#Cells At Work!
sleepyheadnat · 21 days
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ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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zero-artz · 3 months
Why did my panicked and stressed baby boy get a glow up to be a stressed hottie
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He's hot anyway 😋
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ace-detectiv3 · 8 months
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Has this been made yet
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miragetheshadow · 5 months
*Drops this at your feet like a cat then skitters away*
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Uhm sir please stop looking so cool
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figurecollection · 2 years
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U-1146 Figure by Good Smile Company, from Cells at Work!
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melangox · 3 months
my cells at work oc’s as this manga panel
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doomed Yuri goes hard
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rabiesbites · 10 months
Some bodies with cancer do not win the battle. U-1146 is about to see this for himself, in a wild twist of events that forces him to reconsider his entire identity, that something about him was just slightly off.
[read the full fic here! first few paragraphs under the cut]
1146 sits with his back slumped against the cold, blue-hued glass of the containment tube he was held captive in. His dark eyes are a new kind of wide, and he clutches his wounded side with his hand. Deep red cytoplasm leaked through his fingers.
He could not feel his pain. No, not the pain of his body at least- but his emotional pain was very much real.
Laying on a bed of cancer were his friends and fellow immune cells, NK cell and Killer....no, Memory T cell. They were not moving. Not even a twitch of the fingers, or the rise and fall of their breathing. Their cytoplasm made a pool beneath them, and 1146 knew they were dead. Corpses.
He couldn't let himself cry, he thought, but his eyes still defiantly leaked tears as he pounded his hands against the glass. The cancer cell just laughed at his struggling.
"Why!?" 1146 screamed, anger bubbling up like boiling water. "Why do you have to do this!?"
"It's what I deserve! Consider it payback for the last time you put an end to me without a second thought! It's necessary to see my dream to fruition, after all!"
"No buts, my friend! Look at how far my tumor is growing! And look at you. Defenseless. Don't you think your neutrophil pals will end up the same way? If I could take those guys down," he motions to the bodies with his hand, "then surely I can do it all again. Really, it was quite easy."
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makiruz · 1 year
Oh my god, there are like 12 thousand Cells At Work! Spinoffs! One for every specific situation that can be done in one body, because the original person is fucked already, they got allergies, they got cancer, they cracked their head open! They got HIV! (there's medication so they're fine, but we lost Controller T, ::>_<:: I liked that guy)
The one that interests me more is Baby, because Baby. Well also Illegal, because DRUGS!! (Also the body works like the Mob, sure)
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emetophobiahelp · 24 days
Cells At Work! S1E4 Clarification
The initial warning for this episode wasn’t very descriptive, so I wanted to give a detailed description since the episode is otherwise pretty good.
First off, the preview of this episode (called “Food Poisoning”) after the credits of episode 3 has no concerning parts other than mentioning the title, and only a little bubbling, but that’s just normal function, not v*.
The first part of the episode explains the stomach and digestive system, they speak multiple times about “gastric juice” if that bothers you, and the acid bubbles at a normal pace that doesn’t cause any concern unless the idea of stomach acid bothers you as a whole. Then, tremors occur and the first weak parasite attacks. They describe that it causes stomach pains, which could be triggering, though not so much for me personally despite being a heavy emetophobe. This first parasite eats white blood cell, at around 11:24, then shortly after, he cuts through its mouth to escape. It’s not even close to v*, but it is quite bloody, if that bothers you.
At 14:33, right after the red button is pressed, it shows some gastric acid flowing over the walls, if that might bother you. After the second tremors, red button alert, and the parasite breaks through the cell wall with a scream, white blood cell will say what it is, then it starts to describe in detail of the side effects of it, mentioning v*. If you’re watching in Japanese like me, shut off the subtitles either before white blood cell says what it is, or be ready to turn them off quickly after he does, otherwise you will get jumpscared by the v* word on your screen through the long description that the narrator was about to say. So therefore if you’re watching dubbed, mute at that same point when the second parasite screams.
Afterward, existential cell guy shows up (basophil), and a possibly concerning visual comes up of the stomach acid erupting like a volcano. It’s not really bad, especially if you can just make yourself think of it as a volcano since it looks like lava anyway, but look away after the parasite screams if you don’t like that idea. He says some more existential stuff, and if you want to know what he says, make sure you turn subtitles back off as the other blood cells are watching the eruption, because after that, a monitor pops up pretty quickly, that if you have subtitles on, you are going to get jumpscared by the words “v*ing center.” It is also written in English, “Status: queasy” if that bothers you.
What they say in the control center directly after this isn’t really super important, they’re just asking if that’s the specific parasite and “Oh crap, here it comes!” Don’t turn subtitles back on here or unmute either if you’re on dub, because right afterward, there is a visual of acid spilling out a pipe and more side effect description, going very much into detail on what the body does. I would explain what, but I don’t trust that I wouldn’t get very anxious reading it even briefly, so I’m just going off that the narrator talks for a while and my non-emetophobic friend said it is especially very descriptive there and mentions what the muscles do. Just keep your subtitles off this whole time after the eruption (if you wanted to know what basophil said), or keep it muted if you’re watching in dub and turn your head if that visual might bother you. It erupts out of the pipe a bit after the description, which could be bothersome. I was only a little uncomfortable by it, but enough to where I skipped rewatching it while analyzing.
After this, the parasite breaks through the wall and screams again, and after you hear the scream, you can turn the subtitles back on. The only things said before it screams are “What happened to the enemy?” from the control center and that it’s tearing through the stomach wall.
After that, it’s safe for the rest of the episode to turn subtitles back on. There is no v* audio at any points, just descriptions on how it works. After eosinophil fights the parasite, at around 19:20, another eruption occurs in the stomach from it falling in, but it could be interpreted as v* and could be bothersome.
That’s all for this episode, and I’d say be wary of these parts, but the episode as a whole is quite good regardless of these mentions if you can avoid them like I did thanks to someone who doesn’t have the phobia analyzing it for me before I watched it and warning me prior. This episode introduces two whole new cells, so I wouldn’t recommend skipping the whole thing for these things. If you’re going to skip, skip from the second parasite’s first scream at 15:20 up until its second scream after 16:43.
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kodanshamanga · 1 year
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#NewMangaDay starts with the adventurers in:
💣Cells at Work! Lady, Volume 2💣 By Akane Shimizu, Shigemitsu Harada and Akari Otokawa
🔪The cells that make up this woman’s body are complex at work, from dieting to hair removal to UV damage from tanning.
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tribow · 6 months
So I watched Cells at Work!
This is the best educational show I've ever seen. Cells at Work is great!
It's rare for me to have no criticisms to talk about. The characters are well done, the story is well done, and the education is phenomenal. This is such a genius way to present how your body works. It's not boring to sit through either. Even if it's being educational the story that it tells is very satisfying.
I really don't have much to say outside of it being good. All ages can enjoy this anime, but it does seem to have kids/younger teens as a target audience. There are dark moments that the anime is not shy about delving into, but season 1 keeps the tone generally positive. I'd recommend this to anyone regardless of whether or not you actually care about learning about how our cells work.
With that said, lets talk about production. The animation is handled by David Productions! I've only seen their work with Jojo's Bizarre Adventure so far. To me this studio is more recognizable for their animation direction rather than sakuga of individual scenes. It's no different here for Cells at Work.
Y'see, there's tons of re-used animation throughout the show, a good amount of CG used to save time on animation, and scrolling static backgrounds. All of these things are red flags to a lot of people. These are time saving methods to help production go more smoothly. However, there's a difference between doing it poorly and doing it well.
Cells at Work may have a lot of these "issues", but they are presented masterfully. There's such a nice clarity to how everything is framed and drawn throughout each scene. The CG frequently blends in very well with the 2D animation. There's rarely a complicated shot in the anime, but everything flows wonderfully even if the scene is re-used animation.
Maybe it's just cause I'm some nerd about animation, but I was honestly impressed at how well presented these time saving methods were. It's usually a sign of bad animation, but it looks perfectly fine here. Great even.
Oh, also I watched this dubbed to make it a bit easier to digest the material (it's educational after all). I was surprised that there's an english cover of the anime opening. I thought dubs didn't do that anymore! The dub itself was pretty good, no complaints there.
In conclusion, Cells at Work is pretty good! I'll watch the other seasons soon. I wouldn't call this peak anime that's a must-watch, but it's a damn good watch. Don't shy away from it if you're interested.
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zero-artz · 3 months
Why he go from ☺🤭😋 to 😐😦😨
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ace-detectiv3 · 8 months
Psst, you- yes, you ! You ever just wish there are Cells at Work! themed Discord server you can hang out at? Well you're in luck !! I just opened up a brand new server !! (woah ! ) Here's the link !
It may be small and, well, inactive but I believe it will grow as time passes !
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miragetheshadow · 7 months
I wanna see something... I've had an idea cooking.
Transformers x Cells At Work!
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