#Certified Senior Advisors
momlovesyoubest · 6 months
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mycpe · 28 days
Online CISA CPE Courses | MY-CPE
Learn from 500+ hours of eligible CISA CPE Credits as per ISACA Standards. Access to all courses with Unlimited Access Subscription at $199.
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mariacallous · 3 months
In the latest sign of his fascination with using nuclear weapons, former U.S. President Donald Trump told a crowd in January that one of the reasons he needed immunity was so that he couldn’t be indicted for using nuclear weapons on a city, like former President Harry Truman did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
As Trump consolidates the Republican Party nomination, it is past time to ensure that no president can authorize an unnecessary or illegal nuclear attack.
It’s important to remember how worried top U.S. officials were three years ago. As Trump was attempting to overturn the election results, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley about whether he could prevent “an unstable president” from using nuclear weapons. For his part, Milley reportedly gathered senior officers to remind them not to act on orders unless he was involved, telling them, “no matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure.”
In fact, neither Pelosi nor Milley had any lawful authority to prevent a determined Trump from using nuclear weapons. The sole restriction on the president’s authority to order a nuclear attack is that members of the armed forces are obligated to refuse to carry out an order that violates the law of war. Among other things, officers must decline to conduct a nuclear strike that is not necessary to defeat an enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible or that would cause damage to civilians that is indiscriminate, inhumane, or disproportionate to the military objective.
In 2017, as Trump was improvising nuclear threats to North Korea, the commander of U.S. Strategic Command (Stratcom) made headlines by saying that he would not carry out an illegal launch order. Instead, Gen. John Hyten said he would inform a president that an order was illegal and then come up with “capabilities to respond to whatever the situation is, and that’s the way it works. It’s not that complicated.”
But it is complicated. The expected procedure is that a president considering nuclear use would convene a “decision conference” with senior advisors to consider options that are laid out in the football, a briefcase that follows the president everywhere. However, there is no logistical or legal requirement that a president convene a decision conference, engage with it in good faith, or take its advice seriously. In fact, the football can send a decision directly to the National Military Command Center (NMCC), which then generates an order and transmits it to U.S. forces.
One of Hyten’s predecessors, Gen. C. Robert Kehler, admitted to the Senate in 2017, “I do not know exactly” what would have happened if he had refused to carry out an illegal nuclear order. What if the president tried to circumvent that official? In practice, a coalition of officers or civilian officials could probably short-circuit the command and control process to obstruct an egregious order, but the system should not depend on insubordination.
It is also not clear how specific officials would interpret their obligations under the law of armed conflict. Who has standing to object to an order? What would they consider to be a legitimate military objective? Would they be able to evaluate nonnuclear options to determine that a nuclear weapon was the lowest effective level of force, as required? Exactly how would they calculate what number of incidental civilian deaths are proportionate to the military objective?
These questions can only have subjective answers and require more information than is available to single official. Existing practices to evaluate nuclear options may not be a good guide in a crisis. It is not sufficient for Stratcom to certify an option as legal in advance, because it may not be legal in the context that a president delivers it. Furthermore, precedent that derives from Hiroshima and Cold War plans to target civilians should not guide decisions today.
Before the election, President Joe Biden should put in place a defined, effective, rigorous, and legal procedure for preventing any president from issuing an illegal nuclear launch order.
He can start by establishing a structure for the decision conference. If a president accesses the football, the NMCC should automatically convene a conference among a specified set of principals, including the secretaries of state and defense, the chairman, the Stratcom commander, and the relevant regional combatant commander who can advise on conditions in an ongoing conflict. Each of these principals should be accompanied by their primary legal counsel, who is prepared to assess the legality of a nuclear order.
When the president transmits a decision to use nuclear weapons, each principal should submit a decision to certify or not to certify that the order complies with U.S. obligations under the law of armed conflict. If the attending principals certify the legality of a presidential order, it can then become a valid order and is transmitted to the NMCC. Just as the NMCC authenticates an order as being from a president, it should also require certification of legality before it transmits that order to launch crews.
Biden should think carefully about the rules of certification. No president should be able to rush or circumvent the process. Principals should have sufficient time to assess the operation, and certification should ideally be unanimous. In cases where an immediate launch is necessary, the legality should be plain, and principals should be able to certify the order immediately.
The president should also issue guidance to calibrate how government attorneys assess the legality of nuclear options, including what qualifies as a legitimate military objective that could justify nuclear use, how they should weigh incidental loss of life against military advantage, and how they determine when nuclear use can adequately discriminate between civilian and military objects. Over time, this kind of guidance could have an important effect on the options presented to a president.
As a first step, Biden should declare that the United States would use nuclear weapons only in extreme circumstances when there is no viable nonnuclear alternative for accomplishing vital military objectives. This would not only encourage planners to prioritize more credible conventional options, but also rule out the use of nuclear weapons to coerce or terrify enemies. The president could also state that the U.S. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would violate the law of armed conflict today and will never happen again.
Currently, the Defense Department’s law of war manual contains all of three sentences on the legality of nuclear operations. These presidential statements and guidance would help future officials interpret concepts such as necessity and discrimination and provide them with grounds to object to an unnecessary, unprovoked, or cruel launch order. Once in place, they would be difficult for an irresponsible president to walk back.
Lastly, the United States can add a step to the decision conference procedure where the president is prompted to consult with the leader of an allied country that would be directly affected by nuclear use, if at all possible. Biden already made this commitment to South Korea last year. Extending the idea to other allies can not only better inform the leaders of both countries, but could also help to build stronger, more literate, and more credible alliances.
The current procedure for authorizing nuclear use both fails to inform a responsible president and could fail to constrain an irresponsible one from ordering or even carrying out an unnecessary nuclear attack. Before he leaves office, Biden should confine this system to the past and establish one that is more rigorous and more effective. At the presidential inauguration in January 2025, either way, he’ll be glad he did.
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seniorcarelove · 10 months
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Certified Senior Placement Advisor in Maryland
Certified Senior Placement Advisor in Maryland, guiding families with compassionate support in finding ideal senior living options. Extensive knowledge of local facilities, care services, and financial assistance. Trustworthy, ensuring seniors' comfort and well-being. visit here https://shorturl.at/pstIW
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 10 months
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The New York Times ::: [read the indictment]
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August 1, 2023
AUG 2, 2023
Today a grand jury in Washington, D.C, indicted former president Donald J. Trump for conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters, and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The charges stemmed from Trump’s attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election. A grand jury is made up of 23 ordinary citizens who weigh evidence of criminal activity and produce an indictment if 12 or more of them vote in favor. 
The grand jury indicted Trump for “conspiracy to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of the presidential election are collected, counted and certified by the government; “conspiracy to corruptly obstruct and impede the January 6 congressional proceeding at which the collected results of the presidential election are counted and certified”; and “conspiracy against the right to vote and to have one’s vote counted.” 
“Each of these conspiracies,” the indictment reads, “targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election.” “This federal government function…is foundational to the United States’ democratic process, and until 2021, had operated in a peaceful and orderly manner for more than 130 years.” 
As Rachel Weiner pointed out in the Washington Post, “conspiracies don’t need to be successful to be criminal, and perpetrators can be held responsible if they join the conspiracy at any stage.”
The indictment referred to six co-conspirators without identifying them by name, but the details included about them suggest that Co-Conspirator 1 is Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani; Co-Conspirator 2 is lawyer John Eastman, who came up with the plan for then–vice president Mike Pence to use his ceremonial role of counting the electoral votes to throw the election to Trump; Co-Conspirator 3 is Trump lawyer Sidney Powell; Co-Conspirator 4 is Jeffrey Clark, a Justice Department lawyer whom Trump tried to push into the role of attorney general so he could lie that there had been election fraud; Co-Conspirator 5 appears to be Kenneth Chesebro, a Trump attorney behind the idea of the false electors. 
The identity of Co-Conspirator 6, a political consultant, is unclear.
On The Reid Out tonight, law professor Neal Katyal suggested that the six were not indicted because the Justice Department “doesn’t want the trial of the other six to be bundled up with this and slow this down.” Los Angeles Times senior legal affairs columnist Harry Litman concluded that the absence of Trump’s White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, from the indictment indicates he’s cooperating with the Department of Justice. Meadows had a ringside seat to the last days of the Trump administration.
The indictment is what’s known as a “speaking indictment,” one that explains the alleged crimes to the public. It undercuts Trump loyalists’ insistence that the Department of Justice is trying to criminalize Trump’s free speech by laying out that Trump did indeed have a right to challenge the election—which he did, and lost. He also had a first-amendment right to lie about the election.  
What he did not have was a right to use “unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.”  
The indictment begins by settling out that Trump “lost the 2020 presidential election” but that “despite having lost, [Trump] was determined to remain in power.” So he lied that he had actually won. “These claims were false, and [Trump] knew they were false.” More than 15 pages of the 45-page indictment establish that Trump knew the allegations he was making about election fraud were lies. 
In one memorable December exchange, a senior campaign advisor wrote in an email, “When our research and campaign legal team can’t back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we’re 0–32 on our cases. I’ll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it’s tough to own any of this when it’s all just conspiracy sh*t beamed down from the mothership.”
The Trump team used lies about the election to justify organizing fraudulent slates of electors in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Allegedly with the help of Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, they attempted to have the legitimate electors that accurately reflected the voters’ choice of Biden replaced with fraudulent ones that claimed Trump had won in their states, first by convincing state legislators they had the power to make the switch, and then by convincing Vice President Mike Pence he could choose the Trump electors. 
When Pence would not fraudulently alter the election results, Trump whipped up the crowd he had gathered in Washington, D.C., against Pence and then, according to the indictment, “attempted to exploit the violence and chaos at the Capitol” to overturn the election results. “As violence ensued,” the indictment reads, Trump and his co-conspirators “explained the disruption by redoubling efforts to levy false claims of election fraud and convince Members of Congress to further delay the certification based on those claims.” On the evening of January 6, 2021, the indictment alleges, Trump and Co-Conspirator 1 called seven senators and one representative and asked them to delay the certification of Biden’s election. 
While they were doing so, White House counsel Pat Cipollone called Trump “to ask him to withdraw any objections and allow the certification. The Defendant refused.” Just before midnight, Co-Conspirator 2 emailed Pence’s lawyer, once again begging the vice president to “violate the law and seek further delay of the certification.” 
While Trump loyalists are trying to spin the indictment as the weaponization of the Department of Justice against Trump, legal analyst George Conway noted on CNN tonight: "All the evidence comes from Republicans. If you go through this indictment and you annotate the paragraphs to figure out who are the witnesses the [special counsel] would use to prove particular points, they're all Republicans. Those are the people who were having the discussions, telling [Trump], 'You lost.'” 
Trump will be arraigned at 4:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 3. The case of the United States of America v. Donald J. Trump has been randomly assigned to Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, appointed by President Obama in 2014 and confirmed 95–0 in the Senate. Chutkan has presided over dozens of cases concerning the defendants who participated in the events of January 6, 2021, and has been vocal during sentencing about the stakes of that event. In December 2021 she said: “It has to be made clear that trying to stop the peaceful transition of power, assaulting law enforcement, is going to be met with certain punishment.”
“The attack on our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy,” Special Counsel Jack Smith said in his statement about the indictment.
“The men and women of law enforcement who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6 are heroes. They’re patriots, and they are the very best of us. They did not just defend a building or the people sheltering in it. They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people. They defended the very institutions and principles that define the United States.”
The prosecution of former president Trump for trying to destroy those institutions and principles, including our right to consent to the government under which we live—a right the Founders articulated in the Declaration of Independence—should deter others from trying to do the same. Moreover, it will defend the rights of the victims—those who gave their lives as well as all of us whose votes were attacked—by establishing the truth in place of lies. That realistic view should enable us to recommit to the principles on which we want our nation to rest.
Such a prosecution will reaffirm the institutions of democracy. Donald Trump tried to destroy “the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured…by the Constitution and laws of the United States—that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted.” Such an effort must be addressed, and doing it within the parameters of our legal system should reestablish the very institutions Trump loyalists are trying to undermine.
As former House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said this evening: “Like every criminal defendant, the former President is innocent until proven guilty…. The charges…must play out through the legal process, peacefully and without any outside interference…. As this case proceeds through the courts, justice must be done according to the facts and the law.”
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btsqualityy · 2 years
I feel like kinsley knows her man is going to attract attention cause he’s gorgeous. She doesn’t mind the harmless flirting. Giving him chocolate and gifts on the special days. It’s just when it’s gets to be overboard that bothers her. She tries not to show it though but Yuna took the cake!
12th grade is when it amped up! Kamryn bring the rise or die sister that she is (9th) was ready to jump in and fuck some people up! She stays ready.
Mason finds out Kinsley is feeling off and gives her all the smothering hugs she can handle as they practice their senior project greetings. Mason kisses her cheek and goes up to the stage.
“Okay Mr. Kim, where do you see your self 5 years?” The senior advisor asked him in the microphone.
Mason smiles and it’s directed at Kinsley who is snuggled with Berkeley. “Well Mr. Ha, I see myself in 3-5 years is graduating from Korea’s top college. Working in the field that I love and most importantly…being married to the love of my life Kinsley Reese Min. Maybe we’ll have a baby or two. Who knows. I just know that she is my future. I want to be the best husband I can be for her. That’s a certified promise…”
All of the girls are swooning over his answer. Kinsley blushes and hides her face in Berkeley’s beck. However, there is the bright gummy smile that mason loves the best.
This is so sweet 🥹Kinsley has been Mason’s whole world since they were 15 and he never had doubts about feeling so strongly for her 🥰
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snydergrace · 2 years
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finplaneducation01 · 9 days
Unlocking Your Financial Career: A Comprehensive Guide to Professional Courses
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In today’s competitive job market, financial professionals need to stay ahead of the curve by acquiring relevant qualifications and certifications. Among the myriad options available, the ACCA Course, Chartered Wealth Manager Course, ICWIM Courses, and CMA Courses stand out as top choices for aspiring finance professionals. This blog will delve into these courses, highlighting their benefits, structure, and career prospects. Additionally, we will explore why India is home to some of the best CMA coaching in India.
ACCA Course: Your Gateway to Global Accounting
The ACCA Course (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is a globally recognized qualification for accountants. It equips you with the skills necessary to work in various accounting roles, from financial reporting to auditing and taxation.
Course Structure and Requirements
The ACCA Course is structured into three levels:
Applied Knowledge: Covers the fundamentals of accounting and business.
Applied Skills: Focuses on advanced topics like performance management and taxation.
Strategic Professional: Includes essential and optional modules, allowing for specialization in areas like advanced financial management and auditing.
To enroll in the ACCA Course, you typically need to have completed secondary education. However, graduates and professionals with relevant work experience may also qualify for exemptions from certain exams.
Career Prospects
Completing the ACCA Course opens doors to numerous career opportunities globally. ACCA members are in high demand in various sectors, including public practice, corporate finance, and government agencies. The qualification is also a stepping stone to senior management positions, offering lucrative salary packages and job security.
Chartered Wealth Manager Course: Mastering Wealth Management
The Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Course is designed for professionals seeking to specialize in wealth management and investment advisory services. This course provides comprehensive knowledge on managing high-net-worth individuals’ assets, investment strategies, and financial planning.
Course Content and Eligibility
The CWM Course covers topics such as:
Wealth management process and strategies
Investment analysis and portfolio management
Estate planning and wealth transfer
Eligibility criteria typically include a bachelor’s degree and relevant work experience in finance or investment. The course often involves a combination of self-study and examinations.
Career Opportunities
Chartered Wealth Managers are in high demand in financial institutions, private banks, and investment firms. This certification can significantly enhance your career prospects, allowing you to offer specialized services to high-net-worth clients and advising them on wealth creation and preservation.
ICWIM Courses: International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management
The ICWIM Courses focus on international wealth and investment management, providing a strong foundation for those looking to work in global financial markets.
Course Overview
ICWIM Courses cover essential areas such as:
Financial markets and investments
Wealth management principles
Regulatory environment and ethics
These courses are ideal for finance professionals aiming to deepen their understanding of global wealth management practices. They typically require a background in finance, but specific prerequisites may vary.
Global Career Prospects
Holding an ICWIM certification can enhance your credibility and employability in international finance. This qualification is highly valued by employers in global banks, asset management companies, and multinational corporations, positioning you for roles such as investment advisor, wealth manager, or financial consultant.
CMA Courses: Becoming a Certified Management Accountant
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Courses are designed for professionals interested in management accounting and financial management. The CMA credential is recognized worldwide, emphasizing strategic management and decision-making.
Course Structure and Requirements
CMA Courses are divided into two parts:
Part 1: Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics
Part 2: Strategic Financial Management
Candidates need a bachelor’s degree and two years of relevant work experience. The CMA exam is rigorous, testing your knowledge and analytical skills in management accounting.
Career Benefits
The CMA designation can significantly enhance your career in management accounting, corporate finance, and business analysis. CMAs are often employed in high-level positions, such as CFOs, controllers, and financial analysts, with attractive salaries and career advancement opportunities.
Why India is the Hub for the Best CMA Coaching
India has emerged as a leading destination for CMA coaching, attracting students from across the globe. The best CMA coaching in India is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum, experienced faculty, and high success rates in CMA exams.
Advantages of CMA Coaching in India
Experienced Faculty: Indian coaching institutes boast highly qualified instructors with extensive industry experience.
Comprehensive Study Material: The study material provided is thorough and updated regularly to reflect the latest industry trends and exam patterns.
Affordable Fees: Compared to other countries, the cost of CMA coaching in India is relatively low, making it accessible to a broader range of students.
Supportive Learning Environment: Many coaching centers offer personalized attention, doubt-clearing sessions, and mock exams to prepare students thoroughly.
Success Stories
Many students who have undergone CMA coaching in India have gone on to achieve top ranks in the CMA exams and secure prestigious positions in multinational corporations. The success rate of Indian coaching institutes is a testament to their quality and effectiveness in preparing students for the CMA designation.
Choosing the right professional course can significantly impact your career trajectory in the finance sector. Whether you opt for the ACCA Course, Chartered Wealth Manager Course, ICWIM Courses, or CMA Courses, each offers unique advantages and career opportunities. For those aspiring to become management accountants, India’s reputation for providing the best CMA coaching in India makes it an attractive destination for your studies.
Investing in your education and professional development through these courses can open doors to exciting career opportunities, high earning potential, and global recognition in the finance industry. As the demand for qualified financial professionals continues to grow, obtaining these certifications can set you apart and pave the way for a successful and fulfilling career.
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mindcypress1 · 14 days
Exploring Career Paths After Certified Financial Analyst Training
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In the banking business, the Certified Financial Analyst certification is highly regarded for its demanding curriculum and professional standards, and it is acknowledged worldwide. Obtaining the CFA credential provides access to a wide range of job prospects in various industries. We'll look at the several career options that become available after completing certified financial analyst training in this article.
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The career options are as follows:
Investment Banking
The role and responsibilities of investment bankers involve assisting businesses in raising cash through mergers and acquisitions, stock and bond issuance, and other means. They also offer strategic guidance on financial planning and business reorganization. Aspirants can enhance their skills and knowledge for CFA through certified financial analyst training. 
Career Benefits
High earning potential; for seasoned specialists, incomes frequently top $150,000 per year.
Possibility to gain extensive knowledge of corporate finance while working on high-profile transactions
Portfolio Management
Role and Responsibilities: Managing investment portfolios for people or institutions and making investment decisions are the responsibilities of portfolio managers. In order to meet their financial objectives, they evaluate risk, study market trends, and create investment plans.
Career Benefits
Direct effect on customer wealth and investment performance.
Large income potential, frequently with bonuses depending on achievement.
Equity Research
Equity analysts conduct stock analyses and offer suggestions for investments based on their conclusions. To assist investors in making wise choices, they provide market analyses, financial models, and research reports.
Career Benefits
Intellectual stimulation and the chance to specialize in particular businesses or industries.
Earning potential varies, but analysts with expertise can make anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000 a year.
Corporate Finance
Corporate finance experts oversee all aspects of a business's finances, including investment research, forecasting, and budgeting. By using strategic financial management, they seek to enhance shareholder value. The skills and knowledge for financial management can be gained through certified financial analyst training.
Career Benefits
Participation in important financial decision-making procedures.
Possibility of high income and career progression in the corporate ladder.
Wealth Management
High-net-worth individuals can receive investment management and financial planning services from wealth managers. They customize investment plans to match the unique financial objectives and risk tolerance of their clients.
Career Benefits
Establishing enduring connections with customers and having a big influence on their financial situation.
Earning potential might be high, especially if you have a loyal clientele.
Risk Management
Risk managers identify, assess, and mitigate financial hazards within an organization. They create risk management plans to safeguard the business's resources and guarantee legal compliance.
Career Benefits
Vital part in preserving the financial stability of the company.
Senior risk managers receive competitive compensation, ranging from $120,000 to $160,000 per year.
Financial Consulting
Financial advisors offer guidance to customers on investment plans, financial planning, and other financial issues. They assist people and companies in reaching their financial goals and optimizing their financial performance.
Career Benefits
Flexibility in handling a wide spectrum of financial concerns and clientele.
Possibility of large income, especially for consultants with a solid clientele and reputation.
Hedge Fund Management
The operations and investing strategies of hedge funds are supervised by hedge fund managers. To provide investors with substantial returns, they deploy sophisticated investment approaches, frequently utilizing leveraged, long-short, and derivative strategies.
Career Benefits
Excellent income potential; frequently surpasses $200,000 a year in addition to performance bonuses.
Possibility of implementing intricate investment plans and making big profits.
Private Equity
Experts in private equity make investments in acquisitions or privately held businesses. Before selling the investments for a profit, they try to increase its value through strategic management and operational enhancements.
Career Benefits
Possibility of significant cash gains from profitable ventures.
Active participation in strategy and business development.
Academic and Training Roles
CFAs that have a strong desire to teach can work in professional training or academics. They can train future financial analysts or instruct university courses on finance.
Career Benefits
Chance to coach and impart expertise to upcoming finance experts.
Possibility of a steady salary and prestigious education.
Obtaining the certified financial analyst certification training by MindCypress allows one to pursue a variety of professional options, each with their own set of rewards and obstacles. Your job chances and earning potential can be greatly improved by acquiring the CFA certificate, regardless of your interest in investment banking, portfolio management, or financial consulting. You may use your certified financial analyst exam training to your advantage and succeed professionally in the fast-paced world of finance by identifying a career path that plays to your interests and strong points.
Resource: https://www.mindcypress.com/blogs/finance-accounting/exploring-career-paths-after-certified-financial-analyst-training
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888gothurts · 20 days
Law Attorney Suffolk County
In addition to being the Senior Trial Attorney and a founding partner at Levine and Wiss, Joel has been a NFLPA certified contract advisor and has done legal work for many National Football League players including Former New York Jet and Super Bowl 43 MVP Santonio Holmes, Hall of Famer Derrick Brooks of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Dallas Cowboys Quarterback and 2016 NFL Rookie of the Year Dak Prescott, and perennial Pro Bowlers Roddy White of the Atlanta Falcons and Patrick Peterson of the Arizona Cardinals.
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momlovesyoubest · 2 years
Does VIP Marketing and Sales Plan Transform Your Bottom Line?
Does VIP Marketing and Sales Plan Transform Your Bottom Line?
  Marketing and Sales Plan to find VIP Clients Concierge Clients Will Make You a Profit Free Webinar Finding VIP Clients Above You need a VIP Marketing and Sales Plan to find Concierge Clients. Why- you can transform your agency into a profitable service by finding concierge clients for your care management agency  Why- a geriatric care manager is a powerful health care concierge, just like the…
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seniorcarelove · 8 months
Searching For Assisted living Services in Silver Spring ? Senior Care Love offers exceptional assisted living services for seniors, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and caring environment where residents can thrive in their golden years. we offer personalized assistance tailored to each resident's unique needs, promoting independence and enhancing their overall quality of life.
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bushsmidt68 · 1 month
Financial Planning, Boston, Ma
Grace interned for Boston Wealth’s planning department, studying the method to navigate our planning software program, eMoney, and, upon commencement, was employed because the agency's paraplanner. She works carefully with and helps our planners, advisors, and the director of planning providers by guaranteeing that each one data and research surrounding a client’s planning wants have been met. John entered this industry when his dad was retiring from Prudential after 36 years and was supplied the chance to take over the apply, which focused on insurance coverage. Insurance merchandise, securities and investment advisory companies are provided by appropriately appointed and licensed financial advisors and professionals. Only individuals who are financial advisors are credentialed to offer investment advisory providers. Visit Thrivent.com or FINRA’s BrokerCheck for extra information about our financial advisors. The initial consultation provides an summary of financial planning concepts. executive financial planning have accomplished a course of research encompassing design, installation, maintenance and administration of retirement plans. The Certified Exit Planning Advisor® Program is a five-day executive MBA-style program held by the Exit Planning Institute that trains and certifies qualified professional advisors in the field of exit planning. Exit planning is the preparation for the exit of an entrepreneur from his firm to maximize the enterprise value of the company in a mergers and acquisitions transaction. A certification indicating experience and commitment to fixed-rate and variable annuities. In 1993 Scott sat for and handed the Enrolled Agents examination and was subsequently licensed by the United States Treasury Department. Christine is regularly working on her own professional development, which makes her a useful asset to our practice. She attended the Advisor Group's Women's Conference in Miami Beach, Florida. Growing up in a family that owned and operated a small business, Christine realized early on what it takes to keep a business working. "You have a unique perspective whenever you develop up working in a small, family-run enterprise. That was our livelihood. Customers got here first." As Fiduciary Financial Advisors, we delight ourselves on at all times putting our clients’ needs first. You're an executive juggling multiple priories to assist  your company succeed. Our staff by no means underestimates the importance of economic planning in phrases of helping you make important selections about your wealth. We view this as a marketing strategy in your private life, to assist you measure success and inform your financial decision-making at present, tomorrow and for future generations. Grace discovered much more about what the business was like and the way it worked, and whereas networking by way of LinkedIn, she connected with Jack Heintzelman (one of Boston Wealth’s planners). When she heard his story and journey with BWS, she felt that it would be an excellent place to start out her profession. So, when BWS launched an internship campaign in January of 2022, Grace jumped on the opportunity to be thought-about, and ultimately beat out the opposite candidates together with her passion, drive, and enthusiasm. Susan’s expertise contains Senior Vice President at Cambridge Trust Company of their Wealth Management division and Chief Planning Officer at Wellesley Investment Partners. She has also held roles at Boston Private Wealth, LLC, as a Managing Director, and at Sapers & Wallack, as a Managing Director. As an entrepreneur, Susan created two corporations, together with a company she offered to a NYSE-traded firm and a profitable consultancy agency. Susan also constructed an advocacy group that was integrated into a large not-for-profit. Louis has over 20 years of wealth administration experience, most lately as President of Asset Allocation Strategies at Cambridge Trust Company. Cambridge Trust acquired Wellesley Investment Partners where Louis served as President. The agency has a $2 million relationship minimum, although it could waive this requirement. Aside from people, the agency also manages funds for retirement accounts, foundations, endowments and businesses. The agency serves three distinct groups, the institutional, advisory and private consumer markets. Minimum account size is negotiable and could additionally be waived or modified at GW&K’s discretion. This doc and its content material are for information purposes and shall not be interpreted as banking or financial intermediation, enterprise solicitation and/or public offering of any type. As Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Advisors, we are going to sort through the financial complexities of your life, helping you construct a custom-made investment strategy to handle your wants and pursue your objectives. We perceive the balance it takes to operate a successful enterprise whereas caring for your staff. We assist you to keep forward of modifications in legal guidelines and the rules impacting retirement plans. Minimum requirements for the CRPC designation consists of an internet self-study CRPC course and exam to be completed inside a hundred and twenty days of receiving program access. Participation in the annual Professional Recertification Program via The American College of Financial Services® is required to hold up the designation. At Boston Wealth Strategies, we have taken the steps to domesticate a caring, skilled, and seasoned team of economic professionals to support your needs and allow you to pursue your goals. Each state has its own 529 plan, and there may be additional tax advantages to using the plan of your home state. Banc of America Securities Limited has approved the Sites for the aim of Section fifty seven of the Financial Services Act of 1986. Banc of America Securities Limited is regulated for the conduct of investment business in the United Kingdom by the Securities and Futures Authority Limited. No entry to the Sites shall be given in the United Kingdom to Private Customers, as that time period is defined underneath the foundations of The Securities and Futures Authority Limited; and any investments won't be made by us to any Private Customer.
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cardenasnyholm00 · 1 month
Our Companies
NextGen area engineering groups have demonstrated experience performing Site Hygiene, Hunting and Mitigation. Volks Resources offers you access to hiring the highest professional in telecom services while minimizing dangers. The risks involved are shared by Volks Resources, and the effort involved in recruitment and coaching is all accomplished by us. She has worked throughout multiple operational capabilities in organizations across US, Europe and India. An entrepreneur at heart, she loves to find innovative approaches to enhance processes and productiveness to facilitate development. These companies possess deep insights into the market trends, salary benchmarks, and the evolving needs of each candidates and employers. We know your time is important, and our engineering recruiters go the extra mile to ensure our candidate choice is prime notch! Our area of interest focus in government seek for engineering, architecture and construction allows us to know your hiring needs quickly and effectively. We utilize cutting edge information mining strategies, coupled with old-school headhunting ideas to recruit prime engineering talent and gain interest in your positions. Client was facing a scarcity of qualified employees to fill numerous positions within their organization. The firm also had a hard time retaining workers as a outcome of extremely skilled and specialised nature of the work within the telecommunications business. This development marks the beginning of a model new period of interconnectivity and communication. As per a examine performed by Boston Consulting Group, U.S. telecom Companies are going to take a position over $250 billion within the 5G domain by 2025. The analysis additionally predicts that the US GDP will enhance from $1.4 trillion to $1.7 trillion over the following decade, creating three.8 million to four.6 million jobs. it recruiting agency Jericho HR Group is well-equipped to handle the challenges of discovering suitable govt talent in today's competitive market. Their give consideration to aligning candidates with an organization's culture and values, mixed with their trade experience and revolutionary strategy, makes them a valuable companion for firms in search of to strengthen their management groups. Finding top-quality professionals to fill an open place within the telecom sector may be difficult. Issues like these are putting a pressure on facilities all over the place, and there are numerous contributing factors. Our current benchmark study on the current State of Staff Performance and Retention pulls again the covers to examine why telecommunicators are leaving and best practices you can put into practice to close the revolving door to do more with much less. And is conscious of the ins and outs of the trade which make them successful in their stint. More than just a market-leading Internet Service Provider, Vox presents a spread of solutions to connect South Africans to the world. TelForce provides experienced business executives, senior analysts, expertise specialists, coverage advisors and rather more. This makes us uniquely certified to assist with your most advanced challenges and allow you to notice your biggest opportunities. Rural telecommunications carriers not only weathered the pandemic, but even excelled, providing important services to clients dwelling and doing enterprise inside their geographical footprints, and past. The primary aim of TelecomCareers is to connect certified TMT job candidates with main employers, going beyond mere job placement by providing resources, tools, info, and networking opportunities for profession development. In the fast-evolving world of telecommunications, discovering the proper talent is more essential than ever. We have many years of expertise helping food manufacturing businesses find success of their various & distinctive operations contact us for extra info on our options. We have the proper individuals for the proper job in the renewable power trade — We have years it recruiting agency Volks Resources is a telecom staffing company that possess all these much-needed attributes. Volks Resources believes in what we stand for and is backed by a passionate staff of recruitment experts who've gained intensive expertise in each administration and technical recruiting techniques. Volks Resources provides services designed to meet any staffing needs our clients could have. At Zunch Labs Telecom Solutions, we focus on telecommunications sector recruitment. Our experienced recruiters have the expertise that can help you build a expertise pipeline for crucial, in-demand positions in this rising and specialized subject.
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brohines67 · 1 month
Curriculum Executive Program In Womens Leadership Stanford Graduate College Of Enterprise
They learn the way they may use their private energy extra successfully and are importantly geared up with a technique for the longer term, and a community of girls with whom they've robust bonds. A women’s leadership program is designed to assist women study the skills and develop the instruments they should advance into positions of responsibility, authority, and leadership. While some women’s leadership programs focus solely on women, this program takes a novel strategy, by empowering both rising women leaders and senior leaders to create inclusive workplaces where women leaders can succeed and flourish. Participants gain access to Symposium, a year-long sequence of interactive digital periods with Cornell faculty on vital leadership subjects. It is probably certainly one of the best corporate leadership programs designed to equip leaders with the skills needed for excellence in trendy business. This executive leadership development program emphasizes resolving leadership challenges, enhancing decision-making and emotional intelligence, and developing strategic leadership abilities. In fact, women are now leaving their careers at a lot greater rates than their male counterparts. Organizations should make intentional efforts to invest in the retention and help of their gifted women leaders. Additionally, leadership development training helps women navigate the distinctive challenges they face, and advance and promote different high-potential women. Ingersoll Rand partnered with CCL to develop a custom women’s leadership training program, delivering optimistic influence on firm culture in addition to group diversity. The company isn't only reaching expertise improvement and enterprise goals, they’re additionally making a strong — and enduring — difference in the lives of ladies leaders. Executive leadership growth prepares leaders to deal with complicated business challenges. To remedy essential problems we need to be inclusive of our various expertise and use the power of our differences to attain our goals. At PwC Canada, we’re committed to growing a various and inclusive workforce. A Schulich ExecEd program advisor may help you choose a course that fits your budget and schedule. I work with many women and it was nice to be taught extra about the influence they have on the work pressure. Module 2 Reflect on your own motivations and wants Learn concerning the impact of motivational techniques and gender-based beliefs in shaping what you need and need. Women in Leadership Training Take on real-world issues and begin utilizing the program’s classes in your business right away. Discuss fundamental management ideas whereas networking with different college students and academics on the Cambridge campus. – You will obtain your certificate of attendance that recognizes your participation on this program. – This course enables you to customize your studying course of with chosen electives. You will obtain your certificates of attendance that certifies you attended and completed this program. The training’s length will stretch over a year, within which the mentors and mentees must attend classes working for 2 to four hours per 30 days. – Shape your particular person thought process and imaginative and prescient to develop your leadership skills by learning from the women within the high positions worldwide. That’s where investments in building a tradition of equity, range, and inclusion matter. Organizations that need to recruit, assist, retain, and promote high-potential women need to begin by looking on the larger techniques in which they operate to seek out the basis causes of ladies leaving or not being promoted. Partner with our consultants in organizational leadership for a systemic review to ensure your technique and tradition help your targets to retain and promote women leaders.
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