#Cecily Leaves
caterpillarinacave · 7 months
TID as Pictures I Found on Pinterest: Part 3
Jessamine when Tessa’s random shady mundane brother whose made of red flags shows up out of nowhere:
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Cecily during the battle of Cadair Idris:
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Gabriel and Gideon @ their dad:
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Jem after any physical exertion:
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Sophie finding that letter in Jessamines room:
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Basically every event in the trilogy:
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Will when demon pox turns Benedict Lightwood turns into a worm:
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Jessamine @ Nate at the end of Clockwork Angel:
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Sophie watching Jessamine sneak out in men’s clothes:
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Cecily when Charlotte points out Henry’s the only one who can get them out of Cadair Idris and he’s basically dead:
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Will, in reference to the Lightwood Brothers:
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Everyone @ Will:
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Everyone when Benedict Lightwood turns into a worm:
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Charlotte when her husband is dying and some 16 year old is telling her to just leave him there:
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we will stay married and raise the kids until they are out of the house. but I will not respect you and I'll make sure the kids don't either.
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pottdplant · 11 months
i miss her*
*cecily strong
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helenofblackthorns · 1 year
in choi there a moment where Cordelia like "oh in the summer I thought Thomas' hair was blond but now I see its actually brown" and idk it's so funny to me because it's the only time anyone describes his hair as blond 😭 like it's called "sandy brown" which considering Gideon's was often described as "sandy blond" I am assuming it's the same colour but like. Thomas' is never directly said to be blond outside this one time. why did you say this Cordelia you never said anything to this degree before???
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guys HELP i’m doing a dnd thing on tuesday and i need to pick which character to play
i love them BOTH so much please help
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theliterarybeldam · 2 years
SNL Christmas Episode Recap
Sniffled when Austin was getting choked up about his mom during his monologue
Busted out laughing at Grandma Lois throwing her big ass panties at Jewish Elvis
Cried when I realized this was Cecily’s last episode (hadn’t seen SNL’s post on Instagram yet about it)
Cried more when Austin sang Blue Christmas for Cecily 😭😭
No, I’m not okay. Thanks for asking. 😭
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Edit: how did I feel about Lizzo? I’m ngl I fast forwarded through her performances 😅 I really don’t care for her music. Sorry!
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voidedjuice · 2 years
Threw dice on what oc lore I should write about tonight and landed on anomaly stuff (including vampires) 👍
So, basically, first off there's the void and inside it are different universes. Due to existence being weird, sometimes people in the universes are affected by a phenomenon called anomalisation.
Basically what anomalisation does is, it somehow twists the laws of reality around an affected individual with varying effects, categorised into some main types by voidscholars.
To give a couple examples, there's type alpha, which causes an individual's existence to cross with another's, with the effect causing things like more or less controllable transformations between forms and other such things. The anomaly usually lets an individual benefit from the strenghts of both forms, with the forms potentially increasing in strenght and number with the individual's age.
Type theta tends to cause immortality, with the cost being an endless hunger for one's former kind. Vampires are usually classified under this, however in some universes there are non-anomalous vampires and other anomalies may also cause effects a layman might classify under vampirism (for example a type alpha whose existence overlaps with that of a vampire bat). Often comes with various additional benefits, strenghtening with the individual's age. Also often comes with seemingly arbitrary limitations, with many scientists fervently working to figure out the cause for this.
Type rho lets an individual bend the laws of reality to their will, but causes backlash to the affected person's lifespan. Very strong but requires careful handling from the individual. There are ways to recollect the lost lifespan from various possible sources, for example from nature or from other living beings, either by force or as an agreed reward for a favor.
Etc etc, there's other types also named after letters in the greek alphabet (because I think it sounds cool :)) and also some other classifications exist outside that (the scholars realised they had more types of anomalies out there than there were letters in the alphabet they were using). An anomaly usually affects a person's lifespan one way or another and makes them way stronger. Sometimes multiple types of the same anomaly exist in the same universe, sometimes multiple different kinds do.
Anomalisation tends to occur in universes not ruled by any deities, since any such being could and probably would easily wipe them out. Anomalies are always sort of a destabilising force after all, with the anomaly's capability to bend the laws of reality outside the control of anyone trying to uphold them.
I have one voidscholar oc and her assistantswho are researching anomalies (theta type specifically). I'd love to introduce someday, I just need to draw them sometime :'). She's sort of the same kind of a being as Lilia (only sort of because Lilia is her own thing in many ways)
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msfangirlgonewild · 2 years
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This could be her last…😢
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misterelguapo · 2 years
As sad as I am about Cecily leaving, I just thought about my queen, Heidi, inevitably doing the same and…
I'll probably just stand up, silently walk out of my house, leaving everything behind, and disappear into the woods, never to be seen or heard from again.
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livefromnyitssn · 2 years
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ednacrabapple · 2 years
How could Cecily do this to me
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st4rry4pples · 2 years
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old-type-40 · 4 months
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It's the 25th anniversary of the DS9 finale What You Leave Behind (June 2, 1999). This is an appropriate time to remind those who have long been in the fandom or inform those relatively new to the fandom that the celebration in Vic's Lounge was the final scene that was shot for the series. And because so many of the actors loved their time on the show and were very proud of what they created, most of them were there as extras in the background. Just behind Sisko and Kasidy, I believe those two men chatting are Casey Biggs (Damar) and Jeffrey Combs (Weyoun).
Others who were there include Cecily Adams (Ishka), J.G. Hertzler (Martok), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), and Max Grodenchik (Rom). Furthermore, Andrew Robinson (Garak) and Chase Masterson (Leeta) were on set though they did not appear on camera.
This more than anything says just how much the cast loved working on the series. And they very much deserved to be proud of what they created.
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gulnarsultan · 2 months
Hey I was wondering if you could write yandere edward iv of england headcanons with his wife and if they were to have kids
maybe nsfw but only if you feel comfortable
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Hello dear. I will do my best. I hope you like it.
Yandere husband Edward iv of England headcanon.
~ Political and alliance marriages were not surprising. Because many high-status people resorted to this path to get more. As a Princess, making a political marriage for your country and people was your destiny from the day you were born.
~ The idea of ​​arranging a marriage between you and the young King Edward, who had just ascended to the throne, was his mother, Cecily Neville. She could not tolerate her son marrying Elizabeth, a widow and a lower-status woman. So she immediately started writing to your family and trying to convince them of this marriage. Soon, the decision was made for you to marry for the good of both countries.
~ At first, Edward was angry, sad and disappointed. Even if he fought with his mother, there was no way back. Even if he married you, he was determined to always love Elizabeth and even make her his mistress. If he had to make a marriage he did not want, then he would not leave the woman he loved.
~ You traveled to England. You had many soldiers, maids, servants and assistants with you. Your robe was really big and magnificent. You had heard the rumors that the king loved a woman. In fact, you were very upset that you had to marry a man who did not love you and was cheating on you.
~ You finally managed to reach England. Everyone was ready to welcome you. You took a deep breath before entering the hall. And you made a promise to yourself. You would never let anyone hurt, upset or humiliate you. The first person to greet and admire you was your future mother-in-law. Everyone was speechless when they saw your beauty. When Edward looked at you, it was as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He looked at you with a few snaifs of forgiveness. He came to his senses when his mother called him and came to you immediately.
~ In fact, your future husband was as handsome as they said. In fact, you accepted that you were lucky in this regard. Edward wasted no time in trying to chat with you and get to know you better. You had lost track of time. Edward was spending all his free time with you. His mother was happy that her son was no longer going to that widow.
~ You got married in a short time with an expensive and fancy wedding. Your wedding dress and jewelry were very expensive and perfect. It was the kind of wedding that would be talked about for a long time. You were known as the most beautiful bride in history. Edward was very gentle on the first night.
~ (Nswf) Edward was never ashamed or hesitant to show affection to you in front of others. He was obsessed with touching you, especially when he was around other people. He really wanted you to get pregnant and carry the proof of your togetherness in your belly. He never neglected to take care of you after sex. He was more dominant and harsh when he was jealous. He likes to leave marks on your body.
~ He likes to spoil you with gifts and acts of love. No one can try to harm you, insult you or humiliate you. You are his precious wife, Queen and the mother of his children. So if someone becomes your enemy, Edward will be their worst nightmare.
~ You have more than one healthy child. Edward is the best father in the world for all of them. He is a protective father for his children. He will not allow anyone to harm his family.
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lighthousepigeons · 4 months
Cecily: I'm tired of all the toxicity between you men. Let's all say something we like about the other.
Jeremy, trying to make Landon angry: Fine, I like your mom.
Brandon, holding Landon back from hitting him: Can we please leave my mom out of this conversation.
Nikolai: He's right guys, it's inappropriate.
Brandon: Thank you, Nikolai.
Nikolai: Let's talk about how fine his father is.
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