#Ch: cha hakyeon
chakkyeonie · 1 year
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And the ocean already knows . . . But she can't love you like you love her.
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hakyunie · 5 years
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181228 kbs gayo daechukje ✩ scentist ~possession~
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officialrovix · 5 years
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fictionalarsonist · 4 years
inconspicuous bad apples - ch.03 : alibi
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pairing ›_taekwoon ⨯ reader ⨯ hakyeon feat. ›_ vixx wonshik & jaehwan ; got7 jinyoung ; cha minjoo (child oc) content ›_angst ; murder ; police au ; serial killer au ; mature language ; smoking ; drinking ; violence ; blood ; age gap relationship ; divorce rating ›_pg-13 word count ›_ 2.5k  
tag: @tanithrea​
「 ao3 | mobile m.list | inconspicuous bad apples m.list
[ ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | work in progress ]
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The next morning you walk in the station with your backpack hanging from one of your shoulders, you let yourself fall on your seat and chuckle at the image of Jinyoung sleeping soundly despite the odd and very uncomfortable position on his desk. His head falls sideways on his chair and his feet.
 Wonshik walk in, almost dressed up nice and tidy, proud of his uniform, carrying a tray of coffee and some delivered food over to somewhere else.
 “Good morning, Lieutenant”, he greets you, bowing his head slightly as he passes by you.
 “Morning”, you greet him back, kicking your backpack under your desk, “Gimme some of this coffee”
 Wonshik stops by your desk, setting down a plastic cup before pouring coffee in it.
 “Another one for the sleepyhead over there”, Wonshik pours the coffee and you add the sugar and cream you know Jinyoung usually adds, “Thanks”
 Wonshik goes on his way while you lean over your desk to throw a heavy file on Jinyoung’s table, making him awake, startled.
 “Good morning, sleeping beauty!” You laugh as he presses his closed eyelids with his fingers and rubs them, trying to get rid of the tiredness, while tries his best to sit up straight without complaining about the pain.
“Why didn’t you sleep upstairs?” You ask, standing up to place his coffee on his desk.
 “We spent the night interrogating the playboy. What time is it?” He asks, still confused and flustered. You look at your watch.
 Jinyoung sighs and let his head fall back. “That prick is useless, really.”
 “He won’t say anything. Because he doesn’t seem to know, but the forensic team found something”, he says sitting up straight again and reaching for a file to hand over to you when you get it from his hand he goes for his coffee.
 Jinyoung sips on the coffee as you read the file.
 “What is this crap? Drug-induced amnesia?” You look up in disbelief at Jinyoung sipping on his hot coffee, “Is this real thing?”
 “Hmm.” Jinyoung nods, swallowing the hot coffee, “Very much. Apparently the playboy has been playing hard with his options and recently he’s been consulting a countryside traditional doctor that makes herbal tea and traditional medicine. The forensic has a sample we found in his room, they’ll send the results when it’s ready. The bastards get to sleep and still complain about it”, Jinyoung mutters the last phrase in a moody tone as he drinks more of his coffee, “Ah~ I’m hungry now”
 “That’s great. Where did we get this from?” You ask trying to read the unrecognizable words in latin or whatever puzzling language that’s written along with the ones you do understand.
 “It came from the hospital he was admitted to after the fight with Jongup”, Jinyoung sips on his coffee as he rolls his chair to sit closer to you despite the divide between the desks, “His doctor confessed. There was more than just his usual intake of his usual drugs, including one that’d be most possibly curated by only with a special twist to it.”
 You sigh tiredly, edging yourself on your seat. “This could invalidate his signed confession.”
 Jinyoung manners his head and shrugs. Then, pauses to look at you closely.
 “Lieutenant, you seem to be enjoying this~”
 “You’re seeing way too much into it, Detective Park.”
 Jinyoung hums to himself with a crooked smile and pushes himself away from your desk.
 “I wouldn’t be so happy about it, Lieutenant”, Jinyoung says, knowing your mind has already went back to the possibility of re-investigating the case, assimilating as a serial killing case, “The media is on this like vultures and… I heard the Head Prosecutor wants to wrap this up as soon as possible.”
 You throw the closed file on the table at the mention of your still father-in-law, knowing how much of a headstrong the man is. It would take more than your stubbornness to turn this around if the man has his hands on this case.
 “If you’re right, it’ll happen again and they won’t be able to blame the playboy again. If we get it before narcotics-” You cut Jinyoung, moving on your seat, feeling unsettled.
 “I wish we wouldn’t need another dead body for them to take this seriously. Whoever the killer is escalated from homeless women, to prostitutes, to random girls and people kept sweeping it all under the carpet. Now, with Kim Da Eun’s case-”, you sigh in frustration, pushing your hair back, “Do they just expect a maniac like this to just… Stop?” You chuckle bitterly to yourself, “Head Prosecutor Cha has his head up his ass that might just be true.”
 Jinyoung fails at hiding his amusement when you curse your father-in-law.
 “I’ll just- You know, pretend I didn’t hear that.” He says, tapping his ears lightly with his first and middle fingers and stops when he stands up and walks backwards from you, “I’ll go grab some breakfast for him, okay? Anything for you, Lieutenant?”
 “Egg toast, no bacon. And tomato juice”, Jinyoung nods in response.
 As he turns around to leave almost bumps into none other than your Captain, Sung Dong Il, storming into the station. Jinyoung’s unapologetic pushed away by your Captain and turns around with his eyes open wide, brows furrowed in confusion. Not only you, but everyone else in the station watches as the Captain marches in wearing the official uniform. Jinyoung glances at you, trying to figure something out, bt you seem as lost as everyone else.
 “Maskot!” You Captain’s outburst makes Wonshik shot up from his seat in alert.
 “Yes, Captain!”
 “Prepare the conference room. Be fast!”
 “Yes, sir.” Wonshik salutes and rushes to do as he’s been told.
 “Park Jinyoung!”
 Jinyoung points at himself.
 “Me?” That makes Dong Il stop throw a glare at him.
 “Who else? Get these ready for the conference,” Dongil stops and comes closer to Jinyoung, speaking more quietly. “No one can take a peek, you understand?”
 “Yes, Captain.”
 “Good.” The man nods, unbottoming his uniform suit, “You’ll be in charge to hold the conference until it’s ready to start. Don’t curse.”
 “I wouldn’t.” Dongi snorts at the detective protest before turning to you.
 “What?” You ask, annoyed before he can say anything.
 “My office. Now.”
 He storms off to his office and you follow him with your eyes, before grunting lazily to stand up.
 “What’s his problem?” You complain.
 “Ah!~ Seriously, working in this department is really stressful!” One of the detectives sitting close to you complains, “Our superiors are always having mood swings. I want to retire.”
 “At 35?” You ask the man complaining as he messes up his hair, “Are you crazy?”
“I bet my salary this is about that spidey senses our Lieutenant has.” Jaehwan’s voice is not so subtle as he speaks.
 “Hey, I can hear you, asshat!” You throw a pen in his direction without much effort.
 “Sorry, Lieutenant.” He sends you an empty apology.
 “Don’t you have a goose chase to attend to?” You mock him, recalling his current case.
 “Yea, yea… Mock me all you want, Lieutenant. But, when I drag Bang Yongguk in this station with my own hands you’ll be the one to pay for the celebratory dinner!”
 “Oh-ho~ Is that so? Really.” You hold back a chuckle, standing up and making your way to the Captain’s office, “Make sure to not bite your own tail in the process, Detective Lee.”
 You warn as he clicks his tongue, watching you push the Captain’s door open and disappears inside the office. Jaehwan looks at Jinyoung who’s staring at you through the wall-sized glass window, the blinds are pulled down, but open and the people in the office can only see partially - including Jinyoung. No one can hear anything, but Dongil’s raged expression when he looks up to you worries Jinyoung, although he knows it shouldn’t it’s something that can’t be helped.
 “There goes your promotion.” He holds back when Jaehwan startles him with his voice maliciously speaking closer than he thought the other detective is. He looks at the other and plays it out with a scoff.
 “What does that come from?” Jinyoung asks, making an effort to turn his back as the Captain drawns the blinds closed and you throw yourself on the sofa carelessly.
 “You know what,” the other says with a crooked smile, standing on the way of a very busy Wonshik and leaning an arm the younger shoulder, “the Captain retires, our Lieutenant takes his place and there you are. Perfect scenario. Am I right, maskot?”
 “Don’t be jealous. It doesn’t match your personality.” Jinyoung provokes as both man part ways, not really being in the mood to talk much more than that.
 “Is it truth?” Wonshik asks in curiosity and one of Jaehwan’s brow perks up to look at the department's youngest member.
 “That Detective Park will be promoted along Captain Sung retirement and the Lieutenant take over”, Wonshik asks innocently and that makes Jaehwan laughs enjoyably.
 “You really don’t know anything. Do you?”
 Jaehwan laughs, but stops as soon as he sees Wonshik’s eyes brimming with curiosity, he stops walking and grabs the younger to do the same, holding the other in place, he waits for some passerby disappear, until both of them are alone.
“Listen here,” he starts, “Since you’ve been here for a while you gotta make up your mind to whom you want to be loyal to,” Jaehwan explains, “Most people stick to the partnership. So, I’m gonna tell you this… Park Jinyoung isn’t eligible to take any major role, he’ll never move a step from where he is right now. Like our Captain, his name is tainted.”
 “Close the fucking door!” The Captain as soon as you step one foot into the office. His anger vividly expressed, “I should’ve been against the Commander as soon as he pulled you in this case of all people. I could’ve pulled you out as soon as I saw things going smoothly. I’m no good for this job anymore, because of you, you know? All because of you!” Dongil let out his rent standing behind his desk while you stared at him with your puzzled expression.
 “I have- absolutely no idea what-” You try saying with a shrug and your hands shoved inside the front pockets of your pants.
 “Sure you don’t.”
 Dongil interrupts and takes large, angry steps to the wall-sized window, reaching to close the blinds. He saw Jinyoung with his eyes fixated on you. Your Captain never said and would never say anything regarding this. Not one bit, but it never meant that he was oblivious. His eyes travels back to you when the blinds are tightly closed, he found you sitting on your typical spot in his office, looking comfortable as you are, at home as you feel.
 “Then, what?” You ask, out of patience.
 Dongil should know being angry wouldn’t have any effect on, you’re never scared of anything. Never was. This got you here, but could ruin you as well. He would be damned if this wasn’t, at least, one of the reasons why your marriage is - in his opinion - so regrettably over. The old man pleaded to heaven it would work while knowing all the reasons it wouldn’t, you and Cha Hakyeon… Anyone could see the end, but you’re always defiant and Hakyeon found his change to rebel in you, for a good reason. At first Dongil thought it was just a rich guys rebeling to his rich, powerful parents, but Hakyeon loves you, he saw enough to know.
 “I don’t know if I should congratulate you or have you take a few days off duty. You need to sort out your life now, it wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
 Dongil sees your eyes darkening, your rather carefree manner vanishing as you hear his words.
 “I told you before-,” he starts again, sitting apart from you, grunting as he settles his old bones on the comfortable armchair, “You can’t solve every case trusting your guts, but this time… This time I’ll bet everything I have in your spidey senses, Y/n”, he says fondly.
 “What are you talking about”
 “The playboy’s confession doesn’t add up to his toxicology test. He’ll only be arrested for drug use and smuggling,” he explains, “The only lead we’ve got is with your theory and you better be right. You’ll hold the presentation. The Commander will be here at the afternoon?”
 “Sure”, you sort, self-assertive.
 “The Commander isn’t happy and he’s coming down to announce the outcome to the media, we’ll also be starting a new investigative team. I’m putting you in charge, so make sure you have the people you trust around you because the man is sending one of his lap dogs to spy on everything”
 “I don’t know yet, but- It’s clear they don’t like you. Don’t disappointment me.” 
 “I won’t.”
 He sighs. And there’s a pause when all the tension kind of dissipates and you can tell the old man is just tired of it all.
 “Y/n, I want you to listen carefully now, okay?” You nod yet again and he it’s not the kind of response Dongil wants. “I won’t speak as your captain now, but as an old friend,” he makes another pause, leaning forward, looking in your eyes, “I’m not saying this because of me or you promotion or anything,” he starts, “But, particularly, I think it’s quite odd the Head Prosecutor Cha let go of this so easily knwoing you would be the only to lead the serial murder case-”
 “Now, I’m the one asking you to trust me, sunbae.” You speak up, looking directly in his eyes, “I know what I have to do.” Dongil sighs and hangs his head low.
 “All right. Just- be careful.”
 It doesn’t matter how confident you look, you’re skin twitches when you think about it. Taking this case means a lot more than it did before, losing it means losing everything. Beads of sweat form on the line of your hair, the room is suddenly too confining and overall hot.
 ‘Minjoo. I’m sorry’ - you think to yourself, but you can’t find it in yourself to feel regret or pained about it. You know what you have to do and you won’t step back. You blindly get to your desk and start to gather the folders, everything you need to make the presentation for the Commander and his lap dog when they’re here. Well, the other team members will be there too. You’ll need help from someone from Narcotics, maybe Taecyeon, an old friend, come over to lend a pair hands to the team.
 Jinyoung, Jaehwan, Taecyeon, the maskot, Detective Jung, Doctor Lee from forensic and his assistant… Those were the first names in your list. Who else? People you trust. You paused and looked around the troubled station now that something big was about to happen everyone was in an uproar.
 “Jinyoung!” You call as soon as he walks in and he makes his way to you immediately, “That breakfast- How about now?”
 You start walking away and Jinyoung leaves his current task at his desk before yanking his jacket out of his chair in quick, swift motions to follow you, without so much as a second thought.
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⇽ chapter 02 | chapter 04 ⇾
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chained-up-taekwoon · 6 years
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Hi, everyone! I just reached 6000 followers! 😍 I realized that my previous follow forever was one year ago and I was wishing you Merry Christmas then! And now, my 6th follow forever and it’s Christmas again! So, happy Christmas and a happy new year!!! 🎅 I don’t know whether my followers will keep their blogs, because of tumblr’s new stupid rules. I don’t want to lose you... Anyway, I love you all and thank you for your support, for your messages, for everything! 🎄
A - F @achahakyeon @alovelystarlight @amaltamale-blog @animeart17kpop @animeotaku08 @animeotakupooh @another-atiny-blog  @asianpoprockstar @atomicbubblegum @ayoghosty @babieken @baby--starlight @baekhyun-my-king @banannamilk @beanhongbin @beautiful-lair-1990@beautifulseoulliar @bexis-mind @bigseuegsobtob @bikksu @blackmamma1110 @boopshik @bottom-heavy-lesbian @brekineee @brieannakeogh @burnt-enough-starlight @chahakyeo @chahakyeonn @cha-inyeon @chalight @chansebaeksboyslove @chasassyeon @chavixx @chawoonie @cha-yoni @cheondae @ch-y @chyogi @cinnamon-roll-leo @coffeeprinceleo @coffee-prince-leo @cuddlehakyeon @diciana @danger06 @darkest-angels @darkfoxvixx @darknesskai @dazzlingkai @destroy-hakyeon @diamondacequeen @dimpledjookyun @divacha @dokyuml @1eohyuk @eikaaprincess @elializareli @elisastarlight @elletastic96 @elvencantation @elysiumdream @estrellada66 @fairy-taekwoon @finalxhearts @fixxofvixx @forever-vixx @fywontaek @fychakyeon @fyhyuken @fthyung
G  - K @gothshik @galaxymagick @game-set-leo @german-vixx-leo-fan @goldenrose95 @gotvixxtheofficial @gotxx @gyeoulsoldat @hakyeon-etc @hakyeon-go-go  @hakyeons-fabulous-forehead @hakyunie @halfmoon6748 @hamjisinset @hansanghulk @hansanghyuked @hansanghyuks @hellojungleo @hemoglobiniseverywhere @hohgbin @honeyjaehwan @hongbin-gifs @hong-buns @hongqueen @hongtits @hugbin @huntingfire2001 @hush-haveuseenher @hyukgifs @hyvked @ilyhakyeon @i-love-vixxxx-blog @jaehwans-thighs @jongdaengies @joycabildo24 @jrocklover90 @jsungie @juliasaucedo16 @jung-taekrude @justbeingmerightnow2 @just-leo001 @jyanibin @kimseoulhoe @katana-katakana @kenbinnie @kenihavehongbin @kenikme @killthedemoninsideyou @kimcheolwoon @kim-wonshik-killed-me @kingravi @kokiri-heart @kongsook @kpopfangirljunkie @k-ws @kyunmyeon
L - Q @lalalalattetherapy @lattefairy @leehongbins @leejaehwan @lee-jhwan @le-ken @leocasso @leoguni @leoismylion @leolegs @leo-nardo-di-taekwoon @leo-starlights @leovixxtouchandsketch @lightupthedarkness @lovehishigi @lovehyuks @lovelovelylaurita @lovetaeangle @lovethyfandoms2 @love-vixx @lusciousleovixx @mamastarlight @manhyokkie @marianne-in-wonderland @mcrkilljoy1102 @merlionmen @middleearth-orbust @minialbum @monchoi @monochromatic-vixx @monsymptoms @mostly-vixx @ms-starlight @mychennyjams @mycutekendoll @n-chanted @neo90liners @nn6vhtjwhs @n-the-giraffe @nuimee @nurulhnny04 @nxnight @officialjaehwan @officialrovix @ohsvhuns @omg-leo-mmmm @omgods @onlyutaekwoon  @ottokaji-vixx @3ouncesofwhoopass @picknvixx @passionatemelodies @pinktwinkleo @phoenix-vixx-fire @princewonsik @pvtshame @queenchahakyeon
R - U @rayn-eedae @rabbit-ravi @rabinnies @rapperravioli @ravenclawprincess-vixx-b1a4 @ravisass @ravishingvixx @ravi-the-crack-kidz @ravithecrackkidz @redbeans93 @reila-ravkong @robochorom @royalbins @saltykong @say-vixx-say-me  @shit-vixx-say @smile-for-me-taekwoonie @softleo @softmh @softseongs @sprouthyuk @squish-k-yungsoo @starbins @starcyrcle @starlight220 @starlight-9298 @starlightarcher @starlightdream-1310 @starlightkat24 @starlight-star-bright-marlena @starlightvi @starlight-vixxen  @sunshinelollipopsandyoungjae @sunshinetings @sweet-cup-of-kpop @sweet-morningdew @sxkurx-fxlling @sylvandreams @taek-a-chance @taekbaby @taek-danada @taekmefaraway @taekmetothestars @taekmetothewoon @taekmyravioli @taek-my-soul @taek-n-starlight @taekyeon @taekwinkle @taekwonieeee @taekwoonslight @taekwxon @tae-mint @taeqwoon-ah @taliavixx @that-damn-hamster @thebrightdallas @thehamsterscage @thevixxforest @thisisjustforfunval @thumbeli-n-a @tkwn @tkwns @tteonajimara
V - Z @vevovixx @vexxedbyvixx @v-i-double-xx @vixxeroni @v-i-x-x-gifs @vixxgot7shineecats @vixx-keo @vixxland @vixxleoo @vixx-me-up @vixxmyheart @vixx-mylight @vixx-network @vixxnews @vixx-n-somniac @vixxotic @vixx-otps @vixx-oxo @vixxravi3 @vixxravilover @vixxrose @vixxsheaux @vixxss501 @vixx-starlightsftw @vixx-syndrome @vixxtastic90 @vixx-therapy @vixxthetrollband @vixxti @vixxvoodookitty @voodoostarlight @wakeup-tolife @whateverkpop @whitesnowwolf @won-jae-jinbiased @wonscronch @wonshik-jpg @wonshiks-tiddy @wonsik-chic @wonsiks-hamster-taek @wontaektv @wontheshik @wordstosaytojungtaekwoon @xxinkeyxx @yehet-me-up @yeonjungs-red-blazer
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
A Dangerous Game (Suho Mafia!au fic) Chapter 3 - The Document
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Warnings: mentions of human trafficking 
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14, Ch. 15(M), Ch. 16, Ch. 17(M), Ch. 18, Ch. 19, Ch. 20, Ch. 21, Ch. 22, Bonus Chapter  
The next few days I spent alone for the most part. Junmyeon and the others were trying to figure out how the location for the “casino” got leaked to the police; were they being watched...or did someone give up the location. Even when someone did come to the penthouse, I was all but ignored.
It was fine really, I was used to being invisible to the people around me and besides me having to run from cops, most of what was going on really didn’t concern me.
“How are your feet?” someone questioned, causing me to jump.
“Wha?” I questioned turning and looking at Junmyeon who was standing there, shirt partially unbuttoned, looking like he had just gotten out of the shower.
“How are your feet?” he asked again.
“Oh, uh...better,” I replied, “When did you get back?”
“I got back around the time the main love interest was confessing his feeling to the girl,” he replied, buttoning up his shirt before moving on to his tie, “You must’ve been real focused on that drama not to even hear me come in.”
“What can I say...it’s a good one....” I said, slightly embarrassed. In actuality I hadn’t really been watching it, more like staring at the TV lost in my own little world.
“I guess you’ll be able to keep yourself entertained then,” he said, going over and checking himself in the mirror, “I won’t be back tonight, you know the alarm code. If you absolutely need anything call one of the guys and see if they’re in their apartments down below.”
“I won’t need anything,” I said.
He shrugged his shoulders before heading to the elevator. “Fine, just remember to lock up.”
“Do you think after what happened at the poker game he’ll still be willing to hand over the document?” Chanyeol questioned.
“He had no qualms about losing the other night...if he doesn’t want to give it up just because of the fact that there isn’t a poker game involved, then we’ll resort to other means,” Junmyeon said, before exciting the car and heading into the office building, Chanyeol close behind.
Once in he gave his name to the receptionist who proceeded to flirt with him after she hung up the phone from calling and letting the man from the poker game.
“That’s very kind of you,” he said, sighing. Normally he would be more than happy to indulge the young lady and her eye batting and compliments. It was one of those days where he just wasn’t in the mood to play along. “.....I’m sorry, but I’m engaged.”
She looked at his hands before looking back at him, her lip curled up into a scowl. “You don’t have to lie, if you aren’t interested just tell me.”
“I’m not lying, and I’m not interested,” he stated.
“You don’t even have a ring on,” she said, “If you’re gonna lie at least make it a good one.”
She sat down in a huff and he just rolled his eyes. ‘Lie? Oh, sweetheart, if only you knew.’
The door behind the receptionist desk opened and the man from the poker game stepped out. “Suho, I was wondering when you would get here...did you not bring that lovely fiance of yours? What a pity.”
At those words the receptionist’s jaw dropped and Junmyeon looked over at her. “I’ll keep the disrespect that you showed between us...do it again...and you might be out of a job, got it?” She nodded and he headed to the office, Chanyeol following.
Closing the door behind them the man walked around to the other side of the large desk and took a seat. “I figure you’re not here for a long chat....”
“The document,” Junmyeon stated.
“Now tell me why I would give you something that I never actually lost,” the man said, “Sure I was down a little ways in the cash department, but I never actually lost.”
“You’re in real estate, correct?” Junmyeon questioned, in an almost mocking tone.
“Big real estate...” Chanyeol said, as he leaned against the sideboard flipping through a pamphlet, “Nice beach house.”
“Does anyone know that some of those houses when they aren’t ‘new builds’, were used for not only your escort services, but housing your prostitutes before they were shipped off to work in brothels or sold to the highest bidder?”
The man leaned back in his chair stone faced as he listened to Junmyeon speak.
“I wonder what would happen if a rumor were to get out about some of the houses you already sold? What do you think Chanyeol?”
“I think there would be people with even more money than you who would want an explanation about their million dollar homes and why there’s a rumor being spread about them being involved in human trafficking,” Chanyeol replied, pulling out a lighter and lighting the pamphlet on fire, “I don’t think business would be very good for you.”
The man was silent for a moment as he sat there staring at the two men. “You’re really trying to rip apart Lee Changsun’s empire aren’t you? First you manage to snag his daughter and...what’s this rumor I’ve been hearing the past few days? Half of his territory...and now you’re doing everything you can to get the legal documentation of his estates. What happened? Did the old man spill his scotch on your precious Westwood suit?”
“That’s exactly it, he’s an old man and his time in the underworld is up,” Junmyeon snapped, “Once he’s out the way it makes room for EXO to climb to it’s rightful place.”
“Don’t act so pompous as to think that just because you might be able to gain Mr. Lee’s territory that that puts you at the front running,” the man said, “I may have struck an initial deal with you, but you aren’t the only one that knows that I’m his real estate investor. I had Kwon Jiyong in here two weeks ago offering cold hard cash for the documents. Lucky for you, I like poker and games of skill and chance more than just money so I told him I would get back to him. Not only that, I’ve been getting a call from Cha Hakyeon every couple of days wanting to chat. You are not the only one vying for that top spot...be lucky you got here first.” The man got up and walked into the back room for a few moments before coming back with a large manila envelope. “Everything you want is in here...now if that’s all you need, I’m sure you can find your way out.”
“I got more than what I came for...more indeed,” Junmyeon said, walking towards the exit.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Baekhyun said, sliding into the kitchen.
Still in my PJs I turned to face him. “Are you usually a bright, sunshine morning person?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Mmm not really...it’s just a good morning, that’s all.”
“Why?” I questioned.
“Cause-ow,” he was cut off by Junmyeon walking in and smacking the back of his head.
“It’s nothing you need to be concerned with,” he stated pouring himself a cup of coffee, “You cook?”
“I taught myself...I generally ate alone and the cooks didn’t like cooking for just one person...so they cooked for my father and his men when he got back and I ate whenever,” I said.
His spoon clanked against the cup as he stirred in his creamer. “What are you making?” he questioned.
“Western breakfast...”
“Hmm...two eggs sunny side up, one of those hash-browns, toast, and bacon...I’ll be in my room,” he said before taking his cup and heading towards the hall.
“Oh me too!” Baekhyun said, only to get his hopes dashed.
“Go back to your apartment Baek...you have work to do,” Junmyeon said before disappearing.
“Aww...no fair,” Baek whined before heading to the elevator.
It felt weird fixing breakfast for someone other than myself, but weird in a good way. No one had ever asked me to cook for them mainly because there was a 5-star chef that was there to cook for them. But Junmyeon asking...okay, well telling me his breakfast order and me making it, there was something that felt good about cooking for someone other than myself.
Finding a tray I placed his food on it and carried it down the hall to his room. “Knock knock,” I said, looking through the open door.
“Come in,” he said, stacking up the papers he was looking at and shoving them in an envelope, “Smells good.”
“Well I hope it’s to your liking...I didn’t know if you liked butter or jam on your toast so i just put a little of both in this little bowl,” I said, as I set the tray on the bed, “When you’re done I can come and get the tray or you can just put it in the kitchen and I’ll do dishes after I’m done eating.”
“I’ll take it out there, thanks,” he replied.
“Mmhmm,” I replied, before leaving for the kitchen. After making my own breakfast, I sat at the island and read the paper. If you know where to look in the paper you will find ways to keep in touch with the underbelly of society. Though I wasn’t involved in my fathers workings and I didn’t wish to be, that doesn’t mean I didn’t every once and a while dive in and seen what people were up too.
Hearing footsteps I bent down a corner of the paper and saw Junmyeon walk in with the tray, plates completely void of food. “It was good, thanks,” he said, “You reading the classifieds?”
“You’re welcome...and yes,” I replied.
“Anything about the poker game?” he questioned.
“There were several mentions of ‘lost roosters’,” I replied.
“Those who lost their money when everyone ran,” he said, “Anything else?”
“I think one is asking if there’s going to be another poker game,” I replied, “FOUND DOG, Name on tag: Chip$, wondering where and when I can return him to his rightful owner.”
He was silent as he listened to this. “I need to make a phone call, excuse me.”
“Um okay...” I said, watching him leave the room. I turned back to the paper and sighed. “Well at least he as something to do....”
To be continued....
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leerang · 7 years
Hey I'm a new starlight (I got shangri-la'd), could you recommend me some vixx blogs to follow if its not too much trouble? (especially hakyeon biased) Thank you!
Hi~! Welcome to hell! :DD And yes, of course! 
@chahakyeo  @chakawaii (this one is not updated anymore, but it’s a good archive of his pics!) @cha-squad @ch-y (+ Ravi) @nxnight @n-chanted @hakyunie @wink-fairy (+ Ken) @fychakyeon 
And some other awesome blogs: @silverdancer @hyukbinnie @royalbins @saltykong @honeyjaehwan @hong-buns @chained-up-taekwoon @at-taekwoons-mercy @ottokaji-vixx @chyogi @xxinkeyxx @smilange @wonsik-chic @wonshiks-tiddy @fxck-vixx @byeolbit @dowonkyungmp3 @kim-wonshiks @kentagion @kenbinnie @aixxu @radamn
Source blogs: @fyeah-vixx @translatedvixx @starlightsgift @paetoi @v-i-x-x-gifs
For the other members (pics/fancams, etc.): @prince-taekwoon @officialjaehwan @bfwonsik @leehongbins @hansanghyuks @justforshik @hongbin-gifs 
OTPs: @fyeah-raken @vixx-otps @fyhyukbin @neo90liners @fytaekbin @fy-navi @fychasang
I’m probably forgetting some, sorry :
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alligatormv · 7 years
Bias Tag ~
tagged by @jae-bummer :D Rules: Write down your top 10 biases and answering the following questions
Biases 1. Bang Yongguk (B.A.P) 2. Yoo Kihyun (Monsta X) 3. Kim Chanmi (AOA) 4. Lee Daehwi (Wanna One) 5. Kim Jongdae/Chen (EXO) 6. Park Jimin (BTS) 7. Park Jihyo (Twice) 8. Cha Hakyeon/N (Vixx) 9. Jo Sojin (9Muses) 10. Jay Park
1. Between 1 & 4 who would you rather kiss?    - do i need to answer x
2. Between 2 & 7 who would be your best friend?    - Probably Jihyo
3. Between 5 & 10 who has a better voice?    - Jongdae @ SM give him the rock solo he deserves
4. Between 1 & 8 who is the funniest?    - i have probably laughed more at Hakyeon in vixxtv than Yongguk in his vlievs tbh ..
5. Between 6 & 9 who would you date?    - ooooooOOOOOOoooooohh this is hard ... going out to a nice Italian restaurant with Sojin sounds amazing .. but hmmm .. i’m gonna go with Jimin to steal his hoodies
6. Between 9 & 10 who would you do a collaboration with?    - um? is doing a hot dance collab with both at once an option?
7. Between 4 & 8 who is the best dancer?    - Hakyeon for his modern dance dh is best in w1 tho 
8. Between 3 & 5 who would you most likely marry?    - hint: their name begins with a ‘CH’
9. Between 1 & 7 who would you nurse when they are sick?    - i.. would choose .. Yongguk.. simply because he lives alone & Jihyo in a dorm
10. Between 2 & 3 who has the better smile?    - listen here.. i can’t ... choose between my angels ... my suns ... Kihyun
11. Between 6 & 8 who would you vacation with?    - i feel like i would get along better with Hakyeon for longer so .. him
Tagging: @choerryblsm, @kotoriminahmi, @kyungiil, @aceyng, @mauloveskpop, @sihyn, & @ptg *^^*
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chakkyeonie · 3 years
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Cha Hakyeon in 어사와 조이
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vixxlovesyou · 7 years
hi, which blogs would you say are the most prominent in the VIXX fandom? a "must-follow" for people who are just getting into VIXX?
hey anon~ this is a quick list of the vixx blogs the admins follow and were recommended [ sorry this took a bit long to respond to because some of them ARE multi fandom ;;; ]
@wontaek @hakyeonicorn @sprouthyuk @ch-y @hyuksmovingcastle @hansangboob @minialbum @hansanghyuked @2jhw @hyuk-tho @burnt-enough-starlight @whyukawaii @reila-ravkong @chasang @jaehwans-thighs @vixx-otps @vixxvixxfallinlove @taekwooniverse @baldravi @wontaec @wonhosflower @tvixx @nxnight @huntingfire2001 @fairy-taekwoon @chained-up-taekwoon @cinnamon-roll-leo @calemiel @rapperravioli @minty-woo @fyeah-vixx @hakyeon-go-go @tranquies @starlightsgift @starlightingly @cha-squad @cha-latte @kenbinnie @chkyeon @babytaekwoon @incorrectvixx @officialoldtexan @at-taekwoons-mercy @fxck-vixx @vixxfacts @bunny-hyuk @royalbins @sailorjaehwan @saltykong @brekineee @smilange @mlmtaekwoon @hyuks-pink-turtleneck @dyeob @90jtw @leos-starlit-smile @hong-buns @chasassyeon @starlight-vixxen @forever-vixx @leojuseyo @looksatgirlsliketheyarecake @shit-vixx-say @achahakyeon @ravb1t @bfwonsik @ilovebravegirls @4hyuk @i-wontaek-your-shit @wonsiks-hamster-taek @wonsik-chic @vixxtastic90 @rav-squad @honeyjaehwan @thisisjustforfunval @aceseph @cactus-bin @chyogi @cursedvixx @gothsik @hansanghyuked @fyhaken @monochromatic-vixx @hyukgifs @buggdraws @taekswoons @hemoglobiniseverywhere @jongtaekwoon @jaehwansus @chanhyuk @paetoi @hansanghyuks @n-chanted @n-the-giraffe @cha-inyeon
- admin cha-schire
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ottokaji-vixx · 7 years
Hello! I'm a new follower and I'm in need of new blogs to follow;; can you recommend me some good vixx (and other groups if possible) blogs to follow? [ OTX(Number of members), Member, ENG Translation, OTPs, GIF / Edit makers, Rap / Vocal / Dance lines, Maknae / Hyung / Eonnie lines, Birth year lines etc etc etc ] Thanks in advance!
hi, hello~!! and yeah, of course~! (most of these blogs are ot6, but i want to categorise them according to their biases)
gif/edit makers = ♥ *my vixx gif makers recommendation post*      source blogs = ★
!!! translations: @fyeah-vixx & @starlightsgift !!!
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cha hakyeon / n (@.@) :
@bottomhakyeon, @chahakyeo ♥, @chakawaii ★, @cha-squad, @ch-y +( /ㅁ\ ) ♥, @destroy-hakyeon, @hakyeons ♥, @hakyunie ♥, @hyde-leo-from-n, @nxnight ♥, @shit-vixx-say+(ㅇㅅㅇ) ♥, @tranquies ♥, @vixx-syndrome♥, @wink-fairy+(ㅇㄴㅇ)
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jung taekwoon / leo (ㅇㅅㅇ):
@aclockworkleo +( ‘ㅅ’ ), @at-taekwoons-mercy +( /ㅁ\ ) ♥, @chained-up-taekwoon ♥, @coffeeprinceleo, @coffee-taekwoon, @darkest-angels +(ㅇㄴㅇ)+( ‘ㅅ’ ) ♥, @jaetaeks, @jongtaekwoon ♥, @lattefairy +( /ㅁ\ ), @phoenix-vixx-fire ♥, @prince-taekwoon ★, @smilange +(ㅇㄴㅇ ) ♥, @smilingtaekwoon, @taek-danada +( ㅡwㅡ) ♥, @taek-squad, @taekswoons, @taekwoonies ♥, @wonsiks-hamster-taek ♥, @xxinkeyxx ♥, @yuu-jin
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lee jaehwan / ken  (ㅇㄴㅇ):
@fan-girl-zone ♥, @fyken ★, @hong-buns +( ㅡwㅡ) +idk/VIXX ♥, @jaehwanswife, @kennocchio, @kensshine +( /ㅁ\ ), @leejaehwan, @naehwan, @officialjaehwan ★
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kim wonsik / ravi  (/ㅁ\ ) :
@19930215 ★, @bfwonsik ★, @fluffsik, @gothshik +(ㅇㅅㅇ), @justforshik ★, @kimwonstop, @rapperravioli, @ravbin ♥, @ravinglunashik, @ravsik ♥, @rav-squad, @taekmyravioli +(ㅇㅅㅇ), @the-love-equation-has-n-error, @wonsik-chic, @wontaec +(ㅇㅅㅇ) ♥, @wontaektv +(ㅇㅅㅇ) ♥, @wowshik
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lee hongbin / hongbin ( ‘ㅅ’ ) :
@hongbeanbong, @hongbin-gifs♥, @hongbyn♥, @hugbin♥, @kongsook♥, @kong-tv, @leehongbins★, @reila-ravkong +( /ㅁ\ ), @royalbins♥, @saltykong+( ㅡwㅡ ) ♥
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han sanghyuk / hyuk (ㅡwㅡ) :
@baldravi+( /ㅁ\ ), @chyogi★, @fyeahhyuk★, @hansanghyuked♥, @hansanghyuks★, @hyuk-squad, @sangthyug♥, @sprouthyuk♥, @taekhyuks, @vixxmyheart♥,
otps/ot6 :
@fuckyeahkenbin(ㅇㄴㅇ)+( ‘ㅅ’ ), @fychasang (@.@)+(ㅡwㅡ) ♥, @fyeah-raken ( /ㅁ\ )+(ㅇㄴㅇ) ♥, @fyleohyuk (ㅇㅅㅇ)+(ㅡwㅡ) ♥, @fywontaek (ㅇㅅㅇ)+( /ㅁ\ ) ♥, @kenbinnie (ㅇㄴㅇ)+( ‘ㅅ’ )♥, @keoimnida (ㅇㄴㅇ)+(ㅇㅅㅇ), @kim-ghost-sik ( /ㅁ\)+VIXX ♥, @neo90liners (@.@)+(ㅇㅅㅇ) ♥, @paetoi (ot6), @vixx-otps (ot6) ♥, @v-i-x-x-gifs (ot6)
+ @thevixxforest ♥, (please tell me ur bias ;-;)
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nxnight · 7 years
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matchy matchy ♡✧。 (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
Tagged by: @vixxeroni ♡ (thank you bbyyyyy YOU’RE GORGEOUSSSS ❤︎)
imma tag @tranquies @achahakyeon @wonsik-chic @taek-danada @ch-y @hansanghyuked @starlightingly @burnt-enough-starlight @hakyeon-go-go @bigseuegsobtob @sangshik @wontaec @cha-latte @fxck-vixx @hyuks-pink-turtleneck 🙈  (hope y’all lovely mutuals don’t mind me tagging you 👉🏻👈🏻  ♡♡♡ i just wanna see your pretty faces <333 you can skip this if you don’t wanna do it~!!! ❤︎)
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i’m going to dig a hole now; bye guys 👋🏻🕳👋🏻
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roses-and-absinthe · 7 years
Ch.1 Cha Hakyeon
“Hakyeon,” I whisper, my heart beating furiously in my chest.
I feel his smile and his hand comes up to my hair, pulls my head to the side and plunges his teeth into my neck.
“Aah!” My body tenses at the sensation of his lips on my neck, his tongue lapping at the blood spilling from my veins.
“Hakyeon!” Taekwoon calls out. Hakyeon ignores him, his hand tangled firmly in my hair, holding my head steady. He finally pulls away, still smiling. He turns me around, plants a kiss on my lips before I let myself fall unconscious.
A ringing pierces my ears, jolting me awake. My head throbs, pulsing behind my eyes. I look around the unfamiliar room I’m in. The shades are drawn, blocking the sun that has risen. The door suddenly opens and in walks Hakyeon.
Suddenly, everything comes rushing back: the blood, the eyes, the teeth; everything. My heart skips a beat as I stare at him, remembering the ruthlessness with which he turned me into his food. Quickly, I scramble out of the bed and to the opposite side of the room, wanting nothing more than to stay as far away from him as possible.
“Jagi, don’t be like that,” he said quietly.
Taking a deep breath, I said, “What, scared? How could I not? You… You drank from me!” I clench my fists, trying to keep myself from shaking. “What the hell am I doing here?”
“I don’t know where you live,” he replied simply. He took a step closer, his eyes never leaving me, his hands raised as if to show he meant no harm. Not being able to help myself, I pressed myself against the wall. If I could have, I would have escaped through it. Alas, I couldn’t.
“Let me go,” my voice shook.
“I’ll take you ho-”
His eyes narrow, lips pursed, contemplating what to do next. Regarding me closely, he nodded. “Fine. I still expect you at practice.” With that, he turned, leaving the door open.
Slowly making my way to it, I glanced around to make sure he wasn’t going to pop out at me. The coast clear, I quickly find my way out to the door. Finding my shoes in the foyer, I slip into them and am out the door as fast as I can.
I was halfway home when I realized I didn’t have my backpack. “Shit,” I muttered. There was no way in hell I was going back. My keys were in it, as well as everything else I needed to go to practice. I didn’t want anyone to know what happened and if they showed up with it, it would raise questions. That was not an option. Groaning, I sullenly turn around. Dreading seeing him again, I retraced my footsteps back to their building.
I stood outside the door for a good five minutes before it opened, Wonshik holding the handle and looking at me expectantly. My eyes widened, remembering that he was a… Vampire. A vampire like Hakyeon, like the rest of them.
“Breathe,” he said. He made no move, just watched me silently as I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.
“Did you want something?”
“I, uh.. I-I forgot my backpack.. Is it here?” I managed to stutter out.
“Yeah, hang on.” He walked away, opened the closet, and came back holding my backpack. He held it out for me to grab but I just looked at it in his hand. Sighing, he set it on the threshold and said, “I’m not going to eat you.”
I scowled. “Poor choice of words. If I remember correctly, you were the one who said you hadn’t had human blood in a while,” I spat. Quickly grabbing my backpack, I turned for the elevator, ignoring his apologies as the doors closed.
Finally arriving home, I throw all my clothes off and find that the collar of the gray t-shirt I was wearing had crusted blood. “Shit.” I continue to stare at it as I wander to the bathroom. Inspecting my neck in the mirror, I ask myself, “what have gotten myself into?” Finding the small puncture wounds with the tips of my fingers, my hands clench into fists.
Anger flushes my veins and I slam my fists against the counter. Breathing heavily, I start the shower and scrub myself until I feel raw. Stepping out, I wrap myself in a towel and find more workout clothes to wear to practice. I manage to eat something before heading out again, hair hardly dry. I run into Mikyung along the way. Noticing my irritability, she asks what’s wrong.
“Just my period. Cramps,” I lie. Nodding, she chats away, letting her keep me distracted as we make our way to the practice room. Taking a deep breath, I stroll in, act as though nothing has happened between me and the members.
Hakyeon is nowhere to be found. Setting my backpack down, I begin to stretch.
“Y/N-ah, can I speak with you?” Hakyeon says from the door.
My heart skips a beat and I turn to face him. Nodding, I follow him out the door. He leads me down an empty hallway and stops to face me.
“Can I help you?” I ask venomously.
“Be nice,” he scolds. “I just wanted to make sure you’re ok. Wonshik said you came back.”
“For my backpack. I wasn’t there to see you again,” lowering my voice, hoping that no one would hear us talking like his. Our past encounters had been polite, friendly even, but after yesterday, my impression of them changed. “I figure I’m probably the first person to know about… This,” I motion to my teeth, “in a while so I’m guessing this is about you wanting me to act like nothing happened.”
He pressed his lips together and nodded, never taking his eyes from me. “Very smart of you to think like that,” he says quietly.
I roll my eyes. I’m not stupid, geez. “Can I get back to stretching? You’ve said yourself it’s better to stretch before practicing,” I tell him politely, already trying to forget this conversation.
I turn on my heel and swiftly walk away from him. Little did I know that this was just the beginning.
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fictionalarsonist · 4 years
inconspicuous bad apples - m.list
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pairing ›_taekwoon ⨯ reader ⨯ hakyeon feat. ›_ vixx wonshik ; vixx jaehwan ; vixx hongbin ; got7 jinyoung ; cha minjoo (child oc) content ›_angst ; murder ; police au ; serial killer au ; mature language ; smoking ; drinking ; violence ; blood ; age gap relationship ; divorce ; pining rating ›_pg-13
「 ao3 | mobile m.list 」
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premise ›_ Hakyeon was still in college while you were in the police academy when all of it started. You’ve always loved him despite posing as a friend for quite a while, so when he asked you out on a date, you had your answer ready, on the tip of you tongue. Being the brazen, fearless girl everyone always took you for Hakyeon knew you wouldn’t be intimidated by his folks or the way his friends shook their heads. As long as you love each other... Right?
[ ch.01 | ch.02 | ch.03 | ch.04 | work in progress ] 
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chained-up-taekwoon · 6 years
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Hello everyone!!! I reached 5000 followers! 😊 Thank you for your support and love! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I love you all and I hope we have fun this Christmas 🎅🎄🎁
A - F
@achahakyeon @alovelystarlight @amaltamale-blog @angeltheangelsangel@animeart17kpop @animeotaku08 @animeotakupooh @around-vixx @asianpoprockstar @ayoghosty @baekhyun-my-king @banannamilk @beanhongbin @beautiful-lair-1990 @bigseuegsobtob@bikksu @blackmamma1110 @boopshik @brekineee @brieannakeogh @bunny-hyuk @burnt-enough-starlight @chahakyeo @chahakyeonn @cha-inyeon @chalight @chasassyeon @chavixx @cha-yoni @cheondae @ch-y @chyogi @cinnamon-roll-leo @coffeeprinceleo @coffee-prince-leo @cookiekpoplover23 @cuddlehakyeon @diciana @danger06 @darkest-angels @darkfoxvixx @darknesskai @destroy-hakyeon @diamondacequeen @dimpledjookyun @dokyuml @1eohyuk​ @eikaaprincess @elializareli @elisastarlight @elletastic96 @elvencantation @enyze @estrellada66 @fairy-taekwoon @fixxofvixx @forever-vixx @fywontaek @fychakyeon @fyhyuken @fthyung
G  - K
@gothshik @galaxymagick @game-set-leo @german-vixx-leo-fan @goldenrose95 @gotvixxtheofficial @gotxx @gyeoulsoldat @hadeshik @hakyeon-etc @hakyeon-go-go @hakyeonsass @hakyeons-fabulous-forehead @halfmoon6748 @hamjisinset @hansanghulk @hansanghyuked @hansanghyuks @hellojungleo @hemoglobiniseverywhere @honeyjaehwan @hongbin-gifs @hong-buns @hongqueen @hongtits @hugbin @huntingfire2001 @hush-haveuseenher @hyukgifs @hyvked @ilyhakyeon @i-love-vixxxx @jaehwans-thighs @jongtaekwoon @joycabildo24 @jrocklover90 @jsungie @juliasaucedo16 @jung-taekrude @justbeingmerightnow2 @just-leo001 @jyanibin @kimseoulhoe @katana-katakana @kenbinnie @kenihavehongbin @kenikme @killthedemoninsideyou @kim-wonshik-killed-me @kingravi @kitty-bunny-light-me-up @kokiri-heart @kongsook @kpopfangirljunkie @k-ws @kyunmyeon
L - Q
@lalalalattetherapy @lattefairy @leehongbins @leejaehwan @lee-jhwan @le-ken @leocasso @leoguni @leoismylion @leolegs @leo-nardo-di-taekwoon @leo-starlights @lightupthedarkness @lovehishigi @lovehyuks @lovelovelylaurita @lovetaeangle @lovethyfandoms2 @meandmyselfdandthewholeworld @mamastarlight @manhyokkie @marianne-in-wonderland @mcrkilljoy11 @merlionmen @minialbum @monchoi @monochromatic-vixx @monsymptoms @mostly-vixx @ms-starlight @mychennyjams @mycutekendoll @mystery-vixx @n-chanted @neo90liners @nn6vhtjwhs @n-the-giraffe @nurulhnny04 @nxnight @officialjaehwan @ohsvhuns @omg-leo-mmmm @omgods @onlyutaekwoon @optimistdolphin @ottokaji-vixx @3ouncesofwhoopass @picknvixx @passionatemelodies @phoenix-vixx-fire @princewonsik @pvtshame @queenchahakyeon
R - U
@rayn-eedae @rabbit-ravi @rabinnies @rapperravioli @ravenclawprincess-vixx-b1a4 @ravisass @ravishingvixx @ravi-the-crack-kidz @redbeans93 @reila-ravkong @robochorom @royalbins @saltykong @say-vixx-say-me @seokjins-wings @shit-vixx-say @smile-for-me-taekwoonie @smol-syacho @softleo @softmh @softseong @sprouthyuk @squish-k-yungsoo @starcyrcle @starlight220 @starlight-9298 @starlightarcher @starlightdream-1310 @starlightkat24 @starlight-star-bright-marlena @starlightvi @starlight-vixxen @studyofmemories @sunshinelollipopsandyoungjae @sweet-cup-of-kpop @sweet-morningdew @sxkurx-fxlling @sylvandreams @taek-a-chance @taekbaby @taek-danada @taekmefaraway @taekmetothestars @taekmetothewoon @taekmyravioli @taek-my-soul @taek-n-starlight @taekovermyheart @taekswoons @taekwinkle @taekwonieeee @taekwoohyun @taekwoonslight @taekwxon @taekyourhand @tae-mint @taeqwoon-ah @taliavixx @that-damn-hamster @thebrightdallas @thehamsterscage @thevixxforest @thisisjustforfunval @thumbeli-n-a @tkwn @tkwns @tranquies @tteonajimara @tvixx 
V - Z
@vevovixx @v-i-double-xx @vixxeroni @v-i-x-x-gifs @vixxgot7shineecats @vixx-is-senpai @vixx-keo @vixxland @vixxleoo @vixxmyheart @vixx-mylight @vixxnews @vixx-n-somniac @vixxotic @vixx-otps @vixx-oxo @vixxravi3 @vixxravilover @vixxrose​ @vixxsheaux​ @vixxss501​ @vixx-starlightsftw​ @vixxstv​ @vixx-syndrome​ @vixxtastic90​ @vixx-therapy​ @vixxthetrollband​ @vixxti​ @vixxvoodookitty​ @voodoostarlight​ @wakeup-tolife​ @whateverkpop​ @whitesnowwolf​ @won-jae-jinbiased​ @wonshik-jpg​ @wonshiks-tiddy​ @wonsik-chic​ @wonsiks-hamster-taek​ @wontaec​ @wontaek @wontaektv @wontheshik @wuheon @xxinkeyxx @yehet-me-up @yeonjungs-red-blazer
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chakkyeonie · 3 years
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#the real favourite is all five (insp)
Cha Hakyeon and a few of his acting roles....
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