#Chadwick gates
sissylittlefeather · 4 months
Watched Blue Hawaii tonight, so naturally, have some gifs.
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Tell me not to pay for higher quality gifs 😂
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seredelgi · 2 years
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Elvis Presley in “Blue Hawaii” (1961) + Angela Lansbury
297 notes · View notes
headfullofpresley · 2 years
Under the Hawaiian Sun
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Pairing: Chadwick Gates (Elvis Presley) x reader
Word count: 7,6K
Summary: You and Chadwick have been best friends ever since you could remember but after the two of you added some benefits to the relationship, neither of you have the guts to confess your true feelings.
Warning(s): smut; thigh riding, public sex, fwb vibes, mutual pining i guessss, jealous/a lil petty reader, a lil bit of angst, movie spoilers, usage of lines from the movie (judge me, idc!), does follow most of the plot of the movie but obv not everything.
Author’s note: i’m helplessly in love with chadwick and i ain’t ashamed to admit it. there will be a part two to this, i won’t let you guys hangin’ like this ;) enjoy my luvs! <3
Before you read: A Luau is a Hawaiian party/feast accompanied by forms of entertainment. The word ‘’Pupule’’ means ‘’crazy/mad/insane’’ and ‘’Wikiwiki’’ means ‘’to hurry; fast, quick’’.
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There was no other place in the world where you’d rather be than Hawaii. Having been born in the tropical state, you were naturally biased as this was your home, but the person that made it even more feel like home was your best friend, Chadwick Gates. When it came to you and Chad, most people around you were convinced you were made for each other and would get married and have children sooner or later─the whole shebang. You didn’t blame anyone for thinking so since you and Chad acted like an old married couple most of the time already, and you had been tangled up in his sheets more times than you’d like to admit to anyone, but you and your best friend hadn’t put any labels on it. And you had no idea if you ever would.
You knew Chadwick was a ladies man and a free spirit at heart, so when he enlisted into the military and was away in Europe for two years, you knew he wasn’t sitting pretty in his room whenever he had free time, waiting by the phone for you to call. You hated thinking about how he was probably all over any pretty little thing that looked his way and how you were definitely not on his mind in those moments, maybe not even at all, but you didn’t exactly have the right to say anything about it. Yes, you were definitely green with jealousy, but you were not a couple. You didn’t belong to him and he unfortunately didn’t belong to you.
On the day he would be arriving back in Hawaii, you were up before the sun would even rise. You didn’t waste a second longer in bed and took a long shower, putting more effort in your outfit, hair and make-up than usual. You hadn’t changed that much in the two years Chad was gone, but you still wanted to make sure he’d have to do a double take when seeing you.
All your fantasies and daydreams about his arrival back home were shattered right in front of your eyes when the doors of the plane opened and you saw your best friend sticking his tongue down some blonde stewardess’ mouth. You knew what he was like, knew all of his antics and tricks he used to get under your skin, and he had you right where he wanted to. He was looking right at you while kissing her, a grin on his face when you crossed your arms and rolled your eyes, turning away from the scene. He pulled back from the kiss and laughed softly to himself, picking up his bags before he ran down the stairs and you turned back around, though instead of facing him, you raised your chin and looked the other way.
‘‘Hey honey, I’m hooomeeee,’’ he sang tauntingly, his grin only growing wider at the way you were acting as he looked down at you.
‘‘I’d welcome you home but I’m not speaking to you,’’ you told him as you pushed away his arms when he was going in for a hug, turning around and walking away from him. You couldn’t get very far as he was hot on your trail, getting in front of you as he dropped his bags to the ground and gently grabbed your shoulders, that stupid grin still on his face. When you looked at him, you noticed how there was a playful twinkle in his eyes─one that would always swim in there when he was messing with you.
‘‘I was only messin’ with you,’’ he laughed and even though you weren’t really mad at him, you were still jealous and he knew it. This man knew you better than you knew yourself, could never hide anything from him. Well, most of the time. He was still completely oblivious to your feelings and how embarrassingly head over heels you were for him.
‘‘You knew I’d be waiting for you!’’ you exclaimed annoyed, frowning your eyebrows as you tried to keep up the angry act, but he didn’t miss the way your lips pouted a little. ‘‘Why did you kiss that girl?’’ you mumbled, surprising yourself with the question. You and him could talk about everything, about any topic─whether it was about something completely random and pointless, or about deeper things. Well, other than the feelings you both carried for each other. But you felt a little silly asking this now, because it made you sound jealous and even though he already was well aware of your jealousy, you didn’t want to just blatantly admit it.
‘‘It was easy,’’ he blurted out, shrugging his shoulders a little. You widened your eyes a little, heat rushing to your cheeks in embarrassment as you twisted away from him, but he pulled you back, keeping you in front of him. ‘‘I-I-I mean.. you call that a kiss?’’ He stuttered, his voice falling back into its smooth and confident state so easily that the stutter didn’t even register in your ears. You let out a huff but before you could once more try to sneak your way out of his grip, he had pressed his lips softly against yours and you felt butterflies flutter hysterically in the pit of your tummy.
You had been in this position, and others that involved way less clothing, so many times before he was shipped off to Europe but it made your knees grow weak every time. You tried not to think about how it probably meant absolutely nothing to him, not this kiss and not all the other ones. You were completely and stupidly oblivious to the feelings Chadwick Gates had for you.
Pulling back, his tongue made another appearance by swiping over his lower lip before he gave you a smug smirk. ‘‘Now that’s a kiss,’’
You tried to give him an angry glare, but honestly, he had already cracked you within the five minutes he had stepped off of that damned plane. You could never stay mad at Chad for long, not even during an argument, but those luckily never lasted long. They’d always be about small and petty things too, he had never done anything that got you so riled up you couldn’t stand the sight of him anymore. You had a weak spot for him, wanted to be around him every second of the day if you could.
‘‘Oh, how I want to slap your face so badly right now,’’ you hummed as you squinted your eyes at him, making him let out a laugh as his thumbs caressed your bare shoulders. ‘‘Now that’s no way to greet your best friend, is it?’’ he wiggled his eyebrows playfully and you rolled your eyes, not able to bite back a laugh as you slapped his arm. ‘‘Alright soldier, you win,’’ you sighed theatrically, a grin appearing on your own face now as you put the lei that had been hanging on your arm around his neck, your eyes meeting his.
‘‘Welcome home,’’ you told him, this time without the jealousy and hint of annoyance lingering on your tongue. The stewardess was already forgotten─after all, you’d be the one leaving the airport with him and she’d be left behind, jetting off to another state or country and you’d finally have your best friend all to yourself again. He pulled you closer by your shoulders he was still holding onto and kissed your lips and then your cheek, reaching down to his bags before he swung his arm around you and tugged you away from the plane.
‘‘You don’t want to drive?’’ You asked him as he threw his bags on the backseat of his red 1960 MGA Convertible, jumping in the passenger seat before you even had the chance to hand him the keys. After all, it was his car but he made you promise him with your hand on your heart that you would take care of his baby during the two years he was gone. ‘‘Uh-uh, I’m fine right here,’’ he grinned as he hung one arm out of the vehicle, slipping the other one behind you as you got behind the wheel. ‘‘That plane ride took hours, I need to rest my little head,’’ he feigned a yawn, rolling his head back as you rolled your eyes and laughed softly, driving away from the airport and onto the public road.
You turned the radio up a little, making him rise his head again and he looked at you with a smile on his face─he took in every detail of your face he had to miss so much in those two years. You hadn’t changed much, you were still as pretty as you were when he left but there was.. something about you. Granted, there always had been. Just like you had a weak spot for him, he had one for you as well. He wasn’t sure how you two managed to slip past the terrority of just friends, but he was happy that it happened. Before going away, he had been all tangled up in his feelings and while confessing them like any other normal person would had been on his mind, he kept his mouth shut. He was afraid that things would change between you and him as soon as you’d put a label on whatever you two had going on. While he loved you more than anything and you were one of the few people he truly trusted with his whole heart, you were still his best friend. If you would reject him, for whatever reason, he had no idea if he'd ever get over it. Maybe part of him would rather live with his feelings in silence than losing you completely.
His hand reached out to your shoulder, fingertips dancing against your warm skin and when you turned your head to look at him and smiled happily, he could’ve sworn his heart stopped beating for a second. The way you were looking at him, the way your hair was dancing in the wind… you were goddamn near ethereal.
‘‘You sure kept them both in good shape,’’ he said as you were looking ahead at the road again and you raised an eyebrow, laughing softly. You could guess what he meant by ‘both’, but you liked teasing him just as much as he liked to tease you, and you wanted to hear him say it. ‘‘Both?’’ You asked, trying to sound clueless, but your smile was betraying you. Still, he played along.
‘‘Your body and that of my car,’’ he said with a laugh and when you looked at him again, his eyes were wandering down your chest to your bare sunkissed thighs. Rolling your eyes, you shook your head a little and laughed, looking at the road again in hopes he didn’t see the heat rushing to your face. ‘‘Pupule,’’
‘‘I’ll show you who’s crazy. Step on it, baby!’’ he laughed excitedly and you were happy to oblige, pressing your foot down harder on the gas pedal to bring him home. You couldn’t wait for life to start falling in its normal pace again, meeting up with Chad pretty much every day and unfortunately, having to face his very annoying mother whenever you’d come over. It was worth having to listen to her blabbering if it meant you could stay close to her son.
Chadwick on the other hand had other ideas and reached his hands out to the wheel, steering to the right to take a turn off of the main road. ‘‘Chad!’’ You yelled in shock, looking at him with wide eyes as your fingertips clenched around the wheel and he just laughed, sitting back down as you managed to get the car under control again. ‘‘I’m not going home now. Wikiwiki, to the beach,’’ he grinned as he bit his lip, raising both eyebrows at you suggestively and playfully before he turned up the volume of the radio even higher and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a laugh. You still did as told though, making your way to the small beach you and him had claimed as your secret hang out spot. It wasn’t swarmed with tourists and rarely visited by locals─the perfect place for you and Chadwick to have privacy.
You let the vehicle come to a stop right next to the little hut on the beach, killing the engine as you looked at Chadwick. He was already out of the car and grabbing his bags, eager to get out of his military clothing and into the water. ‘‘Chad, don’t you want to go home and see your parents? We can go for a swim later today,’’ you asked as you looked at him, your hands still on the wheel and he shook his head determinedly, closing the car door with his hip. ‘‘Definitely not, baby. I just got back, I want to have some time for myself before I get bombarded with questions and they start plannin’ my future the way they want to,’’
You sighed and opened the door, getting out of the car to walk around it and stand in front of him. You placed your hands on his chest─nothing about it was sexual in any way, but it still made goosebumps arise on Chad’s skin, despite the heat of the island.
‘‘M-Maybe I’ll just stay here for a while,’’ he said, nodding his head to the hut and you frowned, shaking your head.
‘‘C’mon, Chad. You’re not gonna stay here! You’ve got a beautiful house in Kahala and a family,’’ you reminded him, as if he didn’t already know. He sighed as he rolled his eyes, stepping away from you to walk further onto the sand, dropping his bags on the few steps that led up to the hut.
‘‘For the whole time I was overseas, I got a letter from my folks every week reminding me of my beautiful home and my beautiful future in my dad’s beautiful pineapple business,’’ he said theatrically as he looked back at you when you were in front of him again, hands on your hips. You knew how he felt about his parents wanting him to follow into his fathers’ footsteps─the idea of it made him want to gag. He was often very stubborn and smug about it, telling anyone who’d ask that it definitely wasn’t happening, but you knew how it frustrated him to no end because he was unsure about his future. He cried to you about it before and you’d hold him in your arms, telling him he could be and do anything he wanted in the world and he believed it. He always believed you.
‘‘And the more they reminded me, the more I knew I couldn’t come back here with the rest of my life laid out for me,’’ he sighed, his shoulders slumping a little and you gave him a sympathetic smile, squeezing his bicep softly. ‘‘I wanna do things on my own, make something of myself,’’
‘‘You’ve been feeling this way for a long time, Chad. You have to tell them eventually,’’ you said, trying to ignore how firm his bicep felt under your palm. Calm down, Y/N─you’re comforting your friend, now is not the time to think unholy thoughts about him. Chadwick barely noticed the inner battle you had going on.
‘‘I will!’’ He said matter of factly, making you raise your eyebrows. He definitely wouldn’t.
‘‘When?’’ You shot back at him, raising an eyebrow as you tilted your head a little.
‘‘When the time is right,’’ he grinned, leaning closer in to you and you laughed softly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. ‘‘Please do it fast, Chadwick,’’ you told him, trying to sound stern, but you giggled as he pressed you firm against his chest, tickling your neck with kisses. ‘‘I don’t know how long I can wait for you to grow up,’’ you said playfully, maybe even a little challenging. Chadwick definitely took it as the latter as he pulled back and looked at you, raising an eyebrow. He was about to throw a playful threat at your head but you already pushed him off of you and kicked your heels off in the sand, running closer to the water. You weren’t planning on actually getting in, since you had to go to work soon and wouldn’t have time to go back home to get changed, but Chadwick had other plans.
He ran after you and grabbed your arm, tugging you along into the water, making you scream and gasp. ‘‘No, Chad!’’ You shrieked as he wrapped his arms around your waist, throwing you away from him deeper into the water. You sputtered for a second, gasping with wide eyes as you came back up. You were soaked to the bone, your hair sticking to your face. You were quick as you made your way back to him and before he could get out of the water, you jumped on his back to make him fall, getting your revenge. You laughed devilishly, running out of the water but ofcourse, he was quick to follow.
When he managed to grab your arm and you lost your balance, you took him right along with you onto the sand. He laughed happily as he hovered above you, planting his lips onto yours again. This time, you felt his tongue prodding at your lips and you were quick to gain him access, letting out a deep sigh in his mouth. His hand ran down your side, finding its home on your hip as he shamelessly explored your mouth like he had done so many times before. You never wanted this moment to end but when your boss’ face flashed in front of your closed eyes and you were reminded by how soaked you were by sand sticking to places you’d rather not mention, you pushed him off of you and sat up, laughing a little.
‘‘What’s so funny?’’ He grinned, sitting up with you, his hands trying to tug down the straps of your dress.
‘‘I bought this dress just for today and now it’s completely ruined,’’ you pouted and he pecked your lips.
‘‘You know something? On you, wet is my favorite color,’’
Rolling your eyes, you laughed but placed a hand on his chest to prevent him from leaning in and kissing you again. He grabbed your wrists, trying to fight you off but you managed to get back on your feet, keeping him at bay. ‘‘I really have to go, Chad. I have a job, you know?’’ you grinned playfully, sticking out your tongue as you pulled your dress down a little, visibly cringing by how uncomfortable the wet fabric felt against your skin.
‘‘You can’t,’’ he said simply, getting up from the sand as he placed his hands on his hips, grinning widely and smugly as if he was in on some kind of secret. ‘‘You’re not getting in my car like that,’’ he hummed, walking up the steps to grab his bags. You cursed under your breath as you let your arms hang next to your body, squeezing your eyes shut as you threw your head back. You weren’t about to ruin his car just because you were stubborn and after thinking it over for a few short seconds, you figured that you just couldn’t leave… right? Right?!
Your boss could wait.
‘‘C’mon, I even bought you a bikini and everything,’’ he wiggled his eyebrows when you looked at him again and to you, he wouldn’t even have to say another word to convince you. Bathing suit or not, you would’ve stayed─it wasn’t like you had much of a choice, anyways.
The two piece bathing suit he bought came from Paris and was very… skimpy. Not something you’d usually wear, but since it was just you and Chadwick, you didn’t care much. He had seen you in less.
When you stepped out of the hut after putting it on, his back was turned to you as he stood on the steps, looking at the way the sun sparkled on the clear blue water. He was wearing nothing but little white swimming shorts that hugged his ass perfectly. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t made you want to slap that full ass or sink your teeth into his thighs.
As you cleared your throat and he turned around, the feeling was definitely mutual. He had seen you in swimwear plenty times before, but it got him riled up every time. You posed for him by placing your hands on your hips and raising your chin, a smug grin on your face─the two piece didn’t leave much up to the imagination and he was quick in his movements as he strided toward you, snaking his arms around your waist and pressing you firmly against his chest.
‘‘Don’t you want to swim?’’ You asked him, hoping his answer would be no as you wrapped your arms around him, fingertips playing with his still wet hair.
‘‘Not anymore,’’ He said with that signature smile of his, leaning in to kiss you again before you even had another chance to speak. You weren’t complaining, you’d gladly let Chadwick Gates shut you up at any time of the day.
You hadn’t planned to be in the position you were currently in, but ofcourse Chad had persuaded you as he always did. Your worries about work and Chadwick not going home to his family as he should completely disappeared like snow in the warmth of the winter sun as your best friend’s hands were on your hips, guiding your rhythm as you were shamelessly grinding yourself on his thigh on a public beach. He had pulled out a random chair from inside the hut, sitting down on it as he simply told you to get yourself off on him─after seeing you in that bikini, he just couldn’t hold himself back anymore and while it looked beautiful on you, you looked even better without it. The pieces of fabric were currently laying somewhere on the deck in front of the hut, leaving you completely bare and vulnerable for your best friend to admire. Perhaps you would’ve been a little more shy, but you were so turned on and you were so over the moon about the fact that he was back home, that you simply not gave a damn right now. All you cared about was how he was motivating you to go faster, chasing your high.
‘‘Oh, baby,’’ he hummed, slipping one hand up your side, his large palm perking up your boob by squeezing it softly, leaning forward to swirl the tip of his tongue over your nipple. ‘‘Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,’’ he whispered against your skin and despite the wildness of the water behind you, you heard him perfectly fine and it got you moving even harder on his thigh. The feeling of your clit rubbing against his flexing thigh made it impossible for you to keep quiet and he certainly wasn’t complaining about that, the sound of your moans and whines tightening his already tight shorts.
Your hands flew into his hair as you looked down at him, watching how he was lapping at your nipples, switching between breasts as his other hand joined with squeezing them. He looked up at you, lips tugged into a grin as he flicked his tongue against the sensitive buds before he’d bite and suck on them softly. He kept his eyes on your face the entire time, making you grip onto his locks even harder but he wasn’t bothered by it for a second.
‘‘Oh my God.. Chad,’’ you moaned breathlessly, your hips picking up speed as you were getting so close to coming undone on his freaking thigh. So close you could almost touch it, taste it. He felt it by the way your hips stuttered, faltering in rhythm a little and his hands flew back to your waist as his muscles underneath your flexed harder. His lips found yours, dipping his tongue into your mouth as you hadn’t been able to close your mouth with how you were becoming a moaning and panting mess on top of him more and more by the second. He drank in every sound that rolled off of your tongue and you loosened your grip in his hair, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to push him against you firmly. He let you squeeze him in your embrace as he fed you a moan of himself when he felt your nails digging into his skin, leaving marks behind as you dragged them up his back in between his shoulder blades.
You pulled back from the kiss to gasp for air and moan embarrassingly loud when your orgasm washed over you so deliciously underneath the warmth of the Hawaiian sun. Even though you and Chad weren’t a couple, you hadn’t been intimate with anyone in two years. You hadn’t been intimate with anyone ever since you fucked your best friend, simply because you couldn’t. You couldn’t picture yourself with anyone else other than him anymore and you lied to yourself, telling yourself that he felt the same and hadn’t been with anyone else in the meanwhile either. You figured living a lie was better than have your heart broken.
He was mimicking your facial expressions automatically, but you knew it wasn’t out of mockery. He was so captivated by you and your beauty, especially in a position like this, that he was focused on you and only you. He hadn’t noticed his friends in a rowing boat coming closer to the beach until they were waving and shouting, trying to catch his attention. They were succesful and when he saw them, he widened his eyes and lifted you up from his lap. He quickly got up and grabbed one of the towels he had randomly thrown on the ground, wrapping it around you. You were still a little wobbly on your feet, but as you caught sight of his friends and how close they were getting, you widened your eyes in the same shock and gathered your bikini from the floor, as well as your dress that had mostly dried up in the sun. You moved so quick that it made your head spin─putting on your dress in the hut, throwing the towel into Chad’s direction before you ran over to his car. You threw the bikini and your shoes in the backseat, practically jumping in the vehicle as you started the engine.
‘‘Hey! I don’t get a kiss?’’ He yelled playfully at you, awkwardly holding his towel in front of him to hide his hardened cock that was very visible in his shorts. You blew him a kiss, laughing as you waved at him before you drove off, finally going to work.
You were still reeling from the orgasm you just had, your heart drumming in your ears, but you knew you and Chad would pick up right where you left off upon seeing each other again.
 It took Chadwick a week to go home and face his parents, pretending he had just come home from the military. His father knew his son had been home for longer but knowing how hysterical his wife could get, he kept his mouth shut. Mr. Gates also knew that Chad mostly spend his time with you, so he did not mind it all too much─you were a nice girl. A nice, working girl, who could possibly persuade his son into rolling into the family’s pineapple business. In that week, you did manage to get Chadwick a job, but it certainly wasn’t the type his parents were hoping for. But Chadwick loved it─he knew Hawaii like the back of his hand, so becoming a tour guide seemed only logical to him. It was a business he could see himself growing deeper into and exploring further and when his parents found out nonetheless, he still didn’t give it up.
You liked working together with Chadwick and you thought he was a marvelous tour guide, but you hated yourself for putting Miss Prentice and her four female students in his care. You were too busy to take care of them yourself as you were mostly stuck at the agency with your boss, who lived in his own world most of the time. Sometimes you thought you were the one running this business.
You knew that you didn’t have to be at Chadwick’s appointment with the five ladies tonight, but your jealousy got the best of you so you dressed up in your best dress and made your way to the Island Inn where you knew he’d be to show the girls their first ‘Luau’. You could be totally reaching and overreacting, but you hadn’t missed the way Miss Prentice and her students nearly undressed your best friend with their eyes. Ladies man or not, you weren’t going to let your Chadwick be eaten alive by a bunch of horned up tourists.
As you arrived at the festivities that were held at the Inn, the tourists weren’t hard to spot, wearing lei’s as they sipped their mai-tai’s, probably too drunk to walk straight by the end of the evening. Chadwick immediately spotted you from the small stage he was on, playing his little ukelele as he was entertaining the guests with a song. You always knew he was a good singer and often tried to convince to actually do something with his talent, but he’d always wave you off. He shot you a grin and a wink and you were relieved he didn’t seem annoyed at your presence. You almost felt guilty for coming here, for not trusting him although he didn’t have to explain himself to you in any way, until you walked over to Miss Prentice’s table and saw all of their flirty smiles and dreamy eyes focused on Chad.
‘‘Miss L/N, come sit,’’ Miss Prentice smiled happily as she pulled a chair back out for you and you mustered up your most friendly smile, sitting down. ‘‘I thought you weren’t coming tonight?’’ she questioned and you wondered if that was disappointment that you heard. Instead of attacking the poor woman, you kept your cool and played your part. ‘‘I wasn’t, but Chadwick called me earlier asking me to come,’’ you lied smoothly and she just nodded, placing one of the untouched drinks in front of you.
As Chadwick finished his song and came back to the table, he smiled brightly at you as he leaned down to kiss your cheek before sitting down next to you. ‘‘What are you doing here?’’ he asked in a whisper. His tone was neutral, but to your ears it sounded like something else entirely.
‘‘Why? Do you not want me here?’’ You whispered back hurriedly, looking away from him with a small eye roll, putting your attention back on the girls at the table who were complimenting him on his performance. His hand disappeared underneath your hair, fingertips squeezing the back of your neck softly as he grinned at you. He knew exactly why you were here.
Ellie, one of Miss Prentice’s girls, didn’t seem so supportive and you didn’t miss the way she’d mumble under her breath, throwing annoyed glares Chadwick’s way. You squinted your eyes at her, putting your drink down.
‘‘Is there a problem, miss Corbett?’’ You blurted out before you could stop yourself and Chad squeezed your neck a little harder, silently warning you. He knew you had a bit of a temper at times, especially when it came to him, and he’d usually feel flattered. Hell, he’d even cheer you on when you got into it with someone, but right now you and him were working and the company couldn’t risk to lose a group of tourists. You’d both be fired on the spot. You ignored him, keeping your eyes on the blonde seventeen year old across from you.
‘‘Would you care if there was, miss L/N? You’re not my tour guide,’’ She said nonchalantly, but the tone of her voice obviously hinted that she was challenging you. She even raised a cocky eyebrow, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.
Your nostrils flared a little in anger, muscles tensing and Chadwick suddenly grabbed your hands, laughing as he pulled you up from your seat. ‘‘Let’s dance, you little rascal,’’ he hissed through his teeth, already pulling you to the dance floor before you could protest. You shot Ellie a glare over your shoulder but your attention was pulled back to your best friend as he twirled you around, catching you in his arms.
 ‘‘What’s happening here, Y/N?’’ He questioned, raising an amused eyebrow as he looked down at you, swaying you to the music. You were barely moving along on your own accord, making things a little harder for him. You huffed and looked away from him, your eyebrows tensed with annoyance. He licked his lips, an amused smile falling on his face. ‘‘Are you jealous?’’ He spoke softly as he leaned in closer to you, but it was loud enough for you to hear. You shot your head back in his direction, nearly scoffing in his face. Yes, you were goddamn jealous, but he didn’t need to know that.
‘‘Jealous? Tsk. I wouldn’t know of what,’’ You said, trying to sound casual, having to look away from him again to not raise any suspicion. He already knew you were jealous with how you were practically turning green, but he decided not to expose you. Yet. Instead, he leaned in and kissed your cheek, lips moving dangerously closer to yours and you planted your hands on his chest. ‘‘Chad, we’re working,’’ you hissed as if you hadn’t almost gone head to head with a client a minute ago. He looked over your shoulder, shrugging as he then grinned at you. ‘‘They’re not looking, baby,’’
You sighed and pushed him away, giggling softly. You weren’t in danger or in need for help in any way or whatsoever, but apparently a drunk tourist thought you were and decided to take on the role of your hero. You were pulled out of Chadwick’s arms by a much older man who held onto you, looking at you with dazed eyes.
‘‘Is this man bothering you, sweetie?’’ He slurred, nodding to Chadwick who raised his eyebrows. He knew you could handle yourself, but he was still ready to step in when needed.
‘‘No, sir, he’s not,’’ you said, trying to be polite as you tried to peel his hands off of you. He wouldn’t budge, holding onto you as he squinted his eyes at Chadwick. ‘‘You keep your filthy hands off this young lady!’’
‘‘Hey, I ain’t the one touchin’ her now, am I?’’ Although a question, the comment didn’t come out as one and you heard how his voice dropped an octave or two, sending a chill down your spine. The drunk tourist turned to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his side to take you away from Chadwick. Before your friend could come after you, you pushed the drunk off of you and slapped him across the face. The man gasped in shock, stumbling on his feet a little─drunk or not, he raised his hand, about to hit you but he was stopped as Chadwick grabbed his wrist and landed a punch straight across the man’s jaw. You gasped as the drunk seemed to recover sooner than you would’ve thought, wanting to return the favor to your friend but Chadwick ducked just in time, the man’s fist connecting to a waiter’s nose.
Before you knew it, the Island Inn had turned into utter chaos. People were getting pushed around and slapped left and right, food and drinks flying through the air. Even the musicians and waiters were getting in on it and if you wouldn’t have seen it with your own two eyes, you would never believed how a watermelon was thrown by someone, flying right by your nose. You leaned back, stumbling in Chadwick’s arms and he pulled you down as the same drunk man from before was coming for him again. You grabbed his hand and laughed as you felt adrenaline rushing through your veins, pulling him back to Miss Prentice’s table. Most of the girls were hiding under tables and your eyes fell on Ellie who was joining any fight she could get into. You let go of Chadwick’s hand, striding toward her with a mai-tai in hand.
‘‘Y/N, NO!’’ Chadwick yelled as he ran after you but he was too late─you threw the beverage right into the blonde’s face as she turned around, making her scream hysterically as she squeezed her eyes shut. She had no idea who it came from and as she reached out her hands to grab onto the culprit, Chadwick wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off of the floor, taking the chance to make a run for it. He took you out of the restaurant and hotel, but he couldn’t get very far as a few cop cars pulled up and the both of you were stopped by two policemen. ‘‘I oughta beat your ass myself,’’ he threatened in your ear with a laugh and all you could do was laugh like an absolute fool, waving at him as he was tugged to one of the police cars and you were pushed in the other one.
You had expected for your father to throw a fit in the middle of the police station when he bailed you out the next morning─you knew that he was probably already aware of your arrest last night but he let you stay in there overnight for you to learn your lesson. You probably didn’t learn any lessons at all, but you did apologize to your father, thanking him for getting you out of there.
‘‘What about Chad?’’ You asked as he took you out of the station and to the car. Your father sighed and looked at you from the other side of the vehicle, unlocking the doors. ‘‘I am sure Mr. Gates cares enough to get his son out of jail. Now let’s go home to your grandmother so she knows you haven’t turned into a full blown criminal,’’ he said, chuckling softly about his own attempt at a joke and you rolled your eyes, looking at the police station. You had no idea if he was still in there or not, but you didn’t exactly have a choice other than to get in your fathers’ car and go home.
Chadwick was indeed bailed out of jail by his father who was livid at his actions and the situation. On the entire drive home, Mr. Gates went on and on about how it was time to give up on his own silly dreams and he had to quit his job, making sure his son would get it through his head that there was no steady future in the tourist industry, nor with you. Chadwick didn’t say a word, but his anger and annoyance were eating at him on the inside─he wanted to yell and scream, tell his father to get it through his thick skull that he would never ever get into the pineapple business. He’d rather die than become the vice president of a company he didn’t give a damn about, having people talk behind his back and smile in his face because he was the boss’s son. The thought of every single day being the same almost made him want to roll down the window and throw up.
Ofcourse, his mother was in hysterics when he came walking through the front door with his father and he barely had time to step inside the house as she practically threw herself in her son’s arms.
‘‘My baby!’’ She cried out, squeezing him firmly in her embrace and he let out a groan, rolling his eyes at his mothers’ antics. ‘‘Oh, my baby’s home from the big house,’’ she said dramatically as she squeezed his face in her hands, as if he had been gone for years and this was the first time she was finally able to see and hold him again.
‘‘Sarah Lee, will you forget those old movies?’’ Mr. Gates sighed, tired of his wife’s ways as he slipped his hands into the pockets of his suit pants, giving his wife an annoyed look.
‘‘Oh, are you okay, my Chadwick?’’ She sighed as she ignored her husband and released her son’s face, grabbing onto his hands instead. ‘‘They didn’t grill you under a lamp or anything?’’
He couldn’t do anything else but laugh─honestly, he had no idea how she came up with most of the things she said. ‘‘No, mom. No grilling, no lamp. I’m just fine,’’ he chuckled, trying to stop himself from rolling his eyes once more. She nodded and let go of his hands, sighing deeply and theatrically.
‘‘Oh, I do hope this doesn’t get back home. Daddy, there hasn’t been a Gates in jail since the revenuers caught your moonshinin’ uncle squeezing corn,’’ she said matter of factly as she looked at her husband and Chadwick bit his tongue, though he couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth from raising into a smile. ‘‘He was your uncle, Sarah Lee. He was a Polk,’’ he threw back at her, groaning softly and Chad chuckled, turning back to look at his mother.
‘‘Mom, I’m sorry, honestly, but it wasn’t my fault,’’ he said, giving her a soft smile as he tried to sound as innocent as possible. All in the hopes that she’d just forget about it and let him go. He was getting impatient, wanting to go to your house to see if you were there or if you were still in jail. He doubted it though, knowing your father wouldn’t do that to you.
‘‘Oh, I know that, dear. It’s those people you hang around with,’’ she smiled lovingly at him, caressing his cheek. ‘‘Mostly that L/N girl, she’s the one to blame,’’ she said as if it was totally obvious. As if he knew that too. He frowned his eyebrows as he pulled his head out of her reach, taking a step back. He was aware how his mother felt about you but he never allowed her to speak badly about you before and he wasn’t about to start now.
‘‘Y/N had nothing to do with it,’’ he defended you, clenching his jaw a little. His mother shrugged innocently, smiling. ‘‘Well, she was there, wasn’t she? And you got that job working in her tourist place… Who else can we blame?’’ She sighed, keeping her eyes on her son as she was ignoring the warning glare from her husband. ‘‘She’s pulling you down to her level. You’re above her, Chadwick, when will you realise that?’’
‘‘I won’t listen that kind of talk,’’ Chadwick said, stepping away from his mother. Before he was able to leave, his father grabbed onto his arm.
‘‘Well, then listen to this,’’ Mr. Gates spoke up, raising his voice and Chad sighed, rolling his eyes up to the ceiling for a second before he turned around, pulling his arm out of his fathers’ grip. ‘‘You’ve tried it your way and you’ve made a mess of it. Now you’ll try it our way and our way means no more wasting your life away on the beach with your friends, no more brainless jobs and no more Y/N. Do you understand what I’m saying?’’
Chadwick squinted his eyes a little at his father, annoyance making his bones tingle as he squeezed his hands into fists before sprawling out his fingers. ‘‘Yes sir, but I can’t promise I’ll go along with it,’’ he spat back stubbornly.
‘‘If you remain in this house, you’ll go along with it,’’ his father told him matter of factly and Chadwick sighed, looking his father dead in the eye. ‘‘I’m sorry, sir. You just made the decision for me,’’ he said, doing his best to keep his voice under control and steady. Before the fight could go any further, he brushed by his fathers’ shoulder and strided to the front door, hand grabbing onto the doorknob.
‘‘Chadwick! Think of who you are!’’ His mother exclaimed desperately and he sighed, turning around to look at his parents. ‘‘Remember, you come from a fine family!’’
‘‘Yeah and you’ll do enough remembering for both of us, Mom,’’ he spat at her, turning the door knob in his palm. Before he could get a reaction out of them, he swung the door open and stepped outside, letting the door slam shut behind him loudly. In the process, he bumped right into your frame.
You heard the entire conversation, pacing back and forth on the other side of the door. You heard him fight with his parents before, but right now you felt like you were partly to blame for all of this. You had gotten him a job as a guide at the place you worked at and if you hadn’t shown up at the luau, there probably wouldn’t have been a fight and he wouldn’t have gotten arrested.
‘‘Chad..’’ you whispered and he nearly broke down at the pity on your tongue and the sympathy in your eyes. Instead, he just shook his head and got into his car that you still drove around seeing he liked driving the company’s car
‘‘Just get me out of here, please,’’ he mumbled as he sat down in the passenger seat, waiting for you to take him away from his family home as far as you possibly could.
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lllsaslll · 2 years
ngl the hottest thing elvis' characters do in his movies is actually obey when the love interest tells him to leave the room, get out, or give her space
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deke-rivers-1957 · 7 months
Chadwick (Chad) Gates' Bio Card
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Shout out to @arrolyn1114! I know Blue Hawaii is your movie.
Tagging: @presleyenterprise, @xanatenshi, @dragonkingsdaughter, @she-is-juniper, @vintagepresley, @azzypog, @p0lksaladannie, @gayforelvis, @ash-omalley, @mercsandmonsters, @dontcrydaddy, @animalloverthingsss, @thetaoofzoe, @presley72elvis, @areacodefan, @illtakeyouhomeagain, @myradiaz, @lookingforrainbows, @mydarlingelvis, @cherhorowitzes, @raelynndoyle, @leopardandstuds, @thedaisymaisy, @all-hookedup-on-elvis, @ab4eva, @just-another-boring-bisexual, @ellie-24, @ilivebecauseiamforced, @foreverl0cked, @tupelomiss, @aliengoth3, @wildhorseinkansas, @jaqueline19997, @spooky-hazex, @powerofelvis, @unclecrunkle, @aaron57070, @tacozebra051, @justrae9903, @elvispresleover3435, @lillypink, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @dreamingofep, @almightybigbrain, @claire-elvisgirl, @micithebooklover, @huhhhhsthings, and @comebackep.
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starboybutler · 9 months
Hiiii!! Got any headcanons for Chad from "Blue Hawaii?" 🌺
Chadwick Gates Headcanons
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A lot of people hate Chadwick but you know what!! I love him
He loves the beach (obviously) and will lay in the sun all day if he's allowed
He also loves to surf, and he's really good at it! Sometimes he lays on his surfboard and falls asleep on the water.
One time he floated out waaay far and had to wait for help
Now when he naps on the water he makes sure he's tethered to something
He actually likes winter, even though he's a beach bum. He loves how snow looks on the beach
Is favorite holiday is Thanksgiving!! he loves all the food
He really likes Halloween too. He likes to dress up
Even though in the movie it's said he moved to Hawai'i young, I like to think of him as Native Hawaiian
He can fluently speak Hawaiian, but he's a little embarrassed to do so in front of others
He volunteers at a nearby animal shelter because he has a huge soft spot for dogs
He actually ends up adopting a great dane. He names it Stitch
Chadwick drinks a lot. He spends his nights at beach bars getting wasted
He's ended up having a ton of people in his bed. He doesn't remember any of them
He does have a boyfriend though. His name is Tulsa
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Sorting my favorite fictional characters into hogwarts houses because I'm board and I have writers block.
If I have the motivation I'll explain why later or you can commit your thoughts and I'll post them.
Grey's anatomy:
Derek shepherd - Ravenclaw
Meredith Grey - Gryffindor
April Kepner - Hufflepuff
Owen hunt - Gryffindor
Callie Torres - Ravenclaw
Miranda Bailey - Gryffindor
Alex Karev - Slytherin
Jackson avery - Ravenclaw
Arizona Robinson - Hufflepuff
Christina Yang - Askaban
Tony stark - Sylthrin
Steve Rogers - Gryffindor
Clint Barton - Gryffindor
Bruce Banner - Ravenclaw
Thor - Hufflepuff
Natasha Romanoff - Sylthrin
Marc Spector - Gryffindor
Steven Grant - Hufflepuff
Jake Lockly - Slytherin
Scott lang - Hufflepuff
Stephen Strange - Ravenclaw
Wanda Maximoff - Gryffindor
Sam Wilson - Gryffindor
Vision - Ravenclaw
T'challa - Ravenclaw
Bucky Barnes - Sylthrin
Loki - Sylthrin
Scott Summers - Gryffindor
Hank McCoy - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Charles Xavier - Gryffindor
Logan Howlett - Slytherin
Jean Grey - Slytherin
Erik Lehnsherr - Slytherin
Storm - Gryffindor
Kurt Wagner - Hufflepuff
Rogue - Gryffindor or Slytherin
Bates motel:
Alex Romero - Gryffindor
Norma Bates - Hufflepuff
Norman Bates - Slytherin
Dylan Massett - Gryffindor
Emma Decody - Ravenclaw
Chick Hogan - Slytherin
Dean winchester - Gryffindor
Sam Winchester - Ravenclaw
Castiel - Hufflepuff
Charlie Bradbury - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
Bobby Singer - Ravenclaw
Jack Kline - Hufflepuff
Lucifer - Slytherin
Gabriel - Gryffindor
Jody Mills - Ravenclaw
Clair Novak - Slytherin
Egon Spengler - Ravenclaw
Peter Venkman - Gryffindor
Ray Stantz - Hufflepuff
Winston Zeddemore - Gryffindor
Seeley Booth - Gryffindor
Jack Hodgins - Ravenclaw
Temperance Brennan - Ravenclaw
Lance Sweets - Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff
James Aubrey - Hufflepuff
Zack Addy - Hufflepuff
Angela Montenegro - Gryffindor
Caroline Julian - Gryffindor
Camille Saroyan - Slytherin
Arastoo Vaziri - Ravenclaw
Vincent Nigel-Murray - Hufflepuff
Finn Abernathy - Gryffindor
Colin Fisher - Slytherin
Wendell Bray - Ravenclaw
Daisy wick she shall not be named here - askaban
Once upon a time in... Hollywood
Cliff Booth - Gryffindor
Rick Dalton - Hufflepuff
Sharon Tate - Hufflepuff
The Outsiders:
Sodapop Curtis - Hufflepuff
Ponyboy Curtis - Ravenclaw
Darry Curtis - Gryffindor
Dally Winston - Slytherin
Steve Randle - Hufflepuff
Johnny Cade - Hufflepuff
Two-bit Mathews - Gryffindor
Carlisle Cullen - Ravenclaw
Esme cullen - Hufflepuff
Edward Cullen - Ravenclaw
Emmett Cullen - Gryffindor
Rosalie Hale - Slytherin
Alice Cullen - Hufflepuff
Jasper Hale - Gryffindor
Eleazar Denali - Ravenclaw
Carmen Denali - Gryffindor
Tayna Denali - Hufflepuff
Kate Denali - Gryffindor
Irina Denali - Sylthrin
Garrett - Sylthrin or Gryffindor
Benjamin - Hufflepuff
The Great Gastby:
Jay Gastby - Hufflepuff
Nick Carway - Gryffindor
Jordan Baker - Ravenclaw
Dasiy Buchanan - Hufflepuff
Tom Buchanan - Askaban
Once upon a time:
David Nolan - Gryffindor
Snow white - Hufflepuff
Robin Hood - Gryffindor
Killian Jones - Slytherin
Emma Swan - Gryffindor
Regina Mills - Slytherin
Henry Mills - Ravenclaw
Mr. Gold - Askaban
Belle French - Ravenclaw
Ruby - Gryffindor
August Booth - Ravenclaw
Archie Hopper - Hufflepuff
Elvis Presley's movie characters:
Vince Everett - Gryffindor
Chadwick Gates - Ravenclaw
Clint Reno - Hufflepuff
Steve Grayson - Ravenclaw
Ross Carpenter - Hufflepuff
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Part 6 of my 'motorsport number ones' post. This time it's the random bunch of drivers edition
Sebastien Loeb - (26th February 1974) - Suzi Quatro - Devil Gate Drive
Juan Pablo Montoya - (20th September 1975) - Rod Stewart - Sailing
Mark Webber - (27th August 1976) - Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Jenson Button - (19th January 1980) - The Pretenders - Brass In Pocket
Felipe Massa - (25th April 1981) - Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up
Heikki Kovalainen - (19th October 1981) - Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin - It's My Party
Pippa Mann - (11th August 1983) - KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up
Robert Kubica - (7th December 1984) - Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love
Nico Rosberg - (27th June 1985) - Sister Sledge - Frankie
Jerome D'Ambrosio - (27th December 1985) - Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone
James Hinchcliffe - (5th December 1986) - Europe - The Final Countdown
Oliver Turvey - (1st April 1987) - Ferry Aid - Let It Be
Sebastian Vettel - (3rd July 1987) - Pet Shop Boys - It's A Sin
Alexander Sims - (15th March 1988) - Kylie Minogue - I Should Be So Lucky
Molly Taylor - (6th May 1988) - S'Express - Theme From S'Express
James Calado - (13th June 1989) - Jason Donovan - Sealed With A Kiss
Daniel Ricciardo - (1st July 1989) - Soul II Soul & Caron Wheeler - Back To Life
Simona De Silvestro - (1st September 1988) - Yazz & Plastic Population - The Only Way Is Up
Brendon Hartley - (10th November 1989) - Lisa Stansfield - All Around The World
Cristina Gutierrez - (24th July 1991) - Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Abbie Eaton - (2nd January 1992) - Queen - These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Reema Juffali - (18th January 1992) - Wet Wet Wet - Goodnight Girl
Timmy Hansen - (21st May 1992) - K.W.S - Please Don't Go
Daniel Abt - (3rd December 1992) & Alice Powell - (26th January 1993) - Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
Christine GZ - (22nd July 1993) - Take That - Pray
Alex Lynn - (17th September 1993) - Culture Beat - Mr Vain
Bubba Wallace - (8th October 1993) - Take That & Lulu - Relight My Fire
Naomi Schiff - (18th May 1994) - Manchester United Football Squad - Come On You Reds
Jessica Hawkins - (16th February 1995) & Beitske Visser - (10th March 1995) - Celine Dion - Think Twice
Nicholas Latifi - (29th June 1995) - Robson & Jerome - Unchained Melody
Jack Aitken - (23rd September 1995) - Simply Red - Fairground
Oliver Askew - (12th December 1996) - Boyzone - A Different Beat
Louis Deletraz - (22nd April 1997) - Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dance Floor
Catie Munnings - (15th November 1997) - Aqua - Barbie Girl
Cem Bolukbasi - (9th February 1998) - Aqua - Dr Jones
Jamie Chadwick - (20th May 1998) - All Saints - Under The Bridge
Kevin Hansen - (28th May 1998) - The Tamperer & Maya - Feel It
Mick Schumacher - (22nd March 1999) - B*witched - Blame It On The Weatherman
Max Fewtrell - (29th July 1999) - Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
Robert Shwartzman - (16th September 1999) - Vengaboys - We're Going To Ibiza!
Bent Viscaal - (18th September 1999) - Eiffel 65 - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Felipe Drugovich - (23rd May 2000) - Billie Piper - Day & Night
Marta Garcia - (9th August 2000) - Robbie Williams - Rock DJ
Liam Lawson - (11th February 2002) - Enrique Iglesias - Hero
Olli Caldwell - (11th June 2002) - Will Young - Light My Fire
Doriane Pin - (6th January 2004) - Michael Andrews & Gary Jules - Mad World
Bianca Bustamante - (19th January 2005) - Elvis Presley - One Night
All added to this playlist 😊
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jordisblogg · 1 year
killing off queen rhamonda was so unnecessary like damn y’all couldn’t leave shuri with at least ONE family member?! just adding onto her trauma now she don’t have anybody. (it’s ok baby i’m always here for u, locked in🤞🏾 tight like a booty hole.)
imagine having some fish flop come into ur country, threaten u, kill ur mama and majority of ur ppl and then still manage to let him live? COULDNT BE MEEE
the parts that were dedicated to chadwick made me bawl my eyes out. idk why i didn’t cry during rhamonda’s funeral, i was more pissed than anything tbh.
i also feel bad knowing that okoye never got to patch things up with rhamonda. yk— cause she’s dead.
shuri’s last words to her mother were over kemoyo beads— why.
everybody had a glow up in this movie— SHURI ESPECIALLY (CALL ME PLS 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾)
i noticed how the barely did a ceremony for rhamonda, they buried her and moved on.
was anybody else confused in the beginning of the movie when rhamonda was coming back from the states why they had changed the border? like in the first bp couldn’t they just fly through it, why is it a gate now? or was it always a gate—
anyways griot carried the whole movie bye
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gardenofadonis · 2 years
Who would have thought that a cis female racer who lied and played victim repeatedly to the public and journalists regarding her stagnant career built on racing exclusively in w series and poor performance in mixed series is now gate-keeping womanhood in motorsports? After explicitly and implicitly shifting blame onto her team and team personnel, the series she participated and didn't participate in, and her junior driver program, now she's beginning to preemptively blame the female physique for her own skill and career choice.
Definitely not surprised by this, but very disappointed, especially considering she's (wrongly) advertised to be the face of women in motorsports.
Hopefully now people will know better than to suck up to Chadwick. She's not the female pilot who deserves support.
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Book Recommendations: More Spooky Cozy Mysteries
The Spook in the Stacks by Eva Gates 
Halloween in North Carolina’s Outer Banks becomes seriously tricky when librarian Lucy Richardson stumbles across something extra unusual in the rare books section: a dead body. Wealthy businessman Jay Ruddle is considering donating his extensive collection of North Carolina historical documents to the Bodie Island Lighthouse Library, but the competition for the collection is fierce. Unfortunately, while the library is hosting a lecture on ghostly legends, Jay becomes one of the dearly departed in the rare books section. Now, it’s up to Lucy Richardson and her fellow librarians to bone up on their detective skills and discover who is responsible for this wicked Halloween homicide. Meanwhile, very strange things are happening at the library - haunted horses are materializing in the marsh, the lights seem to have an eerie life of their own, and the tiny crew of a model ship appears to move around when no one is watching. Is Lucy at her wit’s end? Or can it be that the Bodie Island Lighthouse really is haunted?
This is the fourth volume in the “Lighthouse Library Mystery” series.
The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts by Lilian Jackson Braun
When Mrs. Cobb heard unearthly noises in the antique-filled farmhouse, she called Jim Qwilleran for help. But he was too late. It looked as if his kindly ex-housekeeper had been frightened to death - but by whom? Or what? Now Qwilleran’s moved into the historic farmhouse with his two cat companions - and Koko the Siamese is spooked. Is it a figment of feline imagination - or the clue to a murder in Moose County? And does Qwilleran have a ghost of a chance of solving this haunting mystery?
This is the tenth volume in “The Cat Who...” series.
Vampires, Bones, and Treacle Scones by Kaitlyn Dunnett
Halloween is approaching and newlywed Liss MacCrimmon Ruskin is tapped by the Moosetookalook Small Business Association to organize a community fundraiser. Liss throws herself into plans to turn an abandoned mansion into a “haunted house.”
There are already all kinds of scary stories about the old Chadwick place, which was most recently owned by Blackie O’Hare, a mob hit man from Boston. There are even rumors of buried treasure on the premises. Unfortunately, work on the haunted house is plagued by a series of minor mishaps and by the disappearance and reappearance of various objects. And then, to Liss’ horror, the fake skeleton she’s acquired for a special effect is replaced with a real body - and it’s someone she knows...
This is the seventh volume in the “Liss MacCrimmon Mysteries” series.
Wicked Witch Murder by Leslie Meier
With planning the town's annual Halloween Party, the drought wreaking havoc on her garden, and her brood of four children, Lucy Stone's got her hands full this fall. As the air turns crisp and the trees blaze red and gold in the tiny town of Tinker's Cove, Maine, a newcomer arrives who seems to suit the Halloween season. Diana Ravenscroft has just opened Solstice, a charming little shop featuring candles, crystals, jewelry, and psychic readings. But after an unnervingly accurate reading by Diana, Lucy starts to get more than a little spooked. Then there's the dead body Lucy finds, way up on one of the old logging roads behind her house. The deceased is identified as Malcolm Malebranche, a seemingly harmless magician who worked at children's birthday parties. When it turns out that Diana knew the murder victim, Ike Stoughton, a prominent local businessman, starts a campaign against Diana, blaming 'the witch' for everything from the unseasonal dry spell to his wife's illness and his pumpkins' lack of plumpness. But Lucy's not so sure that Ike himself is innocent. Still, as the town Halloween party approaches, Lucy's more concerned about the costume competition, pin-the-nose-on-the-pumpkin, and baking three dozen orange cupcakes and Beastly Bug cookies. But as the October moon rises, a killer plans a lethal celebration of his own and Lucy's the guest of honor.
This is the sixteenth volume in the “Lucy Stone” series. 
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heartman · 2 years
What are your favorite MCU movies?
Hey anon!! I think my faves are as follows:
1. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers my beloved, I am so in love with her it isn't even funny)
2. Werewolf By Night (because who doesn't love a good shlocky fifties style horror movie? A masterclass in classic horror which surprised me but I adored it)
3. Eternals (I can't gush about this movie enough. There's something about someone being so old and all knowing yet still struggling to find a place even amongst those who are like them and I adored everything this movie had to offer. I love the slower pacing and it was serene and almost sensual in a way and every about it makes me gush I will never shut up about it ever)
4. The Thor movies (always have a good time with these and while Love and Thunder felt a little lacking, every movie has been a good time, Thor never fails)
5. Ant Man 1 & 2 (I love how laid back they are and it's a good starting point because they're so self contained and I loved Ava Starr/Ghost)
6. Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness (Wanda being an iconic horror girl? We love to see it. Also Charlize Theron as Clea is exciting. I loved the creativity with the magic and the set pieces and Christine Palmer is *chef's kiss* perfection. America Chavez was a fun addition and I love Sam Raimi's flair on his movies)
7. Captain America The Winter Soldier (this movie OWNED MY ENTIRE ASS IN 2014 okay I was pretty convinced I was gonna become Sebastian Stan's best friend if we ever met but alas 17 year old me could only dream)
8. Shang Chi and the Legend Of The Ten Rings (the fight scenes! The whole sequence in the beginning where Shang Chi's mom and dad do that fight at the gates of Ta Lo was sexier than any sex scenes I've ever watched like it Did Things ™️ to me and I still haven't recovered)
9. 2012 Avengers (the one that started it all. I still get the same feeling I did that some great was happening with this movie and I love seeing where it all started compared to where they are now. It's a good time and yeah I have nothing more to say on it other than Natasha was fantastic and the fact that Thanos was in Loki's head even back then is mind boggling)
10. Infinity War (Avengers Endgame wants what this movie has and I will not elaborate)
11. Black Panther (a beautiful movie with a superb cast. The way Chadwick Boseman exudes class and charisma and charm through the entire film is stunning and the idea that even family can learn and grow as you learn and grow and try to be better is a wonderful message, I love this movie and Chadwick Boseman is gone too soon. Rest in peace, sir. I am very excited to see Namor in the sequel but it won't be the same without T'Challa, I just know it)
12. Black Widow (a wonderful sendoff for a character who deserves better. This movie came too little too late but it did introduce the wonderful Yelena Belova and Red Guardian. Natasha, I miss you and yeah. Natasha deserved better than the MCU gave her, especially considering she was one of the original six Avengers)
13. GOTG 1 (A great intro to a great team. Gamora has my heart alongside basically every other woman in the MCU and Bucky, and it really was just a fun romp through space after the MCU introduced a much darker tone with The Dark World. I am ecstatic for Adam Warlock's introduction in GOTG 3 and I do wish Dennis from Always Sunny was playing Starlord instead of crispy rat man. It also bugs me that Peter is confirmed to be half celestial in the MCU as of GOTG 2 and it is NEVER TOUCHED UPON AGAIN LIKE WTF FEIGE)
14. Basically the first three movies of the Fox X-Men series (so First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse)
15. LOGAN (made me cry shut up Caliban I miss you)
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seredelgi · 2 years
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Elvis Presley performing “Almost always true” in “Blue Hawaii” (1961)
Goofy Elvis has my heart.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 9 months
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Plenty of content to read!
Film Reviews - Will be updated as I go.
Love Me Tender - The first film review and something I might revise one day. GI Blues - Elvis' first film post Army. Loving You - My personal favorite film that I reviewed so far. Girl Happy - The first film reflecting the decline in production quality. Jailhouse Rock - The most iconic Elvis film. Paradise, Hawaiian Style - Drums of the Islands alone makes it worth the watch. Clambake - I still have no idea if this movie is good or bad. Roustabout - This movie had one of the best soundtracks with the worst story which is mind boggling. Wild In The Country - This is the first movie so far that I just had no inspiration when reviewing after watching. Kissin’ Cousins - Somehow the most balanced movie of good and bad elements. Kid Galahad - An underrated Elvis movie that deserves a lot more attention. It Happened at the World's Fair - A great concept that's a nightmare to execute well. Change Of Habit - The final Elvis movie that's very inconsistent in tone and poorly attempts to take on the 1969 political climate. Girls! Girls! Girls! - A very refreshing story even though it's overloaded with poorly spaced songs.
ECU Bio Cards/ Fighting Tier List - Canon to the movies only
Clinton Reno Bio Card - The first bio card and has been revised to look cleaner. Deke Rivers Bio Card - Half of this is my profile pic. Vince Everett Bio Card - The hardest one to make a head canon for. Kung Fu Elvis Part 1 - Tier list covers LMT through Girl Happy. Vince Everett's Rank - An individual breakdown of where Vince would rank in a fight. Danny Fisher Bio Card - Experimented with adding color gradients. Rick Richards' Rank - An individual breakdown of where Rick would rank in a fight. Tulsa McLean's Bio Card - The entire background was colored with a trackpad. Pacer Burton's Bio Card - The background was edited using Canva's ai editor. Glenn Tyler's Bio Card - The entire background was edited using Canva's ai editor. Scott Heyward's Rank - An individual breakdown of where Scott would rank in a fight. Chadwick (Chad) Gates' Bio Card - Experimented with layering. Toby Kwimper's Bio Card - My favorite one. Walter Gulick's Bio Card - Stylized like a boxing poster. Charlie Rogers' Rank - An individual breakdown of where Charlie would rank in a fight. Kung Fu Elvis Part 2 - Covers JR through Roustabout. Ross Carpenter’s Bio Card - An attempt to be monochromatic with the color palette. Glenn Tyler's Rank - An individual breakdown of where Glenn would rank in a fight. Josh Morgan and Jodie Tatum's Rank - An individual breakdown of where the cousins would rank in a fight. Walter Gulick's Rank - An individual breakdown of where Walter G. would rank in a fight. Mike Edwards' Rank - An individual breakdown of where Mike E. would rank in a fight. Kung Fu Elvis Part 3 - Covers WITC through IHATWF. Dr. John Carpenter's Rank - An individual breakdown of where Dr. Carpenter would rank in a fight. Mike Edwards' Bio Card - Experimented with filling in the empty spaces based on Sue-Lin having a flower on her hat.
ECU High - An installment series that absolutely must be read in order
ECU High School AU Part 1 - Discusses Clint through Jodie. ECU High School AU Part 2 - Discusses Lucky through Dr. Carpenter. ECU High - Clint's Arrival - It's the first day of Clint's freshman year. ECU High - Deke's Adventure - Deke realizes that it's not always rainbows and butterflies in high school. ECU High - Vince's Attitude - Vince is a jerk and no one can stand him. ECU High - Danny's Ambition - Danny just wants to get out of poverty like the rest of the seniors. ECU High - Tulsa's Badge - Tulsa loves authority a little too much. ECU High - Pacer's Bereavement - Pacer and Clint become best friends. ECU High - Glenn’s Books - Glenn goes to therapy. ECU High - Chad's Business - Chad wants to open a Marina but doesn't know what he's doing. ECU High - Toby's Cool - Toby has a natural skill of dealing with highly emotional people. ECU High - Walter's Captaincy - Walter reflects on what makes a good quarterback and whether he's deserving such a position.
Fanfics and One Shots - Includes AI Chats and non-canon stories
Everything that I've written so far can be seen here:
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moviegeekmomhere · 2 years
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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I wondered how Ryan Coogler would balance giving us the Larger Than Life Marvel movie we have been waiting to see and paying homage to Chadwick Boseman.  The silent opening MCU montage of only Black Panther spoke volumes of respect.  There were other moments, including Rhianna’s song, Lift Me Up.
The movie started out of the gate with action and great story telling.  There were still undertones of a message about culture, society and how we treat each other.  What I have liked about Black Panther is that there is a message about how resources and cultures/peoples are treated when a potentially power resource is discovered.  The concept of “a means to an end” becomes more prevalent.
There is also the message of how we grieve those we have lost and how it can impact our ability to move forward.  There was a message about having the anger drive us for revenge rather than anything that is potentially productive.
We meet an equally, or possibly a more powerful society, Talokan, an underwater society determined to protect their world at all costs. Check out background details on Talokan, HERE.
The action and acting are good.  Julia Louis Dreyfuss makes the most of her continued role as Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.  I know some people are not on board with a female Black Panther.  I liked that we see power and ancestral lines don’t have to carried on by the men in the family.
With some of the MCU action scenes, they play better in 3D.  Other than the ending, the rest of the movie didn’t need 3D to enjoy.
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