment to visit our Metairie office or contact Advantage Healthcare online to begin taking the proper measures to manage chronic pain. Our offices may be reached toll-free at 1-866-586-1755. The longer you wait, the higher the risk. Speak with us right now to speed up your healing.
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emily6-blogs · 4 months
Hypnosis for Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders are a common affliction affecting millions worldwide. From insomnia to sleep apnea, these conditions can significantly impact one's quality of life. While conventional treatments often include medication and behavioral therapy, hypnosis is emerging as an effective and holistic alternative. This article explores how hypnosis can help alleviate sleep disorders, guiding you towards peaceful and restorative sleep.
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Understanding Sleep Disorders
Sleep disorders encompass a variety of conditions that disrupt regular sleep patterns. Common types include:
Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
Sleep Apnea: Breathing interruptions during sleep.
Narcolepsy: Excessive daytime sleepiness and sudden sleep attacks.
Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS): Uncomfortable sensations in the legs with an urge to move.
These disorders can lead to chronic fatigue, impaired cognitive function, and various health issues if left untreated.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that involves guiding individuals into a trance-like state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. In this state, the mind is more open to positive suggestions and changes in behavior. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not about losing control but rather about gaining a deeper level of self-awareness and relaxation.
How Hypnosis Can Help with Sleep Disorders
Inducing Deep Relaxation
One of the primary benefits of hypnosis for sleep disorders is its ability to induce deep relaxation. Hypnosis sessions often involve progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery, helping to calm the mind and body, making it easier to drift into sleep.
Addressing Underlying Causes
Sleep disorders often stem from underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, or trauma. Hypnotherapy can help uncover and address these root causes, providing a more comprehensive approach to treatment. By resolving these issues, patients can experience lasting improvements in their sleep patterns.
Reprogramming Negative Thought Patterns
Many individuals with sleep disorders struggle with negative thought patterns and anxiety around sleep. Hypnosis can help reprogram these thoughts, replacing them with positive affirmations and beliefs. This shift can reduce anxiety and promote a healthier relationship with sleep.
Hypnotherapy Techniques for Improving Sleep Quality and Duration
Hypnosis Techniques for Better Sleep
Guided Imagery
Guided imagery involves visualizing a peaceful and calming scenario, such as a serene beach or a quiet forest. This technique helps distract the mind from stressors, promoting relaxation and sleep readiness.
Suggestion Therapy
In suggestion therapy, the hypnotherapist provides positive suggestions related to sleep, such as "You will feel calm and relaxed as you prepare for bed" or "You will fall asleep easily and wake up feeling refreshed." These suggestions help reinforce positive behaviors and attitudes towards sleep.
Cognitive Behavioral Hypnotherapy (CBH)
CBH combines cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with hypnosis, addressing both the mental and behavioral aspects of sleep disorders. This integrated approach can be particularly effective for conditions like insomnia, where thought patterns and behaviors significantly impact sleep quality.
Success Stories
Many individuals have found relief from sleep disorders through hypnosis. Testimonials often highlight significant improvements in sleep quality, reduced nighttime awakenings, and enhanced daytime functioning. These success stories underscore the potential of hypnosis as a viable treatment option.
Seeking Professional Hypnotherapy
For those interested in exploring hypnosis for sleep disorders, it is crucial to seek guidance from a qualified professional. The International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP) offers comprehensive training and resources for both practitioners and clients. To learn more about hypnosis and find a certified hypnotherapist, visit ICCHP.
Hypnosis presents a promising solution for those struggling with sleep disorders. By promoting deep relaxation, addressing underlying causes, and reprogramming negative thought patterns, hypnosis can pave the way to restful and rejuvenating sleep. If sleep disorders are affecting your life, consider the transformative potential of hypnotherapy and take the first step towards better sleep today.
For more information and resources on hypnosis for sleep disorders, visit ICCHP.
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