#low voltage jobs
prosearchgroup · 3 months
The Role of Experienced Professionals In Fintech
In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial technology, the importance of experienced professionals cannot be overstated. These individuals bring a wealth of knowledge, practical skills, and strategic insight that are crucial for navigating the complexities of the fintech sector. Their real-world experience enables them to drive innovation, ensure compliance, and deliver superior value to clients.
Who Are These Professionals?
Professionals with real-world experience in fintech are a diverse group, each bringing unique skills and expertise to the table. They range from software developers and data scientists to financial analysts and regulatory compliance experts. What unites them is their ability to leverage their deep understanding of both technology and finance to create cutting-edge solutions.
For example, fintech developers possess advanced programming skills and a keen understanding of financial systems. They are adept at creating secure and efficient platforms that handle large volumes of transactions. Financial analysts, on the other hand, use their knowledge of market trends and economic indicators to provide strategic insights that inform business decisions. Compliance experts ensure that fintech solutions adhere to regulatory standards, mitigating legal risks and fostering trust among users.
Case Studies
Real-world examples illustrate the transformative impact of experienced professionals in fintech. Consider a fintech startup that developed a revolutionary mobile banking app. The project was led by a team of seasoned developers who had previously worked on large-scale banking systems. Their expertise ensured the app was not only user-friendly but also robust and secure, leading to rapid adoption and high user satisfaction.
Another case involves a major financial institution that sought to integrate blockchain technology into its operations. The initiative was spearheaded by a blockchain expert with extensive industry experience. Her insights into the nuances of blockchain implementation helped the institution streamline its processes, enhance transparency, and reduce operational costs.
Clients consistently highlight the benefits of working with experienced fintech professionals. A mid-sized enterprise that partnered with a team of fintech consultants reported significant improvements in its financial operations. The consultants’ ability to tailor solutions to the company's specific needs resulted in increased efficiency and reduced costs. Similarly, a fintech startup that collaborated with seasoned industry veterans credited their success to the strategic guidance and technical expertise provided by these professionals.
In summary, professionals with real-world experience in fintech play a pivotal role in driving the industry forward. Their diverse skill sets, coupled with their practical knowledge, enable them to deliver innovative solutions that meet the complex demands of the modern financial landscape. As the fintech sector continues to evolve, the value of these experienced professionals will only become more pronounced, making them indispensable to clients seeking to navigate this dynamic field.
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alienpossession · 9 months
Body a Day 21: Electricity
Despite already slithered itself into a human body, the alien still carried along its original power to numb the body of its target with low voltage electricity. Practically, the alien's old body is electric when it feels threatened, but being inside a human, the alien can regulate the power better and only use it when it's about to move into another body. That's exactly what the alien intended to do when he hooked up with this Grindr hunk it managed to lure to its trap. Looking like a cute, subservient snack, the oblivious hunk accepted the offering to get worshipped and let the supposedly weaker male serviced him. The moment the alien placed its human hand on the hunk's body, jolt of electricity surprised and eventually paralyzed the guy. The touch to his head and kisses right on the mouth the alien planted earlier also managed to reduce the hunk's brain operational capacity to resist and now, he's nothing but a tased meat ready to embrace the new controller of his body
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If the hunk is everything as he described, than the alien will land a rather fine jackpot as he's still single with a high-paying job as a PR manager and lived in a high-rise Manhattan 3 bedroom apartment courtesy of his rich parents that inherited their wealth to him. Surely with such connection and wealth, the alien can move around other bodies in similar level of prestige and class if he find another exciting men. He can also be more experimental and test out how electric his touch is to more subjects, after all, like moth drawn to lights, more people will easily drawn to him when he's inside a bonafide hunk with shit-tons amount of money to waste
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rosemarydisaster · 6 months
Magnus Protocol ARG
Im not sure if someone else has already done this (most likely) but I've been re-readin the magnus institute excell with all the kids names. Since the tests where psychological in nature I thought maybe I could figure out if the "Connor" Dyer profile worked for Alice. But I think I've found out something about Sam. This might be the most tin foil hat theory I've had in a while but it makes sense! I've connected the dots!!!!!
There's a couple of things I need to stablish first:
The names seem to be ranked from lowest to highest score on the empathy test.
Sam scored the highest, Gerry the second highest (Dyer is closer to the middle of the list).
The tests seem to relate to cognitive development, especially related to morality and empathy.
The Asch test measures your "conformity" aka, how susceptible you are to peer pressure. Basically, they ask you a question, everyone before you gives the wrong answer, and the test is whether you would give the correct answer or go with what the others said.
The Milgram test measures your obedience when in conflict with your morality. The (very) abridged version is: they tell you tu punish someone by shocking them with increasing voltages and if you refuse they ask you to continue. The experiment goes on until reaching 450 volts or if the participant completely refuses even when ordered to continue.
We know the Institute was trying to find Subjects, Agents and Catalysts (there's an amazing post about this from @alice-apparently )
Okay so I made a little excell with the relevant info:
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Both Gerry and Dyer show low conformity and obedience levels. Which, knowing Gerry (and maybe Alice??) makes complete sense. We can assume that they both chose to give the correct answer even if everyone else answered differently, and they also refused to administer the punishment even when directly ordered.
Sam on the other hand, mr "would rather die than complain about being forcefed cake" did in fact go with what most people said instead of the correct answer. He also finished the Milgram experiment, going against his moral compass to obey the instructions.
I think they were trying to find viable subjects to groom into avatars for the eye. Hear me out. The kids with the lowest empathy score show high scores in the Milgram test (makes sense, they don't care as much about hurting people) but from 80% empathy forward no one scores high. No one except Sam, the one with the highest empathy score.
Why not just pick the one's with the least empathy? the least empathetic kids were also the youngest and the ones with lowest cognitive developement (I do not go in deph about the other test but you can see the scores for yourself here). This kids aren't useful yet, because maybe they'll become more empathetic (And as such, more resistent to the Milgram test) as they grow up/develop.
Not Sam. He has perfect scores in every single development test, he has the highest empathy and yet he's the most likely to be influenced to harm other people.
In episode 10 Sam confirms his obsession with finding out why they didn't chose him despite having the highest scores. Gerry was the second highest and he didn't get picked either. My theory is that Sam was indeed chosen, and the fact that he shows no survival instincts when it comes to figuring this mystery out is prove.
His test results show someone whiling to file useless papeworks with extremely personal information because "well, you're supposed to even if no one reads it". Also Teddy leaving for a job that somehow didn't actually exist smells like somebody trying to free a spot in the very Eye-coded OIAR. A spot that Sam is more than happy to accept.
I don't know if this is an incredibly long con to condition Sam into the perfect vessel for the eye or if the Magnus Institute had to change plans after burning down. If it's the latter I can see them being very happy when their specialest little boy signed up for the OIAR and fell right into their laps again. Either way, Sam's fucked.
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chadillacboseman · 1 year
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Pairing: Phillip Graves x GN!Reader (no actual pairing between them tho) Word Count: Idk man. Like 1.5k. Warnings: Graves being pathetic, masturbation, pillow humping, reader is in a relationship with Alejandro. Summary: The MW2 timeline is fluid, and brother, I'm hooked up to an IV. Graves is in Las Almas with 141 and Los Vaqueros, sharing space with them as the hunt for Hassan continues. There's only one thing he wants while he's there. You.
Phillip Graves isn't used to not getting what he wants.
Contractor money can buy almost anything, can sway almost anyone. Being denied isn't really in the handbook.
The first time Graves laid eyes on you, he knew he had to have you. You were bent low over a map, contemplating alongside Rudy and Alejandro.
You took his fucking breath away.
Graves and his Shadows have been with the 141 and Los Vaqueros for weeks now, searching for Hassan and the missiles with no progress. No end in sight.
He's done his yelling at Shepherd, spent countless hours on the phone begging for a way out of the contract or a base of his own in Las Almas.
"What is the problem, Graves?" Shepherd is frustrated, taking his call in between meetings and debriefs, "Can I not count on you to get this done?"
"Sir-" Graves is flustered, pacing the hallway outside the base's shop, "Their base isn't equipped-"
"Get the job done, Graves, and don't call me until you do!"
The line goes dead.
"Shepherd giving you a hard time?" you're leaning against the wall, your head cocked to the side as you observe him.
"You could say that," Graves shoves the phone back in his pocket and avoids your gaze.
Alejandro stuck Graves with you when he first arrived, tasking you with giving him a tour of the base and getting him familiar with the operations. You were radiant, effortlessly funny and undaunted by his power or his position.
The obsession is insidious, starting slowly, with Graves missing the sound of your voice or the way you smelled when you weren't around. He finds himself making excuses to be close to you, to take details that have the two of you alone.
He tries to hide it, tries so desperately to make sure no one notices the way he trails after you and stares at you with wide, pleading eyes whenever you speak.
Graves wants to have you so badly it hurts.
But he can't.
You're Alejandro's, and he makes that abundantly clear at every turn. He always keeps a protective hand on you, steals small kisses from you when he thinks no one is looking.
Oh, how Graves despises the Vaquero. He wants to see him bleed. To see him crumpled in a heap on the floor of some jail cell he'll never escape.
For now, he settles for watching from the shadows, pining like some lovesick schoolboy as he watches Alejandro enjoy what should be his.
He imagines what you must feel like, what you must taste like; he thinks of how soft your hair would be, splayed out over his pillow, his name tumbling from your lips like a prayer.
The need burns hot in Graves' chest, pooling and dark, so strong that it scares him. He's never wanted anything so badly in his life, never felt the hopeless, burning and inescapable jealousy he feels now.
He finds himself avoiding you. Avoiding your sun-bright eyes and infectious laugh. When you approach him, he turns heel and flees like a coward.
You notice. Of course you do. You're so fucking smart. Too smart for Alejandro, that brainless lout.
Graves takes to hiding in a server room at the base, some hole in the wall full of wires and blinking lights. It's loud, hot, and stifling, but it's mercifully free of you.
Until it isn't.
"Phillip, what the hell is going on with you?"
Your voice jolts him from his work, and he nearly sends his laptop clattering to the floor.
Phillip. No one ever calls him that- just you. It sends a burning, sizzling, hot lead of high voltage straight through his chest that makes his ears flush red.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Graves nearly has to spit it through his clenched teeth. He's a shitty liar, he knows it and you know it too. It's the reason he never joins in on poker nights with the 141.
"You're avoiding me," there's resentment and accusation in your voice, but there's something else too, something that makes his heart drop. Sadness.
Graves has been avoiding you. Even being in your presence makes him feel like he's losing control. Seeing Alejandro steal little touches, hearing the way you laugh when he whispers something in Spanish. It drives him mad.
"I have work to do, princess," he tries to soften the edge in his voice, but it doesn't work- the cutesy nickname instead feels like an insult lobbed at you.
You open and close your mouth a few times, processing what he's just said to you. You look hurt and he's spiraling. He wants to jump to his feet and cup your chin, to tell you to run away with him. Run back to the States and leave this shithole behind.
"Fuck you, Graves," you turn on your heel and disappear from the doorway. The use of his last name stings- it takes everything in his power to not race after you, to apologize and beg for your forgiveness.
It's your turn to avoid him now. Graves expects relief, but he doesn't get it. You're so deeply embedded in his brain that he can't seem to shake himself out of his obsession.
He wants to apologize- no, he needs to apologize to you. You're hard to find, though. Making yourself scarce in areas you know he'd be in. Maybe you won't forgive him. Maybe you'll tell him to fuck off and that will be enough to snap him out of it.
Graves finally finds you in the shop. It's late, later than you have any business being there. Alejandro went off-base hours ago.
"Hey-" his voice sounds small and threatens to crack, dropping like a dead weight in the tense air.
You don't look up from what you're working on, merely offering him an almost imperceptible nod to acknowledge his presence.
"What do you want, Graves?"
To apologize. To tell you the truth. To pin you to the wall and-
"If you haven't got anything to say to me, then please leave me alone," you sound annoyed, but there's something else to it. You don't want him to leave, but he doesn't know that.
"Look, I'm..." he trails off, the words aren't coming out. It's like they're stuck just behind his tongue. Suddenly, he's fifteen again, stuttering in front of the third new classmates he's had that year.
"I'm sorry," the apology finally falls out of his mouth, almost as one word in his hurry to say it, "For the other day."
You finally look up at him, and he feels his heart leap into his throat. In the dim light of the shop, your features are even more striking. Your eyes glimmer under the yellow incandescent bulbs, and there's a smudge of grease on your cheek.
God, how he wants to reach out and swipe his thumb across your skin.
"Phillip," there it is again. It makes his heart hammer against his rib cage, "What's going on with you?"
He could tell you the truth. Maybe a slap across the face would change his opinion of you-
"Phil?" you reach out and tap gently on his vest, rapping your fingertips against the flag badge that adorns it, "Whatever it is, you can tell me."
Just say it. Say it! SAY IT!
Your phone rings and Graves jumps, his confession coming to a stop just behind his teeth. He glimpses the contact name on the screen and feels his nerves be replaced with a wave of jealousy.
Your conversation with him is a blur, Graves catches words here and there, "soon" "in the shop" "I'd love that".
"Phil, we'll continue this conversation tomorrow, okay?" you cock your head and try to read his expression to no avail.
"Sure," he swallows, hard, and watches as you walk away.
While the others are crammed together at the base, Graves is in private lodging, paid for on Shadow Company's dime. He tosses his bags to the floor and sheds his tactical vest, letting it drop haphazardly in a heap by the door.
The shower is calling his name, but he doesn't have the energy to do it, instead dropping onto the bed and cradling his head in his hands. There's no telling how long this assignment is going to last, how long he'll have to contend with his feelings and try not to make a fool of himself.
Graves thinks of your face, of the way you had looked up at him in the shop. You'd look so good with your lips wrapped around his cock, staring up at him with those beautiful fucking eyes of yours.
He groans, feeling the familiar tightness at his zipper, almost painful until he frees himself with a hiss.
"Fuck-" Graves grazes his fingertips over his length, pausing at the tip to swipe the pad of his thumb over the beads of precum collecting there.
He moans your name, hips bucking into the friction of his own hand, his mind conjuring up all the ways he would fuck you; all the ways he would make you his.
His hand isn't enough.
Graves rolls onto his stomach, the waistline of his jeans just low enough to expose him entirely. He grasps desperately, hands fumbling until he finds a pillow and jams it roughly between himself and the bed.
"Fuck, baby, that's it," it's not you, it's not the same, but the sensation is enough for now.
Graves grinds himself so lewdly he should be embarrassed, humping his pillow like a horny teenager, thinking of you. He moans loudly, the sound echoing in the empty room, as he ruts into the fabric like an animal.
He thinks of you. Of your scent, your smile, the way you say his name. He'd give anything to hear you cry it out while pinned beneath him, to have you come undone entirely because of him.
Graves braces his hand on the mattress, panting as he fucks into the fabric, his hips rolling in rhythmic thrusts as he chases his peak.
"So good," he's babbling now, his mind racing to envision you taking his cock, tight and fucking perfect, "m'gonna- gonna cum-"
Graves tumbles over the edge, crying out your name as he spills hot spurts of cum onto the pillow; his hips stutter out one final thrust until he's spent, panting into the mattress in the pressing quiet of his hotel room.
Graves rolls over, laying an arm over his chest as he tries to catch his breath. He stares at the ceiling, trying to imagine what it must be like to have you in an intimate moment like this, to have you soaked in sweat and curled into his embrace.
He tries to make peace with never knowing.
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moonlight-tmd · 3 months
Sorry for spamming you but au where minibots are treated like hell hounds from helluva boss servants at best and pets at worst. Many of them see the military as their only chance at a stable life though more often then not they end up treated more like police dogs than actual elite guard soldiers. Wasp is a "purebred" raised by a wealthy family where as bee is a street mutt.
That's very interesting...
See, I've seen many takes on minis being treated as "lower beings" on Cybertron. I would guess in this AU they are not taken as seriously as normal full-sized bots/cons, therefore the laws for them are kinda harsh- some of them end up as pets for some high-placed individuals, others become slaves. Scout frame minibots are often used in military as track houds or even kept as guard hounds in places with low security (just pack that smol boi with high voltage stingers and let them roam the outside).
Bee was a scout frame, so it was high chance he'd get into the military. Although he was less than welcome when Sentinel laid optics on him- Bee knew the look, one that many gave him on the streets; he was contemplating whether or not to keep Bee as his personal pet. Bee made sure to make him not think about it a second time in his training.
Many cadets and students treated him poorly- whether it was taking his belongings like he didn't own them or not letting him refuel properly at the cafeteria. He was one of few minibots there but there was one mini that stood out significantly.
Wasp. He wasn't taller than Bee but he certainly made up what his frame didn't give him with violence. He was feisty and even forced few of the students to be his "servants". He wasn't shy with bragging about his "family" and how powerful and wealthy they are- they practically bought him the training and Wasp barely did anything other than boss others around to do the job for him- a spoiled mech like Bee ever seen one.
Bee wasn't so lucky, as he grew up in carequarters before running away due to neglection thanks to his frame type. He wandered the cities and picked up some side jobs here and there- more often than not he worked with thieves or other minor criminals for some credits.
Still, even tho he managed to do fine on physical tests and courses, the other classes that required knowledge had turned out to be tougher than expected. He also found it unfair how Sentinel graded him lower than the rest even though he got all the courses right- Bee took it as "revenge" for not letting him touch him when he arrived.
From all the bots that mistreated minis, one stood out- the giant green mech who was known as Bulkhead and took the rumour of being the only one nice to everyone in the camp, including minis. Bee was lucky enough to meet him and even become friends with him, from then on Bee has some sort of protection around Bulkhead. Then Bulk introduced Bee to Longarm, Bee could almost feel like a normal mech around them, it was the first time someone has ever considered what he said important.
Of course, Wasp's spoiled rotten spark shined brightly with his character- he not only considered himself more important than the normal mechs but he also looked down on fellow minis just like one. Bee turned out to be one of the more attractive/cute ones therefore he got a lot of stares... Wasp wasn't happy that this "dirty street hound" took his attention and purposely targeted him in his bullying.
No one liked him and officers didn't even bat an optic at the stuff he pulled on other students, all courtesy of his family's money. Longarm had enough of this and already existing rumours had been edited to point at Wasp. As soon as it got out and placed evidence of it was found, not even his family with connections could help him- in fact Bee heard he got disowned as soon as he landed in stockades. Ouch... but Wasp deserved it.
He couldn't savor this little victory for long before Sentinel decided to invite himself into his assigned room to try and "claim" Bee for himself as a pet... the other officers didn't even let him speak and he was charged with attacking an overseer for "no reason" and kicked out. Luckily Bulkhead was kind enough to help him hide around camp until he graduated and got them both into a repair crew.
It wasn't what Bee had expected but at least he wasn't on the streets anymore. When he first saw the other bots he would be working with, he knew he'd have to prepare himself to be treated like lesser being again and knowing the captain was a former Prime he steeled himself for the worst... but to his surprise Optimus never made any move to claim him as a pet nor personal servant. Even if he was a "tracking hound" in the team, neither of the mechs treated him as such. In fact, Optimus specifically told him he didn't see Bee as a lower mech one time when he ended up injured and Ratchet took a long while to reach the both of them. So that was nice to know.
Then they met Prowl, another minibot (cuz i headcanon him as such, c'mon he's a motorbike) who's paintjob spoke for himself- another one from a wealthy family. Bee expected him to be as spoiled as Wasp, and he kinda met his expectation when he started complaing about his ship being destroyed and the crew taking so long to get back to Cybertron. Prowl was as pretty as he was deadly, it proved to be so when they ended up on a planet with not so friendly life forms roaming about. Bee hated to admit he was quite impressed with this.
I'm not quite sure what to write past that so i'll cut to the events on earth-
Decepticons, although more violent and law-neglecting, were open about differences and mechs and femmes of all shapes and sizes were treated according to how useful they were. Many minibots in their ranks took care of files or stationary tasks while warframes and bigger folks took the front in fights. If anyone took Bee seriously in fighting, it was the 'cons. Bee was lucky to have a guard hound job before so he learned few tricks to use on bigger bots.
Although it went to slag once Elite Guard found them. Sentinel once again laid eyes on him and Bee tried his best to stay away from him... Most of his time he stuck with Jazz out of all Elite Guard, who supposedly came from the same house as Prowl. He was a nice fella and also didn't view minibots as lesser than him. The Jettwins were on the thin line between fun and annoying- they loved to spend time with Bee and pull pranks with him but they also seemed to view him as more of a play pet than a mech.
Even tho Bee made it clear he wants nothing to do with Sentinel, the mech was persistent and often went out of his way to harass him. He even went as far as offering to pay Optimus to let him have the mini. Optimus, of course was disgusted at Sentinel's lack of morals and scolded him. One thing Bumblebee was grateful for once he heard the rumours of what happened. He couldn't imagine the dread of being someone else's possesion and being forced to do all sorts of things against his will or consent... the mere thought made him shudder.
He was lucky to be on Earth now.
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what the fuck is the Wire Mother book. Sociology has lore now?
oh boy okay
so you remember the Divergent books? the YA boom of the early 2010's? The Wire Mother was one of those series. they turned the Harlow's monkey experiments into dystopia factions.
yeah. i know. bear with me
The first book, The Wire Mother (2010) is pretty standard YA dystopia fare. There's this girl named Leo Groves (the Leo's short for Leonore) who lives in the court of the Cloth Mother, a city where people live in comfort and camaraderie and a general vibe of hold hands around the campfire and sing, except for the people who die at random. This is accepted with unsettling what-can-you-do calm from the main characters. (Eventually, it's revealed that's happening because only a 1/5th of the food served in the city is real, so most of the people are dropping dead of starvation but their bodies are quickly hurried away as to not kill the vibe, so no one worries all that much about it).
Which could have been cool speculative fiction! A handy story about desensitization to violence or complacency or something. Unfortunately, this was 2010 YA, so the concept is quickly kicked under the bed in favor of. yeah. A love triangle. Leo, being a special little narratively significant thing, finds her way to the mysterious other city on the other side of her hometown, the court of the Wire Mother. And when she's there, she meets a boy. Coil 54810.
Coil goddamn 54810.
That brooding son of a bitch. His last name is 54810 because the concept of last names and family doesn't exist in the court of the Wire Mother, only functionality, so 54810 is just the number of Coils there's been in the city. He's not a clone or anything, it's just the amount of people who've had that name. It's like being named Jeremy 54810. Killer of plot pacing. Swoopy of hair. He would have deserved to be named Jeremy.
God, anyway, I'm talking a lot about this. Anyway: The Wire Mother is exactly as good as the average YA dystopia book from the time period. It has some high points (the Cloth and Wire mother are cool ominously looming entities, and the main antagonist Jane-Mary has a level of batshit mad science energy to her that makes her the most fun villain in the series) and some low points (the forced Romeo and Juliet references. the forced romance. It is so clear that Benjamin St. Jobs, the other guy in the love triangle, doesn't stand a chance, but we have to keep who-will-it-be-ing for so long anyway. And Coil's a dick), but it mostly just balances out.
There were three more books in the series. There was supposed to be four, but. Well
Anyway. Book Two, The Wire Mother: Hounds' Toll (2012), actually kind of slapped. It went to more tragic and horror-influenced places than the original book. One thing I'll give Angela Lee (the author) credit for: I don't think this was a sequel for the sake of having a sequel. I think that the series was always supposed to be a pentalogy.
Some of the stuff in this book has still stuck with me to this day- I have to hold myself back from adding ominously ringing church bells in so many of my projects. Also, it really filled out Leo Groves as a protagonist- I could take or leave her in the first book, but I started to genuinely like her by the second. And the stuff they do with Stellarose Ardent, her best friend turned rival... God, I could make a whole post about Stellarose Ardent.
this book series is good, readers thought. surely the third book will be as good if not better
THE THIRD BOOK WAS HELL. The Wire Mother: Ordained Voltage (2013)...I think it did everything wrong. There was a reason that there was a two year break between the first two books, and book three being out only a year after Hounds' Toll really shows.
It's incredibly rushed. Leo barely gets to do anything. Stellarose is killed off in the most unsatisfying way possible. And while it seemed like Book Two had neatly put the love triangle to bed, no! It claws its way out of its grave!! To torment me specifically!
The only good thing we got out of this car wreck is Anesthesia 3, lab rat girl and apocalypse maiden extraordinaire. I adore her. She's got real Fish Inside A Birdcage vibes. Everything else, though? Horrors.
But readers held out hope. At least the characters ended up trapped in an interesting setting at the end of book three. The merciless, multi-layered prison of Tithonus, the central antagonist of the series. It seemed like that was a good set-up for a prison escape storyline. Those have to be entertaining, right?
Somehow, some way, no. Book Four, The Wire Mother: Endless Sentence (2014) is not just bad. I could forgive bad. But it is bad, and it is boring.
so boring that I'm not even going to waste my words on it. It's a school night. I'm not staying up to describe that thing. The only interesting thing about it is how it could manage to be boring while being an homage to the fucking Stanford Prison experiments.
And that was the end of a lot of people's hopes for the Wire Mother series. Only one good book out of four isn't a great track record, you know? A lot of readers were willing to put Hounds' Toll down as a one-off.
Then, in November of 2014, the preview for Book Five, The Wire Mother: Quantum Claws came out. It was three chapters long. And people lost their shit.
First of all, it was good. Maybe as good as Hounds' Toll. Maybe better.
But more than that, it was a break from the relatively grounded, safe, company standard dystopia of the series. Because this bad boy was going to be about time travel. Tithonus, in his evil plans to live forever, had built a time machine and activated it just at the right moment when the plucky heroes were about to kill him once and for all.
Which seems like something that would be a train wreck, right? If this author can't handle the easy-to-please tropes of prison breaks and romance, what business does she have trying to handle a time travel story without completely fucking up the series?
And maybe that would have been true. But the first three chapters were insanely promising. They were refreshing, original- they got time travel. We were able to get characters like Stellarose and Jane-Mary and Turpentine back after the story cast them aside so soon. And it promised to really examine what Leo Groves meant for the book's world. So, hopes rose again.
Unfortunately, we'll never know if it would have been good or bad. The fifth book was never published. We don't know why. It was just promised, for months and months, and then. Poof. The updates stopped. It was gone.
And it haunts me. If you haven't stopped reading by now, you can probably tell that. The fandom was like a fraction of the size of the Divergent fandom, and I don't know anyone IRL who's read these things. I don't even know if I can or should recommend them.
But sometimes something doesn't have to be a literary masterpiece to burrow into your brain and not let go, I guess ASJSJS
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rjshepherd · 1 month
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so yall might have guessed by my late night dishonored posting but i got into the games recently and now i have brainworms.
anyways heres some art featuring spymaster daud, post lobotomy Jindosh, Lamb (but make her void spicy) and low chaos ending Outsider.
also have some headcanons below the cut
Pose refs by Mellon-soup
After fighting him in the flooded district, Corvo makes a deal with Daud to serve as spymaster as a sort of community service to the empire he's partially responsible for kneecapping.
No one is happy about this, least of all Daud.
But as an important lesson to Emily, sometimes you have to put your feelings aside for the good of the Empire. People are tools and it's up to her to use them properly. Daud quickly proves he really is the best man for the job.
Daud is constantly cold, even in serkonos. He seems to think this is because he is void touched but Corvo is the opposite, he metabolises like a house on fire.
Since he's always cold he's taken to wearing a lot of layers. This has the added benefit of padding his falls or protecting him from sword slashes.
When he came to work at dunwall tower, most of the whalers followed suit, watching from the rooftops for dauds command to take the place over. Only the order never came and with nothing else to do the whalers decide to join up.
Daud has an incredible sweet tooth but after losing so many teeth to that corrupted bone charm he decided he couldn't afford to lose more to cavities.
In his limited free time from his duties Daud enjoys playing with the castles wolf hounds.
Kirin Jindosh
After his impromptu electro lobotomy he was dazed and very confused for months but did eventually regain some of his intelligence.
Despite that he still struggles with his short term memory, coordination, tinnitus and sleepwalking.
Kirin also lost the sight in one of his eyes due to the high voltage of the machine damaging the vitreous of his eye.
His hand wasnt damaged by the shock but he replaced the entire thing to help with his tremors.
He spends most of his time now in wei-gon researching the insects that live in the countries unique flora.
The Outsider
After being freed by Billie she quickly realises she's not up for being someone's responsible adult and promptly delivers him to dunwall tower.
Developed a strange sort of sibling relationship with Emily.
He spends most of his time travelling and drawing. Would probably attract sokalovs attention had he not already left for tyvia.
Despite being disconnected from the void, he still has powers similar to the marked that he can use for traversal.
The scars from his fatal wounds weren't present when he left the void but developed over time.
He spends a lot of time with jindosh, drawing and the rest of the time in Morley with Lamb.
The little bag he's carrying with the whale patch was a gift from her. It contains all his art supplies.
Transplanted lamb from bg3 world so I could have a DH oc lmao
She's part of an au with @je-suis-problematique . She's sort of a void creature who deals with souls. She's mostly hanging around observing things and the changeable nature of the void in low chaos Vs high chaos
Got kicked out of the void around dh1 by the envisioned for trying to help the outsider.
Landed pretty much smack dab in the middle of the flooded district, kinda got taken in by Daud and the whalers for a few months (read as: they couldn't get rid of her and she made good food so she got to stay)
By dh2 she is running an apothecary, traveling between the isles to acquire herbs and plants.
If the Overseers ask her eyes are a " medical condition"
I don't feel like expanding on it BC this au only appeals to me and my frendo but lamb has influence from the Kindred so I'm designing a Wolf for her as we speak
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ghoulspots · 30 days
~please don’t report just block~
(CONTENT WARNING ⚠️ This is a triggering blog about my 3d please don’t report this is my safe space.)
Hi I’m ghoulspots!
I’m 22 f
I’m technically new to tumblr since I haven’t used it since 2014 I completely forgot how to navigate this app haha
Im not sure what all to say here haha but here’s a few things
Im a low voltage electrician and I’m the only girl in my state that does the type of job that I do
My boyfriend and I have a little dog, 3 Maine coon cats, a ball python, and 4 uromastyx.
I like to paint/draw
I make lots of playlists on Spotify
I’m 5’2
SW 140
CW 130
LW 97 about 3 years ago
UGW 95
Being in a healthy relationship for the first time has seriously impacted my w3!ght, it’s super easy to ga!n when we go out to 34t every weekend. I’ve never been this b!g before and lowkey wanna throw myself but I love my bf so much and he’s so supportive so I’m just gonna do ômád low cål unless we are on a date.
I’m trying to get to at Most 120 by October 31st there are gonna be so many parties and holidays I just wanna get back into my old b°dy.
I also wanna push myself and see how low I can get how quick bcz I’ve lost 5 łbš since I last w3ghed myself. I had been bïngïng a lot like over the past year with him and I knew once I literally ate an entire loaf of bread as toast in a week it was time to start checking the scale obsessively again 😅
My boyfriend is super supportive though he is my biggest neutral cheerleader haha he is like “if you want to lose w3!ght go for it but I think you’re gorgeous no matter what” I’m not used to this 🥴
Past relationships have been like “34T 34T 34T!” While I’m 34ting and like they’d call me f4t and disgusting all the time even tho I was 100 and then they’d also turn around and be like “ew I can see ur b°nes” “u look like you have c4ncer” like what do u want from me 😭😭😭
If you wanna be m00ts and motivate eachother I follow back DM me 😁
🚫NO UNDERAGE 20^^^ pleasee
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nihilnovisubsole · 9 months
it's that time of year again: AK's 2023 Wrapped™. no, not the music thing. the december year-in-review thing. my spotify charts were deeply unfunny this time around because of all the game soundtracks i've been listening to. i don't know when these end-of-year posts became tradition for me, which is to say i could find out and i'm too lazy to check. the important thing, like lemon pigs or eating black-eyed peas, is that it feels like we've always done it. in the depths of winter, the warmth comes from the routine.
i won't beat around the bush about it: it's been a difficult year. it's been hard enough that it doesn't seem appropriate to joke about it or wave it off in favor of big, blog-worthy wins. times are dark right now. it behooves all of us to think deeply and check on each other. i hope i've been a decent friend to the people who needed it. so instead of scraping together a halfhearted victory lap, i'm going to go against my better judgment and be vulnerable.
it wasn't all bad. i got promoted to staff narrative designer this year, which is a fancy way of saying "you don't have to do time cards anymore." it's strange: in an industry infamous for volatility, my job has become one of the few things i can rely on to be positive. i believe my coworkers like me, which is good, because i like them. i feel not just included, but welcomed at work social events. i've developed a reputation for being a garbage goat on my writing team. "got an odd job? give it to AK. we can count on her to eat it." i had the chance to collaborate with someone i've looked up to for years, and i was delighted to find out how amenable they are to work with. there's work stress and there's work stress. everyone has challenging days, but it's not the crab bucket that voltage was, so it never seems that bad. i keep it in perspective. sure, these tasks keep me on my feet, but is it three cents a word, seven thousand words a week? i'll live.
i just wish it had all been good. it speaks to how my health has been that getting covid in february was one of the most mundane things to happen to me. i did everything right. i had all my boosters. i had paxlovid. i recovered well. still, it knocked me out of orbit in the psychological sense. i stopped getting enough exercise, though i'm building myself up again. i became neurotic about my stats. am i Getting A Good Grade In Blood Pressure? what about Pulse Rate? two months later, i came down with a strange, unrelated condition that was nowhere near as serious as covid, but made my life ten times more difficult. i'm happy to report i feel worlds better these days. even so, it was a bizarre time. bodies sure are curious.
later, my sink flooded my closet, and for a few days, i had to reckon with the idea that mold might destroy my entire wardrobe. all those irreplaceable pieces of character design that i've built my identity around since i was eighteen years old. who would i be without them? a wise person would say it was a lesson: stop defining who you are by your looks and find worth in your inner self. the mold is gone and my clothes are fine, but sometimes i have days where my lungs seem like they're sort of operating at ninety percent. i'm trying not to fuss about it. my checkups are normal, and i feel fine whenever i get out of the house for a while. maybe it'll go away when i move. because, hey, i can contemplate saving for a house now. how about that? remember when my mother and i were homeless? what a surreal landscape of highs and lows.
maybe grief is strange like that. in july, just when my health started to settle down, my grandmother died. it was a long time coming. she was 94 and extremely frail. i handled it well at first. it took the ensuing few months for the full weight of human mortality to sink in. before, i'd mainly been to funerals of warm, but distant old men, great patriarchs who loved but didn't relate to little girls. her, i knew. she was there when i was born. i won't go into detail, but it was not a peaceful passing, and it left problems in its wake. you don't live through that without taking a long, hard look at your life. everyone gets the invincibility knocked out of them sometime.
my mother is too disciplined to let it get the better of her. on the worst days of her life, the stove still got cleaned and the bills got paid. when people give her condolences, she encourages them to look on the bright side: she got almost seventy years with her. how many children can say that? but i can tell she's sad, and i'm not under any illusion i can help. i have to sit with it. there's nothing else for me to do.
under different circumstances, i'd have thrown myself into my work. i'd come up with some writing project to avoid thinking about it. i guess the dominant theme when it comes to my personal writing has been inertia: accomplishing nothing and being unsure of myself. if it's a growing pain, it's a rough one. i question my storytelling instincts so much, it's hard to get a story off the ground, let alone take it anywhere. i've hit a point where i find the conventions of the romance genre limiting. i still want to write about people in love, though, and i can't reconcile the two. why do some love stories get to be love stories and others are "just romance?" you could ask why it's "just" romance, and that's a good, but different conversation, i think. what are the great love stories saying about the human condition that i'm not? what is my work saying, period? not a whole lot, i'm afraid. i used to be pugnacious about writing from my id brain, about doing it for the fun of it. i worry that's not going to cut it anymore. i have to push myself harder. i also have to stop fretting about being perceived as pretentious for asking these questions.
it would be easier if i had more answers. i'm not sure which project to work on next, because they're all half-formed outlines with plots i don't know how to fill. i'm not sure whether it'd be weird for someone with my job to keep writing or posting fanfic, no matter how informally. i'm not sure what role physical intimacy should play in my writing, if any, because along with everything else, this was the year shame caught up to me. i'm not sure what happened there. i hope the "are sex scenes necessary" debate didn't get me, because i'd argue for their artistic merit any day. but when i do it, i worry that it's indiscreet somehow, like i'm revealing myself in ways that make strangers uncomfortable. some days i feel like going through my backlog of published work and tearing out all the sex-adjacent content like a power-mad inquisitor. i won't, because i'd regret it, but i spend a lot of time being embarrassed. it's embarrassing. i can't escape the feeling that people don't want to know that about me.
despite it all, it's still bad form to end on a down note, so i'll leave you with this: after five years, i finally got into physical therapy for my arm. i told my doctor the whole sob story and she put in a referral to a hand/occupational clinic. will it help? i don't know. i've tried so many things that haven't. but they're optimistic that i'm in better shape than i think - i've heard a lot of "wow, we get patients who can't even open a jar!" - so it's worth a shot. if it means i can draw a little more, it's something. i still make time for the picrew every day. ever onward. thanks for hanging in there with me, guys. you keep things interesting.
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secretgamergirl · 4 months
Hell is terms like ASIC, FPGA, and PPU
I haven't been doing any public updates on this for a bit, but I am still working on this bizarre rabbit hole quest of designing my own (probably) 16-bit game console. The controller is maybe done now, on a design level. Like I have parts for everything sourced and a layout for the internal PCB. I don't have a fully tested working prototype yet because I am in the middle of a huge financial crisis and don't have the cash laying around to send out to have boards printed and start rapidly iterating design on the 3D printed bits (housing the scroll wheel is going to be a little tricky). I should really spend my creative energy focusing on software development for a nice little demo ROM (or like, short term projects to earn money I desperately need) but my brain's kinda stuck in circuitry gear so I'm thinking more about what's going into the actual console itself. This may get techie.
So... in the broadest sense, and I think I've mentioned this before, I want to make this a 16-bit system (which is a term with a pretty murky definition), maybe 32-bit? And since I'm going to all this trouble I want to give my project here a little something extra the consoles from that era didn't have. And at the same time, I'd like to be able to act as a bridge for the sort of weirdos who are currently actively making new games for those systems to start working on this, on a level of "if you would do this on this console with this code, here's how you would do it on mine." This makes for a hell of a lot of research on my end, but trust me, it gets worse!
So let's talk about the main strengths of the 2D game consoles everyone knows and loves. Oh and just now while looking for some visual aids maybe I stumbled across this site, which is actually great as a sort of mid-level overview of all this stuff. Short version though-
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The SNES (or Super Famicom) does what it does by way of a combination of really going all in on direct memory access, and particularly having a dedicated setup for doing so between scanlines, coupled with a bunch of dedicated graphical modes specialized for different use cases, and you know, that you can switch between partway through drawing a screen. And of course the feature everyone knows and loves where you can have one polygon and do all sorts of fun things with it.
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The Genesis (or Megadrive) has an actual proper 16-bit processor instead of this weird upgraded 6502 like the SNES had for a scrapped backwards compatibility plan. It also had this frankly wacky design where they just kinda took the guts out of a Sega Master System and had them off to the side as a segregated system whose only real job is managing the sound chip, one of those good good Yamaha synths with that real distinct sound... oh and they also actually did have a backwards compatibility deal that just kinda used the audio side to emulate an SMS, basically.
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The TurboGrafix-16 (or PC Engine) really just kinda went all-in on making its own custom CPU from scratch which...we'll get to that, and otherwise uh... it had some interesting stuff going on sound wise? I feel like the main thing it had going was getting in on CDs early but I'm not messing with optical drives and they're no longer a really great storage option anyway.
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Then there's the Neo Geo... where what's going on under the good is just kind of A LOT. I don't have the same handy analysis ready to go on this one, but my understanding is it didn't really go in for a lot of nice streamlining tricks and just kinda powered through. Like it has no separation of background layers and sprites. It's just all sprites. Shove those raw numbers.
So what's the best of all worlds option here? I'd like to go with one of them nice speedy Motorolla processors. The 68000 the Genesis used is no longer manufactured though. The closest still-in-production equivalent would be the 68SEC000 family. Seems like they go for about $15 a pop, have a full 32-bit bus, low voltage, some support clock speeds like... three times what the Genesis did. It's overkill, but should remove any concerns I have about having a way higher resolution than the systems I'm jumping off from. I can also easily throw in some beefy RAM chips where I need.
I was also planning to just directly replicate the Genesis sound setup, weird as it is, but hit the slight hiccup that the Z80 was JUST discontinued, like a month or two ago. Pretty sure someone already has a clone of it, might use that.
Here's where everything comes to a screeching halt though. While the makers of all these systems were making contracts for custom processors to add a couple extra features in that I should be able to work around by just using newer descendant chips that have that built in, there really just is no off the shelf PPU that I'm aware of. EVERYONE back in the day had some custom ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit) chip made to assemble every frame of video before throwing it at the TV. Especially the SNES, with all its modes changing the logic there and the HDMA getting all up in those mode 7 effects. Which are again, something I definitely want to replicate here.
So one option here is... I design and order my own ASIC chips. I can probably just fit the entire system in one even? This however comes with two big problems. It's pricy. Real pricy. Don't think it's really practical if I'm not ordering in bulk and this is a project I assume has a really niche audience. Also, I mean, if I'm custom ordering a chip, I can't really rationalize having stuff I could cram in there for free sitting outside as separate costly chips, and hell, if it's all gonna be in one package I'm no longer making this an educational electronics kit/console, so I may as well just emulate the whole thing on like a raspberry pi for a tenth of the cost or something.
The other option is... I commit to even more work, and find a way to reverse engineer all the functionality I want out with some big array of custom ROMs and placeholder RAM and just kinda have my own multi-chip homebrew co-processors? Still PROBABLY cheaper than the ASIC solution and I guess not really making more research work for myself. It's just going to make for a bigger/more crowded motherboard or something.
Oh and I'm now looking at a 5V processor and making controllers compatible with a 10V system so I need to double check that all the components in those don't really care that much and maybe adjust things.
And then there's also FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays). Even more expensive than an ASIC, but the advantage is it's sort of a chip emulator and you can reflash it with something else. So if you're specifically in the MiSTer scene, I just host a file somewhere and you make the one you already have pretend to be this system. So... good news for those people but I still need to actually build something here.
So... yeah that's where all this stands right now. I admit I'm in way way over my head, but I should get somewhere eventually?
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goodfish-bowl · 2 years
A Way of Death
Ectoberhaunt Day 12: Way of Life/Cause of Death
AO3 Link
Summary: Everything had been going pretty well for Danny, all things considered. Things being his own body buried just outside of town. Joseph Brown is having a decidedly horrible day, and really hopes this ends in a court case. 
Warnings: Description of corpse
Words: 1149
Notes: I do love me some Corpse AU. As a treat.
The Coroner, Joseph Brown, looked down at the body they’d been given, then at the info sheet. He’d ran the standard series of tests, like protocol demanded, and his gut wrenched. He’d never dealt with a John Doe corpse before, not like some of the bigger city morgues. His role and title in the APPD was more cosmetic than anything else. Since the ghost arrived over a year ago, human crime had been at an all time low, hell, they probably had the lowest numbers in the country. He mostly worked in the funeral service now adays.
The body in front of Joseph was small, not much larger than a child, and the tests confirmed as much. Male, young, probably early teens, and had been buried in the ground for at least a year at this point, probably since right before the ghosts had shown up. There weren’t really any leads at this point, but it wasn’t his job to find leads, just make notes of what he finds. Which is what he’d been doing.
The blanket the teen had been wrapped in was already sealed away into a specimen bag, faded and tattered from it’s time in the ground. It looked like it had once been space themed, and had been tightly, almost lovingly, wrapped around the teen, liked he’d been tucked into his grave. Which made no sense, since he had been found in an unmarked grave on the outside of town, not too far from a well known stargazing spot. It was dichotomic. Joseph had noted as much in his report. The clothes too, Joseph noted, were odd. They were definitely the ones the teen had died in. They didn’t have the same damage as the body did. It had been a hoodie and sweats, also added to a specimen bag. It really was like someone had lovely put this boy to bed before burying him deep in the ground. It made him nearly sick to think someone could do that.
The body itself had its own issues. He was dealing with a John Doe, with no identifiable features other than Caucasian and black hair, and perhaps a clothing size. Everything else had rotten away during his time in the ground. This surprisingly didn’t stop him from identifying a bit about the boy’s life, nor his cause of death.
Whoever his John Doe was, he had a mild case of malnutrition and some growing problems. Due to what? No clue. Genetic tissue wasn’t usable for something as fine point as that, and Amity didn’t really have the resources for that anyways. A bone sample found the kid’s exact age to be 13-14 years old, which was tragic in its own way. The cause of death had been electrocution.
Joseph had read about electrocution victims in his textbooks, but whatever voltage this boy had been hit with was high enough to cause visible bone damage across his entire left side, along with instantaneously cooking him alive. Kid went out painfully and quickly. It appeared to start in his left hand, probably where he ended up touching some exposed electric whatever, went through his entire body, before exiting from the right foot into the ground. Whatever the kid had been wearing must’ve been protective to some degree, because the voltage seemed to have a hell of a time leaving once it got in. It probably ended up doing more damage than it did good.
On that note, Joseph didn’t think it was murder, this definitely seemed accidental, probably some kids just messing around. But accidental or not, there had been a cover up. He didn’t understand why whoever found the body hadn’t just reported it and gone about things the legal way. They had obviously cared about whoever this kid had been, so why bury him in an unmarked grave?
After a moment, Joseph found a reason. With how young the boy was, on top of the malnutrition and cause of death, a neglect case could be filed against his parents, which would also link into the lack of a missing person’s report matching the profile.
Joseph sighed aloud, thinking to himself, What a way to go.
  Danny had been minding his own business, carrying out his daily afterlife like he typically did.  Barely sleep, go to school, sleep in class, fail his classes, ditch because a ghost showed up, and then sulk around town (a.k.a. avoiding going home for as long as possible). Usually this happened with or without Sam and Tucker. If he was lucky, he’d make it home just before curfew, avoid talking to his parents, and then sneak out again for patrol. Rinse and repeat. It was a shitty way of life, and he knew it, but it didn’t feel like he had any other options.
Danny froze, suddenly feeling sick, almost getting shot out of the sky by his parents in the process. Ignoring the feeling for a moment, he ditched his usual game of ghost and hunter to go find somewhere safe to recover and spill his guts. Usually, he’d keep this up until his parents went home for the night, making sure they left the other ghosts alone, but not like this. He’d mess up.
Danny buckled on the roof of a random building in the old historic district, now dubbed the Neon District. He wasted no time emptying out what little food he’d managed to eat that day. He felt awful, like someone was poking and prodding at his insides. Another wave of nausea spiraled over him, and he fell to his hands and knees, gagging.
Ancients, what was going on? It felt like someone was walking all over his-
Danny’s head snapped up and towards the edges of town. No. It couldn’t actually… He took off at max speed towards the outskirts of town.
The area had always been quiet, and it was far enough from town that it was rarely ever visited. It also just happened to be once of the best places close by for stargazing. His parents used to take him, whenever they weren’t busy with some new invention or project, which happened less and less as the years went by. They hadn’t gone even once since the portal had opened up. He figured it had been a safe spot as long as he kept away from the used area.
Danny touched down in what was blocked off like an active crime scene. The small clearing was covered in powered off cameras and lights, and a hole in the ground in the center of it all. There was nothing but dirt in the bottom of it.
It was gone. His body, which he’d buried in this exact spot, was gone. Danny was filled with a harsh mix of rage and dread. His horrible way of life was about to get a lot more complicated.
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self-insert-hell · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel S/I OC #1: Ghost
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Name: (Unknown)
Nickname: Ghost
Age: Adult
Gender: Nonbinary Trans-man
Sexuality: AroAce Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Life on Earth:
Warning: Dark material ahead! There is no gore or nsfw though.
He was born in a dysfunctional family as the only child. He was considered to be the “black sheep” of the family.
He lived in a small, religious town.
Academically, he did well in school. Socially, he struggled at times due to his neurodiversity.
He enjoys nature, animals, urban exploring, mysteries, urban legends and folklore. He also had a unique interest for the macabre which included the supernatural, paranormal, occultism, and true crime.
While he grew up religious, eventually his curiosity in the macabre stemmed from his issues with family and occasionally, peers that would give him trouble in school.
This and other events would lead up to him being involved with demons and making a deal with one of them.
Because of the deal, he is now open to being possessed. Along with that, he also starts losing his sanity and is sent to the mental hospital for treatment.
This treatment included the use of electroshock therapy.
One day, after a treatment of shock therapy, the demon fully possesses him. The doctors bring in a priest from the church that is connected to the hospital to perform an exorcism.
The exorcism works except, as the demon was exorcised, this caused the electroshock machine to malfunction. Still connected to the machine and strapped down in the hospital bed, thousands of voltages ended up killing him.
He died in the early 1940’s
After Life in Hell:
Ghost is a unique type of sinner and it shows. Unintentionally at least.
He is unique in regard to his abilities, in a sense that he’s slightly more powerful than your average sinner. This is simply due to him building up his strengths and weaknesses to better survive hell and the exterminations.
Also, part of his power is due to the deal he made with the demon that possessed him when he was alive.
That same demon died, as the exorcism was a success. Because of the death, Ghost’s soul was no longer tied to that demon.
Always hiding in the shadows and keeping a low profile has helped him to avoid trouble and harm that runs rampant in the pride ring.
Keeping a low profile means staying away from heavily populated areas. He made himself a small treehouse like building amongst the trees in a highly wooded forest. This forest was away from the public. The closest to the public he is, was a few miles away from cannibal town.
He works at the art museum, not just as an employee but as an artist as well. He has some of his works displayed at the art museum alongside other artist’s works, in cannibal town.
Due to his job, he is just another average “citizen” of cannibal town despite not being a cannibal himself. He partakes in cannibalism but is known to eat other varieties of food.
He is good friends with Rosie as Ghost had worked for Rosie before working at the museum. They both like to visit each other’s workplaces from time to time when they have a break. On days off, they make arrangements to visit each other.
Of course, Rosie is how he met Alastor and became friends with him.
One day, Alastor and Charlie needed to find someone to fulfill the technical side of things. This is when Rosie recommended Ghost for the role as she was familiar with his work ethics.
Being the type of friend she is, Rosie tended to know Ghost better than himself at times. This is why she recommended that Ghost take the role, as he needed a change of pace in life.
Ghost would now be staying at the hotel permanently. Yet he still would take time to go back to his hideout in the forest whether it be for safety or just for a break from the hotel.
He is swift, agile, and stealthy. These abilities make up for the lack of power.
He has some strength but when it comes to pure power, it entirely depends on the situation. It also includes how he feels, both physically and mentally.
He can shape shift.
He is animalistic like other sinners who have turned into animals. While he isn’t just one animal, his shape shifting abilities and being creature like makes him an animal in itself.
His skin can change colors at will, similar to a chameleon. This includes patterns as well.
His eyes can change color as well.
His horns can curl and uncurl.
His hands have claws but they are always retracted unless he needs to use them.
The tip of his fingers can enlarged and become claw like. In his most powerful state, his claws cannot retract until he has returned to a normal state.
The end of his tail can become pointed at will.
He can reveal his other 2 rows of teeth at will.
He also has an elongated tongue.
He can climb up anything. Walls, ceilings, tall buildings, you name it.
Despite him having various and unique abilities, he is still weaker than an overlord.
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overpoweredcacti · 2 months
CME 17x10 thoughts (and prayers)
Jesus Christ I’m finally home after accidentally sabotaging my own morning (okay sabotage may be harsh. I have a job now that I signed all the necessarily paperwork lol but I had to go around the city for hours. This Pacific time Midnight airtime is ridiculous, that’s 9 am for me. By then I usually have to pretend to be a functioning adult human being).
I don’t really do this usually, but it is the finale, so. I will try my hand and liveblogging. This will be long.
Some preliminary thoughts though:
I think Church and Jade both survive and it’s Mila who dies
I just don’t see any of the main cast dying. Maybe Rossi, but this show is attached to its actors so much that this would only happen if Joe wanted out, and I’m not sure I can see that happening?
the last Gold Star Peter B. is most probably Peter Bailey
I don’t trust Phil Coulson the Director
Voit has to die. I think. Narratively he just can’t live. So my guess is that he will be killed (maybe on FBI higher up orders) and it will be framed as a suicide. But the BAU would obvious know that doesn’t match his profile cue S18
Well then.
55 minutes hmm, okay. I thought we would get at least an hour, there’s so much going on.
Connection Lost. For all of them??
20 minutes Rebecca and Garcia has been sitting in that office, waiting. That does wonders for someone’s nerves I bet
needs to reboot the system (“have you tried turning it off and on again?” xd)
I’M sorry they didn’t know the building just fucking exploded? xdxd
also still Minimal Loss vibes
okay but everyone seemed fine on the promo pics (minus Emily) so how if they all exploded
I don’t buy it lol
halluciVoit is back
the team is okay
okay see. how lucky do you have to be though to survive an explosion without a scratch
unless they pull a Dallas and the next 30 minutes is just Dave dying and dreaming shit lol that would be iconic
okay Mila surrendered maybe she’s not dying. But how does Rossi get rid of the head wound?
oooh okay so it is a kidnapping situation. Because Jade still thinks the BAU is in cahoots with Church
“you’ve been charged with pedophilia” love that we are not sugarcoating it lol
OKAY so I didn’t think it would be so abrupt. But okay dude deserved it.
Ooh the shot of the dripping blood as he’s carted away? Brilliant.
are we about to see Emily get yeeted
that was a very mild blast without the sound effects lol
are you taking some of the voltage? that’s..a choice. I’m also unsure if that would even work
again with the camera, literally shaking off the memory how cool
listen I know we are supposed to be scared for Emily but it’s Emily. Not even she looks phased lol
holy shit the writing remembers past events. Unbelievable
okay I was recently talking about Person of Interest so that’s probably why the scene is in my mind, but whoever knows about it: This is straight up Vigilance and Control in the mock trial in S3
okay so since Peter B. is most definitely Bailey I’m guessing that’s how Emily will eventually get through to them? By the fact the she knew Doug?
criminal mastermind Brian Garrity reveal when
are you serious? that’s a prison? That’s a vacation home. I've slept in worse places that I paid for
is this actually a thing in America? Okay not my business but damn
“the only thing I miss is you” VoitxRossi is sailing
yes it’s definitely Doug’s brother
see that’s a problem because I’m pretty sure Emily holds herself responsible too xd
“does this body language tell you anything” yeah that you’re a fucker
lil bro kinda low key looks like a young Jonathan Groff
so where were you at the funeral? flashback to Emily meeting the parents but not him I’m guessing?
okay flashback but not about that
“really?” “No,” xdxdxdxdx pls. yes. thank you. OG moment. God. Love that
“You scream only child.” Emily. You’re an only child.
"I have a sister" No you don’t. Where did that come from.
Okay was she manipulating him or did they just drop this out of nowhere breaking 17 seasons of previous lore because both are a legitimate possibility.
“why weren’t you at Doug’s funeral” thank you
yeah see I like that this is coming back. Because the DOJ really dropped the ball on Benjamin Reeves
all that said Clark Gregg is still suspicious
so the teenager who is rebellious and anti-government gets into juvie where the government paid private military company trains him to be an assassin through abuse. Nice job there xd
“I’m not threatening your career” love the energy
you literally didn’t have to keep any of that from the BAU though.
THAT’s when you knew you had a crisis? Bruh
“a pilates instructor” xdxd Rebecca’s wit is underappreciated tbh
“he may or may not have information” “fuck you” 💀
are we having a discussion about the real life confines of four dimensional chess. My guy that’s a meme.
Aww JJ basically admitting they are going to get fucked over but hey it’s Emily, they gotta
“he wanted to wear comfy clothes” this bitch.
“back at it like a crack addict” you know what I retroactively would like to witness the birth of lines like this in the writer’s room
 I mean yeah sure but child trafficking does exist tho xd
okay they are cute…
“god forbid you end up on that wall” uff.
aaah you were taking the photos. But who were the guys working for you? I was absolutely sure it was Church. He had the resources, you don’t
see this is where the conspiracy theory conversations become a bit funny, because Emily is completely right, they are about amplification of fear, doubt etc. Also they help reconcile with events that we can’t make logical sense of. It’s honestly an incredibly human thing to do and they have always been around, they are not new.
That said when you introduce shit like the FBI or the CIA a lot of things that used to be “conspiracy theories” have since been reveled to have been true 💀 so people being distrustful towards these organizations are not that unreasonable when you think about it. And even in-universe the BAU has done shady shit? So.
“babe” xdxd okay so maybe Jade is dying. They have built her up to be sympathetic but they are slowly losing that angle narratively? Slowly tho
oh? is that how we’ll get to the bottom of BAUgate?
“Jenny”. can JJ slap him, just once?
the way everyone is so done with him
sometimes I do like Tyler
bit of a CGI house there lol
not Garcia psyching him out
chocolate thunder
oh, Oh?
“I put you in” I?. I??
oh my god. no. that’s vile. even within an already vile context. people have been pointing out the similarities but jesus christ
okay Emily is doing talk no jutsu about Doug
told you she does feel responsible
oooh. oh.
where do people buy so much C4
(hypothetically of course)
yeah I mean obviously not going to happen. But I get the plan there
also the team either knows that’s the endgame of they are just being very optimistic about Emily still being alive lol
of course it’s a trap. Was that really such a big revelation Dave xd
“who think we are the enemy” Tara. Babe. You kind of are to them xd
okay maybe they will survive this. Or Pete might. Jade could still kill herself. Or each other.
yeah she knows 😭
passive aggressive action report
thank you for calling him out on this
no I still don’t trust Clark Gregg
is Emily going to low key blackmail the Director xd that would be very stupid. And also incredibly in character
yeah they have pretty much said it before that Tyler would be the “next generation”
“Hooray you’re alive” xd
Rebecca just got a haircut? She looks nice. But how much time had passed then.  
“the shoes” 💀 that’s so fair
oh his “ghost” just standing in the bg
okay so he either escapes, in which case the showrunners completely lied about leaving him behind in S18 lol or he dies. Maybe he gets shanked. A girl can dream
I was joking xdxdxdx 💀
uff not the bleach
oh my god he really got shanked. holy shit
I mean yes thank you
but holy shit
so we have zero idea on what happens in S18. Zero. that’s nice.
Okay, closing thoughts. It was a good episode, but a bit underwhelming on the conspiracy side of things? And as a finale? I mean they kept saying how it’s “bigger than we thought” but it really wasn’t? Also it kind of takes away from the suspense that we know none of these characters are ever dying lol But ultimately it did close off loose ends. But I really would have appreciated some implication that Voit was killed on someone’s orders to continue some kind of a plot thread? Realistically the writers probably haven’t decided on that yet lol Did like that we acknowledged that the Gold Star kids were victims but…at the end of the day who was the perpetrator?
No, I still don’t trust Clark Gregg. Also can we get back to Emily having a sister what is that about
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ouvragesdepenny · 6 months
Write coyle sub x reader dom -> outlast trials
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You know I'm not a writer, right? And I'm personality is fine with both top or bottom Coyle, since you ask it, here we go.
You pick sabotage the lockdown trial as usual, it's not your first time to get beaten by Coyle anyway. sometimes you wonder if you would ever be immune to the shock if you get shocked for thousand times. You are smart enough to find all medicine you got, so you decide to fuck around today.
You bring a bag pack amp, hide and heal and last chance. These amps may sound dumb, but it actually can take over a lot of hits. The trial has lots of thing doesn't make sense but fuck it. You just go for it. knowing Coyle's weapon might be weaker in genesis program, you shamelessly pick it and ready to mess with the prime asset.
"Pink scum!" "Pervert!" "You… shit!" "STOP!" Coyle is clearly very confused by your behavior now. You didn't run away but instead hide in front of him and let him beat you. At first, he thought you are mocking him dumb as a pig. But the way you are staring at him waiting for the next shock is clearly… terrifying. He is panting and beating you in a very extreme way, beating the hardest of you hoping you to die. But you just pull up another big medicine and chug it right in front of him. He growls and aiming at your groin this time, push the triggered and shocks right in your crotch as hard as he can.
That shock almost had you dying until the electricity slowly die off, the low voltage making your body twitching uncontrollable, it is slowly feeling good at this point, you thought you really get used to the shocking, but the reality is Coyle's battery had drained off. He watches you in shock, noticing the thing in your pants had rising underneath. It's had been sometimes since you get a boner. Maybe the doctor forgot to sneak in the meds in your meal, or just Coyle is making you hot. You feel like your dick is about to explode from the sensation of the low voltage shock. Screw the shocking immunity, you will not let your boner die off like that.
You instantly throw a stun rig right on his face causing a short cerebral disturbance. "Watch it! Punk!" Coyle trying to get back to his feet, but you wouldn't let him get away from this. You press him onto the ground and shove your head right onto his groin, sniffing while biting his thighs. The feeling of lust and desire are all back in your head as soon as you heard the cop screams and attempt to punch you with his fist. You pull out your tongue and licks right onto his bulge, nibbles on to it causing him arching his body more. Both of you are losing your mind in the heat.
"Perverted fink…" You heard him scolding and growling nonstop, but he is no longer fighting. He slowly moves his leather glove onto his hardness and strokes it on your face, wanted to unzip it for you to continue the job you started, makes you chuckles a little. "When did we agree on you going to use your front...?" You ask him with a teasing tone, yanks him closer to you and presses your erection onto his hip, pulling down your pants slightly to show off that large meat of yours.
You have to use another stun rig to stop this cop fight back. God bless the stun rig is now faster cooling down. You strip down his pants, almost tearing it off, doesn't care about how you mess up his wires. All you care is that sweet, tight virgin hole of this man. He yells at you to stop but it doesn't help the situation. You grab on his thighs and start humping aggressively without giving him a time to get used to it makes him more vulnerable. The way you are pouncing on him almost makes his hat falling and crying. You take a good look at him, decide to lift his head so he can see how he is getting fucked by a reagent.
There you go, I want to write more but I am not good in English, and I don't want to use too much dirty word.
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nopulse2now · 6 months
This is the night our super sexy cpr
I'm really hoping she'll let me do what we talked about. I find her in bed, her arm dangles from the bed. Her hair isn't styled and wow incredible make-up job, blue lips and pale skin, white spit from her mouth
God I gotta record this this is gonna be good
I call her name she's groggy and shaky. Shit she's really cold. I can't find a pulse. I begin to pump her chest on the bed and get the pads out for the AED. My one complaint I pointed out to her that she was tense and looked fake
I began to do rescue breaths and I felt no resistance and her chest rose with each long breath I forced into her lungs.
I rigged the aed to give a low voltage shock. I hit her with the paddles. CLEAR. I begin to push gently on her chest so her belly ripples up and down . .while I'm having fun I've got a hard on and want to switch. Ok my turn.. hurry B4 the battery runs out !! I pump her chest again waiting for her to come out of character
I charge the Aed and slam her chest to the floor. So despite warnings about hard core CPR.. I shock her at 300 and her back arches. I happen to glance at the nightstand and see the pills scattered on the floor. I realize she ate the pills her breathing is slow
I put her make-up mirror in front of her nose and mouth to see any breath and see none.
Oh God God..OMG how long has she been down? I continue CPR one handed and call 911 and say my girlfriend is in full arrest. Yes trained in Cpr and the AED. I get the pads on her still chest, a bystander is now giving her chest compressions
As I watch her chest crashing in on itself The AED says to stop chest compressions. She's hit at 300 twice. .The EMT takes over and asks how this happens and I say sleeping pills
Yes but what were you doing when this happened? Um we were playing a sex game... What did you do to choke her into cardiac arrest and try and bring her back??
Oh no no not like that it's role play. Rated G we do fake CPR and AED were pretending but...
Ok uh sir you're looking a little pale. I realize I've been running on adrenaline for over an hr. But now that I'm calming down I have a crushing pain in my chest. My girlfriend opens her eyes as they continue to pump her chest. Then lots of cheering and she looks my way in time to see them working on me hard.
AED saying my rhythm is not shockable
Over and over again
Needles are jammed in my heart
We're loosing him
She sits at my bed side and holds my hand
I feel so happy she's here with me holding my hand
Telling me I'm gonna be alright you'll see... Suddenly her eyes open wide in horror as the flatline sound rings in her ears
I'm sad as I see her rushed from the room while they continue life saving measures, they look at the monitors and realize I never had a chance
The machine ceases to pump and my chest stops moving.
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eitherlyingorstupid · 9 months
I like the idea of TFA Wreck-Gar being "low-tech" compared to Ratchet.
Like yes, the Allspark brought him to life, but he's literally made out of garbage. His insides are full of big, clunky gears, he's got a gas-guzzling diesel engine, and the grease and oil in his joints are a thick black gu k that does a good job at lubrication but boy does it stain.
Wreck-Gar's internal wiring is a mess. He looks like a terribly-managed server room on the inside, with multicolored wires squirreling around all over the place. It's worth noting Wreck-Gar doesn't have an actual spark, instead being animated but an Allspark shard buried deep in his chassis.
Since his wires are pretty crappy, the first time Wreck-Gar tries hardline interface he blows a fuse or two. After all, he's made of human-made components, and they can't handle the voltage from a Cybertronian's spark.
But that's alright, since he makes up for it in his boundless enthusiasm for sticky-style interface. Wreck-Gar requires explicit directions to follow, and he absolutely follows them to the letter.
Most of it is just part of his nature — Wreck-Gar is very eager to please. He's happiest when his friends are happy. Maybe in some au where he ends up joining team Prime, Wreck-Gar takes his time to learn the others' sexual preferences and fill them the best he can.
I like the idea of Optimus being... not stuck-up, exactly, but kind of nervous about interfacing. He's a Prime, and the team leader, and kind of inexperienced. Wreck-Gar's blunt enthusiasm is embarrassing, but it's also pretty effective in coaxing Optimus out of thought spirals. He gets so caught up in the "What if" of interfacing that he kinda forgets to embrace the moment.
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